#franky event
cyborg-franky · 1 month
Mini Wedding Event
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Hello! It has been an age since I ran any kind of event on the blog, and I miss it. So, I decided to run a mini-one. Wedding themed [no genders mentioned] I will also avoid any religious talk.
Basically, you fill out this little form and send it to me, and I will plan your wedding!
---Rules--- 1. One per person 2. Only 10 slots for now! 3. Have to send an ask OFF anon. 4. No minors/ageless blogs 5. I am only doing one char per block [so like, one Ace in the first 10 so I don’t end up being same-same] 6. Remember your please and thank you <3
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Character: Dress/Outfit [your kinda vibe, dress or suit or themed] Pick two colours: Big or small wedding: Season: [fall wedding? Summer?] Food and drink?:
TAKEN [CLOSED] Corazon Marco Kid Sanji Thatch Hongo Killer Ace Shanks Law
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frosty-tian · 2 months
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Unveiling the full piece I did for @turbofox-zines!
It was an absolute pleasure to have been part of a zine with so many amazing/skilled individuals (please do make sure to support everyone else’s entries as well), and very much shall participate any future events hosted by the team!
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foxtamer113 · 2 years
Yor: Loid annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.
Anya: There's nothing special about tomorrow mama.
Yor: But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
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Taylor!!! Happy 1k to you!!!!! So well deserved. Hope you’re having fun celebrating 💕
💫- “Do you have to leave right now?” “I can stay for a little while longer.” with big soft guy Frankie Morales please 🥰
Em xx
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heat lightning
rating: teen pairing: frankie morales x f!reader word count: 1.1K summary: this is not your frankie warnings: angst, reader and frankie have a daughter, proceeds the events of the movie, everyone's having a really bad time a/n: thank you for your request, Em! i know i don't usually do angsty!frankie but i think this scene had been brewing in my head for a while and i wanted to try it out! love you so much and i hope you like it!
🤍Masterlist 🤍 Frankie Morales Masterlist
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When you were nine, your aunt and uncle divorced. An ugly thing – lots of crying, late nights up with your mother, arguments over the phone, loyalties tested, lines drawn in the sand. You didn’t understand much of it at the time, but there was always a moment that imprinted on your young psyche that has stayed there ever since.
You can almost smell the spilt wine on the carpet in the living room, hear your mother muttering and blotting with one hand, the other on her sister’s knee. You couldn’t see your aunt’s face from your perch on the staircase. Perhaps because it was elicit – you had been put to bed hours ago – or because you were curious – you had never seen an adult cry before – but you can recall the memory as if it were yesterday. From between the banisters of the stairs, only your aunt’s back was visible, hunched over and swaying as if unable to hold herself up right. It reminded you of your baby brother before he could hold his neck – precarious and loose in a way that was almost horrific in its vulnerability. She sways, back and forth, your mother’s hand on her knee - it’s alright, it’s just a spill, we’ll clean it up, don’t worry, it won’t stain – and then your aunt mutters the words you will forever remember for the rest of your life. The words butting up against each other, slurred on top of each other, she whispers:
“I woke up to a stranger.”
You think about your aunt and your mother and the fights and the wine and the calls and how you never saw your cousins much after that as you stare up at the shadowed ceiling, as lighting blinks reality white for a fraction of a second. Thunder rumbles, angry like your aunt, but for some reason you can’t feel anger. You don’t know what you feel but your jaw remains slacked, your joints sink into the sheets, your throat clear. 
Another growl of thunder, a single shriek of the alarm clock at 3AM, and Frankie’s hand slaps it silent, the alarm unnatural and too loud, threatening to bring the ire down from some great furious eye. Rage you couldn’t begin to grasp at, but wished for. The fortifying self-righteousness of anger would feel lovely right now. 
Instead, all you can hear is your aunt’s drunken words. 
Beside you, Frankie is still through the next beat of thunder, the spark of lightning, and then he sits up. He faces away from you, shoulders rounded like your aunt, but firm and steady unlike your aunt. In the next snap of lightning, you watch the planes of his back glow, muscle and scars and bone and sinew just as familiar to you as your own hands. You could trace Frankie blind-folded if you had to. Your hand goes to him as it has an incalculable amount of times over the past few years, unaware of what your conscious mind knows: you can’t make him stay.
A stranger – how can he possibly be a stranger to me?
Your hand on his lower back stirs him, waking up to the heat of your palm.
“It won’t be long,” he says for the dozenth time, a mantra for him as well as you. “I’ll be back before Alejandra’s party.” 
The Frankie you know, the Frankie you love would never even risk missing his daughter’s birthday. This hulking thing in the shape of your husband sees it as something worth losing, in favor of money. This hulking thing in the shape of your husband wants to provide, wants to prove there is a sliver of a better man beneath the coke addiction, beneath the suspension of his license. It wants to provide, provide, provide when all it does to you is take. 
Neither of you know this now but it will take him over a month to come back, empty handed but filled to the brim with more nightmares than before. One month to the day of this night, you will google, “when is a missing person presumed dead?” and then close your laptop so hard, it shatters and you blow a hole in your bedroom wall with the force you throw it across the room. 
This hulking thing in the shape of your husband is foreign to you, strange, but it still smells like him. Sounds like him. Has the same warm cup of his hands. 
When you don’t respond, or even beg, he moves to stand, the slats under the bed groaning. He promised to fix those months ago. 
He stands and your fingers curl around your husband’s wrist. Even the beat of his pulse sounds just like Frankie’s. But this is not your Frankie.
You hope to God and whatever else is listening that Frankie finds himself in the dark bowels of that wet jungle. 
Your mouth dry and your own heartbeat loud in your ears, you look up at him, into those dark brown eyes that make up your whole world. They are unfamiliar to you as they watch you with an emotion you can’t ever remember seeing in his eyes before. 
“I know you have to go,” and you do, you know this is something he has to do for himself, not for you or your daughter, but himself and there’s nothing you can do to stop him. “But do you have to leave right now?”
This hulking thing that smells like your husband, sounds like your husband, maybe loves you like your husband goes still. Beneath your fingertips, you swear his heartbeat slows. Lightning flashes again and you lose completely the shadowy outlines of his face in the total darkness.
And in that flash, his wrist slips out from between your fingers – this thing is going to be intentionally cruel as he cuts the cord and takes off with the soul of your husband – and then a broad hand slips down to your shoulder, your elbow. Gently pushing, guiding you back onto your side, he slips back under the covers, encasing your body in skin and warmth you know so well,  muscle and scars and bone and sinew just as familiar to you as your own hands. His breath is soft, relaxing as he curls around you and you hate this thing even more because it really does a wonderful impersonation of your husband, the man you love, the man you will always love. 
You let the tears come because you know they won’t break his fickle stone heart and you need relief. 
He holds you as you cry, his nose in your ear as he says, 
“I can stay for a little while longer.”
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allelitewrestlings · 2 months
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iaxsl · 9 months
if oda wasn't against romance koby and helmeppo would be dating rn meanwhile the straw hats would've thrown a grand wedding for franky and robin
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belleszn · 3 months
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⠀     ☻  ⁺   🔮𖨂  ✹˳
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⠀     ❥   o  ⁺  ┄
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mamamittens · 5 months
The Intent Matters
This is part 6/12 of December Event 2023 for @humanoid606
Platonic Yandere Straw Hats & Nonbinary Reader
Warnings: Implied toxic family, child abuse, and murder. Oh, and light yandere undertones.
Word Count: 2,625
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There was a chill in the air that mixed with the scent of warm spices. It lingered over your bedding as you buried your nose into your pillow, trying to sleep a little longer. Peace was a bit rare on the Thousand Sunny with the Straw Hat Pirates. So you tried to enjoy it as long as you could. But, as expected, it didn’t last long.
There was a gentle knocking.
“Are you awake, teaspoon?” Your nose wrinkled at the nickname. An odd one for Sanji. But sweet.
A little goes a long way, teaspoon.
“…Yeah. I’m awake.” You called back, receiving an amused huff.
“Get dressed and you can help with the Christmas rolls.” Sanji called. “As a treat.” That got you up and moving. The opportunity to help Sanji cook was rare, the chef protective over his kitchen—understandably with your menace of a captain liable to eat everything if given the chance. You made record time throwing on a sweater and taking care of hygiene. The chill present all on the ship despite the heating working hard. Something Franky was fixing since he apparently didn’t expect this level of persistent cold when originally planning the temperature control.
You nearly stumbled into the kitchen, Sanji smiling at your enthusiasm as he dipped his head towards a bowl.
“Mixing duty?” You asked, already knowing the answer as pre-measured bowls lined the counter. Dough from the looks of it. Sanji moved aside as you washed your hands with a pleased hum, glad you remembered your manners and didn’t touch food with dirty hands.
It was a quiet, pleasant atmosphere as you assisted in making rolls for breakfast and setting aside cookie dough for gingerbread later. Rolling, cutting, folding, and setting them in the oven under Sanji’s watchful eye. He even let you ice them.
“Don’t forget your gift, teaspoon.” Sanji reminded in a hushed tone as he set the food on platters for serving. You looked at him in confusion. Eyes looking around for an answer. It was there, suddenly, on the counter. A small box with a red bow on top. Sanji looking at you in amusement as you lifted the lid.
It was a neatly folded apron and a pair of oven mitts. White with little spoons embroidered on the edges, the front of the apron spelling out in delicate calligraphy ‘Little Helper’. You flushed, glancing at him in surprise.
“W-What’s this all about?” You asked softly. Sanji smiled, taking out his cigarette to tap out the ashes into a tray.
“Your own apron and mitts. You’re welcome in my kitchen anytime, teaspoon. Merry Christmas.” Sanji pulled you into a gentle hug. The unexpected affection lingered for a moment before Sanji pulled away with a wink. Or maybe he just blinked, it was hard to say with his hair still covering the other eye. “Chopper has his own gift for you next. After breakfast, though.”
Breakfast was received with the usual cheer and gusto, particularly from Luffy. He took off his hat and settled it on your head, much to your surprise.
“Merry Christmas—you can wear that today. Just today though!” Luffy declared through a mouthful of bacon and cinnamon rolls. You couldn’t help but smile in shock. Sure, Luffy was generally chill with his crew messing with his hat, but to wear it a whole day?
That was a surprising gift.
When everyone—even Luffy—finished eating, Chopper tugged you away to his office.
“I had to look around for a quality bag to hold it all!” Chopper lamented, “Nothing was good enough! Usopp ended up helping make the bag. Here, your gift!” Chopper offered a box between his hooves. Getting rather excited, you lifted the lid and found a canvas bag inside. A bit smaller than something you’d wear to carry your things in, meant more to be worn by your hip with a belt clip and thigh buckle to support it. You pulled it out, inspecting the soft white fabric with a red cross on the outside.
The bag could detach from the fastenings and unzip in a surprisingly display of ingenuity. Medical supplies carefully secured and labelled on every flap, including a pouch of ‘miracle medicines’ from Chopper’s own stash. Things meant only under dire circumstances. Short of literal surgery, you appeared to be set for anything life on board the Thousand Sunny could throw at you.
“Wow, this is… a lot! Shouldn’t you be the one to have all this though? I only know a little first aid after all.” You asked nervously. Chopper smiled, eyes gleaming with determination.
“Don’t worry, I plan to teach you how to use everything in here to it’s fullest potential! Just in case we’re ever separated, I wanted to know you could take care of yourself—or any of our troublesome crewmates!” Chopper laughed and you smiled. It would be handy to have an extra pair of hands in a medical emergency. “Maybe if you have a knack for it, you can even make your own medicine!”
It was rather heartwarming that Chopper had so much faith in your abilities.
“Thanks, Chopper. I love it.” You hugged him close and he chuffed, returning the embrace without even a hint of fake-disdain that he usually did when embarrassed. “I won’t let you down.”
Chopper clicked his tongue.
“As if you ever could! Now, I believe Franky had something for you next!” You snorted, setting him down.
“Am I going to be going to each of you today to get gifts? If I’d known, I would have gotten you all something too… though I don’t really celebrate.” You trailed off weakly, squeezing the bag as Chopper huffed, knowing what you were referring to.
“We know! Next year you can join in—but this year we wanted to show you that things are different here! Now, off you go!” Chopper gently ushered you out of his office. You left with a smile, taking a moment to secure the bag before going on to find Franky. Likely in the engine room, you’d know when you started to smell soda.
The cyborg was always surrounded by the scent of soda.
As expected, he was messing with the machinery deeper in the ship. Inspecting gears and gauges with an array of tools nearby. After a few moments, you knocked on the wall just loud enough to be heard over the mechanical workings. He jolted, looking back with pleased surprise.
“Oh! Hey there! Here for your gift, right?” Franky jerked his head off to the side against the wall where a colorful box waited. “It’s my part of what Usopp and I have been working on! An attachment for a weapon!” Franky laughed. You opened the box to find what like a thick barrel with a selection wheel around the base. Shapes you vaguely recognized as tool inserts for knuts, bolts, and screws along it.
When you clicked the wheel to what appeared to be a regular screw cross shape, a large piece of metal slid out. The tip of a screw, in fact, though clearly for a very large screw.
“Uh… how often am I meant to run into screws this big?” You asked loudly. Franky laughed.
“There’s a regular sized ones in there too that you can remove! But this is what you might find on bigger machines! You never know when you’ll need to tighten—or loosen—something!” Franky declared cheerfully. “Go to Usopp for the other half!”
“Alright, thanks, Franky!” You laughed, taking the box with you. At the very least Usopp can reuse it for something.
Usopp was in his studio, working on something quietly. He heard you coming in just fine and turned with a wide grin, spotting the rather heavy attachment in your arms.
“Oh! Sooner than expected, but that’s alright! I finished it just a few days ago!” Usopp grinned, standing up to rummage through a closet. He pulled out a pole about as tall as your waist. “It’s got some neat tricks. A taser, light, and even an emergency whistle that can be heard for miles around in a thick forest! And, of course, you attach Franky’s gift on the end here for more engineering problems!” Usopp twisted the top to flip through an electrified prong, a tube with a beam of light, and very briefly a whistle that automatically sounded. It was incredibly loud.
You handed him the attachment and it slid into place easily. Now suitably sized for you to use the oversized tools it gave you. With a flick of his hand, they even altered slightly to turn for you, though the screwdrivers didn’t need to for obvious reasons.
“Neat. Kinda hope I never need any of that though.” You commented lightly. Usopp nodded his head sagely.
“Of course! Of course! Still, I think I speak for everyone when I say it’s better to have it and never need it than to need it and never have it!” Usopp declared. “Like Chopper’s medical bag! Hopefully, you never need to open it for anything but an aspirin for headaches, hah!” Usopp laughed, handing the now sizable staff to you.
You weighed it in your hands, getting a feel for it. It was understandably quite hefty. But also just a little too much to carry around regularly. You weren’t exactly built before joining the crew after all.
“It’s nice but… I’m not sure how I’d use it. Or carry it around all the time.” You admitted quietly. Usopp clapped his hand over your shoulder with a reassuring smile.
“That’s where Zoro and Nami come in! Go to the training room, they’re waiting in there for you!” Usopp declared. Hopeful, if a little nervous, you nodded.
That wasn’t exactly the most reassuring combo you could ask for. But still, you made your way to the training room without any fuss.
Nami spotted you first.
“Oh! There you are! And wow, they really went all out with that staff, didn’t they?” Nami asked, holding out her hand. Despite her slender frame, she whipped it around easily, flicking through the various options with an absentminded nod of her head. “Good. Good. Well, as you may have guessed, we’re going to help train you to wield this! I’ll help with technique and Zoro will help with strength training!” Zoro looked up from his own absurdly large weights and nodded.
“By the time the witch and I are done, you’ll be a terror in your own right.” Zoro added with a grin. “Later, though. For now, here’s our actual gifts.”
Zoro tossed something at you and you nearly fell trying to catch it. It was a pair of fingerless gloves with metal on the knuckles. They fit perfectly and had padding for your hands. As you flexed them, getting a feel for the fabric, Nami placed a pouch in them. It was a bag that looked like an orange slice with the unmistakable weight of money in them.
“An allowance, interest free!” Nami winked. “Don’t spend it all in one place!” She warned.
“Oh. T-Thanks.” You said faintly, a little gob smacked that Nami gave you money. Without expecting it back, even! Out of words to say, you put the bag away. “I… I guess I go find Robin or Jinbe now?” you asked, feeling a little adrift at the unexpected gift giving you’d experienced all day.
“They’re both in the kitchen right now, I think, enjoying some tea.” Nami mused, putting the weapon on the wall. “We’ll keep this here until you’re ready to carry it all day. Wouldn’t want to hurt yourself!”
“Merry Christmas.” You called out faintly as you went to find Robin and Jinbe.
As Nami had said, they were in the kitchen taking a moment to themselves. Sanji likely watching over the helm for Jinbe while he was on break before lunch.
“There you are, dear. Come, join us!” Robin called softly, Jinbe smiling and pulling out a chair for you. “Our gifts are also to be enjoyed at the same time. I imagine you’ve had a surprising day.” Robin commented, gently brushing your back as you sat down. She pushed out a box of tea and Jinbe pushed a journal towards you. Both were clearly high quality.
“To write down your thoughts. It gets pretty chaotic around here. So I thought that you’d like the chance to collect yourself through this.” Jinbe added quietly with a soft smile of his own. The journal was made of dyed leather, ocean blue with waves along the cover and the silhouettes of fish swimming to and fro. On a plate was your name engraved, with a fancy pen slipped into a loop between the covers.
Taking a moment, you pulled out a bag of tea labeled ‘noon’. There was also a section of ‘morning’ and ‘bed’ teas. It smelled zesty and like unfamiliar herbs. Robin assisting in pouring a cup to steep the leaves in. While it did, you flipped open the book to look at the pages. They were completely blank, no lines, so you could sketch if you preferred without any interference. The pages also thick and smooth.
You noticed something sticking out of the top. A scrap of newspaper. Curious, you flipped through the book to find it.
It was a small, cut section from a paper. Dated a few weeks ago. It was terse and professional, expressing the condolences for the passing of…
Your family.
Your eyes watered. After all they’d done to you, it was surprising that you could feel mournful of their passing. But over all of that was the overwhelming feeling of relief. You’d never have to see them again. For real this time. Not a chance they could find their way back in your life to tell you those awful things or drag you into the horrible depression that plagued your every step under their roof.
You looked up at them in shock but they just smiled and drank their tea.
“Shishishishishishishi~” Luffy laughed unexpectedly in your ear. “It was hard to keep it a secret, but Sanji said it would be worth it!” Rubber arms wrapped around you as he hugged you, resting his chin on top of his hat.
“I still say we should have done the same for Sanji.” Robin mused. “At least his father…” she sighed. You could feel Luffy shake his head.
“Nah, seeing Sanji be the best cook in the world is better. Let that bitter ass stew in failure… if he tries another ‘whole cake’ again though, Sanji will just have to suck it up.” Luffy denied ominously. “You’re ours, but as long as they were alive, you’d always be on the look out for them. Afraid of the chance they’d show up and take you back. And now they won’t. Captain’s orders.”
You could hear the rest of the crew respond in kind as they came into the kitchen. Sanji entering your field of view to pull out his knives, ostensibly to cut up meat for lunch but the metal gleamed with warning in the light.
“Captain’s orders.”
There was an unfamiliar and almost oppressive weight to those words. Like there was another layer to the order.
You’re never leaving. Captain’s orders.
But you strangely didn’t feel threatened. They didn’t want to lock you in a room or beat you for ‘ruining things’. You were wanted here. Very much. They wanted you safe. They wanted you happy. And they were willing to go to extraordinary lengths to do it.
You should be afraid. But you weren’t. You relaxed in your chair as Luffy laughed softly above you. Hand over his arm as you finally responded.
“Captain’s orders…”
You weren’t going anywhere. Why would you?
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eun-luv · 4 months
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deweyduck · 8 months
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@pscentral​​ event 19: music
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Ask sfw event
Hi Franky, can I please have a date with Hongo? I'd like an afternoon date and we are in a new relationship.
Thank you and have a nice day 😊
yesss <3
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Hongo was a casual guy, he didn’t like to plan too far ahead or put too much thought into plans. He just liked to have a good time and you were both still getting to know one another so he tried not to put too much pressure on things, on himself, on you.
You’d gotten a message about where to meet him and you stood outside the large building. It looked like a bar, the front was covered in ivy, and string lights dangled across the front of it. You were thankful for the nice summer evening air.
The night was still young, the sky a beautiful inky blue. You looked at your phone, it was getting dangerously close to the time you were meant to meet, and still no sign of Hongo. He thankfully appeared around the corner. 
Dark jeans, nice shoes, and a striped dress shirt open enough to show off his chest. His hair in a little manbun that you like to playfully tease him about. He greeted you with an arm around your waist and a kiss on your cheek.
“I thought I was gunna be late for a sec.. Anyway, I thought we could grab dinner here and a few drinks?” He said with a chuckle and you nodded.
The inside of the bar was, loud, louder than you’d have liked but he carried on leading you through the crowded building, out the back to a lovely garden. Big trees, picnic tables, and grass There were much fewer people in the outside area.
It was well-lit, more string lights and lanterns on the tables. He grabbed a blanket from the stack that was offered to customers when it got a little chilly outside. Sitting down at the table he gave you a smile and draped the blanket over you, kissing the side of your head.
This was maybe your third date and the relationship was so new but you had a good feeling about this. The night was full of food, drinks, and conversation. Getting to know one another even more that lovely summer night.
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mytheoristavenue · 6 months
Day 2 -
OP Cyborg Franky x Reader - Building a Gingerbread House
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Summary: Franky uses his engineering expertise to help you put together a gingerbread house!
Warnings: Pure fluff, fem!Reader, pretty short
You huffed in frustration, holding the two slabs of gingerbread together so tightly, the tops began to crumble. Finally one snapped, cracking into two asymmetrical pieces. God, why did you ever volunteer to do this for the crew? Frustrated, you threw your head down against the table.
"Hey little lady," Franky bellowed, stepping into the kitchen. "What's gotcha throwing a hissy fit?"
You scoffed, lifting your head from the table. "It's this stupid gingerbread house I promised to make. I can't get the pieces to stick and I keep breaking them." The metal man hummed in response stepping forward to take a look.
"Well, what are you using to glue it all together?" he asked, observing the edges closer with the large fingers cradling his chin.
"Icing, why?"
"Well, there's your problem!" he laughed. "You outta be using melted sugar. It works like cement." You looked on, dumbfounded as he stomped into the kitchen, whipped out a pot from the cupboard, and poured sugar into it as he set it on the stove. "Bring me that broken piece, I'll fix it for ya." he chirped, reaching his arm out to beckon for it. Placing it in his hand, you watched as he dipped the shattered cookie into the mixture, coating the edges before sticking them together. "Now, hold his while I fix this other one."
You did as he asked, holding the pieces in place for a few minutes before curiously trying to pull them apart. To your amazement, they wouldn't budge, bonded together like they'd been super glued back together. "Franky, thank you! You're a genius!" you gushed, starting to giggle as you hugged his back. The man blushed, chuckled along with you.
"Anything for you, little lady!" he grinned. "Here, if you bring me the rest of the pieces, I'll put the whole thing together, then all you gotta do is make it pretty. Sound like a deal?"
Over the next hour, you watched with bated breath as Franky carefully erected the humble gingerbread house, even gluing it to the board it came with so you'd have no other chores than decorating it. After he was finished, he set it back on the table where you'd been sitting, hands on his hips, clearly proud of his work.
"Now that's what I call a job well done," he gloated playfully. "But, you're the client, I'm just the contractor, what do you think?"
"I love it!" you shrieked, excitedly kicking your feet as you observed the result. "Franky, it's perfect!" Looking at it closely, you could hardly tell it was broken, or that it came in separate pieces in the first place. "Thank you!"
"Anytime, babes," he smirked, clearly rolling in your praise. "No need to thank me. Now, if that's all ya need me for-" Suddenly, your smile fell and your shoulders slumped. "Hey, now what's the matter?"
"Oh, nothing," you fibbed. "I was...kinda hoping you might wanna help me decorate. I know you've done most of it already, but it wouldn't be fair for you to miss out on the fun part. I understand if you're too busy though."
Franky grinned again, stepping back toward the table and pulling out a chair. "Shoot, I'm never too busy to hang out with my favorite girl! Of course, I'll help ya!"
With joy now restored, you both began working on piping icing along the borders of the structure, grazing one another's hands every once in a while, which made you blush every time. Carefully, you mindfully place gum drops and peppermints in particular patterns while Franky got to work giving the gingerbread home owners faces.
You giggled upon seeing that one had (h/c) strands of icing messily tangled over its head and shoulders, with (e/c) dots for eyes, and the other had blue dots, a blue icing pompadour, and red icing smeared across its torso with yellow sprinkles decorating it. Upon realizing you'd noticed his handiwork, he smiled sheepishly and tried to hide them. "Heh, sorry, I guess I'm not as good of an artist as I am an architect." he laughed, scratching the back of his neck.
Gently, you pulled the cookies away from him, smiling warmly a them. "Is this you and me?"
"S'posed to be," he blushed. "Kinda messed 'em up though."
"Oh, Franky, they're perfect." you gushed. "I love them." you said, propping them up against the house with a pool of icing at their feet so they'd stay. "And I think you're a wonderful artist."
"Thanks, doll face." he accepted, placing a hand over yours. "I think you're just plain wonderful all around."
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kaziwi · 9 months
100 Follower Event Masterlist
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Link to Event
"You're really red right now." (Robin)
"Show me where it hurts." (Luffy)
"You're a horrible liar" (Usopp)
"Hey. Look at me." (Nami)
"I'll just stay behind." (Zoro)
"You're heavy..." (Smoker)
"They can hear us." (Kid)
"Hold my hand." (Koby)
"I missed you...so much..." (Robin)
"Just play along." (Zoro)
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swampstew · 4 months
1-800-GRANDLINEBLING ♥ Call Me On My Shell Phone
To celebrate 1K+ followers, I opened up phone lines to the crews! Part 3 of 3 ~ X reader with Franky, Brook, Zoro, and X2 Law for @lil-skelly-bones @starblazer124 @sunshinegat0r @strawheart-pirate @writing-yarn-goblin Part 1 | Part 2
You are now being connected to...
Purururu purururu puru—
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Franky: What's cookin' good lookin'? My crew is going to be making port in a few days and I wanted to know if you want to hang out. I mean, only if you enjoy going to shows and concerts and stuff. You know me, I always bring the party. Stop playing, you know you love hanging out with me. Heh is that so? Alright, I can do that. I look forward to seeing you. We're gonna have a SUPER Great Time!
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Maybe the best thing I've ever done was wait. I made an art form out of endurance. You were worth every single moment - Tyler Knott Gregson
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Brook: Yo-ho-ho! Hello my dear, I deeply apologize for the lag in communications recently. The lines were dead, just like me! :D Thankfully, we'll be reaching land in a days time and I was hoping you'd have some freedom in your schedule to pencil me in! You do? Wonderful! I'll be there posthaste. I've brought you some more trinkets and oddities I think you'll enjoy, and as always, I'm the oddest! YOHOHOHO
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A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you ― Elbert Hubbard
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Zoro: Hey, how have you been? Good, listen um I'll be in your area and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out. I know you like going to the botanical gardens and I know there are some you've been wanting to go to, I can take you if--oh? Yeah no sure, that sounds good. Alright, I'll see you in two days. Yeah yeah I missed you too...
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You weren't surprised when you got a follow up call to pick Zoro up. Allegedly, there had been an issue with his transportation and when you pulled up to the scene, you were very confused about the minivan full of yarn and wool that Zoro was resting on.
"Hey! This was my ride until it broke down. I replaced the tires but I don't know shit about engines so we called roadside assistance. As thanks for the tire replacement, these ladies will give you as many spools of fiber you want. Go nuts."
With an excited squeal, you picked a conservative number of spools before throwing your arms around the Marimo who blushed profusely. He helped carry them to your car and the two of you began your trek to the botanical gardens.
The first stop - and to Zoro's horror - an outdoor garden with a hedge maze.
After getting lost and hitting your sixth dead end, he let out a frustrated sigh, " You're supposed to be the one with directional skills."
"I wanted to see how bad with directions you really are," you teased him back.
"Heh, well now you know I'm unreliable," he gave you a sheepish smile. "Speaking of, I know you said you had some accrued vacation time. I was wondering if you'd like to come with us on our next voyage. We ship out next week. I could use really use the help to not get lost...if that's something you're into..."
You didn't waste a second, "Yes! I mean, if you really want me to come with."
Zoro gave you a surprised look, "TCH of course I want that, why do you think I asked? It sucks being away from my---," he looked at you with wide eyes, "My...my..." he trailed off.
"Your what?" you asked with big does eyes.
"From...us...you..." he finally drawled out. The seconds dragged before Zoro put on a brave face and tentatively kissed you for the first time. "So if you want to like...be with me or whatever...you should travel with me."
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Law: Hey honey, I hope you've been well. Listen, I'll be coming ashore sooner than expected so don't make any plans alright? I want to take you out and spend all my shore time with you before the next trip. I'm looking forward to cuddling in bed and trying out those new restaurants you told me about. I also picked up an indie game from the last island I visited, I know you're going to love it. I'll see you soon!
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There is something about falling in love with a beautiful mind that makes me crave their skin. As if gripping onto the back of his shoulders whilst my body is pressed beneath his is all I've left to save me from drowning - Cindy Cherie
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Law: Buenas tardes, amorsita. Did you eat lunch already? Good, good. No, I'm not doctoring you - I'm just making sure my girl is doing well. Can't help it. Heh - you're always spicy, mami. I'll be visiting in a few days, can I take you out? Really, I can stay with you? You're so sweet. Ok, can't wait to spoil you when I see you. Vegan donuts? Say less, I'm there! See you soon.
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"Here, I know it's not that cold out, but you'll need it for later," Law smirked at you as he handed you an oversized bag. Opening it, you found a magenta colored fur coat - not all the different from his own blue coat.
"Oh? What's going on later?"
"Nope, you're not allowed to ask questions. Go pack a bag and I'll set up lunch. I also got you this cute headset for when we game together," he said with a shy smirk.
You knew Law was a romantic, deep down, and it was so cute seeing himself open up like that to you, so early in your new relationship too.
"Let's just say, I'm going to sweep you off your feet tonight, and every night we spend together."
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my brain likes to bounce between aus and lately the lottery is landing back on lights out. im having many thoughts and uhhhh am i changing some things Again? yeah
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kngaerin · 4 months
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⨳ ﹏ ✩ ˖ 🪐 @j-vlies
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