#fox hongbin
fixxofvixx · 5 years
Hello!!!!! I know some of you have been waiting for our little fox, so here ya go!
I hope you enjoy the chapter and as always, let me know what you think. I always love hearing from y'all. It motivates me to write more!
The apartment was quiet when you woke. You were used to noisy places. Not nice apartments in the better part of Seoul. You rose up on the bed and stretched. You slept better than you thought you would. You listened and you could still hear Hongbin's heartbeat in the other room. Judging by it's rhythm, he was still asleep. Foxes tended to be a bit hyperactive so they didn't sleep a lot. But, considering he had been injured, it was good that he was resting. After taking care of the bathroom, you quietly walked into the kitchen. You chanced a look at Hongbin. His body was narrow but it was almost too long for the sofa. He had kicked the small blanket off at some point in the night. And, apparently, decided to sleep without a shirt. You quickly looked away and headed towards the kitchen.
Looking around in the cabinets and refrigerator, you found enough ingredients for breakfast. Halfway through cooking the eggs, you heard the change in Hongbin's heartbeat. He was awake now. You heard him rustling about and then his light footsteps crossing the floor until he entered the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" His voice, raspy from sleep, suddenly made you blush. You tried to lean over the heat of the stove for a bit to mask the pink on your cheeks. You prayed that he had put a shirt on before coming into the kitchen. But, you refused to check.
"Making breakfast. I didn't know what you liked since we usually got something quick before. I hope this is okay."
"Anything is fine," you felt Hongbin's chin rest lightly on your shoulder and froze, "I'll eat just about anything."
His hands didn't touch you, it was only his chin resting on your shoulder. It was a comforting, homey feeling and didn't feel invading.
"We can go grocery shopping today if you want. That way we can find what you like to eat."
"But, I don't--"
"I insist. Besides, we need to eat, right?" You knew arguing with a fox breed was futile. They were stubborn and good at winning arguments.
"I suppose. I need to go out to look for a job anyway. I might have to rely on you a bit until I can get some money. But I'll write down everything and pay you back as soon as I can."
"You don't have to. And you can rely on me for more than just money, you know."
You didn't respond but lowered your head to hide the pink in your cheeks. The eggs were done so you moved them to a plate and put them on the counter beside you. Hongbin removed himself from your shoulder and grabbed a glass of water from the table.
"I'm going to go over to my apartment and clean up. Then I'll come right back. Is that okay?"
"Of course, I should have everything ready by then." You nodded and focused on the rice cooker. Hongbin walked by and ruffled your hair with his hand. You jumped slightly and turned to look at him.
"Maybe you can work on those nerves while I'm gone, too." His eyes flashed a bright orange and then he winked. Your insides jumped to attention and a soft gasp escaped your mouth.
You didn't know which was worse. Him openly flirting with you or him knowing that he made you flustered because of it.
When Hongbin returned, breakfast disappeared quickly. You were never one to shy away from food and a foxes have hearty appetites.
Once you reached the first floor of the apartment building, Hongbin led you a couple streets down to a large supermarket. He pulled a cart from the corral and guided you around the store. His voice was a bit muffled by the mask he wore and he spoke quietly so as to not garner any attention. In a very short time, the cart was half-filled with different types of food and snacks. At the register, there was a large display of candies and chocolates that had your mouth watering. You promised yourself that as soon as you could start making your own money, you were going on a candy binge.
"Y/N, will you go put the cart away for me?" Hongbin had emptied its contents onto the conveyor belt already while you had been daydreaming. You nodded, feeling guilty for not helping, and rolled the cart to the opposite side of the registers.
When you returned, Hongbin already had half of the bags in his hands. You grabbed the rest and waited while he paid. When you looked at the total, you wanted to cry. It would take you a while to pay him back. Hongbin must have caught you looking and nudged you with his elbow.
"Don't worry. This is only a fraction of the amount we spend on food in our dorm. Come on."
You followed him out of the store and past a few buildings. Something caught your eye and you stopped. It was a flower shop. It must have opened while you were in the market because you didn't see it before. The wonderful scents from various flowers filled your nose and you took a deep breath. You automatically gravitated towards it. You vaguely heard Hongbin say your name but you were focused on the flowers. Rabbit hybrid had little control when it came to flowers. A multitude of colors filled your vision and a smile appeared on your face. When you reached the door a young woman hurried out, more flowers in hand. She couldn't have been much older than you and strikingly beautiful. She fit in well with her flowers. She placed the bucket on the pavement and took a deep breath. It took her a moment to notice you.
"Oh! Hello, welcome, come in if you like! I just opened so it's a bit crazy right now. Are you looking for anything in particular?"
"Um, not really. I just noticed the beautiful flowers and gravitated." You blushed in embarrassment but the woman smiled a knowing smile.
"Haha, I understand that. This shop is my baby. I built it from the ground up. It's growing quickly so I can't complain. But it's getting to be a bit much for just me sometimes." The woman laughed and you instantly wanted to help.
"Are you looking for workers?"
"Well, I would like to have at least one other person here. Being here by myself seven days a week is getting a bit much. I suppose I should put up a sign."
"I could help! I actually came out looking for a job today." The woman looked at you and she looked hopeful.
"Do you have any experience with flowers?"
"I do! I can show you!"
"Hmm....I tell you what. Make a small bouquet for me. If I like it, then you're hired!"
You almost jumped for joy and then you saw Hongbin in your peripheral vision. You had completely forgotten he was with you.
"Um, just a moment." She nodded and you ran over to Hongbin. You started to explain but he simply grabbed the bags you were holding.
"Go ahead. I'll wait for you. Take your time and do well, okay?"
"I will!" You practically bounced back over to the woman and clasped your hands together. "I'm ready."
"Good. Let's see.......I would like a bouquet that would be fitting for a first date. We get a ton of requests for that. What can you come up with?" The women's eyes shone with expectation and you wanted to cry in excitement.
You looked around the small shop and took a mental note of the different flowers on hand. After careful consideration, you began collection stems. In about ten minutes, you had a full bouquet prepared, complete with tissue paper wrapped around and a nice elegant bow. You picked up your bouquet and took it over to the woman. She was standing in front of a covered birdcage, cooing at its hidden resident. She noticed you were done and giggled.
"Sorry, I tend to get wrapped up in my adoration for Rook. He's a bird I rescued not long ago. So, what did you come up with?"
You handed the bouquet to her and she looked it over carefully. She nodded in appreciation and your heart jumped.
"Very nice, I like it. You even did well on the wrapping. I think we can work something out." The young woman struck out her hand and you shook it, excitedly.
"Thank you! Thank so much! You won't be disappointed!"
"Good! Why don't you come by day after tomorrow and we'll work out the details. Here," she handed the bouquet back to you, "you can take this with you."
You smile, almost unbelieving that you had actually found a job so quickly. You thanked the woman a couple hundred times before exiting the store to find Hongbin across the small street with the bags. You bounded over to him and showed him the bouquet.
"I got a job! And look, she let me keep the bouquet!"
"I heard! I'm really happy for you. The bouquet is just as beautiful as its maker." You both started walking back down the street towards the apartment. "I had no idea you had a talent for flowers."
"Hongbin......I'm a rabbit. It's practically instinct." You giggled, looking at your bouquet.
"Hmm, yes, I suppose it is. I'm happy for you. I'm also happy to see that smile on your face. Although.....I'm a little jealous."
You looked up at him in surprise. You followed him into the elevator and pressed the button for theb12th floor.
"Jealous? Why on earth would you be jealous? You're an international star. I'm just going to make flower arrangements."
"No, I mean that I'm jealous of the flowers. They were able to make you smile like that. I want to make you smile like that too."
Your heart skipped at his words. Fire spread throughout your cheeks and then you laughed.
"Don't worry, you make me happy, too, Hongbin." You opened the door to the apartment and took off your shoes. "I had a good time today. I felt normal. I seem to only be able to do that when you're around. So....thank you."
You turned to look at him when you reached the kitchen and you caught his eyes. They were that bright orange again and you were confused about the color. They weren't glowing. But they were different than his normal color.
"Hmm?" He reached into the bags and removed the items to be put away.
"What are you thinking about right now?"
"What do you mean?" His eyebrows knitted together in question.
"Your eye color is strange."
"Oh....it's nothing. Don't worry about it."
Considering that he may not want to talk about it, you didn't push the subject. All of the groceries were put away except for one bag that Hongbin had held the entire time. You assumed it was things for himself until he handed it to you. You turned your questioning eyes to him and he smiled.
"This one is yours. I got it just for fun but I guess now it can be in celebration of your new job.
You tentatively took the bag and looked inside. A quiet gasp escaped your throat. Inside the bag was about half of the display of candies and chocolates you had seen at the store.
"W-When did you......why?" You looked back in the bag and smiled widely.
"I felt your emotions when you saw the display. I wanted you to have them. I'll buy them for you everyday if you'll smile like that."
Overcome with emotion and gratefulness, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his waist. It was the first time in your life you had willingly hugged a fox. But you wanted to and it felt great. You felt Hongbin's arms wrap around you in return. His embrace was warm and comforting. Silent tears escaped your eyes in gratitude.
"Thank you."
"Anytime." After you released him, Hongbin reached into the bag and took out one of the candies, unwrapped it, and held it up to you. You started to take it but he held it out of your reach and popped it into his mouth. Your own mouth opened in shock.
"I thought those were mine?!" You felt your eyes go red when you saw the candy disappear.
"What? You can't share?" He sighed and stepped closer to you. "Fine, I'll give it back."
Then he grabbed your face and lowered his head towards yours. You giggled and squealed, trying to avoid his method of giving the candy back. He was stronger than you, of course, but he had reigned in quite a bit of strength. Instead he was enjoying the play fight.
"You can keep it! Keep it!" You were giggling uncontrollably now and you could hear him laughing as well.
"Okay, I'll keep you." Hongbin's arms came around you and lifted you from the floor. You squeaked out a surprised sound again and tried to break free. Your arms were trapped between your body and his so you had no leverage. He carried you to the living room and plopped you down on the sofa. He stood back up and looked at you. His cheeks were flushed and he was still smiling. He looked the most attractive you had ever seen him and it caused your heart to beat double-time.
He must have heard it because his gaze traveled down to wear your heart would be and then back up.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, just got a little overwhelmed. I haven't really played around like that in a long time. It felt good." It was the truth. You felt happy. But a different thought clouded your mind that ruined your mood.
"But, now, I'm waiting for something bad to happen."
Hongbin knelt down in front of the sofa as you rose up to a sitting position. His orange eyes held concern and....something you couldn't quite place.
"That's just the way it's been up until now." You shrugged and smiled ruefully. "I've always been an orphan. I've been running for my life for more years than I care to count. Up until now, my life was a series of ups and downs. But, mostly it's been down."
"Well, up until now, you didn't have me, right? So things will change. We'll live everyday happily and have a lot of fun.
You stared at him for what seemed like forever, but he didn't move. He was waiting for you to accept what he said. You suddenly thought of something that you wanted.
"Hongbin.....you know that thing you did last night?" He furrowed his brows in confusion so you explained. "When you took away the fear?"
"Yes, why?"
"H-How often-....I mean, when......um.....can you......"
"First time asking for something from someone?"
"Yes, so shut up." You glared at him but he only smiled at you. He was trying to make it easier for you but your pride was getting in the way.
"What would you like, y/n? I told you, you only need to ask." His eyes encouraged you to keep going. You took a deep breath and said everything all together.
"Canyoudothatagain....because......Ilikedit." You mumbled the last part, not confident in your emotions not to sound like an idiot.
"Y/N..." You looked back up at him and he sighed. "I'm going to ask you a question and I need you to be completely honest. It's very important that you answer truthfully."
"Yes, of course."
"Do you want me to do that because you want the feelings to go away or because you want me to kiss you?"
Your heart practically stopped. His blunt question caused your mind to go blank. What were you supposed to do? You knew the answer but could you even say it? You put your head down and picked at your fingernails.
"Both." You'd said it so quietly that even you weren't sure you'd said it.
"Y/N, look at me and answer." Hongbin's voice was commanding and you had no choice but to look up at him, wide eyed. "Now.....tell me."
You swallowed the lump in your throat and pushed back the doubts in your mind.
In a matter of seconds, Hongbin's lips covered yours. This definitely wasn't the barely-there kiss he'd given you last night. No....this was slow, deliberate, and sensual. His lips moved slowly over yours and his hand cupped your cheek as he moved forward. You returned the kiss this time and you heard him growl for the second time since you'd known him. His free hand wrapped around your back and pulled you closer to him. He was still kneeling in front of you and now you were teetering on the edge of the sofa. Even with him on the floor, he still towered over you.
You jumped when his tongue glided over your lips. The feeling brought you back to reality and you pulled away slightly, desperate for air. His face was still inches from yours and you could see the soft glow from his orange eyes. He took a deep breath and spoke.
"Please tell me you'll let me do that again."
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full-moon-writings · 2 years
BMK: Chapter 12-- Tricks
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Walking out the door, shutting it gently behind him. He heads for the edge of the nearby woods. Peeking behind him every step of the way. Trudging through the woods he stops catching one last glimpse around him before transforming. Orangish red fur sprouts out, tails show through a cloud of smoke, paws hit the ground running. Weaving through trees, dodging fallen limbs, the surroundings blur by as he speeds through the woods. Miles later he slows to a stop in front of a cottage. Stepping through the threshold he morphs back into his human form. “Well that was more exercise than I have had in awhile,” Hyuk says to the empty cabin. 
The cottage is filled with books and beakers, a mix of a lab and library all squished together. Hyuk takes in a deep breath, a content look on his face. If you're thinking this is where Hyuk studies his heart out you would be mostly wrong. Glancing at his bookshelf, hundreds of maroon books line a shelf. Hyuk sits down on the couch in front of the small wood fireplace, grabbing an identical maroon book from the tableside. He begins to write furiously, smirks appearing occasionally on his face. Plan after plan, step after step, pouring out of him. 
Suddenly, he pops up. Running over to his lab table, he grabs a beaker and pestle and mortar. Throwing lavender, chamomile, and Valerian in the mortar, he picks up the pestle and grinds them together for 10 minutes in a counterclockwise motion before adding it to the beaker. Looking at the clock reading 3:33 Hyuk rushes to grab a bottle of clear liquid, pouring it in the beaker. Slowly he rotates the beaker mixing the ingredients. “A capite ad calcem”, he whispers, the beaker releases smoke as the liquid turns an unearthly purple right before the clock turns 3:34. Hyuk picks it up, smiling, he pops a cork on it and adds it to a nearby bag, carefully placing it in a perfectly sized pocket. Gathering a few more items, books and papers mostly adds them to the bag. A contented sigh escapes his lips as he grabs his things and heads towards the door. One step over the threshold and a fox appears again. Door shutting behind him the cottage disappears as he sets a leisurely stroll back home. 
~2 hours later~
Hyuk walks through the door of their castle, easily shifting back into his human form just as the door closes behind him. Down the hall he sees the rest of the group walking out of the dining hall. Taekwoon and Jaehwan trailing behind. He notices Jaehwan looking tired but definitely in a better mood. “I see Taekwoon is good for something,” Taekwoon shoots a piercing stare at Hyuk readying a retort. “Everything went really well but we have some plans that you need to be a part of tonight,” Hakyeon interrupts before Taekwoon can speak. “Meet us in the billiard room in 2 hours,” he says walking away. The boys file out each going their own way. Taekwoon and Jaehwan heading towards the Music room, Hongbin with a hidden smile on his face heads towards his room. “Well guess I’ll be there. No need to ask me how my day was. IT WENT GREAT BY THE WAY,” he yells to them down the hall.
Hyuk walks into the library, walking to the back corner. An antique mahogany table with twisted legs and elegant carvings and a plush leather wingback chair awaits him in his usual spot. Setting his bag on the table he pulls out some of the books and papers. Settling in he pulls out a maroon book each page causing a flash of memory. After 100s of pages he gets to his newest plan at the top of the page in very careful letters it reads,”The Woman”. A slight smirk creeps over his face. Nothing I have done before will match this. 
~ Admin Freckled Moon 🌙
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pinkjonginie · 4 years
Bitten pt. 21
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Part 1 - Part 2 -  Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21
Description:  “Hey I’m here Baek. Don’t worry, I’m never leaving you again.”
Genre: Smut // Fluff // Slight Angst
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Mobile Masterlist | Request
As Baekhyun promised, he was able to sneak back into Xiumin’s mansion and receive the last piece of your kanata but...it wasn't easy.
*2 hours earlier*
You looked into Baekhyun’s eyes in confusion.
“You want to come with us? What about your pack? Won’t you get in trouble if you leave?”
You hear Hongbin groan behind the two of you. “Never mind him Y/N, what about us? We can’t bring some werewolf into the sanctuary. That’s like committing treason.”
You turn to Hongbin and let out a sigh. “but this isn’t just some werewolf, it’s Baekhyun,” you emphasize, turning back to him, “and I can’t leave him behind if he’s going to risk this for me.”
And with that it seemed like everyone agreed with your plan to let Baekhyun go and get the last piece of your sword from Xiumin’s library. It may have had to do with the fact you were the last royalty left in the kitsune pack and the guys didn’t want to go against your wishes but you could tell Hongbin wasn’t too happy about it. 
You looked back down at your watch for what felt like the millionth time and back at the direction Baekhyun had left in. Baekhyun had left over 10 minutes ago and it really should’ve taken him less than 5 what with his wolf speed. You were starting to get worried and wondered if this was all a bad idea to have left him to go on his own.
“I should go see if he's okay.” You suddenly announce to the boys as you grab your sword. 
Hongbin immediately jumps up. “Are you crazy? If anyone catches you you’ll be killed. I can’t let that happen.”
Jaehwan and Wonsik nod agreeing with Hongbin. “He’s right Y/N. If Baekhyun isn't back yet that could mean that he got caught. It’s too dangerous for any one of us.” Jaehwan sighs. “We know you care about him deeply, but we can’t sacrifice ourselves for someone, let alone a wolf.”
Your heart feels tight as their words hit you like a ton of bricks. They were right to some degree, but it was Baekhyun for Christs sakes. You didn’t want to admit it to them as you gotten to know them over the last couple of weeks but you couldn't stop thinking about Baekhyun. You would have nightmares of the day you left him after ingesting that liquid that removed your bond with him and ever since then you felt hollow inside like something was missing. Seeing Baekhyun today reminded you that leaving him was the biggest mistake you could've ever made.
You turn back to Hongbin as you chew on your bottom lip. 
“Remember when you were telling me about how foxes and wolves can’t be mates and it was forbidden? And it was still possible but rare to have a true mate?”
Hongbin nods in confusion, “Yes, but what does that have to do with this?”
You touch your neck were your mark used to be and it almost felt like it throbbed. That comforting throb that you used to feel whenever Baekhyun was close by.
“It has to do with everything. Which means I can't leave him behind.” 
Your words must of caught them off guard because you used their confused state as your cue to make a dash in the direction Baekhyun went to. You thought you were fast enough but Hongbin was faster as he grabbed you by the waist and lifted you up from the ground.
“No stop! I need to find him!” You shout as you struggle against his grip. There was no way you were escaping Hongbins grip and deep down you knew that struggling was futile. 
“I’m sorry Y/N. But I can't let you do this. We promised to keep you safe even if that meant not finding your kanata.”
With ease and what seemed like no effort, Hongbin had you back in the van and strapped into place so you couldn’t move around.
“Please Hongbin, just let me go. You guys can go back to the base.” You plead as you watch him zip tie your wrists together. 
He looks up to you and for a second you can see the sadness in his eyes. He almost looks sorry for you but the Hongbin you once knew is long gone as you now stare at someone else.
“I’m sorry Princess.”
You felt like crying but this wasn’t the best time as you were sitting next to Hongbin strapped to your seat. You couldn’t move your wrists as they were zip tied together. You felt embarrassed and humiliated because you ultimately failed your mission but what made matters worse was that Baekhyun could be in a whole lot of trouble and its was all your fault.
As Wonsik drove down the dirt road that would soon lead us out of the forest where Xiumins mason lay, you couldn't help but feel that familiar throb on your neck where your mark used to be. You assumed it was just an after affect of being almost mates with Baekhyun and the fact that you saw him today but as the car drove further out of the forest the throbbing in your neck increase and seemingly got worse.
You bit you lip in pain not wanting the guys to notice but suddenly the pain was unbearable as you doubled over trying to reach for your neck.
You felt Hongbin grab at you and ask what was wrong but it felt like you couldn't speak. It hurt so bad that you almost couldn't breath.
In a panic, Hongbin told Wonsik to stop then car and pull over to the side. You could tell that the car was only a mere 5 feet away from the paved main road.
Everything was happening so fast. Suddenly Hongbin was removing the zip tie from your wrists and undoing your seat beat. It felt like everything was going in slow motion as you grabbed at your neck.
You didn’t know what was coming over you but with sudden increase in strength you managed to rip open the side door open and bolt out of the van onto the main road.
You could hear the guys behind you telling you to stop and chasing after you but it was like nothing mattered when what you saw all made sense.
It was like oddly perfect timing, because when you made it onto the main road you saw something jump out of the bushes. An animal with grey fur stained in crimson red blood and wild eyes glowing in white.
You watched in a shock and because you were only a couple feet away when the furry beast collapsed on the pavement. It immediately dawned on you who this was.
“Baekhyun?” Your voice came out as a whisper and as you got closer you noticed the gun shot wound on his lower stomach and you almost felt faint.
Baekhyun growled and then started to whimper. You got down to your knees in front of him.
Your eyes filled with tears as you touched his fur coat. “Hey I’m here Baek. Don’t worry, I’m never leaving you again.” You felt your neck throb again at your words.
You watched as Baekhyun’s body started to change back to his human form and that’s when you saw how much damage the gun and done to him. His torso  was covered in blood and his face was extremely pale.
“Here,” Baekhyun voice cracks as his hand reaches for yours. He drops what feels like the last piece of your sword into your hand and it.
You stare at the piece of metal in your hand then back at Baekhyun. You wonder if this was all worth it.
“Hey, don’t be sad. You’re going to be the best kitsune. I just know it.” And with that Baekhyun collapsed into your arms.
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alette-stars · 5 years
The giant goes to rest. More than two years, 130 000 words and many screams and tears since its start, Lavender Jade is complete.
Let me start off by thanking you all for supporting this fic! When I started I had no idea it was going to receive the love it has. Before Lavender Jade I was known for more overall lighthearted works (Mint and Poppy in the Monsta X fandom, Stray Romance for ASTRO). All your constant love and support has been a huge help. Thank you so much! Words cannot describe the joy your comments and messages gave me ♡
I’ve made so many amazing friends and spoken to so many beautiful people because of this work, but this fic is dedicated to Monsta X ♡
Okay, enough sappiness! Time to move on to the trivia and extras. This is my 4th trivia post (you can find Mint and Poppy here; Stray Romance here; Wrong (Right) Number here) and longest yet, so it’s in 3 parts:
basic tidbits/extra info
regarding the vei, the card divination system
some personal rambling regarding my character motives (entirely skippable)
If it’s not obvious, there are going to be major spoilers, so if you haven’t read the fic yet but plan to do so, I advise not reading this ^^
If you need, you can always reference the character list here
Okay, so let’s get started! Rest of the post is under the cut
1. Basic Trivia
Most of the extras in the fic were original characters this time, with a few exceptions. Even these exceptions are not exactly based on the idols they’re named after, but I imagined them while writing. These are:
Sojung, Jooheon’s bodyguard - WJSN’s Exy
Sewoon, Kihyun’s manservant - soloist Jeong Sewoon
Seungwoo, another of Kihyun’s servants - soloist Yoo Seungwoo
Dawon, Hyunjung, Jiyeon, Luda, Soobin, Juyeon, the girls mentioned as being part of Jooheon’s people in Eigak - WJSN’s Dawon, Seola, Bona, Luda, Soobin, Eunseo 
Along with the ones living, there were those who lived in the past. Mentioned in-text:
Hoseok II, a previous king of Yishin - BTS’ J-Hope
Seokjin, a consort to Hoseok II - BTS’ Jin
Kim Namjoon, prime minister of Hoseok II - BTS’ RM
Hakyeon, the first king of Yishin - VIXX’s N
And those referenced only in the snippets in the chapter summaries:
Jungsoo, a previous king of Yishin - Super Junior’s Leeteuk
Kyuhyun, a historian - Super Junior’s Kyuhyun
Yoongi, a consort to Hoseok II - BTS’ Suga
Taekwoon, high prince to Hakyeon - VIXX’s Leo
For some reason which I still cannot fathom, I’ve been praised for the worldbuilding in this fic. The capital city of Yishin doesn’t even have a name. 
The basic geography of the peninsula is Yishin, Eigak to her east, a number of tiny states to her west, the sea to her south. The western side of Yishin is more fertile. The stretch of border between Yishin and Eigak is a rocky wasteland.
Yishin was named as a mix of Wonho’s two surnames: Lee and Shin
The concept of snippets from literature and media from the universe as chapter summaries was inspired by Steven Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen saga. The vei deck (more on it later) was also very heavily inspired by his Deck of Dragons in the same books. 
A lot of fics focus on Hyungwon’s looks (something I’m guilty of as well) so I wanted to write a world where he wasn’t considered handsome. I understand why all the shows set in alternate worlds have the same beauty standards as us—it makes for prettier TV—but I decided to set a different one for the world of Lavender Jade. Somewhat arbitrarily, we have:
considered very handsome -  Hoseok, Minhyuk, Changkyun
considered somewhat handsome - Kihyun
considered plain/regular - Hyunwoo, Hyungwon, Jooheon
Han Jehan, obviously, also falls in category 1.
Han Jehan was my first time writing a proper villain in my fics, and I don’t know how well I succeeded but I enjoyed it immensely. I went out of my way to add all the traits I like so that I wouldn’t end up hating him, even going so far as to give him the surname of one of my favourite idols (sorry Hyuk). 
There are two main things I’d change in the fic if I could turn back time:
tighten up the front end. I’d combine the first couple of chapters 
Yeon Hu would be a woman. By the time I realized the awesome power of a badass lady general, it was too late
All court members—Jo Senmi, Yeon Hu, etc—are original characters. They’re both basic archetypes you’ll find in sageuk dramas. I think it’s worth mentioning both of them really do love Yishin, they just had very different, more conservative ideas of what would be best for the country.
I’d thought of using all the proper Korean names for the clothes especially, but decided that would make things difficult to read and binned the idea.
The opening note says the world is inspired by the Joseon dynasty. Regarding the initiatives to improve people’s lives, yes, but the hall/court system is more inspired by (what I know of) the Goryeo dynasty system.
I’ve been asked this before, but I’ll answer it here again: I’d never finished a sageuk drama before Flower Crew (very recently, and only because I was watching it with my sisters), and definitely not while I was planning this fic. Don’t judge me. The one I would recommend is Six Flying Dragons, most like Lavender Jade in tone. The others I’ve made headway into are Moonlight Drawn by the Clouds, Ruler: Master of the Mask, and The King and the Clown. 
I’m surprised no one brought up the foreshadowing I did near the end of chapter 16. Seven stars, two possible fates. The final fate of the two lovers (Kihyun and Changkyun) turned out to be a mix of the two stories: there was a fire, and the heavenly king was pulled from heaven (Kihyun from his position) to live the rest of his life with his lover.
Unlike my other secret couple (myungjin in Stray Romance) there are no hints of Hyunwoo and Minhyuk. They never did anything that would show. Minhyuk attempts to fluster Hyunwoo, but he does that with everyone.
Changkyun’s final card from the reading in chapter 8 is the two of Knives. It means a sacrifice. 
My favorite parts of the fic to write were Kihyun’s various descriptions of Changkyun’s beauty :)
This is, undoubtedly, the fic that has required the most work from me. I will say the most difficult scenes to write were Minhyuk’s fight with the assassin and Hyunwoo’s with Kim Sungil. Action scenes are not my forte. 
If you don’t know, I have written a romantic one-shot set in the same universe, titled Only One
2. The Vei
I don’t know how obvious this was, but the entire vei deck concept was inspired by and based on VIXX. The idea itself came from the Deck of Dragons in Steven Erikson’s Malazan Book of the Fallen saga. 
There are 84 cards in the deck: 72 cards in six suits, and 12 Unaligned. The Unaligned can be paired off, where each card is the opposite of its pair (with the exception of the last pair). The Unaligned cards are:
Fountain and Grave - a beginning and an ending
The Open Hand and The Closed Hand - generosity and miserliness
The Lord and The Lady - bad luck and good luck
The Centaur and The Fox - someone proud and someone crafty
Magnolia and Crown of Thorns - misery in success and happiness in failure
Pyramid and Mirror - stability/instability and karmic justice/unfairness 
The six suits, along with the member they represent, are:
Stars - N
Rings - Leo
Shells - Ken
Scrolls - Ravi
Flowers - Hongbin
Knives - Hyuk
Each suit, like our playing cards, has a king, queen, and knight (jack). The king of each suit is based on a VIXX member, and has some particular qualities along with being very rare. All visual cues for the kings come from VIXX’s masterpiece MV, Shangri-La. 
Stars - King: the Emperor, Queen: Sloth, Knight: the Page. The Emperor is the rarest card in the deck, and is represented by a crowned man with no features, only darkness in place of a face. The Page is the icon of diligence (and was in Minhyuk’s hand in chapter X). The theme of the suit is mystic fates, technically the uncategorized cards. In the natural half of the deck.
Rings - King: Death, Queen: Envy, Knight: the Messenger. Death is a card of finality (like Grave). The theme of the suit is secrets. In the manmade half of the deck.
Shells - King: Life, Queen: Gluttony, Knight: the Fool. Life is a card of possibilities. The Fool denotes absolute luck--essentially the card of negation. The theme of the suit is environment. In the natural half of the deck.
Scrolls - King: the Mage, Queen: Greed, Knight: the Apprentice. The Mage is a figure of knowledge and learning. The theme of the suit is motivations. In the manmade half of the deck.
Flowers - King: the Elf, Queen: Lust, Knight: the Handmaid. The Elf is an elusive, hidden figure with hidden motives. The theme of the suit is happiness. In the natural half of the deck.
Knives - King: War, Queen: Wrath, Knight: the General. War is a decisive figure, one who brings final consequences. The them of the suit is decisions. In the manmade half of the deck. 
I’ve been asked about the game played with the vei deck as well. It is a game of my own invention, yes. It’s based on trick-taking games like Hearts, where the object is to win the least cards as possible. It’s played in alternating rounds, one where the Unaligned are not used, the next where they are. I didn’t hash out the details beyond some basic motifs, but it is technically playable. Only if you have a vei deck though. The whole gameplay hinges on the fact that some cards are less likely to appear when picked from the stacked deck. 
I’ve heard from more than one person that I got them into tarot as a hobby. That’s great! But the truth is I know next to nothing about tarot haha
3. Rambling
I might suggest skipping this. This adds 0 value to the post and fic aside from giving me a space to ramble and whoa it turned out long
First: King Hoseok. He’s copped a fair share of criticism in this fic regarding his passiveness and his acceptance of the unfair consort system. I will defend my handling of this character to the ends of the Earth. I’m not saying he’s perfect (obviously! the only character that comes close to that is Hyunwoo) but I think he did right by what he had.
A neat indication would be to flip back to chapter 14, the Hyungwon POV chapter. When Hoseok says that the two of them are alone even though the room is filled with servants, Hyungwon forgives it as a result of his upbringing. He’s undoubtedly biased, but he has a point. Hoseok was raised as king. Certain things that are so obvious to others don’t even register to him. The consort system, where they have to swear loyalty to him but he doesn’t to them? He was raised as seeing this as normal. They all were. He never even fathoms a consort would want to leave their position. When Kihyun tells him the truth about the affair, Hoseok is stunned. He doesn’t understand Hyungwon calling his old life of poverty a life of freedom.
Basically, Hoseok is just trying his best after being raised (and still living) in a life of absolute privilege. He expects loyalty, love, because he hasn’t been exposed to anything different. His situation is completely different from Jooheon’s, who’s grown up in a much more volatile situation. Jooheon had to learn early on to really open his eyes, to listen, and he’s much more observant and understanding. By the end of the fic Hoseok’s had a wakeup call, and he’s going to get better. 
Second: the consort system. Yes, it’s cruel. It wasn’t what Hakyeon had envisioned when he had his companions instated formally. But in Yishin this is the norm. No one thinks it cruel. It’s a position of huge honor (Kihyun thinks of it a few times).
Even though there’s no homophobia, misogyny etc, Yishin is a conservative society. They haven’t had a change of regime in 23 generations. They’re used to the norm, and consortship is the norm. Also, if you look at most conservative societies, you’ll see romantic love isn’t considered a prerequisite for marriage (which is kind of what consortship is). In many societies (including my own) many people would jump at a chance for consortship, no matter their relationship with the monarch. 
Third: the fic had a lot of subversion of typical historical expectations and standards. I still consider myself primarily a fantasy writer. Typical fantasy and historical works have a strong focus on honor, dignity, truth and justice and all those values.
Lavender Jade does not. Kihyun and Changkyun are oathbreakers, they are traitors (by Yishini law). Every insult flung at them is true. The king breaks his country’s laws to help them escape their deserved punishment. Even Hyunwoo, the honorable and admirable commandant, defeats Kim Sungil using an underhanded move, and gets his happy ending with another consort breaking his oath.
At times I seriously considered ending this as a tragedy. It felt fair. Kihyun and Changkyun had broken laws, broken promises. All that happened did as a result of their own actions (even Han Jehan’s targeting of Kihyun was, from what we see, brought about by Kihyun digging into his affairs). A sad ending would be deserved. But then I thought, hmm, why? Why should it be fair? Why should they be miserable because it is deserved? 
So we got the ending we got, and I hope you’re all happy. I know I am. 
Thank you for reading to the end of this (unnecessarily) long post! It’s almost as long as the fic itself haha If you have any questions or messages you can shoot me an ask or pm here, or on my Twitter or on CuriousCat ^^ 
So what’s next? I’m writing Wrong (Right) ID, an epistolary fic for ASTRO in the same style as Wrong (Right) Number, and A Match Made in Heaven, my VIXX karma officer fic (it’s an unusual concept! you should try it). Both fics will end soon, maybe even before the end of the year, so you won’t have to bear much waiting ^^;;
I’m also writing Blood, Water, a vampire fic with a strong emphasis on family for ATEEZ, so you can check that out too! This one’s going to be long and angsty and quite self indulgent ^^
I’ve been asked if I’m going to continue writing in this universe. The answer is, yes. I will be writing White Carnation, the book referenced in multiple chapters of this fic, as a novella. I might write a short story on how Hoseok and Hyungwon met, but that’s undecided. I’ve hashed out ideas for side stories involving VIXX (and the founding of Yishin) and ATEEZ (and the change of regimes in Eigak) in this CuriousCat ask and this Twitter thread, but those will probably only remain as threads ^^;; 
And in the future? I have Monsta X one shots planned, and perhaps another long fic too. All possibilities are open! I hope you’ll stay with me for them ♡
Again, and as always, thank you. I hope you enjoyed Lavender Jade ♡
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yuseonguarch · 5 years
👫 (taehyung and daemin!)
send 👫  & i’ll write four headcanons about our muses’ relationship 🌠 accepting
1. sometimes taehyung wishes daemin was just a little bit older. don’t get him wrong, he’s still into him, but he definitely prefers more of a silver fox and daemin isn’t quite there yet. catch him trying to talk daemin into putting some wash out grey dye on his hair to give him that salt & pepper look.
2. despite knowing that daemin can more than afford it, taehyung wants to be able to take care of his father with his own money. any gifts he gets for his father with daemin’s money, he’ll always pretend are for himself when he’s asking daemin to buy them and if asked why his dad suddenly has it, he’ll lie and say he got bored of it. because of this, taehyung doesn’t want to quit his job despite knowing he can ( plus he just wants to be able to keep ogling hongbin because hey, even though he’s got some prime dick at home now, he can still look ).
3. to begin with, taehyung expected daemin to be all talk and no action. typically he’s found that the men that come onto him the strongest are the ones that are trying to compensate for something, whether that’s a tiny cock or a shit technique in bed. needless to say he was pleasantly surprised and that’s why he’s stuck around for so long.
4. sometimes he worries that his bratty mouth is going to ruin this good thing he’s set himself up with. he knows he’s an insufferable nag, and he knows he responds to almost everything he’s asked with a sarcastic comment, and he’s worried that sooner or later daemin won’t find it so cute anymore and toss him to the curb in favour of someone better behaved.
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hhuta · 6 years
If Leo is a lizard what are the other members’ furry selves 🤔
hakyeon: foxken: corgiravi: golden retrieverhongbin: bunnyhyuk: bear
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shadowmateria · 6 years
Link [TLoZ]
SW - Kylo Ren
Miraculous - Ladybug & Chat Noir [+wallpaper version]
Miraculous - Marinette
Miraculous - Adrien
Miraculous - Luka
Fox Hongbin (with his bunny)
Leo white & pink
Wolf Junmyeon >Color Palette -FOREST-
Angel Yixing
Chanyeol boyfriend material
Happy Birthday Jongdae <3 
Baekhyun x florist
Jongdae x archaeologist
Minseok x writer
Kyungsoo x writer
First date with Sehun
Kyungsoo with glasses
Morning with Kyungsoo
Soft boy Jongdae
Soft boy Jongin
Kyungsoo as Cupid
Jongdae as Lucifer
Rebel Kyungsoo
Junmyeon is Art
--For @satanvale --
Chanbaek series
Kaisoo HELL-O!
Kaisoo Coffee
Chanbaek chocolate
Sulay night call
Xiuchen touch it
Kaisoo Christmas
----Old works----
Sehun x happiness
Chanbaek x Moulin Rouge
Soft boy Kyungsoo
Soft boy Sehun
Soft boy Chanyeol
Good Night OT9
Tina & Queenie
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vixxscifiwritings · 6 years
Chaptered Fic Masterlist
Date - 23 July 2018
Note - All links below link to individual story master posts that are then accordingly tagged with triggers. Please read the trigger warnings before reading!
Your Words On My Skin - 1 | 2
Characters - Wonshik x OC
Summary -  In a world where the marks on your skin also show up on your soulmate’s, Wonshik feels conflicted about the consequences of getting a tattoo
your sins in weight of diamonds  
Characters - Jaehwan x Reader
Summary -  Nothing will stop you from relentlessly pursuing the famous thief, the Night Fox. However, when the Night Fox threatens to steal the mafia’s most prized possession, you get pulled into a dangerous game.
Gone With The Wind
Characters - N x OC, Hyuk, other OCs
Summary -  Hakyeon returns from war but home isn’t the same, the idyllic days gone with the wind of destruction brought by the fighting. The people here are shadows of what they used to be and relations ephemeral palimpsests.
satellite heart
Characters - Neovi + VIXX
Summary -  Wonshik, Taekwoon and Hakyeon weave in and out of each other’s lives. It resembles the way the third star orbits the binary stars in a triple star system and Wonshik wonders what would happen to him if his satellite heart should fall out of the field of gravity.
sun to sunflowers
Characters -  Jaehwan, Hakyeon, Hongbin (minor)
Summary -  To Jaehwan, Hakyeon is all beautiful things in full bloom with a smile brighter than the sun. But the sun doesn’t belong to a single sunflower.
Characters -  Hongbin x Sanghyuk, Taekwoon x Wonshik, VIXX, Gugudan
Summary -  What looks to be a simple internet conspiracy reveals a threat that Hakyeon and his team did not expect. As Taekwoon put it, no one expects trouble till it is too late.
Say Hallelujah 
Characters - Jaehwan x Wonshik
Summary -  Wonshik and Ken must be in love. Except they have no clue and all of Jellyfish Entertainment could not be more frustrated.
Let The Stars Fall 
Characters - N + VIXX Ensemble
Summary -  Hakyeon thinks of the stars in the sky. He thinks of gravity that holds it all together and how, if for even one second, gravity lets go, the stars will fall into each other and the universe would explode.
Long Live The King 
Characters - Jaehwan, Hongbin, OCs, VIXX Ensemble
Summary - Even if the world falls apart, the Crown cannot. As the empire mourns the death of High King Jae Yi, Heir Apparent Jaehwan ascends the throne, inheriting a world where peace balances on the edge, ready to tip the scales on his decisions. 
if time was money, we’d be worth a fortune  
Characters - Jaehwan x OC
Summary -  Jaehwan and Sooyeon go on an adventure
The Foxglove Meadow 
Characters - Wonshik, Taekwoon, Jaehwan, Sanghyuk + OCs
Summary - In which a single summer in Derbyshire becomes a learning experience for the people involved. In which Wonshik finds his love is not who he expected it to be, Taekwoon struggles with coming to terms with his past while finding he can love again, Jaehwan parts with a long standing affection, Minah learns how society influences lives in a way that’s complicated and Haneul learns that sensibility is harder practiced than preached.
Characters - Taekwoon, Jaehwan x OC
Summary -  In an attempt to consolidate his empire in new lands, Taekwoon proposes a marriage alliance between his brother and the princess of Magadha. But Jaehwan’s heart belongs to someone it shouldn’t belong to.
Dear Wonshik, Dearest Jaehwan
Characters - Wonshik x Jaehwan
Summary -  Wonshik’s travels take him far and wide but his heart resides with Jaehwan back home. So he writes letters to his dearest from the far corners of the world.
you and me, we’d be big conversation
Characters - Hongbin x OC
Summary - Sooyeon and Hongbin might be dating, except they aren’t and Hongbin swears that there is a good reason for the pretense. Just no good reason for accidentally falling in love along the way.
all fall down
Characters -  Wonshik + VIXX
Summary -  Eons ago, Wonshik had promised the gods that he would make hell rise and stars fall.
Mad Hatter - Rewritten as the Phoenix series 
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vixx-fic-challenge · 6 years
Wind of Starlight Spring '18 Masterlist
Tumblr media
Into the Void by gemini-writes-kpop
Korea was not prepared for the rush of unfamiliar people, weapons, and diseases that America brought. Their ships also carried a dark secret, the likes of which no one expected. Characters: Sanghyuk Warnings: blood, violence
The Carnival by saxicoloushuman
You can’t believe you were given an interview to become an official makeup artist at a new gothic themed carnival opening in a year. It has been your dream to make up people for a living. However, you can’t shake the icy feeling that fills you when you enter the carnival grounds. It’s probably just nerves. Right?
Pairings: minor Jaehwan/Wonshik Warnings: horror theme (not graphic)
How Did You Love? by justanotherdamnwalker
Hongbin finds himself in an existential crisis, Hakyeon tries to help.
Pairings: Hongbin/Hakyeon Warnings: very minor death mention
Your Sins in Weight of Diamonds by vixxscifiwritings
Nothing will stop you from relentlessly pursuing the famous thief, the Night Fox. However, when the Night Fox threatens to steal the mafia’s most prized possession, you get pulled into a dangerous game. 
Pairings: Jaehwan/Reader, Hakyeon/Reader Warnings: violence, implications of sex, minor foul language
A not so dark matter (of the heart) by tuberc-leo-fics
"An astronaut is like a space pirate," Taekwoon had said. Except they weren't. But after the war, when astronauts were no longer needed, that doesn't stop them from becoming space pirates anyway.
Pairings: Sanghyuk/Taekwoon Warnings: none
Makes Three by theflyinganonymouse (hrhqueencoco)
Taekwoon makes good food and has a crush (or two). Wonshik tries to help, Hongbin is disgusted and Sanghyuk runs out of patience.
Pairings: Hakyeon/Taekwoon/Jaehwan Warnings: none
Boy Next Door by kenbubbles
Taekwoon in 301 and Jaehwan in 302 do not like each other - yet they are constantly around one another.
Pairings: Taekwoon/Jaehwan Warnings: mentioned drinking, mentioned nudity
Electromagnetism (charge me up) by cute_nerds
Usually, when sparks fly in a romance, that’s a good thing, right? Not so much for Jaehwan & Wonshik… particularly when the sparks are of a more literal nature.
Pairings: Jaehwan/Wonshik, unrequited Sanghyuk/Jaehwan Warnings: alcohol mention
I’ll bear it, I really will by cute_nerds
He’d drink some water, take a short nap, and then get back to it, Taekwoon decided. After all, it was only a cold. He could handle it without anyone’s help.
Pairings: Hakyeon/Taekwoon Warnings: depiction of illness/sick character
Tangle root heart by cute_nerds
If you need a miracle, and you are strong of heart and limb, you can make the journey to the witch of the wood. If you can find him, he may grant you what you seek - for a price. There is always a price when magic is involved.
Wonshik needs a miracle. He doesn’t care about the cost.
Pairings: Wonshik/Hakyeon, background Taekwoon/Jaehwan Warnings: none
Smoke and Mirrors by theflyinganonymouse
Wonshik's on a mission, only he's a little bit annoyed to find someone has gotten there first.
Pairings: Taekwoon/Wonshik Warnings: Secret Agent-typical violence (nothing graphic)
Thanks so much to everyone who participated!
Please go read, and give these wonderful authors some love! 
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fixxofvixx · 5 years
Hello! I finally finished a new Hongbin chapter~ Just a bit of fluff and mystery! I hope you enjoy it!
Let me know what you think and thank you for reading!
You finally gave up and curled into him. You did trust him. It was just really hard to say out loud. He continued gliding his fingers through your hair until you fell asleep. He waited until your breathing evened out before he stopped. When he knew you were
asleep, he stopped and wrapped his arms around you. He had no intention of letting go. Now, or in the future. He looked down at your face still tight with worry even in your sleep. He vowed to change that.
"I will make sure you're safe."
Hongbin picked up your sleeping form and slowly carried you to the bedroom. He prayed that you wouldn't wake up. He wanted you to be comfortable and sleep. If you were to wake, your heartbeat would rise in that tell-tale sign of fear that he made his mission to erase. Of course, your heart didn't give off as much fear as it used to when he was around but it was still there. All because of the species he just so happened to be. How long would it take for it to change? How long until it picked up in excitement or affection? He wasn't usually an impatient person but for some reason you had changed all that.
The spot was still sore from where he'd been cut with that knife. But the feeling paled in comparison to what he'd felt when you had clung to him as the other fox had threatened you. Perhaps you thought you had chosen the lesser of two evils but he hoped not. You said you trusted him and he wasn't about to break that trust.
He laid you on the bed and froze when you opened your eyes slowly. Sure enough, your heart sped up in fear. You froze as well but relaxed slightly when you realized that the orange eyes staring at you were Hongbin's.
"What are you doing?"
"I thought you might sleep better in the bed so I brought you in here. You've been asleep for a couple of hours."
"Oh, thank you, then. I'm sure that was uncomfortable for you."
"Of course not, I had my very own stuffed bunny to cuddle with." You stared at him, surprised at his words. He chuckled and sighed. "Sorry, I usually hate cheesy things like that."
Hongbin straightened up and started to walk out the door.
"Where are you going to be?"
"Now that I think about it, that should depend on you. I can go back to my apartment down the hall or I can sleep on the couch. Where do you want me to be?"
"I'm sure the couch would be hard to sleep on. You should sleep in your own bed. I'll be fine."
"What did I tell you about lying?" Hongbin stuck his hands in his pockets and leveled a stare at you. His aura didn't give off any anger but he seemed agitated. You felt the need to defend yourself.
"I'm not!"
Hongbin walked back to your bed and sat down next to you. He raised his hand and placed it on the vein just under your neck. His touch caused your heart to skip a bit.
"Now, since you don't believe my hybrid ability to hear your heartbeat, I'll listen like this. So, tell me again. Where do you want me to be?"
"You can go back to your own apartment." You focused on keeping your heartbeat level but you knew you had failed. You had no idea why you allowed him to do this. There was no way you would be comfortable with any other fox hybrid touch you.
"Are you sure?" You nodded, not trusting your voice.
If you were honest with yourself, where you really wanted him to be was with you on the couch again, stretched out beside you.
"Okay, if that's what you want. Sleep as much as you can, alright?"
You nodded again and gave him your best smile. He walked out of the bedroom and soon after, you heard the door shut. As soon as he had walked out of the bedroom, you lowered your senses as low as they could go. You didn't want to hear his heartbeat from down the hall. You would never be able to sleep. You sighed and reprimanded yourself. Who were you kidding? There was no way you were going to be able to sleep here. You slid out of bed and stretched. The best sleep you'd had in months was just a few moments ago and now it was gone.
You had no idea why but your vision started getting blurry. Reaching up, you found tears on your fingers. Why were you crying? And why did your heart seem to think that Hongbin could make it all better? He was a fox. He was the enemy. But you automatically gravitated towards him. Secretly, you knew the reason. He was kind and trustworthy. Something you didn't find in many people, especially fox hybrids. Yes, you trusted him. He had proven himself time and time again. He'd even suffered a life-threatening knife wound at your expense. You didn't fear him any longer but now there was a different form of anxiety that you felt when he was around. He was a fox hybrid but you couldn't help but see him as just a man. And now, you'd turned away from him. You gave up on trying to stop the tears.
You walked out of the bedroom and immediately screamed.
There, with his body propped up against the front door, was Hongbin. The smirk on his face made him look confident and sexy.
You blinked to make sure he was actually there. Had he not left?
"I knew it."
"I knew you were lying. You said you'd be fine but you had no intention of sleeping, did you? Y/N, just tell me if something's wrong. I can help you. I'm not a baby."
Well, that was for damn sure. If anyone saw him as a baby, they needed to seek professional help.
"You're crying? Why?"
You looked down at the floor in an attempt to hide your face.
"I, uh, stubbed my toe on the bed."
"Really? I didn't hear you say anything."
"I was afraid to make too much noise." Oh my god, this was getting worse. It was no use lying to him.
"Too much noise? But no one was here? You didn't even know I was here so who would you disturb? You still think of me as a threat, don't you?"
"No, I don't!" You raised your head and shook it back and forth to emphasize your answer.
Hongbin strode towards you and you backed up a step. He smiled and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Not a threat, huh? Do you have any idea what that does to a predator species?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Backing away like that. With that deer in the headlights look you get." He came forward another step but this time you didn't move. "Good, stay like that. Don't move. Don't run."
Finally Hongbin made it to where you were standing and stood only inches from you. He uncrossed his arms and cupped his hands over your cheeks.
"Don't run from me, Y/N. It makes me want to chase you down and devour you. But, in a good way."
Your eyes widened as he leaned forward and his lips touched yours slightly. It could barely be classified as a kiss but it did calm your nerves. Being able to touch him and knowing he was close helped more than you could ever explain.
When he leaned back, his eyes had changed to a caramel honey color. You furrowed your eyebrows at the unusual shade.
"My eyes?" You nodded and he smiled. "It's the color my eyes take when I absorb something."
"W-What did you absorb?" You were almost afraid to ask but felt comfortable asking.
"Your fear. I can't take it completely away but I can ease it. I can absorb any feeling you don't want. I can take away anger, fear, and even happiness. Although I would never take the latter."
"Can all foxes do that?"
"None that I have encountered. Just like my ability to persuade, it seems to be rare."
You broke eye contact with him and just stared, unseeing, at his chest. You did feel different and it wasn't bad.
"Y/N? Are you okay? I'm sorry, I should have asked first." He smoothed a few pieces of hair away from your face and you looked up at him again.
"No.....no, it's okay. I just.....feel weird."
"Weird how?"
"I don't know. I can't describe it. It's almost like I feel......content."
"I took your fear, y/n. I can't give you a different feeling but I can take one away. It doesn't last forever unfortunately. It will be just for the time being but I can always do it again." The side of his mouth lifted in half a grin.
"D-Do...do you have to kiss me each time?"
"Do you want me to?"
"I....um...." There was no way in hell you were going to answer what you were truly thinking.
"It's okay, you don't have to answer that. No, I don't have to kiss you everytime. But touch is required. From now on, I will wait for you to allow it. You only have to ask."
"Thank you."
"Y/N, look at me."
You raised your eyes to meet his and then he smiled.
"Don't worry about anything else. Relax and enjoy your time here. I'll help you find a job and place to stay. But, for right now, you need to sleep. If you have no objections, I'll sleep on the couch. I'm honestly too lazy to go to my apartment anyway. Deal?"
"Are you sure? I mean--"
"Y/N, I wouldn't offer if I wasn't okay with it. But, this is your decision. If you want me here, just say so."
"I want you here."
"Good, because I want to be here. Now, go sleep. I'll be in here if you need me."
With a nod you turned back to the bedroom and settled into the bed. With your senses turned back up, you could hear Hongbin's heartbeat and his light movements. It put your heart at ease. Once you laid your head on the pillow, it was only moments before you fell asleep.
A couple of hours later, Hongbin opened your door and peeked in. He heard your rhythmic breathing and steady heartbeat. He now kicked himself for taking you to your bed. If he had just listened to his heart instead of his head, you'd most likely still be beside him.
On the other hand, because you had woken and came back out to the living room, he was fortunate enough to steal a small kiss. He'd been aching to do just that ever since he'd first kissed you. And now he had revealed something else he was capable of. He had just omitted the part where there was a reason he could take away your feelings.
You had no idea how unique you were. You needed to know but you also needed to feel at home first. He would explain in time and hopefully you would forgive him for not telling you sooner. He smiled to himself as he walked back to the couch. He had always teased Wonshik and Taekwoon about being so possessive of their wives. Now, he understood that feeling all to well.
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full-moon-writings · 6 years
Beyond the Midnight Killers: Chapter 2 The Book of Thoth
Warnings: Cussing, Violence
Italics - Thought/ Telepathy             
The boy’s glance at each other watching Hakyeon’s retreating back. What’s going on? Wonshik asks looking to Taekwoon for answers. “I don’t know. Let’s just finish this and I’ll talk to him after,” he says exasperated, waving the boys along to catch up. “Are you all ready? This won’t be as easy as those guys were,” Hakyeon warns. “Don’t worry, N, we know the plan,” Hyuk says reassuringly. “Good, everyone be on guard and stay alert. We have no idea what we are going into or what this guy has up his sleeve,” Hakyeon reaches for the door, flinging it open. A loud, metal clang erupts as the door hits the outside wall. Mice scurry away from the sound into the shadows. The ominous glow of the moonlight reaching in through the open door. The long, dark, and dusty hallway creaks with each step, kicking up dust cloud around their feet.
They are in the third room on the left, heart rates are elevated, and there are about 4 men, Wonshik rattles off to the group. “Well let’s get this done then,” Hakyeon says sighing.
The hallway seemingly stretches on forever. Only the hooting of the owl outside being heard. The boys murmur to each other, “If this book is so important why does this guy not have a lot of security?” Jaehwan questions. “I don’t know but even more reason to be alert. Something doesn’t feel right,” Taekwoon says looking back at the others. His attention switches to Hakyeon his posture is rigid, heartbeat has risen, and by his earlier outburst, he is obviously on edge.
Ripping open the door, the guards jump to their feet as the group piles into the room. Four men stand surrounding the book sitting on an old, dilapidated pedestal. The moonlight perfectly positioned giving a mysterious glow to the book. “Hello boys, it's so nice of you to come to play” their boss states jumping down from a pile of crates. Their heads snap to the sound of his feet hitting the ground. Hakyeon’s eyes widen as the man steps out of the shadows. “Oh, come on Hakyeonie don’t glare like that. No reason to be angry that I found the book before you. Let’s face it I will actually use it for what it was intended for,” the man sneers. The boy’s heads turn to Hakyeon, eyes widening. How does he know your name? Wonshik asks. “You didn’t tell them why they are here? Or who I am?” he states faking a hurt expression. “You have no right to call me by that name anymore, Salvador” Hakyeon spits out. Salvador smirks a deadly smile in response, “Your team … no pets, don’t seem to understand what is going on,” he spits out glancing at Wonshik. A growl rips through Wonshik’s throat “Stand down Ravi!” N yells. “Oh, Hakyeonie that’s no way to treat your pe…” Ravi launches himself at the first guard. A scream ripping out of the guard’s throat echoing through the room. Everyone looks around startled as the first guard lays gasping on the ground, blood pouring from his neck, a gurgling sound reverberating off the walls. “Dammit! You should learn to keep your fucking dog on a leash!” Salvador screams. Wonshik looks back at Hakyeon meeting his eyes. Hakyeon’s face darkens as he stares at Wonshik blankly. “Get those fuckers! They don’t leave this room alive!”.
“This should be easy boys,” Hyuk kneels as lightning weaves around his hands. Placing his hands on the ground the lightning spreads across the floor inch by inch wrapping itself around the guard’s ankles. Their screams echoing in the darkly lit room. A burning flesh smell rising as they fall to the ground.
CRACK. “AGHH!” Hakyeon screams falling to the floor. A large welp raising on his neck, “What the fuck was that,” Taekwoon screams grabbing Hakyeon. Where is your barrier? Wonshik screams to them “It’s...the book, I don’t have the ability to stop him.” Hakyeon chokes out. “He has already used it. We need to get out of here. We can’t take him like this.” No, we aren’t running from this if we don’t take care of him now, we won’t be able to, Ravi says looking between the group. “What’s wrong BOYS can’t take someone who is on equal ground,” Salvador mocks, walking toward the middle of the room he steps over his guards’ bodies “TSK, TSK, they were as useless as I thought. Now should we continue,” Salvador says sweeping his arm out as an invitation.
Hyuk’s smirk grows “I’m always up for a challenge.” An orange, fire like glow consumes Hyuk’s body, claws grow from his fingertips, hair grows from his body, 5 tails sprouting out. He kneels to the ground as his transformation completes. A large fox stands in the room, his shoulders reaching the height of Hongbin’s waist. Salvador’s eyes enlarge, a flash of fear showing. His focus lands on Hyuk’s tails a smirk forming on his face “Wait, am I supposed to be afraid of a fox who only has five of its tails. You’re not even fully grown yet,” he says falling into a fit of laughter. A snarl escapes Hyuk’s throat. Salvador straightening himself “I guess I’ll have to teach this little fox to respect its elders,” a black shadow-like hand sprouts from Salvador’s hand reaching across the room. Hyuk and Ravi crouch down readying themselves to attack. The shadow whips across the room sending Ravi flying into a pile of crates, Hyuk’s speed however, allows him to dodge and run towards Salvador. But, the shadow grabs at Hyuk picking him up, a gasp spilling out of his mouth as the shadow tightens around him. “Hakyeon it seems your little pets can’t quite keep up. Maybe you should train them better,” he says as he throws Hyuk against a wall. Ravi and Hyuk slowly struggle to pull themselves up from the ground.
Hongbin and Ken glance at each other. Illusions are the only way Hongbin. I need you to distract him, Ken says looking towards Hongbin. Hongbin shakes his head desperately. You can do this just distract him. He seems to like to play around throw some wit back at him or something. I need time to craft it. Hongbin nods his head reluctantly. The group moves to block Hakyeon and Jaehwan from view.
“Humans always have such an inferiority complex,” Hongbin snickers, throwing the words in Salvador’s face. “Well, now I don’t. I am as powerful as you monsters.” “But, are you really? You require a book and by all this showmanship you want attention and praise. That is always the downfall of humans,” Hongbin states teasingly, shrugging his shoulders in response. “That’s true. Why do humans never learn from the stories they create? The bad guy always monologues. Even in history a ruler gets too cocky and ends up being overthrown by his closest advisor,” Taekwoon adds to the conversation joining the group. An infuriated sigh escapes him “I don’t fucking get how you can be so cocky now. I literally have the power to kill all of you with a snap of my finger and here you are wasting my time!”
Ken kneels beside Hakyeon, are you okay? Nodding his head Hakyeon shifts to get up, brushing the dirt from his sleeves. Ken starts to craft the illusion, Hakyeon’s eyes stare at the cloud-like orb between Jaehwan’s hands. Seeing a replica of the room in the orb, he watches as each item in the room appears one by one in the cloud. His eyes transfixed to the magic in front of him. He has heard about it but never experienced it himself. Still transfixed he doesn’t register Jaehwan looking at him a slight smirk on his face before making himself focus. Hakyeon I need something that will distract him long enough. You know him, apparently. Give me some information on him, Ken asks side eyeing him. “I don’t know. I didn’t know him long.”  I need something Hakyeon. A weakness of some type there must be something you know. “I don’t know. He is cocky and hates feeling inferior. He had a sister she was killed by a Vampire which set him on his spiral for power,” Jaehwan’s eyes widen, what vampire? N pauses for a moment “It doesn’t matter. That should be plenty.” Fine. BANG, a loud sound resonates through the room as a chair goes flying into a nearby wall, distracting Hakyeon from Jaehwan’s craft. I’m sorry Jaehwan whispers as he throws the orb into the air.
“You insolent fucking monsters. Lower your eyes vampire you have no power here.” Taekwoon’s glare intensifies (if that’s even possible). “God, you fucking piece of shit”. Finally, losing control, a flash of light blinds everyone in the room. Looking around frantically the boys lay their eyes on Taekwoon’s body. A pool of blood surrounding him, his eyes glossed over. Hakyeon crawls over to him taking his hand in his trying to hold back tears. “Fucking bloodsucker. Serves him right.” Ravi’s head whips around baring his teeth at the man. “What’s wrong little puppy? Another one of your masters left you. Are you ready for your turn?” Salvador says his voice dropping to a dangerously low octave. A ball of lightning gathers in Salvador’s hand. “You’re not the only one who can summon lightning. I’m not going to be as merciful as you were though. This won’t fry you instantly. This is going to fry each nerve ending one by one until you feel nothing and maybe then I will put each of you out of your misery as Hakyeon watches.” Salvador says a sinister look taking over his face. The moons light going out as if on cue, enveloping the room in darkness. Ravi sprints towards him. Salvador raises his hands pointing them at Ravi. Launching himself at Salvador just as he moves to send a bolt, latching onto his arm. Salvador whips his arm around frantically trying to get him off. “Hold onto him Ravi” Ken shouts at him as the imagery drops around them. The moon’s rays illuminating the space around Taekwoon’s body.  Hakyeon’s eyes widen looking down at him as his eyes open, disoriented and confused. Everyone’s eyes turn to Jaehwan.
“What the fuck is going on? Get off me, you mangy mutt!” The lightning dying from Salvador’s hand. “Sorry, no book, no powers. How’s it feel to be a poor, weak human again?” Hongbin retorts. “Fuck you! You insolent monsters.” Leo and N rise from their position on the ground, leaning against each other “Ken bring me the book.” “Aye Aye, Captain!” Ken says handing the book over as N rolls his eyes. “How the fuck are you alive? I killed you! You all saw it. I saw the realization in each of your eyes as he died on the ground.” “Uh, that would be me. You saw what I wanted you to see,” Ken says raising his hand.  “Also, I’m sorry but, I needed your reactions to be genuine for this to work,” Ken said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “So, you fucking killed me!? Everything was black! I couldn’t move! I didn’t know what was going on!” Taekwoon yells. “He had to do what needed to be done, Leo” Hongbin interjects trying to calm the situation. “Did you know?” Taekwoon asks as his eyes shift to Hongbin’s. “I had an idea,” he whispers seeing the betrayal in Taek’s eyes. “Sorry,” Jaehwan says quietly hanging his head. “We will finish this later,” Hakyeon says staring at Jaehwan and Hongbin. Nodding his head Jaehwan moves to stand beside Hongbin. “So, you aren’t the perfect little team,” Salvador chuckles out. Ravi clenches his jaws tighter causing Salvador to scream out. As fun as this is guys, what are we doing with him? I can only hold onto him for so long, Ravi inquires looking at Hakyeon. “Kill him.”
This is so long but i wrote this and changed it so many times cause I wanted to make it good. I hope you guys like it. The next chapter will include a Collage for what Taekwoon’s mansion/ VIXX’s headquarters look like. Hope you liked the chapter. As always comments and advice are welcomed! 🖤🖤🖤
Subscribers: @tanithrea
BMK Masterlist
~Admin Freckled Moon 🌙
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pinkjonginie · 6 years
Bitten pt. 20
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Part 1 - Part 2 -  Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21
Description: Hongbin and Baekhyun stare at each other and the room suddenly fills with tension.
Genre: Smut // Fluff // Slight Angst
Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Mobile Masterlist | Request
After your talk with Hongbin you’re feeling a bit better about everything. With your decision to come here and leaving Baekhyun like that. If Baekhyun really is your true mate or just someone that actually cares about you then he should understand. You needed to learn about yourself and without Baekhyun.
So with that in your mind, the next morning you leave your room and walk across the hall to Hongbin’s room. You take a deep breath and raise your fist and knock on the door.
A couple of seconds go by and the door opens. Hongbin stands in front of you towel around his shoulders, hair dripping and and only wearing pair of shorts.
He rubs the back of his head with the towel. “Oh, hey Y/N. Good morning.” He smiles.
Your face heats up as you stare at his defined muscles. “I-Is this a bad time?”
He shakes his head no which makes the water from his hair drip down his abs.
“No. I was actually going to train in the gym. What’s up?”
An idea pops in your head. “Can I come?” You ask.
“Sure. Just let me get dressed.” He awkwardly closes the door so you wait against the wall patiently.
A couple minutes later, Hongbin walks out of his room now wearing a t-shirt and his hair semi dry.
The two of you walk in silence until you get to the gym doors.
“By the way, I’m going to be training with Sanghyuk so you can watch and see how we fight.”
You nod and walk over to a bench close to where the two boys were standing. They start off by stretching and after you watch as they both walk over to the wall and grab what looked like a sword similar to the one Jaehwan used.
“Y/N, come here.”
You walk over to the two boys. Hongbin pulls his sword out of his sheath and walks closer to you.
“So this is what foxes use to fight with. It’s called a katana sword and it’s especially deadly when the kitsune has an elemental power,”
“See look,” Hongbin points to the the blade in his hand. “It’s made out of this special metal that can absorb my power and use it to help me fight.” You see the blade light up, the characters on the handle glowing white.
“Mine glows white and Sanghyuk’s glows yellow.” He says pointing to Sanghyuk’s sword.
Hongbin tells you that they’re going to start sparing now so you take your seat. You watch with interest as the two men fight with so much energy and your surprised that anyone could do that.
After about 20 minutes of them training Sanghyuk gets a text from Hakyeon.
“Sorry hyung, but Hakyeon-hyung needs to talk to me.”
Hongbin waves him off. “It’s all good. See you later.”
Sanghyuk nods and waves at you. You watch him leave and you take it as your chance to go up to Hongbin. Now that you’re up close you can see that his hair is sticking to his forehead and he rolls the sleeves of his t-shirt up.
“That was pretty cool.” You tell him. He smiles and thanks you.
“Could I hold it?” You say staring at the sword. You were suddenly so drawn to it and wanted to touch it.
Hongbin walks over to you and gently places the handle in your hand. Once you feel the weight of the sword in your hands, Hongbin walks behind you. “Here, I’ll show you how to move with it.”
You feel his arms wrap around you as his hand cup yours in attempt to show you how to wield the sword. You almost stand frozen in his arms until you hear his voice again. His lips are close to your ear as he speaks.
You take a deep breath and nod. Hongbin starts to move his arms with yours moving the blade through the air swiftly. Your heart’s racing from the feeling of finally holding something that’s connected to your fox and the fact that you can feel Hongbin’s breath on your neck.
“Now try it by yourself.” He tells you while pulling away. You nod and start moving the sword around just like Hongbin had taught you. You look down at the handle and realize that it’s glowing just like how Hongbin and Sanghyuk’s was only it was in gold.
“Is it supposed to glow?” You ask him curiously. Hongbin looks at the handle as well and his eyes widen.
“Oh my god, Y/N. You have an elemental power?” 
You look up at him as he comes closer. “What, really?”
He nods in excitement. “Yeah. The only way you can find out which one you have is if you wield the sword that’s been passed down through your family.”
You put the sword down and try to remember everything your grandma told you.
“But I can’t. My families sword is in Xiumin’s library.” You tell him sadly.
A smile comes over Hongbin’s face. “I guess we just have to get it then.”
“I won’t let you go.”
Hakyeon stares at Hongbin with crossed arms. For the past 10 minutes, Hongbin was trying to convince Hakyeon to let you two get your sword from Xiumin’s library. You’re sitting next to Sanghyuk who the two of you saw as he was leaving Hakyeon’s office. Before going in you told him about your mission and he said he’d come along to help.
Hongbin sighs and rolls his eyes. “Hyung seriously why not?”
“Because, it’s dangerous! You don’t know what Xiumin will do if he catches you. And what happens if he finds us? I’m not going to let anyone of us get hurt by a werewolf again.”
Hongbin nods. “Hyung, I understand what you’re saying, I do,” Hongbin rubs Hakyeon’s shoulder trying to calm him down. “But she needs her katana even more now and you know that. She didn’t come to us just to sit around. She needs to become a true kitsune.”
Hakyeon sighs while pinching the bridge of his nose. His head drops and he makes eye contact with you.
“Y/N, are you sure you want to do this?” He asks sternly. 
You immediately nod. “I do.”
Hakyeon sighs again. “What am I gonna do with you kids.”
Hongbin grins. “So is that a yes?”
“Yes, but on one condition. You can’t take Hyuk with you.” Hakyeon says looking directly at Sanghyuk who is sitting next to you.
“Hyung, why not?” Sanghyuk whines.
Hakyeon goes over to Sanghyuk and wraps his arms around the youngest. “Because I like you the best and I will not be sending you off on Hongbin’s suicide mission.”
You look at Hongbin as he gives you a thumbs up sign all while Sanghyuk tries to push Hakyeon off of him.
“Okay! Okay! I won’t go.” Sanghyuk groans as he manages to push Hakyeon off.
“I guess it’s time to figure out how were getting into that mansion.” Hongbin suggests.
“I guess so.”
one month later
You’ve been training everyday with Hongbin and it’s the day before your mission to get your sword. You can’t believe you’ve come this far. Hongbin has taught you everything you’d need in a fight and you thought you were getting pretty good.
At the moment you’re in a dual with Hongbin. You told him to not go easy on you so he was putting his full effort in trying to get your weapon out of your hand. 
“You’re good.” He smirks before he suddenly grabs your arm and bending it enough so that your katana falls from your hand. His chest is pressed against your back and you can feel his heavy breathing on your neck making a chill run up your spine.
“But not good enough.” He whispers.
You laugh. “You sure?”
With your quick thinking you remember how Hongbin taught you how to flip the attack on your opponent if your hands are trapped. With ease you trip Hongbin so he’s on the floor while you straddle him and manage to grab his sword and press it against his neck. Hongbin looks up at you with wide eyes.
“What were you saying?”
You hear clapping from the side so you look over to see Hakyeon and Jaehwan.
“Impressive work, Y/N.” Hakyeon compliments you. For the last month you’ve been trying to get Hakyeon to see how good you’ve gotten at fighting so you were excited that he caught the ending of your sparing with Hongbin.
“Thank you oppa.” You get off Hongbin and help him off the ground.
“How are you guys feeling about tomorrow?” He asks with concern. You knew from the beginning that Hakyeon was hesitate on you and Hongbin going to Xiumin’s base. He really didn’t want you especially going but he understood why you had to.
Hongbin shrugs and almost gets hit by Hakyeon.
“Fine, hyung. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”
He sighs. “There’s just more of them then there is of us. I can’t help but feel worried.”
Within the short month you’ve been here you’ve gotten really close to Hakyeon, Jaehwan, Sanghyuk and of course Hongbin. They all treated you like a little sister--well except for Hongbin. There was something about him that you couldn’t figure out. Was he just being friendly? You couldn’t tell, well that was until you were talking with Sanghyuk in the tree that the two of you found while on a hike a week ago.
“Really Y/N? Don’t play dumb.” Hyuk laughs as he reaches for your hand to help you onto the branch.
“I’m not! Seriously what are you talking about?” You finally sit next to Hyuk and he rolls his eyes.
“Really? You can’t tell that Hongbin likes you?”
You blink. You didn’t really see it. Yeah he was being nice to you but that was because Hakyeon made him. It could’ve been any of the other guys.
“He’s just nice. Besides, he has a mate somewhere waiting for him and I--”
Hyuk raises his hand cutting you off, “1. he doesn’t have a mate and 2. you need to get over Baekhyun.”
You pout. Ever since you started talking to Hyuk it was like you couldn’t stop. So now he knew all the details of what had happened with Baekhyun. It was different with Hyuk because he would just listen and let you vent about everything. With Hongbin you felt like you couldn’t spill all your secrets. It almost felt like you’d potentially ruin something if you ever did.
“It’s not that simple, Hyuk.”
He shrugs and runs his hand over the tree. “It could be if you just let it happen. I can tell hyung likes you. He wouldn’t be trying so hard, basically risking himself to help you get your katana back. I think after you get your sword you should talk to him about it. Just ask him.”
You groan. “Fine. Now will you drop this?”
You tried not to think about what Hyuk had said but it sort of threw you off during your next training session with Hongbin.
You fumble a little with your footwork, cursing under your breath. Hongbin looks at you and gestures you to take a seat next to him on the mats.
“Sit. Lets talk.”
“What’s going on? You’ve been acting strange all morning.”
You shake your head while taking a sip from your water bottle. “I’m sorry. I didn’t sleep well.” You lie. Well you actually didn’t sleep well but that wasn’t what was bothering you.
He crosses his arms. “Did something happen between you and Hyuk? You’ve been hanging out with him a lot lately.” Hongbin doesn’t look at you when he brings Hyuk into the conversation.
“No? We’re just friends.”
He raises a brow. “You sure?”
Your throat goes dry. Why would Hongbin ask you if you’re just friends with Sanghyuk? Then the conversation you had with him plays in your mind.
Really? You can’t tell that Hongbin likes you?
“I promise. We’re just friends.”
Hongbin wraps his arm around your shoulders not minding that you were sweaty and for some reason you didn’t mind either.
“Really hyung, you have nothing to worry about. Y/N knows her way around the place and she’ll have Jaehwan and I for back up with Wonsik waiting for us in the car.”
Hakyeon sighs. “I hope you’re right.”
You lay in bed trying to fall asleep but the full moon has you wide awake. You flip on your side as you look at the bright white light that seeps into your room and sigh. Just looking at the moon reminds you of Baekhyun and you’re feeling nervous about your mission.
Suddenly, you hear a knock on your door. The door opens a bit and you see Hongbin.
“You haven’t fallen asleep yet?” He asks you as he takes a step into your room. You shake your head.
“I’m not tired yet.” You say. You gesture for him to take a seat on your bed. The two of you sit quietly listening to the silence in the tree house.
“Whenever we have something important to do for the next day like a mission or as a kid all those training tests, the elders would give us this to eat.” Hongbin pulls out two wrapped candies from his pocket and hands one to you.
“They’re called Yeot. It’s a type of sticky and sweet candy made from rice.  Because it is so sticky it is believed that good fortune will stick on to you.” 
You take one of the candies after thanking him.
“My halmeoni used to give me these before my parents stopped me from seeing her.”
“Did you miss her?”
You nod. “Everyday. It felt like my best friend moved away. I never knew why until I went to her house almost a month ago.”
“I remember your halmeoni was one of the nicer elders. She wouldn’t get mad at us and she would always tell me that I would someday find my mate and she would be beautiful.” He looked at you.
You’re glad that the two of you are sitting in the dark. Only the light from the moon was there so you were thankful that he couldn’t see your blush.
“Well we should really get some rest.” Hongbin mutters. He’s about to get off your bed but you grab his hand to stop him. 
“Do you mind if you stay here?” You ask nervously. 
Hongbin blinks. “I promise I won’t touch you and these beds are huge. I just sleep better with someone else in the room.”
Hongbin giggles. “Y/N you had me at stay.”
“What are we going to do with these two?”
“It’s not like they have all day.”
“Oh just let them sleep they look so cute.”
You hear voices as you slowly start to wake up the next morning. 
“Oh it looks like Y/N is about to wake up.”
You groan rubbing at your eyes. You try getting up but you feel like something is holding you down. Some thing that felt really warm and cozy. You almost didn’t want to get up but you were so curious as to what had you trapped.
“Look at hyung’s face. I’ve never seen him smile while he slept.”
Your eyes snap open and you immediately see Hakyeon, Jaehwan and Hyuk standing next to you. Hyuk had his phone in his hand and it looks like he’s taking pictures.
“What’re you guys doing here?” You narrow your eyes trying your best to block out the sunlight.
“Y/N don’t you remember? We were supposed to have breakfast together but you two never showed up. Long night?” 
Hakyeon hits Hyuk to get him quiet while you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Jaehwan snickers at your reaction and Hakyeon sighs.
“Sweetie, has Hongbin been here all night?” He asks you nervously.
You eyes widen a bit and that’s when you look down to see an arm wrapped around your waist. Your face suddenly gets hot and you don’t think because you’re aggressively pushing Hongbin away and he somehow lands on the floor. 
You hear Hongbin groans as you pull the covers over your body. You just realized besides Hongbin there was 3 other boys in your room and you were suddenly feel self conscious. 
Hongbin places his hands on the mattress and looks at everyone. “What happened?”
Everyone bursts out laughing and you try your very best to hide under the covers.
You’re about to climb into the van that will take you and the boys to Xiumin’s mansion when you feel someone pull at your arm.
“Hey could I talk to you?” Hongbin asks while still holding onto your wrist. You nod and let him pull you over to the side so you could talk in private.
“I just wanted to apologize about last night or this morning. I don’t want it to be awkward between us.”
You smile a little. “Hey don’t worry about it. I was the one who asked you to stay.”
Hongbin sighs. “So we’re good?”
Remembering what Hyuk had told you you’re suddenly feeling confident. You place your hands on Hongbin’s shoulders and place a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“All good.”
“It’s just down this pathway.” You tell Wonsik. He nods. “I’ll park a bit into the forest so it looks like we’re camping.”
Once everyone is out of the car you start heading towards the mansion. Your heart starts to race the closer you get and you slowly become more nervous. You suddenly feel a hand clasped around yours and you look up to see Hongbin. He smiles down at you before squeezing your hand.
“Don’t worry. I have your back.”
“Me too!” Jaehwan says taking a hold of Hongbin’s other hand. Hongbin groans and tries to push him away. “Hyung stop it. You’re seriously so annoying.”
About a minute later the three of you make it to the house. You look at the boys once more. “Let’s do this.”
You never understood but Xiumin always had the front door unlocked so it was easy to get into the mansion and even easier to locate the library. It only took the three of you a couple minutes to get there and finally stand in front of the display with your sword inside.
“Wow, I can’t believe it was that easy to get in here.” Jaehwan whispers.
“Yeah you would’ve thought they’d have more security or something.” Hongbin adds.
You roll your eyes. “Alright guys, enough talking so we can get the heck out of here.”
In a few minutes you have the glass open and the pieces of the sword in your backpack ready to go when you suddenly hear the door to the library open. The three of you freeze ready to hide when you hear his voice.
“Y/N? Is that you?” 
You spin around and standing only a few feet away from you is Baekhyun. He looks the same except his black hair was now white.
He takes a few steps towards you. “Y/N, what’re you doing here?”
Hongbin immediately steps in front of you and pulls out his sword. “Back up man, we were just leaving.”
Baekhyun narrows his eyes. “Y/N, who’s this?”
Hongbin and Baekhyun stare at each other and the room suddenly fills with tension. All you want is to get out of here in one piece so you grab at Hongbin’s arm.
“Put your sword down and let me talk to him.”
“What? That’s not happening.” Hongbin spits back as he glares at Baekhyun.
You pull Hongbin around and make him look at you. “We need to get out of here and the only way is if I talk to him. Please, Hongbin. I still trust him.”
Hongbin’s face softens at your words and he reluctantly lets you past him over to Baekhyun.
You can see how shocked Baekhyun is to see you. He thought he’s never see you again. Not after what happened that night.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” Baekhyun immediately takes your hand in his. “Why are you here?”
“I’m sorry, Baekhyun but it’s really complicated.”
“Then explain why you did what you did? Besides being my mate you’re supposed to be my best friend.”
You can see the hurt all over Baekhyun’s face. You wish you could explain everything but right now wasn’t the right time.
“Baekhyun I’m—” Hongbin cuts you off.
“Y/N, we really have to go.” His voice pulls you away from looking at Baekhyun. Time is running out and if you stay any longer with Baekhyun you know that you’ll eventually get caught by Xiumin and the others.
“I’m so sorry Baek, but we have to go.”
You’re confused and upset but without another word you and the guys leave Baekhyun standing in the library. You’re trying your best not to show the guys how upset you are from seeing Baekhyun so push your feelings aside and focus on getting back to the car.
Finally the three of you make it to Wonsik’s car hidden in the forest and you’re about too climb into his car when Hongbin pulls you back.
“What the heck was that back there, Y/N?” Hongbin looks mad and you can understand that he has every right to be. You could’ve blown the mission but it was Baekhyun and you knew he wouldn’t let you leave without saying a word to him.
“You know I only did that to get us out of there, right?”
Hongbin rolls his eyes. “Sure, how are we supposed to believe that? You obviously still have feelings for him.”
Jaehwan steps in, “Calm down Hongbin. You don’t have to be an asshole.”
“Am I wrong though? You still love him don’t you?”
“Y/N!” You turn around to the sound of your name and see Baekhyun running towards you.
“Baekhyun? Did you follow us?”
Baekhyun’s breathing heavily but shakes his head. “No but there’s something I need to tell you.”
“Ever since you disappeared Xiumin knew you’d come back for that sword. He knew that because he knew all along that you were a fox. It’s a long story but he knew you’d come for it so he made sure to take one of the swords pieces and it’s sitting in his desk. You can’t leave without that last piece.”
Hongbin grabs your hand and you automatically look at Baekhyun for his reaction. He looks annoyed but doesn’t dare to look at Hongbin. “You can’t trust him. This could be a trap, Y/N.”
“I’m not lying to you Y/N, you know that I would never.”
You’re conflicted at this point. You’re not sure who to listen to but as you look into Baekhyun’s eyes you know that he’d never lie to you. Despite everything that has happened you still care about him deeply and you know that in the end he’ll always be there for you.
You pull away from Hongbin and go over to Baekhyun. “I believe you but how am I supposed to get the last sword piece back?”
“It’s not going to be easy but I’ve been keeping an eye out for Xiumin. He usually leaves his office around 3:15 to have tea with Luna. I can sneak into his office and get the sword piece for you.”
“You’re going to betray your alpha? There has to be a catch.” Wonsik mutters.
Baekhyun chews on his lip nervously. “If I do this there’s no going back to being a member of this pack. I knew that the day you left me but I can’t be without you anymore. Even if it means you’ll just be my friend. If I do this Y/N, please take me with you.”
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chogiwakeupsheeple · 7 years
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M=Smut      F=Fluff      A=Angst     
If a link does not have a letter, it means it is none of the three in particular
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Their SO being good at IT (part 1 of 2)
Their SO being good at IT (part 2 of 2)
Their SO falling asleep due to overworking (part 1 of 2)
Their SO falling asleep due to overworking (part 2 of 2)
Their job standing in the way of marrying you (Sehun, Chanyeol & Baekhhyun) ~ A
Finding out you’re from the Caribbean
A Musical Mishap (ChanBaek) ~ F
Hungry Fox (ChanBaek) ~ M
Hidden Treasures ~ M
Backstage Secrets ~ M
Have I Ever ~ M
Other stuff:
EXO as stuff my friends say
EXO as stuff my friends say pt.2
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Their SO having bad cramps due to her period (127) ~ F
Finding out you speak three languages (Johnny and Ten)
Their partner has great fashion sense
You being a babysitter (Dream) ~ F
The ABC’s of College; The B stands for Blowjob ~ M
Rainy Mornings ~ F
Help me forget ~ M/A
Make Me Proud (Part 1 of 2) ~ F/A
NCT U as stuff my friends say
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‘MOVE’ Your body with mine ~ M
Call me ~ M
I’m Yours ~ M
Happy Little Family ~ F
Missing You ~ F
Two wrongs, one right (Part 1 of 2)  ~ F
Two wrongs, one right (Part 2 of 2) ~ F
Lovesick ~ F
Other stuff:
SHINee as husbands
SHINee as youtubers
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Their SO breaking their arm and asking for help
Their SO having a tongue piercing
Their SO having a kid from a former relationship
Changing the diaper of their kid
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Finding out you speak three languages (Mark and Jaebum)
You’re ticklish
You being a gymnast/contortionist
S.L. Noire (Jinyoung x reader) Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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Finding out you speak three languages (Yongguk)
A Wet Adventure ~ F
Other stuff:
Tag yourself: Types of drunks
B.A.P as stuff my friends say
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You’re secretly in a rockabilly band
Other stuff:
Monsta X as stuff overheard at my school
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Their SO going to work even though they’re sick (Performance unit)
Their SO going to work even though they’re sick (Vocal unit) 
Their SO going to work even though they’re sick (Rap unit)
Their SO is jealous
Other stuff:
SVT’s Rap unit as stuff my friends say
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You’re busy with exams
Playing seven minutes in heaven
That’ll teach you ~ M
Third Time’s the Charm (Part 1 of 2)  ~ F
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Other stuff:
Vixx as stuff my friends say
Tortured Hearts ~ A
Fake texts:
Sending a long fluffy text when he’s abroad ~ F
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I Wanna Be The Very Best ~ F
Leather & Lace ~ M
Other stuff:
Tag yourself: Group chat edition
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lerrryyyyy · 6 years
Were you ever planning on doing more with your Naruto VIXX AU? Could you tell us more about it, even if you weren't? :)
Hi! I’m sorry for the late reply. I only found the time to sit down and write this huhu QuQ But, to answer your question, I actually do have a plot for it. To be honest, this all stemmed from a small TaekBin plot I thought of, and it kind of just spiralled into giving everyone roles haha. Idk if you’ll be interested in that though (I can tell you about that too if you want haha), but I can definitely tell a bit about all the characters.
Okay so let’s start with Hakyeon. Hakyeon originally came from an ordinary civilian village. He never really considered being a shinobi until a group of them came to his village and fought off rogues that tried to wreak havoc there. Since then, Hakyeon became determined to learn to protect people just like them. He chooses to go to Konoha because it’s where the shinobis that protected them came from. Although he starts training later than the expected age for aspiring ninjas to start, Hakyeon’s hard work eventually pays off and he becomes one of the most respected shinobis around. In the current storyline, he’s a jounin with his own genin team. [Also, I’ve always thought of the Land of Fire as a pretty big territory, so it would probably have a lot of civilian villages. I feel like Hakyeon comes from one of those, so it’s only logical that he chooses Konoha to go to - especially coz it one of the renowned hidden villages].
I’m gonna just go by age so next is Taekwoon. Taekwoon comes from a clan known for the use of ninja felines as companions, much like the Inuzuka clan. Each one has a partner that can grow to the size of lions (though they’re still basically cats – just large sized). Taekwoon’s partner is a black fluffy cat named Leo (I’m very creative) who he dotes on a lot. Taekwoon had always known that he was going to follow the path expected of him, which is to be a shinobi. He climbs the ranks pretty quickly and eventually gains reputation for being one of the most skilled shinobis around. In the current storyline, he’s ANBU; his mask is a cat. [I don’t have a specific reason as to why I chose Konoha for Taekwoon except that it’s the village I pictured him in and I just really wanted him there haha… also I wanted his clan to be one of the renowned in the village alongside the other clans].
Next is Jaehwan. Although he currently lives in Konoha, he originally lived in Kumogakure. Jaehwan isn’t a medic-nin, but he is versed in some medical jutsus because of his affinity with using poisons. Jaehwan has extensive knowledge about plant life that makes him adept in using them. However, gathering diverse plants is so exhausting in a place like Kumo due to the climate and the location of their village. That’s why, on a mission that leads them to Konoha, Jaehwan basically falls in love with the climate and the number of plants he can use there, so he asks special permission to stay. He’s currently a chuunin but is actually skilled enough to become a jounin. However, Jaehwan is pretty content about his rank so he doesn’t really bother trying to be promoted. [I mostly chose Kumo for Jaehwan because the elemental jutsus associated with it - lightning, water, air - are the ones I can imagine Jaehwan specialising in]
Then there’s Wonshik. Wonshik is one of the shinobis in charge of Suna’s borders. He’s one of the Kazekage’s most trusted people and one of the best in keeping watch of the borders. Many think Wonshik became in charge of the borders due to his strength, but, unbeknownst to them, Wonshik actually has a clever mind when it comes to strategizing the best way to keep the village safe. Ever since he was assigned there, Suna has become a lot harder to infiltrate. He is currently a jounin and practically leads the teams that are in charge of Suna’s protection. [I always thought that being in charge of a village’s border patrol would suit Wonshik a lot, so I placed him in Suna - the village with one of the best fortifications around.]
Next is Hongbin. Hongbin lives a kind of sheltered life in Takigakure - having only a few opportunities to actually leave the village for missions. He learns most of what happens outside through reports and books. He possesses a bloodline that gives him the ability to have an understanding with different animals - which is rather useful for both tracking and actual battles. He is also quite versed with some medical jutsus but he is not trained to specifically be a medic-nin. Although Hongbin’s skills may be considered on the level of a jounin, he doesn’t get much opportunity to show his strength to its fullest, which is why he’s still a chuunin. [Takigakure isn’t one of the renowned hidden villages, but they’re known to produce strong jonin and they’ve never been successfully invaded. I feel like that reflected Hongbin in some way - he may not seem like a strong shinobi, but he actually hides a formidable strength.]
And lastly, Sanghyuk. Sanghyuk is from Konoha. Although he isn’t from any esteemed clans he is actually considered a prodigy. It doesn’t show during his younger years though as he didn’t have much drive to actually pursue being a shinobi. However, anyone that had the opportunity to assess him always noticed Sanghyuk’s ability to pick up skills and knowledge so quickly and execute them with relative ease. It is said that if he had been more serious when he was younger, he would’ve already made jounin at the age of thirteen. Sanghyuk eventually becomes more serious about his career as a shinobi after witnessing something horrendous during a mission. He is currently a part of ANBU; his mask is a fox. [Although Sanghyuk could probably be placed in other villages, I just honestly think that Konoha is the best choice for him.]
That’s some of the basic info I did for them so far OvO
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hhuta · 6 years
Siwol seems to a wire fox terrier , is he one? Also no I was tryna get into infinite but then vixx and sf9 happened and I realized Hoya left , I loves angel by him . I wish Hakyeon would cover angel -hongbins hands anon
oh i have no idea what breed siwol is i dont know much about that :/
and aaa i miss hoya 😔even tho i started to stan after he left kdljask and i love that song too !! omg if hoya and hakyeon performed angel together it would be sO POWERFUL..
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susierpt · 7 years
Well, I talked about it, and now I’m gonna do it. Here’s a masterlist of UNDERUSED FANTASY CREATURES. These are humanoid fantasy/mythological creatures that could easily be used for RP, that I don’t see that often. (So basically, anything besides vampires, werewolves, demons, angels, ghosts, and fairies.) This list will include the creature’s name, a link to their wiki page, basic info about what they do and their origins, and a list of suggested FCs for them.
There are TWENTY-FIVE creatures on this list.
Please like or reblog if you find this helpful!
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BANSHEE: An Irish, female spirit, whose shriek signals someone’s oncoming death. Banshee are sometimes tied to a certain household or family, and only signal deaths coming from them. Suggested FCs: Sophie Turner, Odeya Rush, Jennifer Morrison, Madelaine Petsch, Amanda Seyfried, Rachel Bilson, Priyanka Chopra, Rachel McAdams, Rosamund Pike, Maia Mitchell, Emma Watson, Amy Adams, Demi Lovato, Karruche Tran, Amber Heard, Emeraude Toubia
CHANGELING: A fairy child that has been left in the place of a human child stolen by fairies. Depending on the lore, fairies may have taken the human child because of its beauty, because it had not been Baptized, because their parents made a bargain with the supernatural, or because they wanted their own child to be raised by humans for some reason. Suggested FCs: Dove Cameron, Marina Nery, Kacey Rohl, Amandla Stenberg, Lana Candor, Vernon Choi, Shawn Mendes, Mackenzie Foy, Odeya Rush, Asa Butterfield, Maisie Williams, Ross Butler, Alex Watson
DOKKAEBI: A Korean spirit that possesses inanimate objects. Usually harmless, but prone to playing pranks on people, challenging passerby to games and fights for fun, and generally causing trouble. Suggested FCs: Arden Cho, Hyomin, Lee Hongbin, Lee Howon, Nam Joo Hyuk, Lim Bora, Kyungri, Lee Chaerin, Jung So Min, Irene Bae, Krystal Jung, Jessica Jung, Hyeri, G-Dragon, Lee Teuk, Jay Chou
DOMOVOI: An always male Slavic spirit, that is tied to a certain house and bound to protect it. According to some traditions, it takes on the appearance of current or former owners of the house, sometimes with tails or little horns, and may shapeshift into a cat or a dog. It is easily angered by rudeness, messiness, or abusive tenants, but isn’t malevolent or harmful. It can predict the future as well -- if the domovoi is in a good mood, laughing and singing, good times are ahead. If he is heard crying, however, or extinguishes a candle, someone in the family will soon die. Suggested FCs: Aaron Tveit, Idris Elba, Dane Dehaan, Eddie Redmayne, Chadwick Boseman, James McAvoy, Daniel Radcliffe, Chris Pratt, Rahul Kohli, Tyler Blackburn, Robert Pattinson, Oscar Isaac, Steven Strait, Jason Momoa, Misha Collins, Cillian Murphy
DOPPELGANGER: A malevolent spirit that takes the form of a human. Sometimes it will cause trouble while masquerading as the real person, while other times, it will attempt to kill and replace the human altogether. Suggested FCs: Literally anybody.
DRYAD: An always female spirit found in Greek mythology, tied to a certain tree. If their tree dies, so do they. Typically very shy, and avoid contact with humans. Suggested FCs: Priyanka Chopra, Annie Briggs, Adele Exarchopoulos, Katie McGrath, Antonia Thomas, Maddie Hasson, Penelope Mitchell, Troian Bellisario, India Eisley, Bella Heathcote, Krystal Jung, Grace Phipps, Sofia Carson, Janet Devlin, Rihanna, Suki Waterhouse
DULLAHAN: An evil Irish fairy that carries their own head under their arm. They ride a horse, using a whip made of a human spine. When they stop and call out a name, the person whose name they called immediately dies. All locks and doors immediately open to them, but they are scared of gold. Suggested FCs: Cillian Murphy, Tom Hiddleston, Oscar Isaac, Fan Bingbing, Megan Fox, Eva Green, Evangeline Lily, Sarah Bolger, Tom Ellis, Richard Armitage, Aidan Turner, Tyler Hoechilin, Colin O’Donoghue, Dan Stevens, Cobie Smulders
FURIES: Female Greek spirits of vengeance. They answer the prayers of the wronged, and inflict terrible suffering upon evildoers. They sometimes have bat wings, snakes for hair, and bloodshot eyes. Suggested FCs: Natalie Dormer, Gal Gadot, Lana Parilla, Anne Hathaway, Margot Robbie, Camila Mendes, Alisha Boe, Ginnifer Goodwin, Carlson Young, Daisy Ridley, Jamie Chung, Gage Golightly, Crystal Reed, Dasha Polanco, Constance Wu, Laverne Cox
HARPY: Female creatures that are highly violent, and are said to be half-human, half-bird, with huge wings and claws. They often steal food from humans, or abduct people -- especially evildoers. Suggested FCs: Katharine Isabelle, Jessica Jung, Constance Wu, Jennifer Morrison, Eliza Taylor, Ashley Clements, Ashleigh Murray, Holland Roden, Fan Bingbing, Zoe Saldana, Rosamund Pike, Jamie Chung, Meghan Ory, Annie Briggs
HULDER: A seductive, always female forest spirit from Scandinavian folklore. Hulders are generally said to be kind to humans, allowing travelers to sleep peacefully in their presence, waking them if there are any problems. In exchange, humans will leave gifts for them. Hulders will also often try to seduce travelers, rewarding their lovers handsomely. Suggested FCs: Holland Roden, Margot Robbie, Ajiona Alexus, Madelaine Petsch, Irene Bae, Kaya Scodelario, Lily Cole, Lauren Jauregui, Emily Browning, Blake Lively, Meghan Ory, Antonia Thomas, Phoebe Tonkin, Gage Golightly, Karlie Kloss, Rachel Hilbert
IMP: A mischievous creature that desires human attention. It will often reside in a human family’s home, playing pranks and harassing the family members in hopes of attracting attention. Many stories suggest that imps aren’t evil, but instead desire friendship with humans, but are driven by their very nature to be mischievous. Suggested FCs: Jung So Min, Zara Larsson, Dane Dehaan, Jared Gilmore, Dan Stevens, Sophie Turner, Elise Bauman, Camila Mendes, Kathryn Prescott, Avan Jogia, Thomas Brodie Sangster, John Boyega, Nina Dobrev, Ruby Rose, Elliot Fletcher, KJ Apa
JINN: Genies. Will grant wishes, but it usually will backfire like hell. Suggested FCs: Ruby Rose, Denise Bidot, Selma Ergec, Margot Robbie,  Burak Ozcivit, Gigi Hadid, Angel Haze, Emeraude Toubia, Rowan Blanchard, Jade Thirwall, Caitlin Stasey, Bianca Lawson, Anna Popplewell, Harry Shum, Jr.
KLABAUTERMANN: An always male spirit that resides on boats. It is generally depicted as a mischievous but cheerful and kind creature, rescuing sailors that fall overboard and helping the crew out, in between pulling childish pranks. He is invisible to the crew he helps, unless that crew is about to die. If the crew sees the Klabautermann, they’re doomed. Suggested FCs: John Boyega, Devon Bostick, Matt Bomer, Chace Crawford, Ross Butler, Cillian Murphy, Tom Felton, Ezra Miller, Evan Peters, Dan Howell, Graham Phillips, Flashman Wade, Grant Gustin, Tyler Posey, Darren Criss, Ashton Irwin
KUMIHO: A female, Korean spirit that takes the form of a nine-tailed fox, and eats human hearts. They are immortal, so long as they have a steady supply of food, and can either dig corpses out of graveyards to eat their hearts, or attack living humans. They are usually malevolent, self-centered, and manipulative. Suggested FCs: Chanel Iman, Jamie Chung, Arden Cho, Im Yoona, Ahn Sohee, Kim Jiho, Kim Goeun, Krystal Jung, Kang Sora, Bang Minah, Bae Joohyun, Gu Hara, Chae Soobin, Claudia Kim, Choi Hanbit, Moon Gayoung
NAIAD: Greek female spirits that reside near and in bodies of fresh water. Their waters are said to have magical, healing properties, so humans would often worship the Naiads and leave gifts or sacrifices for them, in hopes of earning their favor. However, that favor can be dangerous; if a naiad falls in love with a human, she may torment or even outright kill anyone they perceive as a threat to their love. Suggested FCs: Katherine Langford, Madelaine Petsch, Aisha Dee, Lana Del Rey, Alycia Debnam Carey, Joanna Garcia, Lucy Hale, Zoey Deutch, Sarah Bolger, Kayslee Collins, Katherine McNamara, Lily James, Dove Cameron, Ella Eyre, Emma Watson
NIX: A German water spirit. They can appear as humans, or shapeshift into various creatures if they wish. They reside in the water, and often try to lure humans into the water to drown them. However, some stories portray Nix as being friendly, and all harm they cause to be accidental. They can cross onto land, but are easily identified by always leaving a trail of water behind. Suggested FCs: Hugh Dancy, Ruby Rose, Amandla Stenberg, Beyonce, Lana Del Rey, Kiko Mizuhara, Bella Thorne, Lili Reinhart, Katherine Langford, Mary Kate Wiles, Zendaya Coleman, Amanda Seyfried, Sofia Carson, Emmy Rossum, Henry Cavill, Michael Fassbender
NYMPH: A Greek, female nature spirit. They are tied to a certain place, be it a meadow, a waterfall, a forest, or any other nature place. They are beautiful, vain, friendly to most, and highly flirtatious. They are often found singing and laughing, and humans are easily infatuated with them -- and this infatuation often leads to madness. Suggested FCs: Ella Eyre, Lili Reinhart, Dianna Agron, Gal Gadot, Rose Bertram, Jung So Min, Zara Larsson, Danielle Campbell, Nina Dobrev, Keke Palmer, Alisha Boe, Bella Thorne, Selena Gomez, Keira Knightley, Amy Adams, Katharine Isabelle, Amanda Seyfried, Amber Heard
PIXIE: A cheerful, friendly creature from British folklore. They are attracted to pretty trinkets, such as jewelry, ribbon, and lace, and are also great explorers, often stealing horses to go riding. They are not intentionally harmful, but are foolish, and don’t think of the effects their fun could have on humans. Suggested FCs: Park Dojoon, Amandla Stenberg, Park Hwanhee, Gerard Way, Laverne Cox, Isabelle Fuhrman, Fan Bingbing, Emma Stone, Park Chorong, Logan Browning, Lee Minhyuk, Jensen Ackles, Alfie Enoch, Lee Michele, Jack Falahee
POLTERGEIST: A spirit that amuses itself by scaring humans, making loud noises, tripping or hitting humans while invisible, moving objects around, and destroying items. They are often tied to one person, and will follow them wherever they go. Suggested FCs: Caitlin Stasey, Devon Bostick, Choi, Jinhyuk, Bob Morley, Francisco Lachowski, Lee Yoobi, Chris Wood, Johanna Braddy, Isabelle Fuhrman, Camila Mendes, Miles Heizer, Freya Mavor, Chace Crawford, Kang Chanhee, Han Nyunmin
REDCAP: A murderous, male creature that wears a red hat upon his head. He lures travelers in with the promise of shelter, and then kills them, using their blood to dye his hat red. Suggested FCs: Huang Renjun, Cameron Monaghan, Eddie Redmayne, Yoon Sanha, Kim Yukwon, Tijin Elbers, Jesse Eisenberg, Luke Newberry, Lee Changsub, Kwon Jiyong, Yoo Sungoh, Domhnall Gleeson, Rupert Grint
SELKIE: Water spirits that appear as seals in the ocean, but beautiful women on land. They shed their sealskin on land, and if someone takes it and hides it from them, they cannot return to the sea. This is often used by human men to trap the selkies into marriage. Selkies generally make good wives, and may even love the human family that results form the marriage, but they will not be happy until they can return home -- often with the help of their children, who frequently return their sealskin to them, either purposefully or accidentally. Suggested FCs: Anne Hathaway, Sophia Walker, Choi Yewon, Aisha Dee, Jamie Dugger, Ella Eyre, Katie McGrath, Lee Hyeri, Taylor Momsen, Lim Bora, Logan Browning, Kacey Rohl, Lee Jooyeon, Adelaide Kane, Alexis Bledel, Kristen Bell, Katherine Heigl, Wu Xaunyi
SIREN: Beautiful women who sit on rocks in the ocean, luring sailors to their doom with their beautiful songs. Suggested FCs: Laverne Cox, Madelaine Petsch, Katharine Isabelle, Kim Yuna, Keira Knightley, Rosamund Pike, Katherine Langford, Ajiona Alexus, Nina Dobrev, Emeraude Toubia, Normani Kordei, Dove Cameron, Elle Fanning, Taylor Swift, Cosette Munch, Chae Soobin
UNDINE: A female water spirit, usually found in rivers and waterfalls. Although they appear human, they lack a human soul, and can only acquire one by marrying a human. Without a soul, they don’t age, but with one, they can enter Heaven when they die. However, if their spouse is unfaithful, the spouse will die. Suggested FCs: Jeon Jiyoon, Rachel McAdams, Cora Keegan, Victoria Justice, Gina Rodriguez, Lee Chaerin, Karrueche Tran, Daisy Ridley, Rose Bertram, Alexandra Daddario, Cheng Xiao, Crystal Reed, Natalie Dormer, Margot Robbie, Charli XCX
VILA: A Slavic wind spirit. They delight in causing storms, and live in the mountains. They are said to be the spirits of women who had been frivolous in their lifetimes and now floated between Earth and the afterlife. They are generally friendly and charming, but are forces to be reckoned with when angry. Suggested FCs: Katherine Langford, Tatiana Maslany, Min Hyorin, Ashleigh Murray, Ashley Benson, Katharine Isabelle, Kesha, Tess Holiday, Emmy Rossum, Michelle Gomez, Claire Danes, Oh Yeonseo, Park Sojin, Katie Cassidy, Meghan Ory, Dasha Polanco
XANA: Female spirits that live in caves. Their songs bring a sense of peace and confidence towards those with a good heart, but a sense of dread and fear to evildoers, and those who are particularly wicked may be driven insane. Xana are known to steal food, but are mostly uninterested in causing trouble. Suggested FCs: Hannah Simone, Aisha Dee, Katie Stevens, Jennifer Morrison, Emmy Rossum, Astrid Berges Frisby, Go Junhee, Taissa Farmiga, Laura Spencer, Lana Del Rey, Wang Feifei, Min Hyorin, Morena Baccarin, Lara Pulver, Elle Fanning, Lily Rose Depp, Kacey Rohl
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