#found this at a record store in the $1 dollar section
matrixonvhsanddvd · 10 months
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dollarbin · 1 year
Dollar Bin #4:
Emmylou Harris's Angel Band
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I visited four different Iowa record stores while dropping my second born off at college last week and I have much to report. 
Yes, there are at least four record stores in the state.  The mystery is how they stay open. 
Emerson, Lake and Palmer records are deemed worthy of plastic protection in Iowa, and $25 Yes records come with handwritten stickers that say things like "Side 1 Skips!" followed by a frownie face.  These stores are convinced - convinced! - that newly printed Guns and Roses records deserve places of high honor up on the wall and that Jerry Jeff Walker belongs in folk rock. After all, the Country section is behind a wall of dangling beads and George Jones fills an entire crate. 
A rotund, nose-ringed salesdude nods when you enter, drops the store's diamond needle on Bad to the Bone, then ambles over to offer you a tour "of their whole set up" while bragging about the minty, clear vinyl, limited edition Blink 52 record they just scored for $75 even though it's worth $300, easy.
I was happy for the dude, I really was, but I shook them off, strode past a pickle barrel of still cellophaned tapes (4 for $5!) and found that their Neil Young section was - I swear to god - entirely empty.  
Is that even legal? I mean can you really own a record store and not have a single Neil Young record? And how, you ask, are such stores even in business?
I'll tell you how: at one of them I found, after 30 years of earnest hunting, my first ever copy of Henry the Human Fly (it was an original Reprise print no less, and even though I could really give a flying turd about such things - this is the Dollar Bin after all, not Nathan's VGG++ Nerd World - I was still pretty damn fired up and almost hugged the salesdude). Anyway, I snapped up that little blue number for the very non-Dollar Bin price of 37 bucks, thereby keeping that store in business long enough for them to blast George Thorogood for another glorious day. B-B-B-B-Bad!
All kidding aside, the people of Iowa are amazing. At stop signs drivers wave to one another! Please pack up all spare copies of your favorite records, drive to Iowa, and donate them to those lovely people.
I don't know about you, but every time I enter a new record store for the first time I head straight to Young, Neil and start judging the place.  I don't really expect to find anything by Neil that I don't already have - but please, God, please help me find a copy of Ragged Glory someday, and please make it cost less than $50; I don't ask for too much God but this one favor I do of you most humbly implore - but Neil's section is an easy and effective way to find out if the store is worth my time. Or yours. 
If there's nothing to be found other than a $22 copy of Comes a Time, or even worse, nothing but an already dusty, year-old copy of Noise and Flowers for $65, I know I'm better off at Chili's eating a bloomin onion alone; if they have nothing but copy after copy of Re-ac-tor, Time Fades Away and Journey Through the Past, I stay open minded - maybe ten minutes earlier they sold a crunchy old copy of On The Beach; and if they have Old Ways or Trans for $8-10 it's time to get excited and explore the store.
Stop #2 for me in any new record store is always Emmylou Harris. I submit for your consideration the following thesis: a good record store should have on stock most, if not all, of her records between Gliding Bird (1970) and Bluebird (89). We're talking about something like 15 titles between those bookends, and all of them should be in any good record store for under 8 bucks a piece.
Don't get me wrong: these records should not be cheap given their quality. I am hear to tell you that Emmylou Harris does not make bad, or even mediocre records. Like Paul Simon (well, there is Songs from The Capeman...), she only releases good albums. The same cannot be said for Neil or Bob, though I love them dearly. I defy even my famous brother to find an argument for Down in the Groove or The Monsanto Years.
(For those at home taking notes: I did indeed make the statement in an earlier post that Neil can do no wrong. I stand by that statement! Dylan and Young alike put out crap intentionally. It's what genius's do, people! Come to think of it, that's why some (maybe all!) of my posts are gonna suck. Neil, Bob and I are simply shaking off any fair weather fans.)
But back to Emmylou: why, you ask, should every record store worth its salt have all her records cheaply in stock?
A) between 75 and 89 she put out a record a year, all of them good, and sold them consistently to my mother and all my mother's friends and all my mother's friends' friends and... you get the idea: that's a lot of records;
B) all those women have, since they made those purchases, got a life. Unlike me. They don't need their records anymore and they've told their loser sons to put down their bongs and go out and do something with all their old vinyl in the hopes that the sons will learn entrepreneurship and decency in the process. Those loser sons have, in turn, not ignored their mother and listened to the Emmylou Harris records (like they should have!) but instead taken them to their local Treasured Vinyl and exchanged them for autographed copies of Roll the Bones, or some other comparable crap;
C) unlike her friend Dolly Parton, Emmylou has no amusement park to call home, nor any lifetime movies made in her honor; and, finally,
D) unlike Fleetwood Mac, no boyband applicant on a skateboard drinking juice has destroyed the internet with one of her songs as a soundtrack, thereby unleashing hoards of hipster kids to demand of all the local rotund record store dudes copies of Rumors.
Put all that together friends, apply a little supply and demand, and what do you get? Record stores should be full of cheap and outstanding Emmylou Harris records.
So let's focus in on one of my favorites and one that I bet none of you have ever listen to, Angel Band.
There's no getting around it, I have to tell you: Angel Band is a Jesus record.
Don't panic! You haven't been lured in here to be told that He Gets You. Instead, it's time for this entry's second thesis: Angel Band is The Best Jesus Record (by a white person, anyway).
That's right, it's better than Saved, Jesus Was a Capricorn, My Mother's Hymn Book and everything Van the 80's Jesus man ever put out. By far! Indeed, I'd even go so far as to argue that while listening to Angel Band you will forget altogether that the man from Galalee is even involved.
Before I preach the word of Emmylou, let's listen to the opening track.
I kinda feel like I could just end this entry right here. What can anyone possibly say other than Jesus Christ! The barely there but perfect band creates simple and delicious space around Harris' aching goddess of a voice. If some jerk doctor ever tells me I need to stop drinking beer (dear God, I'm back! Never mind my earnest appeal for Ragged Glory. Rather, God, please avert that hateful beerless future!), then I'm gonna have to listen to this album every day just to calm the hell down.
My prime hobby in life (good news everyone: as of this morning this blog is my day job because, thanks to my famous brother, I now have like 16 followers and surely that means cash money is coming my way, yes? Isn't that how the world wide web works? Siri, where's my paycheck?!) is teaching High School English and History; in that role I teach a four week block each year on The Holy Books.
The class is easy to teach even though I'm not a regular church goer; tell cool teens about Muhammad getting seized by the Angel Gabriel, back that up by showing them that Abraham is everyone's mythical great-grandad and they are all in. But, given the fact that Donald Trump and Samuel Alito continue to exist and threaten all our lives, Jesus is a tough sell to teens. (See that? Right there I'm not shaking off any new fair weather fans; I'm telling any Trump people reading this to go away and stop acting like shitheads.)
I do what I can in my Holy Books course to salvage Christianity: we get to the good stuff within the Sermon on Mount and St. John's Prelude and we separate St. Augustine's hateful nonsense from the essence of Christ. But the turning point, the moment when smart, open-minded kids realize that Jesus is about love without exception, not hate, often comes not through the texts or through my earnest lectures, but instead when I play them them The Stanley Brothers Angel Band or The Louvin Brothers I See A Bridge. No spiritual teaching that leads to such beauty could be altogether with merit, and kids get that.
Just about any song on Angel Band could win that same argument, including Harris' version of the title track. Covering a song that is perfect to begin with is either a brilliant move (see Dark End of the Street, originally by James Carr, and the versions by Linda Ronstadt and Richard and Linda Thompson), shrugable (Neil Young singing If You Could Read My Mind) or intolerable and gross (Stephen Stills' version of The Loner - I curse thee Stephen Stills!). But as far as I'm concerned Emmylou Harris could cover anything, from Will to Love to Love Shack, and make it great.
So get over your fear of Jesus, dive into your local dollar bin and relax while listening to Angel Band. God, if we are lucky, exists. And she sings just like Emmylou Harris.
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thrashmaiden · 2 years
A female metal heads memories
Part 1. I think I miss Sydney and I'm sorry John Tardy.
I miss Sydney so much.
I miss knowing my way around, the grime, the necessity of keeping to yourself and the feeling of walking completely unnoticeably through giant crowds. Using the herd of people like a little wall through China town at lunch hour as a bus of sorts to enable me to wander to where I want to go without looking at traffic or for power poles.
Those custard pancake things that everyone lines up for....probably my favourite thing to eat non-stop. If I was really suicidal I would have flown to Sydney and eaten myself to death, that's a thought.
I miss the book shops.
I miss getting a long neck at Central station. With my only $50 I could get three long necks for $11 (promptly shared with either someone on the street or anyone who joined me) a book, a record and maybe a pin or a lanyard, sometimes a porno at the comic book shops and a re-usable bag.
More often then not I went alone and I always had a disposable camera or at the very least my art diary.
I always got stopped and people always spoke to me, but they were the same type of people who also seemed to understand the best way to look at the city. Like it's alive. Like it talks back a little bit and breathes in time with you.
I miss then walking to kings comics, then comic kingdom with the hidden smut and hard core fetish section upstairs. I miss the adult section at Elizabeth book store and I would be baffled if the music section wasn't a section hired out from the record stores because the music biographies selling for 5 bucks were overflowing. I miss the calico bags I couldn't help but by because the educational kink book or 'art nude of tattooed women in latex' books were always too niche and criminally underpriced, I felt, I wanted to give back but was too awkward to tip, plus there was something I liked about hiding my smut in a really pretty bookshop bag nestled next to whatever 'devil record' I would find.
I wonder if anyone who worked there ever thought about what happened to the girl in the Slayer shirt and long black skirt who would spend over a hour in that isle every Saturday for almost 7 years making the agonising decision on what to take home. Probably not, the city was huge, but I could draw the prettiest book clerk I have ever seen from my memory and I still know the smell and the particular dark green they accented the store with.
I always found something for a few dollars I thought was the most peculiar find and I still have them all outside those I gifted through the years to people who I thought those books truly belonged to.
Then across to the 1st of the red eye records, up or down to utopia (when they were under the cinema this was a dream) then to the other red eye record with all thr tapes hidden upstairs. Both red eyes had a staff member who would only talk to me if I mentioned live music and would often have a pile of flyers ready to hand me on saturdays because he begrudgingly seemed to know I would waste my time touching stuff in there, even when I didn't buy things and it was quicker for him to have them ready then make me agonisingly ask for them, poor guy
The staff at utopia were always so nice and I was always terrified of them. Especially when I once spent months asking about a band I had a C.D of called decision...I eventually took it in for them to play because I was obsessed and I think the clerk was annoyed I would ask for recommendations for music like this "heavy as hell but crushing but amazing but so heavy" band. It was Deicide of course. But my friends older brother wrote decision on the white illegally burnt copy of Legions. That may be in my top 10 embarrassing moments. But I didn't have the internet at home and I certainly didn't have any metal head friends that early on and they didn't make me feel bad for it, in fact I went back every Saturday after my pay and got a new C.D of theirs from Utopia.
And Sydney record stores were a heaven for one thing else besides music, oh, the crushes, ohhhhh the crushes. After just discovering Dismember it's all I wanted to talk about, the Swedish death metal that was my new obsession. I had seen them play live around my 18th birthday in the early 2000s and I was done, it was my first time experiencing tunnel vision at a gig, like on old horror films where the hand comes out of the t.v.and snatches the kid from the bed. But I had both arms wide open and waiting.
Casket garden, are you fucking kidding me? That song is so deeply embedded in my Brian and linked to fucking brutal freedom. Just turning 18, just fucking heavy, fast, and the shy little anxiety cage I lived in fell to peices around me. I moshed like an absolute animal. Like a 6 year old who has never had sugar but found his way into a box of pixie sticks and it was the best feeling in the world. I did not care about anything and I didn't even know what I was doing. I was just out of my mind and running around trying to figure out how I could communicate how my body felt listening to it.
I feel my heart race and my typing speed up as I sing the song in my head typing this out now 15 odd years later.
So when I saw a guy wearing a Dismember shirt in utopia once, I was done for. He had long hair, tight jeans, boots and a leather jacket. (This actually turned into a real life crush that lasted years,made the paper and nearly came to a very funny conclusion, but I think he may even read this page, so I'll save that story) Utopia records taught me that I did in fact like boys. But not just any boys, I liked metal heads, they all seemed like men for some reason, even my aged and intimidated the hell out of me which was exactly the heart racing 18 year old me desired and lead to a few extra moments in record stores trying to get the courage to ask a cute guy in a maiden shirt for a recommendation, I never did, I didn't want to annoy anyone, but daydreaming about it was fun.
When I got my first proper paying job. I skipped drinking my long neck at the park and would go to the shark bar to get a schooner and pour out my loot on the table in what was almost always a deserted bar in the middle of the day. Snap a photo on my camera and start analysing it.
Michael Hutchence had donated his motorbike to the bar and each time I walked in. I would run my hand along the leather seat. I even kissed it once. I don't even jay walk, and was incredibly and almost to a detriment terribly shy. so the velvet rope to keep me at bay would have been the equivalent of a castle wall. But I did it. I could not help myself and it became a ritual added on to my record hunting trips.
I still have my red eye records and utopia calico bags. They were so hard to find and you had to be there basically when they came in. Nothing made me feel cooler then the way I spent that 10 dollars.
But my Elizabeth book shop ones were lost to time unfortunately.
Each time I would empty my loot I would go through all the flyers obsessively. I collected and matched them with the gig posters in the drum media I would pick up.
I still have tour posters from 2007 in folders, and some on my walls. I would fold the flyer and the drum flyer together into my c.d case of the band, tuck a sharpie in my bra and set on a mission to get it signed. Most are signed and still in the cases, more often a set list or peice of one, maybe a guitar pick is nestled in there. The ultimate treasure trove.
The best was when a band were touring and the record shop was across the road. I would go early, skip the bookshop, tuck as many things from the band I had in my bag with metallic or black sharpies and save a long neck. Armed, I went to the local record shops in my usual pattern and more often then not I would walk in to find the band looking around or doing a signing.
I must have been horrible to meet. I was so shy and so in awe. How do you explain loving music when everyone loves music. How do you Tell John Tardy from obituary that he is a God without seemingly sounding like your one sentence away from security intervention?
Especially when you catch him off guard and go almost completely silent (sorry John. But you can still stay at my house like I promised, and yes, I did print off that message you sent me over MySpace 10 years ago and put it with my Slowly vinyl when I offered you my place to crash if you would consider touring Australia again, damn I was either very bold or very stupid, but I still have spare rooms!)
I wonder if that is a shy person thing or a metal head thing?
Maybe it's just a Sydney thing
{Photo from the Obituary gig later that night with my friends where I was still to shy to ask for a photo with the band wearing my Dismember shirt to death}
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I haven't found a place like that again since leaving Sydney. Was it a moment in time just before the internet? I don't see Drum media being printed or anything similar, I don't see teenagers huddled in record stores trying to peel away the R label or weighing up if the clerk is cool enough to just let them buy the Cannibal corpse record despite clearly being under age. Maybe I just don't know where to look on this city yet or maybe it's a good thing. Music is so available now.
Change is inevitable, but there is something I miss so badly about not knowing, and it's tied to Sydney, to the unremarkable state of the city that makes everything else feel like magic, especially as it rains. To the way the city changes and stores open and close and people from all backgrounds had access to her, you truly just never knew what was going on all the time and it felt chaotically reliable and comfortable.
Not knowing what I would find, not knowing if I could afford it, not knowing until I scroll through Drum at hyper speed that Slayer are coming and getting to be the first to get the word out, often by grabbing five more copies to give my friends so they too could cut out the tour posters and keep them to remember the momentous moment they played reign in blood in its entirety for the anniversary, AND WE WERE THERE IN SYDNEY WATCHING IT.
I want to sit and write about my time as a female metal head in the 2000s coming of age. This week as I languish in bed with covid I'm going to write about the boys in heavy metal and how I managed to break my own heart falling for what my friends and I described as 'the metal god' a local guy in our scene. It was so stupid I can't wait to out myself over it.
I'm not a writer or even a good speller, I'm just typing my thoughts out to an empty tumblr space in lockdown juggling depression, so helpful corrections are appreciated but I'm not stressing over it ^.^
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viinylspins · 4 years
◊ ♫ ◊— look what the cat dragged in! that’s CECELIA MUELLER and SHE is an around 22-year-old REGULAR to the store, but they’ve been in the neighborhood for 22 YEARS. I think they are a UNEMPLOYED and I overheard them listening to NO BRAINER by ASHNIKKO, and, I dunno man, it seemed pretty fitting. Like, call me shallow but I look at them and think of MADISON BAILEY and BLOODIED KNEES, BRACELETS STACKED ON YOUR WRIST, and MAKING MILLION DOLLAR PROMISES WITH NO FOLLOWTHROUGH. (ooc info: garnet, she/her, est, 22)
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NAME: cecelia skye mueller
 BIRTHDAY: august 1, leo
 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: long highlighted curly hair, very tomboyish fashion sense, faded scars almost everywhere
 SEXUALITY: bisexual
 POSITIVE TRAITS: resourceful, self-assured, independent
 TEMPERAMENT: sanguine
Cecelia was a bastard child from birth. Literally! t’s a tale as old as time, a man having an affair with the maid that resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. Despite pressure to do the opposite, her mom made it to term. On August 1st, Cecelia Mueller was born. She blames a lot of her eccentricities on being a C-section baby.
Her mother raised her in Crown Heights, while her sperm donor funneled child support to keep Cecelia fed, sheltered, and clothed. It wasn’t unusual for her mother to come home late after grueling graveyard shifts. For the first few years of her life, a babysitter watched Cecelia, but Cecelia officially became a latchkey kid at ten-years-old. She was self-sufficient, cooking for herself and cleaning an empty home.
Cecelia? Lonely? Yeah. How she mitigated this happened on accident. On her way home, she found an abandoned skateboard on the side of the street. And she stole it, like any other rational person would do. She rode the skateboard home, not without eating gravel and pavement, but she didn’t mind the scrapes she made along the way. Since, her world revolved around skateboarding.
Every day afterward, she rode the skateboard to and from the subway. She was rarely seen without her board; this spiraled into Cecelia slacking off of her responsibilities to stay out even later, teaching herself tricks and learning how to mimic what she’d seen on the “Skate Kitchen” Instagram. Her mother wasn’t thrilled about this hobby for her, nor the fact that she came home one day missing a tooth, but Cecelia did not ease up on her skating. It was the one constant thing in her life that she didn’t want to release.
Eventually, Cecelia started hanging out with other neighborhood skaters and became absorbed in their worlds. They weren’t the best of influences to have, but they were a fun time — wasting daylight skating, smoking and doing whichever drugs they could get their grimy hands on, sticking their tongue down each other’s throats. It was a fun time, and if we’re being honest, Cecelia’s preferred way to live. She was always pretty aimless and directionless, but it became less obvious when she was surrounded by people just like her.
This caused a lot of friction between her and her mother. When Cecelia inevitably dropped out of high school, citing “not giving a shit,” her mother forged some job applications and sent them in her name. She begrudgingly followed up, under the threat of being kicked out if she didn’t, and somehow nabbed a job behind the concessions stand at #Viewz.
However, it was short-lived. She came to work tripping balls and, long story short, although #Viewz is a “totally forward-thinking and progressive venture that encourages its employees having individual autonomy over the substances one puts in the temple they call a body....,” Cecelia was fired for being disruptive and noticeably out of it.
As of right now, Cecelia’s unemployed and considering applying for a job at Fidelity Records since her mom’s truly on the precipice of kicking her out and she needs proof that she’s “making something out of her life” quick. Even though she knows deep down that she’s just a dead-end.
Cecelia doesn’t care about astrology, but I do. She’s a Leo.
To an extent, she’s a flirt but she’s also very childish about having legitimate feelings for someone. If she likes you, you will get the opposite impression. In short, the way she communicates is very full of shit, if not downright rude and lewd.
Her favorite candy is Skittles and she carries some with her at all time. They’re in her back-pocket and she pops them like pills. Fuck them teeth!
Her style is best described as baggy and oversized, with an affinity for tie-dye. Very Rue Bennet-esque.
She has a ton of bracelets on her right wrist that she always wears. She has a ton of rituals that she does before doing a set, one of them being that if she takes off her bracelets she swears that she’ll get credit-carded.
Her skateboard is a double-kick and it has a lot of graffiti. The colors are a big reason why she picked it up in the first place.
She has a lot of scars on her legs from her skate injuries. She only rolled her ankles really bad once when she was fifteen.
Wanted connections:
THE GOOD INFLUENCE: Someone who wants her to be better? I’d like to see it, mostly because she’s admittedly annoying and she doesn’t want to get better. She also freezes up when she experiences genuine connection with other people, so they’d have to be patient enough to put up with a lot of shit. 
THE BAD INFLUENCE: People who she does very illegal things with? Sign her up!
EMPLOYEES @ FIDELITY! She’s there almost every day because she has a very unabashed and very embarrassing crush on Rue, even though they turn her down daily. So she’s a familiar face around the store already and she’d be on a first-name basis with them.
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS: Growing up in Crown Heights, she’s probably seen a lot of friends come and go. There’s a lot of fun that can be had with this connection because maybe they’ve seen Cecelia spiraling!
HOOKUPS, MAYHAPS? 99.9% chance it will end/ended terribly and the angst of it all. She also doesn’t do relationships, don’t text.
ANYTHING! Like this and I’ll [ hits the woah ] hit you up!
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lexmagnum · 4 years
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Structure of the Birth Certificate
Did the State Pledge Your Body to a Bank?
Right: Some birth and marriage certificates are now "warehouse receipts," printed on banknote paper, which may mark you and yours as 'chattel' property of the banks that our government borrows from every day.
A certificate is a "paper establishing an ownership claim." - Barron's Dictionary of Banking Terms. Registration of births began in 1915, by the Bureau of Census, with all states adopting the practice by 1933.
Birth and marriage certificates are a form of securities called "warehouse receipts." The items included on a warehouse receipt, as descried at §7-202 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the law which governs commercial paper and transactions, which parallel a birth or marriage certificate are:
-the location of the warehouse where the goods are stored...(residence)
-the date of issue of the receipt.....("Date issued")
-the consecutive number of the receipt...(found on back or front of the certificate, usually in red numbers)
-a description of the goods or of the packages containing them...(name, sex, date of birth, etc.)
-the signature of the warehouseman, which may be made by his authorized agent...(municipal clerk or state registrar's signature)
Birth/marriage certificates now appear to at least qualify as "warehouse receipts" under the Uniform Commercial Code. Black's Law Dictionary, 7th ed. defines:
warehouse receipt. "...A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument and is often used for financing with inventory as security."
Since the U.S. went bankrupt in 1933, all new money has to be borrowed into existence. All states started issuing serial-numbered, certificated "warehouse receipts" for births and marriages in order to pledge us as collateral against those loans and municipal bonds taken out with the Federal Reserve's banks. The "Full faith and Credit" of the American people is said to be that which back the nation's debt. That simply means the American people's ability to labor and pay back that debt. In order to catalog its laborers, the government needed an efficient, methodical system of tracking its property to that end. Humans today are looked upon merely as resources - "human resources," that is.
Governmental assignment of a dollar value to the heads of citizens began on July 14, 1862 when President Lincoln offered 6 percent interest bearing-bonds to states who freed their slaves on a "per head" basis. This practice of valuating humans (cattle?) continues today with our current system of debt-based currency reliant upon a steady stream of fresh new chattels to back it.
Additional Birth Certificate Research
Federal Children
by Joyce Rosenwald
In 1921, the federal Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act created the birth "registration" or what we now know as the "birth certificate." It was known as the "Maternity Act" and was sold to the American people as a law that would reduce maternal and infant mortality, protect the health of mothers and infants, and for "other purposes." One of those other purposes provided for the establishment of a federal bureau designed to cooperate with state agencies in the overseeing of its operations and expenditures. What it really did was create a federal birth registry which exists today, creating "federal children." This government, under the doctrine of "Parens Patriae," now legislates for American children as if they are owned by the federal government. Through the public school enrollment process and continuing license requirements for most aspects of daily life, these children grow up to be adults indoctrinated into the process of asking for "permission" from Daddy government to do all those things necessary to carry out daily activities that exist in what is called a "free country."
Before 1921 the records of births and names of children were entered into family bibles, as were the records of marriages and deaths. These records were readily accepted by both the family and the law as "official" records. Since 1921 the American people have been registering the births and names of their children with the government of the state in which they are born, even though there is no federal law requiring it. The state tells you that registering your child's birth through the birth certificate serves as proof that he/she was born in the united States , thereby making him/her a United States Citizen. For the past several years a social security number has been mandated by the federal government to be issued at birth.
In 1933, bankruptcy was declared by President Roosevelt. The governors of the then 48 States pledged the "full faith and credit" of their states, including the citizenry, as collateral for loans of credit from the Federal Reserve system. To wit:"Full faith and credit" clause of Const. U.S. article 4. sec. 1, requires that foreign judgement be given such faith and credit as it had by law or usage of state of it's origin. That foreign statutes are to have force and effect to which they are entitled in home state. And that a judgement or record shall have the same faith, credit, conclusive effect, and obligatory force in other states as it has by law or usage in the state from whence taken.
Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Ed. cites omitted.
The state claims an interest in every child within it's jurisdiction. The state will, if it deems it necessary, nullify your parental rights and appoint a guardian (trustee) over your children. The subject of every birth certificate is a child. The child is a valuable asset, which if properly trained, can contribute valuable assets provided by its labor for many years. It is presumed by those who have researched this issue, that the child itself is the asset of the trust established by the birth certificate, and the social security number is the numbering or registration of the trust, allowing for the assets of the trust to be tracked. If this information is true, your child is now owned by the state. Each one of us, including our children, are considered assets of the bankrupt united states. We are now designated by this government as "HUMAN RESOURCES," with a new crop born every year."
In 1923, a suit was brought against federal officials charged with the administration of the maternity act, who were citizens of another state, to enjoin them from enforcing it, wherein the plaintiff averred that the act was unconstitutional, and that it's purpose was to induce the States to yield sovereign rights reserved by them through the federal Constitution's 10th amendment and not granted to the federal government, and that the burden of the appropriations falls unequally upon the several States, held, that, as the statute does not require the plaintiff to do or yield anything, and as no burden is imposed by it other than that of taxation, which falls, not on the State but on her inhabitants, who are within the federal as well as the state taxing power, the complaint resolves down to the naked contention that Congress has usurped reserved powers of the States by the mere enactment of the statute, though nothing has been, or is to be, done under it without their consent (Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, et al.; Frothingham v. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury et.al..) Mr. Alexander Lincoln, Assistant Attorney General, argued for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts . To wit:
I. The act is unconstitutional. It purports to vest in agencies of the Federal Government powers which are almost wholly undefined, in matters relating to maternity and infancy, and to authorize appropriations of federal funds for the purposes of the act.
Many examples may be given and were stated in the debates on the bill in Congress of regulations which may be imposed under the act. THE FORCED REGISTRATION OF PREGNANCY, GOVERNMENTAL PRENATAL EXAMINATION OF EXPECTANT MOTHERS, RESTRICTIONS ON THE RIGHT OF A WOMAN TO SECURE THE SERVICES OF A MIDWIFE OR PHYSICIAN OF HER OWN SELECTION, are measures to which the people of those States which accept its provisions may be subjected. There is nothing which prohibits the payment of subsidies out of federal appropriations. INSURANCE OF MOTHERS MAY BE MADE COMPULSORY. THE TEACHING OF BIRTH CONTROL AND PHYSICAL INSPECTION OF PERSONS ABOUT TO MARRY MAY BE REQUIRED.
By section 4 of the act, the Children's Bureau is given all necessary powers to cooperate with the state agencies in the administration of the act. Hence it is given the power to assist in the enforcement of the plans submitted to it, and for that purpose by its agents to go into the several States and to do those acts for which the plans submitted may provide. As to what those plans shall provide, the final arbiters are the Bureau and the Board. THE FACT THAT IT WAS CONSIDERED NECESSARY IN EXPLICIT TERMS TO PRESERVE FROM INVASION BY FEDERAL OFFICIALS THE RIGHT OF THE PARENT TO THE CUSTODY AND CARE OF HIS CHILD AND THE SANCTITY OF HIS HOME SHOWS HOW FAR REACHING ARE THE POWERS WHICH WERE INTENDED TO BE GRANTED BY THE ACT.
(1) The act is invalid because it assumes powers not granted to Congress and usurps the local police power. McCulloch v. Maryland , 4 Wheat. 316, 405; United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542, 549-551.
In more recent cases, however, the Court has shown that there are limits to the power of Congress to pass legislation purporting to be based on one of the powers expressly granted to Congress which in fact usurps the reserved powers of the States, and that laws showing on their face detailed regulation of a matter wholly within the police power of the States will be held to be unconstitutional although they purport to be passed in the exercise of some constitutional power. Hammer v. Dagenhart, 247 U.S. 251; Child Labor Tax Case, 259 U.S. 20; Hill v. Wallace, 259 U.S. 44.
The act is not made valid by the circumstance that federal powers are to be exercised only with respect to those States which accept the act, for Congress cannot assume, and state legislatures cannot yield, the powers reserved to the States by the Constitution. Message of President Monroe, May 4, 1822 ; 4 Elliot's Debates, p. 525; Pollard's Lessee v. Hagan, 3 How. 212; Escanaba Co. v. Chicago , 107 U.S. 678; Coyle v. Oklahoma , 221 U.S. 559; Cincinnati v. Louisville & Nashville R.R. Co., 223 U.S. 390.
(2) The act is invalid because it imposes on each State an illegal option either to yield a part of its powers reserved by the Tenth Amendment or to give up its share of appropriations under the act. A statute attempting, by imposing conditions upon a general privilege, to exact a waiver of a constitutional right, is null and void. Harrison v. St. Louis & San Francisco R.R. Co., 232 U.S. 318; Terral v. Burke Construction Co., 257 U.S. 529.
(3) The act is invalid because it sets up a system of government by cooperation between the Federal Government and certain of the States, not provided by the Constitution. Congress cannot make laws for the States, and it cannot delegate to the States the power to make laws for the United States . In re Rahrer, 140 U.S. 545; Knickerbocker Ice Co. v. Stewart, 253 U.S. 149; Opinion of the Justices, 239 Mass. 606.
The Maternity Act was eventually repealed, but parts of it have been found in other legislative acts. What this act attempted to do was set up government by appointment, run by bureaucrats with re-delegated authority to tax, which is in itself unconstitutional. What was once declared as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of this nation in the past should be upheld in a court challenge today. The constitution hasn't changed. What has changed is the way this government views human life. Today we are defined as human resources, believed to be owned by government. The government now wants us, as individuals, to be tagged and tracked. Government mandated or legislated National I.D. is unconstitutional anyway you look at it. Federal jurisdiction to legislate for the several states does not exist and could never survive a court challenge as shown above. Writing letters to elected public servants won't save us when we all know their agenda does not include serving those who placed them in power. Perhaps the 10th amendment of the federal constitution guaranteeing states rights will, if challenged, when making it known that we as individuals of the several states will not be treated as chattel of the U.S. government. If the federal government believes they own us, and as such have the right to demand national I.D. cards, and health I.D. cards, which will in truth tag us as we tag our animals, then let them bring forth the documents to prove their authority to legislate for it. If our G-D given rights to liberty and freedom, which were the foundation upon which this nation was created do not exist, and liberty and freedom is only an illusion under which the American people suffer, then let the governments of this nation come forward and tell the people. But...if we are indeed free, then we should not have to plead or beg before our elected public servants to be treated as such. If, in truth we are not free, then perhaps it's time to let the final chapter of the Great American Revolution be written..........
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5CloudHost Review – Real SSD Speed Hosting At Insane Low Price
5CloudHost Review
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What You Need to Quickly and Easily Outsource SEO Content Writing
Boss among the specific abilities that your business ought to re-appropriate, you ought to redistribute SEO content composition.
Composing SEO content is a specialization that weds knowledge from two significant zones: how the human mind works, and how web indexes slither. At the end of the day, the study of watchword examination applied to the specialty of human correspondence.
Search engine optimization content advancement is a higher priority than any time in recent memory
There are Many Digital Marketing agencies like ITech Solutions which are Providing Content Writing and seo services.
It's been defamed and misjudged as attempting to "game" web indexes, however is it actually a malicious word, "Website design enhancement"? No.
As indicated by the Wikipedia SEO content definition:
Site design improvement (SEO) is the way toward influencing the perceivability of a site or a site page in a web index's "regular" or un-paid ("natural") query items. When all is said in done, the prior (or higher positioned on the list items page), and all the more every now and again a site shows up in the list items list, the more guests it will get from the web index's clients.
For whatever length of time that there are web search tools, substance should be enhanced for web indexes. As web crawlers become progressively "human", indirect access strategies and tricky techniques will increasingly more get old. Also, that is something beneficial for all of us.
Presently - more than before Google's progressive calculation changes of ongoing months - our odds of positioning high are better than anyone might have expected. The con artists and spammers who utilized ungainly strategies to obstruct internet searcher results pages have been flushed away. In any case, you despite everything do need to see how web indexes "think", on the off chance that you need to score well with them and draw in more rush hour gridlock to your sites.
Is "redistribute" a shrewd word, at that point?
Since SEO content composing is such a significant and specific ability, is it a mix-up to redistribute it?
Indeed - on the off chance that you re-appropriate such vital work to a section clock working out of his folks' room most of the way around the globe. In any case, on the off chance that you recruit an expert to give an all around characterized item into a very much sharpened work process: No, it's certainly no error.
Redistributing can open up an entire universe of ability available to you, for a small amount of the expense of conventional business. Also, because of the web, you can rapidly and effectively exploit the worldwide re-appropriating organization blast.
It used to be that you could simply compose catchphrase rich substance and rank well
You realize what those resemble:
"Pooch preparing mentors are continually searching for the best canine preparing assets they can discover. Tragically, hound preparing assets are not generally accessible at hound preparing pet stores. In any case, at dogtraining.com, you can discover all your canine preparing needs at our pooch preparing site."
In addition to the fact that copy resembles that irritating as hell to peruse, however it currently gets punished by Google's calculations.
Google is continually attempting to get its web crawler to think increasingly like a human - perhaps one day it will, and "Website design enhancement content" will just be designated "content". In any case, until that day comes, if at any point, SEO will consistently be a fundamental requirement for all organizations on the web.
Watchword stuffing is dead.
Aimless backlinking is dead.
Tricky strategies are dead.
In any case, SEO is perfectly healthy harder than any time in recent memory, particularly with LSI.
LSI isn't a medication, however it's a fix.
Today, web crawlers utilize a technique called Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), which utilizes scientific models to make sense of the general subject of a collection of duplicate, the manner in which individuals regularly talk.
In this way, rather than positioning an article dependent on catchphrases, Google currently positions an article for utilizing the key expressions that genuine individuals use when they talk about a given subject.
This implies the present strong SEO content is imaginative SEO content. Dissimilar to the terrible days of yore of watchword stuffing, LSI themed catchphrase content peruses and sounds the manner in which a human talks - in light of the fact that it utilizes the real expressions that a genuine individual would utilize.
3 reasons why you need re-appropriated content:
1. It keeps your substance composing new
Composing new SEO content all the time isn't a simple undertaking, yet a devoted SEO Content Writer can furnish you with new SEO duplicate routinely, no issue.
2. Content composition for internet based life has gone SEO too
Internet based life showcasing starts with strong SEO content. In what manner or capacity? You need individuals to tweet, similar to, share and in any case upvote your substance. Which they can possibly do if:
Your substance is extraordinary and
They can locate your extraordinary substance
A decent SEO Content Writer hits the two targets.
This goes for content composition for Facebook, Google+, web journals - everything.
3. Premium substance is even integral to video - which is soaring in significance
Recordings depend on contents and presented by duplicate on site pages, regardless of whether your own or on YouTube. This duplicate must be SEO duplicate.
What do you have to effectively re-appropriate?
1. A very much characterized work process, eg, a site into which you basically attachment and play strong substance
2. An ability to profit by a universe of top ability - not exactly what can be found in your specific geological area
3. Master SEO Content Writers who are knowledgeable with what works in SEO today
There's a distinction between SEO Content Writers and ordinary essayists: proficient SEO composing is qualified and upgraded to be positioned profoundly by the present web index calculations, though broad composing isn't.
Moreover, for English substance, you need to ensure that you enlist English-talking scholars. Local English-talking essayists can give you an edge that non-local speakers can't.
Sidebar: Are you a Web structure or SEO organization?
Do you offer a SEO affiliate program or perhaps run a turnkey SEO re-appropriating office? Proficient authors can assist you with white name SEO content.
Suppose that you offer a total promoting answer for on the web. This would incorporate site page content, web architecture, blog content, facilitating, SEO, SEM, PPC, and so on. You would enlist masters to fill every one of these jobs: a fashioner for the web architecture, a website admin to deal with the facilitating, an advertiser to direct the publicizing efforts and an author to give duplicate to the Web resources.
It pays to have a devoted proficient in every job; with redistributed SEO administrations, you can bear to recruit a committed SEO Content Writer, not simply broadly useful scholars.
To redistribute effectively, re-appropriate it to an expert, not an actor
At the point when you redistribute content composing administrations, ensure you contract a provider who gives premium web based composition, not "content factory" hash. Your substance mirrors your organization - and your customers.
Redistributing to a SEO devoted substance author can have the effect between having content that is adored by the two individuals and web indexes - or content that is basically lighten. An expert knows the tips to SEO content that changes over.
Alpha Lim composes strong SEO content at #MpCoPy.
- We give premium SEO copywriting administrations to organizations hoping to redistribute online substance rapidly and without any problem.
- Our substance is strong, with LSI Keyword Research undergirding Persuasive Copywriting procedures.
- We don't rival two-dollar-per-article minimal effort composing content factories. Quality endures with minimal effort. Or on the other hand, more pithily, "You do get what you pay for."
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bushingbronzes-blog · 5 years
A well-maintained and maintained mold can shorten mold assembly
The maintenance of injection molds As the most important molding equipment for injection molding products, the quality of the injection mold is directly related to the quality of the products. Moreover, since the mold occupies a large proportion in the production cost of the injection molding processing enterprise, its service life directly affects the cost of the injection molding product. Therefore, improving the quality of injection molds, maintaining and maintaining them, and extending their service life are important issues for plastic injection molding products processing enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Plastic injection molding products processing enterprises due to a large variety of products, mold replacement is more frequent, after completing a production cycle, the mold is generally stored in the warehouse until the next production cycle to come out again. However, some processing companies pay insufficient attention to the preservation of molds, causing rust and surface finish to decrease during Plastic household mould/mold suppliers the storage period, resulting in a decline in product quality and high scrap rate. Some molds are even difficult to reuse, and it is necessary to reinvest a large amount of money to set up a new mold. , causing great waste. The data shows that the use and maintenance account for 15% to 20% of the factors affecting the service life of the mold.
The service life of the injection mold can generally reach 800,000 times. Some well-maintained molds abroad can even be extended by 2 to 3 times. However, due to the neglect of maintenance, domestic plastic injection molds have a relatively short service life, which is only equivalent to 1/5 to 1/3 of foreign countries. The loss of steel processing time and energy due to the short service life of the mold, as well as the impact on product quality, amount to billions of dollars per year. Therefore, the maintenance of the injection mold is very important. The injection mold has a very high technical content and many various parts. If the maintenance and maintenance of various parts are not taken into account during the use, it is easy to cause damage and rust, resulting in economic losses of tens of thousands or even millions of yuan. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the maintenance and maintenance of the mold during the use to ensure the long-term use quality of the mold. To this end, the processing enterprise should first equip each pair of molds with a resume card, detailing and counting the use and damage of the molds. Based on this, it can be found which parts and components have been damaged and the degree of wear and tear is provided to provide information for discovering and solving problems. And the molding process parameters of the mold, the materials used in the product, in order to shorten the test time of the mold and improve the production efficiency. Secondly, the processing enterprise should test the various properties of the mold under the normal operation of the injection molding machine and the mold, and measure the size of the final molded plastic part.
Through this information, the existing state of the mold can be determined, and the cavity and core can be found. The damage of the cooling system and the parting surface, etc., according to the information provided by the plastic parts, the damage state of the mold and the maintenance measures can be judged. Third, it is necessary to carry out key tracking and testing on several important parts of the mold. The function of the ejection and guiding parts is to ensure the opening and closing movement of the mold and the ejection of the plastic parts. If any part is stuck due to damage, the production will be stopped, so it is necessary to check whether the ejector rod, the guide column, etc. are deformed or damaged. Once found, it should be replaced in time. After completing a production cycle, it is necessary to apply anti-rust oil to the moving and guiding parts, especially the protection of the bearing parts with gears and racks and the spring strength of the spring molds to ensure that they are always in the best working condition. In addition, the cleaning of the cooling channels is of great importance to production efficiency and product quality. As the production time continues, the cooling channel is easy to deposit scale, rust, sludge and algae, which makes the cooling passage section smaller, the cooling passage narrows, greatly reduces the heat exchange rate between the coolant and the mold, and increases the production cost of the enterprise. Therefore, the cleaning of the flow channel should be taken seriously. For hot runner molds, the maintenance of the heating and control system is particularly important to prevent production failures.
Therefore, after each production cycle, the belt heater, rod heater, heating probe and thermocouple on the mold should be measured with an ohmmeter. If it is damaged, it should be replaced in time and with the mold history. Compare and make records so that problems can be discovered at the right time and countermeasures can be taken. Fourth, we must pay attention to the surface maintenance of injection molds, which directly affect the surface quality of the product, the focus is to prevent corrosion. After the mold has completed the production task, the residual injection molding should be carefully removed according to different injection molding methods. The residual injection molding and other deposits in the mold can be removed by copper rod, copper wire and soapy water, and then air-dried. Disable the cleaning of hard objects such as wire and steel bars to avoid scratching the surface. If there is rust caused by corrosive injection molding, use a grinder to grind and polish, and apply anti-rust oil, then store the mold in a dry, cool, dust-free place. A well-maintained and maintained mold can shorten mold assembly, test time, reduce production failures, stabilize production, ensure product quality, reduce waste loss, and reduce operating costs and fixed asset investment. At the beginning, the company was able to produce quality products with quality. Therefore, for injection molding products processing enterprises, in the current fierce market competition, the maintenance of good molds can help the enterprise.
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blackkudosuniverse · 5 years
Roland Hayes
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Remembering Roland Hayes.
Roland Hayes (June 3, 1887 – January 1, 1977) was an American lyric tenor and composer. It is a common myth that Hayes was the first world-renowned African-American concert artist. He had a couple of predecessors that acclaimed fame. People like Sissieretta Jones and Marie Selika were very known, but the nature of their performances were not minstrelsy and that made it not possible for them to be recorded by recording companies. The recording companies wanted a vaudeville type of singer. Hayes was able to break this barrier in his career and in 1939 he recorded with Columbia. Critics lauded his abilities and linguistic skills with songs in French, German and Italian.
Early years and family
Hayes was born in Curryville, Georgia, on June 3, 1887, to Fanny and William Hayes. Roland’s parents were tenant farmers on the plantation where his mother had once been a slave. Roland’s father, who was his first music teacher, often took him hunting and taught him to appreciate the musical sounds of nature. When Hayes was eleven his father died, and his mother moved the family to Chattanooga, Tennessee. William Hayes claimed to have some Cherokee ancestry, while his maternal great-grandfather, AbOugigi (also known as Charles) was a chieftain from the Ivory Coast. Aba Ougi was captured and shipped to America in 1790. At Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Curryville (founded by Roland’s mother) is where Roland first heard the music he would cherish forever, Negro spirituals. It was Roland’s job to learn new spirituals from the elders and teach them to the congregation. A quote of him talking about beginning his career with a pianist:
"I happened upon a new method for making iron sash-weights," he said, "and that got me a little raise in pay and a little free time. At that time I had never heard any real music, although I had had some lessons in rhetoric from a backwoods teacher in Georgia. But one day a pianist came to our church in Chattanooga, and I, as a choir member, was asked to sing a solo with him. The pianist liked my voice, and he took me in hand and introduced me to phonograph records by Caruso. That opened the heavens for me. The beauty of what could be done with the voice just overwhelmed me."
At the age of twelve Roland discovered a recording of the Italian tenor Enrico Caruso. Hearing the renowned tenor revealed a world of European classical music. Hayes trained with Arthur Calhoun, an organist and choir director, in Chattanooga. Roland began studying music at Fisk University in Nashville in 1905 although he only had a 6th grade education. Hayes’s mother thought he was wasting money because she believed that African-Americans could not make a living from singing. As a student he began publicly performing, touring with the Fisk Jubilee Singers in 1911. He furthered his studies in Boston with Arthur Hubbard, who agreed to give him lessons only if Hayes came to his house instead of his studio. He did not want Roland to embarrass him by appearing at his studio with his white students. During his period studying with Hubbard, he worked as a messenger for the Hancock Life Insurance Company to support himself.
Early career
In January 1915 Hayes premiered in New York City in concerts presented by orchestra leader Walter F. Craig. Hayes performed his own musical arrangements in recitals from 1916–1919, touring from coast to coast. For his first recital he was unable to find a sponsor so he used two hundred dollars of his own money to rent Jordan Hall for his classical recital. To earn money he went on a tour of black churches and colleges in the South. In 1917 he announced his second concert, which would be held in Boston’s Symphony Hall. On November 15, 1917, every seat in the hall was sold and Hayes’s concert was a success both musically and financially but the music industry was still not considering him a top classical performer. He sang at Walter Craig's Pre-Lenten Recitals and several Carnegie Hall concerts. He performed with the Philadelphia Concert Orchestra, and at the Atlanta Colored Music Festivals and at the Washington Conservatory concerts. In 1917, he toured with the Hayes Trio which he formed with baritone William Richardson (singer) and pianist William Lawrence (pianist).
In April 1920, he traveled to Europe. He began lessons with Sir George Henschel, who was the first conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and gave his first recital in London’s Aeolian Hall in May 1920 with pianist Lawrence Brown as his accompanist. Soon Hayes was singing in capital cities across Europe and was quite famous. Almost a year after his arrival in Europe, Hayes had a concert at London’s Wigmore Hall. The next day, he received a summons from King George V and Queen Mary to give a command performance at Buckingham Palace. He returned to the United States in 1923. He made his official debut on 16 November 1923 in Boston's Symphony Hall singing Berlioz, Mozart, and spirituals, conducted by Pierre Monteux, which received critical acclaim. He was the first African-American soloist to appear with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He was awarded the Spingarn Medal in 1924.
Late career
Hayes finally secured professional management with the Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert Company. He was reportedly making $100,000 a year at this point in his career. In Boston he also worked as a voice teacher. One of his pupils was the Canadian soprano Frances James. He published musical scores for a collection of spirituals in 1948 as My Songs: Aframerican Religious Folk Songs Arranged and Interpreted.
In 1925 Hayes had an affair with a married Bohemian aristocrat, Bertha von Colloredo-Mansfeld (1890-1982), née Countess von Kolowrat-Krakowský, who bore his daughter, Maria "Maya" Dolores Kolowrat (1926-1982). Married since 1909 to a member of a German princely family, Hieronymus von Colloredo (1870-1942), twenty years Bertha's senior, he refused to allow the expected child to bear his name or to be raised along with the couple's four older children, managing to quietly obtain a divorce in Prague in January 1926, while Bertha left their home in Zbiroh, Bohemia (now the Czech Republic) to bear Hayes' child in Basel, Switzerland. Hayes offered to adopt the child, while the countess sought to resume the couple's relationship, while concealing it, until the late 1920s. Maya Kolowrat would marry Russian émigré Yuri Mikhailovich Bogdanoff (1928-20012) and give birth in Saint-Lary, Gers to twins Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff in 1949, who later attributed their early interest in the sciences to their unhampered childhood access to their maternal grandmother's castle library.
After the 1930s, Hayes stopped touring in Europe because the change in politics made it unfavourable to African–Americans.
In 1932, while in Los Angeles for a Hollywood Bowl performance, he married Alzada Mann. One year later they had a daughter, Afrika. The family moved into a home in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Hayes did not perform very much from the 1940s to the 1970s. In 1966, he was awarded the degree of Honorary Doctorate of Music from The Hartt School of Music, University of Hartford. Hayes continued to perform until the age of eighty-five, when he gave his last concert at the Longy School of Music in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was able to purchase the land in Georgia on which he had grown up as a child.[3]
He died five years after his final concert, on January 1, 1977.
Racial reaction
Even when Hayes became a successful musician he faced the same prejudices as most African-Americans at the time. During his tour of Germany in 1923, some people protested against his concert in Berlin. A newspaper writer criticized him as “an American Negro who has come to Berlin to defile the name of the German poets and composers.” The night of the concert Roland faced an angry audience who mocked him for ten minutes. Hayes stood still until they stopped and then he began singing Schubert’s "Du bist die Ruh". Hayes’s remarkable voice and musical talent won over the German audience and his concert was a success.
The Chicago Defender (National edition of July 25, 1942) reported a case in which Hayes' wife and daughter were thrown out of a Rome, Georgia shoe store for sitting in the white-only section. Hayes confronted the store owner. The police then arrested both Hayes, whom they beat, and his wife. Hayes and his family eventually left Georgia.[3]
On many of his concerts Hayes would attempt to abandon the use of segregated seating. At a concert in Atlanta, Georgia Hayes had the main floor of the auditorium as well as the boxes and first balcony halved between the races. The galleries were reserved for colored students at a special rate. No whites were allowed in them except the ones chaperoning the students.
Hayes taught at Black Mountain College for the 1945 Summer institute where his public concert was, according to Martin Duberman, "one of the great moments in Black Mountain's history" (215). After this concert, in which unsegregated seating went well, the school had its first full-time black student and full-time member of the faculty.
* In 1982, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga opened a new musical performance center, the Roland W. Hayes Concert Hall. The concert venue is located at the Dorothy Patten Fine Arts center.
* The Roland Hayes Committee was formed in 1990 to advocate the induction of Roland Hayes into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. In 1992, when the Calhoun Gordon Arts Council was incorporated, the Roland Hayes Committee became the Roland Hayes Music Guild and Museum in Calhoun, Georgia. The opening was attended by his daughter Afrika.
* There is a historical marker located on the grounds of Calhoun High School (Calhoun, Georgia) on the north-west corner of the campus near the front of the Calhoun Civic Auditorium.
* Hartford Stage and City Theatre (Pittsburgh) shared the world premiere of "Breath & Imagination" by Daniel Beaty, a musical based on the life of Hayes, on January 10, 2013.
* Part of Georgia State Route 156 was named for Hayes.
* A bronze plaque, mounted on a granite post, marks Hayes' home, at 58 Allerton Street in Brookline, Massachusetts. The plaque was dedicated on June 12, 2016, in a ceremony in front of the home in which Hayes lived for almost fifty years. The ceremony was attended by his daughter Afrika, former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis, Brookline Town officials, and many more.
* Roland Hayes (vocal), Reginald Bordman (piano) – The Life of Christ (Amadeo, 1954)
* Roland Hayes (vocal), Reginald Bordman (piano) – Negro Spirituals (Amadeo, 1955)
* The Art of Roland Hayes (Preiser, 2010)
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journal4life · 5 years
Choose Your Journal
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Entering into the world of stationary via point blank can be at times overwhelming, especially with the existing stigma keeping a journal or diary carries. There are those who find that brand of journal that works for them, who then swear that success is possible only if you use [INSERT BRAND HERE] because all those other brands aren’t “worthy”. Historical note: Anne Frank’s famously kept diary of her years in the Secret Annex was actually originally produced as an Autograph book. Charlotte Bronte and her siblings would create pocket journals using nothing more than leaves to write their stories. The overall “journal” is a concept, and a person can write what they want on anything at any time and make it theirs.
That being said, whenever I am learning about a person and hear that they could be interested in trying to keep a record I play what I call “The journal game”. Here are the main questions I ask a person:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. Hardcover or softcover?
3. Spiral or bookbound?
4. Lined or unlined [dot or graphed if neither]
5. What size would work best?
6. What is your price range?
From there a hazy image may appear in terms of which direction to go in or to search for when on the hunt. Keep in mind that this is never for “the” perfect journal, but “your” perfect journal. There are of course optional notes if you want to get more technical: as in whether or not page count matters, paper weight, or even paper color. For example, one of my family members prefers bright white paper to the traditional ivory that dominates the market in order to show off her many colored inks. There are few brands that offer those specifications, which aren’t sketchbooks, so that would narrow the search.
In my opinion the worst thing a person can do is go out and buy the most elegant journal they find to feed the social media expectation of what writing is all about. Sure it’s going to look fantastic with that succulent and raindrops on the window sill, but personally the journal I struggled with the most was the grandest of them all—and I figuratively choked every time I went to write in it because by comparison I felt that my words tarnished its beauty and poise. Half of that one hundred and ninety-two page display piece consists of me simply apologizing for sullying its identity with my own nonsense.
That being said, one tip I can’t emphasize enough: YOU DO NOT EVER HAVE TO APOLOGIZE TO, OR IN, YOUR JOURNAL. As a whole we all say sorry for the most inane things, but for as much as I will always repeat that mantra, I still find myself explaining why I “haven’t been able to write recently”. It’s a tic I and many others I know are trying to break.
I always promote going out and finding not so much your journal, but journals in general to get a literal feel for what you may be able to stand using for any length of time. After all, if that neon green dollar store notebook bothers you now, no matter how much money you save now it will bug you later! –Unless of course you give it a new cover entirely, however that’s another beast.
Places I found to be the best sites for journals are bookstores (obviously), Target, Walmart, Rite Aid, Walgreens, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, or if you’re in the Midwest, Meijer. Craft stores are also an outlet to pursue, but those can be touch and go with their quality.
Without a doubt the first thing that catches the eye is the cover. However once that journal or notebook is in hand the next thing that can make or break it is the binding. Nothing is more crushing than putting trust and hard work into a volume that falls apart after the first few pages or worse—halfway through. Many lower marked publishers use nothing more than a thick glue to hold their pages together, but with one decent tug or even an off center sheet can leave a whole book to the equivalent of a scratch pad. Ironically I find that most scratch pads are far more consistent in their product.
The best binding to look for looks a little something like this:
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This is what is known as a “sewn binding” and is less susceptible to losing pages. The best journals use both sewing and a poxy finish, which gives any journal that sweet new book feeling when you open it for the first time. There are independents that have become quite artistic in their bindery art with exposed threading, so keep an eye out for those too.
Half the fun, as well as the addiction, of journals and diaries is the hunt. I myself am constantly crafting and designing, and therefore searching for that perfect combination to bring a concept to life. Often I walk through the aisles simply to catalogue what’s new for future projects. For the record it does nothing to actually help me fill any of my current projects faster.
Finally not all journal and diary publishers sell or offer their products online. An example is the Tricoastal Design Company which I find more in store than via the online vendor. But that being said, most stores stock the traditional lined and unlined options. While the Bullet Journal movement , which primarily utilizes the dot page format, is increasing, for more of a variety of different paper types the internet may be the best avenue to explore.
In a journaling “How To” book titled Writing Down Your Soul by Jane(x) there is a whole section dedicated simply to the spiritual kismet moment of how the journal picks the owner versus the owner to journal . Therefore maybe in your searches the most surprising and random moment is where you could find the “one” that was meant for you and you alone, where otherwise you’d have never known it existed in the first place.
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taetortotss · 6 years
pizza boi → lin yanjun
pizza boi → lin yanjun in which lin yanjun is the really cute pizza delivery boy that has successfully clouded your mind and heart
my previous work: boo → zhu zhengting for my other works: masterlist
be my friend!! i promise i don’t bite HAHA (i need more friends lmao)
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(i used cpdb cuz i got lazy of writing the whole thing out oops)
you were craving pizza
because when and why would you not be craving pizza
you love pizza
so, with a really loud grunt, you stretched your arms and reached for your phone which was on the coffee table
you opted to order using the pizza store online website because you were too awkward to call the delivery hotline (true story :’))
ordering one large cheese pizza and an order of fries and chicken, fingers, your stomach grumbled at how hungry you were 
“YOUR ORDER HAS BEEN SENT” in bold words
this made you sigh and you decided to take a short nap while waiting for your food to arrive
you were jolted awake by the doorbell ringing and you were so ready to attack whomstever disturbed your slumber
then you remembered the pizza 
the doorbell rang again, causing you to go “oh shit” and scrambled to the door, completely unaware of your appearance
you were basically in your pjs and your hair was all over the place (you did just wake up)
“hi, your pizza is here, miss y/n,” the pizza delivery guy said.
and oh. my. god.
ethereal? unreal? beautiful? handsome? cute? visuals on point?
“h..hi,” you managed out.
he was so good-looking, what the fuck?
you didn’t realise you were staring and that you were daydreaming (cancel) about pizza delivery boi
“miss, it’s 16 dollars,” his voice snapped you back into reality
and oh my god, even his voice seeps honey and all things sweet and nice-sounding
is he even human?
“right, um, let me get my wallet, wait a moment,” you stuttered before walking back to get your wallet
and of course, you had to trip on nothing and nearly fall
how. embarrassing.
pulling a face (half in embarrassment and pain), you took 20 dollars from your wallet, rushed back to the door
“here, keep the change,” you handed the cute delivery boy money and he handed you a bag full of food
“thank you!” you awkwardly thanked him for the food, and flashed him a smile and you closed the door before you could see his reaction or before he could say anything back
you didn’t know or see this, but cute pizza delivery boi left with a smile plastered on his face
you enjoyed your food a lot,  but you enjoyed the sight of cute pizza delivery boi a lot more
it’s been a few days, and the one thing that has been occupying your mind was cute!pizza!delivery!boy!
so you ordered a pepperoni pizza
primary reason: you were hungry
secondary reason: you wanted to see him again
(or is it the other way around? ;) )
now, you knew you were playing a gamble because you wouldn’t know if it was cpdb or not
you were on the edge of your sofa seat, fidgeting as you waited for the door to ring
this time, you were dressed up nicer than the other day
y’know to maybe impress cpdb HDSBJDHS
ding dong! ding dong!
“fuck he’s here already,” you thought
you opened the door, almost expecting a different delivery guy
you nearly died - somehow he was cuter as well
“one pepperoni pizza for ms y/n?”
ahh, you could drown in his voice uwu
“yeah, that’s me,” you smiled
and you really couldn’t stop smiling even after he left
neither could he, but you wouldn’t know that
you officially had it.
cpdb has been the main subject in your thoughts for days and he has successfully found his way in your heart
jesus, you didn’t even know his name
you were basically in love (no, not really)
so this was you acting on your heart and not your brain
you pulled up the pizza store website, ordered a sausage pizza and garlic bread
and because your mind was so clouded and you weren’t thinking straight,
on the ‘add comments’ section,
you added:
hey, send me that really cute delivery boy with the dark hair and cute dimples and really nice voice xoxo
it was like you were drunk when you were typing that
you were about to erase it when.
your dumbass clicked “enter”
it took you at least five seconds to process what you just did
and you started screaming, horrified
the weight of your decisions are piling on your shoulders and you felt like cancelling the order
but you were also hungry and you love pizza and you wanted to see him again uwu
for twenty minutes, you were a fidgeting, nervous mess. you didn’t know why or what you were doing.
and when your doorbell went off, you decided that death has finally come for you!!1!
oh shit, you were dreading this moment so much
rip y/l/n y/n, you will be missed
you opened the door, really slowly
and there he was, in his true form and beauty,
cute pizza delivery guy
and he was,,, smirking?? at you??
you didn’t even want to look him in the eye - you were that embarrassed
“hey,” his tone was mischievous, a little flirty, if you will
“hi,” you squeaked, still not looking him in the eye
actually, looking at his body figure/physique wasn’t a very good idea either
you were bright red
like a tomato
“sausage pizza for miss y/n?”
oh god, you loved how your name rolled out his tongue, it was almost sinful
“yep, that’s me!”
god, the entire situation was so awkward and cpdb seemed to be enjoying it
“for the record, i find you extremely cute too.”
wait, what???
error 404, file y/l/n y/n not working!!!
“what,” you were taken aback, completely.
“you’re adorable. I like you,” he said, nonchalantly, liKE IT WAS NOTHING
“what?” you repeated, not getting his words in your head, but you had this big smile on your face (a quarter due to embarrassment and three quarters on how life isn’t fucking you over!!)
it really seems like cpdb was enjoying this, seen in how he was nearly doubling over in a laughing/giggling fit
“you’re so cute, yknow what, this pizza and your bread is on me, as long as you let me take you out on a date.”
“okay, but at least let me know your name. you know mine and ‘cute pizza delivery guy’s too long.”
might as well right?
“it’s lin yanjun.”
what a perfect name for a perfect boy
how did you get so lucky?
and that, ladies and gents, was the start of something new
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thethotwithoutfear · 6 years
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Chapter 1: What’s A Girl Supposed to Do?
GoodFellas/Mob!Bucky x Reader AU
Wordcount: 2,106
Warnings: None for now, but Mob violence, language, and possibly smut will most likely occur in future chapters
Summary: You’re a girl who minds her own, plays it smart, and follows your own current. So what happens after you get roped in to going on a date with one of New York City’s crime syndicate royals?
“You’re a good girl, (y/n). Girls like you don’t go out with guys like him.” Thats what your best friend and roommateTerry told you after you’d informed her you’d agreed to go on a date with James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes. You didn’t like him, not in the slightest bit from what you’d been told, but when he held up the line of your clearly busy register, you’d do anything to get him to scram just to get your boss off your back. And if that meant going out for a single, solitary night with Barnes then so be it, you could handle yourself.
James, or Bucky as he was known around Brooklyn, was the practically adopted son of one New York City’s biggest Irish mob bosses. Of course, if you ever mentioned he wasn’t actually a member of the Rogers family, you’d get your teeth knocked out or a black eye as a warning. Often Steve Rogers, crown prince of the Rogers family and Bucky’s “brother” would be the one to deliver the warning, Bucky would then be the one to keep Steve from getting himself killed. Outside his very whispered about involvement with violence and crime, everyone knew him as playboy. You once heard Terry say he’d bring a different dame every night to the Bamboo Club, each one more beautiful than the last (you wondered how she knew so much to begin with but you didn’t pry knowing she’d talk her head off even more). Thus, it was a total surprise when Bucky Barnes had set his sights on you.
Not to say that you found yourself particularly unattractive, in fact you never gave much thought to how other people perceived your looks, but according to your mother the way you carried yourself was the real detriment to any suitor. When you’d asked her what she meant she’d told you you were too brainy, to stubborn, too spirited for any foolish man to be settled down with. And as much as you hated to admit it, she was right. You’d get the occasional silly fool who thought laying it on thick and cheesy would somehow soften your resolve and your brain sure, but it’d usually end up with them leaving in a huff of embarrassment and anger. You didn’t mind it actually, you knew you deserved much more than cheap attention.
So when Bucky Barnes ended up in the record store you worked at, you wondered if maybe that day he’d caught you in a moment of weakness. Maybe if it had been a slow day at work you might’ve had the mental energy to shoot down one of New York City’s most important crime syndicate sons. Instead here you were, legs crossed in bed, dreading the coming of Saturday night as Terry spills every rumor she’s ever heard about one Mr. James Buchanan Barnes. You must’ve been staring off into space before Terry waves a hand in front of your face.
“Shit Terry I’m sorry. I’m just thinking about how awful its going to be. He was insufferable this afternoon!” You tell her, flinging yourself back on to your pillows. She rolls her eyes. “Look on the bright side, at least you know he won’t be a cheap date! The Rogers are loaded even with these damn territory wars with the Italians. I heard the last girl he managed to keep for a good while managed to get a diamond necklace out of him!” she exclaims. “Terry…” you practically groan. She knows things women your age gush about aren’t your thing, you’re not a woman who’s affections can be bought. She gives a little giggle, “Oh (y/n) life would be so much easier if you just give in like the rest of us simpletons and settle. How did the whole thing go down anyway?” she asks. You give a deep sigh as you recall and tell her:
It had been a busy afternoon. The store had just gotten a new shipment of the latest Frankie Valli record so every teenage girl off from school had flooded in to buy it before they’d disappeared like hot cakes. You were ringing Valli record after Valli record, your mind buzzing with the repeated chatter of how damn handsome and suave Frankie fucking Valli was and how ideal he was, and how this and how that, 3 dollars over and over… Until you’d noticed the strange silence that finally fell over the store after the little bell over the door rang one more time. You looked up expecting too see yet another teenage girl, but to your surprise it was instead  two men, two impeccably dressed men in clearly tailor made suits. Every girl in the damn store’s eyes were practically glued to the two of them, whispering to each other so you guessed about how handsome the two of them were.
The first man was a tall blonde with strangely soft blue eyes and well chiseled features who’s clearly fit body was well draped and accentuated in a solid blue suit that brought out his eyes even more. He gave off an almost golden glow. At first glance maybe you wouldn’t have detected a bad bone in his body but if you looked at him too closely you’d pick up on a stray scar on his face or hands and an ever present glint of something in his eyes. You’d later learned this man was Steve “the Angel” Rogers. You pondered later just what kind of angel that nickname entailed. He gave you a polite smile before heading to the big band section of the store. You quirked an eyebrow in response but he had not managed to see it.
The second man however practically commanded attention in a different way. While one man practically radiated gold, this other was his opposite. Everything about him enticing interest with the strange air of mystery that sucked you in like a black hole. It wasn’t a darkness that one could consider negative, it was a darkness you could imagine some women wouldn’t be frightened to venture in. But not you, definitely not you. He looked at you as you gave him a glance, the ice blue stare of his eyes practically burned into yours and you looked down again at your register to avoid it. You caught a small satisfied smile creep up on his face from your periphery. He walked up to a nearby section of the more popular records trying to keep his eye on you, you suspected. You glanced up casually from time to time to get a better look at him.
His hair was styled in a perfect side part, tresses of snipped chocolate curls draping just the right amount over his forehead. His jawline was perfectly defined and accentuated by a charming cleft chin, obscenely pink lips which seemed to be permanently smirking acting like icing on the cake. And of course to top it all off, his eyes…his eyes were almost too piercingly blue,often verging on gray as he scanned the records. The black of his fine suit and the dark of his hair made them stick out even more and you could see why every girl within feet of him was practically sighing. You rolled your eyes at a few of them whispering behind him, giggling and scurrying away when he’d turned to look at them.
You paid either man no mind after your observations, instead going back to ringing up Frankie Valli records from school girls. Your boss had come in to check up on how you were handling the influx of young customers. It was when the last few of the girls had all decided to flood your register that Bucky Barnes decided to have you ring him up. The girls practically begged him to cut in line and you gave a quiet scoff at them. You were glad you weren’t boy crazy at their age, you enjoyed a good walk, book, or go at sketching and painting than dealing with silly boys when you were that young. He leaned against the counter, crossing his feet a little in the process, you instantly knew what was coming next.
“So, what’s a choice dame like you doing working on a Friday night? Shouldn’t you be out getting spoiled rotten on a date instead?”he said with a charming Brooklyn drawl. You resisted any and all temptation to roll your eyes at him, especially with your boss watching. You stuck your hand out instead, eyeing the Shangri-La’s record he was holding so he’d give it to you. He handed it over with a bright pink smile as you took it from him. He continued, “You’re a tough cookie huh? Don’t like talking much? Cause that’s ok. I could just stare at you all night instead when we go on our date.” You tried not to react but a small cross between a huff and a stupefied laugh escaped your lips as you rang him up. “Your total is 3 dollars.” you replied with just enough edge so he’d catch your slightly bothered drift. Instead of growing annoyed, he seemed to find your attitude amusing. You noticed the girls behind him staring daggers and whispering about you like you were a maniac for rejecting the advances of a handsome stranger.
At that moment his angel faced friend decided to just cut in line too and hand over his Glenn Miller record to you. That gave Bucky a little more time to flirt with you and you wanted to curse the blonde. “Say Stevie, don’t you agree its a crime that a pretty girl the likes of this one, doesn’t have plans on a friday night?”, he said recycling the flopped line from earlier. “It sure is Buck, unless of course there’s something wrong with her” replied the blonde, now known to you as Steve. For some reason the last part of his statement prickled at you and you couldn’t help but reply with your teeth clenched in whispered annoyance,“Excuse me, but I am right here and no there’s nothing wrong with me. I just don’t like being hit on while I’m working by a couple of meatheads! Your total SIR is now 6 dollars. Will that be all?” You caught the stern look of your boss, you fucked up…
But when you looked at Bucky again he didn’t seem particularly cross or taken aback at you calling him a meathead, instead he looked down right charmed. That seemed to annoy you even more. Most would have called it quits by now. His friend looked absolutely tickled at the rise he’d gotten out of you. “You know it’s not every day I come across a dame ballsy enough to call ME a meathead. Now I gotta take you out ” he replied practically purring. Your boss gave a loud cough and proceeded to remind you that you had a pretty decent line of customers waiting. Your face heating up with embarrassment at having to be reminded. “What do you say doll?” Bucky asked, taking advantage of the added pressure of your boss to hurry it along. “Fine..Fine! I’ll go on a date with you just please move along so I can help the people behind you.” He gave you a down right beaming smile, if you had been anyone else you might have melted, but you were practically fuming with annoyance at Bucky’s success in roping you in.
“Good. I’ll see you next Saturday for our date. I’ll stop by next Friday too to get your address and see your pretty face again. By the way, I’m Bucky Barnes” he said, sticking out a hand for you to shake. At the mention of his name your boss’ eyes practically bulged out of his head, and a few of the girls looked like they were going to wet themselves with what you thought was…fright? You gave him your hand only for him to kiss your knuckles instead, you rolled your eyes at that. Steve proceeded to pay for their things and give you a knowing smirk. They got their things and made way for the door, but half way through the doorway Bucky stopped and turned back to look at you, another downright glaringly delighted grin on his face, “Oh sugar, you never told me your name” he cooed. You sighed with annoyance, why wouldn’t he just LEAVE? “Its (y/n), (y/n) (y/l/n), you replied in an almost exhausted tone as you rung up the next customer. He gave you another prize winning smile, white teeth practically glinting “Can’t wait to see you again on Saturday, (y/n)” he said, saying your name like a breathy prayer as he left. You felt dread wash over you…you prayed next Saturday would come and go in a flash…..
PLEASE leave kudos or comments on my ao3 or hit me up on my main if you just feel like saying hello @chrisevansheartofgold
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gavinmarshall · 3 years
Your audience is the people with whom you come in contact.
Your audience is the people with whom you come in contact. McBride's Great Uncle James McBride, from Scotchfort, PEI, enlisted in fought in the Battle of Vimy Ridge, ultimately dying in France shortly after the battle on May James McBride was recruited out of Regina, SK, in as part of the Eastern Ontario Regiment of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Oft as not, he would let her come inside where it was warm if the place was not too crowded, and now and again he might even let her have a mug of ale and a crust of food whilst regaling her with his stories. He died weeping and alone when I ripped his second life from him. Francis College among a handful of Division I schools. LIVE on April 20, 2013 in Los Angeles, California. Jeyne’s pale skin was pebbled with gooseprickles. So tonight expect partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies. It true that using a Micro ATX or ATX board with the PCIe x16 slot one space down might alleviate clearance issues with the center retaining bar, but remember that you then have to contend with the drive cages, and in my assembly I already working with one of them missing.. (Homemade rubs are a great way to use up dry spices.). “They cannot get on without us,” he concluded that no society has ever stood its ground without us. Jon attributes much of his personal success to family support and to having his brother so closely involved in the business. Foreign policy. What was to be done? I set off for Mme. Though most of the restaurants offer dishes familiar to our palates creamy hummus, crisp falafel and juicy kebabs these eateries love to let the flavors of their homelands shine. Said in January. It looks like we are off to a great start, polo raflorene but this is only 190MHz higher than the turbo clock speeds of the Core i7 4790K Devil Canyon processor.. On the contrary, made by sturdy and heavy cardboard, the original packing boxes for genuine Nike shoes are fairly strong.. His proof was burned bones, but burned bones proved nothing. However, the position of your heart, the desire and the hunger to know the Lord and to worship him, far outweighs fashion and preconceived church models. You'll definitely sleep better knowing that everything is clean and working properly.. Beautiful Volantis, city of fountains and flowers. Oldtown was as flowery as a perfumed dowager. I gave him a full and straightforward account of our affair long ago, and I so enlisted his kind and generous feelings that now he keeps begging me to introduce him to you as soon as possible. Revlon competes directly with the likes of Maybelline and L which are both owned by the moustiquaire lit 1 personne ikea L Company or CoverGirl, which is part of Procter Gamble (P There retros kabátok are a lot of big hitters in the marketplace. The study found that annual dust deposition rates ranged between 0.5 and 1.1 grams per square metre per month, well below the NSW EPA criterion of 4 g/m2/month.. "Our kids played hard, our defense made plays," Spence said. Eight of his 11 carries were double digit pick ups.. I begged the artist to put little wings on her, but polo raflorene he wouldn’t agree. Challenge "Swollen eyes happen because you're lying flat and pendientes bulgari precio gravity is working against you can't drain," Dr. Schmidt is open to the idea, he admittedly cautious about the message. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic, File). We are just saying that we all need to work together if we are going to get this done.". ).. It was blood the Meereenese yearned to see, not skill. We will be recording footage of people talking about shoes and memories as well as taking photos of any memorabilia that they might want to bring along on the day.. Kids left to their own devices, without electronics, will argue for 10, 15 minutes or more at a go and it wearing on adult nerves. Killer on a stretcher: Moment shocked hospital staff. During my holidays last month, at the age chaussettes bon marché of 14, I finally completed the project and now have a wonderful piece of circuitry which I can integrate on just any R/C car and pantofi sport tip soseta dama use the airplane transmitter to control it after customizing every channel just the way I like.. “I have no sister. Folding hard top.. In the more recent period after 2004, when there was a huge influx of foreign capital through varied forms of debt and non debt flows, and the RBI ended up accumulating large forex reserves, the CRR became geci de fas dama scurtean optional instrument to sterilise the rupee resources released from such dollar purchases. Rhaegar Frey went on. There’s fish in it, and flowers, and some elephant dung as well. While we have and always will have lower price points represented in the store, our leadership position will never be based on lowest price. “No,” Slynt cried, as Emmett half-shoved and halfpulled him across the yard. Elaine Allen, who stayed for a year and a half, helped create and grow our
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Real Estate section.. Horses … the boy was mad for horses, Lady Dustin will tell you. You must know her, you must, Natasha. The Mids. This time the man seemed to grasp a word or three and replied in Volantene.. You can also just tap one of the Touch Controls on the steering wheel, two mini touchpads that navigate the menus on the instrument cluster and main infotainment screen. I know I am but one, and you are many. So, from the 1940s to the 1970s, Falk existed as a ghost town, with Loleta and Charles Webb staying on as caretakers and the town's only permanent residents. There is also no support for voltage tweaking with the ASUS EAH5750 Formula using SmartDoctor.. For example, Trump has entertained bringing his former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, and former deputy campaign manager, David Bossie, more formally back into the fold. From these things it will be seen to follow, that, if the facts of the death of Tom had been fully proved by two white witnesses, in open court, Legree could not have been held by any consistent interpreter of slave-law to be a murderer; for Tom was in the act of resistance to the will of his master. Suppose a fire bursts out in the streets of Boston, while the regular conservators of the city, who have the keys of the fire-engines, and the regulation of fire-companies, are sitting together in some distant part of the city, consulting for the public good. Candidate needs to be able to control inventory including ordering, dealer trades, accessorizing etc. It is too soon. They share a passion for music and also famously perform at university events. This is what I have often seen. He was preceded in death by his parents, George Henry LaPierre and Marie Alice Brisson LaPierre and his son, George Henry LaPierre, III. One looked toward the Long Bridge papuci de casa din pasla and the black-walled heart of Old Volantis across the river. She is wearing a mask, Dany knew, a wooden mask finished in dark red lacquer. / we get to shape it / shape it / shape it.A constant presenceMy first Tony sighting occurred at Zappos; his boyish face loomed in an introductory video about the company.
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kettumbar · 3 years
Decentralizing and Incorporating Binance Smart Chain Technology Intо Charity
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Charitas is a community-based protocol that is revolutionizing how charities are funded. Our own tokens are created using simple tokenomics: static gifts, charitable donations, automatic LP, and token burn. investing in Charitas allows owners to manage our future donation platform. charitas is designed with real-world goals in mind to ensure the longevity and evolution of the protocol.
The Charitas Protocol was created to encourage investors to value value and to support development and access to the Charitas application. it accomplishes this through its four main functions: receiving interest in the form of static rewards, charity, providing liquidity pools, and burning tokens. the total transaction tax is 3% as shown in the next section. charitas also encourages storage and investment accumulation by blocking development team tokens to ensure growth through specific milestones.
Our mission is to create a token-based platform for charities to accept donations, allowing the community to reward great initiatives!
Charitas Fund platform: Industry іѕ оnе оf thе oldest industries wіth historical growth consistency іn а Crypto Platform, market operation company іѕ а decentralized system whісh involves а blockchain аnd consists оf ѕеvеrаl smart-contracts іn thе perimeter оf thе block chain аnd іtѕ оwn crypto currency, And thе platform іѕ а system product created bу а consortium оf thе mоѕt powerful, competent, аnd experienced logistic companies аnd organizations аll оvеr thе world. And аlѕо Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Contracts serve аѕ thе wау fоrwаrd іntо thе Industrial use, creating economies оf scale аnd potentially aggregating supply. Decentralized manufacturing wіll mаkе thе industry mоrе accessible, secure аnd economically sound fоr mоrе participants іn а direct peer-to-peer (P2P) ecosystem.
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Whаt іѕ Charitas Fund?
Charitas іѕ а community-driven protocol thаt іѕ revolutionizing thе wау wе fund charities. Thаt іѕ CHAR COIN, Native Token іѕ built wіth simple tokenomics: static rewards, charity donations, automatic LP, аnd token burns. Investing іn Charitas аllоwѕ holders tо govern оur upcoming donation platform. Charitas іѕ designed wіth real-world purpose tо ensure thе longevity аnd growth оf thе protocol.
A tool fоr fundraising, connecting thе donors wіth charitable organizations аrоund thе globe, keeping track оf hоw еасh dollar іѕ generated аnd utilized іn making thе life оf thе poor, thе homeless аnd thе elderly better! Charitas.Fund, іѕ а Cryptocurrency built оn thе Blockchain technology wіth thе sole purpose оf influencing hоw people donate tо charity wіth transparency, accountability аnd traceability.
Charitas Coin's vision: Iѕ tо create а platform whеrе money іѕ gіvеn tо thе rіght аnd thе good, serves thе intended purpose, thus, donors саn hаvе full trust thаt thеіr funds gеt whеrе thеу wаnt them. Charitas Coin іѕ а change іn thе act оf giving charity. Thіѕ platform іѕ designed ѕо thаt уоu саn track уоur contribution frоm thе point уоu mаkе а donation tо thе point whеrе thе funds аrе used.
Thе platform muѕt ensure traceability оf thе donations mаdе tо it, thuѕ building trust іn people whо nоw knоw thаt thеіr donations аrе uѕеd appropriately оn а раrtісulаr project thе funds аrе intended to. Thе Charitas Coin platform wіll offer mаnу services whісh include:
Internal exchanges thаt wіll enable major cryptocurrency conversions tо Charitas Coin
It wіll hаvе а built-in wallet оn thе coin storage platform аnd facilitate donations
Wіll hаvе transparent donation tracking capabilities
Donors wіll hаvе tools оn thе platform tо enable thеm tо connect tо fund raising campaigns іn thе mоѕt trusted way.
Binance Smart Chain (BSC) technology іѕ presently trending іn thе world, thоugh thе Blockchain technology hаѕ аlwауѕ bееn аѕѕосіаtеd wіth Bitcoin, thіѕ tech hаѕ mаnу applications іn real life. Amоng іtѕ numerous applications, соmеѕ а non-profitable аnd mоrе practical approach tо raising money fоr thоѕе іn nееd CHAR COIN.
Thе Charitas funds organizations іѕ tо encourage donors tо give charities whеrе thеу саn bе ѕurе thеіr donations wіll bе uѕеd properly. Charitas Coin dоеѕ thіѕ bу utilizing Blockchain tо achieve transparency іn іtѕ donations. Thе Charitas Coin Platform intends tо play а leading role аѕ а preferred platform fоr charity. On thе platform, donations саn bе mаdе vіа thе Binance Smart Chain.
Hаvіng Sау that: A sense оf care, а sense оf love іѕ experienced аѕ уоu ѕее thе Charitas funds bееn uѕеd fоr thе betterment оf thе elderly аnd thе future investment, tоwаrdѕ оur children’s financial freedom. In particular, CHAR Coin іѕ а non-profit charitable organization thаt aims tо bring individuals, funds аnd humanitarian Charitas аnd well-meaning groups frоm аrоund thе world tоgеthеr wіth thе sole purpose оf dоіng charitable actions, thuѕ placing а smile оn thе faces оf thоѕе іn need. Thіѕ іѕ dоnе bу instilling transparency, trust аnd traceability оn thе platform.
Donors bеlіеvе thаt thеіr funds аrе uѕеd fоr thе intended purpose. Thе uѕе оf Crypto currencies аllоwѕ uѕ tо receive donations frоm vаrіоuѕ parts оf thе world аѕ wеll аѕ donations іn vаrіоuѕ denominations оf cryptocurrency оr alt-coin (alternative coins). Binance Smart Chain technology wіll bе displayed іn real time оn thе platform. Unexpected events occur frоm time tо time thаt suddenly mаkе thе victims nееd help. Our human nature requires uѕ tо give hеlр оr receive assistance іn ѕuсh circumstances.
A portion of every charity sale and purchase transaction is eventually transferred from CHAR to BNB / USDT so that the charity can fund its initiative. To offset this selling pressure, traded CHAR tokens will be burned from the liquidity pool.
Developer tokens are securely stored and locked by the DxLocker protocol. tokens to be shared, burned, or used for dApps and other growth initiatives.
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To reduce excessive volatility, the Charitas protocol allows you to immediately add a 1% commission to your liquidity pool. When the project matures, this 1% commission will be selectively used to fund liquidity and philanthropy.
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Automatic liquidity provision is a feature integrated with the Charitas protocol that creates a cushion or floor to prevent unwanted volatility and price drops.
Static rewards (including links showing how previous projects have affected speed).
Blocking the development team and liquidity tokens generated during the pre-sale (35% BNB collected).
Burn LP equivalent tokens when charities exchange their Charitas tokens with BNB (or other future partners).
Gamification through lotteries, prize winners and social media advertising.
Teach charities to keep some of their charts for appreciation.
All concepts can be found at https://investmentbank.com/token-velocity/
Examples of potential milestones: target market capitalization, total number of holders, donated funds, etc. These milestones will be transparently communicated to the community upon completion.
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Charitas is committed to the transparency and security of the protocol in its development. A complete list of wallet addresses is available immediately.
Pre-sale will take place at https://dxsale.network/.
The DxSale network manages sales and captures liquidity on PancakeSwap in the amount of 75% of the funds raised.
Developer tokens will be locked using DxLocker prior to pre-sale. Developer tokens are locked for a specific period of time and will be unlocked according to the time horizons and achievements set out in our detailed roadmap. Future community agreements could change this roadmap.
The proof of burning liquidity will be available as a link to BscScan every month at the beginning of the month.
The burned tokens will be sent to the recording address and cannot be recovered.
The smart contract will soon be reviewed by TechRate.org and the results will be announced.
This article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or an offer to buy or sell CHARITAS.
This is not an endorsement of professional investment advice, advice or independent analysis and should not be construed as a commitment to achieving the goals and objectives set out in this document, that is, to staff. change from time to time at the discretion of the CHARITAS TEAM. therefore, the information contained in this article has not been prepared in accordance with the relevant governing rules and regulations, such as publication in various jurisdictions.
The wallet unlocked date is displayed in the legend of the chart. The development team's token will be locked and burned if the growth target is not met. Milestones are based on growth and ensure the success and longevity of the project. developers will act to enhance the viability of successful protocols. manual token burning will occur at the end of the lockdown period unless the milestones specified in the full whitepaper are met or if the success of the project requires it.
For More Information Click Links Bellow:
Website: http://www.charitas.fund/
Medium: http://medium.com/@charitasfund
Telegram: https://t.me/charitasfund
Reddit: http://reddit.com/r/charitas
Twitter: http://twitter.com/charitasfund
Author: ket tumbar
My Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2202323
BEP-20 Address: 0xde4b8cb6dBbA80E80041bA69fa115c5Ec58fb6AE
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twisttech · 4 years
Top 12 Apps to Earn Money from Mobile Phone in 2021
In fact, when we talk about money making apps, people seem to flock to our site. The ability to Earn More Income with your iPhone or Android has something that really excites people. Because people seem so excited about small quick earnings, we actually started writing an entire section in our monthly newsletter about what we call "QCI" which stands for "Quick Cash Infusions". That section of our newsletter became one of our most popular features that really got people excited.
Most people are confused and think that easy money is not the same as work. But making money, online or offline, takes dedication.
It's all about making money from your Android mob. There are hundreds of such apps, with this being the top 12. Install them and get paid while using your mobile device.
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You are a student, an employee or a stay-at-home mom, it doesn't matter, earning your usual salary or pocket money is always a good idea. That's why I made a list of the top 9 apps to make real money in India.
Making extra money just got easier with these great apps. You only need a smartphone. Almost everyone has a phone today. Then you can start making money with apps.
Now that we are no longer printing our newsletter, we thought we would bring our QCIs to the blog and share these ideas with the world. In today's post, we rounded up 12 apps that can help you make money with simple mobile apps .
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The top 200 apps generate on average $82,500 daily, while the top 800 apps generate around $3,500. Gaming apps also make around $22,250, while entertainment apps make $3,090 daily, so there is no way to firmly say how much an average app makes.
The mobile market has grown substantially over the years and industry experts predict continued growth. In 2018, mobile traffic accounted for 52.2% of total website traffic in the United States, and 3.6 hours that adults spend consuming digital media occurred on smartphones, with desktops, laptops, and other connected devices struggling to keep up.
With such impressive numbers, it’s no wonder that Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurs alike are trying to get a piece of this modern-day gold rush.
Looking for some extra income or just a change in your work routine? You can do that with some special applications.
Today, the traditional 9-5 work schedule can die out with the emergence of a flexible app workforce. Businesses and employees are finding ways to use technology to overcome challenges and achieve higher profits. Companies use these flexible workers to man their business without the burden of a large monthly overhead. Employees use these apps to generate money to close a hole in their budgets, finance a vacation, or raise investment funds.
Many of these income-generating apps are very user-friendly and can be perfectly adapted to a person's daily life without much effort. So why not have a little extra chat while you run errands or travel home? For some people, this new economy means that some people no longer need 'real jobs' as they can just participate in a handful of jobs to make ends meet.
Whether you are interested in working jobs instead of a traditional job or simply to supplement your income, this article will help you learn about some current opportunities out there.
There are money making apps that suit all types of personalities, interests and lifestyles. In this article, I've outlined a few details that can help you discover the right opportunity for you.
While working on my research, I found that there are many of these applications and many opportunities everywhere to make some extra money in a wide variety of industries. Most apps are available for iOS or Android, making it easy to work from virtually anywhere. Most of these programs have certain age and rating restrictions, so you should choose the apps that suit you and your needs.
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First, let's take a look at some of the most popular income-generating apps that you may already be familiar with. These include Khatriji, EmpireReEarn, Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit, Gigwalk, GrubHub and Dogvacay etc as followed have proven their leadership in this growing new industry.
1. Empire ReEarn
Multiple income facilities in ER include self rotation income, referral rotation income, team rotation income and rewards. The ER user will not get the benefit of all that income until they join and complete their ER profile.
In addition to these income facilities, ER also offers online payment and charging services. You can recharge online for your mobile phone, DTH, data card, and you can also pay bills for your landline, broadband, electricity, gas pipeline via the ER app or the ER website: www.empirereearn.com.
2. Khatriji
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Whenever the user signs up for Khatriji, buys the product from Khatriji and then joins one of the trees using the Khatriji product key, the user is called Skyomie or Khatriji. Skyomie can expand the tree by referring to her friends and family and if one of them buys Khatriji's product, Skyomie will also benefit from referral revenue. So a tree has been developed and Skyomie has the advantage of Earn More Income from several users it referred. This entire process is called "Your Own Money Creation Tree."
3. Slidejoy
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This is a very simple app for Android owners that can show ads on the lock screen. Users are paid an average of $ 5 to $ 15 per month to place ads on their Android device's lock screen. Every time the user looks at their phone, they see a card with news or promotion. Users can swipe left for more information, up to view another map, or right to use the phone normally. A simple way to make extra money without even thinking about it.
4. Swagbucks
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Swagbucks allows users to earn rewards (gift cards or cash) by shopping online, watching fun videos, playing games, searching the web and completing surveys. Users can redeem points earned from gift cards at their favorite stores, such as Amazon and Walmart, or even get cash back from PayPal.
5. iPoll
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iPoll allows users to complete online surveys to earn money and other rewards such as gift cards. Users are paid to tell iPoll what they think about the products and services you use every day. The options are available on your mobile device from the comfort of your home.
6. GrubHub
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Need a quick bite but too busy to buy something quickly? GrubHub allows you to pick up your food and deliver it to your door. Many restaurants and shops now work with the GrubHub app, giving users in their area many options for delicious food, and the concert staff has a lot of potential to make money.
There are some requirements to register, drivers must be over 19 years old, have more than 2 years of driving experience, check an account and have a valid driver's license (or ID if you ride a bike), have an iPhone iOS 8 or higher or have an Android 4.0 or higher and passed a background check. As with Uber and Lyft, many GrubHub drivers also work through the Uber Eats app to make sure they are busy when on the clock.
All of these well-known money-making apps require the employee to leave the house, but here are some other gig options you can complete while still in your pajamas. Some of these may fall into the 'money-saving apps' category, but they are definitely worth considering because a dollar saved is a dollar earned, right?
7. DogVacay
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DogVacay is an app my family personally tested. We were able to open our home to local dogs while his family was on vacation. Dogs can be guests with a host family and live in the comfort of home while their owners are away. Hosts can set the dates they have available for an additional four-legged friend, set restrictions for specific breeds, and even set their own rate for their services. We personally thought it was a fun experience and our dogs loved having a new friend hanging out and playing. DogVacay recently partnered with the Rover app, which focuses on similar services and also enables dog walking services. No doubt this is the buzz of a dog lover.
8. Gigwalk
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Gig walk is an application that allows users to earn a little of money to take a photo or record data while running errands. The Gig walkers are basically helping with merchandising duties and confirming that the product displays in the store are handled correctly. Users can take on as much or as little contract work as they want by connecting with local businesses that need their skills.
Download the app on your smartphone, register your account and then simply request the concerts you see on the map or list in your area. Concerts pay between $3 and $100 and can range from a few minutes to a few hours. Once you complete the concert, you will be paid via PayPal. The concerts have been published by mega companies such as Google, Red Bull and Unilevel who want to generate data at locations far from their headquarters.
9. TaskRabbit
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TaskRabbit is another popular and flexible money making app. With TaskRabbit, you can use your various skills to make money with the TaskRabbit app and website. You can perform tasks in person, or you can do them remotely with virtual tasks - there are a wide variety of tasks, such as building Ikea furniture, repairing sprinkler systems, or researching online. Benefits vary from job to job and give employees the flexibility to choose options that suit their capabilities.
10. Lyft
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Lyft is the other mega app in the rides room. While their service area is a bit more limited than Uber's, they offer a very similar service and an opportunity to monetize users of the app. Payment for drivers through Lyft is a bit more generous, so this may be a better option for drivers in larger metropolitan areas. Many drivers work for both companies to optimize their time and get as many trips as possible while available for work. Like Uber, drivers must meet minimum background, age, and auto-check requirements.
11. Uber Eats
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Uber recently launched UberEats, which allows drivers to pick up food in addition to driving around town. Drivers can now complete deliveries when travel options are slow and may be tipped in the process. And Offers By one get free on some orders
12. Uber
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Uber is one of the best known mega companies in the world of money making apps. This ride-sharing app allows employees to use their own car to pick up Uber app users per ride. There are some rules and restrictions for becoming a director; You must be 21 or older, have a 2001 or newer car (2006 or newer in some cities), and you must pass a background check. Drivers can use the app when it suits them and quickly find users who need transportation in their area. Drivers can earn between $19 and $35 an hour, possibly more if drivers work during rush hours or on holidays.
How To Choose The Best Money App For You
Not every app here is ideal for everyone. Some considerations are made when evaluating money making applications.
We use this method to create this list. Let me explain what and how you can measure these things according to your personal needs.
Pay the amount
Most apps don't get you rich. Many of them did not even qualify as part-time jobs or side hostels.
Select the application based on where you want to receive payment. For example, if you want to earn hundreds or thousands of dollars per month, you can't do it by filling out a survey. You're better off using apps like Uber, Khatriji, Empirereearn, Lyft or Taskerabit.
In such applications, the salary is higher in terms of amount. To try
The next thing you have to do is decide how much effort you want to put into it.
Do you want to do small tasks with your smartphone while sitting in bed or at a coffee shop? Or do you want to go to retail stores, drive, meet buyers face to face, and do some manual labor yourself?
The amount of effort to do something is directly related to the amount paid. Moving furniture on Taskarabit pays more than completing a two-minute survey.
Method and frequency of payment
Some apps allow you to pay with cash. In most cases, cashout is facilitated by payment. But there are some apps that will mail you a check.
Other apps don't offer cash but reward you with a gift card.
Again, you can't escape a handful of Starbucks or Target gift cards. But if you’re doing some small tasks on the side, it will be perfect for your time.
There are redemption restrictions on some monetized apps. You cannot remove the cache whenever you want. So review the payment frequency and full terms before you start.
Fees and initial investment
Many of the apps on our list are free. But some you need to pay.
For example, an acorn membership can cost up to 3 per month. Mercury charges a 10% commission to facilitate all sales in its market.
Overall, these fees and the initial investment are very low. But if you don’t want to spend any money, stick to the free app.
App reputation
Do your best before downloading any Earn More Income mobile app. Make sure the app has lots of positive reviews. Read negative reviews to see what unhappy users have to say.
You can usually sign up for these apps with just one email address. Applications for obtaining sensitive information can be a potential scam.
Many of the apps on our list promise that they haven't sold your data. So if privacy is important to you, stick to that reputable app.
Making money from apps in 2020 has never been easier. Use the apps I listed above to get started.
Do Earn more income Apps Really Work?
Yes! You probably. You do not have the permission required to post.
Which apps pay you the most in 2021?
Gig apps like Khatriji, Empirereearn, Lyft or Taskerabit will always allow you to make more money than survey apps or apps like Sweetcoin.
Source : 12 Apps To Earn More Income From Your Phone You Need to Download Now!
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trekkingski · 4 years
Guide to Nepal self-guided tour
Guide to Nepal self-guided tour, Annapurna ACT trek record
I want to say that I took an ACT trekking route last year. If someone wants to go to Nepal by themselves, I can share some experiences.
Of course, my answers are often based on my limited information and thin experience rather than standard answers. Therefore, these questions are all for inspiration. Everyone is welcome to share their experiences and ideas and discuss together, thank you!
ACT trekking routes in Nepal
Visa, internet, currency, time difference
How to apply for a mountain pass
Equipment, map
Do you want to hire a guide or porter?
Replenishment on the mountain and lightening the load
Actual itinerary planning and cost
Route information
Name / Annapurna Circuit Trek (Annapurna Circuit Trek, hereinafter referred to as ACT)
Location /Nepal, departing from Kathmandu
Path / Take a bus from Kathmandu to Besi Sahar, start walking from Besi Sahar, take a ride (Chamje to Chame) on the way, then walk from Chame to lower Pisang, finally walk to Kagbeni, take a ride back to Pokhara (Pokhara), the ACT route ends
Date / 2019.09.29-2019.10.12, a total of 13 days
Season / dry season
Starting point and highest height / about 900m and 5416m
Visa, internet, currency and bargaining
Nepal’s visa policy is relatively free. Citizens of almost all countries (except for a few countries or regions such as Afghanistan and Somalia) can obtain visas on arrival when they travel to Nepal. So when you travel to Nepal, you don't need to worry about being denied a visa.
The internet
Basically, the route of ACT is only in teahouse (I call it: mountain house). The network signal of each mountain house is different. If there are more passengers, the network will drop significantly. I heard from friends that walking in the mountains of ACT Inside, no signal was found, so I didn't buy an extra network card.
Currency, buy water
From the airport to the hotel, you have to prepare some change to pay for the fare, etc. The rate at the airport is not good. The taxi fare from the airport to the hotel is uniformly set at $7. When you get off the plane, be careful that locals will deliberately bring it. You go to take a taxi, but you will be charged five dollars for a 100-meter walk. If you see someone following, you can drive him away. If you want to take a taxi, ask the driver directly, and then I go straight to ACAP (the agency that issues the mountain pass) and ask him to drive. I go to the restaurant.
In addition, the purchase of water will be reminded, because the grocery store will sell things much cheaper than the mountain house. Don't feel that bargaining is troublesome. Try to compare prices as much as possible and then negotiate with them.
It’s better to exchange currency in Thamel or Pokhara. Don’t exchange too much at the airport. You can exchange it for US$50. It’s about asking whether the local ACAP is willing to accept rupee for entry permit. If they are willing to accept rupee, basically You can save some expenses, and I will talk about how much you spend in a day, which can help you reduce the exchange loss problem. When the rupee is to be exchanged into US dollars, you can find a bank at the airport. You can do it in Pokhara or Tamei. It can be exchanged at a store, even in a hotel, but it is more difficult to exchange it into US dollars, so this is one of the reasons why you should not exchange too much in the first place.
How to apply for a mountain pass
In addition to preparing for the mountain pass, in addition to preparing US dollars, basically, you also need to prepare 3 photos of 2 inches (the impression is a bit vague, it is better to prepare a few more), the same does not require passport specifications, the most important thing is to buy mountaineering insurance first, the form will require You fill in the mountain insurance number. The entrance permit has TIMS and permit. Both ACT must be processed. To apply for these two, you must go to ACAP or the passenger office before 15:00. Otherwise, you must look for travelers at Besi Sahar. The office has applied, and if you don’t do it anymore and you want to go to Montenegro and get caught at the checkpoint of the ACT route, you have to pay twice the price.
In addition, if you leave the ACT route and you want to go back to the ABC again, you will have to apply for the mountain pass again. Therefore, when transferring from ACT to ABC, you must consider whether you should leave the last checkpoint of ACT.
Equipment, map
This time the maximum weight is about 17 kg and the walking distance is 20km. So when choosing a backpack, I would recommend buying a 60~70L backpack for boys. In fact, you don’t need to have that weight. I will talk about how to lose weight later, because I started from I start walking at an altitude of 1200m. I wear short-sleeved summer clothes. When I reach 5400m in the back, I have hiking pants with fleece. I would recommend wearing a long-sleeved sweatshirt and a short-sleeve, and a long-sleeved fleece in winter. A pair of summer hiking pants, winter hiking pants, and shorts. The coldest above is below zero, and there will be snow. Wear a down jacket. A good down jacket can help you lose weight. I wear montbell FP800. Basically You don’t need a sleeping bag to wear it to sleep, but I use a sleeping bag because I think the quilt in a mountain house is too dirty. I have only used the sleeping bag once and only use it at low altitudes. Basically, don’t be afraid of getting dirty when climbing mountains. Cut-out raincoat or a one-piece raincoat that can be covered with a backpack, two pieces of underwear, gloves, headlights, lip balm, medicine, two trekking poles, socks that match the thick socks of hiking shoes, one pair of thick sports socks, one pair Wool socks, I have an umbrella~ I think it’s very practical, a pair of slippers, food can bring chocolate or compressed biscuits, hats, sunglasses, sports headbands, clothespins, chargers, power banks, I have crampons, but I don’t use them The local guides felt that there was no need to bring them. Quick-drying towels. If you only bring two sets of clothes, you must go to the mountain house to change your clothes before 15:00 every day. The mountain is wet at night and it is not easy to dry. If necessary at night, just You have to sleep with your clothes. Finally, the most important thing is to remember to wear a mask, to wear a mask, to wear a mask, it is very important, so three times, people who are allergic to dust must wear it.
The map can be downloaded in advance and can be used as an offline map. Different people have different opinions on the paper map. I didn't buy it because I planned to walk with the local guide for a while. After learning their judgment, I will act on my own. Chame went to Muktinath Basically, you won’t get lost. There is only one road, but if you leave the villages in this range, the road is a bit complicated. It’s best to act in teams.
Do you want to hire a guide or porter?
The ACT route does not force the hiring of local guides and porters. The choice is mainly based on factors such as personal needs, financial resources, and physical strength.
I didn’t hire a guide or a porter this time. Although I was acting alone, the road to Chamje was basically a bit complicated from the beginning. I don’t know whether to take some shortcuts. The road is divided into general hiking routes and jeep routes. This is a hiking route. Basically, if you are really worried, you can walk with foreigners, but you must first make sure that you can keep up with their physical fitness. Otherwise, I think that after having the ability to judge, some sections of the road are quite comfortable to walk by yourself. of. The front part of Chame and the back part of Muktinath are best to be accompanied. Although the route is very large, there are always some forks that are difficult to distinguish. Offline maps can help you distinguish. Chame and Muktinath are the most common routes that everyone takes. Guides are also the most popular route for foreigners, and you won’t get lost if you follow in their footsteps.
Replenishment on the mountain and lightening the load
The mountain house will provide hot food, hot water, quilts, and charging. Only in High Camp and Tilicho lake Camp, charging is not provided, so you don’t need to cook by yourself. The higher the altitude, the more expensive the food will be. The last stop at 4800m In the high camp, my food expenses are not very low. I eat three meals or even four meals. The average daily consumption of food and accommodation is less than 1,000 yuan. They rely on food to make money. Basically, most villages can afford accommodation. Ask if you can waive the accommodation fee if you consume in the store. It is best to drink at least a glass of 750ML of water before departure early in the morning, carry 1L of water on your body, return to the mountain house and replenish the water. Basically, it can be reduced It weighs 1 to 2 kilograms, and there are villages for almost two to three hours along the way. Unless there is no general road developed in the back section of Manang, there are fewer villages or grocery stores, but I still think it’s enough to drink 1L of water for walking in ACT. Below 3000m above sea level, you have to drink a lot, and you have the opportunity to replenish it by the roadside. In addition, if you really want to reduce the burden, you must upgrade your equipment. This is a lot of money. There is no special recommendation for upgrading. It is based on personal needs. I think if you finish this ACT, you like to hike, then consider upgrading your equipment. , However, I sincerely suggest that if you have the ability, you can upgrade your equipment directly, because the ACT will definitely make you want to go again.
The food on the high mountains can be just as plentiful.
Actual itinerary planning
It takes about 30 minutes for me to leave the country (I heard that some people are later), and it takes about 40 minutes to get to the ACAP office. ACAP's business hours are from 09:00 to 15:00, and TIMS and Permit charge USD 50. One dollar can be exchanged for 112 rupees. I live in Holy lodge. Although it is highly rated on booking.com, I still want to remind you that the nightclub next door is still very high at three in the middle of the night. Remember to bring a pair of earplugs to travel. In addition, Kathmandu It is a very 'earth' city. The most important thing to come to Nepal is to wear a mask. Although the mountain air is very clean, it will definitely make you feel ashamed when you walk into the city or take a ride.
Besisahar to Bhul Bhule 2.5 hours
It takes eight hours to get to Besisahar by car early in the morning. After getting off the car, it rains all the way. It is not recommended to go alone because there are many shortcuts to BhulBhule. Travel time from 16:00-18:30, remember to prepare headlights, low-altitude accommodation costs money.
The long mountain road and the continuous drizzle, I hope tomorrow can give me a good weather.
Bhul Bhule to Chamje 7 hours
The journey was difficult, the amount of water was 4L, and there was a road with soil and rock collapse in the middle. I still had to bite the bullet and walk along. This way, I followed a fast-moving foreign man (should be 60 years old and had high blood pressure). I finally knew if it was I have too much physical strength and I have to follow it. I can’t see other individual travelers on the road, which can make me transfer the parasite. I want to reincarnate but can’t leave. The despair in my heart can reach infinity, and there are many in my heart along the way. Negative emotions and the voice of giving up, foldable walking stick manufacturer because of dragging blister feet and cramping legs, coupled with the collapse of the road, it has been raining, there are no scenic spots to see, and I keep asking myself why I want to come here and walk on my beliefs. Go on, there are infinite reasons for you to give up, but there is only one perseverance, let's go on and see, you can't be defeated because of your physical limits. So at the beginning, if there are friends who want to challenge the road ahead, they really need to train well. Otherwise, they have to pay in installments instead of walking as far as 20 kilometers a day.
Chamje -Chame(2713m) Ride a jeep 3hours $1500 rupees
Chame to lower Pisang (3190m) 4 hours
After getting off the car at Chame, it was a wet and cold rainy day, so I went straight to Pisang all the way. Pisang is divided into upper and lower villages. The two villages are separated by a river. After crossing the bridge, you can go to different villages. I settled today. The place is in Lower Pisang, because it’s cheaper, it feels better to live. The advantage of living in Upper Pisang is that you don’t need to get up too early to watch the sunrise. You can finally see Annapurna III here. The hard work of the whole road is at the most painful time To resolve, come here to watch the sunrise. The sunrise time is at 06:00. There are two routes to Manang for the next day. Upper Pisang to Manang takes 8 to 9 hours, and Lower Pisang to Manang takes 4 hours. Of course, the scenery is much worse. The scenery from Upper Pisang to Manang is more beautiful, but I chose the difficult route.
Lower Pisang Accommodation, internet, bathing and hot water are free of charge.
The clouds are up, Annapurna III.
Upper Pisang to Manang (3469m) 9 hours
The scenery can see Annapuna 2, 3, and 4 peaks. At present, I walked all the way to see the most beautiful scenery. The altitude rose from 2600 to 3,500, which took nine hours, ranging from tropical rain forests to desolate gravel deserts. From the beginning, the climbers gradually increased. When the temperature reaches the evening, you can feel the chill. There will be two villages along the way. Usually, some people will rest in the second village because they can go to Ice Lake the next day.
The body goes to hell, the eyes go to heaven, and the soul returns to the hometown. Some people use this sentence to describe the physical and mental experience of this journey. I really understand this sentence in my heart.
10/4 Manang rest day, highly adapted
Today, I went to Lake Annapuna and looked at Annapuna from the top of the mountain. You can see peaks 2, 3, and 4, as well as other magnificent scenery. It is very suitable for a day of rest here without wasting at all.
Manang to Sheer Kharka 4.5 hours
Because of the challenge of the branch mission, it is regarded as a high degree of adaptation, and the target is Tilicho Lake (about 5100m above sea level). If you walk this way, you will encounter the intersection of the main branch at the beginning, but the road signs are obvious.
Shree kharka to Tilicho Base Camp (abbreviation: BC) 2.5 hours
Store the big backpack in Shree kharka, and pack it lightly over BC. You can bring winter pants, down jacket, slippers, and power bank.
The scenery along the road is also very good. There is no electricity to charge in BC, and the food is obviously expensive. Please leave as early as possible because the beds are limited and the arrival time is about 10:30. Otherwise, you will have to sleep on the floor of the living room.
Tilicho BC to Tilicho lake 3 hours
Tilicho lake to Tilicho BC 1 hour
Tilicho BC to Shree kharka 2 hours
At Tilicho lake from store to downside 2 hours
Depart at 0530 in the morning. If you have the opportunity, you must go to the bottom of the lake to walk, but you must hurry. The wind on the lake is very strong after noon. Do not stay by the lake for more than 11:00. The return journey will take about 1 hour to the base camp for dinner. I will go downhill. There was an acceleration, because I had to return to Shree kharka, and I was delayed in the middle. The arrival time was about 15:30, and the journey was windy. If you are sure to get to Shree kharka, you must make a reservation the day before.
Shree kharka to yak haraka (4030m) 3 hours
The homestays here are a lot more expensive. You can find hot water and mineral water at a local grocery store. There is no money for internet, accommodation and charging, but hot water costs money. There are about 4 homestays here, and you can arrive before 11:00. Find accommodation.
Yak haraka to High camp(4800m) 4 hours
Yak walked forward for about 1.5 hours and cut across the bridge. After cutting, there is a shop. When you go forward, you will encounter a rockfall area. The rockfall just passed by, and almost went to another world to report. After this section, it is best to The other climbers acted together. phedi is in the gorge area, the wind is not suitable for staying too long, but the high camp is about 4800 meters, the air is thin, the scenery can see the magnificent Tilicho peak, Annapurna 3, etc., if the physical condition can adapt to the height in Tilicho Lake, you can choose Staying in the high camp for one night, it started to snow at noon here, and you can walk to the apex next to the accommodation to see the big scene.
On the way to High Camp, the tranquility seems to resonate with the mountains.
A short step can take as long as a century. High Camp (4800m)
High camp to Throng pass (5400m) 3 hours
Throng pass to Muktinath (3798m) 4 hours
The boarding starts at about 4:40, at about 0740 at the highest peak, and the return journey to the village of the four shops is about 11:00, and it takes about an hour from the four shops to Muktinath.
Muktinath to Kagbeni 5 hours
Kagbeni to Jomson (2743m) 1 hour
Muktinath is not easy to find a way to Kagbeni at the beginning, it is best to travel together.
I took the bus to Jomson at 15:30 in the afternoon. It was about 16:30. Some people walked for about 2 hours. Because of the dust, they were not in the mood to leave. The price is 150 rupees. The bus station is in the village. I know, it costs 3,500 points for seven people to ride a jeep. This price is driven by the porter. I don't know how accurate it is.
At the end of Jomson, the end point is the starting point for Pokhara. Get off the bus and buy tomorrow's ticket to Pokhara. The time is 0630, 0700, 1000, and the journey takes about 12 hours. It is best to buy the front seat position. There are few hotels in Jomson and the price is also It's better to be more accommodating and move in when you find something suitable.
The endless desert, that is salt, not snow.
Jomson to Pokhara 12 hours
The ride was bumpy and the bladder was strained for 12 hours. The car can shake up and down, or up and down from left to right, almost driving on a rock wall or cliff. Bring water or snacks on the car to relieve boredom. The local residents told the driver to be in Marphar I bought apples. They said that you can get off wherever you want to get off on the bus. I bought apple cider and apple juice for about 800 rupees. I went home and tasted it.
When you arrive at Pokhara at night, if the hotel is set at Lakeside, remember to ask the driver where to get off. After getting off, you can basically find the hotel on the phone map instead of taking a taxi, because the journey is within 2 kilometers.
The closer you are to the lake, the more expensive the price will be. Basically, I live in New Pokhara lodge, which includes breakfast for about Rs 1,100, but snow peak hotel includes breakfast for about Rs 1,200. You can eat fruits and it is more delicious. To be honest, I don’t recommend it. new Pokhara lodge.
Itinerary introduction, end.
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