#🍏| accepted
kablammo · 1 month
Jay Merrick Stimboard
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for multi- marble hornets kin anon's partner/Multi-Marble Hornet Kin anon :D
x x x | x - x | x x x
i hope you guys are enjoying the stimboards1!/gen
lemme know if you want me to remove n' add anything!!
3 of 4
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whirlwiinded · 2 years
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Hunger games?
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cyberstrangerballoon · 3 months
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I am not a professional astrologer, just based on my personal experience.
🍏 TAURUS MOONS have difficulty accepting changes, they can become defensive and even criticize before changing.
🍏 SCORPIO MARS natives, when they are angry, they do not explode at the moment, they manage to keep their anger and it accumulates like a snowball.
🍏 THE 11TH HOUSE is what I like to call the house of ego. Your favorite artists and songs live in this house.
If you have LEO in this house, you probably enjoy expressive and extravagant artists. Beyoncé, Kylie Minogue, Gwen Stefani, Grace Jones and Lady Gaga.
This is also the house of social media, you most likely to follow influencers, models, musicians and makeup artists.
You also love to post mirror selfies 🪞
🍏 MARS IN THE 2ND HOUSE tends not to share their things. If they are eating and someone asks for a piece, they will probably say no, or maybe yes, depending on what sign they are in. But deep down they didn't want to share.
(It's not only strictly to food though, it could be clothes, money or objects. This does not mean that they are selfish, they are just more attached and careful with their things.)
🍏 3RD HOUSE VENUS natives loves writing, their minds can go to imaginable places. Words and inspirations sometimes arrive at less unexpected moments, they love to be inspired by relationships and personal traumas. I'm not surprised that Taylor Swift and Stevie Nicks have this position.
that's all for today.
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it-is-only-a-novel · 1 year
Aspec symbols
So I've been trying to gather a list of aspec symbols! Old and new, widely accepted, but also more obscure. Here's my list so far, including links and explanations (in italics) where possible. I've tried also to add in the specific labels that the symbols "belong to" where relevant/possible.
the color green (and anything green)
white aro ring which is worn on the middle finger of the left hand link
aro flag
archery (bow & arrow)
arrows of any type
frogs they are green (this is a more general queer symbol as well) link & link
yellow roses (& yellow flowers in general, seems to be more for alloplatonic aros, since yellow represents platonic love) link
sunflowers (aroallos) aroallo flag colors link
aardvarks link
anglerfish link
manticores link
rats link
nandays and caiques link
griffins link
phoenixs link
anatomical hearts distancing ourselves from the regular outlook on love, and/or love in general may be more for loveless and/or heartless aros
<2 link
succulents green
cacti green & many do not want romantic partners and can be seen as prickly, or want to be prickly
plants in general green!!
"no romo"
hummingbirds (aroallos) link
pineapples (aroallos) link
pizza & ice cream link
kiwis link
the emojis:🫀, 🏹, ↖️, ↗️, 🌻, 💚,🍍, 🍏, 💘 explanations: link
paper crowns references jughead jones from the archie comics link
dragons link
cake cake is better than sex link
garlic bread
the color purple
black ace ring which is worn on the middle finger of the right hand link
ace flag
pirates "Ace pirates aren’t interested in your booty" link
ghosts (demisexuals) link
denim vests
AVEN triangle
ace cards suits: spades-aroaces, Hearts-Alloromantics, Diamonds-deamisexuals, Clubs-grey-asexuls link
the emojis: 💜, ♠️
some of these are based off this post, and this master post
the colors blue & yellow in the apl flag
apples (green apples can be geared toward apls that are also aros)
blue heart 💙
apl flag
blue roses link
Blue apl ring on the thumb link
based off of this post, explanations are there.
aliens & robots reclaiming stereotypes about dehumanization link
Artemis goddess in Greek mythology focused on her passion for hunting. Represents finding fulfilment in other aspects of life not only sex, romance, friendship, love, and so on. Also used a bow & arrow link and also my own interpretation from reading about her
Many thanks to @merely-a-caricature, @the-big-gayheart, @heartless-aro, @arosunflower, @saffigon, @crab-in-progress, @aroace-thoughts, @apl-aro-narc, @entropy-sea-system, @dateademisexualpersonwho, @legally-x, @askanaroace, @aroace-people-are-lgtbq, @the-amber-droid-dreams, @foolishfynnesse and @itsnotasecret20 I used their posts/reblogs/comments to compile many of these symbols (and I've linked the posts). If I've missed someone, I apologize, it isn't intentional!
Last edit: 23/2/2024
I also want to add, that this post doesn't include all aspec identities, such as agender, afamilial, asensual, and more. They are important parts of the community, but I'm only informed on some, so couldn't include them.
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Here’s some positivity for systems who struggle with self awareness!
Many systems may find that their members have difficulties recognizing and understanding themselves and who they are. Having issues with self awareness is likely a common system and plural experience - our own system certainly deals with this, and we’re sure many others are the same! This post goes out to all the systems out there who have difficulties with being aware of themselves, whatever that means for their system!
🍓 Shoutout to systems and headmates whose sense of self feels blurry, hazy, or vague!
🍊 Shoutout to systems whose self esteem, self confidence, and self worth is impacted by their lack of self awareness!
🍌 Shoutout to systems whose poor self awareness is mostly due to their neurodiversity!
🍐 Shoutout to headmates who struggle to determine who they are, what they want, and how best to live their lives!
🫐 Shoutout to systems who are trying to work on, build, or improve their self awareness!
🍇 Shoutout to systems whose poor self awareness is worsened by chronic dissociation or depersonalization!
🍒 Shoutout to systems who feel neutral or ambivalent about their lack of self awareness!
🍑 Shoutout to systems who are greatly distressed or impaired by their lack of self awareness, but aren’t sure how to become more self aware!
🍋 Shoutout to headmates who do not have goals, plans, aspirations, or dreams for themselves or the rest of their system due struggling with self awareness!
🍏 Shoutout to systems who have been criticized, berated, ridiculed, or made fun of by others because of their own lack of self awareness!
🥭 Shoutout to systems whose struggles with self awareness make it difficult for them to determine how their words and actions affect themselves and others around them!
Having difficulties with self awareness is much more common that you may think, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of! Whether your system is learning how to improve and build self awareness, or trying to accept your system as you are now, we are hoping that the world is kind to you and you are able to find peace, happiness, and self-acceptance in your lives.
Please do your best to take things slowly, and show yourself and your system some gentleness, kindness, and grace today. Please don’t be too hard on yourself or judge your system harshly for struggling with self awareness! We hope that your system’s self awareness will improve with time and patience… but if it doesn’t know that you are still so loved and you belong in our spaces just the way you are!
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 24 days
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YOOOOOOO come join my divination discord!!! Some of y’all have attempted to join but quickly dip out before you type out your introductions. Just know you won’t have full access to the server until you fill out the intro. Thank y’all for understanding why I take the precautions and can not wait to see ya there. Take what resonates and leave all that doesn't behind. Don’t forget to be open to new experiences and perspectives.
Discord Link
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Crystal Combo: Jasper+Flower Agate
Astrology: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Vibes: 🤎🤍🐻📺🍪⚰️🧺🦅⛸️🪰🥔💀🐌⏳🦗🧸☕️🦘👻🕰️🌰🪜🦫🚪🏈🏹🍺🪵☁️🎻🥥🌪️🧆🥚🧋🥜🕰️
Hey there! Welcome to your reading pile 1. Your soul family will enter your life when you begin to accept yourself as you are. Your true nature is hidden from the world out of a sense of fear of rejection and disappointment in yourself. Your soul family wouldn’t be able to recognise you if they met you right now. Be kind to your true form. Accept them with open arms and love them for who they are. It doesn’t matter if they are weird or abrasive. You need to stop watering yourself down for people who don’t love you for who you are. Why would you water down something so sweet? I understand where you are coming from by treating yourself the way you do and it is absolutely going to take hard work for you to change your mindset about yourself. You are capable. Hard things are worth doing but right now the hard stuff you are attempting is to seek acceptance from people who will never want you to be yourself. Do not let them control you. Do not let them quiet your voice. Talk as loud as you want and talk about the stuff you love! Your voice is fascinating and beautiful. If you don’t embrace yourself your soul family will take it’s sweet time getting to you. Aphrodite wants to practice self-love and is willing to help you figure it out. Good luck on your self acceptance, my friend!
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Crystal Combo: Moss Agate+Yellow Calcite
Astrology: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Vibes: 🩵💛🥶😱🦋🐯❄️💫🌊🌙🫐🍋💦🍯🥏🥞🎭💎🔑💠⚜️✈️🚕🥣🎾🛋️🧽📘📒🖲️💡🪼🐠🐟🐱🐳🐤🌎⛈️
Hi, pile 2! You have your full attention on finding your soul family and it’s really all you think about. I see you frantically searching for love on dating apps and joining clubs for things you don’t really care about just for the sake of making those connections with soul family members that you crave so deeply. I love your ambition and the universe recognises your hard work. Spirit suggests a different approach to your goal. You have so much passion in your heart and spirit asks you to aim it at things that you truly care about. Spend your time getting to know your values and interests! Learn all you can about yourself and maybe pick up reading. If you don’t like to read then maybe try some audiobooks instead. The people you are spending so much energy and time on are not going to be able to spend the same amount of energy on you. I see that if you spend time on activism of any kind that you truly really care about you will find the soul family you desire so fervently. You will meet people who care about the same stuff you care for with just as much as you give. They will be able to match your intensely vibrant energy and they will be able to satisfy your voracious hunger for admiration and love. I believe in you, my friend. Go after what YOU care about. You will find what you want. Hermes will guide you on this journey.
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Crystal Combo: Rose Quartz+Carnelian
Astrology: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Vibes: ❤️‍🔥🧡🍀🚨💚🔥🍏🍊🥢🧃🍓🌵🌶️🌹🐉🐡🐞🎒🥻💋👺🏓🪀⛳️🫕🍣🥗🥒🥑🪴🌿🐸🐍🦊🤬🧑🏼‍🎤🍄
Welcome pile 3! You have a very quick mind and a very energetic spirit, my friend. I see that you have been begging the universe to give you your soul family. I see how much you have cried over this. How much you have felt about this. I am so sorry you feel so lonely, pile 3. I know how lonely it feels to want people to understand you and they just don’t get it. Have no fear your soul family is on their way. However, spirit really asks you to be patient with your soul tribe. You have worked on yourself with such intensity you sped through most of your growth faster than the universe had anticipated. You should really give yourself the credit your deserve about that by the way. You really left your guides speechless with how you learned so quickly. However, you tribe isn’t ready yet. If you met them right now they would not be ready for you. They need time to grow into the person you need them to be. They are still amidst their lessons. Allow the universe to guide them at whatever pace they need. Not everyone is going to learn as quickly as you did. While you are waiting they ask you to spend time in the astral realm or the dream realm. I hear Hecate reaching out to you and wanting to help you in your desires. Put time into your passions and have some good wholesome fun. If you really are lonely just remember your guides are always with you and you can talk with them. I know it isn’t quite the same as human interaction and I really do understand how much it hurts to feel so lonely. Your soul family is coming your way I promise you. I see at least 2 people and at most 5 that will enter your life in the next few years. I see even more down the line. Perhaps you might find a lover in your soul family and have children with them! Allow yourself to dream, my dear. You are not alone.
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Crystal Combo: Rhodonite+Kiwi Jasper
Astrology: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Vibes: 🖤💣🎱🍙🦨🕷️🫖🐚🪽🏁🕸️🐼☠️🕶️♟️🎹🎼🤍✒️🛒🗝️🚽🩹⛸️🍽️🩼💻📞🎥🪮🩺🔭🎵👁️‍🗨️🔳♠️💬♣️🕐🏴‍☠️🩶
Hey there, pile 4. Your soul family is waiting for you. There are things you are learning right now that are very tough. I see you are working on becoming emotionally and financially stable. I see you looking inward to find your inner light. I am so proud of you for working so hard on this. The universe is teaching and guiding you along the way. Your guides are watching over you and taking such good care of you. I see how thankful to them you are but I also see how sad your past has been. You probably grew up in a very intense household. You only recently have left that situation. You could have left it behind physically but I think it’s more accurate to say your mind has been stuck in the past. Look at how far you have come. Look at where you are now! I know it isn’t perfect yet but wow you have done so good. Especially because of where you came from. Honestly, it is absolutely amazing to see someone with such a quality heart remain kind after what you have been through. You could have turned into the people who hurt you and you didn’t. That is worth celebrating. You are worth celebrating. Your soul family is ready to love you when you are ready to love yourself. You must do right by you, my dear friend. Do the right thing for you. So many people have wronged you and for a while, you followed close behind them to do exactly the same to yourself. You. Deserve. Better. And you know it. I am so proud of you for finally seeing that. What everyone in the past said about you and how they treated you was wrong. They are factually incorrect. They just got butt-hurt because you weren’t as easy to control as they thought you would be. You showed strength and they were jealous. Let yourself shine. Stop holding back. Love yourself the way you love others so deeply. The universe loves you. I love you. I wish you all the luck in the world. Remember you are protected. I see Apollo looking after you.
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mirohlayo · 1 month
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welcome to my 1k celebration event, to thanks all of you for this milestone ! ᥫ᭡
first of all, I just wanted to thank you all for your huge support, it means a lot to me and I am infinitely grateful to all of you. I haven't done anything for my 100-900 followers but know that they mean a lot to me when I reach them, and I am sincerely touched by your support, like the only thing that I can say to you guys is just thank you so so so much !!! ᡣ𐭩ᡣ𐭩
it's not every day that I can accomplish a milestone, so as a thank you gift I decided to launch a requests event on different drivers
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╰┈➤ RULES ᯓ
→ I will write only driver x reader, or f1 grid x reader. you can choose oscar piastri, lando norris, charles leclerc, carlos sainz, lewis hamilton, george russel, max verstappen and daniel ricciardo
→ I will write most one shot and imagines stories, but also smau if you want, just let me know what type of story you want me to write
→ event will run from may 8th to may 15th. I didn't choose specific timescales because jet lag is different depending on the country where you live, so I will accept late requests (1 day only)
→ please refer to the request keys (fruits) so as not to create a mess, if this is not the case I will not take your request !!
→ you can request as many as you want, so feel free to ask literally anything, I'll be more than happy to answer any of you
→ I don't always have time to write but I always try to do it as quickly as possible, so please be respectful and patient.
enjoy ᯓᡣ𐭩
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୨🍒ৎ you choose the cherry ! often in pairs of two, this fruit is perhaps the perfect representation of two sidekicks, or simply two people who love interacting together. let's bake a delicious cherry pie while chatting, ask me anything and let's talk about whatever you want ! ⋆.˚
୨🍓ৎ you choose the strawberry ! red and juicy, it is a source of comfort. strawberry is for those who love romance and cute little interactions, who simply want to feel sweetness and love, soft touches and gazes. bake your strawberry pie with those fluff prompts 𐙚
୨🍋ৎ you choose the lemon ! this fruit is not there to satisfy everyone. tangy, it attacks the taste palate of certain people. however, those who love it are not afraid to do themselves a little harm, savoring the delicious bitter and sour taste. maybe a sticky situation is what they're looking for. bake your lemon meringue pie with those angst prompts ⊹ ࣪ ˖
୨🥥ৎ you choose the coconut ! be careful, you risk hurting yourself when cutting this coconut! but it may be worth it, because the sweetness and freshness of this fruit fascinate those who dream of a little love during difficult times. bake your creamy coconut cake with those hurt/comfort prompts ʚ
୨🍉ৎ you choose the watermelon ! watermelon is surely one of the most loved fruits of all. slightly fruity and sweet, it leaves an aftertaste of comfort, that you almost want to ask for more. this fruit is perfect for those who swear by romantic physical touches. bake your watermelon flavored cookies with those acts of love / physical affection prompts ⋆⭒˚。⋆
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and lastly, once again, huge thank you ᥫ᭡ <33
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acourtofimagines · 2 months
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Summary: You and Lucien are close. Romantic even. But then you both feel that snap. But one of you isn't as willing to a accept it as the other is. 
💋 This icon means this story is a little steamy but nothing too detailed or over the top. Mentions of undressing and moans but that’s about it. 
I do take requests just check out the info and requests page.
If you wanna be added to my tag list just let me know. 
You were a worker who lived in the Spring Court Manor. You worked there as a cook in the kitchen. You remembered when Lucien had come to the court. You even remembered when he returned from a confrontation with Amarantha. She was so heartless she ripped out his eye. Over time you two grew close. Romantic even. But then you felt it. The snap that bound you by soul to Lucien. 
You tried to hide it but soon enough Lucien felt it too. But unlike you, he wasn’t willing to accept the bond. It hurt. And ever since then, it was hard to be around the man you loved. The man you were bonded to. You saw how much he seemed to hate it and made you feel so bad you started to avoid the faerie you loved. 
One night you couldn’t sleep so you headed to the manor library to read. The alluring scent of apples and autumn that has been teasing you since the bond hit your nose. You hoped he wasn’t too close by. You entered the library and started to scan the shelves for a good book to read. 
As you were skimming the shelves you heard someone walk in. “oh, hi,” Lucien’s deep but soft voice filled the room. 
“Oh, hi. I thought I was the only one up,” you said as you focused on the bookshelves. You felt him walk up behind you. He gently placed his hands on your hips. 
“What are you planning on reading?” He asked. Resting his head on your shoulder. This intimate action would have been just fine before but it just felt unbearable now.
“Lucien please don’t do this to me,” I thought to myself. “I’m not sure,” I said as I moved away from him keeping my focus on the books. Lucien looked at you for a moment. 
“Why are you avoiding Y/N?” He asked. The hint of sadness in his tone made your heartache. You hated this so much. 
“I’m not,” you said. Trying to sound calm and convincing, “I’m just looking for a book,”. 
He sighed “ You never move away from me,” he pointed out. 
“I just feel like being to myself right now Lucien, I’m sorry,” you said keeping a friendly tone. 
“Sure,” he said and just left. 
“Damn it,” you thought to yourself. You hated pushing him away. But it was for the best. It took a moment but you were able to get comfortable in a chair and read. Escaping into a fantasy world for a while. You got so into the book you chose you didn’t hear the faerie enter the library again. 
“It won’t work you know,” he said walking over to you. You jumped a little being startled. 
“What?” You asked looking over at him. 
“Avoiding me,” he said, “it won’t work. The bond is too strong,”. 
“Yeah well, I don’t have a choice remember?” You asked. Your tone was colder than you meant it to be. 
“You can still stay with me. Love me. There’s no reason to avoid me Y/N,”. He told you as he went to touch your cheek. You moved away. 
“Lucien, we can’t,” you said. 
“Y/N, we’ve never denied each other before. Don’t push me away now,” he said softly. Going to hold you. You felt a surge of anger. 
“YOU REJECTED ME!” You shouted pushing him away “The minute you felt the snap you rejected me!” You just tossed the book at him you were reading and ran to your room. You locked the door and then slid down it hugging your legs to yourself as you cried silently. A few moments later there were a few light taps on your door. 
“Y/N, please let me in,” he requested softly. You didn’t respond. 
“Please,” he repeated. You sighed wiping your eyes and standing up. You opened the door and just went over to sit on the edge of your bed. He walked in and closed the door behind him. “Can I sit with you please?” He asked. 
You scooted over so he could sit beside you. He took your hand in his. “Can you please look at me?” 
“Lucien please…” you started. He tightened his grip on your hand. 
“Just look at me damn it” he said in a rough tone. You looked at him with a glare. 
“We can’t just act how we used to,” you told him. Lucien frowned. 
“Are you really saying you wanna go back to be just friends?” He asked. His voice was shaky. 
“It’s too hard Lucien!” you said getting and moving a few steps away from him. 
“Too hard?” He asked. You could feel the crack in his voice, “Too hard to be with me? To love me?” 
You teared up. “YES!” you replied, “Lucien, it’s too hard to touch you. To kiss you. It’s too hard to lay with you as we used to knowing we can’t be more because you refuse our bond!” 
Your words felt like punches to his heart. “Y/N, there’s a good reason I refuse our bond. You know that!” 
You sighed “I know Lucien and I understand. I do. But Lucien, I can’t compete with a ghost. I respect that you love her. And I hate it that you had to suffer an awful thing like that,” 
He turned away as tears filled his eyes. “I’m sorry” his voice was soft, weak. You hated it. 
“Lucien, I don’t blame you for any of this please don’t I think I do,” I told him, “Lucien. What hope do you think we have if you let fear only allow you to hold me at an intimate length when we could have and be so much more than that?” 
“Y/N do you really want a life shackled to me?” He asked. 
“Lucien I love you,” you told him “I love you so much. But rejecting the bond just makes it hurt so much. And I know it’s fear that makes you do it but you can’t let it stop you from loving ever again” 
“It’s dangerous to love me Y/N” he whispered “I can't lose you too” you sighed and walked over to him. You take his hands in yours ignoring the tingles that flow through you at the small touch. 
“Like I said before Lucien I respect the love and memories you still have for Jasminda. And I would never not ever ask you to forget her. That would make me a monster undeserving of your love. 
But like I mentioned before I can't compete with a ghost. Do you want us Lucien? Do you truly want me?” 
“I don’t want to be the reason you get hurt Y/N. I’d never forgive myself” he looked away from you tears forming again. 
“My sweet faerie,” you gently turn him to face you and cradled his face in your hands, “Lucien, it was not your fault. You loved her, yes, but your monstrous father and heartless brothers are to blame for what happened. Not you” you wiped a tear from his cheek, “don’t let them ruin other chances you have at happiness. Don’t let them make you push me away”. 
He slowly took your hands and squeezed them softly. “How do you not hate me for putting you through this?” He asked softly. 
“I could never hate you Lucien Vanserra,” you said. 
“Gods, please Y/N, can I kiss you?” Gently pulled to you him resting his forehead against yours. 
“Does this mean you're accepting the bond?” You asked.
“Yes I accept our bond,” he said. You pulled down into a kiss. It was slow at first but picked up heat as he pulled you tighter against him. He let out a low growl as your tongues danced together. You run your hands under his tunic. Trailing them up his upper body. You only broke the kiss so he could help pull his tunic off and toss it to the floor. 
Your hands roamed over his upper body again. He let a low grunt against your skin as started to lick and suck the pulse of your neck. You moaned softly as your hands traveled down and undid his belt and you threw it to the ground. Lucien reached down and grabbed the hem of the nightgown you were wearing and gently pulled it off you. 
He pulled you to him. His eyes roamed your figure. “You’re goddess you know that right?” He said. His tone dripped with love and lust. You smiled. 
“And you’re perfection,” you told him. He pulled you into a searing kiss. Your bare skin touching causing you both to moan into the kiss. He hooked his hands under your thighs lifting you up which caused you to wrap your legs around him. He carried you to your bed and gently laid you down. 
He gently finishes undressing you before you watch as he undressed himself the rest of the way and you bit your lip. He slowly hovers over you, his lips teasing here and there as he moves. You wrapped your legs around his hips as he looked down at you. You smiled and tucked a lock of his red hair behind his ear. 
“I love you” he whispered. You smiled. 
“I love you too,” you said back as you reached up and softly ran your finger down the scar across his metal eye. He shuttered as he leaned down and kissed you lovingly and that led to the most passionate night you two had ever shared and you both knew it wouldn’t be your last. 
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etheralisi · 4 months
Rottmnt Fakeposting part 3
Find parts 1 and 2 here + 3.5 because this couldn’t all fit on one post
🍏holy-sewer-apples Follow
I met a little green alien dude once. Wonder if he’s doing okay
1,578 notes
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🕜has-lou-jitsu-been-found-yet Follow
Day 3679 of me posting: no
🎃scared-of-crows-deactivated23902741 Follow
Get a hobby
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
I will out your search history 
92 notes
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☄️gravity-tumbles Follow
Every time I phone in sick, I think about that one kid who came into school bright green. Must’ve been ill as hell. I could never 
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🐝noneofyourbeezwax Follow
Sasquatch this kappacrawler that. There’s only one cryptid I care about and that’s my neighbour’s cat. That thing ain’t a cat. It’s bright yellow and it stares into my soul
🚫nonononope Follow
That’s normal cat behaviour
🐝noneofyourbeezwax Follow
🐝noneofyourbeezwax Follow
No I don’t have any pictures. Stop asking. Damn not-cat keeps vanishing into thin air
🫂glompglomp Follow
Tf is a kappacrawler
🐺wendigo-watcher Follow
Local New York conspiracy. Scuttles around sewers, on roofs, steals your children (maybe)
🐝noneofyourbeezwax Follow
This ain’t about him
6,073 notes
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🧚pixipartched Follow
I really really feel bad for asking, but I don’t have much of a choice. Aliens squished by home. Here’s a link to my go fund me here
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💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
Last time I had this many people following me, it was an ambush
#I don’t know what I did but hi
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🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
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🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
My driver’s license is a two year winning streak in Mario kart. Try arresting me now
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Oh???? So you lie to your followers???? I know I won first place last games night and you know it
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
You cheated
🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
Says the guy who hacks games as a pastime. I still want a rematch
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
You tell him corn
🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
Oh I know you’re not innocent either mr
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🚂imatrainwreck Follow
If only there was a way to grow instant luscious locks
🐙massages-at-a-price Follow
I can help with that
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🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
Throwback to that one time my brother was mistaken as IT when trying to return someone’s keys
🥊 red_hotsoup Follow
I was just trying to help
#they fell down the drain #so I picked them up and pushed them back through the grate #I wasn’t trying to be scary #and should you really be posting this
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cyyyynamon said: I’m going cave diving tomorrow. Will I see you there?
💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
But you didn’t invite me?
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
Don’t send me back to jail. I’m too pretty
🥊 red_hotsoup Follow
What have you done now
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
I was too pretty ✨
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
Be original, Blue
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💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
First day of school. I’ve never seen this many people in one area before
🌽 sherlock_corn Follow
Oh the joys of public school. 
⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
*Wipes tear* they grow up so fast
💀outoftouchoutoftime Follow
So apparently normal people don’t chirp. I never want to hold a conversation ever again
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🕵️‍♀️sloopersleuth Follow
Yoooooo what if our mysterious superheroes in rainbow know the kappacrawler??? You think they’re buddies? Think they hang out and chill and talk about how their week has been? Think kappacrawler house sits from them sometimes? Think they share birthday cards?
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🎽tink-tank-toe Follow
Sometimes I wonder if time travellers really exist. Are we all just on some divergent timeline? How close a shave have we come to a world obsolete?
🛶canoodleoodle Follow
#posts that keep me up at night
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🎨asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
Remember to spread the positivity ✨☀️ Kindness can go a long way
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
Where was this kindness when it came to the last pizza slice?
🎨asprinkleofrazzmatazz Follow
I was already at my daily kindness quota 
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🔎detective-cornstarch Follow
It has occurred to me not everyone on this website knows about the kappacrawler
🔎detective-cornstarch Follow
Your loss
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🦷sleeptooth Follow
#i am curious
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🫨shake-it-away Follow
Oh kappacrawler, take me away
🫨shake-it-away Follow
Oh kappacrawler, whisk me away into the night
🫨shake-it-away Follow
Oh kappacrawler kidnap me
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🍮fastest-flanalive Follow
Stop with these he/him pronouns for the kappacrawler. Did you ask them their preferred pronouns????? No. Kappacrawler could be a very fancy lady
🐈meown Follow
I’m very sorry kappacrawler. You can be a fancy lady if you want :(
🍯honeyhoneysugar Follow
Have we been misgendering kappacrawler with whole time? 
😐restingsnitchface Follow
It’s a cryptid. You think it’ll care about gender?
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🐸frippityfroppity Follow
If I was a kappacrawler where would I hide
🍾snopop Follow
In your walls
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🫣flinx-blinx Follow
I thought there was only one kappacrawler. But I swear I just saw two. Is there a mr and mrs kappa??? Baby kappletts??? A whole kappa family 🥹🥹
😈my-dad-is-satan Follow
Maybe? I think there’s at least three
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🐒nightmonkey Follow
Who is this kappa??? Why is he crawling???
🐒nightmonkey Follow
Spider-man wannabe
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🦜petite-parakeet Follow
Still convinced that whole invasion thing was a hoax. Elaborate, but a hoax
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🪄meet-my-nunchucks Follow
Were those aliens sent packing? I’m confused
🪄meet-my-nunchucks Follow
Are they at home? On some faraway planet? Kicking their tentacles up after a long day at work invading our planet?
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💗love-duv Follow
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📖myfixoffic Follow
Guys come read my slenderman x kappacrawler fic here for all of your slenderkappa needs
🌑faded-moonlight Follow
Why would you write this?
📖myfixoffic Follow
Why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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⚔️ bluejitsu Follow
I heard that kappacrawler has an 8-pack. That the kappacrawler is shredded
🛸atomiclass9000 Follow
Be original, Blue (tally: II)
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👻ghost-chase Follow
Why can’t I live in New York. I want to fight aliens too
👻ghost-chase Follow
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wrongdodo · 6 days
SDV: ADHD edition
🍏 Forgetting everyones birthday just like real life.
🍏 Forgetting festivals (I put a no star egg in the soup. It was average. My gold pepper remains in storage)
🍏 Full bags
🍏 Accepting notice board quests. Sometimes completing them. Always forgetting to hand them in.
🍏 Forgot gold star parsnips. Now it's summer.
🍏 Selling all melons, leaving none for the community center. Grow more. Repeat.
🍏 No money ever.
🍏 Forgetting to watch Queen of Sauce
🍏 My farm is a horrorshow I have no idea what's planted where. Did I even plant tomatoes? Dunno lol
🍏 Linus and Demetrius are bros because they appreciate a good foraged item.
🍏 Getting to Robin"s. I have left my materials at the farm.
🍏 Getting to Clint's. I have left my materials at the farm.
🍏 I have remembered my materials. I lack gold.
🍏 I have gold. I have materials. It's 9pm. Everywhere is closed.
🍏 Remembering the beach exists twice a month.
🍏 Remembering Friday night at the saloon exists every Saturday morning.
🍏 Bombing my farm and restarting the day. Repeat.
🍏 Generic seasonal seeds EVERYWERE. Plugging every gap.
🍏 When does the green hair lady visit again?
Lmk what I missed
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ettelenethelien · 3 months
1st age Beleriand dashboard simulator • part 2 (this time with Men!)
Part 1 here
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🌲 find-me-in-dorthonion following
is it weird to get existential dread when you think on how short our lives must seem to elves?
#musings #edainsafespace
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🌻 sunflower-south
Doriath is problematic
Am I the only person to think that there's something very wrong with how the Doriathrim sit safe behind their girdle while the rest of us is exposed to enemy attacks?
🍂 0r0ph3r following
Are we then supposed to remove the girdle in the name of "solidarity"??
I can't even begin to list everything that's bonkers with your premise.
#noldor being entitled jerks
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🌊 remembering-deep following
I wish there was a way to report people for using quenya on here. ugh
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🐉house-of-finrod following
The way some of the people here talk about the secondborn is sick, to be honest. They're Eruhini, they're not animals, they're not worthless, they're not usurpers, they're not to be called slurs, and I don't care what Fëanor said or didn't say, I thought it was well accepted those are the lies of our common enemy!
#and if I hear one more person say mortal deaths in the war don't matter because they didn't have much to live anyway I will personally strangle them #tw anti-edain sentiment
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👊🏽iglishmek following
Reminder: if you wouldn't say "engwa", don't say "nogoth" either, both are slurs.
But I would say "engwa" xd
and I know some people use one and not the other cause they think the naugrim are worse even than the engwar; I obviously don't, both of you are so low down one can't get lower - but I don't argue with them.
👊🏽iglishmek following
I will not dignify this with a response.
#ugh I thought I had him blocked though #amended now #wonder if it's the same one that's been harassing me on anon
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💌 daily-polls
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99 837 votes • 1 day 3 hours
🌌 daughterofdoriath following
#uhhh #stating the exact mix would be as good as telling you my name #guess I'm one of a kind haha #but at the same time I'm also as Sinda as they come
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we've received news of an attack... seems more serious than usual... if I stop posting you know what hit me.
#i don't suppose there's a tag for #that weird fire in the north #oh wait wdym there is?? #love y'all #hold tight
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kablammo · 1 month
Tim Wright Stimboard
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for a multi-marble hornets kin anon
x x x || x - x || x x x
i hope yah enjoy it!! lemme know if you want me to edit anything!!
it's nice seeing other slenderverse kins!! :]
1 of 4[?]
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mad-hatter-memes · 11 months
Disney Villain Inspired Muse Questions
🏴‍☠️ Captain Hook: How often are they to hold a grudge, and for how long? And if they want revenge, how would they enact it?
🧥 Cruella de Vil: Describe the muse's fashion sense/style. If they don't have one, if they could have any outfit they wanted, what would it be?
🎴 Dr. Facilier: If muse was forced to be an animal for the rest of their life (or at least a long time), what animal would they want to be?
🥀 Gaston: How jealous can they get? Do they act upon that jealousy or do they prefer to keep it inside?
🍏 Queen Grimhilde: If they encountered someone better than them (either in appearance or skills), how would they react?
🔥 Hades: How do they feel about their sibling(s)? If they don't have any, would they want siblings?
🐍 Jafar: How do they feel about their status in life currently? Would they want to improve it?
🐉 Maleficent: How would they react to their friends and/or family having fun without them?
🏵️ Mother Gothel: How often do they think about their own mortality? Have they accepted it or would they do anything to cheat death?
♥ Queen of Hearts: How bad is their temper? And what's something that can instantly make them go from 0 to 100?
🐾 Scar: If they were given a position of power, what's the first thing they would change? If already in a position of power, are they worried about being usurped or assassinated?
🔱 Ursula: What would muse sell their soul for if given the opportunity?
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starsurface · 3 months
I ADORE your headcanons. Could I get some HCs of Vanitas as a baby regressor, with the Wayfinder Trio taking care of him? I find the idea of Vanitas being adopted and learning to cope with his past in a healthy way very comforting. Thank you so much!! Have a great day/night! :3
Yippie!!! Kingdom Hearts request!! :D Vanitas is one of my favs.
Also thank you so much!!! Have an amazing day/night!!! <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Aqua, Terra, & Ventus w/ Babyspace Regressor Vanitas Hcs
💧 Vanitas actually involuntary regressed for a very long time without knowing what age regression was
🪵 It terrified him, feeling small and vulenerbal and scared, having to also fight for his life and reason to keep living
🍏 He regresses small to, about a few months to about 4
💀 It wasn’t until Terra (my lovely ‘dummy’) noticed that Vantias ‘outbursts’ were actually tantrums that he brought it up with him
💧 At first Vanitas shouted at him, calling him every name under the sun for even suggesting that Vanitas regressed
🪵 But Terra said that they all regressed, and even if Vanitas hadn’t been involuntierly regressing, perhaps he should try out the coping mechanism
🍏 Terra was Vanitas’s main cg for quite some time
💀 Why? Because it took some time for Aqua and Ventus to warm up to Vantias, always being suspicious of him, checking up on him to make sure he wans’t doing anything evil
💧 ^ This caused Vanitas to purposely act up sometimes, and then Terra would have to come and try to defend him 
🪵 Terra only took him in faster because he was also controlled by darkness, and Vanitas, by extent, was a version of Ven, and he wasn’t going to give up on Vanitas when he never even got the chance
🍏 Regressed Vanitas was actually what made Aqua and Ventus trust Vanitas a bit more
💀 One day when Terra was out, Aqua found a sobbing Vanitas curled up in the middle of the hall, desperately holding onto a Hareraiser (the bunny unverse)
💧 She softened around the boy, letting Vanitas cling to her, sniffing as he hide in her shoulder (they ended up cuddling and watching cartoons)
🪵 With both Aqua and Terra accepting Vanitas, Ventus decided to give his ‘brother’ a chance
🍏 Don’t believe what Ventus tells you, Vanitas totally didn’t sob in his arms later that night because Ventus was giving the chance he always wished for (. . . One of thems a lier)
💀 Don’t ask Vanitas who his favorite is because he’ll either shout at you or start crying on spot, he doesn’t want to choose, he loves his entire family
💧 Vanitas has favorite little activities he’ll do with everyone
🪵 For Aqua, he likes sitting on the counter while she’s cooking (she normally kicks everyone out) and either try to help her, or eat the ingredients
🍏 ^ And then get really fussy because he ate half the chocolate chips and now had a tummy ache and it’s all Aqua’s fault!!! >:(
💀 Why didn’t she tell him not to do that?! How could she just stand there and watch him suffer!!!
💧 . . . She did tell him, he just ignored her and cotinued
🪵 For Ventus, he likes coloring with him
🍏 It sounds really simple, but Vanitas never really colored before and Ventus showed him how fun it was
💀 Plus, Ventus gives really nice praises to his pictures (which are really hard to desiper some times) and Vanitas really likes being praised for simple things
💧 Prefers making his own drawing over coloring books
🪵 For Terra, Vanitas likes story time!!
🍏 Terra does amazing story time!! He choices stories that are approeriate for Vanitas’s headspace but also not ‘boring’, and he does funny voices!!
💀 It also helps Vanitas with sleepytime, he usually gets super fussy when it comes to naptime and bedtime, but the promise of a book and some yummy milk will make him begrudgingly agree
💧 Aqua’s cg nicknames are Mama and ‘Auqa
🪵 Terra’s cg nicknames are Bubba and Venty (Venty Wenty when Vanitas is upset with him)
🍏 And Ventus’s cg nicknames are Papa and Bubba
💀 Vanitas hates nicknames >:\
💧 Or, he acts like he does (he’s not use to them just yet)
🪵 Some of Vanitas’s favorites are Tough Guy, Cookie, Sweetie (he’ll never admit it), Little One
🍏 ^ Mister as well, but only when he’s doing something naughty on purpose 
💀 Exp: “Excuse me Mister, why are you trying to sneak that candy before bed? “
💧 It makes Vanitas happy beccause he doesn’t get screamed or shouted at, and he instead giggles and quickly tries to shove it into his mouth 
🪵 (^ He’ll pout later about how he has no no more candy after dinner . . . it’s litterally his fault for eating it earlier though, but he will be stealing some of Terra’s candy later)
🍏 Super big sweeth tooth, but doesn’t indgulge
💀 Actually, Vanitas doesn’t eat much as it is (still getting use to having his own body) so when he’s small, they all try to fill him up on yummy food and sweets
💧 Vanitas gets incredibly bad nightmare, and wakes up feeling incredibly small and scared because of them most times
🪵 Luckily, his room is really close to all of theirs so he can quickly run to any of them and cuddle them until the morning
🍏 Aqua suggests a baby monitor that she can keep in her room and doesn’t have to be turned on unless he wants it on (which Vanitas gets super defensive and huffy about)
💀 He doesn’t use it until weeks later where he guesses he could try it out, and he does like how fast Aqua comes to his aid instead of him trying to will himself to get out of bed
💧 Vanitas also really likes cuddling with them all, whether it’s Aqua letting him his on her lap, or Terra full on bear hugging him, or Ventus laying with him and letting Vanitas hide in his arm
🪵 However, Vanitas likes initiating touch, and deems some reaching out as violence coming towards him (he’s working on it)
🍏 One of his favorite activities with all three of them is watching cartoons
💀 They have some of Aqua’s yummy sweets, and they all get to cuddle and watch Ruby Gloom <3 (one of his favorite little cartoons)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all, i've got so many angst hcs just for Vanitas.
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svt-eves · 1 month
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03 #𝜗℘🍜🍱Mrs. VEVe.ᐟVERo✿𝆬⃞ ͙᭰͒̑͡✿ ུ⃨ 朱 ZHŪ HWA YOUNG the 14th member of seventeen, also known as the sweetheart of the group, the sunshine and the blooming flower. her ethnicity is chinese-korean-american, her english names are: DAPHNE, EVE, VERONICA, GIGIANNA. she debuted in seventeen on the 26th of may 2015, along with her 13 lovely members. debuted with the song of “adore you” on the mini album of “17 carat”.
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❥ ҉ 🫀🛢️♩ 𒀭▄▀▄ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤIMPORTANT. !
🫗 𝒹𝚘̲ꪶ̲ꪶ~On Site𓈒ʾʾ ⏎🥥꩜ටps .ᐟ 🗯️
𒋲 🪲❙❘ 🥩 ೋ 🈶 : all just for fun and i don’t impersonate anyone here, all from my imagination and just for fun, it’s all made up in my head, none of these are real. it’s up to you if you want to imagine that, some of the parts are 18+ and please do not interact! (here’s my tiktok: @saturnchwe)
🍜ㅋㅋ🪼rrring.ᐟ ⩇⩇:⩇⩇AM (☘︎)🫧❘❘❙ ͒⬚⚔️.ㅤㅤㅤi won’t be using any specific face claims here, i will just use some random kpop idols or ulzzang for the face claim of the oc here. do not put any specific idols/ulzzang when you are imagining this story. but however you can use the idol/ulzzang i put in every parts.
🍜ㅋㅋ🪼rrring.ᐟ ⩇⩇:⩇⩇AM (☘︎)🫧❘❘❙ ͒⬚⚔️.ㅤㅤㅤthis is a poly relationship fanfiction (13 bfs) your partners are: s.coups, jeonghan, joshua, jun, hoshi, wonwoo, woozi, the8, mingyu, dk, seungkwan, vernon, dino. if uncomfortable just scroll, and don’t read this.
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#ibEu-이브.. digi-j֍urnal⌕ 🍎❝Drone Camera-🍚❞
🍜ㅋㅋ🪼rrring.ᐟ ⩇⩇:⩇⩇AM (☘︎)🫧❘❘❙ ͒⬚⚔️.ㅤㅤㅤGENRE: fluff, crack. (no angst / you can suggest if you want some angst, but i’m telling you i’m bad at writing angst stories.)
❥ ҉ 🫀🛢️♩ 𒀭▄▀▄ㅤㅤDISCLAIMER. ! ㅤ㘎. ✪ / READ PLS : 🌬️🍉🫗
credits to the owner of pictures, mostly i got them on pinterest, not impersonating the idols/ulzzang in here. and specially seventeen, this story is not based on their real life scenarios. their personality here are different on what they have, it’s really important to not involve their real life backgrounds here.
grammatical errors and typos are expected and ignore the timestamps when i post their conversation. english is not my first language, so bare with me please.
i’m from philippines ─ so basically, english is not the language i grew up with, but i’m familiar with english words so you don’t have to worry.
the symbols / fonts are not mine, i got them here on tumblr or in other websites such as : google, twitter, facebook, pinterest or google websites.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ🌀⑰ 🆙EnDyying . .ㅤ🥃 ?? ̼ 🗯️𓊍ㅤׂㅤ͡⊹
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𝓢﹚ ⟢ 𑇓𝆬 ͙   𓇼ᬽ̇𓈒༙ 香草 .ᐟ .ᐣ
master list. / i don’t understand but i love you. 🪼
🔞 masterlist (not really smuts)
playlist here 🧾.
㇏ ᩠͡ ◍♡4 ▂▃ ⟡˙ ˖ 👙🆙🥨 ♪ ⑮ ₊ ֗ 𓈃 ⌒₊ 🍏ㅤㅤㅤㅤhello, thank you for reading this, as much as i want to stop myself from doing this i can’t, i’m so delulu for being a carat, gosh hahaha how can i defend myself when someone throw hates on me for making this. i have my tiktok, the user is: @saturnchwe in this my contents are pov but i’m using going seventen episodes. the 18+ contents are posted with my “only friends.” if you want to be accepted, just comment/tell me. let me know your thoughts about this and my content on tiktok, thank you everyone. !
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mycupofrum · 1 month
Fic writer questions
Thank you for the tag @lovelymasks! Once again I’m really late with my replies but I really enjoyed doing this one. 😊
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I was a teenager and started writing HP fics with a friend of mine who first introduced me to fanfiction. We would send fics to each other and commented on each other’s stories and gave each other writing prompts. I think I did that for about a year until I had the courage to post anything online. I started on a Finnish HP forum and returned there after a long break from fandom, though I’m more active on Tumblr/AO3 these days. I think I did post one or two fics in English on ff.net back in the day but they were very short gen fics. I posted One of these days on Tumblr at the end of 2022 and that was the first piece of creative writing in English that I did in a long time and I was shit scared for whatever reason, but people were very nice to me about it. :D
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
I’ve written for Harry Potter and Star Wars fandoms and a few cringe rpf crack fics about celebrities I shall not name back in the day, but that’s something I’m ready to put behind me.
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Around 7 years with a long break in between.
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Lately I’ve been reading more than writing. It goes in phases...sometimes I write more and at other times read more.
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I think I’ve learned to be aware of filler words and improved in "show don’t tell", though that one is something I’m still working on.
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
I need the stars to align to get into a writing mood. I don’t practise it every day. I know writing is a like exercising a muscle etc. etc. but you know, this is a hobby for me, so I only do it whenever I feel like it (and yet feel guilty for not doing it more. Fun times. 😅).
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
The last one has been the Catholic church, just the whole vocabulary of it and anything related to it. I don’t know if it’s weird per se, but I find it so funny I’m researching prayers and the confession process when ultimately I just want the characters to end up having sex. 😄
I’ve also researched train announcements in the UK, business buildings in London in the 1990s, British police ranks, instructions on how to play pool, and shamanism to name a few.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
All comments, short and long! I appreciate a keysmash, emojis or if someone points out their favourite parts from the fic. Sometimes a reader can find foreshadowing or connections to something that I never even realised myself, which is amazing! It’s like someone pointing out your own subconscious thoughts to you. It helps to go back to reading comments if I have a bad day, writing-wise or just in general. <3
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I don't really know. I write about whatever pleases me. :)
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Toxic relationships, emotional abuse. Sometimes I enjoy reading stories like that but I don’t think I have it in me to pull off that kind of dynamic in my writing. At least not easily, but I haven’t really tried it either. I write from the place of "wouldn’t it be really funny if…" That’s legit how most of my fics are born.
🍏What is the easiest type?
Romance with a little bit of humour. And so much tension. All the tension. I want tension. Did I mention tension? Hot and funny. I have accepted that that’s what my brain likes to come up with most often. Occasionally I enjoy dabbling into angst.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my laptop or mobile phone at home. I usually get my ideas when I’m trying to fall asleep so I’m like the meme of a writer whose brain starts to work out solutions when I should be sleeping, and then it’s just me and the pale light of my phone in the darkness of my bedroom. Also in general I tend to write in the evening. I use both LibreOffice (which allows me to use Word format) and the free online Word because I can access my files on OneDrive on both laptop and phone.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
A longfic with a proper plot. I have some longer WIP fics in the making but that’s just the thing...they’re still WIPs. I’m just genuinely terrible at finishing longer fics. So, here’s to improving in that.
🍇What made you choose your username?
At first I kept thinking of mycupoftea and then decided nah that’s too basic, so I came up with mycupofrum because I liked my rum-based drinks. That was 10 years ago and I haven’t changed the username since then. As for Satine which has been my pen name for a longer time, it’s from Moulin Rouge.
Tagging @heartofspells @squintclover @in-flvx @annabtg if you want to do this. And anyone else who is up for this tag game. :)
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