theragingthespian · 7 years
hey here's a friendly reminder that your writing is INCREDIBLE
- written with love from me to you
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mindthewolves · 7 years
supercorp fic recs, part 3
for the anons who asked. better late than never? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ see also: part one | part two
nonrandom act of kindness: leave a comment for a writer whose work you enjoyed! be someone’s yellow sun =]
supergirl in training by @wtfoctagon
future!daughter travels back in time & encounters bewildered supercorp
kidfic is Not My Thing and yet??? amazing characterization here
a world full of light, & you by @unicyclehippo
accidental marriage fic; see original tumblr ask
wip but this is going to be good guys trust me
they’ll never break the shape we take by @mooosicaldreamz
because apparently I am a sucker for time travel
“I don’t need to be told” asdjfn;lnkja
why do my keysmashes never look as cool or as exuberant as everyone else’s
srsly I tried like 5 times
[untitled] by @jennyquill
kara loses an expensive, v important ring
love the sentence structure here; v simple, like telling a story by the flashes of a strobe light
really, there’s a beat to it. it’s great. also great? the voice at the beginning. so kara.
the way we mend by @theragingthespian
solid writer, always great one-shots
“I would’ve liked the chance to dance with you.”
“Who says we can't?”
also check out: brighter
potstickers and pizza by @forlornlyoptimistic
great kara/clark interactions here - not enough fic capitalizes on this
or, kara spends a summer w clark and meets lena
the underappreciated siblings club by nirav
club members: alex danvers, lucy lane, lena luthor
wip; great character studies and dialogue
reasons why by @proudlyunicorn
another solid one-shot writer
really liked the format of this (numbered lists, out of order)
exquisite by cartecka
mistaken identity; lena gets under supergirl to get over kara
sorry, that was crass
it’s actually v cute
in which supergirl becomes the flash by @bijane
dying laughing
still dead
my ao3, should you be so inclined:
watching stars without you
fix-it script for an episode post-2x13
livewire being livewire
the strong will never fall
fix-it script (continuation of the above)
kara & all kinds of kryptonite
real or not real
supercorp slow burn, hunger games au
emphasis on the ‘slow’
(& if you’re feeling extra generous, I set up a ko-fi - keep my caffeine levels carefully titrated while I’m on call? =])
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eu-be-nice · 7 years
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Kara and Judge from fic by @forlornlyoptimistic T_T
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whythinktoomuch · 6 years
what about old fics/authors you like or still stand out to you?
OK, OK, let me give you three of the first Supergirl fics I’ve ever read, the newest one I read, & a shitpost I literally can-not stop thinking about. 
real by @forlornlyoptimistic​
The moment I found this fic, I spend the rest of the night reading all this author’s other works, which should count for something. 
Beyond Compare by ... anonymous, because it’s been orphaned. 
This isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea because it’s Angst with a Happy Enough ending (something I’m quite a fan of, btw) and Kara is recovering from a terrible breakup with Cat (I was also a Supercat shipper first, y’all), and yeah. So, proceed with caution? 
such unruly heads and hearts by younglemonade (who might be inactive now actually :/) 
Quite possibly, the best Harry Potter AU I’ve ever read of any fandom. I was only upset about, like... one character’s sorting, which is saying a lot considering how seriously I take the hogwarts houses. 
you are my tomorrow by golden_sky
I think this was the most recent fic I read (that I could remember anyway)... and it’s great! Angsty as all hell & I teared up quite a few times through it all. It’s another happy *enough* ending... 
The gist: Kara is devastated when Lena dies, then somehow ends up in a parallel universe where she meets another Lena who’s mourning the death of her Kara. 
I have a thing for parallel universes, yo. 
Annnnnnd, as a pick-me-up, let me share this shitpost/ficlet’ish thing that @karalovesallthegirls wrote, because I’m pretty sure it’s the reason why I started following her in the first place: Kara fights a big bad. 
That’s it for now! :D
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youngbloodbuzz · 7 years
hey do you know any supercorp blogs that dont like... hate on any characters?
hOO buddy that’s always such a struggle, especially in this fandom. here are some good eggs
@proudlyunicorn @banrions @motorcyclegirlfriends @capricious-wind @supercorpgoodness @supercorpppp @theragingthespian @forlornlyoptimistic
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gidgeting · 7 years
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go read this gem by @forlornlyoptimistic
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lynnearlington · 7 years
Oh man, please make a rec list. Ive probably read all the popular ones and i just know that ive missed a few gems. Also just read myiy and found your tumblr, your fic and blog are fantastic
Yeah, when I get a chance I will. 
Or I could just save myself the trouble and tell you to just go read everything @theragingthespian and @forlornlyoptimistic write. 
Also @likebrightness even though I have to maintain a public image of hating everything she does. 
I’m contractually obligated to also tell you to go read anything @mooosicaldreamz writes too (go bother her for more fic iz good) - one day I’ll let her post all her myiy ficlets and you’ll see how they’ve melted my brain. 
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mooosicaldreamz · 7 years
What about acquired child(ren) and supercorp? I mean, a baby is abandoned or their parents are killed... Kara and Lena are not together (yet) though.
the best fic of this is by @forlornlyoptimistic and i could never conceivably repeat that epic success
i think i would probably write it in such a way that it’s like, some alien who kara finds and it imprints on her or something. and lena is like um hello where did you acquire a child. and then the baby imprints on lena too. i don’t know how this happens. but it’s basically the parent trap but with an imprinting alien baby
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jennyquill · 7 years
that one (1) sentence from a wip tag
hey @mindthewolves thanks for tagging me, you magical land mermaid.
post the last sentence you wrote in a wip and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. 
“On their seven year anniversary, Kara finds divorce papers on the kitchen counter.” - from a thing where kara travels back in time to save her relationship with lena and it’s sad but also not sad bc i could never break these two up for good i just want something to hurt u feel. 
if you’ve been tagged before congrats ur tagged again. 
@c--and--b @ratherembarrassing @theragingthespian @ifyouresure @mooosicaldreamz @lynnearlington (yall are probs tagged in 10 million things a day im so sorry but also not sorry) @idontneedtobeforgiven @amaltheaz @queercapwriting @nevervalentines @forlornlyoptimistic @proudlyunicorn @mindthewolves (can i tag u again? im tagging u again)
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theragingthespian · 6 years
Have you read any good supercorp fic recently ?
ah sorry, no. i don’t read much fic these days
i mean, @forlornlyoptimistic and @tomas-abe are the absolute best and you can’t go wrong by rereading them all
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mindthewolves · 7 years
One sentence from a WIP
Tagged by @nevertobeships - look at this why did you catch me on a particularly gruesome sentence, people are going to be Concerned
Post the last sentence you wrote in a WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
“as a child you thought their souls were forfeit when the surgeons took their tongues.” - real or not real
Apologies if you’ve been tagged before & second round of apologies for those of you who are strangers but whose WIPs I am curious about anyway. @mooosicaldreamz, @pippytmi (this better be from your m&m fic I’m dying in the waiting room), @lurkz, @unicyclehippo, @forlornlyoptimistic, @proudlyunicorn, @jennyquill, @theragingthespian, @lost-your-memory, @inspectorboxer 
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storyiicharacter · 7 years
Me, finding new tumblrs:
- Intends to scroll through casually to check if it's content I want to follow - Reblogs only from that page for two hours, probably at 3am @theragingthespian @forlornlyoptimistic @bleachitwhite
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trappedinvacancy · 7 years
Could you recommend some good Supercorp blogs? I'm just now realizing how horrible the current people I follow are (y'know, r*dkrypto and the like) and I'd like to find some who... aren't them? Thank you (so much) in advance
Sure thing! Though I will say I don’t follow a ton of strictly supercorp blogs, but some really rad people who post a mix of stuff including supercorp.
Some of my favorite writers’ blogs:
Some other cool blogs with Supercorp:
This one is strictly Supercorp goodies:
Honestly there are so many good blogs out there in this fandom and I really only know a few so please anyone feel free to chime in with suggestions!
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automaticheartache · 7 years
supercorp fic recs please?
I honestly don’t read a ton of Supercorp fanfic (mostly because I want to make sure I’m not accidentally integrating other people’s ideas/styles into my own writing) but there are a few exceptions, because I just can’t help myself… so here you go:
Pretty much anything by: @theragingthespian, @forlornlyoptimistic (cautiouslyoptimistic on Ao3), and @queercapwriting.
I’m also obsessed with the on-going fic by @littlekbrother (littlebrother on Ao3) called “the heiress, the girl of steel, and the man who fell to earth” (in addition her completed fic “I’m Kara Danvers”) as it’s got that fantastic slow burn and doesn’t make me hate the stupid alien frat boy as much. 
Basically, I’m a sucker for beautiful writing and a solid, slow burn, so these authors are my jam!
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youngbloodbuzz · 7 years
can i suggest theragingthespian and forlornlyoptimistic
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lost-your-memory · 7 years
I’ve been tagged by the kiddo, aka @catzorel ♥
Height: You guys have a weird measurement system. 169 cm aka 5′6 I guess
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Go to SSBB Character: Link or Ike, it depends.
Fictional character I would date: ... Too many but let’s go with Cat Grant. Because.
Favourite band/artist: I don’t have any, but lately it’s Sleeping at last.
When did I make this blog: october of 2011. Whow, it’s OLD. 
How many blogs do I follow: 269 but I need to clean that up
Do I get asks on a regular basis: Lately, pretty much yes (prompt season)
Aesthetic: ... what? I like messy stuff so there’s that.
Tag 20 follower you want to get to know better: @mitski, @madame-andromeda, @tiramisawyer, @damelola, @forlornlyoptimistic, @villainousunsub, @super-horse, @krystalgoderitch, @xxtorchxx ... and all the others who want to play! Tag me in it people, so I can stalk your answers ♥
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