#forgotten soldier
poselyssgeekos · 1 year
I’m soooo bad at extra modes in RE2, like the training bit for the “runaway” scenario? Good, I did it, but once it’s not the training one? I’m done!!!
Also I almost completed the “4th survivor” scenario but right when I was getting to the RPD entrance I died 💀 cause two zombie grabbed me and I didn’t have any stuff anymore
The “No time to mourn” I can’t even complete in training mode… And I’m not even gonna try the forgotten soldier at this point…
That explains why I played the game in assisted
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falconarr0w · 1 year
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Just finished the main 3 Ghost Survivors DLC missions in RE2! Those gave me a lot more trouble than I thought they would (they're still nothing compared to the 4th survivor) But it feels good to have them done, still gotta give No Way Out a proper try but that's easier said than done 😅
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tiddygame · 5 months
Ghoap god type AU.
Soap is the long forgotten god of death.
Ghost is his first follower in a very long time.
part 1 /// part 2 /// part 3 /// part 4 /// part 5 /// part 6 /// part 7
At first, Soap had been seen as kind and benevolent. The one to end someone’s suffering and help them along to the afterlife. However, as more wars began to break out, his perception changed into that of a bloodthirsty warmonger. The type that you sacrifice the blood of innocents to for luck in your upcoming battles.
Soap had simply ignored the brutish offerings. But then they spread. Like a plague, soon everyone was murdering their chosen victims in his temples in the hopes that it would bring them even more fortune.
Realizing that his presence was just causing more and more to die, he let himself fade away. He was reduced to nothing more than a comforting feeling people felt before they died. Over time, the so-called offerings stopped. Scared of what would happen should he return, he continued to fade.
A god is only as strong as their followers believe them to be. With no followers, no offerings, they are nothing. While mortal weaponry may hurt a god, may even get them to bleed, it cannot kill them. A god can only truly die when they are no longer remembered.
Soap is waiting for the day that he is truly forgotten and can pass on when he gets a feeling. One he has not had in an age. Though his worshippers have abandoned him, his temples and statues remained, though now significantly worse for wear. And someone just provided an offering of a single slice of bread on one of his statues.
A meager offering, sure, but it’s enough to get his attention. He has almost no power nor any energy left, but he sees a soldier sitting next to the statue as he ate his meal.
Meanwhile, Ghost hadn’t the faintest clue what god he just gave an offering to, but he felt a little better afterwards and so just hoped they weren’t evil. He took note of the statue’s appearance and when his troop was encamped near a town, he snuck away to a local library to see if there were any books he could find about it.
He was not apart of the army willingly, but he owed them a life debt and they had decided that it would only be repaid upon his death. Just a glorified prisoner, he was kept at the general’s side as his favorite weapon. Sneaking away was difficult, but definitely doable. The few times he was caught, he made enough of a disturbance that it was easier for everyone involved to let him do his thing.
They did not need to worry about him running away. If he was able, he’d have run the second he was given the chance. However, he was stuck. As long as he owed a debt, he could not leave.
The statue, at the very least, gave him something to do.
He was intrigued. He did not recognize the features at all, and his research confirmed that it was not a well known deity. It takes a long time of asking the right people and finding the right books to uncover the story of the forgotten god.
Having read everything — from loving poems about the being helping sickly children find comfort in their last moments to angry anecdotes about desperate townspeople sacrificing themselves in the hope that the god would show them mercy — he decides to give the god the benefit of the doubt.
He figures the world is shitty enough, why not find some good that had been tucked away? Ghost himself was seen more as a weapon than a person and couldn’t help but sympathize. He was never one for gods or worship, more likely to curse the heavens than ever sacrifice something of his, but he almost felt bad for the being. So, the next day, from one bloodthirsty monster to another, he gives the forgotten god more offerings.
It’s still not much, just an apple and a ring the general wouldn’t notice missing, but he sets them there anyways. He damn near jumps out of his fucking skin when the feeling of an accepted offering floods through him. He stares at what would have originally been the face of the statue, but nothing happens. The trees behind him continue to sing their song in the faint breeze, with the sounds of a lively woods never fading.
There is no outside sound, no out of place movement, no indication that he hadn’t just imagined the feeling. A leaf falling from one of the branches and landing on the pedestal, where the offerings were now gone, snapped him out of his staring contest. He muttered out a gruff thanks and sat down to eat, ignoring the feeling of being watched.
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post-it-notes7 · 3 months
I don't think either of them are okay in this situation
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oh heavens no. Not at all
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fisheito · 4 months
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everyone gets a turn in the ridiculous skintight edmondsuit. or at least, .everyone SHOULD
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dariuseppsenjoyer · 2 months
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 month
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Artist: Phil Stone TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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ladydisofdurin · 1 month
Percy should ask Rachel to design a tattoo to cover the SPQR brand 
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girls when they remember that wilfred owen was killed in action A WEEK before the armistice was signed
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averageludwig · 5 months
People out there hate boots n bombs I just realized..... oohhh yuriphobia....
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toastshark · 10 months
Hey does anyone remember that color circle art challenge cuz I sure did
RIP quality, it was eaten by tumblr compression
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
I missed bucky’s birthday and I’m kinda upset with myself about it idk why
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josefavomjaaga · 2 months
So I've been reading parts of "The Secret Memoirs of the Duchesse D'Abrantès", 1784-1838" by Robert Chantemesse (from the 1920s, as it seems, original title "Le roman inconnu de la Duchesse d'Abrantes", and its style very much not to my likings).
Something I'm pretty sure of now is that we're all wrong. 😁 The ladies of the Empire, the grandes dames de la cour, on hearing us gush about all those marshals and generals, would think us nuts. Or without the least bit of taste. Obviously, the true beaus of the era, those that caused heads to turn, hearts to beat faster and besties to become life-long enemies, were named Forbin or Balincourt...
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lios-archive · 1 year
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me when my favourite obscure band . wheb my favourite obscure members of the babd
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kyuoki · 3 months
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rozugold · 2 months
Hello I've been rereading painted illusions and the nuke part is sending me off the walls like I wanna know what happens next it's really good and your art is amazing and painted illusions Tommy is just he's been through so much
Yaaay glad to hear that you enjoy it!! I didn’t mean to leave off on that part for so long but alas… Tommy has been through a lot but rest assured it’ll all be okay :] eventually
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