#form Voltron
muclunga · 10 months
Curing my boredom with ai pt. 2
This is what i think team voltron (+ matt) would look like irl
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All it took was one tiktok to pull me back into this cursed fandom again
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iknowicanbutwhy · 3 months
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Universe said we don't have enough wish power for your bullshit. this is your last fucking star
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leenfiend · 1 year
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what's ur type first < prev next > full comic
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heynhay · 1 year
Bed sharing with drool and legs akimbo and messy messy hair and bleary woke up eyes but they smile softly at each other bc they are so in love …. then inevitably one of them pushes the other onto the floor and they commence a half naked extremely serious pillow fight
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can they be normal for 5 second ever
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 27 days
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guy who never ever catches a single break
only had time for a very fast sketch but i miss him
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torveiglyart · 2 months
Okay so remember my Voltron Lion Takeover post? Yeah, I lied. I brought my ipad with me and since we only had one parks day, I had a LOT of time to just chill in the hotel room, meaning drawing time. So I ended up drawing the burn marks anyways. I imagine the whole fiasco going something like this:
Lance woke up to the blue walls of the pod, blurry vision, and an ache throughout his body. He collapsed forward into Hunk’s waiting arms, knees weak. There were cries of surprise, concern, and reprimand around him, but Lance heard none of it, instead focused on the arms supporting him and the itchy feeling that was starting to spread up his arms and legs. Once he had cleared his head and vision, he gave Hunk a pointed look, hoping his best friend would get the message and shut everyone up.
“Um, guys, I think Lance would like some food and quiet before we bombard him with questions.”
The commotion died at Hunk’s announcement. Carefully, Hunk and Allura led Lance to the dining hall, setting a bowl of food goo at his place. Lance ate in silence while Hunk and Allura chatted quietly next to him, catching him up to speed on what had happened while he was in the pod. The itching had since gone away by the time Lance had finished his food. Lance was about to go change into his regular clothes from the pod suit when Allura called to him.
“Lance, before you go change, there is something you should be aware of.”
Lance paused and turned back around to Allura with a questioning look, waiting for her to continue.
“Whatever happened back there, it left some… permanent scarring. I know not how they came to be but Pidge, Coran, and I are looking into it.”
With a hesitant nod and a frown, Lance went to his room. Peeling off the pod suit, he gasped at the patterns now etched into his skin. Geometric veins and circled ends filled his arms, legs, and torso, reaching all the way to his neck and ending at his nape hairline. They were everywhere. And permanent.
Tracing the lines with his hand, Lance could feel himself tearing up. It was one thing to be mentally changed from a war away from home, but to have such a large reminder burned onto his skin? To be altered in such a big way? It stung more than any homesickness ever would. At least he hadn’t lost a limb like Shiro had. Lance doesn’t think he’d be able to handle losing an arm or leg, losing a piece of himself like that. Looking into his bathroom mirror, he breathed out in relief at finding no marks on his face. That would have been a real heartbreaker.
With a heavy sigh, Lance shrugged on his usual attire and headed back to the bridge for a full rundown of what happened, and to maybe share his side of the mission report. The others were already there awaiting his arrival. Upon seeing Lance, Pidge hopped up and ran over, tackling him in a hug then slapping his shoulder.
“You idiot! What the quiznak were you thinking? Taking on a Galra commander alone? With your broadsword? Were you trying to die?”
Lance put his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eye. “I wasn’t trying to die, Pidge. I was trying to protect Allura. She was down and I was stuck with close-range fighting. I’m sorry I scared you all, but I won’t apologize for what I did. Which, by the way, what exactly happened? One minute I’m fighting the dual sworded guy, the next I’m waking up in a pod. And what’s up with the scars?”
There was a silence amongst the group before Allura spoke up.
“While I was down for a while, I was awake when you brought me back to the castle in Red. You… you did not look entirely yourself. You had this red and blue cast to your hair, with solid yellow eyes and fangs. It was strange. And your armor, well, you can see for yourself.”
Pidge butted in at Allura’s pause. “When I found the surveillance video, per Coran’s request, your armor was solid black with star-like dots in the coloured sections. And you were fighting strangely. Like, been a solider for 20 plus years strange. And your bayard…”
There were nervous glances passed between the crew, all avoiding Lance’s gaze. It was irritating.
“And what about my bayard?”
There was an awkward pause before Shiro broke it.
“You were switching bayard forms with a fluency none of us have ever seen, as well as using forms you’ve never had, including our forms.”
Oh, so it was way more than just some weird scarring. Lance had done the impossible, and woke up with no memory of it. Not to mention the eye thing sounded like possession. The security feed must have freaked them out quite a bit. Lance could only hope Lotor was kept out of this.
"Does Lotor know?"
Allura spoke immediately. "No. We decided to keep him out of the know for this. While we trust him not to do anything currently with the information, we do not trust that he may use it if he betrays us."
That put Lance at a little more ease. At least prince L'oréal didn't know of his sudden mastery of being a paladin. But there were still questions to be answered.
"What forms did my bayard take?"
Hunk decided to answer this time.
"You had your regular blaster, your sniper rifle, broadsword, our bayard forms like Pidge's katar and Allura's whip, and completely new forms. Dual pistols, dual smaller swords, a lance, and a shield. It was really weird, but impressive."
That was far too many bayard forms for Lance. He was the weak link, a seventh wheel, not a proficient fighter like Zarkon, who could use multiple bayard forms. So why had he? He would have to look at the footage later, as he still needed to know about the scars.
"And the burns? Any working theory on those?"
Shiro looked alarmed at Lance's words, opening his mouth to say something before Allura cut in.
"Pidge claims they are like lichtenberg scars, but their shape and flow remind me of quintessence veins, both of which should be impossible given the footage we have. You were not struck by electricity again, and you would have to have been overflowed with quintessence for those veins to appear. It is quite a concerning conundrum."
With a gasp of surprise, Pidge turned to Allura.
"What do you mean /struck by electricity again/?!"
Shiro nodded at Pidge's question. Coran looked horrified. Hunk kept looking between Allura and Lance for an explanation. Lance decided this wasn't needed right now.
"I was hit at the Omega Shield and Allura healed me. All good now. Can I see the footage? I want to see what happened for myself."
I went wayyyy further with that than intended and wow I really hate how nonchalant everyone was with Lance's death but ANYWAYS here you guys go. What happens when you get possessed by a lion of Voltron? You get an overdose of quintessence and trauma. Hooray!
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rinterests · 2 months
i know it's not how it works but i wish keith got more purple in the show
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callmelyc · 4 months
I talked a lot before (and thought about it for years) about how I think the bayards could become anything but never super explored it so here y'all go I made lance loose a leg to do so: (copy and pasted from Twitter so we will ignore format and grammar)
Sometimes when Lance closes his eyes he can still hear the wind chimes his mama had on the back patio
He can feel the sun soaking into his skin and smell the salt from the waves in the distance
Now though with his eyes closed, all he hears is nothing, and all he smells is iron.
He'd gotten trapped here in this ship made of mazes. It was so strategic, so full of traps and portals that the entire team was separated with ease.
Now Lance lies here in a blank hallway. Now he lies bleeding on the cold floor.
With not even the crackle of the coms between him and the silence.
Lance fades in and out of consciousness. Black paints his vision when everything isn't a smear of colors. occasionally he even gets a glimpse of clarity to see the bodies of the guards surrounding him
But above all he fights the searing pain, the burn of the gnarled flesh on his thigh.
Lance can't feel his toes, Should he be able to feel his toes...?
Why is there only tingling in one leg? Why can't he get up
Get upgetupgetup
Everything is swirling, everything is spinning too fast
Things are fading again...
There's voices but he can't remember who they are
"Lance please!"
The world snaps back into focus and for the first time in what feels like forever....Lance can breathe
The twinkling of wind chimes sing so clearly in his ears and the breeze is oh so gentle
Where....where..is he? Where was he? Something doesn't feel right but he doesn't know what
Lance looks around to find he's sitting on a porch that overlooks the sea
"Lance! There you are-" when he turns the speaker of one of the voices from before is looking at him with a smile
"Mama..." Lances voice is breathless but if his mother notices she doesn't show it
"I've been calling for you mijo, normally you come running when dinner is done"
She pulls Lance to his feet and ignores when he stumbles. She ignores the face he must make when pain shoots through him the second his right foot touches the ground
She ignores it all and sits Lance down at the table where his siblings are arguing over something stupid. Where his father is laughing at something Luis says about his kids.
Between the conversation and every bite of food the world flashes back to the dim darkness of the galran ship. Sounds fade in and out with more voices yelling for him, begging for him to respond.
But it's just so warm here and the wind chimes sing oh so clear in his ears.
/Lance! This isn't funny-/
He laughs at a joke his sister says.
His mom places more food on his plate.
/We NEED to get in there-/
/It's too dangerous we don't know where he is!/
"Is everything alright?"
"huh?" Lance mumbles confused. Of course everything was alright, it's dinner time with the family. It's what he's dreamed about for the years he's been away....isn't it?
The years he's been away....
"Earth to Lance~"
Lance snaps his focus to Rachel, who looks at him as if he's done something ridiculous.
"You ok? You're weirdly quiet."
"I-" lance goes to explain himself but the words get caught in his throat with a scream. Pain shoots through him again making lance double over onto the table
His family doesn't seem to react to his scream nor do they care to point out the blood that pools on the floor beneath him
"Is everything alright? You're so quiet Lance."
The wind chimes singing turns into a piercing ring.
"You just need to get out is all-"
"Yeah Lance! it's been ages since you've gotten out. You just need to keep going."
Lance chances a glance down to his leg, where the right one would be....and theres nothing.
Oh God he's gonna throw up. There's so much blood, the flesh of his thigh is so torn....
"Just wake up, Lance."
Lance chances a dizzying glance upwards only to find his entire family looking at him. Their faces are blank, they look as if they're one entity.
"Wake up"
Lance gasps for breath when he wakes this time, the feeling of the cold metal a familiar feeling against his skin.
He can still hear people calling his name, demands for a response, yelling and begging for anything, anything at all.
As the world resettles around him, Lance realizes it's his team. They're calling for him.
Where once the coms were blocked it not crackles through unobstructed. Lance takes as deep a breath as he can manage, lifts his hand and turn on his mic
"M' here" his voice cracks and Lance knows he probably sounds as bad as he feels. But the resounding relief the team berates him with in response is enough.
"Oh thank Allran"
"God lance you-"
"we need to leave, things aren't looking good." Shiro cuts in "can you get out Lance?"
At that lance cringes, he remembers his leg, the blood, the fight "I dont-"
"One of the portals is open 50ft ahead of the exit. It's a one way passage or we'd come to you...."
"Are you injured?"
He almost wants to laugh. Injured is an understatement.
Lance doesn't have it in him to tell them he doesn't think he'll make it. He doesn't have the heart to tell them he thinks- no, he knows his leg is gone and how he's bleeding out.
So he looks up, fighting against the vertigo, to get a visual of the exit. It would be an easy exit if he could walk but now...now he doesn't think he'll make it out of here. Now, he doesn't think he'll actually get to sit down at the table and have dinner to the sound of wind chimes
/You just need to get out Lance/
The words ring in Rachel's voice, then his mother's, then Vera and marcos...
"Lance please-"
Keith...the most desperate sounding one was Keith
"I don't know how bad it is but I know you. Don't you dare give up here."
Lance can hear the worry in Keith's voice, the rage that he can't impulse his way through to help and Lance chuckles
"You worried about me samurai?"
He hears Keith bite out a retort but can't form a thought strong enough to understand the words. All that's in lances mind is getting out, he has to survive.
He will get out, he just has to move.
So he starts to crawl, dragging his body across the floor inch by inch.
Blood drags with him. His fingers clawing at the ground for purchase burn at the effort it takes to pull himself forward. Yet no matter how much it hurts, no matter how dizzy he is he can't stop
Move move
Just get out he just has to get out he can make it he can!
In lances desperation, in his pleas to the universe to not die here alone in a trap, his Bayard transforms into something none knew it could.
It becomes a new leg
The metal shapes into something truly alien, something altean and foreign. It latches onto lances stump making him hiss as it sealed in the bleed.
It takes a moment for him to gather himself after, to try to stand and stumble down the hall and to the portal.
He's thrown off balance by the weight of it, unable to walk with something so new. With every moment he slams into the wall for balance, with every pained step he takes with the temporary prosthetic, Lance is closer to freedom.
And the moment he steps through that portal Lance collapses into arms he knows belong to Keith, and everything after goes dark.
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mushed-kid · 7 months
i made a drawing :D im really happy with it! it’s allura but i gave her normal clothes!!!
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under the cut there’s some close ups
here’s her face :D
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and here’s her shirt, i’m very happy with how it turned out. also her hands i like them. beautiful, my absolute fav part of this drawing:
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and here’s her pants with embroidery that she did herself :D yay girlie
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soadscrawl · 5 months
i know keith being into cryptids and ufos and stuff is an old joke in the fanbase and while idk if i think he actually believed that stuff (i think hed be like me where he finds it rlly interesting and researches it but doesnt necessarily believe its real) i want it to be canon because imagine ur obsessed with aliens and ufos and area 51 and then you get functionally abducted by aliens, have to fight evil aliens, and also you ARE aliens. that fucking hilarious
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Never a Lance basher, nor a Lance woobifier, but a secret third thing (Lance should get to maul people and also get tragic corruption revenge arc)
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fastepp · 6 months
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When they forget about the ethical in ethical non monogamy
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catsushinyakajima · 11 days
Voltron cast as events from my humble college life:
PIDGE: asked their roommate how long to microwave a cookie and their roommate responded “dunno, two minutes” and a minute later the cookie is on fire and all the fire alarms are going off so they had to take them down and put them outside (see cookie below)
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LANCE: confessed to their crush of one week completely wasted and proceeded to throw up ten times in a row and got emotionally attached to the trash can they were throwing up in and carried it around everywhere
HUNK: the crazy stalker girl (Lotor) who home wrecked his roommates relationship showed up to the apartment at midnight EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE BLOCKED AND NOT INVITED and instead of CALLING THE COPS he listened to them talk about how they could do so much better and how blah blah blah piece of shit. (Note: I was hunk)
LANCE: confessed to a girl and she deadass didn’t say anything for a whole minute so he said “so…thoughts and comments?”
KEITH: his friends once pulled a prank on him where they stole his mattress off the bed frame and he did not even notice and SLEPT ON THE FRAME
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(They put the mattress on top of my friend after he slept)
ALL OF VOLTRON: would go to this really old swaying bridge that was suspended over a gorge and jump up and down to make it shake
PIDGE: climbed a roof and when they came down was confronted by officers. Was asked if they saw anyone on the roof and respond : “no officer, that sounds dangerous you should check it out.”
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SHIRO: got hit by a car while riding a bike in the city and immediately the next week almost drowned in the ocean (hes always going through it)
All of these things are real events
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leenfiend · 1 year
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what’s ur type?
first next >
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amiharana · 1 year
totk should have been about reviving the champions and then finding the secret fifth divine beast that link & zelda pilot together in order to create an overpowered sheikah voltron and then they battle against ganondorf's demise voltron to save hyrule
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vee-is-a-clown · 2 months
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Lance needed to sew something and Keith needed a jacket that covers his entire torso.
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