#fousek <3
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fousek from 2022 for you:) hes time travelled just to snooze on you!
No one is doing it like him.
To Say Nothing of the Dog?
More like To Say Nothing of the Cat
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penguin--person · 1 year
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a chloe.feom this morninv
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old man for YOU
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harpygon · 22 days
🫡even just taking the quiz is enough for fousek and i to be joyous 🙏!!! im happy that so many people are taking it hehe.. young fousek pic for you! hes like, 1 year old here? and napping:3
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🫡 Grateful to be of service providing joy to you and your very deserving fousek. (that picture is so cute. If I was cat sized I too would sleep on folded (dish?)cloths <3)
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simcardiac-arrested · 25 days
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I LOVE HERRR!!!!! I LOVE YOU PRINCESS!!! her voice actress does Such a good job dude !!!! YAY YIPPEE THE WITCH!!!! ihavent watched this one:) i like how the cabin looks here. i kinda want to punch the opportunist rn. ohh i rlly like this cabin. oh i love her voice!! I LOVE HERRR shes so >:3
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i love her design sm ... tail :) i love her so muchhh shes so funny. shes just like nastya (oc) fr <3 im lying rn nastya wouldnt be the witch shed be. somebody else. idk damsel maybe. but like the deconstructed one?? idk ill tell you if i find a nastyacore princess. aww she stabbed me shes so cutes!!! i love her teeth and her silly smile. and her nose:) yay the thorn <3 the witch would like fousek i think. or the thorn. my boy fousek (cat). goddd i know shes like suffering but look at her shes so pretty. not beating the smitten allegations.. her crowns so cool here. Ignore the narrator hes just a hater
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i liked this route!!!! i lvoe it when she kills me and attacks me and wants me dead its awesome. tho she says that my heart is gentle and that even in darkness my heart is guided by compassion sooo i think im swag for it teehee !!! mannn i rlly like the designs in this. like. goddd. theyre so good. not just the princess but the enviroments too !!! gnawing on wood . like the way the thorn is held like ?? like shes !! like by the thorns !!! like shes trapped or something . shaking your shoudlers
AHHH DO NOT POST ABOUT THE WITCH AT ME … i seriously love her so much it’s not fair she’s suuuuch a good princess … my little aminal :) AND THE THORN YES she has a great design and story!! trapped in that damn cycle of hurting herself and you …. Ouaahehurhgh. i could save them both
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browzerhistory · 6 months
finished all endings of ch1 of faith and got Some notes.. not all of them but.. oughh man.. im intrigued... the plot thickens, as they say... intrigued fr!!!! its got neat storytelling... dudeeee amy fucking GOT me.... she GOT me dude she killed me so baddd ... i wonder what changed between when when john got discharged from the ward and when he goes to the house.. tbh i dont find it unsurprising if he was lying about "i now understand there were no demons" n the stuff he said in the letter after the secret bossfight...!! easy to lie in a letter, but if he Did, why didnt he go back to the house rigjt away?? was he scared?? rightfully so i died like ten thousand times dude... gary must hate me for my cringe desths... teehee its fun!!!!! many quastions, little anwsers... i can see why you like it!!!! its funsies.... thank you for posting about i5 hehe... and no spoilies... look at this dude
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fousek time
FOUSEK TIME!!! and yeah the first chapter leaves a lot of questions, you're lucky to get into it now with all three released! (old man voice) back in my day we had to wait for the next chapter to release before we learned anything
amy's very tough but i hope her fight didn't get too frustrating/annoying... and your questions will be answered in time >:3
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snazzi-strawberri · 2 years
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fousek mere moments before sneezing
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fousek mere moments after sneezing
BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!! I give him a tissue to wipe his lil nose <3
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🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
+ a fousek photo becuase he's a little beast in this!<3
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Kittenskin is probably my pick for sweetest, though, Of Grades and Amontillado is a close second.
I do not have a beta-reader, I have no idea how I would go about obtaining one in any case, and no one should really be subjected to my work pre-editing anyway.
All of Breaking the Ice and Entering into a Housing Arrangement puts me in stitches when I reread it, but this line especially has a special place in my heart:
He’d purchased a house with a nosy neighbor that had full access to his house. He should call the real estate agent to yell at him right after he was done yelling at the receptionist for the moving company. 
The opening scene from In For A Penny probably also deserves a mention.
Thank you for such a wonderful gift! Its always a delight to receive a photo of Fousek!
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karaboutmyart · 2 years
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my boy fousek wishes you a feel better soon!!!
sorry for not answering this sooner omg.. THANK U FOUSEK that means so much!! <3
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doomedlvr · 11 months
21 22 and 25 for the violence ask game:3
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21. Part of canon you think is overhyped: huh. I actually don’t have an answer to this rn, I’ll reblog later if I think of anything. Head empty… not thoughts…
22: favourite part of canon everyone ignores: I wouldn’t say ignore since KyoMami is pretty popular on tumblr but in the wider scheme of things it gets shoved to the back :((
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Like this. This makes me want to eat drywall.
25: common fandom complaint your sick of hearing: Rebellion discourse is soooo old and annoying like we GET ITTT you don’t like Homucifer it’s been years I cannot care about dumb rebellion opinions anymore
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thunderbumbl · 3 years
you wake up in a cold sweat. the sun is shining, birds are singing, fousek's purring
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good morning eyesless fousek <3 <3 <3
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continuo-docs · 3 years
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Music reviews by Laurent Fairon, May 2021
Martyn Schmidt – Kammerton a'a (January 2021) VA – Objetos Musicais: Homage to Walter Smetak (April 2021) VA – The Same River Twice (April 2021) Mark Vernon – Magneto Mori: Vienna (June 2021)
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Martyn Schmidt – Kammerton a'a (self-release) https://martynschmidt.bandcamp.com/track/kammerton-aa-i "Kammerton a'a" is a hörspiel, a German radio art piece centered on the city of Aalen in the Swabian Alps in Southern Germany. It is the birth-place of Martyn Schmidt, born 1969, a German sound poet and musician, publisher of sound poetry releases on his own Atemwerft label from 2014 to 2017 [www.atemwerft.de]. Currently living in Augsburg, Schmidt is naturally associated with the prolific Attenuation Circuit label and the very active local live scene. "Kammerton a'a" is actually called a hörpoem, or sound poem, a poetic, free-flowing meditation on post-WWII Germany in a small provincial city devastated by Allied bombings. The focus is on piano sounds—actual or remembered, verbal or musical, from the present or from the past—, in a city where the mayor after 1945 was a piano builder himself. According to Martyn Schmidt, the underlying concept behind "Kammerton a'a" (meaning Standard Pitch A440 Hz) is to consider the role of the post-WWII piano tuner as having to re-tune Germany to the universal harmony, a lovely metaphor for post-war normalization, I think. Indeed, in "Kammerton a'a", the city literally exudes piano music. In addition to readings from a piano manufacturing manual and poems from local poet Christian Schubart (1739-1791), "Kammerton a'a" is based on interviews with 3 main protagonists from Aalen: a former journalist during WWII ; memories from a former piano builder working at the local piano factory until its closure in 1973 ; and a contemporary piano tuner. There are other references to local citizens, piano teachers, philosophers or journalists located in or originally from Aalen, so that "Kammerton a'a" is also a portrait—and a redeeming—of a city. The language is mostly Schwabish, the vernacular Swabian dialect derived from German, and this picturesque dialect is part of the charm of "Kammerton a'a". Alternating between interviews, poetry readings and archive radio broadcasts, the spoken word is completed with piano music snippets, inside the piano playing, church bells, location recordings and occasional musique concrète or electronic sounds. These musical and documentary sounds punctuate the hörpoem and, along with the superbly recorded voices, contribute to its unique sound signature.
VA – Objetos Musicais: Homage to Walter Smetak (Buh Records) https://buhrecords.bandcamp.com/album/objetos-musicais-homage-to-walter-smetak Conceived as an homage to Swiss-born, Brazilian composer and instrument builder Walter Smetak (1913–84), this compilation collects music produced by sound artists and contemporary artists from South American countries and Switzerland. These artists present their own vision of 'Caossonância', a Smetak concept based on the Portuguese words for chaos and sound, where invented or modified instruments are used to produce strange sounds in musical experiments welcoming unusual tunings and aleatoric sonic discoveries. Participants to this compilation tend to focus on strings and percussion instruments, sometimes with motorized objects hitting or scraping strings, skins or metal tubes, with only one wind instrument (Javier Bustos' Aerodrones). Many contributors use electronic sound processing or computer post production to complement their music. 'Objetos Musicais' features many interesting sounds from weird music instruments—some pleasantly otherworldly, some on the nice side of noise—though, on the whole, there is a lack of contrast from one sound excerpt to another as well as within each track. Indeed, contributors here are not improvisors nor composers, and they often fail to engage with the sound in interesting and exciting ways. The number of music instruments one can conceive of being limited, the musical invention must come from the way they are played, contrasted with other sounds, and part of a larger musical vision. I enjoyed this compilation's concept very much, though, and think it's great there are still instrument builders and sound sculptors around.
VA – The Same River Twice (Hotham Sound Recordings) https://hothamsoundrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/the-same-river-twice The ancient art of compilation making is more or less lost nowadays and it's rare to stumble on a well curated project with a strong, unifying concept. Conceived by Canadian, Vancouver-based label Hotham Sound, 'The Same River Twice' is that rare beast: a Various Artists album that flows effortlessly and excitingly like a regular album. Fifty artists worldwide contributed one minute of music each using the last sounds of the previous contributor as their starting point, adding up to the whole via the internet in a kind of mail-art chain, or Surrealist Exquisite Corpse. The style is experimental-ambient with a great variety of sounds, from abstract textures to real instruments like piano, harp, flute or Spanish guitar, onto electronic music through to spoken word. I suppose someone at Hotham Sound curated the whole shebang throughout in a way or another, because transitions between tracks are both seamless and pertinent, full of surprises and excitement. The LP comprises 2 side-long tracks, the A-side roughly featuring the more abstract and acoustic music, while the B-side includes more electronic sounds and occasional beats, as well as field recording and melodica. In any case, both sides hugely benefit from the Exquisite Corpse process, a brilliant idea yielding quasi magical results here. I recognized only a few names in there, like Karl Fousek, M Geddes Gengras or Lance Austin Olsen, most of the other names being new to me. A fantastic album anyway.
Mark Vernon – Magneto Mori: Vienna (Canti Magnetici) https://cantimagnetici.bandcamp.com/album/magneto-mori-vienna Commissioned by Austrian national radio ORF Ö1, "Magneto Mori: Vienna" is a hörspiel conceived by Scottish sound artist Mark Vernon as a portrait of the city through original location recordings done in 2018, plus other vernacular sound documents like dictaphone recordings, cassettes or reel-to-reel tapes, all found in Vienna flea markets. We hear street noises, dictaphone spoken word and outdoor conversations in Viennese dialect, street musicians, manipulated sounds, electronic sounds, musique concrète. Typical from Mark Vernon is the very lively montage of short sound excerpts, adroitly contrasted with each other in cut-up fashion before quickly moving on to other things. Additionally, the original hour-long radio work was broken into 11 short, manageable tracks for this LP release—so every precaution was taken to avoid listening fatigue. Vernon's sound palette in "Magneto Mori: Vienna" is keen on playing with dichotomies and striking oppositions in his choice of sounds: outdoor vs indoor, near vs far, natural vs electronic, resonant vs damped sounds. The technique could be called 'extended hörspiel', blending the hörspiel idiom with electroacoustic music and musique concrète. A less skilled composer might have come up with a boring travelogue smelling tourist perambulations and Traveler’s cheques, but not so with Mark Vernon, as he managed to give a vivid impression of Vienna’s busy streets through sound collage and electroacoustic music technique. This talent of his was also prevalent in a previous work, The Dominion of Din (2020), which consisted solely of street recordings made from his Glasgow flat windows over an 18-year period, and was incredibly lively, eventful, surprising and fun.
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look at this edit my friend made
id go to jail for him
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penguin--person · 2 years
oh no I meant You. You got resurrected (not really)
i would die for you. get ressurected. and i. would be super cool. and die for you again and get ressurected again. The eternal cycle....
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abbyleetee · 5 years
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01 knud viktor - les ephemeres (part 1) 02 meitei - curio 03 jan jelinek - lady gaga, you once said in an interview that you write music for fashion 04 julian sartorius - noiraigue - sainte-croix 05 fabio perletta - hesitant #5 06 philippe vandal - b. perspective 07 cinematic orchestra - the workers of art 08 imbi valgemäe - pireti tähtsad päevad 09 sebastiano carghini - part II 10 dim grimm - frolille 11 ricci rucker & mike boo - louie lopez 12 d-styles - diabolikal 13 chra - phorusrhaecidae (silvia kastel remix) 14 monica vlad - distant 15 jan nemecek - organs 16 sandra boss - masking disorder 17 die schönsten vogelstimmen - singdrossel 18 delia derbyshire & elsa stansfield - circle of light pt1 19 pascäal - cat`s eye 20 mary lattimore - never saw him again 21 hubert daviz - nebulous interlude 22 quasimoto - greenery (instrumental) 23 merz & julian sartorius - the hunting owl 24 giovanni lami & glauco salvo - b2 25 katharina ernst - x_03 26 leyya - dyno intro 27 dj spinna - dilla is the g.o.a.t. 28 mira calix - rightclick 29 x.y.r. - lost city 30 escape hatch - glasklang / schleife 31 me, claudius - lifestyle 1 32 ruutu poiss - halli (33 rpm) 33 denaji - dharma drama 34 katharina ernst - X_07 35 pascäal - rassera 36 pulsinger & irl - mask 37 serb - stampcrabs 38 church andrews - 2.1 39 syntax - source 40 chra - abandoned house (fennesz remix) 41 audio obscura - through rain (distant choir) 42 karl fousek - in the forest (chapter 3) 43 theclosing - matter
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postambientlux · 6 years
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the 100 BEST AMBIENT ALBUMS of 2017 curated by @holsgr​
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#100 : Visible Cloaks • Reassemblage
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#99 : Marcus Fjellström • Skelektikon
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#98 : GAS • Narkopop
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#97 : Samuel Regan • Ides
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#96 : Gilder/Bilín Wake • Gold to Gold
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#95 : Euglossine • Sharp Time
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#94 : poemme • Arboretum
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#93 : Christoph Berg • Conversations
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#92 : Federico Mosconi • Colonne di Fumo
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#91 : High Plains • Cinderland
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#90 : dramavinile • 7
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#89 : Bing & Ruth • No Home of the Mind
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#88 : Siavash Amini • TAR
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#87 : Kate Carr • The Story Surrounds Us
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#86 : Jefre Cantu-Ledesma • On The Echoing Green
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#85 : Simon Fisher Turner • Giraffe
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#84 : V/A • Twin Peaks (Limited Event Series Soundtrack)
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#83 : Taylor Deupree & Marcus Fischer • Lowlands
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#82 : Dmitry Evgrafov • Comprehension of Light
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#81 : From the Mouth of the Sun • Hymn Binding
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#80 : Valgeir Sigurðsson • Dissonance
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#79 : thisquietarmy • Democracy of Dust
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#78 : Jake Muir • Acclimation
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#77 : FIS & Rob Thorne • Clear Sones
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#76 : Hakobune • Torch
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#75 : Dag Rosenqvist & Matthew Collings • Hello Darkness
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#74 : Leyland Kirby • We, so tired of all the darkness in our lives
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#73 : Snufmumriko • This Tide Will Bring You Home
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#72 : Joshua Sabin • Terminus Drift
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#71 : The Greatest Hoax • Expiration Compositions
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#70 : Karl Fousek • Two Pieces for a Temporary Connection
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#69 : Lee Gamble • Mnestic Pressure
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#68 : Toàn • Histós Lusis
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#67 : Cygni • Gesto
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#66 : Warmth • Home
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#65 : Dino Spiluttini • To Be A Beast
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#64 : Lawrence English • Cruel Optimism
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#63 : Yoyu • Ordinary Moon
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#62 : Gregg Kowalsky • L'Orange, L'Orange
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#61 : Max Richter • Three Worlds: Music from Woolf Works
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#60 : Darren McClure & Arovane • nest
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#59 : Enchanted Lands • Feed Goals
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#58 : Marcus Fischer • Loss
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#57 : Loke Rahbek & Frederik Valentin • Buy Corals Online
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#56 : Ryuichi Sakamoto • async
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#55 : Porya Hatami • Monads
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#54 : Hannah Peel • Mary Casio: Journey to Cassiopeia
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#53 :  Jonny Nash & Suzanne Kraft • Passive Aggressive
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#52 : Sarah Davachi • All My Circles Run
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#51 : Manos Milonakis • Festen
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#50 : Soundwalk Collective • Before Music There Is Blood
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#49 : Ben Frost • The Centre Cannot Hold
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#48 : Bibio • Phantom Brickworks
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#47 : Arash Akbari • The Rest Is Silence
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#46 : Taylor Deupree • Somi
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#45 : kj • Spells
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#44 : Japan Blues • Sells His Record Collection
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#43 : Pleq • Re:composition
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#42 : bvdub • Heartless
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#41 : Oneohtrix Point Never • Good Time
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#40 : Anthéne • Orchid
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#39 : Mark Templeton • Gentle Heart
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#38 : Giulio Aldinucci • Borders and Ruins
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#37 : Yamaneko • Spa Commissions
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#36 : William Basinski • A Shadow In Time
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#35 : Andrea Belfi • Ore
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#34 : ASC • Trans-Neptunian Objects
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#33 : Tomoko Sauvage • Musique Hydromantique
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#32 : Ascendant • Particle Horizon
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#31 : Aris Kindt • Swann and Odette
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#30 : Jacek Doroszenko • Wide Grey
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#29 : Christoph Berg & Henning Schmiedt • bei
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#28 : Mattewdavid's Mindflight • Ophiuchus
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#27 : Ed Carlsen • Elusive Frames
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#26 : Benoit Pioulard • Slow Spark, Soft Spoke
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#25 : Jason van Wyk • Opacity
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#24 : Tegh • Downfall
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#23 : Net • HS
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#22 : Sugai Ken • UkabazUmorezU
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#21 : Janek Schaefer • Glitter In My Tears
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#20 : Olan Mill  • Orient
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#19 : Evan Caminiti • Toxic City Music
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#18 : Kara-Lis Coverdale • Grafts
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#17 : Dean Hurley • Anthology Resource Vol. I: △△
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#16 : Hotel Neon • Context
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#15 : Eluvium • Shuffle Drones
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#14 : Mary Lattimore • Collected Pieces
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#13 : Pausal • Avifaunal
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#12 : Arjen Schat • 一人 (Hitori)
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#11 : Otto A Totland • The Lost
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#10 : Yair Elazar Glotman • Compound
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#9 : Hecq • Chansons de Geste
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#8 : Alessandro Cortini • Avanti
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#7 : Leandro Fresco & Rafael Anton Irisarri • La Equidistancia
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#6 : Daigo Hanada • Ichiru
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#5 : Ben Lukas Boysen & Sebastian Plano • Everything
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#4 : The Caretaker • Everywhere at the end of time (Stage 3)
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#3 : Hammock • Mysterium
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#2 : Brian Eno • Reflection
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#1 : Rafael Anton Irisarri  • The Shameless Years
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Giulio Aldinucci & Francis M.Gri • Segmenti Arovane & Hior Chronik • Into My Own Olivia Summer • Landings Pulse Emitter • Outside Sessions Vol.2 Miguel Isaza • Mayopama Penguin Cafe • The Imperfect Sea bvdub • Epilogues for the End of the Sky Félicia Atkinson • Hand In Hand Slow Meadow • Costero Bruno Sanfilippo • Lost & Found Julien Marchal • Insight III Leandro Fresco & Rafael Anton Irisarri • La Espera Jacaszek • KWIATY Byron Westbrook • Body Consonance Fabrizio Paterlini • Secret Book Alder & Ash • Clutched in the Maw of the World Yair Elazar Glotman & Mats Erlandsson • Negative Chambers Noveller • A Pink Sunset For No One Aidan Baker & Karen Willems • Nonland Hilyard • Repose Eraldo Bernocchi & Netherworld • Himuro The Star Pillow • Invisible Summer Mike Lazarev • Dislodged Forest Swords • Compassion Anthéne • Warmth Ana & Ina • On Dockweiler Beach Brett Naucke • Operator Voices Jameson Nathan Jones • What Dreams May Come Symon Pyke • Slow Glow Two Symon Pyke • Slow Glow Three Curved Light • Channel View Francesco Giannico & Giulio Aldinucci • Reframing Jonny Jewel • Windswept Toni Dimitrov & Jared Sagar • Maieutic Koeosaeme • Sonorant Jonas Reinhardt & Jürgen Muller • The Encyclopedia of Civilizations vol. 1: Egypt Acronym • Malm Loke Rahbek • City of Women IJO • Melancholika Vol.2 Keith Berry • Simulacra Saltland • A Commom Truth Roel Funcken • Balaklavskiy Prospex Anjou • Epythimia Gimu • Senses Belief Defect • Decadent Yet Depraved nthng • It Never Ends Benjamin Finger • For Those About To Love Yann Novak • Surroundings Thaniel Ion Lee • Only Death Is Free Chihei Hatakeyama • Mirage Monty Adkins • A Year at Usher's Hill Anthony Linell • Emerald Fluorescents Ghost and Tape • Vár Mayforest • Mayforest V/A • Air Texture Volume V Hior Chronik • Faraway Land Celer • Alcoves Jonas Kopp • Photon Belt Richard Chartier • Removed Steve Pacheco • Constellate Karen Gwyer • Rembo Hans Appelqvist • Swimming Pool Forest Management • The Elevated Quiet Philippe Hallais • An American Hero Fabio Perletta • Ichinen 一念 Internazionale • The Pale and the Colorful Steve Roach • Nostalgia for the Future Leigh Toro • Layers of Ash Fousek/Hansen/Tellier-Craig • No Image In Particular Secret Pyramid • Two Shadows Collide Luzon • Lithograph Markus Mehr • Dyschronia Simon Whetam • Watering the Piano Robert Farrugia • Slow Morning Sana Obruent • August Unsichtbar • Erlebnis James Murray • Heavenly Waters Eternell • Weightless Luna & Tarnovski • Luna & Tarnovski Jean Michel Blais & CFCF • Cascades Robert Haigh • Creatures of the Deep Golden Retriever • Rotations Curved Grooves • Rivera Maymind • Illumina Nicholas Mohanna • Chroma Steve Gibs • Adrift Item Caligo & Orrorin Daydream • Blue Letters Christopher Willits • Horizon
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Experimental electronic & Ambient music blog made by Hermann Holsgr. linktr.ee/postambientlux
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bernardcamus · 6 years
The Sleepy King 36 — Train lent / Slow train — 22/11/17
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La brume traversée par un lent train; une vie qui vient, en mouvement, encore mystérieuse. Slow train through the fog, some mysterious life on its way. Musique lente, flamme cachée. Poèmes de Rimbaud, Jean-Christophe Réhel. Slow music, hidden flamme. Rimbaud, Jean-Christophe Réhel. Émissions de musique et poésie avec Benoît Chaput de L'Oie de Cravan. Trente-sixième émission, 22 novembre.  Music & poetry show with Benoît Chaput from L'Oie de Cravan. Thirty-sixth show, nov 22nd. 
1. Chris Watson — Veracruz 2. Gordon Ashworth — Norma 3. Mick Turner — Don't tell the driver 4. Robert Charlebois — Sensation 5. Fousek/Hansen/Tellier — No image in particular (extrait) 6. Four Tet — Lion (extrait) 7. Gordon Ashworth — Water sign 8. Orchestre d'hommes orchestres — Le retour du printemps 9. J.F. Lamothe — Tigidou Pack Sack 10. Marie Savard — La vie d'factrie 11. Paul Siebel — Jack Knife Gypsy 12. Gilian Welch — One monkey 13. Townes Van Zandt — High low & in between 14. Sachiko Kanenobu — Look up the sky is beautiful 15. Laura Baird — Cuckoo 16. East of the valley — Fayet 17. Joël Grare — Arco 18. Anonyme (XIVe siècle) — Che ti cova nascondere 19. Tomoko Sauvage — Clepsydra 20. Jean-Christophe Réhel - poème 21. Jose Jancidakis & co — Da gita ao oceano 22. Batsumi — Itumeleno 23. Les losts — 8 ans correct (début)
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