#frankie facilier
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Badun Detective Agency: Death Report (edited).
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Name Of Detective: Reza Vizer.
Age Of Detective: Five years old.
Date of Report: December 3rd, 2007.
Name Of The Deceased: Francis 'Frankie' Fisher Facilier.
Age Of The Deceased: Three years old.
File Number: 0000.
The deceased (3, male. Child of Ursula and Dr. Facilier) judging by appearance and whispers around the isle appears to have died from an unavoidable case of malnutrition. However this case appears to be different than others before it because this time it does not seem to be a consequence of parental neglect but rather a consequence of common environmental problems regarding the poor state and amount of the food the isle grows and receives from Auardon each day.
His father and two sisters (5 and 1 at the time) all appeared to be underweight as well as appropriately distressed at the deceased death.
He passed away quietly in his bed in 2004 and was quickly found the next day by his father, and has since been given a proper funeral with the help of Miss Anastasia Tremaine-Lathyn. That is all the information that the agency has at this time and will likely be all the information they will get concerning the manner. The matter should not be brought up to the family or in the presence of his possible mother, Miss Urusla Olympian, or her sister and their children on fear of great bodily injury and a lifetime ban from the Arcade, Dragonhall, and Urusla's fish and chips.
Reza signing out.
Oc belongs to @dragoneyes618 .
Requested by @panthera-tigris-venenata .
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Trace and Tamara
Parents: The Thorn Queen Nireka (mother) the thorn King Benson (father)
Personality type: trace and Tamara are both mischievous, evil, villainous twins that are best friends with each other who like to cause up trouble on the Isle of the Lost with their crew, but have their eyes set on taking over auradon in the name of their parents
Relationships: Trace is dating the daughter of scar scarla and tomorrow is dating the son of one of the Thorne Queen's guards
Family relationship: the thorny Queen and Thorn King are very loving parents who care deeply for their kids and tomorrow and Trace are always striving to make their parents proud of them which they always do even when they don't succeed in their plans more or less their parents are proud that they can get far enough in their evil plans that they consider them top a villainous unlike most Disney villain parents
Appearance :They both were similar styles if Trace having buzz cut black hair with his black cat ears and tomorrow having a kind of wash and go hairstyle showing off her natural curls with her cat ears also she wears glasses which some people on the aisle find nerdy but nobody dares to speak about it cuz they're afraid of the twins they also both wear black leather jackets with black ripped jeans and black boots and Trace usually wears a purple shirt reminiscent of his mom and tomorrow are usually wears a blue shirts reminiscent of her dad
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Chesh Cheshire
Age: unknown since time works quite a differently in Wonderland but about 16 on the Isle of the Lost
Parents: the Cheshire Cat
Personality type: sometimes a sneaky and mischievous pranksters and at other times a madvillain that wants to watch the world burn and at other other times a great spy to help bring down auradon prep
Relationship: she is currently not dating anybody
Family relationship: the Cheshire Cat is quite a mad and odd feline but he does deeply care for his daughter and taught her everything she knows about causing trouble mischief and Mayhem. At first he used to live in Wonderland with the rest of the Mad residence but after some examination he was banished to the Isle of the Lost for the crimes of trying to get Alice killed by the queen of hearts and being an overall animal to get you in danger
Appearance: chesh Cheshire have many different looks depending on how you catch her sometimes her fur is in more of a grayish Hue with blue stripes and other times it's in more of a pinkish Hue with purple stripes but either way you catch her most of the time she's pink with purple stripes mostly wearing a purple jacket with pink stripes along the side of it along with a neon pink shirt with neon lighting and a purple skirt with neon pink lights with striped pink and purple stockings with pink and purple boots sporting a large Cheshire Cat grin with her tail to erase the tracks
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Frankie facilier and Filia facilier
Age: Frankie is 15 and philia is 12 1/2
Parent: Dr facilier( father) Ursula( stepmom)
Personality type: Frankie facilier is a bit of a lone wolf trying to make his dad Dr facilier proud of him however it doesn't always work because Dr facilier mostly gives all his attention to his girls making Frankie feel more bitter and jealous towards his sisters especially Celia but tends to have a better relationship with philia.
Filia facilier is a mischievous Trickster using her Voodoo powers to tell the future to Poor Unfortunate Souls on the aisle and earn easy bucks but ever since she joins Tia and Tamara's crew she's also had her site set on taking over the Isle of the Lost with help from her friends on the other side
Relationship: neither of them are currently in a relationship however CJ hook has a secret crush on Frankie but tries to act tough and not mention it so that he will notice her
Family relationship: Dr facilier is a loving father towards all his children however he sometimes favors his girls over his sons, and he is always hardest on Frankie because he feels that he has greater potential if he just uses it the right way making Frankie a bit bitter towards his sisters, the only other sister aside from philia that understands him better is Freddie facilier who Dr facilier is also hard on as the oldest sibling.
Filia facilier has a great relationship with her dad and along with her older sister Celia is her dad's favorite child mostly because the two of them inherited most of Dr facilities powers but aside from that doctor facilier really just loves his daughter cilia and philia the most because he's used them as his baby girls from the day they were born, and the two of them have kind of used this to their advantage and have become a bit spoiled by their dad Dr facilier Who just cannot say no to them, a bit like Steve Harvey and his daughters but I digress, philia and Frankie always strive to make their dad proud of them and for the most part at works but Dr facilier always wants them to do better because he feels that they have great potential and that they can make him very proud if they put their powers to a greater use but he also understands that they won't have that opportunity on the Isle of Lost which is why he he was very excited when Celia got the opportunity to go to Oregon because he viewed that as a way for him and his family to raise their profits as discussed the limit after all it's like he always says if it don't make dollars it don't make sense
Appearance: Frankie has A bit of a Small buzz cut fro That is died a deep red And he can usually be seen wearing When of his dad's old top Hats Along with round sunglasses , mostly with red lenses and cross earrings. He mostly likes to wear A dark turquoise stress shirt with a Denim red vest and purple rip jeans Along with black boots with white Accents to them.
Filia facilier Was a big fan of her sister's hairstyle and decided to copy it Which slightly annoyed Celia, but didn't really care all that much. She can oftentimes be seen wearing a facilier Voodoo hats inspired by her dad Along with wearing a voodoo necklace that was passed down to her from her dad As a gift. She preferably likes to wear Purple and green dashiki printed dresses and shirts and Likes to sport them with Black leather or dark blue denim jackets And most of the time where is Oxford sneakers But also owns a pair of Knee high boots.
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Melvin and Treycor
Age: Melvin is 13 1/2 and Treycor is 13
Parents: Maleficent and Hades however Treycor got some of his his uncle Poseidon's jeans which is why he's black
Personality type: Melvin is a shy sometimes timid antisocial slightly emo boy who inherited most of her mom's abilities which is why he has a dragon tail and wings plus his mom's horns but at the same time if if you piss him off then he is more than willing to set fire to you and becomes extremely aggressive and angry mostly got that from his dad but also from his mom, so much so that he's been suspended a few times for setting his school Dragon Hall on fire after some dumb kids decided to bully him and he went full on Dragon on their asses
Treycor on the other hand is more calm and peaceful and isn't really much of a villain like his parents however his parents don't seem to have a problem with it as long as their son is happy and after Hades and Maleficent divorced he became even less villainous when he started Living more with his dad who didn't really care how his kids turned out, however at the same time when Trevor joins Tia and tomorrow's crew he started to gain back some of his old villainous habits which kind of made Hades and Maleficent proud. He's generally more if not the most calm out of his family but if you take him off too much, he is ready to spit flames and yeah his hair can catch fire just like his dad
Relationship: Melvin has a crush and later on started dating the daughter of Jafar Jinny who is the only one who can make him soften up.
Treycor has a crush on the adopted daughter of Captain Hook Hannah hook I believe but it's too shy to tell her however she kind of knows about it but is waiting for him to confess it himself
Family relationship:Treycor is actually the twin brother of Hattie but has a more twin-like relationship with Melvin and gets along with him much better which leads to them exploring places getting into trouble and doing all sorts of fun stuff as for their relationship with their parents Maleficent is a loving yet strict mother who makes sure her boys always act in line but can be calm when Melvin's Dragon Powers get out of control because she understands the feeling as for Hades he's more of a chill back dad to the point where he's more like a brother than a father to them only acting strict when he really needs to which isn't often aside from that he likes to play guitar with his sons cause fires with them or just be that cool dad that everybody loves, both of their children strive to make them proud however Treycor tends to also want to do his own thing more of the time which hate is this completely fine with because in his own words whatever makes my children happy makes me happy as for Maleficent her words are it's the Deeds that separates bad from truly evil
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Darson Oscar de Ville
Parents: Cruella Deville and her late husband Oscar
Personality type: darson DeVille is a bit of antisocial person who is quite tech savvy and mischievous but often times sarcastic and a bit rude to those he doesn't find respectable especially towards Morgana lafaye rival to Merlin and former teacher to his mom when she was going to the school of Good and Evil who also didn't respect her. he's also just as cruel as his mother and has a strong hatred and dislike for dogs mostly Dalmatians but does have a lightning towards some animals not all but some mostly cats
Relationship: he doesn't currently have a crush on anybody and mostly keeps to himself so he can focus more on his studies and evil plots to take revenge in his mother's name
Family relationship: the DeVille family despite contrary belief is actually a very strong family well strong now that Cruella is the head, before when the baroness was the mother of Cruella and her brothers David and Cecil B DeVille was the head of her family it was quite broken with her abandoning her children at a young age killing their new adoptive mother and them when they became adults trying to kill her daughter Cruella who she saw as a fashion rifle and didn't even recognize until she revealed herself, but now things have calmed down a bit ever since Cruella became the head of her family however that was only within her family outside of that people viewed her as just as awful as her own mother and there were even rumors that she was an abusive person towards her children and treated them like slaves and over time some of her children including Carlos started to believe this thinking that Cruella did truly love her fur coats and her car over them and viewed her children as a last priority which started to build low confidence within the Cruella did try to convince them otherwise and show them that she loved them as a first priority with her Furs and car being just behind them however even though her children knew she loved them they often times did doubt it and had low confidence about it all except for Darth sin who always believed her mom to be a good person well good mother at least person's a different story however whenever it came to these rumors he would always fight against people stating that even though his mom was a bit overdramatic and did him and his siblings do a lot of chores around the house it wasn't out of malice it was just Cruella being Cruella and she did still love all of them however people didn't always believe darson which made him even more infuriated, but Cruella was still proud that her son darson believed in her to be a good mother and did what every villain especially the veils do for family fight for them she was also extra proud about how her son was not afraid of dogs. You see at a young age Cruella implemented a fear of dogs into all her children because just like in the movie they were the ones who killed her adoptive mother not out of the malice that people describe but after Cruella describes how dangerous dogs are to Dawson instead of being afraid he became angry and obsessed with killing all dogs to the point where dogs truly feared him as much as they feared Cruella Deville later on in the years he started having a fondness for fur coats and jackets just like his mom and eventually decided any dog he dispatched would look better as a trophy that he wears and his mother Cruella always was proud of him for that and saw him as her favorite child and spent the most time with him which kind of made his siblings feel slightly neglected however he never noticed this
Appearance: darson DeVille as black and white hair just like all DeVilles however he likes to wear them in dreadlocks as a modern style. Along with that he likes to wear anything in the shades black and white and everything between as well as anything with red. He has many forms of fashion but his most common where is a black and white shirt with red jeans and black boots and a red and black fur coat in a striped pattern
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Drizel Tremaine(16) daughter of drizella Tremaine and Prince Hall and granddaughter of Lady Tremaine
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Quinn(16) daughter of the Queen and King of hearts
My original descendants a use feel free to ask questions and I will answer
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Most Stylish Competition official bracket!
list under bracket since the image quality died
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Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic series) VS. Sans (Undertale)
Mel Medarda (Arcane) VS. Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon)
Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) VS. ENA (ENA)
Shinji Hirako (Bleach) VS. Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader)
Gyorik "York" Rogdul (Drawtectives) VS. Eugene Finch (Drawtectives)
Elliot Goss (Search Party) VS. The Weird Guy (The Hollow)
Draculaura (Monster High) VS. Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death) VS. Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Team Rocket (Pokémon) VS. winner of 1/2.1
Papyrus (Undertale) VS. Waluigi (Super Mario Bros)
Mettaton (Undertale) VS. Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid)
Cecil (Welcome to Nightvale) VS. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way (My Immortal)
Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh) VS. Ryan Evans (High School Musical)
The Onceler (The Lorax) VS. Harry Dubois (Disco Elysium)
Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo) VS. Hunter (The Owl House)
Teruki "Teru" Hanazawa (Mob Psycho 100) VS. Shigeo Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler) VS. winner of 1/2.2
Yor Forger (Spy x Family) VS. Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Miss Piggy (Muppets) VS. Rarity (My Little Pony)
Dr. Facilier (Princess and the Frog) VS. Yzma (Emperor's New Groove)
Marz (I Was A Teenage Exocolonist) VS. Scaramouche (Genshin Impact)
Lelouch (Code Geass) VS. Consul Valerius (Arcana)
Sensei Garmadon (Ninjago) VS. Taako (The Adventure Zone)
Mitsuba Sousuke (Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun) VS. Rias Gremory (High School DxD)
Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekai) VS. winner of 1/2.3
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase) VS. Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon) VS. Gumi (Vocaloid)
Dr. Starline (Sonic series) VS. Jinafire Long (Monster High)
Noctis Lucis Caelum (Final Fantasy XV) VS. Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank)
Frank N Furter (Rocky Horror Show) VS. Dean Pelton (Community)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) VS. Eleven Hopper (Stranger Things)
Gonzo (Muppets) VS. Gyro Zeppeli (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego) VS. winner of 1/2.4
Red Hood (DC Comics) VS. Nightwing (DC Comics)
Professor Venomous (OKKO Let's Be Heroes) VS. Noisemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Inspector Cabanela (Ghost Trick) VS. Shelby Presipence (Plainview)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Coco Adel (RWBY) VS. Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Susie Greene (Curb Your Enthusiasm) VS. Boyd Crowder (Justified)
Al Calavicci (Quantum Leap) VS. The Obituary Writer (Death By Dying)
Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls) VS. winner of 1/2.5
Kuranosuke Koibuchi (Princess Jellyfish) VS. Nana "Hachi" Komatsu (Nana)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House) VS. Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House) VS. Sanji (One Piece)
Link (Zelda: Breath of the Wild) VS. Spock (Star Trek)
Apollo (Hades) VS. Zagreus (Hades)
Rhonda Wellington Lloyd (Hey Arnold) VS. Malfina (Conneticut Clark)
Kanaya Maryam (Homestuck) VS. Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo)
Steven Stone (Pokémon) VS. winner of 1/2.6
Yuki Rurikawa (Act! Addict! Actors!) VS. Nikki (Love Nikki Dress Up Queen)
Bruno Bucciarati (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Padme Amidala (Star Wars)
Zhongli (Genshin Impact) VS. Franziska Von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) VS. Saul Goodman (Better Call Saul)
Grillby (Undertale) VS. Spades Slick (Homestuck)
Prosciutto (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Kira Yoshikage (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Mr. Compress (My Hero Academia) VS. Swatch (Deltarune)
Loki (Marvel) VS. winner of 1/2.7
Castiel (Supernatural) VS. Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Hypnos (Hades) VS. Alucard (Castlevania)
Howl (Howl's Moving Castle) VS. Blitzo (Helluva Boss)
Blackbeard (Our Flag Means Death) VS. Anthony J. Crowley (Good Omens)
Luce (Drawfee) VS. Mac McDonald (Always Sunny)
Villager (Animal Crossing) VS. Blathers (Animal Crossing)
Jurgen (Sam & Max) VS. Rosemaster (Cucumber Quest)
Joker (Persona 5) VS. winner of 1/2.8
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS. Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs)
The Doctor (Doctor Who series) VS. Sissel (Ghost Trick)
Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton) VS. King Dice (Cuphead)
Jolyne Cujoh (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) VS. Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
Samus (Metroid) VS. Velma (Scooby-Doo)
Harper Finkle (Wizards of Waverly Place) VS. Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Fran Fine (The Nanny) VS. Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy)
Good luck to everyone who's voting and have fun!
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llimerrence · 10 months
the whole list thing i promised // @pompedia
i apologize ahead of time, fox is going to be the most listed muse here lmao, hes just a fun dude that would work well with a lot of ur characters sdfghgjh
Retsuko // Chyna, Mae Fionna the human // Wild Princess, katara // Aura, fox, Genevieve // fox, Barbie // fox, Raven Queen // killian jr , Darling, Alistair Rosabella Beauty // killian jr , Darling, Alistair Draculaura // Frankie Elissabat // Frankie, Draculaura Frankie // Draculaura Mouscedes // Frankie, Draculaura Twyla // Frankie, Draculaura Applejack // Candy Hearts, Fluttershy Pinkie Pie // Candy Hearts, Fluttershy Twilight Sparkle // Candy Hearts, Fluttershy Starlight Glimmer // Candy Hearts, Fluttershy Sugar Belle // Candy Hearts, Fluttershy Nea Politan // Candy Hearts, Fluttershy Daphne Blake // Marisol Connie // Mica, Luca Anastasia // Roque, Elsa, Anna, Hans, Eugene, Maria // Ashur Roxanne // Fox, Cyra, Honey Lemon // Shay, Pidge Eilonwy // Alice, Shay, Anne, Merida // Sunny, Hiccup, Freddie Facilier // Killian Jr, Alistair, Mal // Killian Jr, Alistair, Tinkerbell // Tiger Lily, Varian Anna // Bianca, Hans, Mabel // Marisol Pacifica // Marisol Kim Possible // fox, Louie Isabella // Beck Sofia // Bo, Star Butterfly // Marco Rapunzel // Ashur, Sunny Melody // jack Frost, hiccup, Sally // Jacklyn Willow Park // Jinx, Rune, Judy Hopps // Chyna Daisy Duck // Valerie Mary Katherine MK // Sunny Mavis // draculaura Princess Iris // Petal, Bridgette Cheng // Gisel Marinette // Gisel, adrien, lila, Kayley // Petal, Emily Jane Pitchiner // Sunny, Claire Nunez // Ava Poppy // archer Glamrock Baby // Sparky Lolbit // Sparky Vanessa / Vanny // Sidney Tara Wylde // Fox if you ignore all other fox mentions do not ignore this one lmao Celeste // Chyna, Katrielle Layton // Marisol, Ellery, Rita Luna Lovegood // Ares Echo Oakley // Ellery
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hiddenwashington · 4 months
anonymous said : mw from descendants and one piece?
from descendants: audrey rose, jay, carlos de vil, jane, ben, doug, celia facilier, squeaky & squirmy smee, or any of the parents! additionally, from the descendants books, the following have been requested: anthony tremaine, aziz, claudine frollo, clay clayton, diego de vil, freddie facilier, gaston jr/the third, ginny gothel, hadie, horace & jace badun, jordan, li shang jr., mad maddy, ruby, yzla, and zevon! and from one piece, members want to see brooke, franky, chopper, jimbei, trafalgar law, vivi, mihawk, zeff, reiju, ichiji, yonji, niji, pudding, boa, ace, and sabo!
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Okay, here is a glimpse of the Badun Detective Agency files I promised:
Badun Detective Agency list of the dead:
-- Gaston "Gas" LeGume the 3rd. Age 3. Died from being told to 'man up' over his cold, instead of being given medicine.
--Gaston "Ton" LeGume the 4th. Age 5. Died in a weighting accident.
--Gaston "Five" LeGume the 5th. Age 8. Died in a duel at 'Gaston's duels without Rules'.
--Gaston "Six" LeGume the 6th. Age 8. Died in a duel alongside his remaining twin.
--Gaston "Sev" LeGume the 7th. Age 4. Died from Hyperthermia after being locked outside.
-- Gaston "G.L" LeGume the 8th. Age 10. Died from drowning.
-- Gaston "Aston" LeGume the 9th. Age 13. Died of an asthma attack in gym glass after his father made him keep going.
-- Curtis Bimbette. Age 10. Died after getting slammed into wall by Gaston.
--Frankie Facilier. Age 3. Died of Malnutrition due to lack of resources.
--Lilette Leprince. Age 19. Died from Gaston's wraith.
--Petra Leprince. Age 15. Died from Gastonia wraith.
--James Badun. Age 13. Died after Cruella pushed him down the stairs when he protected Hunter from her.
--Harley Badun. Age 1 week. Died from Cruella.
--Henry Badun. Age 9. Died from drowning in a bathtub.
--Joseph Badun. Age 6. Died from the traps in Cruella's fur closet.
-- Jacqueline Badun. Age 13. Vanished.
--Carla/Carlotta De Vil. Age 10. Vanished.
Flip to see page 2.
What do you think? How do the heroes react to this?
The Radcliffes? The Beast Family? Tiana and Naveen and the others from their story?
It's one thing to be told about the conditions and the abuse on the Isle that led to so many deaths. It's another thing to be presented with a list of names.
What's worse than the deaths is the vanishings. At least with the deaths their families would have had a body to bury. With the vanishings, they don't even have that. They don't even know if their loved one is alive or dead. Somehow that's even worse.
You'd think that Gaston would at least care about his sons, yet his violence and pride contributed to so many of their deaths. The thing is, he actually does care a bit about them. He was a bit sad when they died. But of course, they're only worthy to be a son of his if they're strong, right? If they get sick, if they die, if they lose a fight? Well, then, obviously they're weak, so they would be a waste to have around anyway. He'll focus his attention on his surviving, strong, manly sons.
Yeah, no wonder Gil lives on the Lost Revenge.
The Baduns and their associates make a note of every child's death on the Isle, even those that happened when they were small children, even those that happened long, long before they formed their de facto detective agency, even those that don't need solving because everyone knows what happened.....because if they don't write it down, if they don't memorialize their deaths, of the week-old baby, of the toddlers, then who will?
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How To Request!
all requests are currently: open!
include the characters full name and the fandom in the request so i know which character you are requesting for
don’t request for characters that i don’t write for
i am on hiatus for any crossed out characters!
send an idea or prompts with the request
just requesting a character can make it harder for me to write, and i will prioritize requests that are more specific
not all requests will be accepted, and some might take longer than others to be written
check out my requesting rules before submitting a request!
Characters That I Write For!
*= platonic only!
American Horror Story
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
Billie Dean Howard
Kit Walker
Lana Winters
Mary Eunice
Kyle Spencer
Zoe Benson
Madison Montgomery
Cordelia Goode
Misty Day
Jimmy Darling
Maggie Esmerelda
Dandy Mott
James March
The Countess
Sally McKenna
Tristan Duffy
Rory Monohan
Kai Anderson
Winter Anderson
Michael Langdon
Brooke Thompson
Montana Duke
Xavier Plympton
Hazel Callahan
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia
Jennifer Jareau
Elle Greenaway
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Hiro Hamada*
GoGo Tomago
Honey Lemon
Tadashi Hamada
Paige Olvera*
Frankie Wong*
Amelia Duckworth*
Dizzy Tremaine*
Celia Facilier*
Harry Hook
Riley Matthews*
Maya Hart*
Lucas Friar *
Farkle Minkus*
Zay Babineaux*
Mabel Pines*
Dipper Pines*
Wendy Corduroy
Nini Salazar-Roberts
Ricky Bowen
E.J. Caswell
Ashlyn Caswell
Gina Porter
Olivia White
Wen Gifford
Mo Banjaree
Stella Yamada
Charlie Delgado
Scott Pickett
Liv Rooney
Maddie Rooney
Diggie Smalls
Lewis Robinson*
Wilbur Robinson*
Franny Robinson
Billie Robinson
Stargirl Caraway
Leo Borlock
Zed Necrodopolis
Addison Wells
Eliza Zambi
Willa Lykensen
Wyatt Lykensen
Wynter Barkowitz
Every Witch Way
Emma Alonso
Andi Cruz
Maddie Van Pelt
Daniel Miller
Jax Novoa
Diego Rueda
Gigi Rueda
Mia Black
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Lily Evans
Veronica Sawyer
Heather Chandler
Heather McNamara
Heather Duke
I Am Not Okay With This
Sydney Novak
Stanley Barber
Bradley Lewis
Bill Denbrough*
Beverly Marsh*
Ben Hanscom*
Mike Hanlon*
Richie Tozier*
Eddie Kaspbrak*
Stanley Uris*
Henry Bowers
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Belch Huggins
Julie And The Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Alex Mercer
Reggie Peters
Carrie Wilson
Flynn Taylor
Willie Ortega
Peter Parker
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
Enoch O’Conner
Jacob Portman
Emma Bloom
Olive Abroholos Elephanta
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank
John B. Routledge
Pope Heyward
Kiara Carrera
Sarah Cameron
Rafe Cameron
Scream (Movies)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Poly Ghostface
Sidney Prescott
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Jill Roberts
Charlie Walker
Tara Carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Kirby Reed
Ethan Landry
Quinn Bailey
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Scream (Series)
Audrey Jensen
Emma Duval
Brooke Maddox
Zoe Vaughn
Riley Marra
Noah Foster
Kieran Wilcox
Stavo Acosta
Jake Fitzgerald
Stranger Things
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Chrissy Cunningham
The Darkest Minds
Ruby Daly
Liam Stewart
Chubs Meriwether
Zu Kimura*
Clancy Gray
The Last Of Us
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Tess Servopolous
Abby Anderson
The Outsiders
Ponyboy Curtis
Johnny Cade
Dallas Winston
The 100
Clarke Griffin
Lexa Kom Trikru
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Jasper Jordan
John Murphy
Madi Griffin*
Monty Green
Echo Kom Azgeda
Gaia Kom Trikru
Hope Diyoza
Lucy Preston
Wyatt Logan
Rufus Carlin
Garcia Flynn
Emma Whitmore
Jiya Marri
Tori Vega
Jade West
Cat Valentine
Andre Harris
Beck Oliver
Robbie Shapiro
Kit Tanthalos
Jade Claymore
Elora Danan
Peter Maximoff
Kurt Wagner
Hank McCoy
Jean Grey
Scott Summers
Alex Summers
Shauna Shipman
Jackie Taylor
Natalie Scatorccio
Misty Quigley
Taissa Turner
Van Palmer
Travis Martinez
Lottie Matthews
Callie Sadecki
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Secondary muses being put on hold/as requested:
All Twisted Tales Muses (requested)
Adeline Finely-Jackson (requested)
Austyn Croft (requested)
Billie Hayes (hold, possibly remove)
Colleen (O'Connor-)Wayne (requested)
D Torres (requested)
Evan Aston (hold)
Joe Hart (hold)
Kieran Danvers-Luthor (requested)
Moira Murphy (hold, possibly remove)
Morgana Pendragon (requested)
Sable Andrews(-Corcoran) (requested)
Ziv Kohen (requested)
As requested muses being put on hold/removed
Alice Shakespeare (possible remove)
Andy Sykes
Frankie Facilier
Newsies!Jack Kelly
Thirteenth Doctor (possible change to guest muse)
All muses being put on hold will be removed from my muse list until such a time as I manage to complete their bio docs. This list is liable to change when I get home and evaluate which of my muses do or don't have bios.
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nitrateglow · 5 years
TAG GAME: 10 fave characters
I was tagged by @an-elephant--never----forgets​ to list 10 favorite characters from different media.
I’ll try to put down some different characters than my usuals...
Professor Echo (The Unholy Three)
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Sister Luke (The Nun’s Story)
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Nelly Dean (Wuthering Heights)
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Ignatius O’Reilly (A Confederacy of Dunces)
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Frankie Bono (Blast of Silence)
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Dr. Facilier (The Princess and the Frog)
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Big Jim (The Gold Rush)
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San (Princess Mononoke)
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Walter (The Big Lebowski)
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Martin Matthias (Martin)
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I tag whoever feels like doing this.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Getting To Know The Dead Part 4;
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Name Of The Dead: Francis 'Frankie' Fisher Facilier.
Age Of The Dead: Three years old.
Mother: Urusla.
Father: Dr. Facilier.
Frederique Facilier (Older full Sister),
Uma Olympian (Older full sister),
And Cecaelia Facilier (Younger full sister).
Favorite Color: Purple.
Favorite Food: Chips/fries.
Favorite Toy: Handmade, wooden doll.
Hobbies: Scarring Freddie with his spider, listening to stories, making Shadow puppets, playing with his doll, playing cards, helping his dad cook, climbing, getting piggy back rides from Uma, staying up past his bedtime, eavesdropping, listening to music, dancing, and trying and failing to fortune tell.
Dream Job: Giant Squid or Shadow monster.
Pet(s): Giant Spider named 'Crawler'.
Cause Of Death: Malnutrition.
Signature Of Person Who Filled Out The Report:
Detective Yzla Sorcerer.
Frankie belongs to @dragoneyes618 .
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 183: Endgame, Pt 2
Cassidy Gold looked around at the destruction and helped around the debris and through the streets. He had been at the station looking for Weaver when this all started and had saved Harmony from being crushed by a piece of sheet rock that had fallen on her desk, as the entire station seemed to collapse around them. They had gotten out and saw the horror that was wrought before them. It felt like something out of a movie, but they were in the middle of it and it was very real. The ominous storm clouds swirled above and vines of all things were growing at an exponential rate. They sprouted from beneath them, cracking and destroying the roads and concrete. They were wrapping around buildings and structures, as well as the highways and bridges, destroying the city's infrastructure in a matter of moments. He could see the national guard trucks making their way into Seattle and military helicopters circling the city.
"The military...that's not good…" Cassidy mentioned.
"What do you mean?" Harmony asked.
"Haven't you ever seen a disaster or alien movie?" he questioned, but she still looked a bit lost.
"Whenever there's something going on like this that the government can't figure out how to contain, they decide to use nukes to deal with it," he replied. Her eyes widened in horror.
"You think they may send a nuclear warhead to Seattle?" she asked. He shrugged.
"If they can't figure out how to stop this, they might. And considering that we have no idea what the hell this is...I think we need to get out of this city," he mentioned.
"But how? The bridges are gone and boats are already leaving by the hundreds," she said.
"Then we see if we can smuggle ourselves out on one of those boats," he suggested.
"And how do you plan to get past the National Guard at the Marina?" she asked. He smirked.
"I have my ways. You in?" he asked. She bit her bottom lip. She barely knew him, but something told her that she needed to trust him and she nodded.
As they started toward the Marina though, there was a whooshing sound. She looked back, only to see a rainbow light washing over the entire city. It rushed through them both and everything came back to them like a ton of bricks. It didn't have any kind of affect on the normal people around them and only served to further confuse the residents of Seattle. But for them...it changed everything and returned that which had been lost to them.
"Tink…" Neal uttered and she smiled, as her eyes watered.
"Neal…" she squeaked, as they embraced in a tight hug, before their lips met passionately. As they parted, they looked in the opposite direction of the Marina and toward the storm clouds that loomed over the epicenter. And now that their memories were back, they knew that epicenter was where the battle raged.
"The curse is broken," she said.
"Yeah...but the battle isn't over. Let's go…" he said, as she opened hand and willed her wand back into her hand, shocking many around them. But they paid those people no mind.
"Magic is here…" she said, looking at him.
"We need to find my Dad, Henry, and the others," he replied, as they joined hands again and began running toward the battle.
Several moments earlier
The wind whipped violently around them, as the air was thick with magic. The resurrection amulet glowed green and an inky blackness leaked from it, spreading its poison into the Earth. This blackness would cause death to everything they knew and all sentient life and resurrect a new world in something akin to a twisted garden of Eden.
By now, the National Guard had moved in and had been screaming at them to evacuate the area, but their orders fell on deaf ears. They were armed though and Emma knew that could be dangerous to them too.
"Summer...I need a really big bubble around this area!" Emma called. Her brunette sister nodded and concentrated with her powers.
"Ma'am...you cannot go in there!" she heard a soldier holler at Eva, as she and Paul returned from treating the injured. However, her sister must have realized that it would do no good to keep treating the injured if they did not stop the source. Had the situation not been quite so serious, she would have laughed at her normally gentle and sweet sister shoving several big, burly men, armed with rifles to the side with her wind powers and pulling her confused and still clueless husband back into the fray.
Summer succeeded with encasing them and the area in a bubble, further infuriating and puzzling the city's police and the army.
"I'll hold it as long as I can!" Summer said, as she outstretched her arms and was obviously strained by maintaining such a massive bubble.
She saw that everyone was pretty much holding their own, but that's all they could do. Even Fandral and his family were struggling to fight off Gothel's monstrous fauna. Her father's counterpart guarded Rose, though she fought as well, from the vines, while their children fought like the well-trained Asgardians that they were.
"Hit her guys!" Emma ordered, as her powers slammed into Gothel. Leo, Elsa, and Eva joined her, but the inky blackness from the amulet only seemed to fuel her power and make her further impervious to their attacks.
"Dammit...why the hell can't we scratch her?" Leo wondered.
"It's that damn amulet," Emma growled, as they struggled against her, as she eyed her parents, who were fighting off the vines and vicious man-eating plants that would have long ago moved in on them without them. Her mother's arrows were very effective at burning the man-eating plants up and her father's blade was keeping the vines at bay.
"I've had enough of this bitch," Regina growled, as she was tiring from expelling so much magic. And she knew they all were, except Gold, perhaps.
"You know...you could help!" she called to Facilier.
"You can't want this! Whatever you wanted is moot now! Either Gothel dies or we die! There's no other way this ends now!" Regina called to him. He glanced at her and knew she was right. She saw him eye the chalice that glowed between Snow and Charming.
"You can't touch it! You can never properly wield it, don't you get that?! Going back won't turn out the way you think!" Regina added. Facilier's jaw clenched, but she saw relent in his eyes, as fire appeared in his hands and he began to fight with them, if only to help save his own skin. The smirk on Gothel's face was still prevalent though and she remained unscathed.
"It's time to end this," she announced.
"We definitely agree on that, plant bitch...but probably not in the same way," Regina quipped. Gold watched vines slither from her hands and opened his mouth to warn them. But it was too late. He, Regina, Belle, and Facilier were suddenly constricted by those vines and volts of electricity traveled through their bodies. They screamed at the excruciating pain and now were helpless in the battle.
"Don't let the vines touch you!" Gold called, as he tried to reach the dagger inside his jacket pocket, but the vines kept his arms glued to his side.
More vines sprouted from the witch, capturing Leo and Elsa next, rendering them captured as well. Snow grabbed Bobby and backed away from the vines to keep them away from him. Henry guarded Jacinda and Lucy too, as one wrapped around Emma next.
"Emma!" Snow and David cried, as she screamed in pain.
"Mom!" Henry called, as he was torn between protecting his family and running to his mother. Hook prodded a scared and struggling Alice toward Margot and Robin watched him run toward her.
"Killian no!" he cried, as the pirate rushed headlong into danger and sliced through the vine that held Emma. Unfortunately, that only served to see that a vine captured him and another replaced itself around Emma. Gothel laughed evilly and then met Snow's eyes, before looking at Summer.
"I think I'll squeeze the life out of this one. Just one tiny snap to her neck and there will be no dancing in her future," Gothel hissed. Snow cried out and saw her husband already running toward their daughter.
He sliced through the vine that was after her and lifted her up to carry her out of danger. Unfortunately, the unspeakable happened and Snow's blood curdling scream shook them all to their core, as the vine glowed and the inky blackness from the amulet paralyzed his movement. His eyes suddenly went completely black, as Snow rushed toward him, but it was too late. When his eyes returned to their normal blue, they were glassy and his red star gem hovered just outside his chest with a golden glow.
"He did exactly what I knew he would if I threatened one of the little ones. So predictable your Charming is…" she cackled, as the red star seed floated toward the amulet and joined the other four star seeds. The amulet glowed with destructive light and the clouds in the sky darkened. Lightning struck violently around the city, further destroying and compounding the chaos. But Snow couldn't see any of that, as she caught her husband's lifeless form, as he fell to the ground.
"No...no...no…" she cried uncontrollably.
"Don't you dare do this to me again, Charming...don't you dare!" she screamed, as she cradled him in her arms.
"Daddy!" Summer cried, as she knelt beside him.
"Dad!" Bobby cried too, as he tore away from Frankie and Joe, before crashing beside Summer.
"Don't worry...you're about to join him, Princess…" Gothel hissed, as she was suddenly hovering right above them. Henry and Joe pulled a sobbing Summer and Bobby away from their parents and the witch.
"Grams...look out!" Henry called to her, but Snow refused to let go of her husband and even if she had tried to run, it was too late. The blackness was upon her and she was already dying without the other half of her heart. She gasped and her eyes went black, before returning to their normal green, albeit now glassy.
"NOOO!" Emma and the twins cried, as they witnessed the murders of their parents before their eyes. Snow fell against her husband to the ground, as her white star gem hovered above her body with a silver glow. And perhaps even more shocking, the chalice cracked in half and broke apart, stunning them all.
"It's over…" Gold said brokenly.
"No...it can't be…" Belle answered, as Gothel raised her arms to the sky. The amulet poured with black energy and the sky opened up to a burning rain that would eradicate humanity in a matter of hours. Alice seemed to be in a trance, like she was hearing voices again.
"No...I won't let you do this! I'll stop you!" Alice cried, as her golden magic erupted from her fingertips and slammed into the amulet.
"NO!" Gothel cried, as she sent vines to stop her. With her attention on Alice, the vines around the others loosened. Hook grabbed his cutlass and rushed toward his daughter, slicing through any vines that crept near her. Fandral did the same, as he knew Alice was probably their only chance at survival now. Emma, Leo, Eva, and Elsa joined their magic with that of the guardian's and Gothel cried out in horror, as the resurrection amulet shattered into a million pieces. The six star gems were scattered, but Emma was focused on the red and white ones. She scrambled after them, as Gothel tried to get them, but the Savior kicked her away.
"Not today, Satan," she growled, as she retrieved her parents star gems and hurried toward where they lay. The gems hovered above their hosts and she watched hopefully, as they glowed and gently disappeared inside her parents again. But her brief smile faded, as they didn't move or awaken.
"What's going on?" Bobby asked, as he shook their mother and father.
"Why aren't they waking up, Emma?" Summer asked.
"I...I don't know. Come on Mom and Dad...wake up," she muttered, but as seconds passed with no movement, the situation seemed grim. Were they too late to revive them? ~*~
Snow and David stood in that familiar meadow, hand in hand, as they saw the crystal palace before them. He was dressed in his familiar red coat he had worn to awaken her from the sleeping curse and she wore a flowing white dress, with her long hair cascading down her back.
"Are we dead?" she asked, as they glanced at each other.
"I...I don't know. We lost…" he realized.
"Not yet," a male voice said. They turned to see Serenity and Endymion before them.
"What do you mean?" Snow asked.
"It's not too late...you need to speak to Alice. The Guardian can still save everyone," Serenity answered, as she motioned them to the crystal ball behind her. They approached and gently touched it, as they watched Gothel unleash horror on the world with a fully powered amulet.
"Alice...you can still stop this," David said.
"He's right sweetie...you can stop her," Snow agreed, hoping she would hear their pleas. And she did. They shared bright smiles, as they watched Alice and their children shatter the amulet.
"They did it…" Snow said, as tears filled her eyes.
"At least we know they'll be okay without us now," David replied, as he took her in his arms and they prepared to accept their fate. Snow's eyes teared, but she could accept this too, as long as she had him to hold her.
"You two aren't really that dead yet," Endymion said, with a note of amusement in his voice.
"What do you mean?" David asked. He smirked and motioned for them to see exactly what he was talking about. ~*~
"No...they can't be dead! You put their star seeds back in!" Leo cried, as Elsa hugged his arm, the sadness on her face palpable. Eva knelt beside them and tried to use her powers to heal them, but there were no physical wounds.
"Why aren't they waking up?!" Summer cried, as Regina hugged and cried with her. Realization dawned on Henry, as he received the answer from his now active author's pen.
"Because they need true love's kiss," he realized.
"But...how can they give each other true love's kiss when they're both down?" Emma asked.
"Mom...there's more than one kind of true love," he answered and her eyes widened this time, as she got what he meant.
"Is it really that simple?" she asked. He smiled at her.
"Isn't it always when it comes to Grams and Gramps? True love to them is as easy as breathing air," he replied. She smiled at her son and joined hands with Leo and Eva. Summer and Bobby joined them too, as they encircled their parents.
Emma kissed her father's forehead, while Bobby kissed their mother's at the same time. A wave of rainbow light erupted from their kisses and washed over them and the entire city, bringing light to the darkness. Realization dawned in Jacinda's eyes and she practically tackled Henry to the ground.
"Henry!" she cried, as their lips met. He smiled once their lips parted.
"Ella…" he uttered, as they hugged and then lifted Lucy into their arms.
"Eva!" Paul cried, as he rushed over to her. Tears streamed down her face, as he enveloped her in a fierce hug.
Snow and David both took a starved breath and their eyes opened, as they looked around, seeing their children gazing down at them, all crying. They sat up and hugged them all, as true love had reunited them all once again.
"If you think this is over...you're sadly mistaken," Gothel growled, as she continued to pour dark magic into the earth and her storm clouds still threatened to let poisonous rain fall on the earth.
"No...it's definitely not over until we're sweeping your ashes back into the Earth," David growled, as he and Snow stood up. Gothel smirked.
"Your Chalice is broken...do you really think you have the power to defeat me now?" she questioned.
"It may be broken, but it still has power. It's just time for it to take a new form," Snow responded, as they all watched the two broken halves glow and float into the air.
Gold and silver magic swirled around it and then them, as they watched the two halves become something new.
In Charming's hand appeared his sword, only it was now embellished by a golden light and the blade swirled with golden energy. In both of Snow's hands appeared twin gauntlets that were equipped to fire glowing silver arrows that she could control with a mere thought. But that was not all that was different. The power transformed their clothing into familiar battle ware. He now donned his familiar leather jerkin and leather pants, while Snow was now wearing her white warrior princess-esque outfit.
"You think some fancy new weapons are going to scare me?" Gothel asked smugly. Snow aimed her gauntlet and fired three glowing silver arrows at Gothel. They exploded around her in flames and Gothel cried out, as she was badly burned. When the smoke cleared, they could clearly see that she was singed. She looked at her scorched skin and singed hair.
"What have you done to me?!" she cried. Zelena snorted.
"Are you really fishing for sympathy? Even these two have their limits with all their goodie goodie nonsense," the redhead quipped.
"For once, we agree," David said, as he brandished his sword.
"We'll see if you feel that way after I filet one of your precious babies," Gothel growled, as she fired razor sharp leaves at Summer and Bobby. But David was quick, as he jumped in front of them and expertly parried each and every one with lightning precision. Snow fired three more arrows at her and she screamed in agony. Once the smoke cleared again, she glared at Snow.
"No one attacks my babies and comes out of it unscathed," Snow growled. Gothel was about to retort, when Charming called out to her.
"HEY!" he shouted, as he hurled his blade at her and it went through her side. She cried out in agony, as he stretched his hand out and recalled the sword. It answered his call and was pulled from her body. She held her side in horrified agony, as green blood seeped from the wound.
"Alice...help me…" she pleaded with her daughter.
"Help you? You tried to slaughter my family and the entire world," Alice protested, as Jade held her after a tearful reunion.
"I am your family," Gothel pleaded pathetically. But Alice shook her head and stepped up.
"No...you're a monster that will destroy everything I love if I don't stop you," Alice responded, as golden energy erupted from her fingertips and slammed into Gothel.
"No...NOOOO!" Gothel cried, as she felt herself slipping back.
"This is it guys...this ends now," Emma called, as her magic joined Alice's. Leo and Elsa joined her, as his lightning energy paralyzed her limbs and Elsa's froze her to the ground. Gothel screeched and struggled against their magic, but to no avail. She watched in horror, as Alice, her own daughter that she had cruelly abandoned and trapped in a Tower, delivered the final blow. Alice's Guardian magic slowly ate away at her and she could do nothing to stop it, as she was slowly turned to dust. Gothel's remains floated to the ground and her horrid plants were gone. Instead, light magic returned the garden to its former glory. Hyacinths and Snowdrops bloomed again, but as they looked around the city, the damage was done. Snow and David smiled at each other and as expected, their lips met in a passionate kiss.
"Henry!" Neal called, as he and Tink shoved their way toward them, only to be stopped by soldiers. But those army officers felt an invisible shove out of the way, as Rumple raised his hand, and the two rushed toward them.
"I'm okay, Dad," Henry promised, as his father hugged him fiercely. Neal sighed in relief and then hugged his father and Belle.
"I don't know who the hell you people are of what the hell all this is...but you're all under military arrest!" one called to them. By the insignia on this woman's uniform, it was clear that her rank was that of Major and she was in charge of this particular group of guard members.
"Hold on Major…" a voice called, as Angela and Nick made their way through the crowd of onlookers. They flashed their badges.
"This is an FBI matter," Angela claimed.
"No...Agent Martin, this is a matter of obvious National Security," the Major argued. Nick turned to them.
"We can hold them off for a few, but if she calls our superiors, we'll be ordered to step aside," he warned.
"Gold...is there any kind of spell we can use to erase this whole mess from their memories?" David asked. But he shook his head.
"There's no putting this back in the bottle. We can escape back to where we belong and likely never be able to leave Storybrooke again," Gold replied, as they looked over at the military forces that were mounting.
"The military has seen what we can all do now," he said gravely.
"Yeah...this is blowing up all over social media too. It's all over the world now," Neal added.
"And even if it wasn't...like I said, the military has seen our powers and they want it," Gold said. He could see it especially in this Major's eyes.
"Then we can at least fix the damage done by Gothel's near apocalypse," David said, as he looked at Snow. She nodded. They couldn't bring back anyone that had died in the attack, but repairing the city was at least possible.
"As a gesture of good will," she agreed.
"It won't help," Gold warned.
"Maybe not, but it's the right thing to do," David said.
"That's all well and fine, but even with all our magic...we're talking fixing the infrastructure of an entire city," Regina reminded.
"And we have four star seeds, each with a bit of remaining magic," David said, as he opened his palm, revealing an orange star gem and a green star gem; that of which had once belonged to the Dragon King and his Queen.
"They are gone and would want the last of their powers to be used for good," Snow added, as she opened her palm, revealing a silver star gem and a gold star gem; that of which had once belonged to Serenity and Endymion.
"Then you had better hurry," Gold urged. David willed the orange star gem to repair the damaged bridges and highways, while willing the green one to repair damaged buildings. Snow willed the gold one to destroy the storm system in the sky left behind by Gothel and clear skies were restored throughout the city. That left the silver gem and they exchanged a glance, knowing it was their way home and back to the future. David looked at her and they joined hands, as they willed the final star gem into the air. A shining vertical portal appeared before them and all the people from their land and those from Tiana's Kingdom began to file through the portal. By now, all the people that really didn't belong in Hyperion Heights had gathered with them.
"Stop immediately!" the Major ordered, as the soldiers aimed their guns at them. But Summer concealed them in another bubble, causing the bullets to bounce harmlessly off the shield. Snow and David made sure everyone got through, until it was down to their family. They saw Joe and Frankie hugging Summer fiercely and they exchanged a glance, before walking toward them.
"Come with us," David requested of them. The two men exchanged a glance.
"David told me that they won't let you adopt here...but the same wouldn't be true where we're from. It would be new beginning for you both and the chance at having the children you want...and the family," Snow added, indicating them. Joe and Frankie smiled at each other.
"We were hoping you'd ask," they agreed. Summer smiled and practically pulled both of them through the portal.
"Taking in more strays...I shouldn't be surprised," Regina quipped slyly, as she, Robin, and Roland followed Chad and Zelena through the portal. Zelena's fiance was still trying to wrap his mind around everything, but he loved Zelena and vowed that nothing could scare him away.
"Hop on kid," Leo said, as he swept Bobby onto his back. Elsa took his free hand and they stepped through together. Jacinda, Henry, and Lucy followed, along with Paul and Eva, until only Snow, Charming, Hook, Emma, and Alice remained. They looked back at the National Guard and other police forces trying to get through the shield.
"So the world knows…" Emma mentioned. They nodded.
"But that's okay. This is their world and ours awaits us. We're going home," David said, as Hook, Emma and Alice walked through. And finally Snow and Charming followed through, as the bubble dissipated and the portal closed...
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oqpromptparty · 7 years
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Hi everyone! If you’d like to take part in this year’s Prompt Party Week, just select any of the prompts from the list below and write a fic, make a video or create some art based on it. Please note that more than one person may choose the same prompt.
You may submit new stories or include the prompts in any of your existing verses (though all your entries must be posted for the first time during Prompt Party Week). 
Artists & Video makers may use any of the prompts, but there are some Art/Video specific ones at the bottom of the post.
I have condensed some of the prompts that were a little too long… and feel free to take some liberties with some of the more specific prompts!
If you have any questions, please tweet @OQPromptParty
OQ Prompt Party week will run from 19th - 25th March. Please don’t post anything until then.
Everyone who posts a prompt for all seven days of the OQ Prompt Party week will be sent a limited edition, one of a kind Outlaw Queen button/badge. These will never be available again, so don’t miss out!
Each day there will also be the opportunity to win another prize. You will be entered into a prize draw and the more prompts you write, the more times your name will be entered into the draw. I will announce which prizes will be available on each day soon.
There will also be a separate prize for most prompts included in a single one-shot/chapter (crack!fic encouraged).
And now! Without further ado, here are your prompts:
Regina and Robin are friends who accidentally sleep with one another, except not so accidentally
Roland is grown up and thinks he’s finally discovered how to bring back Robin Hood - but he needs Regina’s help
Regina eventually moved on, but then Robin comes back into her life.
Dark!OQ first kiss.
During the French Revolution, Robin is a  prosecutor who acts like a spy at court for Robespierre.
Robin owes the Queen a debt so she has made him her servant til it is repaid.  
Robin makes three wishes.
Co-Stars falling in love.
Robin and Regina used to date/were married. They’re no longer together but still love one another.
First Curse AU: Robin is in Storybrooke during the first curse and dated Mayor Mills while still cursed.  Then the curse breaks.
Robin catches Regina watching "Bridezilla" & "Say Yes to the Dress" and starts planning a secret wedding based on her commentary.
Regina meeting DarkOQ's baby (with them alive)
Robin or Regina get turned into an animal unbekownst to the other who ends up caring for them for a bit before the curse is broken and then it's all like awkward....you liked me as a fox.
OQ/Belle friendship.
Roland and Robyn meet for the first time.
No one dies and everything ends happy
Robin is there when Regina finds out she’s going to be a  grandmother.
Robin or Regina have a bad habit the other tries to help them break.
Regina is pregnant and she and Robin watch a birthing video together.
Learning how to snapchat.
Robin’s soul didn’t get obliterated when Hades stabbed him and his soul got trapped in Regina’s mirror
Page 23 showing up out of nowhere.
Regina feels burdened by the guilt of all the people she has murdered.  Robin supports her with this.
Cora tries to separate Robin and Regina.
Based on this story https://www.thevintagenews.com/2018/02/20/king-pedro/
Regina and Robin meet at a hospital as they both have to sit in a waiting room waiting for hours on news about some members of their family.
Dark OQ meet Maleficent.
Regina self harming and Robin noticing
During the missing year, Regina sees herself in her mirror with Robin's tattoo tattooed on her.
Regina finds out that she’s actually Zeus or Hera’s daughter and demands that Robin be brought back.
Robin's backstory for any story or as a stand alone for the one we were promised.
Underworld. Regina telling Robin about her father’s death? Some of Robin’s demons.
In season 2, Regina went to the EF through Jefferson’s hat, and meets people who escaped the first curse; her mother, and her soulmate.
Bladerunner AU. As a bladerunner, Robin is sent on a mission to retire a rogue replicant, Regina.
Facilier's magic enables Regina to speak to Robin one last time. (Feel free to include him being semi or fully corporeal if you wish.)
Robin or Regina have to pick up a drunk Henry or Roland.
Henry comes out as ace/bi/etc to Regina and Robin.
Robin gets jealous when Regina and Mal work together a lot on something in secret. (DOQ or OQ)
Vampire AU.
Regina and Robin have a big fight. Robin goes to Mal for help in understanding Regina's reactions and ways to make it up to her. (DOQ or OQ)
Regina has mad PMS (just cause I think Robin figuring this out would be hilarious).
Robin and Regina discover their respective significant others are cheating with each other. They support each other through the fallout and their sons decide to make them realize they should be together.
OQ Body switch.
Robin is thrown through the time portal and meets young teenage Regina.
Robin and Regina in an orgy.
They are rival vigilantes both trying to fight the villain of the town.
Magic spell gone wrong, Robin accidentally turns himself into a fox while fiddling around with one of the vials in Regina's vault.
After Regina experiences sexual harassment, Robin reaches out to comfort her.
Robin refuses to go to the doctor.
Screenwriter/Director falling in love.
Person A keeps having strange dreams that turn out to be OQ in a past/alternate lives and they’re determined to find person B again (for extra angst; person B is already dead in this life).
American Horror Story Murder House AU
Season 3 AU where Robin/Roland/Both find themselves in Neverland and join an unlikely group brought together by their need to find a young boy.
Dark!OQ finding & taking in an abandoned baby.
An AU where there is a terror attack.
One is a killer/Criminal the other one is trying to catch him/her.
OQ friendship as one of the original married couples from Grace and Frankie.
Regina has another adoptive child when Henry brings Emma to Storybrooke.
Why did Robins tattoo match the lion emblems in Camelot? Former knight? Rightful king?
Missing Year and it's Roland's birthday.
The Good Place AU
“I went to the museum to get some inspiration for my art and then I saw you staring at one of the paintings in awe but now you just noticed me drawing you and this is awkward AU”
Regina hires Robin as her stylist. Because of a misunderstanding she thinks he’s gay.
Drunk Regina accidentally admits something really embarrassing.
Robin and Regina in a witness protection programme.
Frozen AU
Regina dies and Robin can see her ghost, together and try to find a solution to bring her back.
Prince Robin has to choose a bride via competition for his heart and Regina is one of the girls competing (or vice versa).
Robin finds Regina after searching for her.
Regina being with young Robyn.
Soldier/Nurse AU.
Their first time together after Robin has been brought back to life.
Robin or Regina are royalty and the other one works for them.
Regina goes to visit Robin’s grave for the first time.
Rival detectives trying to solve a case.
"We have to be quick"
“Would you like to share the blanket?”
Strip Poker
Alzheimer’s - one of them gets it and the other takes care of them.
Regina realises that Wish!Robin was her Robin after all and wants him back. The Evil Queen isn’t happy at all with that notion.
Robin comes back without any memories, Regina has to make him fall in love with her again.
Regina doesn’t get to go to heaven so Robin decides to stay wherever she is.
OQ meet over the death of their children.
Robin proposes to Regina on a bridge.
Regina teaching (or attempting to teach) Robin how to bake something.
Robin is secretly shrunk and kept in Roni’s jeans pocket. She doesn’t tell anyone to protect him.
Robin accidentally ingests viagra
They are both criminals trying to escape.
You’re getting chased by the police and you just jumped in my car and yelled drive, wtf man
OQ go on a double date with D!OQ
Robin comes to bring lunch to Regina but he finds her very sexually frustrated having been interrupted by the children the night before.
Regina thinks Robin is cheating on her but he is actually planning to propose.
OQ Doctor Who AU with Regina as the last of the time lords, The Queen, and Robin as the professor/archaeologist/criminal/time-traveling husband she never meets in the right order.
"This can never happen again"
Robin and Regina realise that Robin’s daughter has magic, they try to teach her how to use it.
After last call at a bar, Robin and Regina find they don’t want to say goodbye
I Dream of Jeannie AU.
You’re the bastard who keeps parking in front of my house and you just caught me drawing a dick on your window… ugh, oops.
Rivals doctors trying to win a famous prize
“Your dog likes me a thousand times better than they like your partner and sorry not sorry I love this dog”
OQ at a strip club
OQ in a Star Trek or Stargate setting
“Maybe we were the mistake"
10th Kingdom AU with Regina as Virginia and Robin as Wolf (but Fox!). Bonus points for bringing Henry and Roland along for the adventure.
Regina covers Robin in tiramisu.
Fantastic 4 AU.
"I'm really angry at you but also really horny so can we press pause on this fight and fuck first?"
Before she leaves for New York, Regina knows that Roland is going to leave so she decides to take him to his father’s grave to say goodbye to both of them.
Robin or Regina almost freeze to death and the other one finds them.
Regina takes Robin Hood on an airplane for the first time.
Regina visits Marian's grave to thank her.
The first time they sleep together after Zelena.
Partners, working on a firm together and lovers/couple off-work.
Robin likes to kiss the exposed parts of skin the EQ reveals (cleavage, back etc)
Robin and Regina's daughter breaking their first curse. Regina doesn't believe her and it tears her down a bit.
“We are trapped in a bank during a robbery, please don’t get yourself killed I’m actually starting to like you” AU.
OQ steal a baby (intentionally, unintentionally, whatever.)
D!OQ/OQ's wedding day.
You’re a sex line operator and I called you because I was curious and wow you have an incredible voice AU.
Regina dealing with menopause (could be brought on early due to magic).
Regina & Robin chaperone Henry's senior prom.
They have the house to themselves but they bet they can keep quiet. They end up losing.
Robin helps Regina see light in the darkness
One of them is caught masturbating.
Regina is overwhelmed and is drowning in her demons. Robin helps her.
OQ at Henry and Cinderella’s wedding.
Canon Robin and Regina talking about Regina and Graham’s past and Robin being jealous.
OQ in Disneyland.
Robin and Henry bond.
I’m a single parent and you’re my son’s coach and holy shit I want to take you out on a date and exercise in an adult way.
Regina planning a full weekend of roughing it in the woods with Robin and the barest of essentials.
Date night.
You seem to have slept with everyone on my block except me, care to explain yourself? (When’s it my turn because I find you very attractive).
Regina gets sun poisoning and Robin has to take care of her.
Barefoot in the rain - all of their “firsts” are in the rain.
Henry worries about his mother and confides in Robin.
Hook thinks something is amiss but accidentally walks in on Regina and Robin having sex he breaks his leg fleeing the scene.
Hades’ dagger splits Robin into 2. His dark and light sides.
Regina and Robin meet speed-dating.
Regina trying to cope with pregnancy hormones.
Regina goes to NYC and sees Robin with Marian(not Zelena) and she's jealous.
Summer camp either as counsellors or as attendees.
Teacher student preferably with Robin as the student
Roland falls ill.
Can't buy me love AU.
“I said i loved you one more time in case it would change your mind"
Two foreign strangers meet under the cherry blossoms in Japan (bonus points if Regina is dressed in a kimono)
Regina finding out she's pregnant and she gets scared of Robin's reaction. But he's very sweet about it and gets super happy.
Jealous Regina and/or Robin.
Roland and/or Henry getting into trouble for fighting and defending Peanut's honor when some kids start badmouthing her.
Regina as a russian spy, Robin the CIA agent who’s trying to capture her.
OQ in a dystopian AU (can be based on Black Mirror episodes).
Regina finds out through her jealousy that she actually likes Robin more than just a friend.
Roland and Regina go shopping.
Regina is a goddess of love. She is responsible to bring people together and help everyone find their true love. However, her fate is to be alone forever. Then she meets Robin and while he’s destined to be with Marian he goes against powers older than life on earth itself in order to be with her.
OQ as IT geeks who work in the same company and they’re so awkward when they flirt with each other.
Peanut's first period & Robin's the only one home.
Bandit!Regina injures Robin, then nurses him back to health
An English man’s heart is stolen by a Flamenco dancer on a visit to Spain.
One of them surprises the other in the shower, it's a really good surprise
Robin finds Regina's sex-toys, and he doesn't know what they are.
Regina attends Dark OQ’s wedding.
Secrets & Lies
Robin tries to put on a sexy costume but Regina laughs at him.
Movie night with the kids.
The queen orders Robin Hood to steal something from Rumple’s castle and gives him a reward.
Regina is the dark one and Robin has the dagger.
Emma ruins everything.
“And for the first time in a long time, I could imagine a future where I was happy"
Regina and Robin see a musical on Broadway together.
Drinking Game with 20 Questions
Robin and Regina have a big fight.
Regina turns home to a very drunk Roland. Turns out Robin thought the ‘Strawberry Woo-Woo’ cans in the refrigerator were a children’s drink. “What kind of alcoholic drink has a picture of _____ on it?!”
Zorro AU
Regina cares for a sick Robin during the missing year.
Regina/Roni has been in a relationship with Facilier when Robin comes back.
Childhood Robin and Regina meeting in the Enchanted Forest.
They almost get caught in any type of sexual situation by any character.
Regina is an artist, Robin is life model who poses nude for each of her life drawing classes.
The Love Punch AU
Season 5 AU: Robin doesn't die and now has two parts of Regina to deal with: Queenie and Regina.
“You can’t just take my child!” “I’m taking what’s rightfully mine.”
Robin gives Regina a ring.
Regina or Robin have physical therapy twice a week but instead of working on the injury they do much more fulfilling exercises.
Regina is an AI Robot owned by a lonely widower Robin.
OQ have sex in a library
Roland climbs up a tree, Regina helps him to get down.
OQ + rimming
Roni and Robin find one another in Hyperion Heights in their cursed identities.  Then one day, the curse is broken and they wake up
Queeny and Locksley bring Robin back for Regina
A visit to the museum.
Roman Holiday AU.
Regina and Robin "just friends" play a drinking game
Robin and Regina skype while he is on an out of town business trip
USA around civil war time. Regina, wife of a confederate slave owner, is on her way further down into the South when the train gets stopped by Yankees (Robin).
Robin tells Regina that she deserves better than her current boyfriend
Robin and Regina get caught getting handsy in public
Regina tells Robin that she saw his girlfriend cheating on him
Regina and Robin attend a ball.
WWI or WWII AU: Regina falls for British solider Robin.
Non-Magical AU - Regina and Robin are on a date when they bump into Regina’s ex: Emma Swan
Regina being selfish in bed.
Roland follows an injured puppy and gets lost, Robin/Regina find them huddled together for warmth.
“You are my future.” “But I’m not sure you’re mine.”
Anastasia AU
“How did my parents meet? Well, my dad was in jail, and called the wrong number accidentally, who happened to be my mom, and he didn’t wanna waste his call so he told her not to hang up. Boom. They’re 24 years married.”
Regina is an assassin hired to kill Robin, but when she realizes he is a good man and has a son, she decides to protect him instead.
A Showmaster falls in love with his new trapeze artist who joined the show with her young son in order to provide a living.
Robin leaves Roland with Regina while out of town and she has to call John when something goes wrong.
Friends with benefits
Regina and Robin get set up on a blind date by their friends but neither of them showed up. Years later they get together and find out about their missed opportunity.
Robin accidentally clones himself whilst playing around with a few things in Regina’s vault. Regina has to try and put things back to normal, though not without having a little fun first.
The Notebook AU
Mulan AU: because her father is too old and weak, she joins the army as her father’s son, trying to save her country from the looming threat of (e.g. ogres)
Castle AU: She’s a detective and he’s a writer.
They meet at a gala, she’s an actress with a wonderful red dress and he’s a musician. They start talking and they fall in love looking at each other’s eyes.
Robin is the royal heir to a fortune but is disillusioned with the customs and pomp of regality so he gets into thievery ... and Cora is out on the look for a new husband for Regina after the first fell through ..... (perhaps bandit Regina and Robin)
Regina makes Robin her famous lasagne.
Roland goes to college.
Roland gets lost in a supermarket and Regina finds him and helps him find his Papa.
Marrying your best-friend eliminates the risk of divorce by 75%
Medical AU.
High School AU - Robin is a new student of one year. Marian schemes to get Robin for herself by dissuading both Regina and Robin who clearly have feelings for each other.
Robin and Regina are not dating. Then Robin accidentally walks in on Regina when she's with a woman.
Regina wearing Robin’s sweater bc she’s cold and that’s all she can find.
Regina being a headmistress and Robin being a billionaire whose son, Roland, goes to the school where Regina is the boss. Usually the nanny drops Roland off at school but one day when Regina is in charge of the arriving children so happens that Robin takes him to school.
Robin and Regina make a pact that if both of them aren’t married by 40 they marry each other. They fall out of contact for a few years but Regina gets a phone call on her 40th birthday from a familiar voice...
A reincarnation AU where one of them is forced to remember the past lives with the other person but the other person doesn’t remember their last life.
Teen OQ's first time in the backseat of a car.
Robin and Regina are both celebrities (doesn't matter in what form)  and they've been secretly dating for a while when they are asked to perform in an episode of Lip Sync Battle and Robin proposes with Bruno Mars' Marry You.
“I only date for the Netflix passwords.”
Robin and Regina bond over their puppies Roland and Henry.
Regina sneaking birth control to her teenage daughter and Robin catching her.
Robin being Regina's personal trainer, because Regina wants to work out before her wedding but we all know that wedding won't happen now that they met.
Upper east side widow: While en route to her husband’s funeral (whom she murdered) Regina gets arrested by Detective Locksley.
In the EF Regina’s hair gets too heavy for liking and she wants to cut it with scissors but Robin has a different idea (cutting it with an axe)
Jealous Regina (when they aren't even together) and she gets all possessive, angry then takes matters into her own hands so they have a get together sex.
Regina takes up archery as a new hobby and Robin is her instructor.
Roland saves a litter of kittens. Regina wants to get rid of them bc she doesn’t want pets. They win her heart over in no time and while outside she acts all indifferent, Robin catches her being all sweet with the kitties when she thinks everyone is sleeping.
Art Prompts
Regina and Robin as Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. Famous ice dancers in love.
Anything silhouetted
Drawing/painting of all of their kisses
The Vault
Regina & Robin's twentieth wedding anniversary.
Regina's box of mementos from Robin (Can be before or after his death)
Dawn's first light on the sleeping lovers
A midnight swim beneath a waterfall
WW2 manip (Robin using the pics of Sean from Timeless)
Arguing in public
OQ at the beach
masquerade ball
Royal Wedding
OQ in Game of Thrones
Art a favourite fic
Song Prompts 
(for music videos but can also be used for fic & art)
Faded - Alan Walker
Rewrite the stars - The Greatest Showman
The night we met - Lord Huron
Sorry - Halsey
So cold - Ben Cocks
Every time we touch - Cascada
Sad song - We the Kings
Because of you - Kelly Clarkson
All I ask - Adele
Hello - Adele
Little do you know - Alex & Sierra
In my veins - Andrew Belle
Just a little bit of your heart - Ariana Grande (Alesia Cara cover)
You are the reason - Calum Scott
The scientist - Coldplay
I will survive - Aretha Franklin (Leopold or Daniel as “you”, Regina as “I”, and Robin as “someone who’s lovin’ me”)
Dangerously - Charlie Puth
I need you love - Calvin Harris (Madlyn Bailey cover)
Paradise - George Ezra
Say you won't let go - James Arthur
Naked - James Arthur
The one that got away - Katy Perry
My life would suck without you - Kelly Clarkson
Angel down - Lady Gaga
Secret love song - Little Mix
You always make me smile - Kyle Andrews
Like i'm gonna lose you - Meghan Trainor
Close your eyes - Michael Buble
Dynasty - MIIA
Classic - MKTO
Latch - Sam Smith (Natalie Taylor cover)
Rich love - One Republic
Just give me a reason - P!nk
What about us - P!nk
Better place - Rachel Platten
War of hearts - Ruelle
The heart wants what it wants - Selena Gomez
To be human - Sia
Dusk till dawn - Zayn
Just a dream - Nelly
Don’t Treat Me Bad - Firehouse
Demons - Imagine Dragons
Outlaws - Alessia Cara
Somebody else - The 1975
Hurts like hell - Ruelle
Too good at goodbyes - Sam Smith
Video games by Lana Del Rey
Goodbye kiss - Kasabian
Stay with me - Sam Smith
Tetris - Madlyn Bailey
Tell me you love me - Demi Lovato
Nobody - Selena Gomez
I want crazy - Hunter Hayes
In the name of love - Martin Garriz & Bebe Rexha
Gives you Hell - The All-American Rejects
Hopeless Romantic - Billy Vera & The Beaters
My Valentine - Paul McCartney
Are You Ready - Mike & The Mechanics
Dark Horse - Katy Perry
I Won’t Give Up - Glee version
Perfect - Ed Sheeran
Into You - Ariana Grande
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
Theme prompts for Videos:
Fanfic Trailers.
Movie trailers.
AU videos.
S7 AU Trailer.
Missing Year
OQ Family
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llimerrence · 11 months
oh and happy halloween
like this for a starter from one of my (other) spookyyy muses
specify or else im fighting u (ur not getting one)
Ian Malcolm
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pangeanews · 6 years
Lettera aperta a Mara Maionchi, la produttrice discografica dei campioni: “Mara, ascolta, con mia figlia Ali Pop fai soldi facili. Quanto a mio figlio, lui ha i superpoteri…”
Ciao Mara. Ti spiego, è andata così. Dopo la mia lettera aperta a Mino Raiola, il procuratore dei grandi calciatori, sulle funamboliche qualità “portieristiche” di mio figlio seienne Frankie il Freddo, Ali Pop, l’altra mia figlia decenne, mi ha detto “Ehi bello, perché di me non scrivi niente mentre di quel mammalucco di Franci hai fatto un cazzo di agiografia!”
Purtroppo ha detto proprio così: “un cazzo di agiografia.”
E io proprio non so chi possa avergli messo in testa una parola tanto brutta come “agiografia” ma ormai è fatta e allora, cara Mara, vengo al dunque e ti racconto quest’altra storia del tutto vera, parola per parola.
Due estati fa la parrocchia di Santa Maria Assunta, a Viserbella, organizza “Bravo, bravissimo”, un evento canoro di beneficenza con una ventina di bambini che cantano una canzone a scelta nella piazza della chiesa che si affaccia sul lungomare. La piazza è stracolma di gente. E Ali Pop – che si chiama Alice ma da quella volta è diventata Ali Pop perché l’omonimo Iggy gli fa una pippa – è in procinto di cantare Controvento di Arisa.
Flashback. Una sera a cena Ali Pop ci dice che avrebbe cantato una canzone alla manifestazione canora della parrocchia di Viserbella, senza che mai prima d’allora avesse dimostrato un qualche minimo interesse per il canto. Ci ha lasciato piuttosto perplessi, con tutta una serie di sei proprio sicura sicura sicura e ma lo sai che la piazza sarà piena piena piena. Lei, imperterrita, di fronte ai dubbi dei genitori, balbettanti per la sorpresa, ha rilanciato dicendo che era sicura sicura sicura e che voleva cantare una canzone di Arisa che le piaceva tanto. Ed è partita a cantarla. Io non credo nei miracoli…
La sapeva tutta a memoria. Ha stonato qualche volta ma nel complesso non era da mani nei capelli. Simona, mia moglie, le ha detto che doveva allenarsi ancora parecchio perché davanti a tutta quella gente sarebbe stato più difficile rispetto a casa nostra ma dentro di sé pensava che Alice, non ancora Ali Pop, si sarebbe tirata indietro e lo pensava anche il sottoscritto.
Arriva la sera dell’esibizione. Simona ed io siamo in prima fila, con Frankie il Freddo seduto per terra, insieme ad altri bimbi, perlopiù fratelli e sorelle dei cantanti, sotto al minuscolo palco, a un paio di metri dal microfono, e corteggia un’amica coetanea di Alice (ma questa è un’altra storia).
Ali Pop non cambia idea. Arriva il suo turno. Il presentatore che poco prima ha introdotto il giovane prete di Viserbella, il simpatico don Daniele, dicendo ai presenti di fare una donazione in favore della parrocchia e subito dopo ha urlato “E adesso, insieme a don Daniele, scateniamo l’inferno”, adesso chiama sul palco Ali Pop. Prima le chiede il nome e poi le domanda se vuole dedicare la canzone a qualcuno. Ali Pop risponde “Ai miei genitori e a mio fratello”. Poi parte la base registrata. E la sua voce, su un viso che più serio di così è impossibile, attacca con Io non credo nei miracoli…
Meglio che ti liberi
Meglio che ti guardi dentro
Questa vita lascia i lividi…
Nemmeno una stonatura. Mai fuori tempo. Perfetta. Insomma, Mara, chiamami, sono soldi facili.
Rientrati a casa, Frankie il Freddo circumnaviga la tavola della sala con la sua micro-bici per gli abituali due giri prima di andare a dormire, e mi dice che l’anno prossimo canterà anche lui. Ma una canzone da maschi, specifica subito dopo.
“Va bene” rispondo io.
Dopo l’annuncio che anche lui avrebbe cantato l’anno prossimo (ma una canzone da maschi), frena con i piedi e poi mi chiede “Babi, il mio supereroe preferito è Hulk. Qual è il tuo?”
“Sei tu” gli rispondo serio.
“Ma daaai” dice lui, con gli occhioni che si spalancano “io non ho mica i superpoteri”.
“Certo che li hai. Tu sei simpaticissimo, intelligentissimo e affettuosissimo. Questi sono superpoteri e valgono molto di più della forza di Hulk.”
Frankie il Freddo mi guarda dritto negli occhi, con le sopracciglia aggrottate. Non risponde e riparte a manetta. Dopo due giri extra intorno al tavolo va dritto verso la libreria e derapa. Si ferma. Alza la testa verso di me e sorride mentre Ali Pop in camera sua concede il bis. Io non credo nei miracoli…
Michele Mengoli
L'articolo Lettera aperta a Mara Maionchi, la produttrice discografica dei campioni: “Mara, ascolta, con mia figlia Ali Pop fai soldi facili. Quanto a mio figlio, lui ha i superpoteri…” proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/2k7Rj7v
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abloodycrow · 7 years
Tumblr media
Descendants OCs; The Isle of The Lost
(also known as; i’m just really attached to the cast of the lodge)
Quinn - Daughter of the Queen of Hearts, she will get her way one way or another. If someone refuses to do her a favour, she’ll threaten them with no limits. Her beauty matters to her, and just as her mother, she loves red roses. She doesn’t get along well with her mother, seeing as both of them are just as selfish as each other. However, even being on the Isle, she does believe that she’ll find love.
Kaden - Son of Kronk, he often questions why his father was left on the Isle - surely he had redeemed himself in the end. He is aware that his father is probably the only parent on the Isle that’s kind to their child, and for that he’s happy to be Kronk’s son. He is quite humorous and always tries to entertain those around him. He is aware his life would be far better suited to Auradon, and if invited he will accept the offer straight away.
Frankie - Son of Dr. Facilier, after his sister ended up in Auradon, Frankie began to run the family store. He’s very aware of his surroundings and once even picked a fight with Harry Hook when he saw the pirate pocketing goods from the shelves. Although not physically strong, Frankie is educated in voodoo and can be quite threatening when crossed.
Hanna - Daughter of Prince Hans, like her father she is cruel and merciless. She tricks the boys on the Isle into relationships purely so she can be deemed as more powerful on the Isle. She sparked a rivalry with Uma, Harry, and their crew after tricking Gil into a relationship. She publicly broke up with Gil in the Chip Shop, before yelling a string of insults about him - she then left as soon as she saw Harry raise his hook.
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sangha-scaramuccia · 5 years
Un sabato alternativo e una domenica al Gabbio
Non so se capita a tutti, ma personalmente ci sono dei giorni in cui, anche solo per la pioggia, non uscirei di casa neanche pagata; altri invece, che non ho proprio voglia di starci a casa, quale che sia il tempo.
Sabato primo febbraio fa parte di questi ultimi. Così, anche se piove, mi sveglio presto e con Silvia vado all’appuntamento preso con Maurizio a Precetto, alle 10,30, al bar in piazzetta. Ieri ho mandato un messaggio ad alcuni arrampicatori, ma si è presentata solo Laura con Lena, per un saluto.
Quindi in tre, molto fiduciosi, ci dirigiamo all’Isola da dove, in caso di pioggia, si arriva velocemente alle macchine. E non siamo soli!!! Altri due imperterriti arrampicatori sono già lì che montano una via.
Cominciamo da Scusa Remo e tempo di salirla tutti e tre, la pioggerellina, seppur inconsistente, ha già bagnato le pareti; poi, dopo Silvia ti amo, decidiamo di smettere perché, oltre le pareti, anche noi siamo belli umidi e non c’è proprio più nessuno in giro.
Avendo tutto il pomeriggio libero, decidiamo di andare al cinema e per finire, con Peppe, Frankie e Consuelo, a cena a casa di Fabrizio che ci ha coccolato con la sua ottima cucina, mentre Gloria e Corolla sono andati a Scaramuccia per la Sesshin.
Domenica mattina, in piazzetta, un pallido sole dietro le nubi e un bel gruppo di arrampicatori: il Maestro Taino, Lea, Marco, Laura, con Fabian, Lena, Tony, Gloria, Fabrizio, Consuelo, Corolla, Simone, Matteo, Hilke, Donatella, Frankie, Maurizio, Silva ed io, oltre ai cani Bia, Bea e Teo – direzione Gabbio.
La roccia è di un rosso intenso e dalle soste delle vie si gode una meravigliosa vista della Valnerina. Il sentiero per arrivare è un po’ in salita, ma comodo; le vie sono belle e mai banali dal 6a all’8c, credo, mediamente lunghe 18/20 metri.
Quando arriviamo non c’è nessuno e rapidamente il Maestro mette su quattro vie, poi altre due e poi un’altra, solo una la metto io, totale 8  tutte per noi!!! Poi però qualcun altro arriva e si intromette, rallentando i nostri ritmi, per “scaldarsi” sulle vie più facili prima di aggredire i gradi più proibitivi.
Scherzando e ridendo sulla comoda cengia alla base delle pareti siamo una ventina, compresi i ragazzini, più tre cani e di chiasso ne facciamo un po’, mai come quelli dei gradi alti però…  
Il sole a tratti ci riscalda a tal punto da stare in maglietta ed è una goduria.
Le giornate che lentamente si stanno allungando, ci permettono di rimanere fino alle quattro e poi si sa…
birretta e saluti😉.
È sempre un piacere stare con voi, grazie a tutti!
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