#fox app
clumxy · 11 months
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the bros being cute ✌
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Y'know what, you can also have this
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It was meant to go in tandem with my Prime bros fic but because since I drew this I rewrote the draft of the first chapter so many times it doesn't fit anymore
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
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Just two dads who really wanted to see their kid after really bad day...
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raccoonstickses · 2 months
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Can you just imagine Neil getting sick and loosing his voice, Abby saying he probably shouldn't try and talk for at least a few days because he could strain them plus it hurts to speak and eventually his voice is gone
So for days he has to rely on Andrew to talk for him (since Andrew can understand him from just a simple look) and instead Andrew just says the stupidest things instead of what Neil actually wants
Nicky: Neil do you want any of this fruit I cut up?
Andrew: no Neil says fruit is terrible and he’s actually allergic.
Kevin: *something about exy and night practice*
Andrew: Neil said his left pinky toe hurts too much, he can’t.
One of the new foxes: Neil can you help me with this scrimmage/move?
Andrew: Neil says quit exy.
See also: Nicky getting Neil a white board & Neil not being able to roast reporters and it's devastating to everyone but Kevin and Wymack who are like @ god thank you
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moonstonediaz · 1 year
idk my whole stance on the “will they/won’t they” in regards to buddie canon is just. it’s loud, it’s oddly ironic, that these are the only two main’s on the show that are S I N G L E. still! in season sex six! that their relationship statuses have basically run parallel to each other, that they keep trying and failing to find a romantic partner. so let’s look at the other side of the coin. what’s the other option? introducing yet again brand new love interests for both buck and eddie and having these people be their endgame relationships?
eddie? who has always held his cards close to his chest, is extremely protective over his son and who he gets close to, who has already tried dating the seemingly perfect woman for him and his son?
buck? who’s going to be a harder sell than ever now that he knows not to settle? who’s going to be looking for someone that accepts him just as he is, someone that compliments him perfectly, who accepts his relationships with the firefam, with chris and eddie, without complaint?
if this were season 2, 3, or hell, even season 4, i’d say yeah maybe we have time for all that. but we’re nearing the end of season SIX and there have been no new love interests brought in. and i don’t foresee 911 being a show that runs for 20+ seasons. i mean it could i guess but like. we’re in it. the meat of the sandwich. narratively, i don’t see it making sense for them to spend precious time cultivating new endgame relationships for the two of them. they’d likely have to run them at the same time, parallel to each other. yet again. which would be a tell in its own right that they were actively avoiding buddie canon.
i’m not saying they absolutely won’t do that, i have no idea what their actual plans are. i’m just saying they’re boxing themselves into a corner. a great big rainbow-filled flaming gay corner.
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aaronsinferno · 4 days
Tommy’s father is visiting for the weekend, a fact he’s keeping from Buck. The anticipation of the visit has Tommy irritable, and Buck, attuned to Tommy's mood shifts, doesn't let the secrecy slide. He presses Tommy for answers until he confesses. Tommy shares a strained bond with his family, one he’d rather keep hidden.
“They’re complicated” is how Tommy would describe it. He’s spent his entire childhood trying to climb out of that hole, but every interaction, no matter how small, somehow feels like a step closer to being dragged back into the chaos. He tells Buck about his dad’s domineering and condescending nature, a force that’s shaped his entire childhood. Despite the scars it left, Tommy insists he bears no hatred towards his father. Buck finds this comment odd, but decides to move on.
Tommy then opens up about the loss of his mother during his teenage years. He reflects on her kindness, wondering if it kept her tethered to his father despite the challenges they faced. After her passing, Tommy’s world grew darker. He begs Buck not to come over during the visit, wanting desperately to get it over with as soon as possible, and a reluctant Buck agrees.
As Tommy waits for his father's arrival, unsettling noises fill the silence, keeping him on edge. He checks the front door, finding no one there, chalking it up to background noise from the television. Moments later, another knock sounds, only this time it’s his father. His father's scrutinizing gaze lingers for a moment before he breaks the tension with a jab about putting Tommy to use for once by carrying in luggage.
Despite Tommy's attempts to dissuade him, Buck's concern for his partner leads him to arrive uninvited, offering silent support. Tommy urges him to leave, but his father extends an unexpected invitation.
As they gather around Tommy's dinner table, Buck and Tommy's father engage in conversation, forming an unexpected connection. Meanwhile, Tommy remains largely silent, speaking only when spoken to. Throughout the evening, he is plagued by mysterious noises that resemble small taps and knocks, constantly interrupting the flow of conversation. He repeatedly questions the source of the sounds, his unease growing with each sound.
When his father makes a pointed remark about Tommy's upbringing, the noises intensify, echoing louder than before. Tommy, unable to ignore the urgency, speeds to the front door, only to find an empty doorstep, leaving him unsettled and questioning his sanity.
As the dinner progresses, Tommy's father's facade crumbles as he spews nothing but misinformed and ignorant remarks. His comments, subtly aimed at Tommy, earns visible disgust from Buck, who maintains his composure out of respect for Tommy. Tommy's father takes thinly veiled jabs at Tommy's choices, such as his attire. He also praises his own tough parenting tactics, attributing Tommy's resilience to his upbringing, while downplaying Tommy's aspirations, such as his decision to pursue a career as a pilot.
The tension in the room simmers beneath the surface as the evening wears on, the weight of unresolved grievances hanging in the air.
Tommy ends dinner abruptly and retreats to the front porch with Buck, where the truth behind Tommy’s reluctance becomes clear. Tommy states that he can only stomach seeing his dad on three occasions each year: his dad’s birthday, his mom’s birthday, and the anniversary of his mom’s death. He again states that he doesn’t hate his dad, obviously a mantra he repeats to convince himself.
Buck cups Tommy’s face, and his saddened expression slowly forms into a small grin. In a moment of tenderness, Buck leans in to kiss Tommy softly. The warmth of the embrace overcomes Tommy, offering comfort. It's a gesture that speaks volumes, soothing Tommy's troubled heart with the gentle touch of understanding and love. After they part, Tommy returns to an empty kitchen. His father now off to bed, leaving him to clean up alone.
The night stretches on as Tommy embraces the quiet of the house. Suddenly, the ominous knocking resurfaces, louder and more persistent than before. Tommy's anxiety grows as he cautiously follows the sound, questioning his sanity with each step. After searching every inch of his home, he finds himself navigating his dimly lit attic, cluttered with forgotten relics. Suddenly, the sound ceases, plunging him into a long uneasy silence.
Seemingly annoyed, Tommy voices his acknowledgment of the presence, "I hear you knocking."
Nothing. He waited in silence for a moment before turning to leave.
In a surreal moment, a figure steps from the shadows. Tommy's mother stands before him. He stays there frozen, too stunned to speak, unable to form a single thought. A smile stretches across her face, a beacon of comfort for him, the embodiment of love and warmth. Almost instantly, Tommy is transported back to his youth. A sad and lonely teenage boy vulnerable In the presence of the mother he’d lost. The weight of his burdens momentarily lifts, and replaced by a sense of peace, acceptance, and nostalgia.
This is what the knocking would sound like btw
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911 Season 1 + Buck being a baby (derogatory)
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 3 months
Are you mentally stable or do you have exactly 407 aftg tiktoks downloaded to your phone?
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try-set-me-on-fire · 11 months
hiiii, "pet names" for the soft prompt if you're still doing it<3
Full disclaimer i also dont know how face timing works. Soft prompts, finished ones!
It had started as a joke. Or as teasing, really. Eddie had been in El Paso, telling his sisters about his boyfriend, and had tried to facetime him when they demanded living, talking proof of such a thing. Tried being the operative word there, because what Eddie had done was call him the regular way and then ask "How do I turn the camera on?"
"Well, my technologically challenged beloved, that's not how that works. Wait a second, hang up, I'll start the call."
And then, a few days later after Eddie was back home safe and exhausted from extended exposure to immediate relatives, it was a laughing “Beloved, hand it over,” as he grabbed a suitcase from his partner’s hands as Eddie looked like he was about to fall asleep standing up. Then “Beloved, pass me that-“ “Beloved, when is-“ “Beloved, how about-“ until it was just something he said, a name for Eddie alongside Eds and Babe and Hello You and all the times he says goodnight or good morning and means it as a form of address.
They’re at the station and Eddie says “Hey, Buck-” the start of a question lost to a moment of distraction, Ravi dropping something in the kitchen and all eyes turning towards the noise in a gentle assessment of danger.
It’s a coffee cup that now no longer has a handle, there’s a sheepish smile, and Buck turns back to his partner and says “Yes, beloved?” And it’s not a joke at all and out of the corner of his eye he can see Hen make the face she makes when they're being buckandeddie, all fond and a little grossed out.
And every time he says it here’s what happens: the very corners of Eddie’s mouth lift up first, and then he ducks his head just a tiny bit, and then he meets Buck’s eyes with a sort of surprised affection melted into the brown. Buck thinks they both keep looking at each other like this, months since they crashed into each other and refused to let go, still hardly daring to believe this is theirs to have and keep.
Eddie calls him honey and it tastes like it, the word sweet as it’s passed across the kitchen or pressed into his skin. He says sweetheart and Buck feels like one, feels kinder and lovelier under his attention. Eddie says “Buck” and he thinks his name doesn’t sound like that in anyone else’s mouth, he thinks he never feels more real or adored than when Eddie’s tongue curls around those consonants.
Growing up as Evan Buckley, he never knew how many names a person could have. Then he became Buck, and Buckaroo, and Kid, and each one was him entirely, his true name, and all of them would have been enough for him - already they felt like things he stole, things someone would disapprove of him having, little treasures to keep safe - but then there was Eddie and Buck thinks for the rest of his life he’ll greedily seek new names to have and to give away. He thinks maybe Husband, maybe soon.
For now, in the fire station after the broken cup, Eddie says “Oh, just wondering if you wanted to get breakfast after this?”
And Buck thinks maybe a name can just be knowing someone, in the way he knows what breakfast place they’ll go to and what Eddie will order and the half of his second pancake that Buck will end up eating. He smiles. “Yeah, Eddie, I’d love to.”
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failed-inspection · 1 month
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They'd be besties I think
(The little fox is from the game Stellar Fox! I noticed the similarities of the two getting separated from their families via weather conditions and just... Had to draw them...)
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xolasdoesntknow · 8 months
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Weird they/them kids ❤️💙💛
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
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Stay with me a little longer, I will wait for you...
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camo1000le · 10 months
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dott-fox · 3 months
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stationoneeighteen · 2 years
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... For science.
[Image Description: 5 large, coloured gifs from 9-1-1 featuring Eddie Diaz. Gif 1: A scene from season 2 episode 1, Eddie in the firehouse gym, sweaty after a workout, smiling slightly as he talks to Buck. He’s wearing low cut, black single top. Gif 2: A scene from season 3 episode 4, Eddie at his Abuela’s bedside in hospital with Christopher and Carla, Eddie turns to look up at Carla and nods, as a silent thank you. He’s wearing a denim shirt with a white vest top underneath. Gif 3: A scene from season 4 episode 8, Eddie in Christopher’s room visibly relieved to know that Christopher was with Buck. He’s wearing a black, short sleeve henley shirt with the buttons undone at the top. Gif 4: A scene from season 5 episode 10, Eddie in his living room talking Carla, he’s shaking his head side to side slightly as he gestures to the garland on the Christmas tree. He’s wearing a brown suede jacket with a navy button down shirt. Gif 5: A scene from season 6 episode 1, Eddie’s sitting at his dining table with Christopher playing boggle, he shakes the cube before placing it down on the table. He’s wearing a grey, short sleeve henley shirt with the buttons undone at the top. /End ID]
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