#for msa AND HERE WE ARE
simitx · 1 year
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I drew this back in the month of May, I think??
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mchiti · 1 year
you have no idea how much hateful italians are being towards mateo retegui for speaking in spanish in the after match interview. Imagine if moroccans were to be this hateful towards hakim who never really spoke darija or a lot of our players whose darija is bad? aw look at this western nationalism, how entitled they feel! A nation of million of migrants throughout the centuries! Poor italian people who moved to argentina in the XIX century, in the XX century, crossing an ocean, with nothing in their pockets, but italians oh they PRETEND a kid born in argentina with italian origins from one side of his family TO SPEAK ITALIAN! The sense of european superiority shining. But be thankful he is the only one who can score lmao
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heilos · 9 months
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Hey ya'll, time for the monthly Mystery Skulls Animated update, give or take a few days into the New Year! As mentioned in the previous update the holidays have made things a bit hard to work, but we've still had a number of shots animated and cleaned up throughout December largely involving the epilogue sequence. Meanwhile, Mysteryben has been tinkering away with a small side thing that needs to be ready in time for February.  The screenshot for this month is a small sampling from it.  Those of you that have been paying attention can probably imagine what it's for, but that's all we can really say on it for now.  Just keep an eye out for early February! (to clarify it's not a video 5 release date, this is for something else but also exciting and related to MSA) Full Patreon post: CLICK HERE
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chaeyoei · 2 months
Dan heng with a vampire reader who's been holding the urge to suck Dan Heng's blood, but one night they couldn't hold it in anymore and came to his room to suck his blood by biting his neck.
Here it is.
Gender Neutral Reader.
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While bloodlust maybe common in most vampires, to live harmoniously amongst humans they had to quit this habit and feed on animal blood, although that will weaken them and they will eventually die. Otherwise, they would be exterminated once and for all.
Vampires are spectaculed to not have the ability to love or feel love. And you believed it until you met him. You boarded the Express before March 7th or trailblazer.
For some reason, his scent attracted you more than anyone else. Those bloodlust instincts got strong around him.
The main pivot of this friendship started when you both were placed together on a mission. "Take the right. I'll jump from here." He composed a plan, looking at the adversary. He leapt into the air with the help of spear as you rushed forth to distract the enemy. But the monster had seen through this plan. It hurled at attack at Dan Heng, making the situation inescapable as he was bound to get hurt by the attack or fall damage. Without a moment's hesitation, you leapt up, flying towards him to get him away from the attack. Catching him mid air and landing safely (Totally not inspired by MSA). It was.. amusing to see a baffled look on the stoic man's face. But you both couldn't talk now not until the monster is defeated. ———— "So you can fly?" He randomly asked as you both walked towards the station where the Express was parked in. You felt conflicted. Should you tell him the truth or not? "You're a vampire, aren't you?" He already knew the answer. An individual without wings and being able to fly, that was a vampire. Nevermind. Looks like he figured it out. "Yeah." "I thought Vampires had a bloodlust for humans?" He asked, seeming curious. This would be great information for the Data Bank. "They do. But if we want to live, we have to quit such habits. If not, humans will hunt us down and we'll go extinct." You answered with somewhat of reminiscent look. "..." He looked at you. "It suddenly comes to light why you take care of the Express and go on night missions. Do Himeko and Welt know about this?" You shook your head. "They don't and I'll tell them when I think it's best. If you could-" "Don't worry I'll keep this secret safe." He knew what you were about to request and he would abide by his statement until you told Himeko and Welt about this.
Being around for centuries and travelling amongst the planets before made you a reliable support for the Astral Express.
"Y/N, you know what that planet's name is?" March 7th asked eagerly, wanting to know what the blue planet afar was. "It's a gaseous giant named caeruleus. I believe it has a ring system but it's barely visible." You answered chuckling at the girl's enthusiasm. "So we can't explore it?" March asked to confirm, disappointed to know the truth. "The train and we would implode by the high pressure." Dan Heng raised a logical argument. "It's still very pretty." March mumbled. The girl was prone to getting curious about things she found pretty.
After the Belobog mission, you set foot on the icy planet to make a brief about its condition. And Dan Heng accompanied you, wanting to make a report on the different creatures as they may come useful for the Data Bank.
Unfortunately for you both, a strong hailstorm occurred, making anything barely visible in the wind. Dan Heng wrapped his arms around you, being familiar with the way and dragged you to the hotel where the trio had stayed previously.
"We'll finish our work once the storm ends." He said, ruffling out any snow in his hair.
You agreed, it was the reasonable thing to do. A cold breeze sweeping past you both from the door, showing how cold it was.
And one you both woke up, it was a sunny morning. You were and would be cooked. You hid in the darkest corner of your room.
"Y/N, ready to go?" His voice came from the other side of your door.
"I can't. The sun.."
He entered the room, realising what you meant. He closed the curtains and sat down beside you. "I have a question. How low of a temperature can you survive?"
"I've lived in -3°C but that I don't think that's about it."
"How good of a memory do you have?" He raised another question.
".. Can you tell me where I kept my phone?"
"Wasn't it in your pocket?"
He searched his pockets, finding the device there. He sheepishly scratched his neck. "I was looking for this all morning."
This talk continiued until the sun set and you both finished your work and returned to the Express.
You were humming about your work, with the back of your head replaying all the moments you've had with and most importantly his smile. You would gladly sell your soul if it means to protect that rare smile.
"Y/N, they're here." Himeko called out to you and you rushed forth ofcourse to see that special person. But your face fell seeing something else.
"Dan Heng?" You were confused. Was he cosplaying as someone? You admit to yourself that he does look majestic with the attire embroidered with gold matching his teal, long hair with sea blue tips and horns adorned on top of his head. But he's not a person who'll do a thing as.. cosplay.
"Yeah. It's me..." He paused trying to string together a sentence.
"You both are so awkward!" March couldn't handle the odd atmosphere.
He later pulled you aside to talk. "Hey.. do you not like me in this form?" He wasn't one to care about looks so this was baffling. "I'm still Dan Heng." He sounded like he was trying to assure himself than you.
"I know. You're still Dan Heng just with long hair and a different attire." You cracked a smile but a realisation hit you. Different. It's because he's a Vidyadhara that his scent attracts you much more than anything. How come you've not realised that yet?
"So.. do you like this form?" You caught the underlaid eagerness waiting for your approval.
"I definitely do." Now you can't just praise him to your heart's content as you want to. You'd look like a fool.
"...They look like anything but friends" March eyed you both talking to each other, one of Dan Heng's hand holding yours.
"March let them be. Attention doesn't necessarily equate love. They might just enjoy each other's company and holding hands is just another form of it" Welt suggested, putting down his newspaper.
"..hmm, even offering the other their coat?"
"Of course. Would you not lend a coat to a friend who needs it?" Himeko tried to make her understand with an example.
"I still smell love between them." Unfortunately for the pink girl, she had no statement to back it up.
The Express set foot into the land of festivities, Penacony. Since it was always night time, you also joined the group.. on the last day because you stayed behind with Dan Heng and Pom Pom.
You took the lone streets, this tranquility clear your head except for one person, him. It's like he had captured your brain. He'll be in your head when you think, eat, shower, anything.
It was nice to have a moment alone but your nostrils picked up the pungent smell of blood from the empty roads. With all you had, you resisted the thrist for blood albeit your fangs grew. You ran away from there and back onto the Express, not wanting to do anything impulsive.
You hurried to your room and locked yourself. It was unbearable to control yourself with grown fangs and his scent nearby. Your body was going overdrive, with faltered steps trying to go back and te scent driving you towards his room. You knocked on his door before opening him finding him awake.
"Oh Y/N, do you need something?" He asked unaware of your true intentions which made you feel a pang of guilt.
"I wanted to talk to you about something." With each laid step on the floor, the guilt increased.
"I also wanted to say something." He patted the side beside him. "You know the first person I tried to bond with was you. You intrigue me." He continued with his words.
Then it hit. He trusted you. He saw himself in you. A person struggling to live because of their origin. That's why he was more open to you, because you both were in a similar situation. He could resonate with you and he knew that..
This made you feel more guilty with the intentions you've come to his room with. The scent reaching your nostrils made it more hard to keep your composure. Would he even agree to such a horrendous request? His consent matters, you'll be no less than a groomer If you just force yourself on him. Still you needed to ask.
"Dan Heng.. I have a request." If he showed a negative reaction, you were going to pretend it was a joke and immediately leave his room. "Can I bite your neck?"
"Is that serious question?" His inquiry completely butchered your plan.You were sweating buckets. What do you do now? Keeping pushing it or just play it as a joke? After avoiding his gaze and looking here and there, you answered. "Yes?"
"You don't have to agree if you don't like-" You were cut off. "Sure." he answered."You won't mind if I suck on your blood?" You were confused. On what basis was he letting you do this?
"Did you... not get the hint? Was I not obvious?" He started to question himself. "Why do you think I did the things I did?"It all came crashing down.
"Oh..." You can't believe you were that dense. You need to walk away and bang your head for not noticing. Your cheeks were now dusted with pink. His words were a confession not simple talk.
"Are you going to do it?" Why did he look excited?
"Yeah, can you-" He already knew what to do, lower his jacket and shirt from his shoulders, revealing his collarbone. "Okay." You were only getting more red. The cause of your death was going to be him and not weakness at this point.
You were getting what you want, then why were you so nervous? You shifted closer, placing your left hand on his left shoulder and your right hand on the the right side of his neck. "Tell me if it hurts."
You buried your head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent. Your canines finally coming in contact with his skin. The fangs inserted into the blood vessel. It had been so long since you've fed on human blood, your pupils dilated as you felt power return to you. But as much as you want keep drinking. You stopped after an adequate amount.
"Does it sting?" You looked at the mark formed on his collarbone.
"A little." He answered, fixing his clothes.
There was still something you needed to confirm. "So what are we after this?"
"See I knew they were in love!" March jumped around happily, having disproven both Himeko and Welt.
"Looks like we have to relying on March for these matters. Anyway, Congratulations you both." Welt chuckled.
"They're both a young but old couple." Himeko patted you on the shoulder.
They were happy about your relationship and already knew the things going on between you both. You both glanced at eachother, were you both the only ones who to the longest to understand? Oh well, it doesn't matter anymore.
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So this was very much rushed. And I'll update it if brain rot hits.
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fruitea-furbs · 2 months
Hello!! First furby post omg kinda nervous/hj
I don't know how often I'll be posting here but take this as a little introduction of sorts to myself and one of my lovely furbies <3
My name is Meg but you can honestly call me whatever you like haha, my pronouns are she/her but I'm also not opposed to she/they, I am fairly new to the furby fandom :3
And this lovely guy is Locket!! (He/him) He's my pride and joy/hj, one of my two 98 customs, he's a silly little guy with a mild case of MSA and he freezes up sometimes but we love him anyway <3
Here's his first introduction to the guinea pigs.. they were not impressed with him 😅
Hopefully I will show off Locket and my other furbies in the future!! For now, take care 🩷
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cindersnows · 3 months
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been getting back into msa lately.... i latched onto reverb so hard. he's SO gender oh my god
i know we haven't gotten a full reveal of his design but i wanted to try my hand (haha) at a guestimate based on what we've already seen. it's probably super inaccurate 😭 i get the feeling the spikes in his silhouette aren't a part of him but rather on an accessory of his (since the handband thing he has is pretty spikey too)
i might render this eventually but 4 now heres a sketch
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h0neytalk · 11 months
Practicing the Arabic Alphabet
I honestly lucked out so much taking Arabic in college and learning basic MSA reading/writing/grammar from an excellent professor but I’m gonna compile the most useful things we did in class here to help people learning on their own (this isn’t focused on resources, just strategies, might do a separate post with worksheets and videos but they’re pretty easy to find):
Get the alphabet in front of you. We had a packet with a page for every letter with the letter written in the three positions, pronunciations, names, and lines to trace and write like 100 times. And then a page with all the diacritics. These sheets abound for free online. Make yourself an alphabet packet. Watch copious videos/listen to recordings going over the letters and how they sound. Repeat it back. Work in chunks and don’t move to the next set until you can recognize and write the current set.
Tracing! Learn to write the letters right to left and with the proper order from day one. This sounds obvious but people in my class were still drawing letters left to right as isolated shapes next to each other so idk maybe it’s not. Having nice handwriting in Arabic is both satisfying and absurdly helpful. Learn how the letters connect. Spend more time than you think is necessary on this.
Write English words and sentences phonetically using diacritics and Arabic letters. Do not worry about translation and spelling. Just make the connection between shape -> sound. Use anything you have. Lists of names, entire pages from books and magazines, texts from friends, menus. Literally anything. Work through how to make those words with the new alphabet. You will learn a surprising amount about the language and pronunciation by doing this. How do you translate sounds that don’t exist? What about multiple sounds where English only has one? Read it back with the accent.
Transcribe English phonetically. Same as above but do it without the English in front of you and just listening. Make that voice to visual connection.
Hand write word lists once you get to vocab. Then type them on your laptop and phone (if you want to be able to type in Arabic, also highly recommend a keyboard cover with the letters next to the Latin alphabet). Copy all the diacritics even though that’s not necessarily how native speakers do it. I have a notebook that looks like it belongs to lunatic toddler because it just has the same words and snippets written over and over again lmao.
Finally, transcribe Arabic. If you can use something with a transcript or captions to check your work even better! But don’t check for perfect spelling, check you used mostly the right letters and marks. You will definitely smash some words together and miss a silent or elided letter or something but try and hear the difference between ع and ا or ق and ك etc. The more sources you use the better.
We did this for one full semester of 50 minute classes 3 times a week while sprinkling in some basic vocab towards the second half. It felt like forever at the time but I never lost my ability to phonetically read and write in Arabic despite 4 years of complete non-use while living in America in an area without any significant Arabic-speaking population or language presence. It is absolutely CHISELED into my brain.
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arabic-langblr · 2 months
Polite ways to refer to somone's parents in Arabic
The word أٌمُ means mother in Arabic, and the word أّبُ means father. And we know that the attached pronoun ك is used to talk about someone else's posession. Like أٌمّك (your mother), and أُبُوك (your father).
While it's not wrong to use these words, there are certain cultural sensitivities to keep in mind when using these two words.
Sadly, for certain people it's associated with some insults that some people who say (like cursing someone's dad or mom), sometimes even the word أمك or أبوك when said angrily on its own can imply an insult.
In many parts and regions, many Arabic speakers would even avoid or refuse saying their mom or sister's names entirely because they don't want others to use their names and insult them. Some people overdo it and it can be a bit over the top with this overprotective attitude, but people are now becoming more aware that they're overdoing it.
This reminds me of a video where a guy was talking to his Arabic speaking friend, trying to say something sweet like "say hi to your mother" or "your mother is beautiful" or "your mother is awesome" but accidentally offending his friend and earning wit wrath instead of his gratitude.
For some, saying أمك or أبوك can be a bit direct, not necessarily rude, but some people won't really like it especially if the speaker is emotioanl or angry. In this post, I'll teach you here some alternatives to say in order to avoid sounding too direct :
الوَالِد (for the father) and الوَالِدة (for the mother)
It literally means "the male parent" and "the female parent". It's really polite, you can say it so someone you're not close with or to someone you're trying to be formal with. Some guys however still say الوالد and الوالدة out of politeness. The guy in the video could have avoided an anger fit if he has said سَلِّملِي على الوالدة (sallimlī ʿal wālda; say hello to your mother) instead of saying (sallimlī ʿalā ommak).
Or if you want to talk to your colleague or boss about his mother who is very sick or something
أَلْف سَلَامَة للوَالِدة (alf salāmeh lal wālda) which means something along the line for "I hope your mother gets well soon"
خَالتُو (auntie) or عَمّو (uncle)
The word خَالة means the maternal aunt (your mom's sister) and the word عم means the paternal uncle (your dad's brother), but people use it to say "uncle" or "auntie". You can say it to your friends in reference to their parents in situations where the word الوالد and الوالدة sound too formal
كِيف خالتو؟ طمني عليها/ "kīf ẖalto? tamminnī ʿaleiha"/ How's auntie? Reassure me (that she's ok)
الحاجّ (masc) or الحاجة (fem)
The word حَاج means someone who performed pilgrimage, and the word حاجة is the feminin version, although they are usually pronounced as حج and حجة (replacing the long vowel ا with its short equivalent, fatha) in dialects .
It's polite and respectful to an old person to use these words, kinda like using "granny" in an endearing way to your friend's grandma or to your old neighbour (either when speaking to them or referring to them).
كِيف الحجة؟ طمني عليها/ "kīf elḥajjeh? tamminnī ʿaleiha"/ How's grannie? Reassure me (that she's ok)
These words are used for elderly people, middle aged people might be sad you're referring to them as elderly (it's not rude, but they might feel that you see them as elderly, as in too old). Perferably use it to refer to people's old grandparents. For parents you can use the options above.
Other ways to say the name
In Arabic, there is a certain concept that is called كُنِيَة (kunya in MSA), or (kinyeh in dialects)
It's a commonly used nickname for the parents, they usually add أم (for the mother) and أب (for the father) followed by the name of the eldest son.
For example if a man has 5 children, the eldest son is called Ali (even if he wasn't the oldest child, as in he has older sisters), the man's كنية would be "Abu Ali أبو علي " and his wife's كنية would be Um Ali أم علي .
In more formal setting, Arabic speakers would usually avoid using the first name of the parents and prefer to use the كنية, some people would find it too formal and would rather use خالتو or عمو (uncle / auntie), it depends on the person and what kind of relationship you have with the person.
Other options
If you're talking to a child for example, like a yonung relative or even a lost kid at the mall, you can say مَامَا (mama) or some would even say مَامتك (your mommy).
For example if you're asking the son of your friend about your friend you could say
كِيف الماما؟ سَلِّملِي عَليها / keif el māmā? sallemli ʿaleiha / how's your mama? say hi to her.
It's ok to use to a child, but if you say it to an adult for example it would kinda sound like you're teasing them or telling them that they're childish in a way.
Which word to choose?
These are observations. Of course, it doesn't mean that every single person finds the words أمك or أبوك to be too direct but still, it's good to keep this idea at the back of your mind.
My suggestion is to first of all look at your relationship to that person, and to see how that person refers to their own mother and to other people's mothers.
Some people would refer to their own moms as الوالدة, this could be your queue to refer to their mom like that as well and so on.
The new younger generation are not as sensitive to these things, but some people would still find it too direct.
The point of this post is to make you aware of these differences, so that you won't be in an embarassing situation.
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doseofarabic · 3 months
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Dose # 1 - Introduction
Facts about the language
It’s a Semitic language, which is a branch of languages that includes languages like Arabic, Amharic, Aramaic and Hebrew among other languages.
It has millions speakers worldwide. People usually refer to 22 countries as “the Arab world” but I personally prefer to talk about “Arabic speaking countries” since it gives a better representation of the countries that speak the language and have Arabic as one of the official languages which are 25 countries in the Western part of Asia as well as Northern Africa.
The 25 countries are: Saudi Arabia, Chad, Algeria, Comoros, Eritrea, Djibouti, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Bahrain, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
People might want to learn for a variety of reasons, whether it is to live in an Arabic speaking country or environment, for work purposes, or for religious purposes. Muslims Arabic holds a special place since it is the language of the Holy Quran.
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Since many regions speak the language. There are a lot of variation in the language which I try to summarize.
To put it simply, on one hand we have the Standard Arabic, which is the formal Arabic. The older variation of Standard Arabic is Classical Arabic, among is the Holly Quran which is the most eloquent, inimitable form of Arabic.  
Here is a small post I made about MSA and Classical Arabic.
I will focus on the modern variant of Standard Arabic which is “Modern Standard Arabic”, or MSA. Nowadays, this variant is used in official correspondence, books, magazines and writings in general. It is important.
There are also dialects which are the “spoken Arabic”, each region has their own dialects but they are usually grouped per region and similarities:
Gulf dialects; Levantine dialects; Maghreb dialects; Nile Valley and Egyptian
Some dialects are not within these groups per se but they are somewhat close like Yemeni and Iraqi (which I would associate with the Gulf dialects).
I could also place Djibouti, Somalia, Mauritania and Chad in a separate category as well
These groupings over simplify the variety of the dialects but it’s to make the concept closer to understand especially for those who are not familiar with it. I spoke about dialects in a post I made a where I tried to provide an explanation for the difference in dialects, if you’re interested read it [here].
Usually, people learn Arabic to be able to speak a certain dialect, I recommend studying the standard Arabic first or at least having some sort of knowledge before delving into the dialects.
In my lessons, I will focus on Modern Standard Arabic, but I do make dialectal posts on my blog as well which can be found [here].
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Arabic alphabets
Arabic is written from right to left, and the letters connect to form words. The letters are read as they are written in 99.9% of the cases, except for only very minor exceptions. It's also very phonetically consisentent, very similar to Spanish for example when comapred to English were different letters can be read differently according to the word.
Arabic has 28 letters, and because the writing connects the words together to form sentences, each letter can be written in 4 ways: the isolated form, the initial form (how it would look like if it came at the beginning of the word), medial form (how it would look like if it was in the middle of the word), and finally, the final form (how it would look like if it were at the end of the word).
However, it is important to note that not all letters connect with other letters, for example, the letters (ا / د / ذ  / ر  / ز / و) do not connect to each other, and only connects if the other letters in the alphabet comes before it.
The Arabic letters are simple, and many letters resemble one another, I usually refer to letters that are similar as “sisters”. The resemblance in shape doesn’t necessarily mean that the sounds are similar though.
There are two types of vowels, short vowels or harakat, and these are the diacritics or little accents that can be found on top of each letters; and long vowels or mudood which are three letters ا   (which makes the sound “aah” ), و   (which makes the sound of “oo” like “pool” ) and ي   (which makes the sound “ee” like feel). Usually, when talking about “vowels” people are referring to the long vowels.
The vowel is twice as long as the haraka but it has the same sound.
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Grammar & vocabulary
Arabic is a very well structured language, and it has a very consistent grammar, exceptions are not very common and it’s very logical.
A notable thing to note about Arabic grammar is that first of all, there are grammatical cases, like Turkish and German for example.
This means that the end of the word changes according to its role in a sentence. In the case of Arabic, the harakat of the end of the word changes depending on the place and role it plays in a sentence.
So don’t be surprised when you see the same word ending with different harakat. Because it is a language that has this grammatical case system, the sentence structure is flexible.
For example تُوتُ  (berries) is the same as تُوتَ  and تُوتِ . The difference here is the place in the sentence.
Another thing is that Arabic has a root system, most words have a root (most likely made up of three letters), the root has a certain meaning and all the derived words will contain the same three letters of the root as well as a certain meaning that is carried with the derivation.
For example the word كَتَبَ  is the root and it means “to write”, we derive words like كَاتِب  (writer or author) مَكْتُوب (written) and كِتَاب (book) and مَكْتَبَة (library). If you know the verb (root) it’ll be easy to guess the meaning of the word or have a guess on what the word is about.
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Arabic letters : how are they arranged?
There are two ways that the letters in Arabic are arranged, the first one is called التَّرْتِيب الأبجَدِيُّ   attartīb alʾbǧadiy. This is the old order of the letters, it was based on the order of the letters in Semetic languages, the order is also used in numbers (similar to roman numerals, how a letter can have a numerical value like (i) which is the number a).
This order is still used when making lists, for example if you’re saying point a) point b) , people are more likely to use this order.
For point c) in Arabic people will say ج)  and not ت.
The letters are grouped in these words, in this same order
أبجد هوز حطي كلمن سعفص قرشت ثخذ ضظغ
التَّرْتِيبُ الهِجَائِيَ attartīb alhiǧāʾiy is an order that was later introduced. This order arranges words in the alphabet according to the similarities between the way the letters are drawn. It’s the one used when studying Arabic.
This is the order of these letters
أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي
For simplicity’s sake, I suggest focusing on the second order, but it’s good to know that it’s not the only one.
I hope this has been an interesting introduction to read!
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Complete this small quiz to measure how much you understood from this lesson
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Next lesson : we will study the different harakat and vowels.
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mysteryideasgroup · 3 days
MSA X TMNT 2012: Within The Woods AU: Search for Raph
[In the woods, Raph is trying to chop some woods... but then someone's shadow arrives... ominous music plays.]
Raph: What was that? Who's there?
[Raph sees a deer.]
Raph: [Sighs in relief.] Just a deer. Phew. Easy, Raph. Don't get paranoid.
[A massive figure approaches her and covers her up with vines, causing Raph to shriek in terror. This shriek continues, until the figure lunges at him and his shriek stops. Cut to the farmhouse. Outside, everyone is calling out for Raph.]
Mikey: RAPH! He's been gone for hours. RAPH!
They waited for Raph to return from the woods... They realize that something has gone wrong... They are split up into teams. Leo, Carol, Sammy, and Lulu are staying. Master Haruki and Mistress Chelsea are staying here looking after them. 
[The others look for Raph.]
Casey: Raph! Can you hear us?!
April: Don't you think he'd answer?
Leo: All right, we split up. April, Bart, Josh, Matilda Miles, Molly, Jaxson, Lewis, Arthur, Vivi, Varian, Stephanie, Sammy, Jerry, Sandra, Gary, and Casey, you guys take that way. Mikey, Cera, Maisy, Mike, Ecole, Misti, Terry, Paul, Randy and Donnie, you take that way. Sarah, Sapphire, Samantha, Ruby, and Starletta with Laura Sylvia, Sardonyx, Sparkle-Sprinkles, and Sueanne, you take that way. Mystery Investigator Teams, Mystery Demon Hunters Teams, Mystery Skulls Teams of Associates, you take that way. The Amazing Mystery Teams, Mystery Hunters Teams, Mystery Slayers Teams, and The Heroes of Mysterious Teams, you take that way.
Mikey: [stubborn] Split up? 
Sarah: Right, we need to stay together, teams.
Vera: Are you loco, homey?
Donnie: [disappointed and jealous] April and Casey go off alone? Together?
2012 Nick Leo: Mikey, Cera, Maisy, Mike, Ecole, Misti, Terry, Paul, Randy and Donnie, you take that way. 
[Donnie groans in frustration.]
April: What about you?
Leo: We’ll wait at the farmhouse in case Raph comes back. We won't be much help out there, anyway. 
Haruki: … We think he’s right hope… 
Chelsea feels not good about Leo, Carol, Sammy, and Lulu 
[Leo, Carol, Sammy, and Lulu limp away sadly, Mistress Chelsea and Master Haruki are staying with them. April frowns with sympathy for Leo, Carol, Sammy, and Lulu, and then Bart, Josh, Matilda Miles, Molly, Jaxson, Lewis, Arthur, Vivi, Varian, Stephanie, Sammy, Jerry, Sandra, Gary, and Casey take her away. They begin to leave into the forest.] 
For @laurasanchez36
AUs Alternate Universes Crossovers belongs to me 
All belongs to my MSA ocs sonas and my New MSA ocs sonas, (my MSA X TMNT ocs sonas and my New MSA X TMNT ocs sonas)
All belongs to her MSA ocs sonas and her New MSA ocs sonas, (her MSA X TMNT ocs sonas and her New MSA X TMNT ocs sonas)
Mystery Skulls Animated MSA belongs to Ben and MysteryBen27 of YouTube YT Series Shows 
TMNT belongs to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
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danlous · 2 months
please vet the gfm posts you post or reblog yourself and not blindly trust others, for every real one there are five fakes,, please dont give them a platform https://www.tumblr.com/pyrrhiccomedy/757724127189729280/i-am-amira-the-breadwinner-for-my-family-after-my
I do my best trying to verify that fundraisers are legit before i reblog/post anything but i'm not a best person to do that especially when i know only a little arabic and it's MSA and not palestinian dialect. I get on average 15-20 asks a day about boosting fundraisers and i don't post most of them even if they appear to be likely legit because i want to be sure. I don't trust others blindly but i've known and followed many of the people who're verifying fundraisers for several years and i don't have a reason not to trust them. Like the post you linked is complaining about how they don't know who these people vetting are why should we trust them, but they're well-known palestinian users who people generally consider trustworthy.
Aside from that post casually accusing palestinian users trying to help their people of running some massive scam which is frankly really offensive and pretty racist, I don't find the post very convincing in general. Criticizing the writing style of people asking for help is pretty stupid, these people aren't native english speakers and some of them don't really speak english at all, they're trying to express themselves the best they can, probably relying on google translate and other people's help. And of course the try to look and follow the example of what other askers have written in their messages, it doesn't mean it has to be the same person. Op clearly hasn't bothered to look into palestinian users' blogs any closer because even if some of them use the same formats in messages in most cases their actual writing styles/english skill levels etc. are clearly different. Using stock photos/news photos doesn't really mean anything either, they're easier to get access to not only for scammers but for real displaced palestinians. And their blogs often get deleted because people like op are constantly reporting them. And unlike op says iirc Amira actually has social media presence that includes more information like her university. Mohammed has been active on tumblr for months and i've talked with him too, if he's a scammer he's an extremely dedicated one.
I do hope that people notify me if i accidentally reblog a scam post, but i hope that there's more solid proof that it's fake. And i definitely don't buy that palestinian users doing vetting are participating in scams. The op of that post seems to have something specifically against palestinian users and i find op to be untrustworthy. Here's one reblog of the post that puts it much more succinctly than i can
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lauritanaomystery · 11 months
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Yup guys, this is my V-tuber in 2D. is Sisa the cat/illakuna:
I explain: the illakuna are spirits that protect crops and livestock with their good energies. but I adapted this belief since "illa" also means "spirit" and "Kuna" is "of the" coming from an ancestral Kichwa language of my indigenous ancestry. That is to say, my "petsona" for MSA is an interself and I use it for my transmissions on YouTube, here we have it in the form of a domestic cat, but the true form is very different since it is the queen of spirits, in itself it is a cat. It is a cat-shaped spirit inspired by the "Andean ghost" or cat of the Andes.
Oh yes, my transformed petsona has horns, since due to an Andean religious belief: the number of horns means power and divine status, more horns, more power!!!
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butterfluffy · 2 years
Hi fluffy!
Can we get Mihawk for your msa event please
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“my strange addiction”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· wine drunk, the vampire-like man made up his mind—and that is to finally come and get you to satisfy his addiction..
⠀⠀➧ fluff? | yandere!d. mihawk × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings — contains yandere themes, (slight) violence, and kidnapping/abducting/confinement. get out of this fic if you're uncomfortable with these. mistakes and swearing are present too.
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: welcome to “my strange addiction,” which is a writing special i made to celebrate this account reaching 500+ followers.
requested by: anonymous — thank you for the request, anon! i had quite the fun on writing mihawk as a yandere, hehe! 🫶
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by continuing, you consent into reading this oneshot fanfic which contains yandere themes, violence, and confinement. if uncomfortable with these, please don't read this fic. also, do not go blaming me, i gave you a warning.
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Hearing the unpleasant sound of crows cawing loudly, your eyes cracked open, finally waking up.
“Ugh... My head hurts..” You muttered, a frown on your face as you sat upright on the bed you're on, which you noted to be rather... Unfamiliar.
“Ah?” You gasped out after a few moments, now fully awake, looking around the spacious room your in.
This is not my room.
You said to yourself, holding your breath, clutching the bedsheet tightly when you were hit with the realization.
“Where the hell am I? I.. This place, I don't know this place. All I know is that—” click.
Startled by the door clicking and creaking open, your head was quick to turn to its direction, eyes falling on this tall, good-looking, raven-haired man.
“Mhm, my love, I see that you finally woke up. Would you like to eat breakfast now?” He asked, approaching you with breakfast in his hands.
“I.. E...Excuse you? My... Love? Do I know—wait, who even are you? What—why am I here?” Interviewing the man who lightly chuckled by your questions, he hummed, setting breakfast down the table beside the bed before he went on to answer your inquiries.
“Ah... Mhm, first question, I am Mihawk. Dracule Mihawk, your lover.” Mihawk stated, causing you to tilt your head to the side.
A lover? Do you even have one? Moreover, do you even have a history with this man who proclaimed himself as your lover?
“But I—ah, nevermind.” About to object, you were quick to fall silent, not complaining furthermore to this handsome being before you.
“Then... I bought, well, abducted you here. Had quite the trouble since you were unwilling to come with me, even though I had asked you nicely.” Says the man with a shrug, his answer shocking you.
“You what?”
“Did you not hear me, my love? Would you like me to repeat what I had said previously?” Taking steps closer to you, you shrieked, backing away from him, rushing to the window.
“Don't come any closer, y..you creep, kidnapper!” You exclaim, backing yourself to a corner near the window, processing everything as you thought of what to do..
“That's not very nice of you to call me that, Y/n.” Mihawk utters, taking the almost emptied bottle of wine sitting on the desk and pouring it to his cup, calmly approaching you once again.
“Will you just behave here and accept this?” He whispers with a sigh before he emptied his cup in one go, dropping the glass on the floor, shattering it. Now standing in front of you, staring you down like a hawk with his preying eyes.
“...N..No!” You shout, pushing him away then setting a foot on the window, ready to jump down when—
“Careful, darling. The drop from here is pretty high. I can't have you dead.” Mihawk warns, quickly taking your arm before you could fall and pulling you close to him, embracing you.
“Now, just stay here with me, alrig—?” “Can't you take a fucking no as an answer!?”
Wriggling away from him, you took a shattered glass piece and pointed it at the raven-haired male who raised a brow.
“Sorry, I can't. I'm not, and will never take that no of yours, my love..” Taking the glass piece from your shaking hand, Mihawk held your hand, driving you to the bed, pinning you down as he pricked your skin with the shard, causing it to bleed.
“..So you'll have to stay here with me, whether you like it, or not....” He hums in a husky tone, licking the blood off your skin before he quickly pressed his smirking lips on yours, deciding to hold you captive just so you stay with him, if possible, forever...
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© butterfluffy 2022
ʚїɞ · likes, comments, reblogs, and/or feedbacks are highly appreciated!
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rallsia-arnoldii · 3 months
CW: p-dophilia, harassment
Just saying right now, MrDrnose doesn't have to listen to Kaiden/the professor from msa/some ordinary protogen. Do y'all see the effects of the "stick joke" claim Kaiden made? TL;DR:
MrDrnose/Eternitydev somewhere between 2018-2020 made a joke about the main character from Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski licking a sex toy. On April 4th 2021 MrDrnose made it official that Angell was 18 but there's no valid evidence about what her age was before that. MrDrnose claims that they (Angell and Olivia) were always 18.
MrDrnose was also born in 2002 making him 16-18 when he made the joke and 19 when he stated that Angell was 18. More evidence is on the other post I made about this.
This isn't about the stick though, it's about the effects that Kaiden's document had by making that situation out to be WAY worse than it actually is. This has led to people believing that MrDrnose is a p-dophile and wishing ill on him.
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No this is not the entire comment section but I wanted to show you just how bad the hate for him got. I have 56 screenshots of negative comments from the wiki. 47 just from Angell's page alone.
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Kaiden caused a sea of hate over nothing, just look his point about "minor hate":
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I can't cover the discord server because I haven't been in there and I don't know anyone who has, but most of the stuff outside of there is easily disproved. Eternitydev oversexualizes stuff? Opinion. Plus it's not that obnoxious. Minor hate? Those are jokes, and even if they were hateful Eternitydev's target fanbase isn't minors. Pateron scam? Most of his Pateron are from VOTV and didn't pay for AEwVS, he could just be taking his time, and worst comes to worst you can just get a refund. MrDrnose made gross stuff of minors? Read above, I'm not explaining this a third time.
Basically, if most (if not all) I can get full information about can be disproved, then the stuff in the discord is likely stretched or had important information cut out. Even if a lot the stuff here is right, we need to hear it from people other than Kaiden because Kaiden is unreliable as a sole source.
Kaiden has quite a bit on how Eternitydev has been avoiding him and shutting posts about the document down, but if you saw some random teenager acting like the "minor hate" jokes, something stupid you wrote when you were 16, added their own opinions in the same document that's supposed to be calling out p-dophiles and acted like that was a good criticism, you would not listen to them either. There's also probably a lot of other stuff MrDrnose knows that I don't, which only just reinforces my point.
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ultimatebethylficlist · 9 months
Moonshine Awards 2023~!
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It's nearly that time of year again!
Here's the schedule for the Moonshine Awards 2023!
January 1st -- Nominations Open
January 15th -- Nominations Close
January 18th -- Voting Begins
February 1st -- Voting Ends
February 9th -- Winners Announced
Here's a refresher for the rules for nominating fics and fanart, which are the same as last year:
There is no limit to how many fics can be nominated per category.
Most categories have one for Completed works and one for In Progress works. Completed works must have been completed between January 1st, 2023 and December 31st, 2023. Works In Progress must have been updated at least once between January 1st, 2023 and December 31st, 2023.
If there is only one category, nominated fics can be either Complete or WIP.
Fics can be nominated in multiple categories.
First Place winners of previous years’ categories are ineligible for nomination. Second and Third Place winners are still eligible.
Yearly “Exclusive” categories are open for fics from any year, regardless of previous wins.
Authors are limited to ONE fic nominated per category, so choose wisely.
Please nominate a specific piece of fan art for the Fan Art categories, preferably with a link to the source. We will NOT count general artist nominations for any category except Artist of the Year.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. And remember: you can nominate as many and as often as you want, so get your list ready!
Click here to check out all the previous MSA winners from the last 7 years!
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mochaaaaaaaa · 11 months
-goob, msa, pluto, and mits 🙏🙏🙏
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Okay! Here you go :) 💝💖 (I also added Epic Pom Pom because I thought it would at least make the drawing a bit more better)
I really wanted to go after this type of light and energetic cool shiny type of style, and I thought that Epic Hoola and Epic PomPom would be suitable for this 💘💖
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