#francis h cook
usaac-official · 3 months
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Sunny II and crew, 351st Bomb Squadron. They were the first crew in the 100th Bomb Group to finish a tour of 25 missions
(L-R, standing) George E. Flanagan - ROG, Elder D. Dickerson - WG (KIA 8 Oct 43 at Bremen), Richard B. Cooke - BTG, John Parmentier - Crew Chief, Victor R. Combs - TTE, Leroy E. Baker - TG, Donald O. Ellis - WG
(L-R, kneeling) Francis C. Chaney - BOM, timothy J. Cavanaugh - NAV, Ollen Turner - 351st Squadron Commander, Glen Dye - P, John H. Luckadoo - CP
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stirringwinds · 7 months
While I feel that hws France is hard to portray I do wonder what headcanons you have for him. Care to tell a few that come to mind?
a lot of my headcanons of francis/françois are from the british imperial + sea/east asian perspective, so with that in mind, these are some thoughts i've had:
a. françois' strengths are that he can be very charming and good at putting people at ease. he is somebody, if you ran into him somewhere, just comes off as a really interesting person. he can talk for ages about his passion for philosophy, art, literature, science and cooking without it getting boring to the listener.
b. he can be a really good lover too and is that sort of person who considers it a point of pride to make his partners enjoy his company. the sort of person who will make dinner and probably also a good breakfast for you. but one of his flaws is that he can also be pretty self-centred at times, and sometimes he uses his charisma to get out of things or simply dodge issues in his personal relationships.
c. françois, much like arthur, is in the Bad Parent club vis a vis matthew in the 17—18th centuries. where they differ however, is i feel that arthur was controlling but more...present, whereas françois was more...dismissive. matthew would get letters from arthur instructing him to do this and that, which for matthew at least acknowledged him, whereas françois might just not even write to him much at all, especially after matthew came under arthur's control.
d. françois really clicked with alfred during the revolutionary war. it helped that alfred was punching arthur in the dick, but i think that françois for all his flaws, genuinely possesses a somewhat more idealistic streak (than say, arthur imo) so that gelled well with alfred spouting all kinds of enlightenment thoughts (especially since he was also reading french writers like Montesquieu).
e. françois and lien (vietnam) have a complicated (to say the least) relationship due to the history of french imperialism over vietnam; i see francis being much younger than her (she and yao are peers in age!), so lien fitted him very much into her prior experience as an older female nation being forced to deal with 'boys playing at being empires'. lien probably shot him in the face at least once during the first indochina war, that tried to re-establish colonial rule over vietnam in the 1950s. however, i do think they can talk more cordially in more recent decades, with normalisation of ties. cooking is perhaps one topic that is a common interest—vietnamese banh mi is a kind of sandwich originating from french baguettes that incorporates local ingredients, and it's a really tasty and popular streetfood. there's also a big french-vietnamese population in paris today.
f. kiku was absolutely not impressed by monet's la japonaise, nor 'madame chrysanthème', the wildly racist and orientalist mess that Madame Butterfly was based on. it was exoticising, not flattering to him—he was however, more amenable to those of françois' artists that incorporated japanese artistic techniques in more genuine ways, or with françois' own view of aesthetics and his knowledge and interest in engineering.
g. yao, much like kiku later, was someone françois was very interested in culturally—as seen from the boom in chinoiserie when trade with china began back in the 17th century. i think french is probably one of the first european languages yao learns (besides portuguese). it's a fairly functional trading relationship—until of course, french imperialist interests began expanding in yao's sphere of influence and the opium wars.
h. i'm a fruk fan so naturally i think his love-hate relationship with arthur is one of his most significant r/ships—arthur has been a neighbour, friend, enemy, lover and everything in between. but! scotfra is another very, very long-term relationship important to him (auld alliance!). also on an EU level well, there's him and ludwig too.
i. naturally, he's also fairly fashionable, and i feel like he'll always eye himself critically even if he's going out casually, compared to way i can see arthur being fairly chill about strolling out in that questionable, ill-fitting acid green christmas sweater alfred sent him as a joke once. i also think françois probably smokes a fair bit, compared to how arthur's gotten a kick in the arse to cut back after WWII. and nowadays, he'll often just be relaxing with a cigarette on the balcony of his apartment with a book, or enjoying a day out in one of his museums.
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didanawisgi · 14 days
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“The Net of Indra is a profound and subtle metaphor for the structure of reality. Imagine a vast net; at each crossing point there is a jewel; each jewel is perfectly clear and reflects all the other jewels in the net, the way two mirrors placed opposite each other will reflect an image ad infinitum. The jewel in this metaphor stands for an individual being, or an individual consciousness, or a cell or an atom. Every jewel is intimately connected with all other jewels in the universe, and a change in one jewel means a change, however slight, in every other jewel.”
From The Enlightened Mind by Stephen Mitchell.
“Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out indefinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel at the net’s every node, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering like stars of the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that the process of reflection is infinite. The Hua’yen school [of Buddhism] has been fond of this image, mentioned many times in its literature, because it symbolizes a cosmos in which there is an infinitely repeated interrelationship among all the members of the cosmos. This relationship is said to be one of simultaneous mutual identity and mututal intercausality.”
~ Francis H. Cook, Hua-yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra
Photo: Indra’s Net by Doug Benner 
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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“Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out indefinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel at the net’s every node, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering like stars of the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that the process of reflection is infinite. The Hua’yen school [of Buddhism] has been fond of this image, mentioned many times in its literature, because it symbolizes a cosmos in which there is an infinitely repeated interrelationship among all the members of the cosmos. This relationship is said to be one of simultaneous mutual identity and mututal intercausality.” -Francis H. Cook, Hua-yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra
Indra's Net Talon Abraxas
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koolkat9 · 1 year
AU Ask Game
ACE Family School AU
Arthur is a middle school English teacher. Matthew and Alfred, twin brothers and foster kids are both in his class. But Alfred is a troublesome student, always talking, not handing things in and overall is distracted and is a distraction to his classmates. He's on the verge of failing. Arthur tries everything, opening the door for Al to ask for help, punishing Alfred for his poor behaviour, but Alfred doesn't respond to any of it. It gets to the point that he's going to have to call home.
But then Matthew, Alfred's twin comes up to Arthur at lunch begging Arthur to help Alfred.
"I can't do that lad unless he comes to me," Arthur says.
“B-But he’s…h-he’s going to be in so much trouble when Ms. Lynda (name possibly subject to change, it's just a place holder) finds out she’s going to…”
Matthew is on the verge of tears and Arthur isn't sure what to do. He was never good with crying children.
“Now, now Matthew,” Arthur chastises, “There is no need for tears. Tell your brother to come to me and I’ll try to help.”
“But he won’t listen to me,” Matthew suddenly yells, “Nobody will! A-And Alfred…He’s given up and I’m just…I’m scared.”
Arthur finally agrees to try harder to help Al and it seems to calm Matthew enough for him to head to lunch.
Monday rolls around and Arthur tries his last attempt to reach out to Al, asking him to stay after class. He lays everything out: his grades are slipping, he's a distraction in class, he better change his attitude and reach out for help if he needs or Arthur will have to call home.
Something flashes in Alfred’s eyes and Arthur feels his stomach jolt. But other than that, the boy’s posture remains defiant. “Go ahead,” Alfred taunts.
“Your brother is worried, you know,” Arthur says, going for a different tactic.
“He shouldn’t…He’s the perfect, successful one.”
Ah so that was what was wrong. “I offer help at the end of every class. If you’re struggling you should come to me with questions.”
“Why do you care?” Alfred bites back.
“Because I’m your teacher and it’s my job.” Alfred doesn't seem moved and Arthur’s patience is wearing dangerously thin. “Fine,” Arthur hisses, “I was trying to be nice, but if I hear a peep from you next class you’re getting a call home. Understood?”
Alfred just shrugs before running out of the room. 
The next day Matthew comes in at lunch, Alfred trailing behind. “Mr. Kirkland, could we go over the meaning of today’s poem again?” Matthew asks, “I don’t think I got a good grasp on it.”
Arthur is confused by this. Matthew had done so well in his journal so why was he, but then Arthur meet Alfred’s eyes. The boy has his arms crossed, but he seems to have his attention set on Arthur. Arthur makes a little ‘Oh’ sound as all the pieces fell into place. 
“Well…It’s rather simple once you know what to look for,” Arthur begins, pulling out his book of children’s poetry. “What sticks out to you. Alfred, maybe you could help your brother by pointing something out.”
Alfred complies with a huff and the three discuss the line Alfred chose. They go through the whole poem and Alfred offers some interesting readings that not even Arthur considered. But eventually the lunch bell rings and Arthur has to dismiss the two boys. He makes sure to compliment them, giving an extra compliment to Alfred who blushes slightly and runs off.
Francis, the French teacher and Arthur's rival/friend since elementary school sees all this and decides to tease Arthur a bit. “I know you said you were terrible with children, but I didn’t think you were that bad.”
“You’re losing your edge Bonnefoy. Now if you excuse me, I have a salad to get to.”
“Mon Dieu. With your cooking I’m surprised you can prepare anything. My offer is always there, let me take you out to lunch, just once.”
“Over my dead body,” Arthur growls, slamming his door closed.
So Arthur, Matthew and Alfred start regularly meeting at lunch or after school to "help Matthew." When the next test/assignment rolls around, Alfred does better than Arthur has ever seen.
Things are going a bit better for the boys now at least in Arthur's class, but the more time he spends with the boys, the more concerned he becomes for their home life. He starts to suspect they don't have support at home. If they do, it's not affective perhaps harmful given how anxious Matthew seemed about the idea of Arthur calling home. So Arthur decides to meet this guardian.
And he can immediately see why Alfred seemed so unwilling to do better. Ms. Lynda is distracted, not seeming to want to be there. The only time she actually looks lively is when Arthur let's slip about Alfred's grades being poor in the past. She seems much more aggressive assuring Arthur she'll "talk" to Alfred. But he assures her that's not necessary as his grades have greatly improved with help.
He learns Ms. Lynda sees Al as a problem child, always in trouble, distracted, not doing what he's supposed to. It kind of makes Arthur squirm because that's exactly how he felt about Al at first, but over the past couple months, he's gotten to know the boy and how capable he is. He just needed a little extra push and an environment who built him up instead of tearing him down.
At the end of the day, Matthew comes rushing into Arthur's office in tears.
“Alfred says he’s running away,” Matthew wails
“Whoa, Whoa slow down there Matthew,” Arthur says gently, handing the boy a tissue, “What’s wrong with Alfred?”
"He’s running away. We were about to walk home but…but he…he just said he wasn’t going home and th-then took off. He said it was better this way…Ms. Lynda is going to…”
“Shh,” Arthur hushes, “It’s going to be okay. I’ll call Ms. Lynda and tell her Alfred is with me, going over today’s lesson. You just go home and don’t worry about a thing.”
He probably legally had to contact the guardian, but he didn't exactly trust her and he probably should request a welfare check. But right now he had to find Alfred and make sure he was okay. He eventually finds Al at a nearby park on the swing set.
“May I join you?” Arthur asks.
Alfred throws him a glare, before picking up his speed, swinging higher and higher. Arthur let out a sigh. “Is this about the meeting?”
Alfred just kept pumping, ignoring the question completely. 
“I know I had promised you I wouldn’t call if your grades started to improve, but I was concerned about Ms. Lynda’s attitude towards you two. I had to see it for myself.”
“Did you call her this time?” Alfred sneers. 
“Yes, but she only thinks you’re getting some extra help.”
Alfred is still annoyed and jumps off the swing. But he didn't slow down enough and so he ends up falling and scrapping his knee. And he just starts sobbing, unable to hold back any more.
Arthur takes a seat beside him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Alfred latches onto Arthur, hugging him tightly and sobbing into his side.
“Why…Why do you care so much?”
‘Because it’s my job,’ echoes at the front of Arthur’s mind. The mechanical response he had been using for the past couple weeks, but the more he watched Alfred open up, the less that response became true. “Because…” Arthur begins, swallowing the lump forming in his throat, “Because I’m worried about you. You’re a bright young man Alfred and you deserve an environment where you can thrive in.”
Arthur just lets Al cry for a bit, just letting him get it all out. This seemed to be coming for awhile. Once Al is a little calmer, Arthur proposes they get ice cream and Alfred immediately lights up.
but eventually they have to return to the school and Al has to go home.
“I don’t want to go,” Alfred murmurs.
Arthur doesn't really want to send Alfred back to that house either. “I’m sorry Alfred but…there isn’t much I can do for tonight. But you have my word, I will do everything I can to help you and your brother.” 
Arthur can't sleep that night, too worried about the two boys and what will become of them after the check-in. That's when he starts considering something: he could adopt them. He tries to brush it off, but the thought won't leave him alone.
Alfred and Matt end up getting moved into a more supportive home, but amongst the shake up and the questioning my child protective services, Alfred's began to slip again, but Arthur isn't about to let him fall. He even tries to help him in other subjects. And Alfred passes.
Not long after, Arthur starts the adoption process. By winter of the following year, everything is place, so all that's really left is the trial period to see if Arthur's home is a good fit for the two boys.
When he goes to pick them up, he's nervous. Is this too soon? Will the boys even want him as their father? Well he didn't have to be their father, but would they even want him as their guardian?
The boys are delighted to see him when he comes to their new home. It's touching, but he has business to get down to. “Lads, we need to have a serious conversation.”
The twins turn to each other, brows furrowed. 
“Now…I want you to know that you have a say in what happens going forward. I don’t want you to feel pressured in any way and I don’t want you to end up somewhere you don’t want to be.”
“Stop being cryptic Sir,” Alfred whines, “It’s winter break I’m not supposed to be analyzing things.”
Arthur chuckles lightly. “Forgive me Alfred, but what I’m trying to get at is…If you would like…Would you be interested in…Coming to live with me?”
“What?” The boys gasp, almost in unison. 
“I…w-w-well…I’d like to adopt you. Both of you if you’ll–” Arthur is cut off by Alfred barreling into his stomach, almost knocking the unsuspecting Brit over. Matthew soon joins them, though he approaches them more gently.
“Do I still have to call you Mr. Kirkland?” Alfred suddenly asks.
Arthur laughed, shaking his head. “No, Arthur would do just fine.”
“How about Dad?” Matthew pipes up.
Arthur’s heart leaps into his throat “Whatever you want,” he chokes out, squeezing the two just a little bit tighter.
He takes the two home with him and finds Francis's car in the drive way. Francis has heard the news about the adoption and has decided to come over to cook a celebratory dinner since Arthur can't cook.
While the boys go look at their new rooms, Arthur and Francis are left alone in the kitchen.
“Arthur Kirkland, single father, never thought I’d see the day,” Francis chuckles as Arthur seats himself at the bar.
“Me neither.”
“It's not going to be easy–”
“Do you think I don’t know that?”
“You didn’t let me finish,” Francis tuts, “It’s not going to be easy, but I’m here for you if you need help.”
Arthur considers snapping at Francis that he doesn't need help,  but he doesn’t because he can’t deny that he’s worried and he’ll need all the help he can get. Instead he says: “Thank you…I might take you up on that.”
Now this will hopefully be a fic I start on once my other long fics finish. And I already see a sequel possibly happening where Fruk gets together.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 7 months
Character List and (Y/N)
Genderbend animated Sitcom wifes x Yandere motherly Seriel killer reader
Name (Y/N) (L/N)
Age 22
Gender: female
(Eye color): (e/c)
(Hair color): (h/c)
your a tall woman with (e/c) eyes and (h/c)You have long hair that usually up in one or two buns and you wear glasses.
Personality: You are an enigma and Mystery. You are a Recluse who runs a bakery called Katz Kafe a kid and animal friendly Cafe in the middle of the Neighborhood. You are a quiet young woman who loves animals and children and because of that you are more of an Observer then a talker But at night, you are a serial killer called hellcat And you target abusive parents who disregard and harm their children So therefore you also take the kids You save to either foster care or a new home while leaving proof and evidence that the parents were not fit to raise their child. When you come out of you she'll your friendly, care, protective, intelligent, and wise and you give fairly good advice. You yourself had some parents who abused you and your siblings and when you were 11 you murdered your parents in cold blood and proceeded to do the same to any parents who do the same to their children.
(Normal) Shy, kind, caring, protective, paranoid, Fierce, motherly, gentle, loving, harmless
(HellCat) sadistic, vindictive, mean Spirited, harsh, realistic, jaded, Short tempered, lethal
weapon use: you have a spiky club you use to kill your victims. You named it Excaliblog😵
Cooking: you are very good at cooking and baking you make free samples for the children and homemade healthy animal treats for their pets.👩‍🍳
Hyper awareness: you can hear things from miles away and pinpoint where it's coming from🫡
Night vision: you trained yourself to see and kill in the dark 😶‍🌫️
Teaching: you are an incredible teacher from Academics to self defense you can teach anybody anything you mainly tutor the children 🤓
Self defense: you are a fighter from professional to street fighter 😷
Super strength: Nobody knows how strong you truly are not even yourself but you could easily lift an school bus😤
Info broker: you know what goes on around the city even though you're not there🧐
Speed: you are very fast you once chase a bus you missed all the way to the next stop😛
Unlimited Stamina: your never Tired period it's never gonna happen 😑
Rage Quit: if someone were to hurt or threatened someone you love or a small child infront of you, you'll fly into a fit of blind pitch black rage that usually leaves blood on you hands ✋️🤬🤯
The genderbends lover Boys/Men
Marge simpson/Mark simpson (the simpsons)
Lois Griffin/ Lewis Griffin( Family Guy)
Francine Smith/ Francis Smith(American dad)
Donna Tubbs/ Donnie tubs (the Cleveland show)
Queen Dagmar /King Denmark(disenchantment)
Jenny hart/ Jake Hart(bless the harts)
Linda Belcher/ Lipten Belcher(Bob's burgers)
Gayle Genarro/ Gabe Genarro (Bob's burgers)
Peggy hill/ Pennsy Hill (king of the hill)
Nancy Gribble/ Nathan Gribble (king of the hill)
Minh Souphanousinphone/Mink Souphanousinphone (king of the hill)
Turanga leela/ Turango Lero(futurama)
Amy wong/ Alvin Wong(futurama)
Labarbara Conrad/ Lawson Conrad(futurama)
Beth Smith/ Ben Smith(Rick and Morty)
Riley Regan/ Ruckus Regan(inside job)
Paige Tillerman/ Pac Tillerman(Central Park)
Abby Hunter/ Albert Hunter(Central Park)
Helen Morgendorffer/ Hal Morgendorffer (Daria)
Honeybee Tobin/Wasp Tobin (the great North)
Sharon Marsh/Seymour Marsh (South park)
Liane Cartman/Lance Cartman (South park)
Carol Mccormick/ Calvin Mccormick(South park)
Sheila Brofloviski/ Sheldon Brofloviski (South park)
Annie Harris/Anthony Harris (Duncanville)
Diane Birch/Danny Birch(big mouth)
Monica Foreman-Greenwald/Marvin Foreman-Greenwald (big mouth)
Shanon Glaser/Shane Glaser (big mouth)
Lana kane/Lenny kane (Archer)
Dr Jill/ Dr Jack (Housebroken)
Your theme songs:
Ok New Character Bio Done!🥳
That's alot of men huh?🤭
Well that's how special you are😏🤤😉
As Usual Leave Comments!!!!!
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sparklingbluerose · 2 years
1P!Hetalia x Reader x 2P!Hetalia
One day, you had come across a pet shelter in which, you wanted to adopt a single cat. But instead of one, it seems all of them didn't want to let you go...
TW: None! Have some very fluffy crack XD
GN! (Y/N) 《Other Genders Will Also Be Made》
Ahahaha...it's just pure chaos, you don't know how it all suddenly happened but it did!
You seriously just wanted to adopt a cat. A single cat.
But why do you have like– 22 cats in your house? Oh yes, there's a very simple answer to all of that. You see, the cats just couldn't let you leave them 🥺
We have some very clingy ones, apparently. The owner explained no one has come to adopt any cat there in ages.
And as the very kind person you are, as usual you took all of them in no matter how hard it must be. Wow, what a nice person you are 🤡❤️
Sometimes it's hard, but hey, it was fun naming them.
You find it funny whenever they try to race into your bedroom very loudly to have you give them a bath.
Your house seems a lot more lively than usual because of them, and of course you don't mind. It was better than being alone for the rest of your life–
Feliciano often hides from Luciano, which always knocks over some of your furniture which you're devastated at.
Not all of them get along well but you try to...💀
Lots of eerie staring with Kiku and Kuro. Everytime they do it you just freak out at the cold auras radiating from them.
...You once tried calling 911 but remembered they're CATS.
Just you sitting sulking in the corner with all of the crazy cats and Ludwig tryna comfort you— good boi 👏
You always lock your bedroom door before sleeping because...you wake up to ripped sheets and a broken window + a running bathroom faucet. So yeah.
Never again will you adopt these hoes in your next life 🤡
Romano both loves and hates getting picked up by you. Like he goes from "PUT ME DOWN" to "i love you thanks"–
Honestly...sometimes you also have to admit that the cats can get a little weird. One time you woke up and went to make some breakfast but..
He was resting with the tomato sauce too. Oh, did he want some pasta? You still couldn't wrap your head around this..
Often times you'd see Flavio sleeping in a pile of your clothes as well. It was adorable but how'd he get in your-?
Ah, whatever. You'd let him anyways, it always seems like he likes being around outfits or sewing materials. Though it was kinda weird you guessed he just liked fashion or smth.
He was camouflaged on the black stove lmao...😭
You would never forget that day when he looked at you with his red eyes in such disgust and rage-
But hey, you're on better terms now. All because you gave him some sushi and watched pokemon with him...well, whatever. As long as things are better.
Lutz and Gillen always like going on the table for some reason. Probably away from the dumbasses fighting–
You won't admit, you love seeing them get along.
...Honestly it's refreshing because of the daily cat chaos, just having a break from seeing all of that madness.
Same is true with Allen and Oliver whenever you cook something nice or bake some desserts. They love the smell and just watch you be peaceful with yourself 🌮🍪
..You think Arthur hates you. No, he's just a tsundere babes there's no need to worry. Don't be sad the next time he tries to wriggle out of your fluffy hugs–
Luciano also once napped beside some kitchen knives of yours but let's not talk about that...👁👄👁
All of them are so strange but you love them anyway.
"waIT ZAO DON'T DRINK THAT, THAT'S ALCOHOL–" ...that was definitely a day to remember.
Sometimes Zao and Yao don't get along. But when you tell them to they gladly oblige because you're...
#thebestownertohaveeverexisted ❤️
Also, mind you but maybe it would be a better idea to never let Francis inside your room ever again. Once he takes a liking to napping on your bed he WON'T GET OUT.
You act like the mom of everyone. But it's still true because you have to stop Francoiş from scratching Matthew.
Poor little cat is scared for his life...and you always have to pull them away from each other before Mattheiu joins in.
Also you don't wanna be around Ivan or Viktor all the time.
Dudes have such bad aura's and it freaks you out so much. You just probably hide in your room when that happens.
But Alfred just runs beside you and hides with you. Heck, ALL OF THEM DO. It surprises you how much they're freaking out more than you...oh wait, they're cats too.
You feed them all the food they like, but if it includes something they shouldn't eat you just give them smth else.
He doesn't liked being touched but maybe when you nonchalantly just say–
"If you want you can just sit beside me or smth.." Look if you just say yes you'll have the best cat in the world. I wish i had a pet like this. They're feral.
Cuddle nights! Happens every Friday and Saturday. You just put up a movie hugging yourself on the couch then boo–
Gilbert sits on your head. He's a light cat somehow.
Then you suddenly have like...everyone sitting beside you.
But aww 🥺 you love them so much, you know that you can't ask for any better.
"Look, you guys. Stop fighting i love you all so much and i could never ask for a better life i'm happy that ya'll are here and that i won't be alone the entire time–"
You said all that in one breath. The cats appreciate you, homie. Never let them go.
Love them please, they deserve all of it 💖
(THIS IS LONG– but it means i enjoyed it XD)
Taglist: @stygianoir
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deeptrashwitch · 3 months
Random facts about the 75th Ranger Regiment Specters/Team Charlie:
1. Luke loves lilac (the color) and keeps a sleeping mask of that color near his desk for the moments where he's extremely tired.
2. Marcus and Keyra have fought against absolute strangers on the streets when they hear how Alexander was insulted and shamed for his vitiligo. Now both men are scared of Keyra with a branch or a stick on her hands.
3. Francis writes stories and has the habit of speaking to himself when the ideas run low or to recreate some scenes. Elliot has heard some of his stories by luck and is really invested in the last one now.
4. Jackson owns a seal plushie (yes, he ended up buying it) and he uses it as a pillow for the late nights inside the bay. No one says nothing, but after some time is now a habit for Jackson to leave the plushie with Noah when it breaks.
5. Elijah swears A LOT and sometimes change the language. It's even amusing to hear him, except when you translate it...
6. Nicholas went to teach once on Flying Love, and even though he was insecure about it, he became one of the favorite teachers. Marcel always welcome him when he's in New Orleans, and the students even have given him thank you gifts.
7. Elliot is hella quick when it comes to solve a rubik cube that is hypnotic to see, and he has a collection with so many of them.
8. Alexander loves spicy food and everytime he's on leave goes to find some restaurant that serves some dish of that kind. He even has some bottles of spicy sauce on his room and sometimes cooks with them.
9. Edward, when is ranting, unconsciouslly make his accent even thicker and sometimes no one understand him. They even have a bet of how much can he rant without taking a break or a breath.
10. Alicia's laugh is a high-pitched and loud one. The first time she laughed for real, everyone got scared of it. They still not used to it, so they continue getting nervous when she laughs.
Not so nice facts below...
11. Edward still feels guilty about what happened to Marcel. Sometimes he can't even look in the mirror because he sees his twin lying down there, connected and barely alive.
12. Noah feels ashamed and a bit afraid of intervene in other's people life. The memory of that mission where he tried to help his friend just keep reminding him of his mistakes.
13. Jackson gets overwhelmed sometimes and needs to isolate himself before a BAD panic attack kick in. He'll never admit it, but he just laughs while crying because he consider himself pathetic.
14. Luke is the one with more nightmares and five out of six nights he ends up uncapable of sleeping again once he awakes. He rarely goes out of his barrack, and the times he does...usually is just to go for something to drink to prevent himself of dehidrating.
15. Due to Operation Firewall and her time captured, Alicia developed an intense fear to needles. It sometimes gets so bad that she NEEDS to be tied to the stretcher just to keep her to hurt herself or hurt others during the procedures.
16. Elijah often wakes up screaming, mistaking the sweat for other things and with the ghostly sensation of the wounds open again. He needs to run to the bathroom and puke, unable to process correctly what's happening or where he is.
17. Alexander from time to time hates his skin, his face, himself, because it make him feel as a monster. He even has think about of find a way of white completely his skin or just try to make it look like he wasn't a...phenomenon.
18. Francis just feels useless when he sees the team on their own fields. He's an amazing cartographer and the younger one on the team, but he feels like he managed nothing when he sees Marcus and Alicia fight, or Alexander practice and Elijah moving as a ghost, or Noah with Luke and Elliot prepare everything, or how Edward and Nicholas are so talented, or Jackson being so quick on his job. It's just like he's being left behind.
19. Nicholas is afraid to loose what he feels like the only place he fits in, because he's sure that once he leaves the team, on the next place he'll be treated like a threat or an outcast.
20. Marcus usually looks at his wife when he's on leave, and thinks that she deserves better. As a soldier, he knows he's deeply broken and just wishes that Keyra had someone better as a husband, not the mess he is.
21. Elliot is aware he's arrogant and that it has brought him so many problmes, more than he can remember. Many times he has said things he shouldn't had while trying to have the last word, and it has hurt people. He tries, he really tries to keep it down, but even with that is to no use...he keeps saying stupid and insensible shit after stupid and insensible shit.
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eyesoverinfinity · 2 years
Cooking show au l4d2
Episode 1: A pizza the action
The intro plays, it is a Introduction to all 8 of the hosts of this show: Zoey, Louis, Francis, Bill, Ellis, Nick, Rochelle and Coach.
Then the logo appears:
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The logo dissipates to revel the camera zooming in on the hosts, as pre-recorded clapping plays.
The area looks to be a large kitchen, with ovens, sinks, cupboards and more. The most prominent feature is the eight cooking tables that the hosts are all in front of.
Louis steps forward.
Louis: Welcome to 8 in the kitchen! The show were we make food and may regret it later! Today Nick has the chef hat, so like last season, He'll be guiding us on todays ''dish".
Louis makes quotation marks when he says dish. A canned laugh plays.
Nick walks up to where Louis is standing.
Louis: So Nick, what are we making today?
Nick: Well Louis:
Nick walks off the stage and pulls in a white board with a pizza drawing filling the whole board.
Nick: As most long time viewers of this show know, my family are Italian immigrants, so today I'm going back to my roots. We're making pizza!
Francis and Zoey put up their hands.
Nick: You first Francis.
Francis: Can we put pineapple on it?
Nick: Get the apron of shame Francis.
Francis looks disappointed and sulks off.
Nick: and Zoey?
Zoey: how about peanut butter?
Nick: A peanut butter and jelly pizza? Well it's not what I had in mind but-
Zoey: no, with ham and cheese. The peanut butter replaces the tomato paste.
Everyone looks at Zoey in silent horror, Bill just shakes his head.
Nick: Francis, come back! Zoey's taking your place!
Francis runs back with glee and shoves an apron into Zoey's hands. It says "I have cleaning duty."
Zoey unhappily puts it on. Muttering that it's not her fault that she's a college student.
Nick: with that out of the way, Here's our game plan!
A sheet of blueprint paper rolls over the camera to show the transit to the 'game plan' screen, an animated section of the show where the steps that are going to be taken are animated while the head chief explains them.
Nick: First the ingredients, originally I was going to take suggestions, but after what happened with Zoey and Francis that's a hard no.
The blue print gets mushrooms, basil and other possible pizza ingredients drawn on it. Chibi versions of Zoey and Francis are drawn and crossed out.
Nick: So we're making margherita.
Most of the ingredients are crossed out and wiped away. Basil, Bocconcini, and tomatoes are left.
Nick: The amount of ingredients we need is a lot. Luckily I thought head of time and hired a few trucks-
Rochelle: Sweet Jesus!
The camera zooms out to show chibi versions of the hosts huddled around the blueprint in what looks to be a sci-fi spy base mixed with a kitchen.
Rochelle: Nick how many pizza's are we making?!
Chibi Nick smiles evilly.
Nick: oh, just one.
The other chibi's look to each other in fear, only chibi Rochelle truly grasps the shear size of what is about to happen. The camera zooms back into the blue print.
Nick: As I was saying, I hired a few trucks for the ingredients. To make it easier I ordered pre-made dough as well so this episode will air sometime this year.
The trucks are drawn, each one with a picture of a different ingredient. Then the camera zooms out to the chibis.
Nick: We'll need to roll all of the dough, put on the sauce and ingredients and cook it in an oven. But once it's made it'll be impossible for us to move, we need to make it inside the oven.
Bill: By god's name this is the first episode!
Coach: Boy, what kind of madman has an oven that big?
Zoey: We'd be better of setting a building on fire!
Ellis: In that case, I know a guy!
Everyone turns to chibi Ellis, the screen goes black.
A new Chibi man appears after the cut, he is not one of the hosts, but is standing next to Chibi Ellis with a mischief in his eyes and scars all over his skin.
?: Howdy everyone! You can call me Keith!
The camera cut's to the real people, Keith's scars are far more severe than his chibi's was and he is far taller than Ellis.
Keith: So, what can I do for ya'll?
Ellis: Ya know that shed you were gonna get rid of?
Keith: Yeah?
Ellis: Well I was thinking that we could set it on fire and use it to cook a giant pizza!
Keith: You want me to burn down my shed for pizza?!
Ellis: Keith, you'd burn down your shed for fun!
There is a pause.
Keith: You son of a bitch I'm in.
The camera cuts from outside of the shed to its inside. Nick's voice plays over a speed up time-lapse of the crew cleaning the floor with other people.
Nick: The floor is being sterilised because the tables would melt/burn inside the shed fire if we had them in there. But you guys don't need to see that.....
Nick: Expect for this bit.
The time lapse slows to normal speed to show Francis slip on a bar of soap and fall into Rochelle's arms. They stay like that for thirty seconds blushing and Louis takes a photo.
Nick: Now, on with the show.
Trucks are lined up outside the shed and unloading the ingredients. Passers by are taking photos are taking photos of the commotion. The hosts are in a team huddle.
Nick: Ok, we are going to need to put all of our force into rolling the dough into one pizza base, it doesn't have to be round. it just needs be whole. After we get the base rolled out we need to tackle rest of the pizza.
Rochelle: What are we going to use to spread the tomato paste? Brooms?
Nick: No that'd be ridiculous, I ordered giant spoons.
Bill: I thought we got rid of those after the cake incident with Chell last season.
Nick: Yeah well, times change. After we get the paste on evenly we get the toppings on. Me, Ellis, Rochelle and Coach will take the bocconcini. While Zoey, Louis, Bill and Francis will be in charge of the basil. Now, lets do this!
The hosts break the huddle and get to work. Montage music begins to play.
The montage shows the hosts working together to roll the pizza dough, try to lift the giant spoons, stop Coach from eating the toppings and use mission impossible style ropes to put the toppings on.
The hosts look at their creation after the montage. They can't enter the shed anymore, the pizza has overtaken it all. Nick closes the wooden shed door.
Nick: So, who's going to do the honours?
Keith: Hey guys I got a light-
Keith trips and the lighter sets fire to the shed instantly.
Nick: That works.
The hosts and Keith watch the flames, the fire department on speed dial, as people on the road cheer.
Nick: Judging by the heat of the fire, the pizza should be ready in about 2 minutes.
Keith: Nice! so how are we going to put it out without using water?
The hosts say nothing
Zoey: We're, um, not?
Louis: We were going to let it burn to the ground.
Keith: Why?!
Nick: It adds to the flavour.
Coach: and we're not letting a pizza that we spent 50 hours on be sprayed with water if we can help it.
Keith: and Dave says I'M crazy.
Ellis: I don't see a problem.
Francis: I don't Either.
Keith: Dear god, how did I become the voice of reason?
Bill: nah kid, we're messing with you. We don't really think that the pizza's going to be edible after this.
Keith frowns as the hosts laugh.
Keith: I don't know whether to be thankful or pissed.
Ellis: Sorry Keith, but the look on your face was hilarious.
Rochelle: lets be real though. it's not like the sheds going to poof into ash, blow away and leave a perfectly cooked pizza.
The shed poofs into ash, blows away and leaves a perfectly cooked pizza. A pause of disbelief.
Keith: Guess we're all idiots then?
Zoey: yeah, lets go with that.
Bill: So, what do we do with this pizza?
Nick: I don't know, I didn't think we'd get this far.
Coach: Well I for one am not going to let a perfectly good pizza go to waste!
Rochelle: Hate to break it to you Coach, but I don't think we'll be able to eat all that by ourselves.
Coach: Who says we have to, we have a whole crowd here.
Keith: Great! I'll call them over!
Louis: I think we should organise a line fir-
The hosts: KEITH NO!
The camera is knocked over in the pursuing stampede of people as the hosts run for cover.
The camera cuts to the hosts back in the kitchen. Ellis has an arm in a sling and everyone has a bruise of some sort, but they are otherwise alright.
Nick: Thanks for watching the show everyone, next time, we'll do a recipe indoors.
Rochelle: We'd normally thank our guest for being here, but Keith is in hospital with a broken ribcage and fractured shoulder.
Zoey: and frankly, He's lucky Ellis convinced our boss against suing.
Rochelle: So that's not happing.
Louis: We'll see you all next time.
Everyone: Bye!
The theme song plays and the credits roll. a post credit scene shows the burned down shed and pizza leftover, with a professional clean up crew working on it. White text comes up that says:
"We are not making Zoey clean that up."
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Lula Vashti Turley Murphy (February 22, 1885 – March 17, 1960) was an educator and community leader, and one of the founding members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
She was born February 1884 in DC, the daughter of Hamilcar Turley and Ida H. Francis Turley. Her father was a clerk in the Pension Bureau and a church choirmaster. Both of her parents died when she was a girl, and her older siblings both died while she was in high school.
She graduated from the M Street School and trained as a teacher at the Miner Normal School. She graduated from Howard University in the class of 1914.
She taught school and traveled. She was a founder of the Baltimore alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. In 1932 she and Vivian Johnson Cook co-founded the Philomathian Club, an African American women’s study group. In the 1950s, she encouraged all Delta alumnae to vote and join the NAACP. In 1957, she was honored as Mother of the Year by the Baltimore alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta.
She was a member of the board of directors of the Baltimore YWCA, president of the St. James Episcopal Church Women’s Auxiliary, a member of the wives’ club of Alpha Phi Alpha, and active at Morgan State College. She was the first president of the Women’s Auxiliary of Crownsville State Hospital. She was president of the PTA at Public School #103.
She married Howard University German instructor/Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity member Dr. Carl J. Murphy (1916-1960). He was a newspaper publisher. They had five daughters: Martha Elizabeth (1917–1998), Ida Ann (1918-1996), Carlita (1921 - 2006) and Vashti (1921 - 1981), and Frances (1922–2007). Her eldest daughter Elizabeth Murphy Moss was a journalist, war correspondent, columnist, and editor. Her granddaughter and namesake Vashti Murphy McKenzie is a bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and National Chaplain of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #deltasigmatheta #womenhistorymonth
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
I want things happening in Charlotte county
-that's also discussed his disposition and these two idiots it said as long as I asked for them to go and they looked at a lot but pulled out their notes and said he's a homicidal young turd it makes huge mistakes with our stuff and we can't figure out what to do now just leave them there didn't decide to do something. They're still trying to decide what it's going to do something
-allegiant Air and companies like that are coming apart. I'm going to be there to take over of course we need people to know these people need to be watched and they need to come down fast. We're watching this company fall apart and now we're moving in it'll take it over immediately explain too many jumps up there crap it's probably 20% that are flyable and the rest needs to be repaired seriously or cycled out the same with the other airliners they're cheap. How long was allegiant Air there's several other companies that are deteriorating rapidly of theirs
JetBlue it will be ours today
Southwest airlines it's huge 50% of jets are still in operation they own most of it still and they're going to bow out of the whole thing start doing the very good
Here a few other companies that they're abandoning and it will affect here
-Howard Johnson's apparently they're probably out of the company and pretty quickly too and nobody wants it and it's kind of a odd business. In the house in this building that are shaped like chalets not really for loggers it was his dad's company so he said the food is too small and it's cooked okay it's just that it's not the right food you need big French toast and large pancakes and they're hard to meal and you're going to buy me all these days so it doesn't even feed you so I guess he's going to take it over like with us we say good. And the color scheme is on he's never liked it his dad played with it and found in worked but second diner not a ski place so they're trying a few locations
-another company is Chrysler dumber they're actually falling out of this company so fast you can blink and another half would be gone. They're quitting and recording most factory jobs since the trumpsters and the Bja. Savannah Francis announcing that they were in those companies steel companies the oil companies and the automobile companies are fighting but they're in a lot of other companies and they're noticing that the other people are fighting and it is over at shares and they're doing it now and the max are fighting them and it's really heated up because the more like her on their way out
-here in punta Gorda the max are changing their tune towards these idiots again and they are getting them out of the sheriff's department fully is this phased thing but it's going to go on shortly and today Charlotte kind of sheriff will be laid off 1/3 of their patrolmen and then on this morning like 9:00 a.m. they expect more information to come out of them but really they're not that many in there it's 1/3 of the total and the more I could probably only 5% more than that if that's what they said. Also in PG
-the max got together and discussed what to do about our son and his problem and they had another meeting. And decided to award him a medal for bravery at some point and we also said this you have to get control of him he's in trouble and they said we need to add things for him to do places for him to go and money to get him there and it came up with some stuff the man who wanted it. He's got ideas and they work we want them and they start listing off things to do and came up with a list of money and how to get there and they're working on it
-they're also laying off people and poor people lots of them from most jobs and considerably more than normal then shooting for maybe 20% today or more 30% some sad and they haven't resolved it yet
-the government positions are seemingly going to fire themselves and it's true that the 500 additional will start firing themselves right away
-it's suddenly cooler here. Very cool. It drops 10° in about 20 seconds and a son felt it and it's going down oxygen is going up it's at 24 it's going to be at 30 in mo ments and it's probably these people apologize and it's too late.
-the max are knocking their plan and they are further building the wall and what is going up around PG and when it's going around PC it's around 5 miles outside of town but here is 80 ft high.
-a few more things happening and our son is trying to heal. But seriously the oxygen level is going up right now it's 25 in moments it's going to be 28 most of these people can't stand it at 20 and O'Reilly's shortly is there going to be screaming
-we have a few other things it's a terrible place to be so you decide to try and work on it you have several things that we're going to do and one of them is to make it more hospitable the places that dump and his idiots are thriving here and going to take houses out and replace them. We have houses picked out they're abandoned their owners gone and we're going to do it today and apply for permits immediately
-several other things are taking place including the wall getting bigger they're hiring soldiers from all over and from Charlotte county these people want these people and they wan't at them now. And violates a few rules not really but they're going to have.
There are other things current here and they're pretty big
-what they're up to the wall to go to fortify it it looked to add features to it to scan it's going to be big and real and shortly
-along with features will be personnel including hardware and then ordered a ton of it it's come from base and right now it's hitting here and these people don't get it yet very ridiculous. We want more to happen and it is
-along with the plan to my assist son their plans to stifle him. There aren't many but they come up with them so I just have to watch them
-that's it for now keep in mind that these three parties are fighting in both businesses and be careful out there
Thor Freya
They are helping those who call us and immediately thank you
We approve this message
I'm happy about what's happening it's finally changed as we forced this people won't listen to anything but Force
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (362): Tue 14th Mar 2023
Finally decided to start doing my exercises to go along with my mini diet to try and lose as much weight as I can before my trip to the States at the end of the month. I’ve stopped and started so many diets over the last ten years but I can just never seem to stick to it. My thinking is that if I just eat well and exercise like a beast one day and lose a decent amount of weight then this will help motivate me and convince myself that if I go through some grueling cravings and brutal exercise for a short amount of time then I’ll have shifted a load of weight before I set off and when I get to WrestleMania people won’t ask me for selfies thinking that I’m Earthquake. I weighed myself this morning and I was 14 stone 0.5 lbs. I had only three breakfast biscuits and a bowl of soup plus plenty of water all day. I went for a half hour run  early in the morning. When I I weighed myself again in the afternoon I was down to 13 stone 10 1/2 lbs. Holy fuck monkeys! Four pounds in one day? If I keep on this course I could actually be down to 12 stone before my holiday. This was the boost I needed and I’m now committed to forgoing the fatty foods and quite literally exercising my arse off. One thing that pissed me off was that when I stepped in the scale a notification came up on the electronic board that normally displays your weight which said “Low Battery” so I had to go and get one out of the kitchen cupboard. What I don’t fucking get is that if there is still juice to tell me to replace the battery then how isn’t there enough in there to display my weight. If the battery was really fully drained then the display board just wouldn’t say anything! Anyway, tomorrow I’ll do the same thing diet wise but I’ll go for two runs to really make a dent in my weight.
I started reading the next book in my Edgar challenge, The Chatham School Affair by Thomas H Cook. The novel follows Henry who’s father ran a school and one day when he was a kid a teacher went mad and commuted a massacre. The novel is Henry retelling the story of the day of the killings and it’s pretty damn good although after the agony of trying to get through Dick Francis’ Come To Grief this book could be someone writing random letters and numbers for 300 pages and it would still be a step up entertainment wise.
Recently the Lakers have gone through games where they’ve either just scraped through by the skin of their teeth or they’ve just lost by a couple of points so I was delighted to watch last nights came and see that the Lakers fucking demolished the Pelicans. Before the end of the first quarter they were already twenty points up and shortly into the second half they were nearly thirty up. They were abusing the Pelicans so bad by the end of it the RSPCA had turned up (I’m going to try to sell this joke to Bill Maher because he’s awful and he won’t realize the joke is just as bad).
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skyyamaha · 1 year
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“Indra’s Net” aka इन्द्रजाल
Francis H. Cook describes Indra's net thus:
Far away in the heavenly abode of the great god Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out infinitely in all directions. In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel in each "eye" of the net, and since the net itself is infinite in dimension, the jewels are infinite in number. There hang the jewels, glittering "like" stars in the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold. If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that there is an infinite reflecting process occurring.
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famu720 · 2 years
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NCAA 🏈 week 12 finals: Puppies 16 UK 6 Big 🔵 19 illini 17 Bucks 43 🐢 30 ⚓ 31 🦎 24 Wisky 15 big ♥️ 14 Navy 17 UCF 14 Gobbles 23 🗽 22 War chant 49 ULL 17 Army 🪖34 UConn 17 IU 39 sparty 31 2OT Hail 2 Pitt 28 dook 26 Roll Tide 34 guvs 0 Bullys 56 ETSU 7 War 🦅 41 WKU 17 🦫 31 sparky 😈 7 Wazzu 31 🐻 down 20 Sonic boom 24 MC9 13 Kittens 40 the U 10 We r Penn State 55 RU 10 Bevos 55 KU 14 Hawks 13 gophers 10 BYU 52 Utah Tech 26 UC 23 🦉 3 Boilers 17 NW 9 🐸 29 sic'ems 28 Gig ems 20 uMass 3 FU 63 wofford 28 St Thomas 27 BU 🐶 13 YSU 28 SIU 21 IL state 20 WIU 13 OT Citadel 26 VMI 22 🍒 🐔 25 🐺 Pack 10 Duquesne 33 Wagner 0 St Francis 52 Merrimac 23 LIU 🦈 37 sacred 💜 34 OT USD 16 Morehouse 9 Howard 35 mo St 🐻 6 Yale 20 Harvard 14 Monmouth 24 Stony Brook 21 W&M 37 🕷️ 26 NH 42 Maine 41 OT Bryant 35 RoMo 6 Lafayette 14 Lehigh 11 G 🕸️ 38 NC A &T 17 Samford 🐶 50 Mercer 44 OT Holy Cross 47 G town 10 Cola 🦁 45 Cornell 22 MO St 🐻 24 Indiana St 7 So Utah 17 SHSU 7 Stetson 42 PC 21 Penn 20 Princeton 19 Bucknell 24 Marist 🦊 13 Davidson 24 Dayton 23 Fairfield 52 Colgate 38 WCU 32 UTC 29 Irish 44 BC 🦅 0 Drake 24 Valpo 0 Dartmouth 30 🟤 7 Meep meep 41 🍚 7 Nova 😺 29 Delaware 26 URI 35 Albany 21 CCSU 39 stone Hill 14 Towson 27 🗡️ 7 Norfolk St 42 Q 🐶 38 H Town 42 the 🦴 Yard 3 K state 48 WVU 31 Memphis 59 UNA 0 UNI 58 SD 14 Bugs 21 🐐 17 SE MO 52 Murray St 22 MVSU 27 PV 7 Montana St 55 griz 21 🐫34 D st sting 7 UIW 66 NW state 7 J 😡 42 G state 🐈 40 Alabama A &M 24 TX So 20 NCCU 22 TN Tech 20 FAMU 🐍41 B Cook 20 🖤 N 🪙 27 👑 14 Idaho 38 Idaho state 7 EKU 45 Kennesaw St 38 Weber St 33 NAU 30 UT Martin 34 EIU 31 Cal 🐻 27 🎄 20 TSU 22 TX A&MC 14 NDSU 42 ND 21 USA 27 USM 20 Troy 34 ULM 16 UNCC 26 LA Tech 21 SFA 24 ACU 21 MTSU 49 🦉 21 UTEP 40 FIU 6 EWU 45 NCO 🐻21 Jax State 40 C AR 🐻 17 T St 😺 16 red ♥️ 🐺13 Sac town 27 UCD 21 The 🦬 23 GA Southern 10 (at Laurens, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKotPnOM2I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drsorrell · 2 years
Mon. 10.24.22 (SVC)
Announcements & Reminders
Review Friday’s online activity
Close Reading Activity, Part Two (on Schoology, in groups) With the other members of your group, read through these quotes carefully, paying attention to how the sentences are constructed and the specific use of language. Talk about the quote in question before you write a response together. When you're done talking, please write up your response (one per group), post it, and we will talk about all of them.\
How does the author use language to get his or her point across? What is that point? Do you think that the author does a good job of it? Group 1: Madeline, Abby, Josiah, Justin (8:30) Tanner, Kayleigh, Jose, Brad, Colt, Steve (9:30) Damon Linker, “Liberals’ Astonishingly Radical Shift on Gender” (666) "That's because all societies — as collectivities of individuals sharing a common culture as well as common laws, rules, and norms (including linguistic rules and norms) — invariably constrain individuals more than they would be if they lived in absolute isolation from others. Any one of those limits on the individual will can feel as if it's an intolerable constraint, and the principle of individual freedom can always be invoked in order to combat it" (670). Group 2: Anton, Emma, Chrys, Dylan (8:30) Ben G, Ben H, Grace, Hailie, Jude, Carolina (9:30) Anne-Marie Slaughter, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” (673) "I am well aware that the majority of American women face problems far greater than any discussed in this article. I am writing for my demographic—highly educated, well-off women who are privileged enough to have choices in the first place. We may not have choices about whether to do paid work, as dual incomes have become indispensable. But we have choices about the type and tempo of the work we do. We are the women who could be leading, and who should be equally represented in the leadership ranks" (682). Group 3: Robbie, Francis, Tonio, Steven (8:30) Jacob, Camdon, Jaden, Shannon, Brady, Jessica (9:30) Richard Dorment, “Why Men Still Can’t Have It All” (694) "My wife makes more money than I do. We majored in the same thing at the same college at the same time, and when I chose to go into journalism, she chose to go to law school. She works longer hours, shoulders weightier responsibilities, and faces greater (or at least more reliable) prospects for long-term success, all of which are direct results of choices that we made in our early twenties. She does more of the heavy lifting with our young son than I do, but I do as much as I can. (Someone else watches him while we are at work.) I do a lot of cooking and cleaning around our house. So does she. I don't keep score (and she says she doesn't), and it's hard to imagine how our life would work if we weren't both giving every day our all" (699).
EXAMPLE "To them, payday lenders were predatory sharks, charging high interest rates on loans and exorbitant fees for cashed checks. The sooner they were snuffed out, the better...To me, payday lenders could solve important financial problems" (Vance 439) Vance uses "to them" and "to me" here to highlight a completely different way of viewing the world, which is super clever because he's not just saying, those morons are wrong but more, they don't have my life experience, so they just don't get where I'm coming from. This goes with his whole point, that elites don't understand where people like him are coming from, and he has a truly unique and enlightening perspective for the rest of us (rest of us morons, maybe??).
Read the following Chapter 23 “What’s Gender Got to Do With It?” texts before class:
Helen Lewis, “The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism” (715)
Sanjana Ramanathan, “An End to Sexism in Gaming Communities” (723)
Monica Wright, “Why We Need Title IX Now More Than Ever” (731)
Do InQuizitive (15): Pronouns That Don’t Agree with Their Antecedents before class.
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