#forgive her father she (me) doesnt know what she is doing
femaleidols · 1 year
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BAHIYYIH ♡ Back To The City (230415)
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i solemnly swear not to write a fic with a similar premise as one ive done in the past but also i like it when people slow dance.....
#snap chats#im thinking of those geezers again.... forgive me father.....#im making my fanfic in the tags fuck it. no one read these im being cringe but i need to be free#anwyay.... i want yokoyama to show me the tally chart for how many nights arakawa and jo stay late at the office alone#just_the_two_of_us.mp3 right and i hope arakawa has a lil radio playing music#maybe some songs they'd play in the background of his stageplays... maybe even a lil miyamo haruki...#we call that a callback heh.... cause i ref'd her b4..... moving on....#i hope arakawa gets that Boss Sense and knows jo's done with his work for the night and invites him in his office#and i hope when he walks in a new song starts and then arakawa gets A Look right#just a small aside a small laugh like Oh Akane Never Liked This One but then goes on how she was still happy to dance with him to it..#and jo just. 🧍‍♂️ . like how does he respond to that. just smile and nod boys smile and nod. except jo doesnt smile he just nods#AND OF COURSE THE LEGALLY REQUIRED QUESTION 'do you dance jo' and no ! he does not. never has most likely never will#until that night anyway <3 one 'it's easy' later and they're just squished in that space between arakawa's desk and the couches#and it just nice bro... maybe arakawa talks a bit bout the song/s that are playin and the genre as a whole#jo wont say much.. he's very much a listener and thats ok hes always happy to lend an ear to arakawa#yk.. just regular things to do with your co workers haha...#i hope jo opens up about his music preferences... of which i dont know what they'd be sincerely#the comedy bit of my brain only imagines metal/rock but i truly wouldnt know...#if he likes art then he might like the same kind of music arakawa enjoys.. my fave bit they can be art enjoyers together....#lmao bye arakawa thinkin to himself What A Nice Moment and jo's just trying his best not to literally step on his toes#or just fuck up in some way like my man RELAX this is supposed to be RELAXING#would arakawa notice how tense he is omg. making myself insane the more i type I WILL NOT OPEN A GOOGLE DOC I REFUSE#the visions will just have to torment me... i must make more arasawa asap...#i have another dorky vision in mind that's a sequel to that comic i shat out a couple nights ago... its short but its cute i think..#maybe tomorrow as a warm up or after i do a lil of comm stuff... for now gn.... i love old people....
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yooooo!!! you’re my favorite ethan winters artist i just wanna say that first and foremost, thank you for the wholesome content of my comfort character and father figure 🥹🫶
i’m really curious bc i feel like i see a lot of people against mithan (not me personally, i’m p neutral on them!) but i’m curious to know all your thoughts on them! thoughts on their canon relationship, their fanon portrayal, the backlash against them/mia accusations, and your headcanons? i’m just really interested!!! hopefully that’s not weird :”)
have a good day!! sparkle on!!! ✨💖
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i heart mithan... i think that they can be so cute...
i personally hc them t4t and i like to think that the dated in highschool before they both had fully transitioned
mia likes to bake and ethan likes to scrap book and he always likes to take pictures of mias cakes/ baked goods and has a album for them 😭
i am a multishipper so i draw a lot of ethan ships so my girl is left out sometimes and im sorry mia 😔
i actually really like their relationship, its a really complex dynamic that i like to talk about with my friends
i think the issue is that when talking about mithan or mia in general, theres just SO MUCH misinformation that its honestly a pain the butt to talk about
people still think that she was responsible for the creation of eveline, people still think that she experimented on eveline, people still use examples of her attacking ethan as if she did it on her own will instead of being mind controlled
in reality she was just someone who oversaw the transportation of evie. im not excusing her or anything because obviously she knew what she was doing, but people really try to accuse her of doing something she didnt and it bothers me alot lol
the problem with the fandom is that people either try to water her down to girlboss who did nothing wrong and fail to acknowledge the complexity/ moral grayness of her character and the other side is misogynists 😭😭😭😭
its hard to talk about her without people either going "stop trying to villainize her and make her look bad!" or people ACTUALLY villainizing her and acting like heisenberg would have treated him better 😭😭
mithan is such a sad relationship because they loved each other so much and that ended up being the reason their relationship fell apart (sort of... its not like the broke up... ethan kinda just straight up died)
i get a lot a trouble for saying this, but mia is a selfish person.
its not a bad thing! well i mean it is but it doesnt make her some evil witch who is somehow worse than the guy how made a werewolf american ninja warrior. its just a major character flaw she has! which is good! mia being a flawed person who makes mistakes and morally gray decisions make her a more interesting person!
she is selfish in the way that she wants to keep her family with her no matter the cost. even if it means lying to ethan about her job so that he wont think different of her. here is a interrogation from the re7 DLC, which is easy to miss!
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she isnt necessarily trying to apologize for the things she has done, she is more of a, "u wont need to forgive me in the first place if we just forget it all and move on"
she doesn't try to redeem herself for what she has done, she tries to move on and return to the normal life that she wants so bad. which is fine! everyone copes a different way and she has to right to move on from her trauma. the problem that lies in this is that she has a shared trauma with ethan who still has no idea what went on in dulvey and still effects him till the present (he is mold! this is a important thing to know! most people would want to know if they were a walking corpse)
she played a direct part in what happened in dulvey, and im not referring to the email, she did not send that. she never wanted ethan to come in the first place. she tried her best to send a video to him, begging him to forget about her because she wanted to protect him, BUT it didnt send.
he got involved because she was involved. its honestly a series of really really unfortunate events.
THOUGH! she did know what she was getting into. im tired of seeing the narrative that mia was innocent and didnt know what was going on or was simply a bystander. she knew what she was doing, she knew eveline was a bioweapon, she knew eveline was a child. she used a MACHINE GUN! she knows how to use weapons and was obviously trained for it.
she tried her best to keep everybody out of the mess, ex: warning the bakers not to take them in, warning ethan not to find her, sacrificing herself for ethan in the later half of re7
but again, those are the consequences of HER actions
her consequences just happen to get really big and end up hitting ethan on the head like a metal sheet 😭
their relationship is really so interesting, it makes me really sad to think about sometimes 😭they both went through something that nobody else would ever understand, in the end they really only have each other. they get moved to an entire different country and the dulvey incident gets covered up with a "gas leak"
its really tragic because their marriage definitely had some flaws and bumps. and i know im repeating myself but its because people always take this in the worst way possible but just because i say their relationship was rocky doesnt mean im saying they dont love each other!!! thats the entire basis of mias character!! saying she doesnt love ethan would destroy her entire character!
you can see in the re8 DLC how fondly ethan talks about mia! he loves her so much, though im not sure if his comments in the DLC are him narrating current (post re8) or his thoughts before everything went down and he died (pre re8)
everything mia did was because she LOVED ethan. she would never do anything to intentionally hurt him, she is not a cruel person. she hides the truth of her job from ethan pre re7 because she loves him and doesnt want her job to drive them apart. she CONTINUES to refuse to tell ethan the truth post re7 because she wants to move on a live a happy normal life with him and knows something like her being directly associated with the connections would probably cause (more) problems. she refuses to tell ethan that he is mold because again, hard to live a happy marriage with your husband after you tell him hes a bioweapon.
obviously i dont think it was right that she did this, thats what makes her selfish! she did it for herself! she did it for her family! she thought it would work out, she thought that they could move on and be happy together.
the issue is that ethan didnt want to forget. he wanted to know what happened, he wanted to know the part mia played, he wanted answers! which is reasonable! he knows to some extent that mia was partially responsible for his involvement and he was always suspcious that mia was lying to him about her job which is implied when mia says "you were right, i did lie to you"
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she doesnt learn, she doesnt stop lying, her lies get bigger and worse and it sucks yeah but it makes her so interesting!!! she keeps doing stupid things under the idea that this is whats best for her and her family, that if she hides this everything will work out and it will be for the better but its not!
just because telling your husband hes dead and a bioweapon is a hard subject to bring up doesnt mean you DONT bring it up. people shouldnt use that as a reason to excuse mia 😭, its a very bad excuse and honestly highlights how horrible their communication skills were. you cant just not tell your husband that he is actually infected with the mold and not tell him for the tree years between post re7 and pre re8.
im not saying these things to put mia down, or try and villanize her. these are all just actual things her character does! she isnt evil, but she isnt a knight in shining armor either. we need to be able to have talks about complex characters without crying everytime someone points out a flaw. characters have flaws! and mia just happens to have a lot of them!
im not mad at her, i dont dislike her because i think this way of her. shes a fictional character! you can like characters that are morally gray, or villains that drink blood and make corpse soldiers. they are fictional! pointing out the flaws of a character does not mean i dont like them.
i wouldnt call her "the real villain of re8" but i wouldnt treat her like a damsel in distress either. she is a competent person, she knows what shes doing, she has her reasons for doing them. she made bad descions with good intentions behind them! they can coexist and we should let them!
i like mithan! its a complex relationship because they both love each other so much but hurt each other in the process
talking about them is just a pain in the butt because talking about mia is a pain in the butt lol
i really hate how she keeps getting sidelined, its super frustrating to see mia get put in a cage in every game 😭
its even more frustrating that mia straight up just disappears???? in the shadows of rose DLC... like she just stops taking care of rose and theres nothing said about it. no reason or explanation. i dont think mia would ever ditch rosemary because she didnt care about her, but we probably will never know because capcom sucks at writing and they probably forgot the mia ever even existed.
all in all, i think the fandom is really just full of misinformation which make people either think mia is some horrible evil person, or its full of people who think that saying mia messed up is the equivalent of comparing her to wesker lol.
i really love mia, shes a incredibly fun and complex character, its just hard to enjoy her sometimes with the people in the fandom haha.
also ive got no idea what u meant by "the backlash against them/mia accusations" so sorry if i didnt answer that!
thank u for the ask! sorry for the long response!
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intrinsicepiphany · 4 months
Okay tumblr lets talk theories again.
(my brain rot + knowledge of religion has me all up in Hazbin Hotel right now.)
Today I want to talk Biology! Mostly because I made the poor choice of going to Twitter's chaggie tag and looking at the comments...
So can we discuss Why do so many people keep trying to apply HUMAN biology to the Half-Demon Nephillim daughter of an Arch-Angel?!
Okay I'll start at the begining and work my way to the reasons why if Charlie really wants a kid with Vaggie both of them being assigned female at creation probably isn't going to matter.
Let's start with Lucifer!
So as far as has been shown in the show Lucifer is an original Archangel even down to his lovely 6 red wings. This makes him one of the most powerful beings in heaven.
(If we go by bible text he was actually a favorite until his dreams of free will led him astray and depending on the text he merely has to admit he was wrong and ask for forgiveness to return)
Now looking at everything after this fall he has never lost his Angelic Abilities. His default powers are still angelic gold.
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We do see he also has a Full Demon form when he is pissed. Interestingly enough his crown also doubles as a halo in this form. Also note for later just how much Charlie resembles him in both forms.
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This suggest that at root biology Lucifer is still an archangel with demon traits. This combination is most likely what makes him the strongest being in hell by a long shot. The only reason others even have power is purely because he doesnt care enough to flex his power and has no desire to actually rule.
Now on to Lilith!
What do we know about Lilith?
Well we know she was a created human not born.
She was Adam's equal
And she left and got with Lucifer before the fall.
So here is the deal... I dont think Lilith can be classified as a sinner. She didnt die to end up in hell and in fact she fell before hell was really a thing. she helped create it after all. (Plus you know Charlie exsists)
So what IS Lilith? I think Lilith as one of a few Actual Demons. And if we have to classify her she'd be closer to a Sin. I actually think of Lilith as the Sin of Pride in Hazbin Hotel not Lucifer. We are even told that She created pentagram city and developed hell while lucifer kept to his workshop in depression.
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Now let's talk about this scene for a second. Lilith fell from heaven/earth Alive and possibly even immortal since human kind was immortal before Eve took the apple.
Lilith gains power from her fall into hell. She develops demon like attributes and seems to have musical based magic. She also seems to retain or get immortality. So what does this fall mean? It means that Lilith was NOT HUMAN by the time Charlie was born.
So what does this mean for Charlie?
Well for one Charlie is NOT just some Hellborn. She is by Definition a Nephilim but she is not half-human. She would most likely be considered a Half-Demon, Half-Angel Nephilim.
This would explain her expansive (if never used) power base. The official power ranking has her tied with Lilith with only Lucifer being more powerful. Which makes complete sense. She is the Heir to the entire thing after all. (I actually think this is why Alastor couldnt make a deal for her soul and settled for a favor instead)
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She also inheirited Angelic powers from her father. As seen by the fact that her default magic is gold. Which means she has angel blood in her veins. Lets be honest i wouldnt be surprised if she ended up bleeding gold in the future.
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In fact she seems to have inherited most of her abilities from dear old dad.
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Im pretty sure that just by shear ability and magic if Charlie wanted a kid she could probably create/magic one into exsistance no matter who her partner was.
But lets review Vaggie just for fun! Because I have thoughts
What do we actually know about Vaggie?
Well we know she is an angel. I say is because I dont think Lute or Adam actually have the power to cast an angel out of heaven AND she gets her wings back. This would mean she is not actually a sinner she would be closer to a fallen angel like lucifer.
We know she speaks Spanish and seems to be of Hispanic nature. BUT! Do we know if she was ever really human?!
We know Adam claims to have named her Vaggie. This could suggest three things
1) exorcist take on a new name when they join. But if this was true why wouldnt she leave this name behind and return to her human name once in hell? It would have kept her secret better and you'd figure she would want to leave behind the negative feelings that would come with her exorcist name.
2) Adam in his self-centered ways misheard her real name (maybe something like Aggie from Agatha or Maggie) and thought she said Vaggie or actively chose to misinterpret her name and she never cared to correct him. BUT Once more why would she not just return to her real name once with Charlie in hell?
Or 3) And this one is the real kicker. Vaggie is a Heaven-born Angel.
If the answer is 3 than it would imply that she was never human which brings her closer to lucifers biology.
Some other interesting things to consider about this last theory. Lute and Vaggie resemble each other a great deal. In fact, all the exorcist seem to have a similar body type. (I mean you could argue its the uniform but even without the uniform the resembalance between lute and vaggie is uncanny) and if I remember correctly at one point the exterminators are refered to as sister? I mean this could mean sisters-in-arms BUT What if ALL exorcist were heaven-born?
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If they were never human this could explain both their ability and their desire to slay sinners. Much like Sera they wouldn't have any sympathy for the dammed because they wouldn't have any possible family that could end up down there. They would also have Very little connection to or concern for former humans. After all like Adam said they had their chance and they screwed up.
So in the end what does this all mean?
Well I actually already kind of said it
1) Fandom really needs to stop applying human biology to Charlie. She is a half demon half archangel Nephilim with incredible magic.
If charlie wants a kid she can probably magic one up no matter the obsticles please stop asking artist and writers how it is possible for her and vaggie to have a kid/get pregnant if they are both women - the answer is Charlie Magic.
2) all 4 of the above have the potential to be way stronger than they have been shown in the show.
3) Charlie is a potential BadAss and is just too nice to go full tactical nuke - this will be covered in my next ted talk.
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Fated Mates 1
Ao’nung x Human AFAB! Reader
Warnings!⚠️: Mentions of Character death, sex- duhh, sex pollen just to speed the plot up, p in v, oral, use of Na’Vi words, Ao’nung Makto, please don’t ask I thought it was funny asf. I’m my own beta reader so pls excuse anything thats written wrong or doesnt make sense.
English words are stricken through whenever anyone says them
This is only part one, I’m currently unsure of how long this fanfic will be but it’ll deff be multiple chapters. As of right now I’m halfway through the second one, but please don’t rush me. My ideas flourish when I put myself in place of Y/n lol.
Translation station
Tawtute: Sky person (human)
Toruk Makto: Rider of last shadow (used to talk abt Jake)
Vrrtep: Demon
Tewng: Loincloth
Yawne: Beloved
Tìyawn: My love
Sa’nu: Mommy (but I used it thinking it meant “mama”)
Yawntutsyìp: Darling
Word count: 12.7 K … I got carried away
“You might need to sit down for this.”
I’d always visited Neteyam since the night he’d passed. I’d often done so on my free time late at night when everyone else was asleep and wouldn’t reprimand me for going without a diving partner- I just didn’t want anyone asking invasive questions about my visits. He had a habit of being in the forest, the humid environment not really being one I cared for, but never said anything because I knew it brought him comfort.
“You remember the two tawtute who came to live with my family?” He asks me although I’m sure he knew the answer.
“Yes.” I stated curtly.
Toruk Makto had to plead his case for them to be taken in under his wing. Everyone hates the two tawtute being a part of the clan, yet somehow they managed to get my sister and Rotxo to like them. The boy seems to have a thing for the forest girl- Kiri- and for some reason I believe Rotxo might like the girls company too much. The thought of them staying here made me shiver.
“I’ve been keeping a secret from you about Y/n.” He stated and I’d just made a confused face. He smiles and shakes his head to himself.
“The girl, Y/n, thats her name. You should use it to address her from now on.”
“Why?” I asked again, wondering where this conversation was headed
He seemed too nervous for my liking and all I wanted to know was what he was hiding. He never hid much from me since I apologized to him for how I’d acted throughout the time they spent with us. I’d taken it upon myself to ask Lo’ak and Kiri for forgiveness for my actions in the past as well.
“Spit it out.” I stated firmly as I continued standing and crossed my arms across my chest as I waited for him to find the courage to tell me what he needed to.
“I have chosen her as your mate.”
I could only tilt my head as I look at his face and let out a small laugh.
“I’m serious.”
“No you aren’t.” I stated firmly and could felt uneasy, my knee’s felt weak and I knew I had to sit down, but I wanted to remain standing to appear unbothered. But he could read me like a book.
“Eywa stated that she needed my help with- with your temper- and trust me it’s a lot.” He stops looking at me and turns around. “She said she needed someone who would tame that side of you and the only person I could think of was Y/n.”
“What?” I asked loudly, not registering I’d basically yelled at him.
“She’ll be a guarded at first, she’s sassy when she needs to be, but she’s a sweet heart under it all.”
“Neteyam-“ I try cutting him off as my mind starts going through this process quickly, I’m unable to think, and I suddenly feel dizzy, maybe I should sit down.
“Trust me when I say this is the best outcome for you and she needs someone like you in her life-“
“Neteyam!” I yell his name to get him to stop rambling and a look of disbelief washes over my features as I look at him. There was no way Eywa would have accepted this- my mother surely wouldn’t, she despised the tawtute, voiced her opinion loudly to my father, but he ignored her and let them stay.
“How do you even know all of this?” I asked again once He’d stopped talking and thats when his face changes to one I’ve never seen before, one that mimics a child begging for forgiveness before they explain what they did.
“Before I died…” He stops and finds the courage to look up at me again, his yellow eyes meeting mine, he sighs before beginning again.
“Before I died, we were courting. She is captivating in every way possible, a wonderful person-“
“What?” I asked in disbelief at this revelation as he’d never shared with any of us- at least to my knowledge- about his love life.
“A Na’Vi and a Tawtute?” I asked aloud again.
“My mother was against it, yours will be too-“
“No.” I cut him off again, I understood how rude I was being but there was no way I could allow myself to be mated to a tawtute.
“Tawtute cannot mate with us. They can’t form a bond, they can’t experience Eywa like we can, they can’t have our children, and I heard they die quickly.”
“It’ll be a tight fit but it works. They can’t bond the way we can but you could mark her. She’s a sensitive person already and I have seen her face- in awe- at every celebration. You can have children together if you’re fated mates and once you actually mate with her for the first time, Eywa said her age would become compatible to yours. I’m not sure how but-“
“No, Neteyam. No!” I yelled again. “This is crazy, I refuse to allow this to happen. I’m done here.”
Before he could explain any further I’d yanked my kuru from the spirit tree thus breaking my connection with Neteyam. The trip back home was a blur as all I could think of was everything he’d told me.
I decided to put a stop to the nightly visits to the Spirit tree and kept a distance from it in fear that he’d tell me this was something I had to do. I was already under my parents intense instructions as to how I need to live my life to take over once my father passes, I didn’t need another person telling me what I needed to do with my life.
I’d purposely avoided hanging out with the group knowing the tawtute would be there, I didn’t need to be reminded of everything Neteyam said, but that avoidance lasted too little for my liking, cutting myself off from them meant cutting my social circle completely, I had nobody to talk to and couldn’t bring myself to stay busy the entire day.
Two weeks seemed to be my limit.
I’d always been nervous to join the group of friends that Lo’ak and Kiri had made. Spider had no problem fitting in, but he was always down for whatever, plus he had no shame in anything. But the one who I disliked having any interaction with, was the bully. Kiri didn’t hesitate to fill me in on everything he’d put them through- including his apology to them, but I still disliked him.
Upon walking up to the group I typically nervously hid behind Kiri or Spider, or even Tuk since she was taller than me, but I’d spaced out on the way over and didn’t have time to do so.
“Hey Y/n,” Rotxo saves the day by noticing me and sweetly getting my attention. I smile back at him and give a shy wave, I could feel the scrutiny of Ao’nungs judgmental stare and chose to ignore him.
“Hi,” I stated shyly at the teal man who’d greeted me first. Rotxo had a pretty cool tattoo covering his shoulder down his bicep, it was a tribute to his iknimaya, and his tulkun brother has a similar one- or so he stated.
“My favorite tawtute!” Tsireya smiles toward me and I return one just like it.
“Does this mean I’m your second favorite?” Spider teases and I pick up Kiri’s light giggle as she elbows my brother in the ribs. Apart from Jake, who appeared -and earned his title- as a Na’Vi, Spider and myself were the only tawtute Tsireya knew. Sure she’d seen Max and Norm, but she’d never hung out with them like she does with us, and she’d only seen them once.
I only turned to look at Spider and rolled my eyes, he was a skxawng, always getting too comfortable with speaking in Na’Vi and never thinking about what he says. Yet I followed behind him as the giggle rips through my own mouth as well the more I thought about his comment.
“That still makes you the least favorite human.” I responded as he playfully pushes my head forward, letting the English phrase slide past my tongue subconsciously.
“Whose excited for today?” Tsireya asks and I could feel my nerves return, I bit my bottom lip and looked at the sand worriedly. I looked back up to Tsireya who was giving me a look.
“Whats wrong?” She asks sweetly and I shuffle in the sand a bit.
“She keeps saying she has a bad feeling about today but we’ve told her nothing bad will happen.” Kiri explains and places her hands on my shoulders giving me a comforting squeeze.
“The weather is fine, the sun is out, the wind is not strong-“ Rotxo states as he looks back into the water we’d yet to go in.
“It’s just-“ I stop myself and cover my face with my hand before sliding that hand back in my hair. “The last time I had this feeling, Spider and I were caught by the avatar’s. And we can see how badly that ended.” I pushed out.
“Hey, that won’t happen again, y’know that, right?” Lo’ak is quick to answer as he steps by my side, squatting on his toes to reassure me, Spider also coming up on my other side and hugging me. Kiri remained behind me as she comforted me by holding me by my shoulders, gently rubbing them, I was surrounded by great people.
I nod weakly at his direction but couldn’t shake the feeling.
“Y’know what dad says, right?” Lo’ak asks again and I turn to look at him. I let out a short sigh from my nostrils, just knowing where this conversation is going.
“Sully’s stick together.” Lo’ak, Kiri, and Spider stated and I looked up toward Kiri then toward my other side at Spider.
“Really?” I’m asking them in general.
“Say it back, Y/n/n.” Spider says with a playful smile on his own lips and I roll my eyes as my own smile appears.
“Sully’s stick together.”
There was a total of four Ilu going, meaning everyone was paired up, or almost everyone was. Kiri and Spider were going together and so were Lo’ak and Tsireya- no surprise there. We’d already planned for me to go with Rotxo and everyone decided it was best to leave Ao’nung alone. But in order to get to the Spirit tree, we had to dive under the retaining wall, and it was quite a long breath hold. Up until this point the Ilu had been treading above water, Rotxo had to hold one hand on the harness and the other on my hip, Kiri did the same with Spider.
“H-how long?” I asked Rotxo with a nervous voice and I could tell he knew.
“Long, but we’ll get there as fast as we can, I promise.” He states gently and uses his thumb to rub my side as a means to calm me. “Just breath in using your belly, yeah?” He says again and I nod, doing just that, taking in a breath using my diaphragm. I hold on to the harness as well, knowing that once we dive our bodies will essentially float off of the Ilu.
“Here we go,” He states as he too takes in a quick breath and we dive.
The sea floor was never really something we came close to seeing, but the vivid colors of the coral that popped up every now and again were beautiful and caught my attention. I’d come to realize we were actually pretty close to the retaining wall as Rotxo lifted one of his hands to touch the bottom part of it, I refrained from doing the same since I didn’t want my skin to shred off of my finger, I didn’t know how fast we were going and decided not to risk it. The space between the retaining wall and the sea floor wasn’t huge, but it was just enough to let the migrating tulkin come for a visit, a cute story they all shared with me from when Neteyam was alive.
I caught a couple different fish swimming around us and heading up toward the little pools of water that were at the top of the retaining wall. The Natives made sure to feed the fish that came up and only occasionally take some as to not scare them all off. I had no idea the variety of shimmering colorful scales there were but looked at them in awe. I was tapped on the shoulder twice and knew we were about to resurface and as soon as we did all eyes were on me.
“That was so beautiful!” I basically yelled and giddily jump on the Ilu. “All of the pretty colors, and the different fish, and the coral!” I squeal at it and can hear a couple of them laughing, my face felt warm and I just knew a blush was covering my cheeks.
“We’re not that far away-“ Lo’ak breaks the silence and everyone continues on the path.
I’d spent the majority of these past two weeks picking up extra work and making sure I could keep my mind off of what Neteyam had told me just to circle back so easily toward our group just because I couldn’t stand not having a social life.
I knew they’d planned an excursion of some sort, Tsireya had mentioned it to me in the hopes that I hung out with them again, and I wanted to- but I didn’t really want to because of the girl.
I knew I wasn’t in the mood to be carrying anyone with me on the Ilu, but seeing Rotxo with his hands all over her made me feel weird. Surprisingly she’d managed to hold her breath long enough to get past the retaining wall, but her child-like excitement at what she’d seen was something that made something in my chest tighten, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to understand it as I dived and headed off to where we were meant to be.
I’d been the first to arrive near the petals of the spirit tree and slid off my Ilu. I was tempted to connect myself to the tree but refrained as I knew the rest would be coming soon and I’m certain Tsireya would be upset that I’d done so without a diving partner. Just as I’d lifted myself up on the make-shift bridge I can see the rest of them coming in through the entrance, and the awe-struck face of the girl caught my attention once more.
She’s a sensitive person already and I have seen her face- in awe- at every celebration.
Neteyam’s voice rang through my head as I see the tears slide down her cheek.
“Awe, Y/n,” Tsireya coo’s and reaches over to wipe the girls face.
“She cries all the time,” Spider stated and gets hit upside the head by Kiri, I have to look away to stop myself from laughing. I figured I already had a terrible reputation with the girl and doubted they’d think I was laughing at her brother’s misfortune.
“She cries when she see’s beautiful things, skxawng.” Kiri rolls her eyes at the human in front of her.
“So,” Spider slides off the Ilu. “All the time?” He jokes and swims away from Kiri’s hand, she almost managed to slap him that time too.
“Do you want me to drop you off at the walkway?” Rotxo offers and affectionately places his hand on the humans head and I have to look away again. Some stupid part of me wanted to hiss at the action just then.
“I’ll swim.” Her tiny voice speaks up as she too slides off the Ilu. Splashing away before catching up toward the other human and smacking him on the head.
“Hey!” Spider yells as she manages to reach the walkway, pulling herself up, and twisting her body to sit as the water cascades back down.
“This is a sacred place, Spider, stop being petty in front of Eywa.” She scolds him as he grabs onto her leg and tries pulling her back in the water.
“I’ll take Eywa’s rath over you being right any day-“ He huffs as he yanks once more, knocking her off the bridge and back into the water.
I shake my head, they acted like literal children, and it didn’t help that they were already smaller than we were. Well the girl was smaller, the boy was pretty tall for a tawtute.
It didn’t take long for them to partner up, for obvious reasons Lo’ak and Tsireya were partnered up as well as Kiri and Rotxo. Kiri said she didn’t want to risk connecting to the spirit tree below water to prevent what happened last time and she’d offered me the opportunity to partner up with Rotxo instead but I declined.
The tawtute were huddled on the walkway too close for my liking as they spoke in their native tongue. I had no idea what they were saying and I didn’t want to learn their stupid language.
“Hey, fish lips-“ My ears flicker at the Na’Vi being spoken my way, I roll my eyes and ignore him.
“He has a name, Spider-“ I could hear the girl say in a hushed tone. I still ignored the two and refused to turn to look at them, focusing my stare down at the others connected to the spirit tree.
“Then yew azk hm,” I heard the retched language again.
“Uh-“ I heard the unsure voice of the girl and could hear foot steps getting closer. I turn with an unenthused look on my face but it turns to one of surprise when I realize it’s the girl.
“Sorry to bother you,” she stated so quick I almost didn’t understand what she had said. “But do you not have anyone you want to visit?” She asks so sweetly.
“Is that really your business?” I sneer at her and see her thin her lips immediately.
“N-no, not really. I just-“
“Then stop bothering me.” I answered before turning my head.
“Thats the last time I try being nice to him.”
“That was the only time you’ve spoken to him.” Spider states as he moves his legs in the water, the rest of his body sitting on the magnetic rock.
“Because he’s rude. He’s a dick.” I sat back down and sigh heavily. I can feel the wind pick up and the hairs on my arm stand to attention, goosebumps covering my body.
“Hey, Spider-“ I stated in a serious tone and he looks up at me.
“What is it?” He asks with a raised brow and I can feel the tingle in my body.
“I felt it.” I stated seriously and his face falls at the realization. He looks up above my head and I turn to look behind me at the black clouds that were starting to cover the sky.
“Hey- hey, It’s going to be okay, we’ll make it back safe.” He reassures me but I shake my head as all I can do is think back to what happened the last time I got this feeling.
“Hey, fish lips, we need to call everyone back!” Spider yells for him and all I can do is get lost in thought about what could possibly happen. I’d never been in the sea during a storm. The waves start picking up by the tree but only a little.
“Everything is fine, we don’t need to-“ Ao’nung starts talking but pauses when he turns around. He jumps into the water immediately and leaves us on the surface.
“Spider we need to leave, now!” I yelled and could feel myself breathing heavily.
“Look at me, look-“ He grabs my face harshly but I couldn’t really feel it. “We got out of dad’s grasp we can get out of this too, yeah?”
All I could do was nod and at that point everyone had emerged from the waters, calling over the Ilu.
“Y/n, come here-“ Rotxo is quick to call me as his Ilu strides over. I’m shaking at this point and struggle to lower myself on the walkway and toward his Ilu.
“Hurry up!” Ao’nung yells and the waves start picking up, splashing over the walkway
“Bro, shut the fuck up.” Lo’ak speaks and it comes as a shock to everyone. He’s holding onto Tsireya but his look would definitely kill, he turns to me and his face is full of worry as he too makes his Ilu come closer.
“C’mon Y/n/n, lower yourself to sit on the walkway, we’ll help you.” He stated and I nod, I lower myself on the walkway to sit.
“Rotxo, grab her hips and sit her on the Ilu, she doesn’t weigh much.” He reassures the teal guy as he does exactly what Lo’ak says and Spider dives into the water, popping up by Kiri, who offers her hand as she helps him sit on the Ilu she was on.
“We’ll need to try to do the trip under water as much as possible, just tap on my hand when you need to breathe, okay?” Rotxo reassures me and I nod trying to take a deep breath but failing to do so as the tears start.
“You’re okay, Y/n, they won’t take you again. You have all of us here to protect you,” Rotxo states and gingerly pats my tummy, I take a few quick breaths before taking a huge breathe and we dive.
Its crazy how the top of the waters were roaring crazily, waves crashing around as the sea had her mood swings, but everything below the surface remained calm. Rotxo signs to ask me if I’m okay and I sign back that I could use another breath, then tap his arm twice with my own.
“I’m sorry-“ I stated as we reached the surface and I can feel the rain splashing on us harshly, the black clouds had caught up to us and the wind was sharp.
“It’s okay, are you ready?” He asks as he takes a breath of his own and we dive once more.
The group had all resurfaced a little further ahead of us but joined soon after. I knew my intuition was right, but I wanted to have a nice outing today and was hopeful that I was wrong, but after the bad feeling I get in my gut it usually goes away after being proven right but it was still there. I felt a warm presence beside me and in the blink of an eye I flung from the Ilu.
I could feel Rotxo reach out to grab me but he’d failed to as I was already pretty far away. I’d managed to let out a huff of air as I was unexpectedly swept away and held my breath since I couldn’t resurface, waiting for the dizzying current to stop and could feel my vision going black as my eyes felt heavier. Maybe now I would join Neteyam.
For some reason, I had a voice in my head telling me to swim behind everyone else and make sure they got home safe before I did. It might have just been from my fathers training in becoming a great leader, so I shook it off.
We were technically halfway to the retaining wall and the sea water above us was rambunctious. I’m unsure what had caused this type of storm but it was happening for a reason, maybe because we brought them with us to a sacred place.
Before I could think any further I could see Rotxo reaching back to grasp the human that had surprisingly flung off his Ilu. I see how quickly her body was passing by and could only conclude she’d been swept away by a current.
Go home, I’ll get her, I’ll see you there when this is over.
I signed to Rotxo but didn’t wait for his answer as I’d already made my Ilu swim into the current to follow the human. It didn’t take long for me to reach her but she felt limp, I couldn’t resurface and check on her so I swam to the closest place I knew wouldn’t be affected.
Resurfacing in the cave where the water was much calmer helped tremendously. I’d settled the human on the make shift level ground in the middle. I tried remembering what Rotxo said Neteyam had done to Kiri when she swallowed sea water as well. I lean down slowly and turn her body toward the side and she spits up a lot of water. She opens her eyes and sits up quickly, backing away once she see’s me.
“What happened?” She asks immediately as I had placed my hands up to show her I meant no harm. She seemed to have touched a plant as she scooted backward and looks back at her hand as she does and rubs it against her leg.
“You were swept away from a current, I followed after. I couldn’t resurface with the storm so I brought you here to make sure you were fine.” I admit and felt myself confused as to why I was giving her so much information.
“Wheres everyone else?” She asks and coughs a bit.
“I told them to keep going home and we’d meet them there eventually, but we have to wait for the storm to pass.” I explained.
“Why did you save me?” She asks and confusion settles over her face.
“Because I felt like I needed to.” I admit and she lets out a small hum. She looks around in the cave and rests her back against one of the walls.
“Is this your secret place?” She asks and I look back at her raising a brow.
“I come here to think.” I admit and look back toward the natural waterfall that separates the entrance of the cave and where we sat. Water surrounded the make-shift island until where she sat with her back to the wall, the water was shallow near her though.
“It’s pretty, the lights make me feel calm.” She states and points to the bioluminescent walls as some of the plants are blooming around it. I nod absentmindedly as I stare at the plants and the realization hits me.
“Oh no,” I stated and stood up to inspect the flowers. “No, no, no,” I repeated as I rubbed the pollen between my fingers and could smell its sweet aroma.
“What? Whats wrong?” She asks and gets up, wiping her hand on her cheek, I turn and grab at her hand quickly, looking at the pollen on her hands and cheek.
“Ao’nung-“ She pleads.
“I didn’t know they were in bloom- I, I swear I didn’t do this on purpose.” I could feel myself freaking out for the first time in a while.
“You’re freaking out over flowers?” She laughs a little. “I thought this was something serious.”
“It is serious. The pollen reacts with us in a negative way and it-“ I stop myself and look at her. “I have no idea how it would affect you.”
“Is this a kind of joke to get me scared over a flower?” She asks and sits back down.
“Not to tell you what to do but could you hug me or something? You guys are usually very warm and humans are sensitive to temperatures, being wet and in a cave isn’t really good for me.”
“I’m not touching you,” I stated firmly.
“I could die if I’m not warm and no I’m not lying about that. It’s either hug me now or face Jake and Neytiri later.”
I hadn’t woken up from my sleep completely because I’d kept my eyes closed but felt warmer than I usually did. I tried moving to allow myself more ventilation and it wasn’t until now that I felt an arm wrapped around my waist, my back was pressed against someone’s chest.
“Too warm-“ I stated sleeping and tried pushing against the hand on my waist to no avail.
“S’what you wanted.”
I opened my eyes immediately and try pushing with more force but every swipe of my body against his felt good.
“Ao’nung,” I whined but bit my lip at how I’d sounded.
“Y/n,” He retorts back sleepily and pulls me back against his chest.
“So you are capable of calling me something other than Tawtute and Vrrtep.” I try pushing myself away again and feel something else poking into me and he groans. Oh shit.
“Stop moving,” He groans but keeps a tight grip on me.
“Stop holding me against you.” I try getting away and feel his arm tighten around me, not allowing me to move.
“You said-“
“I know what I said, but its hot, I’m sweating. And your hands aren’t helping.”
“So it affects you too.” He states and I turn to look at him- or turn as much as I could.
“Are you going to tell me what that flower does?” I asked and he groans.
“You’ve felt the affects of it already, but I know what you’re thinking and you can’t fix it on your own. I’ve tried before and failed and waiting it out lasts three days. It’s unbearable but I won’t do anything you don’t want to.” I could feel his breath on my neck and bite back a whimper. His finger moves aimlessly around the edges of my tewng, near the bow I used to tie it.
“So we can agree we’re doing this to help each other out right?” I ask and he grunts as an answer, his fingers tugging one of the strings within the bow to untie it.
“I’ll stop when you say, even if it pains me, but you need to understand that you can’t do this by yourself.” He states and kisses my shoulder.
And with that the string is untied and my tewng is pushed off of my body, my neck is being peppered with many kisses and his hand is rubbing up against my thigh. Grasping it and lifting it up and over one of his own, letting it dangle, and it wasn’t until now that I felt how wet I’d become.
“You smell amazing,” He comments and a blush covers my face. The hand that had been on my thigh is now on my belly, sliding down slowly.
“Shut up,” I gasp as his fangs tug on the skin of my neck just right.
It doesn’t take long for his hands to reach the place I needed them in and I gasp at how gentle he’d been when sliding his hands across my aching cunt.
“What do you like?” He asks while collecting some of my slick and rubbing it on my hardened clit.
“That, I like that-“ I whine as I find it hard to think in Na’Vi since all I could focus on was the pleasure he was providing me at the moment.
“You smell so damn good-“ He groans and takes his fingers away from my cunt, shoving them in his mouth, and I’m mortified, but he groans at the taste. “-and you taste divine,” His fingers move back to where they were.
“Oh fuck,” I whine at the feeling and throw my back.
“I have no idea what you’re saying but I know they’re naughty words, you shouldn’t speak like that, Y/n.”
“Ao’nung go faster, please.”
“You’ve been fingered, right?” He asks.
He carefully places one inside and the stretch was welcomed, but strange, I hadn’t had anyone do this since just before being captured in the forest. But I couldn’t help myself sliding against it. He snakes his other hand around to hold my clothed breast in his hands.
“You’re close aren’t you, I can feel it.” He whispers and kisses my cheek. I could only throw my head back between his beck and shoulder while shamelessly riding his finger, my bottom lip stuck between my teeth.
“No,” he pulls on my chin with the hand that was on my breast. “I wanna hear you, little one.”
I couldn’t help but allow myself to moan loudly at his words and actions. It doesn’t help that my back was against his chest but I needed my mouth on his.
“Can you take another one?” He asks.
“Yes,” I answer mid moan in plain English and I’m happy he understood as he shoves a second finger in, the stretch wasn’t painful, it felt so good to have someone else doing this again.
“Too wrapped up in pleasure to think in Na’Vi?” He teases and I nod my head.
“Ao’nung, I’m coming-“
“It’s like I can understand you, even with your demon language, come on my fingers, little one.”
Her orgasm gripped my fingers ferociously, her smooth velvety walls were greedily sucking my fingers in at the same time and her moans were making the experience sweeter. I couldn’t help but bite my own lip to prevent the whimper from coming out but failed at doing so as I watched her body react to my fingers alone.
I slid my fingers out of her dripping cunt and could see how well she’d covered them with her juices. I sit up bringing them up closer toward my mouth and taste her again, groaning in pleasure at her taste, she was addictive.
“Let me help you-“ she’s breathing heavily, chest rising up and down as she shakily turns to look at me.
“Why?” I asked her in confusion but wanting to kick myself in the face for turning her help down.
“Because you helped me, now it’s my turn to help you.” I hadn’t noticed before since it was dark in the cave but her pupils were blown wide, yet she was acting sweet.
“You’re acting kind,” I stated in a state of shock and she just nods.
“If we continue I will not be kind, the pollen makes us-“ she places her hand on my mouth to stop me from talking.
“Fuck the pollen, no wait, fuck me, but also fuck the pollen.”
Lo’ak had said that word has two meanings but I seemed to have understood her completely at that moment. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander down toward her mouth and back up at her face again.
“Has he put his in your mouth before?”
“Yes,” She answers plainly as her little fingers greedily move their way to untie my tewng. And the relief flooding through my body as soon as my cock sprang free.
“Woah-“ She comments and just stares, is she disgusted?
She carefully uses a finger to trace it from the head back to the base and wraps that hand around it, her entire hand couldn’t wrap around it completely and I could feel my pride grow.
“So Metkayina men are bigger in every aspect.” She glides her hand back up toward the head and a shudder leaves my body, she slides it back down.
“What about you?” She asks, I hadn’t realized I’d closed my eyes until I find hers on mine when I open them. “What do you like?” She repeats the question I’d asked her earlier as she glides her hand back up toward the head. I place my hand on her head after she asks me the question, ruffling her hair.
“Whatever you’re comfortable with, little one.”
And with that she smiles, using her other hand to collect slick from herself and placing it on top of the one on my cock, I couldn’t help but thrust my hips up in her hands after she’d done that. She doesn’t hesitate to run her thumb over the head and I tried to hold it in but-
“Please-“ I beg and thrust myself into her hands again.
“Please what?” She asks in such a tiny voice I felt so out of place but I thrust in her hands again, whimpering at the sensation.
“Awe, come on, use your words.” She teases her thumb over the head again.
“I want-“ I thrust again and moan “-to come,” I huff and thrust myself faster.
“Not yet,” She seemed to be having fun with this as she moved her hands faster.
“Will you stop being mean to me if I let you come?” She asks and it catches me off guard.
“W-what?” I asked as my hips move on their own, just to feel her sweet hands at work, she had such a gentle touch.
“You heard me.”
“I’ll do anything you want if you let me come,” I moan and my breath hitches at her pace.
“Y/n, I’m close-“
“I know,” She leans down to fit the head in her mouth and the warm sensation was what threw me overboard as I came while moaning at the suckling she’d done, losing control of my hips and pushing in the slightest bit.
I’d detangled my hands from her hair, not remembering when it was I’d done that, and her mouth slides off my cock. She has drool and cum dribbling down her chin and I can’t help but use my thumb to clean her up a bit, only to shove it back inside her mouth and she clamps it shut around my finger, sucking it clean without my asking.
“You’re filthy,” I spoke in shock feeling my cock pulse at her actions. “I want to taste you,” I added and she stops sucking, looking back at me with wide eyes, letting go of my thumb she only stares up at me.
“Okay,” she sounds shy all of a sudden but all I can do is smile.
“You’re very beautiful,” I said in a serious tone and she only looks down. I grasp her jawline gently between my pointer finger and thumb, moving her face up to look at mine and lean down to kiss her. She kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck, making my cock twitch back to life.
“How do I take this contraption off?” I tug at the shirt she wore, it was an off the shoulder that came above her belly, but I had no idea how my sister made it or how she took it off. She turns around and moves her hair and I see it tied together.
“How are you ready to go again?” I asked once I turned. I had meant to grab his face to kiss him but felt a little curious.
“Lay down for me,” He orders and I could feel myself clench around nothing but sit on my bum, looking up at him, I was nervous. Sure Neteyam and I had done things with our hands to each other, we’ve also done oral, but we never got to the full act of sex, so I was still a virgin even when Neteyam’s fingers popped my cherry. And there was something taboo about getting head from my friends bully.
“Are you okay?” He asks and I felt the nerves in my belly act up. His hand had come to my face and it felt warm.
“Just nervous.” I nod and turn my head to kiss his hand, his face softens and he leans down to kiss me again.
“I can kiss the nerves away, little one.”
And it surprises me that he does. The heat from the stupid pollen had returned as it made its way throughout my body but with each kiss he’d given me down my neck and onto my collar bones I could feel myself cooking down again. He doesn’t waste any time massaging my bare breast with his massive hands, making sure to pay attention to my nipples.
“You’re a tease-“ I gasp and he hums in agreement placing one of them in his mouth. Twisting his tongue around my nipple.
“Damn,” I mutter breathless.
He switches over toward the other nipple and gives it the same attention and I could feel the slick again, moaning at the sensation of his hand gliding down my side and onto my thighs. Lowering himself as he peppers kisses down my stomach and settles between my legs, making sure his arms are holding my thighs apart, hooking them around and holding me in place.
I swear I can hear him purring but he doesn’t really move, I peer over and notice he’s sniffing my cunt and I moan at the sight. He starts placing kisses on my inner thigh, trailing them up toward his prize and I’m a whimpering mess.
“I’m going to enjoy this more than you are,” He comments and licks teasingly around my lips, but with how sensitive I am down there he may as well have been licking my clit.
“St-stop teas-ing,” I manage to mutter but he doesn’t care since he does it a second time, ripping out a moan from me. I gasp as he licks a fat stripe on my cunt, I buck my hips as much as I can with how still he’s holding me and it makes me feel feral.
He takes his time licking around my already sensitive and puffy clit, kind of like french kissing my cunt, but I couldn’t help myself as I bucked my hips in his mouth, although I hadn’t succeeded much in moving my lower half. I could feel my orgasm approaching and needed to hold onto something- so my hands flew up to his hair. I can hear him laugh into my pussy as he continued eating.
“Fuck, please let me come.” I whine and feel him tapping on my belly with one hand. I struggle to look down and his face is buried in my pussy, but he signs instead.
Go ahead and come.
And with his permission I seize up under his tongue working his magic on me, he’d let go of my thigh as he signed and I humped the ever living fuck out of his face as I came. Once he comes up for air I can see how shiny his nose down to his chin look. I let out a tired giggle upon seeing his face and have come to realize his pupils are blown wide.
“I think I’m addicted to you,” He kisses my tummy on his way back up and plants a kiss on my forehead.
“How?” I asked out of curiosity.
“The way you smell,” He kisses me on the mouth and I could practically feel the emotion.
“The way you taste and the sounds you make,” Another kiss.
“How sweet you are,” Another.
I don’t hesitate to take my hand down toward his penis as he kisses me a third time and he hisses. I run my hand as low as I can and back up, squeezing the head to tease him a little as his hips jerk into my hand.
“I thought I was filthy?” I teased and purposely let go of him.
“You can be,” He leans down and kisses me again.
“Have you ever had- this, with anyone else before?” I asked him.
“Are you getting jealous?” He smirks and I roll my eyes.
“No, skxawng,”
“Yes, but this is also as far as I’ve gotten with them. But I want to go further with you, if you’ll let me.” He seems shocked at his own words but his face is serious. “Have you and-“
“This is as far as we’ve gotten too.” I admit. “But-“ I stop myself and catch his eye.
“I want you to be my first, pollen or not, I want to make you feel good, Ao’nung.” I stated seriously. And his hands find my face gently caressing my cheeks.
“I want you to feel good, but I need you to tell me if it hurts, I’m not sure how much of me you can take or if I’ll hurt you in the process.”
“I took two of your fingers pretty well, I’m sure I can handle you.” I stated and he kisses me again, so much passion and emotion running through me I felt dizzy again.
We found ourselves lying in missionary and he’d been biting his lip the entire time, working his way up to sticking his penis in.
“Look at me Yawne,” He asks and sounds scared as I look over. “You promise you’ll tell me?” He asks and his concern is adorable.
“Yes, I promise, but the burning feeling of the pollen is starting to come back pretty bad,” I whined slightly and he nods. He bites his lip in concentration and places the head against my waiting hole covered in slick. I gasp at the feeling of his head spreading me and it felt massive.
“Fuck-“ He states in pure english and I’m shocked at how he’d used the word correctly. His chest is rising a little faster than before but his eyes were closed.
There was no way this entire thing was going to fit into me and not hurt me, there was no fucking way! I tried to breathe through it to calm my heart but I should have known he would have sensed something was off.
“Talk to me little one, how does it feel?” He asks with such composure I feel surprised he managed to speak so calm.
“Uncomfortable but only a little,” I groan.
“Do you want to stop?” He asks and I keep my head laid down but move my eyes to look at him, shaking my head.
“I’m okay, keep going,” I urge him, he does go in more and he groans. I let out a long exhale as I try mentally preparing myself for this. I let out a cry as soon as I feel his fingers stroking my clit, unintentionally thrusting my own hips, taking more of him in.
“Figured I should help you out a bit,” He teases while running many circles over my already abused bud.
“How much of you is inside?” I asked through clenched teeth.
“About a third,” He states. “Are you okay?” He asks and I nod weakly.
“Just keep doing that,” I grasp onto the hand he has between my legs gingerly and he speeds it up.
“Ah~” I hiss and thrust against him, taking more of him in again. But just then he hit something that made me see fire works.
“That felt so good Tìyawn,” He moans and I could only figure I’d unintentionally clenched around him.
“Do that again,” I gasp as he slides out partially but slides back in. I throw my head back and arch my back slightly feeling the tip rub against me deliciously.
It eventually doesn’t take long for him to grasp my arms and hold them above my head as he thrusted in me without mercy. Both of us had been lost in the pleasure and our moans were echoing in the cave, I’d almost forgotten the Ilu had been on the other side of the waterfall.
“Oh my Eywa,” He states as soon as his hips collide with mine.
“Y/n- ugh- wow!” He struggles to stay consistent and I’m in a world of pleasure. I lift my head up to look at his face but this man is straight up biting his lips and his eyes are closed. It doesn’t take me long to look down and see the bulge in my belly as he moves and I contract around him.
“Agh-“ He hisses.
“Let me touch you, please-“ I couldn’t find it in myself to speak in Na’Vi so I didn’t.
But just as he happened to understand me earlier, he understood me again and releases my hands from his grasp. It was only a hypothesis but I had to test it out, as his body leaned over me I grasped the tips of his ears and rolled them between my thumb and pointer finger.
“Wanna come so bad, please let me come,” His hips stutter in deliciously against mine and he’s become a whimpering mess. I smile weakly at my victory and rub his ears faster and he’s moaning loudly, I had no idea he could be this vocal.
“Please little one, I need to come,” He begs again and his hands are on my hips, I could feel it too.
“Feel s’good, warm, tight, fuck!” He growls out the last word in English.
“Come, please come!” I whined and he leans down to bite the skin between my neck and shoulder at the exact moment I contract around his girthy cock. Hot spurts of his come coaxing my womb generously, most of it coming back out.
“Wait-“ She places her hands on my arms as I dipped her into the water carefully, holding her body close to mine as I washed my come off of her.
“I’ll be quick, just need to clean you up,” I stated as my hands gently went between her legs to clean her up, her hiss is what stopped me in my tracks but I continued even slower.
“Is the storm over?” She asks and my ears flicker at the question, it hadn’t occurred to me to check the weather but didn’t hear the splatter of rain drops on the cave.
“Yes, we should head home soon before they send a search party.” I admitted and she nods. I slowly lift her out of the water and place her on the little island, pulling myself out of the water and sitting next to her, I’d already put my tewng back on and stood her up to place hers on as well. I held on to her hip to steady her as her legs kept shaking and managed to wrap hers on her body and tied it off.
“How do you put this back on?” I asked as I grasped the shirt she wore and she yanks it from my hands, placing it on herself, moving her hair out if the way so I could tie the back of it.
“We should probably go now, how far away are we?” She asks.
“Not too far, about halfway.” I stated and called the Ilu over, it emerges from the waterfall blocking this area from the entrance of the cave and I sit on it, holding a hand for her to take.
“I’ll go above water but you’ll need to hold your breath when we get to the wall.”
“Okay,” She’d responded and we spent the entire way back in silence. I wouldn’t call it comfortable but it wasn’t terrible, I figured she needed to rest her mind somewhat before talking, and I granted her that silence until we got back to the retaining wall.
“Ready?” I asked.
“Not really,” She responded. I’d placed my hand on her belly to feel her take her breath and she seemed to understand as she slowly inhaled deeply. Once she stopped I gave the Ilu the instruction to dive. I’d already seen the familiar faces of my parents and her family waiting for us to arrive as soon as we’d come back up.
“I was worried when the storm let up and I hadn’t seen you, what took you so long!” My mother’s voice was the first to speak once we got closer.
“I wanted to make sure she was okay to dive again.” I answered and out on the best face I could to convince her. As we got closer I placed my hand on Y/n’s hips and lifted her off the Ilu and straight into Toruk Makto’s hands, who lifted her up with ease.
“We were worried for you, kid.” He speaks to her as he kneels to check if she is injured.
“Whats this-“ He asks and reaches for her neck, she immediately hides my marking from him and covers it with her hair.
“Nothing.” She stated nonchalantly and he gives her a look before his eyes find mine. I look away immediately, I didn’t want him reading into my soul.
“Is the tawtute hurt?” My mother asks and takes a step closer to her.
“M’fine. I didn’t get hurt, your son took care of me, sorry for worrying you.” She stated so plainly and starts to walk away, I furrow my brows and hop off the Ilu, disconnecting myself from him and stepping onto the walkway myself.
“Wait a minute, Kid,” Jake speaks up after her and she stops but doesn’t turn around.
“Thank you for waiting for me, but I’m tired, I need to rest now.” She speaks and walks once more, Jake following after her.
“What did you do?” My mother hisses at me as I watch Y/n walking away.
“What? Nothing. I went after her when she was swept away from a current and made sure she was feeling better before we came back here. We waited the storm out in a cave nearby.” I omitted some of the truth but that was something she didn’t need to know about.
She only glares at me but takes my word for it as she turns and starts walking back herself, but not without stopping at the many people who had gathered around. It seemed like she was working on gathering a search party for us.
“What happened?” Neytiri asks me so calmly I had not really expected this from her. Jake and I had just arrived at the entrance of the marui where she stood. I had no idea what to say but also didn’t want to have this conversation.
“All that matters is that she’s fine and needs her rest. Right kid?” Jake cuts in and I’m thankful he does.
“Y/n!” Tuk shouts happily from behind Neytiri and runs up to hug me.
“Hi TukTuk,” I smile at her and hug her back.
“Holy shit, she lives!” Spider comes out after hearing Tuk yell, I’m sure, but comes up to hug me either way.
“Don’t cuss in front of the child Skxawng!” I smack the back of his head and he laughs.
“Holy shit! Y/n!” Lo’ak is the next out of the tent followed by Kiri who all join in on the hug. I’m appalled at him cussing too and attempt to smack his head but hit his neck instead.
“Dad, Y/n just tried assassinating me,” Lo’ak whines.
“Good, somebody has to,” Jake jokes and Lo’ak frowns.
“Mom?” He asks and she just laughs at our antics but it wasn’t always like that with her.
When Neteyam had told her about how he was courting me for the longest time behind her back she went ballistic. She’d come up to hells gate- unannounced- asking for me specifically. I knew it couldn’t have gone well and she’d called me every name under the sun.
She had wondered what kind of corruption I’d set upon her son and wanted me to stop seeing him immediately. She’d told me that nobody would want someone they couldn’t bond with, that I was the biggest mistake he’d ever made, and he’d come to realize it soon. I’d been a mess of tears afterward and wondered why I’d allowed myself to fall for him.
He visited me after I hadn’t shown up to dinner and I begged him to choose someone else. He assured me that not even his mother would stop him from loving me, and that was the first night we ever did anything sexual. But he was gentle and sweet, and his words of affirmation made me feel so fuckin happy. It was after that night that Neteyam had stood up to his mother and told her to never talk to me the way she had again. It took a while before she wasn’t glaring at my presence but she grew to love me.
“Your mom likes me more,” I joke as soon as the hug was broken. He only places his hand gently on my head, scrunching his nose at the joke, my face fell and my eyes filled with tears at the gesture. Neteyam did that often, and I hadn’t planned to, but I started bawling.
“Oh, Kid,” Jake stated sadly and pulls me in for another hug.
“Lets go sleep, Y/n/n.” Tuk tugs on my hand while keeping herself close to comfort me.
“Come on, we can sleep like how we used to, right mom?” Lo’ak asks, his hand on my shoulder and I feel myself nodding against Jake.
I’d found it weird that Kiri, Lo’ak, and spider had shown up without Y/n. But I didn’t want to comment on it since according to them we don’t get along, much less ask everyone where the other person is so I silently prayed that someone would ask where she was.
“Where is Y/n?” Rotxo was the first to ask and I guess I should have asked Eywa to let Tsireya notice instead but it was too late for that. Rotxo had no business wondering where she was.
“She wasn’t feeling well and had to stay in the marui resting.” Spider stated his explanation and I was wondering why she wasn’t feeling well. She did act a little weird last night after we’d gotten home and none of the family showed up for dinner. Had I done something wrong?
I’d been too worried on Y/n to really focus on my tasks today. I wasn’t up to par with my teasing of the darker toned family and found myself wondering how I could fix whatever problem the tawtute had. I’d been too unfocused that my dad took notice and told me to visit my mother to check up on me.
“What is wrong?” She asks as soon as her face lands on mine and I gulp, was it that evident on my face?
“Nothing,” I answered too quickly.
“I could hear your father asking where your focus has gone. And can only imagine you are sick, which you do not appear to be, or there is someone consuming your thoughts. So, who is she?” She asked so calmly as she finishes mixing some kind of drink together, refilling one of her bottles, but looking back at me as she finishes.
“Sa’nu,” I try stopping her but knew I was blushing. It was very rare for us to be affectionate in public, but we were always digging into each others personal lives every day. We often teased Tsireya about Lo’ak and their courtship. Tsireya and I often made fun of our parents, sometimes being grossed out by their kisses, but it felt different now that I was older.
“You cannot hide anything from me ma’itan,” She smiles at me and motions for me to come closer.
“You need to make clear with this girl what it is you want. If you want to court her do so, we do not need you filling your mind with doubt or worry. If she rejects you she wasn’t meant to be yours and was a loss cause anyway. You are perfect in my eyes and you will be perfect in hers.”
“Thank you,” I said at her words. She was always willing to comfort me at any given time and she was a wonderful mother. She kisses my forehead and caresses my face, moving the strands of hair off to the side, smiling widely at me.
“Introduce us to her when you are ready, until then, I will not pry. But pretend to focus for your fathers sake, hmm?”
“Okay,” I answer with a chuckle.
“Am I to expect you for dinner, or?” She leaves the question open and I blush at her words looking away from her gaze. “I will not.” She nods her head and goes back to her liquids.
Dinner could not have come soon enough as everyone gathered around to eat together. I’d been patiently waiting for the Sully’s to show up, I’d sat with my family to keep up appearances but was too nervous to eat, I could see the small human sitting with her family looking rather upset, her eyes had been puffy like she’d been crying, and my heart sinks at the sight of her.
It doesn’t take long for someone to start the festivities with some music and dancing. Others gathered around as some told stories and I’d chosen the perfect opportunity to hide away. Waiting for the moment when Y/n separated herself from her family to go back to their marui.
As she stands up and waves at little Tuk, who’d finally left her side to go with Rotxo’s younger sisters, I take the opportunity to follow closely behind her as soon as she’s far enough from the crowd. I grasp her arm gently and she jumps as she turns.
“Have you been avoiding me?” I ask with a smirk.
“Yes.” She stated before turning around to walk away.
“Hey, whats wrong,” I follow beside her as she continues walking.
“Aren’t you supposed to be off somewhere bothering someone else?” She asks and crosses her arms while stomping closer toward the marui’s.
“Please stop.” I asked her and she does.
“I do not understand. Have I upset you?” I ask and make my way around to face her but she’s looking at the floor. I could feel my face softening at her. “Please let me fix my mistake-“
“No, you have not upset me.” She cuts me off and her words should make me happy but her refusal to look at me is not comforting.
“Then why are you avoiding me?” I asked in a serious tone. She nervously looks up at me and looks away again, sighing.
“Can we talk somewhere nobody will hear us?” She asks and I nod. Heading off toward the wooded area we had on the island. We often took fruits from here and found special things my mother uses for healing. I could hear the sounds of her feet following behind me and didn’t need to turn around to make sure she was there- she walks pretty loudly.
We manage to reach a clearing closer to the center of it all, the grass and flowers growing wildly, but not too tall, it was enough to tickle my feet but I’m sure being in the forest climate meant she’d been around grass her entire life. Just as I reach the clearing I turn and sit so she can face me, but pat the grass beside myself so she could sit by me. I felt like I needed her close, I missed her touch, her smell, her, I just really missed her. But Eywa must have been on my side because she sat where I’d instructed and it brought a small smile to my face.
“Why are you upset, little one?” I asked with genuine curiosity.
“I might say a lot of words in english, and I apologize because I don’t know the Na’Vi equivalent or it just doesn’t have a translation. But please let me talk and ask questions when I’m done.” She states and I nod giving her my undivided attention, ears flickering toward her.
“I feel guilty for what happened at the cave. Not because I got caught in a current but because of the sex, I’d never mated with Neteyam, but sex is the next best thing and I didn’t even experience that fully with him. I want to say I was under the influence of the pollen, but a part of me really wanted to please you-“ She stops as she looks directly at me and looks away rather quickly.
“I feel like I’m taking things too fast and betraying Neteyam. Lo’ak did something yesterday, something ‘Teyam always did, he put his hand on my head and wrinkled his nose, and I absolutely lost it and started crying. I’ve never felt so guilty for what I did with you, but I also enjoyed it, I feel torn, and dirty.” She hugs her knee’s close to her chest.
“I also figured once we got back here, you’d just go back to being mean and ignoring me, I didn’t know what else to do except avoid you today.”
“I’m done now,” She stated sadly and I’m bringing her onto my lap immediately, hugging her.
“I want to correct you. It is not what you did, it is what we did, I was a part of it too and I need you to know I enjoyed every second of the time we shared. I also want to stupidly point out that I did tell you I’d do anything you wanted if you made me come, and I came.” I admitted and could feel her pull away with a blush covering her face. I use my fingers to hold her chin to look directly at me, suddenly feeling bold.
“I selfishly want it to happen again, and again, and again. I can understand your guilt but moving on is a part of the healing. Trust me when I say we all miss him, you will miss him forever, I do not blame you.” I stated and lean down to capture her lips with mine, I could feel my fangs poking her a bit.
“Can I make you feel good again, little one?” I ask as I connect our foreheads together, her cute tawtute nose poking mine.
“I feel guilty for wanting to say yes,” She stated, her eyes closed tightly.
“Stop feeling guilty and allow yourself to be happy, Yawne.” I mumble.
“Yes, yes I want you to make me feel good,” She whispers with her eyes still closed and I smile. Leaning down to kiss her again, carefully caressing her hips with one hand and her cheek with the other, sure it was an awkward angle but I didn’t mind.
In the midst of our make out I swipe my tongue on her bottom lip and she accepts by opening her mouth. Her tongue was soft against mine and allowed me dominance. She moans into the kiss grinding herself on me and I bite back a groan.
I remembered the way her shirt comes off and reach around to untie it as I kiss her jawline, managing to slide the loops away from each other as the shirt loosens around her, I kiss down her neck and let go of the string, bringing my hands back over toward her arms where the shirt was, tugging it off of her without breaking my concentration. I take both breast into my hand and play with her nipples as I kiss her collarbones.
“Your hands feel so good,” She allows herself to moan and the sound goes straight to my cock.
“It makes me happy that I can please you with only my hands,” I speak in a much lower tone as I hungrily take in her body.
“I want you to lay down, little one, you can do that for me, can’t you?” I asked and she nods and does just that. My hand slides down to untie her tewng, throwing it off to the side to join her shirt, letting my other hand trail down her thigh, grasping it gently behind the knee, squeezing myself between her.
“I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again, I’ll enjoy this way more than you will,” I kiss down her stomach, making my way down her thigh.
“Ao’nung~” She moans and I hum at her, looking up at her breathing heavily, a primal surge going through me.
I gently kiss her inner thigh from where her knee is, but end up kissing and sucking my way up her thigh, leaving marks on her as she writhes beneath me.
“Please,” She begs and I’m in awe of how raw her voice sounded.
“Please what?” I ask as I huff my breath into her cunt, knowing it drover her crazy.
“Fingers, please,” She whines and I hum.
“I was going to use my mouth,” I started and she cries out.
“Use both!”
“So demanding, Tìyawn, but we can work on your manners later.” I delve one finger inside her and feel how warm she is just as she moans for having it placed inside her.
“I love your sounds, Tìyawn,” I stated sweetly and she moans, I could watch her like this for the rest of my life and be satisfied.
“I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t taste you now, little one, forgive me if I lose my composure, yeah?” She lets out a guttural sound similar to a growl and it turns me on more. I dip my head to finally taste her, letting my tongue run all over her engorged bud and finally swallowing the first of her sweet slick.
“Don’t stop please, don’t stop-“ She mutters as her hands hold onto my hair, I let a chuckle bubble out as I continue eating her sweetness. I didn’t plan on stopping any time soon and I think she knew. I decided now would be a perfect time to stick a second finger in and she wails loudly. Had it not been for how loud everyone else was being I might have told her to hold back, but her sounds were just as addictive as her taste, and the sight before me.
“S’good, s’good, fuck, fuck-“ Her hips were snapping at their own pace as I continued.
“Holy fuckin’ shit-“ She seizes uncontrollably and my face gets covered in wet liquid, I stop and stick my face back up to see her with a confused expression on my face.
“I’m so sorry-“ She backs off of my fingers and has a hand over her face. I slide my fingers into my mouth and close my eyes as I savor the taste.
“I don’t know what that was but I want to see you do that again,” I leaned back down before she stops me.
“I want to return the favor-“ She starts.
“I said I wanted to make you feel good, not the other way around, Little one.” I kiss her as she sits up on her elbows.
“Then make me feel good, please,” She starts sitting up but I place my hand on her chest, feeling her heart almost bursting out of her chest.
“Please,” She asks again.
“You don’t ever have to beg for that Tìyawn, never.” I backed off as I untied my tewng and see her face relax.
“Look at me, pretty girl, I want to see your face.” I state as I get back down between her legs, lining myself up, pushing slightly.
She moans at the contact while biting her lip and her eyebrows bowed. I lean down to kiss her as I push in slightly and she groans.
“Does it hurt?” I asked as I stand still while inside her and she nods a little.
“Let me help you-“
“No,” She stops my hand. “It feels so good at the same time, please move,”
“Little one,” I warn but she manages to slide herself onto me, moaning as she does so while knitting her brow together, tears forming in her eyes.
“Hey,” I start to worry before she cuts me off again.
“Oh fuck s’good-“ Her eyes shut as tears stream down her face, her little hips thrusting and her sweet gummy walls clenching me tighter. “Please pleas please move, Ao, please-“
“Whatever you wish, yawntutsyìp,” I start moving my hips slow to ease her pretty cunt.
“Lay down, please, lay down!” She rushes her words and I barely understand but I stop all movement to look at her.
“Lay down.” She states firmly and I try pulling out but she stops me. “No, lay down inside me,”
“What are you planning?” I asked her.
“Ao’nung Makto, now move.” I couldn’t help but laugh but get myself into position, she unexpectedly slides down all the way once she’s on top and she places her hands on my belly to stabilize herself while moaning.
“Oh fuck-“ She moans.
“Yes-“ I hiss and hold on to her hips, the bulge in her belly is prominent and I bite back a moan.
She surprises me by planting her feet on my hips and sliding up from my cock, and slamming herself back down and moaning incredibly loud.
“If you keep that up I won’t last long,” I admit to her feeling her warmth engulf me so well. Moaning as she slams herself back down on me, I grip her hips harsher and she moans as well.
“I’m close, Ao’nung, fuck,” She whines and slams herself back down again. The tears sliding down her face again. I allow myself to meet her thrusts and her tears stream freely and I feel something soft against my head.
“Fuck!” She yells and she comes the same way she’d done earlier. But watching, hearing, and smelling her had made me come inside her as I grasped her hips harshly. She falls straight onto my chest while I was still inside and I slide her upward so I can slip out of her.
“What was that?” I ask her calmly after I’d caught my breath.
“It’s called squirting, it happens when someone is being pleasured very well.” She speaks into my chest out of embarrassment.
“Ao’nung makto?” I ask and laugh after the words leave my lips.
“I can’t think well in Na’Vi when I’m distracted.” She admits and I gently pet her hair.
“Do we have to keep hiding this from the others?” She asks and I knew what she meant. “I did it with Neteyam for a while, I can hide things well-“
“No, little one, theres no need to hide it.”
“So we can tell your mom?”
“Okay, maybe hide it from some people,” I agreed and she laughs a little.
“I told you I could walk on my own,” I laughed as he holds me like a child, I assume my height plays along with that, I held our clothes on my hands and they covered me from the cold winds of the night.
“But I like carrying you, my prize, my little tawtute,” He smiles happily as we walk closer toward the shores of the sea, I toss our clothes near the dry sand as he steps into the sea.
“Is the water cold?” I asked as he steps in further.
“A little, but if it gets to be too much I could always hug you again,” He offers and the water touches my toes, causing me to yelp, pulling my feet back up and he chuckles.
“No wait, maybe I want to smell like you-“ I started before he steps over once more and my body is submerged in the cool water. I pop up from the water and start shivering.
“Sorry-“ He laughs as he watches me struggle to wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to warm up. “-theres a slope right here, I didn’t do that on purpose Tiyawn.”
“Come here,” I said and spread my arms out for him to fit around. As he swims over I push his head down under water and laugh as he comes back up.
He tugs me closer to him and kisses my face all over. Holding me by my waist.
“We should get back to our marui’s soon-“ I admit but he places his hand on my lips gently to shush me.
“My mom knows theres someone I’m trying to impress so she’s not expecting me back any time soon.”
“Are you seriously that horny?” I asked and he seems to bite his lip as his eyes widened and this is the first time I’d seen him look anything like Tsireya.
“Ao’nung-“ I state and he smiles.
“What was that word you used earlier?” He asks and seems to find it before I could think. “Have you ever had sex in the water before?” He asks.
“You’re ready to go? Already?” I asked in disbelief as he trails one hand down my spine, the other holding my bum.
“I’m sure you know this but we like to fuck several times a night with our mate.” He whispers in my ear and I could feel a sudden tingle in my pussy, I let out a short and quick sigh.
“As long as you take it slow, I’m a little sore from before-“
“We don’t have to, Tìyawn.”
“Believe me, I want to, you just have to go slow.” I kiss him feverishly.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 10 months
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companion piece of young Link
AAHH i finally finished something :'D
i've uh had some very specific Thoughts about Zelda's childhood for a while now so its about time i put them to paper - this is actually round TWO since the original doodles are lost to ... somewhere ... i like these second editions better though so alls well that ends well
we're looking at ages around 4, 7 and 10 years old here touchin bugs in the dirt, archery practice, and playing a lyre ;w;
more detailed Thoughts under the cut 💙
iiitssss customary ranting about my BotW/TotK opinions tiiiimeeee welcome my darlingsss jfkdjfkd 💙
i had a much more solid idea about where i was going with Zelda than with Link but some of it is kinda abstract or weird lol
we know a fair amount about her upbringing in general, or can infer as much from Zelda's interactions with her father and what they and people around them wrote. she was clearly a smart and vivacious kid with a strong personality from the start, no matter how much you sort of squash that shit for the public face, repression etc. so yknow, her mother's death when she was 6, awful. her father's change in attitude especially in her teens, awful. being under public scrutiny her whole life, awful. restrictive structure of royal life, dull (i bet it bored Zelda to death at times no matter how strongly duty-oriented she is). having said that though, she got by and just by looking at her study, she clearly got stuff done to herself - you can take the kid away from the science but the science stays with the kid !!!
additionally, forgive me for mentioning ... timelines ... but in my humble onion, BotW/TotK serve as a Dragon-Break scenario which are SO far in the future from other entries that ALL timelines will inevitably converge and lead to that point, so it doesnt matter any more (i dont like extended Timeline theory, Nindooty doesnt like extended Timeline theory, the current writing team seem to want shot of it, let me be). being a history guy i also subscribe to leaning on the LEGEND aspect of 100 and 1000 year games of telephone, it makes things spicy. tradition is a strange thing, we do things we dont have much of a context for anymore, we're still living with the cultural hangovers of people living when mammoths were around and no thats not hyperbole lol its WILD. ive typed around the point enough lets get going
she was a bugs girl !!!! she still IS a bugs girl lmao but if our 16 year old girlie is gonna pounce on frogs apropos of nothing, that 4 year old girlie is gonna go catch bugs in the Royal Gardens and freak out her maids or escorts with them, good for her 💅
the other two are where my timeline thing comes in; the triforce is never mentioned by name, its just there in symbolism ?? something about the blood of the goddess ?? divine sealing powers ??? no one knows in the same vein, i like to think that its traditional for Hylian Princesses to learn archery and play a lyre or harp ... but no one remembers quite WHY ?? so Zelda does. the Priestess-Princess* role means the public is aware that Zelda had formal singing training, but its not really common knowledge outside of the Castle that the Royal Girls do THIS (no one knows why that part is important either, but it stays in the Castle). she might be a little out of practice now, but give that muscle memory enough time and she might be able to really surprise people.
*this is part of the Japanese translation, at least in Kass' final song Zelda is referred to as an term roughly meaning Priestess-Princess - which makes total sense to me
ohhh my god i talked a lot okay i just love my gorl fhjdkfjdk
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actual footage of me explaining my shit and going way long
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officialgleamstar · 8 months
okay, here's a long post talking about my thoughts on dungeons and daddies, s2ep45, hell or high father. obvious spoiler warning, im gonna be talking about the events of the episode, but this is going to be more outside the fourth wall focused/thinking about what the pacing says about the narrative, rather than actually talking about what happened in this episode!! also ive only listened to the episode once so if i missed anything, feel free to say so
to start immediately: i loved this episode, but i was also disappointed that ron, terry, and scary didn't get a full episode. but i was thinking about why that would be the case, and that lead me to the two reasons im speculating:
Beth felt that Scary's arc didn't necessitate a big ending and that it came to a clean closing with that scene
This episode shows the narrative divide between the Stampler family and the Close family
the first reason is mostly a timing thing. they included taylor in this episode as well because scary's conclusion didn't need the full run time, or maybe even lincoln's episode was longer than they wanted it to be and scary was supposed to be in that arc as well. the pacing was just a result of the past few episodes: scary has already confronted that she regrets how she treated terry, we've seen that a million times. ever since his death, she's confronted that fact again and again, and i think it makes sense that this episode would resolve that in a much quieter way than it could've. the stamplers have always been the family to resolve things 'the right way' - they show up for each other, they love each other unconditionally, they finish their arcs by holding one another in forgiveness. even if i wouldve loved a longer memory (though holy shit, WE SAW THE BETRAYAL ON SCREEN-- sorry not the point of this post), and i really hope we get some more with them in upcoming episodes, i did like how it was so sweetly resolved!!
and that sweetness leads into the bulk of my thoughts here: scary and taylor shared an episode because of how differently their memories went.
as soon as nicky went "i have a memory you weren't around for", i knew we were in for a fucking ROLLERCOASTER, and holy shit. the entire played out montage of glenn failing to be there for nicky, failing to be there for taylor, and in turn, taylor finally tells nicky to his face that he wasn't there for taylor either. taylor's fixation on the idea of redoing it all with time travel, because there is no other way, in his mind, to solve the rift in their relationship. "there's no fixing this." there's too much baggage, there's too much thats already been fucked up, and theres no way for them to come back from that. nicky is a grown adult. taylor is already in his teen years. they can form a relationship with their dad now, but no matter how well that goes, its never going to fix the childhood behind them that was already ruined. they do love each other, they're friends, but being friends doesnt equal a true good relationship. being friends doesnt mean you succeeded in parenting.
and now we contrast that with the stamplers. both terry junior and scary go into their relationship with their stepdads seeing him as an inferior replacement, as someone who could never truly be their dad. terry junior loved his biological dad, is literally named after him. scary's dad was so absent in her life that she doesnt know how to handle someone actually being there. they both refuse to take the replacement, until eventually, they learn that their stepdad's strength is that hes a new man. not a replacement, but his own full person, a person who loves them. ron put his life on the line for terry, time and time again, because he didnt want to be his own dad. terry showed up to all of scarys soccer matches, even when she refused to even acknowledge him, because he didnt want to be her bio dad. "you showed up." even though terry's memory is literally him using ron, it ends with ron forgiving him without a second thought. when scary apologizes to terry, terry takes her into his arms with a moment's hesitation.
the stamplers have a happy ending because even with how badly they've fucked up, they always showed up for their kids. the closes don't have a happy ending because they weren't in their kids' lives and they think being friends now fixes that. and that's why scary and taylor shared their episode, really. because it drives home the crucial difference between the two families
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ok tbh…fellow readers don’t kill me but i feel like konig is still using readr for sex…or like actually doesnt love her yk…like anyone can fill that role and she is cause there’s no other woman around 😭 IDK i can’t put my finger on it
Ok, this is a tricky one and I'm glad you asked! Because... (and I also hope my readers won't kill me for this) like I said in my answer to this ask, I profiled König as a sociopath. And I can and I will put my finger on it 🫠
The following are my thoughts on the subject & antisocial pd (otherwise known as sociopathy). I hope you read about this m. disorder if it interests you, pls do not take my words as gospel! I also wish to remind that this is fiction and I'm practically ready to bend the laws of physics if I have to, to force even the most disputable, unstable and corrupt of characters give and receive love because that's just my cup of tea. 🩷
First of all, sociopaths are typically viewed to be incapable of love and empathy. They use manipulation to get what they want. Being in a relationship with a sociopath is described to feel incredible and passionate one moment, and confusing and scary the next. If you know what's good for you, you wouldn't even want to be special to a sociopath.
Sociopaths themselves often claim they do love those selected few they respect, just not in ways "normal" people regard as love. And this, I think, is where it gets interesting.
The definition of love as unconditional, sacrificial and selfless care for another person is not a sociopath's definition of love. They might care about a tiny amount of handpicked people, to some extent. For a sp, love is when they refrain from harming those few they care for. That's pretty cold, right?
Still, sociopaths are not devoid of emotion even if the most common emotion they feel is rage. They are not narcissists even if they are manipulative, emotionally cold, and act entitled at times. There seems to be dispute over whether sociopaths feel empathy or not (psychos don't, they simply can't because of an impaired mirror neuron system). Their defense mechanisms consist of manipulation, extreme detachment and extreme impulsivity; it's been their only way to survive in a disorganized, unloving and unstable environment.
König is someone who has been neglected and abused, who has never been shown what love even means. Everything has been conditional. He's lived in constant fear and anxiety; he has never had a loving or a stable father, his mother practically denied the abuse he had to suffer by not intervening, he has never had any friends (like he says himself in ch. 1), has only ever received attention through fear and disgust. The only dream he had in this life, the only possible redemption arc, so to say, went to shit.
It's not anyone's job to fix this kid, sure. But when, from where, or from who would he have learned to love?
When reader comes along, she shows kindness to him, forgives his trespassings over and over again, and chooses to trust in him even when afraid. If we only talk in terms of sociopaths/manipulators and their victims, then yes, this is a horrible setting, because it is the perfect setting for abuse.
And it's true: there is no one else around. All the yearning and thirst and starvation is immediately projected onto the first and only person who finally shows him some kindness, even after all his drastic shortcomings. So she isn't "special". But in a way, she's more than special: she's world shiftingly, groundbreakingly special 😐
What we know is this: König asks if he is harassing her and if she wants him to stop. He vows multiple times he would never hurt her. He assaults someone who, in his mind, mistreats her (and who reminds him of a person who mistreated him and his mother when he was a kid), leaves reader eventually alone when she shows signs of not forgiving him/wanting him in her life anymore.
These are all toxic breadcrumbs, and this whole setting is unhealthy and problematic. A sane and cynical person would say that this is manipulative and abusive. A sensitive, overly compassionate person might say this is a sociopath's only way to love.
Reader may not have been special when she first came into König's life. He saw her as a plaything first, but can you blame a touch-starved man for trying to get some intimacy? König doesn't trust anyone, doesn't know how to give or get comfort other than through sex, so of course he would opt for sex first. (Also, let's be real: who would suffer this kind of man if he wasn't so hot? No one, for goodness sakes)
The connection that blooms afterwards, I imagined and wrote as real, no matter what or who he is (because I'm a naive romantic at heart 🥰). He's not a green flag man by any means, but he's trying his best (which will never be enough). Had I wrote him a psychopath, the story would have been way more darker, and even the minimum amount of empathy and true love that is, at times, present in this fic, would not have been there at all.
König also sacrifices himself for reader at the end of the last chapter. A through-and-through sociopath would not perhaps deem it in their best interest to go that far, even if the "gains" were abundant (reader's deepening attachment and eternal gratitude). This is why this particular scene is important, because it poses the question: is he really a sociopath? Why would he do this? Because at this point, reader is indeed very goddamn special :D
I'd also like to entertain the question: how special is König to reader? I mean, don't we all just want to take these broken men like Ghost and König home and "cure" their sadness by giving them some— ahem, *gunshots*, this was a little off topic, but you get the idea. Savior complex is real, too!
If König is ever diagnosed with APD, reader would probably educate herself and find that sociopaths cannot love, and they cannot change because there is no cure: the damage is already done. These people will only use and abuse those who don't get out of the relationship. She would also find that there are sociopaths who are still in touch with their families, who have kids and partners and who have learned to "behave" for the sake of their loved ones. Either because they actually care or because it serves their interests (of being loved? Don't we all want to be loved?).
Again, this is fiction. I don't wish to justify this character's actions nor condone this kind of abusive behavior (should go without saying but perhaps it's best to state it at least sometimes to be clear ❤️). Nor do I want to condemn the reader for having feelings and empathy for this big, abused wreck. And the reason why I can't give you a clear answer on this is because there is none :')
If you people have thoughts on this, something you wish to share, I would love to hear and chat and just…*pls* this is such an interesting topic! Don't be shy 🩷🤗
(Also pls don't kill me)
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AITA for defending my friend lying about his dog dying?
Cw for animal abuse and Is ableist language (using sociopath as synonym for bad person)
I was in a friend group of three. Me (24f) my best friend since age 7 (24m) and we have a mutual friend he met in college when he moved away and has known for a little over a year (23f). Callin' them Liam and Rory for ease. Liam had an Esa (not a service dog, an esa). His whole life has revolved around this dog since we were 16 and he moved away. He keeps a very strict schedule with this dog. We are all aware of it because he will leave group chats mid conversation to make sure "Buddy" gets walked or fed or whatever time it is. He takes really good care of this dog and hand-makes its meals and takes it to the vet every 2 months.
Few weeks ago he was acting weird but trying to cover it up. I had been meaning to ask what was going on more privately but I kinda dropped the ball because my aunt died suddenly.
Flash to a week ago Rory sent a huge wall of text to our group chat calling Liam a barrage of names like "sociopath". It turns out that his dog died but he'd been acting like everything was the same which is why he seemed off. She found out when she came onto his property to check on him and he had to "confess."
Shes upset at him for lying but I knew there was more going on. So I talked to him about it privately over the phone and he just shattered. He had no idea what to do or say because he thinks his dad killed Buddy but he doesn't have direct proof. I had never heard him cry before this, because he was raised to really keep that stuff close to his chest. He's tried to open up to me over the years but it's visibly difficult for him especially with how his father still treats him. I believe him because if he truly wanted to manipulate me I still do not think he would have let me see that. He kept apologizing and sounding really lost and ashamed so I really don't think it was an act, you can't fake that kind of helpless abused kid feeling.
I forgave him for keeping it from me because it was obvious he was going to tell us once he processed the situation because that's a lot to say the least. I explained what happened to Rory and said sure maybe it wasn't 100% in the right but he was obviously expiercing trauma and him acting like everything was fine wasn't about hurting us, and we knew something was wrong but didn't ask, she thinks he's trolling for sympathy and that if I forgive him it tells her everything she needs to know about what kind of person I am. And says if he really thinks he dad killed his dog he would have called the police.
There are several reasons he shouldn't call the police one being that his dad has always treated Laim really badly but we never thought he would kill a dog and my friend has to live with him because he's a broke college student. She said he should have figured that out on his own but instead he manipulated us and is now trying to make us feel bad that he got caught.
I also feel like he was in danger from his dad and if he told us Buddy was gone he'd have to say why and then he'd be lying to us anyway until he figured out what the hell happened or if it was safe to tell us. We don't have enough information so I just don't think it's fair to totally write him off as a bad person over what is obviously and extremely traumatic situation? Without even talking to him? She found out Buddy was dead, left and refused to speak to him before announcing her departure from the group and blocked him on everything and basically made me choose between her or him.
I told her that was a really heartless take and that she's over reacting and she told me if I wanted to be best friends with a sociopath that was none of her buisness but she wanted nothing to do with either us because I'm just as bad as him if I don't agree with her so she doesnt loose anything by cutting me off.
She really made me feel like I was helping Liam hide a body. So I'm wondering if she's right. I don't think I'll change my mind, I won't abandon him but I am willing to admit I was wrong if I am.
Am I the assshole for sticking by him?
What are these acronyms?
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pinyeti · 23 days
Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
Loving how i can see the budget increase GOOD GOD THE CGI IS CRAAZY
Ohno padme's clone is gone
HELLO??? ANAKIN??? HES PRETTY NOW ofc he has the rat tail 
Obi wan flop era uggo
Why does he give me young president snow vibes
Ok beginning of rebel anakin
Please tell me he doesnt go to the dark side for love
How does the past look so much better than the future
I cant believe this is 2002 IT LOOKS SO MODERN
Ok anakin is crazy
Idiot lost his lightsaber
“You’re the closest thing i have to a father” FUCKIN BITCH
Okay sorry about gay allegationing obiwan and vader when I DIDNT KNOW HE BASICALLY RAISED HIM 
Bro anakins hair is something else
Bro yoda hates all the jedis hes so sassy for what “too sure of themselves they are, even the older ones” *pointedly stares at obiwan*
Ok anakin your job is to protect her not use her as a vent journal
I just know hes kicking his feet at the assignment
Bro anakin is cheeeeesssiiiinnggg HES SUCHHHA SIMPP IM GETTING SECOND HAND EMBARASSMENT ;))) one might even say ‘)))) we jedis are encouroegd to love eheh ;)))
IS obiwan walking into a huge ARMY trade deal KNOWING NOTHING and IMPROVING HIS WAS THROUGH
anakin : ugh i am so angry i serial killed ugh
padme: dw to serial kill is to human
(????ok enabler)
Ok not the biggest yoda fan
Wowww how convenient obiwan discovers an army ready for use right when theyre being threatened
Everytime they say dooku i laugh
Anakin is a stupid man child - RUNNING INTO PROBLEMS WITH GLOWSTICKS AND HOPING IT DIES PT39382992 - guess it runs in the family
HAHA HE GOT HIS HAND CUT OFF LIKE HE CUT OFF LUKES he just wanted him and luke to share something :( he just wanted to teach luke :( its okay i forgive you for cutting lukes hand darthy
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kingcunny · 2 months
Why do you think Alicent doesnt love her kids in the book?
just think its fun
theres a reoccurring theme in asoiaf of maternal love, the lengths mothers go for their children. and dont get me wrong i love it! but wheres the love for women who dont love their children? women who would not describe themselves as mothers? women who cannot be redeemed or humanized through their children?
i think it would be interesting if alicent took on more of a “father” role in her relationship with her children. as alicent wouldve learned early on she does not belong to herself. shes an extension of her fathers ambition. (& if alicents mother also died when she was young… she never really got a maternal role model)
so why, when alicent has her own children, should they not be extensions of her ambition? *her* tools to get what she wants? this is what alicents been building too her whole life, and then her children fail to secure it. alicent was good for otto. she did everything he told her and she did it well. why cant her kids do the same for her?
and alicent *knows* she should love her children. that shes a bad mother for not. but theres so much resentment built up there. alicent never wanted to marry viserys, she never wanted to have kids. but she *had* too. and she can never forgive them for that.
its only after the dance, when everyones dead and everyone lost. alicents alone up in her tower cell, when she realizes she cant remember what aegonii looked like before he was burned, that she realizes what shes done. she breaks down sobbing. her baby.
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cartoonrival · 4 months
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ok + for goodness' sake sasuke so that the screenshot takes up less space
1)parallels between naruto/sasuke and naruto/kawaki. i think honestly carrying over and actually bringing attention to the love-obsession thing that was going on sort of mostly unaddressed in the original series (in terms of no one called naruto as insane as they frankly shouldve) has the potential to be very interesting, especially because bringing it into the sphere of a father-son relationship rather than a platonic/romantic one is not really something i've seen before, along with the fact that kawaki doesn't actually know naruto much at all, making this very much an idolization of an idea of the person who saved you, someone who can do no wrong and is so without flaw. it was what this dude said:
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like kawaki's obsession is weird and emblematic of how he grew up. also, the way that both of them sort of end up treating the other like a thing to be protected or owned or passed around, kawaki trapping him in time prison with zero regards for the fact that no one wants to be in time prison, and naruto's famous "give sasuke back/dont talk about sasuke like you own him in front of me/i'll get sasuke back/ill break your legs if i have to", there is the dismissal of actual personal wants However.
kawaki does this because he thinks that naruto's life is worth more than anything ever, and the reason he thinks this is because he thinks naruto is the most perfect person in the world and the only one who can save the world from evil. in naruto's case, even though he has a habit of possessiveness, sasuke is very much still a person to him, someone he violently and desperately wants to be close to. he doesnt think sasuke is perfect or can do no wrong, he just doesnt really give a fuck what wrong things sasuke does because he loves him too much and wants him too bad to ever hold anything against him. anything sasuke does is understandable and forgivable. naruto wouldnt put sasuke in time prison to protect him because then they couldnt hang out, and he knows sasuke wouldnt want that anyways. while i think naruto's obsession is insane, its more possessive than dehumanizing, which is def the angle kawaki is taking. again, i think this could be interesting if it was expounded upon but i dont think anyone in boruto is enough of a character for this actually do be pulled off in any satisfying way.
2)boruto/kawaki vs naruto/sasuke. i think honestly i just dont really have it in me to even act like kawaki and boruto have a dynamic that even comes close to the bullshit naruto and sasuke have going on, but if i were to attempt to explain why i dont think this is the case than i think at least part of it (beyond the fact taht ever character in boruto is painfully undercooked) is that boruto and kawaki's bond is based almost entirely around both being marked by karma. like they become friends sort of on a more surface level same way boruto is friends with anyone else, but its definitely not the same as naruto and sasuke's inexplicable pull towards one another since they were kids. even though kawaki has like sort of stupid convoluted internal strife going on, boruto doesnt honestly have enough inner issues to even shadow the bizarre knot that is sns. boruto and naruto both didn't want to kill their wayward friends because it's hard to kill someone you care about, i don't think that reads as a strong parallel because its like . what kind of story would it be if boruto was just like Okay lets kill him... now! also if kawaki dies naruto stays trapped im p sure so if he kills kawaki he is also functionally killing his dad
3)naruto and sasuke are both terrible parents but sasuke is leagues leagues leagues worse and he sees boruto has his son more than he will ever see sarada as his daughter. to him, she is his daughter because that is the only way she should have the sharingan. he can't really stand being around her and any interaction he has with her is out of guilt. boruto is his son because boruto is naruto's son
4)why did they bring up that jiraiya might get resurrected and then just drop it or is this me forgetting since i watched boruto 6+ months ago
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roseworth · 8 months
okay id like to say im sorry in advance for this but i want to talk about my headcanon of rose having a glass eye.
first of all i have canon basis for this since in deathstroke inc #1 there was a flashback to her cutting her eye out. but she still has two eyes. probably not intentional but idc im taking it as true.
now i think she would have 3 reasons for using a glass eye: number one being that its a very clear blindspot and a weakness that can be exploited, and she doesnt like showing any weak spots so she finds a way to cover it up. number two is that she doesnt want to be like deathstroke, and having white hair and an eyepatch is basically an immediate deathstroke identifier.
however i can argue against both of those reasons (her blind eye isnt a blind spot because of her precog + enhanced senses, and if she didnt want to be clocked as deathstroke adjacent the first step would be taking off his mask rather than getting a new eye) SO. my third & favorite reason is that shes trying to extend an olive branch to slade. she doesnt want to address the things that hes done to her and shes still desperate for a family, so she gets a fake eye so that slade can look at her without remembering their past. shes trying to bury everything that happened as far down as she can because its easier for her to pretend that it didnt than to acknowledge that it did. and she wants a family bad enough that shes willing to try to forget everything
but im also gonna take that a step further and say that SLADE was the one that gave her the glass eye. hes also trying to cover up the past, and doesnt want to think about the shitty things hes done, so he gives her a glass eye because he thinks that'll make her forgive him. hes not changing what hes doing now and hes not apologizing for what happened before, but hes trying to get both of them to leave it behind. and since a glass eye is the only gift that her father gives her, rose takes it and uses it because she takes anything that slade deigns to give her.
and another reason that fucks me up is because theres a line about slade that says something along the lines of "he has a clear blind spot, but hes good enough that he projects that weakness and still wins." (and i wish i could fucking remember what issue thats from. i promise ill come back here and add a screenshot if i remember) SO part of him giving her a glass eye is him not believing that shes good enough to project weakness. which i think would fuck her up given that all she wants is his approval
anyways thats my pitch for why i believe shes secretly had a glass eye this whole time. i dont think she would've told anyone because she KNOWS that having a fake eye that her dad gave her to put a bandaid over the past is bad for her. but she will take what he gives her and implant it into her skull since its a tangible representation of her fathers attention
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Sorry, it's kind of a long ask...
hi hello!! I really enjoy your au, and the small tidbits I find here and there paint such a vivid picture in my mind. I was wondering if you could indulge me just a little. What where the moms' reactions to meeting the Omega daddies? Specifically Samantha?
Canonically, I don't think Ron ever talked about his father besides the fact that his dad died on a fishing trip and was never proud of him. I imagine he probably opened up a little to his wife, but that was it.
Followup on that tidbit, how would Ron's anchor work? Is it like traveling through Willy's mind and seeing things from his perspective, or is it an owl house "jump through these paintings of his memories and see for yourself" situation? And since we know about the doodler's influence on that course of events, do the moms see it? (Let's be honest, the dad's are not perceptive enough to see anything besides Ron struggling).
I really enjoy your au and artwork, keep up the good work :D
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(sorry that only willy and barry get neat sketches here, i realized i had no real design for either of them and so took a second pass with references LMAO)
no need to apologize for a long ask! im really glad you like the au and my art, thank you so much!! sorry this reply took so long ":]
i actually think about this a LOT, because a massive staple of my specific take on this au is that the moms... arent supposed to be here! the dads were supposed to be taken instead, just like in canon, and so everyone is quite confused throughout their interactions XD like you point out - samantha doesnt know who willy is, and in fact, no one knows who anybody else is besides morgan and bill :]
their first interactions, pre-reveal, are mostly confusion on both ends. the moms have no fuckin clue whats going on. the omega daddies are scrambling to figure out what went wrong and come up with reasons why the moms suck (not hard to do). by the time the reveal comes around, the o-dads are on steadier footing, but the moms are still utterly flabbergasted. only morgan and carol ever met their fathers-in-law, and well. obviously frank is not a villain here, so only morgan recognizes anyone LMAO
as for what samantha knows of willy and how she reacted... she doesnt (didnt) know what he looks like, and she doesnt know the full of ron's experiences in childhood. she just knows, like you said, he was an abusive father who died on a fishing trip when ron was young. she definitely knows more than most, ron has opened up to her about it, but she doesnt know the details. upon meeting him, shes. well. less than impressed! samantha is notably a very forgiving and kind character, even to those they are enemies with, but willy (and the o-dads as a whole) is someone she never gives any benefit of the doubt. as soon as she learns who he is, shes over it and very on board with "well lets just kill the guy." she hates his ass!!
as for rons anchor, im still uh. not entirely sure! but it would be more an owl house jumping-into-memories thing, not traveling through willys mind instead. though that would definitely be an interesting take... not what im going for, but something to explore in the future :3c and i dont know if the moms are all that observant either LMAO so while theyd probably have a better chance of noticing the doodler, i think they would still be mostly focused on little ron :') i do really wanna do a bigger post talking about the anchors at some point, since i have them all more figured out now than i did initially. however, logically, i should just get over myself and write the fanfiction LMAO i just am not a long form writer so that seems daunting ":]
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Laena and her ability to activate the Targaryen brain cells
Ok here is that Laena fixes shit AU I promised @raybyanothername. Its very long and I have so many ideas in my head so bear with me as I try to make this make sense. 
Laena takes one look at the disaster that is her brothers wedding to Rhaenyra, his dead lover and the Hightower Queen in green and is like, “fuck, I have to get involved”. She marries Daemon and convinces him to stay in Kings Landing for a while and try to make up with his brother so that she can stay and support her own brother and Rhaenyra. She and Rhae rekindle their childhood bond and navigate a court that is becoming even more poisonous as Rhaenyra doesnt fall pregnant and Alicent starts rumors. Eventually Rhaenyra comes to her and is like “Laenor is so grief stricken he is struggling to perform his marital duties and I do not have the heart to force him, what the hell do I do?” They strategize for a bit and Rhaenyra presents Laenors suggestion of her taking a lover, which Laena shoots down but it does give her an idea. She goes to Daemon and is like, I know you and Laenor became close friends in the Stepstones and you are fond of Rhaenyra, go help them. Thus, Jace is born looking very obviously Valerian and the responsibility of a child a year earlier then in canon along with the support of his sister helps Laenor grieve much healthier and he and Daemon further bond by defending their wives to the court and teaching them how to defend themselves physically as well. (Give Rhaenyra and Laena a sword dammit. Plus some of the dragon armour Rhaenys had, it was really badass). Baela follows behind a month later, the result of a celebration between Rhaenyra, Laena and Daemon about the good news. 
However it doesn’t last and Daemon and Viserys get into a tiff about something resulting in them leaving for Pentos with their week old daughter. Laena is like, fuck not seeing each other, we have dragons and arranges regular meetings. This results in Lucerys and Rhaena being conceived, as well as a more level headed and supported Rhaenyra who is able to navigate the politics of Kings Landing much better, as well as forgive her father a bit more for his own actions. She struggles to bond still with her half siblings due to the age gap and the hurt their mother has caused her, but she uses her fathers goodwill and convinces him to allow them to share more lessons in addition to training. However Alicent is still telling them that they will be killed because of the threat they pose and how they should stay away from their nephews. Otto also softens Viserys up enough that he is allowed visits back to the Red Keep, which he uses to educate his grandchildren, while also having the Septas and Maesters report back to him. 
Things continue until Daemon and Laena eventually come back, Baela and and Rhaena in tow, after a harsh miscarriage in which their son dies and Laena just barely lives. Rhaenyra has just birthed Joffrey and would have left for Dragonstone if Laena hadn’t convinced her to stay, offering her more support against Alicent in the form of suggesting Baela and Rhaena as companions for Helaena, who has driven away the noble companions her mother picked. She gets Daemon to offer this straight to Viserys, claiming that Valerian blood will get along better. Laena bonds more with Helaena and encourages her interests and teaches her more on being a Targaryen princess as opposed to a Hightower one. Aemond, who hides with Helaena a lot when the other boys are teasing him and it gets too much, bonds with Rhaena about them both being dragonless. 
Rhaena tells him that her parents have taken her riding with them and that he should ask one of the adult dragonriders to take him. Aemond protests but she drags him to her mother because surely Vhagar is big enough to take all three of them. Laenas like “sure, but you do know you’ve been on a dragon before right?”. Aemonds like “huh, no I haven’t”, while Laenas like “Yeah Rhaenyra took you on Syrax when you were born. Its a tradition for the parents or the closest adult dragonrider to take children on their First Flight”. Aemonds never heard of this and Laena when she keeps talking to him gets the feeling that this kid knows nothing about his family, past or present. She resolves to talk to Rhaenyra about it later and takes them to the Dragonpit. They run into Rhaenyra and Laenor who are about to take Joffrey flying for the first time. Laena hesitates and instead goes “I was going to take both of them but Vhagar has been grumpy from everything's that's happened lately and it may not be such a good idea to take someone else with me or introduce a new person, especially a young boy. Syrax is much nicer to new people, why don’t you take Aemond on her with you?” Aemonds all nervous because of the whole “threat to the throne” thing but relaxes a bit when Rhaenyra is like sure, and then proceeds to give him some of the best memories of his life. Theres comments made about how they are all sure he will be an amazing rider when he claims a dragon and they look forward to flying with him again. Aemond is beaming and chatting with Rhaena after it, and when they start to leave he turns around and shyly thanks Rhaenyra and Laena for taking him and expects them to just send him off but Rhaenyra wraps her arm around him and Laena invites him to dinner. 
Later on Laena and Daemon are headed to the Dragon pit to discuss the care of their dragons when they come across Aegon and Sunfyre. Laena compliments him and they start chatting, well Laena is chatting, Daemon is lurking and Aegon is stuttering. Eventually he lets it slip that no ones actually taught him or Helaena how to ride and that they have been learning to fly with no adult dragon rider to supervise and intervene if anything goes wrong, leading to them not being able to go as far out as they would like. Laena is like “wth, why didn’t you ask Rhaenyra or Laena, they would probably be happy to help”. Aegons shifty and stutters and tries to avoid answering but Laenas pretty good at getting answers from people and when she hears that Rhaenyra scares him she is furious and leaves Daemon with strict instructions to start teaching Aegon some of the finer points of dragon riding.
When she finds Rhaenyra she confronts her and rages and is like wtf, this is your job as the senior dragon rider available. Rhaenyra calms her and tells her that she tried but Alicent blocked her and claimed it was “too much work for the heir to the throne”, making it so she had to choose between doing that and appearing neglectful of her duties. Laena tries to calm down but instead bursts into tears, prompting Rhaenyra to hold her and try to find out whats wrong. Turns out that Aemond and Aegon have reminded her what could have been with the son she just lost and that thats been why she has been avoiding her nephews a bit, hanging out with Helaena instead and not going on Joffrey's first flight. They end up chatting about it and thats when Laena brings up that Vhagar laid an egg that she intended for her son. (I’m going with the dragons lay eggs when their riders are expecting kids theory). She has been thinking about giving it to Rhaena to try again but no Targaryen has ever hatched an egg after the first one failed to hatch. She was thinking about giving it to Aemond, but shes running into the same problem. Rhaenyra hesitates before saying that she could give it to Aemond, as he never had an egg placed in his cradle. At the time Aemond was born Rhaenyra was still pregnant with Jace there was only one egg available that Syrax had lain and Viserys decided it was more important for his heirs heir to have it. Laenas like wtf, shitty parenting, but now she knows what to do. She proposes giving the egg to Aemond and Rhaenyra agrees, adding that she can take Rhaena to dragonstone to see if she can claim any of the unclaimed dragons there. Laena also imforms Rhaenyra that all of the adult dragon riders in Kings Landing will be taking Aegon and Helaena on a supervised flight next week, where they can go further from the dragonpit. 
Aemond is summoned to the dragonpit and meets Laena there. She just tells him she has a surprise and leads him to the nesting chambers. She presents him with the egg and after he refuses saying that it should go to Rhaena and that she is more deserving (because this boy has no self esteem), she tells him that while originally it was for her son, she could think of noone better to have it now. His refusal based on Rhaena has just confirmed it further for her. She says he has been kind to her daughters and welcomed them and that his knowledge and devotion to the dragons indicates that he will care for his hatchling. She tells him not to worry about Rhaena as Rhaenyra has it taken care of. Rhaenyra goes to Viserys and uses her sway as the favourite to convince him to let her, Laenor, Laena and Daemon take all the kids, including her siblings, to Dragonstone for a couple of months to learn about their family. Viserys agrees and even calls back little Daeron from Oldtown to join them, stating that he should not miss out. They go, they bond, they learn to fly their dragons, Aemonds egg hatches, Rhaena claims Vermithor or Silverwing, and the green kids learn how different their half sister and her family are to what they have been told. Noticeably none of them have been hit, screamed at or punished severely. Though Aegon dislikes that the adults make him stop drinking. Eventually they return and just when they think things are going ok, they dont.
Cole provokes Harwin, accusing of having an affair with Rhaenyra. No one believes it bc the kids look like Laenor and the two also act very lovey in public, but Harwin and Cole still fight. Harwin is sent away and the fire happens. Rhaenyra is devastated, he may have not been her lover here but he was still a good friend of hers. Viserys now needs a new Hand and Otto Hightower has arrived for one of his visits. The adults notice the difference in the green kids instantly. They withdraw, flinch whenever someone moves too quickly and none of them seem to be sleeping. Literally a week after the fire and Ottos arrival, Rhaenyra, Laena, Laenor and Daemon are walking through the secret passageways they use to facilitate their little meetings, when they hear him yelling at the kids. Aegons got a black eye and bruises on his wrists and is hiding Helaena and Daeron behind him while Otto advances on Aemond. Otto ends up on the end of all four of their blades (the defense training came in handy) and is escorted away by Laenor and some guards while Rhaenyra and Daemon go to Viserys in an attempt to get him to get rid of Otto. Laena takes the kids to Rhaenyra and Laenors chambers and treats them while that is taken care of. The kids are so overwhelmed they end up spilling all about the whole chopping heads off thing and Laena leaves them in the care of a just returned Laenor and goes off to inform the others. When they all congregate again, Rhaenyra has the Hand Pin on her dress, Daemon is trying to contain a smirk as he informs them all that Otto Hightower will be facing treason charges and that custody of the green kids has been turned over to Rhaenyra and Laenor. 
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tojikai · 11 months
I gotta say, it was lovely to see Satoru reflecting on how much of a piece of shit he was to Y/N. I’m currently drinking a cup full of his tears 🤭
It’s incredibly frustrating that it took him seeing her with Toji, a man that’s treating her right and how she deserves for him to realize how badly he messed up. Seeing these little snippets of how he had done the things to Y/N with Naomi as they’re happening to him with Toji… IT DOESNT FEEL GOOD DOES IT SATORU.
We haven’t seen much of Naomi but her actually referring to herself as Mama when it came to Yui? WHEW. It was one thing for Yui to do it on her own but for Naomi to encourage it had me so annoyed 😭 Luckily Satoru nipped that in the bud. I’m trying really hard to not think poorly of her because maybe she’s just bad at understanding coparenting and Satoru has shown Naomi that he puts her above whatever Y/N wants/thinks so she’s used to that. At the same time I feel like it’s basic empathy to get both parents permission before doing huge things like that… IDK I flip flop between both. What I do know is that it’s Satoru’s responsibility as he’s the father and he needs to advocate for the mother of his child even if his girlfriend doesn’t like it. Also that little dig Toji made (accidentally) that made about disrespecting her parents made her leave 🤭 I got a kick out of that.
But now that Satoru has admitted he’s still in love with Y/N I think he needs to break up with her. It’s unfair of him to lead someone on like that when he’s in love with someone else. Even if he’s not going to try and get back with Y/N, it’s just a terrible thing to do to someone.
Toji and Megumi oh my god they’re so CUTE. I want so much happiness for them 😭 Yui and Megumi being thick as thieves UGH i’m so happy that they’re all happy and if they’re endgame I wish them all the love and happiness oh my god.
Throughout all this, is it bad that I kind of still want them (Satoru and Y/N) to end up together? I know they’re toxic, I know Toji is absolutely lovely but if Satoru works on himself and actively works for Y/N’s forgiveness I’d love to see them happy 😭 sometimes it does take seeing what you’ve missed out to put your ass into gear and fix what’s wrong.
I wonder who he called at the end, I think it’s either Toji or Naomi… and I wonder if either person would tell Y/N or Satoru about the call. Or just stay silent and pretend it didn’t happen to keep things as they are. AHHH THE DRAMA! There’s so much I wanna say but I can’t remember it all so I’ll leave it here!
Kai you absolutely ate this chapter and I thank you so so much for the update. I’m super excited to read the rest! Do you have an estimate for how many chapters you think Sundered is going to be?
Thank you SO much for sharing your work and I hope you have an amazing weekend 🫶🏽 much love!
satoru's indifference regarding Yui calling naomi mama led her to think that it's fine. and the fact that it was never addressed/got avoided in those few weeks gave her the impression that yn sees no problem w it :(( and yeppp, satoru still having feelings for yn while with naomi, i could say it's inevitable, considering how rash and quickly he moved to naomi. it's truly sad :(( as for the call AAAAA we'll know ;> anw thankss so much for this, i enjoyed reading it <33 have a nice day !!
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