#fractal wood burning
jd7734 · 1 year
#lighteningskiss #fractalwoodburningartist
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Debunking DEADLIEST craft hack, 34 dead | H2CT Ann Reardon
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saprobiont · 2 years
cried like a wet sponge, still dont understand chem. anyways i STAND BY MY STATEMENT! Fractal woodburning can kill you so why dont people draw out a nice fractal lightning pattern and then use a regular woodburning tool to trace it onto some wood?
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woodenbowls · 2 years
GoCraft Fractal Burn Wood Bowl, Decorative Bowl Small, 6" Diameter x 3" Height, Single Bowl
Artistic shock burnt wood design made out of seasoned mango wood
Food Safe Lacqured Interior
Multipurpose serving bowl for items such as candies, nuts, salad, soup, cream, herbal remedies and more.
Perfect gift for all occasions
Link in bio / linktree (Amazon storefront - wooden bowls)
#fractalburn #fractalburning #woodenbowls #woodenbowl #woodbowl #decorative #decorativebowl #mangowood #foodsafe #lacquered #multipurpose #servingbowl #perfectgift #giftidea #giftideas #founditonamazon #amazonstorefront #amazoninfluencer #amazoninfluencerprogram #amazonfinds #amazonshopping #linkinbio #linkinlinktree
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tuttle-did-it · 2 years
Ahron from Africanmeat woodturned a Stargate and it's really fun.
I love fan art. But this is really creative and I've never seen anyone woodturn a Stargate before. Beautiful. He did a fractal burn in the centre.
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quad-nova · 18 days
any way in a modern linked universe wind is in like a remote/home school co-op because he lives on an island with canonically a total four (4) school aged kids and no physical school so he does online classes with people from different islands, which is how he originally meets like medli and makar. tetra’s boat got that satellite internet so he sits in his 9th grade english zoom call and discusses great expectations with some teacher who lives on windfall and then the second he leaves the call he and tetra have an hour to commit pirate crimes until he has to be back on for geometry.
(the pirate crimes wind and tetra commit are not the act of exploring uninhabited islands, actually - i'm imagining tetra's boat to be like a offshore ketch (since its carrying a crew most of the time and because i want the a e s t h e t i c that comes from having multiple sails, but i also want link and tetra to ditch the rest of their crew and go off on their own) so they can probably sail at 6-8 knots (7-9 mph) which makes leaving territorial waters* (12 nautical miles (~14 regular miles)) a viable day trip adventure for them. the government of hyrule defines piracy as (conveniently for me) "acts that endanger the safe navigation of ships" **(and ive decided sailing without a boating license is included in this list along with, ya know, the usual things like seizing control of a ship or plundering distressed vessels (has tetra's crew ever seized control of a ship or plundered a distressed vessel? who knows, certainly not a court of law)) gonzo has a valid boating license and tends to be at the helm since it causes the least problems if they get questioned at port. tetra, however, (as an unfortunate side effect of being born in secret to escape unspecified hyrule royal family political turmoil(context pending)) does not legally exist in the eyes of the law, and therefore has not only no boating license, but also no legal identification at all. therefore, the act of sailing on the open seas without a license counts as a "endangering the safe navigation of ships" in international waters ∴ piracy)
four is home schooled because he refuses to learn anything that he isnt intensely interested in, so grandpa smith threw in the towel years ago and just counts his 16 hour long deep dive on 18th century occult practices as a history assignment. he'd love to push for some grammar lessons today but four has already disappeared into the garage to use a disassembled microwave to do fractal wood burning*** on the handle of a bowie knife he made out of a broken crescent wrench.
*contiguous zones? economic exclusion zones? never heard of them, its my half thought out modern au, the bureaucracy only exists in ways that are convenient for me
** us law defines acts of piracy that endanger the safe navigation of ships as: seizing or exercising control of a ship by force or threat of force, performing an act of violence against a person onboard a ship, destroying a ship or its cargo, placing or causing to be placed on a ship a device that could destroy or damage the ship and its cargo, destroying or damaging maritime navigational facilities or interfering with their operation, communicating navigational information that is known to be false but likely to be believed, plundering distressed vessels, corruption of seamen, depredation at sea, privateering, injuring or killing a person while committing any of those acts listed, and attempting or conspiring to commit those acts listed. i choose to believe that tetra has committed a third or more of this list
*** there have been 34 reported deaths from fractal wood burning, do not attempt.
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teamdilf · 1 month
Tell me about Science Experiments please?
Ooh, so this is a DILF fic I've been chipping away at that has Alec, Castis, Adrien and Wrex hanging out at Castis' house. Wrex has learned about fractal wood burning on krogan social media and wants to dismantle Castis' microwave in order to do so, safety be damned.
Tentatively, the crew decide to redirect their creative efforts into painting, rather than risking electrocution and housefire. 😂
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pizzaback · 9 months
its so nuts that fractal wood burning processes still go viral because not only is it dangerous - the voltages required for it to work are higher than the voltage of a fucking electric chair - it also doesn’t look very good. maybe i am just a hater though
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gmod · 19 days
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margindoodles2407 · 11 months
Rando Link Headcanons: ft BACKSTORIES!!!! WHAT???
Forger: When he and Goddess and Groose were 12, there was a horrible fire on Skyloft. Being a small island, and with all the houses being made of mostly wood, pretty much his entire block was ENGULFED with flames. It claimed the lives of both his parents, Zelda’s mom, and Groose’s grandmother and older sister (who had been raising him), and left all three of them with moderate, but not life-threatening, burn scars- Link’s on his left arm, Zelda’s on her back, and Groose’s along his legs. The lung damage caused by smoke inhalation also gave Link moderate to severe asthma, which is why he has to consume Stamina Fruit and Potion so frequently to replenish his gauge.
Fractal: During his Hyrule's era, it was customary for children training to become knights to apprentice for 5 years under a Blacksmith, because it was considered honorable to wield a sword of one's own forging (and it was practical and more cost-effective to know how to repair your own sword in case it got damaged). That's why he is living with his Grandfather in Minish Cap, even though his father (and his mom okay i want there to be at least ONE link with a healthy intact family) is alive and well. During Minish Cap, he is on his 4th year of apprenticeship and is 15 (alrighty look i know he's a toon link but it's MY headcanons and I can age him up if i need to. which i do.)
Orpheus: Say what you want about "chosen heroes" and "destiny", you can't tell me that out of the blue one day his big sister hands him a flute and he's IMMEDIATELY amazing at it. In fact, he's actually quite terrible at the Ocarina until about right around the time he finishes the Shadow Temple, and until then he has to play every song he tries at LEAST three times before he gets it right because he keeps forgetting proper fingering. (by the time Majora's Mask rolls around though he is quite good at it because he's practiced so much)
Awakener: He is actually quite good at singing. Aryll is terrified of storms of any kind (which is reasonable, considering hurricane season affects Outset the HARDEST of all the islands), and she would only calm down if he sang to her, especially when she was little. He can also belt shanties like nobody's business. It has earned him considerable respect from Tetra.
Engineer: First of all, like what I said for Fractal: he may be a Toon Link, but these are my headcanons and if I feel the need to age him up then I reserve that right. He is 18- because you can't tell me that they're SERIOUSLY going to let a 12-year-old graduate from Train School; this may be a Hyrule but I'd like to think that Tetra would have had more common sense than that when she wrote the New Hyrulian Constitution- however, he is quite short and has a BABY. FACE. and people consistently think he's younger than he is, aging him at around 14. Which I think is hilarious because this technically makes him the physically oldest Link and yet people would assume that he's one of the younger ones. (Phantasma suffers from this plight too, though to a lesser extent).
Odysseus: After the events of his games- and after he has moved into the palace to be Visionary's personal guard- he keeps a small garden where he grows plants that hold symbolic meanings from his adventures: Apples to commemorate his uncle, Hibiscus bushes to remind him of Marin, Mystery Seed Plants from Holodrum, and a cutting from the plant Roperi was growing in Labrynna's distant past.
Graffiti: He and Ravio look identical, except for the colors of their hair and skin and eyes. In most incarnations, people would tend to portray them as hating this fact, however, MY versions of them find it HILARIOUS and will sometimes dye each others' hair and wear contacts and try to pass off as the other. Hilda and Icon see right through it, of course, but several castle attendants in both Hyrule and Lorule have been completely fooled by it until the boys can't hide their laughter anymore.
Genesis: My man is quite the survivalist and can and will go DAYS without eating because his body is just used to it (due to his childhood years of living in the wild on his own in a cave). It drives Dawn MAD. She has to force him to eat sometimes (but he adores her so all she has to do is ask nicely). However, he is an AVID tea drinker (and ind of a tea snob) so, though he might miss meals regularly, make him late for TEA TIME and he will END YOU.
Luminary: During his last stand 100 years ago, he was WRECKED by the guardians- much more than would have been appropriate to show in-game. In fact, his left eye was COMPLETELY destroyed. During his century-long nap, it had to be totally repaired by Sheikah Tech, and so it has these threads of orange Ichor intertwined with the blue of his iris. This is what allows his encyclopedic knowledge of the things in the game- like how the Champion's tunic lets him see enemy health gauges, the identification of item names and weapon stats after he's interacted with them once, and the names of locations when he enters them.
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staticspaces · 5 months
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Live(In) the Life
Check out the video for a complete rundown of this abandoned home!!
Moving along let's have a look at the kitchen and the living room/dining room area of the main part of the house!!
Once located in a wonderfully quiet rural area surrounded by forest and agricultural land, we find a small street with about 5 abandoned houses. The properties were bought for redevelopment and are currently being replaced with higher density housing.
One of the homes has already been demolished with another house that looks like it had burned down. There are also a few outbuildings on some of the properties along with the remains of a couple vehicles as well as a small motorcycle.
With half of the new development already completed, this area is going through a huge transformation and will never look the same!
Today we will be visiting the final of the three homes, the house was owned by a man named Bill and his wife Christine. They were married very late in life, in fact it was not until 2007 when they tied the knot and at the time, Christine was 69 years old. They both loved cats and had numerous strays make their house a second home, allowing them to come and go as they please through a pet door. They had a good 15 years together as a married couple until Christine passed away in 2022 at the age of 84 in this very house. Bill was by her side the entire time and took care of her in her final days.
Bill had a passion for working with wood dating back to his childhood. He started by selling wooden pens on the side while also working full time as a salesman for 35 years. He would also go on to make a wooden rocking horse for each of his grandchildren.
In 2010 after he had retired, Bill met a wood turner named George who introduced him to a whole new world of woodworking. He bought himself a lathe which was a Canadian Tire special and started a business selling his creations. He also dabbled in fractal burning to give his finished pieces an extra special look. He sold his work online as well as at some of the local artisan markets.
Bill would later pass away, shortly after his wife Christine.
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filthystill · 23 days
@dxsole one night stand. im sorry. im really fkn sorry.
In the night he dreamed.
Rats. Eating each other. Sea of carnage, blood, brains, teeth. On loop. His brain was eating itself, under heat of magnifying glass from sadistic child that didn't play by our rules.
Light. In the nightmare. Light, oasis in the desert. But it wasn't right. The sky burned red. The battle was over, and he stood, with his broken nose, in his armour, with his sword. Greece? Rome? Where the fuck was he? Who the fuck was he?
It was in his genes, somewhere, locked away. A battle somewhere. And he locked eyes with her, picking through the bodies like they were made of butter, horrible crunch, horrible crack.
He was on top of her. Hand around her neck. Thrashing her against the dead pines. Fractal glimpse of something that couldn't be real, drunken hands, hard fucking. She was in the battlefield. Did she know warmth?
Do you remember when the sky burned, for real, for you? They were all dead. You seen to that. You filled him full of lead, and you caved his fucking skull in, and you burned it all down.
Someone was at the end of his sleeping bag. Someone huge.
"Dirty boy," Rasputin said, matte eyes glinting by embers of campfire. "Check dick for maggots." He said, between frantic cough. Jimmy couldn't move. Sleep paralysis used to terrify him. Now, he just sat back and regarded the show with bitter indifference. It knew it couldn't scare him anymore. So it just talked to him, and every face it wore was one he killed himself. Caved his head in with a hammer. It wasn't pretty. He could see slick of brain, in the dark, "when was last time you fuck?" Bluntly asked, cold fading in, something cold, against him. "Long time. Lot of aggression. Maybe you fuck dead bodies now, huh?"
Ice fucking cold.
He's reluctant to move, shivers against her for a good half hour, trying to figure out what the fuck happened last night. He'd set up camp. Drank a few beers, saw a couple things. Scene missing.
Cold fingers in his mouth.
Oh man. He ripped himself out the sleeping bag. Puked black bile. Steadied himself on a tree. Puked again. He was totally naked, black gunk all over him. "Girl got me hypothermic."
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Bleary eyes, he rummaged his back-pack. Rolled a fat blunt. Got the fire going properly. Stomping around the woods, dick swinging, collecting only the best sticks.
Once he was warm enough, he kicked her foot, "hey -- you wanna go again?"
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feathersflurry · 3 months
Fractal -Prologue
A SephirothxFem!OC Fanfic
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TW: Death, Child abuse, intimidation
The light from her grandmothers old television set emanated through the dark room, and ominous music broke through the static. The whirring sound from the Sony playstation hummed in her ears as she fixed her eyes on the screen at the vibrant eyes of the silver haired man walking into the flames of a now burning town. His eyes gazed over what seemed to be his work as his hair moved with the wind and his blade was held firmly in his hand. She clicked the start button on the controller to pause the intro to Final Fantasy VII. Her eyes were transfixed on the man before her as she furrowed her brow before her. His eyes were distant the longer she looked at him. She studied him a bit further as she reached her hand out and touched the screen. He looked like he didn’t want to be involved in the merciless killing of innocent people. He didn’t like being seen as a monster. There were so many more things that she could see, but she couldn’t quite place. All she could see was a feeling similar to what she felt when her father came to retrieve her. 
“Are you hurting?” She asked him. 
Her grandmother walked in at that moment. She could tell by the slow padding of her house slippers and the click of the light. It didn’t quite bother her, as she’d been adjusted to the glow of the television. The sound of cushions shuffling behind her meant she needed to move further away to avoid getting scolded. She didn’t need to be told. Several clicks sounded behind her as she continued playing. Wood clicked and metal scratched together, as the elder worked. A soft sigh escaped the little girl as a smile escaped her lips. It sounded like another doll was in the works. 
She would continue to play the game day by day, carefully learning the story and working toward the boss battle and reading between the lines. She would seek out books about the final fantasy lore and tilt her head curiously about the storyline and what was left unsaid. She would check out references and even go into the character backstories. Whenever she was left at her grandmother's house for long periods of time, she would proceed to play and talk about the game as her grandmother would nod. The old woman would slowly sew away at her project and nod as she listened intently. A pile of papers sat neatly on the table before her with a closed pen. Unfortunately those papers were there for a reason, as two years later, the same little girl at seven years old would be standing at her grandmother's grave. Not two hours later she would be chasing her father down about her grandmother’s house. 
“This is my house!” She shrieked. “Grandma said that this place was to go to me!” A much taller man with dark hair and a larger build swung around, eyeing her with monstrous intent. His fury flooded the room as she in all of her tiny ferocity stared him down. He sneered at her audacity and scoffed he slowly turned. He snapped his head over his shoulder at the sight of a doll with black clothing as the little girl set her eyes on its familiarity. Its long silver hair and black gloves was all to familiar to her and she immediately leapt after it once her father gave the order to drop it in the wastes. She was unaware of the pain she would be in in the next few moments. The loud bang from the tin can, would send a ringing through her ears. The sudden feeling of her father slamming her head into the hardwood floor as he began to beat her. The feeling of her ribs breaking beneath the much larger man as she looked up at the doll who she called her friend. 
“See Seph?” She gasped between blows, reaching out to try and touch the doll as tears blurred her vision. “I told you I…” She trailed off. She couldn’t even remember what she was going to attest. She was going to protect him? She mocked herself. She couldn’t even protect herself or her grans house. Her vision continued to blur and all began to fade. The Sephiroth doll proceeded to show concern if only for a brief moment, and in just a second began to take on the appearance of a young boy of about seven or eight as he reached out in earnest. His eyes were filled with sadness and concern for her. 
“Who hurt you?”
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ne0nwithazero · 5 months
OH ALSO how good do you think each of your ocs would be at drawing
This somewhat ties to that one ask about writing :3
Mike's dexterity is dubious, and writing is enough of a struggle for him, so drawing would be even worse. I think he'd have really shaky lines and struggle to draw anything so he wouldn't bother much
Host has very smooth and clean lines, but they never really got into drawing. At most, I can see them just idly doodling random geometric shapes and squares :B
Tenna, Button and Match all strike me as trying to draw together but their styles end up being a weird mix of How to Draw anime tutorial book mixed with just tracing movie posters and game covers.
Mittens only knows how to draw one thing and it's cartoony cats, like she'll just leave the things around like some sort of signature hehe
Klieg actually does know how to draw, but he doesn't really like sharing it 😔 He'd make loose sketchy portraits of others. As a being whose entire face is an eye, he's fascinated by faces being so much more complex than that
Rayne would try, but their rainy state would make things rather difficult :') I can see them getting into it if they find a workaround for the water problem. I CAN see them being into fractal wood-burning!
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skxrbrand · 3 months
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The time of the Green Moon had come again.
Morrslieb, evil and erratic twin of the white moon, Manslieb, hung in the sky and every vile and cruel thing beneath it's leering green gaze began to cavort. In the cities of man, cultists began fell rituals and in the forests of the world beastmen whipped themselves in wild frenzies. Furies blackened the sky in great noisome flocks and women and she-beasts alike brought forth mutants and monsters from their wombs.
It was all to please the gods, for their gifts would be many.
Khade the Unmaker, Firstborn of Blood Gods, found it loathsome. He flew over the mortal kingdoms, sneering down at what he saw. Both the forces of chaos in their wild jollity and the mortals hidden behind walls of stone or sharpened sticks or faith alone. Ignorant fleshlings wasting their breath, and their fear, on these four upstarts.
But they would be dealt with later. The Green Moon brough with it other opportunities, ones only the maddest of mortals or greatest of gods would dare entertain. With a woosh of air and a great thump, Khade at last landed before the tangled forest of Drakwald. Idonea gripped one hand and his stolen god-sword gripped in the other, he began to cleave, smashing wood into splinters. What didn't break ignited, quickly turning the gnarled, tangled wood in a raging fire. Beasts fled, monsters fled, and before the godly blade the very shadows themselves seemed to shy away.
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But no normal shadows were these. They had eyes of black and white, and gnashing teeth, their monstrous faces warped into fearful snarls. They hissed and spat, but dared not come close to the Brass Blade and where they fled, Khade followed and cleaved until he was no longer cutting wood and trees. Instead, reality itself split before him. He was cutting into the veil that kept this world and that otherworld separate, intruding into the realm of the gods. One god in particular...
At last, he would stop his hedging, for there were no more trees. There was no sky, no earth, no mortal creates-- only blackness. Khade floated there, surrounded by subtle shapes in the dark. His blade flared to life and he held it before himself like a torch, nearly thrusting it into something. Between the flat of the blade, two milky eyes blazed and he could see the outline of a creature blacker than this realm, with fur and horns and hatred in it's mien. It was deific, like him, and somehow familiar and in that familiarity, Khade had known.
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Malal said nothing, instead drawing himself up taller to leer down on his uncle.
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"𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑑𝑒 𝑢𝑝𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒? 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑚𝑦 ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔?" The Shadow God hissed and what Khade could only assume to be his million million children rattled about them bother, poised to strike; to die in their gods stead if need be. The Red God glanced down at the burning sword, then back at his nephew.
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The shadow being agitated. It's shape became sharp and violent, rippling like a storm.
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Khade held out his other paw, the Red-Sage Idonea sat in the middlemost pad. Malal eyed her hungry, flicking his gaze incredulously over to to the Red God. Then, he glared with suspicion, even as he scooped the offered God-Fractal up with inkly talons. As soon as Malal grasp her, Khade grabbed him in time. The Shadow God, again, agitated, but the Red God persisted. He let the Malignant taste his power and the power of the Blade he had stolen. Only then did he let Malal go, his Red Skin burning from the touch.
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Malal, intrigued and mollified despite himself, mulled over the offer. All the while, the Red-Sage in his claws screamed and cursed them both until shadows filled her mouth and nose, crawling in her ears and behind her eyeballs. Both gods ignored her.
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"𝑌𝑜𝑢 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑒𝑎𝑟, 𝑅𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑛𝑒. 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑙."
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I've been thinking for a few days- partly because I need to add to my story and whatnot, partly because of that fractal wood burning post going around-
(Super old kinda outdated ref- v
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The white scars on his hand. Got that from touching some electrical stuff that was powering Rev's place (Oops! Jer you gotta stop touching random things.)-
Either it didn't occur to me or didn't matter because I Almost Always draw him with long sleeves, but the scar Should go aaaaall the way down his arm and left side. I Did write him having some problems with that hand, but now, this Side? Heck it, I'll be giving Jer a cane! Probably fancy and flower themed. :D
...I wonder what's up with Jer and a lot of his pals having leg problems. Hmm, mysterious...
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