#four kinsona
Happy womb day!!!
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p4rty4nim4l · 16 days
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Math doodles
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winger · 2 months
art i forgot to post
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wowwzaaxei · 11 months
X meets my Xsona
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Hwyyyeyyyeye meet Xenyeon
oodles and doodles
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kirbycabbit · 2 years
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I'm a Kirby IRL if it wasn't already obvious, I finally felt motivated to make a ref of how I see myself as Kirby. And I'm getting into Object Shows again, (mainly BFB) and decided to revive my Four kinsona. So here they are!
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imaplatypus-art · 6 months
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This is Lit Party 🔥🎈🫧.
I started trying to make kinsona but I couldn't figure out my fave mlp character lol. So I took my fave parts or Pinkie and Spike to make a fusion oc(no more "sona" stuff cause there's no me in it lol).
He walks on all fours and flies upright. Breathes bubbles instead of fire. They are great at DJing, lighting effect, and most decorating for parties. Horrible at food. They love sweets but can not tell what's actually good and eats everything. Sleeps a solid 12 hours. Party ends at 4am? He will sleep till 4pm. Always happy and positive unless they don't get the 12h of sleep ☠️.
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shimmering-dragon · 10 months
I'm Fictionkin-ish? Coining: Imagithrope.
@who-is-page and @frameacloud's panel at Othercon has gotten me thinking about writing essays about my own alterhuman experience... I was thinking maybe I should write something about why I write fiction, and how that relates to my own identity. But thinking about that made me realize that one of the reasons I write is because I identify as a fictional self-insert character that I created when I was a hatchling in make-believe games. Like, that's the way I view myself - not as a generic blue dragon, but as that specific character. Additionally, given that many of those games were based loosely in books I've read, it means that my identity is based in fiction as well. Though I don't identify as him, my name is even based on a fictional character's!
I've never really thought about calling myself fictionkin before now. When I joined the otherkin community initially, I had some bad reactions to talking about my identity in that way. And then some more bad reactions. My identity as a dragon is involuntary; I couldn't change it if I tried (and I have), and it isn't something I intentionally made into an identity. It's a bit of why I never really got why everyone insisted strongly on the distinction between otherkin and otherlinkers. Though I'm not opposed to the idea, I don't feel like my fictional identity was made by me channeling a past life either, which felt like it was the acceptable explanation for this back in 2016. Otherwise, creating a kintype wasn't "allowed."
For a while, I felt like I separated my identity into a dragon otherkin aspect, where I was just "a dragon", and had character me on the side as a fun thing - what I considered my "kinsona". But I think this is a false dichotomy. The two aren't really separable; who I am as a dragon was created through books and play. It wasn't really until @aestherians's posts in early 2021 - five years after I found the otherkin community - that I felt that the community had finally decided that the definitional line between kintype and linktype, voluntary and involuntary, didn't have to be such a strict line after all. (I'd been arguing that "involuntary identity" shouldn't be a part of the definition of otherkin for four years by that point, so yes, I'm still both smug and salty.)
So, though I didn't expect this to lead to me coining a new term when I started out writing out this post, I've decided to do it. I'm not sure if anyone except me is going to use it, but I think creating it as a concept gives it both a bit of legitimacy and permanence. I hope it will be of use to someone else, and if anyone else shares a similar experience, I welcome them to talk about it in more detail - at some point now, I think I definitely should describe mine.
Imagithrope - An alterhuman whose identity was created and/or formed, wholly or partially, through some form of imaginative play. This can include fantasy play, roleplay (tabletop, text, live action, etc), fanfiction, writing, art, and more.
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kablammo · 1 month
My Intro!
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Hey yah! I'm Pico/Evan[he/it/they] and this is my kin help blog!!
Here's my stuff I can and can't do! [+ whitelist/int , blacklist/dni , and some other stuff] below!!
anon list ,
my main: @minus-four
can: icons/pride icons [nothin fancy], kinfessions/kincalls/kin help , pokemon teams [of fandoms ik is easiest] , sprite edits , doodles/drawings , moodboards/stimboards , pronouns/xenogender help[i can look for some posts n' stuff for yah], talking to y'all , coin flipping , kin flags/xenogender flags , mini kinsona designs/concepts , emojis [?] , shipboards (stimboard or moodboard)
can't: rentry posts/icons/stuff [idk how to do it], gifsets/gif icons
Whitelist/INT: otherkin , therian , fictionkin , fictives / systems , songkin ,fnf/fnf mods [ask for some most im fine with] , madness combat , tankmen , pico's school , spooky month , slenderverse [ones ik most: everymanhybrid, marble hornets, tribetwelve ] , horror fandoms , mlp , fnaf[+fangames] , ppt , gobb , scp , backrooms , object shows [ bfdi , ii , hfjone , n’ others] , baldi's basics [+ mods], incredibox mods , roblox [regretevator , guests/noobs, other games], kindergarten , slay the princess , creepypasta/exes , homestuck , hlvrai , 'n more just ask!
Blacklist/DNI: factkin , proships/proshippers/comshippers , 18+/nsfw fandoms , anti-kin/anti-irl/anti-system , endo-systems , racists , homophobes/transphobes , anti-xenogender , anti-neopronoun , n4z1s , heavy vivziepop fans/stans , MAPs/ZOOs , dsmp , alfred's playhouse , pico x cassandra ship stuff , cyril/cyclops [from pico's school] , ppl who support Adam Rosner.
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tacomanarrows · 9 months
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It's been about 9 and a half months since I had Let's Get Back! put out a new compilation cover album, so for their grand return, they present Class of the 2000s! A love letter to some of my favorite cartoon theme songs from the past decade or so!
For anyone who doesn't know, cartoons and animation is one of my special interests, and I have a playlist that's just some of my all time favorite cartoon theme songs, and this is a selection of a few of those! Also, I think I've mentioned this here before, but Let's Get Back! is my OC cover band! You can read more about them here if you'd like, but in short, they just play covers of whichever songs I want them to lol. It's all just in spirit tho, I can't actually play music to save my life lmao.
More specific info abt the band/piece below if you wanna see it! :D
In this, Shep, PB, Rye and Pumpernickel (Let's Get Back!'s four main members) are joined by Starburst for the vocals on tracks 1, 8 and 10! I wanted to include Starburst because she's basically made for something like this. She's basically a kinsona of Jenny from Wayside hehe. For this, I also gave each of my characters outfits to match some of the characters from the shows showcased!
From left to right they're: Pumpernickel as Jimmy from Jimmy Two-Shoes PBnJ as Tamama from Sgt. Frog Starburst as Jenny from Wayside [which is just her default design lol] Shep as Abe from Clone High Rye as Jimmy from Jimmy Neutron
But this, like I said, is a showcase of some of my all time favorite theme songs! Two of them in fact (Master and Hey 2 Look 2), introduced me to what would become two of my all time favorite bands in Abandoned Pools and Beat Crusaders respectively hehe. If you want to hear any of these theme songs for yourself, here they are! (With links to both the broadcast versions and the full songs if applicable):
01. Fly By The Wayside 02. Master [Show Vers. | Full Song] 03. Hey 2 Look 2 [Show Vers. | Full Song] 04. Era of Nationwide Irresponsibility [Show Vers. | Full Song] 05. Aqua Teen Rap [Show Vers. | Full Song] 06. Jimmy Gets Around 07. The Chosen One 08. Welcome to Generation O! 09. Jimmy Neutron Theme 10. Welcome To My Life
I hope u guys like this as much as I do!! It was super fun to make! Also let me know some of ur favorite cartoon theme songs, I'd love to know :]
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novaazurite · 4 months
me four kinsona but as an actual algebralien :]
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Silly silly :D
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justanapplenothinghere · 11 months
Drawing my mutals kinsonas randomly
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p4rty4nim4l · 10 days
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shit dump
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superstarwolff · 7 months
Meet Carma
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(Base by zeik-treats) This is Carmarosa. She is my strawberry sun kinsona. Her backstory is, the plex wanted to add new seasonal animatronics to the plex. Wolff, my sona, tossed in the idea of a strawberry puppy for the spring season. They liked her idea so they had Wolff come up with everything. From costume design to personality. They used a modified sun model for Carma but some parts had to be specially ordered. So for the time being, she looked like a recolored sun. Carma has her line of limited time pins, keychains and lanyards only sold from April to August. The rest of the year, she stays hidden from the public but sometimes she can be seen for short periods of time. She hangs out with the glam four backstage, DJs music lounge and sometimes helps with naptime. Most of the time, she’s in her room waiting for her favorite puppy to start work. She doesn’t have a tail yet because Wolff wants carma to design one herself
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icanseeyou2007 · 3 months
FOUR new(ish) ocs i MUST ramble about or i WILL explode into a pile of confetti and guts
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-kind of a kinsona for like, the barrooms as whole, idk, it’s just so me. it is me. it uses it/it’s, smells like damp dirty carpet, and doesn’t eat. it’s immortal and just an overall goober that likes to rip anyone/anything it doesn’t like to shreds!^^
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-an alien dog, obviously:3 they/xem, eats those little cosmic brownie things for each meal RELIGIOUSLY. was based off of Kittydog and her style and such!:>
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-another kinsona??? yes and no. sort of a mascot but also me- it’s complicated:,) he/it/that, no name, but it’s one of those theatre masks^^ more of a persona thing i suppose. love him to death already:3
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-ANGSTY LOREEE!!!! divorced father of one. he’s been divorced for four years from his cheating wife. just a grieving father trying his best. love him. he’s 34-40 years old, he/him, straight (but twenty dollars is twenty dollars). very chill and charismatic, but gets flustered super easily<3 has a super sweet daughter named Shelly, she’s 6 and she really loves horses and playing pretend, usually gets Ben to play house or store with her. (most normal oc backstory i have btw)
anyways that’s all (for now) thank you for reading my rambling!
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solarpawbs · 3 months
give me the entire paragraph about all of your ocs now.
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BWUH. UMM TYSM OK I will rant only about my sonas for now!! (rambles under the cut!)
Biscuit (middle) is my main sona, so they basically represent me! However, they're also a kinsona of Parappa the rapper and a comfort oc, so a lot of how I draw them + what I draw them doing are things that either comfort me to look at or I like/would like to do irl :33! Their design takes a lot of inspo from Parappa for the formerly-mentioned kin reasoning. I also almost always draw it sleepy since that's just the sorta thing I like in character design! This is honestly part of why Gamzee from homestuck and Wally from welcome home are some of my fav characters lol! I'm a sucker for a sleepy little guy :]] Little fun-facts abt Biscuit is that he loves muffins, rlly likes raking + crunching fall leaves, and is often found chasing their tail before getting dizzy and taking a nap!
Zee (far right) is my secondary sona (and also the oldest one I still use!) They are a mischevious little punk, always playing pranks and just being an all-around stinker. I sorta use Zee to represent my more loud and childish aspects, especially related to my autism! So Zee only talks in all-caps (not quite yelling but just kinda loud all the time), always moving, likes super """cringe""" media like Minecraft and FNAF and Bluey! Unlike Biscuit who lives in a funny little cottage, Zee is a vagabond and never likes to live in one place for too long! Too many good foods to try and people to prank!!
Beet (flying above Zee) is a minor sona! It represents me, but doesn't have nearly as much thought behind it as Biscuit and Zee admittedly :'] It is a fluffy Japanese rhino beetle, so basically just if that type of beetle had fur like a cat! It also behaves like a cat as well, being much more animal(??) than my other guys! Beet loves fruit and crafting more than anything else! It is also mute, talking with all my other guys through ASL :]]! It is just a silly little guy who likes having fun!!
Last is Chef (bottom left), my pokesona! Chef is by far the newest guy out of the bunch, thus doesnt have as much thought behind them either sadly :'''] But!! What I can say about them is that they love stealing pokeballs from trainers for their collection! Their goal is to eventually get one of each kind so they can make a rainbow out of them all. Contrary to the name, Chef has no idea how to make a good meal and will usually just munch on malasadas and berries :]] They're just a funny guy with big silly ears yippee wahoo!!
That's everyone I still use as a sona!! Longtime followers might remember Metro, though as of rn, he is retired in favour of these four and I am currently looking to rehome him :]] Tysm for the question anon, this was rlly fun!!
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fabledgalaxies · 1 year
Counting my version of Reaver, I have four different kinsonas based off Reaver. One of which hasn’t been drawn at all. His name is Jupiter though and uh. Fursona. That’s all I’m saying.
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