#foreseeable future so i literally have to use it sometimes. i dont like it
the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
I just had a very cool idea.
So imagine that Caine makes a specific bad adventure and child! reader has a nightmare about It and they go for the tadc cast for comfort ( this is platonic obviusly)
Thank you!!! :3
TADC cast x kid!reader who's having nightmares! (Platonic)
Originally I was gonna have caine be a part of this but since the child.. would like understand that Caine was the reason the scary stuff happened in the first place considering Caine literally.. announces the IHA.. you know? Woukdnt make too much sense to seek comfort from the source of fear...
I want french fries rn but its 11pm rn
Anyways hope you enjoy!! I am so so sleepy!!
Written on mobile, I might stick to it for the foreseeable future... at least until I get a new more comfier chair to put at my computer
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Probably the worst for comfort but I dont think shes terrible. So when you turn up at her door late one night she of course let's you in and snatch her bed. Even she can agree that Caines most recent IHA was a little on the intense side. Rubs your back until you fall asleep, and tries to make you feel less scared and alone by letting you know you werent the only one scared
Does it help?
Not sure, I guess it depends on the kid! You're choice!
Probably one of the best when it comes to comforting you! Gives you one of her softest blankets (she makes her own blankets!) As well as making sure your stuffed animal is in the bed
Makes it a point to tuck you and your plushie in to "not let the bedbugs bite". Runs her hands through your hair. Very good for any headaches you may have gotten from crying
Tells you nice stories until you fall asleep
I think, similar to zooble, once he gets over the fact he was suddenly awoken he would be.... okay at comforting. Hes more eager to get back to sleep so he may be a little pushy in regards to getting you back to sleep. Kind of comes across as him dismissing your fears. Awkward back patting to try to get you to calm down
Hes a cranky one, I think, when it comes to sleep
Not many ideas for jax
I mentioned somewhere, I think in a cuddling hc... somewhere.. that kinger would put himself beteeen you and the door, effectively working as a barrier of sorts to protect you. That still stands here, even in a platinic/familial sense. Gets very into about how hes going to stand guard over you for the night while building a pillow fort around the two of you. Let's you snuggle into his robe (very soft and warm) while telling you stories he came up with... I think he would try to undo any fear you may feel around caine, since I personally think kinger is. Just used to caine. No point in being afraid of someone who could have hurt you at any time but hasnt done so... funny coming from the paranoid man
Ragatha would do the same, with the caine-fear thing
Oddly enough they're pretty solid at comforting you! Once they get past the fact they were awaken in the middle of the night they pull you into bed. I think zooble would have fairy lights in their room, or the LED lights that you string up on your walls. Usually they have them in one color but to make you feel better they have them slowly changing into different colors. Very calming, I think. Quietly mutters that it's okay to be scared sometimes. I dont know I'm just soft for gentle older sibling zooble... offers to stay awake to keep watch over you
Let's you fiddle with her ribbon, maybe
Like you know how sometimes people let another person fiddle with their hands and fingers? I think that's what it would be like for gangle
Plus ribbon has a nice texture, I think
Turns on the lights (dimly) if you're nervous about sleeping in the dark
Stays awake until you fall asleep. I think she would read a book to you. The only one who actually reads from a book. Acts out some of the scenes. Nothing too special, just some simple flair with her hands and stuff you know?
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socialcarcrash · 6 months
i wanna talk about mcr's performance of sleep at mexico city in 2022 cause it means so much to me and ive GOTTA get this out of my brain before autism makes me explode !!
During this performance, i wanna start by talking about HOW important gerards use of vocal pedals are!! cause holy shit it changed my life and its opened up this whole realm of inspiration and ideas for me musically.
I write music a lot and im really trying to pursue it, but as a trans guy and a soprano its hard to use my voice in a way that feels right. cause like...i CAN sing but uts hard to use my voice in interesting ways when sometimes dysphoria makes it feel like my voice isnt MINE. I cant go on T for the foreseeable future cause of family reasons and financial ones...and i live in the UK so accessing gender affirming care is like splitting the atom sometimes, but i have stuff to say and ideas i want to use in my music, and im tired of waiting. trans people end up spending so much of their life waiting anyway, and i want to start doing something now.
I have ideas and i need to get them out cause sometimes i feel like they are eating me cause im so excited about doing something with my brain and my life ya know?
Thats where the vocal pedals come in, a way to manipulate my voice so uts still mine but ut sounds REALLY freaking cool!! you can express so much and di so many cool things with them, and dont get me wrong, people have been using them for YEARS, but live? you see it SO MUCH LESS and its SO POWERFUL.
so the pedals plus gerards performance style, which is emotional and raw but visibly you know its fun and interesting artistically to explore those emotions at this point in their career and i feel so inspired by it.
i want also mention the joan of arc of it all, cause of gerards connection to joan of arc it adds another layer to the performance as a whole on every level. and its SO special to me.
honestly might do a whole post about joan of arc cause i could talk about her and what she means in society and represents and her whole story and stuff for literally hours.
but in summary, holy fuck is this performance REALLY FREAKING COOL!!
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Harry Anderson Egbert
Candy, page 38
ROXY: sup john
ROXY: long time no see
ROXY: well alright then pal
ROXY: i do believe u know the way to the living room
JOHN: yeah, yep.
JOHN: thanks.
JOHN: sorry for staring like an idiot.
JOHN: it’s...
JOHN: i just got done with a whole week of feeling weird about hanging out in my dad’s old house again.
JOHN: I kind of forgot to think about how it would be surreal coming back here, too.
JOHN: some kind of nostalgia whiplash, i guess.
ROXY: fair enough yo
ROXY: harry andersons out if u were wonderin
ROXY: hell scoot back home later so if you make it thru round 1 of awkward ex-family convos im happy to say you can be rewarded with another
JOHN: oh, cool.
JOHN: i’d like to see him, if…
JOHN: if it’s okay with both of you.
ROXY: ya we chatted bout it
ROXY: but like i said
ROXY: one thing at a time
ROXY: lets me n u tear this ol egbert/lalonde estrangement band-aid right the fuck off n see what we got goin on underneath it
JOHN: sounds like a plan.
JOHN: so, uh.
JOHN: i’ve been doing a lot of thinking recently.
JOHN: and i’ve realized some things.
JOHN: some stuff that involves you and some that doesn’t, but all things i think you deserve to know.
JOHN: whew.
JOHN: ok lemme think where to start...
JOHN: you know how jake left jane?
JOHN: i mean, i assume you know.
JOHN: though, uh, no offense, but jane’s version might be...
JOHN: skewed.
ROXY: oh lmao nah i didnt hear it from janey
ROXY: harry anderson filled me in on wat he got thru the teen grapevine
JOHN: oh!
JOHN: are you guys not...
JOHN: nevermind.
JOHN: i’m sorry, i came to apologize for my shit, not pry into your business.
JOHN: we don’t have to talk about jane if you don’t want to.
ROXY: janey n me havent been super tight of late
JOHN: ah.
JOHN: what about politics not coming between friends and all that?
ROXY: lmao well turns out sometimes someones politics make it p clear what kind of friends they value
ROXY: or dont
ROXY: and idk sometimes people you used to like when you were a teen grow up to be assholes or w/e!!
ROXY: i think i was clingin to somethin just to prove to myself that i was doin stuff right
ROXY: ol rolal
ROXY: hella normal
ROXY: v good at sticking with friends
ROXY: the more i thought abt it the more i figured holdin on to that one thing made me lose out on some other shit
ROXY: u might relate
JOHN: haha, you got me there i guess.
ROXY: anyways
ROXY: im not tryna take up all ur big speech time w/ my stuff
ROXY: you were tellin me about how jake n janey finally went splitsways and how it gave you some kind of epiphany
JOHN: no, it’s cool!
JOHN: i’m glad to hear it.
JOHN: we can come back to your shit after my shit, maybe.
JOHN: but yeah, jake, he uh...
JOHN: he and tavros are living with me now.
JOHN: i think for the foreseeable future. we were expecting jane to have kind of a fit about it, but all we’ve gotten so far are some divorce papers.
JOHN: if she knows where jake is and she hasn’t had a drone fleet dispatched to nuke my house off the planet i think that’s a good sign she’s actually just letting them go?
JOHN: which is kind of surprising, but, uh. good, i guess.
ROXY: ok ill b the first 2 admit that janes turned into kind of a jerk lately but u no shes not actually like
ROXY: literally evil
ROXY: lol
JOHN: that’s debatable!
ROXY: sry to disappoint but janes just a person and you cant actually blame her for everything that went wrong in our marriage like i was her helpless thrall or somethin
JOHN: that’s not what i was saying...
ROXY: ok neither of us came here to argue about janey did we
JOHN: you’re right. let’s just not talk about her.
ROXY: yea
JOHN: anyway...
JOHN: i’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how things got to be like they are.
JOHN: i guess i’ll just come out and say it.
JOHN: i completed fucked up your entire life.
JOHN: i’m not going to pretend like there are two sides here. it’s my bad, totally.
JOHN: like, not just what happened to our marriage, though it’s also true that that’s completely my fault.
JOHN: but even before that...
JOHN: i think i fucked up on just this massive, fundamental level, and it’s what i did—
JOHN: or, well, what i didn’t do—
JOHN: that caused every stupid bullshit thing about the way this world is.
JOHN: none of this was supposed to be this way.
JOHN: honestly, it doesn’t feel right that we got married at all, does it?
JOHN: your life was heading in this whole other direction with callie, and i just...
JOHN: i dunno. i just kind of took that from you.
JOHN: i think i ended up taking a lot of decisions from a lot of people.
JOHN: everything took a backseat to what i wanted.
JOHN: whatever cosmic significance the lives here do or don’t have, all the pointless suffering i’ve created is... inhumane. and—
ROXY: oh nah ill stop u rite there my man
ROXY: im sorry john ilu but this is some hot steamin horseshit
JOHN: what?!
ROXY: its some real jerkoff emoji stuff is all im sayin!!
ROXY: you think you choice mattered so much that no one elses could measure up?
ROXY: n then what
ROXY: did u get what u wanted?
ROXY: did your life end and the points got tallied and you came out on top or like what?
ROXY: still p much seems like were movin to me
ROXY: and you sure dont seem like ur winnin so wheres all this good shit you got that you gotta go around handin out apologies for?
ROXY: also damn dude while were at it!!
ROXY: u forgot to actually say sorry in that apology!
JOHN: no, i didn’t — i just meant...
JOHN: i’m sorry for fucking up your life, or making it not—
ROXY: i like my life!!!
ROXY: i mean it aint perf and i got my share of fuckups n mistakes in there but you dont get to tell me its fucked up
ROXY: or that it isnt real or somethin
ROXY: its mine!
ROXY: i mean i felt... somethin i guess
ROXY: but its not just you
ROXY: youve never been the only player in this game u kno
ROXY: do u not remember who all was there when this all kicked off?
ROXY: me n callie wouldna told u u had a choice if it was all just some meaningless bs
ROXY: its not like i was ever some master seer of all that ever was or will be but i do know a lil bit abt what coulda gone down if things were different
ROXY: and u know what
ROXY: i like the way things turned out just fuckin fine
ROXY: so maybe u could stop wastin precious eternity thinkin ur so special that its ur fault everyones not perfectly happy
JOHN: i just kept wanting to find ways to make everything make sense, you know?
JOHN: but maybe it just fucking doesn’t.
ROXY: i know we became grownups in a world built specifically n cosmically for us
ROXY: so i get wanting to find a pattern in everything
ROXY: but not everything has 2 b that deep
ROXY: n when u think abt it
ROXY: lookin at it that way, like evrythin has to be this elaborately purposeful heroic design to be worthwhile
ROXY: is actually p shallow
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: yeah, i guess.
JOHN: i’m sorry. it’s just so hard to not feel like a total asshole.
JOHN: maybe i’m not some grand vizier of destroying time and space or whatever.
JOHN: but we KNOW that there’s a canon timeline out there.
JOHN: and it seems really obvious to me that we aren’t in it anymore.
ROXY: so what
JOHN: “so what”???
ROXY: yea
ROXY: so what
ROXY: tf do i care that theres some other reality out there some1 arbitrarily decided was the “real” one
ROXY: whats that have to do with the life i have now
ROXY: what is there actually that makes this one mean less than that one to the ppl who r actually in it
JOHN: you never feel like it would’ve been better if things had gone a different way?
JOHN: magic or no, i could have done a lot differently, for you especially.
JOHN: stuck around, or... fuck.
JOHN: stayed out of your way to begin with.
JOHN: let you and callie do your thing, or do whatever it was you seemed to be headed off to do.
JOHN: i just didn’t expect it to be me, after...
ROXY: nah dont say that
ROXY: i mean i accept ur apology this time but
ROXY: theres obvs all kinds of ways shit coulda gone
ROXY: and tbh back then
ROXY: with her...
ROXY: mostly i think i just wanted to do stuff right
ROXY: not that i knew wtf that even meant lmao
ROXY: which was prob the problem lmao lmao lmao
ROXY: just like
ROXY: we had this big fresh as hell start at bein people!
ROXY: i had all these conflictin thoughts abt how to be me in the first place
ROXY: like what it meant to date a beautiful skull alien
ROXY: sexualitywise and genderwise and person in generalwise
ROXY: for a while there i didnt know if i wanted ppl to think of me as a woman at all
JOHN: ah, i didn’t know.
JOHN: well, i guess maybe i wondered?
JOHN: but the way young idiot me would have wondered, so not that deeply.
JOHN: and it seemed like you’d forgotten all about it when we got together.
ROXY: i hadnt forgotten about it
JOHN: do you want to talk about it...?
ROXY: i coulda told you then but i kinda felt embarrassed abt flip floppin with my identity i think
ROXY: mean it isnt like i grew up with big airquotes society tellin me what was right n wrong like u did
ROXY: so it wasnt any kind of shamefest
ROXY: just a lot of abstract hypotheticals wed only just started talking about and never got very far into
ROXY: just idk i thought i might do things one way but then i stopped hangin out with callie as much
ROXY: its not like i stopped thinkin abt it
ROXY: or her
ROXY: but it never rly came up with anyone else and i didnt rly feel like i could talk abt it with you so i never brought it up again
JOHN: i’m really sorry you felt that way, roxy.
ROXY: its ok its not ur fault
JOHN: but you don’t regret it?
JOHN: not going for that stuff, and instead just... marrying me?
JOHN: i’m not asking so you can absolve me, i’m just impressed.
JOHN: how do you not second guess every choice you make?
ROXY: i havent stuck my head in the timeline vortex like u have so i dunno what its like to see other options
ROXY: i just do things the best way i think to do em and then shrug n hope it works out?
ROXY: i dont think i can regret anything
ROXY: theres not only one right way to be me imo
ROXY: i like the me i am
ROXY: its not like i went n decided “actually hell ya love to be a woman n do all the shit on the woman checklist”
ROXY: i get that thats prob what it looks like outside of my own self but i dont care abt that
ROXY: sorry lol im not good at this whole explainin what transpires in my brain thing
ROXY: idk this life ive been livin gave me harry anderson
ROXY: that kinda outweighs anything else just for me personally
ROXY: n its not like i ever totally quit thinkin abt that gender stuff
ROXY: i just found a different way to work it out than maybe i was originally gonna
ROXY: i...
ROXY: but lmao john were just adults
ROXY: were not dead!
ROXY: idk i mean were only what... barely middle aged in regular human years?
ROXY: we got all kinds of hypothetical but still prolly finite eternity to work our shit out
ROXY: who tf knows
ROXY: its not like you figure out who you are when youre 23 and then the rest of ur whole life is just sittin back watchin ur shit fall apart or not
ROXY: i mean maybe thats been it for u so far
JOHN: haha. ouch.
ROXY: i just dont think im anywhere near done buildin those roxy self actualization train stops
ROXY: who the fuck can say how many more i got lined up
ROXY: same goes for u
ROXY: if youre willing to look at this life as more than a cosmically pointless dead end failure that is
JOHN: i guess...
JOHN: there’s literally nothing to do but keep moving forward.
JOHN: i may as well not be a big fucking downer about it if i don’t have to be.
ROXY: thats the spirit
ROXY: weve got a million billion lifetimes ahead of us john
ROXY: u dont even KNOW all the ways u got left to fuck up in!!
ROXY: hows that for some inspiration??!
JOHN: it’s...
JOHN: it’s pretty fucking inspirational, roxy.
JOHN: thank you for trusting me with this personal stuff.
JOHN: i know partly you were telling me all that to kick my sadsack ass, but i know you don’t talk about this kind of thing every day.
ROXY: to be real i hadnt even let myself think abt it every day
ROXY: so thanks for lettin me ramble at u out loud instead of just almost thinkin abt it once every few years
JOHN: i guess sometimes it takes hearing the same shit over and over until it sticks.
JOHN: that’s mostly an own on myself by the way.
ROXY: lmao were just rippin off those bandaids left n right over here
ROXY: a coupla professional issue discussers
JOHN: yeah, i’m frankly baffled by how fucking good we are at this?
JOHN: where was this when we sucked so hard at being married?
ROXY: buried under a shocking number of issues is my guess
JOHN: well, it’s nice to throw a few off, for once.
ROXY: feel free to communicate with me instead of spendin the next 300 years in a silent prison of your own making if u so desire
JOHN: hey harry anderson.
JOHN: it’s really, really good to see you.
JOHN: do you wanna go for a drive?
HARRY ANDERSON: yeah, dad.
HARRY ANDERSON: that could be cool.
0 notes
fishoutofcamelot · 3 years
Okay but consider: after her banishment, Gwen ends up crossing paths with Isolde and Tristan. Circumstances cause them to share a campsite for a few days - Isolde and Tristan have been separated from the rest of their crew, and a horrible storm has trapped the three of them in a cave for the foreseeable future. Naturally, bonding ensues, and these two grizzled smuggler people end up kinda-sorta adopting Gwen against their better judgment.
But like??? I'm just imagining a conversation between them, where they point out that Gwen is clearly bottling up Some Stuff, and it would really help her to just get it out of her system.
But Gwen turns down their offer and insists on bottling it up anyway, to which Isolde is like, "bro its cool that youre all polite and nice and whatnot, but you dont have to be that way all the time. its okay to be angry and upset every once in a while. you keep things bottled up because you think you have to, because thats what society expects of you, because everyone in your life needs to rely on your for strength and wisdom and support, and even though sometimes you dont want to be the responsible one there isnt much choice. and i get that, i really do, but right now we're all stuck in a cave together out in the middle of nowhere, and tristan and i are both literal criminals and also relative strangers, so no one will judge you or get upset if you just. go the tiniest bit unhinged for a while."
Naturally, Isolde has hit it right on the head. The next few minutes of wheedling and coaxing lead to Isolde and Gwen standing at the mouth of the cave, screaming loudly into the forest to vent all their pains and frustrations, just letting out every raw and ugly emotion they've got stuck inside them. Gwen is hesitant at first, but once she gains a bit of confidence she really gets into it. Isolde is...impressed and concerned by just how intensely Gwen can scream (she's got a lot bottled up, okay?)
Eventually they get the whole story out of her: her mother's death, Elyan's departure, her father's execution, Morgana's betrayal, the whole Lancelot mess, the various times she was sentenced to death, her complicated relationship with Arthur, that creep Agravaine...and the affair. She vents and weeps and screams at great length about the affair, and about her banishment, and about her fears and worries and frustrations and above all the self-loathing that has haunted her at every step of the way.
Isolde and Tristan listen, because clearly the poor girl has never had the chance to talk about this at length ever in her life and really really needs it. And okay, yeah, they're definitely keeping her now, it's too late.
Tristan smoothly yet gruffly brings up the suggestion that she tag along with them. She doesn't have anywhere else to go, after all, and they could use an extra set of hands. Gwen is of course reluctant to collude with smugglers, but after weighing her options she eventually decides to stick with these strange yet kind people.
Gwen doesn't start with smuggling right off the bat, though. She starts as the cook, and the horse-hand, and then one day Tristan hands her the reigns to one of the carts and teaches her how to drive it, and over time starts getting more and more responsibilities. she naturally acts polite and kind most of the time, but there are no expectations or consequences out here if she screws up or doesnt do her job perfectly every time. for perhaps the first time in her life, gwen finally has the chance to truly loosen up.
very quickly all the other members of the smuggler crew begin to adopt her as well, until this small army of hardened criminals are all collectively fawning over their mutual Sunshine Daughter. none of them liked King Arthur already due to his tax laws, but listening to Gwen's sordid tale gives them all a little bit of an extra reason.
One day, while going down to a nearby village to get some supplies, she overhears the news that Arthur is to marry Princess Mithian of Nemeth. And that gives her some...mixed feelings. Like, she's not jealous, that's just not her style, but she's not exactly happy about it either. She's trying to be. She knows she should be happy for Arthur. But at the same time, it does kinda sting.
She tries to bottle up those negative feelings at first, and just keep a brave face through the pain - until she remembers what Isolde said, and she remembers how all the other people in the smuggler crew taught her that ugly emotions aren't bad, and that it's okay to let yourself feel angry and upset from time to time.
So, armed with a new handful of complicated emotions and the full intention of not bottling them up for once, Gwen asks to tag along with the next away team. Which is weird because she never does that, she usually prefers to keep as far away from the actual criminal activity as possible. But something in her eyes tells Tristan that she needs this, so even though he has a policy against bringing amateurs he happily welcomes her along.
In this particular instance, they are going to be stealing some valuable goods from a particularly belligerent noble. While sneaking around the noble's extravagant estate, which stands in stark contrast to the dilapidated state of the nearby villages under his control, Gwen overhears the noble slapping one of his servants. She taps Isolde on the arm. Says, "I have an idea." Isolde finds that she likes the idea very much.
Next thing they know, they're running from the estate's guards while cackling, the noble's wardrobe full of disgustingly fancy linens in flames. Gwen is laughing, loud and unburdened; not only was setting all those silk garments on fire immensely cathartic, but it was also some of the most fun she's had in her entire life.
At breakfast the next morning, as Isolde proudly recounts their adventures to the rest of the crew, one of the other smugglers - a plucky young teen who looks oddly familiar, goes by the name Mordred - says that if Gwen enjoys fire so much, he might be able to hook her up with a spell or two.
And that is, more or less, the story of how Mordred began teaching Gwen magic. And that is also more or less the story of how Gwen learned to let loose and become the Robin Hood-esque arsonist sorcerer she was always meant to be.
(A few months later, Arthur and Merlin will stumble their way into camp, and that will be...interesting, to say the least.)
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animatedarchives · 4 years
HENLO IM HERE TO INTRODUCE MYSELF kinda again haha i use this intro in every Chinese class ive ever had bc im a comedian🤡
“my name’s Summer but you can call me any season you like 😌”
jkdjskdkf uhhh ive been drawing since i left the womb and i remember crying for like 2 hours bc my mom needed scratch paper for something in the kitchen and it happened to be my favorite drawing at the time of a fairy from Neopets 👁👄👁 HHHHHHHHand this is why i draw digitally now 🤣 she can’t accidentally get oil on my drawings if they’re in a flash drive 😤😤
I love black tea and I jus gotta new box of it in the mail today so I spent my morning with new tea in my favorite cup that my sister got me (we have matching mugs haha) it smells so good !!!💐 I used to and sometimes still do prefer ice coffee for taste but even tho my coffee is mostly milk it’s still too caffeinated for me and I end up getting anxiety attacks for the next foreseeable future😅 so now we drink tea and sip it obnoxiously loud jus for shits n giggles
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well hELLO SUMMER my name is soph but you can call me tonight ;))) LMAOOOO 😙😙
OMGGJDJSJS people who can draw are superior beings okay you guys can literally imagine entire wOrLDs and scenarios and to see it cOME TO LIFE is just sO FRICKIN COOL PLS SPARE SOME TALENT 😭😭😭 i’d love to check out your art bb what’s your favourite drawing? (you can link me or send a pic if you like :D)
I LOVE TEA SO MUCH i have a nice cup of green tea every morning bc it helps to warm me up and keeps me going throughout the day HAHAHAHA 😌😌 i dont usually drink coffee bc im a weakling and i think it’s too bitter 🥴🥴
— introduce yourself: tell me anything! :D
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loveburnsbrighter · 4 years
Live In Your Heart
requested by @i-dont-even-effing-know-anymore. hope you enjoy! 💕
read it on ao3
"We're not setting up the wifi yet," Patrick says.  He's got his Stern Face on, which usually means fun things, but sometimes, unfortunately, means that David will be required to do work.  This seems to be one of those times.
"But babe," he says, wheedling, "how will I order pizza if I don't have wifi?"  He brandishes his phone. "I ran out of data in New York last week." He went with Alexis to help her settle in — it's been a strain, her moving right before he and Patrick were set to, and he's frankly exhausted, physically and emotionally.  "We promised Stevie pizza," he adds, as if he can convince Patrick that his motivation is purely selfless.
Patrick plucks the phone right out of his hand.  "I'll call them," he says. "You remember, how we ordered pizza back in the nineties?  By calling?"
"Ugh, don't remind me."  David leans back against a towering stack of boxes, ignoring Patrick's pained look, and sighs heavily.  "Alright, fine. We might as well get this done. Bedroom first, or kitchen?"
"We can put Stevie on kitchen duty when she gets here," Patrick says.  "Bedroom now." He pauses for a moment, and then smiles slowly, like he can't help it.  "Our bedroom," he says, and David wouldn't generally describe Patrick as a particularly jovial person, but he looks downright giddy.
David honestly can't blame him, feels that a little bit too, at the words.  He's spent a lot of time at Patrick's place, and for the last month or so he's lived there fully, barring his four days in New York with Alexis.  But it was still Patrick's place, no matter how at-home David made himself there.  (Very.)  
This is their place.  David and Patrick's home.  David and Patrick's bedroom.
"Our bedroom," he agrees, and grabs a box, following Patrick down the hall.
Their bedroom is, thus far, more or less a big empty cube.  There's a weird alcove with the window in it that Patrick has been insisting he wants a window seat for, and the master bathroom door is on the wall kitty-corner to the bedroom door.  David has been pleased (thrilled) to note that the whole thing comes with a lovely little walk-in closet; it's not huge, but it's easily three or four times the size of the closet back in Patrick's studio.
The movers brought in Patrick's bed yesterday and set it up against the far wall, and David and Patrick slept on the mattress on the floor at Patrick's place.  "Okay, first things's first," David says, dropping his box in the middle of the floor. Patrick pointedly pushes it against a wall, and David ignores him. "Where are the sheets?  Because we can not sleep on dirty sheets our first night in the new house, Patrick."
"Actually," Patrick says, "about that."  He's barely trying to hide a shit-eating grin, and it makes David immediately wary.
"What," he says heavily.
"Okay, don't be mad," Patrick says, which tells David that he probably should be, "I should have talked to you probably but I wanted it to be a surprise," and he rushes through the words to keep David from interrupting.  "I used all the money my grandparents gave us for our wedding and bought that flax-linen Pottery Barn set you wanted." 
David gasps, because he has wanted that bed set so badly — fair trade linens in gorgeous soft sandy beige — but Patrick has insisted every time David has argued that it's frivolous to spend more than a hundred dollars on sheets.  Their current sheets are from Target.  "Like, the sheets —"
"The whole bed set," Patrick says, looking inordinately pleased with himself.  "The sheets, the duvet and shams — I didn't get the dust ruffle because my bed frame —" But David doesn't get to hear about the dust ruffle because he's quite literally launching himself into Patrick's arms and kissing him. 
Patrick makes a soft, surprised noise, not quite a laugh, and lifts his hands to hold David by the waist.  He pulls back just a little, letting David kiss down his jaw, to say, "So you're not mad?"
"Linen sheets," David mumbles against his Adam's apple.  He pulls back to smile down at Patrick, and Patrick is smiling back, radiant in a way that David never saw him before they got engaged, a way that he's seen more and more since they decided to buy the house.  "Okay," he says, schooling himself, because if they do what he wants to do — which is tackle Patrick onto the bare mattress in their empty bedroom and thoroughly christen the house — then they'll never get to all the things they have to do.  "Well, where are the new sheets, because they have to be washed before we can use them."
Patrick helps David wrestle the new bedding out of its insane packaging, and then builds a little fort in the tiny laundry room out of all the cardboard while David starts a load.  He's relieved every second that the previous owners left their washer and dryer — they're both done with public laundry for the foreseeable future.
They grab another box each to haul into the bedroom on the way back down the hall; the bed and dressers are there already, and a single bookcase.  David has already been in to clean the closet and repaper the shelves in there, and they've agreed that they don't want to paint the bedroom; it came a creamy off-white that feels warm and soft, somehow.
David puts on music — he's made a playlist just for this, full of high-energy, multigenerational pop, Tina and Britney and Mariah all sharing space.  At some point Patrick logged into their shared Spotify — purely an economic choice; David didn't want Patrick's music fucking up his Wrapped, but that's not really worth ten bucks a month — and added Mumford and Sons and Bryan Adams and the Beach Boys, because Patrick has no sense of thematic or genre consistency.  It's fine, he supposes; when you love someone, you're willing to compromise for them.  
"'Framed wall art and photos - bedroom,'" Patrick says out loud, reading off the Sharpie label on a box.  "Maybe we should save this one until we've got the basics together?"
"Okay," David agrees over an infuriatingly long banjo solo.  "This one is your books?" Patrick gestures and David slides it over, watches him produce a knife from his pocket and slice open the top.
By the time Stevie strolls through the door, helpfully using her emergency key, they've mostly got the bedroom together.  The mattress pad and sheets are on, with the duvet set in the dryer, and Patrick's books and David's books are commingled on the shelf, which David is alarmingly pleased by — they're married, but the sight of his Virginia Woolf next to Patrick's Agatha Christie makes him feel warm from the inside out.
"I picked up the pizza," Stevie shouts.  "You owe me forty bucks in reimbursement!"
David skids down the hall, eager for pizza, with Patrick behind him.
"How in the name of god did you spend forty bucks on pizza?"  Patrick wants to know.
Stevie shrugs, hugging him as David relieves her of the boxes.  "I got garlic knots."
"And cheese bread," David says gleefully, spreading the boxes on the table.  "And one of those big cookies."
Patrick sighs after him but dutifully digs three beers out of the fridge.  (They set up all the appliances and TVs yesterday.) (All that's in the fridge so far is beer, a single head of lettuce, and a few bottles of green juice.)  David accepts his beer with minimal distasteful nose-scrunching.
They make short work of lunch, and Patrick sets Stevie up in the kitchen with a roll of shelf paper and more boxes than he'd ever thought he could fill with kitchen stuff; the dishes from his apartment, of course, and then they'd gotten a lot of the classic appliance wedding gifts: a brand new blender, a four-slice toaster ("but what will you use?" David had asked), an upright mixer, a block of knives with marble handles that Patrick is actually thrilled with.
David finishes making the bed, and then he just stands and stares at it for a second; he can't wait for Patrick to have sex with him in these sheets in this bedroom, but he also can't wait for Patrick to cuddle with him in this bed.  Watch movies with him. Hold him close and fall asleep with an arm slung low over his waist.
Patrick comes up behind him and settles warm hands on his hips, and David leans back into the touch.  "Stevie and I want to get started on the living room," Patrick says, hooking his chin over David's shoulder.  "You just about done in here?"
David crosses his arms across his own waist and takes Patrick's hands, swaying.  One of Patrick's songs is playing from David's tiny speaker. I've been so happy loving you, Dennis Wilson croons into the space, less echoey than it was earlier before they got their pictures up.  He looks around at their new room; the receipt from their first date is already on the bookshelf, and there's a framed poster for that first open mic night, and one from Alexis' singles week.  These are all things from Patrick's apartment; all this time, he's been collecting little souvenirs for them. Stepping stones tracing the path of their relationship. There's a framed wedding invitation, too, and photos: from the store opening, Patrick's birthday, their bachelor party, their wedding.
Even after David landed in Schitt's Creek without a paddle, if he'd been asked to describe his future, he would have crafted a life more or less like the one he'd left: galleries and parties, a drugged-out A-list entourage, globetrotting in the wake of Alexis' endless stream of near misses.  He never could have imagined this: a house in a small town, a business heavily patronized by flannel-clad locals, a single friend who loved him enough to help him move. Alexis settled in one place, his parents settled in another, weekly Facetime calls.  
Five gold rings on his fingers, the most beautiful man he's ever seen in Costco jeans, holding him and swaying and singing softly in his ear: "Forever, together my love…"  A sedan that clicks in the driveway, blueprints for a vegetable garden.  All the Ricky-and-Lucy trappings of a good life, things he never would have expected to love.  
"You won," Stevie told him a few months ago, when he brought her here to sit in the driveway and pour out his heart.  And David can hear her clanking dishes together downstairs, and Patrick is warm against his back, and the song is fading out the way that slow seventies rock does, and David knows, bone-deep, unshakeably, that she was right.
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hellomygf · 4 years
when my own words aren’t enough
okay so you know that one direction song that’s made of other song titles, “Better Than Words”. same concept here except not really and you just listen to the lyrics of the songs LMAO. anyways sometimes the words of others can convey better what im trying to say to you so enjoy 19 songs that do so. i highlighted some of the lyrics that really made me think of you/us. click on links on then click on togepi
Love Like This - Ben Rector
“Never used to get excited to sit here in the silence Holdin' on to somethin' the way I'm holdin' you Didn't used to know how fast time walks and runs and flies by I never thought I'd feel so deeply, but damn, I do
i never knew i could feel so happy just doing the mundane things with you. walking and talking, going out for drives, sitting and eating food. time goes by so fast when im with you. i always wish time would slow down and let it stop for awhile just so i can have a couple moments of just us yeno? you make me want to spend more time with you even when we just finished spending a whole evening together. there’s so many new feelings that ive experienced since ive been with you and i cant wait to keep feeling new ones 
All I’ve Ever Known - Eva Noblezada and Reeve Carney (Hadestown)
All I've ever known is how to hold my own But now I wanna hold you, too
for the past couple years i learned how to love myself again and how to be okay with being alone. alone doesnt mean im lonely but it did mean that i had built up my walls again and letting someone in new again was so scary. you made it seem okay though. you made sure that when i was opening up to you and being vulnerable that it was okay to do so. that i wouldnt be hurt and that i was safe. i learned how to love romantically again and learned what it feels like when you arms wrap around me and hold me. it’s currently my favourite feeling and i dont think i ever want it to end
roses & sunflowers - Timmy Albert
You're a flower that's blooming every season with spring I fell in love with your roots, the whole you, everything
i mentioned before that falling in love with you was like how the seasons changed. like you know it comes but it’s always different. this isnt my first time in love but it’s most definitely something very different. a good different. im in love with every part of you. from the way you make your puns to the way you buy me things that show you care (my favourite foods, my ddr adapter, and most recently itch cream) to the way you sing in the car to me to how you tell me about your good and bad days. i love it all!
Favourite Girl - Jesse Barrera and Tori Kelly
My baby, She still drives me crazy After all this time, You better believe that Nothings greater, She still makes me better After all this time You're still my Favorite Girl
BONUS:  I remember when, You didn't know how to kiss  (hehehhe) Now you know me well, And nothing compares to this 
best girl. favourite girl! is maxbean hehe jkjk.. maybe. we both do some whack ass stuff but there’s no one else i would rather be having fun with than you! you make me better in every way. you encourage me to keep going even when days are rough. you support me on my good and bad days so im here to remind you too that im here for you always okie?
No Matter Where You Are - Us the Duo
I will stand by you Even when we fall I will be the rock, that holds you up and lifts you high so you stand tall
whatever the world throws at us, whether that be a pandemic or people who dont support us, im going to uplift you and us in every way that i can. i want to be a pillar of strength for you and show that even though am baby and that i am smol that i am a girlfriend that you can count on to show up by your side. i got your back from now till however long
Tattooed Heart - Ariana Grande
You don't need to worry about making me crazy 'Cause I'm way past that So just call me, if you want me 'Cause you got me, and I'll show you, how much I wanna be On your tattooed heart
honestly this is just one of my favourite love songs ever so i just wanted to add it into the playlist lmao
Lemonade - Jeremy Passion 
She's so beautiful, sometimes I stop to close my eyes She's exactly what I need She's my smile when I'm feeling blue She's my good night sleep when my day is through yeah
i say this all the time but i love looking at you oh my god skjskjs like YOU. ARE. LITERALLY. MY. TYPE. lmaooOOSKSKJkj. other than physically being my type you really do embody everything that i need in a partner. kind, compassionate, genuine, good communicator and listener. you make sure that i dont fall asleep sad and you make sure that im okay on my not so good days. i love you so much
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly ft. Ed Sheeran 
A stranger's hand clutched in mine I'll take this chance, so call me blind I've been waiting all my life
i took a chance on someone i really didnt know anything about but my god i think it’s the best thing that ive done 
Ger Here - Sam Smith 
I don't care how you get here, just get here if you can
this reminds me of the time you bused through a snow storm just to study with me at utsc. also just in general whenever you make the effort to come all the way here to my house just to spend time with me and even then you end up driving us downtown or to different places too. you are truly the definition of “if there’s a will, there’s a way”
goodnight n go - Ariana Grande 
Oh, why'd you have to be so cute? It's impossible to ignore you Why must you make me laugh so much? It's bad enough we get along so well Just say goodnight and go
“why do you make it so hard to say good bye” something we both always say haha. one of these days we’ll have a night together and we’ll fall asleep together and wake up together too. one day! very excited for that day where we can say good night and stay
While We’re Young - Jhene Aiko
I'm tellin' everybody you're mine and I like it And I really hope you don't mind, I can't fight it
I'm giving you my heart, please don't break it Take it and lock it up and put me in your pocket, love
i tell everyone youre my girlfriend because haha im so happy to be dating you and telling everyone you make me so happy so yeno just a subtle flex. it’s also so scary fully giving myself to someone physically, mentally, and emotionally. to trust that you will safeguard my feelings and that you wont hurt me but i know youre scared of the same thing too, i guess even more so since im your first girlfriend. i promise i’ll protect your heart too. water it, nourish it, and let it grow into something even greater
Blessed - Daniel Caesar 
And yes, I'm a mess but I'm blessed to be stuck with you
ive told you since the beginning that i didnt want to bring you into this until i could fix and improve my mental health. i think that way of thinking was me associating my ability to love with how healthy i am. that’s not fair because i am capable of loving others even when im not at my 100% best. im so very grateful that you are there with me when im dealing with my mean/negative thoughts and that you can help ground me and be there to let me ride out my sad days. 
Runnin’ Home to You (cover) - Jake Spencer 
Can't say how the days will unfold Can't change what the future may hold But, I want you in it Every hour, every minute
i can see you in my future for a long time my love. i hope you can see the same as well 
Please Keep Loving Me - James TW 
For all the mistakes I'm making, I don't mean (I don't mean them, I don't mean them) For all the little things That I fail to see
please be patient because sometimes i wont be able to get things right the first time around. i tend to be a little slow when doing things and i come quite late to events. so even on days when i may be difficult to be around, please do your best to keep loving me and i’ll do my best to make it easier again.
Nothing - Bruno Major
There's not many people I'd honestly say I don't mind losing to But there's nothing Like doing nothing With you
no need for an explanation.. -_- 3rd date. d&b. mario kart. fan... hhh but i mean guess this also applies just in general whenever we play games and i lose lmao. honestly though doing nothing with you is still so fun for me. from making puns in a grocery store, to watching movies on my couch, to watching the sunset together by the water. nothing is better than doing nothing with you :)
Teenage Dream (cover) - Boyce Avenue 
Before you met me I was alright, but things Were kinda heavy You brought me to life Now every February You'll be my Valentine, Valentine
i think this applies to both of us in a sense that we were (and still are) both dealing with some not fun stuff when we first met each other, but we have each other now to get through it together. at the time, it had already been a few months since my falling out with you-know-who and just a couple months since i had decided to get help for my mental health stuff. i remember feeling so touched when i first told you about everything because you had made the conscious effort to reassure me and soothe me by holding my hand and looking at me when i got anxious talking about it. that was the moment i knew that you would be someone special in my life and someone i wanted to keep for a long time as well.  so im hoping that next year (and for the next foreseeable years) you can be my valentine haha
Only Us - Lauren Dreyfuss and Ben Platt (Dear Evan Hansen)
I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go But if you really see me If you like me for me and nothing else Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer that you could possibly know
while i have grown up with some great and amazing people who have made me feel so loved. ive also grown up and have come across some not nice people as well. they made me feel like i wasn’t worth it or made me feel small and not wanted. it’s not a nice feeling being shut down when youre just trying your best to get to know others or when you talk about the things you like and people become uninterested. i guess you can say that’s what contributed to why i dont want to show my whole self yet to new people at first. im scared that i will scare them away and they wont like me. so when you, a total stranger at the time, wanted to get to know me more, genuinely enjoyed my company, and wanted to spend more time with me, i was like “wow someone new actually LIKES me for ME?”. you dont understand how much it means to me that you made the effort to get to really know me and to still make the effort now to make me feel comfortable so i can be my whole self around you. i cant thank you enough. you make me WANT to talk about what i like and share my joy with you. thank you for letting me be me.
Take on the World - You Me at Six
I can see, see the pain in your eyes Oh, believe, believe me and I have tried No I won't, I won't pretend to know what you've been through You should've known, I wish it was me, not you 
i know there’s things you dont want to talk about and things you really cant talk about. knowing all the pain and hurt youve gone through has made you tough and strong but it sucks thinking of everything that youve had to face on your own. i wish i could take that pain away from you if i could. take it, ball it up, and throw it so far away that it never hurts you again. it is so very unfortunate that the saying goes “why do bad things happen to good people”. you dont deserve any of that. a good person like you deserves a life filled with unwavering support from those around you and days filled with boundless joy. i cant change the past or what other people think of you but what i can do is to do my best to make sure that even when you are hurt that you still feel loved and you still want to fight another day. you can do it, and i’ll be with you now for every new challenge that you face. your’re not alone
She Keeps Me Warm - Miranda Lambert 
She says I smell like safety and home I named both of her eyes forever and please don't go
And I can't change, even if I tried Even if I wanted to My love, my love, my love, my love
those first two lines are just so very nice to listen to. 
you and i both know that we cant change who we are and who we love. i think we’ve both had countless nights and thoughts of wanting to be straight so we wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of loving the same gender. i know this past month has been especially hard for you though. im here to remind you that there’s nothing you need to change about you my love. i love you just how you are. your family may not understand it yet but i hope they will. i hope they understand that you make others around you feel so welcomed and loved. that you are the most selfless person that a lot of us have met. that you stick up for those who are mistreated and that you care for them. i wish they could see just how deeply you love and i feel like ive only scratched the surface of what your love is and can be. i want them to see how much i love you too and how you have made me a better person in all aspects. my parents, my cousins, and friends have all said that they have seen me change and become a softer person. my cousins say that you compliment me in the best ways and sand down my rough edges. i hope one day soon that they see all the love that emanates from you and that they can support you at least even a little bit. i hope they can see that love is love is love and that they learn to love all aspects of you too.
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maddythenarwhal · 4 years
Tw: depression, family drama, trauma, guilt, mentions of abuse, a whole bunch of stuff
I'm sending this out into the void, because I need to talk it out. I dont want to bother my friends with it, because they have other shit going on. I dont care if anyone reads this, I just need to get it out.
Today has been rough. A combination of hormones, depression, stress, and exhaustion have left me feeling pretty deflated and angry.
My period showed up a couple of days ago, a full month late. Pretty much every month I get super irritable and depressed around shark week. Sometimes dangerously depressed.
I've been working from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed most days, with short breaks here and there throughout the day to watch a short fun video or scroll through social media. Of course, social media is currently doing me more harm than good, since its flooded with wildfires and shootings and so many other painful things.
I got sick a few days ago (probably a combo of my hormones being all over the place and stress) and had to take 4 days off. I felt guilty pretty much the entire time. I wasn't being productive. I wasn't making any progress on the long list of things I have to get done on fairly tight deadlines.
I recorded a podcast episode yesterday, and somehow the footage got corrupted. I'm still deciding whether to try to salvage it, re-record the whole damn thing, or just give up. I'm fairly sure that last one is an irrational reaction, but it would definitely be the easiest option.
This morning, as I was grabbing breakfast from the kitchen (I hadn't had a chance to wake up yet, and wasn't really coherent), my aunt (who I live with because my other options were go back to live in an unsafe house with neglectful and emotionally abusive parents or homelessness) decided it was the perfect time to remind me that I'm not grateful enough for everything that my uncle (her brother) does for us. She listed everything he's paying for, and then told me that I have to apply for food stamps myself because she can't afford to feed me.
Now, I've been feeding both of us a couple of days each week. I clean up after her animals as best I can. I work a ridiculous number of hours. She very rarely cooks, never cleans (her room and car are infested with fleas), doesn't take out the garbage until its literally piling up onto the floor, and spends all of her time either watching tv (loudly) or napping. The kitchen is a mess, with no free counter space. It's all covered with dirty dishes or kitchen gadgets she buys and then uses for maybe two weeks. We're both disabled, but I bear the brunt of the physical chores, plus also having a physically demanding job and maintaining a fairly large garden in an attempt to save some money on produce in the long term.
She also has no idea how to cook. Turkey burgers should not have pink in the middle, and a slightly warm raw potato is not "roasted".
Then tonight during DnD, I shared a cute pic of a sphinx kitten. I mentioned that I'd love to have a sphinx cat. My cousin decided to remind me, for about the 4th time, that I "don't need any more animals". Thanks, definitely didnt ask your opinion, and definitely don't need to be reminded that I'm not going to be able to have a cat anywhere in the foreseeable future.
I feel like I'll never be enough for my family. I'll never be productive enough, capable enough, responsible enough, or make the "right" decisions about my own life. As much as I tell myself I dont need their approval, it still hurts to constantly be reminded of my shortcomings.
I also cannot cook, clean, maintain the garden, work full time, go to school, and parent my 60 year old aunt. There aren't enough hours in the day, I dont have enough spoons, and some of that shit straight up is not my job. I'm tired of raising adults and being expected to be their mother while also being treated like a child who doesn't know what's best for myself.
I guess I just have to work harder, and do without fun stuff or anything for myself so I can pay bills. I guess this is being an adult.
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
Southern Charm Recap: Can They Get Any More White?
I have emerged from my two-day hangover solely to write this weeks recap. Guess killing brain cells is one of my hobbies now.
When we left off I wasnt sure if I was Team Kathryn or Team Whitney, and I dont think thats ever going to get resolved tbh. However, I did just notice Kathryns facial expression in the opening sequence more or less sums up her entire personality.
Thomas and JD, back at it again with the polo. Cause that ended really well the last time. Can they get any more white?
Whitney has some fruit salad and is making coffee and Larissas like, If that’s cooking, I’m about to be the next winner of.
Whitney trying to explain what going steady means to Larissa is pretty hilarious tho.
Kathryn andKody? Corey? Fuck, I forgetare getting a seaweed facial or some shit, AKA Bravo is pampering them so they can talk shit in style. Nice.
Kathryn is bummed that once she has her baby she has to go home alone with her two children.
Kathryn: Im a 24-year-old soon-to-be mother of two. If you dont think Im overwhelmed and nervous then you dont think.
Wow that was like, unnecessarily aggressive Kath.
Cooper? Cooper! Calls Thomas a 50-year-old playboy and is like,
Cooper: Instead of letting it frustrating you I just say let it strengthen you.
Cooper is the moral compass this show needs.
Meanwhile Thomas is sipping bourbon with JD on his porch because Kathryn really needs him.
JD: Hows the baby? Thomas: The doctor said fine… JD looks skeptical, because Im sure he knows better than a trained doctor.
JD: Kathryn moving up the due date seems awfully peculiarseems suspect.
JD is a regular Hardy Boy over here.
JD: I think women dont like being asked for paternity tests.
JD is like, and Thomas is like, Its clear hes forgotten who hes about to have a kid with because Kathryn is NOT going to be down with Thomas basically accusing her of slutting it up and then trying to trap him into fatherhood. JUST SAYING.
Its date night with Craig and Naomie. Craig chooses going to L.A. over the biggest event for his company, because hes never been to L.A. before. And Craig wonders why hes not allowed to head a bourbon division. I don’t foresee this ending well AT ALL. Craig, youre a fucking idiot and for once Naomie is in the right to tell you youre fucking up.
Craig: Do you see how hard Im trying to justify this?
Yeah, because you KNOW YOURE IN THE WRONG. Thats literally what justification is.
Cameran and Landon meet up for a candle-making class and I am kind of jealous because that low-key sounds fun. Landons explaining her travel guide to Cam, so Im going to take a quick nap.
Cameran: I think its hard for Landon bc she was a typical Southern stereotype of the woman who got married young and was taken care of and she doesnt have that anymore.
Wait, how is this the first Im hearing of this failed first marriage? How has this NEVER come up before this season??
Cameran: So any man prospects? Landon: IDK not really its kind of sad and pathetic.
Landon is like Same tho. Cameran: Do you think the reason youre not meeting anyone is because you want something to work out with Shep? Landon:…Yeah
Cameran and I are both like, FINALLY!
*Cue a montage of them looking really couple-y* I’m rooting for you guys!
Landon brings up every middle schoolers dilemma which is that if she dates Shep, then shell lose him as a friend. Can we get like, a violin quartet to score some melodramatic music or something?
Craig and Shep make it to L.A. and Whitneys bachelor pad is sick. I guess this is what that Bravo money gets you. On an unrelated note, I have a very compelling idea for a new reality show, if you wanna get on board Bravo, Ill get you in at the ground level.
Craig: I wouldve had FOMO if I hadnt gotten to come out heresothanks.
Whitney: Meh whatevs
Whitney: #NewCraig has taken on this persona thats like, not chill dude.
Whitney basically lets it go with the caveat that he may never fully trust Craig again. Eh, Im sure theyll be fine.
Shep: You know when youre perfectly drunk and youre really good at pool? Is that like when Im really drunk and I think Im really good at dancing?
Classic Shmosby.
Larissa crashes the boys weekend which is not at all chill. Larissa is, I guess, the WGG of the group.
Shep: Should I change? I dont want to look all fratty and Southern.
Well that ship sailed like, approximately 36 years ago. Whitney makes a joke about waking up in the morning covered in blood and vomit. Was he secretly with me and my friends this weekend? Unclear. V. possible.
These two slutty-looking blondes show up and Shep is in fucking heaven. Craig low-key wants to kill himself.
Whitney: The goofy, disarming thing works in Charleston but not so much in L.A.
I’m sorry, Whitney, but who you callin goofy? You’re not exactly a chiseled Greek god over there. Whitney takes a casual shot at Craigs bourbon knowledge, or lack thereof, and now that hes gotten that off his chest this friendship is back on track.
The aftermath of Whitneys party looks a lot like the scene I dealt with Sunday morning. So, like, maybe they really were there.
Whitney: The marker of a good boys weekend is a pool of vomit with a partially digested meatball in the middle.
Whitney talks about how Shep didnt get any last night and Whitney said he had a meeting with Hand Solo which made me LOL.
Sheps like, and Im getting soooo mf sick of this trope. I am convinced Shep just acts this way because y’all expect him to be a fuckboy and nobody challenges him or holds him to a higher standard. Also, there’s just no way his dick games that good. THERE IS NO WAY.
JD is on the phone with Paula and SURPRISE, Craig basically didnt do shit for this festival yet still wants to be head of the bourbon division. The entitlement is strong with this one. Craigs phone is dead, party casualty, so JD is calling around to all Craigs friends like the angry dad he is. Did I mention this was dumb af, Craig?
Also, LMAO at how hungover they all look. Their hangovers are giving me life.
Craig: I just feel like Im being used to do all the bitchwork and its annoying. I lied, THIS is the whitest thing to happen on this show.
Shep: People take work too seriously. What happened to just drinking beer and laughing your balls off?
Yeah Shep, I think this may be why your restaurant is struggling to pay the rent.
Thomas and Kathryn are discussing the ins and outs of labor, which I will file away for future knowledge. Thomas calls Kathryn an expert at giving birth which is like, kind of rude lol. But I guess also accurate?
Kathryns opening up to Thomas about being alone this time around, looking up at him with big doe eyes, and Thomas is like,SHUT DOWN.
Thomas: The timing is really bad for me, could you just like, not give birth rn?
Kathryn: Thats why I like having you around, youre like a calming presence IDK why.
Kathryn, do you know what calming means? Im starting to think not.
Back at Whitneys, some massage therapist named Megan shows up, and Shep clearly has a boner.
Shep: So youre gonna give us all massages now?
Megan: Its like holding space to really connect more with yourself.
Shep is blatantly sexually harassing this poor girl. JFC. This is so creepy. Tone it the fuck down.
JD & Co. is launching his bourbon line at Charleston Cup, this horse race in Charleston. Craig is nowhere to be found, shockingly.
JD: Work isnt all roses and cherries. Sometimes its dirt and trenches.
Im putting that on a needlepoint for my office.
Sheps not going because his grandpa died. OK thats actually like, very sad. My condolences.
We will now resume with our regularly scheduled program of shit-talking.
Craig is taking forever to get readyCraig and Chad from are both the secret Betches interns.
Craig is hungover with an upset stomach and a sinus infection, which is literally what happens to me every time I drink. AKA right now. We’ll get through this, Craig. Emergen-c and green tea all mf day.
Cams like,
Craig apparently slept in and didnt do anything to help JD set up. Which, Im not surprised by, but again, is a really bad move for when youre trying to show initiative.
Cameran: #NewCraig is starting to run its course because at this point hes becoming #OldCraig
Dannis dropping some random whiskey fun facts and Craig is like, Fuck the bourbon division, Im not sure Craig is qualified to have any job at Gentry HQ, PERIOD. How the fuck is he going to be a lawyer if he never wants to do work? He’s gonna have a rude awakening if he ever makes it to first-year associate (I have heard).
Craig is there for all of two minutes and is already like, fuck this Im leaving.
Oh JK Craig didnt actually leave. JD gives a speech and what do you wanna bet Craig is gonna get shafted in this thank-you speech?
Wait for it..
BOOM. SHAFTED. I called it.
Cameran is so into this race its scary. How much money did she put down on that horse? Judging by her reaction to losing, Id say a lot.
Once again JD is dressed like a 1920s fat cat. Live your truth, JD.
JDs like, and Craig is like,
JD: Do you think you should have gone out of town? Craig: I mean Ive never had to give up a trip for a job so
Oh boy, Craig. I fear for you in the real world. I really do.
At Kathryns, she and Thomas are eating dinner. Kathryns going into labor tomorrow morning. I hope they dont actually film her birth. That would be kind of fucked.
Thomas: I want to have a traditional family, hear the shnookums running around, hear the house fill with laughter.
Lol, “shnookums” only makes me think of one thing:
Thomas: I still love Kathryn, I care about her but Im afraid a day of reckoning is forthcoming.
Kathryn asks Thomas how he feels and he says hes apprehensive and shes like, BRUH, FEEL APPREHENSIVE?!
Kathryn: If I say anything mean to you tomorrow just give me a free pass.
OK thats fair, she is giving birth and all.
Kathryn gets up and eats some generic brand Lucky Charms before giving birth. I take it all back, she really is struggling with money.
OK low blow. Sorry. Kind of.
Seeing the sheer amount of diapers in Kathryns house is enough to make me never forget to take my birth control.
Thomas: For some reason, maybe through divine intervention we were brought together. Steven Spielberg I believe said, Ive made a lot of movies, but my greatest creation of all was a child.
So I wonder at what point Thomas is gonna be like Who am I kidding, theyre gonna drag that out at least over the course of another epsiode.
OK enough shit-talking from me. That baby is cute. What did they name him?? How they gonna leave us hanging like that?
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
Source: http://allofbeer.com/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any-more-white/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/03/16/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any-more-white/
0 notes
jimdsmith34 · 7 years
Southern Charm Recap: Can They Get Any More White?
I have emerged from my two-day hangover solely to write this weeks recap. Guess killing brain cells is one of my hobbies now.
When we left off I wasnt sure if I was Team Kathryn or Team Whitney, and I dont think thats ever going to get resolved tbh. However, I did just notice Kathryns facial expression in the opening sequence more or less sums up her entire personality.
Thomas and JD, back at it again with the polo. Cause that ended really well the last time. Can they get any more white?
Whitney has some fruit salad and is making coffee and Larissas like, If that’s cooking, I’m about to be the next winner of.
Whitney trying to explain what going steady means to Larissa is pretty hilarious tho.
Kathryn andKody? Corey? Fuck, I forgetare getting a seaweed facial or some shit, AKA Bravo is pampering them so they can talk shit in style. Nice.
Kathryn is bummed that once she has her baby she has to go home alone with her two children.
Kathryn: Im a 24-year-old soon-to-be mother of two. If you dont think Im overwhelmed and nervous then you dont think.
Wow that was like, unnecessarily aggressive Kath.
Cooper? Cooper! Calls Thomas a 50-year-old playboy and is like,
Cooper: Instead of letting it frustrating you I just say let it strengthen you.
Cooper is the moral compass this show needs.
Meanwhile Thomas is sipping bourbon with JD on his porch because Kathryn really needs him.
JD: Hows the baby? Thomas: The doctor said fine… JD looks skeptical, because Im sure he knows better than a trained doctor.
JD: Kathryn moving up the due date seems awfully peculiarseems suspect.
JD is a regular Hardy Boy over here.
JD: I think women dont like being asked for paternity tests.
JD is like, and Thomas is like, Its clear hes forgotten who hes about to have a kid with because Kathryn is NOT going to be down with Thomas basically accusing her of slutting it up and then trying to trap him into fatherhood. JUST SAYING.
Its date night with Craig and Naomie. Craig chooses going to L.A. over the biggest event for his company, because hes never been to L.A. before. And Craig wonders why hes not allowed to head a bourbon division. I don’t foresee this ending well AT ALL. Craig, youre a fucking idiot and for once Naomie is in the right to tell you youre fucking up.
Craig: Do you see how hard Im trying to justify this?
Yeah, because you KNOW YOURE IN THE WRONG. Thats literally what justification is.
Cameran and Landon meet up for a candle-making class and I am kind of jealous because that low-key sounds fun. Landons explaining her travel guide to Cam, so Im going to take a quick nap.
Cameran: I think its hard for Landon bc she was a typical Southern stereotype of the woman who got married young and was taken care of and she doesnt have that anymore.
Wait, how is this the first Im hearing of this failed first marriage? How has this NEVER come up before this season??
Cameran: So any man prospects? Landon: IDK not really its kind of sad and pathetic.
Landon is like Same tho. Cameran: Do you think the reason youre not meeting anyone is because you want something to work out with Shep? Landon:…Yeah
Cameran and I are both like, FINALLY!
*Cue a montage of them looking really couple-y* I’m rooting for you guys!
Landon brings up every middle schoolers dilemma which is that if she dates Shep, then shell lose him as a friend. Can we get like, a violin quartet to score some melodramatic music or something?
Craig and Shep make it to L.A. and Whitneys bachelor pad is sick. I guess this is what that Bravo money gets you. On an unrelated note, I have a very compelling idea for a new reality show, if you wanna get on board Bravo, Ill get you in at the ground level.
Craig: I wouldve had FOMO if I hadnt gotten to come out heresothanks.
Whitney: Meh whatevs
Whitney: #NewCraig has taken on this persona thats like, not chill dude.
Whitney basically lets it go with the caveat that he may never fully trust Craig again. Eh, Im sure theyll be fine.
Shep: You know when youre perfectly drunk and youre really good at pool? Is that like when Im really drunk and I think Im really good at dancing?
Classic Shmosby.
Larissa crashes the boys weekend which is not at all chill. Larissa is, I guess, the WGG of the group.
Shep: Should I change? I dont want to look all fratty and Southern.
Well that ship sailed like, approximately 36 years ago. Whitney makes a joke about waking up in the morning covered in blood and vomit. Was he secretly with me and my friends this weekend? Unclear. V. possible.
These two slutty-looking blondes show up and Shep is in fucking heaven. Craig low-key wants to kill himself.
Whitney: The goofy, disarming thing works in Charleston but not so much in L.A.
I’m sorry, Whitney, but who you callin goofy? You’re not exactly a chiseled Greek god over there. Whitney takes a casual shot at Craigs bourbon knowledge, or lack thereof, and now that hes gotten that off his chest this friendship is back on track.
The aftermath of Whitneys party looks a lot like the scene I dealt with Sunday morning. So, like, maybe they really were there.
Whitney: The marker of a good boys weekend is a pool of vomit with a partially digested meatball in the middle.
Whitney talks about how Shep didnt get any last night and Whitney said he had a meeting with Hand Solo which made me LOL.
Sheps like, and Im getting soooo mf sick of this trope. I am convinced Shep just acts this way because y’all expect him to be a fuckboy and nobody challenges him or holds him to a higher standard. Also, there’s just no way his dick games that good. THERE IS NO WAY.
JD is on the phone with Paula and SURPRISE, Craig basically didnt do shit for this festival yet still wants to be head of the bourbon division. The entitlement is strong with this one. Craigs phone is dead, party casualty, so JD is calling around to all Craigs friends like the angry dad he is. Did I mention this was dumb af, Craig?
Also, LMAO at how hungover they all look. Their hangovers are giving me life.
Craig: I just feel like Im being used to do all the bitchwork and its annoying. I lied, THIS is the whitest thing to happen on this show.
Shep: People take work too seriously. What happened to just drinking beer and laughing your balls off?
Yeah Shep, I think this may be why your restaurant is struggling to pay the rent.
Thomas and Kathryn are discussing the ins and outs of labor, which I will file away for future knowledge. Thomas calls Kathryn an expert at giving birth which is like, kind of rude lol. But I guess also accurate?
Kathryns opening up to Thomas about being alone this time around, looking up at him with big doe eyes, and Thomas is like,SHUT DOWN.
Thomas: The timing is really bad for me, could you just like, not give birth rn?
Kathryn: Thats why I like having you around, youre like a calming presence IDK why.
Kathryn, do you know what calming means? Im starting to think not.
Back at Whitneys, some massage therapist named Megan shows up, and Shep clearly has a boner.
Shep: So youre gonna give us all massages now?
Megan: Its like holding space to really connect more with yourself.
Shep is blatantly sexually harassing this poor girl. JFC. This is so creepy. Tone it the fuck down.
JD & Co. is launching his bourbon line at Charleston Cup, this horse race in Charleston. Craig is nowhere to be found, shockingly.
JD: Work isnt all roses and cherries. Sometimes its dirt and trenches.
Im putting that on a needlepoint for my office.
Sheps not going because his grandpa died. OK thats actually like, very sad. My condolences.
We will now resume with our regularly scheduled program of shit-talking.
Craig is taking forever to get readyCraig and Chad from are both the secret Betches interns.
Craig is hungover with an upset stomach and a sinus infection, which is literally what happens to me every time I drink. AKA right now. We’ll get through this, Craig. Emergen-c and green tea all mf day.
Cams like,
Craig apparently slept in and didnt do anything to help JD set up. Which, Im not surprised by, but again, is a really bad move for when youre trying to show initiative.
Cameran: #NewCraig is starting to run its course because at this point hes becoming #OldCraig
Dannis dropping some random whiskey fun facts and Craig is like, Fuck the bourbon division, Im not sure Craig is qualified to have any job at Gentry HQ, PERIOD. How the fuck is he going to be a lawyer if he never wants to do work? He’s gonna have a rude awakening if he ever makes it to first-year associate (I have heard).
Craig is there for all of two minutes and is already like, fuck this Im leaving.
Oh JK Craig didnt actually leave. JD gives a speech and what do you wanna bet Craig is gonna get shafted in this thank-you speech?
Wait for it..
BOOM. SHAFTED. I called it.
Cameran is so into this race its scary. How much money did she put down on that horse? Judging by her reaction to losing, Id say a lot.
Once again JD is dressed like a 1920s fat cat. Live your truth, JD.
JDs like, and Craig is like,
JD: Do you think you should have gone out of town? Craig: I mean Ive never had to give up a trip for a job so
Oh boy, Craig. I fear for you in the real world. I really do.
At Kathryns, she and Thomas are eating dinner. Kathryns going into labor tomorrow morning. I hope they dont actually film her birth. That would be kind of fucked.
Thomas: I want to have a traditional family, hear the shnookums running around, hear the house fill with laughter.
Lol, “shnookums” only makes me think of one thing:
Thomas: I still love Kathryn, I care about her but Im afraid a day of reckoning is forthcoming.
Kathryn asks Thomas how he feels and he says hes apprehensive and shes like, BRUH, FEEL APPREHENSIVE?!
Kathryn: If I say anything mean to you tomorrow just give me a free pass.
OK thats fair, she is giving birth and all.
Kathryn gets up and eats some generic brand Lucky Charms before giving birth. I take it all back, she really is struggling with money.
OK low blow. Sorry. Kind of.
Seeing the sheer amount of diapers in Kathryns house is enough to make me never forget to take my birth control.
Thomas: For some reason, maybe through divine intervention we were brought together. Steven Spielberg I believe said, Ive made a lot of movies, but my greatest creation of all was a child.
So I wonder at what point Thomas is gonna be like Who am I kidding, theyre gonna drag that out at least over the course of another epsiode.
OK enough shit-talking from me. That baby is cute. What did they name him?? How they gonna leave us hanging like that?
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
source http://allofbeer.com/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any-more-white/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2018/03/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any.html
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
Southern Charm Recap: Can They Get Any More White?
I have emerged from my two-day hangover solely to write this weeks recap. Guess killing brain cells is one of my hobbies now.
When we left off I wasnt sure if I was Team Kathryn or Team Whitney, and I dont think thats ever going to get resolved tbh. However, I did just notice Kathryns facial expression in the opening sequence more or less sums up her entire personality.
Thomas and JD, back at it again with the polo. Cause that ended really well the last time. Can they get any more white?
Whitney has some fruit salad and is making coffee and Larissas like, If that’s cooking, I’m about to be the next winner of.
Whitney trying to explain what going steady means to Larissa is pretty hilarious tho.
Kathryn andKody? Corey? Fuck, I forgetare getting a seaweed facial or some shit, AKA Bravo is pampering them so they can talk shit in style. Nice.
Kathryn is bummed that once she has her baby she has to go home alone with her two children.
Kathryn: Im a 24-year-old soon-to-be mother of two. If you dont think Im overwhelmed and nervous then you dont think.
Wow that was like, unnecessarily aggressive Kath.
Cooper? Cooper! Calls Thomas a 50-year-old playboy and is like,
Cooper: Instead of letting it frustrating you I just say let it strengthen you.
Cooper is the moral compass this show needs.
Meanwhile Thomas is sipping bourbon with JD on his porch because Kathryn really needs him.
JD: Hows the baby? Thomas: The doctor said fine… JD looks skeptical, because Im sure he knows better than a trained doctor.
JD: Kathryn moving up the due date seems awfully peculiarseems suspect.
JD is a regular Hardy Boy over here.
JD: I think women dont like being asked for paternity tests.
JD is like, and Thomas is like, Its clear hes forgotten who hes about to have a kid with because Kathryn is NOT going to be down with Thomas basically accusing her of slutting it up and then trying to trap him into fatherhood. JUST SAYING.
Its date night with Craig and Naomie. Craig chooses going to L.A. over the biggest event for his company, because hes never been to L.A. before. And Craig wonders why hes not allowed to head a bourbon division. I don’t foresee this ending well AT ALL. Craig, youre a fucking idiot and for once Naomie is in the right to tell you youre fucking up.
Craig: Do you see how hard Im trying to justify this?
Yeah, because you KNOW YOURE IN THE WRONG. Thats literally what justification is.
Cameran and Landon meet up for a candle-making class and I am kind of jealous because that low-key sounds fun. Landons explaining her travel guide to Cam, so Im going to take a quick nap.
Cameran: I think its hard for Landon bc she was a typical Southern stereotype of the woman who got married young and was taken care of and she doesnt have that anymore.
Wait, how is this the first Im hearing of this failed first marriage? How has this NEVER come up before this season??
Cameran: So any man prospects? Landon: IDK not really its kind of sad and pathetic.
Landon is like Same tho. Cameran: Do you think the reason youre not meeting anyone is because you want something to work out with Shep? Landon:…Yeah
Cameran and I are both like, FINALLY!
*Cue a montage of them looking really couple-y* I’m rooting for you guys!
Landon brings up every middle schoolers dilemma which is that if she dates Shep, then shell lose him as a friend. Can we get like, a violin quartet to score some melodramatic music or something?
Craig and Shep make it to L.A. and Whitneys bachelor pad is sick. I guess this is what that Bravo money gets you. On an unrelated note, I have a very compelling idea for a new reality show, if you wanna get on board Bravo, Ill get you in at the ground level.
Craig: I wouldve had FOMO if I hadnt gotten to come out heresothanks.
Whitney: Meh whatevs
Whitney: #NewCraig has taken on this persona thats like, not chill dude.
Whitney basically lets it go with the caveat that he may never fully trust Craig again. Eh, Im sure theyll be fine.
Shep: You know when youre perfectly drunk and youre really good at pool? Is that like when Im really drunk and I think Im really good at dancing?
Classic Shmosby.
Larissa crashes the boys weekend which is not at all chill. Larissa is, I guess, the WGG of the group.
Shep: Should I change? I dont want to look all fratty and Southern.
Well that ship sailed like, approximately 36 years ago. Whitney makes a joke about waking up in the morning covered in blood and vomit. Was he secretly with me and my friends this weekend? Unclear. V. possible.
These two slutty-looking blondes show up and Shep is in fucking heaven. Craig low-key wants to kill himself.
Whitney: The goofy, disarming thing works in Charleston but not so much in L.A.
I’m sorry, Whitney, but who you callin goofy? You’re not exactly a chiseled Greek god over there. Whitney takes a casual shot at Craigs bourbon knowledge, or lack thereof, and now that hes gotten that off his chest this friendship is back on track.
The aftermath of Whitneys party looks a lot like the scene I dealt with Sunday morning. So, like, maybe they really were there.
Whitney: The marker of a good boys weekend is a pool of vomit with a partially digested meatball in the middle.
Whitney talks about how Shep didnt get any last night and Whitney said he had a meeting with Hand Solo which made me LOL.
Sheps like, and Im getting soooo mf sick of this trope. I am convinced Shep just acts this way because y’all expect him to be a fuckboy and nobody challenges him or holds him to a higher standard. Also, there’s just no way his dick games that good. THERE IS NO WAY.
JD is on the phone with Paula and SURPRISE, Craig basically didnt do shit for this festival yet still wants to be head of the bourbon division. The entitlement is strong with this one. Craigs phone is dead, party casualty, so JD is calling around to all Craigs friends like the angry dad he is. Did I mention this was dumb af, Craig?
Also, LMAO at how hungover they all look. Their hangovers are giving me life.
Craig: I just feel like Im being used to do all the bitchwork and its annoying. I lied, THIS is the whitest thing to happen on this show.
Shep: People take work too seriously. What happened to just drinking beer and laughing your balls off?
Yeah Shep, I think this may be why your restaurant is struggling to pay the rent.
Thomas and Kathryn are discussing the ins and outs of labor, which I will file away for future knowledge. Thomas calls Kathryn an expert at giving birth which is like, kind of rude lol. But I guess also accurate?
Kathryns opening up to Thomas about being alone this time around, looking up at him with big doe eyes, and Thomas is like,SHUT DOWN.
Thomas: The timing is really bad for me, could you just like, not give birth rn?
Kathryn: Thats why I like having you around, youre like a calming presence IDK why.
Kathryn, do you know what calming means? Im starting to think not.
Back at Whitneys, some massage therapist named Megan shows up, and Shep clearly has a boner.
Shep: So youre gonna give us all massages now?
Megan: Its like holding space to really connect more with yourself.
Shep is blatantly sexually harassing this poor girl. JFC. This is so creepy. Tone it the fuck down.
JD & Co. is launching his bourbon line at Charleston Cup, this horse race in Charleston. Craig is nowhere to be found, shockingly.
JD: Work isnt all roses and cherries. Sometimes its dirt and trenches.
Im putting that on a needlepoint for my office.
Sheps not going because his grandpa died. OK thats actually like, very sad. My condolences.
We will now resume with our regularly scheduled program of shit-talking.
Craig is taking forever to get readyCraig and Chad from are both the secret Betches interns.
Craig is hungover with an upset stomach and a sinus infection, which is literally what happens to me every time I drink. AKA right now. We’ll get through this, Craig. Emergen-c and green tea all mf day.
Cams like,
Craig apparently slept in and didnt do anything to help JD set up. Which, Im not surprised by, but again, is a really bad move for when youre trying to show initiative.
Cameran: #NewCraig is starting to run its course because at this point hes becoming #OldCraig
Dannis dropping some random whiskey fun facts and Craig is like, Fuck the bourbon division, Im not sure Craig is qualified to have any job at Gentry HQ, PERIOD. How the fuck is he going to be a lawyer if he never wants to do work? He’s gonna have a rude awakening if he ever makes it to first-year associate (I have heard).
Craig is there for all of two minutes and is already like, fuck this Im leaving.
Oh JK Craig didnt actually leave. JD gives a speech and what do you wanna bet Craig is gonna get shafted in this thank-you speech?
Wait for it..
BOOM. SHAFTED. I called it.
Cameran is so into this race its scary. How much money did she put down on that horse? Judging by her reaction to losing, Id say a lot.
Once again JD is dressed like a 1920s fat cat. Live your truth, JD.
JDs like, and Craig is like,
JD: Do you think you should have gone out of town? Craig: I mean Ive never had to give up a trip for a job so
Oh boy, Craig. I fear for you in the real world. I really do.
At Kathryns, she and Thomas are eating dinner. Kathryns going into labor tomorrow morning. I hope they dont actually film her birth. That would be kind of fucked.
Thomas: I want to have a traditional family, hear the shnookums running around, hear the house fill with laughter.
Lol, “shnookums” only makes me think of one thing:
Thomas: I still love Kathryn, I care about her but Im afraid a day of reckoning is forthcoming.
Kathryn asks Thomas how he feels and he says hes apprehensive and shes like, BRUH, FEEL APPREHENSIVE?!
Kathryn: If I say anything mean to you tomorrow just give me a free pass.
OK thats fair, she is giving birth and all.
Kathryn gets up and eats some generic brand Lucky Charms before giving birth. I take it all back, she really is struggling with money.
OK low blow. Sorry. Kind of.
Seeing the sheer amount of diapers in Kathryns house is enough to make me never forget to take my birth control.
Thomas: For some reason, maybe through divine intervention we were brought together. Steven Spielberg I believe said, Ive made a lot of movies, but my greatest creation of all was a child.
So I wonder at what point Thomas is gonna be like Who am I kidding, theyre gonna drag that out at least over the course of another epsiode.
OK enough shit-talking from me. That baby is cute. What did they name him?? How they gonna leave us hanging like that?
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/southern-charm-recap-can-they-get-any-more-white/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/171944066947
0 notes