#frankie jackson and holt forever
Lets talk about Komos the new teacher
Sooo... Komos is Dr. Jeklly and Mr. Hyde in disguise. 
finally saw the full clip of his classroom and now i understand what everyone was talking about.  
I already knew that he was gonna be the villain of the story, its kind of obvious him being the only new character, but I did not have him being Dr. J and Mr. H on my list. that or he’s gotta be connected to them in some way, because he looked too pissed when he was talking about how everyone hated Mr. Hyde. not to mention he looks almost identical to the picture of Dr. J! He could be Jackson’s and Holt’s sort of replacement being the son of the original Dr. J because Komos kind of looks too young to have gone to school with clawdeen’s and Draculaura’s parents, not to mention have a kid thats 15-16
When the character poster first came out I thought Komo’s horns looked so fake and i chopped it up to them just not having a big enough budget and doing the best that they could to spirt gum horns to Kyle Selig’s forehead. and while kyle does have blue eyes, in the close ups of Komos his eyes almost feel fake, they’re too blue, it looks like he’s wearing contacts. If monster high is smart enough, bold enough, to know that we think their budget is so low so thats the reason his sfx makeup looks so bad and we’re giving them a pass and trying to suspend our disbelief, but to have it actually be that the villain is hiding in plain sight and the “fake horns” ARE ACTUALLY FAKE... now i think that would actually impress me.
Those who know me know i’m a huge Holt and Jackson fan. And while i love twist villains and am excited to see what they do with Komos, im super disappointed because this most likely means that Holt and Jackson will not be coming back to monster high. they seem to be teasing a sequel and with the animated series as well i do think they could try to fit them in with a “oooo son of the villain” storyline, but I feel like they’re main ark is already being used. Dr. J and Mr. H are clearly a parallel for Clawdeen’s journey in being half monster half human and teaching the school how to accept both humans and monster (something i alway wished they had done with jackson and holt). And with the movie directly using their story there's really no need to bring in another J and H. If they did bring them back i feel like it would be a completely different version of them. 
Jackson and Holt will always live on in my memory. I’ll never forget my funky little boys, but unless by some miracle they reveal that Komos (if he does turn out to be Dr. J and Mr. H) has a secret teenage son. I really wanted so see Jackson and Holt with Ceci’s version of Frankie 😭. I just know they would have been the cutest couple OR AT LEAST FRIENDS!
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jekyll2life · 1 year
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“Frankie’s New Lurk ~ Group Ver.”
I’m so happy to finally have Skulltimate Secrets Frankie! They’ve been on the top of my wishlist for, like, forever! And they’re just absolutely drop dead gore-geous! I know Jackson and Holt adore them too. 
As fun as it was working on the fashion show, I’m really happy to get to spend time with my dolls again. I really missed them. Jackson’s glasses got lost during the fashion show and I’m still waiting on replacements, so for now he’s glasses-less. 
Thank you all for being patient with me during my hiatus. It is good to be back. 💛
Extra Disclaimer under the Read More (regarding Frankie’s hat):
In case anyone was wondering why I put Frankie’s hat on backwards. I’m aware of the controversy surrounding Frankie’s hat and, after examining both sides of the argument, I’ve decided it would be best to censor the symbol on the front. Even at a stretch, and I do feel like it is a stretch, I don’t want to risk evoking harmful imagery. My page is a comforting place for every monster, and I want all who come here to know they are loved.
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watchmebackflip75 · 4 years
My friend likes puns.
Friend: You never mind my dad jokes (she’s not a dad).
Me: Honey, I’ve heard worse. So much worse.
Friend: I doubt that.
*Shows her Monster High movie*
Friend is crying: I can’t stop laughing!
Me: Welcome.
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savetheearthbros · 3 years
Genuinely would love to see your MH headcanons and opinions. You're literally one of the 3 blogs I actively recognize by name and everything (I kind of know Gravity Falls lore through osmosis and you being the only blog active on my dash at 3 am)
Ok so headcanons:
I absolutely love Frankie she’s my favorite of my main ghoul.
She has flashbacks from the life that she had before become herself (causes she’s made up of other people bodies) as well as has nightmares of her past life’s death
She is super self conscious about her hand falling off and tries to avoid it at all cost
She’s the Token straight I’m sorry-
I like the idea of her being trans but I can’t think of why Frankenstein would make his daughter trans but idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I do headcanon she at least has high levels of testosterone cause not all her body parts are from female bodies
I’m gonna get some hate for this but I don’t like either of them all that much-
I find them annoying and preppy
They’re gay and in love
Draculaura is bi specifically and her a claud really loved each other but decided against staying together cause they figured out they loved each other as friends more then significant others
I don’t really think of them that often-
I love this man SO MUCH
He’s autistic and tries really hard to keep up with social stuff but Cleo specifically makes it hard on him sometimes
All his snakes have names and nicknames
He loves Rochelle because he can talk to her without his shades
Bright lights hurt his eyes because of how often he wears his shades
He vocal stims a lot (saying the word dude specifically)
He’s bi and deserves better then Cleo (I will stand by this forever)
He has a crush on Claud
Works like a did system kinda
Poly kings
Both In love with Frankie. Don’t love the idea of the other one dating her as well at the beginning but eventually they learn to love on another /because/ of Frankie
Jackson is bi holt is pan
They eventually get a different trigger for their switch and Jackson doesn’t stop listening to music for days
Jackson like 100 gecs. No I won’t change my mind
Jackson is smart in some aspects but kinda sucks ass at math
Holt isn’t Jackson bad side he just doesn’t have any impulse control Jackson has to much anxiety to be like him
His moms the Jekyll/Hyde monster in the family his dad is the fire elemental
If you have anymore characters you want me to talk about please ask!!!!! I love talking about this!!!!!!!
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Cursed monster high au: barbie princess and the pauper but it’s a human Holt and Jackson as Annalise and Erika.
They have to be human or else I get the feeling a wig probably wouldn’t convince people holt is Jackson since ya know... he has fire for hair and his skin is blue.
Frankie out here teaching Holt how to be a prince while she just casually drops hints that she likes Jackson and thinks he’s “like a Rose that’s forever in blOOOOOOOM!”.
Weirdly enough Jackson and Holt’s intrests actually match Erika and Annalise’s since Annalise is interested in science and is super responsible while Erika desperately wants to be a singer and is a free spirit who longs to break the mold.
Maybe primenger is the ghouls rule cop lol.
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geminiblackout · 3 years
Dear diary
|| Send “Dear Diary” for a random excerpt from my muses diary. (Accepting!) ||
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November 1st
I’m pretty used to my memory being kinda shit, but I can mostly blame it on the blackouts and switching to Jackson mid-conversation. Kinda hard to remember what you did and didn’t do when your memory overlaps. But last night, I really can’t tell what was real. It all feels like a dream, and I’m kinda wishin’ it was. But I checked my wrists and man, those handcuffs did some damage. That, and the photos everyone keeps posting. Yeah, monsters that keep posting me in the Trick-Or-Treatment machine deserve a special fuck you from me.
Cool that the normies helped me out I guess, considering nearly everyone else was just about willing to let me die. Still, I hate seeing everyone so close with them, as if they aren’t the ones who started it. The one normie who I tried to talk to even made me blackout in place of Jackson! I just feel like I can’t trust them, y’know? I’ll give Jackson credit though, despite what he’s said about me, he never once ripped on me for being a monster.
Kinda brings into light what everyone else is saying about me though. Obnoxious, impulsive, they just can’t shut up and hold their tongue. I just wanted everything to go back to normal, forget about almost getting decapitated and throw a killer party so we could all move on. Gnaw, of course, it couldn’t be that simple. Got thrown into full-time-dork for most of the night and woke up to a replay of the disaster. At least I can say I didn’t let anyone know this fucked me up as much as it did.
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November 1st
For a while, I thought I wouldn’t belong anywhere. I’ve grown so close with all my friends at Monster High, but I still feel like an outsider. Turns out, I’m just kinda an outsider everywhere. I couldn’t even fit in at the normie school. I don’t want to let myself get down about it, I think it just means I need to find my own group that accepts me for who I am. Part monster and part human, and if they can’t accept that, they don’t deserve my time.
But that’s about the only thing I feel like I’ve really processed from last night. I keep getting sent photos of Holt when he was put to be executed. I haven’t replied to anyone yet, mostly because the photos make me sick. That would have been it, Holt would have gotten us killed and there wasn’t anything I could have done to prevent it. I’m so sick of how immature and impulsive he is. I know he didn’t graffiti the school, and I believe him, but it was his actions that lead him to get captured and nearly kill us both. He’s not taking this seriously at all. Big surprise, but you’d think in the face of death he’d drop the act and grow up for once. I hope he learned from this, but I know he didn’t.
But the other thing that I’ve been trying to focus on so I don’t go crazy with frustration is Clair. We spent the entire night together and she even gave me her number. I’ve never kissed anyone before, but having her there, pulling me tight to her and the softness of her lips on mine, I swear I can still feel it. She chose me over Holt. She actually thinks I’m, well, cool or something! Cooler than him. She wanted to party with me and be around me for me. 
I feel terrible for Frankie. I know we said we’d put our relationship on pause until me and Holt figured ourselves out... but I don’t think we ever will. It’s just not going to happen, not after he proved he’s not capable of acting like an adult last night. I’ll forever be his monster-sitter, and I’m not going to degrade myself for some jerk. I just hope she understands, we really tried. Well, I really tried. I just need someone who sees me as my own person.
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psychnerd47 · 5 years
Monster College part 4
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Rating PG, Warnings mentions of drinking and brief mild language. 
Authors Note: sorry it took so long to write, I’ve been struggling to write this. I had really hard time trying to keep Billy in character so I tried to write him more like he is in the books and other fanfics 
 The party grew crazier, louder and more insane as more monsters and more booze showed up. Billy and Scarah were able to slink out just as the party picked up, but the others weren’t so lucky. The university police rounded up party attendees and took them down to the station. Deuce, Cleo, Operetta, Heath Burns, Johnny Spirit, and Holt Hyde, who after having been removed from the loud music of the party was starting to turn back to Jackson and some other monsters they didn’t recognize. Jackson was relieved that Frankie made it out of the party and didn’t have to go in for questioning.  
“I can’t believe we have to ride in the back of the police van like a common criminal,” Cleo said disgustedly, “I’m royalty and deserve to be treated as such.” 
A look of horror came upon Deuces face, “You know that it’s not good that we are being arrested, Cleo. Like it could be on our record forever and we could get kicked out of college.”
“But we didn’t actually do anything,” Heath whined. 
“Speak for yourself,” Jackson moaned, “I have no idea how many drinks Holt had, but all I know I now feel miserable.” The nerdy human boy looked like he could barf if the van hit a bump hard enough. 
Deuce put his arm around Jackson, “Hold in there bro, we’ll get to the station soon.”
Operetta sat in the corner of the van steaming, “You all are going to be fine. But I’m going to the slammer because I threw the dang party,” the rockabilly continued to mope. Johnny Spirit put his ghostly arm on her.
“You’ll be ok baby, I’m the one with the milelong rap-sheet.” Johnny said with a new tone of panic in his voice.  
“Do you think I will get my own cell, or will I be thrown in a common one with the peasants.”
Everyone else groaned.
    *                                         *                                                 *
University Police led the ghouls out of the van and into a room for questioning. A female officer walked in, “Operetta Phantom,” the officer called.
“Here,” she replied in her Southern tang. The Rockabilly phantom was lead into the next room. The male cop stayed in the room with the rest of the ghoul friends.
Deuce sat on the hard chair in the cold but crowded room. The gorgon boy let out a sigh, “All I want is to go back to the dorm, take a shower, and go to bed.”
“Well if you pass the breathalyzer test, we won’t charge you will under age drinking and you can go back to your precious dorm room,” the male officer grumbled.
“Well that’s good,” Heath said with a tone of relief in his voice, “Holt was the only one who was drinking so we will be freed.”
 “Well if ‘Holt’ was the only one drinking why does Mister Jekyll here look so miserable?” the officer looked Jackson straight in the face.  
“Um, well,” Jackson started to ramble, “you see Holt, and I share the same body. But while I’m polite, reserved and shy, Holt is obnoxious, loud, and out of control and he is blue skinned with fire hair. Holt appears when loud music is played,” Jackson fidgeted with his bowtie awkwardly, “so it would be wrong to make me responsible for Holt’s drinking. I personally am very against alcohol, honestly it makes me want to puke my guts out,” the nerdy boy winced, he looked so miserable, “may I have a glass of water please.”
 “I guess that will be ok,” the male cop grumbled.
“Can I have one too, and make it with lemon and ice,” Cleo ordered.      
The officer’s glare shot bullets, “This is not a dang restaurant, I’m not getting anyone water. You’ll take your tests and then I hopefully will never have to see you all ever again.”
+                                        +                                                         +                                  
“I can’t believe they just let me off with a warning,” Operetta said with a sigh of relief, “I mean I’m the one who threw this disastrous hootenanny.”
 “But you didn’t know that those frat goons where going to crash it,” Deuce explained to his Rockabilly friend.
“I’m just glad they are letting me go after Holt drank all that alcohol.” Jackson said with a tone of relief.
 “After you puked your guts out on the officer’s boots. I don’t think the officer wanted you around much longer,” Johnny Spirit reported.  
Jackson continued his rant about Holt, “You won’t believe how much trouble we got into when Holt got our eyebrow pierced or when he got that tattoo on our back. It is making me crazy.”
·                                                     *                                           *
“Be quiet.” Deuce told the fire elemental, “you don’t want to wake Billy up,”
“Oh, sure, I am the king of being quiet,” Heath assured his friend, “I’m not going to wake him up,” but right after he said that Heath’s hair caught on fire. Triggering the smoke alarm and setting off the sprinkler.
“What the hell Heath,” Billy yelled uncharacteristically for him as he sat up in his now soaked bed.
“Sorry,” the fire elemental said sheepishly.
*                                                                 *                                                                 *
Deuce woke up at 6:00 the next morning. He grumbled to himself as he quickly pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, he absolutely hated having to go to the communal bathroom in the morning, so inconvenient. As he trudged down the hall the gorgon boy stewed in the misery of dorm life. He no longer had his own room, though having Jackson as his roommate was the best choice he could think of, he was not allowed to have his pet rat Perseus in the residence hall, no longer having a bathroom that he only had to share with his mom. He missed his mom even if she could be a bit overbearing. Deuce hated to admit it, but he was a bit of a mama’s boy.  
Deuce brushed his teeth and started to take his shower. While he was getting dressed in the shower cubicle, his icoffin began to ring. The gorgon boy could tell by the Casta and the Spells song that it was his mother calling.
 “What’s up mom?” Deuce asked into the phone.
  “I just wanted to check on my baby boy,” Medusa said coolly, “how are doing?”
 “Um, fine, just a little tired,” Deuce answered honestly.
 “You haven’t turned anyone into stone, right?” Medusa asked her son.
   “I haven’t mom,” the gorgon boy answered with a tone of annoyance in his voice.
    “You have been remembering to put on clean underwear?”
   “Ugh, mom some one could hear this, but yes,” Deuce felt ready to die of embarrassment.
 “You haven’t been going to any crazy parties, have you?”
Even though he was talking on the phone Deuce could feel his mother’s eyes looking straight through him.  “Um, how did you know about that?” Deuce could feel his face turning red.  
 “Sydney Jekyll called me last night. Turns out Jackson had a traumatic experience last night and decided he need to talk to his mom about that. She said that he was crying and threw up a few times last night. Do you have an insight on this topic Deucey?”
  Deuce grew quiet, he needed to tell his mother what happened but also did want her to freak out and drag him back home. “Well you see mom, Operetta and Johnny decided to throw a back to school bash. It was a pretty cool party until, Manny and some fraternity goons crashed the party. I didn’t drink an alcohol, promise mom, but the frat goons played some loud crazy music, turning Jackson into Holt. I guess while Holt was living it up at the party, he must’ve chugged all the booze. Anyways when he transformed back to Jackson, the poor dude had to deal with consequences of Holt’s mistake. But don’t worry mom I promise I will never drink that stuff I learned about it enough second hand.”
Deuce left out the part about being taken in questioning at the campus police station, didn’t want her to freak out.    
*                                               *                                                           *
Jackson found himself waking up somewhere cold and hard, his head was killing him, and his stomach felt awful. The nerdy human boy started to move, he realized he fell asleep in his glasses, strange. As he tried to sit up, he realized he was on the floor of the hall bathroom. Images of his miserable experience the previous night flashed through his mind.  
“Ohmyghoul!! Jackson are you alright,” Invisi Billy’s voice called out.
 “I’m fine I guess,” Jackson stammered as he weakly pulled himself off the floor, “what are you doing here?”
 “I may be invisible, but I still have to pee,” Invisi-Billy laughed.
 Jackson’s face winced. “Thank you for that delightful imagery,” the “normie” scientist boy said sarcastically.
“I think we need to get you something to eat, all the alcohol on an empty stomach can’t be good,” the invisible boy suggested.
*                                                        *                                                               *
Invisi Billy took Jackson to the Dying Hall were they got plates of scrambled eggs, fruit, and toast.    
tags @queenofworry
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13xwishes · 7 years
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
@duelingpersonalities|| ✨ As You Wish! ✨
my opinion on;
character in general: Jackson was, is and always will be my my top 3 of my favorite mansters. Yes he’s a monster too and I hate how they treated him in the series. Holt is pretty wild and I like it, though sometimes he can be obnoxious and over the top sometimes. Makes a killer ass DJ!how they play them: Honey, you don’t play them. You ARE them!the mun: One of the sweetest mansters I ever have the pleasure of knowing. Brandon, you kick ass even when you don’t believe it at times. Don’t ever disregard that
do i;
follow them: FOREVER!rp with them: ALWAYSwant to rp with them: When don’t I?ship their character with mine: We’re getting there. I was a bit skeptical but now that I think about it, Jackson and Gigi would be so adorable together. Better than Frankie. Unlike most of the monsters, she would treat him kindly and he’s already such a gentlemanster to her.
what is my;
overall opinion: Booftiful muses and furrific mun! You NEED to follow him if you haven’t. He deserves way more credit than he’s given
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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jekyll2life · 1 year
Not sure if any other doll collectors do this, but I came up with backstories for most of my dolls. I'm planning on writing fic for them later. But just in case I don’t get around to it, I wanted to share what I had anyway. 
There’s a bit of a fantasy element imbued into it (obviously, because dolls aren’t sentient), but this is just what I like to imagine. 
We’ll start with Jackson, Holt, and Frankie first. Because if I do my entire collection straight out of the gate, this post will get way too long. XD
Anyway, writing under the cut. 
Disclaimer just in case: Most of the human names are ones I made up for the sake of storytelling. 
Jackson Jekyll:
Jackson was given to a child named Lacey for Christmas, amongst a few other toys. He was neither the favorite nor least favorite toy of the collection, and he spent a fair amount of time both being played with and being left in the toybox. Lacey was a gentle child when it came to their toys, so there wasn’t much he needed to worry about in terms of treatment. As Lacey grew into adulthood, Jackson was moved to a shelf. He sat at the top of the shelf, content with living a quiet life of just watching the sun rise and set from a nearby window. Occasionally, he might steal some of Lacey’s books to read, but otherwise his life was pretty uneventful. He never went outside and Lacey hardly interacted with him anymore (Not that he really minded that. He was perfectly content being alone really). He didn’t question it when she picked him up one day and took some pictures of him, only to put him back on the shelf later. 
A few weeks pass, Jackson is taken from his spot on the shelf, shoved into a packing envelope, and is mailed across the country. In that moment, his life changed forever. 
When Jackson first arrived in Jester’s home (Jester is me btw), he was at first dazed, frightened, and confused. Unlike Lacey, Jester was loud and overexcited. Instead of being left alone on a shelf, Jackson was now being brought place to place alongside the new human. He was now seeing and experiencing the outside world, rather than just observing it from a distance. Over time, Jackson came to enjoy his new, more adventurous life. Still, he has moments where he would like to return to the quiet and just stay inside, watching sunrises and sunsets from the window. 
Holt Hyde:
Holt once belonged to a fellow collector, Agnes. Agnes was very particular about how she wanted her dolls to be kept. She had several completed sets, all kept in glass cases in a room with no windows so as to avoid sun damage. Most of the other dolls in the collection were fine with this. They were well taken care of and Agnes visited them on a frequent basis. However, Holt was a troublemaker by nature. He longed to see the world outside the doll room, and being cooped up in one place forever was not the way he wanted to live (even if leaving the doll room meant his lifespan would be dramatically shorter). 
Holt attempted to break out of the doll room on multiple occasions, including opening the glass case from the inside and jumping out. He once got so close as to opening the front door of the house and nearly stepping outside. But before he could really feel the rays of the sun, Agnes found him and dragged him back inside. She scolded him, not understanding why he would want to ruin his good condition just to go outside. Being somewhat of an old doll, Holt was more fragile than he preferred to think himself to be. Still, he tried to explain to her that in his mind, a life with no experience was no life at all. 
Holt was put back into the glass case after that, but Agnes thought over his wishes. After some time, she decided that perhaps it would be best to let him go. After saying goodbye to his closest friends in the collection, Agnes packaged Holt up carefully in a box and sent him away to Jester’s home. 
Now, Holt’s had the chance to experience the sun, the moon, and all the wonders of the world outside. He’s quite sociable, so he’s made good friends with the other dolls in the collection. At times, however, he gets jealous of the favoritism Jester expresses towards Jackson. He also gets fed up if kept in one place for too long. 
G3 Frankie Stein
Frankie was bought brand-new, straight from the original packaging. Jester told Jackson and Holt ahead of time that Frankie would be coming home, but also warned them that this Frankie would be different from the one they knew in their memories. Still, they were very excited to see them. 
In my mind, when dolls are in their box, they enter something of a sleep mode. So when Frankie first woke up, the first faces they saw were Jackson and Holt. They introduced themselves enthusiastically, and that’s when Jackson and Holt found out that this Frankie had no memories of them (because as of the day I’m writing this, Jackson and Holt don’t exist in G3 yet). Jackson and Holt were a little disappointed, since they both remembered Frankie. But this Frankie had the same sweet earnestness that the Frankie they remember had, so they couldn’t be too mad. 
Frankie is very wide-eyed and curious, and was very excited about getting to explore the world. So Jackson and Holt accompanied Frankie on their first ever trip outside. It just so happened at that time that the sun was going down as they were going out. And so Frankie’s first experience outside was watching the sunset. 
Jackson, Frankie, and Holt took a little extra time getting to know each other. But over time, Jackson and Holt fell in love just as hard for this new Frankie as the one in their memories. And Frankie loved both of them just as much. 
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