#for my sanity ; i just wanna chill and not stress
heroictoonz · 3 months
not going to comment on the ramcoa stuff? yeah thought not.
Crazy how I have a life and a job and didn't give a shit to respond to u when I'm busy n only scrolly tumblr idly but since u clearly got a thing for me ill bite cause you also need my opinions reexplained to you like a child
Also I googled ramcoa cause I didn’t know what that word means (i also didnt know what endo meant till like earlier this fuckin year cause everyone was being very loud and annoying about it) and all I got was "RAMCOA is an acronym for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse." which like. what the FUCK are you even talking about mind control? fucking ORGANIZED ABUSE this is like classic cult aligned shit how does this even relevant to endos and that stuff. please tell me this is a word or acronym for something else that google isnt telling me cause just genuinely huh
listen i took a look at the link u sent i dont wanna post that cause i dont want ppl harassing others on the internet like you seem to want but just for the love of fuck listen to me for two seconds like honest to god read my words and let them sink in
the post you sent me i have literally no context for to me it looks like a shit post. ive made jokes like that before and i need to reiterate that they are JOKES and i am NOT ENDO and i say shit for goofs cause to me and my friends its funny. whether it is or is not a joke is, honestly, not my business. I dont know that person personally i dont know their life i dont know their story so i dont set it as my mission to find people i dont agree with and flip my shit at them. again. life. job. no interest. im 24 and literally not my job to babysit other ppl on the internet i block who i dont like follow who i do and live on w my life (which. highly recommended for all. you too Chuck. makes life so much more livable)
in regards to ur stuff about misinformation the way I see it is people will spread bullshit about just about every topic under the sun. it is, once again, not my job to go around "um actually" everything on the internet. if someone asks me a question i answer if someone im directly talking to has wrong information i try to correct them
When it comes to a lot of people, however, not many of them want to change their minds on things. sometimes some people arent even at a point of their life to be open minded and listen. which, im not gonna stress myself out to correct someone else. Even i had a point in my life where i was so hardheaded and full of hate (it was a weird cringe culture group i was in and didnt think for myself and honestly i caused a lot of damage in that time of my life and even now I regret it. But man thats life. And like if i try to correct and if they dont listen i go okay and dip after a point (which, for you. is prob gonna be here. cause im gonna say all my thoughts here and be done with this conversation honestly also work is suuuuuper busy rn like fr wish me luck w this summer season sobs) theres a part of me that hopes you will either see reason with this reply and chill out or you will continue to disagree with me but at least for both of our sanity stop messaging me either way i wont be replying again to you just so you are aware
now im just gonna be so fucking blunt here. do i believe endo is a thing? (ie: people can be systems without trauma) honestly? i dont know! here is how i see it; im not a medical professional. I have an interest in psychology i have a copy of the dsm5 cause im a nerd (its with my law books. again. im a nerd.) but im no scientist. at the same time; i dont really trust medical professionals all that much? i would like to. really i would. but it always feels like so many of them dont take the time to actually try with diagnosis. too many people of color or fat people and shit like that always say that they are constantly misdiagnosed or ignored due to predigests. again, because i was born a girl i was never diagnosed properly when i was a kid. this happened twice actually! and even then ive had to deal with doctors and therapists who dont believe me even WITH a formal diagnosis to my name. ive had a therapist tell me that i DIDNT have bpd because i was, in her words, "too nice" and she refused to start me on cbd insisting the doctor was wrong. its scary as fuck honestly. plus, like i said in the last post, mental health is so under researched. which is also so scary to me. theres so much that doctors dont know. that WE dont know. theres so much that doctors get wrong. sometimes cause theyre only human and sometimes cause they willfully ignore patients.
so, the way i see it, is that maybe you can have a system without trauma or maybe you cant. i dont know personally and where i stand i dont know how much credit i would put to research done on a mental disability that is still to this day so disgustingly stigmatized and viewed as dangerous or scary. ive seen split. i know david haller (i like david haller but also every time i think about the live action show or how they really treat him as a character i sob in my little heart every fuckin day man fr) so to me i chalk it up to 'fuck if i know' and move on.
The other thing is that since i personally am not an endo in my head i also have no evidence to form a hard opinion on this at all. Again, my system DID come from trauma. In fact, for most of the system mates i can pinpoint exactly which traumas and/or parts of my life they came from (some i dont but i am also pretty sure im missing a very large chunk of my middle school memories so who the fuck knows) but honestly. if you have a hard opinion on the yes or no here thats fine youre intitled to your own opinion ig
but you shouldnt harass people on the internet or accuse them of being fake. this is what my problem is with anti-endos.
This has also been my like, whole side of this conversation. Which is why im really begging you to listen and read my words cause i very much think you are reading me wrong here. I literally couldnt give less of a shit about your personal opinion on this kinda stuff. Like i dont know you were not friends you’re a random anon on the internet. You disagreeing with me does not phase me one bit. I clearly have stuff to say but thats just cause i talk a lot and like to share my thoughts more than anything else. Honestly. You can send me a like one sentence question and ill accidentally reply with an essay. Have you SEEN the rants ive been on lmaooo
What does frustrate me, is that you feel the need to harass people and accuse people of faking stuff for attention with NO fucking thought. When you sent your first anon i can only assume its cause i reblogged my friend Wendy’s post about endos and syscourse (i hate syscourse so much but MAN that is a good fucking play on words it almost makes me mad lol) you asked if i had did/osdd and i said yes and you IMMEDIATELY went into my asks and accused me of being 1) an endo and 2) faking for attention despite that neither of those can be inferred by my answer especially when i 1) never once said I WAS endo personally (because. Again. Not) and 2) i specifically explained in my first response (thinking u were just a good natured random) that while, yes, i am a system, i dont talk about it very openly or much at all only vaguely mentioning it here n there on my personal blog when i feel the need or want on a specific topic (like when i made a joke post about being a system and watching RvB and the Meta who is this character that has a buncha AI crammed in his head). If anything, it makes you more fuckin wrong cause me NOT mentioning being a system almost ever shows more to the light that im NOT focusing on wanting attention or shit like that if anything i think i make more jokes about being autistic and trans. Are you gonna accuse me of being fake trans and fake autistic just for attention? Because i talk about it more? No, cause that would make like zero sense. (Unless u want to ig tho honestly i think being called a fake trans would be so funny as anon hate like genuinely that would make me snort i think. Guy who uses he/him and openly talks about having periods and shit like that accused as fake trans rguireghrhuigr)
To me, at least, you have already proven that your ideology is flawed. Your method of pointing out ‘fakes’ and ‘attention seekers’ is just really nonsensical. Either that or you do honestly have the reading comprehension of a five year old. The oooonly reason i could maaaaaybe see you thinking im ‘attention seeking’ is when I vaguely mentioned in the tags of that first post that I had a system specific blog however i also 1) do not advertise it nor did i put the name of it on that post OR ask you to follow it and 2) admitted that its barely ever used. Again, still making no sense to your accusation
And like, honestly, at the end of the day, accusing people you dont know on the internet just by random posts they post or terminology they identify with for being fake is just so, in your own words, gross. You dont know these people’s lives. You dont know what they’ve been through. Again, completely ignoring whether you can or cannot have system without trauma my original long response talked about how the person identifying as endo might actually have trauma and not know/recognize it as such and by harassing them you are only making everything worse for them. You LITERALLY do not know these people. You dont know me and you made that very clear when you were so crushingly wrong about me by literally just the second anon you sent.
As someone who deals with the anxiety and fear that i am secretly a fake and dont know it, not just about being a system but like. A SHIT ton of stuff in my life, it does not help when random fucking people come accusing me of that exact fear. Going back to that therapist who tried to tell me she didnt think i had bpd it took me SO FUCKING LONG to accept i did in fact have bpd after that. And it was fucking painful to deal with mentally. When every sign in the motherfucking book pointed to YES i have this thing but all it took was ONE woman with a degree to tell me i was ‘too nice’ and suddenly my world fell apart. I no longer felt like i had a name to the feelings and thoughts i was suffering from. Dude that shit SUCKS it is SO painful and stressful. Like literally, please, for the love of all that is holy, do not inflict that on others. You might think youre bringing justice in some weird way but theres a higher chance that you are hurting people just as much as you seem to think endos cause hurt.
Now, because i know you SO DESPERATELY wanna know my opinion on the post you sent in the unanswered ask, honestly? I dont know how much i agree with that persons post. Like. Playing in the field of maybe that was an honest to god opinion and not just like a joke they were making, really not sure how i feel about it. In my opinion, i wouldn’t be running around trying to get my brain to spawn in more little fuckers to deal with. But i also have a lot of mixed feelings about being a system and my headmates. For one i dont get along with all of them, and not all of them get along with each other. Shits really annoying and in some extreme cases stressful as fuck. Every time something new pops into existence, I’ll be real, im kinda scared. I dont know how things will once again change or shift. And my head is just a single head. Its one brain that now has to deal with so much going on i get a lot of headaches and dissociate sometimes even in the middle of doing things or talking to people cause shit will just randomly become chaos (tho im sure other mental things attribute to all that too here n there idk) but I wouldn’t say i hate being a system. I also dont think id ever wanna do that like fuse therapy shit and get rid of the others. Both out of a fear of losing myself and a fear of losing some of them. That shit sounds kinda scary to me. And where, yeah theres some that i dont get along with, there are others that i do get along with! And love a lot! I jokingly call some of them my siblings cause a lot of them have been around since i was a little kid (tho ill admit for a while I thought i just had a REALLY strong imagination and that for some reason my imaginary friends kept talking to me even as an adult till i finally realized hm. Maybe this is not the case. Lol) so like ya you’ll never see me honest to god saying ‘man i wish i had MORE random bastards in my head’ but like, thats just me
I’ve met so many systems and a lot of them are different. I’ve met some that WANT to fuse (i dont think thats the word they use for that therapy but i just got home from a stressful 8 hours on The Grind so I can’t think words all too well lol) ive met people that LOVE being a system people who hate it people who are pretty indifferent to it. I’ve met systems who are have a different person fronting every day ive met systems where you almost never see or hear from the others and its just primarily the host that takes charge. So many different people feel differently about the same things. That’s just life. But I am not gonna use ONE post randomly shown to me to 1) make an assumption on someone (especially something as harmful as faking) or 2) as a valid reason to harass them. Especially not when the person showing the post to me has only acted hostile towards me. Like honestly. Genuine tip here, being rude and mean to people is not how you try to change their minds or try to educate them on something. Walking into my house and telling me im the fake hedgehog just cause of one post and one answered ask and then trying to tell me im wrong is like so not the way my guy fr
I’m pretty sure ive said my entire peace on the matter here. So yeah, again if you send me any more anons i wont be answering them. I’m saying this just to try and save you some time and also some peace of mind. Honestly, please block me. Please forget my existence and go live your life. Its honestly worrying how you have now spent like two days in my anons about this shit, like i am not even joking like the joke is over please please please finish reading this, block me, and go watch one of your favorite comfort movies and smile i mean this so seriously
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princessconsuela120 · 2 months
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Chapter twenty-one: Forever—❃
Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: foul language, everything with teotfw and with euphoria
Authors note: Enjoy guys! All rights reserved to the show the end of the f*cking world.
“Hope you like well done. Well done as in, like, fucking cremated. Dig in.”
I laughed at my dads joke, making him naturally laugh in return.
“Thanks, Dad.” I said happily, taking a huge bite out of my burger.
I love saying that.
“Slainte!” He said, cheersing his beer with mine.
“You should come out on my boat.”
“You got a boat?”
“Nothing flashy, a little cuddy cabin, but she's cute. I'll take us out this afternoon, if you want?”
We walked out to the beach, looking at the boat that sat on the sand.
“I can't believe my dad has a boat. Basically means that I've got a boat.” I said excitedly, grabbing Fezco’s hand and shaking it happily.
“Right, let's do it!”
A women appeared, she was blonde, fake tan, and looked angry with my dad. She called him over, they argued, then dad came back. I didn’t like the feeling it gave me.
“All right, change of plan. We'll do the boat later, okay?” My dad said, a stressed expression on his face. I looked between him and the woman who was driving away.
“Um, I've just got to do a bit of work from home. You just chill out here, okay?”
“He's gonna take us.” I said excitedly, making Fezco nod. We both looked over to my dad who had been chatting with someone out front.
“I know.” We both watched as he handed him a bag. “I think your dad's a drug dealer.”
“Cool. So are you.”
He seemed annoyed with me, like I was missing something.
“Is this the best place for us to stay?” He suggested, making me roll my eyes.
“We killed a guy. No way am I leaving yet. Stop worrying. He's going to look after us. We're totally safe here.” I explained, smiling as my dad came back with a man.
“Hey, Alyssa, meet Jonno.”
“Check this out.”
We definitely weren't safe.
“Well, they've got to get it from someone. It's completely ethical. That's the beauty of it. Everything's locally sourced, organic. No gang warfare bullshit, no women swallowing condoms, no kids getting hurt. This world, man.” My dad explained, making me nod in  agreement as Fezco sat in silence. He didn’t seem to like my dad, I could tell.
"Hey, kids, don't do drugs, but do nag your mum to buy you a phone hewn from the sweat and tears of a modern slave." You understand me, don't you, girl?”
Did I?
Gotta fight the system. You got to, kiddo. Because we live in properly fucked-up times. Don't you forget that. The wisest thing anyone's ever said to me, right? Wanna hear this? Fez, you listening?” 
Fezco nodded slightly, pressing his lips together.
"To be mad in a deranged world is not madness. It's sanity." He explained, making me smile.
“Who said that?”
He's basically Gandhi.
“You are golden, you know that? Golden!”
I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant, but it made me happy just to be with him. 
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∘⡊ ☾ ˚ ‣ I think I am going to give myself a schedule here if y'all don't mind ? Just to help me keep my full sanity.
Fridays : Write drafts/replies/memes/starters Saturdays /Sundays : Edit posts and start posting in the queue Queue will post maybe 4 posts a day instead of 3 throughout the week is that cool with y'all?
No worries I'll probably send asks now and again to harass some of y'all but until I can make some things in my brain chill out I gotta set a schedule for myself so I don't stress out and wanna hide again.
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adrinoir · 3 years
Let’s talk about Luka
Ah, yes. The laidback blue-haired pretty boy of the show. He’s been the hot topic of the fandom lately ever since he - ahem - discovered Marinette and Adrien’s secret identities, but didn’t say a word about it.
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Even aside from just that, there are people who are still sad about the whole Lukanette breakup and that they’re just buddies now. Sooo, I kinda wanna give some background on it all plus talk about my own thoughts.
Fair warning/Disclaimer: this is going to be really long and I also DO like Luka as a character. Don’t try to tell me I’m too salty or don’t appreciate him.
Despite all the people who ship Lukanette, I’m happy their relationship ended. Rip me apart for all I care, but I have good reasons why.
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Buggachat wrote this great post that’s been living rent free in my mind, about how Luka’s whole attitude of just “being okay” with Marinette loving someone else is “good enough” for her. She’s right - it’s not good enough, and there’s still so many people who overlook that.
I’ve heard talk of Marinette not being good enough for Luka (which is true), but he’s also not good enough for Marinette. They’re not good enough for each other. Him just accepting defeat that Adrien has won Marinette’s heart is setting a very low bar for Marinette.
Think about this, too. Sure she liked him, but it’s not okay to date someone when you still have very strong feelings for someone else. Marinette shouldn’t have tried dating Luka just because she liked him a little and wanted to get over Adrien. And Luka shouldn’t have been okay with being Marinette’s back up plan. That’s such an unhealthy romantic relationship and I really don’t understand how so many people were okay with it.
May I also mention, the relationship ended because Marinette was hiding a secret from Luka and she wasn’t spending enough time with him. NOT because they settled for each other.
I’m really hoping they’ll have a solid friendship. It seems like they already do, but things could land on thin ice with Luka still being in love with Marinette and him now knowing she’s Ladybug and her love (Adrien) is Chat Noir.
Luka Finding Out Their Identities
Well, it’s kind of odd to a lot of the fandom that Luka made the choice to not inform Ladybug that he now knows both her and Chat Noir’s real identities. Like he absolutely didn’t have to do keep it to himself.
The big issue is, him knowing could easily put Ladybug and Chat Noir in danger. Like, if he gets akumatized again (mind you, he’s already been akumatized TWICE), or he gets hit by an akumatized victim, he could leak their identities. Either Bunnyx would have to step in or Ladybug would need someone to take the snake miraculous (then again, I’m not even sure how effective second chance would be in a situation like that).
It’s so incredibly risky to hold that secret. However, we could give Luka the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he doesn’t know how dangerous it is to know their identities without telling them.
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But the real question still stands: why did he not tell Ladybug? There’s some possibilities for that.
Why Luka didn’t say anything
1. He doesn’t want to put more stress on Marinette
Luka obviously loves Marinette and wouldn’t try to harm her, as far as we know. So he could just be holding it in for the sake of her own sanity at the moment. He could wait and tell her when he feels she’s doing a lot better.
2. He just wants them to keep their identities known to each other, doesn’t want to get involved
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The identity reveal is a huge thing and it’s pretty well known that Ladybug and Chat Noir can’t really reveal their identities to anyone since it’s really unsafe (although it’s somehow okay in America? make it make sense.)
But, it’s been made clear that Ladybug and Chat Noir don’t really know each other’s identities. Maybe Luka’s train of thought is telling ladybug or Chat Noir could lead to them prying to know each other’s identities. OR he simply just doesn’t want to come between them and cause any sort of commotion. It’s a big load to deal with, after all.
3. He wants Marinette back
We obviously already know he still loves Marinette. He could be holding onto the secret because he could eventually tell her he knows she’s Ladybug now, and it could somehow restore their relationship. Luka would have a leg up because he knows Marinette’s deepest secret. He could comfort her and connect with her on that level, unlike Adrien who doesn’t know her identity.
4. It could be a shock reaction
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I mean, this is the simplest one aside from “him not wanting to put more stress on Marinette.”
Just by judging the look on his face and the way he said their names, Luka was in complete shock when he saw Ladybug become Marinette and Chat Noir become Adrien. Which is a completely appropriate response to all that, also considering he got insight to their insane childhood dreams.
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Maybe there was still that factor of shock, even when Ladybug asked if he saw them unmasked. Luka may not have known how to process it and think of a good answer. So the best thing to do would be to just hide it until he figures out how to talk to her about it.
5. He could be the new Hawk Moth (or villain)
I’ve been on board with this theory for a while now for SO many reasons. With Miraculous, you never know where the plot’s gonna take us. But, I’m going to elaborate more on this theory in my last section in this post.
Why I’m suspicious of Luka (& why you should be, too)
Overall, I am very suspicious of Luka and his motives/intentions deep down. Never trust an incredibly passive man.
He’s such an aloof character and the writers really make an effort to drive that point home. He kinda just goes with the flow. Super chill, talks through his music.
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He’s also still a bit of a mystery. We don’t often see him talk about issues he’s having (one of the only ones we’ve seen is him not knowing his dad and then feeling really conflicted when he figure out it was Jagged Stone.) So, how are we even supposed to know what his internal thoughts and feelings are? He’s so quiet, so passive, and hardly shares what he’s thinking. He mainly focuses on helping other people.
Also consider, he’s been akumatized TWICE. For someone who isn’t usually up front about his inner thoughts, it’s very interesting to me he’s been akumatized twice. In order for Hawk Moth to akumatize someone, they have to be experiencing strong, negative emotions. So, Luka clearly has some negative feelings that he bottles up. I can’t even imagine what he’s hiding.
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There is easily a chance he could be the next villain, especially now that he knows who the two biggest miraculous holders are. Luka being such an aloof and likable character could be a front. So many people like him and then boom, he’s the most diabolical villain in the whole show.
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mcrcki · 2 years
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here i am three days late with a post event starter call/plotting call/all around ramble for me to explain my plan ???? is this mostly for me so i know what i’m doing? yes. do you get starters out of listening to me ramble for a paragraph? also yes. so, win-win. but you know normal starter call/plotting rules !! please like for plots ,, and if you are requesting a starter please SPECIFY or else i will not be completing the request. i do also ask that you do not ask for more than 3 requests per writer cause my brain is a mess and i wanna keep my sanity xoxo
as for what i’m doing with replies ; i will honestly just be keeping or dropping things as i get them back, it’s gonna just depend on muse/if the thread was plot heavy. but if i end up dropping a thread that you really wanted, please let me know! otherwise, i am more than happy to write a new starter, or we can turn meme replies into a thread! but most event stuff i’ll be working through dropping or transitioning! the only character i am dropping all pre-event threads with is sella palpatine, as she was made unaware!
anyways !!! i think that’s all my house keeping bs????? here’s my connections page, and here’s a starter call now , ✨as a treat✨ 
leia organa || star wars || 1 / 5
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honestly leia never thought she would be so relieved to feel the force again? while she had some fun with that new power, she is more relieved than anything to finally be able to feel her family again. not having that connection to them had her on edge so now it’s just business like usual. except for when she finds out about her sister xoxo
tenel ka djo ( alex )
lin || spirited away || 0 / 5
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lin’s kinda chill about all of this? sure, she’s a little freaked out that this city can randomly just do shit like that? and she’s suspicious that this city might not be the human world like chihiro has been saying, but really she’s just happy to be herself again. although it was nice to be done with work so quickly.
your starter here :)
marlene mckinnon || harry potter || 0 / 5
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never has marlene been so fucking elated, she could cry being able to do just a simple accio, please. best day of her life. she never wants to be without her magic again. though, she’s gonna be p stressed when she hears about james, she would love if her friend group could all remember each other for like 3 consecutive months please. she’s just happy she can make coffee again
this slot looks empty without you
omega archeron || star wars || 1 / 5
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lowkey kinda annoyed. she was really vibing with her new power, was hoping somehow she could maybe keep them and be able to actually help her family. feels a little like a fraud now, having a hard time adjusting to just being normal omega again. gonna be a little bummed for the next few days honestly, just except moody teen vibes
jolyne kujo ( elle )
pj halliwell || charmed ‘98 || 1 / 5
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on one hand, thank god, powers are back she’s safe, her family’s safe everything is normal again. on the other hand, holy fuck what did people do when they had my power??? did anyone fuck up the balance, was there a mistake that someone made with match making? just gonna be a little stressed trying to figure out how to clean everything up, but mostly relieved things are okay
leonard ‘bones’ mccoy   ( alex )
rowena ravenclaw || harry potter || 1 / 5
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rowena ravenclaw, button pusher extraordinaire. got herself a little too close to people with these powers, just wanted to do some research, to know more about what’s going on but she’s kinda glad everything is just back to normal now. this city doesn’t feel as simple as it did before and she would like to just have everything feel like somewhat easy again. the time adjustment was almost easier than all of this surging magic.
mary stuart ( swan )
sella palpatine || star wars || 3 / 5
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sella’s having kinda of a complete 180 from where she was at at the beginning of the event, mainly due to the fact that you know she was unalived. you can read her updated plot info here ,, but for now, she’s having a complete freak out trying to figure out what the actual kriff her force went??? how do you just lose the force. it’s not like it can just disappear. so she’s having a time, doesn’t know why so many people claim they know her, is just all around having a time and would like to just focus on getting her powers back
mikasa ackerman ( elle )
cullen rutherford ( alex )
elara palpatine ( cherry )
sophie hatter || howl’s moving castle || 0 / 5
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if sophie never has to even hear the word ghost uttered again, it’ll be too soon. they are beyond happy to be able to just go about their life like normal again. honestly though, she’s a little shaken still, is kinda jumpy and is having a hard time just letting everything go, so it’s gonna be a few days of just on edge but slowly realizing things are okay again. please, she’s begging : no ! more ! magic !
your name and this dot are a match made in heaven
suki || avatar : the last airbender || 2 / 5
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suki’s really sitting here thinking maybe she’s been wrong her whole life and benders in fact have it way worse and being without any powers is better. she’s just glad she doesn’t feel the responsibility of keeping some random kid she didn’t know alive anymore. is just very relieved to be herself again and will probably not be wishing she could have been born a bender ever again 
bea cook ( ellie )
cassie sandsmark  ( elle )
tatum riley || scream ‘96 || 1 / 5
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okay so maaaaaybe tatum let the power get to her head. really acted a fool there and is kind of embarrassed, kind of feels terrible. she not used to like not being just the sidekick and got a little power crazy. but she’s trying to make amends, will be doing what she can to make up for it, anything like that. mainly just sending fruit baskets to everyone she fucked with like ‘sorry i didn’t let you have normal emotions, my bad’
sam carpenter ( swan )
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
the what now 👁️👄👁️ i haven't watched outlander since s3 so i don't even know which characters are involved but omg
Lol yeahhhh
I also should not have watched any Outlander since s3 and I did give up after s4 but I tuned back in for this bit because a friend of mine was like "YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT".
Basically, Fergus (Jamie and Claire's adoptive son) married Marsali (Jamie's stepdaughter who he raised.... yes) and they're constantly having babies. Marsali is in labor with #4 and Claire is taking care of her when the labor stops? And Fergus (after missing part of the birth due to Angst) pops back in and is like "oh, well, obviously this is what you do when labor stops" and begins sucking on her nipples. Just pops a tit out. In front of his mom. Begins going to town.
And look.... I'm all for doing childbirth however it works for you, and there IS something to be said for nipple stimulation and outright sex producing hormones that can spur labor along. But honestly. I did not need to see this man sucking on his pregnant, laboring wife's tits before his mother even left the room.
I am very chill and hip to the times. I put on this very blog that they should have Anthony Bridgerton cry every time he has an orgasm. And I stand by that. However, that was quite a bit. To see. And a lot for Claire to see. I wanna stress, he and his wife can do whatever she would wish with her nipples at any point in time; it was the presence of his mother that took me to the brink of my sanity.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Hello there😊, wanna ask you a question that is roaming in my head!! and raising my anxiety. These days, we are only getting the videos and the photos that Hybe/BH wants to show us. Most of these are edited but sometimes I feel that something is wrong with Jimin(don't get me wrong). Like it's always JK who is showing much affection to Jimin but JM became kinda quite in Jikook. What do you think about it? Does Jimin want a break from their relationship or it's just because he doesn't want to show us the truth? ?
It's just my thoughts and these thoughts are giving me stress!! I love them so much🥺that's why I'm tensed.
I agree with a lot of your observations here but do you really think JK acts like a happy bunny these days in his Fantasia side swoop strutting all over the place like a 1955 gay man because he thinks his boyfriend is about to break up with him???
Jimin is a bit introverted in my opinion and if you aren't used to seeing that side of him you might think something is off with him or that he is sad or angry or this or that every now and then.
Anything could be inducing his moods- including but not limited to his relationship with JK. Personally I don't think JK is the one leaning forward in their relationship this time around. It's Jimin.
Similar to how Jungkook is not always introverted. We could be reading that as him leaning forward in their dynamic if we not careful. As I've said a couple of times in my blogs no one is a 100% anything. We are all introverted to a degree or extroverted to a degree and sometimes with Jikook that plays out in their dynamic.
When you say lately it's always JK showing much affection to Jimin- I love it but
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Don't let the PJMs catch you chilee. They finna jump you. Lmho.
JK does show love and affection to JM. That's a fact. Jikook is not a one sided relationship. So thank you for at least seeing that.
If you feel there's something off with Jimin then JK taking care of him and showing much affection to him should be the appropriate response. No? There is nothing wrong with him taking the lead and catering to JM especially since Jimin often gets berated and attacked when he does the catering to in their dynamic.
Let's normalize Jikook loving eachother.
Personally I don't think JK is the one leaning forward in their relationship. In spite of the introverted phase he is in, I think Jimin is the one piloting things this season post the October era. I mean it's pretty much obvious.
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Jimin has been on his Jikook agenda for a hot minute now. Why do you think antis are mad?
Not to be that person, but I think I pretty much theorized when 'October' was happening that whoever was 'at fault' was gonna come swinging hard on their Jikook agenda when that phase was over. We are in the post October phase. Do the maths.
And I know a lot of people have been mad at Jk for acting 'cold' and and aloof, 'uncomfortable' blah blah blah but I just think he is just chill and laid back. He put the ball in Jimin's court and it's up to him to decide what they do and how they interact especially with their glass closet now and I think that's been weighing on him too. I'll talk more about this in the Minimoni post. Sigh.
For Jimin, he's gone through a phase of reevaluation and reassessment since October. He bought a second house. He's talked about cutting off friends, trying to find his voice or try new styles- something deep and melancholic, listening to emotional songs, working out, trying to build muscles etc.
There's a lot happening around him too. For one his members keep churning music in a language he is barely conversant in. That can be challenging especially for someone like him who doesn't like to do things half assed.
He is taking on new challenges- don't know how well he is or was mentally prepared for it. For someone like Tae and Jk who had already dabbled in English Albums and singles I think they are pretty much happy about the direction the band is headed in and were very much prepared to take on this challenge.
I think they are all challenging themselves as a group in this era.
I'm not sure how he feels about the others constantly talking about that they are old and can't do this and can't do that- Jimim is 25. I don't think he is that old. He loves his youth and loves to celebrate it and make the most of it. Young forever.
I can imagine the toll it might take on him to constantly hear that he is old and can't do this or that by his members and netizens.
He loves the stage. Loves to dance. I mean look at how hard he went with his dance in the PTD MV. Hopefully in 2022 things can go back to normal.
Bangtan went from we are getting old to we are fossils in 0.2 seconds it gives me whiplash.
What I'm saying is, there is a lot going on in his personal and professional life as well as his social life. All of that could be contributing to his mood lately.
As to whether he wants a break from his relationship I think he is the best person to answer that.
People who don't know what they want or who subconsciously want to end their relationships often self sabotage their relationships in their waking life. Sometimes too they are just insecure and immature and don't know how to keep the things they want and end up sabotaging themselves. I do think JM went through phases like that in the past- you know which eras I'm talking about.
But I do think he is in the drivers seat now and the ball is in his court to decide whatever he wants from their relationship and how he wants to work it.
I think Kook is equally in a place where he would be ok with whatever Jimin decides- granted he would shed a few tears and write sad songs if Jimin decides to break up with him. He and Taylor Swift about to be Bffs. Lol.
Wow, my chest hurts. Sweet baby Jesus bind Jikook together with some Gorilla glue cos I can't if they break up for good😭😭😭
If Jimin wants Jk to be doing the flowers and the trips and the birthday posts and the songs, and the coded tweets and Weverse posts, I think he would gladly do it.
I don't think Jk is afraid to speak Jimin's love language. If Jimin doesn't want him, his loss.
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Please I'm hurting. I don't like that😫😫😫
Jk can be a lot. He can be intense and yes I do think that used to overwhelm Jimin sometimes especially when he was constantly lowkey high key borderline outing their relationship left right left every chance he got💀
But dude is repented😒
Like I said, I think he's been pretty much laid back and chill for a while now. Nothing intense and 'problematic.' You can tell he's been going out of his way to not fuck things up for his own sanity, the group's and especially JM's sakes. Why then would Jimin want a break from him🤺
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This don't look like someone who wants a break anywhere to me but I guess time will tell. You just never know with Jimin.
You let this man tattoo your initials on his ring finger scaring off potential suitors only for you to turn around and dump him that's just wickedness🙁
You have this man wrapped around your finger jumping through hoops literally for you what more do you want him to do???? He better not start his shenanigans. He is getting wedded to that man whether he likes it or not. They are doing the whole church and traditional wedding thingy I swear to God🤺
Do I have to remind him he promised to go to the Moon with JK? Sir don't trigger me this early morning.
I'm finna channel my inner tuktukker on him and drag him to the alter kicking and screaming. Jungkook deserves his happily ever after too. It's 2021. They both better leave that ghetto shit behind. I knew I should have ordered that Gorilla glue. The fuck!
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i-want-a-bagel · 4 years
Apparently I love live reacting to things via Tumblr posts now so here's me listening to the first Lockdown Lads liveshow of 2021 as I didn't have electricity earlier (yes, bless my soul, I survived 😅 - it was very painful, but I survived)
Oh god I missed their voices
I always do, they're such comfort voices, they've just been in my life on a regular basis for so many years
Phil you 😂 stuck in a freakin jacket, of course
Aw Wholesome Dan already! 🥰
Lockdown Lads is staying, uh? I prefer that anyways
Same emotional wavelength -> fucking anx--
Phil is a gay butterfly, yes
yes, just yes
Dan is alive
Phil is so awkward at phrasing things for fuck's sake
We've been together for, how long?
I swear Dan was like anxious sweating there
Keep sane by talking to US?
wow, lubricate, Phil? for fuck's sake
you could pick any word in the word and you picked that??
Dan telling you you're not valid is something
Dan thinking he can look ugly 😂
you are so wrong boy
undressed and unfiltered 👀
Dan and Phil force us to witness their insanity - The Show
(that's my pitch)
ah yes, the snow penis
I had FORGOTTEN, DAN how dare you bring that back
"As a gay, maybe you're more likely to recognize a penis" what the hell
Ladydoor Liveshow, yeah okay, I can accept that 😂
Dan, you CANNOT remind us of your fucking penis drawing then say we cannot mention Ladydoor
yeah, DAN, is THIS joint content?
Phil holds the key to Dan's sanity
and he threw it into a ditch never to be seen again
they feed off each other's madness
Hello, my name is [Dan and Phil Dan]
Chaotic Companions? CCs?
They still don't know when they'll move? fuck that sucks, I can just imagine how stressful that is
Dan what the fuck
"what are the rules?" good question
Dan, no one can expect you not to swear
in a Cards Against Humanity video
honestly, vaginal energy is much worse than any swear you could conjure
So Tuesday is Dan's day and Thursday is Phil's day right?
oh wow I finished typing it and Dan just says it, I'm a genius 😂
"Me and Phil just wanna complain about what we hate about each other"
I'm sorry, how is this different from every single video you've ever made before???
so, "video call that went wrong" stories
I would go crazy if I lived with Phil so props to Dan for not murdering him in his sleep
"The home invasion incident" ?????????? what the fuuck
"sometimes it takes an hour to get it" ???? your food usually comes in less than an hour????? wow, lucky you
Guy came IN the house? what the fuck
I mean, I guess if the door is open, they could think you want them to come in, I know a lot of handicapped / physically impaired people do that, but COVID
"Phil was shook" understandable
"You gave him a tip to say 'thank you for making me shit myself'" 😂
"Freak comedy big sister" my goal in life, as the eldest of three
my favourite part of the beard filter story is that they were together joining the meeting on one computer
Phil getting angry at 13 year olds on the internet : you need to find other hobbies / games, Phil
and Dan being a chill gamer just makes so much sense
I live for chaotic cat content
Dan is being such a little shit
"no, youuuu"
Dan's Dan and Phil's desires to lick things is
HIT THE CLUB?? boomer confirmed
Dan's laugh! my soul is fixed
Dan: "oh, I feel mean" *continues anyway*
Phil is 100% a boomer Karen
Phil asking Dan what it means 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Phil has boomer camera skills -> none
"no to the body pillow"
*longest silent ever in a Dan and Phil content"
Dan trying to fuck things up for Phil before calls like they used to do before going on stage during ii 😭😂
Sorry Phil, but the emo hair died like 5 years before you changed your hair
upward scissoring is actually the technic, yes
Straightness? not here honey 😉
a lawyer bad mouthing a judge
in front of the judge
I would have gotten out of the taxi, so I can fully support giving that guy a bad review
Phil is me 100% with the fucking social anxiety, but I also have Dan's "fuck no" attitude, and it causes me so much fucking stress
The teacher did the Phil thing!
egg-y vinegar catastrophe
(props to that teacher teaching online, it is FUCKING difficult and takes SO MUCH MORE TIME than in-person lessons and it's a very different dynamic, congrats to everyone who managed to convert their teaching and make the best of these conditions ❤️ love you fellow educators!)
the planets lining up for Phil's ass to show up in Dan's zoom is 100% the chaotic energy these two create
"Oh Dan, he's just weird like that, randomly screaming to hide his partner's naked ass"
I agree with Dan, I would NOT connect if I had to turn on my camera to listen to this
Everything should be a phone call, Zoom IS horrible
Podcasts and radio shows are where it's at
Dan's day's last segment
for next week: what would Dan ban?
"sand" 😂😂😂 I actually laughed out loud, congrats Phil!
Dan you little shit "but Phil, do you love the sea?"
// sidenote: I need the sand for the seaside, and I HATE bugs and grass is full of it, I 100% agree with Dan here, sorry Phil
Phil wants some more interactions before they conclude
Concrete beach sounds awesome tbh
they're COLLABORATING on the house and sharing the space 😭❤️
that's so cute
that is such an equal relationship, they're so cute
Phil stop bringing it back to sand 😂😂 Phil just wants to keep saying he hates sand
next time is Phil Day
gamenight! ("wot IS game night?!")
They 100% saw we all want the cube didn't they?
the cube is the selling point
Dan thanking us for being there as if we haven't been desperately begging for a sign of life for the last two years
❤️ we love you, man
that was just so lovely???
so chill and sweet and funny and domestic???
they just sound radiate so much happiness and love and wholesomeness
with Covid canceling everything, I had nothing to look forward to, but now, i've got there
and twice a week, we are so fucking lucky
They can't even begin to understand the impact this, and all the future ones I'm sure, has on my mental health and the well being of so many people
thank you so much, foreign dads, for this ❤️
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shiishki · 3 years
okay wait, i changed my mind. you should answer all of these questions as well, if that's what you want from me >:)
oof there's a lot of it, that's what i get for wanting to be ✨aesthetic✨
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
vowels (and the importance of being me) - hunny
honeypie - jawny
pretty young thing - michael jackson
mirrors - justin timberlake
sunflower - red orange county
paradise - rude-a
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
a therapist.
ok someone else.. uhh,, my grand grandma because i only have scratches of memories but i dunno if that counts since she passed away...
*rummages through ancient scripts* uhh ok someone who isn't dead.. uhm,, tommie? yeah I'd like to meet them if i could meet anyone on earth
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
ok, the closest german, english or polish book? nvm i have english
"suddenly was. So I just said thank you a few times too, and Mum" ironically this is one of the normal lines in this book
4: What do you think about most?
the fact that I'll have to do something after school. and I don't know if i want to go to college or get a job bc i have no legitimate idea on what to do with my life. it gets overwhelming, just the lack of knowledge about the actual experience.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with, tho i sleep with just shorts in summer
7: What’s your strangest talent?
not sure if it's a talent, but i can fall asleep anywhere
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls are pretty. boys are pretty
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
by me, yes. no one else has written a poem about me specifically. nvm, tommie wrote one and it shall rest on my wall, or desk, i need to find a place for it
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
uhh i think last month?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
i don't think so, but i am hella afraid of the possibly gigantic, terrifying things in the ocean depths that humans haven't discovered yet
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
yep, beloved legos as a lil child
13: What’s your religion?
i can't ever remember the name, but i believe gods (from all religions) exist in some way or form. so i believe in different pantheons and etc.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
walking my doggo, skateboarding, thinking about how to make the lives of my characters worse
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind it.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
uhmm the arctic monkeys? or the strokes
17: What was the last lie you told?
i know what i want
18: Do you believe in karma?
yes, the rule of three specifically
19: What does your URL mean?
i don't know. it's something me and my sis came up with and that's just my whole identity now.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
uhh greatest weakness.. i can't finish things. strength is that I'm very stubborn so maybe I'll finish that thing out of spite
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
i grew up thinking crushes were like unicorns. my ex was odd enough to argue with that i didn't love her if i didn't have a crush on her. but I think if i had to guess.. selena gomez, especially in the role of alex russo in wizard of weverly street
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
i write angry letters. sometimes they're sad letters. i write a lot of letters. except i never send them out and no one made a movie about them :}
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
jars and witchy bottles, books? scented candles
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone calls are stressful enough as is, i don't need you to see my reading off what i frantically wrote to not stumble over my words
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
i think so, yes, but that won't stop me from becoming better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
hate flies buzzing right by my ear, love cat purring
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if I'd been born in a place where it was illegal for me (nonbinary) to live, in a time when others thought of me as a curse?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
they be chilling.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm, doggo, left arm, pillow
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
fresh air and doggo, because doggo is with me and I can't live without open windows
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
i dunno tbh
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
which one is less homophobic?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
every gender is my opposite gender. selena gomez and justin timberlake
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to make it easier for people down the line
36: Define Art.
make thing, thing goes woo
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
it's nice actually, very sunny, slight breeze
39: What time is it?
12.59 am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
i don't, but i once crashed into a fire department vehicle with my bike. bike ded.
41: What was the last book you read?
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
i legit ass don't know what gasoline smells like.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
many variations of my name, aka. Luce
44: What was the last film you saw?
i think it was Robin Hood: King of Thieves, but it might have been that half of spider-man homecoming i managed to watch with my poor internet
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
oh man i dunno... it's not an injury, but i was very sickly as a lil kid and almost died :)
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
once, years ago
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
hmmm horizon zero dawn i think
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
proud pansexual ^^
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not really, i don't think they're big enough to be actual rumors,, meh
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
meh. they suck, i know they suck, that's it.
52: What is your astrological sign?
cancer ♋
53: Do you save money or spend it?
i attempt saving. attempt
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
for my own money, sweets. i bought lizards for my cats so they can brush their teeth from my dad's amazon acc
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
nope, i buy my own cookies
57: How many relationships have you had?
1, kinda toxic toward the end, very stressful, don't recommend
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
nu ><
59: Where were you yesterday?
on the fields walking my doggo
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yep, a pastel pink hoodie in my closet uwu
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
yis, thicc warm socks
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
cuddles and food.
64: Where is your best friend?
bold of you to assume i have a best friend.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
tommie-hildebrandt, kageyuji, nekomas-kuroo, joyful-soul-collector
66: What is your heritage?
I'm a demon boi from Poland tho that's not a thing to be proud of, i mean, look at the economy. awful.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping, trying to sleep.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
Pinkton. or Satan.
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
this is such an odd combination of words i had to look it up. yea.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
a friend who won't laugh at me when i ask them to order smth for me because I'm too anxious to.
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
excuse me? i am saving the doggo wtf. f u boss, I'm gonna sell my tragic story to the news.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) i tell my parents. b) live the hell out of them uwu c) nope uwu.
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
history maker - dean fujioka :]
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
communication, trust, some more communication.
77: How can I win your heart?
let's not pretend to be something else to please each other, and bring some bitter chocolate.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
maybe. it could. i don't have a say in it since my sanity is held by tape.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
eat the pizza. stop caring about others not liking me/parts of me. just living for myself uwu.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
uh i dunno how the american sizes work and i don't wanna look it up so, 39, 40 fits too.
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
demon boi
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the bloody organ that sits in your chest and pumps blood into your body so you don't die.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
uhm im not sure if that counts as a saying, but fake it till you make it
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
blinding lights - the weeknd
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
oh a normal question people use for ice breaking, sea blue and pastel variations of it.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
like my wallpaper? or the actual picture that sits on my desk? or how my desk looks like atm? it's ugly, a lot of papers and pens and schoolbooks.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
donald trump. or the next asshole who'll try to take the rights of the lgbt and poc away
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
this. this is the question.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
yo there's a pizza somewhere in the refrigerator, want me to heat it up? we can have a sleep over and talk about our feelings :3
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
telekinesis! or shapeshifting! i could do such fun things with telekinesis ^^ yeah I'd totally eat some radioactive veggies
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
that time my "friends" got me into shoplifting, half-hour is more than enough to punch some sense into my brain and develop good music taste
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
can i save this one? i don't think i have an experience horrible enough to be erased haha
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
sleep as in.. uh no thank u. but I'm down for a sleep over with sam smith ^^
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
just me? what about my pets? my fam? it's lowkey illegal for me to go just anywhere without them owO
uhhmm, greece. imma become part of the greek pantheon out of pure spite. and maybe toronto canada.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not any that i know of o.o
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
i think i may have but i honestly don't remember
98: Ever been on a plane?
nope, i dunno if i like planes, but I'd probably sleep if i were on one.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Gone with the wind
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Pairing: Rafael x MC( Addison Jones)
Word count: 1.5 K words (this is a short one, I'm sorry)
Taglist: @miyakokurono​ @trappedinfandoms​ @openheart12​ @sekizincimektup​ @x-kyne-x​ @paulfwesley​ @zeniamiii​ @an-urban-witch-ig​ @ramseyegerton​ @noboundariesplease​ @mrsdr-ethan-ramsey​ @newcolonies​ @theodorepjames4​ @unluckygs​ @choices-love-affair​ @kaavyaethanramsey​  @caseyvalentineramsey​ @virtualrain202 @squishywizardhq​  @junehiratas​ @lilyvalentine​ @nooruleman​  @agent-breakdance​ @jamespotterthefirst​ @choicesfanaf​ @temptress-of-death-and-desire @ac27dj @oofchoices @mrsdrakewalkerblog @livingpurpose @humanpokemon @chaotic-ramsay-queen​ @oofchoices​ @ohramsey​(let me know if you want to added or removed froth tag list)
Warning: angst and swearing and im apologising before hand if there are any mistakes. its 2 am in the night so :P
Songs: Don't leave by MØ and Before you go by Lewis Capaldi
It had been an eventful day.
From seeing Kyra collapse in her pool of blood, to spoon-feeding Elijah's intern, to having a wild cat and mouse chase in Mass Kenmore it was crazy indeed. Addison has had five heart attacks and six meltdowns in just a span of 12 hours which left her tired physically and mentally.
But you got to see Rafael for like five minutes, so that's a good thing right? he inner ever-optimistic conscience pointed out which made her smile.
Even though they chose to remain friends, anybody within a five mile radius could sense the palpable tension between the two. The lingering gazes, the long hugs and the occasional kisses on the forehead spoke volumes.
Addison fucking knew that he wasn't happy with Sora.
Hell since the time she knew that Addison was his ex, the fights have started increasing in frequency. Initially, Sora would hang out with the group and during those times, when Raf wasn't looking her way, the death glares that were sent her way, left Addy feeling uneasy.
And that was just the beginning.
There were times when she would shout at Rafael incoherently and the sweetheart that Raf is, would listen to her 'concerns' and try different ways to make her happy. Be it by taking her out on cute dates or by showering her with cute presents or swooning surprises. Addy wasn't even aware about this entire fiasco because they pretended to be couple goals. She only got to know when they had gone out fo beers on the nights of the softball game.
He is such a good actor... Addy thought to herself as she entered the lift and pressed the fifth floor, comfortable in the blue scrubs.
The patient poaching was a wild ride in Mass Kenmore and it was overwhelming. Addy had still not come down from her high, the lingering effects of adrenaline making her restless. Ethan tricking Tobias, Baz imitating Zaid and the run in with Aurora was too much.
I swear I need to have one bottle of wine asap. Addy thought has her shoulders ached, a knot forming due to the excessive stress.
She entered room 532 to see Bryce sitting by Kyra, holding her hand and giving her a reassuring smile.
"Hey there K-bear. Gave me quite a scare this morning, huh?" Addy sat by her side and pulled her frail body into a long bear hug.
"Hey Big A. I heard the you had quite the Fast and Furious chase scene today, huh?" Kyra said with a weak smile.
"You wouldn't even believe it Kyra! It was so exhilarating and equal parts terrifying."
"Give me all the deets but before that.." Kyra glanced at Bryce and he gave another encouraging nod. "I'm sorry for being a her to you Addy."
Addison stopped her before she got sucked into the whirlpool of guilt. "No, don't be. I rather you vent all your anger out on me if, its giving you the courage to keep fighting." Kyra gave a huge smile and hugged Addy again. Addy's eyes fell on Bryce. "So Bryce, have you thought of the treatment plan?"
"Yes. So we are gonna do an extensive surgery.." For the next fifteen minutes, Bryce explained the complete plan for the surgery along with the pros and cons, and Addy listened to him with rapt attention.
"So what do you think Big A? Do you think this is a good plan?" Kyra asked with puppy eyes.
"Kyra, if Bryce said its a good idea, I have complete faith in him. You couldn't have had a better surgeon on your side." Bryce gave a grateful smile.
"Thanks Big A. You are the best."
Witnessing the exchange between Kyra spoke up with a mischievous smile. "You know, I remember when you two were clueless little interns fighting over who got to treat me."
"Clueless?!" Addison eyes bugged out.
"Little?!" Bryce clutched his chest out of horror.
Ignoring the offended looks Kyra smiled. "I'm glad that I have you both on my side." Addy gave a soft smile and reached to squeeze her hand, Bryce following suit.
"We aren't going anywhere." Bryce spoke. Addison looked up and she saw Rafael standing outside with his hands stuffed into his pockets. Their eyes met and Addy's heartbeat spiked up.
Bidding goodbye, she headed out and closed the door softly behind her.
"Hey Addy." Rafael spoke with a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He opened his arms and Addison walked into the warm embrace. She breathed in his minty cologne and suddenly all the distress of the day washed away.
He is like healing salve to my wounds.
"Hey Raf." She said as she stepped back to look at him.
"How is she doing?" Rafael asked as he waved at her. Kyra waved back enthusiastically.
"She is doing as fine as she can."
"Aren't we all?" Raf said as he looked down at her.
The memory of their previous encounter entered her head and she remembered. "What did you wanna talk about, superman?"
Raf's eyes averted and suddenly found interest in staring at his sneakers.
"No its nothing-" Raf began but Addy, turned him towards her, so that his brown orbs could meet her turquoise ones.
"Raf... I know that look. Its the look which you have when I caught you eating my M&M stash. Tell me, whats wrong?"
"I- I am leaving town."
Addison took a sharp intake of breathe. Panic started churning in her chest as she tried to calm herself. "How long?"
Silence followed which in itself, gave an answer to her.
"Rafael fucking answer me! How long will you be gone?!" Addy's eyes were tearing up and Rafael dragged her into the near by supply closet.
"Don't fucking touch me until you answer my damn question." She exclaimed.
"I..I don't know." Rafael stammered out.
Addison eyes widened and she immediately started rambling. "Where are you going? I am getting an off for the next three days. We could go together and chill and enjoy. You don't need to-"
Rafael gripped her shoulders stopping her. "Addison, I bought a one way ticket."
Do you ever feel trapped or frozen as you see the entire basis of your reality fall apart? That sheer hopelessness and the need to fix it, but you can't?
That's how Addison felt.
"No... Rafael you can't do this! Your friends, your girlfriend, your grandma and your job, is all here!! Boston is your life and you have always wanted to stay here and serve the community-"
"I want a change in pace, can you blame me?" Rafael said crossing his arms, his jaw clenching .
Addison's eyes blazed, the turquoise eyes, turning icy. She looked up at his towering height and poked his chest. "Don't for a moment think that I am going to fucking believe that sorry excuse Rafael Aveiro. I have dated you for seven fucking months and I know you inside out. You may forget or lie to yourself about us, but I damn well know you."
"So look me in the eyes and tell me the fucking truth."
"How can I tell you the truth when you are part of the reason I am leaving?" Rafael said through clenched teeth.
Addy was shocked and speechless. "Me? What the fuck did I do?I literally have been the most supportive person-" she managed to choke out before she was interrupted by him.
"Can't you fucking see it Addison?! I have a fucking girlfriend but I am still, like a fucking idiot, completely and utterly in love with you?! Everyday is a fucking tug of war between you and Sora and its ripping me in shreds. I am loosing all my sanity and to top this, I don't have a fucking job to go where I can just forget everything. I am fucking tired and I need room to breathe."
I am completely and utterly in love with you... That love confession was the best thing she had ever heard, but also like a slap on the face.
"Yes 'oh'. So that's why I have decided that I am going to yeet myself out of this hellish situation and start afresh." Raf said with so much determination that it felt like a stab in the heart.
"Rafael you don't need to do that, please. I'm begging you." Addison pleaded, tears streaming down her face. "You are the only good in this entire city. I- I will cease all contact with you until you get your head straight, as much as it hurts you. But please, please don't leave the city. I need you Raf."
"Addison, if I stay here... I-I can't last another day." He said painfully.
A violent sob shuddered through Addison and Rafael's eyes softened. He wrapped his arms around her as cries racked through her entire body. "I'm so sorry sweetheart... You don't deserve this shit I put you through..."
"I know that I am leaving now. But if I do come back, be it one month or a day, I promise you that I will make you mine... that is if you still want me." he said, his voice cracking as he ran a hand through her blonde hair.
The embrace got over as soon as it started. She stepped back and cupped his cheek and smiled through her tears. "Rafael... there won't be a single day when I can ever stop loving you. I promise that."
"Me too sweetheart... me too."
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 5 years
In that case... You decide to ask the PCs out after they've been humiliated by any of the ROs?
(A/N): Aaaaah, first time writing for the playable characters, but I think I did an okay job. Thank you for requesting, I hope you’ll like it!
+ The art isn’t mine. It’s from aripng on Deviantart! Go check their stuff out!
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Amira Rashid:
Amira was known to be a bold, charming and fun person, and you’ve always loved to hang out with her at all times. Her competitiveness would often bring out a side of you you never thought you ever had: with her, you feel like you can achieve anything you set your mind too… and you also feel like you’re right where you’re supposed to be.
It didn’t take long for you to fall for her, that’s for sure. She’s just so confident in everything she does, it’s one of the many things you admire about her. And right now, as you’re about to ask her to go to prom with you, you wish you had has much strength and courage as she usually has.
The fact that she looked like all life has been drained from her eyes when you finally found her that day made you rethink even asking her if she was going to the prom at all. She didn’t seem sad, but rather embarrassed, you know that by how her fire hair is sulking along with her shoulders. This happens every time she’s about to win a game against someone and then immensely loses, though half of the time she manages to give out a genuine smile a few minutes later.
“Amira?” Your voice manages to bring her attention to you, though you can feel the anxiety rising inside your chest when she sets her eyes on your form. “Are you… okay?”
“Meh, just got rejected by Damien, no big deal.” While she seems to straighten her back and give out a genuine smile after those words; you, on the other hand, feel like sulking on the floor. “What about you?”
“O-oh, well, I wanted to ask you something, but…” You rapidly shake your head and turn around, your feet dragging you elsewhere. “Nevermind.”
“Hey, wait a second there, sweet cheeks.” You feel the heat creep up on your cheeks at the nickname, shy eyes looking back at a worried frown settled on her face. “You know you can ask me anything. Come on, do tell.”
You shyly play with your hands, not noticing her lips stretching out into a smile. 
“I’m not gonna let you leave before you do, you know?”
“W-well…” You take in a large breath, trying to find that courage she brought out of you so many times before. “I was wondering… if you would like to go to the prom with me?”
Her expression quickly changing to a shock one is enough to make your heart skip a bit in a panic. 
“If you don’t want to, that’s totally fine! I just really like to hang out with you and thought it would be fun to spend that night together, but… but like I said, I’m fine if you don’t want to-”
“Aye, shut up for a minute so I can talk, alright?” 
The heat rises on your face and you hide it with your hands in embarrassment, believing that you’ve ruined all of your chances now; maybe even your friendship. Though your eyes rapidly flutter in surprise when you feel her pat your head.
“That was adorable, (Y/N).” You give her a confused look, not sure how to interpret the smile on her lips. “Sure, I’ll go with you. I thought I’d have to spend that night alone, but having fun with you sounds like a great plan.”
A huge smile breaks out of your lips. “Really?”
She gives out a chuckle. “Yeah, of course.” She gives you a wave just as she walks away. “I’ll pick you up at six, alright?”
As usual, Amira makes you feel like you could take over the world.
Brian Yu:
People you meet at your school either scare the crap out of you or makes you incredibly nervous all the time, mostly because they’re either very threatening or always do dumb shit that almost kills you just because they can. Needless to say, your everyday life is very stressful, and Brian is the only one who manages to bring you some sanity when everything feels like falling apart.
He probably hasn’t noticed; the guy’s almost always sleeping or zooming off when you’re hanging out, but he’s just so chill and so calm, the whole atmosphere around him always makes you feel safe. You could stand under a tree and stares at clouds with him for hours, with no need to talk about anything at all. 
He’s just perfect like that, and you often wonder if he ever sees you the same as you see him.
Until one day, he proves to you that he has, in fact, never seen you that way, and thus by simply asking out Miranda for prom out of nowhere and in front of everyone. Needless to say, she did not replicate his feelings, nor did she reject him in a nice way, and so now you’re forced to pat his back with your own broken heart while he silently engulfs food for his own comfort.
“I’m sorry to ask you this, but…” His black eyes turn to you when you speak up, his mouth full of his favorite food. “Why did you ask Miranda out? You barely talked to her since I’ve known you…”
“Ah…” He blinks a few times while he gulps in the rest of his food, trying to find the right words to answer you. “I don’t know… she’s been talking about finding her prince, I thought I could be hers for one night.”
You stay awfully silent after that revelation, your heart aching while your mind race with things that could maybe cheer the one person making you happy in this world. You give out a small smile a few moments later, deciding to go all in.
“Well… how about you be mine instead?”
You can feel the heat spreading on your neck when he turns a surprised expression towards you. “Huh?”
“I-I mean… if you really wanna be someone’s prince for one night, you could have just asked me.” You look down at your lap in embarrassment, not being able to stop the next set of words from coming out of your mouth. “Because… I kinda already see you as one since you basically save me every day…”
Your breath gets cut in your throat when his fingers brush a strand of hair out of your face, your (e/c) eyes looking up to see him with a contented smile on his lips.
“If the prettiest princess is asking, then who am I to say no?”
You both love and hate how calmly he can say those kinds of things.
Oz has always been the shy and mysterious person around, but after spending so much time with them thanks to your group of friends, you’ve managed to discover that they’re an absolute and adorable geek. You love how passionate they are with their hobbies whenever they manage to step out of the insecurity net they’re often trapped into, but you also just love spending time with them whenever you can. They’re very sweet and you just wanna do your best to make them happy, especially since they’re often anxious or depressed. 
You know how horrible it is to feel those things, and so you always know to just be there for them and to remind them that you’re there for them. You’re always gonna be there for them, even if they break your heart in the process.
You always knew they had a crush on none other than Scott, they’ve told you once in a whisper at a night out with everyone. It hurt to know, it still does, but all you want is for them to be happy. 
Today, they were supposed to ask out Scott for the prom and they were nervous about it. You understood why: you’ve tried to tell them about your feelings for a while but always bailed out because of your own anxiety. But for Oz case, they were only two possible outcomes: either Scott accepts to go to prom with them, or he rejects them in a nice way.
Turns out he rejected them in a nice way, and now Oz’s shadows seem to be sulking even more than usual as they stare at empty spaces.
“I’ll never find love.” The words rip your heart’s tissue apart, your fingers slightly crisping the back of their shirt. “I’m just good at being alone.”
“Don’t you dare say that. Don’t even think about it.” You grab their shoulders and make them look at you, your eyes looking for any kind of light in their black orbs. “You will find love, okay? And you’re not alone, I’m right here. I’ll always be here. Even if I die, I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you.”
They manage to let out a small chuckle, but it sounds hollow and you can see the tears sprinkling in their eyes. “It’s kind of you to say those things… but we both know that no one will ever love me-”
“Someone already does!”Their eyes go wide in shock just as your fingers tighten their grip on their shoulders. “It’s me, I love you. I-I’ve loved you for months and I will always love you. And I don’t care if you don’t love me back, because I want you to be in my life… even if it’s just as friends.”
“You…” Their words barely manage to come out of their lips. “You love me?”
You free their shoulders, the heat creeping up on your cheeks another proof of the embarrassment you’re suddenly feeling after blurting your feelings out of nowhere. “Y-yeah…”
“Well… that’s… a lot to process…” 
You feel a last amount of courage bubbling up inside your chest, the heat rising on your face. “Wanna… go out for lunch and talk about it?”
They blink a few times, then nods. “Yeah… Yeah, I would like that.”
You know they probably just want to talk so they can understand why you love them, especially since they tend to believe that no one loves them, but you’ll take it.
You’ll do anything to prove to them that they deserve love.
Vicky Schmidt:
For as long as you can remember, Vicky has always managed to bring a smile to your face. Her cheerfulness and her will to always do her best to achieve her goals and make others happy are what you admire the most about her… and also why you secretly love her so much.
You noticed how she would always go out of her for others, but almost no one would make sure that she gets some happiness back too… and since you weren’t too courageous enough to talk to her about your feelings yet, you decided to put anonymous letters in her locker. Not necessarily love declarations (though you do have left those), but just little notes to brighten her day or to make her feel better if she ever feels insecure about something. 
Of course, she absolutely loves them. Every day, you could see that her smile was brighter, her eyes shinier and that she would laugh more than usual. It made your heart bursts with pure happiness and love knowing that you were the reason behind all of this, and even though it hurt that she thought Liam was the one behind all of this, you were happy for her.
And so, one day, you decided that you would tell her that you were behind all of this… even if she rejects you after it, at least she would know that you were the one who wanted to make her so happy in the first place.
The only thing is, when you finally manage to find her in a hallway, her usual happy expression has now turned to a devastated one, her hands grasping onto a piece of paper you remember putting in her locker the day before.
“Vicky?” She turns wide shocked eyes towards you, her expression not changing in the slightest. “… are you okay?”
“I-I… I thought…” She opens and closes her mouth a few times before she manages to explain what happened to you. “I thought Liam was the one sending me those letters, but… when I talked to him about it, he just… made fun of me!”
You kinda feel bad that she had to live through such a hard humiliation from the vampire, but you can’t help to let out a smile. “What made you think it was him?”
“I-I don’t know, this letter…” She looks down at the piece of paper, confusion spreading on her features. “It said…”
“To meet them here today, then you saw Liam and thought it was him?”
“Yes! Wait-” She squints her eyes at you. “How do you know that?”
Your smile stretches out, trying your best to ignore the heat on your cheeks. “I wrote the letter. And all the letters before that.”
“Huh?” She blinks rapidly before a wide grin spreads on her cheeks. “For real?”
“Yeah, I was-”
“Let’s go on a date!” It’s your turn to open your eyes wide in surprise when she suddenly attacks you into a tight hug, her words resonating inside your head. “That’s what you were gonna ask me: if we could go on a date?”
“Good! It’s settled!” 
She gives your cheek a kiss before she runs out of the hallway, her giggle following her around. You just smile like a dumb person, feeling the butterflies spreading inside your chest.
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parkeraul · 5 years
Hello! May I please request prompts 21,109 (maybe 110 if you want to end it in fluff, but not required. Thank you 💕
tom holland & peter parker requests • prompt list
author’s note — as you didn’t specify, i’ve chosen to write with peter. i hope that’s alright for ya. this is way too long to be a blurb i’m sorry!
warnings — angst, fluff, kissing. paragraphs in italic are flashbacks.
prompts — 21. “You know, it hurt when I realized that you’re not in love with me. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt when I saw you fall in love with her.” | 109. “Don’t say you love me.”
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The night is taking over New York quickly, but for Y/N, it feels like ages.
His room is just how like she thought it would be: a little bit messy, socks thrown all over a corner — he might’ve smelled the dirty ones and tossed them away, in search for a clean one — and his bed is just slightly disarranged. Probably because he’s so energetic during the day, so his sleep might be heavy.
Y/N can’t even think about sitting down, arms crossed as she walks from side to side. As she looks down at the floor, she starts to review her whole speech, all the things she needs to say today.
Outside, Peter climbs his way to his window. Hand after hand, foot after foot, he manages to hold himself against the building to remove his mask. It’s so good to feel the fresh wind relieving his face, hair getting even more wild and mind thinking about nothing more than taking a shower. Delicately, he inches his body closer to see if his aunt is around, so like that he might play some tricks on her. But instead, he spots Y/N wandering around with her thumb stuck between her lips, worried face as she sighs. When she turns around to walk to the other side, Peter promptly shifts and glues his back to the wall the best he can, ignoring his backpack standing in the middle.
With blown eyes, Peter tries to avoid noticing the height and breathes deeply. What the heck is Y/N doing here?
While he’s wondering to himself, Y/N comes closer to see if she just actually saw someone or something, or if that was her stressed mind joking with her sanity. She’s quick to peek, not minding to open the window or calling May, and then going back to plan her words.
Peter climbs all the way down and enjoys the moment when the street gets emptier, pulling from his backpack the blue hoodie from school and sweatpants. He rapidly wears them and tucks his mask on the front pocket of the hoodie, trailing his way to the building.
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“Hey May, I’m home from my study routine with Ned!” Peter announces loudly as he walks past the door, spitting the excuse he’s planned just for Y/N to listen.
Y/N in his room fixes her t–shirt and runs a hand through her hair, blinking twice to vanish away any signs that she’s been about to cry a few seconds ago. Peter’s footsteps come closer and, as he walks, he feels the hairs on his arm tilting up against his tight suit. Something’s not right. He ignores and goes away with whatever it’ll be, knowing that if he gets nervous it’ll be worse. Wearing his best smile, Peter pushes the door to his bedroom gently as his other hand holds his wrecked backpack — zippers open and things nearly popping out.
“Y/N?” Peter squeaks, stepping inside. “What a nice surprise!”
The curly–haired boy places his stuff on the floor and drinks Y/N in with his chocolate eyes. She’s wearing her signature t–shirt and her comfiest pair of trousers, looking simply gorgeous with her hair all tossed to the side. He could admire her more if the look on her face was only softer, but the deep frown in between her eyebrows calls him back to reality.
“Pete, can we talk?” She immediately asks, feeling her heart throbbing faster and Peter feels his entire body chilling. “Well, finish that talk I tried to have with you on Tuesday. And Thursday too…”
The two days when he had to slip out as soon as Y/N turned her back to him, attending to his tingle warning him that something was going on — just like it’s happening right now. Peter feels a knot forming on his throat and grabs the straps of his hoodie cap, giving them an assertive pull just to cover the top of his suit discreetly.
“Sure,” He nods, placing both hands on his waist to pretend that he was sure of himself. “Can I get you anything?” Peter points to his slightly–opened door. “Water? Muffins? I think May baked some earlier t—“
Y/N doesn’t react, just holds her hands together and she thinks that she can knee down and start praying at anytime, so maybe he’ll stop running away.
“Maybe a talk, Peter,” Y/N jokes flatly, a sad grin tilting up the corner of her mouth. “Let’s just not make it even more torturous, okay?”
Peter feels his heart sinking, hearing the way it beats painfully heavier and he crosses his arms, getting closer to Y/N.
“Of course, I’m–“ He closes his eyes and shakes his head. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Y/N lies, Peter’s eyes never leaving the sight of her frustrated expression. The moment when she says it’s alright, he knows she’s not being honest. “I just… Just wanted to talk about that thing I saw on Friday. I–“ She gasps with her own words, scratching the back of her head as the boy in front of her looks at her sweetly, yet concerned. “I didn’t mean to snoop in or be nosy, it just happened that I was passing by the Chem’s class door when… When I heard you talking to MJ.”
Peter frowns, brown eyes travelling around the floor as he tries to remember what was the conversation they were having that hurt Y/N so much.
“I know we went out with nothing decided, no strings attached,” Never looking Peter in the eyes, Y/N confesses. “I think that was dumb of me to think that you were growing feelings for me too, which makes me feel even dumber not to notice that you and MJ have been together longer than we’ve been,” Y/N’s voice gets way too emotional, sparkling in Peter a pain that he somehow knows she’s feeling too. “You know, it hurt when I realized that you’re not in love with me. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt when I saw you fall in love with her.”
Then Peter remembers.
After the end of Chemistry’s class, Peter asked for Michelle to listen the little thing he prepared for his next date with Y/N. He was ready to give her a present and tell her about the way he feels, choosing a little something he once saw her searching for the price on her phone. That day, he had wrapped it himself with a pretty golden ribbon around the box painted with her favourite colour. Also, he drew small hearts all over the box but they were all twisted and in different sizes, but that was sincere and he was hoping that it would make Y/N happy.
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“Pretend I’m Y/N,” MJ suggests, sitting down on the counter with a chips bag on her lap. “Turn around and say your sweet nothings, then you’ll have the right words to say when you meet her next date.”
Peter sighs and turns his back to MJ, knowing that she’s going to make fun of him at some point. But he really needs to script his words, he wants it to be perfect.
“When I’m with you, I feel like I can finally be myself,” Peter says as MJ judges him with squinted eyes. “The day when you accepted to go out with me made me… Scream inside—“
“Too weird, loser,” Michelle says between crunches. “She’s gonna run away.”
“Uhm,” The boy clears his throat. “The day you accepted going out with me made me… Made me… Made me realise how much I wanna be with you all the time, how I never get tired of looking at you—“
“Too clingy,” MJ grimaces. “What are you? Prince Charming?”
“MJ, this is how I feel, okay?” Peter whispers through gritted teeth, facing his friend with arms opening in protest. “If I could, I’d hold her face and say: I love you. I love you so much I can’t believe I have never said this before.”
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“Oh, that thing?” He asks happily, knowing that nothing’s wrong, knowing that he didn’t mess it up. “I can explain that!”
Y/N pouts, sight blurry from the tears pooling in her eyes. How can he be so happy about something that hurts her so deeply?
“Peter, did you not hear me?” Previously sitting gently on his nightstand, Y/N stands up and Peter smile seems to grow more. “What are you—“
“Since when do you wear boots?”
Peter freezes in place, mouth parted as he looks down and notices that he forgot to put on his damn sneakers. But that wasn’t important, not more than Y/N. He decided to himself right now that, when the time comes, he could open up and tell her that he’s Spider–Man. Done, now he can move on.
“Wait, Y/N, here’s the thing,” Peter ignores, rushing his word and watching her face fall more. “When everyone left, MJ stood and then I—“
“Peter I don’t think I wanna know about the details,” Y/N feels her whole being twirling inside, voice faltering and a single tear rolling down. “If you don’t want me you could’ve just told me,”
“No, you’re not listening to me!” Gesturing crazily, Peter shakes his head and his curls go messier. He looks so adorable it pinches Y/N in the chest. “See, I wanted MJ to know how in love I am…”
Y/N’s lips part, and she brings the back of her hand to dry her face from the tear. Peter’s mind works poorly to help him build a coherent sentence, making his heart race and speech die in his stuttered words.
“You don’t need to say something more, Pete,” She walks past him, reaching for the doorknob.
“I am in love with you!” Peter screams. “I love you. You!”
“Don’t lie to me! Don’t say you love me—”
In a fast–impulsive thought, Peter shoots a web to trap her hand onto the doorknob. The tender memory of what he’s done before with someone he cared so much embraces him in a hurtful hug, and it’s fun to him how he acts alike with the people he loves — the one he misses so bad and the one he doesn’t wanna miss.
Y/N’s frozen in her spot, back turned to Peter but face slowly reaching for his. Her eyes are red and surprised, hand unsuccessfully trying to move away. Peter is as surprised as she is, moving closer again to tell her looking in her eyes but, on his way, he quickly searches for the box inside his backpack.
“I,” He starts, doing his best to slide into the space between Y/N and the wall. Peter keeps the box inside his pocket, pushing the mask to the outside and Y/N immediately sees the red fabric sticking out, her eyes can’t even process so many informations. With both hands, he uses his fingers to tuck her hair behind her ear and then cup her face, the way he wanted to do. His face inches closer, foreheads clinging together and nose gently brushing against hers. “Wait, is this okay?”
“It depends on what you’re gonna say,” She whispers back, watching his puppy eyes squishing as he smiles widely.
“Good, because I wanna say that I have the most amazing time when I’m with you,” Peter says, lowly but loudly enough just for her to hear. “And the day you accepted to go out with me made me scream inside!” At this, they both laugh and melt to each other’s sounds. “They made me realise how much I wanna be with you and, it might sound clingy but I do wanna be around you everytime. And by the way I’m sorry I dropped milkshake on your white top that day, that was—“
“Peter! To the point!”
“I wanna say that... on Friday, yeah?! On Friday I was just asking MJ for help, because I wanted to say the right things and, well, I am not,” He chuckles and she feels weak in the knees, chest warming with his words. “I’m not in love with MJ, I’m in love with you. God, I love you. I love you so much I can’t believe I have never said this before.” And Peter finally feels a heavy weight leaving his back, saying the exact sentence he wanted to say and venting his aching heart tenderly.
“Can I?” He asks, closing the space between their smiles gradually. When Y/N nods, he prays this is the best kiss they can share. Well, in terms of romance, it’s certainly not. The beginning is a little bit clumsy but, as their breathing patterns are recovered and synchronised, Peter kisses Y/N with a deep passion. After the first teeth–bumps, he focuses on caressing her plump lips with careful smooches. They both think that they can faint at anytime from relief, happiness and love. When they split with a smack, Peter grabs the box from his pocket and his mask falls to the floor. Then he remembers that her hand is still glued to the doorknob and scrunches his nose in that sweet face she loves so much, tilting his forehead to hers again.
“Oh, and I’m Spider–Man.”
taglist: @outlandishnerd | add yourself to my taglists
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fistsoflightning · 4 years
6: for you the flowers bloom
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prompt: free day ⮞ vernalization || masterpost || other fills || ao3 mirror
word count: 2224
Even if spring meets summer only once a year, A’dewah will keep coming back to Doma just to see Haruki smile. (Or; some flowers need the cold to bloom in spring.)
Post 5.3 MSQ; contains spoilers for after the last (scion-related) cutscene!! This got... incredibly gay. And soft. Thank you @to-the-voiceless​ for reaching through your computer screen and whacking me into writing fluff, and also for letting me steal Haruki yet again >:3
The dawn on the day Krile let A’dewah more than five steps out of the Dawn’s Respite came with a steady peace, Revenant’s Toll not yet awake to greet the rising sun in its unfiltered brilliance. Mor Dhona’s usual smog of corrupted aether hadn’t come back in nearly a week, now, and the air had been all the better for it, a summer breeze sweet on the horizon as A’dewah had taken in the emptiness of the Toll. He’d even made it all the way to the rooftop garden before his quiet view of the Singing Shards, glimmering like Zaya’s aquamarines in the daybreak, was interrupted—and not even by someone finding him.
In the pocket of the coat Lunya and Syhrwyda had practically smothered him in when he’d asked to step out of the Rising Stones, the light ring of a linkpearl catches his attention, singing of river water and spring. Warmth, among the morning chill, overly familiar.
His heart leaps into his throat. No, it couldn’t be, he’d forgot the linkpearl somewhere in Sweetsieve when he’d caught wind of Thancred’s collapse—
When he finally fishes the linkpearl from his pocket to find the same earring he’d resigned himself to never seeing again, A’dewah makes a mental note to thank Lunya when he has the chance to; she must have found it in her final journey across Norvrandt, G’raha in tow… sort of.
Either way, it’s simply another debt he figures he owes to her.
He scrambles to thumb the connection on, nearly fumbling and dropping the earring off the side of the Stones when his fingers stiffen and lock, barely lucky enough for the pearl to simply drop into the palm of his hand instead of down three flights of stairs.
“Hey,” Haruki’s voice rings clear—clearer than it did all the way from the First, at any rate—almost muted in comparison to his usual cheery tone, exhaustion seeping in where Dewah would usually find refreshing cheer. Rustling leaves fill the quiet lull between his words,  “Hope it’s not too early, where you are?”
He huffs; since that one call back in the Pendants, he hadn’t stayed up that early, and he wasn’t about to break that streak while he was still recovering, the dull, empty ache of missing aether enough to keep him bedridden most of the time. 
“Isn’t it later than you usually call in Doma?” Dewah tries to do the math in his head, but Haruki’s almost loopy shhh is enough for him to get his answer. “I mean… not too early? The sun’s still rising over Mor Dhona.”
That seems to wake Haruki up enough, a second wind to his voice as he excitedly asks dozens of questions—when did you get back, how are you feeling, did Hanami manage to get that tailfeather from Suzaku to you—and he tends to the garden while he talks; somehow, he gets from their newest Scions’ return (“L-look, it’s not—! G’raha still has his archer muscles, you know I get flustered!” “Mmm, maybe I’ll pick up archery…” “Please don’t for my own sanity’s sake.” ) to the rumors of a shark infestation at Costa del Sol having something to do with this year’s Moonfire Faire while Haruki drowsily comments here and there.
“Dewah,” Haruki mumbles, after Dewah’s finished recounting just how horrified Duscha and Syhrwyda were when Tataru came in with that odd-smelling bread, and he can faintly hear a muffled yawn. “When d’you think you’ll come back home and visit? I wanna—” Haruki pauses, and Dewah can hardly hear the groan he makes when he stretches over the thrum of his own damned heartbeat. “—wanna hold you again. Miss seeing you flustered.”
For a moment, Dewah’s heart stays stuck in his throat, somehow still unused to being wanted so earnestly even by Haruki, who would want probably want him to come home even if he’d didn’t come out all the same after the events on the First. Who had been so happy to see A’dewah in the House of the Fierce after years of nothing, even as horribly bent out of shape as he was over the stress of coming back to Yanxia with all of his allies’ eyes on him; who had been there when he’d been at his worst, who had loved him even when he had chosen to keep him an arm’s length away—
“Soon,” A’dewah promises, even while he thinks of how his aether had weakened from returning the part of his soul that, apparently, was Zaya’s, and of how he’d been destabilizing at around the same rate as Thancred had despite being called around the time of Urianger and Y’shtola. His free hand brushes over the petals of an iris, just about ready to bloom. “And this time, I won’t run away out of the blue.”
Haruki stifles a laugh—in his pillow, or sleeve, probably; A’dewah can hear fabric rustling about on Haruki’s end. “Yeah, because you’ll, hopefully, be stuck in a hug for as long as I can manage.”
A’dewah’s following laugh, echoing off the walls of the Rising Stones, is the first sound that brings Revenant’s Toll to life as dawn gives way to another bright day.
Two weeks after, A’dewah makes a very inadvisable choice for the sake of his heart.
After scarfing down about two and a half slices of Archon loaf—ew, gods, how did the other Scions eat this in Sharlayan daily, is this why Syhrwyda is so adamant about her cooking, is this why Duscha fed his slice of loaf the other day to Miloh—he practically wheedles Krile into letting him teleport, briefly peeking into the infirmary to grab his satchel and is almost out of the Rising Stones when—
“A’dewah Tia,” Hanami says, her voice sending chills down A’dewah’s back even though it really shouldn’t, by this point in time. “Where are you going.”
“A-ah, well…” He stammers, hands reaching to fiddle with the leather strap of his bag even as he (somehow) keeps his head held high, a bubbling nervousness in the pit of his stomach even though he finds no reason to feel ashamed. 
There is no reason to lie, either, he thinks, even if it will send her on his trail eventually, when Krile realizes what he has done for love.
He turns tail the moment Hanami’s brow furrows—he might have a burst of bravery, but there is no way he can handle her coldfire stare—already two steps out the door when he hears an almost exasperated sigh from Hanami—but no footsteps following after him, thank the Matron for that. A’dewah might really have fainted, then, regardless of the ether Krile made him drink earlier.
When he finally steps up to the aetheryte, it’s easier than ever to find the tailwind that leads him home and let it sweep him away.
The Doman Enclave is nearly the same as he remembers it, if not more festive; perhaps for a hanabi festival, considering the bright lanterns and stalls lining the streets that A’dewah did not remember being there before, vendors carrying crates of vibrant goods and patterned fabrics. He passes by Alianne, giving a light greeting before practically stumbling away to prevent her asking after his health, and then several of the children from the Doman Adventurer’s Guild rush past him, paper lanterns in hand and excitedly chattering.
He’s not sure he’s ever seen the Enclave more alive than now.
In his daze, he nearly runs into two Au’ra—both much shorter than him, even compared to Hanami or Zaya—and he nearly brushes it off with a quick apology before he catches just who he’d bumped into next.
“K-Kotone!?” He sputters; even though he’d known he’d be coming back to Doma he hadn’t quite expected her to be around, a loss of words for why he might be here, so soon after arriving home from the First. Honoka levels him with a sharpened glare—presumably relating to the origami knife (of which he’d nearly given himself a very large papercut on the edge of) he’d received from the post moogle after the entire debacle with G’raha’s new appearance and A’dewah’s very unwanted reaction—but Kotone’s shy smile never falters as she urges her sister to continue walking. For a moment, he expects some sort of verbal flaying, so uncharacteristic of his fellow wallflower, but why else would she make Honoka go before her—
But instead of asking anything of him, of why did you leave so quickly so long ago or did you know you nearly broke his heart she simply looks over her shoulder to the One Garden, letting Dewah’s gaze follow to a flash of teal walking past, bright in the afternoon sun.
“The morning glories you brought us,” she says, her voice a quiet autumn wind. “He’s taken to caring for them, when he can.”
Thank you, he mouths as Kotone smiles sweetly at him, walking briskly to catch up to her sister as he almost sprints to the One Garden before rethinking himself and merely speed walking instead. His heart beats in time with his steps, singing with anticipation as he turns the corner and sees that familiar, horrible peacock teal.
(He’d heard from thinly veiled conversations, back before he was taken away to the First on accident, about how Haruki had stopped keeping up with his usually strenuous ritual of horribly bright hair dye after he’d left; he remembers just how guilty he’d felt, and how scared he was of ever showing his face back in the Doman Enclave afterwards. He’d been so adamant on not even letting his roots show for a week, so for it to be noticable….)
A light tap on Haruki’s shoulder has him curiously turning around, though, breaking his gentle but distant stare into the garden pond. “Hi,” A’dewah says like he hasn’t just shown up after a good year and at least two tall tales worth of adventures, smiling when Haruki’s expression shifts to that of shock, then of barely concealed joy. 
“Hey,” Haruki replies, failing to swallow his smile before it brightens into a grin that Dewah never wants to see fall again. “Didn’t think you’d be back so soon.”
“I teleported here as soon as Krile cleared me to teleport—to Limsa Lominsa,” he confesses, bringing a hand up and scratching nervously at the back of his neck. Not the most well-thought out of his plans, now that he thinks about it. “B-but I think Hanami is going to be coming after me soon; she caught me leaving and if Krile asks she’ll probably, er, rat me out, and they’ll probably drag me back to get an earful—”
“But you’re here now. I think,” he says, reaching his hand out to gently brush at A’dewah’s torn ear, touch just soft and familiar enough that he snaps out of his worrying with ease. “that matters more than Hana-chan probably coming to kick your ass.” A’dewah snickers; he’s probably right, anyhow, and just maybe if Hanami does come knocking he can gently toss Haruki under the bus for how he refuses to call Hanami anything else but the nickname she hates when talking to him.
Haruki walks over to the railing of the bridge, after a moment, and pats the railing next to him; a seat so that Dewah isn’t craning his neck up all the time, probably, like he used to offer the last time he was here. Always somewhere sunsoaked and low to the ground, even when he’d taken Dewah on a trip across Yanxia, because for all his excitement when they were younger he’d always noticed just how he’d balked at heights.
Instead of taking a seat, he quietly pulls a flower out from his bag and holds it out to Haruki when he walks over.
“One of the flowers someone planted in Mor Dhona,” he explains, after a moment of stunned silence, idly fiddling with one of the flower’s leaves. “I didn’t have the time to, er, stop by my garden, so no brightlilies, but this was already in the Stones’ garden and—uh.”
A’dewah stutters to a stop when Haruki pries the iris from his hands, gently twining his creaky, stiff fingers into his own. Purple, unfortunately, isn’t Haruki’s color—it’s always been Munehise’s, actually, and Dewah’s not quite sure what is Haruki’s, too used to seeing him in eye-searingly bright teal to think of anything else—but he smiles fondly at the iris anyways, sunlight skipping across his scales and turning them pure white.
“Sunshine, it’s perfect.” Haruki leans over, lightly kissing his forehead; cool against A’dewah’s flush that could rival the summer heat at this point. “Thank you.”
And A’dewah doesn’t know what he could say to that, spring’s warmth blooming in his chest as everything he’s wanted to say in his one (four?) year absence bubbles up at once, so instead he steps forward and pulls him into a hug instead, sighing a summer breeze full of promise and withheld adoration into Haruki’s arms. The Doman sunlight seeps into the dark leather of his coat comfortably around the cooler touch of Haruki’s hands splayed across his back, and A’dewah could melt if his bones weren’t complaining.
Of course, he thinks, letting his fingers curl into the fabric of Haruki’s shirt as he finds himself lovingly trapped in Haruki’s embrace. What else would I have done?
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nasty-b · 4 years
Should have left it to rot - A Hawks x Reader Fanfic
Warnings: Creepy Crawlings, Manipulation, Blackmail, 
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Right on. This could not go any worse if you fucking tried, right? All in all, the entire fucking day had been an absolute disaster. It was so bad. So.. disappointing. Starting with the fact that you got fired like a loser for something you had not even had any control over. It sucked majorly. Especially because not only did you have no control over the event, it was also not even in your jurisdiction. Not your job. End of story. Your superior should have become the person they nailed down but instead you got to play scapegoat.
It was proper stupid. But even ranting a bit around like this did nothing for your mood as you were making your way back home, the box with the stuff from your desk clamped under your arm. It’s not like paying rent was easy enough, even with this job paying you barely enough for the necessities. Now you got to stress over being put out on the street. Your landlord was enough of an asshole to put you out right now if he found out you got fired.
That man was as thick in the head as he was fat. And he was fat. Nothing against people who were on the heavier side but him being obese had nothing to do with- ok you need to calm down. Right now you were just letting your emotions insult anyone inside your head to let out the stress and anger of the situation. Is it beginning to rain? “Shit..” You wiped your h/c hair out of your face and picked up the pace. If you got hit by a storm now you were going to fucking implode. And after imploding you’d explode and probably take half the neighborhood with you.
That was a metaphor. You did not have the power to actually do that. Sometimes you wished you had it though. Just to have something. Sure, you had a quirk, but it was totally useless. You could just dislocate and relocate your bones without abstaining any damage and you could only do it with your arms or your legs. It also hurt like fucking hell, even if you did not catch any damage. You hated pain more than anything.
A lot of people do not enjoy pain. Hard surprise. Wow. Fucking shit it was raining. The drops were coming in hard and fast now and you weren’t even close to home. You’re not running in this weather. You’re gonna fucking slip and then get hit by a car or something.. this week was bad enough to make you feel like you were going through bad luck on purpose. Maybe you were. Maybe someone had cursed the shit out of you for existing. Not that much of a surprise.
Would not be.. much of.. a surprise..? Your step slowed down and cast down towards the small.. red ball of fluff sitting there in the middle of the road. Oh shit- it’s a bird. Poor thing must have hit a tree or something.. You glance up at the darkening sky. Yeah. Must have. Except for when you hear a soft chirp and glance down only to see the fluff moving. Wings stretching weakly and making you jump. Ok yeah no- not a fucking bird. It’s a hawk. A fully grown hawk. Jesus those claws looked mean-
It’s crooked wing also looked kind of unfortunately mean. Yikes there. The poor thing would likely not be flying anywhere anytime soon. That was a death sign for any bird. Broken wing. You should leave it- Law of nature and all. Except for where you were in the middle of the city and this was not exactly.. the most nature rich place. Oh god it’s coming towards you. Limping on it’s gangly legs. “Ahh, hold on- no- bad bird. Don’t come over hereEEK!” Saying this was embarrassing was an understatement.
The thing just hopped vaguely into your direction and you almost dropped your box and landed on your ass because you decided the smartest move was to jump hectically backwards as if the devil was about to bite you in the tit. Take a chill pill y/n. Maybe two. Hakuna your tatas. Think of funny internet pictures. It’s hard to do that with the bird still pathetically trying to communicate. Communicate?
It was kind of squawking at you but, well, obviously you understood none of that. You were no bird person. You did not speak chirp. Unfortunately. That would have been a great quirk to have instead of.. dislocating your limbs as many times as you wanted. You could have been a hero with that kind of quirk. Your own quirk just made you able to use your arms as meat nunchucks. Which. Sounded really fucking stupid oh my god- The image won’t leave your head but you’re forced to concentrate on the bird when it hopped onto your shoe.
First instinct is to scream and kick it. Second instinct is to not move at all. You were wearing short pants and you do not want the thing to peck at your legs. “Jesus christ- I’m so fucking dead. Please don’t hurt me-“ Just in case that thing spoke human, you were very willing to beg a bird to not bite you. But now that it was sitting on your shoe, looking at you. Something did poke at your subconscious. Which would be..
Normal hawks were not red. They might be brown.. with a red tint. But red? This poor animal looked like someone dropped it into a paint bucket. Probably what happened. Maybe that explained the broken wing. “Aw.. Was someone mean to you?” Maybe some kids pulled the poor creature out of a tree or something. “Uh..” It just sat there. Giving you the beady, sad look that only a bird could give someone. It pulled on your heart strings. Badly.
“Wanna.. come with me? For now?” The weather was bad. You were not going anywhere far today. But there was a vet on the way that would be able to set the wing.. at a cost of an arm and a leg. The thought makes you wheeze softly. The bird presses against your leg and you just kind of. Ah hell..
It takes the effort of two hours and most of your savings to get the bird to your shitty apartment. By now all sanity had left you, carrying the box with your stuff and the bird inside. They gave it a little muzzle cap. To ensure you did not get bit or clawed to shit while you waited until the weather cleared up enough to bring it to the nearest wildlife center.
By now you’re drenched. Severely. It was gross and made you shiver and ugh. Back to the loss of your sanity though, because right now you’re ranting to the damn bird about the week you have been having. Currently at the point where you got fired. “-and you’d think they fire the person responsible. Do they get fired? No. I get the shit put on me while I wasn’t even in said department when the whole thing crashed! Fucking bastards I tell you. Proper melts.”
It was oddly therapeutic. Talking to this red bird. Which, by the way, was not dyed. Apparently this had to be it’s normal colors. The vet had been confused but had shut up about it once you paid him. He just wished you well and ushered you out the door as if you were garbage. To be fair, you looked like it. You looked like the girl from the ring while she was climbing out of the well by now. Your hair’s a mess.
Any makeup you had on was runny and your clothes stuck to your body, making you feel oddly naked. “Hold on-“ You put the box down and immediately shimmy out of your clothes. “I suppose I oughta give you some new place to nest for now too, I don’t want you catching a .. cold..” While you had been undressing your gaze fell back onto the bird. Who was.. pointedly not looking at you? It was even shoving it’s head into the box. What the hell?
“Uh.. Buddy?” Was it throwing up in there? Please no. You shuffle over. “Hey, Leggie,” A nickname born out of the length the birds legs had. “If you throw up onto my shit, please, aim at something that is easily wiped down.” But of course you get no response. It does not even answer you. Rude little shit. “Fine.” You conceded.. after making sure the bird was not hurtling out some dead mouse or something. “Hide.. or whatever..”
Taking a shower was overrated after just getting fired so you get into a hoodie and some panties, some comfy socks to fight the cold, tiled floor and then got to moving stuff around. Once you emptied the box of the stuff inside, you filled it with towels and one pillowcase to create a weird sort of nest. Putting the bird back inside. You’re so glad it does not scratch you either. Oddly docile the little thing.. “Ok so.” You clap your hands.
“Welcome to your .. new nest. For now. We’ll be roomates until I have the time-“ and mood “-to get you to the nearest wildlife center.” You needed motivation for such a travel. The nearest one was five hours away with public transportation. You had no drivers license. Well, you used to have one but you lost it because you .. mhh.. you don’t actually remember why you lost it. It never mattered that much so you never bothered taking care of reclaiming it. It wasn’t like you had any money for gas and maintenance anyway.
It ended with you just walking everywhere or taking the subway if it came push to shove. You’re losing track of what you were doing but once you refocused.. you just sighed and hung your head. You were talking to a fucking bird. Wow. And they told you romance was dead. “I’m.. yeah.. let me just..” You turned away and shuffled to your fridge to pull out some raw steak you wanted to make for dinner today. You were not hungry anyway.. not anymore. So, you cut the thing up and just put it all in a bowl before walking back.
It leaves you with the danger of unhooking the muzzle and losing your eyes. Ahh that was bad.. Very bad. You pout a little and just.. carefully pulled it off. Holding the bowl over and putting it into the box, quickly retracting your hand and then lifting the box to put it in the bathroom. You had no bathtub but a shower, which is why the bird box went in there. You closed the glass door and watched the bird stare at you.
“Stop.. judging me.” It felt like it was. It was an ugly feeling to have such an elegant and majestic animal judge you. It sucked majorly. The bird tilted it’s head and just turned it’s head on the meat. Fine. Starve then you little rat.. It was late. You were tired. You got the little thing a bowl of water before you forgot and then you closed the bathroom door. Leaving the weak light on to make sure it found it’s food and it’s water. Time to sleep.
You can watch the bird choke down food tomorrow. No more today. Too late.. Did birds overeat? Naw right? Hawks were like.. eh- they hunted for themselves, surely they knew when they had enough or something. Yeah. Sounded more reasonable. You move to your bed and drop onto it. Taking your two room apartment in one more time before closing your eyes and just .. letting sleep claim you.
For some reason, sleep does not wanna claim you at first. A blood red hawk dancing around in the back of your mind.  That was weird, right? Red hawk. Hawks were brown, usually.. Unless.. did animals have quirks? Nah.. You’re putting too much thought into it. Finally. You drift off.
Only to wake up 6 hours later by a loud crash. You screech in panic and fall out of your bag, kicking and punching the covers off of you and scrambling backwards in reply. Jesus fucking christ what the hell? The noise continued. Clearly, coming out of your lovely apartment. This is hell. You’re in a horror movie. Any moment the monster will come around the corner and kill you.. does it? No. It doesn’t. You need to act before that monster does though.. Very likely a burglar but your imagination is running away with you. Where the fuck is your phone- you left it in the kitchen to charge. Fucking shit.
You grab the nearest thing, which would a polo stick. You don’t polo. You just found the damn thing in a trashcan once and thought it looked cool. Someone had clearly customize the thing and thus it was covered in painted on sunflowers on very dark wood.. They’re very tiny sunflowers. Very tiny. That stick is also not extremely sturdy, being as thin as it was, but you had nothing else and to get to the kitchen for a knife you might already get attacked. Be brave y/n. You do not wanna be brave. Yet, here you go-
With shaky steps, slowly but surely, you make your way to the door. There is still rustling and shuffling, which ensured that it was not right in front of your room. Mhhh carefully you peer around the corner and notice two things. 1. The light in the bathroom was on. 2. The door was open. And suddenly, the idea that came to you very quietly when you were about to sleep came back to kick you in the ass.. But you had been a fucking idiot about it. Because what if, what if.. that hawk was not a hawk. But someone with a hawk quirk. And you brought a stranger into your home and.. undressed in front of them.
Might explain why it looked away from her when you did and did not want to eat the raw fucking meat that had been given to it. God, if this was some kid discovering their quirk you’d be in so much shit. But how did the vet overlook that?? The vet. The vet should have fucking told you what was going on- bastard had probably kept quiet to avoid the drama. Once this is over you’re suing, but the current issue at hand, you dodge the terror of some stranger in your home and straighten out. If this was some kid, their arm was broken. You need to act.
So, gathering all your bravado you stalk over to the door and.. carefully peek inside the room. First thing you notice, this aint no fucking kid and second thing is that there was still an alarming amount of red in your bathroom. Two giant wings were flapping weakly in there and the blonde man that they belonged to was sitting in your shower. Crowded into this tiny bathroom and just looking.. a little bit dazed? He swung from left to right, yikes. Somehow he felt familiar. “E-Excuse me?” Polo stick, firm in your hand. “Are you alright?” The wing that had been broken was still angel awkwardly but by now the bandages had torn. This is bad.
At your voice the man turned his head and blinked owlishly at you. And, oh my god? You knew he looked familiar. You remember this man because his face is on a billboard three or two blocks away to advertise some cologne. You watched an interview with him just four days ago. Hawks. Number 2 Hero. Holy Hell. Hawks was sitting in your bathroom. Uh. Naked? Your eyes try to focus on his face but can’t help check his back out. Muscles alore. The man was short but packed to the sky. God. This was like, out of an fanfiction or something. This happened in fiction. Not real life. “Ah- let me get you some clothes!” Barely you snap out of your dumb stupor and run off to your room to get the biggest shirt and shorts you got- then you run to the kitchen to get a knife to cut two misshaped holed into the back of it.
Maybe those were too small.. But you rushed back only to find the blonde trying to wobble to his legs. The raw meat’s on the ground. Man, guilt coming in hard. You fed the number 2 hero raw meat. Raw.. meat. “Here, come on- uh- you need some pants at least!” He’s clearly out of it. But he’s sobering up quick because when you spoke to him he just held out a hand, to where you handed him the clothes and he started shuffling into them. His wings spread as much as they can, at least the healthy one, crowding you easily out of your own bathroom. Anxiety has your ass so hard you forgot to turn around but when you get a wing in your face you flee to your kitchen and just, shakily start making yourself some tea.
For two. Water enough for two.. he looked like he could need some tea once he got out of your dumb bathroom.. God his poor wing. What happened to it? Why would anyone do this- You knew Hawks, his quirk fierce wings was great but last time you checked, he could not turn into a hawk. But suddenly, there was a hawk Hawks. Which would imply that another quirk user did this to him, right? Oh god.. He saw you undress.. Well, at least he was a gentleman about it.. You’re nervous. Kind of scared of having made yourself look like a total fucking idiot.. you ranted to this man, your idol kind of, about losing your job. The blonde probably thought you were a huge loser.. You were a huge loser. You felt like one.
“Ehhh..” The voice has you snap your head around, almost burning yourself on the hot water you were trying to pour. The man was standing there with a sleepy look and just watched the two mugs on your counter. “..Nh.. Yeah.. Yeah thanks.” He sounds like he’s half asleep. Just moving to your kitchen table and managing to sit down on it, wincing as his broken wing avoided the chair. You wince in sympathy. “I’ll.. I’ll get dressed in a bit and then.. I’ll call you an uber to the hospital. Yeah?” Hawks doesn’t answer. He looked ready to fall asleep at the table. He needs help.. Fucking- Of course he needs help. You finish the making the tea and put some sugar in to help him stay awake before you trot over and put his cup down. “Here. It’s orange. I hope it’s fine.”
Still not much reaction. He just grunted and grabbed the mug to start blowing on it to cool it down. You realize that the shirt you gave him had died. The two holes you put in there had become one huge hole. Guess they were too small after all. Whatever. You’re sure the hospital had better options. Better had better options. Forget your tea, you’re getting dressed, snatching your phone from the counter and speed walking to your room. Find an uber, call them, pay them with the little fucking amount of money you had left which would ensure you’d have nothing to eat for the rest of the month and get Hawks to the hospital.
It takes you five minutes. When you get back the man was staring out the window. He’s looking more awake. That’s good. “Ok!” Your voice had him snap his head around and squint. God, anxiety in your ass. “The uber will be here in a bit, I picked one with a really big care for your wings- Uh,” He’s just staring. “L-Let’s go?” You pump your fist shakily into the air but it just makes you feel dumb. At least he listens, because he gets up and just waits for you to move to the side before walking past you. He’s angry. You can see he’s angry because his face looked angry. His fists were clenched and you’re unsure if it was you or the situation pissing him off.. You’d let him go alone but someone needed to be there to pay the uber driver. Yeah.. You’re praying they take card. You forgot to ask.
All the way down the stairs and then waiting for the uber is nervous hell. The man is super silent and just staring straight ahead as you stood next to him. You wanna go home. Which would be right behind you but you need to pay this shit stain of a driver who was now, five minutes late- Oh is that him? You walk a bit forward and wave the car, which slows down and stops in front of them. The man sitting inside was staring at you two with wide eyes and a pale complexion. Yeah, see who you made wait. Hawks just got into the back, taking in the whole seating. That’s fine. You shuffle to the front and hold up your card. “U-Uh.. do you take card?..”
The stranger just nodded and you can see how uncomfortable he is. He’s feeling like you were right now, which was kind of nice to have that company in a way. Shared pain and all.. You tell him where to and quietly pay. Unfortunately, or fortunately, unsure yet, fate has other plans. When you step back from the car and are about to give the hand sign to go, Hawks slapped his hand onto the other mans shoulder driving the car. “She’s coming with us. I’ll pay for her later.” His voice is hoarse and leaves no room to negotiate. God. What is this. Is he going to sue you for trying to feed him raw meat and locking him into your bathroom..? Hhhgh.. The drive just stared at you helplessly as Hawks fingers dug into his shoulders. No choice then, eh?
You carefully get into the front seat and just .. put on your seatbelt. You’re so fucking scared- but you’re thankful he paid for this? Because. You had nothing left. You were in the red now. That shit cost fifty bucks or something like it- Why did it cost fifty bucks? The hospital was five blocks away or something like it. Right? You’re unsure. Anyway.. “Get his contact info.” Hawks voice made you flinch and you just nodded like a servant or something before pulling out your phone. “P-Please drive, just tell me your info.” Right. Neither of you wanted to be in the company of the angry hero. It just was too much pressure. So, the drive starts and the man manages to give you his info while Hawks was brooding behind you two. This was so stressful. Your veins feel like they’re about to explode.
The next twenty minutes are just as bad and when you get there and Hawks just left you two in the car to get into the hospital without saying anything further. You and the dude just sit there. “Am.. I supposed to wait too?” He sounds confused and worried and you understand. “I.. I don’t know..” You fold your hands into your lap and just watched the hospital. Tensing when you spotted that hawks was coming back with two frantic nurses and a doctor on his ass. He poked his head out and made an impatient motion for you to follow. Carefully you glance around and point at yourself and got an eye roll and a nod in return. Shut the door.
“Good luck..” You groan at the driver and hurry out of the car, thanking him and then jogging over there. Hawks was already on his way back in. Why was this happening to you? You were trying to help- why was he so angry at you? .. Raw meat, shower.. ranting and undressing in front of him might have something to do with it. Damn it.. It’s like, four am or something. You’re only awake because of the adrenaline going through you. You’re in some dirty, stained clothes because you did not pay attention what you were wearing and now that you were a bit calmer you realized you gave Hawks your puppy shirt. The .. the fucking glitter puppy shirt. Ok. He’s going to hate you, he probably already does. This was a disaster.
It’s been an hour and you were forced to sit in the waiting room. Just.. staring ahead and biting your lower lip. You had no friends to call to tell them about this and you and your parents hated each other.. Mostly because they were both heroes and had been so disappointed to have a daughter with a worthless quirk. So disappointed they up and fucking disowned you. Assholes. Whatever. “Miss y/n?” Your head jerks up. Oh no. A male nurse waved you over with a bright, happy smile. “We’re happy to announce that Hawks is stable, you must be so relieved.” Relieved? “Uh, Uh yeah.. Yeah of course I am..” You carefully got up and walked over to the man as he led you down the hallway to the patient rooms.
“We will be right with you bringing you two something to snack on until breakfast. So please just take a seat for now.” What was going on? This was weird, right? You were freaked out. “Thanks..” You muttered and then watched him as he left. Something tells you that you should just leave.. But .. this was the number 2 hero. You can’t just.. ignore him telling you to come along? Especially if he was going to sue the life out of you or anything. Lessen your sentence or whatever. So, you carefully open the door and walk inside. Staring at the blonde man in the bed. He was sitting and reading the newspapers with a focused stare but when he spotted you he gave you a warm smile and waved you over. “Ahh. The savior of the hour.” What?
This was a turnaround. A real 180 degrees one. The anger the other man had expelled earlier seemed gone. “Got that contact info I asked of you, chickadee?” Right. You pull your phone out of your pocket and stumble over to show it to him. His expression warms even more as he gave you a happy grin. “Nice. Great job.” It’s so much different now. Maybe he had just been in immense pain? “Come on, don’t look so scared, I’m not gonna eat you or anything. Sit down, they told me we’re getting some snacks in a bit.” Right, you were told too. This was just freaking you out even further. But what were you going to do?
So, you sit down and give a nervous smile. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.-“ Then you bow and start to apologize. “And I’m sorry about locking you into my bathroom- and feeding you raw meat and-“ It never ends. You end up babbling at him frantically for over five minutes as you tried to convey the emotions of how fucking sorry you were about treating him like, well, a fucking bird. He just grinned at you the whole time and only when you were done speaking did he reply to you. “Ah, well. Yeah that was weird but it’s water under the bridge. It was kinda nice to not have to fight for survival against dogs and cats trying to eat yours truly. That was a thing I got to play around with three hours before you found me.” He makes a face. “You can imagine a broken wing makes that a tad annoying.”
Oh yeah. You finally relax into the chair you’ve been sitting in. “Oh my god.. I’m so glad you’re not suing me.” You groan into the air and just started to giggle all that nervousness out of you. It had been bubbling around in there and finally it was out. God damn it.. “Nah, wouldn’t dream it of.” He leaned back as much as he could in the bed and just continued to read the papers with a soft humm. Which brought in a comfortable, somewhat awkward silence. Right, you had questions still. “Uh, by the way. Now that I’m no longer getting sued or whatever-“ He raises an eyebrow. “Why am I here? Just to like, spend you some company?”
Hawks tilted his head from side to side. “Mhh.. I oughta repay you for your service, now don’t I?” Which, did not exactly enlighten you in whatever the hell he meant. Your smile tightened a little. “Aw, that’s not necessary- I’m just really happy you’re ok.” The door opens at that time and you saw the male nurse bringing a tablet with some bread and stuff. It was not much. But it was some snacks and you could use some nutrition. With all the adrenaline leaving your body you felt kind of faint from all the stress. The male smiled at you two sitting there, Hawks half sitting. “Here you go, you two lovebirds.” Uh. “I’m sorry you have to eat together in a hospital but I’m sure you can have a proper date once you’re out!” Double uh?
He put the tablet down on the bed, on Hawks legs. Who just grinned sharply and side eyed you. “Definitely. Thanks for the food.” You blinked at him with an open mouth. This just, got really uncomfortable? What. The male nurse was already out the door, winking at you as if you were about to get proposed or whatever. What kind of inside joke was this. Joke. Right. Had to be a joke. You laugh nervously. “Haha, wow. He acted like we’re a couple. Crazy!” Hawks had just pulled the tablet closer and was currently busy putting some jam on bread. He’s frowning at the quality of the hospital food. His bread’s crumbling like a bitch. “Is it? I’m hurt.” He deadpans, looking around to see what else was at his disposal. “Am I not up to your standart?” It sounded so serious. You wanna laugh but the look he gives you makes it die in your throat and begin to rot in there.
“We.. Uhm.. What?” Deer in headlights. Right there. Suddenly you felt like you were sitting in a trap that was about to cut your legs off. “Come on, you could do worse.” He smiled warmly and took a bite out of his bread before murring. “This is disgusting.. and at the very least some kind of health violation..” He blerghs before putting the food back down. “I’ll take you somewhere nicer once I’m out, yeah?” What’s going on. You’re having a fever dream. Probably on the floor having a seizure and all of this was not happening. “Y/n. You’re zoning out.” Hawks was still looking at you. You stare back. “Like.. a romantic date..?” It just slips out but the fact that it did made him perk up and smile a bit wider. “Finally, you’re catching on, chickadee.” Is this a dream come true or a nightmare.
“Did.. did you tell the nurses we’re dating already?” There’s no way he would, right? “I mean, obviously.” How wrong you were. “We basically already are.” The blonde picked the bread up again and frowned at it. He’s probably really hungry from having eaten nothing but maybe.. nibbled some raw meat or whatever. “You saving me was like a wake up call. You really did me dirty, y/n. Not once did anyone leave that kind of impression. Also, come on, number 2. I think I’m repeating myself when I say you could do worse. Or more like, you would do worse. Who’d beat me? Endeavor surely is not on that list, believe me.” Your head is spinning. Endeavor? What? Who— How??
“I- I’m..” What? Flattered? You felt like saying no was rude even though it was in your right to refuse this.. advancement. “I’m.. not interested.. I mean- this is kind of rushed, right?” Of course you were interested. Like many women, Hawks was an idol in any form. He was attractive and smart and always there to help and like many, you had been part of some fan forums. He just grinned at you when you were done speaking. “Aw.. Well, that’s fine. I’m up for a game of tag.” Which is not the response one should have to being rejected. A game of tag? “I’m..” You’re out of words. What are you supposed to be telling him? This was fucking out of whack. Suddenly you’d rather be in the car with the dude that you paid than in this room.
“No thanks?” The stupor that had a grip on you was not letting go. You’re too dumbfounded to really just, argue. You’re too nervous to lose your shit on the man. You’re just staring at his smiling face, that was just trying to make you want to calm down and be safe. Instead, it made you uncomfortable. The man shook a bit as if he was holding in laughter before taking a huge bite of his bread. Chewing thoughtfully and then swallowing. Tilting his head to the side. “Hah. That’s cute.” He’s not taking you seriously. “I.. should probably go. But-“ You want to wish him a good recovery but it felt off now. You get up and bow to him before making your way to the door. “You sure that move is in your best interest?” You blink and turn around.
“What?” He’s bandaged up and his one wing was in a cast and somehow he still intimidated you with a weird, predatory smile. “No money, bet you got no insurance..” Right. How would someone like her pay for insurance.. “At this rate you’re ending up on the street. Would fucking suck if somehow your landlord caught wind of that, eh?” Oh what. “I’ll.. stop- you’re really freaking me out. I’m telling-“ “Who?” He cut you off. He just leaned back a little and grinned wider. “Who are you going to tell that would believe you over me?” He points at himself. “Come on, chickadee. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Don’t you want a comfy life? Doting partner? You can’t do any better than this.” You’re going crazy. You’re going stir crazy. That’s the only explanation.
“You.. I.. do not- Why are you doing this?” Your eyes are tearing up and it seems to make something snap a little in him, because he winces and his expression softens. “Ah- No, hold up don’t cry- Come on-“ He actually got up, dragging the IV drip after himself as he made his way over to him. His left leg was bandaged up and in a cast too- she’s confused how that break happened. Did the vet just overlook it? “Don’t you get this? Can’t you see the raw opportunity in front of you? This is like, a golden ticket into a better life. No one else would slap this down. Literally, people would kill to be in your shoes right now. You should be happy!” He gently takes your hands into his hands and leaned a bit in. “I know I am.”
You weren’t happy. Not at all. You were scared, your idol was blackmailing you with becoming homeless. No one would believe you, some random chick that had no friends and a family that hated her and there was no getting away. You’re not smart enough to come up with some detailed strategy to get out of this. “I wanna go home.” You whimper quietly as he leaned his forehead against yours. Only getting a soft, happy sigh in return. “Don’t worry, little chickadee.. I’ll have some people bring your stuff to my place. I got enough room for us two. You’ll love it. Do you like pools? I got one-“ His talking is getting muffled as ringing took over your ears. He was trying to make this sound so much better but it does not change anything. Somehow you felt like this was the end of your life, or, at the very least, the start of something awful. Maybe it’d be beautiful if you gave it a chance in the future but right now? Right now you were scared. A lot. Looking at his eyes you felt like there was no escape. Maybe there really wasn’t.
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dakotacrisis · 5 years
Transferred (14)
The Class used: Remorse
It is super effective!
The next couple of days after Lila’s downfall were strangely normal. Outside of Marinette’s old classmates liking her social media posts again they weren’t interacting with her directly. According to Adrien and Alya, Lila had vanished from the school altogether after what went down. No one had heard from her and no one was looking to reach out to her. Served her right for everything she had done. If Marinette never saw Lila again it would be too soon.
“Thanks again for coming over to help with this,” Marinette told her friends.
Alya, Aurore, and Wayhem were all in Marinette’s room as she pieced together Kagami’s fundraiser dress. Kagami couldn’t make it over so Aurore was being used as a live model to see how it looked walking and sitting. Wayhem actually knew how to sew too so he was helping with a couple alterations and handing over a convenient pin or needle when needed. Then Alya was sitting on the chaise keeping the rest of them entertained with music, gossip, and memes.
“It was nothing.” Aurore said, “You’re sure it’s okay for me to wear this though? Isn’t it supposed to be tailored to Kagami?”
“It is but I need to see how it moves and hangs on a real person and you two have the same measurements. If she wasn’t at fencing practice I’d have her here but it is what it is.” Marinette shrugged.
“For the short notice it turned out pretty spectacular.” Wayhem praised, “Aurore, I want to make sure the hem is even. Can you do a slow turn?”
“Ha, someone made the lady yelling at the cat meme with Ladybug and Chat Noir.” Alya said.
“Who’s the cat?” Aurore asked.
“Chat Noir. Why would the cat themed hero not be the cat in the format?”
“Diversity? Ladybug could be a cat if she wanted to be.” Aurore shrugged.
Marinette had to stifle a mad laugh. She had played Lady Noir once. That was plenty. Although she will admit the few photos of herself with Chat’s miraculous looked good. She really should wear black more often.
“I think we are done.” Wayhem stepped back. “Hem is even. Anything you notice that needs fixing, Marinette?”
“Let me see.” She paced around the dress tugging it here and there and making sure all the seams were neat. “Looks good. How does it feel? Too tight? Too loose?”
“It is perfect.” Aurore stepped off her tiny pedestal.
“Walk in it. I wanna see how it moves.” Marinette instructed. “Okay. Moves well. Looks good. I think we are done. You can go behind the divider and change. I need to grab the garment bag from the downstairs closet.”
Marinette had pulled the garment bag out of the closet when there was a knock on the front door. She set the bag down and went to see who it was. Maybe Kagami had managed to get off early and wanted to try on the dress.
The dozen of faces waiting outside her door were definitely not Kagami. It looked like all her old classmates had decided to pay a visit. She hadn’t directly talked to any of them since she transferred and they had only barely begun to try reaching out to her now. Suffice to say it felt very strange seeing them here at her house.
“Hi,” Marinette gripped the door handle tighter. “What uh...what are you guys doing here?”
“We--well we wanted to um--” Nino wrung his hat around in his hands.
“We came to apologize.” Alix blurted out.
“Oh” Marinette had thought this might happen. She wasn’t expecting everyone at once though.
“Yeah. We were pretty harsh when everything with Lila happened. It wasn’t right.” Mylene said.
“You were also pretty scary too.” Kim was silenced by Ivan subtly elbowing him in the ribs.
“To be perfectly honest our failure to recognize Lila’s deceit was nothing short of imbecilic. I should have known she was lying when she said you cheated during the gaming tournament. Your skills are far too refined to ever have to resort to cheat codes.” Max said.
“We were so mean and we’re really sorry about all of this.” Rose looked like she was close to breaking down in tears. “I didn’t--I didn’t think that--”
Juleka hugged Rose as she started to blubber.
“Marinette?” Alya came downstairs followed by Wayhem and Aurore. “Nino? Guys? What’s going on?”
“They’re here to apologize.” Marinette was trying not to have another breakdown.
The all at once relief of stress and anxiety had left Marinette rather sensitive. At random points it would just hit her all at once and she’d start crying or laughing or both. Yesterday Adrien gave her a hug and she broke down. So having all her old peers outside her door apologizing and asking forgiveness was definitely wearing on her sanity control.
“Uncool guys. You just can’t ambush someone like this! Even if it is well meaning.” Alya stepped out into the hallway and closed the door behind her. There was some muffled conversation before she opened the door again. “Now, what do we have to say to Marinette?”
“Sorry for coming over uninvited and without any notice.” Nino said. “We weren’t sure you would see us if we asked.”
“I won’t act like everything that happened didn’t hurt me. I thought we were all friends but when the time came you all took Lila’s side. Someone you barely knew. It was infuriating but even more disappointing that my word seemed to carry such little weight with all of you.”
“Let her finish.” Aurore glared at the others.
“I know the real culprit here is Lila. She’s the one that lied and sabotaged and drove me out of the school by turning everyone against me. I’ll never forgive her.” Marinette took a deep breath, “But I think I am ready to start forgiving you.”
The class perked up at that.
“That is great to here. There is one other thing we came to ask though.” Nathaneal said.
“Which is?”
“We would love it if you transferred back to Dupont. We miss you and want our sweet classmate back.” Rose said.
“What did I just tell you guys about putting pressure on an unassuming person?” Alya groaned. She turned to Marinette, “I am so sorry about them. You don’t have to answer.”
“I think it is a fair question.” Wayhem shrugged. “Now that Lila’s been exposed, would you transfer back?”
“I know we weren’t in the same class but it would be nice seeing you around school again.” Aurore smiled.
“Everyone, please,” Marinette backed up, “I appreciate you coming over to apologize and asking me to come back. But the fact of the matter is that I am not coming back to Dupont. It isn’t anything against all of you but I love where I am right now. I’ve made new friends and have finally caught up with the rest of the class at my new school.”
“Also,” Marinette sighed, “Even though all of you know the truth about Lila I can’t be around her. I not only want to keep as far from her as I can but I feel like I need to stay way from her. Especially now that she’s been outed as the liar she is I can only see her getting more hostile.”
“No one has heard from her in days though. She might have transferred schools or been expelled.” Alix insisted. “If she did try anything we’d be there for you this time. You wouldn’t need to worry.”
“I still can’t take that chance. I left because it was the best thing for me at the time. Now I’m not returning because this is still the case. I hope you can accept that.”
Everyone looked disappointed but nodded.
“Thanks for hearing us out.” Mylene said.
“Alright, off with the lot of you.” Alya shooed them out. “Nino, you’re coming with me. Marinette, I’ll text you later. Bye!”
“Bye!” Marinette watched them file back down the steps. When she heard the downstairs door close she dropped to new knees. She had felt like keeling over the second she opened the door and saw all them waiting for her.
“Whoa, are you okay?” Wayhem helped her up.
“I need a moment.” Marinette trudged over to the couch. “My head hurts.”
“For what it’s worth, I think you handled that very well.”
“Thanks.” Marinette took a few more calming breaths. “Oh wait, the dress,”
“I got it.” Wayhem grabbed the garment bag. “You chill for a minute.”
“Thank you, Wayhem.” Marinette leaned against Aurore, “Why does life have to be so darn complicated?”
“If it were simple it would be boring.” Aurore patted her back. “The worst is over now.”
I doubt that. Marinette thought. More hard times and horrible people would come but for right now she could breathe and know everything was okay. If only for a little bit.
 Wayhem and Aurore hung out for a bit longer before they had to go. Marinette checked on Kagami’s dress a final time before texting her that it was all done. Unfortunately Kagami’s schedule didn’t mean they’d get a chance to do a final fitting before the fundraiser but Marinette was going to come over extra early the evening of to help her get ready. Hopefully if anything needed altered she’d have enough time to do it.
The days flew by and soon it was the night of the fundraiser. Marinette took the dress and made her way to Kagami’s house. Kagami answered the door and pulled her inside.
“Someone is excited,” Marinette laughed, “here is your dress,” She handed over the garment bag.
“What isn’t there to be excited about?” Kagami was bouncing as she took the dress. It was cute seeing her getting all giddy about it. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight all week.”
“And I can’t wait to see the outfit all put together. Go try it on!” Marinette ushered her into the bedroom. She waited nervously as Kagami put on the dress.
“MARINETTE!” Kagami shrieked. She’s seen the alteration.
Kagami stepped back out of the room in the dress. It looked fantastic. A fitted royal blue dress with an off the shoulder neckline. “What is this?” she pointed at the small slit Marinette had put in the dress. Nothing too much but it gave a cheeky peek of thigh when she walked.
“I know that you didn’t want anything short but you deserve to show off your legs a little. This is a great compromise.”
“I don’t know…” she tugged at the slit.
“If it bothers you that much I did bring my supplies to close it but you look amazing. You look hot.”
“Yes! Go put on the rest of the outfit. We’re on a deadline!” Marinette helped her tie on her strappy black heels while Kagami put her earrings in. Marinette carefully did her makeup so it wasn’t over the top but highlighted her big brown eyes and made her lips very kissable. (Side note to review sexuality later.)
“Alright,” Marinette put her in front of the mirror, “What do you think?”
“Wow,” Kagami couldn’t stop smiling, “I look--I don’t even know!”
“You look spectacular. You are going to turn heads this evening, my dear Kagami.” Marinette stood behind her smoothing out her hair and picking tiny bits off lint off her dress.
“Thank you, Marinette.” Kagami smiled at her. “It means so much. Not just the dress but being encouraging about Adrien. But more importantly this friendship between you and me. You are a great girl and I’m glad that I’ve gotten to know you better.”
“Me too,” She rested her head against Kagami’s shoulder, “I don’t think I ever thought I would be hyping up my romantic rival for a date with my crush. But, it’s you and I kinda love you. You’re great and no matter who Adrien ends up with, whether it be you, me, or someone else, I’m glad we have this friendship.”
“Dang it, Marinette,” Kagami fanned her face, “Is this mascara waterproof?”
“Don’t cry!” Marinette grabbed her a tissue, “No tears!”
“Stop being so sweet then!” Kagami dabbed at the corner of her eyes.
After they had both calmed down Marinette checked the time. They had to get going if Kagami was gonna be on time. They walked out to the limo. “Hope you have fun,”
“Okay, so I have a small confession,” Kagami was fidgeting. Fidgeting!
“What?” Marinette eyed her suspiciously.
“You’re coming to this fundraiser too.”
“Say what?”
“Come on, we don’t have a whole lot of time.”
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (15)
@northernbluetongue @ladylb @immatureidiot101 @lady-flora-of-slytherin @zazzlejazzle @shamefullove @heredemaquam @kristycocopops @schrodingers25 @sublimemagazinestarlight @crazylittlemunchkin @daydream-wannabewriter @trainflavor @never-neverland
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btxtreads · 4 years
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @txthearteu​
tagging @markhyucknorenminchenji​ @qtsoobin​ @beomberry​ @txtdiaries​ and other people who wanna do it idk
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course, none other than king943 hSJADJSAJHAS. He’s a little secret I’ll let you all in on: the first person I actually noticed in TXT was,,,,,,, Kang Taehyun hSDHJAHJSDAHSA but he wasn’t my bias. I just thought he was cute (also amused me bc my BTS bias was Taehyung and I found a guy named Taehyun cute), but I didn’t stan them then. I started stanning when I saw ONE DREAM.TXT where they talked to BTS and found them really cute and endearing. Looking into them, they were wild, and chaotic and so fun and also i got rEAAAALLY attached to Soobin. So here I am. There u go, my stanning story.
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a famous actress or singer hJSHADJSA
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
Went to a theme park. I miss going to theme parks 🥺
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
hmmm most of the time i just go out with just my phone and money unless I need to bring a bag due to safety concerns/more items needed. So I’d say nothing unconventional.
favourite type of plushies and why?
God do I seem boring hsahsajjsa but i wasn’t too big on plushies. I had a gigantic teddy bear named Justin when I was a kid (it’s a bear with shades that my brother gave me) and I used to buy plushies whenever I’m in disneyland, it’s all in my sister’s reading lounge. The only plushie in my room now is a Mollang doll wearing like a blue shirt/dress, it’s my favorite rn It’s squishyyyy
favourite song right now?
right now, it’s Work It by Sabrina Carpenter.
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
Dancing (i literally suck. i have no idea how. no joke), Vocal Lessons (had some lessons briefly for like a year but i stopped and want to take some again), music production, acting, hosting
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
ok okok so one time in our class groupchat we were talking about class elections for officers. There were muse votes and some people were saying they want me to be the muse but i didnt want to bc i was busy with work. Then they started saying that they want me to be the muse and this guy that i rejected be the escort. while this is happening, i was simping hard for soobin in another chat. anyways, i got everything mixed up and accidentally sent the soobin simp stuff to the class chat and everyone thought i was simping for the classmate i rejected i was so asHAMED.
headphones or speakers? why?
speakers! idk i just like blastic the music loud.
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
anything with cheese
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since its free for me askjjksad someone pays for my subscription lmaooo
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questions from cj to me:
android or apple? why?
APPLE because im loyal 😌 and i guess im just used to it so its easier to use for me + all my gadgets at home are mac
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
I think there should be a good balance of both. The words will have the ability to give you this sense of comfort and satisfaction and you know just overall a peace of mind when you hear the right words??? and physical affection bc sometimes it’s just better to get a hug or a kiss isntead of talking yk? actions speak louder than words sometimes
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
Honestly, this would depend. If I’m reading a book and feeling very vintage with a hot cup of coffee, definitely a rocking chair. If I’m watching TV and basically just chilling I’d go for Bean Bag. I like maintaining the atmosphere.
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
I view it as in-between, because there’s always room for improvement. There’s always things to change, and consider, and make better. There’s no such thing as perfect.
If someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
Please stop corona right now and let everyone go back to their daily lives and please let me attend a TXT concert bls im begging on my kNEES
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
Give me Soobin I just want to give him a hug. this is valid i can hold him
favorite season and why
Winter! Even if I’ve never experienced snow or winter before, the whole idea of snow is just really fun and endearing to me. One of my bucketlists is to see snow in real life. I think it has to do with the fact that I’ve always been this person to prefer the cold over heat.
what made you enter tumblr?
I’ve always been here! Just not in kpop tumblr. I’ve since deleted my old accounts and shame  but i came back to write. It’s always been so stress-relieving to me, to write without any expectations on my back because I’m thinking about grades or a competition. Also Soobin simping is a daily thing and I gotta release it somewhere man
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
Yes. I may not be the richest or the prettiest, or smartest or whatever, but I have a good family that loves me. I have good friends that support me and I have TXT and BTS to help me cope when things get overwhelming. I have a job that gives me a little bit of income (it’s not too common for college students here to get jobs like in the US, most of them just focus on acads) and all the means to continue my education amidst the pandemic. So really, I’m grateful for where I am now.
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
Why do you have to do me dirty cj,,,,, prolly online. I may not get to hug them or anything but I get to talk to them still. As may times as I want to. And as a girl whose sanity literally just depends on Soobin giggles rn it’ll be very therapeutic to me to see them and talk to them as much as I could, even just through a screen.
Cinema or Netflix? Why?
Fire or Rain? Why?
What’s the worst experience you’ve had as a KPOP stan?
How do you handle stress?
Favorite Disney Princess and why?
Which fictional character do you say you relate the most to?
How did you get into KPOP?
What kind of merch you got 👀
Would you date a KPOP idol? What would you do if you do date one? (doesnt have to be your bias, just wanna see what y’all would do)
Would you rather be with someone you love but doesn’t love you back or be with someone that loves yu but you don’t love them back? (Or, as the Filipinos would say, Mahal ko o Mahal Ako)
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: rina
birthday: - 
zodiac: gemini
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino 
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5′2 like 2 years ago, i probably grew like an inch or two 
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: bts and txt fanfics to read hasjhsahj
blog established: ,,,,, i cant remember askjjksdjkdsa but the blog is only a few months old!
followers: 384!!! love yall 
favourite animals: b u n n y y y y y
favourite colour: black, blue, purple
favourite fictional characters: Percy Jackson, Jaron from Ascendance Trilogy, Chimmy!!! hihi
favourite flower: white roses
favourite scent: coffee
favourite season: winter
average hours of sleep: 3-5 or 8-10.
cats or dogs: dogs because cats scare me
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee!!! especially if it’s iced and sweet
current time: 12:21 AM
dream trip: California. Look I have the visa, pls miss rona. just leave so cali can just let me IN
dream job: actress or singer
hobbies: writing, reading, watching crackvids
hogwarts house: gryffindor
last movie watched: Work It (bc it has sabrina carpenter ahshsahsa i have low standards when we talk about Sabrina)
last song listened to: Helpless - Hamilton OBC
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, I would go on a date in high school. Also try to exert more effort in my appearance back then i looked like an honest to god M E S S (tbh i still do but now i have eyebrow liner on) hsajhsajhh
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10 things I can’t stop listening to (at the moment)
Run Away - TXT
Work It - Sabrina Carpenter
Euphoria - BTS
Song Cry - Yeonjun
Helpless - Hamilton OBC
Satisfied - Hamilton OBC
Journey to the past - Anastasia OBC
Lost in the Woods - Frozen OST
Perfect Song - Sabrina Carpenter
Friends - BTS
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