#forrest lee x reader
cupiditis · 11 months
♡ ! an apology bouquet with forrest lee
note : on god i don't know how to write him he might not even be forrest anymore
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the cold atmosphere made your nose sting along with the red rim around your eyes. the few tears you had previously shed from being stood up by forrest only reminding you now that tonight was – it was suppose to be you and him. but now it was just you. walking home after running errands with bags piled in your hands.
you trudged up the stairs of your building, the dim lights and the quietness all too familiar to you. your footsteps echoed in the stairwell along with your soft hummin. your key was carefully lodged between your fingers as you huffed at the end of your climb. but you were more confused than tired after the climb.
" ... forrest ? " there sat infront of your door, forrest with a bouquet in his hands and bandages on his face. you stood near the stairs conflicted on how to feel as he slowly stood up to his full height. he approached you and took all your bags, handing the flowers to you after your arms were empty.
" what's all this about ? " you asked as you held the door open for him, welcoming him into your home. he walked straight to the dining table and kept all the bags on the table just how you liked and faced you. " i missed our date " he looked upset with himself but you didn't have the heart to be mad at him, and he was always so sweet to you, you knew he wouldn't ditch you if it was upto him.
" it's alright, i was able to do a lot of errands tonight anyway, so a bunch of my work has been done ! " your smile was sweet as you closed the distance between the both of you and rested your hand on his chest, but he only frowned at you. his hand came to rest on cheek as you melted into his warmth. " but you were crying .. i'm sorry " he sighed, your smile now showed obvious embarrassment at him realizing you had cried.
" you can help me put all this stuff away and we can eat dinner together " you offered a sheepish smile, " it's still a date then isn't it ? " his frown lightened up as you ran your fingers through his hair. his response was quiet " you're too nice y'know " you laughed, moving away and opening the bags " so you won't help ? " you teased as he trudged over and took the things put of your hands. " i didn't say that .. " he mumbled as he came behind you, draping himself over you as you placed the apology bouquet he gave you in a vase with the other flowers he had given you just days ago.
" does that mean you forgive me ? " his voice muffled against your neck. " how could i not forgive you when you sat infront of my door like that " you frowned, turning to face him. " you looked so sad .. " he chuckled at your reaction. " if it makes you forgive me i don't mind "
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♡ . taglist : @bakerysnake . @kiiraes . @avid-idiot . @alkyn-bs . @thesunandmoondreams
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satankilledmyghost · 2 years
Do you know lookism? is you do can i have a request for weak hero with a Mary kim reader?
if not its reader being a middle school judo prodigy:) who they got to meet and be ame friends with until their highschool days.
weak hero characters being friends with a judo prodigy
alksdjdkshs- look. i had the draft written out and all i had to do was edit it and post it the next day BUT I CLEARLY DIDN'T AND I'M SO SORRY ANON.
you deserve better tbh ;-;
it took me a hot minute to figure this out, but i think i got it?? i'm not going to lie, i'm kinda ashamed to admit that i haven't read Lookism yet and i had to do my research on who Mary Kim is.
i don't know what characters you wanted, anon, so i did all of them. i do realize that not all of these are friendships as requested, but i center my fics around keeping the characters that aren't mine/reader as canon as possible. i'm sorry that you've had to wait this long, but hopefully this is what you wanted.
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Donald na
he heard about you through the grape vine (*cough*kingsley ) and he never really confronted you, but he kept a distant eye on you.
when he decided that you'd be a good enough of an asset to his union, he offered you an executive position
you two aren't friends, per say, but you are, and i quote from the child himself "the pricks that i favor"
you're his favorite. but this man has a stick so far up his ass he literally can't say it.
he'd show it through lighter work loads and meetings with him are straightforward and swift.
Jake ji
he'd want to meet you as soon as he'd hear about you(and would probably challenge you to fight)
if you were nice, y'all would be friends. he would demand for your number and he'd always invite(more like drag) you to hang out with his group.
jake & co. would look out for you- even if they know that you can handle yourself.
you're constantly out and about with jake and his friends, getting into stupid shit and anything else under the sun, but you're having fun spending your free time with them.
Wolf keum
he'd hate hearing about you
but then he'd meet you and after a while he'd be like oh?? this isn't so bad?
your relationship with wolf is.... interesting
most of the time y'all hang out is 97% silence, and you two barely find time to get together yet always somehow do?? it's really odd.
ofc you two would have conversations, but it's mostly you talking about your day while wolf smokes and comments every once in a while
he likes your company, you know when to shut up and he doesn't have to watch out for you if some drunk assholes come around and think they can try you, wolf, or both of you. he finds it refreshing.
Jimmy bae
he fucking hates you
this dude is not comfortable being shown up by ANYONE, what makes you think he’d be okay be shown up by a prodigy???
jack wouldn't mind hanging out with you and that's the only reason why i could see jimmy being in the same vicinity as you
but even then, he'd ignore you and throw insults at you left and right
if you stick with him long enough, those insults will become rarer and rarer and he'll maybe look at you in greeting and when you ask him something
doesn't mean he'll answer your questions, though
Forrest lee
honestly?? i could see him wasted when he meets you
you'd be passing through and all of a sudden a drunk forrest would wrap his arm around your shoulders and slur in your ear that he's heard about you and that he's taking you to introduce to his friends
you immediately are against it, but get dragged away anyways.
you end up having fun and enjoying yourself in their company
sure, a sober forrest hates being shown up, but he knows better than to disrespect you and you two become fast friends
he's actually quite nice to be around. forrest is always constantly aware of where his friends? lackeys?? are at.
sure, he's an asshole to others, but if you're clearly uncomfortable, forrest will be there for you. always.
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Big ben
he'd be ecstatic to meet you
you're actually a trained? professional??? in combat???? sign him up for your classes right. now.
dude would be your number one hype man, cheering your name from behind you whilst you beat the shit outta your opponent
Alex go
literally would be bedazzled by you
as soon as he moved to southpaw training, he came to you because if you weren't a southpaw like him, you'd at least know some techniques(he hopes)
alex comes to you for a training regimen to get stronger for ben and himself
but he swore you to secrecy
Gerard jin
lowkey doesn't care until he sees you fight
bro's impressed by you and will try to casually compliment you
it comes out awkward and you both try to pretend it didn't happen and move on
he's more of a silent supporter, but if you get too overwhelmed (whether it's because of your training, or taking on the union, or whatever else) gerard is the best person to go to
comfort food? peace and quiet? silent company? quiet guitar playing to take your mind off things? gerard is your man.
he takes notes of your personality. what you like, don't like, your tells- he knows a lot when it comes to you, so helping you calm down is easy for him.
will talk shit(lightheartedly) about big ben and everyone else with you so you two have a ton of inside jokes.
Gray yeon
will discuss the strategical side of your judo technique
he's curious about what the technique will do to your body and if it'll up your chances of winning in street fights
he'll do his research and will come to you if he finds a better way to do a certain move that wouldn't strain/take up your energy as much as the current technique you're using. or if he isn't sure if this move is right for him he'll ask for your opinion.
in exchange, he helps you with your studies.
Rowan im
you’re his new hero.
nope- he doesn’t care if you hate it. deal with it.
he can and will brag about you and your “out of this world fighting skills”
you could “flick a bus into oblivion” if you wanted to.
will totally introduce you as his invincible and undefeated bestie
after you’ve made sure your opponent ate shit, rowan would be on top of you, beaming and jumping around in excitement about how cool you looked.
Eugene gale
he’d look up to you just like rowan, but he wouldn’t be so obvious about it.
always there to help patch you up with bandages and your favorites snacks and drinks after every fight.
while eugene cant really support you in your fights, he can support you with the mental/emotional toll.
if your name comes up in conversation, you’d best believe that eugene would spend HOURS talking about you, your skill, and how amazing of a person you are.
Teddy jin
he feels inferior next to you
sure teddy has enough of a name, reputation, and fights in his past, but he never was a prodigy like you
will always make your conversations into competitions to see who has a more impressive fighting record
teddy will watch you as you fight and takes notes of your behavior, the way you move, and how you take down your opponent- he’s learning from you without you even knowing
teddy has a lot of respect for you deep down, but he’s too egotistical to acknowledge it
but he always has your back in a fight, and is someone you can always count on if you need a distraction from reality.
rooftop breaks with your favorite snacks?? teddy’s the person to go to
he’s actually really insightful and has good advice when you want it
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sharlulu · 2 years
𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞
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Or how would it be like to play chess with union members
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Wolf Keum
Surprisingly, Wolf plays chess pretty well. The only downside, however, is that he is an extremely unstable player. He can make truly genius moves, but at the same time he is often very rash - and that leads to a lot of blunders
Wolf is the kind of player that never resigns. He continues even when he only has pawns to go against your bishops and knight. Maybe because of his pride, he would rather let the checkmate play out than give up. By no means is he doing this to try to win against you by making you run out of time or to offend you in any way*. Like in his real battles, he doesn't stop unless completely defeated
He once refused to accept your draw so you checkmated him out of spite.
Wolf is also an aggressive player. One time he brought out his king to the center of the board... It didn't end well. As he later said "Desperate situations require desperate actions"
Playing chess with him is quite pleasant occasionally. It's one of the few moments when he is completely calm, observing the chess board, thinking about your next move
You still remember vividly that one time you two played a blitz game with money at stake. Wolf only had 3 seconds left on his clock, so you were sure that you'd win. The moment he moved his queen from across the board, however, was also the first time you lost your composure in a game. While you were pacing around and swearing, Wolf just laughed, amused at how you managed to miss mate in 1 (he was also really happy that he beat you!). Needless to say, that day you lost the bet and also the money :)
Jake Ji
You can't convince me that he is good at chess
He knows all the grandmasters/promising youngsters and watches the tournaments but doesn't know how to play it
Learned chess because he saw some TV series cough Queen's gambit about it and thought that it was cool
He once tried to pull a Fool's mate on you. He lost :)
Every time a game starts he asks you where to put his king "Was it on the e square or d square?"
Has never won against you, but also doesn't agree to you playing with handicaps. As he says "I only want to win against you when you are at your best. Victories obtained otherwise won't satisfy me"
His moves are generally along the lines of "It looks symmetric this way!" Basically they are random
Plays checkers with chess pieces...
Jimmy Bae
Since everyone generally agrees that he has a great grandma, I'm going to assume that she was the one who taught him how to play chess
Before he met you, he thought that he was a genius (i mean, his opponents were literally Helmet and the like, of course he would win every time)
Your first game ended with him swiping all the figures off the board to the ground- Because he couldn't accept his defeat.
You thought that was going to be your last game against him, but he just kept coming to you, asking for a rematch
Though they all end violently, he does get better every next game :)
He had no idea what endgames were, until you taught him. Then he learned them all in a single day ;)
Thought that you cheated when you captured en passant, was very embarrassed afterwards when he learned that it was a real move
Hwangmo Ju
You are definitely the person who taught him how to play chess
But sadly, he is awful at it тт-тт
Hwangmo, unlike Wolf, resigns the moment he thinks he's going to lose. So your games with him are usually short
The only times he doesn't resign is when he can't see the inevitable checkmate. Unlike wolf, who lets the game continue just because, Hwangmo genuinely doesn't notice it.
He definitely needs at least 5 seconds to process that he was checkmated. One time he even wanted to move his knight before you kindly reminded him that he'd lost the game :)
While Hwangmo does enjoy playing chess with you, he also understands that he isn't that good at it. Until he played against another Ganghak student. He won. Splendidly. As they say, everything is learned in comparison
Donald Na
The first and perhaps last time you've ever won against him was the first time you two played together
Donald has very little time, so he rarely indulges you in playing chess. When he does agree, you usually only play blitz. And well, your skills at it aren't what you'd call the best, therefore you rarely win
While it appears that he is extremely good without practicing, he actually analyzes chess games every evening during his free time
Though he doesn't admit it, beating you is becoming harder for him day by day, so he practices in order not to lose
Forrest Lee
This sweetheart learned chess just to be able to play with you 🥰
You were in the hospital at that time, bored out of your mind, so he came with a chessboard and kept you entertained the whole day
He isn't very good at it right now, but he is a fast learner
Went to cheer you on on all your games
Bought you an expensive limited edition chess set for your birthday
Honestly, the best one out of all union boys
I'm sorry Forrest, I ran out of things to write 😭
Rowan Im
Recommends everyone to play on lichess saying "The only reason you're playing on chess.com is because you haven't tried lichess"
Definitely the type that tries to flag his opponent**
Once during an over-the-board game you didn't notice that you'd forgotten to press the clock. He just sat there "thinking" while waiting for you to run out of time. You lost :(
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* Why is it disrespectful to not resign in chess? To resign a game is to acknowledge that your opponent has reached a position so strong that only through gross mistakes would he/she lose. Not resigning can be considered disrespectful because it assumes your opponent will in fact make such mistakes
** Flagging in chess refers to the act of winning (or drawing) a game on time. Flagging is more usual in blitz and bullet games since players often get in time trouble in faster time controls.
Dirty flagging is playing from a losing or drawing position and then winning because your opponent's time runs out - usually by throwing in extraneous or sacrificial checks to force your opponent's time to run low.
(From chess.com)
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A/n: yay, I finally wrote something not only about wolf!! To be honest, I'm just like Jake in chess(( I know the theory, but in practice I always make terrible blunders 😖 basically I play awfully (I learned chess when I was like 7 but then quit after 2 years)
I wanted to add something about eunjang boys, too, but I didn't have anything left to write. The only scenario I had suited Rowan-
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writingpei · 1 year
wicked games (l.m.) - chapter fourteen
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previous chapter series masterlist next chapter
pairing: lee minho x reader genre: academic rivals to lovers wc: 5.2k words
i still don't know where everything went
it was practically possible to hear the sound of the clock hands moving second by second in the silent room, filling the environment with a constant tick-tock. the pen's weight was tangible in her palm, as if it were made of lead, and the rhythm of its heavy strain fed the up and down movement of her chest, drenched in nervousness that didn't seem to have disappeared.
the minutes continued to pass, and the questions on the physics test in front of y/n were answered one by one, with absolute caution, as if she was following a fragile surgery, as if at any moment some bogeyman might appear out of nowhere in the room if she wasn't delicate.
she was well aware that her decision to go to work had significantly reduced the time she would put into her academic performance, but she was never someone who allowed herself to be easily shaken.
now, it was no longer her who taught hyunjin, but studied with him, keeping an eye out for the materials he reviewed when there weren't any in the cafe so that she could take advantage of even the free seconds she had, which became scarcer with the pass the days.
she knew she was being left behind in the eternal competition that was her and minho's relationship, and despite all the hate that many viewers would consider "uncalled for", she found herself a little scarred by an anger that burned her chest like a forrest. fire whenever she saw him in the hallways, backs against lockers laughing out loud at silly things with his friends without a care in the world. the poster child for the aristocratic lifestyle of today's society, a boy with the world in his hands and people who worked for him cleaning his shoes kneeling on the floor of the huge mansion he lived in.
it was nothing more than a raw and genuine hatred inside y/n when all the paths her mind went through when thinking about minho came to the inevitable conclusion that this, all of this was a sport for him. studying was a sport, getting good grades was a sport, excelling, being popular, winking at dumb girls across the cafeteria like you were television's newest heartthrob. it was all one big joke and when she looked at how she led her life, the lack of jokes was almost suffocating, a snake around her neck all the time just waiting for the right time to coil completely against her flesh.
when she felt pathetic, she tried to imagine him cleaning the cafeteria bathrooms using only a toilet brush, or having to listen to customers throwing tantrums over a cup of coffee with a smile on his face, not being able to retort or shout back. these thoughts brought her out of her own exasperated situation and made her laugh. she couldn't tell if it was because of the strangeness of minho's presence in these scenarios, how he would look wearing the uniform she has to wear every day, or if it was because, greater than this hatred was the restless desire that maybe, just maybe, lee minho wasn't exactly how she imagined he was.
but she knew it was impossible for that to be real. it was impossible because minho had only shown her his true personality, so she knew her like no one else.
the anger heats up until it cools down and settles in the throat like a stone, accompanied by a feeling of disgust. despite the considerable efforts she had made, her second-place name on the huge ranking list at the entrance to the school screamed in her face that they hadn't been enough. and the damn name of minho was above hers. she could only feel disgust. disgusted because of him? it was no longer a surprise to anyone. however, the disgust she felt was mostly directed at herself. she should have studied harder, spent more late nights studying until her hand ached and her eyes burned with exhaustion.
but now it was too late, and his failure was exposed to all who walked those halls. the feeling of dismay followed her, like a constant shadow, reminding her that her expectations were not met and that she had lost the opportunity to win.
as soon as she turned to flee to the classroom for her first class of the day, she saw minho walking towards the panel, eyes glazed over the top to see who had won, who had gotten the best grade.
she didn't wait long to witness the look of satisfaction on his stupid face and soon she was stomping against the floor, a red fury circling her entire body and she didn't even consider taking a step to the side to avoid him, and she certainly didn't feel pity when she bumped into him with her shoulder, knocking him off balance slightly.
she only heard a scoff behind her but didn't even bother to turn around, however much she felt like it when she heard him whisper “you need to be tamed, jesus”
but, contrary to what one might imagine, no ghost of a smile appeared on minho's lips when he saw his name at the top. all he could think about was what it meant to have his name on top of all those others, a hierarchy. he imagined his father's satisfaction at seeing him do exactly what he'd demanded, a silent submission, a reminder that minho was just the son and that no matter how much he kicked and rebelled, his father would always win.
he felt a bitter taste in his mouth.
“minho" yongbok appeared beside him magically, as if he had materialized there. “i met professor choi on his way here and he asked me to give you your test and congratulated you on first place”
the sheet of paper that yongbok held out to minho made a wave of discomfort run down his spine, but he took it from his best friend's hand none the less.
he looks down at the sheet and looks at the shoulder where the girl had bumped into it on purpose for a few seconds, before the urge to rip the test in half takes over him. ripped it into a thousand pieces and threw it in the nearest garbage, leaving yongbok with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
he pointed at minho, then at the trash can, then at minho, then at the trash can.
“but… why?” he asked.
“it’s just a stupid test, yongie” he shrugged putting his hands in the pocket of his uniform pants and walking unbothered while some people congratulated him on his performance in the hall.
but yongbok didn't understand, so he chose to ask more.
“stupid? i thought you cared about that kind of thing”
“no, at least not now. i have other things keeping me up all night”
“i wonder who that is…” yongbok whispers and pushes the big glasses back into place with his finger.
“what was that?” minho asks suspiciously, having just heard rumbles coming from the friend. minho still can't quite catch the things he whispers when he doesn't want him to hear. it's a normal thing to happen within their friendship, yongbok doesn't know how to shut up and minho can't mature enough to leave his nosy lifestyle behind.
“do you want to go with me to the varsity basketball game on friday?” yongbok asks him as they walk through the noisy halls. minho never went to a basketball game with him in all their years of friendship because when minho didn't want to do something, nothing could make him do it, it didn't matter how much he loved his best friend.
but this time, unlike previous opportunities, minho had a real and concrete reason for not wanting to go. a person, to be precise. as he dragged his steps down the hall, he could see the blond boy approaching, standing out among the other bustling and noisy football players. a feeling of disgust that rose from his feet to his head in a matter of seconds took over his entire body, while yongbok, beside him, seemed mesmerized by the presence of the school's basketball team.
minho's eyes locked on the approaching figure. he had never noticed hwang hyunjin until he bloomed in his field of vision like a very insistent weed. apparently he was the only one who hadn't fallen into the hands of the undeniable charisma he didn't care to hide. for minho, beneath that charming smile and effortless charm, there's something about hyunjin that rubbed him the wrong way. he couldn't explain if it was a gratuitous animosity that resided in the back of his mind, but it was strong enough to make his breath get heavier every time he saw him.
his friend turns to him so quickly, minho wonders if he had a whiplash.
“please minhoooo” for a second he thinks that yongbok, the shy and withdrawn boy who never raised his hand to ask a classroom question in his life was going to kneel on the floor of the packed hallway and beg.
the group of basketball players passes by the two and the air in the hallway disappears for minho. hyunjin smiles at his friends without a care in the world as he hears one of them saying “hyunjin, your pitch was great! i've never seen anyone score that far from the basket!”, cheeks reddening a little at the cheers of his teammates.
minho's eyes travel between him and his friend a few times, until his expression suddenly darkens and he turns to yongbok. “calm down” he says, seeing his best friend's anxious expression. “no need to make a scandal out of it, i’ll go with you”
the words are bitter in his throat but yongbok opens a huge smile and it seems once again that he is going to throw himself on his knees in the corridor, this time to thank him, but minho doesn't give him time to do that and soon starts walking towards the classroom for their first class, lip between teeth and head away from where his feet were taking him.
y/n has never had an easy time functioning in crowded places, a bonus is when those (many) people are screaming like animals and squirming in their seats as if they were trying to keep from flying off their chairs.
her constant hesitation to enter the large gymnasium in the midst of all the revelry and excitement was constant throughout his journey from the cafe to school, under the slowly darkening sky, leaving a gentle farewell to the brightness of the day and giving way to night. her journey was longer than she thought it was going to be, partly because her shift had been increased by a few minutes and her insecurity forced her feet to walk more slowly, needless to say, she was obviously late.
but all roads lead to rome or whatever, and she's been staring at the entrance to the gym for the last few minutes as if, if she walked in, she would be consumed by it.
the screams that rang out to her from the other side, outside the party, were wild and just made her want to get as far away as she could and go seek comfort in the dark and lonely cubicle that was her home, but her feet remained rooted to the ground, neither going in nor leaving.
she just found the courage to put her hand on the doorknob because she remembered the message that hyunjin had sent her earlier: a photo of the place he had reserved specifically for her. it was a front row seat, the most privileged and coveted by those who genuinely enjoy that spectacle of sweaty men hitting each other and running like dogs after a ball.
the seat was the most apparent and she was late, hyunjin must have noticed. she just opened the door because of that. she didn't want to upset him and destabilize him in his most important game, and he really wanted her to be there, for some reason.
sea ​​of ​​screams and cheers hit her full on as soon as the door was opened and the exasperated sound of tennis shoes against the polished wood of the court floor showed that the game was already close. y/n walked quickly to the only empty seat right in front of the court, where there was a yellow sticky note with the word “RESERVED” written in large, shaky letters, staining the paper black.
she sat quickly, taking in every detail of what was going on around her. hyunjin's team was dressed in vibrant orange jerseys, while the rival school's team sported uniforms in a deep shade of dark blue. the players on hyunjin's team moved around the court with an almost choreographed precision, like roots in a perfectly rehearsed dance.
the ball did not remain for more than five seconds in the hands of a single player, passing quickly from one side to the other. it was a frenzy of intense contests, a relentless battle for control of the element that dictates the game. every possession was a source of palpable tension.
it wasn't hard to find hyunjin in the middle, the hair gave it away, vibrating as if it wanted to be seen, to draw attention. he had a focused look on his face, his feet moving him across the court with mastery, and for the first time, she could understand why he wanted so badly to devote his life to this. she definitely hadn't seen him with the same full of life eyes looking at the endless math worksheets.
the court came alive with every jump, every dribble and every accurate shot. energy pulsed through the air, enveloping everyone present, as excited fans applauded and cheered with each play behind her back. it was as if the game itself was a living entity with a life of its own.
in the blink of an eye the ball stops in hyunjin's hands. his eyes quickly scanned the opposing defense, looking for an opening, and with a dribble he was already heading towards the basket. his purposeful stride, hard against the floor, stopped abruptly and morphed into a jump, and at the apex of his rise, he reached out, releasing the ball in a perfect arc.
the entire gym exploded with joy as soon as the ball went into the basket. hyunjin returned to the floor with a smile and a heavy breath, and his gaze went directly to her chair, regretting y/n not having seen his move.
but she had already arrived and was right there.
y/n didn't scream or jump, but a discreet smirk and slow clapping was her celebration for her friend's point, and he was happy because that was the most he could get out of her in that situation. she found herself silently rooting for hyunjin and his team, even though she didn't want to admit it. she didn't want to budge on something she considered so silly, but they were friends now, weren't they? hyunjin had said they were, but his words that could very well be empty didn't make her discover what it was like to be friends with someone overnight, and as much as she imagined that the normal thing within a friendship was to share that kind of joy, the idea of ​​opening herself up to someone still made her body tingle and her breath hitch.
but at that moment, where his teammates were ruffling her hair and congratulating him, she couldn't stop herself from clapping louder, only stopping when the game had returned to normal and the frantic rushing back and forth across the street square will return.
her attention, however, was stolen when her phone started to vibrate inside her purse, which was an unusual occurrence, giving that she almost never received messages.
she reached down to retrieve it from the bag that was on the floor beside her chair, and her breath caught in her throat when she saw the “ignore” contact texting.
i need to talk to you
it's about the study groups thing we have to prepare
her gaze goes up once more to the game, but the magic was gone, which was normal with anything that lee minho got into; for her, ruined. a wave of anger crept up her spine like a parasite. why did he have to send a message right now? it wasn't like she expected minho not to be an inconvenience in general, but she wasn't going to stop being irritated with him no matter how much his antics were awaited.
i can't, i'm busy
the message was written with exasperated fingers, and quickly sent. but realized she had forgotten to add something.
and don't text me anymore, i'll talk to you tomorrow morning
when she was about to put the phone back in her purse, the screen lit up again, revealing yet another message. she couldn't fight the instinct to ignore it and soon brought it close to her face once more.
own, you'd rather i call than text and you're too embarrassed to admit it?
if you want to hear my voice so badly, let's meet in the schoolyard to talk about what we have to do
her face heated with anger and embarrassment, even though she was never going to admit that he elicited any reaction from her that wasn't just hatred and disgust.
i already told you i'm busy, minho, i know you can't help but be a pain in the ass 24/7 but now is not a good time, you'll have a lot of time to bother me tomorrow
her attention was snapped back to the game once more as the crowd roared, and apparently hyunjin had scored yet another point. he was smiling as he looked at her in the crowd and gave her a thumbs up, which she instinctively returned without thinking.
the messages stopped for a few minutes and she thought he had left her alone once and for all, but the shy vibration that indicated a new message made her huff and quickly bring the phone closer.
i thought you really wanted to be student president, but i guess you just wanted the win, my mistake
i'll have to do all of it by myself…
and now he was teasing her pride at his fingertips, and the anger she knew so well every time she interacted with or thought about him came on like a lightswitch.
minho knew he was pushing all the right buttons to piss her off, partly because of years of practice with everything to do with her and partly because he was looking at her, higher up in the bleachers, with a hawk's stare.
from the moment she had entered the court, his eyes had been irrevocably drawn to her, as if she were a walking magnet, and there they remained fixed for a long time. not even when Yongbok grabbed him by the arm, anticipating the basket the player was about to make, could he look away. it was so impossible to even imagine seeing her there, at a high school basketball game. however, what made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up was his theory about why she was there. the motive for that was inside the court, moving majestically across the polished floor with a cockiness that minho thought was all he could take in about him. y/n's eyes were glued to hyunjin's figure, and somewhere in his chest he swore that she was playing with his ego somehow, even though he didn't fully understand what that meant.
he was overcome by a brutally suffocating feeling and felt an unchanging urge that he needed to do something soon to break the gaze she was extending towards hyunjin. he needed it, it was almost vital, but if someone asked him why he would have nothing to answer, but he wasn't worried about his lack of motives, much less his thoughts about what it said about him and what he possibly felt for her instead of the insignificance and disdain he so pledged to feel.
he took the cell phone in a swift motion from the pocket of his uniform blazer and went straight to the contact list.
minho had lied the last time they'd seen each other, during the incident of sooyound locking them in the file room. he'd had her number for years, since begining of high school. it had been very difficult to get it and it really was a long journey, but when he got an idea in his head, he didn't give up easily. what if he wanted to start pestering through her on her phone too? what if she disappeared out of nowhere and never went to class again? what if he just wanted to talk to her? it was always good to be prepared, he told himself during the nights when he had trouble sleeping and he checked the list of contacts just to prove to himself that she was still there, that the contact hadn't been magically erased.
one day he had called her in the middle of the night, a year before, just to test if that number really belonged to her. it was two in the morning and the night was silent, so silent it was too loud for me, and sleep would not come to him at all, no matter how many times he tossed and turned in bed. the cell phone magically appeared in his hand and the contact was already open, curiosity bubbled in his chest and he didn't fight against it for a long time, pressing on top of the phone icon and quickly touching the cell phone to his ear.
the ringing noise seemed to go on forever, and minho was starting to get anxious. for a second, he was afraid that she would know he was the one calling and his fingers itched to hang up the call, but as soon as he moved the phone an inch away from his ear, the noise ceased and was replaced by silence.
"hello?" her voice is hoarse on the other end of the line, showing that she had just woken up.
minho's mouth opened slightly, wondering what to reply, but he stopped himself from letting any words escape his lips. perhaps, if he spoke, everything would be ruined, and a giant inexplicable fear rose in his chest.
“it’s 2 in the morning, what the hell...” he could hear her scoff, but it was in a different way from the scoffs she gave in his presence. she sounded more vulnerable, there was a fragility that seemed to echo in her very core. he was also vulnerable. he didn't know if it was the nocturnal silence that stripped him of his usual mask, the games and teasing that used to mark their interactions, but he did know that it was very different from anything he'd ever been through together with her.
“say something” she whispered on the other end of the line like an impatient but gentle plea. gentle was never a word he thought he could use with her, but all the others he could say fled his mind. the sound of her breathing echoed free as he held his to make as little sound as possible on his end of the line. “say something or i will hang up” she says, more determined but still nowhere near her usual attitude.
minho didn't say anything, he just took his hand slowly until it reached his face and covered his own mouth, pressing it. he knew he wouldn't say anything, but even so, he found it necessary to physically forbid himself, as if something was taking over him and he opened his mouth and said something he shouldn't.
she remained for a few more seconds that seemed eternal, only the sound of her breathing and some groans of tiredness for being woken up reached minho's ears, but he waited patiently to see what she would do.
“well, have a good night then” she said softly and minho brought his legs closer to his chest, curling up. “since you decided to call someone at 2 in the morning and not say anything…” she was stubborn no matter the situation. “don’t wake up anyone else with prank calls like you did right now” was the last thing he heard before the call was disconnected. if he was no longer able to sleep, the rest of his night was spent awake trying to imagine if what had happened had just been a hallucination in his head and, after that, he never dared to look at her contact again.
that is, until that moment.
he opened her contact and started sending her messages, messages where he feigned disdain but gulped as he wrote. when she looked away from the phone to look at hyunjin and give him a thumbs up that's when his patience was cut short and he let out a huff through his nose and sat on the edge of his seat, gripping his phone tightly.
“nice shot!” yongbok exclaimed, clapping his hands wildly to celebrate the school's lead in the game. it was only then that he realized that minho's body was turned sideways towards the court, not even watching the game, and after whispering a "what are you doing?" softly, his eyes followed the direction where his best friend was looking, and noticed the scene, where hyunjin was looking at her right after scoring his point and minho's knuckles turning white around the cell phone, which was open in a chat with a contact with the name “y/n”.
“what are you doing?” yongbok repeated it louder this time so that minho could hear. he didn't turn around to answer his friend, he just lowered his head and went back to looking at his cell phone and typing quickly.
“solving something” he answered simply.
minho, now without self-restraint, opted to openly tease her, joking about the fact that she won the election just to get a rise out of her. and he knew it had worked, because her shoulders hunched as she read what he'd written.
the typing symbol appeared, then disappeared, then appeared again and disappeared from view again. minho waited for her answer, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor.
you have 1 minute and that's it
and her answer made a smile appear on his face, and when she started to rise discreetly from her chair, he quickly got to his feet and started to dodge the people sitting next to him, trying to get to her as quickly as possible.
y/n waited to get out of her chair in the middle of a play, while hyunjin wasn't looking, and made sure to leave her purse on top of the chair so he knew she didn't just leave. she walked discreetly to the entrance of the gym, and when she had passed through the door and was closing it, it was opened on the other side, where minho appeared right in front of her.
her breath shook as soon as she saw him, and he was panting as if he'd hurried to get to her. the realization that he too was watching the game and yet pestering her to talk to her made her even more uncomfortable, and she just took a step back to put distance between them and crossed her arms.
“1 minute, and don't abuse it” she turns around until she leans her back against the wall next to the door and looks at him with her head up and her nose in the air.
minho just took short steps until he stood in front of her, regaining the closeness she broke off, a huge gratification in getting her out of the gym that he couldn't explain.
“sooyoung spoke to me today, she said that we need to do full reports with all students who are interested in joining the tutoring group. i'll do one part and you'll do the other, then we'll put it all together when it's ready,” he says, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth that he can't quite control.
"is that it?" she asked in disbelief. “is that the only reason you were bugging me nonstop?”
"me?" he chuckled and also crossed his arms, mimicking her. “bugging you? what are you talking about, y/n? i was just talking to you, it's not my fault you get so rilled up every time you talk to me"
she rolled her eyes and stepped away from the wall, taking a small step towards him and looking him in the eyes.
"is that it?"
the proximity made minho stop for a few seconds, just looking back at her, thinking of something to reply to her. time passed slowly and he only awoke from his trance and looked away when a wave of cheers erupted in the gym and escaped through the thin door beside them. he swallows hard and takes a micro step back, backing up slightly.
“that was it” he whispers without any jokes or comebacks, because during all that time nothing came to his mind except the memory of the day he called her in the middle of the night, as if that memory that had been kept for so long had been unlocked into his brain without further ado.
she snorts with a know-it-all look and tries to circle him to make her way back to the gym, but an anxiety creeps up his spine and he unconsciously steps to the side and places himself in front of her once more. she stops in her step so she doesn't bump into him and looks up at him again, confused by his sudden movement.
“what the hell, minh-” before she could finish the sentence, the door next to them bursts open, and hwang hyunjin, breathing quickly for air, appears in their field of vision.
hyunjin looks at y/n and opens a smile the size of the universe and doesn't even notice minho's presence, and even after noticing, he doesn't care.
“y/n!” he exclaims, walking up to the two. "where have you been? you missed the endgame!”
he grabs her by the shoulders and pulls her out of minho's way.
“oh…” she starts to say, shame rising in her chest. she gives minho an angry look, before turning her attention to her friend once more. “i’m sorry, i…”
“we won!” hyunjin exclaims and the hands on her shoulders yanked her forward as he led her back into the gym. “let's go celebrate! you left your bag in there too, didn't you?"
the door closes, leaving minho alone in the night breeze. he gives in to the uncontrollable urge to bring his hands to his face and press them hard against his eyes, wondering what the fuck has been wrong with him lately, and why the shoulders that were relaxed before in her brief presence are tense, once again.
stay tuned for chapter 15! new chapters (almost) every sunday ☆
taglist: @liphglos@kiyoomimybeloved@lilactangerine @swiftlydirectioning @lethallyprotected @yhawnnzz @whatthefsposts@sleepyleeji @ddazed-lhs @thatoneperson1911 @poutingbean (if you want to be a part of the taglist, send me an ask, comment or message <3)
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Uncanny X-men #196- What Was That?!!
CW: racial slurs
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Last Issue Recap: The Power Pack made a cameo and Wolverine did not disembowel a child. Callisto in the Morlocks did show up and they are as skrungly and terrible as ever. And then there was Secret Wars 2 which I have mentally blocked out of my brain because it's too pointless and annoying to take up important Nightcrawler Obsessing Space.
Anyway, HOLY HELL, how did this cover make it to print?! Its literally a woman in a gimp suit! Have I talked about Rachel's Mutant Hunter gimpsuit before? I feel like I have, but I would once again like to say, what the actual fuck.
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It's Chris Claremont so I expect to be using this a lot in the near future. Also, in this cover there are spikes around her crotch that form a thong/triangle shape (super umcomfy 😬) which (spoilers) are not there when she wears the suit in-issue. Which just makes this worse.
Gimpsuit aside I don't like this cover. The composition is meh, and its the same sort of misdirection we saw in the last issue. Is Rachel going to beat the shit out of the X-men and get stabbed by Wolverine? Of course she's not. The splash panel on the first page is pretty striking though.
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The title is uncreative, but I do adore when writers try to work their issue title into the first page's dialogue or onomatopoeia or something (Thor #366 is my absolute favorite example of this). This is a fantastic first page, not only does it immediately set up tension, mystery and stakes while quickly delivering exposition, but it cleverly uses the in-universe curtain behind Professor X as a tool for adding motion and energy, whilst directing the reader's eye around the page.
I half forgot that Professor X is actually a professor and that he didn't just make that title up to sound cool. Hell, since he has a PhD it should actually be Dr X but that sounds a little too much like a porn knockoff of Dr Strange for my and Marvel's liking. Jesus Christ I bet he's the sort of proff who never ever grades essays in time because he's too busy fucking off fighting Godlike entities in space. I'd give him a 2 on Rate My Professor so fast.
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Several students in this packed classroom are smoking. Oh 1985, how the times have changed!
As his students leave, Professor X laments that he cannot simply read their minds and figure out who's thought this was. Not because this would be highly unethical, but because his mind and body has been weakened ever since he got the shit kicked out of him by anti-mutant muggers a few issues back.
Meanwhile, Storm is home in Africa on her self discovery tour, where she is- shot in the head and left for dead by the racist poachers she'd fought before?!
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I know logically this is just a fakeout but I'll be damned if it isn't some good tension! Also; the racist poachers are a brother-sister pair named Andreas and Andrea. Their parents must have hated them even more than I do.
We immediately cut to Kitty talking about Ororo's letters at a team meeting just to hammer the stake further into my goddamn heart. The Gang has gathered in a deli to discuss Professor X's mystery, including Magneto (whose presence goes undiscussed, probably because it was explained in Secret Wars 2) and some blonde lady named Aleytys who I have no idea who she is. (Edit: I know who she is- Lee Forrester, Scott Summers ex-girlfriend who apparently hooked up with Magneto in New Mutants. What an absolute power move.) Something I haven't mentioned yet because it hasn't come up is that Chuck has been hiding his growing frailty and power loss from his friends and teammates for some reason I've forgotten but which is probably stupid. Also he can walk at this point in continuity but that's not important.
Rachel sees the Beyonder shows up for his editor mandated plot interruption for a few pages and I'm not going to discuss it because I Don't Care.
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My thoughts exactly Kitty.
Speaking of the best boy, he is off at his parish, talking to the priest about his crisis of faith.
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I cannot imagine what it must be like to go into confessional with a superhero he has heard some shit someone redraw this man in that one stock photo of the priest.
The monster Kurt is talking about his the Beyonder because goddamnit I guess I can't just ignore that motherfucker. TLDR, he was the ultra-powerful being who started the excuse plot for the original Secret Wars. In Secret Wars 2 he comes to Earth to learn the meaning of life or some bullshit and wanders around causing problems before turning himself into a baby (probably, idk I never finished it, Jim Shooter did that before so he'd probably do it again.) Kurt's faith has been completely destroyed by the Beyonder's sheer power which is like no being he's ever seen before- oh please.
This whole scene sort of pisses me off. First off, its more wanking off about the Beyonder and I really don't want to hear about this guy. Second, its another reason to leave Kurt out of this weeks plot and that pisses me off, give my boy more screentime! Third, this really doesn't feel justified by the Beyonder. Nightcrawler saw Dr Doom hand him his ass in Secret Wars, he knows he's not omnipotent. Nightcrawler having a breakdown is fine but there's way more interesting stuff for him to break down over.
Back on the main plot, a group of shadowy figures sneak into Professor X's office and plant a bomb under his desk! I see someone has been reading Hitchcock's quotes on suspense.
Rogue and Rachel are flying over Columbia U having a dramatic irony-laden conversation about how much less nasty this current timeline is than Rachel's home time whilst she mind-scans for the culprits. They don't find them, but they do find a mugging in progress and stop it.
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I'll tell you what else is a crime, that hairdo! Yeesh.
It turns out the civilian they saved is a anti-mutant jackass who was grafitti-ing the words "Muties die!" when he got jumped, because Marvel civilians are assholes. Kitty and Wolvie take a quick break from crimefighting and have an conversation that's too cute for me not to share.
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Kitty phases into a building because she sees a light on in a lab after hours. She finds some of her student acquaintances skulking about and, despite having doubts that any of them could be murderers, is immediately suspicious. I personally think the fact they ordered pizza with anchovies on it would be enough to peg them as supervillains on the spot, but Kitty is more of an optimist than me. The terrorists realize Kitty is a mutant and confront her about it.
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Kitty Pryde just said the N-word. This isn't ok. I don't know how the editors at Marvel ever thought it was ok, and it speaks volumes that they did. "Mutie" isn't a real swear. "N-----" is. That word is hateful and terrible and affects real people and it is not ok at all to equate it to a made-up slur. The X-men are supposed to be an allegory for suffering that empowers minority groups. This just hurts them more. Hell no to all of this.
I took a hot minute to absorb what I just fucking read and then moved on with the issue. The terrorist kids get the jump on Kitty and chloroform her before she can phase out, with intent to kill her. Meanwhile, Magneto, Professor X and Rachel Summers are in the Prof's office, discussing the case and the Beyonder's continued presence because he's been stalking them like a weirdo. Rachel tries to psychically link the three so they can sense the Beyonder like she can, but using her psi-powers sets off the bomb, which is actually not a bomb but a "psi-scream," a device that amplifies and reflects psychic energy back to its source. This is a massive plot-hole; how did they know Xavier was psychic?! As far as I'm aware its not common knowledge Professor X is a mutant at all, let alone what his powers are! And these are just normal Columbia U college students with no connection to any supervillains or secret organizations whatsoever, there's no way they'd have access to this info!
The bomb overloads Rachel and she accidentally destroys the office, sending out a shockwave of energy that sends Professor X and Maggie flying. Rogue has to catch them both which I find sort of curious because its always so inconsistent whether Magneto can fly or not (my personal headcanon is that his costume has metal soles and he levitates them). Rachel senses Kitty's distress through their psychic link and freaks out so bad she manifests her BDSM Mutant Hunter costume. She flies over to the lab, explodes the anti-mutant students and rescues Kitty in a very hetero way.
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Cannot imagine what goes on in Kitty Pryde's head. Must a beautiful and terrifying place to visit.
The guy in the pink jacket from before regains consciousness and tries to shoot Rachel, but its a bit like trying to stab a rhinoceros with a butter knife. She's about to kill him, when Magneto shows up to stop her from making the same mistakes he has.
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I don't know bout you but if Magneto in a suit told me to do anything I'd drop whatever I was doing immediately. I love reformed Magneto, such a richer and more interesting character than racist whiny asshole villain Magneto. I sure hope Marvel lets him continue to grow as a person and don't constantly regress his character for the stake of a stupid status quo! Haha. I hate the Endless Wheel of Comic Book Samsara.
The conversation between Magneto and Rachel is honestly really beautiful. Two people who've never interacted before, but understand each other's pain better than anyone else can. Its a fantastic scene only slightly marred by the final panels being of the Beyonder observing the scene and giving some pointless, longwinded commentary. Its too long for me to screenshot and post here so I super recommend you check this out for yourself!
On the plus side, next issue is Dr Doom!
Final Thoughts: This issue had some really high highs and some really low lows. I'm honestly super shocked the panel of Kitty Pryde saying the N-word isn't more infamous than it is, because holy fuck that was awful.
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Hi. I love your writing and I would like to request how the Union guys from Weak Hero tell their S/O that they love them? Or how they show that they love them if they can't say it out loud.
hi! it sounds a bit like something I've already written actually! here. i tried not to double anything but... oh well. i probably did repeat some things. hope you enjoy it anyway 💙💙💙
Union guys telling you they love you
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Donald Na
doesn't tell you for literal years. if you tell him you love him, he's gonna answer something like: "Good for me then" or "Figures" or "Who would have thought". Or he'll just chuckle.
what's the point of telling you anyway? it's not your goddamn business if he loves you or not. you probably know already, and if not, there's a high chance you wouldn't care after all this time.
if you ever decide to live together, he'll bake the most delicious bread you've ever tasted and share it with you. it's not a hobby for him nor a necessity, but it's some unconscious desire to prove to himself and to you that he now can provide for himself and for you what he could only steal in the beginning.
going easy on you when he knows you need it. it's a big thing for him - just to let you rest, to not push you beyond your limits even if he needs you back in business.
counting on you. even more - believing in you. he won't ever take you for granted or trust you blindly, but he'll be able to accept your help, to not expect you to fuck him over at the first sign of weakness.
talking to you. really, talking - not about plans or money or something immediately relevant, but just discussing some peace of media or sharing some memories is a lot for him, because he usually doesn't have time for this and doesn't trust anyone enough to actually talk.
he'll tell you he loves you one day, if you stick together long enough. simple quiet words, as if he hopes you won't hear it. you do.
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Wolf Keum
it's easier for wolf to confess because he doesn't see it as confession. it's stating the truth - and it's pretty easy for wolf to do. the thing is he probably doesn't think about his feelings as "love".
it's a weird assortment of emotions and sensations that he came to associate with you: wanting to spend time with you, hating to upset you, slight sweet shiver that runs down his spine when you're so close he can feel your breath on his skin when you're talking. wanting to see you, to taste you.
he'll drop it casually as his reasoning for doing one shit or another. remember that scene from the little red riding hood? make it a bit more like "wolf why the fuck did you bite me?" "wanted to taste you, why?" or "wolf why are you here and not in your school?" "well your school sure is nice. also wanted to hang out".
wolf doesn't really do things to show you he loves you, but it's so obvious he probably doesn't have to. he still does things for you - just without the underlying "see? I'm doing this. because I love you! do you get it?" nonsense. he just does because he wants you to feel better or to smile or because he wants to help or get a reaction. he's too straightforward for that crap.
if you want an actual confession, you can get it. just combine the facts, remind him of all the things he already told you he feels about you and say "see? this is love. you love me". he'll probably laugh as crazy and be like "yeah, sure?". of course he loves you, you moron. have you seen yourself?
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Jake Ji
jake tells "I love you"s easily.
the first one you hear is probably before he actually falls in love, and you just do something nice for him. so he cries "omg, y/n, I love you so much" and hugs you like the dramatic shit he is.
the first "i love you"s after he falls in love also fall short of his actual feelings. he makes them sound weightless and shiny like soap bubbles, like jokes, so it wouldn't hurt (so much) if you rejected him. he says it while playing games with you in some internet cafe or while replying to your "nobody loves me". if you say "i love you too" to him, even jokingly, his brain will short-circuit for a minute and he'll need a bit of time before he can react to things again.
the first time he says it seriously, with full weight and meaning, is probably when he's unbearably sad. maybe in the hospital with kenny, or when some of his guys got hurt. you're probably already dating by then to be fair. if you say you love him too, the sadness will gradually transform into the calm and acceptance. everything will be fine. you love each other.
he says it more seriously more often after that. it's becoming easier for jake to say real things to you even when he's not sad or enraged, and his cases of rage and sadness slowly become... not as bad as before. it's slow small steps, but you're going somewhere.
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Forrest Lee
forrest is a romantic at heart. he'll want you to have a real heartfelt confession, maybe a romantic dinner, but like... him? and romantic dinner? like what? it just sounds hopeless. where does he even start? should he make a reservation at a restaurant? which restaurant though? he can't just take you to one of the places you usually order from. it has to be special.
he's not alone though, and by that i mean that his troubles were well noted by Robin and Grape, and then Eunchan extracts the truth out of Grape, and then suddenly the Daehyon gang decides it's their business too, since union is all about unity and all that crap. forrest is literally dying from such betrayal.
it works out though. i mean, you saw where Daehyon hangs out, both Jake's group and the Fam, they know the nice spots. they torture Phillip kim a bit to get clearance to the place chosen, and then it's settled.
he invites you to the restaurant, dresses in his nicest clothes and prays he won't meet any assholes today and his hands and face will stay clean for the evening. let's say he's lucky.
when you come, he's already there, there's your favourite music playing, a bottle of some nice wine and pretty flowers - your favourite if you have favourite, some pretty plastic stuff if you're allergic. forrest is visibly nervous, and if you mention it or try to tease him (please don't), he'll laugh forcibly.
he has a speech. the speech. it's a long thing written by hand on white paper. he places it before him and starts reading. it's basically a story about how he came to love you, why he loves you so much and how much exactly he loves you. it's very sweet if a bit awkward. forrest is tomato red when he finishes. he's flustered af and also scared you're going to reject him, but he does his best to stay hopeful. if you tell him you feel the same, you might actually see a wet glistening in his eyes.
forrest is very generous with affection, words included. once you're actually dating, he'll tell you he loves you whenever. in the morning, in the evening, when you do something he likes, when you do something he doesn't like. it's in different tones and words, but the message is always the same. he loves you. he's so grateful you're here.
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dailyakira · 3 years
Hi dailyakira :)
Finally getting to the ask!
For the aged up union executives:
What do you think their preference is- tits ass or thighs?
a/n: testing the waters! I KINDA FOUND THIS FUNNY LMAOOOO
warnings: i don't really find this suggestive but more wholesome HAHA, characters are adults.
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jimmy bae - no preference
he loves every single part of you, and he loves to brag about it. he has a beautiful s/o who’s perfect in every single way, what is there not to brag about? he is full-on heart eyes for you and only you.
jake ji - thighs and titties
tell me i’m wrong. he loves those two assets, no matter what they look like. he loves to lean his head back on your thighs or titties while he’s deep in thought.
wolf keum - titties
this man would come back from a hard day at work and just put his face in your titties… like it’ll be so awkward but you’ll just stroke his hair while he relaxes. he’ll even spread his arms around your waist mid-way.
forrest lee - personality
he's the type to be like 'i respect women and i love them for their personalities.' he finds the question to be disrespectful to women in general. but he secretly has a thing for titties.. way to be hypocritical
donald na - ass and thighs
what can you say? he likes the best of both worlds. he just can't help but look at your ass and thighs. he thinks that they're pretty and he loves any birthmarks you have. he adores all of your features with little to no shame.
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miyuwuki · 2 years
birthday special: kawakami norifumi (03/25)
a/n: thank you <3 anon for reminding me that it’s our special boys bday! in honour of it, here’s a little sweet fluff and his love for music </3 also, PLEASE LISTEN TO THE MUSIC I PUT IN THIS. IT IS 10/10. 🌀 anon, 🐯 anon— IM LOOKING AT YALL
kawakami norifumi x reader
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“nori! choose a number between one and twenty,” you asked your boyfriend, who was walking back with two drinks in his hand. he handed you the cafe au lait and sat down on the bench beside you.
“hmm, ten. because it’s the middle ground.”
you giggle and thanked him for the drink before taking a sip, sighing. “ten it is, expect something tonight!”
“y/n, if you’re gonna give me ten gifts then i choose zero. i don’t need anything.”
“too bad, no take backs!”
honestly, you weren’t going to give him ten gifts— because you’re a broke student who can barely afford at least one good gift. based on the number he chose, you planned on making a playlist filled with songs that remind you of him, and the number dictates the number of songs that you’ll add.
“do you wanna come by the spirit dorm caf later? i think miyuki’s baking a cake— i mean it was meant to be a surprise, but sawamura was so loud in the hallway this morning that i kind of found out.” he chuckled at the thought and planted a kiss on your forehead. you smiled and hummed, leaning into his touch. “sure! just text me when i should come.”
as kawakami attended practice, you stayed in your dorm thinking hard about the playlist and what songs you should put in there. you needed to choose a playlist name, and then a playlist cover, and you needed it to be special.
and then you got it.
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playlist name: my pretty!
bio: you’re my happiness in human form. happy birthday nori! love, y/n <3
1. ONLY - lee hi
2. LOVE - kendrick lamar ft. zacari
3. DRAMA - iu
4. world we created - giveon
5. hotel room - forrest nolan
6. kataomoi - aimer
7. polaroid love - enhypen
8. star 1117 - ateez
9. rain song - epik high, colde
10. voice of wind - RADWIMPS
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you found a cute little cat couple picture and made it as the cover, and right then you got a text from kawakami that read:
nori <3: come by! we’re finished practice,, love you
you quickly saved the link and smiled, grabbing his sweater and putting it on before heading out.
when you got to the caf, everyone greeted you warmly and offered you a whole bunch of food that miyuki allegedly cooked himself.
“y/n-san! welcome to kawakami-senpai’s super ultimate eighteenth birthday party!” sawamura yelled, flailing his arms in front of you. you laughed and ruffled his hair, continuing to look for your boyfriend. but it was interrupted yet again when sawamura stood on the table. “okay everyone! before we eat the cake let’s give our gifts!”
finally kawakami emerged from the crowd and spotted you, smiling widely before speeding up to give you a hug. “you made it,” he mumbled, tightening his grip on you. you scoffed playfully but still embraced him back, “of course, silly.”
“okay y/n! what do you have for kawakami?” sawamura beamed, looking around you. a questioned look formed on his face, “you have nothing?”
“haha, y/n didn’t get you anything.” miyuki teased.
a blush formed on your cheeks and you frowned, “i—”
“i told them not to get me anything,” kawakami explained, getting a grip on your hand. “and that’s fine. i just wanted them to be here.”
your heart skipped a beat, flushed that your boyfriend stood up for you despite having a gift (just not a physical one). you timidly pat his shoulder, “uh, i actually do have one, it’s just, you can’t hold it.”
kawakami turned to you and cocked his head to the side, an indication of asking “what is it?” you pulled out your phone, sending him the playlist link, and told him to check it. you carefully observed his expressions as he did.
his eyes widened, and his thumb scrolled through all the ten songs.
“it’s not much, i just put a playlist for you because i know you love music, and there were so many songs that reminded me of you that i—” you took a breath, “put that together. i hope you like it.”
he looked up from his phone and gave you another hug, this time tighter. “i love it,” he whispered, “oh my gosh, i love it so much. thank— thank you. thank you thank you thank you.”
“i’ll get you a better—”
“this is the best gift. thank you.”
“goodness me why are we all even here?” kuramochi snorted.
kawakami laughed and continued the gift exchange: miyuki cooked and that was his gift, the second years (sawamura, haruichi, and furuya) all pitched in to get him a new mp3 player, and kuramochi bought him all the latest magazines. it was such a good birthday, and when he got back to his dorm, he fell asleep listening to the playlist you got him using the new mp3 player he got.
it was undoubtedly, the best birthday ever.
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xbunnybunz · 3 years
The terrible, you. (4/5) [Wolf Keum x Reader]
Summary: After Wolf Keum unwittingly rescues you from seedy men in the dead of night, he can't shake you from his side. After a while, he's not sure if he wants to.
Genres: Romance
Date: December 12, 2020
Yeongduengpo was a large district, imposing in it’s monotony. Steely-gazed windows and sky-high buildings plagued the skies, obscuring the sun and taking place of the clouds.
Perhaps to an outsider, who may perceive all the algae-covered brick houses and leaky underpasses as identical, it may even be confusing. But to the residents of Yeongduengpo who listen closely to the whistle of each wind tunnel, who grew up slipping their hands over the cracks of the local bakery window, who memorized the stains of each concrete tile leading to the arcade, Yeongduengpo was just an intricate system of secret passages and alleyway shortcuts.
Some areas were home to happy memories, a soccer field, a shopping strip, the street where you first learned how to ride your bike, and learned that there was a huge downward slope just past the stoplight.
Others avenues were oozing with shadows, a brief whisper here and there, “Don’t, that’s where they are.” Recollections of a first, second, and if unlucky—a third beating from high school thugs. Pickpocket corner, a hand on your shoulder like a gun pointed at your temple. “You remember your friend, right?”
To anyone who had lived in Yeongduengpo for their entire lives, the neighborhood was a map of their memories, an intricate web of do’s and don’ts that intermingled like sweet milk into a dark coffee. As familiar as their childhood, just as large as the palm of their hands.
This small yet insurmountable district thrummed a heartbeat within it, pumping through it’s chambers smog, smoke, and rumors. A brief hiss of a city train slowing to a stop, a wary gaze thrown into a wayward shadow, peering for an insatiable darkness.
This how rumors spread, sparking embers at bus stops and blazing it’s way across the city through texts and word of mouth in a matter of days.  
Whispers of a certain dastardly Wolf Keum, one of Yeongduengpo’s most familiar names, and a shiny-eyed girl with lavish gifts overcame the streets, taking over the Shuttle Patch blog in an all-new post: “Is Wolf Keum Getting Too Comfortable?”
The heartbeat of the district became strong, alive and stirring with the commotion brought upon by a girl and her treacherous, Wolf Keum.
The news elicited varying emotions, though two of the most prominent were complete awe or poorly disguised fascination, caught on a censored cell phone camera interview for the Shuttle Patch blog.
“Wolf Keum? Ah man, there’s no way he would ever score a girl. But if he did…”
“That guy, a girlfriend? Is he even taking his spot in the Union seriously?”
“He’s a solid fighter, but anyone can be taken down when distracted.”
In a smaller room, tucked away into a quiet corner of a high school, a meeting begins.
“Fuck. That little brat.”
Red gelled hair shines in the luminous glow of fluorescent lightbulbs, and he shifts, crossing one leg across the other. An expensive sneaker bobs impatiently in the air, cheap mosaic tile squeaking underfoot the other. His fingers play at the cigarette in his hand, unlit and untouched.
“Who the fuck does he think he is?” He sneers, eyes latched onto the phone presented to him. He grows angrier at each successive image, brows furrowing and jaw tensing.
“Does he really think he can afford to let his guard down now? That motherfucker…”
A devious look comes across his eyes, mouth splitting into a toothy smile fit for a ravenous shark. He recalls the shame of bowing to Donald Na, recalls the manner in which Wolf gazed upon him like a pest.
“What do you think, Grape?”
A pair of dark eyes meet his. A bruise rings around Grape’s left socket and leaves a red and purple stain upon pale skin, evidence of Wolf Keum’s short temper and quick violence, but this does not deter the pride in his gaze.
“The fucker won’t even see it coming.” He says this resolutely, but with a shake in his voice, just as all those who speak of Wolf have. It is understandable, so Forrest Lee says nothing of it. Instead, he brushes away the phone and threads his hands together, knuckles still bandaged tightly from his last victory. Forrest sees the orange of dusk dripping into a dark horizon and begins to manifest a sinister plot.
It is wrath that Forrest possesses, clutches onto as a lifeline. But the way he refuses to lose face a second time, the anger in him curdling into something far unrecognizable as rage, becomes far more familiar as pride.
A bruised ego, and a plan to recover from the fall.
These are all things that Wolf Keum has fortified against, as a man who holds his own pride above all else, familiar with its sting and its gold-lined embrace. With pride comes the necessity for wealth and status, all embodied in Wolf’s latest designer clothing and hefty payoff from the Union. However, a man as acquainted with pride’s old habits as Wolf knew that luxury could ooze from his pores, spill from the heavens upon him—and it would mean nothing if he had no title to defend.
Hazel eyes watch the interviews on the Shuttle Patch with terrifying composure, purple hair standing stark against the orange backdrop of a sky behind him. His men shuffle about behind him, the chill of the rooftop breeze stirring them from stagnation, stirring them from peace.
A certain scent carried in the air, the scent of a storm brewing deep in the abyss.
Wolf hears the sounds of the city beneath him, pulsing like a living thing as cold as ice. He ponders upon the new information on him from the Shuttle Patch, upon his reputation and all he holds dear to him.
The beast keens, his unrelenting ego and insatiable yearning for reverence and fear will never, has never, been defeated.
Wolf approaches the edge of the roof and gazes down upon the district.
He has lived in Yeongduengpo all his life. He is familiar with the changing of the stoplights, like clockwork, on every block. He has memorized every divot in the sidewalk, every broken lock and each shattered window.
Tonight, the city is no longer as familiar as the palm of his hand. It shudders with a new life, streets splitting and laying flat for a new history to be written—and Wolf swears by all he knows, he will not have his title claimed.
A knock on the rooftop door sounds. When it opens, he sees a familiar face, a friendly smile that only a fool could adorn in his presence. She’s holding a bunch of colorful nonsense again, but he doesn’t turn her away. Instead, he approaches her, allows her to place her hand upon his arm.
The city stutters with exhaust and groaning rusty benches, homes brightening as families return home and switch on the lights, light spilling from the windows like liquid gold. With these windows, the old city gazes upon Wolf Keum and the mysterious girl. It heaves a heavy sigh, chimney smoke exuding from pipes before it is swept away with a passing train, far into the city night.
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handmaid - 07
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap
A/N: hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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Y/N was excited, too excited even. If she had to choose a place to live for the rest of her live it had to be Paris. As a child, she used to read about it constantly, learning French when Gwen went through a phase of wanting to go to boarding school in France after watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, a decision which quickly went downhill as she lost interest which Y/N remembered being very sad about. However, now, she finally got to go to Paris in her own terms, or at least Sebastian’s terms which were slightly more freeing than those normally put out by Gwen and her need to stay inside whatever resort or hotel she was staying in, drinking and eating everything on the room service menu along with some flirting on the side. No, this time if Y/N wanted to go out, maybe she could as the bodyguards probably did a better job at defending Gwen from danger than she could ever do. In all honesty, if someone had them both at gunpoint, Y/N wouldn’t know exactly what to do. Her role was always mostly to be a company to Gwen, a company approved by Mr. Forrest and one that wouldn’t falter. 
After warning Gwen about the plans to go to Paris, the heiress, still very much suffering from a headache caused by the hangover, simply ordered one of the maids to prepare her suitcase before returning to drinking yet another cup of coffee. Y/N clapped her hands like an excited child, returning to her room and going through her clothing to put in a suitcase. You’d think that living with an heiress who travelled more than once a year would’ve lost interest, but not Y/N. Y/N loved travelling, loved packing and going to the airport, awaiting her flight in the lounge area drinking a very fancy mocktail and guessing where other people were flying too.
She was sat down on her bed, French travel guide she had gotten as a teenager in hand as she brushed up on her unused French, thinking about the things she could do once she landed. What she didn’t know was that Sebastian was observing her from her bedroom door. He had passed by to ensure she was alright and to warn her about the time they were leaving and had stayed once he noticed her mumble to herself in French, sentences normally used by tourists. Sebastian had to admit he found her rather intriguing, mostly her unwavering positivity and curiosity about the world she had been in since she was younger. It was refreshing to see someone like her not trying to climb up to the top of the chart by betraying, lying, and cheating. She was just there, living life as it came to her.
    - Y/N. - he called out for her attention before she could catch him stare at her from outside her bedroom. She raised her head from her book, hair messily wrapped around a periwinkle scrunchy. - We’re leaving at 6 PM, ensure Genevieve is ready for it. 
    - She is. She got the maids to pack her bag and is probably recovering from last night at this moment. - she put her book on top of her suitcase which was neatly placed on top of her white cotton duvet. - We shan’t be late, don’t worry. 
    - Hope you’re not afraid of heights, angel. 
    - Why do you call me angel? - she furrowed her brows, noticing how frequently he addressed her by the nickname. Was it coming from any other man she probably would have some sort of hatred toward it but coming from him ... she didn’t know, it just felt absolutely perfect, meant to be even. Even so, if Y/N had to describe herself it wouldn’t be as an angel, god never one, if she had to describe herself she would describe herself the way Mr. Forrest second wife had described her to one of her friends one late afternoon when Y/N was 5, a gullible little fool. In all honesty, everything but an angel. 
   - It’s a rather good fit, don’t you agree? - he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the door frame. She shifted glances all around the room, staring at every single thing near her while shifting her weight from side to side. Sebastian merely stared at that behaviour, smirking at the effect he had caused on her and in little to no time, the lip biting was back. He cleared his throat, hands going back into his trousers’ pockets. - If you want you can grab any book from the library. 
   - No, I ... They’re really priceless copies, I might damage them. - she stuttered through her words, almost unable to accept another one of Sebastian’s offers. 
   - Pick whatever you want, angel. I’ll see you in a few hours. 
God, that man. She sighed once he left her room as if she had been holding her breathe. Had she? She did not know, all she knew is that being around him made her forget all the politeness and all her etiquette she had learned during her early childhood. He was just a magnetic, a sort of magnetism that Y/N herself couldn’t explain despite him belonging to a group  she had grown up within. No, there was absolutely something that differed Sebastian from Mr. Forrest. What it was? She didn’t exactly know and something told her not to protrude too much into that question.
Y/N just shook her head, deviating from those treacherous questions and took to pick one of Sebastian’s library’s thousands of books. She had to admit, he had quite the collection, just entering the library itself you could see piles and piles of shelfs stocked full with various book and as you ventured further into the room more would show up. However, it wasn’t the amount of books that made Y/N happy and warm inside. Although the amount helped, it was the smell. Old books in libraries had that sort of smell that was sweet and musky, warm like a blanket on a winter night. However, Y/N knew she had limited time to discover which books she would bring on her journey so with great sorrow she stopped her basking in the atmosphere of the library to pick two old favourites of her - Jane Eyre and Dangerous Liaisons.
With the two books on her hands, she paced down the halls onto Gwen’s bedroom, slowly and gently pushing the door open. To no surprise, the heiress was already dressed however she was sleeping, sprawled on her bed, head buried in her mountain of pillows. Y/N smiled amiably, edging over to her friend’s bedside and placing a soft hand over her arm, lightly shaking her awake. 
    - We have to leave for the airport, Gwen. - Y/N spoke in a silvery tone, returning to her standing position. Gwen rubbed the sleep off her eyes, not moving any other part of her body. - I’ll take your bags outside, please don’t go back to sleep.
    - Yeah, okay. - she moved her hand, gesturing for Y/N to exit her room which she did after ensuring the bodyguard who was constantly outside her door would make sure Gwen did not return to sleep. After placing both their suitcases at the top of the staircase, she returned to her room to grab her jacket and phone alone, ensuring everything was sin good condition.
As she closed the door of her bedroom, her head swivel vaguely to the right side of the hall and to the slightly open office door. She could see Sebastian walking from side to side, left hand griping his phone as he spat some very passive aggressive French to whomever poor soul was on the other side of the line. He wasn’t wearing his typical blazer, instead his perfect polished white dress shirt was slightly opened, sleeves pulled up to his elbows showing the definition of his forearms and a lee way into his chest. 
Y/N bite her lip, eyes slowly blinking as she took in the sight of him. Of course she was not gonna deny that he was an handsome man, he was, probably the most handsome man she had ever met despite everything. Her mind, however, scolded her for this behaviour, telling her not to go and play Acteon. She knew exactly how untrustworthy people were dealt with in the mob. 
   - I better return with two more suitcases for this to be worth it. - Y/N was removed off her “teenage dream” like thoughts by Gwen who had a pair of sunglasses firmly pressed against the bridge of her nose. - You must be excited, you’ve always liked Paris. 
   - Well, you did never leave the resort last time we went. - Y/N followed one of the employees who was holding their bags,  and the bodyguards down the stairs, the laid back image of Sebastian still tattooed on her mind.
The two women were accompanied into one of the cars by by driver and the bodyguards. Y/N had quickly learned that, almost as if they were some deviant version of the royal family, Gwen and Sebastian barely travelled together in cars, unless strictly necessary. She would guess it meant someone would survive and carry on the legacy if an accident was lethal, however, it still felt very much wrong. 
After quite a few minutes in the car, she could make out the airport yet instead of seeing it drive through departures, the car instead took onto a very controlled track on the landing area of the airport which made her eyes widen with enthusiasm. The young woman couldn’t help but remove her sunglasses, placing them on top of her head, as she saw the planes up close from the car’s.
The car came to a halt and like a child on Christmas’ morning, she was the first one out of the car, observing the rather smaller plane in front of her when in comparison to commercial planes. Sebastian was still on the phone as he climbed the stairs inside the plane which made a switch turn on into Y/N’s head, this was his jet. He had his own personal jet and the idea of being able to travel everywhere and anywhere at any personal time. 
Gwen, unlike her friend, didn’t seem that bothered with the fact he had his own plane, despite the fact her family did not own one. Tired, the heiress was the second one inside the plane while Y/N still stood outside, watching the light hit the material of the plane’s outside. Her mind could not wrap around both of them not being totally stunned.
   - Miss Y/N? - one of the bodyguards by the staircase extended his hand to her, wondering if she were scared. Y/N merely joyously smiled, taking his hand as she climbed up the stairs inside the jet. 
Once again she was wondered by the sheer luxury of the planes’ inside. It was painted a soothingly beige with accents of a dark coloured wood, possibly rosewood. The chairs were in a white leather material and unlike commercial airlines, there was plenty space for her to sprawl her legs. 
Gwen was already sleeping on one of the chairs and Sebastian was still on the phone, speaking in very menacing French. Y/N decided not to interrupt either of them and took a sit on a window side seat, putting her earbuds on and opening Dangerous Liasons. The flight attendants had placed some appetisers by her side and as the plane was about to take off, a very annoyed Sebastian took a place near Y/N. 
Y/N closed her book as she noticed his lips mashed into a fine line, forehead tense. Removing her earbuds, she slightly moved her body so it could face him and lifted the arm rest.
  - You seem awfully sad. - she commented, earning his attention. 
  - I’m not sad, angel. I’m just surrounded by a bunch of fucking idiots. - he rubbed his hand against his face, stopping at his temples to massage that spot.
  - You can’t control everyone, Sebastian. - she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. - It’s not worth worrying about it. 
  - Everyone is controllable, angel, you just need to know their price. You, of all people, should know that. 
  - You did say I’m incredibly sheltered from this sort of lifestyle. Maybe I’ll learn it someday, but until I don’t, I’ll stick with my opinion. - she opened her book again, leaning against the comfortable leather. Sebastian, however, was not done with their conversation.
   - Dangerous Liasons, loving Paris ... One would think you have a lover there awaiting you. - it was mostly a detective-like question, the type of question his father had taught him to ask. This was the sort of common talk, innocent question that most of the times gave him the information he so preciously kept for his own personal and professional use. Y/N felt a flush of heat travelling up to her cheeks, she really was not one for lovers, or at least did not have the time. She had had fun with a boy back in university whom she had kissed and felt none of that special thing they spoke about in books but other than that she just stood on the shade of the much more appealing Gwen. 
   - It’s not a lover. 
   - What is it then? It cannot simply be because you’re an English student that you hold Paris in such high regard. It’s just a city. 
   - When I was younger, Mr. Forrest was in France for almost a full year. Me and Gwen stood with her first step-mother, Eliza ... She was a horrid woman and I think I wrote postcards to Mr. Forrest every single day writing him to come back. - she smiled in recollection of her childhood self, the bad almost unreadable calligraphy of the postcards and how she and Gwen would hide in the kitchen from Eliza until she screamed her head off in frustration. - He couldn’t come back, that was business, but when he did he brought me this stunning music box. I still remember it, it was white with golden accents and when you opened it, it had a little crystal dove in the background of a hand painted Paris scenery. It used to play ‘La Vie en Rose’. I always promised myself that one day, I would sit down in a balcony looking at the same scenery listening to it.  
  - You’ll probably only hear the sounds of loud shops and cars. You would be better with your little music box.
  - It broke during my teens. I tried glueing it back with stick glue ... - she giggled at her own childish mistakes. - But that’s the thing of dreams, isn’t it? You can’t always make them come true. 
tag list: @sideeffectsofyou​ @lilya-petrichor​ @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea​
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sweetkale · 3 years
all evidence that points towards Magneto being Jewish before it was first explicitly established in 1991
!!None of this is my writing!! It’s a useful but outdated source that I merely revised to replace the G slur. It was written by Rivka Jacobs and the original can be found at http://www.alara.net/opeople/xbooks/magjew.html
The Magneto Is Jewish FAQ (revised 11/9/98)
Rivka Jacobs
(1) In Uncanny #113 (Classic X-Men #19), the added material has Magneto on Asteroid M, talking about the deaths of Magda, Anya, and he mentions Auschwitz for the first time. "I endured one death camp ... in Auschwitz ... I will not see another people fear what they do not understand and destroy what they fear." Uncanny #113 is from 1978. The additional scenes were included in 1988's Classic X-Men #19. So, we know Magnus was at Auschwitz, a death camp, not just a concentration camp. (Many fans [and writers] seem to get the two types of camps confused). There could have been a number of reasons he was at Auschwitz: he was a Polish political prisoner, a Russian prisoner of war, a member of the French underground, a homosexual from Germany, Roma, or, with a high probability, a Jew. (Out of 1.5 million victims of Auschwitz, between 1.1 and 1.2 million were Jews).
(2) In Uncanny #150 (one of my favorites) Magneto mentions, in a fight with Cyclops, "I know something of grief. Search throughout my homeland, you will find NONE who bear my name. Mine was a large family, and it was slaughtered ... without mercy, without remorse." So that eliminates German homosexual and French partisan, because the entire familes of such prisoners were not slaughtered throughout an entire "homeland." After Magneto thinks he has killed Kitty, he says: "I remember my own childhood ... the gas chambers at Auschwitz, the guards joking as they herded my family to their death. As our lives were nothing to them, so human lives became nothing to me." Storm is about to blast him for "killing" Kitty, and she says, "If you have a diety, butcher, pray to it!" Magneto answers, "As a boy, I believed. As a boy, I turned my back on god forever." So now we know that Magnus is not a political prisoner (German political prisoners were sent to camps on German soil, like Dachau, or Bergen-Belsen), he is not Polish, since whole Polish families were not herded to the gas chambers. The Poles were not the target of pre-meditated Nazi genocide. While the Russian people were the target of genocide, only Russian POWs were in Auschwitz, not whole families. So, we are now left with only two groups of people that Magnus could be from, the Roma and the Jews. Uncanny #150 is from Oct. 1981; already Magnus says something very interesting here. He says he "remembers" the gas chambers of Auschwitz, "remembers" his family being herded, he "remembers" the guards joking. Fact: no one remembers the gas chambers of Auschwitz except in two ways (or three if you believe the dead can speak to the living), either you were a Nazi SS guard or doctor or official, or you were a member of the Sonderkommando. The Sonderkommando, Jewish prisoners who were forced by the Nazis -- in all the death camps -- to do the dirty work of killing. It was Nazi official policy. The Jews, the lowest of the low to the Nazis, in Auschwitz hierarchy, followed by the Russians, and then the Roma, the Jews would be the ones to lead the victims to the gas chamber, to haul the bodies from the gas chambers to the ovens, to burn and bury the dead. The Jews would pull the teeth of the corpses, cut the hair, pile the bodies three at a time on the retorts of the ovens in just the right way. The Sonderkommando had a few kapos (overseers) who were German and Polish prisoners, criminals from civil prisons in Germany and Poland. During the summer of 1944, 19 Russian POWs from Mauthausen were sent to augment the Auschwitz Sonderkommando. Totally documented, on paper and by eye witness accounts. All other members of the Auschwitz Sonderkommando were Jews.
(3) In Uncanny #161, Sept. 1982, we have the story of Xavier's trip to Israel. There he meets Magnus for the first time. However, it should be noted that the entire story is a Charlie-dream, while he is with Lilandra. In Uncanny #161 we see for the first and last time Magnus' tattoo from Auschwitz. His number is #214782. Xavier says, "That tattoo, Magnus, were you ...?" Magnus answers, "Auschwitz. I grew up there." So now we know that Magneto was first in Auschwitz as a very young person, but we can't pinpoint the age yet. Also, his number is high for someone who was there from the beginning of the camp. The first Polish prisoners, like author Wieslaw Kielar, had very low numbers, like in the 200s. Sonderkommando survivor Filip Muller's number was in the 20,000s. He arrived in early 1942. Magnus' number is a standard number, however, without the A of the 1944 arrivals, or the Z of the Roma, or the other special classification symbols. Of course the penciller didn't know these details. So a standard Auschwitz number, which is too big, but it doesn't tell us anything.
4) Vision and the Scarlet Witch, Vol. 1, #4. Magneto has just found out Wanda and Pietro are his children. (This is from Feb. 1983). He is on the moon, in the Inhuman city of Attilan, telling VIsion about his youth. "I was born into a time and place ... Android ... where both man and mutant were persecuted for being ... different." Picture of the Auschwitz camp, guards tormenting emaciated prisoners, one of whom displays a very prominent and exaggerated Star of David on his clothing. Remember Jews and Roma were kept apart in the camp. In the next panel, however, Magneto sort-of goes into a fantasy. He says, "But unlike the other victims, I possessed the power to fight back." He imagines he's hurling Nazi tanks away with magnetic energy. What's this? In 1983, the reader doesn't know what to make of this. Keep in mind, he's meeting with Wanda, Pietro, Vision, and Crystal, and has held Luna for the first time. Is he exaggerating? Showing off for them?
(5) Now for the second most important comic proving Magneto is Jewish, Uncanny #199, Nov. 1985. Magneto with Lee Forrester and Kitty Pryde arrive at the National Holocaust Memorial in Washington, DC. (It's not really Lee, but Mystique, trying to capture Magneto). Magneto has been having an affair with Lee, he loves her. He brings her to the Holocaust Memorial? Why? Fun date, huh? Why, because he has no other family. These people are his family. Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. (The Roma have their own name for the genocide, and their own gatherings, with their own rituals and customs. Magneto has no reason to go to a Jewish gathering if he isn't Jewish). Lee/Mystique says: "Man's inhumanity to man ... how easily the race kills." Magneto answers: "Then, Lee, it was the Jews. My nightmare has ever been that tomorrow it will be Mutants." Why would he say that, why wouldn't he mention another ethnic group, if he weren't Jewish? Next, Magneto tells Kitty EXACTLY how to address the gathering in order to get information about dead or missing family members. How does Magneto know how to do this? Isn't it obvious that he's done this before? Why would he address a Jewish Holocaust gathering looking for information about his family if his family weren't Jewish? (And it is a Jewish gathering, besides the use of the word Holocaust, a speaker says in the background: "... the systematic institutionalized extermination of one people by another."). Kitty asks about her great-aunt Chava, who died at Auschwitz, and Magneto is recognized by two survivors, Ruth and David Shulman, two Jewish survivors. (Shul is another name for synagogue -- Shulman means man of the temple, or man of the synagogue). They remember Magneto as a youth in Auschwitz, and say he helped them survive. And witness him as having been there. (No implanted memories, please). They testify that he " ... Had been at that accursed place from the very start..."
Later, Mystique reveals herself, and arrests Magneto in front of all these people. Magneto says that he recognizes no authority. "My land ...all the countries of the world ... turned their back on me and mine when we were condemned to Hitler's death camps. Therefore, in return, I have sworn to deny them." So let's clear this up ... the Roma were not persecuted in Greece, the Greek Jewish community was decimated. A small number of Roma and Jews in Rumania were exiled to a new border country called "Transnistria" but the remainder of the Roma were left alone. Several hundred thousand of them. 350,000 Rumanian Jews were savagely murdered throughout the country. In Slovakia, the Roma were left alone, the Slovakian Jews were among the first sent to Auschwitz. After the Slovakian uprising was crushed in 1944, several hundred Roma who had courageously helped in the rebellion were murdered, along with the remainder of the Jews of Slovakia. Bulgaria did not persecute its Romani people. Bulgaria, although resisting deportations of its Jews, persecuted them locally. In the Netherlands, only the "wandering" Roma who were captured in camps and wagons were deported, about 500. The remaining who had bought homes or found shelter with neighbors, were left alone. The Netherlands is where Gabrielle Haller comes from -- in under two years 100,000 Dutch Jews were deported, most were killed. I could go on. There is no other people who were hunted everywhere the Nazis went or had influence but the Jews. There is no other people who had the gates of escape cut off after the war started, but the European Jews. Magneto's reasoning is based on this most extreme situation.
(6) Uncanny #211, Nov. 1986. The Mutant Massacre. Page 9 -- Betsy Braddock has just come in from discovering what happened to a wounded Morlock, who has just died. Magneto, Storm, and Wolverine are standing there in Xavier's infirmary. Betsy says, "... I saw a cadre of super-beings ... massacring every living thing in the Morlock tunnels." Magneto reacts immediately, out of pure emotion. "NO! The horrors of my childhood, born again...only this time, Mutants are the victims, instead of Jews." What else does this mean? He's talking about HIS childhood, he's making a parallel. If he weren't Jewish, he wouldn't have said Jews, he would have said Roma. The two groups of people are not interchangeable.
(7) New Mutants #49, March 1987. Magneto is dreaming. It is an entire page representation of the massacre of his family. Here we see for the first time, his family -- father, mother, sister -- as they were gunned down in front of open graves. The family members are dressed in middle class urban clothes. No peasant dress, no Roma clothing. (And it is not a cliche. Roma women always wore, at this time, their flowing skirts and distinctive scarves and clothing, similar to the Bosnian women of today). Being massacred with Magnus' family is a mixed group of people. Men in bowler hats and suits, one old woman in a long skirt. One man in a bowler hat has the side-locks of the devout Jew, but the other people could be anyone. Poles or Jews or Roma. It's Magnus and his family who are out of place. They are well-dressed, Magnus's sister in a proper school uniform with the prim collar. Every picture I've seen of the German Rom show: a people of color, having left India and Armenia five- to six-hundred years ago, the men wearing Fedoras (favorite style of hat) and normal suits and ties, and the women and girls always dressed in the long skirts and distinctive flowered scarves. The boys wear a mixture of urban short pants but scarf belts, some have socks, some don't. New Mutants #49, page 17, could show some Roma in the crowd, but Magnus' family members are definitely not Romani in this picture.
(8) X-Men Classics #12, back-up story, Aug. 1987. The actual scenes of Magneto's escape from Auschwitz. "And with World War II ending... the Third Reich defeated...it's guards wanted no witnesses left...to tell the tale of this horror..." Picture of an SS soldier about to shoot a fallen and stricken Madga. "He had been there from the start ..." Magnus has just slammed a wooden beam into the head of the SS soldier. "Grown to manhood within its electrified barbed wire fence. If he was to die, it would not be in this abattoir ... and not without a fight!" Magnus grabs a terrified Magda by the hand and drags her with him in his escape. (a) The war is almost over, it is winter, it is the winter of 1944-1945. The Roma were gone by 1945. All the Roma women were gone. Only 4 clerks, high-status friends of Nazi officials in Camp I, were left. The Romani camp was murdered in the gas chambers in August 1944. (b) This scene, by Claremont and Bolton, is completely accurate. It takes place on Jan. 20, 1945, two days after thecamp was evacuated and the Death marches began. Some 70 of the Sonderkommando were kept to help destroy the evidence of the death factory, before they were to be killed. Some 200 women from the woman's camp, Jews, were chosen to fill in the huge pits where bodies were burned. They had to haul ashes, break up human bones, all in the coldest part of winter. The SS soldiers sent back on Jan. 20th were sent to kill the women. That is exactly what you see in this comic book, because Claremont and Bolton took the time and cared enough, to do their research. Magneto was saving Magda becasue at that point, he wasn't the target, yet. If they were out by the burial pits to the northwest of the camp, that is a point close to the forest. It just makes sense.
(9) New Mutants #61, March 1988. On page 22, Magneto is alone, kneeling over the dead body of Doug Ramsey, thinking thoughts only the reader can see. This is one moment he would not misrepresent anything, to himself especially. He says, "An ill wind is coming ... they are registering mutants ... like they once registered my people in Poland ...! Who knows what horrors await us." Only the Jews were registered, and forced to wear armbands with the Star of David on them, in Poland (at the end of 1939). Efforts to murder the Polska Roma (the Polish Roma) began in 1942, but they weren't registered first. Young Magnus wouldn't have known about any of that in any case-- he was already at Auschwitz by 1942. He would only have known that "my people" the Jewish people in Poland, including the German Jews who had already been deported there in the first months of the War, were registered.
(10) Classic X-Men #19, March 1988, back-up story. Magneto is apparently working for the CIA hunting Nazis. He is about to be betrayed by them, and his lady love of that time, Isabelle, is about to be murdered. But as he is apprehending a Nazi war criminal he gets one of his massive headaches. "Pain," he thinks, "again indescribable." "Worse than the bite of the kapo's whip. The murder of parents and family, the death of a child ... the loss of a beloved wife!" So here we see that Magneto was the victim of kapos. He could not have been a kapo. He was too young anyway, as we've seen. He grew up in Auschwitz. Here he says the murder of parents, and family. The parents separate, gunned down. The remainder of his family, no doubt sent to the gas chambers later, while he was in the Sonderkommando. Remember what he said in UX #150, his entire family wiped out. So as a Jew in the Sonderkommando he not only watched his family die, he helped kill them. How can any other comic book character ever come close to Magneto for dramatic intensity, but only if he is a Jew.
(11) X-Factor Annual #4, 1989. Doom challenges Magneto to a duel of wills, with a helmet that pulls out unpleasant memories and torments the wearer. Who will crack first? Magneto takes his turn -- Doom describes what he sees, "...after the ignoble defeat of the Nazis in Germany, you and the woman Magda you rescued, fled the prison camp Auschwitz, in Poland."
"Auschwitz, where your family had perished --living skeletons -- and you had grown to manhood amid horrors most men could not conceive." First, Doom confirms that Magnus and Magda "fled" or escaped Auschwitz before liberation and after the Roma camp was murdered. Then he describes some of Magneto's family perishing, as living skeletons, at Auschwitz. They could either have been kept as prisoners, or brought in, starving, from ghettoes in Poland and gassed. They could have been either Roma or Jews. But then it's Doom's turn to wear the helmet. Doom's Romani heritage is discussed at great length. Doom is proud to be a Rom, he knows he is a Rom. Why would he not acknowledge that Magneto is also a Rom? Why did he say your family, implying your people, to Magneto? Not "our" people?
(12) And now the most important evidence, and just about my favorite X-Men comic, Uncanny #274, from March 1991. In the Savage Land, the entire comic is told from the point of view of Magneto. It is a first person narrative, he is talking directly to us, the readers. He is not exaggerating, he is not showing off. The writing is elegant and wonderful ... "My life's ambition has been to safeguard my fellow mutants," Magneto says. "Zaladane has no such compunction. And I hear the echo of Der Fuhrer's voice in the radio of memory, smell the awful stench of the sick and dying as the cattle cars brought the comdemned to Auschwitz. I wear red, the color of blood, in tribute to their lost lives. And the harder I try to cast it aside, to find a gentler path ... the more irresistibly I'm drawn back. I should have died myself with those I loved. Instead, I carted the bodies by the hundreds, by the thousands ... from the death house to the crematorium ... and the ashes to the burial ground. Asking now what I could not then ... why was I spared?!" So there it is. He describes his job at Auschwitz. That is it. This is no vague job description, this is what the Sonderkommando did. This is fundamental to the history of the Holocaust, to the history of Nazi Germany. Making the Jews the ones who had to do all the dirty work in the death camps.
Marvel cannot say they have their own version of Holocaust history. What kind of reasoning is that? Where do the editors and writers of Marvel get off making up their own history of the Holocaust? Where do they draw the line? Has any reader out there ever seen any major publisher or entertainment outfit, outside Neo-Nazi groups and the Militias or Far Right Splinter groups, who just took it upon themselves to change a Jew into a Romany and change Holocaust and Auschwitz history to make it fit? Magneto says it here, he was a member of the Sonderkommando. He was not a kapo. He was not a Russian POW. He was a Jew! On page 14 of UXM #274, Magneto is dreaming again. He again sees his family being gunned down. He again feels what it was like to be buried alive. Rogue wakes him up.
(13) Uncanny X-Men #275, April 1991, which concludes the Savage Land story from UXM #274, referred to above, also contains confirmation as to what happened to young Magnus. Magneto says, directly to the reader, in diary-like narration, as he uses the last strength of his emaciated body to push away his captors, "They think me beaten, finished. A mistake many have made in the past. As I found the strength, as a boy, to survive being machine-gunned and buried alive, and later the unimaginable horror of Auschwitz ... so do I find it in me, here and now, to break free."
(14) X-Men Vol. 2, No. 2, Nov. 1991. The beginning of the end for Magneto. But on page 24 he says to Moira MacTaggart, who has seemingly betrayed him, and enraged him, "Of course not. You worked for the betterment of the world and the race. I heard those same rationales as a boy, in the Auschwitz Death Camp. From Dr. Joseph Mengele himself!" Mengele's first victims were the Roma, he liked the Roma. He brought the children candy and extra food. And in August of 1944, after trying unsuccessfully to save the Romani Family Camp (also for his own experimental purposes) Mengele obeyed his orders and vigorously hunted down and helped exterminate all remaining Roma. He then dissected those of most interest to him, and sent body parts to Berlin. Then he turned his attention to the Jews of Auschwitz. Only his Jewish victims have survived. His Romani victims, those transfered out of the camp in the spring and summer of 1944, have rarely come forward. If Magneto is alive in Auschwitz after the start of 1945, and he personally heard Dr. Mengele, he is a Jew.
Magneto is a Jew especially since Mengele would have been one of his supervisors in the Sonderkommando.
(15) X-Men, Vol. 2, No. 3, Dec. 1991 -- Magneto to Xavier, "You speak to the best in humanity. I have endured the worst. You imagine the reality of the Holocaust, of the Nazi Death Camps. I grew up in one." Magneto says The Holocaust. This is the translation of SHOAH, and was first used after the war, and popularized by Eli Wiesel. It means the Jewish Holocaust. One can say the Romani genocide, and today sometimes you'll hear the Romani holocaust, or the Russian holocaust, or the holocaust perpetrated against the mentally ill and the handicapped. (Nazi pre-meditated genocide was really only carried to the fullest extreme against three groups, the first were the mentally ill and the handicapped, who were the first victims of genocide. The second and third groups were the Jews and the Roma). But the Holocaust is what Jewish people say when they refer to the calculated campaign of Nazi Germany to kill every Jew in the world. (They actually made lists of every country in the Western world, and all the Jewish populations. They made no such list for any other people). Nazi Germany succeeded in killing almost 6 million of their foremost victims, until the Third Reich was defeated.
(16) X-Factor #92, July, 1993. Havok and X-Factor are battling Cortez and the Acolytes, in this opening chapter of Fatal Attractions. Cortez is ranting about the "flatscans" and how mutants have to subjugate them. Havok says, "Out to destroy the "inferior" race ... in Magneto's name? Don't you know what an insult that is to the memory of the very man you claim to worship? Fifty years ago, Magnus barely survived a Holocaust that destroyed almost all of his people: all because some lunatic took it upon himself to decide who deserved to live ... and who didn't. Where's the sense in resurrecting that kind of evil ... in the name of one of its victims?!" Cortez answers, "You've seen this place Havok! You've seen the sentinels! You tell me ... where's the sense in letting the flatscans do to the mutants what Hitler did to the Jews? ..." Cortez has done research on Magneto, he says the Jews, as a parallel metaphor. Why say that, if Magneto isn't Jewish?
(17) Then comes the infamous Unlimited #2. This is a long and involved FAQ I've got going here, so I won't go into detail at the moment. But the bottom line is, everything that Gabrielle Haller says about Magneto's history is false. I don't want to go line by line over it now. Everything! Danzig was not annexed. It was a Free City, under League of Nations protection, that voted itself a Nazi government and welcomed the Nazi troops in like liberators. Gauleiter Forster, the extremely anti-Semitic Nazi leader of Danzig ordered all 10,000 Jews of Danzig to be kicked out of the city in 1939, not the Roma. The Jews. Auschwitz wasn't opened as a Polish political prisoner camp until the summer of 1940, not 1939. The Roma were sent to German municipal camps, in Germany and the Greater Reich, as early as 1933. But they were not sent to Auschwitz from Germany until 1943. The only people who were in a work camp in Auschwitz before it opened were 300 Jews from the town of Auschwitz who were forced to transform a collection of horse stables and army barracks into the Polish prisoner camp. "Genocide, extermination ..." of Poles? No. The Polish people suffered terribly, and were considered "sub-human" by the Nazis. Millions of Polish citizens were killed throughout the course of the war, as soldiers, as slave laborers, as underground fighters, as members of the intelligentsia. But this was Nazi suppression of a conquered country, not planned genocide. Roma, Yes. The homosexuals, no. Not genocide. Persecution and imprisonment. Treated terribly. But people weren't sent to the gas chambers just because they were homosexuals. And "intellectuals" ? (How could Nicieza have written this?) Intellectuals were targets of genocide? Well, I hardly think so, since Goebbels, and Albert Speer, and even Mengele were considered intellectuals.
No one was sent to the gas chambers, or was shot in an open grave, or was tortured and murdered JUST because they happened to be an intellectual. Thousands of Polish citizens who were members of the intelligentsia (the educated class, the vanguard or elite of the educated class), were murdered in the first months of the war. But there was no planned campaign to hunt down every intellectual in Europe and exterminate them. The mentally ill and handicapped, the Jews, and the Roma were the primary targets of Nazi genocide. The Russians came next. Everything Haller says about Magneto in Unlimited #2 contradicts most of Magneto's history as presented in 15 years worth of comics.
(18) Until recently, when, in Road to Onslaught, Marvel once again published that outrageous Gabrielle Haller speech about Magneto like they were proud of it (??) the next references in the Age of Apocalypse comics portrayed Magneto once again as Jewish. In X-Men Vol. 2, No. 40, where David Haller, Legion, pulls Magneto's memories out, you see young Magnus with the men, standing behind and below a high, barred window. This is an accurate portrayal of the quarters of the Sonderkommando at Auschwitz I. At Auschwitz I, only the Sonderkommando (other than prisoners awaiting execution) were kept in isolated basement cells, the windows of which were high, barred, and as seen from the outside, half-below ground level.
And why is Magneto in Israel anyway? How could he have come there? Well, why would a Romany go to Israel when at least 30,000 Roma lived in Germany in the late 1960s and early 1970s? And many more Rom formed a thriving community in Paris. Why not just go home to his own clan and tribe? Roma have a complex system of extended familes, clans, and tribes. Why go to Israel to "find himself" or find his "soul"? A German Jew had no place to go but somewhere else. A Polish Jew definitely had no place to go back to, since some Polish fanatics continued to murder returning Holocaust survivors well into the late 1940s. Any Jew can emigrate to Israel, under the Law of Return. All Magneto had to do was show them the tattoo on his arm. And he was home. (And in case some of you were wondering, as some of us have discussed, with the exception of the Muslim Bosnians, only the Jews of Europe practiced circumcision. It was a religious rite, not a medical procedure. Only Jewish men and boys were circumcised among the prisoners at Auschwitz. The Nazis already knew what Magneto was. He was chosen for the Sonderkommando, he was Jewish. He was not pretending to be a Jew. He wasn't misidentified as a Jew. He was a circumcised, young Jewish man). Furthermore, Magnus at this time had forged papers, that identified him as "Erik Magnus Lehnsherr." He could have immigrated to any country in the world, including the United States! If he were Roma, and didn't want to self-identify as such, why not go to America? Why go to the one country that represents enormous pain for modern Roma -- i.e., the Rom today deeply resent the focus on Israel, and the support Israel enjoys among nations of the Western world, while the Roma continue to be persecuted and ignored.
(19) In Astonishing X-Men #3, formerly Uncanny, from May 1995, we have the most clear reference to Magneto's being Jewish, written by Scott Lobdell. Magneto has just hit Bishop, and is helping him to his feet. He says, "Long before Xavier died ... before this point of divergence ... I stood by helplessly as millions of my people were led to slaughter in the name of 'genetic purity." Now the AOA is not a what-if story. It is a divergent timeline. Magneto says, before the timeline diverged. What other people were lead by the millions, led to the slaughter, in the name of genetic purity? Many people suffered and died in World War II. 250,000 to 500,000 Roma were murdered. Millions of Russians and Poles during the course of the invasions, and in political violence, and in acts of pure murder, were exterminated. But only the European Jews were "led to the slaughter" in the millions because of one man's racial beliefs. Only the Jews of Europe Persecutionand incarceration are not the same as genocide and extermination.
20) X-Men #72, cover date February 1998, published in mid-December 1997. This comic book makes a significant contribution to Magneto's history. Basically, the book reveals that the name *Erik Lehnsherr* which was revealed by Gabrielle Haller in Unlimited #2 to be Magneto's real name, is fake, and so Haller's assertion that Magneto is a *Sinte* Rom was based on false and forged identity papers.
The scenario begins with Gabrielle Haller, lying on her bed, working on a lap- top computer, writing the American Sen. Kelly, begging him to help find and secure the release of Charles Xavier. Sabra, the Israeli super-hero, a mutant and Mossad agent, suddenly appears floating in the air outside Haller's balcony doors. Haller has just pushed open the doors, saying, "You're too important to lose, Charles. I will see you ... FREE?" And Sabra says, "Sometimes, Ambassador Haller ... freedom, like the truth, is little more than an illusion. Don't you think?"
Sabra has come to Haller with information. She says to Gabrielle Haller: "I"m sure you recall shocking the world when you announced that you had UNDENIABLE proof ofMagneto's identity as Erik Lehnsherr. The undeniable has just been DENIED." Sabra then goes on to show Haller, and the readers, the file on a master forger named George Odekirk. In this file, apparently, is a computer analysis of the identity papers of Erik Lehnsherr, which shows that Odekirk forged those documents. Haller says, "He created Erik Lehnsherr? If this is true ... you must take me to him! He could be our only link to Magneto's true identity ... our last chance to stop him once and for all!"
But just as Sabra is flying Haller to the Transylvanian Alps, to meet with Odekirk, the scene switches to Odekirk, who is working on another forged passport, sitting in bed while his wife sleeps beside him. Suddenly, Odekirk looks up -- he has a visitor. It's Magneto, in full costume.
Magneto is floating in the air. He surrounds Odekirk's bed with his magnetic energy, and uses his power to keep Odekirk's wife unconscious. He says, "You failed me." Odekirk responds, "Please ... please, my wife ..." Magneto answers, "She will sleep the sleep of the innocent. She has done nothing ... but you ... YOU, my friend, have BETRAYED me." Odekirk protests his innocence, and then Magneto makes this remarkable speech: "Do you remember what you promised me the night I came to you, torn and filthy, nearly a quarter century ago? I was searching for my beloved MAGDA, determined not to lose her as I had lost so many others in the fire that engulfed all of Europe during my childhood. The authorities were in pursuit of me for the "crime" of avenging my daughter's murder. I was willing to deny who I was ... everything that my family died for ... so that I could find one woman ... so that I would not be caged AGAIN. The Erik Lehnsherr fabrication was a convenient means of ensuring that. You swore that the forged papers were FLAWLESS, that your skills were unsurpassed... but now, you have proven to be a liability. Your work has been called into queston by my enemies, and they will trace Erik Lehnsherr the Sinte BACK to you." Odekirk protests, "That is impossible! That forgery was impeccable! My work is ... " Magneto answers: "It was not ENOUGH! You gave birth to Erik Lehnsherr, Odekirk. And tonight, you have killed him. My secrets shall die with him. All that remains now ... is MAGNUS."
This scene says, subtly but clearly, that Magnus denied who he was, gave up everything his famly died for, to take the false identity of a Sinte Rom named Erik Lehnsherr. Since this entire FAQ has gone into great detail showing exactly how and why Magnus was born Jewish, it seems there is no doubt now, that Magneto's family and he himself, were Jews. Magnus would not say he denied *everything* his family died for, by taking a Romani identity, if his family were indeed Roma. As I pointed out above, only the Jews and Roms were targeted as entire peoples, and killed for no reason other than they were Jews and Roms. Magnus was either one, or the other. Since in XM #72, it is revealed that he is NOT a Rom, we must conclude he was born a Jew.
There are several continuity problems that arise from the revelations of XM #72. Several unanswered questions:
1) How much of Haller's speech (Unlimited #2) was based information contained in Odekirk's forgery, how much was based on what she personally knew, and how much did she "fabricate" herself? She makes a large number of mistakes, about nearly every aspect of Magneto's history and life. She also gets her Holocaust history and dates wrong. Did she perhaps add her own *facts* to what she found in those old identity papers? Was she perhaps trying to make the story coherent? As in, trying to make what she knew about Magnus and his history fit what she learned about *Erik Lehnsherr*? For example, where she says, on page 19 of Unlimited #2, "...Lehnsherr had taken to calling himself MAGNUS ... as if by choosing his MIDDLE name, he could bring some semblance of BALANCE and SIMPLICITY to his haunted life." This is Haller's supposition -- the reason he was calling himself MAGNUS in Israel. She knew him as Magnus back then, she had just found out, his full name was supposedly *Erik Lehnsherr.* Did she try to splice together the information?
2) While XM #72 makes it clear why Magnus cloaked himself in this false identity and ethnic background initially, what is not so understandable is why he continued to maintain that false identity after his search for Magda was over, and he immigrated to Israel. Did he use the forged *Erik Lehnsherr* passport to enter Israel? Why would he use a false identity and ethnic background to enter Israel, when he was a Jew?
3) Why would Magnus continue to use the Erik Lehnsherr identity during the Age of Apocalypse, especially since he publicly identified with being a Jew? (Astonishing X-Men #3, quoted above.)
4) Magnus worked for at least one intelligence agency, most likely the CIA (Classic X-Men #19). He then hunted dangerous mutants, for his own mysterious purposes, as shown in a brief cameo in Generation X #10 -- which was a memory belonging to Sean Cassidy, telepathically accessed by Emma Frost. During the time he was working for the CIA, his code-name was Magneto. In Classic X-Men #19, he is called only Magneto. In Generaton X #10, Interpol agent Sean Cassidy doesn't know who the man is who is helping him track down Arcady (the future Omega Red). Emma Frost, commenting from the present as a psionic guide to Cassidy's memories, calls the man *Erik Lehnsherr.* But the question is, after he left Israel, did Magnus use the false identity Erik Lehnsherr?
5) During the time that Magneto tried to follow Xavier's path, roughly from UXM #196 through UXM #253, and New Mutants issues #35 through #75, including UXM #188, NM #21, #23, #24, #26, #28, and #29, he referred to himself as Magnus, and others like Storm and Kitty Pryde called him Magnus. Even though he was disguised as Michael Xavier for the outside world, the X-Men and their associates all knew Magneto as Magnus. During this time, Magnus also identified strongly with his Jewish and Jewish Holocaust history. The question now is, what happened to the *Erik Lehnsherr the SInte* identity during this time?
6) Why, now, after so many years, did Magneto find it necessary to kill George Odekirk in order to protect his identity? We know why he took the false name and ethnic background to begin with. But we have no evidence that he continued to use *Erik Lehnhserr*, during each stage of his pre-Magneto career. After he became Magneto, after all the battles with the X-Men, after the events of Fatal Attractions, after the mind-wipe and the appearance of Joseph, after Onslaught, why would Magnus be so concerned with protecting his true identity? Was he trying to protect the memory of his family? Has he maintained contact with pre-Holocaust family grave sites, or places where he once lived? Is he worried that the very bones of his ancestors might be violated by those looking for his genetic material? Then there's Anya, his beloved daughter -- she was never Anya *Lehnsherr*. Her last name is now unknown -- is Magneto trying to protect something concerning her? George Odekirk wouldn't be the only witness to Magneto's true identity, either. What about those Carpathian villagers, who accepted Auschwitz escapees Magnus and Magda in 1945? Did anyone in Vinnitsa who knew Magnus' true last name survive his burst of electromagnetic radiation? What about Ruth and David Shulman, who knew him at Auschwitz, and recognized him, in UXM #199?
These, and other unanswered questions, remain.
By removing the *Erik Lehnsherr the Sinte* identity, fixing that particular retcon from Unlimited #2, and leaving the rest of Magneto's history intact, writer Joe Kelly and editor Bob Harras have not officially stated that Magneto was born Jewish, and was a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz. But, as was the case during the years Chris Claremont wrote the character, the references to Magneto's Jewish identity are there, subtle and at the same time, obvious.
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satankilledmyghost · 1 year
Uhm-Hello! Is it ok to req a fanfic of union members reacting to a reader who plays baseball? [Yk those pretty women playing any sport are hella attractive esp in baseball, archery, and volleyball😍 dndjsj] Like they didn't realize they had a type and had a crush on them or found it attractive please and thank you! It's ok if u don't tho 🍪🥛
hello! of course it's okay! i hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. enjoy!
warnings: swearing, fem reader
union x sporty girlfriend
shows up to all of your games, screaming his lungs out whenever you hit and catch the ball. he thinks you’re so badass when you slide into a base. might even spray paint your number on one of his spare shirts to wear to your games - jake ji, eunchan
your silent supporter, always there for your games, picks you up from practice(might even stay to watch). he loves watching you play, a feeling of pride blooming in his chest when he watches you in your element. you don’t need to contact him to ask if he’s there, you two always find each other in the crowd. - donald na, wolf keum, kingsley kwan
proudest. boyfriend. ever. he’ll keep his eye on you, always, but the cheers whenever you hit a triple or even a home run. you’re saves, tags, catching a pop fly, he’s soaking in everyone else’s awe of you, puffing out his chest as he leans next to the star-stricken person next to him, “that’s my girl” he’ll say, a wide, sly smile on his face as he watches you celebrate with your team. he’ll come to meet you after the game and swing an arm around your shoulder or slink it around your waist, handing you your favorite from the concession stand or store. he’ll kiss your temple and say “congrats baby, you did so well.” - jimmy bae, forrest lee, jack kang, also wolf keum
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sharlulu · 1 year
Dear Passenger, welcome aboard the train to the future!
┛Choose your route and please be careful: the driver is only sometimes human and may take you to the red swamps of jank
To the galaxies: a short story is a key to the sweet lands of delusions and unachievable wishes
⪼ Shards of memories (wolf keum x f reader)
⪼ Solitude of two people (wolf keum x f reader)
⪼ Have you ever..? (wolf keum x gn reader)
To the meteors: eccentric but cute? cringeworthy masterpieces of incorrect quotes inspired by the genius of real life friends(oh so they do exist!)
⪼ Christmas things
⪼ Sine wave
⪼ Gray being Gray
To the stars: headcanons where you’ll finally find a character other than Wolf. a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, recommended by the train conductor
⪼ Inevitable checkmate (wolf keum, jake ji, hwangmo ju, jimmy bae, donald na, forrest lee and more)
Art stuff: weak hero and other things
⪼ Wolf~
⪼ Random girl
Limited edition:  the black sheep of the family, non weak hero content??? what a surprise
⪼ Ringing bells (mikage reo from blue lock)
⪼ Blue lock quiz
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satankilledmyghost · 2 years
union executives with kids
a/n: i got the idea off of a prompt on Pinterest and thought it’d be cool for the union dudes. enjoy!
warnings: delinquents taking care of children they don’t want, swearing, mentions of violence(nothing graphic), one general mention of parents fighting
Donald na
won’t really know what to do so lets them do whatever.
i feel like because, as a kid, Donald couldn’t enjoy his youth, he wouldn’t mind going along with whatever the child is doing.
they want to get ice cream and name every sidewalk crack on the way there? Cool. Donald will pay for the ice cream and keep the kid out of the street.
he’ll enforce good manners and etiquette, and he’ll get mad if the child gets his clothes messy(bc that Gigi is expensive) but he won’t get too mad. Just a silent glare and a metaphorical slap on the wrist with a few hard words.
Donald’s expression and body language is very blasé around children- never really being enthused that there’s a child around him and he won’t go out of his way to do anything
don’t get me wrong, donald definitely has his limits, and he won’t be overly nice to kids, but he won’t be an asshole either.
when he gets tired of the child, he’ll give them to you as he leaves, forcing you to watch them because he won’t take no for an answer.
i 100% believe that if a child asks some “adult” question, donald will be super fucking blunt and tell them the whole truth. No sugar-coating, no simplification, nothing.
the kid asks why their parents are always fighting? Donald will tell them all the possible reasons(except the possibility that the child could be the reason), and the poor kid will have to sit and listen to every single word and walk out of there traumatized and afraid to grow up.
like I said, donald isn’t nice to kids.
best way I can put it is that he doesn’t coddle them. donald believes that if he could handle the economy at age twelve, this eight year old can know the truth about where babies come from.
Wolf Keum
this purple-pickle-people-smacking delinquent hates kids.
i feel like he has siblings(I can totally see him as an older brother), so he knows the hell that children can put you through.
will never be afraid to tell a kid to “shut the hell up” while glaring at them behind a cigarette.
definitely calls them “snot-nosed brats”
will totally tell kids that santa isn't real just to see them get mad and cry
won’t be afraid to death threat a kid either
he won’t physically harm them, just psychologically with his words
he finds joy in ruined youth, the sadist
Jake Ji
this dude-
he is a child himself, wtf do you expect him to do? help with math homework?? hell no.
if jake ji has your child, make sure there’s an adult there with them. You can’t leave two children unsupervised. That’s irresponsible.(so is giving your kid to jake to watch but i said nothing)
Jake will get whatever the child wants as soon as they ask for it
they want to eat a whole tub of ice cream? Jake will challenge them to a contest as to who can eat a tub of ice cream faster. and he’ll win.
he’ll try and get the kid into anime, so beware when you arrive at jake’s house and see them holding buckets to their green faces with two piece blasting through the tv speakers
while jake can be responsible about the more serious stuff(watching the kid in public areas, manners, etc), minor things like seeing who can jump from the highest point on the playground in the coolest way possible, which always ends up in injuries, are what jake is infamous for when taking care of children
if jake ji has your kid, make sure you have health insurance and that dean will stay with them.
Forrest Lee
literally doesn’t know what to do.
poor forrest will just look at you with so much confusion because he doesn’t know what the hell to do with the screeching creature that was handed to him
he’ll try to give the kid a cigarette
y'all know that audio where it goes something like: “do you want beer?” “HE’S FOUR!” “IDK WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH IT?!”
yeah, that’s forrest.
he will google how to babysit a screeching demon and get upset that google isn’t giving him answers yet he refuses to enter the word “child” instead of “screeching demon”
will rely on wiki how and get frustrated that it doesn’t work and curses out the website
and when the kid repeats the curse word, forrest starts to panic because he doesn’t want to get scolded by the kids parent(and he believes in keeping children innocent)
he will resort to bribing the kid for them to never swear again
he means well, and he’s really trying, but he just doesn’t know what to do and his temper is running short so you better stop laughing at him and start to help out-
Jimmy neutron Bae
will punt the kid
not literally maybe, but definitely will do anything and everything to get rid of the thing.
he won’t even care if the child hurts themselves
“What? You’re crying because you fell off of my bike and scraped your knee? Sucks to be you. That’s what you get when you fucking touch my stuff. Now go find someone who cares.”
don’t give this man a kid.
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hey!! saw your requests are open, rad! would you do one of the union realizing they like someone so different then them? reader could be in the union or not, you choose, but i think some scary boys falling for an absolute sweetheart is a nice trope :D
hey hey hey! to make it more of the 'opposites attract', I think I'm gonna go with the reader not been from the Union :) chose some guys I think would work best, hope you'll like it!
Union bastards falling for a sweetheart
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Wolf Keum
so you're nice. you're also completely, astoundingly different. with all the union business, with all the dirt, and smoke, and bad blood, wolf could as well simply live in another dimension, and the fact that you met at all, that you started talking to each other is in itself a miracle - or a terrible mistake on the fate's part
do you understand it? do you understand him? or do you simply see the world through your nice rose-coloured glasses and that's the only reason for your kindness? love is love and you can love whoever, but wolf can never respect someone who refuses or isn't able to see the reality clearly.
if you do though? if you see and understand all the dirt and blood, if you've been hurt, but you're still nice, kind and so sweet it feels like his teeth are gonna rot? curious. unique. precious.
wolf is totally gonna test your kindness. how far will it go? when will it stop? will you fuck off if you see him acting like a complete dick, beating people up for holding eye contact a second too long? will you let him do whatever or will you try to stop him, try to mediate the situation?
he wants to see the roots of your sweet, sweet heart. there's a part of him that's allergic to nice people, because it always feels to him like they try to manipulate him, but if he sees, feels, knows that you're not like that - he will give in. to you, to this overwhelming feeling of belonging.
he can change - a tiny little bit on the surface at first, a lot more in the perspective if your influence doesn't end. he'll never stop being... well, wolf, but he certainly can give up his more ridiculous habits.
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Forrest Lee
ah, this pathetic bastard. he'll see a person who is genuinely kind to him and be like 'oh no. be still my beating heart', and then his heart proceeds to flutter whenever he thinks of you.
unlike wolf, it doesn't take forrest a lot to believe that you're genuinely kind. it takes a lot more for him to believe that you're not at all scared of him and are actually interested in him. in a romantic way. crazy.
if you ever see him fighting or doing some shit for donald, he's gonna be like 'oh. oh well. they are going to hate me now', and even though his stomach drops and he feels sick, he's also dangerously accepting of the thought. he doesn't feel like he deserves someone like you, so he's always ready to let you go. doesn't mean it doesn't break his heart.
but if you stay with him? if you see him as cool - because of what he's doing or despite of it - he's gonna be so fucking amazed and grateful. literally go hug him and pet his hair, the good man deserves it.
he'll try so hard to shelter you from all the union business and to never let you see him with a wrecked face, but if you manage to catch him all bruised and extend a helping hand, to treat those bruises? the love meter going off scale.
i feel like if he falls in love with someone like this and it's mutual, at some point he'll decide that the union is not worth it anymore - and this is going to cause a different drama, since we all know that one doesn't simply leave the union just because they want to.
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Jake Ji
did you see him? jake doesn't look like your average bastard - too refined, too fun, too nice. you kinda want to think that he's in the union because of some terrible mistake, that he doesn't belong there.
oh, but he does.
he's kind of kind and he laughs easily and doesn't bully others, and he's also pretty cool and popular, so it's easy for you to fall into the illusion of him being pretty much perfect. he doesn't seem like your opposite, more like a stronger, brighter, better version of yourself. it's easy to like him. it's easy to believe that's all there is to him.
he knows how to treat a sweet thing like you, and if sometimes he slips and for a moment you see a wild animal underneath his skin, he's all too ready to turn into a joke. he loves telling jokes and he's at doing it, so you laugh involuntarily and then it's all forgotten or too awkward and weird to bring up.
talk to him about kenny. he's never particularly willing to talk about about him to new people, but once he starts talking it's pretty much impossible for him to shut up. if he ever brings you along to the hospital - it's a huge sign of trust.
if you ever see him beating people up, he'll tell you they started it and most of the time it will be true. he's not gonna tell you how much it annoys him having to stop when he just started to feel it, how much their pathetic begging gets under his skin. after all, he's kind of famous. they knew him, it was one of the reasons they came after him. so why the fuck are they not ready for consequences?
he's going to try and help you with any and all problems you might have, but if you try to help him with his he'll nope out in two seconds.
if you ever figure him out - with all the itch under his skin, and thirst for blood, and lack of trust and ability to accept help, - and not only accept him but manage to knock some sense into him, he's gonna be like *surprised Pikachu meme* "falles in love with the speed of a shooting star"
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Hiya! If you are willing, can you write hc’s on union dudes of ur choice dating someone who is mostly 10/10 good in their life, and finding out tw: suicide/selfharm they used 2 hurt themselves I mean they are good now, but almost so good it’s shocking yk
Hey there, sure I can! I'm so sorry, you requested this such a long a time ago, but between my irl situation, huge motivation drop and me hyperfixating on other fandoms... well, you can see what happened. Sorry! Here ya go!
Union dudes find out their sweetheart used to hurt themselves
CW: selfharm (discussion of it, nothing grafic)
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Donald Na
donald sees it and he doesn't say anything. he looks for the other signs, adds one piece of the puzzle to another until the whole picture is clear in his mind.
you are whole. whole like a tree that was once eaten by parasites but managed to adapt and bloom, whole like a vase - once broken but lovingly restored, pieced together and full of water and flowers. you are beautiful. perfect.
he asks you about it as if he's making small talk - except donald never makes small talk. it's all purposeful with him, all of the threads leading somewhere, not one hanging without use. but he asks you once - and after your reply he changes the subject.
weeks pass before he asks you again. he can guess the reasons, but he wants to know how you managed to heal, to leave it behind, to become better for it - kinder, brighter, happier. he never says it because he doesn't understand it yet, but he wants you to teach him.
he needs you to teach him this, because he let his life harden him, but it didn't make him glow from the inside. and even though he's bitter and he needs this bitterness to make a change, he knows that he will need something more in the future. he doesn't know yet what it is. but you do.
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Kingsley doesn't say anything outright, but he's not as subtle as donald. he doesn't make it a secret that he noticed, and if you do not know him very well you might think he decided to let it slip.
Kingsley never lets anything slip.
he watches you for the other signs. Kingsley more than pretty much anyone else in the Union will pick up on the subtlest ways you used to hurt yourself. he won't need to see the scars - he'll notice your unusual knowledge of drugs, your understanding of overweight or underweight people, how easy you take criticism. he'll know you were hurting yourself even if you never knew it.
when he decides he has collected all the ammunition available, he'll sit you down and talk. he'll make sure you have your favourite boba tea to make the experience more pleasant. he'll tell you he knows it's all in the past for you. he'll also tell you he's happy you're so much better now. but he needs you to know one thing: if you ever feel this urge again, if you ever feel like this again - you can come to him. no matter the time, no matter if you argued last night, no matter if you haven't spoken in years.
you deserve to have someone, and for you he's always ready to be that someone, especially if you have no one else. it's good that you're good, but please don't feel pressured to be perfect every moment. please don't feel bad for feeling bad. and if you need help - please let him help.
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Jimmy Bae
Jimmy might not understand right away what exactly he found out and accidentally (this time actually accidentally) be an asshole and/or ask stupid questions. Like, seeing obvious selfharm scars and asking what the fuck is this, were you cutting yourself or something lmao? (spoiler: you did)
he's shocked when he understands it fully, when the gravity of the situation settles into something. he wants to say - but how come you are alright now? but you look so stupidly happy all the time? you don't do this anymore, right?
instead he says: well, I'm glad you'd stopped with this bullshit.
he is glad. he's also a bit - sad? jealous? - that he wasn't there for you when it happened, that this heaviness disappeared without his help. he feels a bit inferior because he's not sure if he could overcome something like this, because you were worse off then he is and yet you shine brigther then him, but he wouldn't admit it even to himself.
he says he would never be so weak he needed to hurt himself. he doesn't say that he could never be strong enough to smile like you do after hurting yourself, but he feels the truth of it in his bones.
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Wolf Keum
as soon as wolf notices, he immediately starts liking you more.
how could he not? yes, you're so fucking perfect all the time, so happy and nice, that sometimes he cannot help but hate this. but you were not always happy, huh? there was a time when you were miserable.
he asks you about this with obvious excitement. and he is excited. he wondered sometimes if all your niceness and kindness were hollow, if it was all because you didn't know shit about the world.
but it was because you knew. because you have seen it firsthand, and somehow this experience has taught you to be the way you are now. bright, kind, tolerant. if humans could glow - you would.
this new piece of information, of your story, makes you seem so much more to him, then you seemed before. he feels more respect, more interest, but perhaps even more importantly - it makes him more tolerant himself. it makes him think that the world is alright if it could create you as you are now, that if you could love it after hating yourself so much, then there's really something worthy about it.
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Forrest Lee
for forrest - it makes him scared. he knows it now and it makes him think that, perhaps, you're faking being alright, that perhaps inside you're unbearably sad.
he asks you - are you sad? are you sure you're not sad? you can talk to me if you're not fine.
you'll have to convince him you're fine now, but even after that he's scared it will return. your urge to hurt yourself. he's scared he'll make it worse somehow, him being a general fuck up, and him being in this dirty business. it can't be good for you.
he's going to be so much more gentle with you now, it will almost be unbearable sometimes. you'll have to tell him again and again - I'm alright, really, I'm fine, please don't worry, - before he'll treat you normally. he'll still be full of fear every time he sees you unhappy.
he'll do everything in his powers to keep you happy. not just satisfied - happy. glowing, full of warmth and gentle fire.
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