#fragmem x reader
fragaria-imagines · 7 months
I saw that you allow suggestive fics 🤭🤭
Can we please have one with Tuxam, like reader is teasing him while he's on his break from his service with Tuxedo Sam (if he does take breaks that is) (͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) hehehehhe, thank you <3
Ahh thank you!! This is my first suggestive fic so I’m sorry if it doesn’t turn out well (,,>﹏<,,)!!
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You consider yourself a very patient person, maybe even too patient, hell some might even call you a saint! When plans or dates are abruptly canceled at the last minute because your boyfriend has to work, you are more than understanding. Or when your boyfriend falls off the face or the earth due to work and doesn’t check in or call you, you once again, completely understand. Or when your boyfriend completely forgets to pick you up, —after promising you beforehand that he would—, because something at work came up, you still once again, understood.
But there comes a time in someone’s life, that being too patient and being too understanding, would one day run its course, and for you, that day is today. And while you knew realistically, that Tuxam wasn’t blowing you off on purpose, and that he really did have work to attend to, but for god’s sake, would it kill him to take a break from his service, every once in a while!
And as you made your way to the Strawberry Kingdom, bulldozing your way into the main entrance, scanning the room for Tuxam, you made sure to give him exactly that.
“Y/N, is that you? I wasn’t expecting you to come here today, is everything okay?” Tuxam asked in surprise, his eyebrows furrowed in faint concern, noticing how on edge you looked. You didn’t make it a habit to show up at his work unannounced or without telling him beforehand, so it was quite a shock and a bit worrisome to him.
Seeing the concerned expression on his face, did ease your annoyance and impatience from earlier, and you wondered if you were too hasty in your decision of confronting him head on.
However, as you stared at him a bit longer, those concerns quickly came to an end, as you took a really good look at him, a new set of emotions and urges took over you.
“Did he always look good in those tight leggings?” You thought to yourself, now no longer looking at his face, and instead, was blatantly checking him out.
You couldn’t help it, after all, when was the last time you two had some fun between the two of you? When was the last time he touched you? When was the last time you touched him? It seemed like your frustration with him earlier, didn’t seem to be stimming from just anger alone…
“Y-y/n…! Is there something you want?” Tuxam asked sheepishly, noticing how your attention shifted to his lower half.
You looked back at the knight in front you, who was now fully red in the face, barely able to make eye contact with you. And for a second, a slightly mischievous part of you wondered if he was just as red down there as his face was.
“Are you on your break?” You bluntly asked, avoiding his question, acting as if you weren’t blatantly checking him out and staring right at his bulge.
Subtly was never your thing, and while originally you were just planning to chew him out a new one for neglecting you so much. As you indulged further into your not so innocent thoughts, and noticed how just attractive he was in those tight leggings, a new idea popped into your head, an idea that would really show him just how needy you were.
“W-what? No, I’m not, I’m meeting with Hangyon right now actually, we’re supposed to be tallying up the fish population in the northern side of the blue bouquet” Tuxam answered, a bit caught off guard at how suddenly your mood seemingly changed from possibly agitated to gazing at him lustfully to acting nonchalant, in a span of three minutes.
“You look a bit tense, are you alright? Work hasn’t been too rough has it?” You asked softly, noticing the creases in his forehead deepening as he spoke.
While you knew Hangyon could care less about counting the fish population, and you were pretty certain that Tuxedo Sam did not ask Tuxam to do this, you knew that this was just how Tuxam is. How he always go above and beyond for the people he cares about, how he always so ambitious and driven when it came to fulfilling his knightly duties, it was one of the many reasons why you love him, and you hated to see him in so much stress, regardless if he did this to himself or not.
“Would you like me to give you a massage for your neck? It can help relieve the stress” You offered, before he could reply to your question.
Tuxam pondered at your suggestion, debating on whether he should take you up on your offer or not. On one hand, he had a lot of work to get to, but on the other hand, his neck has been killing him…
“I don’t know Y/N, I still have a lot of work to do and I don’t want to trouble you-“
“Oh come on! It’s no trouble at all, I’ll promise it’ll be quick, and you won’t even feel the pain in your neck, once I’m finished!” You promised hastily, knowing if you don’t act on it soon, you’ll lose your window of chance, the fact that he hasn’t bolted out the room already, is both of a shock and a pleasant surprise to you.
Before you could let him respond, you pushed him to the nearest chair, you placed your hands on him, starting to carefully massage his shoulders.
You felt him slowly starting to relax underneath you, a sigh of pleasure escaped his lips, when you started to apply more pressure. It was quiet, but you were certain that you heard it, a rush of excitement filled your body, as you wondered what other noises could you get him to make.
Your hands quickly traveled down his spine, carefully touching and groping every curve there is, under the guise of a “massage”. You pressed your chest on his back, practically leaning on top of him, you felt Tuxam breath hitched at the sudden contact of your body being so close to his.
“Y-y/n i don’t know if this appropriate, I still have a lot of work—Ah…!” A loud gasp escaped his lips, as your lips made contact with the back of his neck. He gripped the handles of his chair, biting his bottom to hold back his moans, as you continued your assaults on his neck.
You pulled back from his neck with a wet popping noise, taking a second to admire the hickey you left on his neck. Looking at the whimpering and shaking man beneath you, a thrill of excitement and pleasure rushed over you, as you roughly bended the smaller knight over the table in front of the chair that he was sitting in, his hat falling off his head and landing on the floor.
Your hot breath tickled his now bright red ears, and any thought or complaint he had before, were immediately shut down once he felt your body was fully on top of him.
“Is work really your biggest concern right now, Tuxam? Looks like I need to straighten that out…” You whispered in his ear, not missing just how flushed his face turned as you spoke. You slowly lifted his chin towards you, staring at his bright blue eyes that were once very anxious and stressed, now dazed and full of heat, and begging for you to take him.
You captured his lips with yours, and you were pleasantly surprised at the level of enthusiasm that you were met with. Even though Tuxam was not the tallest of his class, he was still a pretty strong knight at the end of the day, and if he wanted to, he would have no trouble flipping you over so he could leave for work, at any given moment.
So the fact that he not only stayed for this long, but was equally as needy and craved for this just as much as you did, made your heart flutter. You didn’t realize the growing insecurity that was looming over you about the state of your relationship, but as you felt Tuxam whimpering underneath you and trying to chase your lips, once you pulled away, you knew everything would be okay.
“You’re so loud Tuxam, do you really want the whole castle to hear you? That’s not very knightly of you~” You teased. Before he could retort, a loud moan escaped from his lips as you grind your hips against him, which only seemed to excite you and motivate you further.
As you quickly unbuckled his pants, pulling the waistband, exposing his rear end, Tuxam closed his eyes shut, fully aware that he was not going to be able to get back to work at all. And while usually, the thought of not completing work would put him over the edge, but today he didn’t mind at all.
For he has learned that maybe it’s not so bad taking a break from his duties every once and a while… especially if this is what’s in store for him when he does, then he might be inclined to take even more breaks.
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melted-sweets · 4 months
♡ ── “ VALENTINES DAY . . . ” | 1/?
Alright… If you ever think she will be excited about the day of love, you can tell that she is… Exploding like a star somewhere in the galaxy as she is very excited about this special day with you…
Other than that, this (quite a) mischievous court jester has some… Bunch of plans and revisions of it that it ended being only 2 plans that were made it… Yeah, you can tell that she is absolutely would go to extreme lengths of making this day a fantastic memory to remember!
Without further ado, It is time to reveal the first plan… And is… Baking but this is not an ordinary baking experience but more like… “MAKE MORE, MORE SWEETS!”
And you want to guess what happened next on the baking section? Sweet shenanigans, of course! And why is that? Because Masky Feels decided if it would be funny to join with you guys and it all ended with 50% success and 50% of a mess! What a 50/50 ratio right there!
Now, to the second plan is a bit more normal than whatever that you guys have committed… And that is… Going to a carnival!
She thought that it would be quite a fun time to spent together on Valentine’s Day as carnival dates on Masky Feels’ kingdom is always up to date with the national holidays which makes it a little bit more exciting, fun and unique other than the mini games and so much more (It’s kinda inspired from Penacony from Honkai Star Rail for the major aesthetic of Masky Feel’ kingdom as it’s the kingdom of entertainment)!
From the roller coaster to the mini games, you can tell that she is having fun with it despite her being an adult (in appearance) since these are usually done by families who wants to entertain their children but hey, everyone of all ages can enjoy it, right?
And so… Once the sunset is almost passed and the moon shall be shining, you decided that in order to remember of all these fun times that were refreshing for you and her, a photo shot shall do the trick and kaboom! You get a fantastic photo of you and your silly partner on this romantic day…
After that day had to come to an end, you and her decided to make it being a matching profile picture somewhere in a chatting app and now, you officially got the “silly person x their better half” thingy going around you guys!
Though… As she is a renowned court jester, there would be someone who would have got you and her on a date which is going to be… Something else once you opened the news section on your phone or get yourself a newspaper and see the rumor section… Oh dear!
As she is an alter ego of Felicity, things are going to be very different, seriously.
Like she is just… Straightforward, serious and stoic most of the time but there were those times where she just… Lower her guard a little bit… For you. Yes, you.
And why is that? Because you are her… Darling, honey, dearest and more words that she literally called you and yes, it may sounded cringy but she’s an old lad despite her appearance of a young adult woman on her 20s so of course, she’s going through the “old love” route.
Anyways, as for her plan is… Pretty much simple as what it is such as taking a walk on a park on the day as she feels like it would be working just fine… As she would put it and since she lived in the same kingdom as Felicity… Things would be a bit noisy especially since you have entered the world of entertainment where everyone can have their fun and simply enjoy their life while it’s on the blast!
As for going to a park plan, it… Kinda work I supposed… I mean… It did started raining shortly after both of you entered the famous park for its greenery and other stuff… Welp, be glad that Ayama prepared absolutely everything so you can able to protect yourself from the rain by her umbrella.
“Quite unexpected, isn’t it?” She said as her glimmering eyes with those teardrop pupils looked at you, still no smile but there is a light on the both of her eyes… Unlike Felicity.
“Yeah… I’m glad that you bring your umbrella with you because otherwise, we would get wet for good!” You replied, as you and her carefully taking your steps on the park as (almost) everyone is simply minding their business… Except for those who are… A fan of Ayama… Another “uh oh” moment right there!
“Omg, is that her?!”
“Mom, look! It’s the lady that I talked about from a few days ago!”
“Wow… She still looks so elegant… Even on a rainy day like this!”
Ahh, those voices that she always heard every time… How fantastically repetitive it is for her ears.
“Wait a minute… Why is she with another person? Are they dating or something?”
“Ahhh! I wished I can have a nice walk just like Ayama and that lucky person with her~!”
“Wow… I never seen Miss Ayama with someone rather than Miss Felicity so this is new stuff!”
Welp… Here we go again.
“Ugh…” Ayama got annoyed by the fame that she is receiving at this point, it feels like she has stuck in a place where the public eye is watching her every move and she doesn’t want that in the first place but of course, there’s gotta be some people can’t simply listen about someone’s boundaries which makes things just seem so… Shitty.
“Are you alright, Ayama?” You said, hearing her getting more annoyed about the people who is… Watching them at this moment.
“Dear, hold my hand.” She whispered softly, her voice is quite smooth as honey when she said that.
“Sure…” You said as you hold her hand and so, she quickly yet swiftly run away from the crowd as everything is starting to get so… Dizzy to the point that you wanted to pass out but a magic trick have appeared by Ayama that makes both of you run as fast as possible.
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After that fast run, you managed to come back to the kingdom once again but sadly, you passed out as the dizziness has taken over you… Ayama can’t help but sighs as her plan has completely… Failed, miserably.
But hey, at the very least… She can able to spend some time with you on this day as the time shall keep going and everything shall vanished, soon… And she can’t help but will feel the loneliness once again if she ever loses you.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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changinct · 4 months
FragMem Valentine Prompts
Just a simple HCs, but I'd like to pour my ideas into a post here! Although I couldn't write everyone, only my faves hehe. Pardon me if it's a bit OOC and cringey!
PoV: You are the one who gives them chocolate
Merold: Actually alrd received sooooo many chocolates because he is so popular. However, yours. Yours are the only one he is waiting for. One that could make him excited. "Y/n, where is my chocolate~? Eeh? Aren't you going to give me one? I was waiting for it, you know.." ‎‎‎
Romarriche: Actually also making a chocolate for you. But he is really happy to be the receiver this time, and appreciates your hard work a lot. Whether the taste is delish or questioning, he will savour every bit of it. Because it's you. Because you are the one who made it specially for him. "I couldn't find any better word to express my gratitude for you, however I want you to know that at this moment, I feel like being the happiest person in the world." ‎‎‎
Cielomort: He is so busy and airheaded, he doesn't know today is valentine day. When he receives a nicely packaged chocolate, he goes flustered for a moment before smiling softly to you, holding your hand. "I'm really happy, you took your time to make it for me.. Thank you so much. We should eat it together at break time later." ‎‎‎
Kurode: Doesn't interact with a lot of peeps, so different from his brother, Kurode was really confused when he received a lot of chocolates (he is also popular) and doesn't know how to take care of them, so he ended up giving some of it to you secretly. Knowing that, you almost not giving him the chocolate you have made, but when he knows that you are going to give him one he immediately ask you. "Wait! If it's from you.. then, let me take it..." ‎‎‎
Chaco: Probably alrd getting used to receiving chocolate, he isn't that much different from Merold when responding to those givers. Always thanking them in grateful way. But today, he gazes at you a lot. You could feel it, but he pretending not to. There's no sign of chocolate coming from you... And when he is already lowering his expectation, your sudden gift surprised him, making him kinda lose his cool. "H-Huh!? For me..? Oh well.. Thank you." As he hides his face with his hoodie. ‎‎‎
Arupek: He doesn't know today is valentine. Or maybe he knows, but doesn't care much about that. He doesn't think he is that cool nor popular to receive one, so when you actually give him a chocolate he goes VERY happy with it. "Y/n, thank you so much!! I will treasure it."
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lanshappycorner · 2 months
Hi everyone! I have decided that I will no longer post art. I have decided to repurpose this account to pursue my true passion. Writing x readers🥰 I am here to make your dreams come true Y/N ♡
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Here are my rules 🥺
♡no spicy content !!!! i am only 10 years old
♡i will write for readers with ANY gender👍 however all the readers in every situation i write about will be british
♡i will write for FE engage, TWST, ENST, FRAGMEM, KHR, etc I have many interests you can ask me if you're curious 🥰 90% of it will be ooc though because i do not care about anyone but my oshis🥰🥰 request at your own risk
♡i WONT write for anything you wouldnt ask a 10 year old to write please keep my age in mind before requesting anything that may require me to contact my therapist or lawyer afterwards thank you☺️
♡you can request drabbles or hcs but be aware that I will not write drabbles longer than 5 sentences and hcs may range from 2 bullet points to 53 so if your desired hcs r not as long as you would like them to be that is not my problem please try again on a better day
♡i will also matchmake you with a random character from a requested fandom based on your personality however i only need THREE things from you in your ask, 1) your favorite number 2) your favorite sea creature and 3) your favorite invention created during years 1760 – 1840 the industrial revolution🫶🫶
And that is all ^^ I hope you will enjoy your time on my blog and I hope to receive many requests! Thank u ♡
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teabunniics · 7 months
im not the biggest of x readers but your little fics are sooo cute thank u for contributing to the fragmem cause o7
AHHHHHH- Thank you very much for this message! It's nice to writing some silly little imaginations of mine for the community, especially for an upcoming project by Sanrio!
I should try to make more as I have some silly ideas for some upcoming works (silly ideas: rimicha with his collection of comically large cutleries and chaco doing cool moves with his skateboard).
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fragaria-imagines · 4 months
Red Bouquet Valentine’s Day Headcanons (with their S/O)
Hallritt goes all out for every and any holiday, Valentine’s day is no exception!
He would try to surprise you with a homemade cake, but unfortunately, just like every other time Hallritt has tried to bake or cook something, it never ends well.
He ends up accidentally starting a fire on Valentine’s day, much to his —and the rest of his bouquet members— dismay, ruining the surprise.
However, even with his failed baking attempt, you still appreciate the effort and time he put in to it, and suggested that they should bake a cake together instead!
Hallritt was all over the moon for that idea, so you two spend the rest of day, laughing and baking homemade goods together (with supervision of course).
As for gifts, Hallritt lives by the motto, “Go Big or Go Home”, and that’s exactly what he did when buying you gifts.
He is such a gift giver and bought you plenty of gifts, whether it be clothes, toys, plushies, chocolate, flowers, books, jewelry, candles, letters, makeup, video games, and everything you can think of. He even bought you a bird house (doesn’t matter if you don’t have a bird because Hallritt would buy you a bird along with the bird house).
Honestly, his gift giving can be too much and kind of overwhelming at times, and it just gets more over top and extreme over the years, but that’s just his way of expressing his love to you!
Merold is the exact opposite of Hallritt, meaning he likes to play it coy (even though we all know he’s not).
He’s the type to act like Valentine’s is not a big deal but is secretly planning every single way to surprise you.
On the day of Valentine’s Day, he would go as far as pretending to not know what day it was, going about it as it was any other day, which kind of stings.
However, your momentary sadness about your boyfriend forgetting Valentine’s, was quickly nipped in the bud, once you entered the Strawberry Castle and saw how overly decorated it was.
And of course, there was no one but Merold, standing in the middle of the room, wearing a suit and holding a red rose for you.
You two danced the night away, the sounds of laughter never seemed to fade when you two were together. Cheesy, yes, but you couldn’t have been more happier, and wouldn’t want it any other way.
When it comes to giving gifts, Merold loves to spoil you rotten, so he goes just as crazy —if not more— as Hallritt, when it comes to buying you gifts.
He especially likes to buy you very expensive and luxurious gifts, like a car, a Chanel bag, a spa treatment, jewelry, clothing, because you deserve the best of the best!
With how much Puruth travels, you honestly didn’t think he would be with you for Valentines, so it was a pleasant surprise when he was!
Rather than going to an extravagant dinner date or buy a bunch of gifts, you two decided to keep it low-key, and have a dinner date at a local café, to enjoy each other’s company.
Puruth didn’t do any of the typical dramatics or over the top romantic gestures, instead he confessed his love for you, very simple and straightforward, with the same golden retriever smile that you have grown to love.
He decided to buy you a gift that had meaning instead of opting to buying the most expensive item.
He gifted you trinkets and memorabilia from his traveling, like a pocket watch for when he needed to look at the time, or an old book that he read during his travels, or a feather from an exotic animal.
It might have been seen as weird or lazy gift giving by most people, but you knew how much time and love Puruth put into those gifts, and you appreciate it because he’s gifting you a part of him that you don’t get to see much of due to his traveling.
This way, you two will always be together, regardless if you’re far away from each other not, and you couldn’t have had it any other way.
Not surprising to anyone, but Romarriche is a romantic gentleman at heart! Though his way of being romantic is a lot more tone-down and low-key than that of Hallritt’s and Merold’s.
When you wake up on Valentine’s Day, you are met with a thousand budding red roses, all which are delivered by no one other than yours truly, Romarriche.
Romarriche would also take it upon himself to cook for you, and since he knows how to cook, this Valentines meal would not result in the fire department being called!
It’s never just Valentines “Day”, being the romantic that he is, Romarriche will always book a vacation months in advance, making Valentines Day more into Valentines Week.
By the end of your romantic getaway vacation, Romarriche would take you to a field of flowers to watch the sunset, as you embrace another day of your love together.
Romarriche loves spoiling you with gifts, but is also aware that too much gifts can cause you to be overwhelmed, so he always makes it a point to take down a peg or two when it comes to gift giving.
He would gift you practical things that you need in your day to day life, like a sewing machine, an air fryer, a new dishwasher, socks, and china.
Valentines Day or not, this man expects to be spoiled 24/7 regardless.
He would attempt to be romantic and have a romantic night out with you, but those plans were quickly thrown out the window, due to his short fuse.
The day ends up with you two spending the day playing video games together, eating overcooked meatloaf.
As for gifts, he would buy you a cheap video game, that he ends up taking it for himself, and a batch of roses!
Out of everybody on this list, Sanah is THE biggest love bug of them all!
He is already an affectionate person, but his affection is ten folds on Valentine’s Day.
Valentines Day is actually his favorite holiday because there’s nothing that he loves more than spending the day with his loved ones!
His ideal date for Valentine centers more around extracurricular activities like watching a movie, going to the beach, going on a hike, going bowling, stargazing, than simply going on a coffee date or eating dinner.
By the time, you two are done with your tiring list of activities, you both are tired and ready to go to bed but there’s still gifts to be exchanged!
Sanah is not the best gift giver out of the bunch, but what he lacks in tact, he’ll make it up in heart! It’s the thought that counts after all.
He would gift you all the usual romantic Valentine gifts, like toys, plushie, flowers, chocolate, but with a twist of his own like, a beach ball, or a hat, stickers, candles, a ukulele!
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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fragaria-imagines · 4 months
Blue Bouquet Valentine’s Day Headcanons (with their S/O)
As the young prodigy leader of the Blue Bouquet, Cielomort has a lot on his plate on the week of Valentines. However, before you get disappointed, Cielomort is ever so the workaholic, and would literally move mountains if it meant getting to spend the whole day with you.
And that’s exactly what happened (though not literally), he managed to get all of his work done in time, leaving him to be fully yours for the night!
Cielomort’s plans for Valentines were simple but still romantic. As he is not the type to go to extravagant and dramatic lengths to prove his love.
His plans consisted of taking a walk around the city of the Cloud Kingdom (Blue Continent Castle), and visit all the local shops and restaurants.
While, you obviously have been around and seen the Cloud Kingdom a dozen times, it was still nice to have Cielomort act as your tour guide, explaining the historical and cultural aspects of the kingdom.
The Cloud Kingdom has became a respectable and high valued kingdom, because of Cielomort hard work these past three years, after all.
The kingdom is Cielomort’s pride and joy, and there’s no one he would rather share it with than you.
As for gifts, Cielomort would gift you books, clothes, silverware, and jewelry, all the things a high society royal would need!
Kurode is freaking the fuck out when Valentine’s Day comes, because he’s never done this before, he never thought you would even accept his feelings, let alone date him long enough till Valentines Day.
So yeah, he’s a little bit underprepared, but he’s willing to learn and to try to give you the best damn Valentine’s Day, you’ll ever have!
At first, he tries to go about it by the book, gifting you the typical chocolate, flowers, and teddy bear, and going on very typical romantic Valentine’s date, like going to dinner at a fancy restaurant, breakfast-in-bed, going biking around the town.
Unfortunately, most -if not all— of his plans went haywire and did not go according to plan, at all. First, on the list, was breakfast in bed, all he had to do was wake up on time and make breakfast, what could go wrong?
….He ended up not waking up on time, and by the time he woke up, you were already up, and made breakfast for the two of you.
Alright, so he slept in late, big deal! The breakfast that you made was delicious, and was probably better than anything he could ever make, if he was being honest. However, he still had the rest of the day to make it up to you!
The next thing on his list was to go to a fancy restaurant, which shouldn’t be a problem because he made the reservation beforehand.
However, when it was finally time to go to the dinner date, he realized that he completely forgot to rent a suit, leaving him to go to the restaurant with nothing but his hoodie and ripped jeans, whilst everybody else around him was dressed in suits and dresses, talk about embarrassing….
At this point, Kurode just have had it with his terrible luck, but it was almost the end of the day, and the only thing on his list was to go bike riding. Should be easy enough because, a) he knows how to ride a bike, and b) he knows that he has a bike, so even if everything else was a total bust, at least he knows that he got this one in the bag!
It started raining just as you two were about to leave to go bike riding.
You two spent the rest of the day indoors, watching movies, and whilst Kurode considered the day to be a total disaster, you were feeling quite the opposite! After all, you got to spend the day with the person you love the most, what could be better than that?
With your encouraging words and declaration of love in mind, Kurode realized that maybe spending the day indoors, cuddling together and watching bad movies, was the better way to spend Valentine’s Day, after all.
If you thought Kurode was freaking the fuck out, just wait till you get a load of this guy!
Willmesh is internally and externally freaking out, he doesn’t know what to do, what to say, where to go, what to buy, what to wear, he is just confused in all aspects of this holiday.
Should he buy you flowers? But what kind of flowers? Maybe he should ask you on what kind of flowers you like? But no! Then that would defeat the purpose of the surprise! But if he doesn’t know what to give you, then how he would he surprise you? And if he doesn’t surprise you, then he is single-handedly ruining Valentine’s for you, and he doesn’t want to ruin Valentine’s Day! Who the hell wants to ruin Valentine’s Day!? Not him!
All of this worrying over Valentine’s Day, and what to give you and where to take you, made him feel ill and sick on the day of Valentine’s Day.
And he feels terrible that he ended up ruining Valentine’s Day, and making you look after him on this special day!
But you were quick to silence his negative thoughts, telling him that Valentine’s Day or not, you were just happy to be in his presence, nor did you feel like he ruined Valentine’s Day or that he was burden to you.
He ended up crying due to your kind words, and for the rest of the day, he let himself be pampered by you, as you nurse him back to health!
He hates Valentines Day.
He thinks it’s a stupid shallow holiday that prioritizes consumerism and money over the actual meaning of Valentines. Also, why is there a specific holiday to celebrate your love, shouldn’t couples be celebrating their love all year around, instead of being restricted to celebrate it one day of the year?
However, once he met you and got into a relationship, he quickly changed his tune! Don’t get him wrong, he’s still not a big fan of the holiday and still thinks it’s dumb, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to celebrate it with you!
He gifted you a cute tiny android/robot, that he spent a good two months making and creating, and the smile on your face when you saw it, was worth every sleepless night he went through to make it.
As for the date, Klarkstella took you stargazing to see the stars, and explained the meaning of every single constellation that was in the sky.
By the end of the day, when it was time to head back, you remember having the best sleep of your night, and that was due to Klarkstella using his astrological powers to give you a good night sleep!
Unlike his brother, Louterstella is more than overjoyed when it comes to Valentines Day!
He’s a bit of a secret romantic and loves love and everything that comes with it, so of course when the day rolls around, he’s more than prepared.
Louterstella ideal date for Valentine’s is to go to a planetarium with you! He loves you, and he loves the stars and the planets, so what better way to combine the best of both worlds than to go to a planetarium!
At the end of your planetarium date, he will take you to another date, this time a library date! You two will spend the rest of the day, browsing through books and huddling together in a corner, reading together.
It may seem boring to most people but you and Louterstella are comfortable enough in each other’s relationship, where you two don’t have to go on extreme and extravagant dates to express your love for each other.
Sometimes, love is about sitting together in a quiet library, reading off the same book, and not saying a word to each other, and that’s enough for the both of you.
While, Louterstella might not be the most skilled when it comes to machines, the same can’t be said when it comes to crocheting!
Louterstella loves making sweaters and clothes for his loved ones (in fact the reason why his and Klarkstella outfits are so similar, is because he hand sewed them), and you are no different. He gifted you a bunch of homemade clothes and sweaters, all of which you have worn ever since!
Myunna, the sweet summer child, just wants to make you happy, and what better way to make you happy than Valentine’s Day!
With the help of Cielomort and Cogimyun, Myunna constructed a day full of fun and whimsy that both of you could enjoy.
The two of you spend the entirety of Valentine’s Day, going to the amusement park and going on fun rides together.
He collected the polaroid photos that you two took together in the photo booth, and added it to his scrap book, which has photos of you, Cogimyun, and all the other members of the Blue Bouquet!
Cielomort helped Myunna bake a cake for you, to which he happily gifted it you, and you of course, happily accepted it, and ate the cake with him.
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fragaria-imagines · 6 months
I want to see first kiss hcs with kurode and wilmesh 🩷🩵
Decided to switch things up and portray this in the boys POV! Hope you like it!!
Willmesh is a simple man, first and foremost, he enjoys the everyday simplicity of life, like drinking tea, reading books, and staying at home. His life heavily relies on routine and order, for he is never one to shake things up and do something out of the ordinary. And while this simple and somewhat ‘boring’ way of life has gained him the reputation of being a hermit and a homebody amongst his peers, he’s perfectly fine with that.
The fact of the matter is, Willmesh does not do well with change, he’s a creature of habit, a homebody, a hermit crab, whatever word or phrase that you can think of that describes someone who likes to live in solitude and spend time in the comfort of their own homes, without the need or want to be spontaneous and outgoing, that’s him in a nutshell.
So what the hell was he doing going out on a date with you?
It was completely out of left field for him to ask someone on a date, let alone wanting to be around someone’s company for too long, yet he can’t deny, something about you was different.
Whereas most people would give out any excuse and bolt out the door if they were asked to stay with him longer than what was necessary, you gave him a bright smile, and enthusiastically agreed to it. Didn’t even have to think about it, you just immediately agreed to it like this was the best question someone has asked you, like you were actually happy to be in his company.
It was strange to say the least, he’s not used to this type of attention, his quiet nature is a turnoff to most people. Many won’t even try to start up a conversation with him, knowing they won’t get a response in return. And whilst Willmesh does feel conflicted with the way people perceive as nothing but a cold quiet giant, he has long accepted that there was nothing he could do about it.
So when you not only accepted his offer but also was just as enthusiastic about it as he was. Just the thought of it, made his heart flutter.
"Are you alright, Willmesh? You look kind of pale" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows in concern. You placed your hand on top of his and gently caressed your thumb over his hand in an attempt to comfort him.
The mere gesture was so small and you probably weren't thinking much of it, but it made him blush all the same. "A-ah yes! Sorry about that Y/N, I must have dozed off..." Willmesh stammered out an apology.
You let out a soft laugh at his sheepish display, and while he didn't love the fact that he just embarrassed himself in front of his long-time crush, he'll do it again in a heartbeat if it means hearing your joyous laugh one more time.
"It's fine Will! And if it's any help, I'm kind of nervous about this too" You admitted sheepishly. A faint blush appeared on your face as you admitted it.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
"O-oh....really! W-what do you mean by that Y/N?"
“I just mean that when you asked me out it kinda made me nervous, you know? But not in a bad way or anything!” You quickly clarified. “I just mean it caught me off guard because I didn’t think you liked me”
Thump. Thump. Thump.
“I liked you for so long but I never thought my feelings were ever going to be reciprocated. I thought at most you’ll only see me as a friend, which is fine but I’m so glad that, that’s not the case!”
Thump. Thump. Thump.
“Oh man, I’m rambling again aren’t I? Sorry about that, I guess I got too carried away haha” You joked, sheepishly rubbing your back in embarrassment.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Willmesh could have sworn that at any given time, his heart was about to be ripped away from his chest and dance in joy on the cafe's table at the sound of your confession.
And the more you spoke the more his heartbeat got louder and louder.
“You alright there? Willmesh—!!”
Thump. Thump. Thump.
A rush of adrenaline took over his body because one minute he was sitting across the table from you silently. And the next minute he was pulling your body closer to his and capturing your lips in a captivating kiss.
After a moment of shock, he felt your hands wrapped around his neck, pulling him downwards to your shorter frame. He knew he was going to have serious neck pains once this was over but that was a problem for another day.
Regrettably, the kiss had come to an end as he felt you pulling away from him, in an attempt to catch your breath.
It wasn’t until after the kiss broke and saw your flushing face that he realized what he had just done.
“Oh god! I’m so sorry Y/N! I shouldn’t have done that, please forgive me! I’m really sorry…!” Willmesh blabbered on with endless apologies, his face flushing red from shame and embarrassment.
“W-willmesh it’s fine! I’m not mad at you…!” You said, still dazed from the aftermath of the kiss.
“R-really?” Willmesh muttered, not believing his ears.
“Really! I actually really l-liked it…!” You admitted sheepishly.
Like a lightbulb on Christmas, Willmesh’s face quickly lit up at your reassurance. Overjoyed at the notion that you took great pleasure in it.
“Then if it’s alright with you…. Can I kiss you again?” Willmesh asked shyly.
You chuckled at his sudden bashfulness, already knowing the answer.
Second fiddle.
Second best.
Not good enough.
Kurode has heard these words all before, whether it be from classmates, fellow knights, strangers, friends, it doesn’t matter.
And for a while he accepted that was just who he was, that his only role in life was to play second fiddle to his older brother. And for years, he played the role to a T, never stepped out of his comfort zone, never drew attention to himself, never questioned the status quo, acted nice and obedient just like everybody expected him to be.
It wasn’t something he particularly liked doing but what can he do about it? It’s not like anybody cared, not his friends, not his family, and certainly not his brother.
He can’t remember what exactly was the straw that broke the camel’s back that drove him to leave and never look back. All he knows is that he hasn’t looked back since and has no desire to.
He thought after he ran away he was done with everything from his past life, done with Merold, done with being an underachiever, done with being hidden from the world. He thought he left his inferiority complex behind and started anew.
But then he met you and saw how kind you were, how patient you were, how caring you were. Suddenly, he felt his eyes lit up every time he talked to you, he noticed whenever you weren’t around how much he was longing to be with you, he noticed that he smiled more when you’re around, and how much he had skipped out on knight training just to be with you.
He had noticed that he was starting to fall in love with you and that realization terrified him to no end. It felt like every single insecurity and emotion that he has repressed for so long has finally come into the light and he has no idea how to deal with it.
What if you were disgusted by him? What if you saw him as inferior to his older brother? What if you realized just how weak he really is and wants nothing to do with him?
No, deep down inside, he knows that you’ll never see or think of him as anything less. He knows you’re too kind-hearted for that to be the case.
What he’s most scared of is that one day you’ll see him the way he sees himself.
Before he could get inside his head even further, a knock at the door interrupted his thoughts from diving deeper into unwanted territory.
“Kurode? Are you still there?” You called out from behind the door.
Kurode immediately closed his diary entry and quickly got up from the desk that he was writing, before answering the door.
“Oh, Y/N..! I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you” Kurode apologized, solemnly rubbing the back of his neck.
“No worries, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’ll stop by! I hope I’m not interrupting anything because I can just come back at a later time and-”
“No, no, no, no, you’re fine! Really, you just caught me off guard that’s all. Why don’t you come inside?” Kurode hastily interrupts, scooting away from the doorway so you can have space to enter.
You gave him a small embarrassed smile before entering his home, making sure not to step on or break anything.
“Wow, Kurode, your house is so nice!” You complimented, staring at awe at the futuristic technology decor.
He blushed brightly at your compliment, and turned his head away so you wouldn’t see. Truth be told, he didn’t do much of the decorating for it was actually Lord Kuromi who did most of the planning and decorating, but hey, he’ll take the credit nonetheless.
“Tch… t-this is nothing, seriously!” He spat out in embarrassment, his ears now starting to turn red.
“You know you’re so easy to get riled up, Kurode?” You teased, giggling at how easily flustered he was.
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop teasing you!” You playfully winked at him, which only made his face redder.
Luckily for him though, you didn’t seem to notice as you casually plopped yourself onto the couch, casually swiping through the tablet that he had gifted you for your birthday.
He sat right next to you, careful to put some distance between the two of you, yet every so often you would lean on him to show him a better view of your screen. And every so often his heart would flutter from your simple touch.
His heart warmed at the sight of how domestic and simple it all looked. He found himself wondering if he could ever have a lifestyle like that with you.
“Hey look at this video! You won’t believe what happened, there’s a video circulating around of Willmesh and the Stella Twins, and apparently Klarkstella…” You chattered endlessly about the latest bouquet news. He didn’t care much about the latest gossip or news that was going around in his continent, much preferring to keep to himself instead of paying attention to whatever else was going around him. Yet, you were so enthusiastic and animated when you were telling your stories that he couldn’t help but indulge you.
“Y/N, I love you…” He thought to himself.
“….Y-you what?!” You exclaimed in surprise, quickly getting up from your comfortable spot next to Kurode, to look him in the eye in disbelief.
Correction, what he thought he thought to himself.
Kurode’s whole body froze when he realized what he had just said out loud. His heart beated in chest so loudly that he could have sworn he heard his ears ringing.
Did he really just say that?
“N-nothing! It’s nothing! What I said was a mistake. I meant nothing by it, I swear!” Kurode backtracked, desperately trying to take back everything he had just said.
“Wait so you don’t love me then? You lied?” You asked, the sadness and confusion were evident on your face.
Kurode wanted to gut himself when he saw your crestfallen expression, the sadness and confusion that you were feeling was clear as day.
But wait— why were you so disappointed about his confession being a lie? Wouldn’t you be happy to not have someone as inferior and weak like him falling for you?
Or do you actually like him?
Inwardly sighing to himself, he chastised himself for being so stupid and naive. He may have completely ruined any chances of getting to be with you, but still, just like every other aspect in his life, he’ll prove himself to be worthy of you.
“No, Y/N I didn’t lie… god, this wasn’t how I wanted it to go but I guess the truth is already out there. I like you a lot, more than a friend but I know you want nothing to do with me romantically, so I’m okay with us just being friends. As long as you’re happy then that’s all that matters to me” Kurode confessed.
You stared at him with wide eyes, not knowing how to respond to his bold and sudden confession.
After a few minutes of silence, Kurode was thinking of excusing himself out of his own home and leaving, but before he could do so, you regained your voice.
“What makes you think I don’t like you more as a friend also?” You retorted back.
Kurode widened his eyes at your proclamation, such a thought never even crossed his mind. He was preparing for everything else, rejection, disgust, awkwardness, uncertainty, humiliation, the whole nine yards, pretty much anything that could have gone wrong, he was prepared for. But acceptance? Now that was a shock to him.
You rolled your eyes at his stunned silence, already knowing where his mind was going.
“I love you too, Kurode, the only reason why I acted so surprised when you said it wasn’t because I didn’t return your feelings, it was because I was caught off guard! I mean one minute I was talking about Klarkstella getting electrocuted by an android and then the next thing I know you’re telling me you love me! Next time, you decide to randomly spring a bomb onto me, mind giving me a heads up first?” You explained.
“Wait….you love me?” Kurode repeated back in disbelief.
“You didn’t listen to a word I said afterwards, did you?” You retorted in annoyance, though you had to admit, it was kind of cute at how shocked he was.
Kurode didn’t hear what you said, still way in over his head at the thought of you even liking him back?
He’s not shallow enough to ever admit it but he knows he’s a decent looking guy but there’s so many good looking guys out there, so what makes him so special that you specifically chose him?
Did he even deserve your love and attention, there’s still so much that he needs to improve and work on that he can’t possibly give you the time of day and attention that you certainly deserve?
You deserve better, he was sure of it, but does that mean he wants to let you go, not all. But is this just another example of him being selfish and putting his needs above someone else’s? Is letting you-
Before he could even finish that thought, he felt a pair of lips pressed against his. He gasped into the kiss when he realized the lips on his were yours.
Oh shit, he’s kissing you!! Or more specifically you’re kissing him. Whoever is kissing who doesn’t matter as he hesitantly yet eagerly returns your kiss.
The kiss was short and fleeting, it was more to snap him out of it more than anything else, but it made him breathless nevertheless.
The sight of your flustered face made all of the doubt that were running through his head quickly disappear. And as he leaned forward towards you for a second proper kiss, he finally realized that this might not be so bad after all.
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fragaria-imagines · 4 months
Noir Bouquet Valentine’s Day Headcanons (with their S/O)
Being the prideful guy that he is, Badobarm would absolutely use this day as a chance to show you off to the whole Noir Continent!
Valentine’s Day quickly becomes “S/O Day”, as the entire continent is decked with pictures of you all over the kingdom.
It’s less of a date, and more of a festival where everybody in town gets to celebrate you and Badobarm’s love.
Sorry to the other happy couples that wanted to celebrate Valentines Day in peace, but under Badobarm’s reign, everything would be center around you on this day.
Your favorite sweets and foods would be made, the ribbons that are plastered around the kingdom are your favorite color, the music that you like would be played all over town hall, and of course, who can forget, the parade float that has you and Badobarm’s face!
You might be thinking that, after all of this, after completely turning over Valentine’s Day and making it to a festival for you, there’s no way, he would actually give you a gift? He did so much already, there’s no way that he would actually give you a gift? Right?
WRONG! But get this, it’s not just Badobarm who is giving you a gift, but the entire town of the Noir Continent! With the amount of gifts that you received, you had no choice but to sit in Badtz-Maru throne, and open every single one of them.
So, yeah, Valentine’s Day turned out to be a bit hectic and kind of overwhelming, but you had fun nonetheless!
And at the end of the day, when everybody went home and the festival is over, Badobarm took you home, and you two had a nice romantic private meal just between the two of you, and in that moment, you couldn’t have asked for anything better
Chaco loves you, don’t get him wrong, but he’s not the most romantic guy on the planet.
He’s very casual and lowkey about it, and his ideal Valentine’s date is to go to Taco Bell, and go to the skate park right after.
Because to him, Valentine’s Day isn’t a big deal to him, sure there’s the aspect of celebrating your love with your loved ones, but also, it’s just a day?
That being said, Chaco would still take you out on Valentines, and you two would spend the day, eating out at fast food places, going to the skate park, and watching a movie at a drive in, you know stuff that you guys usually do on a day to day basis.
As for gifts, Chaco would buy you a skateboard, so the both of you could skate around the park!
Arupek is a simple guy, he’s not one to go all out for Valentine’s Day, he much rather keep the affair private and just spend the day making you happy.
And while, spending Valentine’s Day with a lover is still so new to him, he’s willing to try his best and make this day be memorable for you.
His Valentine’s date plans consist of going to the country club that Pekkle owns, and spending the day, golfing, playing tennis, and going out on a swim, with you.
Pekkle’s country club is one of the most prestigious facilities in the Wing Kingdom (Arupek’s Kingdom), and since you’re dating Pekkle’s right hand knight, it only makes sense that you get treated with the best care in the world.
Arupek has always been someone to prioritizes family, so even though it’s Valentine’s Day, you two ended up spending half the day with the Duck family at Ruby’s (Pekkle’s wife) cottage.
It was kind of chaotic, spending Valentine’s Day with the entirety of Arupek’s close friends and family, but it was still very fun nonetheless.
After you two left Ruby’s cottage, you two went to the lake house, and fed the ducks (Arupek included). It was a cute moment, but unfortunately, you two fed too many ducks, to the point that there was an army of ducks chasing and pecking you for more food, one of the ducks ended up pecking Arupek’s eye.
It was safe to say, you two had to pack up your picnic date, and left to go back to Noir Bouquet, where you had to nurse Arupek’s eye back to health.
Being the gentleman that he is, Tuxam has been planning on what to do for Valentine’s date, two months in advance!
He wants this day to go absolutely perfect, because a perfect day is exactly what you deserve!
On the day of Valentine’s Day, he ordered a carriage for you two ride around the Noir Continent, which was pretty fun since you never been on anything like that.
Once the carriage ride was finished, Tuxam took you to the, Hello Kitty: Furry Tale Theater, where you watched, Sleeping Kitty. Funnily enough, there was an actor there that resembled Lord Tuxedo Sam to a T….
After the play was finished, you and Tuxam went to a fancy restaurant that was reserved months beforehand, and it was pretty good.
As for gifts, Tuxam presented you a buttload of gifts, ranging from clothes, jewelry, chocolate, but what most stood out to you, was when he gifted you his family pendant.
An ice cream shaped necklace that was passed down to Tuxam’s family from generation to generation. It is his most prized possession, it was gifted to him after he became a knight, like every other man in his family before him, who have served Tuxedo Sam.
Yet, he is giving it away to you, because his pendant was no longer his biggest achievement, it was meeting you, so he thought it would be a better fit in your hands.
You should be thanking God everyday that Hangyon does not hold the power of being a Bouquet leader, because if he was a Bouquet leader? Badobarm’s “S/O’s Day” would have looked like child’s play next to whatever Hangyon would conjure up.
It wouldn’t even be called “S/O’s Day”, it would have been known as, “S/O’s YEAR”.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you want to look at it), Hangyon does not possess the power of turning the entire town over for you, but that won’t stop him and his extravagant tendencies!
Hangyon would throw a ginormous party in your name on Valentine’s Day, he would hire entertainment from all over Fragaria, to come sing and perform at your party, would invite people from outside of Noir Continent, even the SEEDS would be allowed to come!
Hangyon would even call up the Strawberry King to ask him if he could have this party at his castle, to which the Strawberry King, happily obliged.
Being the eccentric man that he is, his gift for you would be to sing you a song that he wrote, in front of the entire continent.
Hangyon would hire both Hapindanbui and his fellow Noir Bouquet members to perform live music at this party, most of which are love songs that are dedicated to you.
The party started from sunrise and it didn’t end till midnight, by that point, you were so tired and partied-out, that once you came in contact with your pillow, you immediately passed out.
It was a good party and way to spend your Valentine’s Day, all things considered, and Hangyon viewed it as a success!
Pikero is very old-school when it comes to romance and Valentine’s Day, he believes that Valentine’s is a private affair between lovers, and all the dramatics and extravaganzas are unnecessary.
With that being said, Pikero isn’t a total stick in the mud, for he believes that a good way to spend the holidays is to keep your heart and your brain pumping, and what better way to do that than a scavenger hunt!
Valentine’s Day started out like any other day, you went to Pikero’s lab to greet him, only Pikero wasn’t there…?
You were met with a white letter on top of his desk, giving you a clue to where he was at. The clues were filled with riddles, math equations, and puzzles for you to figure out his destination.
You practically walked all over the Noir Continent, trying to find him, but every destination that you landed were just met with more puzzles and more clues.
Finally, after the final clue, you were met with Pikero, who was standing in the exact spot that you two first met many months ago, and it was no other than…. Pikero’s lab!
Pikero’s lab looked completely different from how it was that morning, the lights were dimmed, there was a mini table in the middle of the room with a rose and champagne on top of the table, and there were a group of musicians near the table, playing the violin.
You and Pikero danced together all night to the sound of the violins playing, it was a magical and special night, and it transported you to that faithful night you met him, all those years ago.
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fragaria-imagines · 2 months
For the pregnancy headcanons you could make headcanons for Merold, hallrit and tuxam when their s/o (who is in bed rest because she feel sick) call for them and reader just hugg and snuggle on him...but she take their hand and put in her belly to feel the baby kick for first time
Merold is usually known for his cheekiness and laid back attitude, he tries not to take anything too seriously, and often likes to poke at and tease people.
But when he gets the call that you were sick and bedridden, he immediately drops everything that he was doing, and tends to your needs.
It was the first time that you ever saw Merold look so serious, it was also the first time that he was doting over you so relentlessly, it was quite interesting to say the least.
Though he doesn’t always show it, he truly does care for you and the baby, and would go above and beyond to make sure that you and the baby are safe and healthy.
And while you appreciate his relentless doting, you weren’t really in the mood to rest, and would rather take this opportunity to snuggle and cuddle with him.
It took a bit convincing on your end to get Merold to relax and let loose, but once you did, he was out like a light once his head hit the pillow.
His nap was short lived, however, because as soon as he closed his eyes, you shook him until he was wide awake.
He looked at you, still half-asleep and groggily, wondering why exactly were you waking him up for?
You didn’t answer his question, instead you placed his hand on top of your stomach. He raised his eyebrows at you, wondering where you were going with this.
But before he could say anything, he felt a hard kick against his hand, you let out a gasp at the feeling of the kick.
You both stared at each other, too stunned to even speak, not expecting the baby to finally kick. Once you both regained your voices, both of you blurted out at the same time:
“Did you hear it?!”
“Heard it? I felt it!”
After the initial shock wore off, you two bursted into laughter, overwhelmed with joy that your baby was finally kicking and moving.
“They’re such a strong kicker!”
“Well of course they are! They have me as their dad after all, seems like the “strongest knight” genes are already kicking in!”
You rolled your eyes as Merold unashamedly boasted about himself, but you couldn’t help a smile from forming, as you thought of your future life with Merold and your baby.
It was scary not knowing what the future holds, but you two had each other, and that in itself makes all the scary stuff worth it.
New to knighthood and being new parenthood? Someone cut this poor man some slack, because it’s one thing after another.
First the seeds attack the kingdom, then he was told he wasn’t a good enough knight, and now he founds out that you’re sick? Safe to say, it’s not a good day for Hallritt.
But even with so much trial and errors that were happening, Hallritt has never been the type to give up! He would go above and beyond to ensure your and the baby’s safety, healthiness, and happiness, as well as the kingdom’s.
And even though, it may look like he did a pretty awful job at ensuring both goals, that won’t deter him from being a helping hand.
While he doesn’t like that you got sick, Hallritt is someone who likes to live in the present and think about the now. What happened in the past can’t be changed, so there’s no use in feeling upset about it.
So that’s why he does his best to make up for his incompetence and lack of attentiveness, by being there for you and taking care of you while you are sick.
Cooking, cleaning, whatever it is that you want, he would do it for you in a heartbeat. And while his eagerness to please you is very admirable and you greatly appreciate it, you draw the line when it comes to Hallritt cooking.
Not wanting to be subjected to Hallritt’s cooking for fear of food poisoning, or god forbid, he burns the house down, you politely but urgently suggested that he should take a break from his caregiver duties, and instead cuddle with you in the bed.
Hallritt shot you a toothy grin, completely oblivious that you’re more scared of his cooking than the actual sickness that you were facing, and made his way to the bed, but not before pulling a Hello Kitty mask from his pockets, and putting it on.
You raised your eyebrows at the notion, since when did he have that?
Noticing your stare, Hallritt answered in defense:
“Well I’m not trying to get sick too, you know!”
“You know I’m not contiguous, right?”
“Yeah….for now”
Grunting in disbelief, you playfully hit him with one of your pillows in faux annoyance, he of course, dodged it, before settling next to you on the bed.
The playful loud banter started to settle, until there was only comfortable silence between the two of you. You didn’t mind, even though you two were both extroverts, the times where you both just sat down and sit in silence, were one of your favorite moments. It was never awkward or stifling, but rather the opposite, peaceful and comfortable.
The silence was quickly shattered, as you groaned in pain at the sudden feeling of a sharp movement. Hallritt, immediately sat up straight at the sound of your groans, his initial happy go lucky attitude from before was replaced with a look of seriousness that you have never seen before.
“Y/N are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened?”
You could feel the sense of urgency in his voice, every word that he left his mouth was filled with so much concern and so much worry.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, it’s just that…the baby kicked…”
It was like the words that you just said were not registering at all with Hallritt, for he looked utterly dumbfounded, the serious expression that he had left as fast as it came.
And then it dawned on him.
Your baby. His baby.
“Wait the baby kicked!!”
You rolled your eyes at him, wondering how did he ever pass his knight exam, but nevertheless, you took his hands and placed it on top of your belly, so he can feel it himself.
The baby kicked again, and this time he felt it, and he couldn’t have been any more happier.
Being the gentleman he is, Tuxam immediately went into auto-pilot mode and took drastic measures to ensure that you and the baby were healthy and safe!
From checking in with you every 10-15 minutes, bubble wrapping the house to make sure you didn’t fall, making you soup, and covering you with fifteen layers of warm blankets, it was a lot to say the least.
Tuxam’s nagging and Mama Bear tendencies aside, he truly does care about you and the baby, and would be devastated if something were to ever happen to you two.
There’s a part of him that feels partially responsible and guilty for not being attentive enough, that you ended up getting sick because of his carelessness.
And while logically, Tuxam knows that’s not the case, and that you can do everything right in the book and still get sick, he couldn’t help but feel responsible for it anyways.
After all, what kind of gentleman was he, if he’s not there to protect the person that matters the most to him?
Before he could indulge in any more self-deprecating thoughts, he felt your hand on his shoulder.
And though, Tuxam puts on a brave face and acts like everything is fine and dandy, you know him better than the facade he puts on. You know how much he beats himself over the most littlest things, and it breaks your heart every time.
“Tuxam, why don’t you come back to bed with me?”
Knowing Tuxam would never say no to you, he reluctantly obliged to your request, but he still felt that there was still so much work to be done. However, all of his worries and concerns seemed to disappear the minute his body hit the mattress, snuggling your sides, and burying his face at the crook of your neck, like he was a small child.
You giggled at the sight of him, it wasn’t everyday that he let loose and act so childlike, it was refreshing to see. You grabbed the palm of his hand, gently placing it in on top of your swollen belly, wanting to bathe in this gentle moment with your soon to be child.
Tuxam smiled at you, before he leaned over and gave a big kiss on your stomach. He felt a large kick against his lips, as he did so. Pulling back from your stomach, he stared at you in utter shock and confusion, and your expression was the same.
The wheels in his head slowly start to turn, as he realized what had just happened… the baby kicked him! The baby kicked! The baby moved!!
“Oh my god, the baby kicked!”
You snickered at his late reaction, before adding on:
“Well it does appear that way!”
But Tuxam was not listening to you, going on a long tangent about how he couldn’t believe it, and how excited he was, and how your baby would be the most healthiest and best baby ever to grace the Noir Continent.
Once he finally came down from his high, he looked back at you with a toothy grin, the excitement and pride were so apparent in his face, that it made it your heart ache in happiness.
“We’re really going to be parents Y/N…! I’m so happy…!”
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fragaria-imagines · 3 months
Can i request headcanons for Merold,hallrit and tuxam when they spouse tell them she's pregnant (idk if I asked you for this before my tumblr sometimes work bad)
When you found out you were pregnant, you went through a wave of emotions. While, you you were happy and delighted with your pregnancy, you were also nervous of what Merold’s reaction would be.
You had no doubt in your mind that Merold would be an excellent father, but being the strongest knight of Fragaria, he’s more often than not, working and being very busy.
And while you didn’t mind it as much when it was the two of you, now that’s there’s another person to consider, you wondered how it was all going to fit in, into you and Merold’s hectic life.
When you finally told Merold, he was absolutely shocked, for good reason of course, as you two weren’t planning on having a child, but after his initial shock, he couldn’t be more supportive and happy about the news!
He assured you that there was nothing in this world that could prevent him from taking care of you and his child, and that his knight duties aren’t as important as his duty to protect and be there for his family.
You and Hallritt always wanted a family of your own, so when you found out you were pregnant, words could not describe how ecstatic you were.
Hallritt is over the moon when you told him about your pregnancy! Being a father and raising a family are one of his goals in life, and he’s so happy that he could fulfill that dream with you by his side.
He’s so happy with your pregnancy news that he wants everybody in the land of Fragaria to bask in this wonderful news.
Not even a hour later since you shared the news, he’s already planning out a massive festival for the baby shower, and was about to send out dozens of invitations to everybody in the Red Continent, had you not stopped him in time.
While it may seem too soon or outlandish to some, Hallritt is just completely overjoyed at the thought of being a father, and wants nothing more than to share the love all around.
Tuxam.exe has stopped working.
Tuxam didn’t say a word for a good three minutes after you told him about your pregnancy, and it really worried you. Is he upset at you? Did he not want the baby? Did he even hear you?
But finally, after a few moments of silence and worrying, he finally regained his speech and bursted into tears.
It was a surprising sight to see, as you couldn’t remember the last time Tuxam cried in front of you, and honestly, it only made you more concerned for him.
He reassured you that his tears aren’t out of sadness or anything like that, but are purely out of joy and fear. While, Tuxam has dreamt of having a family of his own, he never thought it would happen so soon, and doesn’t know if he’s cut out to be a good father.
His members always get on him for nagging too much, and for being too strict, and whilst he knows that his members don’t mean anything bad when they say that, he can’t help but wonder if his kid would also hate him too.
You reassure Tuxam that he has nothing to worry as he’ll be a great father, and that there’s no one out there that you’ll trust to be the father of your child than Tuxam.
Even though, you both are scared and fearful of what the future might have in store for you, at least you two have each other to rely on.
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fragaria-imagines · 3 months
I believe you haven't done hugging headcanons for Noir bouquet yet, right? If that's true, than it'd be really nice if you could. I know it's been a while since the last hugging headcanons, but still
Thank you very much in advance ^^
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Since the ask box was closed around Noir MV debut, I was sad I couldn’t continue the tradition, so thank you for requesting them^^!!
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Badobarm: It may come as a surprise to a lot of people, but Badobarm is actually quite touchy and affectionate, though he won’t always act upon those impulses. His preferred way of hugging, is hugging you from behind when you least expect it, and burying his head at the crook of your neck. He is also very warm, so hugging him is like hugging a furnace, great for cuddling during the cold season….not so much for the hot weather.
Chaco: Everything about Chaco is so flighty and fast paced, because he’s always on the go. Chaco is the type to give you a quick cheek kiss, a flighty kiss on the lips, or even a slap on the butt before dashing off, but giving you a proper hug is a rare occurrence. On the off chance that he gives you a hug, it’s usually a side hug, since it’s a lot more casual and gives him a chance to run off faster.
Arupek: Arupek loves hugs! He’s the group designated hugger, and would hug everyone and everybody, especially if they’re having a bad day. Unlike the rest of his members, he finds no shame or embarrassment in hugging people or showing affection, and would hug people out of the blue for no reason, other than he just felt like it. His hugs are firm and strong, giving you the best bear hugs, it’s impossible to escape his grasp!
Tuxam: While he doesn’t mind hugs, he’s not quite the hugger either. He gets embarrassed very easily, and would rather avoid being put in an awkward or embarrassing predicament. But if you were to ask for an hug, he would definitely comply! After all, what kind of gentleman would he be, if he denied your simple request? His hugs are kind of stiff and awkward, not the kind of hugs that you expect from a gentleman, but they’re filled with love and warmth, nonetheless!
Hangyon: Similar to Arupek, Hangyon is very touchy and affectionate, though his source of affection stems from wanting to mess with you and the members, rather than youthful innocence. He likes to drape his entire body all over you when giving you a hug, and while that can be very sweet, it can get very annoying, especially when you’re in the middle of knight duties or doing something. Hangyon is also very clingy, never letting you go from his grasp, so you’re stuck with him draped on top of you, till further notice.
Pikero: He doesn’t mind receiving hugs, and is actually open to being hugged by you, but actually initiating it? Easier said than done. While, Pikero believes that actions speak louder than words, that goes more in the lines of “acts of service”, and while he doesn’t mind receiving physical affection, it’s not something he actively thinks about. So, when he hugs you, it’s a bit awkward and stiff, but it’s a rare occurrence, and you’re just happy that he cares so much about you to step outside his comfort zone, once in a while.
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fragaria-imagines · 6 months
hi!! i’m really loving this blog omg… could i request hcs of hallritt, puruth, and sanah helping their s/o who has bad sensory issues (specifically to touch and loud sounds)? thank you so much!! <3
Hallritt would go above and beyond to help you with your sensory issues. He’ll research all day everyday on what’s the best way to support you when you’re going through a sensory overload, and will try his hardest to help you through it.
If your sensory issues are specifically to loud noises then Hallritt would have no problem with escorting you out of the premise and go somewhere more safer and calmer for you.
And regarding touch based sensory issues, Hallritt would make sure to only buy materials and fabric that are most comfortable to you, even if it means he has to make it himself.
Hallritt is a perfectionist in every aspect of his life and wants nothing more than to reduce your stress and anxiety that comes from your sensory issues, but there does a come a point in time where he realizes that he can cook your favorite meals, buy and sew clothes for you only using your favorite texture/materials, escort you out of a room if the noise is getting too much for you, buy you earbuds to cancel out the noises, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
In a perfect world, Hallritt would gladly stay by your side 25/8 but sadly he’s not able to be with you all the time due to his job as a knight, so he does his best to cherish his time with you and comfort you during a particularly bad day when he’s there.
Puruth is not one to stay at one place for a long period of time, he is always on the go, so he always makes it a point to leave you with his jacket, his coat, a beret of his, or anything that reminds you of him, as a way to remind you that he’s always there for you even when he’s not physically present.
He isn’t the type to force you to do anything that you don’t want to do so if there’s a food that you don’t want to eat because of the texture, then he has no problem with going back to the kitchen and start from scratch to cook you a meal that would satisfy your needs.
As someone who tends to wear big oversized clothing and wears mismatched shoes, he understands how your sensory issues could also affect your choice of clothing so he’s more than happy to gift you some of his clothing if they fit your needs.
Puruth is a very patient person so if you’re going through a very bad case of sensory overload then he’s more than happy to sit there and wait for you to calm down.
While he may be an extrovert, he wouldn’t mind hanging out indoors with you in the castle if going outside would be too much for your sensory issues.
Sanah is a very happy go lucky kind of guy, he’s the embodiment of happiness and positivity, and doesn’t like seeing you upset or anxious and would do anything to not make you feel that way.
However, Sanah isn’t very good at handling negativity or negative emotions in general, so owhen you were having a sensory overload meltdown for the first time in front of him, he was like a deer in headlights.
He had no idea what to do in that situation, didn’t know what to say to make you feel better, didn’t know what was the proper procedure to make calm you down, and ended up worsening the situation by talking to you during your meltdown, asking you questions like “y/n are you alright? do you need something?”, or trying to hug you to calm you down. Not realizing that talking to you or touching you during your meltdown could potentially make things worse.
However, after that initial hiccup, Sanah isn’t one to make the same mistake twice and now has a better grasp of understanding on your sensory issues and what he can and can’t do when you’re really going through it.
He knows that he best help he can give you is by being patient with you and make his presence known by sitting next to you in silence while you cool off without directly intervening for that could potentially make things worse for you.
While he is a very touchy and affectionate person he knows that you’re sensitive to touch so he won’t initiate any hugs or touches unless you initiate it first. He’s also has no problems with escorting you out from noisy places that trigger your sensory issues and going to somewhere more quieter and calmer.
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fragaria-imagines · 5 months
ok hear me out.... tsundere tuxam <3
As the mother hen of the Noir Bouquet, Tuxam is not used to receiving compliments so whenever someone compliments him or praises him, he gets easily flustered by it because he’s not used to it.
Even though he’s a tsundere, at the end of the day, Tuxam is still a gentleman and would accept your praises with a large blush on his face!
Tuxam is a perfectionist in every sense, he’s the type who would study all day yet tries to play it off like it came naturally easy to him.
He tries to act all smooth and princely whenever he’s around you, but in actuality he’s a sweating hot mess who desperately wants to impress you but would never admit it.
He gets embarrassed very easily though he’ll heavily deny it, even if it’s very obvious. That’s another thing about Tuxam, like a true tsundere, he’s very stubborn and would never admit it to anybody, not even himself, that he wants affection and praises from you.
He’ll eventually cave in to his desires but it’ll take a lot of convincing and encouragement from your part, for him to fully let himself go and indulge in the affection and praise.
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fragaria-imagines · 4 months
the teasing tuxam gave me the idea about teasing hangyon.. because he'd so tease back dude like oh my god... he just seems like a teasing person to me so how about something about reader teasing him and vise versa?
still loving all your works <3 have a nice night/day!
“Ahh, come on Y/N don’t be like that!”
“You’re overreacting! It’s not a big deal~!”
“Oh, are you seriously mad at me? You’re so cute when you’re mad!”
You have heard these phrases at one point or another, and every time it always seemed to derived from the one and only, Hangyon.
It didn’t matter what you say, Hangyon would always twist your words to mean something way more embarrassing than what you intended for it to mean, and then tease you about it.
And normally you wouldn’t care, sure in the moment you’ll get embarrassed by his constant teasing, but you have long since accepted that this was just how Hangyon is. He lived to tease you about everything and anything, like it was his sole purpose in life.
But for some reason, his constant teasing and mischievous attitude has gotten under your skin these past few days, so much so that you were considering giving him a taste of his own medicine.
What started as a fleeting thought that you weren’t even going to act upon quickly became a reality as you thought more about it.
Annoying, pushy, flirtatious, mischievous, liar, were all words that perfectly described Hangyon and everyday he proved it more and more. Given all that, why wouldn’t you take an opportunity to tease him for once?
With little convincing, you made your way to Hangyon chambers, ready to fulfill your revenge once and for all!
Hangyon looked up from his work, before noticing your presence. There was something about you that seemed different today than usual. Was it your hair? Your clothes? No, that can’t be right…. Perhaps, it’s the fact that your energy seems to be radiating with pride, with a purpose, it was nothing like the usual shy and meek person he was used to. He couldn’t lie, it was kind of a turn on seeing you like this.
“Ah Y/N, what are you doing here all of a sudden? Did you miss me~?” He teased, showing off his signature shark-like smile.
You fought the urge to blush at his words, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction that his words had an effect on you.
“And so what if I did? Do you have a problem with that?”
Hangyon raised his eyebrows, it wasn’t like you to be so bold and forward with your feelings. You’re the type of person to loudly deny and dismiss any kind of flirtatious and teasing words that he throws your way. So for you to not only accept it, but to also throw in your playful remarks, was not only unusual, but also hot.
Never the one to run away from a challenge, he decided to go along with your sudden stint, curious to see how far you’ll go.
“No, no, no, my darling, you misunderstood me. I was just surprised, that’s all, you usually never show up without giving me a call first.” Hangyon explained.
You huffed in annoyance at his explanation, knowing him well enough to know when he’s bluffing, but you’ll let it slide for now.
“It’s normal for lovers to show up at each other’s work, you would know that if you weren’t so adamant on avoiding me.”
Hangyon let out an exasperated groan, knowing where this was going. Of course, the root of your new-found boldness was due to his own shortcomings, how foolish of him to believe otherwise.
“Darling, please, it’s not like that, I already told you that I—…!”
The rest of Hangyon words were caught in his throat as he let out a low moan at the touch of your lips on his ears, sending a shiver down his spine. You couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of Hangyon letting his guard down and being so openly vulnerable and weak. It wasn’t something you often saw, so you tried to revel in it as much as you could.
You pressed your body further against Hangyon’s, grips his icy blue locks with your delicate hands, pulling him further toward you. You lock your eyes with his, his blue icy eyes that always looked like it was hiding something, were now filled with lust and desire for you. It was an expression that you knew all too well.
Hangyon dipped his head and leaned in, ready to seal your lips with his at once, but just as he was about to plant a kiss, you quickly turned your head away, dodging his kiss, and pulled away from his grasp.
Hangyon looked at you in bewilderment, as if he’s facing the worst betrayal known to man kind.
“Ahh Y/N, no fair!! You’re such a tease!” Hangyon whined, you couldn’t help but giggle at his sudden shift in attitude.
“It doesn’t feel good to be at the receiving end of it, doesn’t it?” You questioned innocently.
Hangyon let out a low whine, before wrapping his arms around you, engulfing your warm body with his once more.
“… Yeah, I guess you could say that…” Hangyon muttered, his words were muffled as his face was buried into your shoulder. You let out a sigh of content, snuggling closer to him, before pressing a kiss onto his cheek.
Whilst, you got what you wanted in the end, something tells you that by the end of the night, you’ll be right back under Hangyon’s spell.
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fragaria-imagines · 5 months
Hihi!! I’ve come to the realization that I might have a bit of a crush on Kurode… could you do headcanons of Kurode with a s/o who likes to write him little love letters and love songs as a love language? ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Kurode is so used to being second fiddle all his life so when someone shows him any ounce of affection or interest he’s quick to dismiss it, believing that you’re feelings for him aren’t genuine and that it must stem out of pity.
However, the more and more love letters you write, the more he starts to reconsider his original stance and finally gives in to his curiosity and opens the love letters you wrote.
It’s safe to say that he was an emotional wreck once he read your letters for the love and care you put into it was so undeniably there that not even he could deny it.
Ever since then, Kurode has kept a collection of all of your love letters and in a surprising turns of events, he actually starts looking forward to receiving your love letters, for he believes that your love letters are far superior than any other love language you could give him.
As for love songs, Kurode gets more flustered and embarrassed when receiving a love song though he treasures it just as much.
In fact, whenever you sing him a love song, Kurode always makes sure to record you whilst you’re singing so he can replay the song whenever he wants in his tablet.
If anybody asks him what’s he’s listening too, he would get embarrassed and would try to lie about it and say it’s “rock” or “metal”, but in reality he’s listening to your love songs that he loves so much.
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