#for mag186
gammija · 5 months
mag186, aka 'we made a character so averse to being honest and sharing openly that the only way he'll verbalise what he's really thinking is if it's literally to himself and only after being strong-armed into it for 10 minutes'
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spooksier · 2 years
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*walks up to a gay couple* which one of you had a soft introspective experience and which one of you killed a real estate agent 
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elavihere · 1 year
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Don’t lie. You don’t need to. Not here. It’s just us.
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silver-colour · 1 year
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I was looking for my old post about this MAG186 fic and then I couldn't find it to tag @a-mag-a-day in so I guess I'm making that post now
MAG186: some comfort to go with your apocalypse, because really, I couldn't not take this opportunity Read the fic here on Ao3
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"When he’s particularly stressed, particularly done, he lets himself believe that she hates him, and the thought is almost freeing."
Martin-related drabbles
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tma-latino · 2 years
MAG186 – Caso ########-26 – “Silencioso”
Un diálogo en soledad.
[Disclaimer/ Aviso]
[MAG185] | x | [MAG187]
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continuousmeowing · 1 year
Sleepiest guy ever vs podcast
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beetlexxx · 3 months
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crying and shaking
drawing I did while listening to MAG186
i have not so much ideas what to draw so I’m opening TMA requests!!
feel free to send me some I would really appreciate that :)
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admittedly, I just love feedism content in general, but the reason I love it so much in TMA fanworks is because The Magnus Archives is about hunger.
it's about thirst — bloodthirst (MAG112, MAG176), thirst for knowledge (MAG92, The Eye) — and hunger — hunger for power (Jonah Magnus), statement withdrawal (MAG148), feed your patron or it will feed on you (MAG89, MAG184). Any food and drink mentioned are often corrupted, whether literally, by memories, or by paranoia, like the human teeth apple from the anatomy students in MAG34, or the oolong tea offered by Also Martin in MAG186, or when Martin offers Jon a sandwich and Jon is so suspicious that he actually comes to the canteen to make sure it isn't tampered with (MAG53).
one of the only actual physical descriptors we get of Jon is scrawny (MAG185), so there's something very satisfying to me about relationship weight; about him recovering from years of deprivation and neglect; about a squidgy little belly in the palm of Martin's hand when he spoons in behind him. the thought of Jon and Martin safe and happy and healthy and together delights me, be it curled up on the sofa with tea and a bun, or making soup, or going out for ice cream.
I love the idea of Jon's much-improved appetite still not quite stretching to finishing his plate and he always insists that Martin finishes it without so much as one guilt-tinged word because he looks so ridiculously gorgeous when he's full, one big broad hand resting contentedly on the crest of his belly; or that scene I still have to work in somewhere where Martin catches Jon engrossed in their own reflection, studying the little roll of chub that now swells out over the waistband of their boxers, and Martin begins to panic because when he does that, his mind is loud and swarming with the voices of his mother, of other kids in the school playground, of the shitty men he settled for because he just wanted to be touched: oh, don't wear that top, Patricia, it makes you look fat; my mum has big tummy like you but there's a baby in hers; sorry, I don't think I can go through with this. I don't like girls and your hips are just... too wide. but Jon just turns to him and smiles with sparkling eyes and says I look... loved.
I'm also working on a polychives au where the worm bites across his back and shoulders restrict Tim's movement so working out isn't really an option anymore, and one by one all his coping mechanisms fall through leaving only food. the weight begins to pile on, stretch marks spreading like lightning across his belly, his chest, his hips, and for a time he feels so horribly conflicted about it because it feels good, but it doesn't feel like himself in any way that he's used to. then Sasha tells him in no uncertain terms how much she likes it, and once a miscommunication is sorted with Martin, and Jon begrudgingly agrees to try the four of them being together, he starts to love his swelling belly, his puffy little tits, every bit as much as they do.
I love love LOVE picturing Tim with this big lovedrunk smile, absolutely boneless in a cuddle puddle as he jokes that he should get a ouija board planchette tattooed around his belly button because of how often they each have a hand on his pudgy belly, like they all do now.
just... the softest of soft recovery and comfort against the cruelty of the original work.
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is-this-plural · 3 months
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Is this (and the entire interaction in the episode but I’m not screenshotting all of that) plural . Interaction is from MAG186 (listen to it all if you need)
oh thats so plural
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gammija · 1 year
@a-mag-a-day Today in 'analyzing minor beats', it's being sad about this line:
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particularly the 'unless it was a subconscious thing on our part' one -
That in that blink of an eye when the world changed, and victims were being divvied up between the domains, some subconscious part of Martin saw a lonely Tim, and, though it wasn't the one he knew, reached out to pull him close
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orderforbrian · 2 years
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old mag186 stuff -- two martins....what will they do
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annabelle--cane · 2 months
if you want an explanation about the anons
I anon-ed you earlier about mag186 but don’t know anything about patreon or the upcoming tmagp episode, I just thought about mag186 and thought to send a random message
I am now a bit terrified for this thursday, though
in that case: aahh fuck I'm in the wuthering heights book cover domain and am talking to a slightly ruder version of myself oh noooo
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bookkeepersnake · 4 months
EP 3 - Putting Down Roots
.JMJ Error
Dr. Samuel Webber
MAG153 - Love Bombing
MAG186 - Quiet
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alsm23 · 2 years
Just listened to mag186 for the first time... Idk if Jonny Sims owes me therapy sessions or if he just gave me one
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my-soul-stays-silent · 11 months
Mag186 is making me feel feelings :((
Martin’s episode!!! I loved that one so much, the Lonely is such a good fear. Did evoke many emotions for me as well. Martin my beloved :(
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