#the isle of the lost is hell
hannahhook7744 · 5 months
You’re on Your Own, Kid (You Always Have Been);
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Summary: The Badun Detective Agency founding members (and Elle) are used to being on their own. Here are just a few examples. Cowritten with @igetthedisneybox . Trigger warnings: child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, swearing, mentioned child murder, animal abuse, car accidents leading to serious injuries, implied suicide, child labor, ableism, etc.
The rain pelted the ground as the sky above thundered on.
Helga tightened her grip on the two baskets in her hand, making sure they didn’t slip. Despite her heavy load, she traversed the streets of the Isle with all the grace and poise of an assassin, until she finally made it to her destination.
Hell Hall.
Sneaking up the steps, she placed the two baskets on the doorstep, making sure the note was fully visible.
Her twin babies stared up at her, blinking innocently. Harold had the letter addressed to their father and the De Vil’s clutched in his chubby fist.
“Be good you two. But be sure to give them hell. God knows they’ll need it.”
“Ma—” Her daughter, Mabletrude, babbled happily. Reaching for her with one hand and clutching her little wooden doll in the other.
Helga felt a pain in her chest, but she ignored it. “Bye, little ones. Ma loves you.” She banged her fist on the door three times, then ran into the bushes, out of sight, but able to watch.
Harry watched her go and when he realized she wasn't going to come back and get them, he started to wail. 
Loud swearing could be heard from inside for a few minutes before someone finally answered the door. 
It took her a moment to recognize them.
“Hunter.” She breathed, almost wanting to come out of the bushes, to see her son. But she thought better of it. He would only be angry.
That is, if he even recognized her. They hadn't seen each other since before her Archer (his father) died more than nine years ago, after all.
The bleach blonde looked around confused for a moment before looking down—his brown eyes going comically wide before he hesitantly took them inside.
The last thing Elle remembered when she woke up was the family car crashing and pain. Horrible, horrible pain in her back and legs that was nothing like she'd ever felt before in her long three years of life. 
Pain that was now completely gone. Replaced by a strange numbness that was completely overshadowed by how blurry everything in this strange, new, bright place was. 
Her mother didn't respond or come running to her call. 
Her father didn't either. 
So…Elle tried to get up, only to faceplant on the floor—causing the little brunette to start crying. 
A man and a woman, who had been standing outside the door talking to a nurse, came rushing in. “Are you alright, dear?”
“I want my mama!” Elle sniffled, trying to push herself to her feet—almost causing her to faceplant agan. 
The woman gently lifted her up and back onto the bed. “Honey…your mama had to go away.”
“Then I wants papa!”
The man winced. “Your papa had to go away too. I’m sorry, little one.”
“I wanna go home then!” Elle yelled, getting more and more frustrated. “I wanna go home!”
The woman sighed. “Dear…we’re gonna be taking you to our home for now.”
“Since your parents…someone needs to take care of you. We decided that we wanted to be the ones to take care of you.” Eric chimed in.
Elle made a face. Trying to understand. “I don't… I don't understands.”
“We know, Elle.” Ariel tried to soothe. “This is hard to understand. We’ll try and help you the best we can.”
A loud bang rang out throughout the small area of land where the Bing circus was located, followed by an even louder, high-pitched scream. 
It came from Maximilian and Hermie Bing’s trailer. 
“Goodness, what was that?” Colette looked alarmed at the trailer.
Holt looked wary. “No idea. Should we go check it out?”
Colette looked at him like he was insane. “Somebody just screamed from our boss’s trailer. Yes we should go check it out!”
Holt got up, still wary and looked at the others: Mainly his two children—Joey and Milly. “You two stay here.”
Just then, the screaming got louder. 
Holt whirled around towards the sound. “That sounds like Hermie! Let’s go!” He began to run towards the sound.
“DADDY! DADDY!” The seven year old’s cries became clearer and clearer the closer he got. 
“Hermie!” Holt called out as he and Colette approached the trailer.
She didn't respond and just kept screaming. 
Bursting into the trailer, all they could see was the little brunette standing in the doorway to her dad's room. Her back to them. 
“Hermie? What’s wrong, what happened?” Colette approached the screaming girl cautiously. Only to immediately get a glimpse of some kind of red liquid on the floor. 
Colette tried to pull Hermie away from the door. “Holt, go get…somebody. Anybody. There’s…I think there’s blood…” She trailed off.
Holt didn't need to be told twice. 
Jace sniffled, pressing the coldest thing he could find to his wrist. 
His mother hovered over him, unsure of what else she could do. “See? It’s not that bad. That’ll heal up nicely.”
“I hate her, mama.” the seven year old replied miserably. “And I hate him too.”
“Hate isn’t a very nice word, dear.” Katrina said through a wince.
“Well Cru-ella isn't nice either.” He huffed, defiant.
“I know, I know. But we have to be better than her.”
“Which isn’t hard.” She thought, but did not say.
“How can we be better if she kills us like she did the others?” Jace muttered. Grumpily.
Katrina blinked. She felt like all the breath had been stolen from her lungs. “What are you talking about?”
The smaller brunette squinted at her, clearly confused. “Whaddya mean what am I talking about? She killeds James and maybe the others too.”
James was Jace’s oldest half brother. 
It seemed like all she could do was stare. “Jacey? Please tell Mommy that you're joking. That this is a prank.”
He looked even more confused. “No… she pushed him down the stairs cause he wouldn't let her hit Hunter.”
Katrina tried to catch her breath. This was…she didn’t know how to deal with this. But first things first: Jace could not see her try and figure this out. “My, look at the time. It’s bedtime for Jacey.”
Jace grumbled. “Do I have to mama?”
“Yes. Good boys go to bed.” Just a few more minutes, and then she could break down. She could try and figure things out.
He huffed but went anyway, figuring that he could just spend more time with her in the morning.
But she wasn't there in the morning.
Little Reza flapped his hands in excitement as he read the astronomy book he'd found.
“Cut that out!” His father snapped at him, looking up from his work.
The nine year old immediately shrunk away from him. 
“And that book is mine. Are you trying to steal from me, child?” His voice became dangerously low.
“N-no father, I found it in the barge. It's not your—”
“Give it here!” Tareq interrupted, holding out his hand. “You little thief! You should know better than to touch my things!”
“No! It's mine—”
In one fell swoop, Tareq had ripped the book out of Reza’s hands, while simultaneously shoving him backwards. He thumbed through the book, disgust on his face. “Bah. I got the newest addition years ago. Garbage.” He tossed the book onto his desk, high enough that Reza couldn’t reach.
Reza couldn't help but scowl. Forgetting where he was.
“What was that?” Tareq glared at his son.
The ravenette backed away. “N-nothing baba.”
“What did I say about that word?!” He shoved himself right near Reza’s face, teeth ground together.
The small boy backed away, hunching in on himself.
“Go to your room, and stay there. Think about what you have done.”
Reza did, but not before mumbling “I hate you.”
Eddie stood outside of Hades’ Souvlaki at 4am. Waiting for it to open. 
Luckily for him, Fern Coachmen was opening that morning and spotted him out the window. “Uh hello? What are you doing out there?”
The little brunette perked up. “Are you still hiring?”
Fern looked left and right, seeing if the boy was alone. “Are you volunteering?”
“Yes ma'am!”
“How old are you?” She asked, concerned.
He peered at her with big brown eyes, tilting his head to the side slightly. He wore clothes several sizes too big, even by isle kid standards (reminding her of her younger brother, Warren) and his eyes were slathered in eyeliner, making him look loosely like a raccoon. “Does it matter?”
Fern felt her motherly instincts kick in. “I suppose not, it’s not like this is particularly dangerous work. What’s your name, dear?”
“Edmund Balthazar, but everybody calls me Eddie.” 
“Eddie.” She smiled warmly. “I’m Fern. Come on in, we can warm you up. Get you something to eat.”
“Does this mean I get the job?”  He asked, following her in without a second thought. Making her wonder if he was even an isle kid to begin with, because most children she knew—even ones younger than this boy looked, tended to be wary. 
“Sure thing. We’ll see what we can do with you.” She hesitated. “Do…do your parents know that you’re here?”
“Kinda. Mama’s memory ain't so great anymore but I'm sure daddy will remember I'm here. He would have come instead but he can't move good no more after his fall.” The brunette shrugged, rolling up his sleeves. 
Fern couldn’t remember much about the Balthazars. Her and Panic never paid much mind to Isle gossip. “I see. Well, as long as they’re…semi okay with it.”
“They are!”
She smiled again. “Well, welcome aboard, Eddie!”
He smiled sleepily at her, with bags under his eyes that were heavier than any child's should be. 
Yzla cried and cried into the cat shaped pillow her father had brought her on his latest visit back to the isle. 
“Why so glum, little one?” Her father’s voice sounded from behind her.
“You know why.” She sniffed. 
Cedric sighed. “I know you don’t like it when I leave for work. But it’s only temporary. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“But you just got here. Do you really have to go? Grandmother's always meaner when you're gone and Zevon always acts worse!”
“I’m sorry, Yzzy. I really am. I’m sure you can talk with your mother about these things, maybe she can help with Zevon?” Azma was a lost cause, so Cedric didn’t bother mentioning her.
“Mom tries but Zevon is hard to handle.” Yzla scowled, grumpy. “And she's got her handful with grandmother. And the twins can only do so much– especially when Lil Yaz keeps riling her up.”
He sighed again, frustrated. “There’s nothing I can do, Yzla. If I don’t go to work, I don’t get money, and if I don’t get money, we can’t eat or do science anymore.”
“Just leave me alone.” The eleven mumbled. “I'll handle it myself, like I always do.” 
Cedric immediately regretted being snappy with his daughter, but she didn’t seem to be in the mood for apologies, so he decided to let her be. “I love you, Yz. I’ll be back before you know it.” He smoothed her hair.
She said nothing. Knowing there was nothing she could say that would better the situation.
Sheldon the turtle took a look at his surroundings, very displeased.
He was surrounded. By garbage.
How uncivilized.
He tottered along on his little stubby legs, nosing around some compost wondering if anything was decent enough to eat. 
He hadn't eaten all day!
He was gonna starve if he didn't find something this instance.
Oh, his family was going to get bit when he got back home. 
“Don't worry! I'll save you!”
Sheldon looked up from his musings to find a human child—different from the one in his family—with a brown bowl cut for hair, and brown eyes, and baggy clothes, leaning over the edge of the barge.
He blinked at the human child, wishing he could tell him that he could save himself thank you very much.
But he couldn’t. Because he was a turtle.
The child squirmed, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he moved forward. A net in hand. “Don't be scared!”
“Eddie, who are you talking to you?” Another human  child asked from out of Sheldon’s line of sight. 
The first child ignored them. 
Sheldon barely had time to wonder if he was going to try and catch him with that net, before he was scooped up like a common fish!
Along with a pair of… what did his human call them? Nomchunks?...
“There we go! I got ya little guy. Don't worry. My friends and I will take real good care of ya!”
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itsalwaysforyou · 7 months
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trashfr0g · 24 days
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Chester Cheshire and Breadandbutterfly!! I imagine this would be a... Party outfit of sorts 🤷
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daydreamdoodles · 4 months
Like I get why they added the tailsmans to the descendants universe but like. They really do kind of mess up the thesis they have going on.
Cruella De Vil wasn't evil because of some ring born from the loins of the evilest place on earth. She was evil because she prioritized personal gain over ethics and would go to any lengths to get what she wants.
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nightmaretherabbit · 2 years
How old is every boss-
Uh ok some bosses ages may change because.....I change my mind sometimes but here's what I got
Inkwell Isle I
The Root Pack: Sal Spudder:35 Ollie Bulb:33 Chauncey Chantenay:34
Goopy Le Grande:23
Sludge:6(Goopy's kid)
Hilda Berg:14
Cagney Carnation:22
Darla, Dylan,Dani,Dean:7 Daisy:5 (Cagney's kids)
Ribby and Croaks: 25
Inkwell Isle II
Baroness Von Bon Bon:15
Djimmi The Great:28
Beppi The Clown:29
Grim Matchstick:21
Grim Jr(Sparky):4 (in my au he lives on Isle II)
Wally Warbles:24
Willy Warbles:5
Inkwell Isle III
Rumor Honeybottoms:39
Werner Werman:38
Dr Kahl:42
Dr Kahl's Robot:16
Sally Stageplay:37
Mr Stageplay:37
Cala Maria:11
Captain Brineybeard:33
The Phantom Express: Blind Specter:23 T-Bone:45 Lollipop Ghouls/Blaze Brothers:26 The Train:137
Inkwell Hell
King Dice:39(? Possibly)
Hopus Pocus:25
Pachinko (Pachi-Pachi):6
Mr Chimes:22
Chips Bettigan:36
Mr Wheezy:34
Pip and Dot:31
Tipsy Troop: Ol' Ethan:46 Ginette:43 Rumulus:47
Phear Lap:36
Inkwell Isle IV
Ralph (Spider): 34
Dolly(Firefly Gal):34
Joe(Snail Announcer):38
Edwin (Caterpillar):27
Glumstone The Giant:35
Mortimer Freeze:43
Esther Winchester:37
The Howling Aces: Saanvi Saluki:37 Butch Bulldog:36 Spot, Scratch,Screw, and Jet:4
The Pawns:5 all of them are 5-
The Knight (Prancelot):35
The Bishop:36
The Rook:32
The Queen(Of Games):48
The King Of Games:47
Demon (Dominic)15
Chef(Simon) Saltbaker:32
Y'all will have to tell me if I missed anyone
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
The VKs let Celia leave with the rest of the leftovers from their meal, along with the doughnut, and I also don't think they were that bad toward Celia in the fourth book.
I mean, that is true, but when I reference the doughnut thing with Celia, I not only use it to point out how the core four treated Celia in the book, but also just to show how they basically have become tone deaf as hell when it comes to the Isle and basically visited there as the privileged four as a result. I mean, Carlos acts surprised they aren't staying in basically a hotel on the ISLE OF THE LOST for crying out loud!
And when it came to the food stuff, they don't have to worry about what the other Isle kids below their hide out have to in that moment with Isle food, because don't worry, Ms. Potts basically packed them a full meal and none of the four really seem to realize how tone deaf this is as they get to enjoy hot food like chicken and mashed potato's, for some reason brought a cooler full of icy cold drinks and other foods clearly as they got doughnuts, and only when they see Celia staring at the food...do they feel a little guilty...and all Carlos offers is a doughnut. Like sure, good they sent Celia with the left-overs...but this is a really tone deaf moment for the core four with the food thing, especially as in the same page Evie dishes up the food, its acknowledged the food on the Isle causes stomach aches....but you know, our heroes don't feel any guilt even then over them having good food while kids below don't have any good food:
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Which you know, bonus '...wait you guys knew then these kids are getting stomach aches and shit and STILL didn't get the damn idea to maybe send these kids better food supplies and shit to maybe help with getting them to want to come to auradon or if they don't, at least ensure they surviving and shit???'- like...well done to these four: somehow not realizing the yikes here until Celia entered.
Also okay, but that's what you think....I personally think that they won't that great to her, especially when acting like she needs to earn her merit to leave a prison that she was literally stuck on since birth for crimes she didn't do, let alone Evie literally thinking this about her after Celia charged Evie for a fortune cause and offered a second one that would also be charged: "She wondered about Celia's chances with the Auradon Prep admissions committee. So far, all Evie could see was a trickster through and through." And hey, shout out to Evie at least acknowledging technically, there could be more to Celia like there was to Evie and her friends, but like...Escape really was showing them being iffy at least with Celia and VK Guide and D3 didn't help with showing Mal and Evie being iffy with Celia as well.
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tragicmoth · 1 year
i am having so much luck tonight with fishing after a long streak of no new fish and now i’m afraid i’ll stay up all night trying to catch the mahi mahi… oh boy
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6ix9inewiturmom · 6 months
Moments with Chris
Summary: Chris can’t stop making out you
Warnings: making out, choking slightly? getting caught?
𝜗𝜚 ever since Chris and I started dating and actually became comfortable with each other we cannot stop making out.
𝜗𝜚 were in boston visiting his family and were all watching a movie, Chris' arms around me and looks around and noticing everyone is asleep. chris looks around and looks back at me and smirks. grabs my waist placing me on his lip and kisses me passionately girpping my waist firmly and sliding his tongue in my mouth.
𝜗𝜚 chris was filming a video and he came up stairs to “use the bathroom” and he barges into our shared room and smirks at me.
“alright ma i got 5 min” he says while climbing over me placing his legs on either side of my thighs.
“chris go film” i say through laughter
“nah im good” he smiles and leans in and kisses me deeply and with desire using his hand to grip my throat using his tongue to explore my mouth.
“CHRIS HURRY THE FUCK UP” nick screams from downstairs which interrupts our make out session.
𝜗𝜚 matt, nick, chris and i went to target to get some stuff for their new video and chris and i followed a little farther behind nick and matt holding hands when chris pulled me to an empty isle pinning my back into a shelf. chris kissed me deeply and poking his tongue to enter my mouth and use our tongues to fight for dominance , he obviously won. then he pulled away hearing the sound of a buggy getting close by.
“could you not have waited?” i smiled with a small whisper in my voice
“not when my girlfriend looks like this” he took my hand and spun me around before finding nick and matt.
“where the hell were you guys at?” matt says with annoyance in his voice”
“Y/N found these chips she was lookin for a while ago…” his voice trailed off.
“yeah? what were they called? lipstick flavor? cause that’s what’s all over ya lips chris” matt says using his pointed finger to trace around his lips
𝜗𝜚 Tara invented chris and i to her one million party and chris and i was dancing to a song he liked and i had my back against his chest dancing when he used my hips to spin me around and place his hand beneath my jaw and lean down and kissed me with passion and lust in his kiss using his tongue and using mine to intertwine with each other’s and i quickly pull away from embarrassment.
“chris not here please” i say smiling nervously checking my surroundings knowing tara was filming and not wanting chris and i making out on camera.
“yeah? why not? hm” still holding my jaw
“i would not like to be filmed chris” i softly smile
chris places a quick peck on my lips before holding my waist getting me to get more comfortable and dance with him to the music.
𝜗𝜚 matt and nick left chris and i in the car while they went to go get our pickup order of pizza and as soon as the door closed and both nick and matt left chris unbuckled me and placed me on his lap pulling me into a quick but passionate kiss. this time i use my tongue to enter in his mouth and explore his mouth with my tongue trying to fight for dominance i lost obviously. i jump at a sudden knock on the window from matt. i lean over and roll the window down.
“i just left my wallet… if you don’t mind stopping what your doing in my car before i have cum stains on my seat and grabbing my wallet so i can pay for your fucking pizza you demanded to have… that would be great” matt sarcastically smiles
i slowly get off chris’ lap and sits back in my seat as chris gets matt his wallet and rolls the window back up.
“so do you wanna continue or?” chris looks over at me
“nope just no… i’m officially turned off” i lean my head back and let out a sigh of frustration and embarrassment
“yeah no that cool i feel you…” his voice trails off trying to play it off
A/N yes it’s short but I HOPE YALL ENJOY THIS!!
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gdn019283 · 2 months
Merlin needing to teach Arthur stuff when he comes back, but it’s funny.
Can you just imagine Merlin yelling at Arthur at his back because he can’t…
Ride a bike?
The king of Camelot flailing his limbs before falling ass deep into a ditch because he has no idea what to do on a bike.
What about cooking? Imagine the mess. Arthur failing at making an omelette.
Playing video games?
Arthur would obsess over Zelda, because Link is blonde and stupid and courageous and has a sword that he pulled out from a stone.
How to go shopping? Arthur would get lost in so many isles, the cashier would need to get on the microphone and call for Merlin, because,
“The King of Camelot needs Emrys at the cash register 2, please.”
Riding a car?
Even better. Merlin’s magic is the only thing keeping them from crushing completely and ruining several cars, before Arthur even learns what a pedal is.
Trains? I can totally see Arthur obsessing with trains and wanting to go on each and every one of them, and Merlin follows his ideas, because why not, Arthur looks like an happy kid.
Imagine Arthur’s reaction to a rollercoaster. And him throwing up his ice cream right after a ride because Merlin had dared him he couldn’t go there without being afraid and Arthur had to show off.
And Arthur discovering so many foods and sweets, he actually gets a sweet tooth.
The gym. This man will hit the gym consistently and will bring Merlin with him every day, while Merlin shoots him a murderous glare because he is a sofa man, not a gym bro (Arthur would totally be a gym bro).
But this same Arthur is scared of needles. He needs to take several tests and go to the hospital, and Merlin will need to hold his hand, because what do you mean the dentist will put gloved fingers in my mouth and touch my precious teeth?
Or what about Merlin needing to teach Arthur the simple things?
I’m already laughing at the image of Merlin trying to explain to Arthur how a toothbrush works, or a bathtub, or even a bidet.
Oh, the look on Arthur’s face the moment Merlin explains to him how to sit on a bidet.
I bet at first, Arthur will come out of the bedroom with his underwear over his trousers, Superman style. Merlin will need a whack at the back of his head for him to stop laughing at the Once and Future King with briefs over his joggers.
I can totally see Arthur getting diagnosed with autism, and him being super excited over the new discovery, but simply because now he can’t stop thinking about it.
He collects rocks.
Yep, definitely. Arthur will collect so many rocks, tiny stones and gift them to Merlin, who secretly smiles and keeps them all in his precious jewel case.
And what about the sex related stuff?
That is indeed hilarious and a big jump from the Middle Ages and Arthur doesn’t understand why everyone goes around naked, and why they have to talk about everything that is supposed to be private and what the bloody hell is a sex toy? Or a sex shop?
Oh, oh.
Yes. Hilarious.
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sepublic · 1 year
"Why bother teaching them anything when you could just... wipe them out?"
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This quote is ssoooo telling of Belos because he doesn’t actually want people to get better. He doesn’t want things to improve or heal, he just wants to destroy and tear down.
If Belos was even a little sincere, his mission would’ve been converting the Boiling Isles to Christianity, to actually save people's souls as he claims, but no! He doesn’t believe in restorative justice; He’s Christian so he believes in retributive justice! In punishment, and it makes perfect sense to him because this is Hell!
And Hell is the ultimate condemnation, it’s the point of no return. It’s when even God says you’re not capable of being redeemed, and takes away any chance you have at choosing to be better. It’s why Fallen Angels are a thing, but Risen Demons aren’t; You can always still mess up and never truly make up for it, it’s inevitable.
So why bother teaching them anything, as Belos says, when it's already been decided as a lost cause by God? Maybe he did understand the assignment, in that ironic way that actually exposes its flaws to a reasonable outsider, even as the supporter sees them as slandered virtues.
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And as the Collector responds to Belos' suggestion, NO, he wants to be their friends, he doesn't want to condemn people to a state they can’t come back from (Hence their misunderstanding and apprehension towards death)! They prioritize happiness, an idealistic world where everybody gets along, so for all their naivete and forcing of others, there's a sincerity Luz is able to speak to in order to convince. As she reassures the Collector, his mistake wasn't wanting happiness and chances for people; Just because compassion can sometimes backfire doesn't mean it's wrong.
This exchange really does deliver the difference between Belos and the protagonists, who believe in getting better and giving people the opportunity to do so, even if they recognize they can’t make them change either, and also have to defend themselves at the same time. Belos doesn’t want others to get better, nor himself; He refuses each chance to improve, and he’ll deprive the world of chances as well.
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iznyangwoni · 1 month
STRINGS OF FATE, chapter three
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“are you sure we can stay here?” you ask heeseung, getting in his room. He said that the coffee shop was getting too loud, and he couldn’t really focus there, so he took you to the dorm. Obviously, you’re not that dumb, you know where he wants this to end and honestly, you dont want that.
But you need to finish this stupid essay, so might as well do it with his help and also, maybe, at least you hope, that being close to him without going too far, will make him want to know you in more than just that aspect. “Ah. Sure, Jungwon is at the gym at this time.”
You nod, something about that Jungwon guy is really iffy. You still dont know why or what makes you think that but, anytime your eyes meet that glacial look, its like your lifespan decreases. Still, he’s not here now, so that’s great. Heeseung leaves a few seconds to go to the bathroom, and you spend that time looking around.
Each dorm room is combined by three different rooms, and since Heeseung and Jungwon are just two, they used the center one as a little hanging out space. Its… not your style, at all. You’re used to open spaces, lots of light entering the room and light forniture, and well, this is the complete opposite.
You’re not even sure it would pass the monthly inspection, the walls are decorated with graffiti, which are banned, the curtains are so dark you can barely see, and it overall looks like living hell here. But you’re no one to judge, maybe thats just how usual VKs are used to live in their castles… cause they have castles, right?
One thing that catches your eyes is a little picture frame. You take it in your hands to look at it closely, its a photo of Heeseung’s group, when they were younger. You can clearly see him, in the center, taller than anyone else and with a huge smile on his face, on his right is who you think is Jimin, both Sunoo and Minjeong have mentioned her a couple of times, and not for good reasons. Meanwhile on the far left is Chaewon, you’ve seen her a couple of times on campus, all you know is that she’s pretty funny but also can be pretty hot headed.
And then, on Heeseung’s right, is Jungwon. If you didn’t know they were friends, you wouldn’t have even recognized him. He was so much shorter than Heeseung, and even Jimin. His cheeks were puffy and you could see the shine in his eyes from the picture, a smile on his face, something you had never seen before. “Stalking around?” you were so focused on the picture that you didnt even hear Heeseung getting out of the bathroom.
“Oh! No, no, this just caught my attention.” “Aah, that one.” the guy takes the frame off of your hands and points at it with an amused smile. “Weren’t we so cute?” you smile, honestly, yes they were cute, but the filthy clothes they were wearing and the dirt on their faces in that picture, definitely makes you think something else instead of ‘cute’.
“Have you guys been friends for long? Jungwon doesn’t even look like himself there. Must’ve been a long time.” Heeseung puts the frame back were it was, and leans his shoulder on the wall, looking at you with that same smile. He nods, probably replying to your first question. “Yeah. that was before the isle of the lost was even open.” You just nod, its been eight years since that happened, you barely even understood what was happening at the time.
“And Jungwon isnt always so gloomy. you know. He just.. he’s pretty different.” You nod again, wondering what he means by that. Most of the people you know here, if not all, are sons and daughters of princesses, princes, royal guards, or enchanted beings, fairies and more. You’ve never really met the son of a god, let alone three deities. But you still wonder how that would affect him, is it in a social way? Maybe he feels like an outcast? You should try being his friend then..
“Anyway, this friday the Princeternity is hosting a party, i know a guy or two there, i was wondering if you’d like to come?” Your cheeks and ears become red the second he asks you that. Is he asking you out? At a party? Are you really going to a party with him? This is a huge deal, you thought he was looking for something casual but this, this is huge. You nod enthusiastically, maybe too much, since he giggles right after.
“Yeah! I mean, sure. Sure. I’d love to. This friday?” He laughs nods his head to say yes. His hand comes to your face, his fingers pinching your cheek gently. “Can’t wait to see you all dolled up for me, uh.”
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Getting To Know The Dead Part 4;
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Name Of The Dead: Francis 'Frankie' Fisher Facilier.
Age Of The Dead: Three years old.
Mother: Urusla.
Father: Dr. Facilier.
Frederique Facilier (Older full Sister),
Uma Olympian (Older full sister),
And Cecaelia Facilier (Younger full sister).
Favorite Color: Purple.
Favorite Food: Chips/fries.
Favorite Toy: Handmade, wooden doll.
Hobbies: Scarring Freddie with his spider, listening to stories, making Shadow puppets, playing with his doll, playing cards, helping his dad cook, climbing, getting piggy back rides from Uma, staying up past his bedtime, eavesdropping, listening to music, dancing, and trying and failing to fortune tell.
Dream Job: Giant Squid or Shadow monster.
Pet(s): Giant Spider named 'Crawler'.
Cause Of Death: Malnutrition.
Signature Of Person Who Filled Out The Report:
Detective Yzla Sorcerer.
Frankie belongs to @dragoneyes618 .
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candyskiez · 11 months
usually I hate possession plots but god,I love the possessed hunter plot. because it's just so painfully resonant as an abuse victim. especially to anyone who's been abused by bigots.
like. this outside force you once loved, you spent so much of your time trying to please, so much of your time begging for the approval of, isolates you. they cause you to grow paranoid and angry, snapping at people and pushing you away from your support system. makes you seem crazy to your loved ones, making them doubt your mental health and making you question your sense of reality because you can't tell what's real or not anymore (gaslighting, baby!) you're cut off and overwhelmed. you get put in situations where you're forced to do things you don't want to, you're in so much pain, you're being treated like something with no wants or thoughts of their own. you're stripped of your autonomy. you're belittled for what you wanted and told THIS is how you're supposed to be, and you're so miserable. you're pitted against your loved ones. your abuser tries to make all your loved ones hate you so you come back to them, so they don't lose you. and belos being a horrifically realistic portrayal of an IRL abuser makes this so much worse. he craves Caleb's attention and tries to force hunter to fill that void. nevermind HES the one who robbed himself of caleb in his life by killing him. he tries to make hunter his shoulder to cry on, his therapist, his punching bag, his doctor. uses him to look at himself and go "see! look how good I'm doing! my family is back and he finally loves me again!" , he is obsessive and horrible and cruel and so horrifically realistic. he strips hunter of his autonomy, and in the shit that will start sounding familiar to people who grew up in bigoted families:
forced him out of what made him most comfortable. literally grew out his hair against his will, treated how he'd changed his body and wardrobe to make himself more comfortable as something that tainted him.
also just. holy shit the violating him like that. just the fucking undertones. it's fucking horrific.
and that's why him fighting back is so huge. because he has the strength to say, no. fuck you, no. this is my goddamn body. this is my goddamn life. he takes all these things he LOVED. he loved, that belos had taught him he was sinful and a horrible person for not despising (hm, allegories) and says, fuck you, I WANT this. I want this, I love this, you tried to teach me to hate it but I don't. I love it. I love it, and you didn't break me. I want to leave the coven, I want to leave you. you hurt me, and I said sorry. you used me, and I said sorry. I am done being sorry. I am done feeling bad. I want this life you're trying to take from me. I want to go to the boiling isles and I want to have a life there, in that world you hate so much. I want to go to the boiling isles and be sinful and disgusting and everything you hate and I will love it. I will be happy. I will be free and everything you hate. and I miss when I thought I could please you, because it was simple. but I am happier as a heretic and as a sinner, and you can't change me. I tried to change myself for you, I just ended up miserable. you can't make me something I'm not. I tried. and I am done trying. I am hunter. fuck you, my name is hunter. my name is hunter, and you hurt people. it doesn't matter if you were trying to help me. you hurt me. and I am done, and I am leaving, and most of all I will never let you hurt anyone else like you hurt me.
and he fucking got it, man. he fucking got it. he went through HELL and he still came back swinging. the death feels symbolic to me almost? losing a part of you in traumatic events and you have to live without that part. and you got out but you lost pieces of you in the process, and that stays with you.
but he keeps going. he kept fucking going man and THAT is fucking amazing to me. he kept going. ohhh my god. I wish I had this when I was 13. hunter isn't as massive of a hyperfixation for me anymore by a long shot, but goddamn. I love this dude. I LOVED the possession scene so fucking much and it will always resonate with me so, so hard.
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supercap2319 · 7 months
He wasn't sure how it worked, and he won't try to understand how it worked. The only thing that matters is that it did work. It worked too well for Y/N's liking. Damn spells and their unpredictable outcomes.
It all started when he was practicing a spell from a spellbook his father had given him from Hecate. Y/N wasn't even sure if he could do magic the same way as Mal, but he had to try. It's probably how this happened in the first place.
He said the spell to transport him somewhere else, and he was hoping that meant somewhere else in Auradon, not in another universe. He disappeared and reappeared on the Isle of the Lost. Y/N tried not to feel unnerved being back here, but it's when he realized that something wasn't right here.
There were no graffiti tags with Maleficent, Jafar, Cruella, Evil Queen, or Hades and Chernabog. Instead, they were replaced by wall art of Beast, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Fa Mulan. What the hell was going on here? Why was there art of heroes all over the Isle?
Before he could ponder anything else, Y/N heard a loud roar behind him, and he turned to see Ben jumping down from a rooftop. It was definitely Bem all right, but the rest of him? No so much. He wore a black leather jacket and ripped jeans. He had a navy blue shirt underneath his jacket, and he was big and muscular. When he snarled, Y/N could see his sharp fangs.
"What the fuck are you doing in the Beast Gangs' territory?"
"Beast Gang? Ben, what the hell is going on here?" Y/N asked.
"I'll tell you what's going on here." Ben's nails extended to claws. "I don't like trespassers. Especially from the place that condemned us to this fucking shit island!" He took a swipe as Y/N backed up. "What the fuck, Ben? Have you lost your mind?"
Ben smirks. "Oh, you have no idea how crazy I can be." He roared and charged towards Y/N.
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faithandfairies · 2 months
You know, Rizzoli & Isles is interesting. There are moments where the characters are completely in denial about how they feel about each other. But then there are moments where they themselves are very self-aware and can't ignore their own feelings.
Another one of those moments is when Jane jumps off that bridge in 5x12. They frame it as Maura simply being afraid because she almost lost her best friend Jane. But then Maura herself shows awareness of believing it being more than that.
She's so overcome she almost starts crying when she hugs Jane after she is found and then walks off because she was scared she almost lost Jane.
Then Maura herself pretty much tells us she was struggling with her feelings towards Jane almost dying again in front of her eyes. And Maura being Maura she basically tells us in her Maura way that she was looking for a logical explanation for her feelings that wasn't her simply being in love with Jane while being in a relationship with a dude.
It's in everything in that conversation between Jane and Maura after Jane is found. It's in the way Maura looks at Jane, that same look she gave Jane on that bridge only now that they're alone she isn't trying to hide it at all. It's in what she says to Jane, it's in her mannerisms. Everything in that scene screams "I'm in love with you and I don't know what to do with myself because of it."
And then Jane tells her it's survivor guilt and that drives home what's been going through Maura's mind. Because then Maura puts distance between her and Jane, hell she puts a whole desk between her and Jane after she first says "Excuse me?" followed by "Why didn't I think of that?" in this thoughtful way that underlines that she was attributing her strong emotions to being in love with Jane. But now has a more logical explanation to grasp onto as well as being once again clear on the fact that she and Jane aren't on the same page.
And Jane was doing so well too, buying Maura her favorite super expensive perfume. I am convinced that if Jane had asked Maura out in that moment or had confessed romantic feelings for Maura and expressed an interest in pursuing a romantic relationship with her Maura would have either said "yes" or "I need to think about it because I'm in love with you and loving you means being accepting of the dangers that come with your job and I need time to accept that" or something.
This show, it's always Maura that's aware that she's in love with Jane and Jane being the one that's in denial.
But it's so interesting because Jane is not completely oblivious. She has extremely quick wit and is insanely observant. She is a detective and excellent at her job. She can draw correct conclusions with a single look in anyone's direction and even more so when it comes to people she knows and loves. Unless her own limiting beliefs and assumptions get in the way that is. There is a reason Jane bought Maura her favorite insanely expensive perfume to say sorry and not something else. She knows Maura is in love with her and she didn't need her mother to spell Maura's feelings about her out to her. She did need someone to back up the "Maura's feelings are just friendly" story she's been telling herself though and her mother did just that.
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ohnohargrove · 11 months
I just imagine Vincent Sinclair would be an incredibly sweet boyfriend. Imagine that he's been caught up in his work for the majority of the day. You had all shared breakfast together at the table before everyone had to go off to do their respective duties. Lester had dropped by that morning and he had gone off to do some repairs in the movie theater, Bo had gone down to the garage to work on a particularly rusty (and "a stubbon sonafabitch" in his words) truck he got from one of his latest victims, and Vincent had hurried off to the basement workshop to start on a new sculpture for the museum. He had assured you he'd be back sometime late this afternoon.
It was now 9 PM and Lester was watching you and Bo get into a very heated game of War on the living room coffee table. Bo was on the couch, You were cross-legged on the floor with Jonesy's head in your lap, sound asleep even though there was heated cursing going on, and Lester was on the arm chair to the side of both of you. Bo threw the cards down on the table. "Goddammit! Where th' HELL do you keep gettin' those joker cards" he let out, bringing his hands up to his face. Lester and you both knew the game was basically over at that point.
You looked at the old, dusty clock on the wall and Lester noticed the look you gave when you finally saw the time. He reached into the cooler beside his chair, got up, and handed both you and the fuming man a cold bottle of beer. "Hey now," he assured, putting a hand on your shoulder, "sometimes Vince gets caught up in his work, that's all. He's always been like that ever since we were little. It's best to just let him do his thing. He'll come 'round. Promise." Bo flicked the cap off of his bottle and onto the pile of scattered cards. "Yeah, damn perfectionist probably can't get the nose right or somethin'." He took a large swig of his beer. "You gonna shuffle those cards and re-deal 'em so I can kick your ass?" You and Lester both shared a knowing look that another game would just turn him into an even bigger sore loser, but you obliged.
It was a little past 11 at that point. Lester had decided to head home after Bo lost for a second time and started pulling the silent treatment towards you. "Jonesy can have a little sleepover with you tonight" Lester said as he was getting his boots on, "she's had a rough day of running up and down the isles and knocking stuff over while I was fixin' it. I think she's pretty tuckered out." You thanked Lester and told Bo you were heading off to bed, which he ignored ("he'll get over it in the morning" you thought to yourself). You passed the basement door on the way to the stairs and still heard opera music playing from below. Lester was right, it's best not to disturb him if he's really this caught up in sculpting. You called Jonesy up the stairs and promised her that she could sleep under the covers tonight.
Light streamed into the windows and hit your face. You noticed that Vincent hadn't come to bed that night and Jonesy was now gone. You looked over at your nightstand to see what time it was, but sitting in front of the old alarm clock was a small figure obscuring it's view. You rubbed your eyes and noticed that it was a small dog sculpted from wax with a folded note underneath. You smiled as you picked the little dog up and ran your fingers over the detailed fur. You reached over to open the note and see what it said. It was somewhat dingey paper with immaculate handwriting scrawled on it.
"My dearest one, I'm incredibly sorry that I stayed out so late last night. I feel horrible that I promised you I'd be done, but time had slipped away from me and I didn't want to wake you. I'm having a particularly tough time with the face of my newest sculpture (especially the nose) and it will take longer than I had anticipated. If you'd like, you may join me for breakfast in my workshop as I finish up. If not, I should be done by noon and I mean it this time. I think Jonesy might like to play in the yard for a while. Forever yours, Vincent"
You got out of bed and headed down to the kitchen, grabbing a carton of eggs out of the refrigerator along with some butter to make toast. You planned on bringing your boyfriend some sunny side up eggs for breakfast and chatting while he finished his work. Playing frisbee with Jonesy could wait until noon so all three of you could play. At that thought, you felt a cold nose press the back of your leg and you handed the pup a slice of bread.
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