#for now lemme just hug Mahiru
athyrabunlord · 6 years
Thoughts and Notes about ep1-5
This is a continuation of this post here, and some extras too. It’s less casual and more organized this time.
I now have rewatched ep1-3, and then watched ep4-5 which I was strongly recommended to do because those will answer some of my questions.
Tl:dr version - ep4-5 did nothing to endear the MC duo (if anything, it did the opposite), but provided interesting insights on other characters and thus are worth the watch
The (once again very long) version:
As said above, I have now watched ep4-5 as per recommendation because I’m told that I missed a lot from skipping ep4-5, that reading summaries wasn’t enough because that messes up the narrative. Fair enough, I agree with that and therefore decided to watch for myself.
Before that though, I rewatched ep1-3 just to see what else I could have missed. I must say that it was very interesting in this rewatch now that we know more about Nana and Hikari. Many of Nana’s lines in these earlier episodes are indeed foreshadowing. Her friggin’ first line is a foreshadowing.
One thing to add here that I missed mentioning in my previous post is that, yes it’s strongly implied that Karen have not participated in the loops’ Revues/that ep1 is the first time she participated.
Notes about Ep1:
The narration of the play Starlight, of little Karen and Hikari and when they made their promise; the play’s cast was the girls in their Revue outfits with Hikari on the very top
Maya pointing out that she couldn’t see Hikari’s heart, which both Kuro and Nana expressed their surprise’; since the scene switched to the stairway, we don’t know what Nana’s expression is then - surprise about that insight on Hikari, the rogue factor, or surprise about Maya able to sense that? Ep7 did reveal a lot, but not all yet
I knew Kirin’s eyes were green but now that I’m staring at them, I think they’re the same/close to the shade of Nana’s green
Hikari would’ve lost to Junna if Karen hadn’t intervened, and then Junna lost due to the element of surprise.
Revue of of Passion - with help of ep8, it’s obvious now why Hikari would’ve lost, she no longer had her passion after all
Notes about Ep2:
Just as Kirin warned, both Hikari and Junna reminded Karen not to speak of Revue in public (the first rule of Fight Club is, you do not… cough); Mahiru’s reaction was confusion, Nana’s was surprise, implying this could be the first she finds out of Karen participating the Revue
Maya and Claudine, pls go a get a room X”DDDDD the chemistry between these two good lord
Hikari noting that Karen doesn’t have enough shine, that’s why she wasn’t chosen in the first place; Karen countered that what Junna said made her heart doki/making her want to understand and try harder (on top of the fact Hikari’s back with her here)
Nowhere was it stated that ep1’s 3-way match didn’t count or does count; however, the fact ep2 is “Day 2 Audition” implies there is some sort of impact
Junna said the moment she became Stage Girl was when she was 8; interesting note is that it’s implied she watched a play of Starlight or similar, but the cast was shown as mannequins in contrast to ep1
Revue of Desire- Junna wants to be a star; she wants to shine and step out from the shadows, to surpass Maya and Kuro and thus she tried and tried so hard just to keep up; in my rewatch here, I note that Karen didn’t even talk-no-jutsu… she just said she wants to become stars with Hikari, and the next moment landed that decisive blow
After that, Kirin remarked he now knows why Karen wasn’t originally chosen, implying Hikari and Karen’s fate are shared
Maya defeated Kuro but neither’s stories are shown enough at this point to judge whose desire is stronger
Summary: still cannot accept Junna’s loss. If Junna doesn’t have as much talent as the top girls, she at least has passion and work ethics and desire to win which Karen lacks at this point; even if I take a step back and say Karen’s desire is stronger than Junna’s… so, having a goal to due to a childhood promise is more favorable/stronger in the Revue than a desire to reach the star through hardwork? Hmm. I’ll just say Junna lost because she was overthinking and, quoting her, the simple-minded ones are stronger lol
Notes about Ep3
Nana seems (pleasantly) surprised when Junna and Karen seem so close; could be due the fact this rerun truly is different
I really must mention I like the start of Claudine and Futaba’s growing bond/dynamic
Kaoruko talking to Mahiru about how Hikari’s presence brought all the changes; it could’ve been just an off-handed comment, or does Kaoruko know more than she seems? (even though ep5 appeared to be her first entrance to Revue and her centric ep6 didn’t confirm that)
Still irked by what Karen told Hikari - “I’ll be back after I win!”; I’ll just put it as her being idealistic and believes that her dream is enough fuel to lead her to victory, especially after the match against Junna
Seriously, Kuro and Maya, I have a room all prepared, go for it, let it all out gah pls just go at it
Revue of Pride - Maya expressing surprise that Karen is even in this Revue; meaning she has never considered Karen as a possible rival, or she thought Karen didn’t have a goal/reason to be top star; she asked Karen just what had she offered in exchange, to reach for the star? Indeed, what had Karen offered?
Kuro vs Futaba, and flashes of the other girls in their Revue outfits (but only Nana’s katanas were shown); was this implying that there have been other matches by this Day 3 of Audition already? If anyone has a chart of who’s fought who already on which days, that’d be great (I’ve seen some on twitter but can’t find them anymore).
Allow me a moment to gush over Maya’s part in the duet of ep3 again. Those lyrics are just so damn good lol. And also goddamit that beautiful animation
Instead of herself, Maya mostly talked about Kuro; I’ve already talked about this in my previous post but yeah, I love them. This is KuroMaya
Interestingly, after her victory, Maya said “the passion with her (Kuro) is…”, trailed off; well, I guess we’ll wait for a Kuro-centric ep to find out more
Hikari trying to intervene but couldn’t; implying Kirin really did sneakily allow Karen to crash the audition in ep1, or Karen has some sort of power that allowed her to sneak in without Kirin’s notice
Conclusion: while Maya is indeed more superior in skills than Karen, this being Revue of Pride implies that due to Maya’s pride/confidence in her skills and acknowledging what’s at stake, she defeated Karen
Anyway, finally here we are, ep4-5. I took into consideration all the points that those arguments have made against my post and what I should look out for:
explanation/evidence in Karen being so powerful (ie. improving enough to defeat Claudine)
The impact of Karen losing to Maya has on the plot/character development
The resolution of the Mahiru-Karen relationship (as well as, the Mahiru-Karen-Hikari situation)
The Karen-Hikari bond being a strong enough fuel for the viewer to relate to and root for them
Summary/Notes about ep4
Once again we’re shown that little Karen and Hikari’s promise was made after they’ve seen the play Starlight; however this time, while played by the girls, they’re in the actual play’s outfits and the two as the lead; for the first time, we’re shown exactly what happened after the two leads reached the top; Karen was… affected by the red light (interestingly, her own jewel color), and then the scene continued to the next line of how ‘their dreams could never be’
Bana-nice; Nana seems happy at the new term, perhaps because that’s never happened in any of the reruns before
Sigh, really, making a ruckus in the morning, disturbing most of your dorm mates’ rest, and ditching your hallway cleaning duties, that’s just rude and disrespectful; Karen did apologize and promise to be back soon (which she didn’t)
Kaoruko talks to Futaba about the Revue audition, foreshadowing ep6
Hikari reminding/making sure Karen remembers their promise, and the two chatting about various things, while walking around the city dragging her suitcase and making Karen chase after her for the whole day; I’ll… just leave it as because Hikari haven’t been back to Japan for 12 yrs and thus want to do a bit of tour around; also, Karen mentioning she felt that she and Maya were on totally different stage
Important Note: we’re shown yet again that Kuro was practicing, as per all previous episodes; that’s 4 eps in a row; why specifically keep showing her practicing, out of the other girls? I’m really excited for her centric ep
Also seriously MayaKuro please, I beg of you, do something about your sexual tension *writhes* a claymore couldn’t cut it in half X”DDDDDD
Ahem. Kuro asking Maya why she’s in the Revue, and Maya replying she’s jealous at the very thought of someone else being the Top Star; implying she wanted to win to keep their status quo of her being no.1 and therefore, her partner/no.2 will remain Kuro
Hikari trying to warn Karen of the stakes, of what it means to lose at Revue; Karen just assuring Hikari she won’t lose again because she wants to shine, that she’ll be so brilliant and intense that she won’t lose to everyone;
Hikari reminding Karen there could only be one winner; Karen refuted that Kirin never said that - rather, the winner could be whoever presents the most dazzling revue; Hikari is in disbelief since there’s no way they’d get special treatment like that; Karen assures Hikari it’ll be okay (At this point, I think that’s exactly what will happen lol)
Once again, Nana looks very happy about ‘bana-nice’ and that this is the first time they made up alibi to get past roll coll for the absent duo
It was never shown that Karen or Hikari contacted the girls that they won’t be back; sure they ran out of money but, surely their phone still have battery? If not, that’s utterly irresponsible of them to just get out like that and expect things to work out
The rest of the girls are such amazing friends; Karen thanked Junna for doing her cleaning duties; in spite of the dorm head finding out and Junna freaking out about the hardcore training as punishment, the bottom line for Junna is that she’s glad Karen and Hikari are safe; the rest of the girls welcome them back
Conclusion, if you really ship KarenxHikari, you’ll probably enjoy it. If not, well, you’ll enjoy all the other moments and appreciate the other girls.
Summary/Notes about Ep5:
For Mahiru, Karen has always been a source of light, absolutely brilliant; however, so are the others in this prestigious Academy; Mahiru thought everyone but herself is radiant; it’s implied that she’s been struggling with this inferiority complex for a long time
Once again, Nana seems pleased at Karen’s change; however, her gaze was cloudy and displeased when the GroupB girls suggested Hikaren as the leads, that she should move forward and strive for improvement; def foreshadowing of ep7
Mahiru had such trouble waking up Karen in the morning, shown in previous episodes; now, Karen woke up early to train with Hikari, now that she’s made a promise to Hikari that she won’t lose again and will catch up to Maya. Good for her to finally be motivated, but coming from Mahiru’s POV, that’s painful. The unspoken question of “I’m not good enough to motivate you?” lingers in the air
We learn about Mahiru’s background; that she came from a large family, who owns a farm, and it had a been a huge deal for her to get accepted into the Academy, enough to get interviewed
After a bit of… stalkerish behavior from Mahiru (which I suppose is meant to be presented as comical but I just cringe) in which Hikari is always present and thus stopped Mahiru from really doing anything, Mahiru finally snaps, telling Hikari not to steal her brilliance which is Karen; Hikari is irked by the casual use of the word ‘steal’ (which is explained later in ep8)
Mahiru receives the mail about the Revue, marking this as her first fight
Revue of Jealousy - in a way, this makes sense why it’s only now that Mahiru qualifies to participate in Revue; on a side note, I really, really dig the song…
The whole thing is presented as comical in an almost psychotic, creepy way; of course, Mahiru’s completely snapped; she’s scared of losing her place, of losing her shine; she’s the one who had always been by Karen’s side but now…
Mahiru’s. Weapon. Is. Badass.
Also, a note, you -can- intervene in other Revues somehow; if Mahiru or Karen wanted, they could have started fighting Maya and Futaba; Kaoruko and Junna; Hikari and Kuro then and there
Anyway, it’s very painful to watch Mahiru chasing after Karen. “I just want to be useful again.” “Do you not need me anymore?”
After Mahiru’s self-deprecating rant, Karen counters that Mahiru has her own shine and lists all the qualities she likes about Mahiru, making her recall the joy of being accepted to this Academy and so on
And then, Karen won. If going by my above points, this is Revue of Jealousy so in that aspect, Mahiru definitely should have won. If not, still I don’t see how Mahiru so easily lost. As mentioned in my previous post, where is the supposed damage from being repeatedly thwonked by that mace/scepter? Karen did a ‘homerun’ to win but, urgh, she won because she made Mahiru recall her own shine??
Afterwards, we’re shown Mahiru acknowledging her own shine, which has always been there since middle school, and that she won’t rely on anyone anymore.
Conclusion: I tried to remain as neutral as I could but now I’m sitting here, tasting bitterness and just overall horrible for Mahiru. Those summaries I read before were nice and sugarcoating in comparison now that I’ve watched the real thing. If the ep’s intention is to make viewers feel horrible for Mahiru, then in that aspect it’s a successful delivery. If the ep’s intention is for the viewer to accept Karen and root for her… My opinion of her went from neutral to you’re such a horrible friend who doesn’t deserve Mahiru at all. I want to like you Karen, I really do because you’re the MC, but I really can’t, not after ep5.
I feel like full extent of Mahiru’s despair was just dismissed. Her issues, not just the jealousy of Karen being ‘taken away’ from her side, felt really downplayed. Sure, Karen did give her hope and the other others’ acknowledgement at the end, the warm and family-like atmosphere soothe her, but the scale is just too much to justify that change. You do not just overcome years of feeling inferior over one supposedly inspirational speech. Ep 5 isn’t just horrible on the Karen-Mahiru relationship now, it’s a slap in the face to the character of Mahiru. I’m… appalled. Really, put yourself in Mahiru’s shoes.
Now, going back to the four points I listed before writing about ep4-5, none of them are answered/resolved. Karen trains yes, but Kuro has been training for so much longer and she was better than Karen to start with. Karen losing to Maya made her want to start training harder and her plan to defeat Maya is to become more radiant. Um, ok. The other two points I already said above.
And so, I’ve come to a final conclusion that:
You either adore Revue Starlight in spite of its faults (or for some people, blind to the faults), and/or ship Karen x Hikari and/or considers Karen a good MC;
You’re still watching Revue Starlight by ignoring its faults because you like the other characters/ships/elements too much, and/or really don’t care for Karen x Hikari and/or find Karen lacking as MC.
If you’re watching the series and don’t belong to the two groups I mentioned above, please, please comment on this and shed some light as the middle(?) ground since it’d be nice to see a completely different perspective.
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fuwahiko · 4 years
Alright another ask coming your way because i HAVE NO CHILL. Once again Non-Despair au (NOT TODAY SATAN), Kuzuhina is canon (duh) and Class 77 & Hajime found family (STILL BEST TROPE). So Hajime has been overworking himself. At least one meal missed a day to work and get money or study, and sleepless nights stacked on top of each other...to study. Grades are important, Hajime says while twitching. Three weeks into this and he just PASSES OUT from overexertion, he big dumb. And to add onto his bad day, Natsumi and Sato rat on his ass to ALL of Class 77. Passing out and the weeks of bad self-care habits. How would the Ultimate Gaggle of Chaotic Idiots react? (...gee...i wonder what my ask theme could possibly be...👀👀👀)
omggg this silly boy
(I saw your other ask adding on that his parents are putting extra pressure on him too and encouraging his behaviour. god dammit parents why u like this?)
okay lemme start by saying that Mikan is PISSED!! Hajime had no idea how scary she could be until she and some others from the class came over and she gave him an earful, telling him how idiotic he had been and that he needs to take care of himself better, but as soon as she was finished she softened up again and gave him a hug and said he should’ve told someone and that they’d have been there to help. Fuyuhiko gave him a look like “yeah, what she said!” and gave him a light boop on the head with his fist.
Chiaki advised that Hajime “keep a closer eye on his health bar” and to “make better use of food items and saving points”... he could more or less figure out what she was trying to get at.
After talking things through they helped Hajime to realise how unhealthy his decisions had been and offered (well, really demanded is more accurate) to help Hajime get back on the right track. They came up with a daily schedule together that included plenty of time for sleeping, eating, and relaxing, and a much more reasonable amount of time spent on studying. They helped Hajime out with subjects he was struggling with and gave him any studying tips they could think of. Within a few days Hajime realised he was somehow actually... learning even more than he had before? Information was sticking a lot easier and he was working faster and with more energy and a clearer head too.
Fuyuhiko checked up on Hajime every so often when he got the chance. He brought some sweets for them to share during Hajime’s breaks and gave him little pecks on the cheek as rewards for finishing tough questions... which may or may not have lead to a bit of distraction after a while.
Mahiru and Mikan both went to talk to Hajime’s parents and explained how unhealthy Hajime had been recently and that now he’s actually doing better with his studies than before, and his parents backed off a little (for now at least).
Later on when Hajime got his results back from a test he ran over to the other class to show them and to thank them all for helping him so much. His score wasn’t amazing or anything, but it was definitely better than usual and he knew he wouldn’t have done nearly so well if it wasn’t for all the help and guidance. Everyone was proud of him; Kazuichi ran over with a big grin to give him a fistbump, Nagito said something about hope that Hajime didn’t really understand, Chiaki told him he’d “levelled up”, and Ibuki suggested they all have a party to celebrate, which they did.
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kokorosfanfics · 4 years
hello! i was wondering if i could get headcanons where Gundham's, Nekomaru's, and Leon's crush (gender neutral please!) gets stood up at prom and he comforts them and his crush admits to liking him? (separately please!) sorry if this is really specific, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. have a great day! :)
 Another request? Things are looking up for me! Thank you so much! And I like specific requests, it gives me a better idea of what you wanna see! -Mod Kokoro
Gundham, Nekomaru, and Leon comforting a GN crush who got stood up at prom!
Gundham Tanaka
*You came to prom, all dressed up and excited for your prom, only to realize it’s been an hour and your date hasn’t arrived yet.
*You were currently with your best friends, Gundham and Sonia.
*”My dark companion, where is the mortal who wished to accompany you here?”
*”I don’t know.... They should be here by now!”
*You texted your date where they were.
*Only to receive a message saying “Oh they’re not coming to see your sorry ass because they’re with me!”
*You couldn’t believe it. You just got stood up. Tears were welling in your eyes, how could this happen?
*Gundham immediately noticed and peered over your shoulder, and an angry look overtook his features. You can’t recall seeing him angrier than you see him now. 
*”Where is this fiend? How dare they abandon you!”
*”G-Gundham.....I-” You hugged him, crying into his shoulder. 
*At first, he didn’t expect it, but then he hugged back, doing his best to soothe you. 
*”S/o.” He pulls away only to see you.
*”Would it make you feel better, if I were to... dancewithyou?”
*”I’d like that, Gundham.” As if on cue, you heard Ibuki announcing “Get a partner and get ready to slow dance to I SQUEEZED OUT HE BABY BUT I DON’T KNOW WHO THE FATHER IS!”
*Gundham is actually very good at this! Dancing with him was amazing. As the dance continued, along with some laughs at some song lyrics, you thought to yourself. You’ve been pushing your true feelings for Gundham away for quite some time now. You didn’t think he’d ever like you, you always thought he liked Sonia. But, you’ve never seen them act as more than friends. Come to think of it, he’s been here to comfort you for everything that happened. Could he feel the same? Maybe it’s time to find that out.
*You leaned closer into his arms. “Hey, Gundham?” 
*”I.... I really like you a lot. Like, as in... More than a friend. You’ve been with me for everything that made me sad, and made me feel better. I just... Wanted you to know that.” You blushed and looked away.
*When you looked back, he stood there with wide eyes, and a huge smile.
*G-Gundham? Oh-”
*You did not expect him to suddenly dip you and kiss you.
*”Oh my dearest S/o, you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words! I’ve loved you for so long! I had never expected for you to reciprocate! I was beginning to worry I’d never have a chance with someone such as you!” Gundham was ecstatic, he was as happy as could be.
*After prom, you heard rumors that the date who stood you up was in the hospital. Supposedly, a venomous snake bit him and slithered away before it could be caught. Weird, am I right?
Nekomaru Nidai
*You had gotten dressed, and looked absolutely stunning. Best of all, you had a date coming with you! Or so you had thought.
*You got there, and your two friends Akane and Nekomaru immediately ran to you. It was the most bone crushing group hug you’ve ever experienced.
*You ate snacks, and hung out for a bit. You checked the time, it’s been an hour. Where was your date? 
*“Hey S/o where’s..... What’s your dates name again?” Akane asked you.
*“Yeah. Everyone except them has shown up.” Nekomaru added,
*“I don’t know. Lemme text ‘em.”
*You pulled out your phone and texted your date, asking where they were.
*You got a text back that made you cry.
*”I thought about it, and you’re not worth it. Bye S/o.”
*Your friends immediately noticed.
*”Huh? S/o- You okay?” Nekomaru went from worried, to absolutely enraged when he saw your phone.
*“N-No... You don’t have to do that....” You told him, looking down.
*Nekomaru’s gaze softened. Comforting you was more important at the moment. And so, he took your hand.
*”I’m... Not the best at dancing, but, would you like to? With me?” You noticed some pink on his cheeks as he asked that.
*”Yes, I would like that.”
*The two of you danced throughout the rest of prom, just enjoying each others company, and enjoying food and music. You felt much better after that. Come to think of it, the reason you accepted the other person who asked you was because you always assumed Nekomaru wanted Akane. But, he seemed closer with you. Is it time to face your feelings and tell Nekomaru how you really feel? 
*Nekomaru and you walked out of the building, now that prom had ended. Akane wanted more food, and Nekomaru drove her since they lived close by and she didn’t have a car. 
*You mentally prepared yourself. “Hey, Nekomaru?”
*”Yeah S/o?”
*”Thanks.... For being here. Dancing with me, making me feel better, I really appreciate it. And.... I’ve thought about it more, and I think I should tell you how I really feel. I..... Iloveyou!” You managed to squeak out.
*You looked up and saw him. His face looked like he was a little kid who was told he was getting 100 presents for Christmas.
*”S/O L/N! I LOVE YOU TOOOOOOOOOO!” He picked you up, and twirled you over his head. He then proceeded to hug you super close to him.
*”I’m glad you feel the same, Nekomaru.”
*”Hell yeah I do! And I promise to NEVER be like the loser who stood you up.”
*”And I believe you.” You kissed him. He kissed back.
*The next day, you went to a bulletin board with photos of prom. Everyone was admiring a picture of you and Nekomaru, when he was twirling you. Mahiru gave you a wink and thumbs up. I think I should also mention the loser who stood you up came to school in crutches, and cowered from you in fear.
Leon Kuwata
*You walked into the school, super excited for your date. You never thought someone would ask you to prom, so this was exciting for you!
*Leon was the first to greet you with a big bear hug.
*”Hey S/o! You’re here! Let’s go get some snacks!”
*”You bet!” You and Leon ate snacks and chatted for a bit, but then Leon seemed puzzled.
*”Something up Leon?”
*”Yeah. Why isn’t your date here? It’s been a full hour!”
*”I’ll text them.” You pulled your phone out to text your date, only to receive a message explaining that they weren’t coming because they’d decided last minute they didn’t want to be seen with you. You were about to cry.
*”Woah, woah, hey, S/o....” Leon saw this and pulled you in for a hug. “What’s the matter S/o?” You showed him your phone, and you saw the most livid expression on Leon’s face you’ve ever seen. He looked like he could kill a man.
*”What the HELL??? Oh, they don’t want to be seen with you? Well I do!” He immediately grabs your hand and takes you to the dance floor, and before you know it you two have begun dancing. You were shocked and refaced. Leon was dancing with you????
*He made sure you were okay with this when he realized he hadn’t even asked. You nodded, too flustered to speak at the moment.
*This was nice. Leon is nice. He was quick to comfort you, and dance with you, and make you feel better. He was so kind to you. And that’s when it clicked. You had a crush on him. How did it take you this long to realize it? Well, now that you think about it, he probably feels the same!
*”Leon?” You looked up at him.
*”Yes S/o?”
*”I really like you a lot. You’re always kind to me, and you always do you best to make you feel better. I don’t know why it took me this long to realize it, but I really love you! MMPH-” Leon couldn’t contain his excitement and kissed you right on the lips.
*”Oh my god! S/o! You love me back? This is the best day of my life! I love you! I love you so much! Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it!” He kisses you again. 
*He then picks you up bridal style, lifts you over his head, and runs around shouting “I’VE GOT A GIRFRIEND/BOYFRIEND/SIGNIFICANT OTHER! I’VE GOT A GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND/SIGNIFICANT OTHER!” Over and over again. Kiyotaka and the teachers would stop him, but they can’t help but double over laughing, so they just let this continue. Oh and, Mahiru has definetely photographed this, and other people are recording this. You are hiding your face in your hands, because of how flustering this is for you.
*The next day, when you walk to school, you’ve become the center of attention, with all your classmates and other students asking you if you’re actually dating Leon, you blush and nod, and proudly announce, “That’s my boyfriend!”
*Leon runs up to you. “Hey babe, wanna see something cool?”
*”Sure!” You say. He pulls out a baseball and a bat, and points to where the date who upstood you is, They’re at their locker. Leon tosses the ball upwards, hits it with the bat, and it hits the loser right in the eye socket. Kiyotaka mumbles that even though he thinks it was justified, he’s still giving Leon detention.
*”It was worth it!!!!!!!”
*You love your boyfriend.
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dangan-happy · 4 years
No offense, but you're looking really good today. (Tw mental institute, homophobia)
... Can I ask for Kokichi, Mahiru and Miu/Hifumi (either or) I'm really bad. My hands are sshatkinh alot qhile I'm writing this, There's a Hailstorm and I'm fellng vwry bad, and Ny mum keeps mkking threats ghag she's gonna send me to a mental hospital is she hears that I'm a lebisan, so I'm rlly scares. Can I have some advice, ad a hug and a few words of wisdom?
Hi anon, yeah, yikes you don't sound too good right now. Let's take one thing at a time, kay? Do you have any noise canceling headphones? Try to block out the sound of the hail as best as you can. Hopefully that can help you ignore it, and let you keep on existing like it's not even happening. The good news is that hailstorms don't last forever, so it'll be over before you know it. From now on I'd make sure you have ways to help yourself get through storms like this, the noise canceling headphones is my best idea for that.
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Ok, onto the next one! Ok, that's like, a really shitty threat for your mom to make. First of all, I don't think a mental institution can legally keep you there for being a lesbian. That's not a mental problem, so if she brings you there for the express reason of being a lesbian, I don't think that's gonna work out well for her. If you're worried about being out, it might be safer to stay closeted. I know, living like that isn't fair at all, but your safety is the top priority. If you're in a place where being out is dangerous to you, either physically or emotionally, it's better to stay in the closet where you know that you're safe. I'm really sorry your mom has that attitude, that makes me so angry.
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You're gonna get to a place in life where you're gonna be free of her ass backward views, so try to stay strong ok? I promise there's loads of people and communities out there who will support you for who you are, and who you are is amazing, so don't forget that, kay! Yeah, of course you can get a hug! I support you, and I'm here for you. So anyone who messes with you is gonna have to answer to me!!
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What the hell is your mums deal?! I don’t understand these god damn boomers who think that being a lesbian, gay or anything that isn’t straight…is a fucking atrocity. I’m proper confused that your mum thinks this way. She can’t just send you to an institution just because of that…it’s not right at all. Let alone sane..
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As for the hailstorm, that shits no fun. Lying little *BEEP* has a point, blocking out the sound can take your mind off of it. Ok well, don’t make yourself go deaf, set your volume to a reasonable level. Don’t want your ears to start bleeding all over the damn place because your volume is all the way up and it’s some loud ass music ‘ya decided to play.. I’d recommend listening to music, ASMR, whatever the hell ‘ya prefer and take a long nap.. Maybe it won’t be over by the time you wake up but at least you’ll forget the noise even for a moment while you’re passed out..
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Your mum definitely pissed me off, how the hell does sending you away ensure you’ll be ok? What the hell is going on in her head, does she think you’ll be “cured” or whatever?! Being lesbian isn’t some illness that needs to be cured, how you identify is perfectly fine! Lemme tell you real quick anonymous, I know a girl, they identify as lesbian. They have no shame in admitting it, I mean cmon, they called me beautiful.. They know what they’re talking about. Girls fuckin’ rule! That’s not something you should be ashamed of. I suggest staying low for the time being, as long as you’re safe and aren’t being harmed at all. What your mum…no, not what. How your mum is acting will bite her in the arse 1 day. Karma works wonders..
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I’d be honoured to give you a hug, I know you must need it. Feel free to rest against me. As for those wisdom words you want, there’s a saying I like to go by.. “Be you, do you, for you”. Take that as you will, sending love your way babes..
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All’s well that ends well (Or does it?) [End of Arc]
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What do you want Nagito? I’m busy.
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Yeah, you look REALLY busy crying in the corner like a wimp.
*Hajime gets to his feet, strides up to Nagito and grasps him by the neck scruff.
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No need for violence...
*Hajime pushes Nagito away.
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Listen Hajime. I need your help with something.
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Would you mind coming with me to the computer room?
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Huh? Why?
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I want to show you something.
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What is it?
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Here, help me get all of this turned on.
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Ok, I’ll get the monitor.
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No. Leave the monitor off.
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Huh? What’s the point of activating the computer if you don’t switch on the monitor?
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I want to be sure this works, so trust me.
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Fine...what is it?
*Nagito pulls out the USB he won and plugs it into the computer mainframe.
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Here...I want you to plug your phone into it too.
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What? Now I’m really lost!
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Stop asking questions and just do it!
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Ugh fine!
*Hajime snatches the wire Nagito gives him and plugs his phone into the computer.
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Ok, now if I just do this...How does Chihiro do it again?
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Nagito, why are you typing, there’s nothing on the-
*Hajime is cut off as the machine begins sparking.
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Ok, that means something!
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Just a little more...!
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Nagito, what’s going on!?
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Come on! Don’t fail me now Ultimate Luck!
*Suddenly, the computer sparks and explodes.
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*Nagito and Hajime are blown back by the force of it.
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Ugh...Wh-What happened?
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I guess it was a little bit much for the computer to take.
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Seriously Nagito, what was that all ab-
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*Hajime spots his phone a few inches away from him. He shakes off his fatigue and grabs it and stares at the screen.
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You...She...She’s ok...!?
*Nagito slumps down in exhaustion and breathes a huge sigh of relief.
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Phew...it worked...
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HUH!? Uh, m-morning Hajime!
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Jeez, I was sleeping you know...
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Sorry I’m just...so...relieved...
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Hm...am I inside the phone again?
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How’d I get here? I thought I got deleted?
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Wait...is this about that thing you gave me Nagito?
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What did you do?
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Ok, so I guess I can explain now.
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Back when we were at the fairground, I decided to try my hand at the raffle. They had this really cool prize that I wanted; I can’t remember what it was, so I trusted my luck and pulled a ticket.
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And did you get it?
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Instead, I got a USB stick.
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Another one?
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Yeah, but not as powerful as the one Ryota gave me.
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However, when I got it, I remembered that Chiaki implied before that she might be deleted along with the program, so I came up with a plan.
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I plugged one USB into the machine when it was complete, and as the Neo World fell apart, I had her hold the other one when we left.
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Then, when the Neo World was gone, I unplugged the USB and took it back here. Then that little experiment we just did is how we transferred her from the USB to your phone.
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So...you ghosted her!?
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I-I’m a ghost?
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Not A Ghost. To ghost a file is to create a copy of it basically.
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So...you get to live a little longer Chiaki.
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Nagito...Thank you.
*Hajime grabs Nagito and hugs him tightly.
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I...I owe you so much for this.
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Me too...
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...Don’t worry about it...
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Hey, what’s going on in here?
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...Hello Mahiru.
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I’m home.
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[Meanwhile at an undisclosed location]
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Come on, come on...!
*The computer starts sparking.
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Yes! We have power!
*A few seconds pass until suddenly the screen blares to life.
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UGH! *Huff* *Puff*
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Welcome back to the land of the living Mr Sannoji.
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Nice to see you too...
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Tch...pardon my manners. I’m just in a REALLY. BAD. MOOD!
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Yeah, we can tell. But you’re alive, so not all is terrible.
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I suppose that’s true.
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I hope you know I blame you for this Shirogane.
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Fine by me. Not like there’s a lot you can do...
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Well, we lost the brainwashing Neo World...so now what?
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To be honest, maybe that wasn’t such a great idea to begin with.
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I mean, we’re brainwashing people of the public. It’s not like they’re all trained soldiers or anything. The most we can cause is an angry mob.
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Tch...So now what?
*Suddenly, a phone starts ringing nearby
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Uh, hold on. Lemme get that...
*Tsumugi heads over to the phone and picks it up.
???: Hello?
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Oh! Hello!
???: You sound surprised to see me, huh?
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Yeah, well, it’s not that I don’t want to hear your lovely voice. We’re just in the middle of something right now.
???: I know. That kid with the hat tagged me in. Mikado got his shit kicked in, right?
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Yeah, something like that. But how are things on your end?
???: About that. I’d like to make an exchange. I have a bunch more supplies for you, but you need to give me something in return.
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Name your needs.
???: First of all I need Monokuma’s...Not the usual kind, those special ones. And also I need those things...
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That can be arranged.
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Also, you don’t need to trade me anything sir. You’re a member of our gang, you can just ask for these things.
???: Yeah, but it’s impolite to take and not give. That’s not how I role.
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So you’re really going after them then?
???: I’ve been waiting for this day for 8 years...
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Well then, I bid you adieu. You’ll get your stuff in a few days.
???: Thanks.
*The call ends.
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What was that about?
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Seems things haven’t died down yet.
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No...In fact I think they’re about to get a lot more exciting...
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[On the other end of the line]
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8 damn years...It’s time...
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lrialthewriter · 5 years
Waiting (Part 1)
Spoiler alert for DR3: Despair arc, possibly Future arc, Hope arc and Danganronpa 2: Goodbye despair
So this is probably a 2 (maybe 3 if I made Nagito's monologues way too long) part short story/au where after the events of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, the former remnants of despair where able to do what they need to do to help the future foundation, but 2 of them are still at the coma, Nagito Komaeda and Hajime Hinata, this event follows 2 months after the altered ending of Hope arc where Nagito was the one to woke up, leaving the only remaining person to be in the coma to be Hajime.
Nagito woke up, gasping for air as he went to look around, he is inside the machine used to keep him in while he was inside the Neo World program, he began to slowly recall what just happened, but it also ended up with a headache. Soon after the capsule he was in slowly opened up, blinding him a bit as the light entered the capsule. Once he was able to adjust to the light and open his eyes, the capsule have opened completely.
He went to sit up and look around, he saw almost everyone's capsules have been opened, well almost, he noticed there is a single capsule that is not yet opened, its the one beside him. He gathered up his strength and stand himself up when someone entered the room, it was Mikan, who out of surprise screamed.
"WHAAAA" She screamed as she when to shield herself.
"Whoa whoa, its okay its just me" he laughed a bit as he waved his right hand up, and went to kinda hide his left hand so that she wont freak out even more. Nagito then went to go out of his place.
"Oh.. Nagito, You woke up! I am so glad you did, now let's see.." Mikan exclaimed happily as she went towards him and checks his body up, gasping at the sight of "his" left hand.
"So its actually true..." Mikan mumbled as she went to inspect it more and went through the rest of the body.
"Yeah it is" Nagito said as he went to face the closed capsule after the check up.
"Who's in that capsule?"
"Its... Hajime.."
Nagito was shocked at the answer, he expected that he will be the last to wake up and for Hajime to be the first, and the fact that they are adjacent to each other makes it both lucky and unlucky for him, He tried to hide his shocked expression and went to face Mikan again.
"When will he wake up tho?" Nagito asked.
Mikan gulped "We are not sure, we are quite surprised he hasn't woke up yet." She then went to face the door, "May-maybe you wanna go and say hi-hi to others, i-if you want" She then said looking at Nagito hesitantly, Nagito then nod.
"Sure, not that all of you really cares about me" He mumbled, then him and Mikan went to go out of the room, Mikan first with Nagito trailing behind her, before leaving the room he then went to look at Hajime's capsule one last time before leaving completely, closing the door behind him.
He then went to look in front of him to find everyone running towards the door.
"We heard screams, is everything alright?" Mahiru said looking at Mikan, Mikan then went to look at Nagito, who just closed the door.
"Nagito?" Hiyoko asked, "I guess I shouldn't have expected much" She added, earning a glare from Byakuya and Mahiru, Nagito noticed it and just laughed.
"Oh its okay, I am used to it by now, I don't really deserve your effort to go here in the first pla-" Nagito was cut off by Akane and Nekumaru hugging him.
"Now, now we don't want you spewing out those words again!" Nekumaru said as him and Akane let go of him.
"Yep! Especially we thought you and Hajime would never wake up from your comas" Akane said with her usual hyper tone.
Nagito then sighed as he went to try and go back to the capsule room, but then he felt someone gripped his left arm, looking back, it turned out to be Ibuki.
"Huh what is this- OHEWIUDBWIUBS" She let out some muffled screech as she went to look at his left hand.
Remembering what exactly is the reason he have it he went to inspect it himself, unfolding his jacket a bit he can clearly see some bloodstains especially in the part where the cut began, the bandage that was there that concealing the stitches that put the hand and his arm together, the arm itself is quite grayer than his arm, but its not rotting yet.
Like its becoming one with me
He shook the thought away and went to look at the others. 
Kazuichi and Ibuki are screaming.
Hiyoko was hiding behind Mahiru who is looking away.
Mikan is trying to calm the screaming ones, but she herself is panicking too.
Teruteru is mumbling in denial.
Peko and Fuyuhiko are just looking at eachother in an concerned way.
Byakuya looks angry but in a concerned way.
Akane, Nekumaru and Gundham looked away with frustration.
Nagito looked surprised with their reaction as Sonia approached him.
"Oh my! So what they said about.. this, is totally true... Uhh.. We should have that removed before you do anything else" Sonia said, concerned of what infections may happen to him.
"I am fine. I just want to be here when Hajime wake up-" Nagito said but again, cut off by Mahiru this time.
"Hajime will probably like it better if that is out of your system Nagito" She said.
"Tha-that is right, Here lemme take that thing off... It won't hurt I promise!" Mikan said.
"N-no.. I need to be there-" That is when Akane and Nekumaru carried him.
"Oh hush, You need to be as healthy as you can be once Hajime comes back, we don't want you dying or else he will be angry at us" Akane said.
Of course, there will be some people who will be angry, but I don't care because those really don't exist.
After they  arrive in some room that looks like a clinic, Akane and Nekumaru put Nagito down gently into one of the beds inside it
"Here better get well soon Nagito!" Nekumaru laughed as he went to give Nagito a huge pat on the back, nearly making him fall over the bed. "Oops, my bad"
"Oh no, no its okay" Nagito exclaimed after he recovered and Akane gave a salute before leaving the room, having only Nagito and Mikan in there.
"So.. how long have I been out?" Nagito asked, out of curiosity and in hope that it will ease the awkward situation he is in while Mikan prepares for the "surgery"
"Ummm, you have been out for nearly 2 months, right now everything around the world is going back to a peaceful turn" Mikan said as she began to unwrap the bandage, revealing the stitches Nagito once made to himself in order to fulfill his lust for despair during that time, seeing this made Mikan wince and Nagito turned his head around with a sigh.
"Uhh.. Should I give a hard dose of anesthesia or maybe-"
"N-No need, just do-do it already" Mikan was quite surprised that Nagito stuttered that much, but she went to not give a comment about it and began to take out the stitches
Nagito didn't turned his head around to look at what Mikan is doing but looked at the window, only to see an almost endless ocean, he was about to ask Mikan something when suddenly, he felt a sharp, small but it surprised he and made him turn around to Mikan.
He saw that Mikan is halfway through the process, but has faced a gruesome problem, the fact that his arm and the hand are so close together the skin who attempts to close up the huge wound has stick itself to the hand's muscles making it hold together.
"Uh.. AAAAHHH, Ho-how will I do this, I-i haven't encountered this situation at all-" Mikan panicked but Nagito smiled painfully at her.
"It's okay, go cut it off" He said to her.
 Nagito went to gently cup Mikan's face and made her look straight at him, that is when Mikan realized that a tear fell down Nagito's left eye but there she can still see his cheerful smile.
"I don't mind, it's all to atone for my despair acts" Nagito said as she went to gently let her go.
"Ye-yes, right away!" Mikan went to get other medical supplies, nearly tripping in process
It's all for the hope
After nearly 30 minutes Mikan managed to totally take out the hand, sanitize the wounds and tuck it nearly in bandage.
"The-there! It's all done, I do recommend that you stay here and take a rest" Mikan said as she went to finish cleaning up the whole setting, and now carrying the tray holding the hand once connected to Nagito's arm
"I'll just bu-bury this-"
"No need, I'll do it myself" Nagito cutted her off which made Mikan flinch, causing her to drop the tray, luckily Nagito was able to catch it.
"You can go and rest instead, I'll be back here when I am done" Nagito said as he went for the door.
But it was too late, Nagito already left the room and into the outside world to atone for his sins.
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asurayuuhaven · 7 years
What Asurayuu headcanons do you have?
*dump heckload of documents* I HAD A LOT
Lemme pick something random and good to be shared here…. 
Yuu chat with Asuramaru all the time whenever no one talk with Yuu, just like Guren with Mahiru. Also just like Mahiru, Asuramaru loves to float around Yuu.
Also, when nobody looking, Yuu often do quite of PDA with Asura simply because that’s lowkey what everybody on the whole story do with their demons. Yuu get used with Asura hanging around him, leaning to him, hugging him and all. He was uncomfortable at first, but soon he get used to it. Nowadays, whenever nobody looking, they cuddles. (And you won’t notice what they’re doing since it looks just like Yuu stroking on empty air)
(Same thing happened to Kimizuki with Kiseki-o, Yoichi with Gekkoin, and ESPECIALLY Shinya with Byakkomaru because FLUFFEH KITTEEEH)
You may see it that whenever Yuu get hurt, he’s all calm. But if you see on his perspective, there’s always Asuramaru’s voice that goes like “OH MY GOD WHY WON’T YOU DODGE!? LOOK OUT YOU IDIOT-- OH MY GOD DON’T DO THAT!!” because istg Yuu don’t know how to took care of himself, and Asura always be the that voice of reason for him.
Yuu is actually the first person that Asura EVER trust after he became a demon— No, ever since he became a vampire. If we look at him, he’s not heartless or anything. It’s more like he got hurt and betrayed a lot, that he can’t trust on anyone, to point that he see friendship and love as something useless. This proven by the fact that he accept Yuu as he said that he would love him. Remember: Demon can read the heart of their master. He know that Yuu told the truth, and that’s why he’s so easily agreed to be his friend. 
Also due to this, he really can’t stand the idea of losing Yuu. Meanwhile for Yuu, he just CAN’T and won’t ever want losing his family. For Yuu, Asura is already part of his family. For Asura though, he’s more than a friend, but not a family… For Asura, Yuu is simply something irreplaceable. Like a light on the darkness, and his only hope to ever escape from his curse. 
The reason why Asura always inclined for Yuu to become a demon, is not simply because he want him to be a demon. But by becoming a demon, Yuu also had his power 100% synchronized with Asuramaru, and other than to increase their power, it’s also because Asura want Yuu to be something… the same like him. 
….Or maybe…. Asura want Yuu to be a full demon because it will fully eliminate the seraph’s gene in him, freeing him from the angel. (GASP! NEW THEORY ABOUT THE SERAPH!!)
Also Asuramaru had lowkey hatred to Mahiru since I really really think that Mahiru would provoke Asura by telling him that she’ll kill his master if he told Yuu about it (like what Mahiru told to Byakkomaru) and Asura been used by Mahiru before, so he know just how terrible she can be. So yeah…. a really intricate relationship between Guren and Yuu as a family and almost-like-father-and-son meanwhile they’re connected to Asura and Mahiru, AND Asura and Mahiru is once master-and-demon, now hold vendetta to each other.
I think this should be enough for now. XD
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