#soph banters
korusalka · 2 years
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
Little Helpers
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Harry needs a bit of help, and who's better than his two little gremlins...
90sRockstar!Harry × Reader
A/N- Happens wayyyyyyy long in the future, like at least 10 years after they meet. Harry and reader are in their mid 30s
Only Angel Masterlist // Masterlist
It was your birthday.
And Harry was struggling.
You've been out in New York for last week or so for work while he has been staying home with kids.
To say they're pain in the ass is an understatement, but he made his bed (or hot tub), so he had to lay in it.
Harry was the "fun" parent, to say the least, cause he can't say no, and those gremlins even tho they're only four years old are way too good at getting things their way.
Meanwhile, you knew how to shut down something you knew they didn't need. Like the large Nerf gun, Harry got them in secret and then had to listen to you yell at him while those two giggled from the stairs in timeout.
But that wasn't the problem right now.
The problem was that the house was mess, the kitchen was mess, it was your birthday and he doesn't know how to cook, clean all at the same time while taking care of kids who are already running around in backyard.
It was times like these he was amazed by how his mother, and even you did everything so efficiently. Never once did he saw a thing out of place when you stayed with kids, and he had to go out.
(Maybe cause you made the kids clean up after themselves while he sees one look of their puppy eyes and melts)
He took a deep breath in and called for the kids, "Jack! Soph! come back inside" He yelled, which caught the twins' attention. Their little head snapped towards him, and soon enough, they were running in giggling still in their pjs.
Harry shook his head and walked back inside and saw them talking to themselves. They were literally each others best friends, always attached to the hip, partners in crime, and he hoped they're like this when they grow up.
"Kids, kids and kids!" He announced dramatically. Twins giggled again, "There is only two of us, dada. Why are you saying kids three times?" They looked at each other and laughed again at Harry's trying to be mad face.
"Hey smartasses listen to me." He flicked their head lightly, "It's your maa's birthday today"
The twins' eyes went wide, and then Soph jumped, screaming "birthday" making Harry laugh. "That means we will get cake?" Jack asked his dad.
"You will if you help me" Harry shrugged, "Whoever helps me out the most will get the bigger piece!" Harry said.
Twins looked at each other again and then their dad and nodded their head quickly, "I will help you" Jack said, "Me too" Soph said in tow.
"Well then, let's start with this room. Pick up all your toys and everything else and put them where they should be." He said, walking towards the kitchen sink. It was an open plan, so he could still see the kids while cleaning up the kitchen.
He looked at the clock, and it was still 4 hours left to your arrival. He could do it.
He hopes he can do it.
Harry was surprised and amused when he looked up and saw two heaving toddlers sitting on the ground.
"Well done babies, you did such a great job" He said, squatting down to their level and kissing both of their heads.
"We know" They said together. Harry laughed at that cause even if the kids looked like him, their personality was yours. Sassy, witty and smart for their age.
"We put everything in different boxes so you could see who did more work, and my box is the most filled" Jackson said cockily and Soph rolled her eyes.
"I'm just going to steal more from dad's plate" she said without any care as much as Harry would like to think otherwise it was true. He lost his right to have his own food when he become father and he's okay with it (to certain level). Harry still very much amused with their banter over cake slice, goes to the kitchen, and fetches both of them their water bottles along with a bowl of fruits.
"Why don't you two drink some water and eat all those fruits and then come help me bake the cake?" Harry asked them immediately, getting nods as an answer from hungry babies.
He took out all the ingredients while the kids ate and arranged them, so it was easier for kids to "help" him.
Soon enough, they were all done with their snacks and were standing on the large wooden stool beside Harry, watching him make the cake. Both of them have large chefs hat on and custom matching aprons Harry got for all of them for when they would cook together on Sunday mornings.
He was in the middle of cracking egg when Sophie started to fuss, "Dada I want to do it too!" She said, pouting.
Harry brought the bowl in front of her and stood behind her holding her hand, which had egg in it, and then cracked it open and put it in the bowl. Sophie giggled, finding amusement in cracking eggs, which made Jack feel left out so Harry did the same with him too.
The kids helped him as much as they could, with bringing him stuff, and finally, the cake was in oven.
Jack and Soph sat in front of the oven watching the cake like hawk cause in their words, "we want it to be perfect like maa makes it". Harry cleaned the rest of the kitchen.
"C'mon babies bath time." He announced which much to kids displeasure meant they had to move away from the oven. Harry literally had to drag them upstairs with Soph in his left arm and Jack in right.
"You two are getting heavy for me to pick you up and roam around" he said, groaning at the feeling of back ache rising.
"No, you're just getting old, dada." The twins laughed. Harry rolled his eyes at them and flicked their heads.
"In the bath. Your maa will have my head if you two are dirty" He said, starting the warm bath of them.
There have been times Harry felt proud of himself, and right now, as he watches the clean house, clean kids, and a not burned cake, he feels proud of himself.
Kids were watching TV in the living room when they heard the car pull up in the driveway, and everyone was set on their mission.
Harry quickly lit up all the candles. Meanwhile, kids stood in the position near the door with paper confetti in their hands to throw at you.
Meanwhile, you feel exhausted as you get out of the car. The fashion week of this year was hectic. You were so busy you didn't even remember it was your birthday until you opened he door.
Colorful confetti flew on your face as you heard "happy birthday" in unison. Your kids stood near the door with the biggest smile on their faces with your husband behind them with cake in his hand.
"Omg, thank you so much my little munchkin" you said, sitting down on your knees and pulling twins into tight hugs. All exhaustion and stress were lost as you saw your favorite people.
"Hey, I'm also here." You heard Harry whine, making three of you laugh.
"C'mon maa, we want cake!" Jack said, first making you laugh. You kissed both of their cheeks and stood up, walking towards your husband.
You pecked his lips and smiled, "Thank you, baby." you said with a warm smile matching his. "My absolute pleasure angel" He said, kissing you again.
"Those gremlins helped me, or I was ready to have a panic attack this morning," he said, chuckling.
You brought the cake to the kitchen, Harry stood beside you his arms around your waist, and kids stood on the stool on your other side.
"Maa make a wish!" Soph said. You nodded and wished for your family to stay just like this forever and blew the candles. Jack and Soph clapped while Harry leaned down and kissed your cheeks.
Cake slices were cut and put in plate for all four of you and as you and Harry stood in the kitchen with your head on his shoulder watching your kids banter over who's slice is bigger you never felt more content.
This is all you ever wanted.
I think they're my favorite couple after Harry and Autumn.
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs
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miumura · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS — sometimes, only a love letter is what it takes for someone to get into a relationship.
PAIRING — crush!jay x crush-gn!reader
WARNINGS — a kiss i think that’s it? || WC : 1.9K+ (1966)
SOPH — tysm for requesting anon ! i hope i did it justice , and i did gn reader since you didn’t specify !
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"I'm telling you, Jay totally has a thing for you!" Chaewon excitedly whispered in class, poking you with her pencil insistently. You attempted to brush off her words, even attempting to snatch her pencil away. "No way! Have you seen him with that other girl?"
"Just because he smiled at her doesn't mean he has feelings for her!" Chaewon's frustration grew as she wondered how oblivious you could be. "He has smiled and talked to you countless times. Why wouldn't he like you?"
"I don't know..." you scribbled in your notebook, unable to focus on taking notes any longer. You stole a glance at Jay, your crush, diligently jotting down his own notes like the great student he was. "I just don't think I'm his type."
"Come on, YN," Chaewon sighed, giving you an exasperated look. "You have no idea what his type is, and if you're too scared to make a move, you can't jump to conclusions," she emphasized, pointing her finger at you for emphasis.
"Do you think so?" Your gaze remained fixated on him, captivated by his every move. Even in the simplicity of his school uniform, he managed to make it look effortlessly stylish.
Suddenly, someone called out Jay's name, causing him to turn in your direction. Inadvertently, your eyes met, and he rewarded you with a warm smile. You returned the gesture, but quickly averted your gaze.
"Chaewon, what's happening to me?" you whispered, holding your breath as your heart raced.
The sound of the bell resonated through the classroom, instantly filling the air with a cacophony of noise. Chaewon rose from her seat, wearing a mischievous smile as she nudged you gently.
"That's love, you idiot," she teased, her voice barely audible amidst the commotion. “Let’s not be late to our next class, okay?”
With a sense of urgency, you hastily gathered your books and shoved them into your bag, eager to catch up with Chaewon. Walking side by side, the two of you engaged in your usual banter, oblivious to the bustling hallways around you. It was a stroke of luck that you shared a majority of your classes with your best friend, Chaewon. But what made it even more special was the fact that you found yourself in many classes with Jay, your secret crush.
Despite your best efforts to keep your feelings hidden, it seemed that Chaewon had caught onto your little secret. She had been an observant friend from the beginning and could sense the chemistry between you and Jay. You had always shared an effortless connection with Jay, as if you had known each other for years. It was this natural connection that made Chaewon ship the two of you right from the start.
"You know, YN, it's so obvious that you and Jay have something special," Chaewon teased, nudging you playfully as you walked together.
You rolled your eyes, trying to brush off her comment. "Oh, come on, Chaewon. We're just good friends. Nothing more."
She raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile on her face. "Good friends, huh? I've seen the way he looks at you, and the way you light up when he's around. There's definitely more going on there."
You let out a nervous laugh, feeling your cheeks heat up. "You're reading too much into it, Chaewon. We're just really close."
She chuckled, giving you a knowing look. "Well, if you say so. But mark my words, something's bound to happen between you two. Love has a way of finding its way, you know."
You shrugged, trying to play it cool. "We'll see. For now, let's just focus on walking to our class together."
And so, you arrived at your next class, reluctantly parting ways with Chaewon as you followed the seating chart. It was an unfortunate moment, as you wished you could continue your conversations with her. However, fate seemed to smile upon you as you made your way to the back of the classroom, spotting an empty seat next to Jay.
Taking a seat beside Jay, you caught his eye and a bright smile spread across his face.
"Hey there, seatmate," Jay playfully greeted, his tone filled with warmth and familiarity.
Taking a moment to compose yourself, you met Jay's gaze and returned his smile, feeling your heart flutter at his playful greeting.
"Hey, seatmate," you replied, your voice laced with a mix of excitement and slight shyness. The term "seatmate" seemed to hold a certain charm, as it implied a level of closeness that thrilled you.
You were grateful that this class was a free period, as it meant you could focus on your own tasks without much interruption. As the class started, you settled into your usual routine, pulling out your books and assignments to work on.
While you were immersed in your own world, Jay's voice caught your attention. It seemed like he was engaged in a friendly argument with his friend seated beside him. Curiosity piqued, you glanced in their direction, but soon realized you couldn't decipher the details of their conversation.
Deciding to maintain your focus on your work, you popped in an earbud, tuning in to your favorite playlist. The familiar tunes enveloped you, creating a pleasant soundtrack to accompany your tasks. With the music playing softly in your ears, you allowed yourself to delve into the world of your assignments, momentarily oblivious to the conversations happening around you.
Jay's friend persisted, nudging him with a mischievous grin. "Come on, man, just give them the letter. It's not that difficult."
Jay's eyes widened with a hint of panic, quickly shushing his friend. "No way, I can't do that," he whispered urgently. "And lower your voice! We don't want the whole class to know."
His friend chuckled, but lowered his voice as instructed. "Why not? You've been crushing on them for months now. It's time to make a move."
Jay fidgeted in his seat, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "I don't know, man. What if they don’t feel the same way? It'll just make things awkward."
His friend leaned closer, whispering in a conspiratorial tone. "Trust me, Jay. I've seen the way they look at you when you're not looking. There's definitely something there. You just need to take the chance."
Jay's gaze shifted nervously towards you, who seemed engrossed in your work, unaware of the conversation unfolding nearby. His heart pounded in his chest as he contemplated the possibility of confessing his feelings. The fear of rejection battled against the hope of reciprocation within him.
After a moment of hesitation, Jay let out a sigh, realizing that his friend might be onto something. "Fine," he whispered reluctantly. "I'll think about it, okay? But no guarantees."
He stole another glance at you, his eyes softening with affection. As the class continued, he found himself lost in thoughts of what might be, contemplating the possibility of taking a leap of faith and sharing his true feelings with you.
As you were engrossed in your writing, you noticed Jay discreetly sliding something towards you. Curiosity piqued, you removed your earbud and met his gaze, sensing his nervousness. "Just read it," he stammered, his voice betraying his inner turmoil.
Putting the earbud back in, you carefully looked at the envelope, intrigued by its possible contents. A cute sticker adorned the front, causing a smile to grace your lips as you peeled it off.
With anticipation, you unfolded the letter and began reading its words, immersing yourself in the words. Jay discreetly stole a few glances at you, his heart pounding in his chest, anxious about your reaction.
"I always find myself questioning the warm, bubbly feeling inside me. Who and what made me feel this way? Well it was simple; the answer is you. It would be foolish not to seize this opportunity to confess my feelings. So, here I am, presenting you with this letter to express what I've been wanting to say. Perhaps it's a cowardly move to resort to written words instead of speaking them directly, but it brings me a sense of peace to share my feelings with you in this way.
Anyway, YN, I like you. More than you may realize. I find myself constantly drawn to you, observing you as you work and have fun with your friends. You have an undeniable ability to light up the entire room, whether you believe it or not.
Being with you evokes emotions I've never experienced before. It's inexplicable, but undeniably positive. You have made me discover what it truly means to have a crush on someone.
You will always be remembered as the best seatmate I could ever ask for. Now, to avoid overwhelming you any further, please know that you are under no obligation to accept this confession. Even if you don't, my feelings for you will persist. I have no problem with waiting for you until I can’t no more.
So, please don't keep me waiting any longer and let me know your answer. I have intentionally left a blank space for you to fill.
With sincerest affection,
You wore a broad smile on your face, reaching for the pen on your desk. With a sense of excitement, you began writing your response, carefully choosing your words. Once finished, you folded the letter back up and confidently pushed it towards Jay, who was anxiously fidgeting nearby. With anticipation in his eyes, he eagerly took hold of the letter and unfolded it, ready to read your reply.
"The answer will always be yes for you,” he read the words, his face lighting up with a radiant smile. Playfully, he jotted down a little something on the paper, his smile growing cheekier by the second. Instead of folding the letter, he simply slid it across your desk, leaving it open for you to see.
"Let's seal this agreement with a kiss, shall we?" you couldn't help but chuckle, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "That was quite cheesy, Jay," you teased, finally turning to face him and removing your earbuds.
"Your blushing face tells a different story," he remarked, pointing out the obvious flush on your cheeks, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "But, you know, you don't have to—"
Before he could finish his sentence, you silenced him with a quick, unexpected kiss. The bold move left him momentarily speechless, his own face turning red as the realization sunk in. While his intention was merely to provoke a reaction from you, he couldn't deny the rush of excitement that coursed through him now.
“Quite bold, aren’t we?” he chuckled, feeling a surge of heat rush to his cheeks. He playfully fanned himself, trying to hide his flustered state.
"You started it," you replied, a mischievous laughter escaping your lips as you enjoyed the sudden role reversal.
"Wanna finish this assignment together?" he asked, turning his attention back to the task at hand. You nodded in agreement, prompting him to move closer and place his textbook between your desks.
In a bold move, you reached out and took his hand, holding it discreetly under the desks. He squeezed your hand in response, his heart racing with excitement.
"How am I supposed to focus on the work now?" Jay chuckled, pretending to be distracted by your touch.
"Don't worry," you reassured him, a playful grin on your face. "I can work on it while you provide the answers. You can just copy it later."
"Sounds like a plan," Jay agreed, glancing at your notes and offering his input.
Meanwhile, Chaewon watched the two of you with a knowing smile, silently celebrating the fact that you had finally become an item. It was a moment she had been eagerly anticipating for ages, and now her efforts had finally paid off.
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💭 — jay one chance 🙏🙏
ENHA PERM TAGLIST — @flwoie @ixomiyu @yenavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @starcubes @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @woon2u @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @flwrshee @skzenhalove @chaewon-slays @misoxhappy @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick
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thinkingoflawrence · 9 months
Imagine: Adam and you move to San Francisco (Fluff)
This is for a friend, so there are insiders like “San Francisco” in it, The character is also based of off her, at least as best as I could.
i hope others still enjoy it!
After you and Adam finally had enough money to move to San Francisco to open your camera shop,
you had helped Adam out of the bathroom, and finally got away from Jigsaw… you, yourself, were a Jigsaw victim too, you survived and somehow became an apprentice.
You had known him from Scott, you were invited to some house party that Scott was throwing, and then you met Adam there. Now, in San Francisco, the two of you set out to turn your passion for photography into a new chapter, leaving behind the dark part of your lives.
After a long ass car drive, we finally arrived,
Our car stopped in front of our new store and our new apartment, “Damn… We made it… Adam! San Francisco… our store. Can you believe it? Holy shit…”
with an excited tone to it, “Believe it, sweetheart. I always knew this day would come. Now, let the city bask in the glory of our photographic genius”
he gave me a smirk, and chuckled awkwardly, I got out of the car and Adam then followed.
I just stood there looking at the building, our flat was right above the store, it looked amazing… it was just amazing…
The sound of Adam's camera echoed through the moment, and as I turned, he had that mischievous grin. “Well, now our first new memory”,
“wait wait wait… take another picture, wait…” I did my best sigma expression that I could, and Adam took another picture, trying not to laugh his ass off.
As Adam previewed the shots, i glanced at the photos.
“What's with the Sigma act, Soph? Trying to look all mysterious and brooding?”
I chuckled, “You're missing the charm.”
Adam being a little sassy, “Soph, it's called ambiance. But if you've got a better pose, feel free to enlighten us.”
“Well… no, fuck you” i said jokingly
Adam smirked, “Ambiance, Soph, Ambiance. It's an art you might not understand.”
Sophia shot back, “Well, I've got my own art form it's called not giving a damn. Try it sometime.”
I chimed in with a playful tone, “Yeah, Adam, take notes from that.” Adam laughed, “I'll consider it, but I make no promises. I've got an image to maintain, you know.”
As we bantered, I couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth. “Yeah, alright, alright, whatever,” I said with a grin, “but seriously, maybe we should channel this energy into getting those cardboard boxes inside? Our new life in San Francisco isn't going to unpack itself.” i said,
Adam chuckled, “Fine, fine, we'll save the photo shoot for later. Let's deal with the cardboard boxes.”
My lips curled into a grin, “Finally, someone with priorities. Maybe, just maybe, there's hope for you. The mix of sass, laughter, and the excitement of a new beginning hung in the air as we put everything in the flat above the store.
Entering the flat, a comforting new smell surrounded us. Boxes down, we started unpacking, the promise of a fresh start in each unopened box.
Time skip ~ some days later
“Alright, that was the last one…” I remarked as I watched the last customer leave the shop, Adam was just in the back, Adam was immersed in developing pictures. Deciding to visit him, I swiftly walked to the door and opened it. “Boo.” I exclaimed, and to my surprise, Adam jumped, nearly dropping the pictures. He shot me a wide-eyed look, and then we both burst into laughter.
“You were very scary, you know?” Adam teased. “I know, I know, thank you,” I replied, inspecting the developing photos. Some were already hanging up to dry, and I noticed the pictures Adam took when we arrived were there.
“Well, they really turned out great, especially this one,“ I said, grabbing the picture. “Damn, I'm beautiful.” I held the photo next to my face, recreating the expression.
Adam took the picture, a bit embarrassed but still sassy. “I wanted to make something with it, but I forgot, okay?”
“Well, damn, okay,” I said. “I'll go upstairs already. You can finish if you want.”
“Alright, I'll just finish up and then join you, Soph.” Adam gave me a soft, quick kiss before I headed upstairs. way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth before finally heading to bed.
To my surprise, Adam was already there. “Well, someone was fast,” I remarked. “Yeah, I was quick to finish all of them,” Adam said with a small smile as he got into bed.
I joined him, and we just laid there, talking about everything and anything. Eventually, we fell asleep, wrapped in the comfort of each other's company.
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Tag list:
@xqnqx @thinkingofnana
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sucrosette · 10 months
★— ⋆。˚ [New Things]
For Day 8 of Carry on Countdown 23, Sick. @carryon-countdown
Basil's nurse partner takes the best care of him when he's sick, even if he's a touch infuriating about how much he'd rather be working.
Rated T, for canon-typical banter and casually dropping the fuck bomb. Nothing really offensive though.
This is the second part of three I've planned for a Nurse/Lawyer AU for this CoC 🖤
“You’d think–” Simon calls from the kitchen, banging about in Baz’s cabinets, “My hot lawyer boyfriend would know when to cut his losses. I mean that’s half lawyering, isn’t it? Knowing when you can win or something. I’m pretty sure you’ve said so to me before~!”
Baz groans into his pillow, trying and failing to push himself out from under the covers. Simon wouldn’t be able to hear him if he tried to argue from this far across the house. Between Simon’s hearing, her habit of avoiding her aids in the house, and Baz’s voice being most of the way to gone, he’d have to at least be in the same room to stop her smug talk.
He manages to get up onto his knees, chest heaving with the effort, but before he can slide himself off the edge of the bed, Simon’s already beside him, gently but firmly shoving him back down onto the mattress. He looks utterly disappointed in Baz, but for all Baz tries to win the staring contest, he only manages to look a bit pitiful.
“Stop trying to fight the urge to rest, you twit,” Simon raps his fingers soft against Baz’s forehead, “You need more sleep. And I can’t be here to monitor you 24/7, as much as I’m sure you’d love that.”
Baz doesn’t miss her sarcasm. “Let me at least have my laptop,” he rasps out, a cough trailing at the tail end of his sentence.
“Absolutely not. You’ll end up on some conference call and then you’ll be researching for a new client, and then you’ll be putting together a case, and then it’ll be twelve hours later and you’ll be that much more worse for wear,” Simon shakes his head as he says it, only reinforcing his position.
“What am I supposed to do with myself if I’m not working?” It comes out more a whine than Baz cares to admit, but Simon pets through his hair in answer, the soft comfort easing the ache in his lungs, eyes fluttering closed momentarily.
“You have your books. The remote's right there for the tele. You’ll live without meetings for a couple of days, love. You know your boss already knows I’m going to rip her a new one if she lets you tune into work anyway.” Simon presses a kiss to his forehead, and then another, softer, “I have to go out for a bit. Promise me you’ll stay right here. And try and drink your tea too.”
Baz groans at the thought of swallowing, but he sits up enough to take his tea in hand and breathe in the steam rising from the cup. At least that much is soothing. He’s not quite up for the sipping part yet though. “Where are you going?” His voice is so tired, but he asks all the same, his neediness showing when he’d normally hide it.
“I’m got to get you more soup from Soph. And tea from that speciality place you require I get all your tea from. And honey, surprisingly, from a regular grocery–”
“Make sure it’s local at least,” Baz interrupts.
It only earns him an entirely unamused look, “–Local honey, from a regular grocery. And I’m going to call out again while I’m running errands your errands. I can’t really work with you like this.”
Basil huffs, finally bold enough to take that sip of tea, and he feels it all the way down his oesophagus, spreading out like ripples of heat over his chest, almost painfully. Crowley, he really was bloody weak right now. “You’ll come back soon?”
“As soon as I can, love,” Simon reassures, running her hand through his hair one more time before stepping back from the bed, “Take care of yourself for me, okay? No. Work.”
Simon’s face leaves no room for argument, so Baz just nods. He’s too bloody exhausted to argue much anyway. He figures he can at least finish his tea and maybe throw on something mindless to watch while he waits for his love to return.
Hell, Basil hates being this needy though.
At some point he must’ve fallen asleep, because Basil wakes up to a soft hand running over his arm and and a quiet hum. He’d been dreaming something nice, something soft, he just can’t quite grasp it in the moments of waking. He curls in closer to that warmth sitting on the bed, that soft voice of comfort, hands snaking out of the covers to wrap around Simon’s arm, clinging to it.
“Finally up then, babe?” Simon chimes at the contact, but Baz shakes his head, clinging tighter to that arm. “That’s alright. Have you been asleep all that time?”
Baz nods, cracking one eye open to look up at Simon before snapping it back shut. “Think so… everything aches.”
Simon’s spare hand presses coolly against Baz’s overheated forehead and a little displeased sound escapes him. “Well, let’s feed you. It’s been hours and you could use it. Also, Mordelia scoffed when she heard you didn’t have a heating pad and sent over hers with Sophie’s soup, so we can set that up for you after food, yeah?”
“Already so hot…” Baz grumbles, hating the idea of more of the same.
“I know, but we’ve got to do something for those aches, no? We’ll get you meds too, and once things settle down, you can toss it across the room for all I care,” Simon argues, annoyingly logical for her.
“Could do that for Mordy…” Basil huffs, “Send her a text for me? And Soph too…”
“Of course,” Simon agrees all too easily and Baz hums his own soft thanks, curling tighter around that hand. “Should we set you up to eat in here?”
Basil sighs all too loudly and there’s no mistaking the annoyance on his face at the thought, “The bed…”
“You’re so obsessive-compulsive sometimes,” Simon teases lightly, but there’s no fire behind it, only soothing familiarity, “I’ll bring in a chair. You can sit there for eating. I don’t think you could make it to your kitchen like this.”
“It’s only down the hall…”
“Am I wrong then?” Simon challenges Baz’s weak protest, only to be met with a shake of the head. “That’s what I thought. You’ll cooperate then, won’t you?”
“Regrettably,” Baz agrees again, rolling his eyes but fighting to sit himself up and drink the water Simon had side on the bedside table for him.
For all his huffing and puffing, Baz listens terribly well to Simon when it comes to the things he knows his partner knows better than him. Bloody fuck, she was a nurse professionally, of course she’d know how to treat a common cold better than him. The problem was simply that he was more used to taking care of himself and everyone else around him, rather than giving anyone an inch towards helping him.
He might be in love with her. They hadn’t said it yet. Basil’d been so cautious in it, but here Simon was, caring for him in every intimate way no one else had ever bothered to before. Baz was fairly certain this was love. And no, he wasn’t being delusional about that. He should say it soon. He’s going to have to say it soon, he decides, and despite the way his muscles were screaming in protest to his every move and despite the burn in his throat with every effort to work through Sophie’s soup, that decision at least feels good.
That little bit of serotonin pushes him the rest of the way through dinner, and through Simon Snow’s bad (or incredibly good, if technical) commentary on medical dramas. Baz is falling asleep with his head in Simon’s lap just about two episodes in, but with those soft touches over his hair and neck, it was only a matter of time. Simon’s fingers are so terribly tender with him, and they always are, his fingers are always precious with Baz, and there’s something new about that too. Unfamiliar, but in no way unwelcome.
He falls asleep when the third episode of Simon’s drama had only just started, but that was for the best. It was as his love had said, he needed the rest, and there’s no one else he’d rather be resting with.
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paradoxxinvader · 2 years
- ping! you just got an email from www.paradoxxivader.com. you would like to open? -
from :: lu !
    subject :: lu’s favs !
to :: you !
hello ~
this is a lil list of all of my favourite accounts here on good ol’ tumblr hehe ! a lot of these i follow from my personal, so if you’re reading this, and i sincerely hope you’re not, hi ily and you’re such a big inspiration !
ok yay lets get into it !
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          ok omg dont even get me STARTED omg ok so a) another muslim enha stan ! b) her smau is SO good seriously go read it. now and c) she is so nice ?? and so kind ?? and i love ??
          ok my penpal - wait what?! is a LITERAL WORK OF ART and that the ~ banter ~ and the ~ chemistry ~ and the fricking ANGST leaves me in literal puddles asdfghjkl sobs the fact that soph managed to make hoonie such a lovable but HATEABLE character (ref. chp. 24) is something amazing and i’m forever engrossed in their work soph if you’re reading this you’re an inspiration and ily
          the FACT that i literally became wonnie biased after reading their work ... the AUDACITY omg and the fact that she’s so talented ??? like seriously the fact the wrong room is literally so perfectly paced and i feel like i AM y/n is just ~ pure perfection ~ and i’m forever grateful that i started reading their smau
          WHERE DO I EVEN START WITH NHU ?? amazing smaus ??? CHECK !! amazing hcs ?? DOUBLE CHECK !! most amazing and fire content ever ?? TRIPLE CHECK !!!
         ok omg let’s talk about love dive !!! literally one of my top five riki fics on tumblr bcs it’s ! so ! fricking ! cuuuute !!! it literally was the smau that got me into smaus lol and the plot ? the chemistry ?? THE WRITING ??? literally in love
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ok yea it’s getting pretty late and i have an exam on friday SO I SHOULD SLEEP NOW but yes i love so many accounts here <3 and i can’t wait to discover more and be friends with people <3 !! 
what’s your fav account ?
love u !
lu ~
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markowensmile · 3 months
Paper Trails Of Affection - Chapter 13 (A Gary Barlow FanFiction)
Sophie watched with a smile as Mark waved her over enthusiastically as she entered the arena. She made her way towards him, grateful for the friendly banter that served as a welcome distraction from her thoughts. Mark noted the faint circles under her eyes, a hint of concern in his voice as he asked, "Late night?"
Sophie brushed off the question, not wanting to talk about her night with James, focusing instead on the rehearsal. "Just the usual night. How's everything going so far?”
Mark's face lit up with a grin. "Yeah, it's been going well! We have some costumes to try on shortly," he explained, his voice brimming with excitement.
Sophie glanced around the bustling arena, her eyes searching for a familiar face amidst the sea of crew members and bandmates. Her gaze landed on Jason, who was engrossed in a lively discussion with Howard about the intricacies of their choreography. Robbie, ever the jokester, was entertaining a group of backup dancers with his witty anecdotes and charming smile. Yet, as Sophie's eyes scanned the room, she couldn't help but notice the absence of one particular figure: Gary.
Sophie felt a twinge of unease creep over her as she reminisced about the prior day's occurrences. Gary's demeanor had been aloof and sullen, a stark contrast to his typical charming self, leaving her perplexed and concerned. She couldn't pinpoint the precise catalyst for his abrupt shift in temperament, but the recollection of his guarded expression and terse responses lingered vividly in her mind. She wondered if he was faring well and hoped that whatever had been troubling him the previous day had dissipated, allowing him to revert to his usual self. The thought of witnessing him distraught and withdrawn again filled her with a sense of disquiet. She couldn't deny the burgeoning desire to seek out Gary, to ask about his well-being, and to offer a sympathetic ear if needed. The urge to engage in a conversation and hear his voice tugged at her insistently. It was a feeling she couldn't quite articulate, a connection that transcended the boundaries of professionalism.
"Where's Gary?" she asked Mark, unable to hide the concern in her voice.
Mark's warm and sincere tone put her at ease. "Oh, he's alright! He left about two hours ago. He went to the studio to record."
Sophie managed a smile, grateful for Mark's perceptiveness and his ability to sense her unease. She tried to push aside her concerns, determined to focus on the excitement of the day ahead. "So, costume fittings today, huh? It sounds like it's going to be a busy one."
Mark's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he grinned. "This is one of my favorite parts of tour planning! Come on!"
As they walked towards the fitting area, Sophie couldn't help but laugh, reminiscing over the last few years of tours with Mark and his colorful, often outrageous outfits. She fondly recalled the vibrant patterns, the daring cuts, and the sheer audacity of some of his stage ensembles. Mark's fearless fashion choices never ceased to amaze and amuse her, injecting a sense of fun and excitement into every performance. Sophie marveled at his ability to pull off even the most daring looks with confidence and flair, captivating audiences with his infectious energy and undeniable stage presence. As they approached the racks of carefully curated costumes, Sophie eagerly anticipated the bold and brilliant creations that awaited them, ready to witness Mark's sartorial magic once again
The costume department was a hive of activity, with racks upon racks of glittering outfits and accessories stretching as far as the eye could see. Sophie watched in amusement as the band members tried on various ensembles, their laughter and good-natured ribbing filling the air and creating a joyful atmosphere.
Howard called out to her, striking a dramatic pose in a particularly outlandish costume. "What do you think, Soph?" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Am I ready for my close-up?"
Sophie couldn't help but chuckle at his antics, shaking her head in amusement. "Absolutely! You'll be the talk of the town in that getup," she replied, playing along with his jovial mood.
As the fitting session progressed, Sophie found herself fully immersed in the process, offering suggestions and opinions whenever asked. She relished the opportunity to contribute, even in a small way, to the band's creative vision.
Her thoughts would drift periodically to musings about Gary, contemplating what he might be doing at the studio. Part of her longed to be there with him, observing his musical genius at work and ensuring he was alright. Yet, she had to remind herself that the studio was his sacred space, his domain, and she needed to respect his requirement for privacy and focus.
As the hours ticked by and the costumes were being narrowed down, Sophie felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her. She had played a role, however small, in helping bring the band's vision to life, and that filled her with joy.
Mark, ever observant, noticed the satisfied smile on her face and sidled up beside her. "It's been lovely having you here, Soph," he said, his voice warm with genuine appreciation. "I'm going to miss having you around after your article gets published."
Sophie met his gaze, touched by his heartfelt words. "Thanks, Mark. That means a lot to me."
"You won't forget us after, will you? You'll come around every now and then." Mark asked with a hint of sincerity in his voice.
"As long as you guys want me here," Sophie replied with a smile, realizing that she would indeed miss being around the band once her assignment was complete. She had grown accustomed to seeing them for most of her work week, and she cherished the opportunity to not only know them as artists but also as individuals, forging what felt like genuine friendships along the way.
As they prepared to wrap up for the day, Sophie's mind once again turned to Gary. She couldn't leave things unresolved between them, and she had been hoping to see him today to have a chance to talk and clear the air. The tension that had arisen between them weighed heavily on her, and she knew she wouldn't be able to fully focus on her work until they addressed the underlying issues. With a sigh, she resigned herself to the fact that she would have to seek him out directly, unwilling to let this rift fester any longer. Resolute in her determination, Sophie began formulating how she would broach the subject with Gary, hoping to find a way to mend the sudden, strained dynamic between them.
Gathering her courage, she approached Mark once more. "Hey, do you think I could swing by the studio? I think it would be great to get photos of Gary recording for the article," she suggested, trying to keep her tone casual.
"Of course, Soph. I think that's a great idea," Mark replied without hesitation, scribbling down the address on a piece of paper for her.
With a grateful nod, Sophie bid farewell to the band, her heart racing with a mixture of nerves and anticipation at the prospect of seeing Gary. She entered the address into her car's navigation system and started driving, determined to confront whatever lay ahead and to find a way to mend the strained connection between them.
Sophie navigated the bustling streets of London, her mind racing with thoughts of the impending encounter with Gary. The address Mark had provided led her to a quaint recording studio nestled in the heart of the city. As she maneuvered her car through the traffic, her phone suddenly burst to life, startling her from her reverie. She glanced at the screen, surprised to see James' name flashing insistently.
With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, Sophie answered the call, her voice tentative. "James? Is everything alright?"
There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, as if James were gathering his thoughts. "Hey, Soph," he began, his tone uncharacteristically hesitant. "I know you're probably busy, but I wanted to talk to you about something."
Sophie's brow furrowed, her grip tightening on the steering wheel as she navigated a particularly congested intersection. "What is it, James? I'm on my way to the recording studio to meet Gary."
Another pause, longer this time, filled the air between them. Sophie could sense James's internal struggle; the weight of his words was hanging heavily in the silence. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and measured. "I think you should bring Gary along for dinner tonight. Or another night that works for him."
Sophie nearly swerved into the adjacent lane, her eyes widening in disbelief. She couldn't quite comprehend the words that had just escaped James's lips. After all the hostility and disdain he had shown towards Gary, the mere suggestion of a shared meal seemed utterly inconceivable.
"I'm sorry, what?" Sophie managed to sputter, her mind reeling from the unexpected proposition. "You want me to invite Gary to dinner? With us?"
James sighed, the sound crackling through the phone's speaker. "I know it seems out of the blue, Soph, but hear me out." He paused, as if searching for the right words. "I've been thinking a lot about our conversation and also about how I reacted to your work with the band. I realize now that I was out of line, and I want to make things right."
Sophie remained silent, her thoughts swirling in a maelstrom of confusion and skepticism. She couldn't quite reconcile the James she knew, the one who had been so quick to dismiss and belittle Gary, with the man now extending an olive branch.
"I want to apologize to Gary," James continued, his voice tinged with a newfound sincerity. "I know I haven't been fair to him, and I want to show you that I support your career."
"Are you sure about this, James?" Sophie hesitated, her mind racing with the potential ramifications of having James in close proximity to Gary so soon after their confrontation. While she appreciated James's desire to make amends and apologize for his behavior, she couldn't shake the nagging fear that history might repeat itself.
The memory of that fateful day at the market, when tensions had boiled over and harsh words were exchanged, still lingered fresh in her mind. Sophie found herself torn, wanting to believe in James's sincerity while simultaneously protecting Gary from further conflict. She realized that navigating this delicate situation would require careful consideration and a measured approach to ensure that any reconciliation was genuine and long-lasting.
"I'm sure, Soph," James replied, his tone resolute. "I want to do this for you."
Sophie felt a lump form in her throat. "Okay," she breathed, "I'll talk to Gary."
As the call ended, Sophie found herself sitting in her parked car, the recording studio looming before her like an imposing fortress. She took a deep breath, the familiar scent of leather and faint traces of her perfume filling her nostrils as she steadied herself for the conversation that lay ahead. A knot of apprehension twisted in her stomach, a reminder of the delicate situation she was navigating. With a gentle exhale, she smoothed her hands over her skirt, the fabric soft beneath her fingertips, gathered herself, leaving her car and walking into the recording studio.
0 notes
animatedarchives · 4 years
use this link to find out who your top 10 jujutsu kaisen characters are!! here are mine :D
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tagging: @tetsukei @mrs-kuroojinguji @godjo @4daylight @deadontheinsidebut @hisoknen @akakeiiji @makeusfreefromthisfandom @todorokiakina1 @meliorist-midoriya @shinaus @cherryonigiri @nikki--han @moonlitspring
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miumura · 10 months
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[ DAY FOUR ] of the advent calendar !
( 🌟 ) SYNOPSIS . . . decorating mini christmas trees with your best friend wasn't just about embracing the christmas spirit; it appeared to be subtly leading both of you into something a bit more…unexpected.
( ☆ ) PAIRING . . . best-friend!eric x best-friend!gn-reader
( 🌟 ) GENRE . . . fluff, best friends 2 lovers !
( ☆ ) WARNINGS . . . none ~~ WC 700+ !
( 🌟 ) NOTE . . . soph writing for tbz again , who cheered??? i did !! i need to write for them more so this event is perfect for me to finally continue writing for my top ults 🫶 so funny and how its a crime of how i dont write much for them when they r my number ones … im sorry deobis 💔 BUT LMAO what a great way to continue writing for them by writing a fic for my eric bae <33 his red hair has me WEAK.
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"Isn't it a bit early for this?" you asked, carrying a hefty bag of decorations while Eric managed two mini Christmas trees.
"Nothing's too early to get into the Christmas spirit!" Eric insisted cheerfully. He placed the two miniature trees on the floor, motioning for you to set the bag next to him. Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he began to play his Christmas playlist. "And besides, is it really too early to start decorating?"
"I suppose not," you replied, settling down beside him on the floor, sitting the bag of ornaments between you. As you began unpacking the decorations, it was evident that Eric had once again gone overboard with the purchases. You gave him a teasing look, prompting a chuckle from him. "Enough for next year!" he quipped.
"We've got plenty to work with," you remarked, extracting the last package. "So, what's the plan after we finish decorating these?"
"Hmm... how about we each decorate one for the other? You can take mine home," suggested Eric.
"That's a good idea," you replied, grabbing a silver ornament and smirking at Eric. "Mine will definitely outshine yours."
"Really? We will see about that," Eric chuckled. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Eric reached for a vibrant red ribbon and playfully waved it in the air. "Let's see who can make the most eye-catching tree."
You both instantly were focused on trying to make the best trees, playfully bickering when the other would take an ornament the other person wanted. As the trees began to take shape, you stole a glance at Eric's tree and couldn't help but stifle a silent chuckle.
“What are you laughing about?” he asked, raising his eyebrow slightly.
“Why does your tree look like a broccoli?” you teased.
"A broccoli?!" Eric exclaimed in sheer disbelief, his reaction making you double over in laughter as you clutched your stomach. You nodded in affirmation, causing Eric to vehemently disagree with your observation. "It doesn't—wait, now that you say that..."
"See!" you interjected, a playful grin on your face.
"Listen, it's not done yet! Just trust the process!" Eric defended his tree with a laugh, determined to transform the broccoli-like appearance into a splendidly decorated miniature Christmas tree.
Amid the banter and laughter, you both finally completed your miniature Christmas trees. However, as you admired your finished creations, Eric's eyes widened in realization.
You turned abruptly to face him as the sound of rustling decorations caught your attention. Eric frantically rummaged through the piles, only to pause, meeting your gaze with a nervous expression. "I think I forgot the stars."
"No way," you responded in disbelief.
"Yes way," Eric confirmed, a blend of disappointment and amusement coloring his face.
"How could you forget the most important one? See, buying all of this without going through them wasn't a good idea," you chided, scouring through the piles once more, hoping that he was just joking.
Confirming that there were no stars, you stopped and looked at him again. “Looks like we won’t have trees with stars on them.”
“It’s fine—you’re my star anyways,” Eric casually said, the words slipping out without much thought. A brief pause ensued; he stared at you with slightly widened eyes, then slowly covered his mouth in mild surprise.
"Huh?" you questioned, curious about his sudden reaction.
"Nothing," Eric attempted to dismiss it.
"No—continue," you pressed.
"You're my star…" he repeated, his words trailing off, a tinge of warmth in his voice.
"The reason?"
Eric sighed inwardly, hating how you could make him so nervous within a matter of seconds. "You also shine brightly in my life—like a star. And I wish for you every day…" he trailed off on the last part, mumbling it under his breath, yet you managed to catch it and chuckled.
"Is that a confession?" you teased.
"Maybe," he replied.
"That was so corny," you remarked.
"You're smiling though!" Eric insisted.
"No, I'm not!" you countered, trying to hide your amusement.
After a few more moments of playful banter, the two of you stopped and shared a tender gaze. Before either of you could say anything, you suddenly requested Eric to take some pictures for Instagram. He was a bit confused, hoping you would have given him an answer instead, but he still complied.
Following your instructions, Eric stood behind your tree while you stood behind his, pretending to be stars for each other’s tree. After taking a few pictures, you quickly uploaded them to instagram, tagging Eric, who saw the notification on his phone.
After liking the post, his eyes shifted to the caption, which read, “You’re my star too 🩷”.
He smiled at the post, adding it onto his story—what an unexpected but charming way to reciprocate a confession.
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TBZ PERM TAGLIST — @flwoie @haruavrse @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ilovechanhee @ja4hyvn @vampcharxter
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miumura · 1 year
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S ☆ — Heeseung has liked you for ages, too long for him to even recall how. Sure, he should be confessing now, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t, especially if you have a boyfriend. So how is he going to tell you his feelings in only a span of a year before he leaves?
2 LOVERS? — best-friend!heeseung x best-friend!fem!reader
GENRE — high school au, bsfs to lovers to ???, he fell first, she fell harder (+ sort of right person, wrong time), angst, fluff
WARNINGS — some curse words possibly, insecurities (abt looks, way they act, etc), some ppl might act shitty .. (will add more if any in actual post for the fic)
FEATURING — beomgyu from txt, sunghoon from enhypen, yoon from stayc
SOPH — since lyfad had the most votes in the poll, here is the long fic that i will be working on 😊 hope you guys think you made a good choice on picking this!! enjoy this little snippet 🤭 + thank u sona fans (or u guys) for picking one on sonas poll, as promised, here is the teaser <3
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"Dang, you're good. Never knew you could play," you exclaimed as he finished playing the guitar.
Heeseung smiled and put the guitar down beside him. "You know me, always good at everything, but I don't mean to boast," he said. “You really don't know your best friend, do you?"
"Seriously, you're good at everything. It's hard to keep up with you," you joked, thinking about all the skills he possessed. "I wish I could play like you."
"It's not that difficult to learn. You're a quick learner," he reassured.
Eagerly, you suggested, "Could you teach me?"
"Sure, why not?" he agreed with a smile.
Excited about the opportunity to learn from Heeseung, you both decided to take some time for a quick guitar lesson. You sat right beside him, preparing to learn a few tips.
"Alright, let's start with the basics," Heeseung said, holding the guitar and showing you how to hold it properly. He hands you his guitar, allowing you to copy what he did.
You watched attentively, eager to learn everything you can. "Like this?" you asked, mimicking his hand position.
“Exactly, just position that slightly a bit more towards this way,” he scoots closer to you, propping the item correctly in your hand. “You’re doing great!”
"Now, let's learn how to strum the strings." He demonstrated a gentle strumming motion. "Try it yourself." He hands you the pick, watching over you as you try it out.
You nervously held the guitar and attempted to replicate his strumming. The sound was a bit off, but you kept trying.
Heeseung smiled reassuringly. "You’re doing great! Perfect for a first timer."
He patiently taught you the chords, giving you encouragement and guidance that you needed. Even if you fumbled a bit, you gradually started improving the sounds. "Wow, that sounds much better now," you exclaimed, surprised by your progress.
Heeseung chuckled. "See? You're a fast learner. Just keep practicing, and you'll be playing like a pro in no time."
"I just have to teach you a few more basic chords before I can teach you a song," Heeseung said, reaching over to take the guitar from your hands. However, before he could proceed, the door swung open, revealing Beomgyu. He greeted you both with a warm smile.
"You know," Beomgyu chimed in cheerfully, "if you really wanted to learn guitar, you should've asked me." He plopped down beside you, extending a hand towards Heeseung. "Hand me that guitar, Hee."
You exchanged surprised glances, amazed by the unexpected turn of events. Handing the guitar over to Beomgyu, you watched as he effortlessly adjusted his posture and strummed a few chords.
"I've been playing for a while now," Beomgyu continued, "and I'd love to share what I've learned with you."
"You know how to play guitar too?" you asked Beomgyu in surprise.
"Of course I do. Your boyfriend knows a thing or two," Beomgyu replied cheesily, earning a giggle from you. As the playful banter continued, Heeseung couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort, sensing himself becoming the third wheel. However, it wasn't an entirely unfamiliar situation.
Gradually distancing himself from the two of you, Heeseung settled into a corner, observing your interaction. He wore a gentle smile, occasionally chuckling at your playful mistakes and Beomgyu's teasing scolds.
In that moment, Heeseung couldn't deny the bittersweet longing within him. He wished he could be more than just your best friend, wishing for something more.
In the corner, Heeseung's heart felt conflicted as he watched your interaction with Beomgyu. Part of him wished he could be the one making you laugh and sharing those playful moments together. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if he were the one holding the guitar, strumming strings that would make your heart skip a beat.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST — @flwoie @ixomiyu @yenavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @starcubes @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @woon2u @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @tnyhees @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @flwrshee
LYFAD TAGLIST — @misoxhappy @vizstars @junzwrld @whippedforbeomgyu @rikisly
222 notes · View notes
animatedarchives · 4 years
You made a post saying that dazai oikawa and karma were similar (also Khun but I’ve yet to watch that) WHY IS OIKAWA DIFFERENT- WHY DONT I LIKE HIM BUT I DO THE OTHER TWO I DONT GET IT
i actually think dazai and oikawa radiate almost the exact same energy like just LOOK AT THIS
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bonus one for the lols:
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you cannot tell me that they don’t give off the exACT SAME VIBES
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animatedarchives · 4 years
TOP 10 POSTS OF 2020
— using this link!
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thanks for the tag @tsuhika, @katsushimaa and @velvetfireworks!!! i love yall hehe ok LeGgO
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(1) S/O Gets Injured While Fighting
i never expected the original to get as many notes as it did LOL it was the first set of hcs i ever did and i’m very grateful :>
(2, 3 and 4) The Call Out Series
my next top 3 are the ones with karasuno, seijoh and fukurodani + others (in that order)! i was afraid people would think they were ooc but people ended up really liking them and knowing that people related to them was very comforting for me :)
(5) His Hands
the way my camera roll was just fiLLED with hUNDREDS of pics of hands after this 💀 this post was born bc i couldnt stop thinking of haNDS after talking to kelley AND I WAS STILL IN A JJK BRAINROT so the drabbles were very self-indulgent 🥲 but i liked it uwu
(6) Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
this was literally just a dream i had that i wrote out bc i wanted to cEMENT IT FOREVER LMAOO i didnt expect people to like it so much bUT IM GLAD THEY DID 🤧
(7) Trust Fall
ah yes, my first ever request. i’m truly grateful for this fic because it helped me gain traction even tho i was still so new and to this day, i’m still very proud of it — the plot, the writing style, everything :)
(8) S/O Dying in Their Arms
ah yes my second set of bnha hcs 😌 i’m also really proud of this (as with my first set) and i loved coming up with the different scenarios for each character and thinking about how they’d react ^^
(9) Their Wedding Day
MY FIRST SET OF HQ HCS!! just like for bnha, i really enjoyed thinking about how each character would act on their big day and writing this made me feel so warm :>
(10) Marriage Without Love
when i first posted it, i was worried it wasn’t good enough but i’m glad people ended up liking it and i’m actually pretty proud of the plot for this one :)
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tagging: @kenmaki @deadontheinsidebut @mrs-kuroojinguji @kirislut @icejins @deephasoceanmagic @todorokiakina1 @millie-mint @kuroolongtea @dimplesum @sunseteyes + anyone else who wants to do it!
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animatedarchives · 3 years
HELLO IM BACK FOR LIKE 2 seconds before i have to sTuDy fOR MY 3 UPCOMING EXAMS LMAO bUT
if no one has told you this today, you are loved and so so important to those around you. thank you for being here, thank you for existing, and i am proud of you for making it so far :) and yOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOURSELF TOO!!! 🤩😤
thank you for shining so brightly for us, and i hope you never dull out that sparkle because you deserve to be happy ❤️❤️ I LOVE YOU 🥰❤️
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animatedarchives · 4 years
so someone commented on one of my posts asking me to be their sugar baby 👁👄👁
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animatedarchives · 4 years
Omg soph can you sing 小幸運 or any other chinese songs 😻😻✨ my ears want 2 be blessed by your singing 😌
wOMAN YOU ALREADY KNOW HOW BAD MY CHINESE IS PLEASE DONT DO THIS TO ME JDIEJDKSJD 💧👄💧 @velvetfireworks @katsushimaa @dimplesum you guys can sing in my stead 😌😌😌
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animatedarchives · 3 years
so anyway has anyone been playing tears of themis because ARTEM IS SO FINE but also luke is the loml 😭😭
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