cyaneworks · 2 years
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MY SECRET SANTA from the Underchaser discord server was Rakeisha !
Rakeisha belongs to Rakeisha at DA
I hope ya like her >W< had such a good time drawing this piece !
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🌳  Link tree  🌳
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maya-was-here · 1 year
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Tried to get comfy on Miss Aster’s bed, but I don’t think she saw me when she laid down... a-at least she’s- very soft herself, afwah- (Commission I got with my friend @tiny-witch-cottage, love her so so much!)
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expvrgction · 1 year
*Blows up pancakes with mind* Rind + B2 + Trashcan Palette for the expression meme
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(it's been a hot minute since i last used any art programs including inkscape)
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goatlingsvent · 2 years
does anyone else not really trust foxbuns
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bnunnybrained · 3 months
"I'm a foxbun hun, or as the cool kids say, a bun-sune." Cue Milfvi bringing out the fingerguns.
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phonypizza · 2 months
(Tetramulti, from Crimson) The foxbun is wandering fun farm, looking at all the pokemon, fused and unfused, in excitement! It's so interesting here! Maybe they'll find a new friend, too?
A new friend... or maybe something a touch more wary.
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This Pawnchum looks wary - don't mistake that cute little form and nub hands for anything resembling helplessness. It folds its arms across its chest as those big orange eyes stare Crimson down.
"Another one... Who are YOU? Are you from the mainland? You don't look like it. Are YOU the one who brought us here??"
... It's been asking that question to literally everyone it's stumbled across, but very few have actually understood them.
Hopefully things won't escalate?
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foxfirestarlight · 1 year
Foxbun sandwich
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omnipointmuses · 2 months
Hibi and her fat and fluffy foxbun butt.
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matope-swamp · 2 months
August 2024 Patreon - Bumbleziks!
August's Patreon raffle opportunity is Bee Zikwas! If you want a chance to win one become a patron at the Water Lily, Mangrove, or Obelisk tiers before August 1st! Patrons at Mangrove & Obelisk tiers also get a matching foxbun familiar!
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fox-buns · 1 year
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linktr.ee/foxbuns for shop links & social media!
Posted using PostyBirb
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darlingpwease · 2 years
(i will)
Is that a promise??? /hj
But if Shokan does want to join in, I can't help not minding :))
do you like being called a fox?
Well I've never been called one before, but I don't mind it :))
let me <3333
Jesus, don't say that-- now I really want to bite... <3 /pos
it's not a compliment if it's true, dear;
whose ideas I really like </3333
You TEASE!! You tease you tease!!! What do I do with you!!
-panna cotta
it was a threat, but we can consider it a promise, honey /pos /hj
no, of course, if Shokan wants to join, then I'm powerless, — but I won't let you lead him astray!!! don't cover your tempting nature with these "it's his choice"!!!
shgdhdgdgd everyone can see your fox tails </333 and these attempts of Shokan to indulge you </3333 you cannot be united together, it will be a catastrophe of universal scale </33333 /hj
are you not??? haven't people ever told you what a sly and teasing handsome foxbun you are??? strange people.
however, at first I also thought you were the quiet sweet panna cotta until I saw the real nature and realized that there was nowhere to run </33 you know how to be charming, honey, no wonder everyone just closes their eyes </333
right, honey? kissing is cool — but there are bites!!! bites!!! kisses are short-lived and imperceptible, bites are bright and at least for a few days!!! no one will notice the kisses if it's not lipstick, but when they see the bites, people will immediately understand that something happened!!! if you bite toge or yuuta, they will walk with your mark!!! cute marks on the skin!!! bites are not scratches, you can't get them by accident or say something like "I was bitten by a joint" or a ladder!!!
choose bites!!!
hrhrhr no kink shaming </333
of course you want bites, panettone; then why do I keep doing all this if I don't make you give up <3 /t /pos
no you!!!
no <3
I speak sincerely and with feeling, knowing that I am saying the most truthful things and from the bottom of my heart; definitely not teasing you, dear. how can you tease a sweet bun like you.
what did you say? "blushing easily"? such a pity <333 such a pity that they rarely tell you what interesting things you write and how nice it is to read you; I'm still rereading and hoping to end, but I just feel that I'm not enough all the time, as if I'm getting sucked in when I read what you write <333
such a cute thing, deserving of a nice and comfortable box in some cute nest, mmm? handsome panna cotta <3333 handsome smart panettone, even if such a loving tease — it's hard not to like someone as sweet and heart-melting as you <3333
not compliments, but a statement of fact. am I teasing? I'm only telling the truth.
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tiny-witch-cottage · 2 years
Happy Birthday Floss
Aster is coming over to pick up Floss for her birthday! When Floss shrinks down suddenly, that pick up gets a bit more literal, but maybe they can still celebrate.
A little birthday present for @smolfoxie 💜 888 Words
Dressed up and ready, Floss is buzzing with excitement for her birthday. She checks her phone, scrolling through messages and well wishes from friends and loved ones. With a friend on the way, she’s more than ready for a night out, and looking forward to it. That’s when Floss feels it, a sudden shock jolting through her body as latent magic strikes her. In only a moment, the pink raccoon shrinks with a falling sensation, the walls seem to rush away as she starts rapidly dwindling down until she’s left standing only a few inches high, her phone clattering to the ground with a dull thud.
Floss just gives a disappointed little sigh, stamping at the ground in impotent frustration. Trudging her paws towards the black slab of a phone, her head is already swimming with the canceled plans. She’s only just activated the screen with a touch of her open palm to the dark field of glass, colored light bringing it to life, when there’s a knock on the door. Pausing, Floss hears another before the door is unlocked, and swings open to reveal a jovial looking Aster.
Aster calls into the home with a shout, “Happy birthday Floss!” The happy greeting reverberates through the tiny raccoon’s body as surely as the towering bunny’s pawsteps make the ground seem to lightly tremble. Scrambling on top of the phone itself, Floss waves up to her giant friend. Still looking for her, Aster’s eyes scan far too high, their expression starting to fade into confusion as they step further in. Floss can only watch those pewter paws step closer while she tries to be noticed, waving her arms more energetically. 
Thankfully, Aster finally looks down and stops her stride a little ways off from the tiny pink form standing out on the phone’s screen. She gives a sympathetic smile, and waves down sheepishly. Even with her phone as a boost, Floss still hardly reaches the height of those paws as she looks up to the witch, but she can make out that kind look so far above, framed by the dark brimmed hat. Aster bends down as if to reduce her figure somewhat, a hand reaching out to carefully pick up Floss.
There’s no flinch as the outstretched fingers wrap around Floss’s small form. Fingers enclose around her steadily, surrounding the little raccoon in plush warmth and a subtle scent of sweet herbs. Gently, the hands lift, Aster righting herself and bringing Floss up as well, the carpeted ground falling away beneath her into the distance. She relinquishes the grip somewhat and joins with her other hand, a platform still ringed with fingers that Floss can lean back against, her grin returning as those dark fuschia pools look to her warmly. 
“You just couldn’t resist looking cuter, could you?” Aster teases, nuzzling Floss affectionately. While Floss presses against the cushioned cheek, she can practically feel a warm blush fill her own. Part of her wonders if Aster could feel that warmth as Floss can feel hers. There’s a hint of apologetic sadness in those deep eyes as she’s returned before them, “Maybe we can’t go out to town, but we can just have some cake at my place?”
“Yep you got me, I just didn’t feel like walking,” Floss jokes, rolling her eyes, she gives a little sigh as disappointment creeps in for a moment before shaking it off, “That sounds great though!”
“Well I’m more than happy to give you a ride, birthday girl!” Aster perks up, nuzzling Floss again and even giving her a friendly little kiss. “Get you there in no time,” She says softly with a grin. Her hand descends once more, gently placing Floss in a dark pocket but not relinquishing the grasp on her. Fingers embrace her lightly as the world of the pocket rocks back and forth with each stride, now and then the fingers stroke the tiny raccoon’s head or back comfortingly with steady movements. Time seems to drift as Aster takes her away, sound and light muffled near to nothing by that pocket and holding hand.
Eventually light breaches the pocket once more, as the hand shifts to take Floss out. Blinking in the light, it takes a moment for her eyes to adjust as she lays on the soft palm. Another chorus of “Happy Birthday!” cheering rings out in many voices, stunning her in surprise and volume, and she can see a massive decorated birthday cake towering over a field of wood. A circle of her friends stand and sit around or even on the table with wide smiles on their faces. Some even blow noisemakers and cheer, adding to the cacophony that greets the tiny birthday girl.
Floss is practically overwhelmed at the surprise, words failing into cute little noises at the celebration, much to the delight of her friends. Even if she needs a hand as a platform to reach the candles above the cake, she makes an honest effort at blowing out the candle flame the size of her head albeit to no avail. When slices are cut, she insists on a whole piece, ready to truly challenge her sweet tooth to its limits on the rich dessert. While it certainly isn’t what she had expected, Floss is able to enjoy a truly great birthday party!
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raokurai · 7 years
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Day 1177
Realll quick pic of foxbun enjoying donuts, cause of procrastination >w> I like to think he has a small box of them in his tails at any time haha ———————————————————–
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gr8stoneddragon · 7 years
My husband, just now: I wish there was more Crash Bandicoot porn... I MEAN... WAIT...
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misshowel-blog · 7 years
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Cookie thief
What do you get when you mix a fox with a bunny? A very nimble cookie thief. Nick and Judy oughta get a cupboard with a padlock for all and any sweets..
Evelyn Wilde-Hopps
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bnunnybrained · 1 month
Cue Divi gently pushing your muse down onto their knees before turning and planting her fat foxbun rump on their face to use them as a seat.
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