#free blocklist material
spiritofhyena · 6 months
Yooooo the guy I only knew about thanks to warning posts on here made the Nth account and tried to chat me up... too bad I'm a dude and he's searching for a "strong Demonic woman" since he is "exploring" and sometimes wish he "wasn't married" and is "not feeling content anymore" being a pastor.
I was going to be a serious person and block on sight, but tbh I'm not a serious person and I wanted to see what he was going to say so I let him talk. Maybe it was the ghost of 15-year-old-me unsupervised on dubious chatroom that made me do it asdsfsdf
But got bored of that pretty soon, so amen my dude and fuck off in the blocklist.
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For all your blocking needs @/faithexplorerguy47 (just remove the /)
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greencheekconure27 · 1 year
Russian bot spotted: @ sewerinairina
Recent account (oldest post couple of weeks old);miles and miles of cutesy pics of puppies and roses and such (either AI generated or just very bad) mixed with Russian propaganda videos.
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balkanradfem · 1 year
List of misogynistic users who have harassed radfems in the past!
You can block these people if you want to make sure they can't harass you, or you can ignore this if you hate blocklists. If you want to add someone to the list, add their username/reason on a comment or a reply.
allhailtheslothoverlord* bawlboiii bizarrolord
be03055 -> amx26336 * (updated 4th of June, this is the one who sends anons trying to get radfems to say gross things) bobloblawslawwblog
cloudcuckoolander527 * count-incel f3mboyfucker
herald-to-the-dark * (death threats to lesbians) idiosyncraticrednebula isaacsapphire leboi987 lnocent -> lesbianbirth -> menlez -> johnnyhogg -> un0bject (apparently they changed again but I can't find the latest) lostelvenqueen mango-flowers mpov narukorankofan nerdylilpeebee officialmacgyver papirouge prince-of-goths radiofreederry sonia-marmeladova sophieinwonderland still-oxford-comma-forever -> new-oxford-comma-forever sygol terfs-translated terfsdiechallenge thatbaraguy themasculinevoice thoughtsarestupid wjh5
zigcarnivorous *
* is for newly added or edited
Instructions to block without viewing the blog:
Go to Blog Settings -> Scroll all the way down to Blocked Tumblrs -> click the little pen -> Paste the url into the field -> Click Block!
This way you can also block from side-blogs, since using the block button only blocks from your main. You are of course, free to look at each blog but you will find a lot of anti-feminism, pro-life, mra, and pornographic material.
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Honestly, best part about watching HotD was that it gave me a free blocklist to weed out any jonsas (because ridiculous number of the green stans seem to be jonsas!) I might've missed the first time around with GoT. But what's absolutely baffling is how many claim to be feminists. I'll go to their blog to block them and their bio will be something like "She/her, feminist" and it's just like... what kind of mental acrobatics do you have to be doing to believe that??
Let's see, shall we? Just off the top of my head, jonsas (and fairly often Sansa's more... "special" stans) like to
Put down Dany and Arya for not being "feminine enough" (i.e. their ideal femininity, which ig means women can't be anything else). As if expecting women to conform to a standard of what's "feminine enough" isn't part of the problem :/
Constantly claim Sansa can't be held accountable for her mistakes because she's a child, but then regularly claim another child is unforgivable for her mistakes and should die for it
Imply (and sometimes even say) that Dany shouldn't be breaking the wheel. You mean the patriarchy? You, an alleged feminist, don't think the patriarchal system ASoIaF has is awful and dumb??
Suggest that Jon is actually going to politically manipulate Dany by pretending to love her but really he's doing it for Sansa. That is... disgusting on more levels than I could count, but I'll simplify it to "wanting to see an ending where a woman is manipulated sexually and then murdered by her male lover when she's no longer useful is gross and you should feel gross" because apparently they can't read at more than a 2nd grade level
Ignore the fact that this already-misogynistic plotline would be, in their dreams, so the man can get together with their favorite woman instead. Because putting down a woman like a dog in favor of another woman isn't bad, apparently
Absolutely hate the fact that Dany is a subversion of the prophecied hero trope because she's the "Princess who was promised". This would be a wonderful twist on the trope instead of the sexist "but actually it was the man all along!" one, which has been done to death already
Crack jokes about Dany being infertile and how that would "make Sansa a better wife for Jon, bc she can give him an heir". Ah yes, implying it's a woman's duty and purpose to have kids and that anyone who can't is broken. Wonderful example of feminist rhetoric, you guys
And this very much extends to the green stans too! Little wonder so many stansas seem to love Alicent, since they're both "women who have to suffer through the patriarchy". Let's see what our precious, definitely-feminist Alicent has done, shall we?
The big one: actively trying to prevent a woman from rising to the Throne so she can be replaced by her son, a man
The son, I should add, being utterly unfit to rule and she knows it (unless she's absolutely fucking stupid, there's no way she could not know Aegon would be a bad king). I mean, he assaulted serving staff, disappears to the slums to watch his bastards fight to the death, and when he was supposed to be king he fled. Rulership material indeed :/ But Alicent seems to think a penis makes him suited to rule despite all that
Straight-up admits that Viserys was less suited to rule than Rhaenys on account of temperament... but then in the next breath ask Rhaenys to help her uphold the male succession that fucked her over, in favor of a man even less suitable for kingship than Viserys was
And on the note of the serving girl... silencing rape victims is not feminist. At all. I recognize HotD's societal standards are different, but idk, they sure like to apply modern standards like war crimes to Dany and Rhaenyra so I think I'll do the same here
Resents Rhaenyra for finding happiness in her own relationships. Look, what happened to her was awful and I felt bad for her, but once she turned around and started putting other women down for not suffering like she did, instead of trying to see the system that caused her suffering ended... that's where she went wrong. (Also I feel like reminding everyone Laenor was gay. Did greens want Nyra to maritally rape her husband?? How dare a woman have an enjoyable sex life)
Book Alicent legitimately hoped that "mayhaps the whore will die in childbirth" because that's absolutely a feminist girlboss thing to say
Look, I have no problem with people liking or even defending either character for some of their actions. Even I'd admit the Greens are fun to watch despite being in the wrong, and that Sansa's bullying means her arc has potential for character growth towards realizing her ideal femininity is wrong. But when their stans start attacking other women for not accepting and conforming to the system? That's why I usually see urls/lots of posts about these characters as a red flag
If you're one of these people and I somehow haven't already blocked you? Please go outside and work on the internalized misogyny a bit before you claim to be feminist
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strangestcase · 1 year
i promised myself i wouldnt talk about the gothic lit fandom drama anymore but i will just say that, while i dont care for other people curating their fandom experience and blocking whomever they like, it is very telling that big name fans are systematically blocking people that speak up against the racism and ableism that go unchecked in the fandom, and rallying other fans into doing the same claiming it's bullying. it's not. it's criticism and it's not even particularly biting.
if you keep using "it's satire" to defend uncritical consumption of racist media (marghen), harrass those that ask for an antisemitism warning even if it is a redundant one (dathen), miss the picture and paint the fans of a character mistreated by the fandom as violent for speaking up (draculadailybracket), or double down when confronted with the fact your writing is ableist and that certain stereotypes shouldnt be met with praise in 2023 (see-arcane and company), people have a right to be uncomfortable. sorry not sorry but that sort of behavior IS criticism-worthy.
i do agree that callout/cancel culture is unhealthy, but that doesnt mean you are free from accountability. when someone walks up to you and says, "what you're doing is bigoted [accidentally or not]", or hell, even, "i don't agree with this creative choice because [reason]", you can either
consider if what they're saying really is worthwhile, and meditate on it; apologize if needed, dismiss if they're wrong.
double down without a second thought
and a lot of big name fans are, sadly, doing the second, and convincing otherwise decent people to block "bullies" that are genuinely just concerned fans. i don't know- maybe a small speck of tumblr fame got to their heads. they certainly did not behave like that during the dracula daily run of 2022, and while the gothic literature fandom -like any fandom- has always had rampant issues with racism and ableism (made even more blatant by the fact the source material IS openly racist and ableist more often than not!), this is the first time I've seen fans put people on a blocklist for the offense of calling it out.
the old gothic lit fandom blocklist wasn't great but they certainly treated ableism within the fandom seriously.
like. idk. i just find it rather disgusting that the new big name fans are seeing a handful of people look at their creations and go, hey, this is not cool, and here's why, now, can you stop?, and reacting by painting us as violent bullies.
i've been put on the blocklist for pointing out LXG fanworks -specially "fixit fic" ones- should keep Mina as the protagonist instead of having her share that position with her husband that wasn't even present in the comics/movie, for fuck's sake. i've had a blog block me for saying a fanfic that depicts a villain as an extremely ableist caricature of dissociative identity disorder was gross (because it was!). like... are you aware that it is you who are being assholes here, right? i might be being rude or pushy at times but it's honestly grotesque that so many people are hailing some Shyamalan's Split grade shit as good, innovative, and progressive writing and "the antidote to bad Hollywood adaptations".
do you hear yourselves?
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troutfur · 11 months
Um what’s the “proship debacle” thing?? When did that happen???
I am foggy on dates, so I cannot give you a more precise timeframe than "last year", but basically:
Because of a grooming situation that came to light, the fandom rammed their foot on a proship moral panic. Me and my friends, who all had before stated our stances as being very much in opposition to the whole dichotomy of anti/proship, and generally very much more open and permissive to using the source material of Warriors to explore very dark or taboo stuff, were caught in the crossfire. We even made it to a widely circulated blocklist.
My own personal crime list basically amounted to: guilt by association, failing to denounce nasty shipping to their liking, and the below risqué prompt submission to a collection.
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[Image ID:
An Ao3 prompt with the tags: Brambleclaw/Hawkfrost (Warriors), Breezepelt/Hollyleaf (Warriors), Breezepelt/Jayfeather (Warriors), Mothwing/Tawnypelt (Warriors), Brambleclaw (Warriors), Breezepelt (Warriors), Hollyleaf (Warriors), Jayfeather (Warriors), Lionblaze (Warriors), Mothwing (Warriors)
The prompt itself reads: What happens when you find out your partner is secretly your half sibling? Do you let it redefine your relationship in spite of the fact you're not actually related in any way that actually matters? Does it change anything if one of you already knew coming into the relationship? Does it matter that your love was already forbidden?
Feel free to add your favorite secret half sibling ships, I just listed the ones I knew off the top of my head/had an interest in. Because of the restriction on using canon tags only I couldn't add them but I'm still really interested in reading about: Breezepelt/Lionblaze, Brambleclaw/Mothwing, and Hawkfrost/Tawnypelt.
/end ID]
For someone who hadn't been in the fandom for even a whole year it was certainly a formative experience. Moreover because as a fic author I was also pretty new to the scene.
To this day I very much stand by all I did and my opinions. But I'll spare you all my apologia. It would take me quite a long essay to fully lay out my stance on what constitutes portraying something in good taste and why even content that falls short of that when portraying something upsetting or "problematic" is allowed to exist, especially in fandom spaces.
Also, the prompt above, the closest to an actual crime I can be charged with, is at the very worst kind of an edgy thought experiment. In the context of my other works like augur AU (FRIENDLY REMINDER FERNIVY IS MEANT TO HAPPEN THERE, AND FERNSONG AND IVYPOOL ARE NOT ONLY STRAIGHT UP 1ST COUSINS, IT WAS PART OF WHY THEY WERE EVEN ARRANGED TO MARRY!), it's not even the best piece of evidence to point to if you want to say I am an incest condoner.
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lady-of-disdain · 2 years
Hello darkness my old friend…
Fandom drama under the cut wtf 😩
I can't believe I'm back on my shit again. Boutta write out a long-ass rambly post about pro vs anti shipping because of the gotdamn Undertale fandom. When I thought I'd never have to see or deal with this bullshit again after leaving the Inuyasha fandom if I just sit and enjoyed my comfy little self-shipping corner.
But it affected a friend in a way that made me very angry recently. So here I am about to make a statement that is probably going to make people label me a proshipper, which is FUCKING HILARIOUS considering my personal opinions about a shitty, slap-dash, cash-grab of a sequel got me labeled as an antishipper in the Inuyasha fandom.
It is not ok to dox, send hate, or harass someone because they like, or don't like fandom bullshit.
If you hate a ship, please feel free to talk all the shit you like about it in the comfort of your own personal blog, or with your friends who also hate it, please go buck wild. But absolutely leave your opinions at the door when you are interacting with someone else who does like that ship. Or, if it bothers you that much simply do not interact with them. BLOCK them if you need to!
If you love a ship, please feel free to talk and create all the fandom material you want about it in the comfort of your own personal blog, or with your friends who also love it, just be sure to properly tag your works so that others who love it can find it, and those who don't can avoid it. But absolutely leave your opinions at the door when you are interacting with someone else who does not like that ship. Or, if it bothers you so much that they have differing opinions simply do not interact with them. BLOCK them if you need to!
This is the same fucking thing I've always said, and I'm honestly so desensitized to the pro/anti bullshit by now because I see it so much it's become a joke at this point. But what's REALLY got me pissed this time is seeing someone get pulled into this bullshit, and seeing their so-called "friends" either abandon or join in the public shaming/harassing.
So if you are at all aware of the situation that occurred to spark this rant, and you are one of the people who once called yourself a friend to the person involved but immediately cut-ties over petty fandom drama, and people slapping labels of pro/anti on each other, PLEASE BLOCK ME.
Do me the favor because I will absolutely block you in a heartbeat too. My blocklist is long, thick, and girthy, and I seek ways to make it more powerful by the day.
And in case anyone is in here wondering if I'm going to let y'all know if I'm a "Proshipper" or an "Antishipper", just for you I'll reveal that I am a
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mihai-florescu · 2 years
On twitter, seeing the most godawful ships only madmen can think about. Free blocklist or cyberbullying material, havent decided yet...
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cosmicanger · 6 months
One more time: materially support disruptive people who get in the way during this time, not the people who aren’t risking much and are frankly wasting so much time and energy on the “can’t you see humanity?!” approach with fascists and white supremacists who do not care if any of us live or die.
‘Doctors Without Borders’ (not a cosign of DWB) says its staff are 'witnessing people being shot at as they attempt to flee the Al-Shifa hospital'—and not one art gala or art fair canceled; art folks can make as much noise as they want, it is tragically business as usual for the majority of the arts, an arena that boasts progressive views they often do not practice. “We are no doubt experiencing trauma on a planetary scale and it's jarring to me that some people are either pretending that none of this is happening or riding the waves of catastrophe into positions of social influence.”
The art world is putting Black people and nonblack people of color on unofficial blocklists/denylists (let’s move beyond using the term 'blacklist', and y’all don’t want to adopt the term bad-jacket in the arts for some reason) while most white art folks are going about like it’s any ol’ week any ol’ month. “Harvard is evicting a Black /hgsuuaw student from campus housing today for serving as a student safety marshal during a recent campus protest organized by /HarvardPSC.” Translation: A BLACK STUDENT IN SOLIDARITY WITH PALESTINE IS BEING **EVICTED** BY HARVARD UNIVERSITY. So many Black people are losing jobs and housing and putting their careers on the line for Palestinian liberation (Reminder that Cop City in Atlanta is supposed to have these fascist soldiers coming and training police; Palestinian liberation and Black liberation cannot separate), and so many white “allies” can't make a post, can’t even say the word Palestinian, won’t show up to an action, etc.
Also, art folks keep posting documentaries and texts they are not finishing because most of what is happening worldwide is repeated actions. The art world these days is giving when people bought Black books but never picked them up from bookstores. So many people need to learn from what happened before October 7th. You can tell by the way many art folks are echoing what Black people and non-Black indigenous people have gone through for centuries as if it's a brand new sentiment that they didn't care about before and will probably stop caring as soon as Palestine is out of the art news cycle. Most of the art world is still politically stuck in pre-2012.
I called it on October 7th; I said, careerists & neoliberals will take roughly 3 to 5 business days after the violence to figure out their vague stance and about two weeks for them to get the point that they can be openly political without risking too much. And they deadass did precisely that. The parallels between 2020-2021 and now are so apparent to me. Still, I am tired of people calling Black people self-centered for pointing out the root causes for our shared solidarity to people who only support decolonization as an abstract. Even the fascist settler colonialists name Black solidarity to non-Black Palestinians as a "threat" because they know that Black people know how to identify oppression quicker than any other racial group. After all, anti-Blackness is the fulcrum of all oppression globally. "Edward Said's office in Columbia was fire-bombed. He spent his life as an academic within the reach of a panic button and under a constant stream of death threats. Today, Columbia as an institution has again sided with these forces of reaction even as they capitalize on his name." "Now that (even moderate) pro-Palestine sentiment has been effectively outlawed in both the public and private sectors, I hope we can soon say goodbye to the Western myth of «free speech" from which so many reactionaries built their careers." In the arts, "free speech" is reserved for oppressors and the people who enable them.
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This post from thedomsolo encapsulates how many people in the arts or on the NYC or LA scene move during this time: This is maybe the second or third post they have made since Oct 7th that even says Palestinians straight up, and this post is mostly in meme format and a joke to keep the "aloof" and "quirky" branding up. "This is the equivalent of 26 dinners with Jay-Z every day" is so disrespectful, especially coming from a non-Black culture vulture of Black culture. Do better, art world; again, I won't hold my breath, but it is wild watching how art people move during multiple interconnected genocides. If the arts had more courage, artists who were silent during this time would have press releases moving forward that say phrases like "this is for money" and take out all the sociopolitical jargon and art speak. No more "for the culture" group shows and press releases if you can't even name Palestine or Haiti in your IG stories or dinner parties.
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lcrdbyron · 1 year
Hey, this is the original anon. I don't want to cause trouble for you and I definitely don't want to encourage a slew of anons to enter into your inbox. feel free to not post this, but i did not find this out about effervescentwoman via a blocklist (and am a lesbian myself, as if it even matters), but I noticed their blog was flagged by shinigami eyes and I hopped over to peruse their tag and check out their blog to confirm my suspicions before coming to you. It is not my intention to send hate your way, but inform you because we're mutuals and I don't want you or others exposed to potentially alienating material. I'm sorry for the trouble!
It is no trouble, my dear friend! I’m thankful for your help. I always aspire to do the right thing. I will publish this to thank you. There is absolutely no need go apologize for anything. You’ve done a kindness. I would never follow someone who encourages hate speech.
Thank you so much, darling.
Narcissus x
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prolaroids · 1 year
Side blog to talk about CSEM survivorship, and CSA/COCSA/SA survivorship in general. As I collect common tags, I'll put them here, to make blocklisting easier.
#csem, #csam, #cp, #csem survivor - every materials-related post
#usamerican law - references US laws
#survivor - survivorship of any type
#positive pics - graphics with positive messages
#free therapy - coping mechanisms, trauma processing, grief tactics
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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Ed-tech apps spy on kids
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When schools switched to distance learning amid the lockdown, it represented a chance to rethink education and ed-tech, from lessons to schedules to evaluation.
For the most part, we have squandered that chance, doubling down on the most destructive educational practices.
This is true across the board, not just in ed-tech. Take the bizarre start-times for classes - as early as 7AM for students enrolled in "period 0" classes. This timing has nothing to do with best practices in pedagogy or our understanding of adolescent brain-development.
Instead, it's a least-worst option arising from the US's unwillingness to treat high-quality child-care as a public good that benefits both kids and working parents. We open our schools at o-dark-hundred because parents need to get to work.
This, despite the fact that the majority of teens' body-clocks shift nocturnally as they go through puberty. We know that waking kids up early hurts their learning outcomes, but we accept that tradeoff because the alternative (kids whose parents can't earn a living) is worse.
Virtual schools represented an opportunity to shift education to more humane hours, but we blew it. And that's the least of our failures, barely registering in comparison with the way that we failed to fix ed-tech even as it grew to eclipse all other pedagogical questions.
Exhibit A, of course, is "remote invigilation," the spyware that we force students to install on their computers in the name of preventing cheating on the pedagogically bankrupt high-stakes tests we cling to.
These tools are force-multipliers for the destructive power of high-stakes testing: their junk-science "sentiment analysis" facial recognition algorithms can't recognize dark-skinned faces, forcing Black kids to sit tests with multiple lamps shining directly in their eyes.
Students forced to use tools like Proctorio are expected to rotate their webcams 360' degrees to prove they're alone in a room at home - which means that poor kids who share a room (or can only get wifi in the parking lot of a Taco Bell) are penalized for poverty.
Unsurprisingly, a company that would knowingly torment children in this way is run by terrible people and behaves terribly. It's not just that the CEO doxed a child who complained about his products on Reddit:
The company has also abused copyright law to sue and intimidate its critics, including a student security researcher who revealed defects in the company's products:
The fact that businesses that profit by spying on children are run by awful, awful people is no surprise.
One of the most established ed-tech categories is censorware, which schools are required to install as a condition of receiving federal funds, under 1997's CDA.
This software captures every student's click and search-term, and often their chats and emails, and spies on all of it, using arbitrary word-matches and human classifications to block kids (and teachers) from seeing materials deemed "inappropriate."
The premise of this exercise is that somewhere there is a boiler-room full of prudes so large that it can look at billions and billions of webpages and decide which ones are and aren't "child-safe" and that an "AI" can pass judgment on the pages they haven't got to.
Even if you accept that bizarre premise, remember: this isn't an editorial process, it's a surveillance system. It's one thing for a school librarian to make decisions about which books to shelve, but this doesn't require them to spy on everything every kid tries to read.
For censorware companies to block your kids' data-requests, they have to intercept and examine them. Censorware is spyware. Given that, it's worth asking, "Who are we allowing to spy on our kids?
Terrible people, as it turns out.
The school censorware industry is a subsidiary of the global censorware industry, and its largest clients aren't schools - their bread and butter is the tyrants of the Middle East and former Soviet Union, dictators who buy their products to keep their citizens in line.
These are the depraved human-rights abusers we get to spy on our kids (they also provide censorware for corporate, hotel and airport wifi!), and you know what? They've got *terrible* judgment.
Independent audits of their blocklists show that they're blocking about a third of the top search results for terms related to the common curriculum, with overblocking skewed heavily to women's health, reproductive health, and LGBTQ (no surprises there).
And, like Proctorio, these censorware companies have a long history of intimidating and harassing their critics, abusing copyright law to prevent independent analysis of their blocklists in a bid to make it impossible to test whether they are any good at their jobs.
We've been spying on schoolkids' online activities since 1997, and the pandemic only accelerated that process, and not just through test proctoring, either, as a new report from the Me2B Alliance shows.
The report analyzed 73 mobile apps that 38 schools in 14 US states were using as part of their administration and instruction and found that 60% of them transmit student data to commercial data-mining companies.
The apps were built using "free" SDKs from Facebook, Google and other surveillance companies; these SDKs make it easy to build apps quickly, but they also harvest the app users' data at scale and subject it to long-term retention and analysis.
Me2B found that the apps were sucking up "identifiers (IDFA, MAID, etc), Calendar, Contacts, Photos/Media Files, Location, Network Data (IP address), permissions related to Camera, Microphone, Device ID, and Calls."
Ios devices were far less likely to harvest user data than Android apps, but 1 in 4 still spied on users, and on both platforms, "95% of third-party data channels... are active even when the user is not signed in and that these apps send data as soon as the app is loaded."
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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callmearcturus · 3 years
headcanons are not real representation in your media. they aren’t. and pretending like they are is harmful for multiple reasons.
one, it’s a common avenue of harassment. “oh they HC this character wrong, lets tell them to go kill themselves.” no. fuck off. if i had a nickel every time i saw this shit, i would have several dollars. fucking stop it.
two, it gives a free pass to media that has not earned it. a popular headcanon that is not explicit in the source material is not actual representation. no one gets the kudos for it. and letting them avoids the fact we still need better and more diverse characters in fiction.
three, within fandom, it creates a homogenity of content that is directly opposed to the idea of transformative works. we are fandom. we are not here to parrot the canon! we are here to transform it!
you do not have to like every headcanon. hell, I don’t!
but you do have to learn to hit the J key or blocklist a term or just fucking scroll by instead of making your personal, unfounded distaste for someone else’s harmless exploration of something explicitly not canon their problem.
headcanons do not add representation to media. they do not reduce representation in media. you are not losing anything. you’re just engaging in harassment.
fucking mind your business and grow up.
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theewrites-tf2 · 4 years
Thee goes from 0-to-100: The Oneshot
OKAY, Anon is now OFFICIALLY off, so I’m free to post this! Be warned, it’s LONG it’s a RANT, and I've been holding this in all day, right next to my finals-stress for college, so grab a helmet because it’s a bumpy ride.
Blocklists. Hate ‘em, love ‘em, make memes about them when they’re still relevant, they exist. While the purpose of their creation is still fully asinine to me, I must admit that the FIRST time I was placed on a list such as the one we have in our lovely fandom, I was surprised to say the least.
Thankfully, the memes and shitposts that followed helped my low-self esteem at the time to keep afloat, so now I can laugh about it, and when a SECOND blocklist rolled around, I was expecting to be able to laugh just as easily about this one.
Then I found out that not ONLY was the new blocklist poster ‘TOTALLY isn’t trying to start drama UwU’ but they’ve PROVEN this, by harassing and bullying a 16-year old for having a differing headcanon about a fictional character.
“Oh Thee, silly you!” You cry, “Surely you must be mistaken! Yes the blocklist is annoying and pointless, but surely this person isn’t BULLYING MINORS-!”
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Our darling Blocklist poster, I allowed to make sure their name was blocked out for their privacy. But the sixteen year old, who made this post?
She REQUESTED I block her own URL, because she fears FURTHER harassment and bullying from this individual, and whomever else could come after her because she “speaks up about the blocklist.”
Let me repeat for y’all in the back:
Because a 16 year old MINOR had a different opinion with another blog, the Blocklist Poster decided to NOT exit the blog/go on a different tag/ go on a blog that shares their FICTIONAL HEADCANONS, instead they deliberately stayed and posted not once, but TWICE, responses full of insults and rude remarks over FICTIONAL HEADCANONS, to the point that the OP requested I block out her name in the screenshot so she wouldn’t be further hassassed.
See. I can HANDLE jokes on me, I can HANDLE the hate directed at me. What I don’t APPRECIATE, and what I will not TOLERATE, is people being bullied. Not on my time, not on my blog, and NOT in my fucking fandom.
Below is another message from the unnamed 16 year old blogger, who AGAIN requested that I not show her URL:
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They sum it up pretty darn well (*clapclapclap*) SO I’m gonna move in with MY thoughts:
Every fandom has trash blogs. Every fandom has blogs you adore, every fandom has blogs you hate, but guess what? YOU, as the viewer who signed up for this website, YOU get to decide what blogs you do or don’t want to see. YOU get the power to block or unfollow if you don’t enjoy someone’s material. That is and SHOULD be YOUR, and YOUR decision alone.
There’s also this Magical thing called BACKSPACE. Meaning, if you do not ENJOY something, you can magically make it go away by backing away from it! Ain’t that something?!
Blocklist’s don’t do SHIT. They don’t and people who post them are attention-seeking, and demanding to be admired by the 0.2 people that actually listen to them.
Blocklists cause DRAMA. Last year, we had ANOTHER blocklist, one that actually sent several blogs into spirals, despite all the memes. These dumb, purposeless and needless lists cause unproblematic bloggers to second-guess themselves, lose inspiration or, worst yet, LEAVE.
But I can COMPLETELY get over that. I can handle that all, It’s shitty, but I can handle it. What I’m losing my shit over isn’t the damn blocklist. I’m losing my shit because
People are SCARED to speak up, because they’re worried about further bullying or overly-aggressive anons knocking at your door, OVER FICTIONAL FUCKING HEADCANONS?! Are some of us SERIOUSLY that so immature?!
In a perfect world, I would ask the BL-Poster to delete the damn post, apologize to this young girl, and I would expect a mature response back, and we could be able to move this all behind us.
But no, I expect the OP would claim martyrdom after being called out on their BS, rally a small army of people-with-nothing-better-to-do and escalate this drama into huger proportions.
With that in mind, I’m going to ask something more SIMPLE for the Blocklist OP:
Own up to the fact you wanted to start some pointless shit. Own up to the fact that you want to instigate pointless drama, because your childish actions CLEARLY showcase that you want this attention more than anything. Own up to the fact that you got SO bored one day, you decided that instead of calling out ACTUAL blogs that should be blocked, you decided to get your fifteen-minutes and call out blogs who have more followers than you.
So go ahead: BE FUCKING PROUD. You’re a childish, small and insignificant bully who got their 25-seconds of fame, WOOPDIEFUCKINGDO. You scared a teenager to the point that they don’t even want to post this on their own blog, WAY TO GO. And you UNSUCCESSFULLY defended a fictional character, with the cost only being that you had to bully a literal CHILD to do so, BRA-FUCKING-VO.
Do NOT try and claim innocence or ‘I-i didn’t mean to cause drama UwU’ You know EXACTLY what you did, you know EXACTLY what would happen as soon as you hit ‘Post’, and everyone else does to, so don’t even try playing that card.
Save all of us the time and energy, and just own up to the fact that YOU wanted to instigate the needless fandom drama, so we can speed up the process of you throwing a hissy fit, logging off for some ‘break from the drama’, all of us laughing and making memes, and forgetting this whole affair by next week. 
Now excuse me while I go draft the shitposts, eat popcorn and watch the haters try to go on anon in my askbox, because I feel like THAT part will be the most entertaining thing about this whole affair
Peace and Love,
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sylpheon · 5 years
hi guys! i wanted to come on for a moment to talk about something.
recently i’ve gotten quite a few messages about posts i’ve reblogged that are secretly from terf/transphobic bloggers. in the past, and im sure this has happened to everyone at least once, there’s always a chance that you reblog something that looks good or seems innocent and it is actually from a terf blog, it happens! i usually thank the person who brought it to my attention in private, find the post in question, delete it, and block said terf.
however, unfortunately the frequency that i’ve been getting this feedback has increased tremendously, as terfs have been adopting new names and faces to squeeze into anywhere it seems. it got to the point where reblogs that are purely for aesthetic reasons turn out to be from terfs. the last thing i want is for this blog to be deemed unsafe or harmful to anyone, even if the post itself is unrelated to social justice, politics, etc. so a couple of things:
i went through almost every updated terf blocklist i could find and blocked as many as i could. i think i have about 350/400 on my blocklist currently, so that helps a lot, and if i see anything else or if anyone messages me about a new one, i will add it on. i will debate and fight terf ethics any day with no hesitation, but when it’s getting to the point where every post on my feed is from a terf, that’s a problem for me. i want my trans followers to be safe and i do not want to be passing along any material, whether political or not, from terf hands.
that being said, for the people who sent me messages warning me about the posts that led to this: i am sorry i didn’t message back, i decided to handle the blocklist first before i mention anything because i wanted this to be over and my feed purged. i thank you for bringing things to my attention in a courteous manner!
if you are transphobic or believe in terf ideology, do me a huge favor and just unfollow or block me. i’m not going to tolerate any form of bigotry on my feed anymore. this also goes for racists, misogynists, ableists, and other forms of discrimination or bigotry. 
as mentioned before, i am completely aware that terfs/transphobes, as well as any other hateful being, have ways of crawling into other spaces and invading (that’s the whole reason why actual radical feminism has a bad name now, but that’s a whole other issue that’s irrelevant at the moment). if there has been a mistake about someone’s identity and that they may have falsely been identified as a terf, feel free to let me know!
i think that’s everything. i do sincerely apologize if anyone has any wrongful idea about me or that i’ve been ignoring this, it just took me a while to get through all the blocks and stuff and i wanted to make sure i’ve been thorough. i will keep on top of this issue as much as i possibly can. i will keep my blog safe and welcome for everyone.
thank you so much!
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