#for toooldtoship
backtothestart02 · 6 years
25 Days of Westallen Fanfiction: Day 19 - A Day in the Life
A/N: I changed the title so it wouldn’t be repetitive with the synopsis. It also allows this to be a multi-chap potentially in the future of different scenarios of WA being cute parents in love. Enjoy this installment for now.
Dedication: @tooold-toship​ - a little late since her birthday was on Christmas Eve, but here you go, hun! Enjoy!
(*Many thanks to @jade4813 who let me borrow the bit about Don and Nora getting their speed gradually as children instead of immediately when they were born as inspiration for my fic - I thought it was so genius when I saw it incorporated in the fic she wrote for me that I decided to write a variation of that in my own gift for someone else.)
*Big thank you to @valeriemperez for beta’ing.
Synopsis: Barry and Iris help prepare their five-year-old twins for their Christmas Dance recital.
It was Saturday.
Iris knew this instinctively, even in that place between sleeping and waking.
Her alarm had not gone off. She was aware of the warmth of the comforter surrounding her, and the quiet pitter-patter of rain drops on her bedroom window was easily lulling her towards the sleep end of the spectrum.
At a time like this, few things could successfully knock her out like cuddling up to her husband and feeling his arms wrapped around her. She reached across the bed for him, eager to take the last step into unconscious bliss, but instead her hand came into contact with bare sheets. They weren’t particularly warm either. The sudden bang coming from downstairs in addition to some shushing made her eyes flash open and her body snap up to a sitting position. But the following whispered words that somehow rose to their bedroom informed her there was no cause for alarm.
“Shh, Mommy’s still sleeping.”
Oh, that’s right. She was a mother of two, and today was their Christmas recital.
Reluctantly, she tossed the comforter and sheets aside and slipped into some fuzzy slippers. Then she pulled on her robe, tied it into a double knot and proceeded to descend down the staircase.
“Okay, one more time, guys, then Daddy will make breakfast. A one, a two, a one-two-three-four-”
Iris watched as Barry at first initiated and then silently backed away to leave their twins doing an impressive dance number in a neat line in front of the dining table.
Iris couldn’t help herself. She clapped enthusiastically from the bottom of the staircase after they’d finished.
“Mommy!” The twins both gasped, looking straight at her, horrified and then sheepishly away. “Daddy, we’re-”
“Oh, don’t worry about it, kids,” Barry said, coming up from behind them and tousling their hair affectionately. “I’m sure it was your mom missing me in bed that woke her up and not  Donny losing his footing and accidentally pushing the couch over, knocking the table down and sending the lamp crashing to the floor,” he said, but it was all in amusement and not scolding, even if Don blushed fiercely at the reminder. “Right, honey?” He winked.
But Iris’ planned playful response vanished from her mind at the mention of ‘crashing to the floor’. Her eyes immediately sought out the evidence of said crash. There were some scrapes on the floor from the couch moving and the table toppling over, but just about everything else looked to be okay. The lamp was set against the far wall though. Iris pointed at it and looked at Barry.
“The bulb shattered,” Barry explained. “We can pick up some more when we’re out later today, I think.”
Don’s face was downcast.
“Hey, buddy, it’s okay,” Barry assured. “Accidents happen. When I was your age, I was knocking things over all the time! Isn’t that right, Iris?”
But Iris had a single eyebrow raised.
“When you were his age, Bear? Honey, you still do that.” She crouched down so she was at eye-level with her twins. “You guys have seen Dad play baseball, right?” She cringed, and the twins followed suit.
Barry almost mentioned cooking. He was incredibly close to pointing out how at least he could cook. But he figured he could swallow his ego for the sake of the adorable moment unfolding right now with his little family. So, instead he laughed, indulging them.
“All right, guys, why don’t I make us all some pancakes? Enough excitement for one morning anyway.”
“Yaaay!” the twins cheered, and Iris smiled.
“Come on, guys, you can help me set the table while Dad starts breakfast.”
Eagerly the five-year-olds trailed after their mother into the kitchen and handled the plastic plates and cups with care on their way to the dining table. Iris stopped to give her husband an appraising look from head-to-toe. He locked eyes with her, knowing what that look was for. His woman was undressing him with her eyes and forcing him to redirect his thoughts lest he develop a boner in front of their children.
Iris’ latest kink had been seeing her husband be such a Dad with their adorable children. He only wished they could squeeze in some alone time before they took off for the recital that evening. He muttered something incoherent after she left, trying to suppress the semi-arousal when her lofty giggle reached his ears, setting off a series of delicious sensations.
“Daddy, hurry up! We’re hungry!”
He cleared his throat and shook himself out of it.
“Coming right up, Princess,” he responded, enacting his super speed to make this breakfast a speedier one. The giggle from his daughter successfully redirected his thoughts, and for the morning at least, he didn’t have to worry about that type of embarrassment unfolding.
After a day of some playtime and a few more practice rounds, Barry and Iris prepared their kids for the concert and headed over to the lavish ballroom in downtown Central City. Iris was particularly fussy over their kids’ appearances, but the two pristine looking five-year-olds pushed her away when they spotted their teacher near the entrance.
“They look great, Mrs. West-Allen,” their teacher assured her, and Iris felt a twinge of embarrassment for herself mixed with pride in her darling children.
“Thanks, Mrs. Beesly.”
The woman nodded and took a hand from each of the children in her own, heading behind the curtain and down the long hall to where the rest of the participants were located.
“C’mon, Iris,” Barry urged, brushing her elbow. “Let’s go find our seats.”
She shook off her nerves at leaving her babies and focused instead on her husband, who was looking incredibly sexy and looking at her much the same way she had looked at him that morning.
“Are you sure that’s all you want to do, Mr. Allen?” she asked sultrily, sidling up to him.
He chuckled but made a mentally ordered his lower regions to calm down.
“That’s all we can do right now, Mrs. West-Allen,” he said into her ear. “Unless you want to miss out on our kids’ amazing dance routine during the opening act?”
She sighed regretfully. “I suppose you are right.” She drew her finger down his shirt till right above his belly button, retracting it when she heard him suck in a breath of air suddenly. “Let’s find our seats then.” She patted his chest and headed for the concert hall, swaying her hips slightly as she did so.
“That’s deliberate,” he muttered under his breath and followed her to their seats.
Despite the oozing sexual tension between the Allen and West-Allen respectively, all of that faded away when they saw their kids on stage. The other kids performed very well of course, but there was nothing quite like seeing Don and Nora West-Allen dressed as fashionably as their mother and performing as naturally as their father. They blew the crowd away and had their parents gushing.
Iris clapped enthusiastically both times they performed, and after the last hit of the night, there was a standing ovation. Iris had to keep herself from running up to the stage after the encore and handing each of her children a brilliant red rose and a bag of cookies.
“You both did so amazing!” she fawned. Barry repeated the sentiment.
“Yeah?” Don asked, his eyes alight with wonder.
“We did?!” Nora squealed, jumping up a bit on her toes.
“You were the best,” Barry assured, smiling so wide it almost hurt.
They each hugged their children, and as soon as the crowd had started to dissipate, they let their precious five-year-olds jump down into their arms and then walk proudly out the door with them, a skip in their step, as they hopped into a limo and went out for ice-cream.
“Ooo, a limo,” Don gawked at the sight, both when they were outside and inside.
Iris looked over at her husband, an eyebrow raised.
“Yes, wherever did you find it?”
The window partition between them and the driver lowered at the stop light, revealing one Cisco Ramon.
“Uncle Cisco!” the children cheered.
“At your service, monsieur and madam.” He tipped his hat.
Iris looked at him curiously.
“It’s a side gig I picked up just for kicks,” he explained easily.
Iris suspected that wasn’t the whole truth, but she let it slide. If she knew her husband and her friend, Barry had rented the limo as a surprise for their kids and had selected not to have a driver because Cisco wanted to be a part of the action.
But she wouldn’t pester Barry about that until later. He’d probably silence her with kisses – and there were children present.
“Well, all right then, Uncle Cisco. Take us away!”
“Will do, Madam.” He tipped his hat again, making Iris roll her eyes.
But Cisco rolled up the partition again and took them to their favorite ice cream spot in the city where they all enjoyed their favorite dish. At the end of the night, Cisco dropped off the family of four just when the young West-Allens’ sugar high was finally starting to drop. By the time they reached their bedrooms – of which Barry and Iris had carried them halfway to – they were both half-heartedly protesting to stay up longer and all but snoring once they were in their pjs and tucked away in bed.
“What a night,” Iris said, taking off her jewelry at her vanity.
“Our kids were terrific.”
“Mhmm,” she agreed.
“Especially Don. That boy can move.”
“Right into the couch apparently,” Iris snorted, but she knew her husband spoke the truth. She’d seen first hand how impressive her son’s moves had been up on the stage during the concert.
“It was an accident,” Barry said, coming up behind his wife and placing his hands on her arms. “I think his speed short-circuited for a second and sent him farther than he meant to go.”
Iris nodded. The super speed had started to show up in spurts in the last six months. It didn’t happen often enough for the children to notice, but Barry had picked up on it right away and the second time so had Iris. It was a point of concern, whether or not to tell their kids that they were metahumans. Iris wondered if they were too young to handle it and Barry wondered if they’d be targeted if it started happening more often and in public and if they couldn’t suppress it – or chose not to.
“Let’s not think about it tonight,” Barry said, sensing where her thoughts had gone. “They did great on stage. The crowd loved them. And they did that just by being them, no super speed required.”
Iris turned around in her husband’s arms and draped her arms over his shoulders.
“Something tells me they have you to thank for that.”
He shrugged. “I liked practicing with them.”
She smiled serenely.
“And I love you for it.”
She pulled him down for a sensual kiss, one she knew her husband couldn’t immediately draw back from.
“You’re not too tired, I see,” she said when they finally came up for air.
Wordlessly, Barry drew down the zipper on the back of her dress and let the gown to fall to the floor, pooling around her bare feet. Then he tipped her chin up so she could see the heat in his eyes.
“Not for this.”
Pleasure shot to the tips of her fingers and toes, and she shot up to capture his lips again, winding her legs around his waist when he lifted her up and placed her on top of her vanity, all manner of items falling to the floor.
With their children asleep just down the hall, Iris was impressively quiet. Barry was less so when they moved to the bed, but by then their children were in a deep sleep. Nothing save a roaring thunder could wake them from their slumber.
*Also posted on AO3 and FFnet.
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westallenfun · 6 years
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WestAllen Secret Santa 2018 Masterlist
Untitled part 1 (from @abbeyb77 for @finnicks )
We will always find each other ( from @ciscosbarry​ for @irissavedbarry​ )
Hopelessly devoted to you ( from @irissavedbarry for @abbeyb77 )
Untitled part 2 (from @abbeyb77 for @finnicks )
Untitled ( from @westallen94 for @4ever-the-nme )
Untitled ( from @westallen94 for @ warriorrochelle)
Carols, Chaos, and Caresses ( from @4ever-the-nme for @ciscosbarry ) 
A Gryffindor & a Hufflepuff (from @xswestallen for @xscarletspeedstress)
Untitled ( from @sophisticatedloserchick for @ellethom1 )
Dancing In The Rain (from @nooowestayandgetcaught for @ckpflash​ )
A Twisted Christmas Carol (from @jade4813​ for @backtothestart02​ )
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Before the Hood (from @backtothestart02 for @jade4813)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Date Night  (from @toooldtoship for @barryandirisworld )
I just want you for my own (from @finnicks for @sophisticatedloserchick )
Nora’s First Christmas (from @abbeyb77 for @nooowestayandgetcaught )           
Untitled (from @ckpflash for @xswestallen )
Home for the Holidays (from @xswestallen for @westallen94 )
A Christmas Surprise (from @xscarletspeedstress for @xswestallen​ )
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theartofdreaming1 · 6 years
November Fic Rec
Some amazing fanfics I’ve read these past few weeks:
by @backtothestart02:
Pining at the Coffee Shop Window (Adorable, flirty coffee shop AU! Whoo! ;)
by @barryslightningrod:
Happy Harbor (”Just a West-Allen family trip to get ice cream.“ Sooo sweet! Written from an outsider’s perspective, which changes things up a little :)
by HeroSavesPeople:
Paint the Words for Me (”Barry is a talented writer who had been struggling to submit another book in two years until the day he sees her.“ Adorable!)
by Noducksinpond:
Takeout (”Barry and Iris, big news and some takeout.“ Short and sweet!)
by @pinkletterday:
Your Vigil In My Keeping (”No one believes Barry about The Man In The Yellow Suit, which is why it’s down to him to protect his new home. But his best friend always has his back.“ Such an adorable, heart-warming moment!)
by @sophisticatedloserchick:
Interlude in the Corn Maze (”While going through the corn maze together, Barry and Iris decide to have a moment of alone time while their kids aren’t around.“ Cute, romantic and funny!!)
by @toooldtoship:
Untitled Drabble (”Iris loves kissing Barry, but sometimes her favorite part is the leading up to it.“ So sweet and soft :)
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backtothestart02bts · 6 years
Day 96 | 100 Word Challenge
(3,308 words; 825 shown here)
Iris raised one eyebrow, her hands tightly clenched, little stopping her from springing to her feet and leaving him in the dust to think of how best to make it up to her. But she knew he could stop her in a heartbeat, and frankly she wanted to drill into him a little more before abandoning the cause.
“I would never ask that of you, Iris,” he insisted, instinctively reaching for her and then reconsidering the action at the last second. “I haven’t.”
“Not directly,” she seethed. “But I’ve heard your remarks.”
“What remarks?” he asked, genuinely confused but on edge because he knew it wasn’t safe to relax right now.
Her nails dug into the couch.
“I don’t know…” She huffed. “Like the other day when you set me up on the counter to kiss me.”
“You said something along the lines of…you feel like you’re doing all the work.”
He laughed. “I was teasing you, Iris.”
She looked away.
“I was attempting to flirt.” He cringed. “Not well apparently.”
“That wasn’t the only time you’ve said it though,” she informed him, looking back at him. “When you caught me off guard when I got home from work the other day and you had me against the wall…or at the table…on the bathroom sink…”
He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Clearly I need to come up with better lines.”
She dug her nails in again and retracted. She couldn’t stop her anger if she wanted to, but she was starting to become aware that maybe she had less cause to than she thought.
“So you’re not – you don’t –”
And then his lips were on hers and his hands were cupping her face, and despite the heated argument, she melted.
“No, Iris,” he said after pulling away. “You don’t need to change anything about yourself. I love you. You’re perfect.”
“Nobody’s perf-”
“You are.”
“What about my doppleganger?” She arched one eyebrow.
“She’s perfect for her Barry,” he said simply.
For some reason, that explanation was almost enough.
“Tell me why she kissed you,” she said on a sigh, evidently willing to pass most of the blame on to her doppleganger.
He smiled. “Because she thought I was her husband, and apparently they like getting frisky at the office.”
“So that’s why you-”
He sighed. “Iris.”
She pouted. “Did you kiss her after that at all?”
“One other time,” he confessed. “But I have to admit that time I was equally caught off guard.”
Her brows narrowed. “And why was that?”
“Because she told me she loved me.”
Her breath caught in her throat, but not because she was jealous.
“For a few hours I got to pretend that you and I were married. I knew she wasn’t you, but she looked just like you, so it was easy to convince myself otherwise. I wanted it so badly, and it felt like it was never gonna happen with you, so…”
She was quiet for a while, then – “Would you have slept with her?”
His eyes widened, shocked. “Oh, my God, no.”
“Why not?” she frowned, and he realized she was genuinely surprised. “If it was a way to live out your fantasy of being with me… I mean, did I not, am I not, did you not want to-”
“Do not finish that sentence,” he ordered, and her mouth snapped shut. “She was still another man’s wife, Iris. I wouldn’t have crossed that line.”
She slumped in on herself and sighed, nodded. She was done with her interrogation.
“Are we…good?” he asked hesitantly after a while.
She looked up at him. “Yeah,” she assured, patting his knee. “Yeah, we’re good.”
She got to her feet and started across the room, searching for some household chore to do to clear her head of the conversation. It was good they’d had it, but she was ready to move on.
She stopped and turned around. “Yea-”
He pinned her to the wall before she could finish, fitting his hands to her ass and lifting her up against him. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist. His lips were attached to her neck and going downward, his hand deliberately running over her bra straps to get her excited.
“Barry,” she purred. “Are you gonna-”
“I love doing all the work,” he said, pulling back to look at her with a lustful look in his eye.
Iris shared his seductive smile and succumbed to the kisses that came after. He might be the one doing all the heavy lifting, but she was going to make a point to make things interesting for him in the future.
For starters, she let her nails run lightly down the back of his, then slid her hand beneath his shirt as her other twisted in his locks. He groaned and pressed himself closer.
“Iris,” he said hotly between kisses.
She twisted her ankles together and pulled him closer.
For @toooldtoship @westallen94 who wanted a continuation of yesterday’s snippet. I guess I managed to wrap it up in a nice, neat little bow. XD
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babyish14 · 6 years
Tagged by my best fic and headcanon partner, @toooldtoship
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence:
It was at this moment Joanie and Cisco came into the lounge. Both had been outside in a very heated Pokémon Go! Battle.
(That’s two sentences, but the second one required context. I will hopefully finish this fic sometime this week and post it soon.) 
Tagging: @sophisticatedloserchick @barryslightningrod  @jayalaw (I think most of the writers I know have already been tagged. )
So, any other writers that want to join in!
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I was tagged by @toooldtoship to name my top 10 favorite characters. Thanks! 
These are all gonna be comic characters (in no particular order)
1. Barry Allen
2. Iris West-Allen
3. Wally West
4. Cisco Ramon
5. Peter Parker
6. Miles Morales
7. Kamala Khan
8. Kara Danvers
9. Matt Murdock 
10. Clint Barton 
I’m tagging: @agentmarymargaretskitz @fezwearingjellybananas @trashgaryen @incendiaglacies @backtothestart02 @barryandiriswest-allen @wonderingtheblue @polyroci @stydias-westallen @yasssssvictoria @guidetodreaming @oxymitch @doctorb99 @wildcardarcana @emrysofgallifrey @wavebider @kyeklark @humanformdragon @aerica13 @firesoulstuff @sophiainspace @rinzijade @angelfireeast and I guess whoever wants to do it! 
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westallen94 · 7 years
Thanks to @toooldtoship for the tag, this was fun :)
1ST RULE:Tag 9 people you want to get to know better:  @wanderer765 @jade4813 @barryandiriswest-allen @inksmudge @cbsnforeverandalways @minute42 @sophisticatedloserchick @valeriemperez @latebarryallen
2ND RULE:BOLD the statements that are true. ITALICS the things that used to be true
APPEARANCE- I am 5'7 or taller -I wear glasses-I have at least one tattoo-I have at least one piercing- I have blonde hair -I have brown eyes -I have short hair- My abs are at least somewhat defined -I have or had braces
PERSONALITY- I love meeting new people -People tell me I am funny-Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine
- I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges -
I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory- I am good at doing math in my head - I am an unconventional artist - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority - I do some form of martial arts - I have a weird hobby
EXPERIENCES - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have graduated high school - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
MY LIFE - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend™ - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smartphone - I own at least 15 CDs -I share my room/flat with someone- I like doing my makeup
RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 romantic or sexual relationships - I have never been in a relationship - I am LGBTQ+ - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM - I have break-danced - I have twinkle-lights in my room - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now- I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
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theroseiris · 7 years
I was tagged by @toooldtoship  ♥️ ♥️  thank you.
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better: @inksmudge @iriswestallenhuh @4ever-the-nme @m-i-a-r-m-v (do I need to tag 9 people lol? anyway, this is a fun post about random facts about yourself, so do it if you want to and feel free to ignore it if you don’t ♥️)
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true. ITALICS the things that used to be true
APPEARANCE- I am 5'7 or taller -I wear glasses-I have at least one tattoo-I have at least one piercing- I have blonde hair -I have brown eyes -I have short hair- My abs are at least somewhat defined -I have or had braces
PERSONALITY- I love meeting new people -People tell me I am funny-Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine
- I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges -
I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory- I am good at doing math in my head - I am an unconventional artist - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority - I do some form of martial arts - I have a weird hobby
EXPERIENCES - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have graduated high school - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
MY LIFE - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend™ - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smartphone - I own at least 15 CDs -I share my room/flat with someone- I like doing my makeup
RELATIONSHIPS - I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 romantic or sexual relationships - I have never been in a relationship - I am LGBTQ+ - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM - I have break-danced - I have twinkle-lights in my room - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
Writers: Well, I didn't write again today.
Supportive Readers/Friends: That's ok! You'll write tomorrow!
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
1,171 words down in the last 45 mins and at least halfway through the sexy times. Hopefully I’ll be done soon!!
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westallenfun · 6 years
Home For The Holidays
Westallen Secret Santa gift from @babyish14 for @toooldtoship
Home for The Holidays
Merry Christmas, Mary! Hope you enjoy, my friend.I made a parallel to one of you favorite scenes! If we could only see this on-screen!
The story will explain the title!
Also, a special thanks to @fiftyshadesofwestallen for a little inspiration in the last part of this story!
If I time, I’ll do a little expanded family version of this on my ao3.
Iris West-Allen sat in a rocking chair nestled in the corner of the loft in which the West-Allens called home.
The window shined and glistened as the sun began to rise and reflect the frost on the window pane. Iris smiled and marveled at the beautiful view that was set before her on this Christmas morning. She remembered the Christmas in which Barry had surprised her with the loft and how the view was the first thing that caught her attention.
Nowadays, her attention was largely shifted towards the bundle that currently wiggled in her lap. The biggest grin broke across Iris’s face, as she looked down at her daughter. It was that same grin that Iris couldn’t seem to get off her face these past few months. Iris didn’t mind though, she was enjoying motherhood and it brought her more happiness than ever she could imagine.
She grabbed her daughter’s tiny hand and kissed it. “Merry Christmas, my baby girl.”
“You want to see the snow, too?”  Iris whispered softly to Nora, while cradling her to her chest.
Iris rose from the rocking chair, a gift from Joe and Cecile, and first, headed to check on her sleeping son. She peered down into the crib, careful to arrange Don’s blanket, without waking him up. If there was anything he took from his father, it was that they were both light sleepers. “Merry Christmas, my baby boy.” She tapped the blanket and let her son continue to sleep.
Iris continued over to the window. She took her daughter’s hand and placed it up against the glass.
“See, snow.” Iris watched as Nora marveled at the sight of the snow. Her eyes shined with curiosity, trying to understand the concept of snow and white things falling from the sky. It was those same eyes that she seen plenty of times over the years in the man that she loved. There were times that they couldn’t believe just how much the twins were like them.
Iris ran a hand across the wispy curls of her daughter’s hair. “You’re enjoying it too, aren’t you?”
She took a seat at the window. “You should know this is my favorite part.”
The view was her favorite part of the loft. She always enjoyed spending the evenings looking out over Central City.
It was during these moments that Iris was grateful for Barry’s tendency for extravagant gifts. He had picked the perfect home for him and her, and now their family. This year, served as the first Christmas for the twins, and Barry and Iris might have gone overboard to make it special.
Even though they may not remember it, it would mark the beginning and start some family traditions of their own.
Over the fireplace, hung stockings embroidered with the name of each person in the household. The six-foot tree stood beautifully in the living room, filling it with the scent of pine. It was this tree that sparked a week-long debate over size, placement, and who knows what else. Although, they were now certain that it was perfect, even if it was too big for the space.
As Iris looked around the loft, she couldn’t have been happier with the “winter wonderland” that was their home. It was the nickname that Cisco had coined after seeing the way the couple had festively decorated their home.
By the look of things this morning, they were hopefully off to a better start than their Christmas last year.
“I can’t believe it’s been a year since we’ve known about you. I outdid your father in the present department last year.”
Iris laughed, as she reflected on last Christmas. “Maybe too much.”
“I’d say you’ve finally learned how to reach my level of grandeur and spectacle.” Barry stated as he came down the stairs towards his family.
Iris laughed. “I’m glad I finally could learn. Don’t expect a repeat performance this year.”
Barry let out a chuckle. “Trust me, I don’t want one.”
Barry kissed the side of Iris’s cheek. “Merry Christmas, love.”
“Merry Christmas, babe.”
Barry reached down and ran a finger across his daughter’s cheek. “Merry Christmas to you as well, my beautiful girl.”
He walked across to the crib that contained his son. “How are my tornado twins this morning?”
Iris rolled her eyes. “Are you still calling them that?”
Barry let out a small, but quiet laugh. “It fits them, though. You have to agree.”
Iris let out a yawn. Even though she didn’t want to admit to it, but Barry was right. It was the perfect nickname for their twins. She loved the twins with all her heart (and more), but they were exhausting — from pregnancy to now.
“Considering the way things started, literally a year ago. Yes.”
Barry looked down at their son, who was sound asleep. “They are definitely worth all of the excitement.”
Iris looked back her daughter, concentrating hard on the snow at the window. “Yes, they are.”
Barry laughed and quickly covered his mouth when he realized Don was beginning to wake. He looked back towards the source of his laughter; his daughter’s intense concentration at the snow.
Iris shook her head. “What are you laughing at?”
Barry pointed his head toward his two favorite girls. “The both of you. She’s so concentrated. Burrowing her forehead, like you do.”
The large grin broke out across Iris’s face again. She had a feeling this would be happening a lot today. “It’s cute, isn’t it?”
“It is.” Barry continued, stifling the laugh behind his hand. “Now that I think about it, Joe does it too.”
Iris began to laugh as well, breaking Nora’s concentration on the snow. “The West family genes are strong.”
“Oh, I know.” He took one look down to notice their son had awoken and was grinning up at them. “He has your smile.”
Iris blushed. She looked at Nora, who was babbling about something and beginning to play with Iris’s hair. “She has your smile.”
Barry smiled and looked around the loft. It wasn’t something he always thought he would get to see or experience. He was happy and grateful to be able to be with his family on their first Christmas.
Barry looked at the clock on the wall. “Speaking of Joe, we should probably get a move on. Everyone will be here soon.”
Iris rose from the window seat. “You’re right. I should start getting ready for the day.”
Barry walked towards her and took Nora from her arms. “You do that, and we’ll be down here, getting ready for our guests.”
Iris tipped on her toes, giving a kiss to her daughter and husband. “Keep him out of trouble.” She directed her head towards him, giving Barry a playful smirk.
“I’m not planning anything.” Barry feigned, giving Iris his innocent face.
“Yeah. I believe you.” Iris said in a sarcastic tone as she headed up the stairs. “Make sure Jenna’s presents are out.”
Barry balanced his daughter on his hip. “Got it.”
“What do you say Nora? Let’s go make sure your auntie has all her gifts.”
Nora cooed something and smiled.  Barry took that as her yes. “That’s my girl.”
He continued to balance her on his hip, taking the gifts for his technical ‘sister-in-law’ from the closet and placing them under the tree.
This morning, they were having a West-Allen-Horton Christmas breakfast at the loft. They would open some gifts here and finish the rest over at the West house after dinner. Since this was the first Christmas that Jenna would remember, they made sure to have gifts for her to open on Christmas morning.
As Barry worked, Nora reached out and tried opening the gifts. Barry laughed and would lightly move her hand away. “Those are not your gifts. You have yours.”
It was at this time that Barry could hear her brother googling from his crib. Barry walked over in order to retrieve him and get them both ready for the day.
The twins were pretty normal in their development, except for a few things that tended to showcase their speedster traits. When it came to milestones, Nora and Don managed to exceed them before the average baby or toddler. It was why Barry and Iris found themselves dumbstruck when the twins were pulling themselves up into sitting and standing positions around five months old.
Don currently stood up, holding onto the side of the crib and grinning up at his father.
Barry returned that same grin, adjusting his hold on Nora and picking up Don. “I see your both ready for Christmas morning. Let’s go get you ready.”
Barry headed upstairs towards the second bathroom, washing the twins up and getting them dressed for the day. His speedster abilities allowed him to move swiftly, something him and Iris were grateful for on busy mornings and days. The use of his speed also served as a learning lesson for the twins. The more time they were exposed to Barry’s speed, the more they learned how to grasp their own, but small abilities.
Once finished, he headed downstairs and placed the twins in their playpen near the kitchen. “Why don’t you two play while I work on breakfast?”
He set to work, beginning to make the mix for the pancakes and waffles. Now, that their family had expanded, there were a lot more mouths to feed; which included two speedsters. Barry didn’t mind though, as he loved his family and how full it had become. It was everything that he ever wanted and more.
He could use his speed to get this done, but he had learned a long time ago that sometimes you just need to slow down. He was going to enjoy this moment, cooking Christmas breakfast for his family and watching his kids play.
As Barry was prepping, his phone buzzed on the counter.
‘Good morning, Barry. Merry Christmas! Are plans still the same?’
Barry wiped his hand on an apron and responded to the message.
‘Good morning, Cecile. Merry Christmas to you as well! Everything is still set. See you soon!’
If Iris thought she was going to remain the reigning champion of Christmas gifts, she was sorely mistaken. Although, there was nothing that could top the gift of impending parenthood, he could still manage to top himself.
He set back to work, going to look in the fridge for a few more ingredients when he felt a pair of hands wrap around his waist.
He smiled, placing a hand on the side to steady himself and placing the other on top of his wife’s hand.
“Oh, how I’m happy to be able to do this again.” Iris said with her face pressed up against Barry’s back.
Barry laughed. “I’m happy to be able to that as well.” He slowly backed himself out of the fridge and motioned to turn towards his wife.
Iris released her hold and let Barry pull her into an embrace. He leaned down pulling her body tight against his and pushing his lips against hers. The couple stayed like this for about a minute, until Iris started to pull away.
Barry tried pulling her back in, continuing the kiss.
“The twins…” Iris trailed off, as she attempted to the break the kiss again.
Barry let out a sigh of defeat and hung his head. “You’re right.” As Iris began to pull away, he reached out. “We can…”
Iris turned and tapped Barry on the nose. “No speedster time, either. I promise you’ll get your full present later.”
Barry settled, giving her one last kiss, and pulling her in front of him. He nuzzled his face onto her cheek. “I can’t believe they’re finally here with us.”
Iris chuckled. “You’re telling me.”
Barry kissed her neck. “Thank you.”
Iris blushed. “You’re more than welcome. Don’t get me wrong, I loved carrying them. I’m just glad they’re here and I get to hold them.”
“Me too.”
They both stood there in silence, watching the twins play. “It’s hard to believe it’s only been 7 months.”
“Me either. I didn’t understand what dad meant when he used to say time flies, but now I do.”
Iris pulled herself away and moved to pick up their kids from the playpen. She stood there rocking them back and forth, talking to them about Christmas.
Barry stood in the kitchen, beaming with pride as he watched his wife with their children. She spoke to them in such a soft tone that was only reserved for them. He remembered a time in high school when they would babysit some of the neighbors’ kids. Barry would see the image of Iris with a baby and only imagine the day in which she held their own kids. The day was finally here and it was much better than he could ever imagine.
He stayed there for a few more moments capturing the moment with his mind, and later his phone.
He moved over, joining them, running a hand across both of their heads. In all the things that he and Iris had experienced in their lives, the happiness they felt on this Christmas morning was one they would remember for a lifetime.
A soft knock on the door, interrupted the current family moment that was taking place. Iris wrinkled her face in confusion. “I thought we said 10. It’s 8:30.”
Barry knowing his plans for the morning, played it off. “It’s probably Joe and Cecile. They probably just want to help us set-up.”
Iris walked to the door, opening it to see her dad and Cecile. It was just as Barry predicted, or rather, already planned well in advance.
“Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas!”
Iris moved and let Joe and Cecile inside the loft. Jenna slept across Joe’s shoulder.
“Where’s Wally and Joanie?” Iris asked as she closed the door.
“Still sleeping. They were up late last night. They’ll join us later.” Joe responded and headed towards the couch.
He laid a sleeping Jenna across the couch and covered her up with the blanket on the edge. Joe moved from the couch, crossing the room towards Iris. He kissed on the forehead.
“Merry Christmas, baby girl.”
“Merry Christmas, dad.” Iris said as she hugged her father.
“It doesn’t seem like you guys had a chance to start on breakfast yet.” Cecile stated as she looked towards the kitchen.
Iris blushed, slightly in embarrassment. “We might have been a little preoccupied with family time.”
Cecile smiled. “That’s alright. It’s your first Christmas with them. We wouldn’t expect less.”
Joe stood by the crib, holding one of the twins. “It seems we were right to come early. We can help you get ready.”
Don looked up from his toy, noticing that his sister had gone missing. He pulled himself up, whining for Joe to pick him up as well.
Joe laughed. “Alright, you can spend time with pa-pa as well.” He reached in and balanced them on either side of his body.
Cecile moved towards the kitchen, noticing Barry staring at the couch. “What is it?”
He started laughing. “Is Jenna mumbling, Santa. Must sleep for Santa?”
Cecile playfully swatted Barry. “Leave my baby alone.” She began laughing herself. “She’s been chanting that to herself in her sleep all night.”
Iris moved towards her youngest sibling and whispered. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Santa didn’t forget you.”
She looked up at Barry. “You’ve been giggling a lot this morning.”
Barry faked offense. “I can’t be happy with my family on Christmas morning.”
“I’ve know you too well. You’re up to something. It’s the reason they’re both here early.”
Joe had placed the twins back in their playpen and moved into the kitchen with Cecile. “You know she knows.”
Cecile had resumed working on the preparations that Barry had started. “Why don’t you go show her what you’ve been up to? We’ll be here.”
Barry looked towards Iris. “I’m ready, if you are.”
Iris reached for his hand. “The things I put up with only for you, Bartholomew. Let’s go.”
Barry had flashed him and Iris to a side corner on a street to ensure they wouldn’t be seen.
Iris looked around. “Where are we?”
Barry fished a blindfold out of his pocket. “You don’t get to know that yet.”
Iris snatched the blindfold out of his hand. “Fine.” Barry knew how excited she got for Christmas gifts and her anticipation was building.
She placed it over her eyes and held out her hand. “Lead the way.”
Barry took her hand and kept an arm around her waist. He led her down the sidewalk, making his way towards their main destination.
As they walked, kids could be heard playing with their new toys in the street and sidewalk.
“Barry, why do I hear kids playing?”
“You’ll see in just a few seconds.”
He ushered Iris up the sidewalk and leading her towards the door of the house.
Barry guided her in the doorway and turned her in the direction of the street. He sliped the blindfold from her eyes.
Iris looks around trying to gain a grip on her surroundings. She noticed the kids playing in their respective driveways and along the street.
She takes a step away from the doorway and looks up at: a house.
A house that appears to have 2 stories and a 2- car garage with a large driveway.
“Barry, what is this?”
He laughed. “It’s a house.”
Iris rolled her eyes. She was doing that a lot today. “You know what I mean. Why are we here?”
Barry moved back towards the doorway with the key in hand.
“We’ve been house hunting and haven’t exactly found a house that we love.”
He rubbed a hand across his head. “I did some research, consulted the realtor and with some luck we found this one. It’s everything you want.”
From the looks of the outside, she realized this house was grand in every capacity.
The reporter knew better than to judge a book by its cover, but with Barry Allen; this rule didn’t apply.
She was sure that this house was as grand on the inside as it was on the outside.
Barry stood with the door open, waiting for Iris to enter.
Iris knew once she was inside, she would love it. If she loved it, it would mean she would want it. The possible house cost lingered in the back her mind, but she stepped in anyway.
The entrance took her breath away. It was such an open space with dark, hardwood floors. The staircase looked magnificent and majestic, leading up to the second and even a third floor.
Iris eyes began to fill with tears. “Barry…” She began to trail off as she could feel tears rising in her throat.
She was truly at a loss for words, but she knew she didn’t need to have any at all.
Barry held out his hand. “Your tour awaits my queen.”
They went to each and every room, taking in each and every detail.
The bedroom was spacious and practically had room for its own seating section.
Iris, despite her lack of cooking skills, was in love with the kitchen.
Barry had truly found everything they wanted, as the house contained a workspace for her and Barry. Even though, she knew he would probably turn the basement into his own private lab. The nights spent in Star Labs were going to quickly become a thing of the past.
Upstairs, there was a view and window seat very similar to the one in the loft. Barry knew how much she loved that aspect of their apartment and she was glad he remembered in his search for their new home. Iris was happy she wouldn’t have to give that up. The tradition of looking out over Central City would continue not only with her husband, but with her children as well.
There was a total of six bedrooms, a family space upstairs, and plenty of storage space for all their junk that Joe was eager to get out the house.
For now, the twins would have a bedroom together. As they grew older, they would have the space to spread out. Last, but not least, the pool and backyard was going to become the highlight of the summer.
After walking the entire house and its exterior, they found themselves back in the living room of the house.
“Barry, you really think we can afford this?”
He walked towards her and grabbed her hand.
“I know we can. It’s good for us and can allow us to grow.”
Iris laughed. “Let’s get the twins past a year first, then we can discuss more.”
Barry moved towards the window. “And in this house, you can have a tree as large as you want.” He motioned to the space in which he stood. “It could go right here.”
Iris moved towards the same spot. “You’re really trying to convince me, aren’t you?”
Barry brushed a hand across her cheek. “I promised to give you everything you want and more. I want to see you happy.”
“Barry Allen, anywhere I get to live you and our family is what makes me happy. Wherever all of you are is my home.”
Iris took a deep breath. “Alright, let’s make this our home.”
Barry smiled. “We can do this, Iris. I know we can.”
Iris watched the kids continue to play outside. Barry was right, they could grow here as a family. She imagined they day they would play outside with their children and the picnics they would have in the backyard. It truly was perfect.
“What’s next?”
Barry followed her gaze at the window. He didn’t need to be a telepath to know what she was thinking. He had been thinking the same thing when he saw it.
“Well, I already managed to negotiate a lower price. But I’m pretty sure a certain West can get it even lower.”
Iris laughed. “Being intimidating and persuasive is just apart of the job.”
Barry walked over to the window, rubbing a hand up and down Iris’s arm. “After you get done persuading, all we have to do is sign the papers. I would have done it, but this was a decision that I needed to make with my wife.”
Iris placed her head upon Barry’s shoulder. Even after four years of marriage, it still made her feel warm and fuzzy when he called her his wife. “I appreciate that, thank you.”
Barry continued to stroke her arm. “We’re a team. Mr and Mrs. Star Labs.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “We are the Flash.”
Iris laughed, turning to wrap her hands around Barry’s neck.
“It’s been another grand Christmas with Barry Allen. You’ve given home for the holidays a whole new meaning.”
Barry feigned humbleness. “I try.” He pulled in for a kiss.
“Welcome home, Mrs. West-Allen.”
“Welcome home, Mr. West-Allen.”
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
Top 10 Fav Westallen Fics
In honor of Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day, I thought I’d give y’all of what I consider to be my top 10 fav westallen fics I’ve read (in no particular order). Enjoy! And be sure to check them out and send these writers some love!
1. her own finite time by @gnimmish Synopsis: God damnit the world is a so dark lately, if she can pry some small spark of joy out of it in half an hour with her amnesiac fiancé doing something a little unwise on her apartment floor, then she's not turning down the opportunity. An extension of the scene in 3x21 when amnesiac!Barry rediscovers his powers, because he and Iris totally had sex right after that, guys. (o/s)
2. For Who Could Ever Learn by @just-truffles Synopsis: "He fell into despair, and lost all hope -- for who could ever learn to love a Beast?" (multi)
3. She Said No...? by withaflashoflove Synopsis: Wally decides he wants to ask Linda to marry him, and he goes to get Barry’s advice as to how. Quickly, he realizes Barry is having his own problems when it comes to proposals. (multi)
4. The Boy Next Door by withaflashoflove Synopsis: Westallen AU in which Barry and Iris are friends and live in the same apartment complex, across the hall from each other. (multi)
5. All of Me by @yeinethegray Synopsis: Iris worries that The Flash is some separate person that her boyfriend becomes when saving other people, so Barry decides to use an upcoming charity gala to show Iris just how much of the Flash she's entitled to. Lots of eye fucking, Iris and Linda in gorgeous dresses, and heated (public-ish) wall sex ensue. (o/s)
6. Not weird at all by iriswesttt Synopsis: Westallen friends-with-benefits high school AU (multi)
7. Pancakes and Destiny by @mosylufanfic Synopsis: One hungover morning, Iris decides she's way behind when it comes to kissing Barry Allen. Spoiler: she catches up. And then some. (o/s)
8. Trope Bingo by @theopensea Synopsis: A collection of one-shots prominently featuring cliched/overused plotlines because everybody loves the fake boyfriend trope and the stuck-in-a-closet trope and the oh-no-he's-hot trope, okay? (multi)
9. Tell Me, Iris (Did They Love You Like I Do?) by @dynamic-ideation Synopsis: Iris has never experienced an orgasm with her past lovers and asks Barry to help her out, no strings attached. (o/s)
10. Sandcastles by @toooldtoship Synopsis: Beach au where Barry makes a sandcastle and Iris comes to help. (multi)
Interruptions by @wanderer765 Synopsis: A pretty self explanatory fic based on an anonymous ask from tumblr. Barry and Iris' sexy times are interrupted. (multi)
5 Times Barry Made a Sex Joke in private, and once in public by yellow_sunrise Synopsis: Barry's kinda a pervert and Iris is really the only one who knows. (o/s)
*There are so many more westallen fics I love, but these are the ones I remember always wanting to go back and re-read (and a couple new ones that just really blew me away/entertained me).
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theartofdreaming1 · 6 years
December Fic Rec
Happy Holidays! Sorry for being late at posting this (again), but my December was super busy... Anyway, here are the awesome fics I’ve read the past month:
by @backtothestart02:
Just Miss Him (”a purely cuddly fic for westallen“ So sweet!)
by rach320:
This is Why We Give Our Husbands Heart Attacks (”Lois and Iris enjoy a girl's night in.“ Funny conversation between two badass women! Great :)
by @sophisticatedloserchick:
How to Ask a Christmas Elf Out on a Date (”Barry needs the help from his eight year old cousin Jesse to ask out Iris while she works as one of Santa’s elves“ Funny and cute!)
Last Minute Shopper (”Barry and Iris bond over being last minute shoppers on Christmas Eve after not seeing each other for years.“ Sweet! :)
My Job to Keep You Warm (”Barry fusses over a pregnant Iris worried she’ll be too cold when they go out for Christmas.“ Short and funny.)
That’s my sweater (”On a cold morning Barry and Iris get into argument over who really owns their favorite sweater“ So fricking adorable!)
Too Short to Decorate (”The West-Allen family decorate the Christmas tree together.” Sweet and funny!)
by @toooldtoship:
With Stars in Her Eyes (“Iris has stars in her eyes.“ So sweet!)
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theartofdreaming1 · 6 years
July Fic Rec
Some awesome fics I managed to read in the last few weeks:
by @backtothestart02:
A Kiss That Crackles (”This is a super cute pilot canon divergent fic I think you guys will love” Very super, very cute! :)
by @barryandiriswest-allen:
Two (”Barry and Iris are surprised to find out that Iris is pregnant. They get an even bigger surprise at the first ultrasound.“ Aww, cute!)
by @barryslightningrod:
Blow Out All the Candles (”A take on Iris’s fifteenth birthday.” Adorable, albeit with a bittersweet ending - poor Barry; his plans don’t work out as planned - big plus: awesome Joe + Barry moments! :)
Short One-shot (with Henry, Nora and little Barry... it’s really short, but soo sweet!!!)
by HeroSavesPeople:
Fight the Good Fight (”Iris comes home one night with a heavy heart and Barry comforts her. It was moments like these she felt limited by her job and wonders if she’s able to truly help people...But Barry reminds her that Iris West is a hero in her own right.” Just... stupidly good. SO GOOD.)
by @toooldtoship:
Someone To Come Home To (”Iris is always there. “ Super adorable!)
by @wanderer765:
Too Much (”Sometimes it’s too much. Sometimes the world is too cruel and all he needs to feel better is her. Her warmth, her smile, her words of encouragement and positivity.”  So sweet!!)
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
Y’all... Ruthie just took the quiz & got four wrong out of 15. And she & I are super close!
So, unless you have been present on my blog for the last 2-3 years...I wonder what the likelihood is of anyone getting 100%. *hmms*
@valeriemperez and @toooldtoship might have a chance... possibly @barryslightningrod too. But I suspect most of the rest of you will just be blindly guessing. 😅
Try if you like though! I’m rly curious what your answers will be!
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
Aaaand I’mma copy @toooldtoship‘s liveblogging style now by sharing my livetweets w/ y’all. I know you’re sooo stoked.
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