ivygorgon · 6 months
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress
POTUS must put strong conditions on Israel funding now.
727 so far! Help us get to 1,000 signers!
The time has come to put strong conditions on any aid going to the Israeli government. Benjamin Netanyahu isn’t listening to President Biden, or to the families of hostages, or to the global community. He’s not interested in negotiating towards peace. He doesn’t seem to care about freeing the hostages. Instead he’s insisting on undertaking an assault on Rafah, a neighborhood filled with starving civilians who have no place left to go. It’s a mission that will have a catastrophically high body count. Any American funding should be conditioned on his absolutely not doing this. In general, I do NOT want my tax dollars paying for missiles, bombs, or armaments to be used against a ravaged population of mostly women and children in Gaza. I don’t want it paying for war crimes. I don’t want it funding settlement expansion. The U.S. has leverage. It’s time use it. Sometimes even our closest friends require tough talk. Put strong conditions on Israel funding now. Thanks.
▶ Created on March 11 by Jess Craven
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indiaandforeignaid · 10 days
Tech-based Skill Development Initiatives in Developing Nations
As we move towards the digital age, skill development has become synonymous with nation-building. For developing nations, access to quality education, healthcare, and job-oriented skills is crucial for breaking cycles of poverty and overcoming economic inequality. India, recognizing this challenge, has stepped up as a global leader by providing innovative digital literacy and skill-building programs to partner nations, particularly in Africa. Two standout initiatives are e-Vidya Bharati and e-Arogya Bharati, which exemplify India's commitment and efforts towards using technology for international development.
e-Vidya Bharati, a tele-education network, offers online courses, degree programs, and technical training to African students through partnerships with leading Indian universities. This initiative is designed to overcome geographical barriers, providing education directly to students' homes and reducing the need for physical infrastructure. In Ethiopia, for example, where educational resources are often limited, e-Vidya Bharati has been transformative. Thousands of students from rural areas have gained access to higher education in fields like IT, business, and healthcare management, giving them a chance to compete in the global marketplace.
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Similarly, e-Arogya Bharati, a telemedicine network, addresses the significant healthcare challenges faced by many developing nations. By providing teleconsultations and medical training through Indian medical institutions, this initiative helps bridge the gap in healthcare services. In Nigeria, where there is a shortage of skilled doctors, e-Arogya Bharati has made a substantial impact. Indian specialists offer remote consultations, while local healthcare workers receive training in critical areas such as emergency care and maternal health. This collaboration has alleviated pressure on overcrowded city hospitals and improved healthcare delivery in rural regions.
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India's efforts in these tech-based skill development programs not only address immediate needs but also represent a form of digital diplomacy. By establishing itself as a partner for development rather than just an economic competitor, India is fostering trust and strengthening bilateral relations with African nations. These initiatives build human capital and lay the groundwork for future economic cooperation, positioning India as a leader in global development.
Beyond e-Vidya Bharati and e-Arogya Bharati, India’s role in tech-based skill development extends to other initiatives as well. Programs such as the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and the Digital India mission are models that are being adapted and emulated in other regions like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and parts of Southeast Asia and Latin America. These programs focus on vocational training and digital infrastructure, contributing to the broader goal of global digital inclusion.
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Despite the successes, challenges remain, particularly concerning internet connectivity and the localization of educational content. Many developing nations still face infrastructural limitations that hinder the full potential of these programs. Additionally, content must be adapted to local languages and cultures to ensure accessibility for all. However, with ongoing efforts to improve global digital connectivity and expand these programs, these issues are likely to be addressed in the future.
India’s tech-based skill development initiatives symbolize a new endeavor towards change, development and collaboration. They offer developing nations a cost-effective way to address educational and healthcare deficits while positioning India as a significant global contributor. As these programs continue to evolve, they will play a critical role in shaping the future of education and healthcare, creating a more connected and inclusive world. By fostering knowledge exchange and capacity-building, India is not only uplifting millions but also enhancing its global standing, paving the way for a brighter, more equitable future.
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usnewsper-politics · 7 months
Trump Facing Impeachment Over Ukraine Aid #donaldtrump #foreignaid #impeachment #Republicans #Ukraine
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yourtotheleftblr-blog · 10 months
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defensenow · 7 months
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freds-internet-island · 8 months
Stop all foreign aid to Mexico, Central and South America. Then watch how quickly the border crisis solves itself. #bordercrisis #foreignaid
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mymetric360 · 10 months
🤔Why can the US give billions in aid to other countries instead of ending poverty at home? #ForeignAid #USPoverty #GovernmentSpend...
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saxafimedianetwork · 1 year
Debating Somaliland – Lack Of Recognition And Conflict
Continuing our #discussion of #Somaliland, @JAbdi892 argues that the country is an #unrecognized state, operating in the shadows of #InternationalRelations. The country has never been eligible for direct #ForeignAid.
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hasanakbal19 · 2 years
Messages of condolence and aid to Turkey from around the world for the 7.7 magnitude earthquake
#AidtoTurkey #helptoturkey #militaryiad #turkeyrefugees #turkeyfines #foreignaid Messages of condolence and aid to Turkey from around the world for the 7.7 magnitude earthquake NATO, the European Union (EU), the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, TRNC, France, India, Israel, Ukraine, Greece, Russia, Egypt, Russia, Egypt and many other countries and…
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kunyekultursanat · 2 years
Messages of condolence and aid to Turkey from around the world for the 7.7 magnitude earthquake
#AidtoTurkey #helptoturkey #militaryiad #turkeyrefugees #turkeyfines #foreignaid Messages of condolence and aid to Turkey from around the world for the 7.7 magnitude earthquake NATO, the European Union (EU), the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, TRNC, France, India, Israel, Ukraine, Greece, Russia, Egypt, Russia, Egypt and many other countries and…
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ivygorgon · 14 days
An open letter to the U.S. Congress
Pass Ukraine aid NOW!!!
953 so far! Help us get to 1,000 signers!
Congress is facing a critical decision on supplemental aid for Ukraine. It failed to pass supplemental aid for Ukraine in its September continuing budget resolution. I am writing to ask that you help rectify this exclusion and vote yes on Ukraine aid. Ukraine is running out of supplies. As Russian strikes on civilians continue, the U.S. cannot turn its back on Ukraine. The United States is not alone in supporting Ukraine—in fact, 19 other countries have committed a greater percentage of their GDP to help than the U.S. has. Aid for Ukraine has some of the strictest oversight and accountability mechanisms in the history of U.S. aid, helping to make sure that this aid isn’t wasted. Giving Ukraine the tools it needs to finish the fight is the right thing to do to ensure that more Russian atrocities are stopped. Moreover, of the $67 billion spent on military aid to Ukraine, 100% of that is for weapons produced in the United States — this represents a serious investment in domestic manufacturing and American jobs. Aiding Ukraine enhances American readiness and prosperity. As your constituent, I’m asking that you please vote YES and work to make sure this legislation passes. And quickly! Thanks.
▶ Created on December 8, 2023 by Jess Craven
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indiaandforeignaid · 10 days
India’s Experience in Open-Source Technology for Developing Nations
India has emerged as a global leader in open-source technology, establishing a strong foundation for innovation and collaboration both domestically and internationally. Over the past decade, the country’s open-source movement has become popular with many talking about it, allowing it to address critical challenges in education, healthcare, and governance, especially in the context of limited resources making it ideal for most developing nations. Open-source technology has proven to be an effective and affordable solution, bypassing the costly constraints of proprietary software. By embracing this model, India has not only transformed its own technological landscape but has also provided significant contributions to other developing nations.
One of the most remarkable aspects in my opinion of India’s open-source journey is its export of digital public goods to developing nations, particularly in Asia and Africa. For instance, India’s Aadhaar digital identity system, which provides biometric identification to over a billion citizens, has inspired several African countries, including Kenya and Tanzania, to develop similar systems. These countries have been able to leverage open-source solutions to create their own identity frameworks, enabling millions of people to access essential services such as banking, healthcare, and government benefits. This model, which is both affordable and customizable, has greatly reduced these nations’ dependency on expensive proprietary technology, allowing them to take control of their own digital infrastructure.
Similarly, in the healthcare sector, India’s collaboration in the development of DHIS2, an open-source health information system, has revolutionized health management in over 70 countries, including several in Southeast Asia. In nations like Bangladesh and Nepal, DHIS2 has been instrumental in tracking real-time health data, improving disease surveillance, and streamlining healthcare delivery. By offering a customizable platform, this open-source solution has enabled countries with limited resources to develop robust healthcare systems tailored to their specific needs, further illustrating India’s commitment to sharing its technological expertise for global benefit.
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India’s active role in empowering developing nations through open-source technology underscores its belief in the importance of affordable, flexible solutions. Open-source technology is uniquely suited for nations where financial resources are scarce but innovation potential is vast. One of the key advantages is that it eliminates costly licensing fees, which can otherwise restrict technological growth. By using and contributing to open-source platforms, developing countries can access high-quality technology without incurring burdensome expenses. In addition, the ability to customize these solutions allows nations to adapt them to local requirements, making them more relevant and effective.
India’s embrace of open-source technology has also contributed to the development of a highly skilled workforce. By fostering collaboration between developers, entrepreneurs, and public-sector entities, India has built a community of tech experts capable of solving not only domestic challenges but also global ones. This growing network of technologists represents a global shift towards collaborative innovation, where countries work together to drive shared growth rather than remaining dependent on proprietary software from multinational corporations.
Perhaps one of the most important benefits of open-source technology is the sovereignty it grants over data. In an era where data security is a growing concern, especially for developing nations, open-source technology provides a safeguard. Governments can retain control over sensitive information, rather than relying on foreign tech companies, ensuring that their data remains secure and is used in alignment with national interests. This autonomy over data management is crucial for countries that are keen to avoid tech dependency and establish digital sovereignty.
Despite India’s success with open-source technology, challenges remain. Many developing nations still face significant infrastructure gaps, such as limited internet connectivity and power shortages, which can hinder the full adoption of digital technologies. Additionally, the very nature of open-source systems, which often lack the corporate backing of proprietary solutions, requires greater government investment in education and training to build local expertise. Without addressing these gaps, it may be difficult for some countries to harness the full potential of open-source technology.
India’s open-source journey, while impressive, is only a starting point. Its success shows that open-source technology can be a powerful tool for reducing global inequality, fostering innovation, and building stronger, more self-reliant nations. However, the journey toward tech equity requires global collaboration, consistent investment, and a commitment to bridging the digital divide. If these challenges are addressed, open-source technology will undoubtedly play a central role in shaping the future of developing nations.
India’s experience with open-source technology offers a model for other countries looking to build their own digital futures. By embracing open collaboration, developing localized solutions, and investing in digital infrastructure, India has proven that technological independence is achievable, affordable, and scalable. As more nations follow in India’s footsteps, we can expect a global shift towards greater tech equity and innovation, paving the way for a more inclusive and sustainable digital future.
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usnewsper-politics · 1 year
Trump Facing Impeachment Over Ukraine Aid #donaldtrump #foreignaid #impeachment #Republicans #Ukraine
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ksher1270 · 2 years
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writerfx · 4 years
Mel Gibson Saw The Future, Very Early!
Mel Gibson saw the Future, and the true intent of foreign aid, very early. Here he is shown (still a young man, and at the height of his "Mad Max" fame) in 1987 on Australian television.
Globalism was always just a mask worn by a wealthy and well-connected clique of rootless bigots, to hide a very cynical ploy. In short, this ploy was … … to use and abuse the technical superiority and productivity of Western nations, mixed with their compound Achilles Heel of trust, idealism, and kindleness to other races … to finance the literal transfer of technical know-how and assets to…
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defensenow · 11 months
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"President Biden's Fiscal 2024 Budget: Strengthening Ukraine and Supporting Israel against Russian and Hamas Threats"
Oct. 20, 2023 | By Jim Garamone , DOD News
#PresidentBiden #Fiscal2024 #Budget #StrengtheningUkraine #SupportingIsrael #Russia #Hamas #Threats #ForeignPolicy #NationalSecurity #Geopolitics #USPolitics #InternationalRelations #Diplomacy #ForeignAid #DefenseBudget #UkraineCrisis #IsraelSecurity #BidenAdministration #MiddleEast
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