#fox demon (shippo)
poisonpeachxartx · 5 months
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Dabbling with some colored pencils and markers.
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calmbeforethesunset · 2 years
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I wanted to show off my adorable Shippo tattoo! Inyuyasha was one of the first anime’s I watched and it’s always nostalgic. Shippo has been my favorite character and I had to have him with me always. 🥰🥰🥰
Below is after almost a full month.
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universestreasures · 5 months
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Tag Dump For @lcstsons
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kiame-sama · 2 months
Soulful Jewel- (Yandere!Sesshomaru x Reader) pt 3
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Warnings: yandere relationship, yandere temper, yandere behavior, hurt, betrayal, confrontation, rage, aggressive behavior, yandere behavior, blood, fighting, arguing, not proofread (I probably should get a proofreader at some point)
"So, do you have a big animal form, Lady (Y/n)?"
You glanced over at the little girl that sat on the back of Ah-Un as your group of mismatched ends traveled together. Rin had always been good company during your travels and always seemed to know when you got too lost in your mind and needed a way out. Ever since your mutual Lord both claimed and showed his interest and power over you, you had found yourself feeling more attached to the dog demon.
Despite the less than kind way he had approached you about the subject, you felt an inherent need to stay near him. It felt as if you were bound to him in more ways than one even as you traveled with him and his group. From returning you to life after your sacrifice, to teaching you how to be a demon in feudal Japan, Sesshomaru had done more to help you than hurt you overall.
Now you were pulled from your thoughts by the innocent enough inquiry of the little girl you sacrificed your old life for. It was a good question, did you have an animalistic form? She had spoken about Sesshomaru's dog form several times prior and it made you wonder if you would have a similar fox form. There was also a chance that your form could become less human as you aged and the animalistic features would show through your humanoid form then.
"I don't know, Rin. I think it could be possible."
"Well, why don't you try it now? I'm sure if you try, you could-"
It was then Sesshomaru actually spoke up, Rin quickly silencing herself to hear what he had to say.
"It is still too early in her growth as a demon to attempt such a thing. Should she try and actually succeed she will likely become feral with power and instinct. It is not something to attempt lightly and without good reason."
"Oh," Rin started, "okay, M'Lord!"
It was while Rin was turned to look ahead that you caught a scent on the wind that stopped you in your tracks. Something was painfully familiar about this scent and it made a mixture of emotions well up inside of you, bringing with it a rush of energy that seemed to hum within you. memories came unbidden to the front of your mind as they flashed and played in short clips.
Kagome smiling at you by the campfire.
Songo polishing her giant boomerang.
Shippo curled up against Kirara's side.
Miroku cooking up fish.
Inuyasha training fiercely.
Each memory sent emotions flooding your senses, but they were all overshadowed by pain and with that pain came anger. A burning and broiling rage filled you as you remembered all the injustices done against you by the group and that rage poisoned your mind. The faintest of burns came from where you keep your soul made jewel as you felt a change overcome you.
You heard a voice somewhere near you, but that seemed to be so distant from your mind that you couldn't even focus on what it was saying. All you felt was rage and all you could hear was the blood pounding in your ears. Nothing mattered beyond reaching the source of your pain and putting an end to it.
It wasn't long before you were racing through the forest, headed towards those familiar scents with nothing more than rage on your mind. There was little sound that met your ears other than the profound snapping of branches from your vicious flight forward. A clearing was coming closer as you raced forward, but the moment you burst into the opening another creature slid before you.
A white dog-demon with a purple crescent moon in the center of his forehead snarled at you in warning, his fangs bared and head low. Beyond the dog demon's figure stood a surprised group and their simple presence made a furious growl erupt from within. The dog demon looked over at whatever it was you were snarling at and some kind of understanding seemed to dawn upon him as he turned back to you.
"Enough, (y/n), the human woman isn't worth this rage."
"That bitch left me for dead! I have a right to confront her!"
"As your mate I am demanding you stand down. Back off, (y/n)."
He actually seemed surprised at your snarled response and refusal to back down, his demonic aura lessening as his form began to shift back. The group behind the two of you actually reacted now to Sesshomaru who still stood with his back turned to them. Inuyasha was first to draw his blade and prepare for a fight with his elder brother.
"Stand down, half-breed. The vixen doesn't need you or your human pet angering her further."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
It was then you cut in, your voice raw and full of pain. Now the group could hear you as well and it was clear the sound of your voice unsettled them.
"It means you killed me! And when you were done you bastards just left me there! You all deserve the same treatment you gave me!"
"Why the hell do you sound like (y/n)? Answer me damn it!"
"Because I am (y/n)!"
It was then a blue flame surrounded you and you easily leaped past Sesshomaru, ready to dig your teeth into Inuyasha. But as you snapped your fangs, another weight pulled you back. Sesshomaru was back in his dog demon form and was preventing you from letting your rage take control. Even as you struggled to free yourself and felt all of your frustrations mounting, you couldn't escape the larger and more experienced dog demon.
Despite how he didn't seem to believe you at first, Inuyasha took a quick sniff and as the scent registered to his brain the blade fell from his hand. His response told the others that your words were true as they all now looked at your angrily struggling form, trying desperately to snap them with your fangs but unable to move beyond the limited range Sesshomaru gave you. Even as you struggled and cried out, you began to exhaust yourself.
"She's a demon..? But how? That doesn't even make any sense, she died-!"
"Inuyasha," Kagome now spoke, her eyes wide with sorrow and disbelief, "her chest. She- she has the full Shikon jewel!"
"Wait, but what about those shards you have? How does she have them?"
"I still have them right here! But how can she have..?"
You continued to struggle against Sesshomaru's hold, finding yourself unable to break away from the demon dog. Eventually your form began to melt back into what it had been prior. Were you had seen paws with the same white-prismatic color fur that your hair now was, they returned to hands. The muzzle you could see clearly in your peripheral sunk back into the form of your regular nose. Even the size that you had gained began to lessen until you were easily pinned by a paw from Sesshomaru's dog form. He too returned to his other form, continuing to keep you down and preventing you from reaching the group you once called your friends.
"Wait," Songo now spoke, her boomerang falling from her hands as she refused to try and fight you, "do you think she did the same as the first priestess who created the Shikon jewel? Could it be possible she created one too the day she died? It could make sense, but it doesn't explain why she is a demon now..."
"It doesn't matter, we can take it now."
Even as your will to fight receded, your rage still burned poisonously as you growled and snarled towards the group. Before they could react, Sesshomaru snapped at them, his tone more irritated and enraged than you had ever heard it before.
"Keep your filth-covered claws off, Inuyasha. She created that jewel with her sacrifice, it is not yours to freely take. I am keeping this vixen from slaughtering those she valued as a human, do not think for a second I will not allow her to act on her justly formed rage should you try to take what is not yours."
Inuyasha almost seemed like he was going to try and argue or fight with Sesshomaru, but a quick glance at you made him pause. He had been the cause of your untimely demise and his need to chase down Naraku was why he hadn't even noticed what happened. When Kagome told him later about the fact that you had been caught in the wind-scar, he truly felt he was to blame for your death.
Inuyasha had killed you. The others had left your body behind. Kagome had decided to leave you where your body lay in order to help the others. They had abandoned you and you were rightfully furious with them.
"Try to calm yourself, my mate. These humans and the half-breed are not worth being so upset over."
"They killed me and left me behind. I have the right to be as upset as I want to be!"
Kagome- upon hearing your words- burst into tears and hid her face, shame weighing upon her heavily. The others struggled to look at you, even as you fought against Sesshomaru's hold and continued to rant angrily at them. They all were to blame and everyone knew it.
A quiet part of you recognized that leaving you behind was the best move, as Sesshomaru was the only one you knew of who could reunite a departed soul and their body. That quiet piece also understood that you had entered the wind-scar voluntarily in order to save Rin from the same fate. Despite how that logic existed in your mind, you knew you still had a right to be angry.
Still, it was obvious Sesshomaru was not going to allow you to kill the ones that killed you. That fact alone cooled your boiling rage to a simmer and as you stopped fighting, his hold on you lessened. Eventually he was the one helping you up to your feet, keeping himself between you and the group you once called friend.
Your hand rest where your jewel sat, feeling it thrum in response to your light touch against the smooth surface. Even though your rage had calmed, you still held the burning hate inside of you. Perhaps it had been that hate and resentment paired with the roaming Kitsune soul that turned you to the demon you were now.
"If I ever see any of you again, I will not hesitate. Sesshomaru won't always be there to hold me back from my vengeance, so sleep with one eye open."
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mama-ino · 4 months
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He'd followed along with the miko, taking the children out to the field. Rin had insisted that he come along, not like he'd let them go alone.
She sat with them on the ground, not at all worried about the grass or dirt. He caught wind of a few humans passing, prompting him to stand closer. Normally, he would not have moved. NORMALLY, he'd have kept his distance. However, when they lingered at the tree line, he felt a weight in his stomach.
Shippo turned, immediately spotting them as Rin wove flowers into Kagome's hair. His eyes narrowed at their gazes, a low growl in his chest.
Kagome's blue eyes turned to him, "Shippo?" She followed his gaze, spotting the men, "Oh, I see. Rin-"
Her thoughts stilled as a large cool hand slid along her cheek, "Should they trek closer kit, you will watch over them in my steed."
He nodded, "What's their problem?" He turned to see Sesshomaru's hand on his mother, his eyes immediately narrowing, "What are you doing?"
Sesshomaru had dropped to a knee at her back, but his golden eyes never broke from the spying eyes. "I think Lord Sesshomaru likes the flowers," Rin chirped. "They smell really nice," she cooed.
His hair cascaded around her as he dipped his head, gently smelling at the crown of her head, "Indeed."
His eyes returned to the men, staring with a heated glare. Shippo knew what this was. Sesshomaru was staking claim. But was he? Were dog demons that different from foxes? Was he really trying to scare off other males from someone who he saw as a potential mate?
Rin's giggles had Kagome gulp thickly. What the actual frick was going on just now?
Doing the bingo card! Woo! Should I roll a dice or something to pick the next one? 🤩💖🎲
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The number of times that you recalled a certain half demon placing his robe over you in protections were too numerous to count. It was only when you were in dire danger or need that the precious red fabric ever left his being. It was his armor, as you’ve come to recognize from every battle you’d witnessed, proving its worth time and time again as he fought countless foes. There were a few times when its protection could only do so much for him but he always treated it with care even when it had been rendered to tatters until it could return to its former completed shape.
Your gaze rose upwards to the darkened night sky. Another new moon had come, earning the little traveling group a much needed break for camp, along with a change over a certain person who now grumbled lowly under their breath as a town appeared in the distance. The change InuYasha befell never ceases to amaze you as he huffed when the little fox demon lightly poked fun. Long pristine platinum white hair was now a black that could rival tonight’s darkness, touchable ears that would swivel or perk had disappeared, and the sharpness of his nails that was rivaled by his eyes were now softer yet still profound that told of inhuman heritage.
“What are you looking at?”
A snap of your head back towards the road shifted your gaze forward. “Wonder if there’s an place that we can stay at.”
“Tsk. Nothing wrong with camping.”
The monk intervened before you could respond, stating that for everyone’s sake it would be best to take shelter, then departed once spotting several prosperous homes. None too surprising that Sango followed him closely with Shippo and Kilala up her shoulders. That meant it was just the two of you walking along the dirt trodden path.
As if pulled by a magnet your gaze drifted back towards the seemingly normal man beside you.
“If you’ve got something to say, than say it already.” His snap was halfhearted, earning a raise of your eyebrow. When you didn’t answer he quickened his pace until blocking your path which caused you to stop. It was rare to see this expression upon his face as the nearby lantern illuminated his features for you. It was concerned, worried maybe, but most of all it was sincere. “What is it? You’ve been awfully quiet since dusk.” This was another aspect that you favored about this time of the month. Honesty was a strong suit of his, ego and bravado being used as shields when someone managed to get beneath his skin, but it was during this change that he was more open with you in particular when in regards to certain topics. Patience wasn’t his forte yet he waited for longer than you expected for an answer of some sort until he cast a brief glance over your shoulder before encouraging you to stand closer to the source of light. “You know I’d do my best to protect you, right? Don’t be scared.”
Warmth entered your cheeks at the tone he used. “Oh, I know you will, that’s not why—” Your words were forgotten as one of his hands appeared from the robe’s sleeves to press its palm against your forehead. “What are you doing?”
“Checking to see if you’re falling ill.” The hum that sounded from his throat reverberated slightly in your ears from its pitch, his expression becoming one of concentration. “You don’t have a fever so that’s good.”
“Really, I’m fine.”
At that moment a breeze blew past, tickling the bare skin of your legs and arms until the hairs stood upright with its cooler temperature, earning a shiver across your body. Your head hung as he sighed. All day you’ve been suppressing similar shivers down your spine with each breath of wind that whispered of fall’s coming frost. Guess you should’ve listened to mom’s advice about packing weather appropriate clothing. The school’s summertime uniform wasn’t going to cut it for much longer. Why couldn’t you have packed a jacket or some leggings instead of all those textbooks that threatened to break your back?
Silence filled the air between the two of you until the sound of shifting fabric caused your gaze to rise in curiosity only for it to become ensnared by a pair of warm sienna brown eyes that subtly shone with amber shards. His fingers were careful as they slipped the heavy backpack off your shoulders, easily swinging it up onto his own, then shifted so that you were nearly sandwiched between his body and the lantern. Not only was he blocking the wind but also attempting to combine his body heat with that of the lantern to help keep you warm until the others returned. And still his gaze remained locked on your own even when the subtlest of pink hues appeared within the tips of his ears. “It’s not much but better?”
A small smile lifted your lips as the chill in your skin slowly dissipated. “Much, thanks.”
It didn’t take long for Shippo to return with word that Miroku had found a place to stay for the night. After a modest dinner and sleeping arrangements had been made, you slipped off towards a quieter part of the residence where a little studying could be done. The head of the house had been kind enough to provide a few candles to offer better light for you but they did little to stem off the night’s chill as your nearly numb fingers fumbled to turn a page. Just as you were about to call it a night because it was becoming too difficult to focus from the cold, something happened that you never would have guessed or saw coming.
From behind you appeared two folds of familiar fabric that loosely enclosed you within a cocoon, a pair of legs folding neatly beneath you in place of the floor that were far more cushioned, and a firm toned surface meeting your back that had begun to protest against the slouched position you’d been in for the last hour. “Getting some studying done?” He asked softly, as if hoping not to startle you too much. A barely audible hiss slipped from between his lips as he drew you closer with a squeeze. “Damn, (Y/n), you’re freezing. How can you possibly get anything done when you’re this cold?”
Your answer was lost to the stuttering of syllables as your teeth chattered slightly, earning a chuckle from the dark haired man.
“Next time you’re this cold, just say something, ‘kay?” It was only when you nodded in agreement did his posture become more relaxed, hold loosening just enough that you could pick up the textbook again.
Now you had a completely different reason to be distracted.
Had he always been this warm or was that the robe? Either way it was so blissful that your mind slowly became a muddled mess the longer you remained within his hold. The sharp scents of Wind Scars or Backlash Waves that mostly dominated his being had given way to reveal faint traces of salty sweat reminding you of the beach, dry chalky remnants that were similar to mountains, and spicy cinnamon that tickled your nose in an alluring way.
“So what are you studyin’ this time? Is it that weird trig-no-metry thing?”
A chuckle came from your throat, shifting so that he could see the illustration of a bamboo forest. “It’s the story of a prince who wants to marry the bamboo princess but she has all these tasks for him to do before she agrees.” The tip of your finger rose when his expression became weary. “It’s similar to the Kaguya legend but this one describes the Robe of the Fire Rat to be silvery and beautiful.”
His eyebrows shot upwards as his chin fell to rest upon your shoulder, causing your cheeks to brush. “Yeah?”
“Mmhm. According to this, it was mistaken for common silk at first when an iron box had been dug up beneath a fallen temple. Only the prince of Japan at the time who had sent word to his dear friend in China asking for assistance understand what it truly once when he received it. So beautiful it was the he couldn’t wait to gift it to the princess but didn’t feel as though it would do her justice.” Your hand turned the page to reveal an illustration, eyes finding the sentence where you left off and continued to read aloud. “‘Across a bed of coals did the prince lay the robe, for it had been heard that the robe would become more beautiful to behold once kissed by flame’s lingering breath’. It said in a passage that it was as if silver had been spun finely to create the robe that could protect its wearer from any heat related harm.” From the corner of your eye you could see InuYasha’s gaze shift from the open book to his trusty coat, coaxing his eyes to return to the page courtesy of your nudge. “However, the prince made a mistake. He placed it on the coals twice more and it evaporated into silver smoke.”
The snort that sounded nearly made you smile. “Idiot. Should’ve just left it alone.”
“Well, he was trying to make sure it was in its peak condition before giving it to the bamboo princess. Nothing wrong with trying to ensure a gift is in its best condition.” You chided, noting how he rolled his eyes. “Yours was a gift from your father, right? Would you have been happy if he’d given it to you full of holes?” No sooner had the words come out of your mouth did you wish to take them back as his gaze darkened. Guilt filled your veins as his lip curled. “InuYasha, I’m sorry—”
“It was actually a gift to my mother who then passed it down to me when she died.” His tone was much softer than the expression made of stone he wore. “My old man knew he wouldn’t be enough to protect her so he’d asked the Fire Rat to make something for her. A lot of good it did her though.”
From within your heart came a twinge of sadness for him as he took a deep inhale through his nose. The book was closed with a snap, somehow not earning a reaction from him, then it was placed off to the side as you pivoted so that the two of you were facing each other. Only when the palms of your hands cupped his face did the dark haired InuYasha surface from the thoughts plaguing his mind. His gaze found your own, finding warmth and honesty, before you snuggled into his being while wrapping your arms around his torso. “I’m glad your father had it made to protect her, you could almost say it was made from his love for Lady Izayoi, and it became full of her love for you after your birth.” From this angle you couldn’t see his face there was no mistaking the rhythm of his heart quickening when you gave him a squeeze. “You could even say that its their love combined that continues to protect you even during this time when you feel weakest.”
The stiffness within his toned muscular frame ebbed at your words. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that he’d been constantly on guard all day knowing what was to come once the sun had set. Sure there was Sango, Miroku, and even Kilala to help if a battle or opponent were to present themselves. Ever so slowly, his arms enclosed around you in a returning embrace until the entirety of your form was nearly pressed against his own. Tresses of his long hair intermixed with your own as his warm breath wafted the sensitive skin of your neck.
Not another word was spoken between the two of you as one by one the candles flickered than hissed before extinguishing until darkness settled over the two of you like a heavy curtain. Neither it nor the whispering chill on the breeze could force you two apart as warmth slowly grew between your forms. The robe was large enough to comfortably fit around your combined forms, although that might have been because you were practically cradled against his form with your face protectively tucked beneath his chin, the gentle rises and falls of your chests in harmony as sleep slowly claimed you both.
It was almost too soon that you woke to find the first few rays of sunshine filtering over the horizon. Unlike the first time you’d witnessed his transformation, you watched with awe as black gave way to silvery platinum and the sharpness returned to his features as he stirred. The lids of his eyes opened just in time for the sienna brown to be overtaken by brilliant gold and pupils to become oval shaped rather than circular, those shards of amber remaining but now becoming harder to see from the irises’ ring. And yet he didn’t move or say anything that suggested you should move away. So within his hold you remained, offering a smile of greeting when his pointed dog-like ears perked in your direction.
“Morning, InuYasha.”
His gaze flitted off to the distance, a huff sounding in his nose. “Yeah…morning.”
“Did you sleep good?”
“Tsk. Would you sleep well if something heavier than a pickling pot sat in your lap?”
A twitch settled within your brow. Standing, you gathered all of the books you’d meant to study last night and shoved the materials back into your bag as the chorus of your names came from within the residence. “Sounds like the others are up so we should get going.”
“Not like we got anything here to keep us. Better to move on.”
The muscles within your jaw clenched as he nonchalantly rose then disappeared around the main house’s corner in the direction of where your companions would likely be as you hurried to follow. It was then that you noticed not only was your bag suddenly missing but the Robe of the Fire Rat was secured around your frame in a similar fashion that it had been at the Sage Tokijin’s temple. When had he done that?
“Hurry up, (Y/n), we ain’t got all day!”
Though it was so fast the others had missed, or if they had seen they didn’t comment, the pink tinge that entered his cheeks when you’d appeared alongside them.
“Why are you wearing InuYasha’s robe?” Shippo asked curiously while hoping up to balance atop of your head. “Did something happen last night that made you not come to bed?”
A teasing smile raised your lips while catching the half-demon’s gaze before taking the lead from him from beyond the gate that was entrance to the residence. “Looks better on me, wouldn’t you agree, Miroku?”
Instantly, InuYasha’s expression became one of anger as the perverted monk made to comment. “Don’t you even start!”
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little-guy-polls · 4 months
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Shippo: He's a little fox demon with a bag of tricks based on kids toys! His combat power isn't great and he's kinda a pest, but he's sooooo adorable!
Spike: Man is short and kind of scrawny. He's very much a little gremlin. he's a vampire. he's a loser man. i love him. 
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authorautumnbanks · 3 months
The Christmas Wish (1)
This was bad. This was really freaking bad. Kagome puffed as she ran down the shrine steps. Of course, Shippo-chan would sneak out. She should have made him kitsune promise that he would be on his best behavior, but nooo she just had to trust those large green eyes of his and his sugary words of wanting to experience Christmas with her and her family. She really should have known better.
He was in so much trouble when she got her hands on him. The modern world was no place for a trickster like him to be running amok.
Kagome pressed a hand to her temple, pushing into her skin as though the harder she pushed, the greater her thinking would expand. If she were a kitsune alone in a modern city, where would she go?
Think. Think. Shippo might be older than her, but his mind was still that of a child’s. The park nearby? No, too basic—he could get a better view of nature in his time. Think. Think. She snapped her fingers. The amusement park. Sota was bragging about all the rides and candy earlier. Kagome stuffed her hands into dark coat pockets, the bite from the cold winter stung her cheeks red. In her hurry, she neglected to grab gloves or a scarf. Half-jogging, she made her way to the amusement park. Even with the park being closed, the attractions were big enough to still draw the eye.
“Shippo! Where are you?” She called out, her voice cracking like ice against the cold front. Creepy doesn’t even being to describe how eerie it was to be at this park this late at night. Not quite the same as walking alone in the feudal era, where all sorts of nasty demons and humans just lie in the shadows, waiting to pounce. 
A chill that has nothing to do with the cold has the hairs on her arms rising. That energy was like nothing she has felt before, not demonic but not good either- it was as though the power was corrupted, cursed, and it was coming from behind the Ferris wheel. 
“Fox fire!” Her heartbeat stopped for a fraction of a second. No. Shit. Shippo was in danger and she left her fucking bow at home because it’s modern Japan and nothing ever happens here. Ugh. She pumped her legs to go faster, skidding to a stop at the sight of a grotesque thing.
The hell was that? Now, she has seen some ugly, and she means ugly demons in her life, but this thing puts all those low-level demons to shame. Its foot was sawed off, barely hanging together by its tendons. There was a black inky substance leaking from its foot. Its other leg was smashed together as though it had tried to fuse the parts back on. Bones stuck out from its back, and the whole thing made her want to hurl. 
That thing was disgusting, and the smell of rotting flesh did not help its case.
“Get away from them,” she commanded, noting a younger boy with spiky hair peeking out from behind Shippo. Shippo’s legs were shaking and this thing clearly outclassed him, and yet he stood firm. 
Did he rush off to save this boy? She would dwell on it later. Right now, her focus was on how the heck she was to go about beating this thing with no weapons.
It turned around slowly, like a bottle cap being twisted off, a sick crack with each movement. Its face was sewed up into a smile, its eyes were red and small like beads. “B-back,” it croaked out, “come back.” The amusement park lit up suddenly, as though the monster’s voice commanded the lights. Just as quickly as the park lit up, it died down shrouding them in darkness.
“It’s a special grade!” The boy shouted as though she should know what the heck that meant. 
“Hey! Ugly, leave them alone!” She pointed her finger at it. Her eyes darted to Shippo. Even if she could get him to transform, without an arrow or something makeshift, it was pointless. “Shippo, you two get out of here.” She jumped, just barely out of the way of its attack, tumbling over herself. How graceful, she bemoaned.
“We can’t leave!” 
“It set up a domain expansion!”
A domain what? Ouch, her knees stung from the way she landed. At least her jeans helped to take the brunt of it, but dang, this was not how she planned to spend her Christmas Eve.
A game plan would be nice. 
Or a bath.
Or maybe this thing could just not exist. 
Suddenly it leaped on her, its hands- claws? Gripped her shoulders as its patched mouth ripped open revealing more black liquid. What was it going to do? Swallow her? Goodness, this was not the time to be making such morbid jokes.
“C-come back,” it cried out, itching its face closer to hers. She huffed and groaned at the weight. It was a struggle, but she got one arm free. Her powers rose from her gut to her palm, sending a blast of pink in tune with the slap to its face. The thing screeched as it scrambled backward, clawing at its face. 
Her heart was beating erratically at the near-death experience. She really should take Sango up on that offer for hand-to-hand training, because this was not it.
The boy throws his hands together in a dog gesture—no, wolf; she corrected herself as a white wolf leaped from the boy’s shadow and pounced on the monster. She stumbled forward on wobbly legs. Where did Shippo run off to? 
There should be a common agreement that nothing bad happens around Christmas. If InuYasha were to catch wind of this, she’d never hear the end of it. The wolf let out a yelp as the monster tossed it back towards the boy. Kagome does a mad dash towards the monster, determined to not let it put a single creepy hand on him.
“Kagome! Catch!” Shippo yelled out, throwing a cheap wooden sword at her. It’s not a bow, but her aim is true no matter the weapon. 
“Oi! Yeah, you,” she goaded, rearing her arm back. It would be preferable if the sword was pointier, but beggars cannot be choosers, and this was her only option - saved from throwing herself on its back and trying to purify it that way.
Idiotic. Yeah, well. What else was she to do? Try to fight it like she actually knew how to wield a sword?
It turned at her, snarling as its bones expanded even further out of its body. She aimed for the mouth, anticipating that it would have something to say back to her goading. The sword struck true. The aura alone from her purification stopped the monster from getting away again. Kagome sucked in large amounts of cold air as she tried to calm her heart rate. That took so much out of her.
“How did you do that?” The boy looked at her in awe as Shippo helped him and his wolf up. He patted the white wolf before it disappeared into the boy’s shadow once more.
At least, he and Shippo-chan were bundled up in appropriate winter clothing.
“Uh.” Kagome stuffed her hands into her coat pockets. The adrenaline was wearing off fast, along with the feelings in her fingers. “Where are your parents…?” She prayed he didn’t watch that thing kill his parents.
“Gone.” He jutted his chin out. 
“Kagome is cool. She won’t judge,” Shippo assured the boy. 
“Fushiguro Megumi,” he told her. “I have a guardian,” he spat out, causing her brows to raise in response. 
Either the kid was upset because his parents were gone or he hated his guardian. Or both.
“Let’s get you home, okay. You shouldn’t be out here alone.” She crouched down to his level and smiled. He was so adorable with how serious he was trying to be.
“Why did you save me?”
“Because you were in danger.” 
“It could have killed you.”
“I would have died with no regrets if it meant that you two could have gotten away.” 
“Megumi,” Shippo interrupted, “Kagome isn’t the type to just run away. We should get out of here.” Shippo waved his hands excitedly in the air. “There are cookies back at the shrine for Santa Claws.”
“Santa Claus,” Megumi corrected, a small smile on his face as he watched Shippo-chan jump up and down.
Kagome blinked at that. How did those two become such quick friends? And how did he summon that wolf from his shadows? And what the heck was a curse?
“Megumi, would you like to come back with us and call your guardian?” She asked, even though she already knew the answer. The boy seemed to be pretty fascinated by Shippo. Not that she could blame him since Shippo went out, bushy tail and all. She stood up, holding out her hand to him. Megumi looked at Shippo for confirmation before taking a hold of her hand and grabbing a hold of Shippo in his other hand. “Let’s go home.”
Gojo Satoru was not having a great day. First, the higher-ups lectured him about the responsibilities of taking in Megumi and how the Gojo clan taking in a Zenin was a political imbalance or some shit like that. Really, the Zenins were just pissed that he put a stop to the sale and stopped them from getting their grubby hands on Megumi. The only thing that clan cared about was Megumi’s cursed technique. They did not give a damn about Megumi’s or Tsumiki’s well-being. 
He spiked a hand through his hair, mildly irritated at the vibrations from his phone. What was it now? “Yo!” he answered with false joy.
“H-Hi, Gojo-san,” the babysitter stammered out.
His body festered with annoyance. He gripped the phone tighter, knowing that the next words out of her mouth would surely ruin his night even more. Why else would the babysitter call him if not to deliver bad news?
“Megumi is uh missing–”
“What?” Did he get kidnapped? “Is Tsumiki okay?”
“Y-yes, for the most part. She’s upset, but unharmed. We went to the amusement park and I don’t know –”
“You went to the amusement park hours ago,” he said lowly, “and you are just now calling me?” What was he paying her for if she couldn’t handle watching two kids? He pulled the phone back to glance at the unknown number calling. “Do not let Tsumiki out of your sight.” He ended the phone call.
She was so fired.
“Gojo,” he answered, his mind going down the list of his many enemies. They were as good as dead once he found them. Coming after him was one thing—going after children was unforgivable.
“Hi Gojo-san,” a melodic voice rang in his ears, “I have Megumi-chan with me. He’s fine, busy eating cookies right now. Do you know where the Higurashi shrine is? If not, I can give you directions,” she said.
Higurashi shrine? Could be a trap, he mused, but his gut was telling him that Megumi was fine if he was staying out at a shrine.
“I know of the shrine,” he responded, “and who am I speaking with?”
“Oh, sorry!” She laughed, “Higurashi Kagome. Just knock when you get here and sorry for feeding Megumi-chan sweets so late, he and Shippo-chan insisted on them.” The sound of Megumi laughing in the background was foreign to him. The kid was always so serious that he didn’t think the boy knew what fun was. “See you soon, Gojo-san,” Kagome said before hanging up on him.
He yawned as he stuffed his phone into his pocket. So much for relaxing when he got home. Not wanting to waste any more time, though his body was tired from working mission after mission, he teleported to the bottom of the shrine steps. He paused at the front door; his shades slid down the ridge of his nose. Megumi’s cursed energy burned like a light, but it was the presence of something darker - more visceral in the home that had him pushing down his own energy. 
It was nothing he had ever felt before and he has fought a number of special grade curses. 
He knocked and listened to the scrambling of footsteps. His shoulders tensed, not sure what to expect to be hiding from behind the door. The door swung open.
“Hi! You must be Gojo-san. Kagome,” she greeted, her words breathless. Her beauty sent him spiraling. He was not a drinker, but he wouldn’t mind getting drunk off on the taste of her. He wondered if her lips would taste as sweet as they looked. Long, dark lashes framed her doe eyes. On anyone else, he’d think the color plain - normal, but on her, he saw warmth and an innocence he wanted to protect with every fiber of his being.
Well… fuck, he thought, love was the most twisted curse of all and if this was the face of such a curse, then maybe falling in love was not so bad. 
Megumi glared at him from behind Kagome’s legs, his hands gripping onto her pants tightly as though Gojo were the stranger and not the other way around. 
“Where’d you find the runt?” he asked, his smile dropping at her frown. 
“I found Megumi,” she stressed, “at the amusement park.” She placed a hand on Megumi’s head. “Why don’t you come in Gojo-san? Surely you must be cold standing out there. We were just getting ready to make some more hot chocolate.” She turned her back to him. Megumi trailed behind her. 
“Don’t do anything,” Megumi mouthed, glaring back at him like the brat that he was. 
“Thank you for calling me right away, Kagome,” Gojo said, trying a different angle. “I just got the call from Megumi’s babysitter right before you called.” She led them to the kitchen where the darker energy was emitting from. His fingers twitched at his side as he came face to face with a… boy with a tail?
He supposed that even curses could be cute sometimes, but why the heck was it happily eating actual food?
“Shippo is a fox demon, leave him alone,” Megumi announced, joining Shippo at the table. Kagome jerked back and then looked at him sheepishly. 
“Are you like Megumi?” Shippo asked, stuffing marshmallows into his mouth. “Can you summon a fox?”
“What’s wrong with my wolves?” Megumi argued.
“They’re wolves! And I’m a fox.” 
“So, wolves eat foxes.”
“Okay boys,” Kagome interrupted, “that’s enough or you won’t get any hot chocolate.” They groaned and pretended to zip their mouths shut. “Gojo-san-”
“Satoru,” she said, “there was a…”
“Special grade,” Megumi offered up. “We couldn’t leave the park, so I think it had a domain expansion.” 
So, the runt did listen during his training sessions.
He flicked his gaze to Shippo, his eyes roving over the childlike features. Was he responsible for saving them? He didn’t look like much. Smaller than Megumi, but the power coming from him was more than what Megumi had at the moment. Stronger. Darker. He could be trouble.
But was it enough to get rid of a special grade, he wondered, though looks could be deceiving. 
“Kagome-san exorcised it.”
Surprised coated his face. He was not expecting that at all.
Kagome handed him a cup of hot chocolate. Her fingers brushed against his - which should be impossible. Wait a minute. He was too distracted earlier to notice, but there was no cursed energy within Kagome at all. 
“I purified whatever that thing was.” She shrugged, without a hint of arrogance, as though the task was truly no biggie.
“You took down a special grade?” He discreetly sniffed the hot chocolate, raising the cup up to his mouth. If Megumi claimed that it had a domain, then it had to be a special grade, and somehow Kagome took it down, no problem. He roved over her figure behind his dark shades, committing to memory how petite she was. The longer he stared, the more the primal part of him wanted to make her his.
What was wrong with him? He had no time for relationships and lusting over Megumi’s savior was awful, even for his standards.
“I still don’t know what that means.” She turned away, fixing two mugs of hot chocolate. He wasn’t sure if he should be annoyed, skeptical, or flattered that she felt so comfortable around him. “It didn’t feel like a demon. I’m just lucky that purification worked on it.”
“It was a curse, borne from the negative human emotions.” 
“Oh!” she exclaimed as she placed the mugs in front of the boys. “Gramps is always going on about curses. I thought he was just talking as he always does.” She pressed a finger to her chin before looking at him with an excited expression. “Does that mean you are a sorcerer?”
“The strongest,” he replied, resisting the urge to stick his tongue out at Megumi’s obvious eye roll. 
“Demon begone!” A man shouted behind him. His cursed energy was so low that it barely registered on Satoru’s radar. The sutras hit his infinity. He raised a brow at the older man. He made Gakuganji look young.
“Grandpa! What are you doing?” Kagome brushed past him, startling him once again at the contact. She smelled like honey and lavender. The sutras were still floating in the air, so his infinity was still up, and yet Kagome could bypass it? 
Looks could be deceiving, he thought, and powerhouses seemed to come in the shape of curvy shrine maidens. He could feel a pair of eyes glaring holes in his back. Satoru turned his head to see both Megumi and Shippo glaring daggers at him. 
Was he that obvious? 
“Well, Megumi and I should be going now,” he said. His heart clenched at leaving so soon, which was all the more reason why he needed to get out of there. His mind was a muddled mess of thoughts of how to make Kagome smile, laugh, and other thoughts that were not at all appropriate with the given audience.
“What! You can’t leave,” Shippo said. “I thought Clawsmas was about celebrating with family and friends.”
“Christmas,” Megumi corrected, “and yeah, I want to stay. Why can’t you go get Tsumiki?”
“We can’t just impose.” Seriously, what has gotten into Megumi? The boy hated people.
“Oh, we don’t mind. Right grandpa?” Kagome flashed him a smile as she plucked the sutra out of the air. 
“Hmph. I have my eye on you, boy,” the older man pointed and then swiped a cookie from the table. 
The old man had his eye on him, but not the fox demon? This family was strange and entirely too trusting, in his opinion. 
“Ignore gramps,” Kagome said. “You wouldn’t have made it up the steps if you were a bad person. And gramps, Satoru is a sorcerer like those stories you always tell.”
The hell did she mean by the steps comment?
“What’s your surname, boy?” 
“Gojo.” He eyed the cookies that were disappearing fast. The sharp gasp drew his attention. So, the old man knew of him then, but Kagome did not, and yet she could take out a special grade. He should start taking the time around Christmas off.
“Oh boy, I don’t think gramps is going to let you go now,” she joked, shaking her head as the older man rushed out of the room. “But really, we do not mind. Shippo-chan has taken a liking to Megumi-chan and I have some questions if you don’t mind.”
“What do I get for answering your questions?” He smiled back, ignoring the sharp rise of cursed and demonic energy. His fingers curled around the mug handle tighter as he took a sip. Man, that was some good shit. Kagome must have won Megumi over with the hot chocolate alone.
“Um, well, what do you want?” She crossed her arms, pushing her breasts together. He took another long draw from his drink.
“Oi! Kagome!” 
The color drained from Kagome’s face as a man in a red haori came skidding into the kitchen. His hair was as white as the snow out, and he had two dog-shaped ears on top of his head. Another demon? Satoru sat his mug on the table.
“Who the fuck are you?” The man demanded, one claw-tipped hand on the hilt of his sword.
Satoru bit back a snarl. Shippo might not mean any harm, but this dog-eared one did.
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inuyashaographer · 5 months
Kagome and Inuyasha: How to Raise a Fox Demon
Shippo is a very misunderstood character, he’s often seen as the brat of the group, that causes more trouble than anything, he’s always antagonizing Inuyasha, picking fights, making comments just to get a rise out of Inuyasha.
When in reality, they have a lot in common with one another, Shippo like Inuyasha, lost his parents at a pivotal point in time, a time that could impact his future.
In comes Kagome. Kagome is to Shippo, what Izayoi is to Inuyasha. She bridges the gap to Shippo having a similar life to Inuyasha.
Now that’s not a complete 1-to-1 comparison, Shippo has the advantage of being a full-demon, so it’s very likely he doesn’t grow up being alone and ostracized, but whether he grows up to be good, is another question entirely, or the more important question, if he grows up at all, which is perhaps the biggest risk of him being alone at such a young age.
One of Shippo’s best traits is his honorability, another aspect he shares with Inuyasha. When he gets a little too headstrong for his own good and tries to face off against Manten, it’s Kagome that steps up and protects him. However when the time comes for him to return the favor, he tries to warn her about the blast that Manten is about to fire, but runs right past Kagome, Kagome takes the brunt of the hit, which ends up blocking Shippo, Kagome is knocked out as Shippo hides off in the bushes. When Manten decides to run off with Kagome, Shippo is left there to deal with his guilt.
Shippo: “She protected me, and I abandoned her… I'm a coward.”
Realizing his actions and realizing that he alone can’t deal with them, he runs off to ask for Inuyasha’s help, he has to do whatever he can to help save Kagome, because she saved him, he now feels indebted to her
However when Shippo finds Inuyasha, Inuyasha seems less than willing to not only save Kagome, but to help him at all, and tells Shippo to beg for his help.
With some urging by Myoga, Shippo is confused when he does so, only to find that not only is Inuyasha telling him to stop begging, but is already ready to go with Kagome’s bike in hand. He doesn’t realize that Inuyasha was always going to save Kagome, and the truth is it was never about Shippo begging. Inuyasha simply wanted proof that Shippo was serious and wasn’t going to betray him, the moment Inuyasha realized this, he told Shippo to stand up.
During the fight with The Thunder Brothers, Shippo proves not only that he can be an ally, but through the battle Kagome and Shippo support one another in their battle against Manten. Which allows Shippo to repay his debt to Kagome.
When all is said and done, Shippo remains with the group, but has a much stronger connection to Kagome due to the fact that she kept him safe, but also because he finds her fun to be around, she’s the motherly figure in his life.
The anime seems to depict their relationship as brother/brother when it comes to Inuyasha and Shippo, but in manga it’s more along the lines of step-father/son.
Shippo early on does see that Inuyasha himself is an honorable person, but isn’t necessarily sold on him being the father figure in his life, we see over the course of the series that changes. Though he’s often annoyed by Inuyasha’s antics, he does see that Inuyasha himself is strong, dependable, honorable, courageous and protective of his friends, attributes that can be applied to Kagome as well. Where Kagome is more kind on her approach and wanting to see Shippo grow and succeed, Inuyasha is a lot more gruff, he wants Shippo to succeed, but knows there’s value in the adversity (something that Kagome and Inuyasha instill into Jinenji as well), there has to be that balance, of kindness and toughness in the world they are in. You have to know when it’s best to fight, to make the decision of when you should fight and you shouldn’t fight.
Throughout the story, Shippo grows, he might not be the toughness, he might even be a coward sometimes, but when the moment calls he'll try his best to keep the people he cares for safe. We meet the young fox demon that causes trouble and becomes a trickster, to him growing more resourceful, protective and courageous, to going to school wanting to become the best demon he can be the protect the people around him.
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inuyashamybeloved · 7 months
Sneak peek from “Front Piece” chapter 7.
The following scene is tied (but slightly different in focus) with one that will be portrayed in “Little Pieces”, which is the side fic that will develop the Sota/Kaede relationship. While the scene is the same, in FP the focus will be on Inuyasha and Kagome and their evident feelings for each other (and seen from Kikyo’s pov), while on LP the focus will be on Kaede and her plot to get close to Sota (seen from Kaede’s pov).
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“I think he usually helps when there are tons of visitors, so if he doesn’t show up in a few minutes, I can ask his grandpa to see if he’s home,” Shippo offered while walking with Rin hand in hand.
Kikyo sighed wistfully, glancing at Yura’s hand and itching to hold it.
“Okay,” Kaede replied with a small nod of her head.
The group walked leisurely for a few minutes before Shippo spoke up.
“There’s Sota’s mom,” he said as he began walking toward a middle-aged woman with short hair. “Mrs. Higurashi, hi!”
She turned at the call of her name, smiling brightly when she spotted the fox demon. “Oh, hello, Shippo! How are you?” the woman replied before looking at each of the girls and greeting them.
“I’m fine. Is Sota home? We were visiting and just wanted to say hi,” Shippo explained, scratching the back of his head.
Mrs. Higurashi smiled kindly, patting the boy’s shoulder. “Sota should be out here in a minute, he’s getting his grandfather a cup of tea.”
Seconds later, Sota came into view, carrying a cup and stopping when noticed the group, and his eyes widened when they landed on Kaede. “Shippo? Hi!”
“I’ll take this to your grandfather,” his mother offered, grabbing the cup from his hands and walking toward the elderly man, who was just a few meters away. All the while, the teens exchanged some greetings. Mrs. Higurashi returned soon after and remained next to her son.
Sota turned to his mother, pointing at Kikyo. “Remember I told you we ran into Inuyasha at the mall? This is his wife.”
She mentally winced at the boy’s bluntness but smiled nonetheless. “Pleased to meet you, I’m Kikyo Hidaka, and these are my sister Kaede and my friend Yura.”
It certainly left a bad taste in her mouth to introduce Yura as a mere friend, but it was certainly better than saying ‘maid’ or ‘employee’.
“Pleased to meet you, I’m Kaoru Higurashi,” she introduced herself, and Kikyo didn’t miss the surprise in the older woman’s expression, nor did she miss the faintest trace of sadness in Mrs. Higurashi’s eyes before disappearing completely.
It was a subtle gesture, but it spoke volumes to Kikyo. The woman was evidently sad for Kagome.
Mrs. Higurashi looked around, searching for something—someone—before addressing Kikyo again. “Is he visiting too? I’d love to say ‘hi’. He was such a lovely boy!”
Kikyo smiled at the kind words, shaking her head. “No, Inuyasha is on a business trip, but I’ll tell him to visit you when he returns.”
“Oh, thank you,” Kaoru replied before turning to the elderly man, who was calling out to her, “I’ll go see what he needs. It was a pleasure meeting you all.”
Kikyo watched her go, wishing she could have told Mrs. Higurashi that Inuyasha always spoke so fondly of her after returning from his year abroad. But more than anything, she wished she could have asked about Kagome’s relationship status. Given the woman’s reaction at being introduced to “Inuyasha’s wife”, Kikyo was even more certain that Inuyasha’s feelings weren’t entirely unrequited.
Leaving the teenagers to their own devices, she pulled Yura aside.
“We need to talk.”
She dearly hoped her girlfriend had also noticed what she had seen in Mrs. Higurashi’s eyes.
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Front Piece on Ao3
(Inuyasha/Kagome, Kikyo/Yura).
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If you'd like to be tagged for future teases and when this chapter is posted, shoot me a message.
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can-you-even-anime · 2 days
Unveiling the Timeless Charm of Inuyasha: A Gateway to the World of Anime
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Why is Inuyasha a great anime to start with? Well, simply put, it’s the show’s diverse themes! That’s just one of the many reasons, but what does that really mean? What makes these diverse themes so important for making Inuyasha a fantastic starter anime? Before diving into the details, let’s explore a bit about this amazing show and why its variety of themes makes it such a standout choice!
Set in feudal Japan, Inuyasha is a spellbinding tale that brings together the best of fantasy and romance. The story kicks off with Kagome Higurashi, a modern-day high school student who’s unexpectedly pulled into a mystical era after falling into a well at her family shrine. There, she meets the half-demon Inuyasha, and let me tell you, their encounter is nothing short of electrifying!
Inuyasha, with his fierce determination and brooding charm, might seem like a typical bad boy, but his heart is as big as his sword! And Kagome, with her sharp wit and compassionate nature, brings a refreshing balance to their dynamic. Together, they embark on a quest to recover the shards of the Shikon Jewel, each adventure more thrilling than the last!
What makes Inuyasha truly special is its unforgettable cast. From the lovable and loyal Shippo, the mischievous fox demon, to the fierce and formidable Sango, the demon slayer with a heart of gold, the characters are as diverse as they are endearing. And let’s not forget Miroku, the charming monk with a penchant for mischief and a curse that adds a layer of intrigue.
These characters don’t just fight monsters and seek out magical relics; they grow, laugh, and cry together, making their bonds feel like family. Their interactions are the heart and soul of the series, making every episode a rollercoaster of emotions.
The action sequences in Inuyasha are nothing short of spectacular. Whether it’s Inuyasha unleashing his signature Iron Reaver Soul Stealer attack or Kagome taking down demons with her archery skills, every battle is filled with intensity and excitement. And the journey is never just about the fights—it's about the friendships forged and the obstacles overcome.
The blend of traditional Japanese folklore and fantasy elements makes each adventure unique and captivating. From haunted forests to mystical temples, the world of Inuyasha is a feast for the imagination!
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Image found on Google, taken from media-amazon.com. Copyrights go to the original creators.
One of the most compelling aspects of Inuyasha is the romance between Kagome and Inuyasha. Their relationship is a beautiful, turbulent mix of love, misunderstandings, and growth. It’s not just a typical love story; it’s a journey of two souls navigating the complexities of their worlds and their hearts.
Their ups and downs will have you rooting for them, crying with them, and cheering for their happiness. It’s a love story that transcends time and space, making it all the more magical.
So why is Inuyasha a great anime to start with? It’s because it masterfully blends everything together! Some anime can be super fast-paced, which might be overwhelming if you're not used to it. But with Inuyasha, the diverse themes give you something to connect with, the pacing of the story helps you follow the plot with ease, and the characters’ personalities make it easy to form a bond. By the end, you might feel a bit sad that it’s over, but you’ll also be thrilled that you connected with and enjoyed such a fantastic series!
That’s all, minna! I hope you agree with me. If you’re on the lookout for your first anime and decide to start with Inuyasha, please let me know what you think—I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! If you’ve seen it before and think there are other anime that do a better job of introducing Japanese culture, I’d love to hear about those too. Regardless, I’d love to know your thoughts!
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fallensnowfan · 24 days
I have read all of the chapters in the 400s of Inuyasha, and a few of the 500s, about 50 to go!
I like how everyone of the main group are getting some final weapon enhancements lately, as the story approaches its finale.
There were many good sillies and cuties in this stretch too!
Very precious Shippos and Kagomes, with a kitty, Inuyasha being drunk and spacing out, and Kirara being a protective cutie.
The two chapters where Shippo meets other fox demons and increased his rank were a treat too.
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mikodaiyo · 2 years
[skfw] The Inn Encounter
Summary: Sesshomaru is looking for Kagome.
  Day 1: Courting
  Word prompt: Love Letter
  Scenario Prompt: Character A has been acting strange so character B confronts them.
Sesskag Fluff Week Prompts ♥️
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  “Kagome isn’t here.”
   Sango smiled apologetically to Sesshomaru while Rin abandoned training to hug her hogosha.
That morning, with the children all stuffed into her hut for their warm ups again, Sango had decided it had been raining for long enough and ushered them out onto the dewy lawn.
From above, Shippou worked out his magic by providing them the coverage of a large canopy, though it looked like a large towel struggling to stay stretched out in the breeze. Sango had relieved him of his duty several times just for him to refuse, saying a village hero such as he could at least do this much.
Sesshomaru noticed the sweat that beaded down the child’s form as soon as it ran down his sleeves, interrupting his reunion. Sighing, he released his moko into the air and it swirled and swirled, startling the large towel with a bushy fox tail as it became a large cloud all its own, shading them all from the rain.
“Enough, Shippou.” He said, and it was. 
Shippou released himself and fell to the earth unsteadily, his little paws holding him up still. 
“Well done, Shippou!” Rin applauded him, walking over and patting his panting back. He looked at her and then at Sesshomaru, grinning shyly when even he nodded.
“Rin. Jaken is making your favorite dish.” 
“Break-time!” Rin translated. She grabbed Shippo's hand but froze mid stride, now looking to her Master Sango.
Sango nodded, “You heard Lord Sesshomaru. Jaken is making everyone’s favorite dishes!” She smiled at her children standing at attention behind her, “You better hurry.”
The relief of children’s laughter filled the wet air, the sound of Slayer uniforms slapped the earth and Mokomoko followed the children to keep them dry. The rain fell on the adults again but they didn’t mind it. The rain was a refreshing blessing as well as natural conversation cover.
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Come again another day
Inside the Inn we will decay
And though the keeper will let us stay
It's been – and we want to play
Rain, Rain, Go Away
It was just something to pass the time, Kagome insisted to them. A phonetic rhyme that would help them keep track of time, if nothing else. But to the children it was a blessed chant from Priestess Kagome, a chant that if they sang loud enough it would make the rain go away. They sang it so much recently that Sango didn’t even notice the number of rainy days, she just knew the children were blessedly occupied with a suitable answer instead of asking her to teach them how to beat it up.
Sango stretched her arms and they both heard her bones popping graciously, “You hurry too. What if you catch a cold?” She walked toward the entrance of her home and kept the door open by invitation.
“This one does not get colds.” Sesshomaru followed after her calmly.
“You never know. Stranger things have happened.”
“Such as?”
“You, looking for Kagome.”
“This One is always looking for Kagome.”
“You’ve become such a romantic, Lord Sesshomaru! That nearly made my old heart skip a beat.”
“Old?” Sesshomaru raised his brow. He rested his swords against her door frame and took a seat at her low table, “even demons in my court would question your slow aging.”
“My Lord,” Sango guffawed, moving to another room with a screen dividing the view, “You are making me blush. May I remind you I am a married woman.” 
After removing the armored guards of her uniform, she worked on the wet leather itself. Sesshomaru closed his eyes and listened to the rain, listened to all the patterns in the mud, the grass, the farmers footsteps. He sifted through the noises, searching for a particular Priestess’ heavy footfalls.
Reemerging refreshed, Sango set fire to her hearth and began preparing her favorite tea set, an adorable white and purple accented gift from The Lord of the West with his red, hexagonal crest glazed into plates and the handles built like gold clouds were whipped against the porcelain cups. The set had instantly become the main reason Sango entertained guests.
“Speaking of being the only married woman-”
“You did not speak of that.”
“Did you know I am the only married woman in the whole village?” Sango fixed, “Speaking of which-”
“This one is looking for Kagome.” Sesshomaru emphasized, as if to say it wasn’t his fault that she was the only one. Sango placed the tea set down and then sat herself with a mortar and pestle, grinding sweet smells into the air.
“She’s been so busy lately.” Sango sighed, “Everyone has been; Demon sightings are picking up in neighboring villages, Kaedae can only be in one place at a time, Kagome goes everywhere else. Miroku wrote that he and Inuyasha have been making more progress rebuilding east.” Sango stretched then, as though talking about everything worked out the knots, “More children want to be taught to be Slayers so I get to see Kohaku only briefly while he and Kirara drop off more to me and take the ones I’ve trained to study further in the mountains.” 
The kettle whistled and Sesshomaru got up, to which Sango sighed in appreciation.
She lightly brushed her mixture into their cups and Sesshomaru poured in the hot water. Hers first and then his own. 
“You are all busy.” Sango breathed in the steam, her eyes closed but one peeking open. “ Yet, I seem to always find you.” 
She worked with children all day. She had three of her own.
So, Sango could tell when a little pout was forming and it was such a shame Kagome was missing it.
“Well, I mean, it’s not like Kagome to not want to be found, is it?” Sango mused. Sesshomaru, who had been lifting his own cup, paused. He hadn’t considered that.
Just because he could not locate her, didn’t mean she didn’t want to be located.
In fact, when did she ever stay away from Sesshomaru? Kagome didn’t even hide from him when she had good reason to.
“When was the last time you spoke?” 
“Hmm… what the…” Sango squinted, staring hard into the empty space above to try and form the image of the last time she had seen Kagome. “Actually, It’s been weeks… has it been weeks?” 
Sesshomaru knew she wasn’t asking him and the irritability of the unknown began to tense his form. So no one had answers, for this long?
“This one last saw her before the rain fell.” He supplied.
“Rain, rain go away…” Sango mumbled, her hand coming to rest on her chin in deep thought. If she concentrated, she could hear the children singing just that morning. Sesshomaru didn’t dare break her concentration.
“Come again another day, inside the inn I’d rather not stay, and the keeper would let me stay, but it's been… it's been 12 days and we want to play…”
They shared a look.
According to the children who sang songs and chants that Kagome taught them when they were bored, it had been raining for two weeks.
   For the past week, Kagome had been staying at an Inn. It wasn’t the largest or most lavish like Miroku preferred, nor as sparse as Inuyasha preferred. There were five rooms, an outdoor pool and an old Innkeeper who liked chatting in the mornings while they drank their tea and didn’t charge Kagome on account of her status. Graciously, Kagome offered to clean the rooms for the Innkeeper and bless it regularly, just in case her presence brought misfortune. 
There was plenty of room for her goal; According to the Village Leader, women had been disappearing. Kagome had asked the Leader to keep him informed, but upon receiving no reply, Kagome let her gut instinct kick in. She only told Kaedae she’d be gone and hopped on the last cart of that night, napping amongst the hay and waking to an Ox licking her cheek, she and the farmer arriving at the inn. 
Kagome huffed, the cool night air materializing puffs that lifted her bangs. While she was stuck, waiting, how many girls were being taken in by that orange, malicious energy that filled the sky? The one she noticed sipping tea with the Innkeeper while they chatted? The dawn that pooled across the sky like blood and tricked regular people into thinking it was a normal sunset?
They sat there in the evening, after Kagome finished cleaning the floors and the Innkeeper made sure the snack portion was doubled. They sat and Kagome smiled and traded pleasantries and hid her unease behind her teacup when the Innkeeper remarked they’d never seen such a beautiful sunset. Kagome lost sleep these past few nights just watching the Innkeeper, making sure it wasn’t the beginnings of hypnotism. But so far no change. Just she and the Innkeeper and the orange blood hiding a perfectly good sunset.
Again, she wished she had time to learn how to work with shinigami. Or time to train a messenger bird. What kind of Priestess didn’t travel with a companion? Even her bike would have sufficed.
Had she known it would take so long for another lead but she didn’t know because she always worked in groups, and in a good group like hers, everyone did their fair share. It never seemed like there was a moment's rest because someone or someone else was always gathering information.
But now, Kagome was all alone and there was all at once too much to do and nothing to do. Too much information to work with and none at all. The perfect time to take Intel but, Intel on what?
“Perfect time to invent e-mail.” She muttered into her cup.
“You’ve been grumbling since your arrival yesterday, dear.” said the Innkeeper. “Have I become such a poor companion?” 
“Yesterday...? Oh! No! Not at all.” The truth sounded so unconvincing. Kagome cleared her throat, “It’s my fault really. I’m not working hard enough.”
So lax in fact that what felt like a week to her had only been a full day at the Inn.
“You’ve done nothing but work since you’ve been here, dear. This tea is the only way I’ve gotten you to take a breather.” The Innkeeper tapped their brass kettle and laughed, “You’ve left me no choice but to break out the good stuff in fact!”
The Innkeeper closed one eye and leaned into Kagome, peering into her personal space, “Are you sure you’re not a swindler? How old are these robes?”
Kagome jumped, her body moving almost against her will away from the Innkeeper’s hands and eyes and questions. Setting the tea aside, Kagome tucked her knees, turned to her host and bent at the waist.
“I’m sorry!”
Her youthful energy nearly knocked the Innkeeper backwards, “I promise I’m not swindling you and if you have been swindled before, specifically by a Monk wearing purple robes, I’m sorry for that as well!”
The Innkeeper blinked, “Ah-well, thank you. I haven’t been swindled by a purple robed Monk yet, Priestess, but I’ll be on the lookout from now on. Thank you.”
Kagome was so happy her face was shielded from view. Her embarrassment should only been seen by the nicely polished floorboards after all. Why did she react so strongly?
“Do you perhaps have any parchment and ink?”
The Innkeeper smiled, wide and perfect, “Ah, so that’s it. You’re missin’ your lover!”
Kagome sat ramrod straight with a blush that could match the sky and the Innkeeper guffawed, rising slowly and steadily and a little shakily from their seating cushion. Kagome could hear them behind her saying things about youth and young love. Kagome swore right then to take her shinigami training much more seriously. 
   Night fell and Kagome was left alone with her bone white incense burner, parchment, ink, a slop of orange stars in the night sky and a freshly brewed pot of tea.
Would Sesshomaru know anything about this? He had become her encyclopedia on demonic tactics, trickery and horrors that befell sleepy villages that women disappeared from. Or would he be just as blind because he didn’t even know she was here? Was he waiting for her at home or had he come and gone to tend to more important matters?
She could write Sango, Sango slayed thousands of demons and had even begun record keeping but could Sango afford to leave? When Kagome left, it had just been them and Kaedae. Five days changed many things but not the distance it would take the boys to get back home to take up guard duty.
She wished Inuyasha were here.
She could send it to Jaken…
“Maybe I should ask Rin.” Kagome mused, figuring if she was going to think ridiculous things she may as well say ridiculous things. Then, only smart things would be left. 
She put pen to paper and decided whichever name she wrote down would be the person she asked.
Dear Sesshomaru,
She blushed again. She never called him dear. Focus
I don’t know why I’m writing. It’s only been three nights but I miss you a lot so, maybe that’s it? Do I miss you?
Sighing, Kagome crossed that out and tried again.
Dearest Sesshomaru,
I miss you. 
Sleep isn’t as restful and tea isn’t as sweet and, have you ever seen an orange sky? Not like the afternoon, we’ve had some of our best afternoons up there. Not like persimmons either. It's a strange, runny, bloody orange. I figured I’d ask you, being the blood expert. Let me know if I should’ve written Myoga instead.
I’m not very good at writing letters. I need your help.
Kagome held the parchment up to her red face, pursed her lips and inhaled. Then she placed the page face down, turned her face upwards and exhaled.
She hoped her words reached him.
When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. No matter, the Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned all four rooms quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then, a bath sounded nice.
When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. No matter, the Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned all four rooms quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then, a bath sounded nice. 
When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. 
No matter. The Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned all three rooms quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then, a bath sounded nice. 
When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. 
No matter. 
The Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned three rooms quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then…
   When Kagome woke up the next morning, it was groggily facing the window. She had only come to this inn yesterday, but she was so tired. No matter, the Innkeeper said she could have free lodgings if she helped prepare the rooms and Kagome was eager to get to work.
She cleaned her room and the guest room quietly to not disturb the Innkeeper, she blessed the grounds and then… 
Kagome stopped cleaning the floorboards. 
Why was she still at the Inn? The village was still up ahead. 
Far off in the distance where she could see it touching the blood orange sky she definitely saw a village. 
She definitely saw it. 
If she just turned around and looked it would be there still and she could put one foot in front of the other without bidding a proper farewell to the Innkeeper and continue on her mission.
But, her head wouldn’t move.
Her body wouldn’t move. 
“Thank Heavens,” said the Innkeeper from far away, from above, from below, “You know girlie, you used up all my water.”
“Lord Sesshomaru!” Rin’s voice rang out and Sesshomaru heeded her immediately with Sango in tow, Hiraikotsu firmly in her grasp.
“Mama! The rain is clearing up!” Sango children crowded around her hips gleeful and fed and Sango leaned down to them.
“And how long was it raining?”
“14 days!” Her eldest daughter piped up, her siblings agreeing.
“What is it, Rin?” He watched the girl and Jaken attempt to gather all of the fur into their arms to avoid getting dirty as they made their way to him but the mud hardly mattered. Why was Mokomoko leaning at all?
“A message appeared, My Lord!” Jaken squealed from behind, his stubby form holding up the latter pelt while Rin stood on tip-toe to reveal its underside. Sesshomaru’s frown deepened and he reached for the soggy thing and it dried immediately before affixing itself around his shoulders. It was heavy with holy magic and would remain sluggish until the holy magic was removed and Sesshomaru only knew of one Priestess who could place such intent upon him at such close proximity.
It was even in her handwriting. And as the weather cleared, her scent came at him with a force it hadn’t had in fourteen days. His hand gripped the pelt tighter when Sango came over to survey the message. 
“Dearest Sesshomaru, I miss you?” She read aloud.
With his free hand Sesshomaru waved his palm over the words and captured the false letters in his hand then placed his palm up. The letters evaporated like steam and he caught whiffs of tea and polished floors and blood not her own. 
Sango could say she’d never seen steam with feelings until her eyes caught those last glimpses of Sesshomaru’s stoic face crack in anger before clouds of billowing smoke swallowed him up until he vanished.
…Was that snow?
“What trickery is this, witch?”
Kagome squinted. 
No, not snow, though the consistency was similar. Small, white petals fell from a large, white cloud that descended from above the grounds, creating a flurry that threw the Innkeeper off kilter as it clumped into their ears and nose and sucked into the Innkeeper’s indignant maw.
A larger shadow fell over Kagome and she felt instantly relieved.
Sesshomaru made time for the brief caress of her cheek and Kagome swooned a tad before Sesshomaru caught one of the falling petals on his fingers and pressed it to Kagome’s lips. 
“Sesshomaru,” Tension easing from body, Kagome nuzzled her cheek into his palm, “I did miss you.”
He brought their faces closer, “You were expecting Myoga.” He accused her.
“Obviously.” She giggled, “But you’ll do.”
While Kagome waited for the feeling to return to her legs, Sesshomaru surveyed the area for irregularities. 
… There. The strange, orange liquid attempting to bubble itself back into a brass teapot sitting on the veranda. That was irregular.
Sesshomaru shot out his hand and produced his poison whip, snapping it across the liquid surface and causing it to bubble. The Innkeeper retook a human form from the reaction, their yowl agonizing and arms blistering.  
“Guess that means my letter worked?”
”Well enough.” He lifted the side of mokomoko that her words ink-stained into the underside.
“I can get that out.”
Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. The Innkeeper was struggling so he tightened his grip. 
“I just need to get–” 
He turned and shook his hair to the side, revealing her weapons attached at his hip. Even with his back turned, Sesshomaru could feel Kagome’s grateful expression while she removed the bow and quiver. 
He harshly flicked his wrist and sent the demon skyward to screech and snarl into the blood orange sky. Above all else, Sesshomaru could not stand much more of the noise that was drowning out their conversation. At least this way he could admire the way Kagome adjusted her aim.
“This One had already been looking for you.”
Kagome could barely concentrate on charging her arrow when he was being such a sweet-talker, “Thank you for finding me, my Lord.”
Her arrow struck the teapot and Sesshomaru’s acid did quick work of the false form.
As the demon puddled to the ground, Kagome placed her sleeve over her mouth as she approached. She waved two fingers in a uniform pattern across the puddle and it purified. Then she raised her fingers and chanted, and the sky began to resemble the sky, the sun was setting, the horizon was empty and her mission was complete. 
Sesshomaru stepped next to her when it was done and offered her his hand to take. She obliged, then laced their fingers together.
“What of the Inn?”
“I’ve been purifying it for the last few days. The spirits left easily enough because they didn’t want to be there in the first place. They wanted to keep walking toward the horizon.”
Sesshomaru looked to the horizon, but all he saw was the sunset, “Was there something there?”
“Something for anyone who's looking.” Kagome answered in her strange way. Sesshomaru was certain she didn’t even notice when she spoke nonsensically.
“Hungry?” Kagome questioned perkily, “Only the tea was cursed. The snacks weren’t bad. And we have the whole place to ourselves.”
Kagome led Sesshomaru back to the Inn.
“Pardon the intrusi–Ah!” She stumbled backwards, caught by Sesshomaru’s big frame. When had he removed his armor?
“This One had been looking for you prior to your ‘invitation’.” His hand tightened in hers and Kagome gulped. Something was rubbing salaciously between the pleats of her hakama.
“O-oh? Well, you found me. Did I thank you for that yet?”
“You are about to.” Sesshomaru bent over her and her body followed slightly until they were both on their knees at the door.
Kagome could always see things behind her but it was a different thrill entirely to somehow feel the grin slipping over Sesshomaru’s lips. 
“Pardon the intrusion.” He whispered.
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call-me-ryuzaki · 1 year
The Flame Hashira and The Priestess (1)
After Inuyasha's sacrifice, the Bone Eaters Well had sealed itself upon the completion of the jewel, leaving Kagome stuck in the Feudal Era with no hope of returning home. Kagome mourned the loss of both Inuyasha and her family and friends. Sure, she had Sango, Miroku, and Shippo around, but they would soon move on with their own lives.
After the final battle, Sango and Miroku married shortly after and before everyone knew it, Sango was expecting her first child. Shippo stayed within the village for a few years before he decided to leave and train and retake the fox demon exam.
Kagome obviously stayed in the village. She didn't want to wander too far from the Bone Eaters well in case it started working again. She learned all she could from Kaeda and from other priestesses that would occasionally pass through the village. Much too soon for Kagome's liking, Kaeda had passed away peacefully in her sleep.
The years passed by her in a blink of an eye. It wasn't until Sango and Miroku started to grow gray hairs did the trio realize that Kagome had not aged much after her 20th birthday.
"It probably comes with being the guardian of the Shikon Jewel," Sango said as she and Kagome strolled through the ever-growing village. "We don't know exactly what the jewel is capable of, so prolonging its guardians' life is definitely a huge possibility. I mean you haven't aged a bit after all."
Kagome sighed. She prayed that she would age alongside her friends, however, the jewel clearly had other plans for her. She didn't want to watch her friends and loved ones grow old and pass away while she continued to walk the earth.
The jewel was more of a curse than anything else.
"I didn't want this," she said softly.
Sango squeezed her best friend's arm, "Just think of it this way, Kagome. Perhaps you'll live to see your family again."
The mere thought of seeing her mother, grandfather, and brother, ignited a small hope within her. "You're right, Sango. Thank you."
It was quiet for a moment before the former demon slayer spoke."It sure has been quiet lately. Demon attacks have started to become less and less. We haven't had a single report of a demon attacking the village in months.
Kagome frowned. Demons not attacking the village was normally a good thing, "Not just that, but I haven't heard of a single sighting of a demon in the last few months either. I haven't even sensed any either."
"Maybe this is what happened to the demon," Sango said, "You said that there were no demons in the future. Maybe they just all disappeared?"
Kagome shrugged, "I'm not sure. Miroku suggested they learned to blend in with humans. The more powerful demons such as Sesshomaru or even Shippo."
"Bah," Sango waved her hand in a dismissive manner, "Enough talk about demons, let us go take a bath!" Kagome agreed and the girls rushed to get their things, giggling and gossiping the whole way there.
As the years continued to pass Kagome by, Sango eventually died. She was buried beneath the Goshinboku where Inuyasha rested. Not long after Sango's death, Miroku closely followed after her.
"Lady Kagome," the dying monk motioned for her to come closer to him.
"Yes? What is it, Miroku?" Kagome clasped his hand into her own, holding back her tears.
"I feel my time is coming to an end," Kagome bit her lip to keep from sobbing, "Promise me something?"
"Of course, anything!"
"After I die, please look out for our children."
Kagome nodded her head, "Of course!"
Miroku smiled and let out a sigh of relief. "I have left everything to you. Take extra care of the chest with all the scrolls stored inside of them. I made sure to record our adventures together. They contain our travels together, the legend of the Shikon jewel, and how its mysterious guardian brought us all together."
Kagome smiled softly. "You remembered that there was not much on the Shikon jewel from my time."
The monk nodded his head. "Of course. History will not know your name, only know you as the girl who saved the world from a great evil."
"That's okay," she said, "It's better that way. Everyone should know your names. Sango, Inuyasha, Shippo, Sesshomaru, Kouga, Kikyo even."
Miroku nodded his head in agreement.
They continued to make small talk and reminiscence of their shared time together. She stayed by his side until Miroku drew his final breath and slipped into the sweet embrace of death. It was only after he finally passed away did Kagome allow herself to cry.
He was buried alongside Sango and Inuyasha beneath the Goshinboku. "Be at peace, you guys…"
With the disappearance of demons, priestesses were no longer needed. Still, Kagome honed her abilities. After Sango and Miroku passed away, she lingered in the village a little while longer before deciding to leave.
Kagome traveled throughout the land, helping those in need. Whether it be exorcizing evil spirits, or delivering babies..She lost count of how many years she'd been travelling and things around her began to change.
Demons that once freely roamed Feudal Japan became myths and fairytales parents would tell to scare their children. The Shikon No Tama became a legend and not many people believed it, or its guardian actually existed. In each village she traveled to, she would tell the children stories of the heroes who saved the world by defeating an evil spider demon.
In time, Kagome became a nameless healer. Some people actually believed her to be a spirit stuck wandering the earth. While some believed she was a goddess sent from the heavens to aid those in their time of need. She stayed in each village until she felt she was no longer needed or the villagers grew suspicious of her never aging appearance.
She tried searching for Sesshomaru or even Shippo but with no luck. It was as if they had completely disappeared. Something told her they weren't dead. At one point in time, Kagome thought she had a really good lead on the Lord of The Western Lands, but eventually, the trail went cold and she was back to square one.
"Damn demons, always keeping themselves hidden!" she kicked a rock and adjusted her bow. All she wanted to do right now was cry, but she knew she had to turn around and head back to the village she had passed through a few hours ago. It wasn't safe for people to wander alone in the dark. Especially with the rumors of brutal murders happening.
And trouble always seemed to find her.
"A woman walking alone at night with no one around?" A voice all but purred in her ear. Kagome quickly turned to face the owner and she wished she hadn't.
Her skin crawled as came face to face with a humanoid creature. Its cat-like eyes stared at her hungrily, licking its lips. Kagome was frozen in fear. Never before has she come across a demon such as the one before it. The aura of this particular monster was different from anything she had ever encountered. It was filled with more malice and bloodlust that rivaled Naraku's.
It filled her with a fear she hadn't felt in a long time.
It gripped her jaw with one of its hands, its nail pricked her skin, drawing blood. "You smell delicious!" The monster licked its lips in anticipation.
Kagome closed her eyes as she waited for the demon to devour her. But it never came. The hand holding her face had all but disappeared, she caught a glimpse of ash before she heard the sound of a sword being sheathed.
She opened her eyes as the shock and fear faded and she finally laid her eyes on her savior. A tall muscular man with long spiky hair with red tips kept secured in a ponytail stood before her. He wore a calm expression on his face as he approached her.
"Are you well?" he asked her.
"Huh?" she blinked.
He reached up and wiped the small bit of blood off her cheek.
"Oh! Yes! I'm fine! It was just a scratch! Thank you for saving me."
"Allow me to walk you to the nearest Inn," he spoke softly to her and motioned for her to follow him. He headed towards the village she passed through earlier in the day.
"So…um, what's your name?" she asked him after a long period of silence.
"My name is Yoriichi Tsugikuni," he smiled at her.
"I'm Kagome Higurashi!" She returned the smile with one of her own, "I can't thank you enough for killing that thing back there."
"No need to thank me. I'm glad I made it in time before that demon made a meal out of you,"
Kagome let out a nervous laugh, "So it was a demon…"
Yoriichi nodded his head, "Yes… with each human they feed on, they grow more powerful, but do not worry. We'll protect as many people as we can."
She decided not to question it anymore and stay silent for the remainder of the trip. And true to his word, the man known as Yoriichi escorted her safely to an inn.
"Thank you,"
"There's no need. Please take care and try not to wander alone after dark." he turned to leave before he paused and looked back at her, "If you ever find yourself wandering alone at night, demons are repelled by Wisteria Trees."
Kagome smiled, "I will keep that in mind, Yoriichi. I hope we cross paths in the future."
He nodded his head before finally taking his leave.
Kagome spared one last look at the man known as Yoriichi.
"What an interesting guy…" Kagome smiled and she hoped they would meet again, hopefully under better circumstances.
Many more years passed, and Kagome never got the chance to see Yoriichi again. She did encounter quite a few people calling themselves demon slayers. She lost count of how many of them she had tended to in her travels.
"Geez, Masaru," Kagome sighed as she dressed his shoulder wound, "This is the third time in the last month I've tended to you alone! You need to be more careful when dealing with those demons!"
"Right…" he let out a nervous chuckle, "I'll try and be more careful next time." the demon slayer let out a sigh, "They're just so… powerful. The only sure way to kill them is to cut off their heads with a Nichirin Sword."
"What exactly is so special about those blades anyway?" Kagome asked as she finished dressing his wounds.
"They're forged with Scarlet Ore and Scarlet Crimson Sand which are found on Mount Yoko and are constantly bathed in sunlight all throughout the year," Masaru explained to her, "Other than decapitating the head, direct exposure to sunlight is the only way to kill them. Some of their regenerative abilities are… insane."
"I see…" Kagome gathered his torn clothes in her arms, "I'll make sure to wash these and sew the holes in them. For now, rest and let your wounds heal."
"Yeah yeah," he grumbled crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Kagome smiled softly as she walked passed him with the bundle of clothes. She spared a glance at the crow sitting in the open window, seemingly watching her like a hawk. It unnerved her really, the crow was with him every time he came around with a fresh wound.
"The demons of today's age are nothing like the ones we battled," Kagome sighed. She had only encountered the one demon Yoriichi saved her from, and she wasn't looking forward to meeting with any more of them.
However, she knew that eventually, she'd have to. "Perhaps, purifying them would work?" she knew no one of this day and age would know. She was the last living true priestess after all, and the guardian of the Shikon No Tama. She shook her head to clear her thoughts.
After the clothing he wore was clean from all the blood, she brought it back to the small hut she was staying in and hung it up to dry. Once done with that, she went inside and began to brew some tea.
Masaru watched her from his place across the small fire. Kagome was an enigma.
After a particularly rough battle with a demon, he and his companions were severely injured and probably would have died if she hadn't shown up. It was thanks to her that he and his companions even survived. By the time the Kakushi arrived, she was long gone and he thought their whole encounter had been just a dream. His companions didn't even recall seeing her at all.
Then he encountered her once more in the woods after a long night of battling. He had been bleeding in several places, none of his injuries was life-threatening, but they hurt like hell. She had dropped what she was doing and rushed to his side immediately. She led him to a small hut he thought was abandoned.
He stayed with her for another week after she told him he was fit to travel again and they became fast friends.
Masaru didn't know much about Kagome. He tried to pry for more information about her but to no avail. He hadn't learned a single thing about her other than the fact that she was rather lonely and had no family. He often caught her dazing off, a faraway look on her face, and he could never bring himself to ask what was on her mind.
He also learned she never stayed in one place for very long.
"Where do you plan on going after you leave here?" he asked her while she sewed the holes in his uniform.
"I'm not sure," she replied, "Wherever I'm needed I suppose."
"You should come back to the Demon Slayer Headquarters with me!" He beamed, "You'd make a great Kakushi!"
"I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to have to decline," she said.
Masaru sighed but didn't press the issue further. She'd be done fixing his uniform tonight and he'd be on his way tomorrow. He wished he could repay her, but each time he tried, she denied him, telling him he owed her nothing in return.
Just as he had predicted, when he awoke the next morning, his uniform was neatly folded beside him and she was nowhere to be seen. With a sigh, he dressed himself in the demon slayer uniform and sought out the mysterious woman. He found her beside the small stream of water.
"Kagome!" He called out to her.
She turned to him, "Good morning Masaru!" she greeted. "Are you leaving?"
He nodded his head, "I am."
She was always just out of arms reach, they were close, but not too close for her to become attached. She knew what fate awaited normal humans, and demon slayers tended to live shorter lives. She couldn't bear watching more people she cared about die.
"Please be careful out there!"
"As always," he said. "Until we meet again, Kagome!"
"Hopefully under better circumstances."
With a laugh, Masaru set off. His ever so faithful crow flying just overhead, leading him to who knows where.
"Until next time," she whispered.
The next time she saw Masaru, he was no longer alive.
It happened a few months later. Despite the warning she had received from Yoriichi, Kagome traveled along the pathway, her only source of light being the moon. And as she was passing through a smaller village, she sensed a demon.
She shuddered as she quickly made her way toward the demon, drawing her bow as she moved. She gasped as she saw the demon throw a body across the clearing. The body crashed through fencing and ceased any form of movement. She couldn't feel the aura from the person and instantly knew they were dead.
A scream ripped her from her thoughts. The demon had a hold of a woman, ready to take a bit out of her flesh. Kagome quickly nocked an arrow in her bow, "Hey ugly!"
The demon turned to look at her and laughed at the arrow. "You think a mere arrow can kill me?"
Kagome swallowed thickly, "Maybe not…"
The woman whimpered as the demon tightened its hand around her neck, "Don't make me laugh girl! Leave now and maybe I'll spare your life!"
Kagome scoffed, "You honestly think I'm going to leave while a damsel in distress? You're a bigger idiot than I thought!"
"What did you say?" his eye twitched.
"You heard me ugly! Now let her go!" She pulled the bowstring back, ready to release the arrow at any given second.
The demon laughed at her and threw the woman to the side, "Stay put." he turned his attention to Kagome. "You seem like you're the type that needs proof. Go ahead and shoot me, but once you do. You won't have another opportunity. I'll kill you right where you stand!"
"As you command," Kagome smirked. She didn't realize that the demons were so cocky, or perhaps it was just this particular one.
She took a deep breath, "Please work." she prayed as she released the arrow. It soared through the clearing, quickly being enveloped in a bright pink color. The demon's eyes widened as the arrow struck him and he felt his whole body be enveloped in the same color as the arrow.
"You bitch!" He screamed as he began to fade to ash, "What the hell did you do to me!?"
"Your the first demon of this era to have a taste of pure spiritual power." Kagome approached him, "So you were right, a simple arrow couldn't kill you. Unlucky for you though, it was no simple arrow."
Kagome walked passed him as his screams faded into nothing.
"Are you okay?" she asked the woman.
She could only nod her head, not able to find her voice.
"Now, go on home. No more wandering the streets out at night, okay?" Kagome helped the girl up and gently nudged her towards the homes. Once she was out of sight, Kagome rushed to the fallen demon slayer.
Her heart dropped in her stomach.
"Masaru…" she dropped to her knees. "I'm sorry I didn't make it in time to save you." She silently wept for the boy. "Be at peace my friend." She grabbed his sword and placed it beside him, surely he'd want it even in death.
She leaned down and placed a kiss on his cold cheek. "Thank you for everything." with a heavy heart, Kagome left the scene.
From that moment on, Kagome vowed to destroy any demon she came across.
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casliveblog · 6 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 169 Rundown
Spy X Family: It’s a Bond and Loid adventure this week and I’m still never quite sure what the relationship is between these two, like they make it explicit Loid doesn’t know Bond has precognition and he hilariously chalks everything up to Bond using ‘smell’ to sense things regardless of how implausible that is, but he also thinks nothing of taking him on missions and stuff and does know he’s a Data Dog so idk if he’s just oblivious and has really strict training for housepets or is actually intending to take him in the field as an operative. Still it’s funny watching him try to help people and not having Loid understand what he’s doing like Anya can, emphasizes their relationship without her even being there. They also break into a burning building to save a puppy and with all the fluff on him you’d think he’d go up like a haystack but he only gets a tiny spark after he’s already left, they probably should’ve dumped the water on him before he went in rather than after he got out but there wasn’t much time and deflated Bond is still amusing enough to even get a laugh out of Loid. They catch the arsonist and like it isn’t very hard like he wears a baseball cap with FIRE written on it and carries all his oil and matches in a duffel bag and stands there to watch the place burn like how is he not caught already. It’s very sweet that Anya finds out and gives them a little award ceremony despite them not being able to tell anyone, and Loid telling Bond being Anya’s dog is his most important mission is very nice. Also apparently this is the season finale, I was REALLY not paying attention because I thought I had a couple episodes left but guess that’s it until the movie, looks like I’ll have to find two new shows for next week.
Inuyasha The Final Act: We kinda cut around a lot of semi-relevant filler arcs in this episode, like this is the closest we get to a breather episode in this season and it still is speedrunning like four different storylines. Firstly the most relevant at the beginning and end of the episode, Totosai senses Tokijin broke and Sesshomaru’s the minimum requirement of 20% less of a dick than he used to be so Tenseiga will allow him to murder people with it now. I always felt kinda weird about this because Meido Zangetsuha is a legit amazing ability and really cool but the point of Tenseiga was originally to keep Sesshomaru and Inuyasha in balance and while there is room in that for Sesshomaru’s character growth allowing some power creep the fact that it’s never been mentioned does make it feel like quite the retcon. Meanwhile as Kagome heads home and hears the incredibly important end of the Shikon Jewel story that has again never been mentioned before, she just kinda decides fuck school and goes back in time again. Like I get they play it off as Kagome being an impatient teenager that never listens to her grandpa but it feels like this again should’ve come up at some point given Kagome’s been searching for this thing for the better part of six in-world months. Lastly we have two Shippo filler episode arcs back to back with him playing pranks on the guys to go up meaningless ranks in a fox demon advancement exam which is mostly just funny how hilariously quickly Shippo’s willing to turn on his friends for numbers he admits are basically meaningless, though it does give him something to do for the Yashahime Timeskip so that’s nice. Also the transition between these two arcs is really blnk and you’ll miss it because I sure as hell missed it but there’s another ‘Shippo gets a girlfriend’ arc where the sexy girl with the counterfeit energy-stealing sword he’s chasing turns out to be a male badger doing a G.I.R.L. scheme on him and it mostly just ends up being a setup for the REAL Dakki which Inuyasha knows will somehow be important in some unexplained way just by looking at the fake. Man it’s real easy to get whiplash with how quick these Final Act episodes jump from point to point and like don’t even establish where they are in some cases like Sesshomaru and Totosai just kinda show up in the sperm demon dome without explanation to test the Meido Zangetsuha like I guess I prefer this to twenty episodes of filler between each plot point but there has to be some kind of middle ground, still the story is pretty solid when it’s actually moving, just a little disorienting.
Castlevania: Trevor’s gotta go on his first little D&D quest and like three collapsing floors that I’m not sure how the other guys got around given they were completely intact and led to the same place but it’s funny watching Trevor fall on his ass, guy’s got some real Jack Sparrow energy. But yeah he kills the Cyclops and they do the ‘the boy was actually a girl’ thing you see in like half of the Naruto filler arcs and a bunch of other dear horse things and idk really why they do it here because it’s not a shock for the audience to go ‘why did you assume it was a boy? #feminism’ like it usually is, it’s just kind of a worldbuilding thing that the Spakers are mildly sexist which is okay I guess but also makes me like the group we’re supposed to be saving a little less. Sypha thinks there’s still ominous shit down there to get but Trevor sees all the modern tech and is like ‘this is Dracula’s weird science shit, gonna get out of here’ and they at least agree to go tell her grandfather she’s alive before going to risk her life again. After he drops her off the church picks Trevor up and Frollo comes to see him like ‘bro just gto, you don’t have to do anything but leave I don’t want your video game protagonist shenanigans in my town while we violently murder the peace monks in the name of our merciful god okay?’and of course Trevor immediately goes back to get said peace monks back down into the D&D dungeon and ends up fighting off the angry mob. But also like… why? He could’ve just gone down there with them he didn’t need to be there to fight them did he just wanna make his admittedly cool speech? Like that’s a lot of work and several dead bodies to make a speech to some guys that you’re immediately going to kill anyway. I also don’t inherently see the difference between the Speakers adamantly refusing to leave town and then hiding anyway like the townspeople don’t know where they are so functionally they’ve left town like they could’ve just left and came back or some shit and had the same effect, in fact if they leave and still get attacked by demons that’s proof that they aren’t the cause of the demon attacks (also idk if they seem to be making the point that the demons attack everywhere under church rule specifically or if they are just spreading Dracula’s rage indiscriminately like the church gets blamed for it rightly so but also if the church didn’t move into this town and the all became buddists or something I don’t think the demons would do a Passover and not hurt them). But yeah in addition to the angry mob chasing Trevor through the streets we also have demons, so that’ll be fun.
Jujutsu Kaisen: So this episode’s just kinda really cool, the animators have a lot of fun with the colors and the symbolism on street signs and shit like that and it’s really neat. The entire episode is basically Choso versus Yuji and it’s really pretty neat because Choso basically has the better version of the other guy’s Gear Second blood powers in that he’s basically Suitengu from Speed Grapher and can even recycle the blood despite never having to worry about bleeding out. He basically just does a bunch of cool blood shit until Mechamaru gives Yuji a strategy to run into the bathroom and make this a good knuckleduster because all hot-blooded shonen fights end with the two punching the shit out of each other and Choso is apparently like Roy Mustang and can’t get wet because if blood gets too much water in it it’s not blood anymore it’s just dirty water and if there’s one thing a system based on curses loves it’s semantics. It’s kinda funny that both of them come up with the same strategy of ‘I’ll not use my offhand and then punch him in the liver with something from that hand’ and only Choso’s actually works but Yuji has enough shonen willpower to run through it for a bit. I like this fight a lot because by all means this should be a talk no jutsu fight about how Choso feels about his brothers being killed and how technically Nobara killed both of them anyway and they get down to their feelings and shit but Yuji even admits there’s no time for that and just comes out swinging. Eventually Yuji’s dead to rights and bleeding out but Choso miraculously feels a familial connection to him in a weird little cutscene that feels like that scene from Walking Dead where Negan tells Rick to imagine what life could’ve been like if all his friends made it out alive and they’re all eating at a table outside. But yeah I’m not surprised because the Venn Diagram of characters that have weird heritages and shonen protagonists is a fucking circle. Also the school girls find Yuji and are presumably going to stop him from fucking dying.
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End: We get two little stories this time around, the first is a standard ‘Frieren sneaks around to buy Fern a birthday present’ which is a pretty paint by numbers plot but it is pretty sweet that it reflects Frieren’s efforts to learn more about the people she travels with and take their perception of the passage of time into account, plus it gives Fern a new accessory to mark the passage of time on her travels with Frieren. The second is Frieren training Fern on defensive magic only for it to immediately come into practice against an old demon that was sealed away during her initial travels. Luckily eighty years of collecting spells for tea and flowers have made Frieren strong enough to wipe the floor with this guy. No but seriously they basically wake this guy up, go ‘you’ve been powercrept bro’ and disintegrate his ass, it’s a pretty neat meditation on the ‘a better gun means people make better armor’ type of race between offense and defense. Though if we’ve reached the magical arms race point where the Armor Piercing Disintegrate you from fucking existence spell is ordinary and commonplace idk where you really have left to go from there like how do you get more powerful than atomizing someone. Also something something Luffy kid saw Frieren’s panties.
Vinland Saga: It’s the second half of the season and with the farm’s war with Canute on the backburner for right now we start off with a scene that can only be described as a breakway Slave reenacting the “Then Perish” Obama meme on his master. I figured this out early so I’mma just spoil right here that this is Arnheid’s husband Gardar even though it doesn’t come up until the end of the episode. Meanwhile the group is doing shenanigans at Sverkel’s house while he’s basically wasting away but it gives Einar, Thorfinn and Arnheid some time to bond and let their character developments sink in a bit. Plus Thorfinn is hearing Wolf read the Bible to Sverkel and it just so happens to cut to the passage that’s likely the most relevant to the entire series. It is kinda refreshing to see the series take the pacifism of the Bible so seriously like obviously all the Christian warriors are still murdering in the name of god and shit but with things like Castlevania and other anime and even just real life Christianity it’s easy to get lost in the weeds of how shitty people are about religion and I think Vinland Saga does a good job boiling it down to what people liked about it in the first place aside from it being a convenient vehicle to justify biases and get people to put up with a lot of bullshit on the promise their next life would be better, it really captures the beauty of the Do Onto Others philosophy in a way that a lot of other religious depictions are too cynical to. Still, Gardar murders one of Wolf’s men that has the least screentime and has charged the camp on a desperate attempt to reclaim Arnheid and she does not look happy to see him so there’s probably a story there.
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