tophsazulas · 1 month
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Their endgames are inevitable and it has everyone talkin'.
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kissandships · 1 year
Zenmasters and Formanciotti
When of if I started shipping it: I actually got into them because of tumblr and Instagram. I can’t pinpoint exactly when it happened though
My thoughts: they are super cute! DM and Mila had great chemistry together. And when Jackie was with Hyde, she had amazing character development. Jackie grew so much in those years
What makes me happy about them: that they make each other better and challenge one another
What makes me sad about them: that they’re not endgame, and their ending was so messy
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven’t read enough fanfic to properly answer this. But I guess my token answer would be them being horribly OOC
Things I look for in fanfic: angst, fluff, smut
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if…: honestly I don’t know. Since the writers ruined both their stories with T9S, I don’t know.
When of if I started shipping it: I knew they were The Couple TM, so I was already kinda rooting for them in the beginning, before I even watched the show. Again, I can’t pinpoint it exactly
My thoughts: they are perfect together. While I find their breakups unnecessary (especially s4), it did help them grow and become better people. I’m so happy they’re married with a kid. Despite trials, they always stick together
What makes me happy about them: how head over heels in love with each other they are
What makes me sad about them: their endings (thus far) seem lackluster. What is Donna writing? What does Eric normally teach? Why is Eric still obsessed with Star Wars? Like I’m glad they’re happy and all, but I wanna know mooorreeee
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Donna being bitchy or manipulative. She isn’t either of those things. I was reading a series that was really really interesting, but the writer made Donna The Bad Guy, and I couldn’t finish it
Things I look for in fanfic: fluff, angst, smut, proper characterization
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if…: sorry nope. They belong together and they are together
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alinelovelace · 11 months
Just curious, do you prefer Formciotti or Zenmasters?
I prefer Formciotti! Nothing against Zenmasters, but I'm a sucker for childhood friends to lovers. Eric and Donna have known each other for a long time, and imo the best relationships are rooted in friendship.
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
Zenmasters and Formanciotti
When or if I started shipping it? Mid '08, probably.
My thoughts: They're not my absolute favorite ship, but they're one of my favorites.
What makes me happy about them: They're soulmates.
What makes me sad about them: If one must consider season 8, they didn't end up as endgame. Ignoring T9S (as a clear late season 4 AU, because of Jay's age [16]), one can only hope they would find each other again. And if Jackie or Hyde didn't split town, they certainly would.
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: This is old school, but when Hyde calls Jackie "Jacks."
Things I look for in fanfics: Future fics!
Who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with? An OC, or if something happened to Donna, Jackie being with Eric (it's intriguing).
When or if I started shipping it? Same as above, but maybe slightly earlier.
My thoughts: They're my OTP.
What makes me happy about them: They remind me of my parents, but not enough to conjure the "ick" factor.
What makes me sad about them: To be honest, the version of the future provided in T9S. Yeah, they're married and have a kid, but they had a kid too young. Eric never got over Star Wars, and it dominates his life even more than before. And worst of all, they haven't talked to their friends in years.
I can tell you right now, the bond they shared with their friends was special. It takes years and substantial distance to pull that shit apart. I should know. My parents had friends like that well into their mid 40s (no one else having kids [other than my parents and a surplus friend], and people divorcing and moving pulled them apart).
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: The vilification of Donna.
Things I look for in fanfic: Future fics, outside of T9S.
Who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with? If something happened to Donna, I would be open to Eric trying it out with Jackie, way down the line.
Plus: There's a distinct difference between having Eric use Star Wars/his geeky hobbies as part of his career versus it being his entire career. The former I am fine with, and it's relatively IC. The latter, I am not. T9S didn't reveal enough to determine which case it is, but if it's the latter, it completely disregards his arc of trying to find himself beyond his geeky hobbies and his girlfriend. But this arc was in seasons 6 and 7, and they seem to be ignoring the second half of the show, for the most part, so *shrugs*.
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jacksbhyde · 2 years
Eric, admiring Donna; she could slap me and I'd thank her
Jackie: we'd thank her too
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mydearburkhart · 3 years
Donna: Hmm... this cake is amazing!
Hyde: Oh my god, get a room.
Donna: I would get a room with this cake, I think I can show this cake a good time.
Jackie: If you had to what would you give up, food or sex?
Donna: Sex.
Eric: Seriously, answer faster.
Donna: Oh, I'm sorry honey, when I said sex I wasn't thinking about sex with you.
Eric: ...It's like a giant hug.
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icelovesfire · 6 years
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"If we're meant to be together, then...we'll end up together." "No. The way we end up together is by saying we'll be together and then...being together!"
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tophsazulas · 6 months
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JH & ED parallels
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tophsazulas · 4 months
I find it interesting how Jackie and Donna were blind to Kelso and Casey’s faults whereas for the most part, both girls aren’t afraid to call Hyde and Eric out on their fuck ups. Shows a lot about the influence the Kelso’s have on Burkciotti.
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tophsazulas · 11 months
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tophsazulas · 20 days
Tell us why you like jackie/eric and think they might be better than jackie/hyde and eric/donna. Because I agree that donna thought she was too good for eric, but jackie would totally think that too---she's even more arrogant than donna. and jackie and eric genuinely seemed to dislike each other. i love the idea of them together because they're my two favorite characters but i think in reality they just didn't even have a real friendship let alone sparks of romance.
Well personally while I get the criticism that Jackie would probably feel that way, there is potential to go the other way. For Jackie to grow and to be better than Donna when it comes to appreciating Eric as a person.
Whereas in canon, Donna is far gone. Even as far as T9S, she talks about Eric is bad at romance but she found her way back to him. As if somehow she was better than Eric.
As for the chemistry part, it’s subjective, but I personally do see romantic chemistry between Eric and Jackie and potential for them as a couple.
I also disagree about them not having a real friendship nor romance. There are tons of episodes showing them getting along, and it’s even canon they decided to be friends but just decided to keep it a secret (Jackie’s Cheese Squeeze).
And for why they’d be better than J/H & E/D, I talked about the latter but not the former yet, so here it goes.
J/H, I love, but season 7-8 tainted them for me. And especially in late season 7, Hyde seemed to be the one calling the shots, going as far as making Jackie agree not to talk their future because of his own insecurities.
I know that there are reasons as to why Hyde has this mentality. Because of the environment he grew up in, but also there has to be a limit to giving him grace. And instead of just talking to Jackie or going to a therapist, Hyde kept pushing his insecurities onto Jackie.
Why should she not talk about a future? Jackie graduated high school and is about to enter the real world. Should she not want her boyfriend of over a year to be in that future? Fuck that. Hyde was being a manchild and Jackie should’ve broken up with him right there.
Eric and Jackie may have disliked one another, but that doesn’t mean it’s a forever thing. Hyde and Jackie hated each other and then they ended up dating. Eric and Donna had been best friends since childhood and fell in love. Who’s to say Jackie and Eric can’t have that same process of falling in love?
Not attacking you or anything, but I just can’t get that criticism of ‘they hate each other’ or ‘they both showed no interest’, when that doesn’t mean that’ll forever be the case.
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tophsazulas · 11 months
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there are two kinds of ships
(remake of this)
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tophsazulas · 9 months
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tophsazulas · 6 months
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You still would’ve been mine
We would’ve been timeless
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tophsazulas · 7 months
S7 should've had Formciotti navigate their lives as a married couple and Zenmasters focus on their future while remaining the way they were pre Winter.
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tophsazulas · 6 months
Hiya, Poorni ❤️! Prompt 12 with Formciotti?
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January 3, 2024; 5:34 PM
“I love you my sweet prince.” Donna smiled while feeding a spoon of pudding to her husband. Even after decades of marriage, she could never get bored of Eric.
Eric chuckled, “And I love you, m’lady.” He wiped the corner of Donna’s lip with a tissue. Jackie, who was next to Donna and across from Hyde, groaned. “You two are gross. Still.”
Eric turned to Jackie, “You’re just mad because you know you’ll never have this.” He teased, making Jackie chuckle. “No. Because what I have is better. I have my puddin pop.”
Donna chimed in, “And you’re his angel pookie pie.” She teased, making Hyde throw a napkin at her. That didn’t stop the former redhead and her husband from laughing though.
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