#founding fathers of naruto
fille-de-skroa · 4 months
god i hate narusasusaku. naruto and sasuke are literally there being obsessed with each other why would you ruin it like that??
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nopejustnoped · 6 months
the combination of kishimoto‘s misogyny + dudebro misogyny + fujoshi misogyny turned into Extreme Maximum Intensity Misogyny and changed the whole anime landscape in regards to misogyny discourse
To me it kind of feels like badly written female characters used to be a downside to shounen (albeit a downside used as a shield by dudebros to call female characters whatever they want without receiving backlash) and now its part of its appeal.
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everytobito · 1 year
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doodle-empress66 · 1 year
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Which anime character had the best rage moment?
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uh-oh-its-bird · 5 months
Getting to know naruto through Fandom is so funny bc one fic is like "this is Hashimara, he wants to make a village where no child ever has to fight in wars again :)) With the power of friendship, flowers, and this gun his brother found, he manages to make that dream come true and secure a brighter future for the children of tommorow!"
And then the next fic, set some years later in that same friendship village, is like "this is Kakashi! He's a 6 year old government licensed killer with undiagnosed ptsd. His teacher and vague father figure (who is also the president) thinks that what he needs to help with all the government sanctioned trauma is to join the KGB"
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brighteuphony · 5 months
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Some reunions, like Naruto and Lee, are filled with happy hugs and warm welcomes.
Others...not so much.
Ino and Sakura's reunion...yeah it doesn't go great.
Sakura had been invited back into her mother's estranged family after her accident, but on the way through Tea Country, the caravan had been attacked by bandits/dissidents and Sakura ended up jumping into a river to save herself.
Her body was never found, and she was considered dead. She has an empty grave right beside her mother's and father's in Konoha.
Ino, Naruto and Lee were devastated. Ino, in particular, was inconsolable. She'd just made up with her friend and they'd been struggling to find footing after Sakura's accident, so to get the news of her death crushed Ino.
She'd felt so guilty, fighting over stupid things like boys, all the dumb insults they'd leveled at each other, and her helplessness at Sakura's condition ate at her for a long time. Ino threw herself into the job and she left flowers at Sakura's grave every Sunday for a year (and her parents did it for her when she was on missions) before finally beginning to heal.
To learn that Sakura was alive the entire time, that she didn't care enough to send Ino a single letter...that she just let Ino go through all that heart-wrenching grief is a betrayal that Ino can't suffer. It's like having that wound, only just now scarring over, be torn open and salted.
She spent a year mired in grief, and the next three trying to mend the hole Sakura's death left in her life. And to have all of that history, friendship and grief disrespected... Ino doesn't talk to Sakura for almost 7 months.
As for Sakura, she was in such a depression after her accident, she managed to convince herself that she didn't matter to any of her old friends (especially because it was so awkward and difficult to find common footing with everyone after being honorably discharged). So she made the mistake of assuming no one cared, almost as a method of protecting herself from the consequences of her own decisions.
This bites her in the ass, ofc.
Eventually, they enter a 'cold but civil' relationship when Sakura makes a sincere, heartfelt (and groveling) apology. After that, the walls come down, but their friendship won't ever take the same form as it did before, but maybe that's for the better.
Their new friendship is much stronger.
Once again, thank you so much to everyone for all the amazing asks and the incredibly kind words about this AU!
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy birthday! Could you continue the naruto daughter of the homage series?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6
Naruto doesn’t feel comfortable going back to the tower until the Suna kids have collected their scroll and arrived. Gaara had killed nine people – three teams total – in that time. None of them Konoha, thankfully, but that’s mostly due to her team and Itachi engaging in some creative luring and misdirection. The Konoha Twelve can be redirected outright by one of her clones, but the other leaf genin that she doesn’t know as well have to be lured rather than instructed. Getting their own scroll is more an afterthought than anything else.
They probably should have thinned the herd a little more. Now they’re having preliminary matches, which is just another chance for Gaara to kill one of her shinobi.
“Is that Orochimaru?” Sakura hisses, looking up at the spectator box. “Isn’t he a missing nin?”
Naruto flickers her glance upward, but she’d already known he was attending. What does surprise her are the two people by his side. “Yeah, but he’s also the Otokage, and one sort of trumps the other. Dad gave up on that one a long time ago, and Sarutobi still likes him besides. That’s not the interesting part.”
Jiraiya sends intelligence back to the village frequently enough, but she’s never thought she’d seen Tsunade back in the village.
Orochimaru is already bored.
He barely attends chunin exams when they’re in his own village. But Kabuto had given him an interesting report, and he hasn’t seen Minato in something like fifteen years, so he figured it couldn’t hurt. Besides, Anko is proctoring a portion of the exam, and she always complains that he doesn’t visit.
Jiraiya found out, somehow, which was bad enough, but then the traitor told Tsunade, and the two idiots insisted on coming with him for some reason.
Probably because they were worried Minato might try to arrest him, which is frankly insulting. He can and will kick that kid’s ass if he has to.
Hm. Maybe that’s what they’re intending to prevent, on second thought.
Minato’s daughter has her father’s coloring and her mother’s bone structure.
“I’m surprised she’s made it this far,” Jiraiya murmurs.
Kushina throws him an irritated glance, but the white knuckled grip she has on her armrests seems to imply she agrees with him. Minato doesn’t look at either of them, not that he’s looked at Kushina at all. There’s really no point in them playing the part of happy couple in front of foreign ninja if they can’t commit to the deception.
“She’s got a solid stance,” Tsunade says. “Don’t need working chakra coils for that, I suppose.”
Minato’s lips thin, but he keeps his silence.
“Gaara of Suna versus Rock Lee!” shouts Hayate, pausing to cough halfway through.
Orochimaru leans forward now that something interesting is finally happening.
It’s not as immediate of a bloodbath as he thought it’d be. Lee holds out, demonstrating a mastery of taijutsu truly can make up for an awful lot. He fiddles with the weights on his wrist, but then he glances up. It seems as if he’s looking at his sensei, who’s shouting encouragement, but standing just to the left of them is Team Seven.
Naruto’s lips tug down at the side and she shakes her head just slightly, the movements so small thar Orochimaru wouldn’t notice them if he wasn’t focusing on her.
Lee’s shoulders droop even as he backflips to avoid another deadly arm of sand. He’s not even close to exhausted, and he’s lasted longer against Gaara than anyone else has, but he raises his arm and says, “I surrender.”
Everyone is stunned, an air of disbelief surrounding them.
Gaara acts like he hasn’t heard, more sand barreling for Lee. Hayate moves to interfere, but he’s a lot slower than that sand is.
There’s a smudge of yellow across the arena, there and gone, taking Lee with it.
Orochimaru turns, expecting to see Minato’s seat empty, but he’s still there, eyebrows raised.
He frowns, looking back down, and Naruto is back out of the arena, putting Lee back on his feet. “It seems you didn’t hear him!” she shouts, grin so wide her eyes are slits.
“I didn’t know you taught her the Flash,” Jiraiya says.
Kushina stares between her husband and her daughter, eyebrows pushed together.
“Yes,” Minato says stiffly, “well.”
It appears Kabuto’s report was accurate.
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evilkitten3 · 8 months
ok so like i know the reason is just. sexism but one thing that really irks me about how the post-timeskip naruto manga handled which characters became medic nin bc it makes absolutely no sense to me
sakura's decision to train under tsunade makes sense, and i love that she got a super strength power up, so no notes there, but the other teams.... yeesh
so first off, team ten. we're told that ino decided to follow sakura into mednin land to keep being rivals with her... despite that at no point factoring into their rivalry at all beforehand. ino never showed any interest in that, nor was the yamanaka clan ever mentioned to have anything to do with healing as far as i can remember. it's like going to art school to stay with your bestie when your goal is to become a dentist. why are you there. find other ways to spend time together. it also kinda goes against her family's whole thing as. the guys who do the torture stuff. and it's barely ever relevant anyway
for team ten, i think the team medic should've been shikamaru, and i think this not just bc i think it makes more sense skill-wise (something about the way the nara clan's various shadow jutsu work just screams "you need good chakra control for this" to me), but also bc i think it would make asuma's death a thousand times more painful. bc shikamaru is a slacker. he's not learning medical ninjutsu bc he wants to, he's learning it bc someone on the team has to in order to stick together. they're all chuunin now; one of them has to be a medic. them's the rules. but he doesn't really care that much, even when he is trying to learn, and he's so used to being smart enough to not have to pay attention in lessons anyway that he's not prepared for classes that require his full focus. and then asuma dies and shikamaru is doomed to spend the rest of his fucking life wondering if he could've saved him by paying just a little more attention to those medical ninjutsu lessons (he could not have (but he'll never know for sure))
team eight makes some sense, since giving the girl who struggles with fighting the healing job isn't exactly out of nowhere, but i do feel it was the lazy choice. kiba already had a sister involved in the medical business, even if she deals more with animals, so he could've started learning from her and found that he liked it. plus kiba's goal is to be hokage, and the current hokage is a mednin, so it's not like it wouldn't support his goal. or shino could do it; would add another layer to his character. hinata works fine but. it's just not a very interesting development imo
but what really gets me is team gai. good freaking grief. out of every single team, team gai was the one with the most obvious choice. bc there was only one choice. lee can't do any kind of ninjutsu, and tenten's only real backstory is that her chakra control isn't good enough for her to be a medic nin. so it had to be neji. canon establishes that every team has to have a medic; this is a policy tsunade got passed even before she became hokage, so no way in hell is she going back on it now.
moreover, neji becoming a medical ninja - especially if hiashi encouraged it - would show some development for the hyuuga clan maybe starting to suck a bit less. bc as a medic, neji would be bound by oath to stay alive for as long as possible. imagine a world in which hizashi came back and hiashi was able to tell his brother that not only was their family starting to change, but his son had chosen a path that would prevent him from ever following in his father's footsteps. it would be the first step (of many) to show that the hyuuga clan was freeing itself from its own bullshit.
also it would've made sakura catching the zetsu pretending to be neji a thousand times funnier. like that's her coworker. they've shared shifts at the hospital together. she's seen neji drink vodka straight from a bottle and then crash on her couch after they got out of a twelve-hour surgery on the fucking dumbass chuunin who managed to step on his own boobytrap. she knows him.
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lexsssu · 9 months
Again (Uchiha Sasuke)
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TAGS: Sasuke/F!reader, yandere, obsession, dirty thoughts, breeding kink, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Kaa-chan told me to remind you to eat and to give you this! She said it’s your favorite.”
Gingerly taking the bento being offered to him, something flickered within Sasuke’s lone visible eye which disappeared almost as soon as it appeared. Even without opening it, he was already sure of its contents. 
You were the one who made it after all.
“Please give her my thanks when you get home. I’ll drop this off myself once I’ve cleaned it,” the Uchiha makes sure to use his left hand as he receives the lunch box, a small shiver running down his spine as a brief image of you happily preparing this meal for him appears in his mind’s eye.
“Will do, Oji-san! And thank you again for today’s training session. Please come visit us at home whenever you can. Kaa-san always looks forward to your visits. She always says you don’t visit enough,” Shinachiku’s soft laughter reminds Sasuke of how much he takes after you than Naruto.
From the shade of green in his eyes, to the way his smiles aren’t as blinding as Naruto’s and yet exudes the same strength and softness yours does. Shinachiku Uzumaki is his father’s son, but no one can ever deny that he is also his mother’s child.
He could’ve been your child.
All of them could have been yours.
If only you hadn’t been so weak.
If you simply had the power…then perhaps she’d have been yours.
Not Naruto’s…YOURS!!!
When both he and the young genin separate for the night, him to his lively home filled with the happiness and laughter of family, Sasuke on the other hand retreats to the lonely Uchiha compound. He is all too used to the dreary atmosphere of the place he once called home, his steps never faltering as he entered the main house’s kitchen and sat himself at the dining table.
Inside the 3-layer bento were several onigiri with various fillings, namely umeboshi, salmon, and bonito flakes. A tomato salad that definitely was one of your own homegrown ones (because he has never seen, smelled, and tasted any tomatoes more delicious than yours). The tomato soup was still warm and felt even warmer as he ate it as slowly as he could, savoring the myriad of flavors contained in such a seemingly simple dish. 
Though he wasn’t fond of sweets, the avenger couldn’t ignore the slice of strawberry shortcake you packed for him. The first bite of cake reminded him of the sweetness of the youth he spent with you despite his hyperfixation on killing his own brother at the time.
If he’d known the truth that early on then perhaps he wouldn’t have wasted all his time chasing after Itachi.
Naruto wouldn’t have had the chance to take you for himself if Sasuke understood that you were worth much more than his misguided revenge. 
Even though Naruto left for training with Jiraiya, the blonde was more than happy to regale him with tales of how the two of you would do your best to send each other letters despite how they constantly went from place to place. Somehow, you always found yourself to him, and he to you.
It made Sasuke sick.
Don’t even get him started on all the flies that buzzed around you while he and Naruto were gone.
Despite most of the original rookies having settled down, the Uchiha was very much aware of how these same men gravitate towards you before Naruto went and made his formal claim. 
That know-it-all Nara, the arrogant Hyuga, even Gaara of the Sand were almost always seen around you.
Hell, even that damned swordsman from Kiri who’s now currently its Mizukage was too close to you. Don’t even get him started on Haku who’d more or less become your guard dog ever since you saved both him and Zabuza all those years ago during that mission in Wave. 
As much as he despised their attentions on you, he knew deep inside of him that all of them saw the very same thing in you that drew them all in like moths to a flame. 
And he HATED it.
Hated that they all coveted you when none of them deserved to have you.
Sasuke’s last thought as he closed his eyes was that of you.
Always YOU.
The Sakura blooms you gifted him smelled so nice…It was a good thing he placed them on his bedside table, because he could close his eyes and pretend that it is the scent of your hair. 
He could pretend that it is his hands that run across the soft pink strands as you sleep.
He could pretend that he is the one who feasts upon your delicious cunt each night. His cock forcing your soft and pliant walls open again and again as your nails drag across his back, leaving angry red lines that serve as proof of how much he pleasured you. That it is his potent seed that fills your womb to the brim, globs of semen dripping from your pussy as he makes sure to pour loads and loads of his love within you.
Wouldn’t that be perfect?
Not only will he revive the Uchiha clan, but knowing that you carried his seed and nurtured them within you…he could burst from happiness just from the mere thought of it.
Sasuke falls into a deep sleep, soothed by the images of a reality that could have been.
“Even though Sensei told us not to have breakfast, I still think the last thing we should do is train on an empty stomach. So I made us all some breakfast and even lunch!” 
Sasuke is once again presented with a bento filled with onigiri, but this time the hands holding onto the container were more slender as slim digits softly yet firmly gripped the lunch box. 
“I’m not sure which filling you prefer, but I have different fillings with me so you can choose which one you like best,” ever the thoughtful person you were, you selflessly offered the last Uchiha the food despite how antisocial he’d been towards you despite the time you’d spend together as classmates at the academy.
In his first life, Sasuke simply scoffed at your attempts of kindness towards him. Batting you off at every opportunity as he believed himself above such camaraderie when his only goal in life was to enact his revenge.
Not anymore.
Without saying anything, the raven-haired preteen grabbed the Okaka rice ball just before Naruto could take it.
“Hey, what’s the big idea, teme?! I was gonna get that one!”
“...Tch. Then you should’ve been quicker, dobe.”
“Why you little…!”
The sound of your tinkling laughter and Naruto’s disgruntled mumbling was music to his Sasuke’s ears.
He may have managed to get you the first time around, but not this time.
Uchiha Sasuke didn’t know who or what had flung him back into the past, but Indra knows he won’t ever make the same mistakes he did before.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Fake Love
Madara Uchiha x Senju!Reader
Synopsis: Wanting to get on Hashirama's nerves, Madara acted like he was infatuated with you. All he wanted to do was just get a rise out of the Senju, but he didn't expect to fall in love.
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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Madara smirked at your bashful gaze, eyes full of love as you fiddled with your fingers. You stood by the waterfall you proclaimed was your "meet up" spot, where your father wouldn't find you. 
Part of him felt guilty for making you feel flustered and sneaky. He could tell he excited you based on your fidgeting in his presence. But he found this to be rather enjoyable. He got to see you all flustered while he also got to witness Hashirama slowly lose his patience.
"She's off limits, Madara."
Ya ya. Whatever. Limits were meant to be crossed, to be broken. You were meant for this little game. And he was having a blast.
"You look magnificent tonight. Did you dress up just for me?" His voice was deep and silky, only causing you to fall deeper in love with him. You stammered a reply, claiming that you just wanted to feel pretty today, but he knew that was a lie. He knew you did this for him. Growing tired of your gaze being on the ground, Madara brushed back a piece of your hair before cupping your face. 
You reluctantly looked up at him, eyes wide as your mouth opened in shock. He's flirted with you, but touching was new. Madaras smirk deepened as the heat of your cheeks seeped through his glove. God's, he loved playing with you.
"I- Uh…" you stuttered, mouth slamming shut as he rubbed his gloved thumb along your cheekbone. His eyes were filled with adoration, and you believed it was genuine. That he was genuine. 
That he loved you.
What you didn't know wouldn't hurt you, Madara repeated to himself as he watched you fall more in love with just his touch alone. You stepped closer to him, eyes expectant as you wondered if he would do it. If he was going to kiss you -
"Y/n! Where are you!!"
A gasp flew from your lips as you stepped away from Madara, eyes wide in disbelief as Hashirama's voice floated through the air. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow-" Madara didn't let you finish, seeing this as the perfect opportunity for Hashirama to see the exchange. He wrapped an arm around you and dragged you into his chest. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he leaned in, eyes closing before he pressed his lips softly against yours.
Your gasp was muffled against his lips, fear of your brother seeing this filling every nerve of your body. His tongue swiped across your lower lip, practically begging you to give in to him.
Give in to desire. 
Thinking Hashirama was still far away, you kissed back, hands clinging onto his shoulders for support. What felt like an eternity was only a few seconds before he pulled away -
Your e/c eyes snapped open before you saw Hashirama standing along the tree line. Your rapidly beating heart seemed to have stopped at the angry look on his face. You just crossed a line.
And it was all Madara's fault.
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"I forbid you from talking to him, Y/n. The Uchiha clan is evil-"
"To you, father. But Hashirama formed a treaty with them. We no longer see them as enemies-"
"I will not repeat myself. Stay away from that clan, or you will be banished. Understood?"
You bit your lip at that… Hashirama told your father about the kiss, so now here you are. Once again being lectured to stay away from them. But you couldn't help it. Couldn't help that the oldest caught your eye.
Couldn't help that he made you feel this way.
Regardless, you nodded your head, understanding that you wouldn't be able to be happy with Madara and still be in the Senju clan. That's not how this worked.
It never would work.
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Months passed, and you tried to avoid Madara for fear of being lectured again. But he was persistent. You were pulled inside the alley on your way home from the market. "Madara, I can't talk to you-"
"But you want to. I want you to," he whispered playfully as his hand moved from your wrist to your hip, dragging you into his body. You two were deep enough in the alley now that no one would see you. Oddly, he didn't know why he was suddenly trying to hide you away. He figured it was just to keep playing with you without wandering eyes. But the sinking feeling in his stomach told him something else. 
"Madara," your whine of protest went unheard by him as he began peppering kisses along your neck and face. He pulled you closer to him, wanting to feel your emotions physically. Your pulse hammered against his lips, and he bit back a smile at how you reacted to him.
But you were still holding back on him; you were stopping yourself from falling deeper in love with him. He needed that. He craved it. Madara pulled back, dark eyes silently pleading for you to give in to the desire. Give in to him. The tension grew thicker as the two of you stared at each other. You wanted to snap it. Break the tension and just give him what he wants. But your father… Your brother… Your clan. 
Madara cooed as a tear slipped down your cheek, his heart-wrenching slightly as you felt the pain of loving him in full.
"Give in to me, Y/n. All you need is me.
As if on command, you jumped onto him, lips crashing against his as you decided then and there that he was all that mattered. Not your father. Not your brother. Not your clan.
Madara knew then that this was the point where he should let you be, where he should avoid you to save your heart from destruction.
But something inside of him was changing. Some emotion was swirling in his stomach as you wrapped your arms around him, encasing him in your calming aura. Something was changing in Madara, and because of that. He wasn't going to step away. 
Not yet, at least.
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Months passed, and the two of you got closer. The feelings swirling within him that fateful day had blossomed into something much more than he expected. Late-night dinners turned into sleepovers where you would talk about life through the night, the only thing stopping you being the sun peeking through the curtains. He learned so much about you - big and small, from your favorite color to your biggest fear. Every new thing made him fall more and more in love with you.
It was then that he realized, as he watched you take shaky steps towards him with your fingers tightly gripping his journal that he had fallen in love with you.
And he was about to have the worst heartbreak of his entire life.
"You did this. All of this to get a rise out of my brother?"
His heart stopped, eyes widening as he cautiously stepped towards you. "Y/n. Wait," you violently shook your head, urging your tears to stay hidden. You couldn't give him this satisfaction. You couldn't do it.
His hand cupped your cheek, but it didn't stay long as you ripped it off. "Don't touch me," your snarl caught him off guard, but how you looked made him want to die. Your eyes were bloodshot, tears brimming your lash line begging to be shed. Your lip trembled, and your body shook with it. You were heartbroken.
And it was all his fault.
"At first, yes, that is what I was doing but not anymore, Y/n. I love you." 
You sputtered out a mocking laugh at that; loved you? If he loved you, he wouldn't have done such a thing. "He was right about you. They all were." 
That one caught his attention, who was "he" and who were "they." His blood boiled at the thought of someone telling you he was no good for you and not because they were wrong. But because they were right.
"Y/n. Please. Can we talk about this" he sputtered out, desperation taking over his thinking as he again reached for you. But you once again ripped away from him. "Tobirama was right. You were just using me. You never loved me-"
"That's a lie, and you know it-"
"Do I!? I thought I did till I read this" You enunciated the last word by shaking the journal in his face, taunting him with something he couldn't deny. Madara bit his lip as he eyed the journal. He should have burned the stupid thing.
"Give me one more chance. Please, I love you-"
"Stop. Lying."
"It's not a lie!!" 
"I can't even trust you-"
He grabbed you and roughly yanked you towards him, making the journal fly to the floor. Your hands pushed against him, trying your best to get him away from you. "I have late-night conversations with the moon, he tells me about the sun, and I tell him about you," Madara whispered, lips ghosting yours in the hopes of reeling you back into his love. Your heart soared at his words, but reality soon crashed down on you as he kissed you sweetly.
This was all fake, it had to have been. He was lying. This was all a lie. Finally finding the strength, you shoved him off of you. His eyes were wide as he watched you gather up your things and storm towards the door. You paused with your hand on the wood, mind reeling as you urged yourself to tell him goodbye. Why was this so hard? "I love you" His whisper snapped you out of it and made the anger replace the sinking feeling in your stomach.
"I will not love a liar. Goodbye Madara"
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Your fingers danced along the edge of the flowers the merchant was selling, lips holding a soft smile as you dreamily took in the vibrant colors. "Can I help you?"
The merchant's voice made you jump, your smile faltering as you grew worried that you had annoyed him. A smile formed on his lips at your flustered face. He had heard about the first Hokage's younger sister and how she was always jumpy. He felt terrible for scaring you, but he had to know if it was true. His smile only made you burn in embarrassment; you should just get a flower and leave. Never return. 
You hated that everyone knew who you were, thanks to your brothers.
"I'd like to buy one… Ummm…." you trailed off as you looked at the options, finger tapping your chin as you thought about the perfect choice. The merchant found you to be adorable, and as his eyes raked over you, he noticed that one of the flowers matched your outfit perfectly. Excitement filled his system as he saw this as his chance to 'make a move.' He always wanted to fuck royalty.
A teasing smirk grew on his lips as he leaned against the counter and into your personal space. Your e/c eyes flicked to his, narrowing slightly as you tried to figure out what he was doing.
Was he… Hitting on you? 
You let out a breathy chuckle before backing up slightly, but you were stopped as he grabbed your arm. "No need to be scared. I know just the perfect flower to compliment your beautiful face" he was smooth, a little too smooth. Something felt off, though. You couldn't deny the sick, twisting feeling in your stomach that he had ulterior motives. Shooting a sheepish smile at him, you pulled your arm from his grasp. "Thank you for the compliment, but I must be going now-"
"Is he bothering you?"
You squeaked at the way Madara appeared out of thin air, arm wrapping around your middle before hauling you back into his chest. The merchant's smirk fell quickly as he moved out of your space. "Madara. No, he's fine."
Your words would have calmed him, but something in them told him you were lying. Was it the tone? The way you shook slightly in his embrace? He didn't know what it was, but instead of calming him, it angered him further. He stepped towards the merchant, but you grabbed him quickly. "Stop. I was, uh, also flirting."
Madara froze, his heart shattering as he processed what you just admitted. It was a lie, and if he had a clear head, he would have known that, but all he heard was truthfulness. The merchant's eyes widened before he smirked. "So you were just playing hard to get? Don't worry. I like girls like that-" the merchant's cocky words got cut off as a scream flew from his lips. Madara had grabbed his collar, practically hauling him over the counter to get closer to him. "You listen here. She's off limits, especially to some peasant like you."
"Same goes for you, Madara." Your tone was bored and unbothered by his actions, but inside, you were mentally begging him to let the poor man go. Madara looked at you over his shoulder, eyes blazing red as he bit back the anger towards you. He could be mad and spiteful to everyone around you, but not at you. Never at you.
"Take that back-"
"No." You stated simply, arms crossing over one another as you tap your foot. "Now let the poor man go so I can get a flower." Madara let out a huff before shoving the man back into the stand. He stumbled, almost knocking over expensive vases that he surely worked hard to buy. 
Madara snatched up a yellow flower before flinging money at the man, "Keep the change" You rolled your eyes at his childish words, but your mood quickly shifted as he turned and grabbed your wrist. "Hey! What do you think you're doing!!" Passerbys watched motionless as you, the Hokage's sister, was dragged through the market by the Uchiha clan leader. They knew about his temper, so no one tried to stop him.
You two reached a section away from the people, leaving you with a furious Uchiha gripping tightly onto a flower. "Honestly, what is wrong with you!? Why can't you see that I don't love-"
"Shut up"
Your mouth dropped in disbelief, and all you saw was red. How dare he talk to you like this. After everything he's done, he had no right to speak to you in such a manner. "I hate you."
The words came out before you could stop them, and you were hoping he didn't hear you. But you knew he did. The flower's stem snapped between his fingers, making you flinch from the action. It was fragile, easy to break. And so were you. If he wanted to, he could kill you. That thought alone had you wishing your brother was here. But you were alone with a very upset and unstable Uchiha.
"God dammit. You made me ruin your flower" His red eyes faded to black, his anger being replaced with sadness. Your eyebrows furrowed as you took in the disheveled yellow flower. You didn't think it was for you, but looking down at your yellow sundress made you realize it was indeed for you. "Madara-"
"I love you. Why can't you see the pain I'm in? Why can't you see I love you?!"
His voice cracked, tears brimming his lash line as he once again tried to ignore the immense amount of love he felt for you. This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this was. "Please. Please just give me another chance. I'll show you that I mean it, that I do truly love you" Your pulse began to quicken with worry as he broke down before you; this wasn't like him. This was very out of character. Madara didn't beg; he took what was his. And in a way, seeing him beg made you feel better. You weren't some trophy he wanted to display on a shelf. You weren't something he had to acquire. You were more, much more to him.
But you couldn't trust him fully, not yet, at least. "You get three dates. If after three dates I still don't trust you, you have to leave me alone. If I go with you, Madara, I'll lose my clan." His dark eyes locked with yours before nodding at that. It was something. It wasn't what he wanted, but he would try and show you on those three dates that you were his moon and stars. Without you, he was lost in the dark. He didn't mean to fall in love. 
But he wouldn't change a thing.
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Leaving out how shitty of person Sakura is and how she literally never grows up. She was nasty at 8, nasty at 16, and continued to be nasty in her 30s when she became a parent...
People who genuinely don't like Sakura aren't sitting there disparaging her body, hair, or forehead. They're calling into question how her one goal in life was to become the wife of a boy she continued to disrespect for years. How she didn't take her job seriously and put her team in danger because of it, despite no one forcing her to become a ninja. How she continues to treat her own friends and even her daughter terribly.
You mean where she consistently invaded someone's personal space, refused to take NO for an answer, and then made his trauma about her contrived feelings?
Or how she invalidates everyone else's feelings in favor of her own and manipulates even her child's father, so he won't learn the truth of her behavior at home?
You mean the obsession with her looks and not training until Sasuke and Naruto almost die in front of her?
Or how even after that she didn't start taking things seriously until Sasuke left?
Or what about when all her character growth vanished because she got the chance to see Sasuke again and just stopped being helpful in the canon story and went back to being selfish and rude?
Dreams & Goals?
You mean the desire to be Sasuke's wife regardless of how many times he's pushed her away, told her she was annoying, and avoided her?
Or how her obsession with him was so intense she had to try and guilt trip him in the middle of a war for the sake of the world, into confessing non-existent love to her all because SHE claimed to love him?
Or how she was so attached to being an Uchiha wife that she wears his mon like a badge of honor on all of her clothes when he can't even force himself to wear it or even return to the village to see her and his kid.
You mean where she got the guy in the end, but still decided to be a sob story who did everything alone and then complained about getting no help?
You mean where she was hoping with everything in her being, that her new teammate would insult her supposed best friend too so she would be just as hurt?
Or is it how her obsession with a guy was so intense that she drugged her entire team and left them unconscious in enemy territory just so she could go off to see him to 'kill him' but still needed her drugged teammate to come and save her from being killed by him instead?
Or what about when she broke off her first ever friendship over her obsession simply because of hearsay?
Or what about when she taped her picture over the picture of her husband's friend, and then got angry because her daughter found out and dared to ask questions about it, so she threw a super punch at the space by her kid's feet and took the whole house down in the process?
Or what about that time where she was heavenly pregnant and decided to charge into a very dangerous situation, all for the sake of pride and not being left in her teammate's shadows as usual, and then literally put herself and her unborn child at risk?
Abilities & Strengths?
You mean how her stans try to act like she's surpassed her master by 17, and is better than every other woman in the series when she keeps getting curb-stomped and still needs to be saved by everyone else?
Like, no one is arguing that she hasn't improved as a ninja, cuz it's pretty damn obvious she did, but when y'all sit there being like, 'she's a goddess and Hinata sucks!' are you really being truthful? The enhanced punches aren't helping her all that much so all she's got is healing and even then, she's still not the best at it by adulthood. And she hasn't exactly made a name for herself as she never got out of her teammate's shadows... because she wasn't serious when it mattered.
Y'all brag about how 'Sakura won' when comparing her marriage to Ino's as if Ino isn't in a happy relationship. As if Ino doesn't have a good family unit and that Sai isn't a good father. Sasuke won't come back to the village and only talks to Naruto. Sasuke has never kissed Sakura but HAS kissed Naruto and a Dinosaur of all things. Sasuke didn't even know what his daughter looked like when he met her. When Sakura got stabbed while standing beside him, he didn't care, but when it happened to Naruto he asked after Naruto's well-being. Sakura got the guy she always salivated over, but she didn't actually win anything.
Your consistent need to degrade Hinata and Ino as characters to 'prove' that Sakura is somehow better than them, is also sus. Objectively, they have more character growth and better motivations, and while they might not be super strong and can't punch a house to smithereens in a tantrum, they're far better characters and have better relationships with the people in their lives.
But yeah. People not liking SH for all of these things that make up her character, means they are misogynists.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Scenario with platonic yandere Itachi and a daughter darling he never knew about? Like, maybe he was yandere for her mother too and she escaped, gave birth in secret, and then the two of them meet for the first time years later on not so friendly terms.
Sure! Just letting everyone know I am not finished Naruto so I apologize if I get Itachi's character wrong in anyway. I watched a "The Life Of..." video and made the plot of this take place at any time.
A/N: UGH, Now I really want to see an interaction of Itachi's Daughter and Sasuke meeting!!! They'd probably be the Itachi hate club, ngl. "We collectively want this guy dead" kinda vibe.
Sins of The Father
Yandere! Platonic! Itachi Uchiha with Daughter! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Guilt, Lucid yandere, Manipulation, Angst, Itachi was yandere for your mother, Slight mature themes, Overprotective behavior, Kidnapping implied, Forced relationship (Your mother)/companionship (You).
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Itachi had a feeling you wouldn't like him when he met you. He's a man who has done many hurtful things to those he loves in order to protect them. He really should've stayed at a distance and continued to observe others without interfering.
But your mother had driven him mad.
Itachi had once had a girlfriend before his many sins, yet when she passed he had found a new love. Your mother had managed to catch Itachi's heart. Even though he should've stayed away...
He couldn't.
He always wanted the best for her. He wanted to protect and love your mother. He wanted a family, to be her one and only.
He had even gotten close to the point of bedding her, a guilty pleasure he knew he shouldn't have indulged in. However, he and your mother were originally in love. He loved every second of it...
Then she learned the truth.
Your mother had learned he slaughtered his original clan. That he was a criminal. No matter how much he promised to protect her, to love her, she hated him.
But he kept her to himself no matter what.
Itachi felt bad deep down. It was a similar feeling to when he had to leave Sasuke to his own devices. Those he loved resented him... that was his curse.
He promised your mother the world. It was as though Itachi was searching for redemption within your mother. Unfortunately, while she loved him once...
She'd never love him again.
One day after a mission he came home to see her gone. His love had run from him, yet Itachi didn't give chase. He knew it was probably for the best. Even if his heart ached it was probably deserved.
Years pass by and Itachi feels his heart clench. He's stoic but he can't help it when he sees a mirror of his love in front of him. You have such angry eyes...
Your hate reminds him of Sasuke....
Itachi couldn't bring himself to fight you. Even after all of his sins he stays a pacifist. He just knows you're the daughter of his love.
Itachi wishes he knew his love was pregnant. He knows she never would've told him, yet he would want to help you the best he can to grow. However... without any of his help...
You stand in front of him, a strong Kunoichi, a dangerous hate burning in your eyes.
When you attack and he defends, Itachi can see your eyes clearly. At some point in your life you had even received your Sharingan. His heart throbbed for a moment, you really were his daughter...
Yet your mother was most likely deceased.
He stuck to the defensive when you attacked him. You had to have known you were related. Your mother must have told you about him....
He couldn't tell if you were attacking him because he was Akatsuki or because he was your father. It didn't seem to matter to you. He could tell from your rage you just wanted him gone.
It hurts... yet he's used to it.
He hates that you had to meet like this. Even when he wasn't around you, he still managed to harm someone he loved. For that reason... you don't deserve anymore pain.
Itachi was careful to only use Genjutsu when fighting you. He knew he should run from you, silence his emotions and leave. Although... you wouldn't let him leave...
He didn't want to leave you either.
Itachi whittled down your strength slowly. Even though you were his daughter, your power could not compare to his. He wondered if you ever met Sasuke... or what you both would do if you ever did....
When Itachi sensed your strength leave you, he made things quick. The older Uchiha is quicker than you, restraining you with a mix of tools and Genjutsu. He can see your eyes widen, trying your best to read him. You may even fear death.
Only for Itachi to find himself tugging the restraints to pull you closer.
He can see you freeze when he holds your face up, looking into your eyes. He observes your Sharingan, a thoughtful gaze in his eyes. Then... a ghost of a smile is on his face.
"I'm sorry we never properly met." He sighs, "Your hate for me is justified, In fact you'd get along with my brother just fine."
You stare at the older Uchiha, he can see your hate simmer for a moment. He sighs softly, releasing his grip on your chin to sit beside you. You're all he has to remember his love by....
"I never meant to harm you or your mother." Itachi admits, pain evident in his eyes. He's slowly dying yet life still managed to give him you. "I wish I could've been a father to you... I'd love you forever."
He finds himself tapping your forehead, amused at how tired and shocked you look.
"In fact..." He whispers, ignoring the ache in his heart. "I love you now. That will never change."
"You don't know me." You hiss, snake venom in your tone.
"I know..." Itachi murmurs. "But I loved your mother."
"I'm not her. She didn't love you." You respond back, Itachi going silent. He wasn't delusional. He knew you spoke the truth.
But he hugged you anyway, even if you hated it.
"I'm glad I met you." Itachi sighs, proud of you even if he only ever hurt you. "You're all I have to remember what I could've had."
You almost feel bad for him. Itachi didn't cry, but his tone was depressing. You could barely believe you were related....
Before you're able to say anything else, be that something spiteful or genuine... Itachi knocks you out. He makes it quick, carefully catching you when you slump against him in your restraints. Itachi is a man of many sins...
Yet he couldn't leave you... not when you brought up memories of more pleasant times.
"I'm sorry..." He apologizes to your limp body, holding you close. "Please allow me to stay like this a bit longer, my daughter."
It's then Itachi stays still, embracing you tightly...
If only things were different... if only he didn't hurt all those he loved.
If only he stayed away from your mother.
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evil-women-step-on-me · 8 months
How Hand Jumper Treats Gender
Most of the manga/manhwa I read default to the male gaze. I don't even mean that the female characters are needlessly sexualized, which they often are, but that they're only allowed to fill certain roles. Holy figures and healers are (young, impossibly beautiful) women, the tragic, innocent character who gets assaulted is a woman, the skimpily dressed ninja is a woman, the pure, younger sibling that needs protection is a woman, the seductive villain is a woman, the extremely powerful fighter that will nonetheless always be second in strength to the male lead is a woman. Upskirt shots and carefully framed ass/boobs panels abound. Their characterization can be shallow: especially in action and thriller series, the motivations of female characters are rarely given the same consideration that male characters receive.
Hand Jumper is different. First, female characters are taken just as seriously as male ones, in every way possible. Second, a character's gender does not influence their power level. While it's true that cis men are physically stronger than cis women in the real world, "men are always stronger than women" does not make sense in fantasy action contexts. Why are all the most powerful heroes in My Hero Academia men? Why must all the notable healers in Naruto be female ninja? In worlds where people possess honest to God magical superpowers, power is totally divorced from the density of your muscles. This is true of Hand Jumper's world as well, so it treats its characters appropriately: Male and female Aberrants fight on equal ground. As a result, some of the most prestigious Aberrant positions are held by women: Samin is the leader of the Crimson Society, Cell 4's instructor and mentor are both women, and Sayeon's mother Sara is so mysterious and so powerful that she seems close to godly. Sara's treatment is especially interesting, given that she's filling a role usually reserved for men: the mysterious, legendary parent of the protagonist who left their life when they were still a child. Think Gon's father in HxH, Baki's father in Grappler Baki, Naruto's father, the Joestars in JoJo, or Luffy's father in One Piece. In Hj, it's not the mother, but the father who is drowned out in the shadow cast by his spouse.
Personalities, fantasy power levels, and interests are not inherently gendered! So Hand Jumper doesn't treat them as gendered either. The bubbly, cheerful member of the main group is usually a girl, but this time it's Iseul Kim. The pretty, androgynous Min is both a deadly weapon and a baker of cute pastries- he picks up Sayeon in a bridal carry after a fight, and incredibly, it's not framed as a romantic gesture. Lastly, the aggressive, jaded rival to the protagonist is usually male, but this time it's Ryujin Kang. This position being filled by a female character is so unusual that I remember the comments section being filled with people mistaking Ryujin for a boy, even though she was clearly presented as a woman from the start. Part of this confusion is probably fueled by how Ryujin has a lot of… tension with Sayeon, tension usually found in heterosexual enemy-to-lover relationships. And Sayeon herself? She's on a crusade to avenge her childhood friend, a damsel in distress who died in Episode 2. Somehow, in Hand Jumper, the tragic dead lover that needs avenging is a man.
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In VOTE 1, Instead of ramming his Chidori directly through Naruto's chest, we saw Sasuke clench his fists and punch him at the last second. He dared himself to reject or eliminate the feelings within his heart, but he couldn't go through the process of eliminating them.
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That's why we could see their pain on the brink of separation clearly evident in their eyes even in their monstrous form inside the white giant rainbow ball [idk what it's called]. Kishi always uses the symbolism of the eyes with Naruto and Sasuke because if they try to hide their emotions their eyes will speak. Eyes are depicted as the powerful conveyors of emotions.
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Sasuke felt pain in his arms and fell to his knees coughed up blood. After that we see... Sasuke's face over Naruto. There was no way for come face to face with Naruto after the cough... But he deliberately leaned his face towards Naruto. Raindrops fall from his face onto Naruto. It was his connection with Naruto that brought him close to his face for the last time before he left. His face shows his emotional pain, sadness and numbness because he doesn't want to be separated from him, he doesn't want to hurt him, he can't bear the pain of leaving his precious person. He hurts him so much during their battle and that it hurts him too. But he had to go, so he painfully saying his good bye to him for one last time by hovering over his face into naruto's.
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He looked very depressed as he walked into the forest in the heavy rain.
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He recollects his memories of his parents and Itachi. His hard work earned him the attention of his father. He finally got the acknowledgement from his father that he desired. His mother's comforting words when he was sad. But he didn't get a chance to ask his mother what his father had said about him. His beloved brother, who was always with him, betrayed him.
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He recalls memories of "that day" when his parents lifeless bodies were found. The last part of his memories were his brother's words about killing his closest friend to gain Mangekyo Sharingan.
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Sasuke turned his head in Naruto's direction as Naruto's eyes opened.... As if he could sense Naruto was awake.
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After looking back in the direction Naruto was in, he closed his eyes in the pouring rain and recalled what his brother had said again. In a serious way, Sasuke says: "I will not do as you told/want me to". His serious expression was towards his brother who had challenged him. "I am not you, I will not kill my precious person for power like you", was his response to it. While Sasuke was saying this… it was raining non-stop.
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But the rain stopped when he said, "I will gain power in my own way! I will surpass you in my own way! " We know how much Sasuke suffered every time the cursed seal was activated, and even when he felt so much pain from that... he chose that pain to avoid the pain of losing Naruto because it leaves a whole in his heart, an ache in his soul and that nothing can replace or nothing can make him feel better or heal. He doesn't care what happens to him as long as he gets the power for his revenge, but he doesn't want to hurt Naruto. So he chose that painful path. When he says "without fail" he disappears completely into the darkness, which shows that he is walking into the darkness knowingly and willingly.
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And the black and white panels of Naruto & Sasuke...showing darkness and light.
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animeyanderelover · 14 days
Anon: If I may, my request is about Soo won (Akatsuki no Yona), Akutagawa and Chuuya (Bungo Stray Dogs), Floch and Eren (Attack on Titan), Sai and Shikamaru (Naruto), Shu and Subaru (Diabolik lovers), all seperate, with an unbothered reader who's stronger than them physically and has a noble and powerful background even though she's illegitimate she's very much loved by her stepmother and half-siblings anyway, her family, personal servants and few friends are very supportive and caring, and she received a great upbringing and pretty much was free to try and learn anything (as long as not too dangerous from when she was like under 12), so she's also on the very strong side physically and intellectually enriched while having multiple skills. After the kidnapping, she turn out to know it all but didn't mind and she could've always found a way to avoid it but she just didn't as she also have feelings for the yandere and already informed her family and friends she won't be there for a pretty long while and to just ignore it, she's very confident in herself and great at communicating when uncomfortable without touching the wrong nerves of the yandere and just enjoy her time with the yandere finely, her only big NOs is threats or actions against people she care about, physical violence on her, hiding things after the "kidnapping" already happened and unnecessary killings of strangers because of her.
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan @cachamata @chxxz @leveyani @izanami78
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, protective behavior, paranoia, clinginess, stalking, guilt-tripping, isolation, abduction
I can handle you
Nara Shikamaru
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🦌​He didn't always like you. If Shikamaru would have to be honest there was a brief period during his childhood where he held the belief that you would be arrogant and spoiled due to your rich upbringing. Luckily his father quickly taught him better as he told his son that he shouldn't judge a person before getting to know them better. Only after he took the words of his father to heart did Shikamaru actually realise that he had been wrong about you. Because he recognised a similar mindset in other children that he used to have whilst observing you. Children were either avoiding you since they were scared of your noble background or tried to cosy up to you to bask in your wealth only to talk behind your back since it wasn't actually you they were interested in. He doesn't see himself as a hero yet back then he couldn't help but stand up for you, a naive gesture considering that you were more than capable of doing this yourself. Nevertheless though, it was this action he took that led the two of you to become very close friends over the following years. It isn't always easy with you due to your many hobbies that you insist him to join you but he does it still because he wants to spend time with you.
🦌​Shikamaru's obsession is in a similar fashion almost as lazy as he is. It takes time for his feelings to escalate to the point of a real obsession yet being a childhood friend of yours is a good precondition for it to happen. That is when some problems arise that previous weren't there simply because he has such feelings for you now. He used to not mind that you were always busy with training or doing your hobbies because he knew you'd still make time for him. Now the absence actually bothers him and no one is more annoyed by the sudden change of feelings than Shikamaru himself. It's plainly speaking silly and embarrassing that such things now bother him when they didn't in the past. Everything about his feelings has to be carefully concealed when he is in front of you, especially because of your family. Deep down he starts despising just how much troubles he finds himself in simply because your family is so important. He has a feeling that they wouldn't be too thrilled if he were to ask them for your hand in marriage and his frustration partially ends in him slipping up, subtle words meant to influence you. Your sharp mind sadly always catches on, forcing him to cover his slipup up.
🦌​There are a lot of things he needs to consider whilst planning for an abduction, specifically because your family is influential and important. Shikamaru spends months carefully putting everything together and then can only patiently wait until you finally leave the compound of your clan and give him the best chance to abduct you. Only to find out later on that you had a feeling that he would do something like this but decided to let it happen anyways because you also love him. There are a lot of things he could reply to that yet the only thing he can manage is a groan. Seriously? Couldn't you have told him that sooner? Do you even know how many hours he spent crafting this plan? Shikamaru finds himself neither particularly surprised nor shocked about this revelation though. It is after all just like you to pull off something like this. Now that the cat is out of the back though he sees no reason to keep any secrets anymore which ends in both of you having a long discussion about how things should proceed between the two of you now, something that feels more diplomatic than it should be considering the content of the talk yet both of you come to an agreement.
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🖌️Sai has done his fair share of bloody work whilst working for Root and it is actually through a mission that he was tasked with that he met you. Danzo had gazed upon your family with growing dislike as your clan spoke up against some of Konoha's unsavory incidents and mistakes, something that caused the leader of Root to consider you a threat. At the same time it was undeniable that the support and influence of your family was too important to lose, meaning that Danzo needed a bait to ensure that your family would continue giving their support and benefitting Konoha as a result. That's how Sai was tasked with watching over you, the illegitimate heir of the family who was still very much beloved. If things were to turn to worse and your clan would consider breaking off any relationship with the village Sai would take you as a hostage to ensure that everything would proceed as it had done for the last few decades. Even Sai must admit though that it was remarkably difficult to keep a constant eye out on you. Not only because you were well-guarded but also because sometimes he had an intuition that you knew that he was watching you, your gaze lingering in the direction he was hiding.
🖌️He spends a remarkable amount of time keeping an eye on you, following you from the shadows as you go on with your days. You are very skilled in taijutsu, genjutsu and weaponry as far as he can observe which leads him to start analysing your abilities so that he can counter them if Danzo should give him the order to capture you. He watches you and watches you and watches you until he knows everything about you, can fluently inform someone of your schedule throughout the entire week and knows you better than he has known everyone else in his life, even himself. Unaware to even himself he has grown an obsessive fascination with you, one Danzo takes note of when Sai ends up rambling about you whilst giving his report as he drifts off and just starts telling the old man about everything that he noticed about you that week and about little quirks of yours that fascinate him. He's especially fond of the fact that you have taken a liking to drawing, has watched you countless times in the past either doodling something idly on paper or spend hours painstakingly painting something on canvas. Sai himself has mutliple sketches featuring you, all capturing moments you fascinated him.
🖌️Root is the last restrain that keeps him from abducting you so when Danzo is killed by Sasuke there are no chains holding him back anymore. By now Sai has also realised what this funny feeling in his chest is that he constantly experiences when he does as much as thinking about you. His time in team 7 has opened his eyes and Sakura especially has done a good job explaining to him what this sensation in his chest is. So this is love. It isn't like him to rush things, especially since he is still unfamiliar with love but when you leave your clan to travel he knows that this is a chance too good to miss. He wants to show you though that he is no stranger though you have never met him before so he makes sure to hang up all of the sketches he made of you over the years in the room he takes you in as soon as you are abducted. You handle the situation incredibly well though, handle Sai very well. He just stares at you with his black eyes as you list to him what you will and won't tolerate, the scenario familiar to him as it reminds him of someone giving him orders for a mission which makes it easier for him to understand. He accepts the conditions though as you promise to stay with him.
Eren Yeager
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👊​Eren meets you during his time in the Survey Corps as you and your family reside in Wall Sina. You have been fairly isolated from the life behind the walls you lived in as your family always thought that they were better than other commoners. When Historia is crowned Queen and a lot of nobles are stripped of their reputation for being involved with the impostor king you are spared as you offer your honest support for the new Queen as well as the other Survey Corps. You're talented and gifted, everything Eren doesn't believe he is yet you possess such a curiosity of the world outside that almost overwhelms him at times. It reminds him too much of his younger self and the innocence he has lost over the years. Nevertheless he indulges you and tells you stories. Initially he leaves out everything that he wish he wouldn't have seen yet you quickly realise that he is hiding things from you and call him out for it. You want to know the truth after all. You have been sheltered enough. That surprises him but eventually he does as you wish, realising that he was just trying to hide you from knowledge and a burden he sometimes wishes he wouldn't have been loaded with.
👊​Over the years Eren starts trauma-dumping when he is around you. Some of his worries he just feels like he can't share with even Armin and Mikasa yet around you he can. He never explicitly states what is plaguing his mind but you never push him to tell you the entire truth either as you just listen to him and then comfort him in a way you knows works perfectly for him. Maybe that is why he finds himself seeking you out more and more whenever he feels his soul being tormented by the visions that he sees and the knowledge that he can't share with anyone. You're able to put him at ease in ways no one else is able to do and since he has a lot of stuff on his mind he starts searching for you more and more often. He longs for your voice and your gentle touch until it eventually becomes an obsession. He's agitated when he doesn't know where you are and one day without being in your embrace greatly affects his mood and only enhances the silent stress he is feeling. He starts to get controlling, asks the Yeagerists to keep an eye out on you so that you are always well protected. He knows you are capable of fighting yet paranoia outweights any logic he possesses.
👊​The thing that ultimately breaks him is when he starts catching glimpses of the future where you are with him. A path that is shaky and delicate, visions that are like smoke as he is unable to properly grasp them. Eren knows that he doesn't have much time left but he desperately longs for that future that he sometimes sees but if it won't happen by itself he will force this path to appear. That is how you soon find yourself locked away by Yeagerists who keep a sharp eye on you. Eren is fully prepared to push down any guilty feelings when he steps into the room, prepared to appear as determined and cold-hearted. It is your confession of not only having expected this to happen but also of your own feelings that shatters that ruthless facade. You know him far too well to let yourself get fooled by his cruel appearance and perhaps that is why he clings so much to you. You see the vulnerable boy beneath the Titan. Eren expected that he would have to calm you down and even intimidate you so you wouldn't throw too much of a scene yet it ends up being the complete opposite. You end up calming him down as he is the one clinging to you and begging silently for comfort.
Floch Forster
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🟫​Floch initially just despises you. After all you are just a spoiled and naive little thing that knows nothing about the struggles people like him had to go through so that your noble arse would be safely protected. Yet you have the utter trust of Queen Historia which leaves him with little to no choice but to tolerate your presence. Nevertheless, he throws a lot of shade your way only for you to reply with an equal amount of sass back which does surprise him a lot. He expected you to be offended or not know how to reply but you are very much capable of standing up for yourself which is something he begrudgingly accepts and maybe even admires. Still, he avoids you a lot due to his dislike. That is until he starts seeing and realising what you are capable of. You're smart, skilled and even know how to properly use an ODM gear despite having never been part of the Military. How do you know how to use one of those? That is when he finds out that you have always been allowed to train in a lot of different areas and that you are not just a weak and spoiled noble but a courageous and talented lady whose assistance is desperately needed for the future of Paradise Island.
🟫​That is when he starts to get jealous. In a way Floch feels undermined, something he absolutely despises. You're probably underestimating him, especially if you were to find out just how much of a coward he used to be back in the days. None of that is true but it is in his head. He doesn't avoid you anymore but instead starts actively seeking you out. He needs to have you stop underestimating him, needs you to acknowledge him or needs to simply find one single flaw that he can target to elevate his own ego. Yet even the flaws he discovers and targets you carry with dignity he could only dream of possessing and all of it slowly drives him mad. He's obsessed already with you, constantly bothers you and follows you around like a creep yet no one can tell him to stop. Perfect. You are far too perfect. How can one single woman be so utterly perfect? You are everything he should aspire to be, everything anyone should hope to be and it is this gradual realisation that is the last push he needs to spiral down the rabbit hole of obsession. Now more than ever he is desperate for approval and acknowledgement yet internalised self-doubt of his own still lets him believe that you secretly hate him.
🟫​As someone who is essentially the leader of the Yeagerists Floch uses the brooding mood that arises within the population of Paradise Island as the conflict unfolds to capture you. After all you are on your own as most nobles who were in power during the reign of the fake king are imprisoned and despised by the overall public. Now he finally has a chance to talk to you, to get you to see him as more than a loser. You should side with him. He can protect you, he knows how the mind of the larger crowd works. In his mind he has prepared a speech already yet you just have to shatter his plans when you nonchalantly admit that not only you knew of his plans but that you also love him even if he is quite a nasty person and that you never got a chance to tell him since he never listened to you properly. Floch is dumbfounded to the point where he stays silent for a solid minute before he starts laughing. He refuses to believe that what you just said is the truth. Because if it would be he would only cement himself further as a fool in his own eyes and would only feel secretly more insecure when in your presence. God, sometimes he despises just how smart and perfect you are.
Sakamaki Shu
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🎵Illegitimate or not, your family is one of immense power and influence which gains the attention of his cursed father. Karlheinz shows an interest in your family and especially in you even though you are an illegitimate child. From a very young age on he suggests that perhaps one of his sons should be your husband in later years and Beatrix instantly grabs the chance as soon as she perceives it. Whenever your family is visiting she forces Shu to tag along with her and introduces him to your parents and to you as well. The boy is meticulously tidied up on such occasions as his mother has cleaned him and dressed him up properly, constantly reminding him to be on his best behavior in front of your family. For Shu none of it has ever been fun as he had never interest in being engaged forcefully even though he didn't hate you per se. It is after the death of his dear friend that he completely retreats within himself, his heart growing colder. The words and pleads of his mother to charm you and to prove himself as a good choice of a future husband fall on deaf ears as he doesn't care anymore. He just wants to be left alone. He doesn't care about an arranged marriage or about you.
🎵As if sensing that something is wrong with him, you suddenly start seeking him out a tad bit more without overwhelming him. Shu ususally either ignores you or tells you bluntly that he doesn't want any company and even though you feel like leaving him alone with his sorrow is wrong, initially you respect his wishes. After all you yourself don't know what the proper way to consult him is and until you have figured that out you decide to give him some time. She just appreciates that you left him alone at all. Until one day you suddenly appear again, this time though you carry a violin with you. It does gain you a lazy look from him before he closes his eyes again but he has given you a moment of attention and hasn't told you off either so you see this as a sign to continue. You're still new to playing violin as it is something that you have only recently picked up so you mess up a few tunes yet you still sense somehow that Shu is listening in. He doesn't say anything the first few times when you repeat this process but one day eventually he actually stands up when you are done with your play and asks if he can borrow your violin. You've gotten a few notes wrong. Listen to him playing so you don't get it wrong again.
🎵You know in that moment that you have won him over and from that day on those sessions continue. Initially it always involves a violin or sometimes also a piano as the two of you start playing together. With passing time sometimes he just listens to music together with you whilst sharing an earphone with you or he just simply listens to you as you tell him what is going on with your life. This has been going on for decades, decades in which he started thinking about being your husband in a less negative light, especially whenever his other brothers try to get under his skin and mock him that they might try to become your husband in the future. He sees a future with you, only with you and away from the chaos of the mansion he is living in. That's why he lures you away to the countryside into a cottage, hoping for peace with you in this small house. Much to his relief you have a very calm reaction to it all and he can only give you an amused huff when you inform him that you expected him to try something like this for a while now. You know-it-all. You could have saved him all the effort if you would have just taken the lead sooner and confessed your feelings to him.
Sakamaki Subaru
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⬜Subaru has spent more time watching you from a window than actually being right next to you. Whilst all of his other half-brothers were allowed to play with you and get to know you he was kept away from you as if he were a dangerous dog that might bite you. As a young child this mainly just saddened him as he had secretly hoped to be your friend. After all you always looked so happy and pretty whilst playing with the triplets or listening to Reiji when he told you something interesting. As the years passed that sadness grew into bitterness though. You probably wouldn't even want to meet him even if you had the chance. Who would want to be friends with a monster after all? At one point he stops looking through the window, stops admiring you from a distance to not torment himself anymore. As if sensing his growing anguish though that is when you one day appear right in front of him whilst he is sitting alone in the garden of the mansion. He's far too surprised to say anything as he just stares at you but it is the careful question of yours if he's alright or not that frees him from his trance. He stands up and abruptly leaves, tells you harshly that he doesn't want you to follow him.
⬜​He regrets it later that night that he spoke to you so rudely. Subaru just didn't know what else he should have said in that moment. Maybe it's better that way though. Now you at least have seen the real him and will probably ignore him from now on. Only that it never happens. Instead you start to search for him and his dead heart always leaps in his chest when he sees you waving to him whilst he's staring at you through the windows. Loneliness eventually gets the better of him and when all his other brothers are gone he seeks you out. He's awkward, doesn't know how to act around you and at times that leads to him saying something rude yet you are never scared or angry around him. You understand that he has probably had his fair share of terrible experiences in this family and always keep that in mind when he lashes out. You're the first friend Subaru has ever had and he quickly grows attached and protective. He's terrified that one day you might change your opinion and see him as nothing more as a brute, fears that you may prefer one of his other brothers over him and abandon him for them. It should be no surprise that those feelings bloom into a romantic obsession.
⬜​It is when he is informed from Reji that your family considers choosing one of them as your husband that Subaru ultimately falls victim to his paranoia though. After all why would your parents choose him? They will probably choose someone like Reiji who is educated and sophisticated. He's going to lose you after all those years now, isn't he? There is barely a grand plan that Subaru forms. He just one day drags you away with him, as far away from the Sakamaki mansion as he can whilst keeping a tight grip on you. Both of you eventually stop in the middle of nowhere and that is when you finally decide to talk to him. You already have a very good idea what his motives are and your suspicions are confirmed when he lashes out with his overwhelmed emotions. He doesn't want to lose you, especially not to one of his brothers. You're all he ever had. He would have never expected you to confess that you have feelings for him as well, after all he was always told that he was nothing more than a monster. He doesn't believe you either when you tell him that you have feelings for him, thinking that you're just trying to calm him down. If you're not lying though, he'll try. He'll try for you.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
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⬛️It is quite risky to work as closely with Akutagawa as you do. He has a reputation for being aggressive, easily angered and prone to using violence to the point where not even the current leader of the Port Mafia has full control over him. You are very focused on doing what you are supposed to do though and it isn't like you don't know who he is when you specifically ask for Akutagawa's help. Your family has some good ties with the Port Mafia after all which is why Mori isn't opposed to offering you some help when you inform him that you need one of his men to take care of a problem or two. Akutagawa just seems like the right guy to you when you are offered different options and Mori doesn't question your decision too much as he knows that you are pretty good in assessing a situation and making the decision needed. Other people are quite cautious around Akutagawa and you can't blame them. He isn't exactly the most friendly person there is but he's here to get a job done and you acknowledge that. It takes you a little bit before you have figured out what the best way to handle him is but after that luckily you are able to communicate well enough with him.
⬛️The two of you spend a lot of time together and more than just once you have to stop him from acting on impulse. He can't just storm in after all, a little bit of planning is always needed. Despite your position Akutagawa treats you quite rudely when he is mad and somehow you find that quite amusing. It's not everyday that someone gives you such an attitude after all. The relationship between the two of you is somewhat strained but it still works. Until one day you happen to get into a tricky situation and whilst Akutagawa would have saved you, you decide to take care of the situation yourself and that is when he feels for the first time something akin to respect for you. After all not only are you calculated and smart but are also very capable of fighting for yourself. You're strong... Why does this bother him so much though? Unbeknownst to him his feelings have already started shifting and with this arises a fear that you might never fully acknowledge him if he isn't strong enough. It is a fear he last experienced with Dazai only that this time it escalates even further as his obsession grows and festers within his soul.
⬛️Akutagawa is just itching to prove himself which ultimately leads him to abandon the plan you made as he just slaughters everyone he is supposed to target brutally and by the time you arrive the bloodbath is already over. Your mild disappointment almost makes him nauseous when you see the scene in front of you. It is when you decide that he has done his job and that he should return to the Port Mafia that Akutagawa snaps. You're just sending him away as if he's worth nothing to you. He won't allow you to deprive him of acknowledgement and respect like this. Everyone else would be terrified when faced with the sight of him enraged, Rashomon activated and towering over them yet you remain quite calm. Somehow this adds only salt to the wound as it feels like you aren't even acknowledging just how terrifying his ability is. He doesn't want to admit that he has feelings for you even when you point it out to him but he does react when you admit that you have feelings for him, a look of disbelief crossing his face as he analyses you closely to figure out if you're lying to him or not. He loathes this situation as it is as he hates that you are the one with control in this situation.
Nakahara Chuuya
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🟠​Chuuya and you meet whilst your family discusses a possible partnership with the Port Mafia. You have quite the target on your back, not only as the heir of the family but also because not everyone is too fond of you as you are an illegitimate child so Chuuya is actually there for additional protection. You don't mind too much since he is charming and sweet. It does annoy you a bit though that he follows you wherever you go though you know that he has his orders and that an important partnership is on the line here, meaning that consequences would be grave if he were to let something happen to you. Whilst it isn't pleasant it isn't something you aren't used to either as you have grown up with bodyguards surrounding you. You're just hoping that Chuuya won't be as strict as some of your bodyguards and you seem to have struck gold with him when you discover that a bit of begging and pretty eyes seem to do it for him. If the pretty lady wants to enjoy her time in Yokohama he'll see it through that he fulfills you your wish though you still have to promise him to stay close to him. Other than that Chuuya just allows you to have a great time in the city.
🟠​You visit the Port Mafia a lot even after the partnership has been formed simply to get out of your home for a bit and every time Chuuya is assigned to keep an eye on you. At this point the both of you know each other quite well and Chuuya sometimes even jokes that at this point you're just hanging out with him for fun and not because you actually require his protection. He's seen you in action before and he won't lie, his ego was slightly let down when he figured out that he couldn't play hero for you but he's just made sure to turn his flattery up a few notches since then. He loves buying you something as soon as it catches your eye even though you could easily effort it by yourself, insisting that he would like to do at least something for you and he always invites you to dinner with him in expensive restaurants. He's not one to deny what is obvious. Chuuya knows that he has fallen in love with you more than he should have but he can't blame himself for it whenever he looks at you. He just wishes that he could do more and provide for you than he can do now. After all you have already everything many people could only dream of, meaning that he has to impress you all the more.
🟠​It's quite likely that the abduction has a more dire background considering the position and the importance that you have. Chuuya can't just simply abduct you after all, not when you are part of the family that his boss works with. Maybe someone did manage to almost get to you and actually injured you, something that would cause Chuuya to act for a short amount of time on his paranoia more than his logic. After all he is a highly protective man. That's probably how you wind up in his house all whilst he is fussing over your wounds before you manage to calm him down enough for him to sit down and listen. It's after he has slightly calmed down that he winds up confessing to you that he can't bear the thought of something happening to you because he loves you and that all he wants is to protect you. This isn't how he had planned things to go, he wanted to properly court you and win your heart over instead of sloppily blurting his feelings out whilst sitting on a couch. He's frustrated and angry with the situation as well as himself until you decide to follow his example and confess to him as well, promising to inform your family that you'll be gone for a while until he's calmed down.
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👑​The Kouka Kingdom welcomes the arrival of your family with high hopes and expectations as you are ambassadors of a neighbouring kingdom with which the current king hopes to form an alliance as the other option would be one of conflict and maybe even war. You are also allowed to travel along as your father feels like it is important for you to get a real taste of what diplomacy is after he has taught you years about strategies, tactics and everything you need to know when you eventually take over his role. Soo-Won and you both share the same thought when spotting each other for the first time when your family is greeted into his palace. Both of you think that the other one doesn't look like too much of a threat but at the same time both of you can't help but feel that there is much more than either of you can see on the surface. You can't help but think that there is a dark determination hidden beneath that soft and fragile appearance and Soo-Won can't help but feel like you could be much more dangerous than you look. It is a keen intuition about each other that both of you share and during the banquet held in the evening both of you keep on glancing at each other.
👑​What follows is a carefully concealed game of cat and mouse only that is remains unclear who is the cat and who is the mouse. Soo-Won seeks you out and converses with you, questions you how you like it in Kouka and that if you experience any discomfort you can tell him. He uses his carefree and somewhat oblivious personality in an attempt for you to let your guard down yet you remain cautious with the information you reveal. Slightly frustrating but also much more exhilarating in return. In some aspects you remind him of himself as you are very reserved when it comes to revealing too much about yourself. As underhanded of a strategy as it might be, at one point he attempts to crack your facade by subtly bringing up the topic of you being an illegitimate child only to be left even more impressed by you when you hold your head high and masterfully answer the question only for you to return the blow as you question him about his own father, especially the crimes he committed. You are a dangerous player on this field, Soo-Won realises that much yet at the same time he can't help but be drawn to you for some reason. It is almost ironic that despite his intelligence he knows so little about love.
👑​When Soo-Won finally realises that he has fallen in love with you, because someone pointed it out to him, he isn't as surprised as he thought he would be. After all it is hard not to fall for a sharp-minded and talented beauty like you. His mind is quickly made up to claim you as his. He could attempt to write your father and ask for your hand in marriage yet he wonders if you have noticed his feelings for you, is curious how you would react if he were to expose his darker side to you. It is this eerie curiosity that leads him to lure you to his bedchambers before locking the door and ordering the guards to not let you out. Any kindness vanishes from his face as he observes you like a hawk, trying to detect any sign of fear on your face or in your body language only to be met with composure and confidence. He can't say that he hates it though, especially once you confirm his suspicion and admit that you knew about his feelings before even he himself was aware of it. You appeal to him though that there is no need for any casualties for he can have an alliance with your kingdom as well as you for you also love him. Looking at you he knows you're going to be his greatest enemy as well as the best Queen.
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overload-explode · 1 year
Naruto Founder's s/o who Attempted S*icide
T/W: Hinted non-explicit suicide attempt, references to depression
A/N: I'm not in a good space so here is some angst to vent! These men were born and raised during war and political instability, so their understanding of mental health is terrible. GN! reader
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You were the light of his life always laughing and smiling
Whenever he was stressed with Hokage duties he took refuge in you
He never sensed anything was wrong until you tried to kill yourself
He's the one that found you and healed you
The village was supposed to be a safe place for his loved ones yet you were not safe in the village he built
He blames himself. He feels like your happiness, and everyone in his village is his responsibility. He's your partner and your Hokage
Away from you, he starts drinking and gambling a lot to forget what happened and distract himself
Tobirama has to eventually find him and sober him up
His brother informs him that he needs to stop being self-destructive and blaming himself for what happened
Bags are now permanently under his eyes. He clings to you in sleep now, not out of love, but because he's terrified of losing you like he has lost so many
He's lost brothers, family and friends to war. To protect his loved ones was one of the reasons for creating the village But he can't protect you from yourself
He is an amazing healer so there are no physical scars on you. However, every time he sees you, he sees those injuries on you- he is forever scared mentally
He loves you and he drains himself trying to keep you happy
He doesn't show you he is struggling at all, he is scared his depression will cause you to spiral downward and attempt to take your life again
So he puts on a happy, joyous and carefree mask. Now he is performing at home as well as performing as Hokage and clan head
He secretly asks Tobirama to watch you when he is unable to. Tobirama starts to dislike you. You burden his brother, himself and the village. To him you are a liability, a weakness of his brother and a danger to the village. He would never hurt anyone his brother loves but he advises Hashirama to break up with you and tries to convince you to leave Hashirama, and preferably the village
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He's angry and he's disappointed but mostly at himself because he feels so powerless
Despite being an amazing tactician, he didn't predict and prevent this. He feels so inadequate and starts doubting himself
Ever the logical man, he sees there's a problem and he wants to fix it. And nothing will get in the way, not even you
However, emotions do not follow logical thought, and you cannot apply cold logic to something as complicated as mental health
To you, he visibly becomes colder and more distant however he is trying to do the opposite. He expresses his love through acts of service but he is so emotionally incompetent it comes off as him being controlling, which he is but he wants to help you. He just has no idea how
He never opens up about his mental health. The trauma of being a child soldier, having an abusive father, trying to protect his brothers from abuse, losing his brothers, his alienation from being albino and autistic (my headcanon), PTSD, his strained relationship with his brother…
In his mind, as long as you can do your job as a shinobi, housewife, or merchant… and contribute to your village and/or clan, you are fine. Happiness and personal fulfilment come from knowing your place and fulfilling you are not contributing then that is a problem. If you're not doing your duty then that is a problem that needs to be fixed
He views people like cogs in a machine, if you are not doing your job then that is a problem. If you are doing your job, then there is no problem
He'll make sure you are physically well and then try to get you back to work because then that means everything is fixed
He will never talk about it, he wants to forget it, ignore it suppress it- like all his other emotions
But secretly, when he can, he'll create a shadow clone to follow you around to make sure you're safe
He will also put a seal on you that allows him to teleport to you if he senses that you're in danger. If you refuse he'll do it anyway without your permission because it's the smart thing to do and he cares about you. Your safety is more important to him than you liking him
At night when he comes back late and you are fast asleep, he'll hold you and silently cry a bit because he doesn't want to lose you.
You will never find out, he wants to be strong for both of you. In his mind no emotions = strong
In his mind, you have too many emotions, so he needs to show even fewer emotions to avoid triggering you. This is very unhealthy for everyone
After his brother advises him, he tries to be more outwardly affectionate. Even though he doesn't understand the need of pointing out the obvious, he compliments you more and kisses you on the forehead before going to work every day. Just know that he loves you
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Hashirama is the one to tell Madara about your attempt. He was the medic-nin that saved you and, mainly, because everyone else is too scared of Madara to tell him
Madara is angry and scared. He is one of the most powerful shinobi to have ever existed. He has one of the most powerful Kekkei Genkai, yet he couldn't protect you. He can't protect you from yourself
The way he deals with his feelings of powerlessness is to label you unworthy
If you let your thoughts almost kill you- then you are truly weak. He grew up in a war zone where everyone was trying to kill him and he's perfectly fine! (He's not)
While you recover, he'll check up on you and make sure you're healing but he won't talk about what happened at all. Once you physically recover from your attempt, he'll break up with you
He's the clan head and his future spouse would become the clan matriarch (or the gender-neutral equivalent), taking on a lot of roles and responsibilities. Madara can't have someone he views as weak representing the Uchiha, it would make the Uchiha seem vulnerable and his job is ultimately to protect the clan. Madara also worries that the stress from the job will worsen you're mental health
After the break up he'll disappear for your life completely. If you try to visit him he will never be in. He won't be in his office if you're there- you won't even see him out in the street. It will be like you were never together
Secretly, he will start stalking you because he's worried but has no idea how to help you
He stops eating or sleeping regularly because he's too worried. Also, you were the one to remind him to eat and drink. His own physical and mental health declines
Hashirama becomes increasingly worried about his friend and tries to convince Madara to talk to you
Madara has already lost Izuna and the rest of his family, he can't lose you too. He knocks on your door with some food hoping you'll start the conversation
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