#for those who may not be aware i am going to japan on monday for a year abroad as part of my degree
gingerbreadmonsters · 9 months
have to go back to the embassy tomorrow and i would so deeply love to walk into the ocean
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zexalweek · 2 years
Hello again, friends! My laptop isn't cooperating with me, so I won't be able to make a cut or add a photo since I'm making this post on mobile! I'll try and come back and make a more user friendly post once my laptop decides to work with me! (Cuz its nearly an hour past 5pm CST, when I said I'd post, I'm so sorry! I had to retype this all out on my phone TwT)
So without further ado, here are Zexal Week 2022's prompts!
Sunday, May 29th: Sports Day - Children's Card Games are the claim to fame for YGO, but in Zexal, we do sometimes see the characters in their gym class! From the springboard jumping over stacks, to the school's indoor pool, what other sports can you see characters doing? You can keep it simple and in-universe, or you can go as far as a full revamp of Zexal and make it a sports anime!
Monday, May 30th: Prank Wars - What characters are the most capable of shattering the peace, setting off a full on prank war? Who's participating? Who are unwitting victims, or amused, untouched bystanders? Does it stay simple? Do things get complex? Does someone take it too far?
Tuesday, May 31st: Mer/Maid - Its the last day of May! During May, 2 different common events in fandom take place: MerMay, and Maid Day (Held on May 10th in Japan)! As a send off to the month, use today to promote any Zexal content you made this month for those events, or make/share something new!
Wednesday, June 1st: Roadtrip - Its the start of the summer months, so we're celebrating with a roadtrip! Who's going? Where are they going? How long is it going to take? Are they making pitstops/small trips to see the sights along the way? Was it a spur of the moment trip? Was it meticulously planned to the most minuscule of details?
Thursday, June 2nd: Retro - YGO Zexal is set in a futuristic setting, but what if it was set in a more recent past? Zexal but 90's, 80's, 70's, hell even Roaring 20's? Whether or not you incorporate the card game or not is entirely your call!
Friday, June 3rd: Call to Attention - With nearly 150 episodes, Zexal definitely had a fair amount of time to introduce and explore different characters and concepts, as well give the fandom enough fuel for fan-theories galore! What is/are some aspects of the show you wish had been given more attention? Do you think a character should have been more fleshed out? Was there a specific direction you thought a plotline was going, only for it to go somewhere completely different? Was there one that just seemed to be dropped? Tell us your thoughts!
Saturday, June 4th: Free Day! - Just as it says: Do as you will, anything is fair game!
Extra Prompts:
A character(s) you relate to the most
Museum of Wonders
Coffee shop date
The Measure of a Life
Defying Gravity
We're Getting the Band Back Together!
"This is a retroactive nightmare."
"Here's to a night we'll never remember, with the people we'll never forget!"
"Lie after lie after lie, we all stopped counting the crimes. You know why we can't trust you, don't you?"
"Do you want to be the layer of the bricks that seal your fate, or would you rather be the architect of what we might create?"
"All I wanted was you."
"I'm minor in a major kind of way."
Now, as usual, the prompts are not mandatory! They're meant more as a framework for those who prefer a guideline or structure! If there's something you'd prefer to do that is not mentioned here, then by all means, go for it! We're celebrating Zexal, and doing so in whichever way you feel is best is totally fine!
Not only that, but by no means is participation in Zexal Week limited to producing content! Likes and reblogs, even leaving comments on others' posts all count as contributing to Zexal Week! Even if you don't consider yourself a creator, your actions and support help make things possible!
In addition, while I am aware that fanfic and fanart are the most common forms of fan content, I encourage all types of content, AMVs/fancams, poetry, screencap edits, even simple posts or videos of you just talking about Zexal! OCs and Self-Insert characters are also totally acceptable!
That being said, if you plan on contributing content, I kindly ask the content you share be your own, and that you're not reposting someone's work, or at the very least, not doing so without their permission and/or passing it off as your own. "Credit to the Creator" does not fly here. Having commissioned someone to make content for you is fine, so long as you state/acknowledge it was commissioned, share who commissioned it, and confirmed with the creator that it is ok to share like that!
Additionally, I will accept mature works, so long as there are clear content warnings and proper tags.
Finally! I kindly ask that you use the tags "#Zexal Week" and/or "#Zexal Week 2022", cuz those are the tags I check to see people's content! In the past years, some people's posts fail to show up in the main tags, so feel free to tag this blog in your posts if you're concerned I might not see them!
Thank you for your patience, and again, I'll try and clean this post up when my laptop stops being rude to me! I'll see you all soon!
-- Krys 💙
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ansgar-martinsson · 4 years
The Best Intentions - Part 28
“Of course,” he said, letting her words sink in. As he thought, as the situation panned around his mind, he frowned. He frowned, tapped the fingers of one hand on the steering wheel, and, releasing her hand, brought the index of the other to his lips, scratching out a quiet tattoo against his lower lip. “Are you saying,” he intoned, squinting, “that you suspect that this… this former lighting designer of yours may have intentionally set those lights there in order to procure the flood damage?”
She shrugged, groaning. “Oh. I don’t know,” she whined. “All I know is that I saw the plans. I saw the plans and I saw the requisitions from last year. Those were supposed to be low heat, low voltage lights, ordered specially from ETC in the States, designed just for the purpose of being mounted around or beneath seating areas.”
“So, why weren’t those used? Why did your lighting techs install those hot fresnels beneath the loge instead? How could this lighting designer have sabotaged things if he wasn’t even there?”
Joline threw her hands up. “Million kronor fucking questions!”
“Hm.” Stopping at a red light, he pulled his gaze away from the world outside the windshield, down to the middle distance of his instrument panel, but he saw nothing, really, focused as he was on his own inner thoughts.
And as the light turned green outside, one lit up inside Ansgar’s mind.  He turned his attention back to the road, hitting the accelerator with a smooth push of his foot. “If I hadn’t been there. If I hadn’t noticed the lights as being off-code, no one would have been the wiser. It’d have all been blamed on my sprinkler contractor, or worse… me.”
“Maybe, who knows,” she said. “But I still need you to look at it again come Monday. I need your insight.”
He smiled at her. “I’m the expert. That’s what you pay me the big money for.”
“That’s what the insurance company pays you the big money for, you mean.”
“Eh, whether it come from the Opera House or the insurance company I don’t care, as long as I get paid.” He waggled his eyebrows.
“Greedy bastard,” she poked him in the shoulder. “You and your money.”
He gave her a comical look. “You haven’t complained.”
To which she answered with a squared off, temperate expression, a drop of her hand from his arm to her lap below. “I don’t give a shit about your money, Ansgar,” she declared, evenly. “You could be poor as piss and I wouldn’t care.”
And his own smile fell, his own features relaxed into an expression of earnestness, honesty. “I know that much,” he said, his eyes flicking to hers. “And I’m grateful for it. Believe me.”
“Are you?”
Ansgar kept silent, his gaze forward, eyes near burning as he pulled the Tesla into the gravel drive leading to the park’s car park. He stayed quiet, seemingly focused on his navigation, but he was perfectly aware. He was perfectly aware of her stare, of her frown, of the position of her body - facing him, hands in her lap in anticipation, in wait, in readiness for his next words.
In defense of what he’d say. What he could say. How he would say it.
And finally, he pulled the car into a shaded spot, he shoved the gear into park and mashed the button to kill the engine. He let his hands fall from the steering wheel, and then, he turned to her.
“I am grateful, Joline,” he said. “I’m grateful that I don’t need to shower you in Chanel or impress you with Birkin bags or,” he smiled, “Loubouitin heels for you to want to stay with me. I’m grateful… that you… seem… to appreciate me for me. That, I feel as if I can trust you.”
She rest her hand on his thigh and squeezed, giving him a small sympathetic look. “You’re a bit… off… right now,” she queried. “Are you okay?”
“I’m okay.”
“Hey,” she frowned. “You said you’d never lie to me.”
“I’m not lying.” He chuckled without mirth.
She shot him the side-eye. “Yes you are.”
“Fine,” he sniffed. “I… I suppose. I suppose I’ve a confession to make.”
Her hand rose from his knee and balled into a fist in her lap. “Go on,” she clipped, expecting the worst.
“I’m…,” he began, and then sighed long and loud. He gave a small chuckle, pursed his lips and bowed his head, gaze aimed squarely at his twiddling fingers. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m… I’m glad you’re with me today.” He swallowed, clearing down a lump in his throat. “You see, I’m a bit… scared,” he said. “Correction. Not just a bit. I’m shitless.”
She blinked, frozen in wide-eyed shock. “You? Scared?” she asked, incredulous. “Scared of what, exactly?”
“You forget, Joline,” he explained, “I’ve just come back. I’ve been on my own. Alone. Away for a long time from all of… this.” He pointed out the window toward the burgeoning picnic, the colors of the tents and food trucks and game stations blazing in the summer sunshine. “And now I have to go out there and schmooze. I have to press the flesh and smile and remember everyone’s names, and tell stupid jokes and laugh. I have to talk to people I’ve not seen in over a year. I mean, what will they say? Will they be happy to see me? Will they be angry with me? Will they accuse me of grandstanding? Of abandoning them? Will they see me as weak and infantile and ineffective as a leader because I couldn’t keep my wi–”
“Sshhh,” she hissed, stopping his tirade with her fingers on his lips, a gesture of his she emulated well. “Enough. Stop,” she said. “You can’t think like that. It’s not in your nature to think like that.”
“I know it’s not!” he nearly yelled, shaking, his eyes raised, shoulders hunched, hands curled into upward claws in front of his chest, a gesture of futility, of anger, of self-loathing. “I know I shouldn’t give a shit. I know it’s not like me to even care, but… but I’m not… oh Christ, it’s been too long, and I’m… I’m not the same man I was, Joline! I’m not who they expect me to be!”
“That’s true, and I believe that,” she looked squarely at him, shaking her head quickly, convincingly. “You’re not the same man. How could you be? You’ve been broken, I know that.”
“But, I — “
“You’ve been broken,” she interrupted, “but you’ve put yourself back together. Granted, in doing so you’re never going to be the same as you were before. That’s a given. But in my estimation, when you repaired yourself, when you picked up your pieces, you did so just like those Japanese craftsmen long ago.”
“What?” he frowned.
“Pottery,” she said factually. “When a water jug or a plate or a dish would break in ancient Japan, wealthy landowners would often have their servants repair the vessels using,” and the next word she said quietly, reverently, “gold.”
Ansgar sighed, and his head fell to his chest.
“And by fitting the pieces together and sealing the cracks of those water jugs with gold,” she continued, curling her fingers beneath his chin. She tipped his face up to hers. “The craftsmen made the pottery more useful and more beautiful than it was before it was broken.”
Ansgar’s eyes flicked back and forth between Joline’s, blinking as he processed her words, as the concepts dug deep into his psyche, unburying the fear and pain and anger he kept so tightly buried beneath layers of filth and doubt and disgust. And when the idea of his self-worth filled in the deep grave, when the thought of his own beauty and his own merit took the place of the darker things, he gave himself over to her.
He let her grasp him behind his jaw, let her pull him to her, and he opened up for her, giving her his mouth and his tongue. He let the light in her flow into him, and mix with his own small, sputtering flame. And when that flicker became a beam he deepened the kiss, cupping her head with his own hands, drawing her tighter, faster to him, his ardor growing as her luminary guided him, glowed warm and comforting within him.
Until finally, he let go, pulled back, fearing that the laminar flame would burst into a full on conflagration right then and there in his Tesla and in full view of his employees and clients. He smiled warmly and licked his lips, pressing his forehead against hers. “Is that how you see me? Like one of those gold-veined vessels?”
“Maybe,” she breathed. “I don’t know yet, but I have a theory that’s pretty… watertight.”
Ansgar stiffened and then groaned. “Jesus, Joline. That pun was horrible.”
“Probably was,” she smiled. “But did it make you feel better?”
“It did,” he nodded. “Now I suppose I’m just… nervous. I can handle nervous energy, transform it into something else. Not a problem. I can do that.
“I know you can do that. You can do anything you set your mind to. You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough.”
Ansgar grinned broadly at her, his white teeth gleaming in the noontime Stockholm summer sun. Her words warmed him. The words that were once his from just a few days ago - had it only been a few days? - his words had been encouraging, meant to buck up her resolve. And now she turned the tables on him. “Ah, so,” he joked in a campy Japanese accent, “the student becomes the teacher.” He bowed his head to her in proper Japanese fashion. “And the teacher is bested.” He laughed.
“Right yeah,” Joline palmed her stomach. “But what the student really wants is that stuff she keeps smelling from that food truck right there. The student hasn’t had lunch. The student is famished and will die if she doesn’t get some strawberry crepes right away.”
“Then crepes you shall have, grasshopper.”
Joline couldn’t ignore the lingering conversation that she had with her mother earlier, before her intense scuffle with her clothing options. The subject of the conversation shoved her into said closet to avoid the nagging in her head. It niggled and poked and prodded at the part of her that questioned whether she should attend a public and corporate function as Ansgar’s date. It only haunted and replayed in her mind because it came from her mother and it aggravated her own doubt.
Since Joline turned eighteen, Emelie allowed her to make her own decisions, choices and mistakes. She never dared interfere, for the respect that she had for her daughter as her own person.
“Joline,” she’d addressed, “are you seeing Ansgar Martinsson?”
“When have you ever asked me about my—“
“When Dagens Nyheter publishes a headline about the prodigal CEO, the same man that my daughter has been chatting about. The press release states that he’s reclaimed his position at his company, one he left with no word. He up and disappeared, Joline, without reason.”
Joline quieted the defensive exclamation that popped into her head. She couldn’t react emotionally with her mother. “He had reason, mama, but the paper doesn’t publish what it doesn’t know.”
“They say he might still be married! ‘Unclear, at press time, the whereabouts of his wife,’ they said.”
Joline sighed at another reminder that she lived in the shadow of another woman. Ansgar had done his best not to treat her that way, but the fact was when he left Sweden he’d been married. One doesn’t heralded a failed marriage or post a divorce notice in the papers like birth or newlywed announcements. “He was married. They divorced.”
Emelie didn’t press the issue, interrogate her daughter for further details, nor did she entirely trust that he was a good fit. She’d lived long enough to know that people weren’t always truthful. She trusted her daughter and her judgement, but she didn’t trust the source of the information, from the newspaper or from the man himself.
Joline again felt that unease, that phantom ache inside when Ansgar mentioned his wife. He wouldn’t feel so vulnerable if he still had his wife. Maybe… perhaps… Joline, of course, didn’t know much about the woman, herself, except that she ditched her husband, her marriage, her career and her home in one bold decision.
Beyond the crunchy gravel, a freshly manicured lawn unfolded before them as Ansgar and Joline emerged from the canopy of oak trees that shaded the carpark. Joline tiptoed over the soft soil to avoid making divots with her heels. A sense of her own apprehension and cautiousness fell over her the closer they approached the festivities, with every step a new worry, a new anxiety. She understood and sympathized with Ansgar’s reservations since she had her own, about being with him in this setting, before so many others. Defining who and what they were seemed troublesome enough between them without having to explain it to other people.
Especially if these employees and clients expected another woman beside him. How could she know what to expect from them? How could she prepare and protect herself for yet another reminder that people might consider her the other woman? Then Ansgar reached for her hand, laced his fingers with hers. Like he’d reached for her the night before, the tenderness and reverence there charmed her. She was back under his spell. Simultaneously Joline felt more powerful and infinitely weaker for it. The nonsense in the car about any shred of materialism existed in her desire to be with him melted and floated away like the summer cotton on the breeze. Her incredulity for his implying it dropped away, as she felt his own hesitancy about the event. She would never ask, request, demand or beg for anything of him, material or otherwise. Trinkets, gifts, and flowers didn’t interest her; true respect, affection, compassion and consideration did, but she’d seldom ask for them. And she wasn’t looking for those traits, not now. Ansgar, in his silent way, read this and made the gesture of holding hands to communicate that to her. She could face these people, these strangers as the fearless adult female she was, as his. … And yet… in reaching for her, he hinted at a deeper meaning than the casual fling that they both anticipated. They both wanted? She couldn’t know what she wanted anymore. It’d grown, swelled, inflated and brimmed, maybe overflowed into something more than casual. She didn’t plan for it to happen, and without a safety net, she could fall prey to it.
His hand grew tighter and tighter around hers as they stepped to the mouth of the festivities. Joline tucked her other hand against his elbow to sooth the rigid hold he kept on her. She pressed her breasts against his upper arm to draw his attention before they were swallowed up in the fanfare. “Listen, King Midas—“
Ansgar chuckled at her reference to the gold in the pottery that she spoke of a few moments earlier. “Crossing the streams a bit there. Japanese craftsman to Greek mythology?”
She beamed up at him. “Successful though, it made you smile.”
He pressed a kiss to the center of her forehead.
“And it loosened your killer grip on my fingers!”
Ansgar made the first step towards the white tent topped with an oversized strawberry painted on slab of wood. Joline whispered to him as they stepped around the first of the crowd, “I’ve a number of relaxation techniques to employ if you get nervous.”
“You’re good to me.”
“I’ve no reason to be otherwise.”
Before they could place their food orders for strawberry crepes, a long faced, scrawny man with a mop of blond hair atop his head intercepted their path by yelling across the courtyard, above the music and happy chatter. “Ansgar Martinsson! Rumor had you here!”
“Isak!” Ansgar greeted the man dressed like a bohemian gypsy with a raised wave. He turned his head and whispered to Joline before he arrived, “Talented arsehole.”
“Didn’t believe it, and here you are!” He roughly shook Ansgar’s offered hand, tugging him into a half hug. “You were meant to be at my gallery opening a year ago.”
Ansgar ignored his entitled statement, choosing to be polite instead, “Isak Melkir, please meet Joline Lindberg. Isak is a brilliant artist, works in marketing and holds a number of his own galleries here in Sweden. Joline is the house manager for the opera house.”
Joline shook the man’s hand though he barely spared her a glance. “Isak Melkir.” She stated sweetly, recognizing his name. “I know your work. A number of your pieces are on display at the opera house. I like your signature brush strokes.”
“Listen, man,” Ansgar began filing the silence that followed her compliment. “I apologize for having missed it. How’d the Jonsson exhibit go?”
Isak regained some of his enthusiasm and self-congratulations, “Shy of one mil krona.” His faux modest shrug rubbed Joline the wrong way, and set the tone for the rest of the afternoon. She tuned out most of the small talk, standing by Ansgar as he continually introduced her to his people.
Shoehorned between introduction eight and nine, he turned to her for relaxation technique number one. He allowed her to see the strain and effort from being his charming and affable self, wracking his brain for small details about each person. After being away for so long and digging into the mess at the opera house, he felt a distance from his people, but it wasn’t that he didn’t want to bridge the gap, only that the undertaking of it overwhelmed him.
Joline happily faced him and to cover her intention in the midst of the crowd, she fed him a piece of Bondost with cumin over a small circular piece of wheat bread, an appetizer she’d picked up while pretending to small talk. She adjusted her skirt, smoothing the fabric down and then tugged at her blouse. She parked her hands on his shoulders to get him to focus while he chewed. She grinned, “Look down.”
He did as instructed and immediately started laughing. “Darling, your cleavage is the opposite of relaxing.”
She winked, “It was worth a shot and you smiled, a genuine one… not one of those stuffy CEO ones.”
“That was far more effective than what I’d pictured in my head for relaxation techniques. I don’t put much stock in mantras or crazy acupuncture tricks.”
“Couldn’t… wait… to be close… to you…” Joline stammered breathlessly when she and Ansgar separated from the thick of the party. They retreated back to the carpark to steal a kiss that spiraled into a bit more behind the Tesla. Far from judgmental whispers and curious stares, she nearly threw herself into his embrace, like she’d done when they both acknowledged that they were attracted to each other. Her kiss insistent, her hands greedy. “Need you… Need to… taste you…”
She didn’t risk kissing him or publicly display her place with Ansgar before all those people; holding his hand bothered them enough. She needed to reestablish her place with him after all the overheard whispers that they’d moved quickly after Faye, or that she must be with him for the money, or the general outsiders ‘thought he was married/wasn’t he married?’ Joline needed the reminder after all the doubt and shadow cast her way. She could think of nothing else but getting him alone, secluded from the world to pursue her passion for him.
“Hngh… Jo… the car—“
She sealed her lips over his, cutting off his words, killing any objection, refusal or instruction in his throat. He answered with as much suppressed desire, moaning at the insistent press of her body, her lips, her arms. He hummed encouragingly when he felt her hands at his fly. Her fingers slid down, so far down, all the way downalong his happy trail past the line of defense his pants made. Slowly she curled those deft fingers around his stiff and engorged flesh.
He growled into a roar as he ripped his mouth from her. “Wha—Joline… wha…” He couldn’t speak for the pleasure for the stroke she gave him. His eyes rolled up and back as his head fell forward to her shoulder. His hips thrust of their own accord into her manipulation, her stimulation, her desperate need for him.
“Sgar!” Nothing more than a needy, breathy exclamation of his name and she dropped to her knees right there in the gravel. Despite the rough, almost painful scrape of her skin against the uneven rocks, she freed his cock from the confines of his pants and walking shorts with a yank of the material out and down. She flicked her tongue over the head of him not once, not twice, but three times before wrapping her lips all the way around. She hummed as she circled the tip of him with her tongue.
His legs shook with the effort of staying upright, the sudden shift in her and her insistent need for him too much against his lust enflamed sinews. He leaned heavily into the driver side door, his life and memories and consciousness turned inside out and upside down by the intensity of moist, wet, fucking decadent pressure surrounding his sex. Her cheeks hollowed and the undeniable pull from deep within him nearly spilled from him into her greedy mouth.
Joline felt his fingers in her hair, stroking from the crown of her head down her silky tresses. Encouraged by the pressure of his hands and the rock of his hips, she slid down the length of him until she couldn’t go any further.
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blehbleehhhh · 5 years
Is This Love? ft. Eremika<3
Hello, my fine furry friends. I’m back with what I reallllllly hope makes up for being gone. If you’ve ever gotten a migraine, have POTS or EDS, or you’re a spoonie, whatever, you understand why more than most people. When I’m symptomatic, it’s harder to think straight, and it’s so fucking annoying :c Anyway, enjoy a piece inspired by this classic love song by Whitesnake. Ugh, love them! (But mostly Eremika 😍) Also, YES, you can still submit suggestions. I’m always looking for new ideas!! You can private message me as well, I’ve had a few people reach out that way, but do feel free to reach out this way, too. ❤️ Thank you for being understanding! Alright, lets do this, it’s a long one!
In racing thoughts she demands his attention at all hours of the day no matter what Eren is doing, or who he may be with at the time, there's no stopping them now that he's begun to question how he feels about Mikasa, so he can't push her out of his head even if he wanted to. Who the hell am I kidding? I've been aware of these feelings for years now. I don't know if I can fight it anymore. He tossed his dog's tennis ball in the air and quickly caught it in one hand with a long, drawn out sigh, thinking about how wonderful it would be to turn his chair around and see the most beautiful woman in the world laying in his bed, even if she's just sleeping. I'd give anything to hold her right now. There's gotta be more to this than I'm aware of because why else would I be thinking and dreaming about her? Mikasa has been out of town with her family for almost a month and, though she's gone on vacation for week every summer for as long as he can recall, the young man quickly found himself to be missing her a lot more than usual because the pair has never really been apart longer than a week or two at a time. However, since it's senior year, her parents decided to let their daughter choose a destination instead of a default visit to see family, and even extended the duration of their trip as well. Their flight home from Japan landed over an hour ago and all Eren can think about is calling her to see if it would be okay to drop in since he's much too impatient to wait until Monday morning. With a quick glance over his desk he reached for his phone and dialed her number knowing that, even at 12:30 am, she would still be awake from her pesky insomnia.
"Eren? Are you okay? What is it?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Can I come over?" He asked, giving the tennis ball another toss up into the air to catch it as he maneuvered himself to stand from his chair.
"I just need to see you."
"Oh! Well, alright -"
"I'll be there in a few minutes."
"But, Eren, I don't understand -"
"Just wait up for me, okay? Give me ten minutes."
Mikasa was sitting at her desk with a sketch book when he arrived, looking focused and determined with whatever she's drawing. Through the window, he can hear Aerosmith's Angel as he quietly observed the familiar and ridiculously sexy way she's pushing her fingers through the sheet of black satin that insists on falling across her beautiful face. God, she's fucking gorgeous. Eren lightly tapped on her window with his knuckles, and immediately felt his knees grow weak when she looked up from her sketch book, not even positive whether it's that pearly smile, the finger she's giving in request for a second more, or the sight of her bare, long legs as she rose out of her chair, flipping her hair over to put it in a messy bun that's throwing him off it’s so cute. She caught the perfect glimpse of Eren standing at her bedroom window when she came back up and, little did he know, his grin and the way he stands with his hands tucked deep in his pockets, the subtle waves of his shaggy, chocolate brown hair all make her weak at the knees, and always have for as long as she can remember. The elastic snapped in place to secure her hair as she pressed her hands against the window to push it open it for him, practically bouncing on her feet from excitement. "Oh my god, Eren!" Mikasa grinned, throwing her arms around his neck as she suddenly jumped to catch his waist between her legs and rested her cheek on his shoulder, stomach fluttering from the sound of his quiet chuckle and the feeling of his arms tightly wrapped around her petite frame as they stumbled back a step together. "I can't believe this! Why are you here?"
Well, this certainly hasn't happened before.
"I, uh," Eren smiled as she pulled back to look into his eyes and carefully helped her slide down onto her feet, anxiously resting a hand on the back of his neck. "I missed you a lot and I didn't wanna wait until Monday morning to see you." Her cheeks immediately blushed a light shade of pink as she bit her lip to disguise the automatic smile, timidly crossing her arms on her chest to rub her own shoulders.
"Mikasa," He cleared his throat from nerves, fighting the urge to grab that pretty little face and kiss her, his eyes flickering from those stormy grays to a pair of baby pink tulip lips. "There's something that I need to tell you."
"Sure, what is it?"
"I'm in love with you," Eren smiled as he carefully took her face in hands when her mouth fell open to express shock, listening to the wonderful sound of her giggle while she reached her hands up to carefully grab onto his wrists. Their faces slowly grew closer, allowing them the ability to lightly rub the tips of their noses together. "I’m crazy about you." With a large grin, she slid her nose alongside his just like she’s always dreamed of doing, squeezing her hands around his wrists.
"Say what now?"
"Did I fucking stutter? I said -" He smirked as she let out a soft giggle, carefully studying each other's eyes. "I'm in love with you, I think you're beautiful, and I think you’re sexy as hell."
"I-I just," Mikasa smiled as he lightly stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. "Do you have any idea how crazy -" But he couldn't take it anymore and crashed his lips against hers, neither of them giving a single damn about the brief bout of sloppy, inexperienced kisses. After tonight, there will be no more repressed feelings and occasionally pissing each other off from the sexual tension, just two new lovers falling into bed together for the first time. She happily lay beneath him as her hands slowly roaming his back, trapping him between her legs and kissing him like he was her only source for air, just as desperately as the way that they're being returned. Her fingers sunk into his hair as he slid his hands beneath her baggy night shirt until they were resting on top of her toned stomach, so smooth, soft and warm. How could he have been so dense not to notice how blatant her flags were, despite being waved directly in front of his face? This woman has always harbored these same feelings for him, but he was so ignorant to how she felt that he had missed all of them until recently and intends to make it up to her no matter how long it takes, and he'll prove such motivations tonight. Slowly, he pulled his lips away and pushed her shirt up to expose a pair of perky, braless breasts, watching those expressive eyes as he leaned down to drag his tongue on one of her hardened nipples. She sighed happily as she slowly ran her fingers through his hair and arched her back to push even more of her aroused, sensitive breasts closer to his eager mouth.
"So, I had a huge epiphany while you were gone," Eren flicked his tongue across her nipple and smirked as he gave it a kiss. "When I realized after a week that I had started to miss you. And at that point, I couldn't stop thinking about you," He paused with a smile when she started to blush, more than happy to hear the sound of her giggle. "That's when I realized how long I've had these romantic feelings towards you. For some reason, they were a lot easier to control and ignore until you left for more than a week.” She placed a finger under his chin and gently forced him to look up at her, smiling sweetly as she slowly pushed her fingers through his hair.
"I really missed you too, Eren..."
"So, if I were to ask you to be my girlfriend, what would you say?"
"I'd say that it's about damn time." Mikasa giggled as she gently played with his hair, content with allowing him to grope her naked breasts in his hands and roll his thumbs over her nipples, kissing the newly discovered erogenous spot on her neck with a quiet chuckle because she suddenly began to grind against his increasingly noticeable hard-on. Squirming this way and that, she sighed with pleasure from the electrifying feeling of his mouth suckling and nibbling on her neck, knowing very well that he can’t get enough of her already.
"I could do this all night." Eren squished her breasts together and smiled when she let out a tiny squeal, pressing her legs into his sides as he finally took one of the sensitive tips in his mouth, suckling gently or harder depending on her moans. He lay beside her on his side, carefully resting one of his hands across her stomach to slowly rub along the waistline of her red and blue flannel pj shorts as his mouth gradually released her nipple, looking up to meet those beautiful, hypnotic eyes. "May I?" He smirked when she giggled and nodded her head in response, eager to return his little pecks as she allowed him the privilege of spreading her legs, leaving one bent while the other was slowly pushed down sideways so his hand could easily slip beneath her shorts and panties to touch the heat.
"This can't be happening..." Mikasa grinned as he leaned in to kiss her once more and slowly reached up to cradle his cheek in her hand, all while one of his fingers slipped along the wet flesh between her legs. It's something that he's thought about in passing on occasion, fingering her to really get her going before burying his face between those gorgeous, long legs, thoughts he has more often when she wears shorts or something that eventuates her slim lower half. He slid his hand up an impressively toned stomach and kissed down her body so slowly, so sensually that it sent chills down her spine. "Oh, you don't need to do that.." The young woman managed to say through rugged breaths, watching through a half lidded gaze as he pulled her shorts and panties down until everything fell on the floor. He leaned in to kiss her smile before dragging his lips, teeth and tongue along her torso, kissing progressively lower and lower. Oh, how she's longed to see this man peeking up from between her legs doing precisely what he's about to do.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No! No, I just..." She flashed a most endearing, bashful smile and blushed. "I'm still a virgin, so I've never been..."
"Eaten out?"
"Yeah, that."
"Don't worry, you're my first time doing anything like this, too...” Eren offered her a comforting smile as he took one of her hands in his and laced their fingers together. "But it’s just like everything else we’ve encountered. We’ll figure it out together, right?" She bit her lip to hide a grin, feeling so flattered and wanted by him that it gave her a hot flash of nervousness, worsening the tint on her cheeks.
"Okay...” And it's immediately clear that she was entranced with his voice, finally experiencing the new sensation of someone else's fingers pressed on her absolutely aching clitoris. Mikasa reached up to push her hair out of her face and smiled, watching his eyes as he carefully slipped a finger inside the wetness with a smirk because her mouth has fallen open. She bit her bottom lip as he set a hand on her thigh, gently pushing that leg aside to prevent it from closing around his head, growing harder by the second at the sight of glistening skin.
"You're so wet..." He smirked, watching her grin become disguised with a lip bite as he leaned in so he could drag his tongue along her slit to get a good taste, and glanced up in time to see her head fall back against the pillow. "In case you were concerned," Eren whispered, wiggling the tip of his tongue on her clitoris before quickly lapping at any new fluids. "You smell and taste sweet." She moaned softly from the feeling of his flattened tongue rubbing circles on her little nub and gently tugged on his hair, slapping a hand over her mouth to catch a moan just as it came roaring out from the back of her throat.
"Erennnnnn..." There was an instant tightening of his jeans from her sounds, which became even worse when she grew juicer from his finger slowly moving in and out with the hopes of avoiding any discomfort, only to receive nothing but little, pleasurable sounds muffled by her hand. He carefully added a second finger, taking his time with pushing it deeper as her fingers accidentally pulled too hard on his hair, making him tear his mouth away with a quiet chuckle, planting a kiss on her cleanly shaven mound as his finger slowly slipped in and out of her.
“Ow.” Eren teased as he lifted his head to see that her face has changed significantly in the last few minutes from their intimate encounter, her head back against the pillow, and since she's finally aware of how he feels, he can admire her beauty without a single care if she catches him or not. He reached for the hand she has loosely tucked in his hair and laced their fingers together over her thigh to press it into the mattress. “You’re so beautiful.” The young woman hummed in response with a smile as she lightly rubbed her foot along his back and removed her baggy shirt to bare herself in front of him completely for the first time. His fingers moved faster as he sealed his mouth around her damp, pink flesh and suckled, having remembered overhearing from other guys that doing so will definitely drive her wild. Mikasa whimpered into her hand, squealing with delight as she squirmed in his arms this way and that, forcing him to remove his fingers and slide his arms beneath her hips, holding her still against his mouth. Moments later, she covered his tongue in her nectar, his head quickly shaking side to side as his lips rubbed her overly sensitive clitoris, making her tremble as he removed his mouth. He planted a kiss on the outside of her glistening slit and slowly trailed them up to her mound, finally opening his piercing green eyes to glance up at the woman he's always loved more than anything.
“Holy shit," Mikasa giggled as he slowly kissed up the rest of her body and gently squeezed her hand in his before releasing it to tuck his hands beneath her pillow. "That was amazing..."
"It'll only get better with practice you know.” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at her as she reached up to hook her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a brief, rapid succession of kisses.
"Can you stay tonight?"
"I'll have to leave really early but, yeah," Eren smiled as he leaned down to gently kiss the tip of her nose. "I can stay tonight."
"Good." She smiled as he flashed a devilish grin and dove into the side of her neck, reaching between them to mess with the buckle of his belt. "There's something that I've always wanted to do with you," Her breath tickled his cheek as her fingers tucked beneath the waistline of his opened jeans and boxers. "I wanna suck your cock.." Eren slowly looked up into her eyes, his widened out of shock because he's never pegged someone like Mikasa as having the desire to do such a thing, but mostly psyched having been getting the occasional dream where they engage in rough sex that always starts with her being passionately eaten out.
“Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like you owe me."
"No, I want to." Mikasa smiled sweetly as she lightly touched the sensitive head with her fingertips. "Because it’s your turn now, Eren..." He felt himself grow red at her proposition but also getting extremely hard and excited, rolling off of her onto his back so she could easily remove the clothing from his legs, tossing them on the carpeted floor in a nearly silent heap. Biting her lip, she gently slid her hands beneath his shirt in the hopes of encouraging him to sit up and remove it, impressing her immediately with how ripped he is while still being so slender. "Wow, and you say my body is incredible?" He just propped himself up on his elbows with a smirk, watching a string of her spit dribble out onto his well endowment as she began to slowly rub her hand along the length.
“That’s because your body is incredible and no, I haven't had my dick sucked."
"I'm honored to be the only one who gets to taste it..." Mikasa grinned at the man gazing at her lovingly as he reached for the sheet of raven hair shielding his view of her beautiful face. "You may have to help me." With a gentle touch, she swiped her thumb across the tiny, oozing slit and stroked his raging hard-on, smiling with those stormy grays as she leaned down to slowly lick up the shaft of cock once, twice, three times, his hand gathering all of her hair to one side. He groaned as she swirled her tongue around the head with a smirk, watching her allow more saliva to cover his entire hot length, lips slowly traveling along each side and pause so she could gently suck the sensitive head into her mouth.“Holy fuck, Miki..." Eren chuckled with a quiet grunt when he felt her sweet lips slowly massage just the head before she started following her hand along his length. Her hand came to rest at the base and gently gripped his balls as she slowly tried to swallow his length, only to gag and immediately pull away with a mix between a cough and a giggle. “Try relaxing your throat if you're gonna - just like that..." He half moaned under his breath and released her soft hair from his grasp to run his fingers through it the next instant, making sure to push stray hairs away from her face. But when she came back up, a hand replaced her mouth and made him feel dizzy from the pleasure of her head bobbing with her simultaneous strokes. His breath was now caught in his throat at the feeling of her hollowing her cheeks, slowing her pace to prepare for the inevitable as she slid a hand up his abs to hold the hand he has resting on his chest and laced their fingers together. He grunted and involuntarily bucked his hips with every spurt of hot seed shot into her mouth that were swallowed happily as he slowly rubbed his thumb over the top of her hand. When her eyes finally opened after coming up for air, Mikasa was pleasantly surprised to see his incredible green eyes already on her as she released him from her mouth with an audible pop. "Fuck, that was every bit as hot as I imagined." He chuckled, watching her tongue seductively swipe across her bottom lip and sit up on her knees, a finger scooping any leftovers from her chin as she swirled her tongue around the tip of her finger before sticking the small sample into her mouth, watching his smile quickly turn into a playful smirk. "'Oh, Eren, I've never sucked a dick before' that's you," She smiled as she straddled his lap and leaned down to slowly drag open mouthed kisses up his chest. "That's how you sound."
“I kinda just did whatever I thought would feel good and I guess it worked," Mikasa giggled as she licked up to the side of his neck, making him groan playfully as he rose to wrap his arms around her tiny waist. "I don't know what everyone's complaining about because it really isn't that salty..."
“I don't really eat salty stuff. I’ve heard that eating a crap-ton of fruit is supposed to make it taste better, maybe we can try that sometime?"
"Oooh," Mikasa grinned and snaked her arms around his neck. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I look forward to doing that." She watched his eyes, allowing him to slowly guide her slick heat along the length of his cock with a soft moan and leaned in to plant a kiss on his lips. "I’m on the pill but.."
“Don’t worry, I have no intentions of knocking you up quite yet.”
"Does that mean you intend to marry me someday?"
"Why not?" Eren smirked when she pressed her lips against his once more and flipped the girl on her back, making her giggle as she eagerly spread her legs for him then hooked one around his waist. He slowly pulled away just enough to look into her eyes, holding himself up with support from his hands being pressed into the mattress, making sure to take his time with inching his way inside and give her frequent breaks consisting of brief, tender, distracting kisses. With watery eyes, she whimpered into his mouth, making him pull away again as he brought a hand up to wipe her tears. “I'm so sorry, baby."
“It's okay." Mikasa offered a sweet smile as he leaned in to kiss her and slipped his hands back beneath her pillow, more than content with laying still so she can get used to his thick length buried inside of her after years of wondering what this moment would be like. She moaned softly into his mouth, letting him know that she's finally passed the worst of the discomfort, that it would be okay to start moving and he did so slowly, making her tear away with a quiet giggle against his lips. "Ooh, you're so big..." Eren just smirked, letting out a small chuckle as he crashed his lips against hers and slipped his tongue into her mouth, both of them fighting the other for dominance. She sunk her fingers into his soft, chocolate brown hair and allowed one of her hands to roam his toned, naked back as she deepened their kiss even further, totally unprepared for how good it would feel when his hips really started moving. The quiet moans that filled his mouth only served to make him want to thrust faster, their lips soon parting with an audible smack since she had erupted into a fit of uncontrollable moans as she arched her back and used her legs to pull him closer, looking up into his eyes with an equally half lidded, lustrous gaze. "Oh, Erenn!" The girl managed to say amidst her moans and smiled at his smirk as he dove in for the side of her neck to bathe her soft skin with kisses, his hand reaching back so he could slowly caress her leg while giving the most erogenous spot a much rougher kiss.
“I love how fucking tight you are..." His breath tickled her ear, and it made her squirm even more, smiling as she rode him from below because her climax is overwhelming and it has her drunk. She could tell how close he was because his breathing had gotten increasingly choppy and, being close to another orgasm, she decided that it would be fun to try talking dirty.
“Come for me, Eren,” Mikasa moaned to him, digging her nails into his back as he thrusted into her faster and faster. “Oooh,” Her voice was quiet as she tried to control her sounds, squealing with delight loud enough for the two of them to hear. “You can come inside me, ohh, yes, fuck me! Fill up my tight little -”
"Ohho no," The young man smirked as he propped himself up on his hands to watch her breasts move in tandem with her equally perfect body, their hips not once slowing down. "There's something that I have always wanted to do with you...” She giggled upon remembering what was said earlier before everything had started, when Mikasa mentioned something to him along the same lines. He took in a sharp breath and chuckled from the incredible feeling of her inner walls constricting or releasing him because it was simply intoxicating, and it sent them both over the edge into a blissful state. With a swift movement, Eren sat up straight as he pulled out and immediately hunched over her body again, pumping himself until his load squirted onto her stomach, making her giggle because she’s still in a little bit of shock that this even occurred, let alone the fact she just slept with her childhood best friend. “Cum on your fantastic abs.” He said breathlessly and quickly copied the smile on her face as he planted a kiss on her soft lips.
“Wait, really?”
"Totally. I've always been aware of how attractive you are, you know, especially when you wear a bikini. Guys come up to me and ask if you're single all the time."
"Well, now you can say, 'Mikasa Ackerman is my girlfriend, so go fuck yourself.'"
"I used to hate it when that happened but now I'm excited to brag about you being mine." Eren smiled, watching her eyes as she reached a hand between them to touch the evidence from their night of passion and seductively stuffed whatever was left on her finger into her mouth with a playful grin. "Seriously, Mikasa, you’re mega hot." Suddenly, a cellphone sitting on the nightstand beside them vibrated, which prompted her to reach for hers as he leaned down to press his lips to her neck. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders to see her phone screen, and then she gasped.
Levi: Oi, brat, I'm trying to sleep over here and it's really difficult with all of your incessant screaming.
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bentenharuki · 4 years
I generally don’t do these but...
I will do this because it’s a badge of honor and a thank you for @todayintokyo who gives me a daily vibe out of my second fav Country in the world (first one is my own, of course. My messy, chaotic, genius Italy).
So for everyone interested (I won’t tag people either... if you are among my 250+ readers, do it as freely as you like to share this unexpected hard time along others. Sharing makes us all feel less stranded I guess :)) 
1. Are you staying home from work/school? Yep. My University (Milano Bicocca) holds in-house lessons and curses and also exams and testing are/will be online. What I miss most are the lab works and the exchanges with foreign schools. I took one a few months ago in London and I was supposed to have another in May but... NOPE, of course.
2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you? I am alone in my apartment. At first it was supposed to be shared rent with somebody else but then my parents just bought this out and lent it to me. I know. I am spoiled. But very grateful for what I have. I always try to give back the best I can because no one has merits in being born in a family instead of another. (pieces of second-rate philosophy in all my LONG answers courtesy of my mum and her influence on me. She’s a University Professor and her field is.. guess what.. ETHICS PHILOSOPHY)
3. Do you have pets to keep you company? Nope. Not allowed. But I like cats. Cats. CATS. They are elegant, refined, very clean, and they give you consideration and affection ONLY if they like you. I prefer to conquer somebody’s love instead than to have it by default. Then I am naturally a cat person instead of a dog’s. But I like all animals (I like snakes as well, so my range is pretty wide ;)), even though I don’t feel missing any in  house. Generally I would be out of home most of the day and no pet would be happy in staying that much alone. I miss my grandparents’ kitty tho :)
4. Who do you miss the most? Family. Friends. Meeting new people when out. And... (is it fine to say it?) Well... in these lockdown times I miss... human touch. (You get what kind). I was seeing a guy when this all started and my old boyf also came back into the picture somehow. All on hold. And I avoid to think how that makes me feel because even in case I’d figure it out, what comes if one can’t act on the awareness? Exactly. So I put it all in a LONG pause. But yeah... I miss contacts. A LOT.
5. When was the last time you left your home? I go out every Thursday to buy all my grocery stuff. I am very methodic. My supermarket is pretty near and it’s BIG and I get there right before it opens (well... one hour almost before it opens, so I can be among the firsts in line). I look like a ninja: very sporty and technically dressed (like for a running competition!) with clothes and shoes which are easy washable, tech mask (it is for cycling competition, with filters specifically medical: the mask is washable as well after you’ve used it, while the filter is obviously not), cotton fit gloves and over them medical gloves (I can’t wear directly medical gloves because my skin is very sensitive and I suffer from nickel allergia, which makes latex gloves a NO NO directly on skin), teck googles which cover also the side of my face (those are from cycling items too) and of course PODS in my ear because I can’t live without music :)
6. What was the last thing you bought? I bought online a few garden tools for my biggest balcony. I have ZERO skill with plants (and I am supposed to become a biologist... the nerve! LOL) but I am keen at making grow at least rosemery for my recipes. I have a little peach tree and it is all fine so far. I have hope I can do better and anyway I have time now ;)
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed? I try to keep my routine as it was before. I wake up and perform all my tasks exactly as I was doing before this all started. I am VERY organized and to lax on that would ruin me, so I carefully focus on what I can control the best I can. It feels strange to say it maybe but... this way my mood isn’t particularly affected by this heavy revolution in my (and everyone elses’s) life.
8. Are you a homebody? NOPE. I love people, I love my Milan and its being always full of people everywhere. I love living in my town a TON, I love meeting friends anywhere, go dancing, I love to live my University life in this beautiful and renewed part of Milan; I like being surrounded by my people and meeting new ones. So being stuck at home would seem insufferable for me. But I learnt from this (there’s always something to learn in any experience) that I can be surprisingly ok with staying home too. I came to know better my neighbors. I feel a sense of community with everyone living nearby and I have come to love my domesticity too. It was a surprise for me first ^.^
9. What movies have you watched recently? In Italy, Italia 1 channel has had the WONDERFUL idea to rebroadcast all Harry Potter saga every Monday and Thursday. Today and tomorrow there are the last two installments, so I can say that is what I looked out the most for as in movie things these past weeks (funny how I never particularly adored the books of HP, I mean, I liked them but... being a Tolkien’s devotee Rowlings’ literary efforts always seemed lackluster to me.. and still I have always liked the movies. It’s incoherent I know ;)). But I have Sky at home so I can watch whatever movie I like to whenever I want to. And that leads to VERY little watch actually. I am reading a ton though. I watch what passes on in the National channels actually, out of digital and cable and decide to watch it or not. For instance last Friday Rai 1 (main Italian Channel) broadcasted one of my fav movies from the past three years, GIFTED (with Chris Evans and Octavia Spencer) and I rewatched it with immense pleasure.
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled? OLYMPICS. I was supposed to be back in Japan with a a couple of friends and my bro for experience the Olympics (especially the volleyball tournaments) between July and August and that got (of course) cancelled. We plan to move it all to next year of course. But it hurts SO MUCH because it was easily what I was looking forward to BEST for all 2020. Hands down.
11. What’s the best and worst thing you’ve had to cancel? Look up. For the other question, I never plan things I don’t like (or at least I try my best not to) and I almost never find myself in the position of being happy for something I had going on which I had to pass due to circumstances. I am a very honest (sometimes to the point of bluntness, though with age I got trained in the fine art of diplomacy, which for me is declined especially in the “IGNORE WHAT IS NOT WORTHY degree) person and if there is something I don’t like I tend to not get involved with it in the first place.
12. Do you have any new hobbies? Eh... the longest list... I love so many things. Sport don’t count as hobbies to me because I treat them as part of my daily life constantly. So take them off. I like to write, to draw, to paint... I like reading, I like learning... I am a tech geek; I like gaming (but that I have to cut it or it would absorb me too much)... I like TRAVELING (that is cut off too of course nowadays), and many other things so I guess I don’t literally have SPACE for new hobbies. My many ones makes it impossible to fall for new things though lately I am becoming a better cook out of needs ;)
13. What are you out of? My lists are made as soon my things become “two items in from having 0″. This way I can’t run out of anything. Did I say already I am a HUGE control freak? THAT ;)
14. What music are you listening to? My itunes collections lists so far 12376 ALBUMS. Then I have the random songs. Latest one I bought (because I buy them all) is Achille Lauro’s latest 16 Marzo 
I am also listening a lot to one of my bro’s fav bands Radiohead and as usual a lot to my beloved Imagine Dragons. My mum and dad are also telling me to listen to Bill Withers (who recently passed away) whole discography because he was amazing. I love many music genres. I love ALL which makes the spirit soar and rage and evolve and love and cry and hope.
15. What are you reading? So far in quarantine I read 5 books. I have now to start ORIGINS by Dan Brown. I pick the books I have left unread randomly and that was the pick this time (people gift me with books constantly because they know I am a bookworm when I have spare time).
16. What are you doing for self-care? Keep loving myself and life and the world exactly the way I used to before this all started.
17. Are you exercising? Yup. Tapis roulant, golf training, stepper (all in my house lucky me) and mat and weight training. I have a routine for which I have to train at least one hour a day. NO EXCEPTION. I miss swimming but I will do. I am also in recovery after January’s knee meniscus intervention so my schedules are also taking that into consideration.
18. How’s your toilet paper supply? I'm OK. :)
19. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine? Nope. I love to stylize my hair but I don’t have specific cuts. It grows long and then I play with them hairstyles: braids, buns, ponytails, partitions and the likes.. But I have bleached hair and I had to follow my hairdresser advice because I can’t allow ugly roots to take dominance of me ^.^ So I bought the necessary to self bleach them. No need to say as soon as I will be able to, Hairdressers and Massages and SPA will be my first destination ^.^ (beside visiting family and friends of course).
I am fairly sure I put lots of typos and mistakes in this but I have my online lesson just starting in 8 minutes and I can’t review this (I generally never do it anyway). So forgive me and have a beautiful day ;)
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queerascat · 7 years
I read your post about transphobia of Japan. I identify myself as genderqueer and MtF lesbian. I tried to join the event for lesbians in Tokyo, but they rejected me at the entrance. Because, I have my beautiful beard and my ID says I am biologically male. I was there with my classy black dress, but they didn't think me as woman! This is so transphobic! Also, I think the term lesbian itself is very transphobic. TERF lesbians should go to hell. We need safe space for queer and non-binary in Japan!
i’m really sorry to hear about the shitty experience that you had, anon. sadly, it’s not the first time that i’ve heard of someone having this experience and i suspect that i might even know the event that you tried to go to. it’s incredibly frustrating how a lot of LG(BT) spaces / events in Japan are gendered, binarist, cissexist and / or transphobic…
i respectfully disagree that the word “lesbian” itself is transphobic, however. it’s my personal opinion that people (such as TERFs) are transphobic and transphobic people can and do use words in transphobic ways, but the word “lesbian” in and of itself isn’t transphobic.
having said that, i totally agree with you that TERFs (by they lesbian or not) can and should fuck off.
speaking of safe places for queer and non-binary people in Japan, there’s actually a great event going right now as i type this. it’s called ジェンダーフリーパーティー X (Gender Free Party X). it’s an event specifically made for trans / non-binary people (although anyone is free to attend) that’s held a few times a year in Tokyo. i’ve gone to one of their events in the past and i can’t recommend it enough if you’re a trans / non-binary person in Japan who wants to meet other trans / non-binary people or just be in a non-gendered space where people are conscious and accepting of gender variance.
if by chance you see this in time, perhaps you could even check it out tonight? otherwise, i’m sure another party will be held again in a few months time and perhaps i’ll even see you there? ;) you can keep up on when the next event will be held by following or periodically checking the event’s Twitter, here.
that event aside, it can be really hard to find safe, inclusive spaces / events… there are a few “mix bars” (ミックスバー) in Ni Chome that anyone regardless of gender or sexuality are welcome in, but i can’t think of a particular one off the top of my head to recommend. there are also Xジェンダー (non-binary) / trans specific オフ会 (meetups), but you usually have to find out about them via word of mouth or Twitter. lastly, there are also LGBT cafes in Tokyo like CoCoLo Cafe and Café Lavandería, which are great places to grab a bite to eat, read a book or hangout with friends. Café Lavandería in particular sometimes has great live music with occasional spoken word and other artistic events, but i highly recommend them both if you just want a safe space without the goal of actually meeting new people.
anyway, i totally feel your pain, anon. it really, really pisses me off how gendered, transphobic, cissexist, etc things are here… i keep telling my cis lesbian Japanese friends why going to lesbian events with them makes me uncomfortable because i know i’m literally only allowed through the door based on being misgendered as female– that if i didn’t “”appear female”” to them, they totally would not even let me in– but they don’t seem to understand how upsetting that or the transphobia etc in general is…. there are, of course, lesbians in Japan who aren’t like that and who are accepting of trans / non-binary people, but general awareness of trans / non-binary anything is so poor in Japan to begin with, making finding such people hard… sigh.
hang in there, anon. things are slowly but surely getting better as Xジェンダー / trans people in Japan are slowly but surely creating spaces and events for ourselves to combat the current state of the LG(BT) community in Japan. it takes a lot of time, patience and effort, but i hope you can find safe spaces for yourself in the meantime.
all the best!
edit: ah, one more thing that i only just remembered. i recently found out that Gold Finger, a well-known lesbian bar in Ni Chome, has an “LGBT Karaoke Night” every Friday night where they open up the bar to everyone. i hesitate to mention Gold Finger at all, though, because they have been known to not allow trans women into their bar when it’s a “women only” night or into their monthly parties… chances are high that the event that you were turned away from may have been affiliated with them. that said, it’s an option that exists in a country with so few options at all, so i thought i’d throw it out there with that cautionary tidbit of information for people to decide for themself whether to go or not. there’s also an "FTM Night" on Mondays for those interested in that.
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capechicago · 4 years
CAPE Network Forum Newsletter: Issue I
CAPE Network Forum Newsletter
Welcome to our first CAPE Network Forum Newsletter. CAPE program and research staff created this newsletter as a way to communicate with our network of teachers and artists, and also to connect with arts and education colleagues in other organizations.
There is an old adage about how in crisis there is opportunity. The current pandemic crisis prompted CAPE program staff to set up the CAPE Network Forum Tumblr page (https://capechicago.tumblr.com/). The Tumblr page was a response to the need to maintain the CAPE network as a vital and evolving entity engaged together in dialogue and investigation. Posts can include CAPE network thinking and debates regarding remote learning projects for students; instructional videos created for students (there are many wonderful examples up now on the Forum); photos and videos of remote learning CAPE student work; written recipes or instructions for at-home work; questions for other network members; reflections on the challenges and potential for remote learning in our communities; larger reflections about the meaning of art or education or community at this time. The response already to the Forum has been tremendous and invigorating.
The other opportunity coming out of this crisis is the launching of this newsletter. The CAPE program and research department, and the network itself, has not had a vehicle for regularly sharing information or news about our current pedagogical and aesthetic research and practices. This newsletter is that vehicle, and we will both draw from the great work of CAPE teachers, artists, and students past and present to share, as well as welcome contributions.
As Artist/Researchers, all CAPE teachers, artists, and students conduct their collaborative investigations and create their work through inquiry. They deconstruct content, form questions, and work together across artistic disciplines without knowing the end until they come to it.
In our present pandemic, schools and their external partner organizations are navigating the unprecedented terrain of remote learning. This is immensely difficult, and many are turning to overtly structured, step-by-step activities for individual students working alone that have set or predetermined results. In this way, it is known for certain what students are doing, and certainty can be comforting.
CAPE has never worked this way; we see uncertainty and the unknown as generative of learning and art making. CAPE’s questions are: can remote learning be inquiry-based and
collaborative artistically and pedagogically? Can remote learning work towards unknown results that can still be publicly shared for further dialogue and questioning? Our artistic and academic research of these questions will form the CAPE network’s response to this crisis. I also believe our response can have a larger resonance for the meaning of art, education, and community collaborations beyond the life of the pandemic.
— Scott Sikkema
CAPE artists are likely aware that there is a relief fund grant available to individual artists under the Arts for Illinois Relief Fund (AIRF). The application portal for this grant closes Wednesday, April 8, at 5 pm: https://3arts.org/artist-relief/
Individual Chicago Public Schools submit their formal remote learning plan on Monday, April 6, and enact their plans beginning the week of April 13. Park Forest Chicago Heights District 163 teachers and administration develop formal plans April 8 and 9, working together across grades and schools by video conferencing.
Both Chicago District 299 and Park-Forest Chicago Heights District 163 are implementing remote learning plans which encompass both digital and non-digital (take-home materials), require student engagement and teacher availability (but not taking student attendance), and only assign grades that improve student standing. Classroom teachers should soon be able to share details on these plans. To support online and take-home learning, CAPE program staff have been working with schools, teachers, and artists on distribution of art materials, and instructional videos on youtube. Many schools will begin technology distribution the week of April 13, following CPS central office guidelines. Be aware that CPS has new designations of food distribution sites, which might impact material distribution as well; see https://cps.edu/OSHW/Pages/mealsites.aspx for details.
ISBE divides the remote learning day into periods of skill practice, projects, enrichment activities, and reading. CAPE arts integration work can fit into any of these categories, and CAPE teachers and artists have already demonstrated that across the CAPE Network Forum Tumblr videos. We would especially note the compatibility for arts integration in the project or enrichment categories, and it may be a good strategy for in-school partnerships to conceive CAPE remote learning within one of those categories.
To close on updates, we call attention to the ISBE website: https://www.isbe.net/Pages/covid19.aspx. State Superintendent of Education Dr. Carmen Ayala consistently posts messages that are helpful and direct. She recently announced the availability now in Spanish of ISBE’s very thorough and thought out Remote Learning Recommendations.
Tumblr Highlight:
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This week's Tumblr Highlight is on CAPE teaching artist Jordan Knecht's first instructional video. See his video above and the accompanying post below. For more content from teachers and artists, please visit our Tumblr page.
Written by: Jordan Knecht 
Hey everyone,
I’ve been thinking about how I’d like to approach our instructional videos. It’s been so inspiring to see how everyone is thinking about and making their own!
I have plenty of thoughts on my philosophical approach to videos, but I’m going to keep this post brief, because this post is all about brevity.
I just made my first video for class. I made it really quickly, because I’ve been feeling myself tense up with the internal anxiety of not making a video correctly: not making it up to my own standards, missing something, being awkward, etc. I decided to use this first video to pull off the bandaid real fast to get over the awkwardness and move forward. It certainly isn’t perfect, but I knew that I would spend days hemming and hawing over it if I didn’t just make the leap.
In the video, I invite my students to respond something they appreciate having around that helps them fight boredom and provides them an outlet for creativity. That invitation is extended to you all.
Here is the link to the video: https://youtu.be/jfvVcDxMoo4
CAPE Network Interview: Ayako Kato, Interviewed by Jenny Lee
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Ayako Kato is an award-winning choreographer, dancer, improviser, and educator originally from Yokohama, Japan. Since 2012, she has also been a teaching Artist/Researcher for CAPE. In 1998, she founded Ayako Kato/Art Union Humanscape, which has been producing a large number of choreographic performances in collaboration with composers, musicians, and visual artists in the US, Japan, and Europe. Initially trained in classical ballet and later modern dance, she also went on to practice Tai Chi, Noh theater dance/dramaturgy, and butoh under Kazuo Ohno, one of the butoh’s founders. Influenced by Taoism and the traditional Japanese aesthetics of "furyu," wind flow, she considers dance as an art of being which expresses "The Way" of nature within and outside ourselves. Within the CAPE network, she co-teaches with Vanessa Saucedo at Telpochcalli elementary school and with Marybel Cortes at Patrick Henry elementary school.
What has been inspiring for you during this time?
Every week since the beginning of this semester, my daughter’s drama teacher has sent us pictures. He’s always an inspiration for me. He communicates very well with us, and we start to know what’s going on in the drama class, and it raises awareness. It becomes more real.
I teach my own adult workshop for professionals and pre-professionals. When this all happened, I felt I was up against the wall. However, after I experienced my daughter’s online lesson, I was encouraged to try out one for mine. I watched a Zoom instructional video on YouTube, learned to share my screen, and figured out how to set up two cameras, one for conversation and another to capture my movement, suggested by my tech-savvy student. My musician husband set up a microphone to avoid feedback without me asking, and eventually even my daughter taught me how to use "gallery view" through Zoom. The first workshop went really well! Step by step, I found out I could do anything through Zoom! In some ways, it was better than a physical class in terms of being able to share some text closely and closely show the detailed movement of fingers and other parts of the body.
What have been some challenges and positives to remote learning?
It was difficult to hear that the schools were closed. I learned a lot about CPS guidelines: no direct communication, no text...I was not counted as an “essential” visitor, which made me sad. Then, who am I? How would I get in contact with my students?
The thing is as a teaching artist, although I try my best to guess, I don’t know how busy teachers are. I don’t know how much parents want to continue the afterschool program in this condition. I don’t know how much students are interested in continuing their artistic practice. I bet parents must be having a hard time keeping up even with students' academic homeschooling. But through my own daughter’s remote learning experiences and online lessons, I could see that when parents, students, and teachers are all together motivated, remote learning can happen. So, after the first week of setting up Seesaw Application, reflecting on only five parents out of eighteen signed up for that, I asked Vanessa if she could reach parents and encourage them to sign up again. Then, thanks to her one more push, we got eleven students/parents signed up now.
I started to see hope through Seesaw. So, with Marybel at Patrick Henry Elementary School, we started to use Seesaw as well as posting the same assignment contents on the Henry Home Page. We decided to set up the means to submit assignments in two ways: Google Drive/email and Seesaw. Again, after we posted our assignment for the second time, we started to get responses. Checking Seesaw two days ago, I noticed that if I click "See Translate" on Spanish, it becomes English. I could read the translation immediately. Then, using Google Translation, I responded in Spanish! So, I am communicating even better than I was in classrooms. I can write to parents even in Spanish. This is a great benefit and I feel magical!
It took a while for me to drop all the expectations I had in the first place when the school was closed. Letting go was important. Vanessa, Marybel and I just have to do what we can. We just hold on to even a tiny hope and find inspiration from other teachers, parents and our students who have the willingness to work together. Then, we can find ways to communicate and keep improving students' potential.
Do you have any ideas or questions about what you, your teacher partners, and students might discover or encounter regarding dance integrated teaching, learning, and/or art making during this pandemic situation?
During this Stay at Home Order, I feel more people started to do running. I see their seriousness to get through this period, maintaining their health. Those people know how the body gets weaker and stiff if they don't move. I myself once had severe pain in my sit bone. I diagnosed myself because I started to sit longer than usual. I fixed it by stretching and moving. This experience made me feel more serious about reaching students to keep them moving. What I mean is not necessarily dance, but moving your body contributes to maintaining your health. The question is what and how. Dance can give you the physically and mentally lifted state of being or the aligned flexible body with lifted feelings. Through dance, your mind and perspective open up more for creative ideas and actions.
I hope parents from the After School program notice the difference in their children when they are having dance classes twice a week versus none. Vanessa was just kindly sharing with me how students had changed through the dance class. They increased more confidence, focus, and constructiveness. I also have been seeing their improvement through not only physicality but also creativity.
Dance is very corporeal; it is an art form of and with the body. Has working and teaching remotely changed any of your perceptions of dance itself?
I have nothing other than even more affirmation on dance or the power of dance during this time! What movement/dance can do to us, the living body, is amazing!! I have been imagining people, things and elements in nature moving at this moment synchronically somewhere in the world. All the things, living things and nonliving things are moving, shifting and transforming on and even inside of the earth. During my online Zoom workshop, looking at the people moving in each different location, I felt, "Wow...this is real. Moving/Dancing together, witnessing and sensing each other who are in other locations, is amazing!" Through my recent live-streaming concert, I noticed the audience can be on the other side of the globe! Live performance cannot be beaten. Yet, I am definitely starting to experience possibilities through "virtual" yet "reality" moments of dance.
www.artunionhumanscape.net, Ayako Kato on Vimeo
Contemporary Recall
Each issue of the CAPE Network Forum Newsletter we will look back at a past example of contemporary arts practice in CAPE.
April 2nd, 2010: Chicago Arts Educators Forum Presentation:
How does our community leverage 21 st Century skills to promote art education?
Written by Mark Diaz:
In creating a workshop on exploring the pillars of 21stCentury skills, my collaborator Mike Bancroft and I looked to interdisciplinary installation art as a practice where art administrators and teaching artists could challenge their assumptions and wonderings around critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication (skills listed by the national Partnership for 21stCentury Skills). Participants entered a room with no tables and chairs stacked high. At the center of the room were rope, blue tape, post-it note pads, wooden sticks, and a tinker toy set arranged without any written instructions. Instead, the instructions, sequenced by an egg timer, were verbally delivered by Mike and myself.
As participants collected in the room, Mike and I played with the tinker toys and posed questions such as “what is technology?” and “what is collaboration?” While discussing ideas about the nature of technology and qualities of collaboration, participants slowly started to play with the materials in the room and started to interact with each other. They then, on their own, began assembling random arrangements in whichever space they decide to settle in. All the materials, including the stacked chairs, were used in unexpected ways. As arrangements started to take shape and form, Mike and I posed questions about what they were making and how they were making. They began discussing the significance of their assemblages, making relationships with what they were making to larger ideas, and in relation to those idea, organizing themselves into smaller groups.
After forming groups within the larger collective, a few members from each group underwent a quick video and audio tutorial. They were sent off to take several random video clips and audio field recordings that were based on ideas that were developing from their installations. Teams reviewed these video clips and audio recordings and were asked how they could be used to embellish or enhance the physical work that was emerging in their spaces. The clips were arranged in a sequences and video were projected on to their installations. Their audios were also played within the installations.
This was an atypical art making workshop where participants were presented with materials not commonly associated with art making. Rather, participants were provided with a situation to experiment with materials in a new way and to consider use of the space in which they create their installations. Participants grappled with the formation of collaborative relationships and through intermittent, timed questions and dialogue, they synthesized concepts and ideas emerging from their projects.
Installation art practice afforded participants to create and innovate without predetermined outcomes. By engaging in critical dialogue about form, space, and meaning, participants utilized technology to enhance their projects. Through minimal yet intentional direction, they self-organized to collectively problem solve the creation of
singular art installations comprised of multiple, interlinked parts. This approach engendered multidirectional participation for educators and administrators to deconstruct and reinvent the 21stCentury skills in a way that opened up more thinking and ownership.
CAPE Program Staff:
Scott Sikkema, Education Director ([email protected]) Mark Diaz, Associate Director of Education ([email protected]) Joseph Spilberg, Associate Director of Education ([email protected]) Brandon Phouybanhdyt, Program Coordinator ([email protected]) Jenny Lee, Research Program Coordinator ([email protected])
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Eddie Jones stands by his decision to back youth over experience for Japan World Cup
Ruaridh McConnochie and the rest of England & # 39; s World Cup novices still came to terms with life-changing news that they received Monday Eddie Jones provided an emphatic declaration of faith.
& # 39; It is our best 31 & # 39 ;, said the head coach of the team he had just mentioned, flooded with unknown newcomers. "I am convinced that it is our best 31. I could have chosen more experienced players, but I just do not feel they will give us what the younger boys will give us."
In the last 18 months, the veterans have been appropriated. And the process is accelerated as the World Cup approaches, precisely the time most countries are trying to spend on those who have been in the block a few times.
Ruaridh McConnochie is completely smiling after being catapulted into the seniors of England
England will go to Japan without Dylan Hartley, Chris Robshaw, Mike Brown, Danny Care or James Haskell. They have lost a pile of caps, but according to Jones have won so much. "It's always nice to bring new blood," said the Australian. "Everything is being refreshed."
So England is refreshed by the influx of tyros such as Bath & # 39; s uncapped outside McConnochie and Northampton Flanker Lewis Ludlam, who only made his debut in the win against Wales on Sunday.
& # 39; He came from nowhere, & # 39; Jones admitted. These two are not the only newcomers. Another Bath wing, the gigantic Joe Cokanasiga, only has five caps to his name, but has a valuable X factor that Jones could not ignore.
Willi Heinz, 32, is an older rookie, but he has also cut after only one international appearance.
Jones was optimistic and energetic when he evaluated his choices in the left field. He identified a specific occasion when McConnochie caught his attention and said, "I'll tell you the game I saw him. It was a beautiful sunny day in Exeter. He played for Bath and did many good things. I remember driving back in the car and trying to find more information about him.
& # 39; He is a tall tall guy with feet and in Exeter, because you are close to the ground, you can hear and see the communication of the players. He is a very good communicator. We learned more about him and he continued to play well. When he entered the camp, he confirmed our impression of him. He is an adult boy who has played a number of positions, so he was a fairly easy selection. & # 39;
Lewis Ludlam is another new boy who gets his big break at the Japan World Cup
McConnochie, the former player of Team GB sevens, remembered that game against his first season of professional, 15-a-side rugby.
& # 39; It was the first 20 minutes that it went really well for me, & # 39; he said. "Every time I got the ball, there was a little room."
It was a remarkable career move. In May last year, McConnochie went to the Premiership final as a paying spectator with a school friend, without having any idea of ​​what would happen next year. After Jones identified his potential and summoned him in May, he was welcomed with a reassuring message.
"Eddie has been great all the time," McConnochie said. "He said something very good to me in the beginning:" You are inside because you are good at what you do. Just be yourself ". That gives an unconnected player like me enormous confidence. & # 39;
Ludlam has been encouraged to be himself in the same way since he joined the team after a breakthrough season for the Saints. Jones praised him as a & # 39; uncomplicated player & # 39; and added: "You ask him to do something, he does it and he does it 100 percent. To me, he is one of those old-fashioned sixes who just does the work. He carries hard, tackles hard, cleans up hard. They had to beat some good players to get there. You have Robshaw, who is 75-capper, and others. He really did well to come in. & # 39;
Eddie Jones stands by his decision and feels that he & # 39; is the best 31 & # 39 ; has chosen those at his disposal
Jones also provided insight into the human side of the selection process. He can be ruthless, but he is also aware of the impact of his decisions. We have omitted some good players and it is difficult, he said. It is a stressful, painful period.
& # 39; As a coach, it is probably one of my least favorite times. Players say that they did not reach the World Cup is not a nice conversation, but unfortunately you cannot choose everyone. & # 39;
He has chosen to choose Jack Nowell, although the Exeter Wing still strives to recover from injuries. There are no guarantees that he will be fit before the team flies to Japan on September 8, but Nowell said: I'm fine. I hit my ankle in the last Premiership and a few ligaments in my knee.
"I'm on the right track, but I pushed it a bit hard at the start, so it flared up a bit. The surgeons are very happy, so hopefully I turned a corner.
"I have been able to do a lot of training. I have always had Italy in mind (the last warm-up match in England on September 6). I want to work there. & # 39;
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plxyboi-blog · 5 years
Is slack of sleep making you fat?
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/is-slack-of-sleep-making-you-fat/
Is slack of sleep making you fat?
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "books009a-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "eb6b8d82602b7891da759d9bf5221f00"; amzn_assoc_asins = "162315944X,B00UJIXKL4,B07CZ837VB";
For the reason that, basically set, a deficiency of snooze is producing us fat. Not only does tiredness sap our get-up-and-go, it alters our bodies on a chemical amount. “A single 7 days of short snooze – 5 or 6 hrs per night time – will transform your blood sugar ranges so considerably that your health practitioner would classify you as pre-diabetic,” claims Walker.
Being pre-diabetic signifies we establish an lack of ability to adequately control our body’s blood sugar. When this takes place, it can lead to fat to accumulate all around our abdomen, hips and base – and, as the overall body finds it a lot easier to store fat than burn it, this excess bodyweight is tough to drop.
Additional to this, inadequate snooze decreases our ranges of the hormone leptin, which tells us we’re comprehensive, and will increase our ranges of the hormone ghrelin, which tells us we’re hungry. Leptin also boosts the microbiome, which helps keep our bodies’ digestive units in optimum overall health.
Being very well-rested also signifies we make healthier food stuff options, Walker claims. “These food stuff options may possibly set you on a route toward bodyweight command, instead than bodyweight achieve.”
And don’t even assume about dieting though drained. If you do, researchers have observed that most of the bodyweight you drop will appear from the body’s merchants of lean muscle mass instead than fat. “I am not heading to say that the weight problems disaster is triggered by the snooze-reduction epidemic on your own,” Walker continues. “It can be not. But processed food stuff and sedentary lifestyles do not adequately explain its increase. Anything is lacking. It can be now crystal clear that snooze is that third component.”
Nathalie Schyllert, CEO of Bodyism, an distinctive London gymnasium that counts David Beckham, Rita Ora and Lara Stone amongst its customers, agrees. She claims the Bodyism method centres all around “full-overall body wellness”, of which snooze is a vital element.
“Sleep is 1 of our 4 pillars of overall health and arguably the most important, as it has so much affect on the other people – motion, way of thinking and diet,” she claims. “The deficiency of a stable sleeping program, or heading to mattress much too late, qualified prospects persons to sacrifice good practices. In the early morning, they are drained, they strike the snooze button for all those excess few minutes in mattress and normally sacrifice a healthy house-produced breakfast for a robust espresso and sugary croissant on the way to operate.”
As she describes, picking out sugary or small-nutrient foodstuff for breakfast normally qualified prospects to a deficiency of productivity, increased irritability, sugar cravings and small interest in functioning out. Being drained also will increase your danger of injury when you do exercise. Schyllert claims the customers who get the best effects in the gymnasium are the kinds who snooze very well.
“They make stable snooze routines and have regular times to go to mattress and wake up,” she claims. “Our bodies adore program and this signifies we wake up with much more vitality and drive to strike the gymnasium or make a nutrient-dense breakfast to established us up for the day.”
So how much snooze is adequate? Whilst Walker claims it’s not doable to give every person a recommended total of shut-eye per night time – “eight hrs isn’t acceptable for every person, some will need much more, some will need fewer” – he does say the large vast majority of us fall somewhere on a spectrum of needing involving 7 and nine hrs of snooze per night time. But 1 thing’s for positive: we are finding fewer than our grandparents did.
“A 1942 Gallup poll in America observed that the normal individual got seven.8 hrs of snooze per night time,” claims Walker. “Over the last 70 years, there has been fairly a appreciable lessen in snooze time. In the US, the normal is 6 hrs and 31 minutes and in Japan, 6 hrs, 22 minutes.”
A 2013 study confirmed the normal grownup in the United kingdom is finding 6 hrs and 35 minutes of snooze a night time from Monday to Friday. In Australia, adults normal 7 hrs a night time, according to the Sleep Wellness Foundation.
So is a lie-in much more very likely to help us shed the surplus kilos than an early-early morning training session?
Certainly – and no. Whilst dragging oneself to the gymnasium every day is counterproductive, industry experts these kinds of as Walker advocate heading to mattress and finding up at the similar time each and every early morning, and prioritising snooze more than scrolling by way of Instagram before mattress. That way, you can expect to have had adequate rest by the time your alarm goes off and can exercise very well rested.
“Men and women normally request me how much snooze I get and I don’t suggest to audio trite, but I practise what I preach,” claims Walker. “For all manner of causes. I make positive I have a good snooze program because when you know the proof as I do, you just would not pick out to do everything else.”
Sleep Effortless: Tips FOR A Fantastic NIGHT’S KIP
Drink banana tea We have heard of camomile tea, night time-time tea and other soporific blends, but banana tea is a lesser-known but tasty snooze-inducing consume. It can be produced by introducing banana and its pores and skin to boiling drinking water with a contact of honey – a variety of recipes can be observed on the net – and is effective thanks to its high magnesium and potassium content material.
Commit fewer time staring at a display Blue mild from equipment disrupts the brain’s melatonin, which controls how sleepy we experience. People with Apple equipment running iOS 12 have a Screen Time operate, making it possible for consumers to keep an eye on how long they spend on unique apps and established limitations for switching off.
Invest in new pillows We have all heard that we should really transform our mattresses consistently, but did you know you should really transform your pillows every 3 years? “The firmness or softness of a pillow is not only established by the proportion of down, but the high quality and quantity,” claims Robert Lancaster Gaye, the founder of Tielle Love Luxurious, which can make bedding for major motels all through the planet. “We generally recommend you acquire 1 pillow, snooze on it, and then acquire much more once you might be joyful with it.”
Check out functioning out previously Training fewer than 4 hrs prior to heading to mattress not only raises your overall body temperature, and can lead to dehydration, it also makes the worry hormones cortisol and norepinephrine, which keep you alert.
Open up a window Your overall body warmth peaks in the night and then drops to its most affordable ranges when you might be asleep. A interesting sixteen-eighteen degrees Celsius is perfect for a bedroom. Hotter rooms lead to restlessness and colder signifies it will be more difficult to get to snooze in the initially place.
Sleep Awareness 7 days starts off August five.
This report appears in Sunday Everyday living magazine inside the Solar-Herald and the Sunday Age on sale July 28.
Stella Magazine, The Sunday Telegraph (United kingdom)
Most Seen in Way of life
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "books009a-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "eb6b8d82602b7891da759d9bf5221f00"; amzn_assoc_asins = "162315944X,B00UJIXKL4,B07CZ837VB"; Supply link Nourishment to Drop Unwanted fat
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
By Isaac Chotiner | Published June 19, 2019 5:00 AM PM | New Yorker | Posted June 19, 2019 |
Last May, President Trump withdrew from the nuclear agreement that President Obama struck with Iran. Now, many fear that the Trump Administration may be on the verge of a military strike on the country. Tensions with Iran began escalating rapidly in April, when Trump announced that he was designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization and imposed more sanctions. Last Thursday, two tankers, one Japanese, the other Norwegian, exploded in the Gulf of Oman. The Trump Administration quickly blamed Iran for the attacks, and for attacks on four other tankers in the same area on May 12th. Then, on Monday, Iran announced that it was likely to breach the nuclear deal by keeping more uranium stockpiled than is allowed by the agreement, as the U.S. prepared to send a thousand more troops to the region.
To talk about the state of U.S.-Iranian relations, I spoke by phone with Wendy R. Sherman, the lead American negotiator on the nuclear agreement, and a former State Department ambassador. She is currently the director of the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School, and the author of “Not for the Faint of Heart: Lessons in Courage, Power, and Persistence.” During our conversation, which has been edited for length and clarity, we discussed the risks of escalating tensions, why Trump has taken such distinct approaches to Iran and North Korea, and the difference between hard-liners and hard-hard-liners in both the U.S. and Iran.
Do you have a view other than agnosticism on who was behind these tanker attacks?
I have not seen the intelligence myself, so it is very hard to definitely say what occurred here. Nonetheless, the fact that the chair of the House Intelligence Committee [Adam Schiff] has publicly said that he believes the intelligence is conclusive is certainly an important data point. I think the real issue here is not only what happened but why did it happen, what will be the response to it happening, and is this part of an escalatory cycle that was begun by the Trump Administration when the President withdrew from the J.C.P.O.A. [the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, as the Iran deal is officially known]?
What is your sense of American policy toward Iran right now? Do you see any rhyme or reason, or anything that could even be called strategic belligerence?
I do not think there is a coherent policy or strategy regarding Iran. I think President Trump made a commitment during the campaign to withdraw from the deal. His then [team] all believed he should not. When they all departed, his new team supported his withdrawing from the deal. Within that new team, I would say we have the never-saw-a-war-he-didn’t-want-to wage national-security adviser, John Bolton. We have a chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, who pretty much endorses everything the President says. We have an acting Secretary of Defense [Patrick Shanahan, who withdrew from the confirmation process on Tuesday] who clearly doesn’t have a voice in this Administration, it appears. And we have a Secretary of State [Mike Pompeo] who may think he is trying to bring nuance to this policy, but seems to be pursuing a path which, either intentionally or by accident, may take us to war.
Maybe I am picking up on something that is not there, but I thought you sort of described Pompeo as thinking of himself as a voice of moderation or compromise. Is that based on something you have heard?
I think “moderation” is too strong a word. I think Secretary Pompeo may believe that he is talking with all of the allies and partners, and trying to make sure everyone is aware of the intelligence. But there is no question that he has become what I call a hard-hard-liner, and not a hard-liner. We are all at some level hard-liners when it comes to Iran. Nobody wants Iran to have a nuclear weapon. And nobody wants Iran to continue malign or nefarious behavior in the region or in the world, or human-rights abuses, or its state sponsorship of terrorism. But the hard-hard-liners are on the ascent in the Trump Administration, and hard-hard-liners are certainly on the ascent in Iran. And that has created a virtual symbiosis where the hard-hard-liners in each of these spheres have ramped up an escalatory and very dangerous cycle.
One concern among opponents of the Trump Administration was that by ramping up sanctions and being more aggressive, the United States would only embolden Iranian hard-liners. What have you seen that suggests that has already occurred?
Think of it this way: it is actually rather extraordinary that, even in the face of the Trump Administration withdrawing from the deal, and the reimposition of sanctions, and the ramping up of pressure, Iran has stayed compliant with the deal. But the Supreme Leader of Iran has always understood that for his survival, he needs to balance the forces in his country. And there are hard-line forces—I would probably call President [Hassan] Rouhani a hard-liner—and there are hard-hard-liners—the I.R.G.C. and the Quds Force. And clearly the hard-hard-liners are in the ascendancy, because they have said, “Enough already. Being part of this deal has gotten us more sanctions, more pressure. We have gotten nothing out of this. We told you all along that the deal was a bad deal.” The I.R.G.C. never wanted this deal. They owned the black market. They owned the Iranian economy. They would like to go back to those good old days. They want freedom of action in the Middle East. Apparently, they have it. On the day the Prime Minister of Japan was in Tehran, if the intelligence is accurate—and, as I said, I haven’t read it, so I don’t know—they attacked a Japanese tanker.
You are saying that even people like yourself in the Obama Administration who wanted a nuclear deal and people like Rouhani, who, in the American press, is generally called a moderate, are hard-liners. Everyone is a hard-liner. Is that accurate?
I don’t think that President Rouhani is moderate in American terms. He is a very conservative cleric. He believes in the theocracy of Iran; he is a product of it. And he is a hard-liner. People would call me a moderate in U.S. terms, because I was willing to negotiate with Iran under the direction of President Obama and Secretary [John] Kerry, but I am in my own way a hard-liner, because I believe Iran should not have a nuclear weapon. It should stop locking up Americans in Evin Prison. It should stop its state sponsorship of terrorism. And it should stop its human-rights abuses of its own people.
Right, I just meant that it’s interesting that we are at a place where there are really no doves—
I am more of a dove when it comes to finding the strategy and the tactics that can address these issues peacefully, as opposed to war. That is not to say I am a pacifist. I am not. There are times when war is the last and only result. But what we are experiencing right now is an escalatory cycle between the hard-hard-liners in each of our countries. They are spinning each other up on a path that could lead us to a war that is unnecessary, in my view, and will be horribly destructive.
What is the specific meaning to Iran keeping more of its uranium? How important a component was that of the deal?
It’s a very important component. The restrictions that were put in place include that, for fifteen years, Iran cannot enrich above 3.67 per cent, nor have a stockpile of 3.67-per-cent- enriched uranium of more than three hundred kilograms. One cannot make a nuclear bomb with those restrictions. There are restrictions that go on for twenty and twenty-five years and forever that also will make it very difficult for Iran to get a nuclear weapon. But, for those first fifteen years, those two requirements are quite profound.
So if Iran begins to enrich above 3.67 per cent, it has violated the agreement. It means that Iran, in its own way, is withdrawing from the agreement. It will then put pressure on the Europeans to both fully enforce sanctions and impose new ones. It will probably create a crisis at the U.N. Security Council. It will probably create a circumstance where the U.S. feels it needs to take additional action. And even before that, in some quarters, my understanding is that there is discussion of taking a strike in retaliation for the tankers, to act as a deterrent to insure that the Strait of Hormuz is open. I think there are many ways to deal with that, and I would hope that the Administration would be extremely careful about any military action.
What specifically have you heard about this?
I think I’d rather not say.
What did you learn about Iran’s government from the nuclear negotiations that you were surprised by, or that is helpful when thinking through this current crisis?
I’m not sure “surprised” is the right word. I probably came to understand more. Iran is a culture of resistance. They will resist coming to the negotiating table unless and until President Trump puts something on the table for them. You may recall that in the case of North Korea the President put on the table stopping exercises in South Korea. The Iranians will not capitulate in any way, shape, or form. They lived with the Iran-Iraq War, with chemical attacks on their own people. It took a long time to find a way through that.
Second, they are a country with politics. Most Americans hear “Supreme Leader” and they think he tells everyone what to do and that’s it. But that is not true. The Supreme Leader balances a number of political forces, including the hard-liners and the hard-hard-liners. And so you constantly see this back-and-forth of trying to manage the politics and the various forces in his country. Yes, he has a lot of control. Yes, people don’t get to run for President in Iran unless a slate is agreed to by the Supreme Leader and the Guardian Council. But, that said, there are still politics in Iran.
And Iran is all of the things people say. I have no trust in Iran, and Iran has no trust in me. We may have gained some mutual respect and understanding through the negotiations, but there is no trust. And Iran does a lot of bad things in the world. But, for the life of me, if the current President of the United States does not want Iran to have a nuclear weapon, I do not understand why he withdrew from a deal that was keeping them from getting nuclear weapons.
How has Iran’s behavior in the region changed or not changed over the past year—specifically in the time since Trump announced he was pulling out of the nuclear deal?
I see them doing more, not less in the region. Sometimes that is through proxies—in Yemen, in Syria, even in Afghanistan—but Iran is very active in the region. And more so than at the time that the deal was agreed. That’s my perception certainly.
Given that we have a President who insists on doing things his own way, and that way often has to do with flattery and meeting people face-to-face, do you see any hope of high-level meetings, or something like North Korea, where some sort of negotiation can keep the lid on things after a lot of belligerence, even if we don’t see any sign of a long-term solution?
There is a possibility, but President Trump would have to put something on the table, as he did in the North Korean situation. There is a sense of no respect by the President of the United States for Iran. It is a very different situation than North Korea. I think I will not be the first person to remind you that one of the reasons that President Trump took on North Korea was that Barack Obama had not. We took it on, but not in a way that got to a solution. And he wanted to withdraw from the Iran deal because Obama had done it. I am always open to unconventional ways to negotiate, but they have to come with a strategy, a plan, a team, and a way to execute that plan, and a way to consult with others in the world to insure the durability of what you are trying to do. And I don’t see that here.
0 notes
wetrumpfeed · 5 years
This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back at it again with your weekly recap of the past week. If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!
Sunday, April 28th:
Will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo on @FoxNews at 10:00 AM. Talking about the Southern Border and how the Dems MUST act fast to change our pathetic immigration laws. Will be tough, watch!
Ms Scotland contestants spark fake twitter outrage over being Scottish
BREAKING: Sri Lanka bans burqa after investigation reveals a large number of Muslim women involved in Easter Sunday terror bombings that killed and injured hundreds of Christians
“America is an English-speaking country and you need to learn English.” - a proud legal immigrant and total boss.
Not everyone that had a TV career is a deranged leftist - Pat Sajak, Wheel of Fortune host, lifelong republican conservative
Top Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx subpoenaed over Jussie Smollett case
SUNDAY GUNDAY: Legal immigrants exercising their 2nd amendment rights to protect their stores during the 1992 L.A. riots.
The side of women’s empowerment feminists don’t want you to see
Sunday Gunday NRA Convention edition: fun for the whole family!
dRuMpF's BaSe Is AbAnDoNiNg HiM!
Monday, April 29th:
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Presidential Memorandum on Additional Measures to Enhance Border Security and Restore Integrity to Our Immigration System
Presidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration Posts
President Trump Speaks to the NRA Convention
First Lady Melania Trump Welcomes Mrs. Abe to Washington D.C.
President Trump Welcomes the 2019 NCAA Women’s Basketball National Champions to the White House
I spoke at length yesterday to Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, Chabad of Poway, where I extended my warmest condolences to him and all affected by the shooting in California. What a great guy. He had a least one finger blown off, and all he wanted to do is help others. Very special!
The NRA is under siege by Cuomo and the New York State A.G., who are illegally using the State’s legal apparatus to take down and destroy this very important organization, & others. It must get its act together quickly, stop the internal fighting, & get back to GREATNESS - FAST! ... ....People are fleeing New York State because of high taxes and yes, even oppression of sorts. They didn’t even put up a fight against SALT - could have won. So much litigation. The NRA should leave and fight from the outside of this very difficult to deal with (unfair) State!
I’ll never get the support of Dues Crazy union leadership, those people who rip-off their membership with ridiculously high dues, medical and other expenses while being paid a fortune. But the members love Trump. They look at our record economy, tax & reg cuts, military etc. WIN!
The Media (Fake News) is pushing Sleepy Joe hard. Funny, I’m only here because of Biden & Obama. They didn’t do the job and now you have Trump, who is getting it done - big time!
Sleepy Joe Biden is having his first rally in the Great State of Pennsylvania. He obviously doesn’t know that Pennsylvania is having one of the best economic years in its history, with lowest unemployment EVER, a now thriving Steel Industry (that was dead) & great future!........
The Dues Sucking firefighters leadership will always support Democrats, even though the membership wants me. Some things never change!
Bob Mueller was a great HERO to the Radical Left Democrats. Now that the Mueller Report is finished, with a finding of NO COLLUSION & NO OBSTRUCTION (based on a review of Report by our highly respected A.G.), the Dems are going around saying, “Bob who, sorry, don’t know the man.”
The New York Times has apologized for the terrible Anti-Semitic Cartoon, but they haven’t apologized to me for this or all of the Fake and Corrupt news they print on a daily basis. They have reached the lowest level of “journalism,” and certainly a low point in @nytimes history!
(Retweeting Baylor Lady Bears) Thank you to @realDonaldTrump and the @WhiteHouse staff for a great experience for the Lady Bears! #SicEm
Pittsburgh jobless rate hits lowest point since the early 1970s (maybe even better than that) and Sleepy Joe just had his first rally there. Fact is, every economic aspect of our Country is the best it has ever been!
The Coyotes and Drug Cartels are in total control of the Mexico side of the Southern Border. They have labs nearby where they make drugs to sell into the U.S. Mexico, one of the most dangerous country’s in the world, must eradicate this problem now. Also, stop the MARCH to U.S.
If the Democrats don’t give us the votes to change our weak, ineffective and dangerous Immigration Laws, we must fight hard for these votes in the 2020 Election!
Muslim convert arrested for plotting LA terror attack on Jews, Christians, military, and police
Why isn't this one of the top stories on every network?
In 1988 Joe Biden had to apologize and drop out of the Presidential race for plagiarism and for fabricating his academic record. He lied about graduated top of his class when he graduated 76 out of 85.Say it ani't so Creepy Sleepy Joe.
Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein submits resignation | Fox News
Presidential nominee Donald Trump on Stephen Colbert and Colbert Loved Trump and Loved the Wall... Deleted from CBS site and youtube!
OMG.......It's gonna be like 2016 ALL OVER AGAIN!! Biden struggles to fill small auditorium in Pittsburgh for his campaign kickoff!!
Who's the racist?
This legend
[CURRENT YEAR] Child Abusers Be Like
CONTINUING THE TRADITION: Enjoy, Baylor Lady Bears Basketball Team!
Tuesday, April 30th:
Presidential Proclamation on Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, 2019
Presidential Proclamation on Jewish American Heritage Month, 2019
Proclamation on National Foster Care Month, 2019
Presidential Memorandum on Delegation of Authority under Section 5 of the United States-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act of 2016
Nomination Sent to the Senate
Presidential Proclamation on National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, 2019
Presidential Proclamation on Law Day, U.S.A., 2019
Presidential Proclamation on Older Americans Month, 2019
Presidential Proclamation on National Day of Prayer, 2019
Presidential Proclamation for Loyalty Day, 2019
President Trump Welcomes the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe
President Trump Participates in the Visit of the 2018 NASCAR Cup Series Champion: Joey Logano
We have 1,800 ISIS Prisoners taken hostage in our final battles to destroy 100% of the Caliphate in Syria. Decisions are now being made as to what to do with these dangerous prisoners.... ... ....European countries are not helping at all, even though this was very much done for their benefit. They are refusing to take back prisoners from their specific countries. Not good!
China is adding great stimulus to its economy while at the same time keeping interest rates low. Our Federal Reserve has incessantly lifted interest rates, even though inflation is very low, and instituted a very big dose of quantitative tightening. We have the potential to go... ... ....up like a rocket if we did some lowering of rates, like one point, and some quantitative easing. Yes, we are doing very well at 3.2% GDP, but with our wonderfully low inflation, we could be setting major records &, at the same time, make our National Debt start to look small!
I am monitoring the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano!
If Cuban Troops and Militia do not immediately CEASE military and other operations for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the Constitution of Venezuela, a full and complete.... ... ....embargo, together with highest-level sanctions, will be placed on the island of Cuba. Hopefully, all Cuban soldiers will promptly and peacefully return to their island!
Today, it was my great honor to welcome and host the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano and @Team_Penske to the @WhiteHouse!
Ohhh how outraged the liberals got when Terry Crews wouldn't get on the anti-Trump bandwagon
Poll: 3-in-4 Americans Oppose Allowing Felons to Vote from Prison
CNN’s Chris Cuomo says Antifa is “a good cause”
FBI Report: Antifa Wanted To Stage An 'Armed Rebellion' At The Border
Another Democrat Gets Arrested. NJ mayor arrested on election tampering charges.
BREAKING NEWS: Pro Maduro forces run over protesters in Caracas, Venezuela with military tanks.
MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders accidentally makes a strong case for the Second Amendment while talking about Venezuela: “In Venezuela, gun ownership is not something that is open to everybody. So if the military have the guns, they have the power.”
What do we want?;
A clear and present danger.
White Men stop scaring Muslim Women please
Wednesday, May 1st:
Presidential Proclamation on National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2019
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration Posts
President Trump Welcomes 2018 NASCAR Cup Series Champion Joey Logano to the White House
President Trump and The First Lady Participate in a Dinner for the National Day of Prayer
I’ve done more for Firefighters than this dues sucking union will ever do, and I get paid ZERO!
“The Democrats can’t come to grips with the fact that there was No Collusion, there was No Conspiracy, there was No Obstruction. What we should be focused on is what’s been going on in our government, at the highest levels of the FBI....” Senator Josh Hawley
I am overriding the Decommission Order of the magnificent aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman, built in 1998 (fairly new), and considered one of the largest and finest in the world. It will be updated at a fraction of the cost of a new one (which also are being built)!
Gallup Poll: 56% of Americans rate their financial situation as excellent or good. This is the highest number since 2002, and up 10 points since 2016.
“No President in history has endured such vicious personal attacks by political opponents. Still, the President’s record is unparalleled.” @LouDobbs
Congress must change the Immigration Laws now, Dems won’t act. Wall is being built - 400 miles by end of next year. Mexico must stop the march to Border! @foxandfriends
Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI? He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!
NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Besides, how can you have Obstruction when not only was there No Collusion (by Trump), but the bad actions were done by the “other” side? The greatest con-job in the history of American Politics!
A Real Attorney General
I am continuing to monitor the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!
The Collusion Delusion is OVER!
"The Mueller Witch Hunt is completely OVER!" @SeanHannity
Watch Party: Attorney General William Barr Testifies on Mueller Report Before Senate Judiciary Committee
Suddenly I'm in the mood for Sushi :-)
Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, sues NBC for $275 million
President Trump's official YouTube channel just uploaded this video entitled "Obama knew"
US to give migrants DNA tests to prove family ties
Barr and Ted Cruz laugh at Democrats absurd grandstanding
We’re reaching peak levels of Leftism here
🗣🇺🇸Crispy The F*ck On 🗣🇺🇸
My dad went to the capital today and sent me this!
Thursday, May 2nd:
Executive Order on America’s Cybersecurity Workforce
Vice President Pence and The Second Lady Participate in the National Day of Prayer Service
Seven Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Trump and The First Lady Participate in the National Day of Prayer Service
Steve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process. Steve won the battle of ideas including Tax Cuts.... ... ....and deregulation which have produced non-inflationary prosperity for all Americans. I’ve asked Steve to work with me toward future economic growth in our Country.
As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayer
Steve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process. Steve won the battle of ideas including Tax Cuts.... ... ....and deregulation which have produced non-inflationary prosperity for all Americans. I’ve asked Steve to work with me toward future economic growth in our Country.
As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayer
On this day of prayer, we once again place our hopes in the hands of our Creator. We give thanks for this wondrous land of liberty, & we pray that THIS nation – OUR home – these United States – will forever be strengthened by the Goodness and the Grace & the eternal GLORY OF GOD!
Congrats to @U_S_Steel for investing $1+ BILLION in America's most INNOVATIVE steel mill. 232 Tariffs make Pennsylvania and USA more prosperous/secure by bringing Steel and Aluminum industries BACK. Tariffs are working. Pittsburgh is again The Steel City. USA Economy is BOOMING!
Proclamation on Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust
Thank you, working hard! #MAGA
OK, so after two years of hard work and each party trying their best to make the other party look as bad as possible, it’s time to get back to business. The Mueller Report strongly stated that there was No Collusion with Russia (of course) and, in fact, they were rebuffed..... ... ...at every turn in attempts to gain access. But now Republicans and Democrats must come together for the good of the American people. No more costly & time consuming investigations. Lets do Immigration (Border), Infrastructure, much lower drug prices & much more - and do it now!
Chairman Pao, largely irrelevant & disgraced former CEO, reminds us why she resigned
Grope for the vote Joe is moss growing on a rock with no accomplishments.
Barr exposed the rampant desperation of Trump’s foes
Ukrainian embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016
The never ending story over there
Ah, so it's been China all along. Hillary giving China access to her server and special access programs. A dozen US spies ratted out and killed by China. Feinstein employing a Chinese spy for the better part of 20 years. Biden securing large funding for his son from China. What more will surface?
Liberal Logic is a disease
Friday, May 3rd:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to a Key Administration Post
President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominees, United States Attorney Nominee, and United States Marshal Nominees
Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Awareness Day, 2019
National Hurricane Preparedness Week, 2019
National Small Business Week, 2019
Proclamation on Public Service Recognition Week, 2019
President Trump Meets with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic
(Retweeting The White House) Happy National Space Day! 🚀 America is the best in space, and President @realDonaldTrump is making sure no other country can compete with our leadership. http://45.wh.gov/4fMkEu
Finally, Mainstream Media is getting involved - too “hot” to avoid. Pulitzer Prize anyone? The New York Times, on front page (finally), “Details effort to spy on Trump Campaign.” @foxandfriends This is bigger than WATERGATE, but the reverse!
JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! “Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969”
“The U.S. Created 263,000 Jobs in April, Unemployment Fell to Lowest Level Since 1969”
We can all agree that AMERICA is now #1. We are the ENVY of the WORLD — and the best is yet to come!
Had a long and very good conversation with President Putin of Russia. As I have always said, long before the Witch Hunt started, getting along with Russia, China, and everyone is a good thing, not a bad thing.... ... ....We discussed Trade, Venezuela, Ukraine, North Korea, Nuclear Arms Control and even the “Russian Hoax.” Very productive talk!
Fred Keller of the Great State of Pennsylvania has been an outstanding State Rep. Now he is running as the Republican Nominee for Congress, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement. Strong on Crime, Second Amendment, Military, Vets, and Healthcare. He will do a fantastic job!
(Retweeting The White House) President Trump welcomed Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic for his first visit in the Oval Office today!
The International Association of Firefighters Union is rebelling on their very foolish leader. Perhaps they will vote him out of office. He doesn’t get it!
I am continuing to monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms. This is the United States of America — and we have what’s known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH! We are monitoring and watching, closely!!
The wonderful Diamond and Silk have been treated so horribly by Facebook. They work so hard and what has been done to them is very sad - and we’re looking into. It’s getting worse and worse for Conservatives on social media!
So surprised to see Conservative thinkers like James Woods banned from Twitter, and Paul Watson banned from Facebook!
As the great people of IA, IL, & MO continue to confront the devastating flooding, know we are here for you and ready to help! My team remains in close contact with @IAGovernor, @GovParsonMO, @GovPritzker, and the local officials managing the impacts of the destructive flooding.
“They wanted to know what Trump was up to with the Russians - which of course is nonsense. This whole thing was a complete setup.” George Papadopoulos to @seanhannity
I’m sorry but was the HATE CRIME on the MAGA HAT ASIANS that happened like 2 DAYS AGO just not important enough to get any coverage? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MEDIA???
joebiden.info is outpacing the official Joe Biden website!
Surrounded by secret service agents, with a huge grin on his face. The left is completely fucked. Hand cuffs and perp walks are coming!
Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969
BREAKING: 82 arrested in multistate child exploitation sting
I made it, pedes! GEOTUS just gained one more voter to Keep America Great!
Republicans dont care about the environment. Oh, wait...
Christine Blasey Ford back to take out Barr
Barr will EAT your Chicken! BenGarrison Cartoon
Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?
Saturday, May 4th:
There is nothing easy about a USA Infrastructure Plan, especially when our great Country has spent an astounding 7 trillion dollars in the Middle East over the last 19 years, but I am looking hard at a bipartisan plan of 1 to 2 trillion dollars. Badly needed!
When will the Radical Left Wing Media apologize to me for knowingly getting the Russia Collusion Delusion story so wrong? The real story is about to happen! Why is @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @CNN, @MSNBC allowed to be on Twitter & Facebook. Much of what they do is FAKE NEWS!
So great to watch this!
Anything in this very interesting world is possible, but I believe that Kim Jong Un fully realizes the great economic potential of North Korea, & will do nothing to interfere or end it. He also knows that I am with him & does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen!
Very good call yesterday with President Putin of Russia. Tremendous potential for a good/great relationship with Russia, despite what you read and see in the Fake News Media. Look how they have misled you on “Russia Collusion.” The World can be a better and safer place. Nice!
(Retweeting The White House) We're killing it on the economy! 🔥
Justice Kavanaugh is Still Triggering the Left: Kavanaugh to co-teach GMU summer class at Antonin Scalia Law School, snowflakes protest, but class will be taught in Runnymede, England. So students (& profs) will be traumatized by the presence of an individual teaching at a campus 3,600 miles away?
Shouldn't the new chant this time around be "Lock him up!" (And his entire admin including her obv)
Anyone remember this young patriot cleaning up the protest signs and trash left behind by the women's march?
The House Lynching Committee
Remember when Obama made fun of Trump's 'magic wand' to fix the economy? To Obama's shock & dismay, Trump is president. For the past 2½ years, Trump has been waving his magic wand, banishing burdensome regulations; lowering taxes; appointing savvy people to top government posts; & yes, negotiating.
The right CAN meme
Teach us, O brave and wise actors
Without further ado, sometunes to get you jamming through all this WINNING:
Favorite Color Is Blue
Family Business
Move On
Lift Yourself
Save My Soul
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 5 years
HAPPY SATURDAY SUPER ELITES!This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back at it again with your weekly recap of the past week. If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!Sunday, April 28th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo on @FoxNews at 10:00 AM. Talking about the Southern Border and how the Dems MUST act fast to change our pathetic immigration laws. Will be tough, watch!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Ms Scotland contestants spark fake twitter outrage over being ScottishBREAKING: Sri Lanka bans burqa after investigation reveals a large number of Muslim women involved in Easter Sunday terror bombings that killed and injured hundreds of Christians“America is an English-speaking country and you need to learn English.” - a proud legal immigrant and total boss.Not everyone that had a TV career is a deranged leftist - Pat Sajak, Wheel of Fortune host, lifelong republican conservativeTop Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx subpoenaed over Jussie Smollett case🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:SUNDAY GUNDAY: Legal immigrants exercising their 2nd amendment rights to protect their stores during the 1992 L.A. riots.The side of women’s empowerment feminists don’t want you to seeSunday Gunday NRA Convention edition: fun for the whole family!dRuMpF's BaSe Is AbAnDoNiNg HiM!Monday, April 29th:TODAY'S ACTION:Nominations Sent to the SenatePresidential Memorandum on Additional Measures to Enhance Border Security and Restore Integrity to Our Immigration SystemPresidential Determination Pursuant to Section 1245(d)(4)(B) and (C) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration PostsPresident Trump Speaks to the NRA ConventionFirst Lady Melania Trump Welcomes Mrs. Abe to Washington D.C.President Trump Welcomes the 2019 NCAA Women’s Basketball National Champions to the White House🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I spoke at length yesterday to Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, Chabad of Poway, where I extended my warmest condolences to him and all affected by the shooting in California. What a great guy. He had a least one finger blown off, and all he wanted to do is help others. Very special!The NRA is under siege by Cuomo and the New York State A.G., who are illegally using the State’s legal apparatus to take down and destroy this very important organization, & others. It must get its act together quickly, stop the internal fighting, & get back to GREATNESS - FAST! ... ....People are fleeing New York State because of high taxes and yes, even oppression of sorts. They didn’t even put up a fight against SALT - could have won. So much litigation. The NRA should leave and fight from the outside of this very difficult to deal with (unfair) State!I’ll never get the support of Dues Crazy union leadership, those people who rip-off their membership with ridiculously high dues, medical and other expenses while being paid a fortune. But the members love Trump. They look at our record economy, tax & reg cuts, military etc. WIN!The Media (Fake News) is pushing Sleepy Joe hard. Funny, I’m only here because of Biden & Obama. They didn’t do the job and now you have Trump, who is getting it done - big time!Sleepy Joe Biden is having his first rally in the Great State of Pennsylvania. He obviously doesn’t know that Pennsylvania is having one of the best economic years in its history, with lowest unemployment EVER, a now thriving Steel Industry (that was dead) & great future!........The Dues Sucking firefighters leadership will always support Democrats, even though the membership wants me. Some things never change!Bob Mueller was a great HERO to the Radical Left Democrats. Now that the Mueller Report is finished, with a finding of NO COLLUSION & NO OBSTRUCTION (based on a review of Report by our highly respected A.G.), the Dems are going around saying, “Bob who, sorry, don’t know the man.”The New York Times has apologized for the terrible Anti-Semitic Cartoon, but they haven’t apologized to me for this or all of the Fake and Corrupt news they print on a daily basis. They have reached the lowest level of “journalism,” and certainly a low point in @nytimes history!(Retweeting Baylor Lady Bears) Thank you to @realDonaldTrump and the @WhiteHouse staff for a great experience for the Lady Bears! #SicEmPittsburgh jobless rate hits lowest point since the early 1970s (maybe even better than that) and Sleepy Joe just had his first rally there. Fact is, every economic aspect of our Country is the best it has ever been!The Coyotes and Drug Cartels are in total control of the Mexico side of the Southern Border. They have labs nearby where they make drugs to sell into the U.S. Mexico, one of the most dangerous country’s in the world, must eradicate this problem now. Also, stop the MARCH to U.S.If the Democrats don’t give us the votes to change our weak, ineffective and dangerous Immigration Laws, we must fight hard for these votes in the 2020 Election!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Muslim convert arrested for plotting LA terror attack on Jews, Christians, military, and policeWhy isn't this one of the top stories on every network?In 1988 Joe Biden had to apologize and drop out of the Presidential race for plagiarism and for fabricating his academic record. He lied about graduated top of his class when he graduated 76 out of 85.Say it ani't so Creepy Sleepy Joe.Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein submits resignation | Fox NewsPresidential nominee Donald Trump on Stephen Colbert and Colbert Loved Trump and Loved the Wall... Deleted from CBS site and youtube!🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:OMG.......It's gonna be like 2016 ALL OVER AGAIN!! Biden struggles to fill small auditorium in Pittsburgh for his campaign kickoff!!Who's the racist?This legend[CURRENT YEAR] Child Abusers Be LikeCONTINUING THE TRADITION: Enjoy, Baylor Lady Bears Basketball Team!Tuesday, April 30th:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation on Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, 2019Presidential Proclamation on Jewish American Heritage Month, 2019Proclamation on National Foster Care Month, 2019Presidential Memorandum on Delegation of Authority under Section 5 of the United States-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act of 2016Nomination Sent to the SenatePresidential Proclamation on National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, 2019Presidential Proclamation on Law Day, U.S.A., 2019Presidential Proclamation on Older Americans Month, 2019Presidential Proclamation on National Day of Prayer, 2019Presidential Proclamation for Loyalty Day, 2019President Trump Welcomes the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo AbePresident Trump Participates in the Visit of the 2018 NASCAR Cup Series Champion: Joey Logano🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:We have 1,800 ISIS Prisoners taken hostage in our final battles to destroy 100% of the Caliphate in Syria. Decisions are now being made as to what to do with these dangerous prisoners.... ... ....European countries are not helping at all, even though this was very much done for their benefit. They are refusing to take back prisoners from their specific countries. Not good!China is adding great stimulus to its economy while at the same time keeping interest rates low. Our Federal Reserve has incessantly lifted interest rates, even though inflation is very low, and instituted a very big dose of quantitative tightening. We have the potential to go... ... ....up like a rocket if we did some lowering of rates, like one point, and some quantitative easing. Yes, we are doing very well at 3.2% GDP, but with our wonderfully low inflation, we could be setting major records &, at the same time, make our National Debt start to look small!I am monitoring the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!CONGRATULATIONS to the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano!If Cuban Troops and Militia do not immediately CEASE military and other operations for the purpose of causing death and destruction to the Constitution of Venezuela, a full and complete.... ... ....embargo, together with highest-level sanctions, will be placed on the island of Cuba. Hopefully, all Cuban soldiers will promptly and peacefully return to their island!Today, it was my great honor to welcome and host the 2018 @NASCAR Cup Series Champion, @JoeyLogano and @Team_Penske to the @WhiteHouse!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Ohhh how outraged the liberals got when Terry Crews wouldn't get on the anti-Trump bandwagonPoll: 3-in-4 Americans Oppose Allowing Felons to Vote from PrisonCNN’s Chris Cuomo says Antifa is “a good cause”FBI Report: Antifa Wanted To Stage An 'Armed Rebellion' At The BorderAnother Democrat Gets Arrested. NJ mayor arrested on election tampering charges.BREAKING NEWS: Pro Maduro forces run over protesters in Caracas, Venezuela with military tanks.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:MSNBC reporter Kerry Sanders accidentally makes a strong case for the Second Amendment while talking about Venezuela: “In Venezuela, gun ownership is not something that is open to everybody. So if the military have the guns, they have the power.”What do we want?;A clear and present danger.White Men stop scaring Muslim Women pleaseWednesday, May 1st:TODAY'S ACTION:Presidential Proclamation on National Mental Health Awareness Month, 2019President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individuals to Key Administration PostsPresident Trump Welcomes 2018 NASCAR Cup Series Champion Joey Logano to the White HousePresident Trump and The First Lady Participate in a Dinner for the National Day of Prayer🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I’ve done more for Firefighters than this dues sucking union will ever do, and I get paid ZERO!“The Democrats can’t come to grips with the fact that there was No Collusion, there was No Conspiracy, there was No Obstruction. What we should be focused on is what’s been going on in our government, at the highest levels of the FBI....” Senator Josh HawleyI am overriding the Decommission Order of the magnificent aircraft carrier Harry S. Truman, built in 1998 (fairly new), and considered one of the largest and finest in the world. It will be updated at a fraction of the cost of a new one (which also are being built)!Gallup Poll: 56% of Americans rate their financial situation as excellent or good. This is the highest number since 2002, and up 10 points since 2016.“No President in history has endured such vicious personal attacks by political opponents. Still, the President’s record is unparalleled.” @LouDobbsCongress must change the Immigration Laws now, Dems won’t act. Wall is being built - 400 miles by end of next year. Mexico must stop the march to Border! @foxandfriendsWhy didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI? He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Besides, how can you have Obstruction when not only was there No Collusion (by Trump), but the bad actions were done by the “other” side? The greatest con-job in the history of American Politics!A Real Attorney GeneralI am continuing to monitor the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!The Collusion Delusion is OVER!"The Mueller Witch Hunt is completely OVER!" @SeanHannitySIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Watch Party: Attorney General William Barr Testifies on Mueller Report Before Senate Judiciary CommitteeSuddenly I'm in the mood for Sushi :-)Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, sues NBC for $275 millionPresident Trump's official YouTube channel just uploaded this video entitled "Obama knew"US to give migrants DNA tests to prove family tiesBarr and Ted Cruz laugh at Democrats absurd grandstanding🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:LOLWe’re reaching peak levels of Leftism here🗣🇺🇸Crispy The F*ck On 🗣🇺🇸#metoothMy dad went to the capital today and sent me this!Thursday, May 2nd:TODAY'S ACTION:Executive Order on America’s Cybersecurity WorkforceVice President Pence and The Second Lady Participate in the National Day of Prayer ServiceSeven Nominations Sent to the SenatePresident Trump and The First Lady Participate in the National Day of Prayer Service🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Steve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process. Steve won the battle of ideas including Tax Cuts.... ... ....and deregulation which have produced non-inflationary prosperity for all Americans. I’ve asked Steve to work with me toward future economic growth in our Country.As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayerSteve Moore, a great pro-growth economist and a truly fine person, has decided to withdraw from the Fed process. Steve won the battle of ideas including Tax Cuts.... ... ....and deregulation which have produced non-inflationary prosperity for all Americans. I’ve asked Steve to work with me toward future economic growth in our Country.As we unite on this day of prayer, we renew our resolve to protect communities of faith – and ensure that ALL of our people can live, pray and worship IN PEACE. #NationalDayOfPrayerOn this day of prayer, we once again place our hopes in the hands of our Creator. We give thanks for this wondrous land of liberty, & we pray that THIS nation – OUR home – these United States – will forever be strengthened by the Goodness and the Grace & the eternal GLORY OF GOD!Congrats to @U_S_Steel for investing $1+ BILLION in America's most INNOVATIVE steel mill. 232 Tariffs make Pennsylvania and USA more prosperous/secure by bringing Steel and Aluminum industries BACK. Tariffs are working. Pittsburgh is again The Steel City. USA Economy is BOOMING!Proclamation on Days of Remembrance of Victims of the HolocaustThank you, working hard! #MAGAOK, so after two years of hard work and each party trying their best to make the other party look as bad as possible, it’s time to get back to business. The Mueller Report strongly stated that there was No Collusion with Russia (of course) and, in fact, they were rebuffed..... ... ...at every turn in attempts to gain access. But now Republicans and Democrats must come together for the good of the American people. No more costly & time consuming investigations. Lets do Immigration (Border), Infrastructure, much lower drug prices & much more - and do it now!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Chairman Pao, largely irrelevant & disgraced former CEO, reminds us why she resignedGrope for the vote Joe is moss growing on a rock with no accomplishments.Barr exposed the rampant desperation of Trump’s foesUkrainian embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:The never ending story over thereNO PLATFORM FOR YOU!Ah, so it's been China all along. Hillary giving China access to her server and special access programs. A dozen US spies ratted out and killed by China. Feinstein employing a Chinese spy for the better part of 20 years. Biden securing large funding for his son from China. What more will surface?Liberal Logic is a diseaseKEKFriday, May 3rd:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Personnel to a Key Administration PostPresident Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominees, United States Attorney Nominee, and United States Marshal NomineesMissing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives Awareness Day, 2019National Hurricane Preparedness Week, 2019National Small Business Week, 2019Proclamation on Public Service Recognition Week, 2019President Trump Meets with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:(Retweeting The White House) Happy National Space Day! 🚀 America is the best in space, and President @realDonaldTrump is making sure no other country can compete with our leadership. http://bit.ly/2DOCmBr, Mainstream Media is getting involved - too “hot” to avoid. Pulitzer Prize anyone? The New York Times, on front page (finally), “Details effort to spy on Trump Campaign.” @foxandfriends This is bigger than WATERGATE, but the reverse!JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! “Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969”“The U.S. Created 263,000 Jobs in April, Unemployment Fell to Lowest Level Since 1969”We can all agree that AMERICA is now #1. We are the ENVY of the WORLD — and the best is yet to come!Had a long and very good conversation with President Putin of Russia. As I have always said, long before the Witch Hunt started, getting along with Russia, China, and everyone is a good thing, not a bad thing.... ... ....We discussed Trade, Venezuela, Ukraine, North Korea, Nuclear Arms Control and even the “Russian Hoax.” Very productive talk!Fred Keller of the Great State of Pennsylvania has been an outstanding State Rep. Now he is running as the Republican Nominee for Congress, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement. Strong on Crime, Second Amendment, Military, Vets, and Healthcare. He will do a fantastic job!(Retweeting The White House) President Trump welcomed Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic for his first visit in the Oval Office today!The International Association of Firefighters Union is rebelling on their very foolish leader. Perhaps they will vote him out of office. He doesn’t get it!I am continuing to monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms. This is the United States of America — and we have what’s known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH! We are monitoring and watching, closely!!The wonderful Diamond and Silk have been treated so horribly by Facebook. They work so hard and what has been done to them is very sad - and we’re looking into. It’s getting worse and worse for Conservatives on social media!So surprised to see Conservative thinkers like James Woods banned from Twitter, and Paul Watson banned from Facebook!As the great people of IA, IL, & MO continue to confront the devastating flooding, know we are here for you and ready to help! My team remains in close contact with @IAGovernor, @GovParsonMO, @GovPritzker, and the local officials managing the impacts of the destructive flooding.“They wanted to know what Trump was up to with the Russians - which of course is nonsense. This whole thing was a complete setup.” George Papadopoulos to @seanhannitySIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:I’m sorry but was the HATE CRIME on the MAGA HAT ASIANS that happened like 2 DAYS AGO just not important enough to get any coverage? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE MEDIA???joebiden.info is outpacing the official Joe Biden website!Surrounded by secret service agents, with a huge grin on his face. The left is completely fucked. Hand cuffs and perp walks are coming!Jobs surge in April, unemployment rate falls to the lowest since 1969BREAKING: 82 arrested in multistate child exploitation sting🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:I made it, pedes! GEOTUS just gained one more voter to Keep America Great!Republicans dont care about the environment. Oh, wait...Christine Blasey Ford back to take out BarrBarr will EAT your Chicken! BenGarrison CartoonService guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?Saturday, May 4th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:There is nothing easy about a USA Infrastructure Plan, especially when our great Country has spent an astounding 7 trillion dollars in the Middle East over the last 19 years, but I am looking hard at a bipartisan plan of 1 to 2 trillion dollars. Badly needed!When will the Radical Left Wing Media apologize to me for knowingly getting the Russia Collusion Delusion story so wrong? The real story is about to happen! Why is @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @CNN, @MSNBC allowed to be on Twitter & Facebook. Much of what they do is FAKE NEWS!So great to watch this!Anything in this very interesting world is possible, but I believe that Kim Jong Un fully realizes the great economic potential of North Korea, & will do nothing to interfere or end it. He also knows that I am with him & does not want to break his promise to me. Deal will happen!Very good call yesterday with President Putin of Russia. Tremendous potential for a good/great relationship with Russia, despite what you read and see in the Fake News Media. Look how they have misled you on “Russia Collusion.” The World can be a better and safer place. Nice!(Retweeting The White House) We're killing it on the economy! 🔥SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Justice Kavanaugh is Still Triggering the Left: Kavanaugh to co-teach GMU summer class at Antonin Scalia Law School, snowflakes protest, but class will be taught in Runnymede, England. So students (& profs) will be traumatized by the presence of an individual teaching at a campus 3,600 miles away?Shouldn't the new chant this time around be "Lock him up!" (And his entire admin including her obv)Anyone remember this young patriot cleaning up the protest signs and trash left behind by the women's march?🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:The House Lynching CommitteeRemember when Obama made fun of Trump's 'magic wand' to fix the economy? To Obama's shock & dismay, Trump is president. For the past 2½ years, Trump has been waving his magic wand, banishing burdensome regulations; lowering taxes; appointing savvy people to top government posts; & yes, negotiating.The right CAN memeTeach us, O brave and wise actorsSO MUCH WINNING, STILL NOT TIRED OF IT!!Without further ado, sometunes to get you jamming through all this WINNING:Favorite Color Is BlueFamily BusinessMove OnLift YourselfSave My SoulMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
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chocolate-brownies · 6 years
Experience reiki with Millana Snow and witness other forms of healing at Wellspring this October. For tickets and more information, click here. 
When it comes to natural and homeopathic remedies, we here at Wanderlust are pretty confidant we know our stuff. But some reason, reiki has remained a total mystery. This could be possibly be due to it’s mysteriously simple setup—there’s no equipment involved in this attempt to restore energy.
By definition, reiki is a Japanese technique used to relieve stress and promote relaxation and healing. It’s administered by “laying the hands” across the body in order to neutralize the body’s energy forces that may have been altered by stress, trauma, societal expectations or other negative forces.
To learn more, we sat down to with Millana Snow, a reiki healer and meditation teacher based in Venice-beach. (She’s also the founder of rooftop yoga club, Serene Social and model winner of Project Runway Season 8, NBD). She’s effortlessly kind, deeply spiritual, and passionate about helping others tune into their authentic and best selves. Here’s Millana.
WL: Can you tell me about your transition into reiki and how you got started?
MS: It actually purely out of interest and out of experience. I was having all these amazing teachers come and teach at the rooftop yoga program I started and at our talks and our dinners… They would say, “Ket me give you reiki, let me hypnotize you, let me do acupuncture!” And I was like “Hell yeah, let’s do it!” I’m always down. One of my friends came to my house and we did energy healing—it was the first time I ever formally received it and for that first hour, I thought it was complete bulls***.  And this is coming from a spiritual person! But I didn’t even believe in crystal healing at the time.
But then afterwards, I remember crying for three days straight. I could not stop crying and I called her on the third day and I’m like “What did you do, what is this, something must’ve happened that I’m not aware of and need to understand.” And she said, “Oh, you’re able to feel now. Your emotions and your energies are being felt and experienced and that’s what this work does.” This blew my mind. I thought, “I have to do this. I have to learn it, I have to share this.”
I realized had blocked (especially living in New York, with all its stimulus) how I actually felt. I had been numb, and even though I’d been living a spiritual life and meditating and reading all these texts, I was not connected to the intersection of my body, my emotions, my thoughts, my spirit, I was separating those two. And that experience made me realize my wholistic being was much bigger than I thought it was. I called one of my friends and asked her to let me do reiki with her and she brought me in the next week to start training. I started learning, and then volunteering at hospitals, and calling friends, asking if I could do it on them. I’d give reiki to people at my own events and now I do it professionally. 
How exactly does reiki work, or what kind of things can it heal? 
Well to be fair, I think a lot of the work that I do now is my own style of energy healing, so anyone coming to my workshops should know that. It’s reiki in origin, but I have approached it differently over the years. I think what’s important to know about reiki is that it is a specific lineage that comes out of Japan and under the umbrella of energy healing. From my experience and from my learning, it’s about helping you to bring life flow into your body and to help you clear blockages where you haven’t allowed energy and life force to flow freely.
Our natural state is complete homeostasis. Peace, joy, love, that’s what oneness is, that’s what spirit is.
I find that day to day we have created blocks around the stories we have told ourselves, the things we have been taught to believe… Our natural state is complete homeostasis. Peace, joy, love, that’s what oneness is, that’s what spirit is. So when we start to layer on life, and society, and family, trauma, then we’re not in our natural state. Reiki and energy healing helps neutralize everything to bring you back into your place.
How many appointments does it take or sessions does it take for somebody to start to feel a shift?
I mean, in my sessions, one session. And we can have different layers of experience every single time. I’m thinking of one woman that I’ve worked with her whole family this year and we’ve done three sessions together now. The first time I did energy healing on her it was her first time ever. She had a pretty breakthrough experience and literally sent me to her entire family.
Everyone is different, every session is different, every time is different. But I would say with a well-practiced energy healer, an energy healer who has built up their experience and their energy and their ability to hold and flow energy, the first session you should experience something profound.
That’s really exciting. I think many of our readers struggle with finding solid healing sessions. They say things like,  “I do the talk therapy, I do the yoga, I do all that stuff, but I still feel like something is off.”
I was just talking to a client about this two days ago. She was saying the same things to me: I eat healthy, I do all this, this and that, I’ve just never had energy healing. And I’m like “Well, all of those things are valuable but energy is equally if not more so because we’ve ignored that side of our being for so long!” And if we don’t have information about how to do that [energy healing] for ourselves and how to bring in facilitators to help us, we’re missing an entire aspect of our being.  And then it’s like, “There’s something I can’t get to, I’m missing something because there’s another layer of experience.”
Working as a reiki healer, working as a model, having your own business… It all seems like a lot! How do you find balance in doing so many projects and then still having time for your friendships, relationships, and yourself?
And my dog! Yeah, that’s a good question. I think the first thing I’ve really had to do is unlearn what work looks like and how work works. I think I was taught, I have a very hard-working mother who’s very successful in the corporate world, I was taught you work 60 hours a week, and you just run yourself into the ground. My mom, something I’m sure she’d be open to talk about now is that it has done very well for her, she’s succeeded in her domain, but is now in her 50s, realizing “Wait, this is not the life I want to live.”
Yes, we can work hard, but also let’s work smart and with energy behind us.
So I’ve had to unlearn that in myself too. I think for most people in America that’s the paradigm. Realizing that yeah I can work 60 hours a week but I can also sleep in until 9 or I can wake up at 5 because I go to sleep at like 11 or I go to sleep at 9. So looking at the way I break up my day differently is really really important. And I don’t have weekends. I work on the weekends. But I also take Mondays off if I want! I sometimes work for 9 days straight and I’ll take 4 days off.
I turn my phone off when I need to. It’s really important to just feel into the moment and be present in yourself about where you’re at, how your body feels, and what energy you’re creating. Every day I sit with myself and I really feel into my body. It’s also important to understand that hard work doesn’t necessarily pay off in the way that we think it does. That’s an old paradigm. Because the old hard work mode of thinking, of living, also can cause all kinds of diseases, divorces, and delusions. So, yes we can work hard, but also let’s work smart and with energy behind us.
Let’s talk more about you.  Do you have non-negotiable routines for self-care?
The breathwork that I’m gonna be teaching at Wellspring is my real-freaking-practice. I really do it. And it has been super transformational for me and that’s why I was like, “I have to start teaching!” Daily breathwork, or at least multiple times a week, is super important. And it’s times that I don’t feel like doing it that I have to do it, because usually there’s something present in me that wants to be expressed that I don’t want to look at. When I do breathwork everything comes up to the surface. And sitting with ourselves and being aware of what’s really going on is number one priority for power.
I would also say thinking about gratitude and constantly working on gratitude before I open my eyes in the morning.  I think about what I’m grateful before I go to bed at night so I can set that tone for my sleep and for my next day. And when I don’t do that, I notice a difference so I’m very very good about keeping that practice. I take a lot of time to really make the way I feel a priority, I don’t do it with disrespect to others, I don’t do it without acknowledgement of other people’s time. I create a schedule where I make that a priority so it brings more to my relationships, so it brings more to my work. If I have to get up at 5:30 so I can go take my dog to the beach, I do that. Because I know that is so integral to my personal power. So I guess I would say gratitude, breath work, also just really sitting with myself. To me that is the ultimate self-care, when you sit with yourself long enough to work things out.
What should readers expect at your workshop at Wellspring? You mentioned that you’re going to be doing breathwork, some reiki…
There’s a lot! I think anybody who’s been to my events should know that I’m not playing around. I don’t take any of these sessions for granted. When I show up I’m expecting miracles and I mean that s**. Every single person in there, I am expecting transformation, so do not come if you don’t want that! I’m very loving and sweet in my facilitation holding space, but I’m very adamant about holding everyone accountable for really going deeper because ultimately my job is to guide you to your own inner guidance system, your own inner healing system so that you can experience it for yourself and then you can go and work in that on your own without me.
Creation isn’t just from the mind, it is also from a place of feeling and vibration.
I think the biggest thing that I can say is that when you come to my session, we’re going in. People scream and cry at my sessions, people laugh uncontrollably, people have muscle spasms that don’t make sense. Really woo-woo shit happens and it’s the kind of space where I set the intention that we’re all here for a reason, and we’re all here because we want real transformations.
You’ve sold me. Last question: What piece of advice would you give to someone trying to develop a richer connection with themselves?
I would say, no matter where you are in your meditation practice, or your mindfulness practice or journey, that you’ve got to create spaces in your day where you can sit with yourself, no matter what that means. If that means you have to put a reminder on your phone, if that means you have to put signs in your house, there’s a deep necessity for all of us to create space, even if it’s for a minute, to really feel into how am I feeling.
One of the things that has happened to meditation in the Western culture right now is putting the focus on the mind—this is a very masculine approach to the New Age Movement, and I respect it and I think it’s a great start. But for further integration, we need to ask, “How am I feeling?” It cannot just be “What am I thinking?” 
To me, that’s the first layer. Yes, clear the mind, get quiet, but also clear your feelings. Create a minute to just sit with that… How are you feeling? It’s not just about having a clear mind, it’s about actually knowing how to be in one moment. And if we can start to shift and integrate that into our mindfulness practices, I believe that we’ll have a more compassionate planet, because we’ll know what we’re actually creating. Creation isn’t just from the mind, it is also from a place of feeling and vibration.
The post What is Reiki, and Why Energy Healing is So Important appeared first on Wanderlust.
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Chris Jericho Will Never Stop Reinventing Himself
On the morning of Nov. 5, Chris Jericho awoke in Newcastle, England, waiting for his phone to blow up. Around 9 AM, in the middle of the night across North America, it happened.
Following a successful defense of his IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship at New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Power Struggle event, Kenny Omega had the lights go out on him. Omega was seeking a challenger for his title at Wrestle Kingdom 12 on Jan. 4, New Japan’s biggest event of the year, laughing between English and Japanese that there was nobody left who had the guts to take him on.
A screen lit up with a countdown clock, and in an instant, internet speculation and tongue-in-cheek, this-could-never-happen fantasy booking was revealed to be a reality. Through smoke and heavy guitar, Jericho appeared on screen. Smirk breaking through his goateed face, leather collar popped behind him, Jericho tore a photo of the champion lengthwise and laid the challenge down: Jericho vs. Kenny, wrestling’s ultimate Alpha against the man they call Omega.
“Dude,” Jericho says with excitement, feigning keyboard noises to mimic the online reaction that followed, “it was great. Most people woke up to it, and they were like, ‘What?’ And then they’re like, ‘We knew this was gonna be something.’
“You didn’t fucking know shit. You didn’t know a thing. Nobody knew.”
There were hints along the way, seeds that were being planted. Jericho and Omega had been going at each other on social media since June, stoking the flames of a potential rivalry that, to most, seemed possible only if contained within the online world. Jericho is a WWE lifer, after all, a Vince McMahon loyalist who hasn’t wrestled in Japan since 1997 or outside of WWE since 1999.
McMahon, it turns out, was one of only a very small handful of people who knew what was coming, a professional courtesy Jericho extended out of respect. The plan had been in the works for months, though, and it was kept entirely under wraps, to the point that New Japan’s ace, top champion, and Wrestle Kingdom main-eventer, Kazuchika Okada, found out at the same time as the rest of the world. Outside of Jericho and Omega, who didn’t even meet during the planning process, the only people on the inside were Gedo (New Japan’s booker and, way back when, a partner of Jericho’s), and three other New Japan execs who met with Jericho in shrouded New York secrecy in August to finalize the story.
“I’ve been following his career. I heard how good he was and I heard all of these great reports, and I was like, that’s great,” Jericho, who had never seen an Omega match to this point, says. “So when it was pitched to me just as a joke, ‘Hey, how about Jericho and Kenny Omega, that’s pretty funny?’ I was like, I don’t know if funny’s the word. I think it’s kind of interesting. Why don’t you kind of see what the reaction was?”
Omega liked it, Jericho liked it, and so started one of the first main-event level feuds borne entirely of a (fake) social media spat, a dream match few would ever actually dare dream about. (Just don’t tell Tetsuya Naito it’s a main-event feud.) It comes at a time when Omega is one of the largest foreign stars in the company’s history, as NJPW continues to expand its North American footprint, and as the tide of the entire wrestling industry shifts more and more toward viability of non-WWE entities as sustainable major players.
Tweets via Kenny Omega’s Twitter
“There are people that can rise above and stand out from kind of what they are, and Jericho has always, no matter where he’s gone, no matter where he’s been, has been one of those guys,” Omega says. “Which is why he has a legit argument for being the best of all time. And that’s why this match means so much.”
For Jericho, this is just the latest arc in a storied career that has always seen him stay one step ahead of where the industry is going. He was a part of ECW’s peak, the breakthrough WCW cruiserweight, and jumped to WWE right as the Monday Night Wars swung for good. In WWE, he teased his first debut with a countdown clock to build speculation and anticipation, returned later with a cryptic code that was early-era message board catnip, and has since entered and exited without warning and, almost always, with great surprise.
It’s an incredible rarity in the wrestling world to keep a match as big as Jericho-Omega a secret (his surprise entry in the 2013 Royal Rumble remains one of the best-kept surprises in the event’s history). It’s even more rare for wrestlers to continuously reinvent themselves, eschewing nostalgia pops to push the envelope with new and fresh ideas.
If there’s a defining characteristic of Jericho’s sure-fire Hall of Fame career, it’s that he’s made more returns than any modern wrestler without it once feeling stale. His absences have been just long and just frequent enough, the tweaks to his character just pronounced enough, for the same Jericho to bring a wholly new experience. His toughest reinvention may have been his “silent return,” when he turned crowds thirsty to hear him once again, but declined to speak and did so in as over-the-top a manner imaginable. It was as subtle and effective a heel turn as they come.
Even in his most recent WWE run, at an age when most wrestlers are working part-time schedules as the character people best know them as, Jericho was reinventing. The plan called for him to eventually turn heel, but the schedule was pushed back, leaving Jericho to try to hint at the change to come, which some took as him finally growing stale. The seeking of immediate storytelling gratification can be frustrating when there’s a longer-term plan in place.
“I started planting seeds that people were getting sick of. Like, the scarf. The scarf, Jericho wearing a scarf, it looks stupid. Now it’s the biggest thing in the world,” he says. “Or I started this chant one time for New Day, “rootie tootie bootie.” I knew it sucked. I knew it was bad. But I was out there giving it my all, trying to get people to say it, and they really weren’t. So [they said] ‘Jericho’s at the end of his rope, he’s got no new ideas, he looks like a fool.’ Exactly. That’s what you’re supposed to think, so that when it finally happens, [you think] oh my gosh, this is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.
“And it’s hard because you have to sit there and read the online comments, ‘He’s over the hill, he’s past his shelf life, he needs to retire, rootie tootie bootie is embarrassing.’ Like, I know, I know, just hold on and see what happens.”
What happened led to one of Jericho’s greatest accomplishments as a wrestler and a performer in general. After an extended run as Kevin Owens’ supposed best friend, the pairing was set to split. Jericho had a grand idea for WWE’s Festival of Friendship segment on Raw, an elaborate celebration on Jericho’s part that would end with Owens turning on him, to everyone’s surprise. Jericho got push-back from some within the company who thought the idea sounded too comedic, and he was adamant that if done correctly, it would be heartbreaking instead.
It ended up as maybe the most heartbreaking moment in wrestling this year, right up there historically with Seth Rollins as Plan B and Marty Jannetty flying through a barbershop window.
It’s this type of ingenuity that’s kept Jericho at the top of his game and the wrestling world at large for decades, making him one of the most unassailable successes of the modern era. It’s also extended outside of the wrestling world, where Jericho has dabbled in just about everything. He’s written multiple books, hosts a terrific and well-listened to podcast (Talk is Jericho), and is the front man for a successful rock band (Fozzy).
And last week, season two of his (very good) webseries But I’m Chris Jericho premiered on CBC. Since the time he first left WWE in 2005, Jericho has studied acting—improv, most notably—and for eight years tried to sell this fictionalized version of his foray into acting. Several of season one’s storylines come directly from his experience, with Jericho borrowing from Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Fawlty Towers to turn this version of him into an unlikable asshole lacking entirely in self-awareness and heavy on Lead Singer’s Disease.
The first season aired in 2013, winning one Canadian Comedy Award and being nominated for four others. It’s little surprise that Jericho was at the forefront of an industry he was new to, a little early to the game before Netflix and Amazon and others were buying up any original content for streaming purposes. Even with its success, he said it “didn’t count” if it didn’t get a second season. He eventually got that chance, and has the full weight of CBC’s promotional arm behind the series.
In one of Jericho’s books, he lays out 20 principles for success, his favorite of which is the David Bowie Principle: Always reinvent yourself. The gist of it is that it would be silly for people to have asked the late Bowie to go back to his Aladdin Sane days, for example, because Bowie had already moved on to the next thing. There’s an emptiness to the inherent reward of creativity with rehashing the old, and Jericho applies that outlook to all arms of his career.
“I love constantly thinking of new things and new ideas and new ways to present myself to keep people excited,” he says. “That’s what I do: I’m an entertainer. I’m not saying I’m a ray of sunshine in people’s lives, but if I can do stuff that I think is cool that other people happen to think is cool as well, then it becomes exciting.
“That is part of what charges me and helps me continue to stay at the top of my game, is staying ahead of things rather than behind. Because when you’re behind, you’re done. If you don’t move, you die. To me, I constantly have to be moving creatively.”
That means continuing to tour with Fozzy (through Wrestlemania season, no less), growing as an actor in his webseries, and trying something entirely new in wrestling, when it was hard to figure there was anything new left for him to do. He’s earned the cache at this point to do what’s worked in the past, and to do whatever he wants to do. Those things don’t line up, and so he’s opting to try something that really didn’t seem possible until it came about half-jokingly: An all-Winnipeg, Manitoba, showdown worthy of top billing anywhere in the world more than 27 years after he debuted, with the type of build that has kept the wrestling community buzzing with each passing promo or attack.
“That’s why I did it. I knew it was something that nobody expected would ever happen,” he says. “It came completely out of the blue. It’s a story that you tell. And I’m always about the story. I don’t give a shit about good matches, I care about the storyline that gets you to that match. That’s the most important thing. It’s the old-school way of thinking where it’s like this match isn’t very good, I got your money kid. You get those people’s money to get in there. And then you wanna put on a good match, but that’s not as important as the storyline leading to it, for me.
“Those little things, there are enough of those little signposts throughout my career in all these things, season two of this show, that really keep me alive and keep me growing. I don’t ever wanna go backwards, ever. Forwards. I never wanna look back, I just wanna continue to look forward and what cool things can I do to keep people guessing and keep people entertained.”
What’s next for Jericho after the biggest night of Japan’s wrestling calendar is anyone’s guess, but it’s a safe bet it won’t be anything you’ve seen him do before.
Chris Jericho Will Never Stop Reinventing Himself syndicated from http://ift.tt/2ug2Ns6
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Chris Jericho Will Never Stop Reinventing Himself
On the morning of Nov. 5, Chris Jericho awoke in Newcastle, England, waiting for his phone to blow up. Around 9 AM, in the middle of the night across North America, it happened.
Following a successful defense of his IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship at New Japan Pro Wrestling's Power Struggle event, Kenny Omega had the lights go out on him. Omega was seeking a challenger for his title at Wrestle Kingdom 12 on Jan. 4, New Japan's biggest event of the year, laughing between English and Japanese that there was nobody left who had the guts to take him on.
A screen lit up with a countdown clock, and in an instant, internet speculation and tongue-in-cheek, this-could-never-happen fantasy booking was revealed to be a reality. Through smoke and heavy guitar, Jericho appeared on screen. Smirk breaking through his goateed face, leather collar popped behind him, Jericho tore a photo of the champion lengthwise and laid the challenge down: Jericho vs. Kenny, wrestling's ultimate Alpha against the man they call Omega.
"Dude," Jericho says with excitement, feigning keyboard noises to mimic the online reaction that followed, "it was great. Most people woke up to it, and they were like, 'What?' And then they're like, 'We knew this was gonna be something.'
"You didn't fucking know shit. You didn't know a thing. Nobody knew."
There were hints along the way, seeds that were being planted. Jericho and Omega had been going at each other on social media since June, stoking the flames of a potential rivalry that, to most, seemed possible only if contained within the online world. Jericho is a WWE lifer, after all, a Vince McMahon loyalist who hasn't wrestled in Japan since 1997 or outside of WWE since 1999.
McMahon, it turns out, was one of only a very small handful of people who knew what was coming, a professional courtesy Jericho extended out of respect. The plan had been in the works for months, though, and it was kept entirely under wraps, to the point that New Japan's ace, top champion, and Wrestle Kingdom main-eventer, Kazuchika Okada, found out at the same time as the rest of the world. Outside of Jericho and Omega, who didn't even meet during the planning process, the only people on the inside were Gedo (New Japan's booker and, way back when, a partner of Jericho's), and three other New Japan execs who met with Jericho in shrouded New York secrecy in August to finalize the story.
"I've been following his career. I heard how good he was and I heard all of these great reports, and I was like, that's great," Jericho, who had never seen an Omega match to this point, says. "So when it was pitched to me just as a joke, 'Hey, how about Jericho and Kenny Omega, that's pretty funny?' I was like, I don't know if funny's the word. I think it's kind of interesting. Why don't you kind of see what the reaction was?"
Omega liked it, Jericho liked it, and so started one of the first main-event level feuds borne entirely of a (fake) social media spat, a dream match few would ever actually dare dream about. (Just don’t tell Tetsuya Naito it's a main-event feud.) It comes at a time when Omega is one of the largest foreign stars in the company's history, as NJPW continues to expand its North American footprint, and as the tide of the entire wrestling industry shifts more and more toward viability of non-WWE entities as sustainable major players.
Tweets via Kenny Omega's Twitter
"There are people that can rise above and stand out from kind of what they are, and Jericho has always, no matter where he's gone, no matter where he's been, has been one of those guys," Omega says. "Which is why he has a legit argument for being the best of all time. And that's why this match means so much."
For Jericho, this is just the latest arc in a storied career that has always seen him stay one step ahead of where the industry is going. He was a part of ECW's peak, the breakthrough WCW cruiserweight, and jumped to WWE right as the Monday Night Wars swung for good. In WWE, he teased his first debut with a countdown clock to build speculation and anticipation, returned later with a cryptic code that was early-era message board catnip, and has since entered and exited without warning and, almost always, with great surprise.
It's an incredible rarity in the wrestling world to keep a match as big as Jericho-Omega a secret (his surprise entry in the 2013 Royal Rumble remains one of the best-kept surprises in the event's history). It's even more rare for wrestlers to continuously reinvent themselves, eschewing nostalgia pops to push the envelope with new and fresh ideas.
If there's a defining characteristic of Jericho's sure-fire Hall of Fame career, it's that he's made more returns than any modern wrestler without it once feeling stale. His absences have been just long and just frequent enough, the tweaks to his character just pronounced enough, for the same Jericho to bring a wholly new experience. His toughest reinvention may have been his "silent return," when he turned crowds thirsty to hear him once again, but declined to speak and did so in as over-the-top a manner imaginable. It was as subtle and effective a heel turn as they come.
Even in his most recent WWE run, at an age when most wrestlers are working part-time schedules as the character people best know them as, Jericho was reinventing. The plan called for him to eventually turn heel, but the schedule was pushed back, leaving Jericho to try to hint at the change to come, which some took as him finally growing stale. The seeking of immediate storytelling gratification can be frustrating when there's a longer-term plan in place.
"I started planting seeds that people were getting sick of. Like, the scarf. The scarf, Jericho wearing a scarf, it looks stupid. Now it's the biggest thing in the world," he says. "Or I started this chant one time for New Day, "rootie tootie bootie." I knew it sucked. I knew it was bad. But I was out there giving it my all, trying to get people to say it, and they really weren't. So [they said] 'Jericho's at the end of his rope, he's got no new ideas, he looks like a fool.' Exactly. That's what you're supposed to think, so that when it finally happens, [you think] oh my gosh, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen.
"And it's hard because you have to sit there and read the online comments, 'He's over the hill, he's past his shelf life, he needs to retire, rootie tootie bootie is embarrassing.' Like, I know, I know, just hold on and see what happens."
What happened led to one of Jericho's greatest accomplishments as a wrestler and a performer in general. After an extended run as Kevin Owens' supposed best friend, the pairing was set to split. Jericho had a grand idea for WWE's Festival of Friendship segment on Raw, an elaborate celebration on Jericho's part that would end with Owens turning on him, to everyone’s surprise. Jericho got push-back from some within the company who thought the idea sounded too comedic, and he was adamant that if done correctly, it would be heartbreaking instead.
It ended up as maybe the most heartbreaking moment in wrestling this year, right up there historically with Seth Rollins as Plan B and Marty Jannetty flying through a barbershop window.
It's this type of ingenuity that's kept Jericho at the top of his game and the wrestling world at large for decades, making him one of the most unassailable successes of the modern era. It's also extended outside of the wrestling world, where Jericho has dabbled in just about everything. He's written multiple books, hosts a terrific and well-listened to podcast (Talk is Jericho), and is the front man for a successful rock band (Fozzy).
And last week, season two of his (very good) webseries But I’m Chris Jericho premiered on CBC. Since the time he first left WWE in 2005, Jericho has studied acting—improv, most notably—and for eight years tried to sell this fictionalized version of his foray into acting. Several of season one's storylines come directly from his experience, with Jericho borrowing from Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Fawlty Towers to turn this version of him into an unlikable asshole lacking entirely in self-awareness and heavy on Lead Singer’s Disease.
The first season aired in 2013, winning one Canadian Comedy Award and being nominated for four others. It's little surprise that Jericho was at the forefront of an industry he was new to, a little early to the game before Netflix and Amazon and others were buying up any original content for streaming purposes. Even with its success, he said it "didn’t count" if it didn't get a second season. He eventually got that chance, and has the full weight of CBC's promotional arm behind the series.
In one of Jericho’s books, he lays out 20 principles for success, his favorite of which is the David Bowie Principle: Always reinvent yourself. The gist of it is that it would be silly for people to have asked the late Bowie to go back to his Aladdin Sane days, for example, because Bowie had already moved on to the next thing. There's an emptiness to the inherent reward of creativity with rehashing the old, and Jericho applies that outlook to all arms of his career.
"I love constantly thinking of new things and new ideas and new ways to present myself to keep people excited," he says. "That's what I do: I'm an entertainer. I'm not saying I'm a ray of sunshine in people's lives, but if I can do stuff that I think is cool that other people happen to think is cool as well, then it becomes exciting.
"That is part of what charges me and helps me continue to stay at the top of my game, is staying ahead of things rather than behind. Because when you're behind, you're done. If you don't move, you die. To me, I constantly have to be moving creatively."
That means continuing to tour with Fozzy (through Wrestlemania season, no less), growing as an actor in his webseries, and trying something entirely new in wrestling, when it was hard to figure there was anything new left for him to do. He's earned the cache at this point to do what's worked in the past, and to do whatever he wants to do. Those things don't line up, and so he's opting to try something that really didn't seem possible until it came about half-jokingly: An all-Winnipeg, Manitoba, showdown worthy of top billing anywhere in the world more than 27 years after he debuted, with the type of build that has kept the wrestling community buzzing with each passing promo or attack.
"That's why I did it. I knew it was something that nobody expected would ever happen," he says. "It came completely out of the blue. It's a story that you tell. And I'm always about the story. I don't give a shit about good matches, I care about the storyline that gets you to that match. That's the most important thing. It's the old-school way of thinking where it's like this match isn't very good, I got your money kid. You get those people's money to get in there. And then you wanna put on a good match, but that's not as important as the storyline leading to it, for me.
"Those little things, there are enough of those little signposts throughout my career in all these things, season two of this show, that really keep me alive and keep me growing. I don't ever wanna go backwards, ever. Forwards. I never wanna look back, I just wanna continue to look forward and what cool things can I do to keep people guessing and keep people entertained."
What's next for Jericho after the biggest night of Japan's wrestling calendar is anyone's guess, but it's a safe bet it won't be anything you've seen him do before.
Chris Jericho Will Never Stop Reinventing Himself published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
0 notes
fate-ad2021 · 7 years
21. “Corruption of the Dream”
Session 21, June 11, 2017
Word count:  9,149
In-Game Dates:  Saturday, June 19th, 2021 and Sunday, June 20th, 2021
In which the group confronts their final enemies.
I. Straight to the Top
When Val wanders out to the kitchen around 10AM, the rest of the group brings him up to speed, informing him of Reines’s call but not of her suggestion.  Assassin also notes that she and Lancer had spent part of last night after they returned applying the “Grail-type” template to transform their stolen artifact into a suitable replacement.  The only question that remains is how to get into the Vatican.
“Is there anyone that you can call?” Assassin asks Val.  “You seem to know everyone!”
Val props his chin in his hand and wrinkles his nose in thought.  “Most of my contacts are in the mage world and the normal world, not the religious world.  The upper levels of the hidden Church are especially secretive… but I know who might be able to tell us.”
He pulls out his phone, dials Orsino, and sets the phone on the table on speaker.
“I need a favor.”  Before Orsino can answer, Val forages ahead:  “Who’s the magic equivalent of the Pope?”
“…I beg your pardon?”
“The highest authority in the magical chain of command of the Vatican, except God?  Who is it, and can I talk to them?”
“Ah,” Orsino stalls, then sighs, “that would be the Pope.”
“Great.  Can I talk to him?”
“His Holiness is currently out of the country…”
“At least the Catholics won’t have to worry about getting a new one if the Vatican blows up!” Val cheeps as a badly-hidden aside.
“That is not very comforting, but I take your point and I see where you’re going with this.  Give me half an hour and I’ll get you a name and number, if I can.”
True to his word, Orsino rings back a half hour later.  “Here’s what I have.  I can give you the name and phone number of the acting head of Executor Order.  No promises on whether she will even listen to you, but I can put you in touch and let her know that you’ll be calling.  Will that suffice?”
“That will do just fine.  Thanks Orsino.  Who is she?”
“Her name is Shura Reesen.”  Orsino gives the number, which Val takes down diligently.  “Give me a few moments to call her and make sure she knows you’re calling.  And Valentin?  This woman is over three hundred years old.  Please don’t piss her off.”
Val whistles lowly.  “I bet she looks great for her age.”
“Alright, alright!  You call her, I’ll call Reines and see if there are any other options.  We’re running out of time, here.”
Orsino agrees and hangs up.  Val flashes the notepad to everyone else as he dials Reines.  The notation of Reesen’s advanced age gives everyone pause, but Reines picks up before anyone can inquire.
Val’s question to Reines is the same as it was to Orsino:  any knowledge of the highest person in the food chain of the hidden Church, or any way to contact them.  When Reines hesitates to answer, Val huffs dramatically:  “Look, I already have a name and I just want to know if you’ve got a better idea.  Is there anyone higher than Shura Reesen who I can call?”
“Why on earth would you jump straight to Shura Reesen?”  Reines demands.  “Was my proposed plan so poorly received that you had to go straight to the most dangerous person in the Executor Order?  And who gave you that name, anyway?”
“What proposed plan?”
The rest of the group exchanges a wide-eyed expression of regret behind Val’s back as Reines recaps her suggestion for Caster to taunt Black Knight into breaking the boundary field so that the rest of them can get in and get the Lance of Longinus to destroy the Grail.
To his credit, Val only listens silently, nodding along and humming noncommittally.  When Reines is finished speaking, he replies, “I’d like to keep our options open.  Do you have other ideas about who to call?”
On the other end of the line, Reines can be heard shuffling things around in her desk.  “I have different options, but not better ones.  I’ve got the numbers of Cardinals, but they don’t hold the same kind of power over this realm of things that Shura does.  Go ahead and call her if you must, but a word of warning:  Shura Reesen is not quite human nor altogether there.  Please don’t piss her off.”
“I won’t!”
“Valentin, I mean it.  I don’t owe her any more favors, so you must be careful.  Come back in one piece.”
“Magnuson won’t forgive me if I die,” Val quips, not quite light enough to hide his unease.
“Magnuson will be the least of your worries if you die,” Reines snaps back, “I’ll throw you the most paltry funeral I can manage.”
Val laughs.  “You wound me!”  They say their goodbyes and hang up.
Val keeps his tone light as he asks Caster, “So, if you get stabbed with the magic-exploding spear, will you go back to the tree?  Or will you just, I dunno, explode off into death?”
“We won’t find out,” Caster replies firmly.
The non-answer gives Val the confirmation that he needs:  either way, that plan could prove fatal to his Servant.  He takes a bracing breath and makes up his mind:  he dials the number that Orsino gave him.
It rings twice before a woman’s voice answers:  “How did you get this number?”
“Orsino Veronesi gave it to me.”
She hums.  “You must be Valentin.  Veronesi did warn me you were going to call.  What do you want?”
“I would really prefer to talk in person…”
“And I would prefer not.  I ask you a second time:  what do you want?”
Val swallows his surprise and switches into business mode.  “There is a Holy Grail War occurring in the city.  The Grail is housed in the Vatican right now.  Surely, given your position, you know about this.”
“I do.  Rooting out false Grails is part of the Executor Order’s duties.  We were aware of the ones in Japan, America, and several other locations.”
“Then surely you know about the one in Saint Peter’s Basilica.”
“It’s in the square,” she replies, “but good effort.  You were off by a few hundred meters.”
Val accepts the correction without comment.  “What you may not know is that over the course of the past week, this Grail item has been exposed to death magic, far too much to remain stable.  In the words of the man who rigged it up, it’s going to cause an explosion on the scale of another Chernobyl.  On Monday.”  He pauses to let that sink in, then continues, “The good news is that we think we can disarm it.  The bad news is that to do so, we need the abilities of people who are far beyond the magical norm—”
“You’re referring to the Servants.”  Reesen’s interruption is not a question.  “Does the church not already have one on our side who could take care of this problem?”
“You’re referring to Rider,” Val replies, “who we had considered, but who simply does not have the magical ability to pull off what needs to be done.”
Reesen is silent for a few minutes.  The group looks around nervously.  Just as Val is about to ask if she is still on the line, she asks, “Last time, Valentin:  what do you want?”
Val steels himself and responds with more confidence than he feels:  “Either take down the boundary field around the Vatican or set up an exception to let our Servants in.”
“Either of those would take longer than the time that we have.”
“Is there any way to bypass the red tape?  This is kind of urgent!  We’d be saving lives!”
“Even so, no one else would support the idea of taking down or rebuilding the Vatican’s entire boundary field.  There is one thing, though:  I can round up enough Executors to open a door through the field so that your Servants can get inside.  Would that suffice?”
“Yes,” Val sighs, “and I like that idea better than our alternative of having the bad guy break down the wall for us.  At least this way, we have a chance of getting inside before he gets there.”
Reesen is silent for another moment before heaving a sigh of her own.  “Alright.  When do you want this to happen?”
“Will you stay on the line while I convene with my allies?”  When Reesen agrees, Val mutes the phone and turns to the group.  “She can open the way for us, hopefully long enough to get our Servants through.  When do we want this to happen?”
Everyone looks to Assassin.  The priestess simply shrugs.  “I’ve done all the preparatory work that can be done from out here.  All that’s left is to go to the Grail and implement the rest of the plan.  The sooner we can get this out of the way, the better.”
Val nods and unmutes the phone.  “Shura?  We’re ready to go as soon as you can clear the area of civilians.  I don’t want to see what would happen to them in the middle of a Grail battle.”
“I have to be honest,” she replies, a hint of admiration in her voice, “I did not expect that level of commitment from a magus.  I appreciate it.  The middle of the night would probably be best; meet the team there at midnight tonight.”
“Will you be joining us?”
“I will not.  Orsino will be in charge of the task force.  They will try to hold the gate as long as they can.  Send the key Servants in first.”
“We’ll make a queue.”  Val breathes a sigh of relief.  “Thank you, Shura Reesen.  We appreciate your help.”
“We’re all counting on you.  Do not let my city burn.”  Then the line goes dead.
Val calmly places the phone to the side, then slams his hands onto the table with a manic grin of victory.  “Dammit, I can be charming!”
Assassin allows herself a bright, sincere smile as everyone else bursts into laughter.  “Honest to gods, Val, I am very impressed.”
II. Final Hours
All that is left to do is plan, and wait.  The group is still worried about the length of time that the Executors will be able to hold the way, so they spend some time discussing who should be first in.  At minimum, they reason, Assassin and Caster need to go.  Lancer would be helpful as well, with her knowledge of the disenchantment process.  Jim argues that if Archer can get in, he should try to follow Lancer since his Noble Phantasm requires preparation to set up.  Saber and Rider, they reason, should stay outside as guardians in case Black Knight shows up to the party.
Once that is settled, the group splits up to spend the rest of the afternoon in final preparations.
Assassin approaches Saber with an offer:  since Galatine was destroyed in the death seal explosion, he is without a Noble Phantasm.  She cannot fix that, but she explains that she would like to enchant the blade that he has been using to be sharper and more effective against a Servant’s defenses.  To her surprise, he agrees readily.  She borrows the sword and spends a few hours working enchantments into the blade.  Saber’s smile is genuine when he thanks her.
Assassin shuffles her feet and insists, “You’re the most likely to be able to hurt him, and we need him hurt, so it’s a benefit to us all.”  The knight accepts her statement of practicality with a nod, although his persistent smile shows that she has not dimmed his gratitude in the slightest.
As Assassin works on the sword and Jim runs around making sure everyone has everything they need, Val pulls up a map of the Vatican and surrounding area and enlists help from Dimitri and France to project it onto the table and finalize approach plans.  While no one is looking, Caster vanishes into the basement to put the finishing touches on his final Noble Phantasm.  The woman who emerges is of North African descent, tall and strong with the head of a lioness, and wielding a nondescript spear.  (She ignores Val’s stage whisper about “furry jokes” with practiced ease that only Caster could possess.)
Dinnertime rolls around, and they all decide to order sushi for the last time.  Lancer breaks out two bottles of wine to share around generously.  After the meal, France and Dimitri vanish back into the makeshift basement.  They emerge bearing the laptop, which they place on the coffee table, and their bags, which they set by the door.
“Looks like it’s time for us to part ways.”  Dimitri’s air of nonchalance falls flat in the somber faces of his hosts.  He puts on a smile nonetheless.  “We’ve got a flight out at 10 tonight; plenty of time to get out of dodge before shit hits the fan.”
“Don’t say that!”  Val moans.  “You’ll jinx it!”
“Are you heading back home to the States?”  Jim asks.
France shakes his head.  “No, Reines insisted that we go to England.  I guess she wants all her allies in one place in case things turn rotten here.  Plus, we’re pretty sure to be safe there.”
Val nods.  “And you swear you won’t share anything you found here, with anyone, ever?”
“We swear,” the two chorus.  Dimitri adds, “We’ve already dealt with one Grail War; we don’t want it getting out how to make another.  Especially if this is the result.”
“Well, be careful in airport security,” Jim warns, “Make sure Vol gets home safe.”
“Where is Vol?”  Val asks suddenly.  The rest of the group looks around in alarm, distressed at their own forgetfulness about the quiet maid.
Dimitri chuckles and pats his suitcase.  “She’s alright.  She’s currently in disguise as a leg brace, which I will don before I arrive at the airport.”
Siobhan gives voice to everyone’s thoughts:  “That is… so weird.”
“By the way,” Caster asks as they head for the door, “How did that top bunk bed work out for you?”
France sputters as the others burst out laughing.  After hugs and handshakes all around, the two step out to their taxi and out of the group’s lives.
All that is left is the matter of the laptop.  Val suggests having Saber stab it to test out the new magic sword.  While he and Caster begin to argue over the most efficient way to magically destroy the thing, Jim solves the problem for them:  with a solid punch and a resounding crunch.
“Well, that was anti-climactic!”  Val complains.
“Nonsense,” Assassin chides.  “I’m given to understand that these things do not react well to microwaves.  I would like to see such a thing before my time here is up.”
Lancer grins.  “We’re destroying it anyway; no reason we can’t have some fun while we’re at it!”
Between Lancer’s runes, Caster’s spear, Saber’s sword, and the microwave, the group manages thoroughly destroy the laptop and all its dangerous contents.
The entire group piles into the living room to go over the plan one more time.  They will meet Orsino at the main entrance and head through the opening in the barrier:  Assassin first, then Caster, then Lancer, followed by Saber and Archer if they have time to get through.  Otherwise, the Round Table knights will stand guard outside in case their enemy arrives.
“There’s no reason he should know that we’re going there,” Caster insists.
“Unless he has some plans for the Grail,” Assassin points out.
Val shrugs.  “Either way, we should call Reines and update her.”
“It’s a little late to change anything…” Jim hedges.
Val grins.  “Why do you think I waited so long?”
“Because you’re forgetful?”
Reines picks up immediately.  “I was wondering if you would call to tell me the plan, or if I had to hear it straight from Shura Reesen.”
“There’s no need to call her—”
“You don’t understand, Val,” Reines sighs, “Shura called me.  Fairly immediately after she spoke to you, I’m sure.”
Val pauses.  “I’m confused.”
Reines chuckles.  “Shura figured that if mages were involved, it was probably because of someone here.  Plus, we’re on good terms.  How did you think I knew the Church was involved in the War in the first place?  It was because Shura called me.”
“Oh,” Val replies, at a loss for words.  “Well, that works out then.  So you know we plan to get our Servants in and break things.”
“Good.  Well, uh, I guess the only other thing is that Dimitri and France are on their way to you, and… we did what I told you we would, with the laptop.  It’s gone, dust, irrecoverable.  Nobody will get their hands on those notes ever again.  No more Grail Wars.  Even if…”  Even if we fail, he does not say.
When Reines replies, her voice is gentle.  “Valentin, you’ll be fine.  I have plane tickets for all of you.  Well, for you three Masters, anyway.”
Val puts on a brave smile.  “Don’t worry – we won’t make you get a refund on them!”
“You goddamn well better not.  I will put your real full name on your headstone!”
“As long as you leave flowers on my grave, cheri, I will be happy.”
Assassin joins Siobhan and Lancer in putting her head in her hands.
III. The World Comes Tumbling Down
Around 11:30pm, the plan goes to hell.
It starts, as all unexpected changes of plan do, with a phone call:  Orsino’s name illuminates Val’s smartphone screen.
“Confirming plans?”  Siobhan suggests as Val answers.
The voice on the other end cuts off Val’s greeting.  It is gravelly and two-toned, recognizable as Orsino’s vessel but not as his voice:  “Valentin de Rosa, listen and listen well.  If you would be a Hero to the People, get to the Vatican and get here now.”
Val stares at the phone for a scant few seconds before looking up at his allies, all on the edge of their seats.  “Orsino’s in trouble.  We gotta go.”
The next few moments are a blur as everyone grabs their gear.  All of the Servants save for Assassin incorporealize; someone has to carry the replacement Grail, and the priestess decides that it should be her.  She shoves it into a bag, and grabs her cloak while the others throw on their shoes and grab whatever they can use as weapons.  Siobhan enchants Assassin’s and the Masters’ feet on the way out the door, and they’re all off and running.
A dozen men and women in black robe stand shoulder-to-shoulder at the east entrance to Saint Peter’s Square.  In front of them stands Orsino – or, Val thinks, the thing wearing his face, turning his eyes into miniature suns.  But Rider stands firm by his side, long hair tied back and armor gleaming even in the darkness.
That small group is all that stands between the Vatican and a nightmare.
The Black Knight sits astride a black horse, covered head-to-toe in void-black armor.  Their helmet conceals everything about them:  their features, expression, and demeanor are all unknown.
Jim, Val, and Siobhan skid to a halt, instinctively clumping together to obscure the enemy’s view of Assassin.  Behind them, Assassin tries her best to make use of her Presence Concealment skill, gritting her teeth and praying for silence and stealth.
For one painful moment, no one moves.  Then the nightmare’s helmet turns to look at the newcomers.  Black Knight paused, then ever so slowly looks back toward the line of Executors.  They appear to weigh their options for a long moment before bringing their horse around to face the group of Masters.  They raise their hands and slowly remove their helmet.
Black Knight’s face is nearly identical to Mordred’s.  Her hair is the same pale gold, her eyes are the same green, and all the curves and lines on her face are the same, but everything about her seems dulled and unnatural, like a desaturated photograph or a very old portrait.
Val hears a pained exhale from both Caster and Saber.
“Is that…?”
The reply is unanimous and full of dismay:  “King Arthur.”
“Who are you?”  The corrupted king demands.  Her voice sounds more bored than angry.
Val sets his jaw and looks her in the unnerving eye.  “We’re the cavalry, and we’ve arrived.”
“The cavalry.”  Black Knight’s chuckle is a rumble beneath their feet.  “The rescuers.  No.”  She shakes her head and turns the horse back toward the gate.  “You are nothing more than intruders in this place.  Interlopers.”
“Interlopers?”  Val demands, annoyance transforming his fear into boldness.  He steps forward.  “No.”
Black Knight looks back at him.  A hint of tension creases her brow.
“No,” Val repeats firmly.  He takes another step.  “This city is my home.  I belong here.  You’re the one who doesn’t.”
The smile she gives is cruel and unearthly.  “Not yet.”
Beside Val, the tall lion-headed woman materializes.  “Not ever.  You come as a conqueror, like your people always do.  Some of us are actually here to reclaim that which was ours.”
Black Knight’s gaze follows the woman’s pointing spear as she points toward the obelisk in the center of the plaza.  The rest of the group seizes on the opportunity of the distraction to begin inching toward the gates.
“Are you gonna be okay fighting her?”  Val asks Saber.
“This person may have once been Arthur, but she is not my king.”  Saber’s firm reply gives his Master hope.
“Understood,” Val replies.  A pause, a few more inches closer to the gate, and then, “Did you know she was a girl?  That’s pretty cool.”
“Master, this is so far from the right time for this conversation.”
The moment of distraction is over too soon:  Black Knight turns back to face lion-headed Caster.  “You come to reclaim your monument, fine.  I will leave it standing so that you may see it at your death.”
Terror freezes the group as the Knight nudges her steed, but instead of charging, she simply coaxes it to trot off to the side, allowing them a clear path to the gate.
“You may make the first move.  It matters little in the end.”
Assassin wastes no time.  With the Masters close at her heels, she dashes toward the gate, the sack with the cauldron slung over her shoulder.  Caster follows them closely, with Lancer bringing up the rear while Archer and Saber hang back to engage Black Knight if necessary.
The thing wearing Orsino’s face turns to the group of Executors.  Up close, Val and Jim can see that they are a mix of old and young, seasoned and nervous.  They part with practiced ease and turn toward the barrier.  The Masters step past it and turn to wait for the gate to be opened; behind them, Orsino raises his hand and places it against the air like a mime, a vague shimmer emanating from the boundary field.
“Ready?” the two-toned voice whispers.  Murmured agreement meets it.  “Pull.”
As one, the Executors reach for the empty air.  For a moment, it looks like nothing has happened.  Then the shimmering moves around their clenched hands, the barrier gathering like translucent fabric as they take up a low chant to control it.  At Orsino’s signal, they begin to tug to either side of him, a coordinated pulling motion that stretches the fabric of the barrier.  The casting Servants lean forward with fascination and even the Masters can feel the change.
When the barrier has been stretched nearly to breaking, Orsino passes the edge of his hand through it, cutting it neatly from his head height down to the ground.
The three Servants barrel through and make a break for the obelisk, Assassin in front and Lancer bringing up the rear.
As she nears the obelisk, Assassin can see a faint sickly glow from the base.  Proximity to the high concentration of death magic makes her stomach churn.  Carefully, she circles the obelisk until she finds the weakest point in the boundary field surrounding the Grail.  She sets the bag on the ground and draws her ritual dagger.  Murmuring a few words of prayer, she slices open the boundary field, breathing a sigh of relief that it splits easier than the Vatican’s.
The hole in the boundary field reveals a hollow in the base of the monument.  In that hollow sits a heavy bronze cauldron.  It bubbles with putrid yellow energy.  Assassin closes her eyes briefly, dismayed at what has become of the Cauldron of Rebirth.
From her left, she hears Caster’s voice, “Can I assist?”
“Please,” Assassin motions toward the Grail.  “We have to drain off this energy before the Grail can be moved.”
Both magi steel themselves and reach into the hollow with their magic.  Such volatile energy proves easy to move and manipulate.  Caster takes a moment to meditate and locate the path to the Tree.  Then she lashes out at that path, draining the death magic from the Grail and sending it like fire down the line.  A burning sensation grows in her spirit, but she holds fast:  if this works, she might very well become free at last.  For Assassin’s part, she begins to spin some of the death magic into her dagger; it will be a powerful backup weapon against the Black Knight in case the two of them have to fight.
Back at the gate, Orsino’s passenger stops Val with a hand to his shoulder.
“What would you have us do?”  He motions to the Executors, who begin to release the barrier.  “They will stay if you ask, but they will die if they do.”
Val has made up his mind.  “Give them the choice.  We’ve gotten what we need; they can stay and fight if they want, or they can get to safety.”  He raises his voice slightly, addressing the Executors.  “Black Knight will break through this barrier, no matter what.  Stay if you want, but Orsino is right:  you can’t stand against that thing.  I don’t want there to be any more casualties in this War if we can help it.”
Of the dozen Executors there, six of them choose to leave.  The other six – mostly the younger crop – decide to stay and provide whatever aid they can.
“But what can we do?” one of the young Executors asks.
Val thinks for a second, casting a glance to Caster as the Servants begin their work.  “Do you know anything about the Lance of Longinus?”
The small group exchanges a confused glance, but Orsino nods.  “I can take you to it.”
“I’m staying out here, but my Servant can help.  Caster, can you send a familiar with Orsino?”
Caster absently waves a hand and a gnome-height creature of clay takes form from the ground.  Orsino nods and motions to the Executors.
Seeing Rider’s hesitation, Val gulps hard and makes a decision.  “Saber, Rider needs to go with Orsino.  Can you…?”  Distract that monster, he cannot say, get between us and not-your-king.
Saber needs no further encouragement.  He manifests halfway between the gate and the enemy, arms crossed in a posture of defiance.  As soon as Black Knight’s attention has turned to the white knight, Rider breaks his protective stance and follows Orsino toward the Vatican.
Val follows behind them.  He joins Siobhan behind the obelisk where she is softly singing to build up inspiration and begins preparations of his own, laying down a shield that will hopefully help his allies.  Jim and Lancer crouch off to the side, behind cover and ready for an ambush.
IV. Spear Shining at the End of the World
Outside the boundary field, Saber faces down Black Knight, the corrupted king.  His raised chin and cool glare belie the tremor that Val can feel through their connection.  Val sends him as much confidence as he can muster, and feels a tinge of gratitude as Saber addresses the final enemy.
“Do you claim to be the King Arthur?”  The White Knight demands.
The Black Knight narrows her eyes.  “I need to make no such claims.  It is the truth.”
“Then why are you here?  How have – No.  What do you want?”
The horse stamps its hooves impatiently as its rider considers the question.  Finally, she replies, “My kingdom was lost to me in life.”  Saber cannot contain his flinch at that.  The once-king continues, “I commend you for trying, Gawain, but you failed.”  Her dead gaze catches his and she repeats, “You failed.  Mordred betrayed me.  Tristan left.  Only Bedivere was with me until the end, and even he could not follow my orders.”
“This kingdom is not yours not claim,” Gawain insists, but the time for reasoning has passed.
Arthur reseats her helmet onto her head and extends her hands before her like a prayer.  Gawain reaches for his own blade, but stop, transfixed, as swirling mana rises from the leylines and descends from the heavens to gather into the Black Knight’s grasp.
So strong is the burst of mana that it draws the attention of everyone in the square.  It is a shining swirl full of stars and the essence of the world, and when it finally dims, it leaves a painfully bright spiked lance in its wake.
Without another word, Black Knight nudges her steed with her heels.  Saber dives out of the way and Archer drops from the shadows to pull him further out of the path as the warhorse reaches a gallop.  They watch in equal parts horror and fascination as the Black Knight lowers the Spear of the World’s End and finishes her charge.
The boundary field shatters.
The earth and sky shudder.  The rip reverberates through the leylines and straight into the bones of everyone in the area.  Maelstrom winds burst from the broken barrier and kick up a storm of dust and debris, threatening to knock them all off their feet.
And still Black Knight charges.
Saber and Archer spring into action, running as fast as they can toward the square now that the barrier is gone.  They have no hope of reaching their Masters before the enemy does, but that does not stop them from trying.
Driven by desperation, Caster drains off the last of the overcharged mana from the Grail and makes one final strike at the connection to the tree.  A streak of pain shoots through her, but she feels suddenly lighter than before, like she had been carrying a great chain and was finally able to drop it.
“Go, go, go!” she cries to Assassin.  As the priestess moves in to grab the Cauldron, Caster gathers her legs beneath her and leaps straight up the side of the obelisk.  She grabs hold of the globe and cross mounts atop it and clings for balance, surveying the area below.
Assassin dives in to the spot that Caster occupied, reaching into the base of the obelisk with a swift prayer for protection.  The Grail does not burn her as she expected, so she grabs hold of it and tugs it free; its hefty weight surprises her.  She sets it aside and swiftly seats the prepared replacement into the hollow, murmuring the enchantment necessary to begin tying it into the leylines.  That started, Assassin grabs the Cauldron and bolts toward Siobhan and Val, hoping to get out of the way of the impending battle.
Black Knight charges on.
Val’s gaze darts around the square, looking for something, anything, that could impede that charge.  His eyes light on one of the fountains.  It is a great distance away from the enemy, but his spatial displacement magic can fix that:  he extends both hands and twists the space around the fountain, carving it out of reality just long enough to reseat it several hundred meters away, in the path of the charging horse.
Lancer sees the unusual magical maneuver and seizes on the opportunity to improve the trap.  Singing out her own ancient tongue, she flings glowing runes down over and around the newly placed obstacle.
Jim stands from behind his cover and fires a Finn Shot at the enemy to try to slow her down, but it simply splashes off her aura.  From the corner of his eye, he sees Archer and Saber dash into the plaza and split off, Archer swinging up to a perch and Saber drawing his new blade to engage the enemy as soon as he can reach her.
Black Knight spurs her horse onward.  They leap and clear the fountain neatly, sailing clear over Lancer’s runes and prompting a curse of indignation from her.
Finally the enemy draws her steed to a halt and calls up to Caster on the obelisk, “Do you think being up that high will protect you?”  She then turns and addresses the group at large, “Do you think any of you are safe?!”
She flips her grip on Rhongomyniad and slams its jagged point into the concrete.  Again, a terrible quake rips across the plaza.  At the spot where the legendary weapon strikes the earth, a horrible tear in space appears, reality ripped like a curtain.
Caster and Assassin – and by the look on her face, Lancer too – recognize the rift as a portal, an incredibly unstable one at best.  The energy emanating from it feels familiar too:  it resonates in Assassin with the sense of home.
“The Reverse Side of the World,” she explains to Jim in a voice of wonder, “known by many more as the land of Faerie.”
But there is no more time to contemplate this, because Black Knight has one more trick up her sleeve.  Before their eyes, black energy rises from her warhorse and her armor.  Anything else that she may say is lost to the sound of the wind that whips the energy into a swirling black cloud around her body.  As her form twists and shifts and grows, an unmistakable screeching roar echoes around Saint Peter’s Square.
And when the smoke and magic clears, the group finds themselves facing an enormous black dragon.
It screeches again, and the battle is met.
V. VS Vortigern Black Dragon
The dragon is massive.  Its body fills most of the plaza, lashing tail and beating wings intimidating the party into staying split apart.  Its impressive horned head is eye-level with the top of the monument, and it lets out another ear-splitting screech directly into Caster’s face.
That, apparently, does it.
“Listen well, foul beast!”  Caster draws herself up, waving the spear wildly to get the dragon’s attention.  “I will not allow yet another foolish conqueror to take away the artifacts that belong to me, to my people, and to my homeland!”
With that, Caster snaps the spear over her knee, releasing crimson energy from the weapon which flows into her body.  With the increased strength of a Berserker-class Servant, she gives a roar of her own and flings herself onto the dragon’s head.  She seizes onto its horns and begins spewing invectives at it, and the rest of the group realizes that this is their chance.
Assassin, who had been rooted to the spot in shock at the dragon’s appearance, comes to her senses and flees at top speed toward the Basilica, the former Grail in tow.
“What the fuck?!” Val wails to Saber, uncaring if he shouts it out loud.  “How the fuck?!”
Saber skirts around the edge of the spiked tail’s range and dashes toward his Master.  “Remember the story I told your Caster, of Vortigern and the dragon?  Doubtless, that was where she learned this trick!”
As Saber dashes past her, Lancer springs from her cover to the fountain.  Jim watches her make eye contact with Siobhan.  Siobhan’s mouth drops open in disbelief, and she murmurs, “Are you kidding me?!”
Lancer just grins broadly, the expression of a warrior who has been given the chance of a lifetime.  She sinks into a crouch and her red eyes track the lashing movement of the tail… then she springs.  She catches onto the tail and uses its momentum to swing herself up onto the dragon’s back.  Finding her footing with practiced ease, she dashes up its spine.
Once between its spiked shoulders, Lancer attacks:  her purple-red mana envelopes her hands as she makes a spear-hand strike at the leathery wings.  Her energy tears straight through them and gouts of blood pour forth.  The dragon shrieks in pain and belches fire into the air.  Great balls of fire falls from the sky, scorching the earth and sending everyone in the plaza scrambling.
But Lancer holds fast despite the thrashing and turns a manically delighted grin to Jim.
“Dragons still bleed!”
That is all the encouragement Jim needs.  He cracks his knuckles and charges out of cover.  The tail swings out in a wide arc to ward him off, but he easily slides underneath it and launches himself at the dragon’s back leg.  A powerful punch to the knee joint causes the creature to swing its attention toward him, Caster hanging almost comically off its horns.  Jim barely dodges a vicious kick and more fire breath as he scrambles to get behind the cover of the fountain.
“Archer!” Jim cries, “Can you set up Fail-Naught here?”
“It will take me some time!”
Jim glances back up at the enemy, currently preoccupied with Lancer and Caster both clinging to it and swinging away.  “I think we’ve got you covered.”
Archer is off like a shot, darting around the arena to place the arrows that will serve as the boundaries of his Noble Phantasm’s range.
Jim catches sight of the Executors who have been alternating between trying to help and trying to hide.  He grits his teeth.  This is between us; they don’t need to be here.  He shouts to them, “Get to the Basilica!  We can handle this!”
They run.
Meanwhile, Saber has reached the front of the beast and takes a mighty swing at it.  The enchanted blade from Assassin bites into the creature’s armored front legs.  Jim can see blood spurt out; they are clearly able to do damage to the massive creature, even though doing so leads it to spit fire everywhere.  Now they just need to survive.
“Hey!”  Jim turns to see Val waving at him.  “Wanna go on a side quest?”
“There’s a good chance that if Black Knight is here, then Emil is too.  And if we take the Master down, the Servant will go away.”
Jim ducks flying debris and more fire.  “Are you actually advocating killing this guy?”
Val thinks for a moment, then shrugs.  “I guess we’ll see what happens.  I doubt he’ll be up for negotiation, but we sure can—look out!”
Jim turns just in time to register that he needs to move.  The dragon’s furious tail swing turns into a glancing blow as Jim moves with it, tumbling across the ground.
“Jim!” Siobhan breaks into a run toward him.
“I’m okay!”  He picks himself up, winces, and spits out dirt.  “I really don’t think we should leave these guys out here with this thing!”
“You go,” Siobhan tells him, “I’ll stay and keep their strength up.”
Still Jim hesitates as the dragon’s front claws dig deep gouges into Saber’s armor.  The White Knight stumbles back, shifting into a more defensive stance.
The creature shrieks again and violently swings its head, finally dislodging Caster from its horns.
“Caster!”  Val yelps as his Servant goes flying.
Despite the Berserker form, Caster is still first and foremost a mage:  where there is magic, there is a way.  Caster twists catlike in midair and her feet find the inside of Val’s defensive magic shield, which serves as an excellent rebound surface to launch herself back at the dragon.  She hisses furiously and clings again to the horns.  The dragon’s low growl becomes another piercing roar as Caster’s clawed hands find its eyes.
Assassin, nearly out of range of the creature’s fiery breath, decides that this may be her only chance to use her death-magic-infused dagger.  She sets the Cauldron down, draws the dagger, prays for accuracy, and flings it as hard as she can toward the beast.
The enchanted dagger finds its mark between the thing’s eyes.  Assassin crows victory even as she dodges another round of fiery breath.  Then she picks the Grail back up and heads for the safety of the Basilica, followed quickly by the batch of Executors.
Seeing Assassin safely away with the Grail, Jim catches the eyes of Val and Siobhan.  They both nod:  it is time to light the place up.
“Archer, hit it!”
The Minstrel Knight, perched on a column, brings his bow to bear and shouts out, “Gawain was right, Arthur:  we may have followed you once, but you are no longer a king of mine!
The magic bolt is released, and the rain of arrows falls.
Lancer and Caster spring clear and shield themselves, but the dragon is Archer’s only target.
The creature’s back legs collapse under the assault.  The front legs become little more than pincushions.  In a final burst of power, Tristan lifts his voice in song, praising the lost glories of the Knights of the Round Table.  The song is beautiful and sad, with verses reflecting his regret and the loss of the king; Jim can feel his sorrow even as he pours energy into the Phantasm.
And with that little extra push, the dragon’s void-black form collapses.
The energy that comprised the dragon’s body bleeds off it and dissolves the creature back into Black Knight’s form, dazed and wounded but still very much alive.  Worse, the horrible energy flows toward the nearest escape:  the rift that the spear had opened.  As Black Knight begins to come to her senses, that rift starts to widen.
Jim reconsiders his earlier hesitation and decides that the Servants can probably handle this, and that the best course of action is to go find Emil and put an end to this.
But first, he thinks, there is something he has always wanted to do.  He uses the last of Siobhan’s winged-shoe enchantment to clear the distance to Black Knight.
“Jim, what are you doing?!”  Siobhan cries, even as the answer becomes obvious:
Jim draws back his fist and punches Black Knight hard enough to snap her helmet to the side.  He retreats before she can retaliate and makes a run for the Basilica.  As he passes by Siobhan, he grabs her hand and drags her along with him.  “I’ve always wanted to punch English royalty in the face, and that was the best chance I was gonna get!  Now let’s go!”
Behind the fleeing Masters, Lancer and Saber have taken the opportunity to engage Black Knight in close combat.  Black Knight shakes off her confusion quickly enough to deflect attacks from both; she summons another spear and strikes out at Lancer, piercing her side.
Lancer grits her teeth and snarls, “Come on, King of Knights!  Your son hit me harder than that!”
Black Knight snarls back and takes another swing, only to be blocked by Saber’s sword.  The Masters enter the Basilica to the background noise of the battle continuing.
As Caster picks her way around the rubble left by the dragon, something terrible comes through her connection to the clay familiar.  She sees snippets of visions inside the Basilica tunnels, less battle than slaughter:  several Executors dead after strikes from the shadows, Orsino wounded but finally arriving at the artifact chamber, Orsino handing the Lance over to Rider and imploring him to take it outside to the group, Rider hesitating but ultimately obeying.
One thing is certain:  Orsino and the Executors need help.
“Val,” Caster says as she retreats to a safe distance from the battle between the knights.  “Be careful in there, but hurry:  Emil is inside, trying to steal the Lance.  Rider has it, but Orsino is in danger.”
“Are you okay out there?” comes his Master’s query.
“We’ll be fine.  Just get to the priest!”
With that, Caster turns back to the task at hand.  She drops the Berserker form and shifts back into his own old Merlin form, for the first time since he has been summoned.  He glances over his shoulder at Assassin, who is kneeling with the Cauldron just outside the Basilica in the middle of a half-completed ritual circle.  It will be some time before the Grail is fully decoupled from the leylines, and until then, the knights are the only thing keeping the enemy occupied.
That is, Caster thinks, until the Lance of Longinus gets out here.
As Lancer breaks off from the fight and tags Archer in so she can go help with the decoupling ritual, Caster lets his mind wander to the possibilities.
I couldn’t make Rhongomyniad on my own; it’s too powerful.  But if the Lance is connected to it by concept…
Caster allows himself a triumphant smile.  He reaches out to his workshop area in the safehouse and wills it to fade away.  Then, sweeping his hands out in a circle around himself, he begins to lay the foundation of the workshop.
“Arthur Pendragon!” he calls out boldly, drawing the Black Knight’s attention from the knights.  “If you have ever listened to me before, pay heed against to my council.  This is not a fight that you can – or should – win!”
Black Knight shouts her outrage at the court mage’s sudden appearance and takes a step forward.  The momentary distraction provides enough of an opening for Archer and Saber to strike, knocking her to the ground and stunning her.
As Caster continues to build his workshop, he feels a spark of something that might be hope.
They might just get out of this alive after all.
VI. Inside the Vatican
The Masters are about halfway to the chamber of the Lance of Longinus when they realize that Caster is concentrating on something else and can no longer afford the focus necessary to give them directions.  They slow to a jog and begin to look around for clues.  Scuff marks here, shouting down that way…
For a moment, the path looks too uncertain to continue.  Then a clanking sound echoes down the hallway, a sound which proves to come from Rider’s armored feet pounding the tile floor.  He bursts out a door, swinging his sword through the cloaked shadow creature pursuing him.  Under one arm, he has an object wrapped up in his cloak.
Val calls out to the Servant as he blazes past.  He skids to a halt and points to the door he came from, shouting a few directions before setting off again.  Three more shadow creatures appear from the walls to follow him.  The three Masters exchange a nod and take off running as quietly as they can, hoping that the cloaks will focus on Rider and not on them.
Following Rider’s directions proves easy – as easy as following the trail of Executors who have been left to the sides of the hallway.  After the third time stopping to check for a pulse only to find yet another innocent dead, the Masters steel themselves and agree to move on and help with cleanup later.
The door to the chamber of the Lance stands slightly ajar.  When the group peers inside, they see only Orsino, prowling around the closed box in the center of the room and glaring fitfully into the shadows.
Val clears his throat.  “Orsino?  Or… whatever you go by?”
The golden eyes snap up, blink, and Orsino motions the three of them into the room.
“Rider…?”  Val asks.
Orsino shakes his head, a jerky motion.  “Following my orders.”  He nods toward the hallway.  “Executors?”
“Not in good shape,” Val replies regretfully.
Orsino grunts.  “Too bad.  Good people.  Never looked at him funny.”
“At… oh.”  Siobhan gapes, seeing the golden eyes for their true nature for the first time.
“Where’s Emil?”  Jim asks.
The demon huffs.  “Enemy stalks the shadows.  Appears, strikes, disappears.”
“Then we’ve got to get out of here!”  Val exclaims.
Orsino hesitates, then jerks and hisses out a horrific gasp of pain.  The three Masters jump at the enemy’s sudden arrival:  with one arm across the priest’s throat and the other hand holding a knife buried in his kidney, Emil Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri makes his entrance.
“Let him go!” Jim steps forward, but stops at Orsino’s groan of pain.
Emil’s smile is so reminiscent of a snake that Val is surprised he does not show fangs.  He looks to be perhaps 30 years of age, with the same perfectly-styled red hair that everyone in his family possesses.  Val hates him before he even speaks.
When he speaks, he addresses Val.  “So, you’re the brutes who Reines got to do her dirty work.”
“Brutes?”  Val echoes.  “Excuse you.  You’re the one who got a couple of incompetent goons to summon Berserker.  Did you know who he was, by the way?”
Emil chuckles.  “My incompetent goons, as you call them, did exactly what I needed them to do.  Plus, they gave me the chance to get a good look at the other Servants on the field.”
Val recalls the report from Assassin and Caster about the Faery that tried to have Petri and Jordan killed, and grits his teeth.  “Right,” is all he says.  Beside him, Jim and Siobhan are still frozen in uncertainty.  Emil has the upper hand – the only thing they can do for now is let him talk.
“I know you took my beautiful Berserker out; I won’t let you do the same thing to my Black Knight.  Even now, they’re still holding strong against your allies.  The only question is, what do I do with you?”
Orsino gasps again as Emil twists the knife in his side.  Jim catches hold of Siobhan’s hand, turning his own to conceal the glow of his Command Seals.
“Archer… I might need your help in a minute…”  Jim thinks to his Servant.  Aloud, he asks, “So what do you want with the Grail anyway?  We figured it out for everyone else, but you?  What are you in this for?”
Emil hums noncommittally.  “The Vatican is a very powerful thing to have a bargaining chip.  The Church is a nuisance – Vasilyevich had that much right.  But to destroy this place?  Oh, to destroy this place would be a waste of a wonderful opportunity.  Why destroy the Vatican when you could use it instead?  It’s such a nice place of power, right here at the heart of all the leylines in Rome!  Do you have any idea how rare that is?”
“Uh huh,” Val says, “but you know this place is going supernova in a little bit, right?”
“Please,” Emil snorts, “I know you’re up to something.  Goody-goodies like you would never allow something that terrible to happen.  You must have some plan up your sleeve.”
“Archer?”  Jim asks.
“Saber has Black Knight under control,” comes the response, “Call whenever you’re ready.”
Jim focuses on the Command Seals and wills the second one to disappear.  “Come on in!”
There is a sharp pain in his hand and a flash concealed by his closeness to Siobhan.  With a snap of mana, Archer appears on the opposite side of the pedestal, behind Emil.  He already has an arrow nocked, the tip coming to rest just behind the enemy’s ear.  Emil freezes as he realizes the danger he is suddenly in.
Val cheerfully quips, “Now you see our point.”
Emil huffs in what might be a chuckle.  “Clever.  Truly.”
Jim shakes his head.  “The minute you do anything other than let him go, that arrow flies.”
Emil hums again.  “You said that you had everyone else besides me figured out.  I suppose it’s time I admitted the same dilemma.  I could discern everyone’s motives but yours.  So, what is it that you want out of all of this?”
“Fewer civilian casualties,” Val tells him.  Jim and Siobhan nod.  Whatever other motives they had in joining the War, that became their collective goal from the time they first learned about the Death Seals.
Emil rolls his eyes.  “Typical.”
He yanks his dagger out of Orsino’s kidney and shoves him toward them.  Siobhan and Jim catch the priest and lower him carefully to the floor.  Jim keeps an eye on Emil while Siobhan kneels to begin her healing magic on Orsino.  From his grim expression, the likelihood of success is worryingly low.
Emil sighs and mutters, “This is working out a little less smoothly than I expected it to.”
“I ruined Vasilyevich’s plan,” Jim boasts, “I can ruin yours too.”  Privately, he checks in with Assassin, “How long until that thing is done?”
Assassin’s response is strained.  “A little bit more time.  But Jim – if we deactivate the Grail, all the Servants might disappear.  You know that, right?”
Jim grits his teeth.  “That’s a risk we’ll have to take.  If that happens, then at least Emil will lose both his weapon and his bargaining chip.”
“I just don’t understand,” Emil is saying, “why you care about this wretched city at all, when you can have the whole rest of the world?”
“Call my city wretched again…” Val warns.
Emil scoffs.  “Please, child.  Servant or no, you can’t touch me.  I have very powerful friends, and they wouldn’t like it if anything were to happen to me.”
Val scoffs in return.  “Do you even have friends that you don’t make?”
At this, Emil snarls and snaps his fingers.  Several shadows detach themselves from the walls and lunge at the group, enormous clawed hands outstretched.
Val summons a sword and strikes out at the nearest one to him while Jim focuses his mana into his fists and takes a swing at another.
As the group explodes into motion to defend themselves, Emil ducks under Archer’s arrow and makes a break for the door.
Orsino raises a shaky hand at him and hisses something unearthly.  Fire shoots from his fingers and catches the fleeing mage off guard, distracting him long enough for Archer to vault over the pedestal and grab his ridiculous cravat.
“You’re not going anywhere,” the Servant snaps.
And as the fight with the cloaked shadows continues, Rider reaches the front doors of the Vatican.  He bursts out, throwing the last of the shadow creatures off him as he charges across the square.
“Magus!”  Rider shouts.
Caster turns, his workshop nearly complete.  Beyond him, Black Knight and Saber are locked in single combat.  The nightmare knight’s wounds seem to be healing themselves in the absence of constant onslaught.
“Catch!”  Rider tosses the wrapped object to Caster, who deftly catches it out of the air.  “Good luck!”
With that, the Mounted Knight summons his horse and whirls back toward the Vatican to go to his Master’s aid.
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