#like stelena/bamon
tophsazulas · 1 month
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Their endgames are inevitable and it has everyone talkin'.
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I was thinking about how a lot of people who are into the Vampire Diaries are also into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and how there are some obvious parallels between the shows and between the relationships of Angel & Buffy and Stefan & Elena and then Spike & Buffy and Damon & Elena, but obviously they aren't exactly the same ships or characters, and it's made me curious. Fans of both, is there a correlation in what you ship?
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lady-corrine · 2 months
You know, I always suspected that the tvd fandom wasn't the brightest in terms of media literacy, but seeing some specific shippers claim that Lisa portrayed the relationship between Damon and Elena in a positive light in her continuations is certainly... interesting? To say the least. Because:
He’s saying that right now Elena is up for grabs.
But at the mention of Elena, Damon felt at a flush of pure greed that started in his jaws and spread outward.
If I have to, I’ll Influence you to agree with me. I probably should have done that in the beginning. I seem to remember promising I wouldn’t, but I believe that promise also had a time limit that ran out.
Now to each their own, but 😬
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fandommemes · 2 months
The Vampire Diaries Meme
1 Season
2 OTPs
3 Creatures
4 Villains
5 Deaths
6 Friendships
7 Characters
8 Colors
10 Episodes
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I saw a post saying damon/elena had better chemisty before season 4 and that is so true. its also rather sad how damon/bonnie have better chemistry in 3 episodes in the weird ghost simulation world. than elena/damon did through all of s4/5. prob cause before s4 elena was more snarky with damon and he needs a woman to put him in his place not bend over backwards for him . its also hilearous that after erasing her postive memories of damon it goes to hte memory of him killing jeremy and her going GASPDAMONS a monster like yeahnoshit... bad writing just made you forget his bs..
i will forever be irriated that elena gets with a man who killed her bro it makes no sense.
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freddieslater · 2 years
Hey! How are you? I was just wondering if you could write a forwood au drabble where they’re both married and have twins just like in the books. (With some stelena bamon endgames but I don’t wanna be too demanding)
I am so much better after having received this request. You are truly after my heart, this is the au that I LIVE for. So, I only did the drabble, no moodboard but if you DO want a moodboard for this au, feel free to just ask and I will be more than happy to make one because, again, this au is EVERYTHING to me. And now, for some domestic Forwood with some mentions of Stelena and Bamon:
“Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” Tyler asks sceptically. He sets the plate down on the table and then rests his hands on the back of the chair in front of him. “Don’t you think it’ll be… weird?”
Caroline breathes out a laugh, saying, “No,” then stops, whips around, and stares at him with wide-eyed alarm and a plate still in her hand. “Why? Do you think it’ll be weird? Oh god, it’s weird, isn’t it? This is insane! What was I thinking?”
Like a switch flipped, she dove right into the deepest end of the pool and sunk right to the bottom. Tyler’s gotten used to it over the years, but truth be told, he hasn’t quite adjusted to just how heightened she’s been since having the twins. 
“No, Care, that’s not what I said,” Tyler quickly soothes, moving over to stand in front of her. He reaches out and gently strokes her forearms. “You’re not insane. I was just thinking about you. You know, what with everything that’s gone down with Stefan and… with Damon. Are you going to be okay in a room with both of them?”
She looks him dead in the eyes like a startled little chipmunk for a good second or two. Then, with a sigh, she deflates like someone’s popped open the little seal on the back of her neck and let out all of the air that was filling her to bursting point. 
To his surprise, she flings her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly. The forks in her hand jab a little uncomfortably into his right shoulderblade but he chooses to ignore it for the moment. He instead chuckles lightly into her hair as she takes a deep breath into his shoulder. 
“Hey, you okay?” he asks softly, stroking a hand up and down her back. He wonders if he should go and get the twins for her to focus her attention on; it calms her emotions right down to have them in her sights and be looking after them. 
“I just…” She pulls back to look at him with startlingly crystal-clear eyes, full of clarity and sincerity as she holds him at arms-length and smiles at him like he’s the only other person in the world. “God. I just love you so much. You know that, don’t you?” 
“Yeah, of course I do,” Tyler says with a twinge in his chest. He knows it, and he hears it often enough that it shouldn’t still make him feel like the romantic interest in a cheesy teen movie, but here he is anyway. “And I love you, Care.” 
Her smile stretches until her eyes crinkle like a joyful kitten, then she continues, “And I love that you care so much about me, and how I feel, if I’m okay. I really do. I promise you that I am going to be okay tonight. It’s all in the past now, and we are moving forward with our new life. We have the twins, we have our home. We have each other, and I could not be happier about that.” 
Tyler’s cheeks positively ache from trying to bite back the full extent of his smile. “Yeah?” 
“Yes, you dummy! This is everything I’ve always wanted.” She rolls her eyes. “I know it may have seemed like I wasn’t really one for the domestic, settling down… white picket fence life when we were at school, but… deep down, I wanted it. I hoped that I could have it, that I could actually do it and be good at it. Being a mother and… a partner.” 
There’s some emphasis on the last word, Tyler notices. He’s not stupid. But he’ll let her continue to think he is for another hour or so, just until they have the appropriate audience and dessert is about to be served with a particular piece of silver included. 
“You are amazing,” Tyler tells her fiercely, sliding his hands up the side of her neck. She leans into his touch, her bottom lip pushing out a little. “And, I totally believe you when you say that you’re all good about this dinner party idea. But be totally honest with me: how do you actually feel it?”
“Oh, I’m a nervous wreck,” Caroline says without missing a beat, confirming what he’s been observing for the last twenty-four hours. “Mainly just because I’m worried about a fight breaking out between either Stefan and Damon or you and them, but also because both Elena an Bonnie have confided some news in me that they’re planning on sharing tonight with each other and I’m not totally sure how they’re both going to react.”
Eyebrows raised, Tyler takes a step back, going back to setting the table as he prompts her with a simple, “Oh? Why? What’s their news?” 
She groans loudly, head thrown back, hands out at her sides. “Okay, so, technically I’m not supposed to say anything because I promised both of them that I wouldn’t, but you don’t count. I know for a fact that Elena tells Stefan everything, and the same for Bonnie with Damon, which, frankly, I think is even more insane than this dinner party because I wouldn’t trust him to keep a surprise party a secret, never mind anything of any importance.
“But anyway. Get this, would you believe, Elena and Stefan eloped.” 
Tyler’s eyebrows are practically off his forehead. “Wait, seriously? Wow.”
“I know! I mean, they’re married now! Which is totally crazy, right?” 
Biting hard on his cheek to keep a straight face, he nods with furrowed brows, and swallows hard before speaking. “Yeah, no, it’s crazy.”
He catches Caroline side-eyeing him, but he makes sure to give nothing away as he adjusts the last plate and she sets out the last of the cutlery. 
“And Bonnie’s news?” he asks, steering her back on track. 
It’s successful, too. Her eyes immediately widen and she’s talking a mile a minute, saying, “Oh god, that’s even crazier. I don’t think it’s even fully sunk in for me yet, I mean, I just can’t even picture it – I don’t want to, either, to be frank. Right, yeah. So… Bonnie’s pregnant.”
Tyler whistles through his teeth. “What? And it’s–”
“Definitely Damon’s, she says,” Caroline confirms, nodding.
“I can see why you’re nervous,” he says faintly, to her passionate agreement. 
He’s still processing that piece of information when the baby monitor crackles – not that they really need it when they both have hearing better than anything that requires a battery. 
Caroline’s head perks up like a dog’s ears. “Oh, is it five already? I need to feed them again.” She rubs her temples. “Do you think it’s worrying that Brianna is drinking more than Lucas is? Maybe it’s me. Maybe my milk is making him sick or something, do you think that’s possible?” 
“I think that they’re both perfectly fine,” Tyler says calmly, “but if you’re really worried, we can check in with the midwife again with any questions. I’m sure it’s just because Cas was a bit later than Bri. There’s always the formula stuff, see if it makes a difference for him.”
“True. I might try it,” she muses, biting her lip. 
There’s another groggy cry from upstairs. Seeing Caroline’s obvious need for a minute to go over her thoughts, he kisses her cheek and says, “I’ll get them.”
“Thank you, you’re the best, I love you!” she calls after him. 
“I know!”
#bonniesdamons#ask away earthlings!#the vampire diaries#forwood#caroline forbes#tyler lockwood#stelena#bamon#tvd#tvd au#no I will not go into detail about how they are all alive nor how any of them conceived without any cure involved#this is the way it is and you will all LIKE it#also I couldn't resist using the names of their twins from the books#I love that their boy was actually called 'lucas' because that was the name I gave to parkwood's son in my twin au for them#and 'brianna' is such a pretty name I love them for that#I imagine that their full named in this au are 'brianna carol lockwood-forbes' and 'lucas william mason lockwood-forbes'#because you can never have too many middles names right? especially when you have so many deceased relatives#I almost wish that their canonical book son's name WASN'T lucas because it almost feels weird considering everything with luke#but hey it is what it is even if I do think that forwood in tvd would have named their kids#'elizabeth carol lockwood-forbes' and 'william mason lockwood-forbes'#so we would then have lizzie and will#OR it could be 'carol elizabeth lockwood-forbes' and then we would have carrie and will#just to you know not have the same name as lizzie from actual tvd canon#I may need to make some forwood twins gifsets like I did for stefanie and for parkwood's twins#BUT ANYWAY#I hope this was okay and if you ever want more from this au just let me know I will be more than happy to oblige#I JUST HAD ANOTHER THOUGHT their kids nicknames if they had been elizabeth and william could have been lizzie and billy#or carrie and billy I'm not fussy#or even ‘thomas mason’ which could be shortened to ‘tommy’ because I feel like caroline remembers tom#suggestions for what any of you think they would name their twins are welcome!
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slutisnotabadword · 7 months
Maybe an unpopular opinion…
But Steroline was better than Stelena.
And Bamon was better than Delena.
SORRY. SORRY. But it just was.
Stefan and Damon just had better chemistry and storyline with Caroline and Bonnie than they did with Elena. Don’t get me wrong, Delena had undeniable chemistry but that lasted only for the first three seasons. Once they got together, that chemistry kind of died down. And it makes me realize that the majority of their chemistry stemmed from the trope: “will they, won’t they”, or “forbidden lovers”. They knew they shouldn’t be together or even attracted together because of Stefan and it’s complicated, and because of that fact, it made their scenes every more angsty and hotter. But when they did get together, it’s like…. eh.
Where as Bonnie and Damon, they had chemistry from the jump, I argue. And even when they got “together” aka being best friends, they STILL had that intense chemistry and angst that was needed. And don’t get me started on how Damon’s original promise of protecting the Bennet bloodline?? And how Bonnie hated his guts and Damon was terribly annoyed by her?? Is that not a set up for a enemies to lover orrrr???
And Steroline just felt sweeter. Like eating dutch apple pie. It was a classic friends to lovers. And it has one of my favorite pairings, “the erratic girlfriend x calm, collected boyfriend”. And I just love how Caroline was Stefan’s vampire “sponsor”, and then how Stefan was technically Caroline’s first vampire friend, and how he helped her with her transition. It’s just fucking sweet. And I firmly believe that Caroline was in love with Stefan from the jump. Maybe not in love, but she definitely loved him, and that’s why she was always so judgemental and adament towards Elena about picking Stefan, because it’s what she would’ve—and wanted to—done.
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rphunter · 5 days
Hi! 25f looking for 21+ partners to write the vampire diaries with on discord.
I have been writing within this fandom for almost a decade, and I can play pretty much any character spanning across three shows with patience and understanding. i am looking for longterm partners, as i am an active partner and love to write a lot. i don’t do one liner responses, and usually mirror when it comes to reply length.
i love making pinterest boards and talking ooc, i even love having multiple threads at once to really have solid dynamic between our characters.
i am currently interested in both oc x canon (doubling) and canon x canon (single) . below are some ships that i would be interested in writing:
bamon ( bonnie and damon )
klaroline ( klaus and caroline )
elejah ( elena and elijah )
stelena ( elena and stefan )
delena ( elena and damon )
stebekah ( rebekah and stefan )
but i am always up to discussing other ships !!
if you are interested, please like this and i will reach out to you. thank you!! 🎊
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queercherrypie · 9 months
I'm starting to think Ian Somerhalder thinks about Bamon and the wasted potential of a love triangle plot on season 6 as much as I do.
People out there saying it's because he and Nina had broken up and he held a grudge, but the chemistry had died and the plot potential was there. He tried to move forward, give something more interesting, and make Damon's character grow from the pointless obsession he had with Elena. He wasn't wrong, and a lot of people have a hard time accepting that.
I'm trying to understand why...maybe because I didn't grow up with this show I don't understand the obsession with this sinking ship that has seen better days, but...sorry, not sorry? It would actually be more interesting if Damon had actually gotten over his obsession with Katherine/Elena. It's bizarre, they look alike and they keep mistaking the two, probably because Katherine in the good times looked like Elena, sweet and innocent vibe. Stelena and Delena have given me "yucky" vibes since the start.
Here's the thing, Stelena and Delena had potential as a drama plot, not to be an endgame ship and I'm going to die on this hill, this fandom is all weird as fuck.
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tophsazulas · 3 months
For your ask game:
Stelena, Forwood, Bamon, Steroline, Jalaric? :)
Stelena (TC and SE can be tied tho!)
St*roline (love my SC moots tho)
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jennifersminds · 11 months
19 20 and 21
you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
Bamon. I hate that man and Bonnie deserves so much better but I think, in a vacuum, they're interesting and have great chemistry. It's the only relationship Damon has that has any real potential for value and growth in my opinion. Ironically and unfortunately I think that's because of jplecs blatant racism. Because she refused to acknowledge Bonnie as a romantic prospect for anyone of importance to the fandom she accidentally built a relationship between Bonnie and Damon that existed outside of Damon's usual pattern of pinning all his insecurities on a relationship and using his romantic interest as some kind of moral obligation.
that being said fuck him. fuck his soul. wish she burnt him alive but the fics slap and they're hot together.
part of canon you found tedious or boring
the season five doppelganger development. Katherine, Elena, and Tatia are SO FUCKING FASCINATING. The endless cycle of being sacrificed for a male character's growth (Tatia to Elijah, Katherine to Klaus and the Salvatores, and Elena to all of them) and the way the memory of each of them influences and affects the way the future doppelganger is treated and viewed,,,, miraculous and underappreciated.
They're a tragedy that's already been written, specifically for Elena and Katherine, their fates are sealed the second they're born, and the way each of them chooses to fight it. (Elena's technique being determined by Katherines before her). It's so cool. And also something I think a lot of fanon refuses to acknowledge. Not just stelenas (refusing to acknowledge that Katherine was his main motivator for pursuing Elena) or delenas (refusing to acknowledge the effect Katherine and Damon's relationship had on his mistreatment of Elena) but I think Elejah's don't address it enough either. Elijah (imo) has a lot of unjustified anger towards Katherine and (while I understand why we don't always get into it because it's a lot) I think it's something it would be really fun to discuss how that affects his treatment of Elena and how she'd feel about it in a self-aware post-Salvatore world.
so yeah long way of saying the doppelgangers were interesting enough and I found the whole Silas/Stefen thing to be a really cheap uncreative way of derailing that when there was so much to explore already.
part of canon you think is overhyped
The love triangle. Damon and Stefan in general. I don't care about them or their pain. I think Damon's dad should have hit him more.
give me Bonnie's backstory, where the fuck is her dad? has she ever had a pet? what's her favourite movie? forty minutes of her painting a wall, idc. anything.
thank you so much for the ask @sevensistersofsussex
choose violence ask game
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powderblueblood · 5 months
oh you’re so real and brave for bamon… now my nosy ass who was obsessed w tvd when i was 13 needs to know whether you shipped stelena or delena and your thoughts on klaroline😭😭
emmy this is such SERIOUS business!!!!
with absolute perfect honesty and truth i must tell you that i shipped elena with one person and one person only and that is the love of jesus christ i shipped elena with getting a grip i had no time for elena gilbert and i don't think she should have been around either of those boys. i think she should have discovered lesbianism with rebecca if i'm so serious and honest
and this is a mad one but i was like. not really in it for klaroline either, i don't actually KNOW why because i've seen like. gifsets of them since and i would ordinarily be soooo well into that dynamic but at the time i was like PFFF who cares show me the old guy again (why was i freaking it for elijah mikaelson.... anyway)
steroline on the other hand...... hello nurse. administer me 10ccs of that
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cancerian-woman · 7 months
Dying to hear your thoughts on Bamon! I'm forever conflicted because I don't like Damon the majority of the time, but yet I can't help but adore his dynamic with Bonnie. I'd love to hear why you prefer them to delena and what you think their romance could have been like if the writers had the guts to go there :)
I think that's a common feeling with Damon tbh from non-Damon fans. I feel the same most of the time don’t worry! Bamon does have really nice moments.
Liking Bamon for me comes with criticisms. First, and this isn’t just an Elena problem before I get into it! Everyone in some form becomes complicit and so forgiving when it comes to Damon. Consequences do not exist when it comes to Damon. In the end, Elena, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie, Liz, Matt etc etc WILL forgive him. Having Damon go in these periods where he wants to be changed means nothing because he’s forgiven all the time anyway.
It really was the sirebond plot that made me against Delena. Not all couples were going to be like pre-Klaus Forwood or 1-2 Stelena and that’s fine it’s a show about humanizing vampires. After the sirebond plot and the writers really revolved all of Elena around Damon. Elena wasn’t mad at him about anything longterm. Elena became less present with her friends too. Which wasn’t like her in the earlier seasons. (This goes for both brothers) Elena got to have more room to be upset with either of them without lessening her agency.
Bamon romantically I’d see that similar dynamic they had in the prison world. What I would change though is seeing more of Damon apologizing for his behavior. I like that Bonnie holds her grudges against him but that complicit part still exists. Longterm what Bonnie finds likable and accepting about Damon. We learned how Damon sees Bonnie, but not the other way around. In a post-szn8 sense I think they’d grow closer from grieving together (Elena, Enzo, Stefan.) actually this reminds me of one of my fave Bamon fics ha. I don’t think they’d be perfect, and I don’t expect them to be either but that wouldn’t matter to them.
To sum it up I ship Bamon, they have nice moments but I’m critical of them bc of Damon being Damon.
Thank you for the ask!
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 months
Recently saw a Bamon fan use a book Damon quote about how he seldom sank to high school girls to slam show Damon even though that quote was talking about the people he chooses to feed on and not romance or sex. Seldom doesn't mean never and he was romantically involved with and hooked up with Bonnie while she was in high school and while he did start falling for Elena at that point in her life they didn't get into a relationship until she was an adult and after she graduated high school like in the show. In the show he was no more likely to go for or show attraction to people that age and only slept with Caroline and started falling for Elena at that age. Damon also tried to unsuccessfully compel a kiss from Elena in the books as well as the show but Bamon fans don't hate him nearly as much for that in the books because he's into Bonnie. I've seen some people say they prefer show Stefan and Stelena over them in the books because they're more interesting while hating Delena for being "toxic" even though Stefan/Stelena were less toxic in the books. This fandom is good at twisting the truth. Bamon fans often accuse show Delena of stealing their first meeting because in both cases the girls' memories were erased but other than that it played out very differently. Damon saves Bonnie's life during their first meeting and that short story came out after the show 2 years after the show came out but they aren't accused of stealing Stelena's first meeting since in the show Stefan saves Elena's life when he sees her for the first time.
Elena isn't just any high school girl. She was forced to grow up faster and literally acts as parent to her brother from the very pilot episode. I consider her more mature than Caroline and Bonnie. Damon isn't into high school girls, he's into Elena period. If not for her, Damon would've never bothered with Bonnie or Caroline. Damon pushed Elena to quit cheerleading. Not only because that girl died on the bridge with her parents, but because he's not into high school girls. He's looking to build with Elena's mature side. The side that would have a few beers with him and talk about things that actually matter. There's no high school shit with Delena because Damon isn't into teen drama.
Stefan is the one Elena loves blindly and recklessly, and Damon is fully affecting her mature side. That's why Rose references him challenging her life and beliefs. He isn't the type to impress a high school girl by having a date war with the history teacher. He's about being real with things that matter. So while Stefan would be the one to remember that Katherine was born June 5th, 1473... Damon would be the one to remember that Katherine was always a sucker for lazy afternoons. He'd be the one to spit Elena's words back at her because they matter. When he confronts her at the end of 4x1, he remembers exactly what he said when he compelled her in 2x8 because he's not about dates, he's about moments and what mattered in those moments.
I view Bamon as I view Stelena. They're better as friends, nothing more. You can feel the difference between Delena and Bamon even in the way they fight with each other. Delena fights like a married couple. Bamon fights like brother and sister. Bamon would NEVER sell like Delena does. And I do mean never.
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lesbianbluesey · 4 months
Naming 3 fandoms and 3 numbers but feel free to pick and choose :)
1, 2 and 8 for btvs/ tvdu/ pll
Your favorite non canon ship?
Btvs — I’m predictable and it’s Fuffy with Coffy a close second. If I was answering with like, a rarepair though would go with Willow x Faith because it’s one I love a lot… 
TVDu — Hizzie and Bamon, I generally enjoy a lot of noncanon TVDu ships over the canon ones though. 
Pll - I ship a lot of noncanon femslash for Pll but Vandermarin is my favorite. Spemily is also like, probably my softest spot in terms of liar dynamics. 
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
Btvs — hmmm. Idk I don’t really think so? I do think that when I first watched I would have said I disliked Buffy/Angel because of instalove, but nowadays my view on it is more while I gravitate towards other ships for both chars a lot more it’s an interesting good story that’s a big part of my favorite character’s journey even if it’s not the most to my taste as a romance. But nothing I fully 180ed on that’s coming to mind. 
TVDu — the opposite is more common w TVDu ships… when I was rewatching I was enjoying Stelena more than I remembered although my issues with it still stand, and I never disliked Forwood but they also got to my emotions a bit more on rewatch. But again no full 180s come to mind. 
Pll — I sort of ship all combinations of the core six women in Pll but would say Hanna/Alison and Hanna/Aria took the longest for me to warm too as concepts, Halison because of Alison’s treatment of Hanna’s eating disorder (although considering the state of what is canon in Pll I judge myself a little for being skeeved) although it is a fascinating dynamic that plays off some themes I really love… Haria not really for any big reason they were just the dynamic it took me longest to get interested in although I got there rewatching eps. I ship both now although I prefer a lot of other pll pairings still.
Also I did enjoy Spencer/Caleb more than I was expecting too based on what I knew of fan responses to it if that counts. 
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve had for the longest time?
Btvs — I think Buffy/Cordelia was the first thing I ever shipped in the show, since Out of Sight Out of Mind. 
TVDu — hmm this one is harder to pin down. I feel like when I first watched s1 Bonnie/Elena leapt out to me most at first and I do enjoy them but my feelings on the dynamic are complicated because of Bonnie’s treatment … I also remember being interested in late s1 Delena on first watch but losing that interest pretty quickly in s2 so. Let’s say Jeremy/Anna because I’ve always thought they were very cute and underrated. 
Pll — I’ll just say Emaya because I liked their scenes in the pilot. 
thank you for asking 💕
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freddieslater · 11 months
Fandoms + Ships (for Prompt Purposes)
As I like to reblog prompts a lot but have the annoying little habit of jumping ship on a fandom fast than a pirate invasion, I decided it is finally time I make an official list, which will be constantly updated as I develop new interests! If there’s a ship you want to request but it isn’t here, just ask and I’ll let you know where I stand with it!
In The Flesh
• Kieren x Rick
• Kieren x Simon
The Hunger Games
• Everlark (Katniss/Peeta)
• Finnick/Annie
• Haymitch/Effie
• Katniss/Madge
Future Man
• Josh Futturman x Reader
• Billy x Reader
• Caswen (Ricky/EJ)
• Portwell (EJ/Gina)
• Mashlynn (Maddox/Ashlynn)
• Ricky/Jet
The Vampire Diaries
• Stelena (Stefan/Elena)
• Mattlena (Matt/Elena)
• Tylena (Tyler/Elena)
• Elenijah (Elijah/Elena)
• Barolena (Bonnie/Caroline/Elena)
• Stexi (Stefan/Lexi)
• Denzo (Damon/Enzo)
• Forwood (Tyler/Caroline)
• Maroline (Matt/Caroline)
• Bamon (Bonnie/Damon)
• Bamenzo (Bonnie/Damon/Enzo)
• Carenzo (Caroline/Enzo)
• Dalijah (Damon/Elijah)
• Parkwood (Tyler/Liv)
• Klayley (Klaus/Hayley)
• Handon (Hope/Landon)
• Jandon (Josie/Landon)
• Henelope (Hope/Penelope)
• Hizzie (Hope/Lizzie)
• Kizzie (Kaleb/Lizzie)
• Methan (MG/Ethan)
• Ked (Kaleb/Jed)
• Dark!Jobastian (Dark!Josie/Sebastian)
• Landizzie (Landon/Lizzie)
Teen Wolf
• Sciles (Scott/Stiles)
• Scydia (Scott/Lydia)
• Mccallinski (Lydia/Scott/Stiles)
• Stalia (Stiles/Malia)
• Malydia (Malia/Lydia)
• Stira (Stiles/Kira)
• Scira (Scott/Kira)
• Liason (Liam/Mason)
• Allydia (Allison/Lydia)
• Allerica (Allison/Erica)
• Berica (Boyd/Erica)
• Malisaac (Malia/Isaac)
• Lydora (Lydia/Cora)
• Allora (Allison/Cora)
• Scanny (Scott/Danny)
• Malira (Malia/Kira)
The Witcher
• Yennskier (Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Geraskerer (Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier)
• Raskier (Radovid/Jaskier)
• Trennefer (Triss/Yennefer)
• Geralt/Triss
• Frobby (Bobby/Freddie)
• Chryed (Christian/Syed)
• Ballum (Ben/Callum)
• Sukeve (Suki/Eve)
• Ben Mitchell/Kheerat Panesar
• Jack Branning/Michael Moon
• Whitney Dean/Chelsea Fox
• Lauren Branning/Peter Beale
• Lauren Branning/Lucy Beale
• Peter Beale/Fatboy
• Zack Hudson/Martin Fowler
• Zack Hudson/Felix Baker
• Anna Knight/Bernie Taylor
• Stacey Slater/Danielle Jones
• Peter Beale/Tamwar Masood
• Darren Miller/Tamwar Masood
• Masood Ahmed/Jane Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale
• Anna Knight/Bobby Beale/Freddie Slater
• Linda Carter/Alfie Moon
• McHay (Ste/John Paul)
• McShepherd (John Paul/Carter)
• Stendan (Ste/Brendan)
• Brendan/Walker
• Joel/Theresa
• Brendan/Warren
• Brendan & Mitzeee (platonic)
• Brendan & Joel (platonic)
• Amy/Michaela
• Roey (Rachel/Joey)
• Chanoey (Chandler/Joey)
Stranger Things
• Elmax (El/Max)
• Elumax (El/Lucas/Max)
• Byclair (Lucas/Will)
• Byler (Will/Mike)
• Ronance (Robin/Nancy)
• Steddie (Steve/Eddie)
• Blam (Blaine/Sam)
• St. Hudson (Finn/Jesse)
• Tike (Tina/Mike)
• Quinntana (Quinn/Santana)
• Pezberry (Santana/Rachel)
• Quinncedes (Quinn/Mercedes)
• Sike (Sam/Mike)
• Jarley (Jake/Marley)
• Kurtbastian (Kurt/Sebastian)
The Flash
• Barrisco (Barry/Cisco)
• Snowbarrisco (Caitlin/Barry/Cisco)
• WestStein (Joe/Martin)
• Superflash (Barry/Kara)
• Thallen (Barry/Eddie)
•Westthallen (Iris/Barry/Eddie)
• Westhawne (Iris/Eddie)
• Jamie/John
• John/Brianna
• Brianna/Roger
• Lizzie/Josiah/Kezzie
• William/Denzell
• Lucifella (Ella/Lucifer)
• Douchifella (Lucifer/Dan/Ella)
• Mazifer (Maze/Lucifer)
• Douchifer (Dan/Lucifer)
• Chlaze (Chloe/Maze)
• Jasico (Jason/Nico)
• Jercy (Jason/Percy)
• Perachel (Percy/Rachel)
• Rachabeth (Rachel/Annabeth)
• Pipabeth (Piper/Annabeth)
• Merthur (Merlin/Arthur)
• Mercelot (Merlin/Lancelot)
•Merwaine (Merlin/Gwaine)
• Morgwen (Morgana/Gwen)
The Dumping Ground
• Elektra/Faith
• Elektra/Carmen
• Carmen/Lily
• Tyler/Jody
• Jody/Sasha
• Tyler/Ryan
• Chloe/Candi-Rose
• Candi-Rose/Bird
• Candi-Rose/Jay
The Story of Tracy Beaker
• Tracy/Crash
• Tracy/Ben
• Tracy/Lol
• Lol/Wolfie
• Crash/Rio
• Justine/Rebecca
Life With Derek
• Dasey (Derek/Casey)
• Derek/Sam
• Derek/Trevor
• Casey/Sally
Boy Meets World
• Shory (Shawn/Cory)
• Jeric (Jack/Eric)
• Eric/Jason
• Shawngela (Shawn/Angela)
• Shawpanga (Shawn/Topanga)
Girl Meets World
• Rilaya (Riley/Maya)
• Riley/Zay
• Riarkle (Riley/Farkle)
• Lucaya (Lucas/Maya)
• Maya/Zay
• Riley/Maya/Zay
• Jal (Jay/Mal)
• Jaylos (Jay/Carlos)
• Mevie (Mal/Evie)
• Hevie (Harry/Evie)
• Buma (Ben/Uma)
• Umaudrey (Uma/Audrey)
• Haudrey (Harry/Audrey)
• Humaudrey (Harry/Uma/Audrey)
• Bevie (Ben/Evie)
• Creddie (Carly/Freddie)
• Carly/Sam
• Carper (Carly/Harper)
• Sparper (Spencer/Harper)
• Tandre (Tori/Andre)
• Jori (Jade/Tori)
Zoey 101
• Quogan (Quinn/Logan)
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