#free the follicles
It moisturizes the scalp and relieves irritation, which promotes dandruff. It is also a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal oil that produces a protective layer on the scalp and prevents dandruff-causing microbes. It strengthens hair from the roots. It stimulates the development of hair follicles and strengthens the hair shaft. Many experts utilize Vitamin E to boost hair growth and tighten the scalp, and Argan Oil contains it. Free radicals create oxidative stress in the organism. Pure Argan Oil contains antioxidants that bind to these free radicals and limit their activity. This procedure may appear modest, yet it strengthens the immune system and protects against chronic illnesses.
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skinzeyofficial · 8 months
Decoding Acne: What Causes It and Different Types Explained
Explore the comprehensive guide on acne, delving into its causes and types. Backed by expert insights, this ultimate resource provides a detailed understanding of acne-related issues. From uncovering the root causes to identifying different types, the guide aims to equip readers with knowledge and effective strategies for achieving clear, healthy skin. Whether you're seeking insights into prevention or solutions, this guide serves as a valuable reference for conquering acne woes
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khadiorganique · 1 year
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Khadi Organique Vitalizing Hair Oil very effectively for making hair thicker and restores vitality in hair follicles. It protects your hair from premature hair greying, reduces dandruff and hairfall for getting thick voluminous hair . Shop now! 🛒 https://bit.ly/3ErMYoB
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thinkinonsense · 14 days
old man!logan howlett x housewife reader
cw: fluff, minor nsfw content, soft logan
wc: 800+
part one
next part
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you aren't an insecure person by any means, but that doesn't mean you don't have insecurities. whenever you even attempted to explain them to logan he always hushed you up with a kiss and whispered how he loves you no matter what. he never understood why someone so angelic would fixate on the smallest of imperfections?
the main insecurity that logan could never wrap his head around was, your hair.
growing up, your hair was always long, thick and curly. people either loved it or hated it but you always hated it. kids at school were so incredibly cruel that every summer you would cut it short. getting rid of all the heat damage caused by the constant abuse of your straightener.
logan and you met during the winter months when you usually let the curls be free, not caring much to do anything with it until the heat came again.
during the beginning of your relationship, he didn't seem to be bothered by the barrier you created around your hair. he questioned all the straightening products and asked why you always had to cut it come summertime.
over time it became logan's main obsession. he knew you were possessive of it, always smacking away his hand anytime he tried to wrap a pretty curl around his finger. he could always smell your shampoo lingering which only added to the obsession. the absolute worst was when you rode him because all he wanted to do was tug at the ends until your mouth hung open.
at every chance he could, he would offer to wash your hair or style it for you. it was painful for him to see how soft and full of volume it looked; bouncing as you walked.
for god's sake, logan learned how to do a fuckin' french braid, that's how badly he wanted to know that part of you.
yet, your walls never crumbled.
one night while the two of you were watching an old western in bed, logan decided that he had had enough of it.
"sweetheart?" logan asked, looking down at you as your head rested on his chest.
"hm?" you peer up at him through your lashes.
"can i ask you something?"
logan took a deep breath and then asked, "why won't you let me touch your hair?"
the question sounded silly, and he knew it but at this point, logan was desperate. even now, seeing your hair caged up with a claw clip was torture for him.
"i-i didn't think it was a big deal." you stutter, caught off guard by his forwardness about the topic.
"it's not." he looks longingly into your eyes. want you to appreciate it the way i do."
there's a look in your eyes that is debating whether or not to give logan what he wanted seemly badly. you trusted logan, he would never make fun of you. maybe it was silly to keep that part of yourself hidden from him. the two of you are married after all.
logan watches as you sit on your knees in your silky navy pajamas. he can hear your heart beating rapidly in your chest as you exhale then reach up, touching the clip in your hair. it felt borderline erotic to logan as he watched your hair fall effortlessly over your shoulders.
"i'm going to give you instructions, alright?" you warn him.
logan wanted to roll his eyes as you inform him to not tangle your hair. he knew how to be gentle, but he wasn't going to blow this opportunity.
"want you to touch softly just like how you do my mind." your voice was barely a whisper as you watched his hand lift up to your shoulder.
he nods, stroking the soft follicles from your earlobe to your waist. it was smoother than silk. every curl fit perfectly around his finger.
"it's beautiful, sweetheart." he complements, watching as a blush rises to your cheeks. "can't believe you've been hiding it from me all this time."
you climb onto his lap to kiss him when something snaps deep inside of logan. the shampoo.
"fuckin' lavender..." he groaned against your lips. "could smell it a mile away."
"love you, lo." you pull back to say. "i'm sorry that it took so long to-"
your words fade in your throat as he tugs at the hair resting near your ass while grinding up against you.
"don't apologize, just want you to love yourself the same way i love you." he says in between leaving marks on your jaw, inhaling your scent.
a moan falls from your lips, leaving logan to wonder if it was his words that caused it or the fact that he was now tugging a fist full near your neck. either way, it didn't matter because he would never stop touching your hair. at least not while you sing like a hummingbird for him.
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hannyoontify · 14 days
[17:26] 'and so she was like 'if you're going to talk shit about someone, at least wait until they're in the elevator, you stupid b-''
mingyu hurriedly pressed a finger to his lips to shush you and tugged you by the sleeve, silently begging you to sit back down. your eyes widened and a group of college students sitting nearby gave you the stank eye as you sheepishly sat back down in your seat.
'sorry, i think i got a little too...'
'i think so too, bubbles. i love spilling tea with you, but maybe lower your voice, yeah? i don't wanna get kicked out and blacklisted from our favorite coffee shop.' mingyu smiled at your shy giggle.
'anyway, continue your story, my love'
as you began to excitedly recall the story of how your coworker's girlfriend cut off two toxic people from her life, mingyu intently watched you move your hands animatedly, acting out little gestures from the conversation, and the small changes in your facial expressions.
'it was crazy. in the end, the two assholes had to pay the extra fees for the damage to their hotel room and cassie got away scott free, maybe except for the fistful of hair she's never getting back. i've been praying for her hair follicles every night. the end'
mingyu nodded. 'wow, that's crazy. and what does dylan think of this entire situation?'
you shoved another slice of the blueberry muffin into your mouth and spoke through the crumbs. 'he hates both of those assholes. never liked them from the start. he told me it took them 26 pep talks to convince cassie to confront those poo poo heads. he's glad she finally took the initiative'
your fiance reached over and brushed away a stray crumb in the corner of your mouth. 'and what do you think, sunshine?'
'i like cassie, so good for her! they were actually horrible to her. like they both wore white to her sister's wedding! are they insane? if i was there, i totally would've accidentally 'tripped' and 'spilled' red wine all over their dresses. what a bunch of assholes'
he chuckled. 'and then i would've been your getaway driver, right?'
you smiled at him. 'duh, obviously. you're my ride or die, pookie wookie cookie bear'
mingyu choked on the drink he was drinking and reached for a napkin. 'pookie wookie cookie bear?'
'whatttt it's cute! you're my pookie wookie cookie bear' you giggled and rested your head atop both your hands and gazed at your fiance lovingly. he stared at you back with a slight tilt to his head, his eyes silently asking what was wrong.
'i like talking with you, gyu, you know that?'
mingyu coughed. 'well, i'd hope so, because we're getting married in less than 3 months'
'you match my energy so well. i think we were made for each other' you smiled at him and mingyu's lips started to smile before he slammed his hands down on the table with an urgent look in his eyes.
'oh my god did i tell you about my landlord having a mistress'
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a/n: ib: my bsf and her bf. the three of us went out for lunch today and we were spilling tea and seeing them going back and forth abt diff information they had about the same incident was so cute to see
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madelinemccoolname · 8 months
Slime girl hrt
So, you’ve decided you’re a slimegirl. I’ve been on fluid replacement therapy, commonly referred to as slime hrt or shortened to frt, for five years but I haven’t managed to find a decent guide on the effects I’ve been experiencing anywhere on the internet. So I’ve decided to make this little guide for anyone who might still be on the fence. Keep in mind obviously I don’t speak for everyone and other goorl’s timelines might look a little bit different based on like genetics or something.
0-6 months
• For the first 3 months the effects are, I’m told, similar to estrogen’s first couple months, you’ll notice for sure your skin getting softer, your face might round out a bit, but the most you get are the side effects
• I personally was not prepared for how thirsty I got, I had heard about it but you really don’t know how much of your body isn’t liquid until you’re replacing all of it
• At 4 months is when I noticed my skin and body were moving kinda differently, tho this got the most pronounced at 6 months
• At 6 months all of my skin rippled like the surface of a pond whenever anyone touched me or like if the wind started blowing
• My joints got a lot more flexible, and my elbows and knees became double jointed (don’t do this too much)
• My hair didn’t get tangled overnight anymore
• My finger prints went away
6-12 months
• Here’s where the real magic starts, I got a lot thirstier for one and specifically had cravings for gatorade, I think this has something to do with slimegirls being partially salt water, but it could also be the food coloring in it (this is a joke about me drinking a lot of light blue gatorade and then being light blue)
• On the subject of color my skin got a sort of blue tinge to it, and most notably got completely see through by my 8 month mark
• The changes start from the thinnest part of your body and goes in towards your core, so even by 5 months your fingertips might be completely clear
• This next part is partially why I wanted to make this guide, so obviously your body doesn’t liquify at the same rate all over, for me this meant I was able to see the muscle in my upper arms if I looked through my fingers, this is both normal and something you’re going to have to get used to as you continue your journey
• Your toes are also going to turn at the same rate, this will probably be your first experience with lint getting in your slime bits, you don’t need to worry about your bloodstream getting infected with sock but regularly picking out bits is good hygiene and something you wanna get into the habit of
• My hair officially finished it’s transition into one solid shape, it still had defined follicles but if you tried to grab a strand of hair the rest would try to come with it
• People also started to ask me who dyed my hair, please note it’s always funny to say “it’s the way Goo-d made me” in response to this
12-24 months
• This window is larger than the others because all you’re going to notice from now on are the big changes
• Avoid tanktops past 14 months, your arms should be entirely translucent at this point and while having a buncha stuff floating around in my goo is kinda gender for me, people generally do not like to see slightly dissolved organs and ribcage
• 14 months was also when I noticed that my arm bones had entirely disappeared, my leg bones were also just barely holding in there, moving without bones was so freeing
• if you ever want anyone you know to stick their fingers in your slime, now’s probably the first time anyone's willing to stick their fingers far into your arms and legs, try to get them to wiggle their fingers. if they’re really adventurous they’ll stick their whole arm through to the other side, which still makes me a little squeamish
• Now that we’re at the part where I was mostly slime, we should probably talk about slime color. I’m going to dispel this misinformation, there is no way to find out what color a slimegirl is going to be before she starts transitioning. Some people say its eye color but that’s a lie. I am naturally a blue slime girl but my eyes pretransition were green. To dispel another myth you can dye yourself with food coloring, so you don’t even really have to stress about it
• By 18 months the only part of me that wasn’t slime was my head, the skull takes the longest time to dissolve because you’re doing the skull and all the organs in there all at once, see the human body really really wants to keep the brain safe, so when your brain gets the signal to get rid of your bones, it just does it all at once
• Some people say their eyesight got better, tho that seems to be anecdotal (mine stayed the same sadly)
• 18 months is also when I started experimenting with my shape. This was probably the most frustrating part of it for me, shapeshifting your goo is like a muscle, the more you do it the easier it’ll get. If you want a specific shape, spend enough time in it, and it’ll become your default shape, though you’ll never forget your original shape.
• 24 months is the last point I want to cover, by 24 months I was 100% liquid, the heavy viscosity from early transition leads to something closer to a liquid jello. I can detach parts of my body and then move to replace it, and I can reabsorb the parts I leave behind
• Clothes should rest just on the surface of you, though I know a lot of girls just change themselves to look clothed (probably more than you think ;)
• Suspenders and heavy cardigans break surface tension for me, luckily that's also a cute look so sometimes I match my cardigan with overalls for an aquarium effect on the overall straps
• This was also when I stopped breathing and going to the bathroom
• Some people report “knowing” when certain parts of their brain turn into goo, I didn’t experience that but it certainly could happen
Things I didn’t know where else they would fit
• I feel like a lot of this post was mainly dry, so in the interest of avoiding having a dry slime girl post, this section will mostly just be slime things that brought me joy
• I love speaking in slime puns, I keep a little book of slime puns and slant rimes just in case the slime arises that i would ever ooze some
• Being out in the rain or being out on a windy day is so much better when you can feel your entire body move in the wind, in particular go out on a rainy day without anything on, and lay down on the ground, the rain rippling through your entire body is heavenly
• Speaking of weather, when I first noticed I was refracting light on a sunny day I almost started crying, I felt so pretty and right :)
• I said I stopped needing to use the bathroom, but I still do siphon off some goo once a month. Mostly this is to get out bits of trash that accumulate and also because it feels exactly like taking a shower after a hard sweaty day’s work
• Speaking of bits, get a powerful magnet and metal shaving and you could probably waste a whole day just moving metal shavings through your body
• This might be a bit late in the guide for this, but when my arms finally turned I pulled a great prank on my at the time girlfriend by sticking my hand into a blender (do not do this if you still have bones, or value your girlfriend not being really really mad at you)
So that's all you need to know before starting frt, becoming the slime of your dreams is a difficult and beautiful process. I know a lot of what i described here might be frightening but if it sounds enticing at all know that it’s worth it.
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eff4freddie · 1 month
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Physical Therapy
Joel Miller x AFAB Reader No Outbreak AU - 4.4k words
For @punkshort's AU August challenge, in celebration of her one year Tumblr anniversary!
A.N: My prompt was 'lifeguard Joel' and I'm nursing a bit of a sore wrist at the moment, hence whatever this is was born. Thanks for the fun prompt! I would very much like Joel to save me from drowning now, please and thank you.
Warnings: None.
It had just started out as a kind of tickling feeling around behind your ear on your left side, and down along the back to the shoulder blade. When you’d first noticed it you’d thought you had a hair stuck under your shirt, and all day you kept reaching up under your bra strap to try and free it. Later, you would rub the skin red trying to lift the phantom follicle from your skin.
Later, it developed into a coldness, punctuated sometimes with ants marching up and down your shoulder blade. Your clavicle ached in cold weather, and you rolled your shoulders of a morning to try and shake the weird sensations from the joint. You were too busy to worry about it, you had too many deadlines, you could just type with your left arm resting on a pad of paper to elevate it. You knew you’d been working too hard on your paper for your next research symposium. As soon as it was over you’d deal with it.
When it started thrumming of a nighttime you’d just take ibuprofen to dull it, numb it off with a heat pack and an occasional glass of whiskey. But when it got too hard to type, when the daggers started shooting down your arm to the point that you could barely get your sleeve over it, when your shoulder was so frozen you couldn’t lift it over your head to brush your hair, you conceded defeat.
Your physiotherapist was lovely, and young, and fit, and you wished you could hate her. She ran marathons on weekends, on purpose and apparently without having first been threatened, and she gave you a bunch of exercises you promised you would do, made you pay $24.95 for a bit of stretchy rubber you could tie to your doorknob and stretch with, a couple of strength building exercises printed out and folded neatly, which you immediately threw on your coffee table and used as a coaster.
You went twice a week after work. She massaged you until you had tears in your eyes, biting back the pain by clamping down on your back teeth. You lied to her that you’d done your stretches, and she let you, because she was a nice person. Your recovery stalled, and you both pretended not to know why.
In the end, you just got fed up with yourself. You’d had to push back your presentation at the symposium, had found it too painful to sit at your desk for the long stretches it would take to be prepared. Your supervisor had insisted you take time off, that your PhD could be extended, and you had balked at the idea and then, eventually, conceded that too. Your stupid frozen shoulder was icing out everything in your life you cared about. You suggested to your physio you might like to swim.
It had been a while since you’d been in a bathing suit. Glad you’d at least thought to shave, you went into the change room dreading coming out again. You’d deliberately gone at 2 PM on a Tuesday afternoon, figuring the only people there would be either 100 years old or ladened with babies, and their bodies wouldn’t be so threatening to yours. You remembered a time when your body had felt strong, when your legs had carried you around European cities, up and down mountains. You wondered where that girl went.
You were a careful person, and you liked rules, so you shuffled as speedily as you could towards the pool, careful not to run. Your brother had slipped once, aged 9 and a half, and knocked out two of his teeth when he went down. Your mother had to wait three months to get them fixed, having to save up the fee, and your brother had whistled slightly on windy mornings. You’d teased him about it, and you felt bad about it now, holding your arm tight to your body so as not to jostle your shoulder.
The water was cool, and you took the stairs one at a time to get yourself into it. You gasped when it reached your belly, reaching down to splash yourself to try and acclimatise. It wasn’t an especially warm day, but the sun was out and it was warm enough on your skin. You sunk down, feeling the water lap at your shoulder. The relief was immediate, the cool spreading over your strangled nerves, and you let out a sigh. You didn’t think you were about to swim any laps, but it was enough to bob around in the shallow end and feel the water carry your weight. Your mind was quiet for the first time in a while. You watched two birds glide on the breeze, ducking down to skim over the surface. You hoped they didn’t shit in it as they passed.
Then, a giggle. A tittering, high-pitched thing that shattered your reverie and made you turn towards it, a scowl on your face as you looked up into the sun. A woman in a high-cut bikini straight out of the 80s was standing at the base of the lifeguard’s chair, looking up at the man sitting atop it. She was practically drooling, flipping her hair and nearly slipping out of her top. You couldn’t make him out, the glare casting him in darkness and too proud to shield your eyes with your hand to get a good look. She had all her weight on one foot so she could thrust her hip out and her chest up. You heard his voice rumble out of his chest, deep and heavy and surprisingly kind. You couldn’t make out the words. You reminded yourself you didn’t care.
Your physio was proud of you, and you wanted to hate her for that, too. You reported your attendance at the pool, lied about doing your exercises, and paid another $24.95 for another rubber band thing after you pretended you’d misplaced the first one. You knew exactly where it was, on the doorknob where you’d tied it the first night and then ignored it. But it was a good, if expensive, excuse.
The next time you went to the pool you chose a time slightly earlier in the day, hoping that the midday sun might tan you a little as you rehabilitated. You bobbed around again in the shallow end, experimentally rolling your shoulders and moving your arms in small semi-circles in front of you. The water carried the weight so you could just focus on moving the joint, and when the ache set in you could just float there, let the water carry you completely as you floated on the surface. With your face to the sky and the sun beating down the whole world turned bright and colourless. It sanded down the sharp edges, turned the detail to pulsing fuzz on your retinas.
80’s Bikini Lady didn’t resurface, but you got out when an entire class of 4th graders arrived for their swimming lessons. As you went for your towel you heard that rumbling voice again, booming out over the top of 20 excited kids, instructing them to quiet down so he could teach them to tread water. You wondered if that was what you were doing now, your research and your thesis gathering metaphoric dust on your laptop. Treading water.
It took you until your fifth visit to try an actual lap. Your shoulder had been feeling lighter, the joint freeing itself under the water just enough that you could bear the weight of the it as you moved. You had been experimenting with little half breaststrokes, just two or three with your head high over the water and only deep enough that you could plant your feet at the first twinge of pain. But you wanted to try something different, today. You wanted to make it down to the other end, even if you had to grip the lane rope and pull yourself there.
You felt eyes on you as you walked to the edge, and you turned quickly to see the lifeguard was at his station. It was early enough in the afternoon that you could see him properly, his aquiline nose, his curls unruly and chocolate brown. He nodded at you, an acknowledgement that he was keeping watch, and you nodded back to him. It was just you and a man in his 60s in the pool today.
You hissed a little as you descended the stairs, feeling goosebumps rise on your skin. Today it was cloudy, and the water was cooler than you had been expecting, and you worried for a moment it would be bad for your shoulder somehow, that your muscles would be less malleable, less cooperative, in the cold. You swallowed, wondering if you really wanted to do this today. Then you remembered your thesis, and the way you had thrown yourself on dancefloors, in spin classes, ridden boys in your dorm room like your hips would never ache. You wanted that girl back. She was at the other end of the pool.
You pushed off, holding your arms straight out in front of you and using your feet against the wall of the pool to propel yourself forward, letting the momentum drift you the first few feet. With a brave breath in you spread your arms wide in a breaststroke, kicking with your legs to keep up some sort of speed. Three strokes, then four, then five and you were nearly a quarter of the way down the pool already. You just had to keep breathing, stick with it, pace yourself out. You cupped the water with your hands, pushing it away from your chest as you moved. There might have been a little twinge, but you banished any worry. You were doing it, if slowly, if gingerly.
You swam over the point where the bottom of the pool fell away, past the point where you could stand. The water felt cooler, the depth of it stealing some of the warmth, and you felt a little warning tingle up your elbow. Your neck pulled a little to the right to try and dodge the pain, and you faltered a little, lost some of your rhythm. In your surprise you’d opened your mouth and taken in a little bit of water, and you spluttered.
Suddenly your arms were out of sequence, and you were struggling to bring them back together in front of you while kicking with your legs. They felt uncooperative, like they were on different strings, and you were finding it hard to keep your neck bent up high enough to keep your face out of the water completely. You jerked to try and regain your momentum, and sent an electric shock through your shoulder, pain spreading out all the way down to your wrist. You gasped, the pain making you pull your arm into your body, trying to cradle it against your chest, and you started floundering, your nose and mouth dropping beneath the surface as you struggled to stay upright. You swatted at the surface of the water with your good arm, panic in your chest, as you tried to figure out if it was better to turn and head back to the shallows or carry on to the other end.
You heard a splash behind you, a huff of air as a body broke the surface and then an arm around your waist.
‘I’ve got you,’ he said, and you leant back into the warm body behind you, trying to suck in air.
‘My shoulder, my arm,’ you cried, keeping it tucked against you as the lifeguard pulled you to where you could stand. You gasped, choking a little on water but mostly just from shock, your face burning red with humiliation and the pain of your throbbing collarbone. ‘I’m sorry,’ you said, suddenly feeling like you wanted to cry, as you caught your breath, the man still holding you gently around the waist and leaning down to study your face.
‘You’re OK, you’re OK,’ he said, his voice like warm honey as it oozed over the panic in your brain. ‘Take a breath, I’ve got you.’
Oh fuck, you were definitely going to cry if he kept being so nice to you. You felt heat in the back of your eyes, bit down on your bottom lip so he couldn’t see it wobbling.
‘I just wanted to swim a lap,’ you said, and you could hear the desperation in it, feeling as small as a child.
‘You injured?’ he asked, and you nodded. He tugged you further towards the shallow end, led you by the good arm over to the steps.
‘My physio said exercise would help it,’ you explained, throwing her soundly under the bus. ‘I just…I thought I was ready.’ You felt the frustration bubbling over. You had a terrible habit of getting teary when you were mad. ‘It’s just been so shit, and I wanted to…I just don’t even know this body anymore, you know?’ you complained, wincing when you realised you’d just trauma dumped on him.
‘Can’t rush these things,’ he said, unfazed. ‘Gotta take it at your own pace.’ Standing up in this part of the pool the water only came to his waist, and he gestured to his belly where a jagged scar punctured his left side.
‘Jesus,’ you said, at the sight of it and also realising for the first time he was shirtless, water running in rivulets down his golden skin. He was so broad it was no wonder he’d managed to get to you in the centre of the pool in all of three strokes. You felt yourself start to tremble, and you weren’t sure it was from shock.
You’d known, of course, that he was handsome. You had eyes, after all. But up close, standing over you, hair slicked back as his brown eyes roamed your face for any sign of distress…up close, he was devastating.
‘Joel,’ he said, holding out his hand, and you took it, awkward and shy. He told you he liked your name when you mumbled it to him, and you realised he was very good at his job. You wondered where you could find an 80s bikini.
‘Thank you, Joel,’ you said, when your heart had finally settled back into its normal rhythm. ‘I’m sorry you had to…’
‘Trust me, pulling beautiful women out of the deep end is not the hard part of my job,’ he said, and then you watched as his eyes widened, like he was only just realising what he’d said, and you felt heat crawl up your cheeks.
You wanted to ask him what the hard part was. You restrained yourself, because you’d been humiliated enough for one day.
You skipped your next session at the pool, instead using the rubber stretchy thing to try and elongate the joint. It didn’t feel as good, and you nearly snapped it into your face more than once, and you definitely didn’t think about Joel’s golden skin glistening in the sunlight the entire time you did it. You didn’t think about his arm banding around you as he pulled you to safety, not even a little bit. The rubber thing was fine. It was going to solve all your problems.
You hated the fucking rubber stretchy thing. For one, it smelled like condoms but in a weirdly stale kind of way, and for two you were fairly sure it was going to rip your door off its hinges in your crappy little apartment, and you really didn’t want to have to call your landlord when that happened. It might mean you’d have to tidy up.
Also, it was late Spring and pretty soon school would be out, and the pool would be heaving, and so you had to get your shoulder back to normal as soon as possible before the place got flooded with kids. The bikini you fished out from behind a bunch of old clothes in the back of your closet was so that you could move your shoulder more freely. You were being pragmatic. You were planning ahead.
It was hotter again, the warmth of summer encroaching, and you were genuinely relieved to see the sparkling, clear water when you arrived on the pool deck. You walked, head held high and chest out just a little, past the lifeguard chair, studiously not looking but also really trying to look. You spent an extra few seconds fishing around in your back for your sunscreen, trying to steady your pulse. When you swivelled around, preparing to smear it over yourself, you glanced over at the chair.
Unless Joel had aged 20 years in the week since you’d been, and gained forty pounds and lost all of his hair, he was not on shift today. You felt yourself deflate, your shoulders slumping, your left collarbone sending out a thrum of pain in warning.
It was probably for the best, of course. You were here to do rehab. This was serious medical stuff.
You didn’t want to hazard another lap, not with Beergut McBaldALot on patrol, so you floated a bit in the shallow end and practiced making circles with your arms. You were stiff, having taken a week off to whip yourself up into a pointless frenzy over the lifeguard. The water eased some of the tension in the muscle, and you once again felt your mind start to still.
You wondered if, on his down time, Joel preferred board shorts or speedos. You couldn’t imagine him in a full banana hammock – you could, but you didn’t want to – but you wondered if he was a Daniel-Crag-In-His-First-Bond-Movie-When-He-Emerges-From-The-Ocean-Booty-Shorts kind of guy. That didn’t feel right either, though. His work uniform was boardies, and you decided that Joel was the type of guy who just wore them on his own time anyway, because they fit and they were on hand. As for what was going on underneath them. Well, that was something else entirely.
As you bobbed in the water you imagined his strong arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest and letting you rest your head on his broad, tanned shoulder. You wondered if you’d be able to feel his heartbeat on your cheek, if that close you could hear his tight little exhales as he glided you through the water, held you up so that you could finally, finally let go. You sighed a little to yourself, drifting in the middle of the pool and hoping no one had any plans to swim any laps. You let your hair trail out behind you as you drifted, imagined the slight pull of the water was his fingers threading through.
You weren’t hungry but you had nothing at home, so you stopped off at the grocery store on the way home, your shoulder feeling better for having had a little bit of movement. Sleepy from the warmth of the sun and your weightlessness, you barely noticed the man standing at the end of the cereal aisle until you were tripping over him, his arm shooting out to catch you before you could really, properly fall.
‘Ooof,’ he exclaimed, and you knew that voice, felt the furious rush of blood to your cheeks as you righted yourself and were met with the same warm, brown eyes.
‘We really must stop meeting like this,’ he said, smiling down at you, and he was just as beautiful on dry land as he was submerged. You felt your hands start to tremble and you worried you’d drop your basket.
‘Joel,’ you said, trying to hide the comingling shame and excitement on your face. ‘You look different when you’re wet.’
Murder you. End it now. It would simply be kinder.
Joel, to his credit, just laughed a little.
‘Hair’s a lot fluffier,’ he said, reaching up to tug at it and making you want to chew on your own fist.
‘There’s that,’ you said, your voice oddly strangled.
‘You breakfast shoppin’ at 4 in the afternoon?’ he asked, gesturing to the cereal box in your hands.
‘Dinner, actually,’ you said, strangely proud at your sheer level of disfunction. ‘Ever since my shoulder, cooking hasn’t really been…’
You trailed off. Your mom had sent over a couple of frozen lasagnes, and you’d worked your way through those in a week. For a while you got dinners delivered but it got expensive, and then worst, it got boring. Before all of this started there were some nights you’d been so engrossed in your thesis you’d forgotten to get dinner at all. You missed those nights, too. To be so distracted.
‘How’s the arm?’ he asked, and you realised you were cradling it again, holding it fast against your side.
‘It’s slow, and I’m trying to be patient,’ you said, honestly, and his brows saddled. He hummed in thought, pouting his lips out a little. You fought every atom in your body not to lean forward and pull them between your teeth.
‘Your physio given you exercises?’ he asked, and you nodded, avoiding his gaze. ‘You doin’ em?’ he asked, and you were suddenly really interested in the nutritional content of your Cheerios. He snickered out a laugh. ‘No one ever does ‘em.’
‘You speaking from experience?’ you asked, and he smiled.
‘I used to…well, not a physio but I did a little personal training, and uh…basically unless I was there barkin’ at ‘em no-one did what they were told.’
Bark at me, you thought. I’ll do anything you say.
You coughed, trying to collect yourself. Fuck, he was beautiful, but you realised what you liked most was just the warmth in his face, the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled. You trusted him, you realised. You didn’t know him, and you trusted him.
‘I’m pretty sure my physio knows I’m lying to her,’ you confessed, and he smiled.
‘She definitely does,’ he agreed.
‘I’m otherwise a very honest person,’ you added.
‘I have no doubt,’ he said, with a little twinkle in his eye that made you want to gouge the things out so you didn’t have to deal with them torturing you anymore.
Instead, you looked into his basket and saw kale, a bunch of carrots and a carton of eggs. You grimaced.
‘Please tell me you’re not on a cleanse or some shit,’ you said, and he smiled.
‘Nah, you got me just before I headed over to the candy aisle.’
‘You like candy?’ you asked, and he grinned.
‘Got a sweet tooth,’ he confessed.
‘Name your poison.’
‘Reece’s. The umm…the cups.’
‘The cups. A peanut butter man?’
‘Yes ma’am,’ he said, that southern drawl appearing again. You felt it hit you like a bullseye in your core. You wondered what else you could get him to agree to.
‘A man of taste,’ you said. You were flirting over grocery items and you didn’t fucking care. You would banter about the phone book if he kept grinning with his whorish little dimples out.  ‘Thank you for helping me out the other day,’ you said, and he shrugged.
‘S’my job,’ he said, and you shook your head at him, swishing your hands in front of you as if you could push his humbleness aside.
‘Yeah, but you chose that job, and I’m glad that you did,’ you said, simply. ‘It’s a generous thing, putting yourself on the line for someone else.’
‘Always been a kind of protector,’ he said, almost to himself.
‘I can see that,’ you replied, honestly, and he turned his gaze to you, considering you for a moment. ‘Although I guess a lot of the time it’s just watching people splash around.’
‘Ain’t hard to watch some people,’ he said, gazing down at you, his jaw muscle twinging a little.  You felt your stomach do a silly little flip.
‘No?’ you asked, your throat dry.
‘Mmm-mmm,’ he said, shaking his head but not breaking eye contact. You wanted to grab his broad, golden shoulders and hitch your thighs over them. You wanted to reach up and take his curls in your fingers, pull him onto his knees and his mouth to your nipple, let him nibble where they pebbled. You wanted to drown the gorgeous fucker, just for being so pretty he was setting your brain on fire.
For a second the two of you stared at each other, trying to pretend the sparks weren’t flying.
‘That can’t be dinner,’ he said, after a while, and you realised he was talking again about your cereal.
‘I could get some grown up muesli if that would make you happy,’ you offered.
‘Wouldn’t want you to get malnourished, come by the pool and drown from lack of…vitamins,’ he finished.
‘Lack of vitamins?’ you teased, and he blushed.
‘Can’t have you wastin’ away on me.’
‘So, you’re saying I have to eat the muesli for your benefit?’ you asked, and he shook his head.
‘No breakfast for dinner,’ he said. ‘Maybe I can fix you somethin’.’
Your heart stopped, right there in the grocery store, in your flip flops with your hair still wet from the pool.
‘…’ you said, and he finally broke your gaze, finally allowed you to breathe for a second. He looked thoughtful, maybe even a little sorry.
‘Not professional of me to ask out the patrons,’ he said, after a while.
‘Do you work at the grocery store?’,’ you asked, bolder than you were feeling. He moved closer towards you, just a half-step, so that you could feel his breath ghosting over your face.
‘If I gave you some exercises, would you do ‘em?’ he asked, his voice so low it came straight from the Devil himself. You felt the jolt of want spear between your legs.
‘My physio might get jealous,’ you said, and he grinned.
‘As your lifeguard I feel like it’s my duty to overrule, baby,’ he said. He lifted a hand to your bad shoulder, holding it gently, supporting the joint. You sighed a little, the extra support releasing some of the pressure from the tendon.
‘If you think it’s that serious,’ you whispered, as you leant in towards him, his mouth hovering just out of reach of yours. ‘Life and death.’
‘I’m afraid I might,’ he replied.
His lips tasted like coffee and sunshine. You lifted your arms to rest them on his shoulders. There was not a single twinge.
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inkyajax · 2 months
⋆₊˚⊹♡ boothill + having his hair pet
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character: boothill warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, female reader, iron cock, fluff + angst, mention of blood, mention of gentle hair pulling words: 933
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boothill loves having his hair played with and pet because it is one of the only things he can truly, genuinely, physically feel. 
it’s different from the manufactured touch he ‘feels’ on any other part of his iron body; different from the artificial heat his sensors and receptors send zipping to his brain when you splay a palm on his knee or your cheek on his shoulder, different from the simulated pressure he experiences when you twine your fingers with his and squeeze.
and while all of those things are still good and nice—it’s definitely better than not feeling anything at all—real will always feel different. 
real will always feel indescribable. organic, authentic, you.
he loves it when you use his hair as leverage while you’re riding him, knuckles rooted to his sensitive scalp, buried in thick warm tresses. it helps keep you steady and stable as you bounce on his solid cock, strands twirled around your second knuckles and tugging slightly. the pulling isn’t unpleasant, doesn’t hurt, stops just short of actually painful, instead procuring a tingling sting that erupts across his skill, each roll of your hips yanking him forward and sending another bout rippling through the follicles. 
he loves it when you push it back from his sweat-beaded forehead or unstick coiled tufts from his clammy temples, sweeping it away from his face and allowing wet salt to hold it in place as he rests his cheek against your chest. a pillowy palm pets over the drenched locks as your heart begins to calm, as you both come down from the highs of hedonism, as your pretty cum dries glistening and glazed on his iron cock, brains still dazed with bliss. 
he loves it most of all when you scrape your nails over his scalp, all ten grazing through his dense mane and scratching pleasantly, loves it when you comb your fingers through it slow and gentle, watching ink and ivory cascade softly over your skin. 
he hums—purrs like a fucking cat—flops his head down in your lap after those especially rough, ruthless days; a silent demand to be adored. tender fingers submerge themselves in the strands and his eyes slip shut, whole body impossibly melting into you, deliquescing beneath your rhythmic touch. 
no words are spoken, just a gentle whir and the wheeze of his breath as you brush each section, delicately untangling the knots from today’s work, each gnarl smoothed out relieving another ounce of his stress. 
it’s intimate in a way that’s different than when he’s got his metal cock buried balls deep in your cunt (though he loves that, too, don’t get him wrong); it’s intimate in a deeply quiet way, a special closeness that transcends carnal pleasure and synthetic sensations, only matched by the feeling of his tongue dragging across yours, of your teeth burrowed in his lip, of warm blood oozing from split skin—yours, his, tangling with threads of spit and becoming one, massaged into burning flesh and sensitive tastebuds, seeping into him. 
but your hands in his hair, your fingertips pressed to his scalp and his temples, your nails raking against delicate skin—that’s different than the ritual of kissing and swapping crimson-tinged saliva, because kissing is a joint effort, a shared sensation, a mutual give-and-take, while petting and combing his hair is all you. 
it’s you giving him something without anything in return, and him accepting it wholly and earnestly. it’s you gifting him a sensation that he cannot truly give back; not with heavy silver fingers that press just a hint too hard; not with grooved mechanized knuckles that catch on strands even when he tries his hardest to be careful, to be gentle.
he’d lay there forever if he could, calmed beneath your sweet ministrations, lulled into such content complacency that he often drifts into a serene sleep, free from those haunting visions of charred earth and melted flesh, of ash and copper saturated air, of choking smoke and blistering screams. 
jus’ another five minutes, he slurs out, when you tell him your knuckles are stiff and your fingers are aching and your belly is empty. then i’ll make ya somethin’ t’eat, promise. 
his drool is sticky and hot on your thigh, drivelling from the corner of his mouth to puddle on your skin, and an intense bout of love, pure and bright and so, so warm, fills your ribcage—your lungs and your heart and your very soul itself—so much so that the bones expand, stretch, strain with such immensity. 
a palm flattens to the crown of his head, curled around it almost protectively, your thumb caressing his hair in slow, long strokes. a sigh wafts over your thigh, cooling the small pool of spit, and he nuzzles his cheek into your leg, satisfied. 
there are other physical sensations you gift him, too: your sounds melting on his tongue, puffed scorching hot into his mouth and down his throat as he pounds into you, things he swallows so greedily, things he is forever starved for. he likes to eat your sounds, likes to feel your sounds—the vibration of your moans against his tongue, slick muscle pressed flat to your sternum; the steady thump of your heart, pulsing against his ear or his cheek; the damp warmth of your whimpers drifting drowsily across his face in the sweetest caress, his own name so gorgeous on your tongue, in your voice, pushed from pouty lips to soak into the only flesh he has left. 
but none of it beats your hands in his hair. 
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peachetteprice · 3 months
The Ever-forgetful John "Soap" MacTavish,
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Who just happens to turn the kitchen tap on during your shower, at the exact point in which you need the release of hot water on your skin, and - as a requiem of British plumbing - it sucks the warmth from the water until you're left shivering, ballooned by half your weight in suds alone, and crouched like a beggar before the shower-head until it returns to lukewarm; at best. Naturally, you've told him time and time over never to put the tap on; never to fill the kettle to boil, never to flush the toilet or wash his hands whenever you needed to clean yourself - it was common decency.
Now, he asserts this would be possible if you kept your showers short, though, you'd learnt by month three of your relationship that what he meant by short was a thirty-second (nary a minute) hop-in, hop-out with a bottle of three-in-one doused, rubbed and subsequently rinsed from every crevace and hair follicle on one's body, as he had done between training sessions, spat at by a man whose impatience rivalled that of WW2 bomber over London during the bloody Blitz.
Anything north of that - thirty-seconds, that is - is free game. Hence, what should have been a thirty-minute 'everything' shower becomes something of an Irish jig, tip-toeing back and forth like a naked man on hot coals, hissing, hoo-ing and hah-ing as you deliberate the numerous ways you might enact a similar torture on him. Hair-dye in his shampoo? Moisturiser instead of toothpaste? Refusal of any and all bathroom-related sex?
It's the thought that plagues your mind as you exit the shower, dissatisfied as if there still exists an itch on your back that can not be reached, that you've been aimlessly swatting at for the duration of your shower, wrapping a hasty towel across your torso to meet him in the kitchen.
You barely sniffle at the wet footsteps along the hardwood floors, though it's exactly the sort of foolishness you'd slap his shoulder for leaving, after you'd so dutifully mopped them the previous week. It'll sink in the grain, don't you know? The wood fibres will pick it up like a sponge in the rain, and you'll be left with damp-smelling floorboards that creak in the summer and crack in the winter, and there'll be no getting those mould stains out!
...Is the sort of vitriol your brain spills as you enter the kitchen, expecting to see Johnny fiddling with the kettle to perfect just the right amount of water for two cuppas - oh, none for him, only two for you, one right after your shower and another, ten minutes after the first.
But he isn't there. He isn't anywhere, in fact. The kettle isn't warm, and there are no used tea bags on the tea bag-catcher, seeping their remaining liquid onto the work surface so it stains.
But there is, however, one long green hospipe trailing from the kitchen tap, hooked taught on its end, out through a crack in the window, through the rear garden. And, whisked away by curiosity, you follow its trail.
There he is.
Watering the plants?
He turns. Almost points the hosepipe in the same direction, too, with that giddy smile of his, but he has just enough tact in himself not to do that - not after you've just showered. "Y'cannae be comin' outside in tha', Bonnie, you'll catch yer death!"
"Is this what you've been doing whilst my shower's been running cold?"
Johnny turns into an imbecile with that daft frown on him. Never has a man with such a large brain looked so terribly confused by something so simple. What were you talking about, what he's been doing? Cannae ye see?
"Not quite." His brow furrows. "Oi... I told ye to get back inside, lass. Never mind yous flashin' the neighbours." Then pauses for a moment as he re-adjusts his grip on the hosepipe. "Aye, ye might wanna watch this, though."
And watch, you do.
As he sheds the seriousness from his face, dons a more appropriately pleased smile, lifting the hose up to the neighbours fence - just so that the curve of the water arches over the panels - he sends a fledged stream over top of the boundary.
You're about to shout. Really. You're about to put on your mummy-voice (that's what he calls it), perhaps the only instinct you have in you to shout 'John MacTavish', in the most disappointed tone you can muster - reminds him of his Mam, it does, when he used to steal biscuits out of the biscuit jar when he wasn't supposed to - until he ceases everything that could possibly have warranted it in the first place.
Though, just as your lips part, you watch something black - maybe a dark brown, actually - dart across the stream, rendering it effectively useless in its spread.
Johnny turns to you, eyes wide, mouth agape. "Tha' was a good'un, did ye see that, love?!"
He knows you're confused. He can see it in your eyes.
So he does it again.
And it happens again.
A black - no, it's definitely brown this time, just soddened by the water enough to resemble tar - thing leaps past the spout of water. You can hear it chomping, jingling, panting, and it soon dawns on you what the shadow is;
It's a dog - it's the neighbour's bloody dog.
Johnny waits for your reaction - he hopes it's similar to his: complete awe. Imagine his shock - he was only watering the hedges! But you can only relinquish a sigh and a slightly (emphasis on slight) amused chuckle as you note;
"That's what you've been doing for half an hour whilst I've been in the shower? Playing with the neighbour's dog?"
"Yeah!" He gave the fence another squirt, and sure as the rain, the pup came rumbling after it, jaw agape for maximum bite. "An' I don't even like dogs, but ye cannae be mad at him, look how happy he is!"
And, as you step back through the kitchen with a tired laugh, feet still dripping with water, goosebumps prickled along your skin (and although there will be words to have later in the afternoon), you know his words hold some semblance of truth;
That you can't be mad at him, look how happy he is!
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| Masterlist |
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falling-star-cygnus · 4 months
things i've noticed about HSR characters bc character design is my obsession
part two: 🎼Save a horse🎵 Ride a Cowboy🎶 ✨Boothill✨
who should i do next :D
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his bullet earring and cartilage piercings [the bullet as a red chain link coming down from the hoop, kinda like when it first gets shot] -> also- if you zoom on his face too long he glares at you
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it doesn't matter what direction you tilt his head, you cannot see his right eye clearly, this is the closest i got -> obviously this line was him joking about the cause of him being a cyborg, but i think he genuinely lost his right eye too. also- he's an optimist??
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he's got air vents on his neck!!
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Boothill's medals glow when you get victory stacks :D -> also they jingle every time you use his attack!! and look at his spurs!!
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he's got a port on his left hand, to match the one on his back, but not his right. [are they connected? what does the one on his hand connect to?] -> i wonder if he can put bullets through the one on his hand and store them for later
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his original name meant loaded gun, so that's pretty cool -> and pretty dark considering he was literally turned into a living weapon ['as always, he and his partners turned to guerrilla warfare 😃' has the same energy as 'so anyway, then i cursed her 😊.']
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man's hips are OUT
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his hair is interesting to me. is it natural? his sixth eidolon has the interesting mix of black and white that it does currently, even though that's him as a human
wouldn't be cool if it was Marie Antoinette Syndrome? -> it can be caused by extreme stress and trauma to the body//mind, which you can't deny Boothill went through -> but it can also be caused by Alopecia Areata, which is a rare autoimmune disease that causes your cells to attack each other and target the pigment and structure of hair follicles [altho alopecia usually results in hair loss]
could the loss of his body, paired with how he was found as a baby, cause the discoloration of his hair?
also the leaves in his eidolon are most likely that of a tulip trees, which are symbols of freedom, liberty, and free speech [which he unfortunately does not have] -> Native Americans would often use the inner bark of these trees for medicinal purposes too!
they can also just be decaying leaves, representing the deteriorating state of his body
HC for the road: Argenti is the only one he’s let see his missing eye. He fully intended to try and scare the Knight of Beauty off, try to force him to admit that his body wasn’t all he praised it to be, but instead Argenti just cupped his face and repeated his praises
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dr-hairblog · 1 year
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Understanding the Procedure of Hair Transplantation Surgery in Turkey
When it comes to hair restoration, Turkey has become a popular destination for many individuals suffering from hair loss. The country boasts of a high success rate in hair transplant procedures, thanks to the advanced techniques and experienced professionals in the field.
Hair transplantation surgery in Turkey is a procedure that involves transferring hair follicles from one part of the body, known as the 'donor site', to the area experiencing hair loss, commonly referred to as the 'recipient site'. This process is mainly used to treat male pattern baldness, but it's also an effective solution for anyone suffering from hair loss.
The hair transplant procedure in Turkey is carried out using state-of-the-art technology and under the guidance of highly skilled specialists. It's a minimally invasive procedure that promises natural-looking results. However, it's crucial to understand that the success of the procedure largely depends on the quality of the donor hair.
Furthermore, Turkey's hair restoration industry has invested heavily in the latest technologies to ensure the delivery of effective hair loss treatments. These treatments not only aim to restore hair but also work towards maintaining the health of the existing hair.
The hair loss treatment in Turkey lies on the cutting edge of medical science. With continuous research and advancements in hair transplantation surgery, patients can expect a safe, efficient, and relatively pain-free experience.
Despite the growing popularity of this procedure, it's important to remember that hair transplantation surgery is a significant decision. Therefore, we recommend that you conduct thorough research, consider all available options, and consult with a professional before deciding to undergo the procedure.
In conclusion, hair transplant Turkey offers a promising solution to individuals grappling with hair loss. With its blend of advanced technology, skilled professionals, and a high success rate, Turkey stands as a leading destination for effective hair restoration.
Understanding Baldness and Hair Transplant Solutions in Turkey
Baldness, or as it's medically known, alopecia, is a condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It's not restricted to any particular gender; both male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness are common, highlighting the need for effective solutions.
Male pattern baldness is the most prevalent form of hair loss in men. It manifests as a receding hairline accompanied by thinning hair on the crown and temples. Female pattern baldness, on the other hand, is characterized by a general thinning of hair across the scalp rather than a receding hairline.
The root cause of these conditions is often androgenic alopecia, a genetically determined disorder. This form of hair loss is typically progressive, with the severity and pattern varying from person to person. It can start as early as one's teenage years and worsen over time if left untreated.
In Turkey, there has been a surge in the number of people seeking solutions for baldness, including hair transplant procedures. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves hair follicles from a part of the body called the 'donor site' to the balding part of the scalp known as the 'recipient site'. It's a popular option because it offers a permanent solution to hair loss and the results often mimic natural hair growth patterns.
Genetic hair loss is an issue that many people grapple with, and it's not just about vanity. Losing hair can significantly impact a person's self-esteem and overall quality of life. But, with advancements in medical procedures like hair transplants, there is hope for anyone suffering from baldness or alopecia. Especially in places like Turkey, where the medical community is making strides in providing affordable and effective treatments.
In conclusion, whether you're dealing with male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia, it's essential to remember that you're not alone. There are solutions available, and hair transplants in Turkey are proving to be a viable option for many.
Understanding Follicular Unit Extraction and Transplantation in Turkey
The world of hair transplant procedures is constantly evolving, and two techniques have emerged as the preferred methods in Turkey: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Understanding these techniques, their differences, and how they use individual grafts can help potential patients make an informed decision about their hair restoration journey.
Sapphire FUE hair transplant turkey, is a modern grafting technique that is gaining popularity in Turkey. This method involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from the patient's donor area, typically the back of the head, before they are transplanted to the balding areas. The key advantage of FUE lies in the fact that it doesn't leave a linear scar, allowing for shorter hairstyles post-procedure. It's important to note that the success of the FUE method is heavily reliant on the expertise of the professional handling the procedure.
On the other hand, Follicular Unit Transplantation, or FUT, is a more traditional method of hair transplant. Unlike FUE, FUT involves removing a strip of tissue containing multiple hair follicles from the donor area. The strip is then dissected into individual grafts, which are then transplanted into the balding regions. While FUT may leave a linear scar, it allows for the transplantation of a larger number of grafts in a single session.
Both FUE and FUT use individual grafts in the transplantation process, but the extraction process differs. The choice between Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplantation ultimately comes down to the patient's individual needs, the extent of their hair loss, and their personal preferences.
Regardless of the technique chosen, the results can be life-changing. Hair transplant in Turkey, using either the FUE or FUT method, offers an effective solution for those struggling with hair loss. The procedures, when performed correctly, can restore not just hair, but also confidence and self-esteem. It's vital to thoroughly research and understand these grafting techniques before embarking on the hair restoration journey.
Understanding Hair Growth and Density in Hair Transplants in Turkey
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, understanding the intricacies of hair growth and hair density is crucial. The success of the transplant largely depends on these two factors, which are characterized by the hair growth cycle and the subsequent regrowth of transplanted hair.
Hair growth is a natural process that involves a series of phases collectively known as the hair growth cycle. This cycle consists of the anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting) stages. The anagen phase is where your hair grows and can last between two to six years. The catagen phase is a short transition stage that lasts about two weeks. Finally, the telogen phase is the resting phase where hair falls out and is replaced by new hair.
In a hair transplant procedure, hair follicles are removed from one part of the scalp (usually the back or sides, where hair is denser) and transplanted into the areas where hair is thinning or absent. The transplant aims to increase hair density, improving the overall appearance and boosting the confidence of the individual.
Successful transplanted hair growth depends on several factors, one of the most important being the health of the donor hair follicles. Once transplanted, these follicles go through the same hair growth cycle as the rest of your hair. Initially, the transplanted hair may shed - this is a normal part of the hair cycle and is not a cause for concern. This shedding makes way for new hair regrowth, which usually begins about three months after the transplant.
Hair regrowth after a transplant is a gradual process. The transplanted hair will start to grow at a similar rate as the rest of your hair, and over time, the new hairs will blend seamlessly with the existing ones. It's important to remember that individual results may vary based on the individual's hair cycle, overall health, and post-operative care.
In conclusion, understanding how hair growth, hair density, and the hair growth cycle affect the outcomes of a hair transplant can play a significant role in managing your expectations. It's also vital to remember that while a hair transplant can significantly improve hair density, it is not a cure for hair loss and will not prevent future hair loss. Regular maintenance and care are required to maintain the results of the transplant.
Understanding the Process of Hair Transplant in Turkey
The innovative advancements in the field of hair transplant in Turkey have made it a popular choice for individuals experiencing hair loss from around the world. The procedure involves the careful extraction of hair follicles from a donor area, typically at the back of the scalp, which is then transplanted into the recipient area, usually the balding or thinning sections of the scalp.
The success of a hair transplant largely hinges on the quality and quantity of the donor hair. If the donor area is healthy and dense, it provides an ample number of hair follicles for the transplant. These follicles are the building blocks of hair growth and their careful preservation is instrumental in ensuring a successful transplant.
Follicular units are the naturally occurring groups in which scalp hair grows. They usually consist of one to four hair follicles. The extraction of these follicular units in their natural grouping is essential as it helps maintain the aesthetic integrity of the scalp, ensuring the transplanted hair grows in a natural-looking pattern.
After extraction, these follicular units are meticulously inserted into the recipient area of the scalp. The placement of these units is a critical aspect of the procedure as it determines the direction and density of the hair growth, which ultimately impacts the overall aesthetic result of the hair transplant.
In the context of a hair transplant procedure in Turkey, both the donor and recipient areas of the scalp are treated with utmost care. This ensures minimal damage to the scalp and maximizes the chances of a successful transplant.
The high success rate of hair transplant in Turkey can be attributed to the expertise of the medical professionals and their meticulous handling of the hair follicles and follicular units. Their precise work in extracting donor hair and transplanting it into the recipient area has made Turkey a leading destination for those seeking solutions for hair loss.
Comprehensive Understanding of Hair Transplant Techniques in Turkey
In the realm of cosmetic procedures, hair transplant in Turkey has gained significant momentum. A procedure that primarily involves the transferring of hair grafts from one part of the scalp to another, hair transplant has become a sought-after solution for individuals experiencing hair loss.
The focal point of this procedure is the hairline – the area most affected by balding. The main goal is to restore the hairline, giving it a natural and youthful appearance. The success of hair transplant largely hinges on meticulous attention to the hairline, as it's the most visible part of the scalp.
Several transplantation techniques are utilized in Turkey, each with its unique advantages. These techniques are continually evolving, backed by state-of-the-art technology and a deeper understanding of hair growth patterns. While some techniques focus on the extraction and placement of individual hair follicles, others involve the removal of a strip of scalp tissue, followed by microscopic dissection to isolate the individual grafts.
Microscopic dissection plays a critical role in the process. It allows the surgeon to meticulously separate the individual hair follicles from the harvested scalp tissue, ensuring the grafts remain intact and viable for implantation. This precision significantly improves the success rate of the hair transplant procedure.
The process of harvesting and implantation of the grafts is another crucial aspect of hair transplantation. Harvesting involves the extraction of hair from the donor area, usually the back or sides of the scalp where hair growth is abundant. After the grafts are harvested, they undergo microscopic dissection before being implanted into the recipient area.
Implantation is the final stage of the hair transplant process. Here, the harvested grafts are carefully inserted into tiny incisions made in the balding area. This requires a significant level of skill and precision, as the angle and depth of each incision can greatly influence the overall outcome, including the density and direction of the new hair growth.
In summary, a hair transplant in Turkey encompasses a comprehensive process that includes the careful design of the hairline, the use of various transplantation techniques, meticulous microscopic dissection, and precise harvesting and implantation of grafts. Each step is essential in ensuring a successful and natural-looking result.
Understanding Recovery and Post-Operative Care for Hair Transplant in Turkey
The recovery period following a hair transplant in Turkey is a pivotal phase that contributes significantly to the overall success of the procedure. Understanding the process of post-operative care, managing post-surgery results, and handling potential post-operative complications are all essential aspects of achieving optimal post-transplant hair growth.
Post-operative care is an integral part of the hair transplant journey. It involves meticulous attention to the scalp and hair follicles to ensure the newly transplanted hair grafts thrive and grow as expected. Following the surgeon's instructions for post-operative care can minimize potential complications and promote the best possible outcomes.
One of the significant facets of post-operative care is managing post-surgery results. It is essential to maintain realistic expectations about the timeline and growth pattern of the transplanted hair. The initial shedding phase may cause some concern, but it is a natural part of the process, paving the way for new, healthy hair to grow.
Post-operative follow-up is another crucial element of the recovery process. Regular follow-up sessions with the medical team can help monitor the progress of the transplant and address any concerns or issues that may arise. These sessions are vital to ensure that the post-transplant hair growth is on the right track.
While hair transplant surgeries in Turkey are generally safe, there can still be potential post-operative complications. These may include swelling, pain, and infection. However, with the right care and attention, these can be effectively managed. It is essential to keep in touch with the medical team and inform them of any unusual signs or discomfort.
Lastly, the ultimate goal of a hair transplant procedure is to achieve natural-looking, post-transplant hair growth. This outcome significantly depends on the recovery process and how well post-operative care instructions are followed. Regular cleaning, avoiding exposure to sun and dust, and following a healthy diet can contribute towards successful hair growth.
In conclusion, the recovery phase following a hair transplant in Turkey is as important as the procedure itself. Proper post-operative care, managing post-surgery results, attending regular post-operative follow-up sessions, and addressing potential complications are all key steps to achieving the goal of natural, healthy, post-transplant hair growth.
Understanding Anesthesia and Pain Management in Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
In the realm of hair transplant procedures in Turkey, a crucial component that potential patients often have questions about is the use of anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used, the process of administering it, and the role it plays in pain management are all significant aspects of the pre-surgery consultation.
During a pre-surgery consultation, the hair transplant surgeon or a medical professional will discuss the type of anesthesia that will be used during the procedure. This can be either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The decision is typically based on the patient's health condition, the scope of the procedure, and the patient's comfort levels.
Local anesthesia is the most commonly used type in hair transplant surgeries in Turkey. This type of anesthesia numbs the scalp area, allowing patients to be awake and alert during the procedure without feeling any pain. It has the advantage of quick recovery times and fewer side effects, making the process smoother for both the patient and the medical team.
On the other hand, general anesthesia renders the patient unconscious for the duration of the hair transplant procedure. While this type of anesthesia is less common in hair transplantation, it may be considered in some complex cases or if the patient has significant anxiety about the procedure.
Pain management is another crucial topic covered during the pre-surgery consultation. It's important for patients to understand that while the procedure itself is virtually pain-free thanks to the numbing effect of local anesthesia, there may be some discomfort or mild pain in the days following the procedure as the scalp heals.
The medical team will provide guidance on pain management techniques, including over-the-counter pain relievers and rest, to ensure the post-surgery recovery period is as comfortable as possible.
Overall, understanding the role of anesthesia and pain management in hair transplant procedures in Turkey can significantly ease any anxieties or concerns potential patients may have. It empowers them with knowledge and sets realistic expectations for their journey towards restoring their hair.
Redefining Aesthetic Appearance with Hair Transplant in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has emerged as an effective solution for hair loss conditions. Offering a more permanent solution as compared to other hair loss treatments, it's becoming a favored choice of those seeking a full head of natural hair. The process involves the transplantation of healthy hair from one part of the scalp to another, addressing hair thinning and baldness issues primarily.
One of the key reasons why people opt for hair transplant in Turkey is the desire for a better aesthetic appearance. The presence of a full head of natural hair greatly enhances an individual's look, boosting their self-confidence. A successful hair transplant ensures that the hair grows out to look just as natural as your original hair, matching the growth pattern and texture perfectly.
Another major advantage of a hair transplant procedure is that it offers a permanent solution to hair loss conditions. Unlike hair growth serums and medications, which need to be used continuously to maintain hair growth, a hair transplant provides a one-time, long-term solution. Once the healthy hair follicles are transplanted, they continue to grow hair in the treated areas, eliminating the need for repeated treatments.
Scarring is a common concern associated with surgical procedures. However, in the case of hair transplants in Turkey, the advanced techniques used result in minimal scarring. The tiny scars that do occur are usually hidden beneath your new hair growth and fade over time, making them virtually invisible.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey is a promising way to combat hair loss conditions. It offers a permanent solution, resulting in healthy hair and an improved aesthetic appearance. Furthermore, the process is designed to ensure minimal scarring, making it a seamless and effective choice for those battling with hair loss.
The Role of a Hair Surgeon and Surgical Team in a Hair Transplant Procedure in Turkey
In Turkey, hair transplant procedures are carried out by a highly skilled hair surgeon and a dedicated surgical team. The hair surgeon is the professional who leads the process, making key decisions based on the patient's unique hair growth pattern and aesthetic goals. They play a critical role in ensuring that the transplant is successful and that the results are as natural-looking as possible.
The surgical team supports the hair surgeon in various ways. They prepare the surgical instruments required for the procedure, ensuring that they are clean and ready for use. The team also plays a key role in maintaining a sterile environment throughout the procedure, which is crucial in preventing infections and ensuring optimal recovery for the patient.
The surgical procedure itself is a delicate process that requires precision and expertise. Using specialized surgical instruments, the hair surgeon extracts individual hair follicles from the donor area and transplants them to the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. This is done using a technique known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), depending on the patient's specific needs.
Sterile technique is paramount throughout the hair transplant procedure. The surgical team carefully prepares the surgical environment, ensuring that it is free from any potential contaminants. This includes sterilizing all surgical instruments and wearing appropriate protective gear such as gloves and masks.
In summary, the success of a hair transplant in Turkey is highly dependent on the skills and expertise of both the hair surgeon and the surgical team. They work in tandem to ensure that the surgical procedure is carried out in a sterile environment using sterilized surgical instruments, following a strict sterile technique. Their combined efforts result in a successful hair transplant procedure that can significantly enhance the patient's appearance and confidence.
Evaluating the Success and Patient Satisfaction of Hair Therapy in Turkey
When it comes to hair transplantation, Turkey has become a leading destination for individuals worldwide seeking to restore their hair. One of the key factors contributing to this trend is the high hair transplant success rate witnessed in the country. Numerous hair transplant testimonials attest to the effectiveness and efficiency of the procedures carried out.
The hair transplant experience in Turkey is unique and patient-centric. It focuses on providing the best service, starting from the initial consultation, throughout the procedure, and during the aftercare period. The aim is to ensure patient satisfaction, which is an essential measure of success in hair therapy.
One of the major focus areas in Turkey's hair transplant industry is the quality of hair achieved post-transplant. The result is not just about having more hair but having hair that closely matches the patient's natural look. The attention to detail and the expertise of the professionals involved contribute to this high quality of hair.
Another noteworthy aspect is the success rate of hair transplants in Turkey. Many individuals have seen drastic improvements in their hair growth and density post-procedure. This success is attributed to the advanced techniques used, the meticulous execution of the procedure, and the personalized care provided to each patient.
The overall hair transplant experience in Turkey has garnered much praise, with patients applauding the service's professionalism and efficiency. These hair transplant testimonials provide a glimpse into the experiences of past patients, detailing the before and after journey of their hair transformation.
In conclusion, the hair transplant sector in Turkey thrives on high patient satisfaction, excellent hair quality, and an impressive success rate. These factors combined provide a holistic and satisfying hair therapy experience for patients, making Turkey a go-to destination for hair transplant procedures.
Outpatient Procedure and Long-term Results: Understanding Hair Transplant Processes in Turkey
Hair transplant in Turkey has gained significant popularity and has become a sought-after solution for individuals experiencing hair loss. This procedure, typically an outpatient one, is known for its effectiveness and the promise of long-term results.
The hair transplant process generally involves either a single session or multiple sessions, depending on the severity of the hair loss and the desired hair density. It's important to note that the decision between a single session or multiple sessions is usually determined by a professional based on the specific needs and situation of the individual.
The outpatient procedure aspect of a hair transplant in Turkey is a highlight for many individuals considering this solution. This means that the procedure does not require a lengthy hospital stay. Instead, patients are allowed to return home on the same day of the procedure, making it a convenient choice for many.
A single session of hair transplant can last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, again depending on the extent of hair loss and the desired density. Despite the length of the procedure, the single session approach is often preferred for its potential to deliver instant results.
On the other hand, multiple sessions might be recommended for individuals with severe hair loss. Each session is typically spread out over several weeks or months allowing for gradual hair growth and density improvement. This approach ensures a more natural-looking result as the hair begins to regrow.
The long-term results of hair transplant in Turkey have been overwhelmingly positive, with many individuals reporting an increase in density and improvement in the appearance of their hair. However, it's important to manage expected results, as the success of the procedure can vary based on individual factors such as the extent of hair loss and the patient's overall health.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey offers a comprehensive approach to dealing with thinning hair. By addressing the issue of DHT and providing guidance on post-transplant hair wash, individuals undergoing the procedure can expect significant hair rejuvenation and a meaningful solution to hair loss prevention.
The Journey of Hair Transplant in Turkey: From Preparation to Post-Surgery Expectations
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, it's crucial to understand the process from start to finish. This includes the procedure time, preparation, post-surgery expectations, and the role of hair loss medication such as finasteride and minoxidil.
The procedure time for a hair transplant can vary depending on the individual's hair loss severity and the technique used. It could take anywhere between four to eight hours, but in some cases, it may extend over two consecutive days. This extensive procedure time is because each hair follicle is individually transplanted to ensure a natural and satisfying outcome.
Preparation is a key step before undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey. This includes a thorough consultation with a hair loss expert who will examine your hair loss pattern, discuss your expectations, and propose the most suitable treatment plan. It's also an opportunity to address any concerns or queries about the procedure.
Hair loss medication plays a pivotal role in both the preparation and post-procedure phase of a hair transplant. Medications such as finasteride and minoxidil are often recommended to stabilize hair loss and enhance the growth of new hair. Finasteride works by preventing the conversion of testosterone into DHT, a hormone that can cause hair loss. On the other hand, minoxidil is a topical solution that stimulates hair growth by increasing the blood flow to the hair follicles.
The post-surgery expectations after a hair transplant in Turkey involve some level of patience. The first signs of new hair growth can take anywhere from three to four months to appear. It's also important to follow a proper hair care routine and continue with the prescribed hair loss medication to maintain the results of the transplant.
In conclusion, understanding the procedure time, preparation, role of hair loss medication, and post-surgery expectations can help individuals make an informed decision about undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey.
Safety Measures and Affordability: Understanding Hair Transplant Cost and Graft Survival Rate in Turkey
Understanding the intricacies involved in a hair transplant procedure is crucial for anyone considering this life-changing decision. One of the key aspects to consider is the hair transplant cost in Turkey, hair transplant procedures are not only renowned for their high quality but are also impressively affordable. This affordability, however, does not compromise the safety measures in place.
Safety measures in Turkey's hair transplant industry are top-notch, ensuring the well-being of every patient. The medical practitioners are highly trained and adhere strictly to international standards of safety and hygiene. These precautions significantly reduce the risk of complications, ensuring not just the survival of hair, but also the overall health of the patient.
When it comes to the graft survival rate, Turkey boasts an exceptionally high percentage. This is a testament to the advanced techniques used in the country, which ensure the survival of hair after the procedure. The high graft survival rate indicates the effectiveness of these techniques, as the transplanted hair continues to grow healthily in the new location.
The survival of the transplanted hair is a key factor that determines the success of the procedure. In Turkey, the transplanted hair tends to thrive due to the meticulous care and precision involved in the transplant process. This high survival rate of transplanted hair is one of the reasons why many individuals opt for hair transplant procedures in Turkey.
In conclusion, the blend of affordable hair transplant cost, stringent safety measures, and high graft survival rate makes Turkey a preferred destination for hair transplant procedures. Understanding these factors can help potential patients make an informed decision and find a solution that best fits their needs.
Maximizing Hair Transplant Results: Post-Surgery Hair Care and Recovery Time
When it comes to hair transplant in Turkey, the procedure itself is only one part of the journey towards achieving a fuller, healthier head of hair. The post-surgery hair care routine and following the post-operative instructions are equally important if you wish to maximize the results of your hair transplant procedure.
After undergoing a hair transplant, the scalp needs a considerable amount of time to heal and adjust to the new follicles. The hair transplant recovery time can vary based on the individual and the specific procedure used, but generally, patients can expect to see the full results within six to twelve months post-surgery.
During the hair transplant recovery time, it's crucial to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon. These instructions typically include guidelines on how to clean and care for the scalp, which products to use or avoid, and what activities to refrain from. Adhering to these instructions not only ensures a smoother recovery but also helps to optimize the growth and health of the transplanted hair.
In addition, establishing a proper hair care routine is fundamental during the recovery phase. This involves using gentle, nourishing hair products, protecting the scalp from sun exposure, and maintaining a healthy diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals.
It's also worth noting that the new hair may initially shed after the transplant - this is a normal part of the process and is no cause for concern. The transplanted hair follicles are still healthy and in place, and new hair growth will usually start to occur within a few months.
In conclusion, the success of a hair transplant in Turkey goes beyond the surgical procedure. Proper post-surgery hair care and adherence to post-operative instructions play a significant role in determining the final outcome of the transplant. Remember, patience is key during the hair transplant recovery time as it can take several months to see the full benefits of the surgery.
Addressing Thinning Hair through Hair Transplant in Turkey: An Insight into Post-Transplant Hair Wash and DHT
Thinning hair is a prevalent issue that affects numerous people worldwide, both men and women alike. This condition escalates to a point where self-esteem is compromised, and the pursuit for hair rejuvenation becomes inevitable. Remarkably, Turkey has emerged as a globally recognized destination for hair transplants, offering solutions to hair thinning and hair loss prevention.
The underlying cause of thinning hair is often linked to DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that shrinks hair follicles and hinders hair growth. DHT is usually the culprit behind male pattern baldness, but it also plays a role in female hair loss. While it may seem like a formidable foe, it can be addressed with the appropriate hair loss prevention measures, such as hair transplant procedures.
Hair transplants in Turkey have been revolutionized to counteract the effects of DHT, providing a viable solution for hair rejuvenation. The process involves relocating healthy hair follicles from one part of the scalp to the thinning or balding areas. This procedure is meticulously designed to mimic natural hair growth, ensuring that the new hair blends seamlessly with the surrounding hair.
After the hair transplant, it's crucial to follow a proper post-transplant hair wash routine. This step is essential for hair loss prevention and maintaining the health of the newly transplanted hair. It involves using gentle, hair-friendly products to wash the scalp and promote healing. This routine is typically recommended to start a few days after the procedure, once the scalp has had time to recover.
The post-transplant hair wash routine also helps to remove any scabs or crusts that might have formed on the scalp following the procedure. It's a delicate process that requires careful handling to avoid dislodging the newly transplanted hair follicles.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey offers a comprehensive approach to dealing with thinning hair. By addressing the issue of DHT and providing guidance on post-transplant hair wash, individuals undergoing the procedure can expect significant hair rejuvenation and a meaningful solution to hair loss prevention.
The Journey of Hair Transplant in Turkey: Before and After, Reviews, Results, and Side Effects
Embarking on a journey towards getting a hair transplant in Turkey can be both exciting and overwhelming. In this section of the article, we will explore the hair transplant before and after experience, discuss the possible hair transplant side effects, delve into some hair transplant reviews, and highlight the hair transplant results you can expect.
Firstly, understanding the hair transplant before and after process is essential. Prior to the procedure, it is common for individuals to experience varying levels of hair thinning and loss, significantly impacting their confidence and self-esteem. However, after the hair transplant procedure in Turkey, one can expect to see a significant improvement in the density and distribution of hair. This transformation not only enhances physical appearance but also restores self-confidence.
While the hair transplant before and after experience is generally positive, it's important to be aware of potential hair transplant side effects. Like any other medical procedure, a hair transplant carries certain risks such as infection, bleeding, and scarring. It's also possible to experience temporary hair thinning post-procedure. However, these side effects are usually temporary and manageable with appropriate care and medication.
Now, let's delve into hair transplant reviews. It's important to note that individual experiences with hair transplant in Turkey can vary. Generally, hair transplant reviews reflect a high level of satisfaction with the procedure, with many noting an improvement in their overall quality of life. Patients frequently describe the procedure as life-changing, highlighting the positive impact it has had on their self-esteem and happiness.
Lastly, let's talk about hair transplant results. The ultimate goal of a hair transplant is to improve the appearance of the hairline and increase hair density. The hair transplant results can be substantial, with many patients seeing a significant improvement in their hair growth within just a few months of the procedure. However, it's crucial to remember that results can vary depending on individual factors like the extent of hair loss and overall health.
In conclusion, a hair transplant in Turkey offers the potential for significant hair restoration and improved self-confidence. By understanding the hair transplant before and after process, the potential side effects, reviews, and expected results, one can make an informed decision about whether this procedure is the right choice.
Understanding the Recovery Process: Expectations and Aftercare for Hair Transplants in Turkey
When considering a hair transplant in Turkey, it's essential to have realistic hair transplant expectations. This procedure is a significant commitment, but it can yield impressive results for individuals experiencing hair loss. Knowing what to expect during recovery, including downtime after hair transplant procedures, can help you adequately prepare and ensure a smoother journey towards your new look.
Firstly, let's discuss the recovery period. This is where the downtime after hair transplant comes in. After the procedure, your scalp may be tender, and you may need to take medications for a few days. Most people can return to work two to five days after surgery. However, it's crucial to note that recovery times can vary depending on the individual and the extent of the hair restoration.
One common concern among patients is the redness after hair transplant surgery. It's a typical side effect and usually subsides within a few weeks. The redness occurs due to the increased blood flow to the scalp and the healing process of the tiny wounds from the procedure. Rest assured, this is a normal part of the healing process and should not cause any alarm.
Swelling after hair transplant surgery is also common. Again, this is a natural reaction from your body as it heals. The swelling typically occurs around the forehead and may last for a few days. Applying a cold compress can help reduce the swelling.
Understanding these aspects of hair transplant expectations can help you make an informed decision and prepare for the recovery process. It's essential to remember that every individual's experience will vary, and it's crucial to follow your healthcare professional's advice for aftercare to ensure the best possible results.
Hair transplant in Turkey is a popular choice for many due to the country's advanced medical facilities and highly experienced specialists. By managing your expectations and being prepared for the recovery process, you can look forward to rejuvenated hair growth and increased confidence in your appearance.
Understanding the Hair Transplant Procedure Steps in Turkey for International Patients
The hair transplant procedure steps in Turkey are renowned worldwide for their efficiency and effectiveness. International patients are drawn to this country due to the highly-regarded reputation of its medical procedures, especially in the field of hair transplantation. Before delving into the specific steps involved in the process, it's important to understand that each patient's journey typically involves a preoperative assessment and a postoperative assessment.
The preoperative assessment is the first step in the hair transplant procedure. This involves a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's hair loss condition, general health, and expectations. This crucial step helps the medical team devise the most suitable hair transplant plan for the patient. The aim here is to ensure that the procedure will not only be safe but also achieve the highest possible aesthetic results.
Once the preoperative assessment is complete, the hair transplant procedure steps can begin. While the specifics may vary slightly from patient to patient, the general process normally involves the extraction of hair follicles from a donor site (usually the back of the scalp), followed by their careful implantation into the thinning or bald areas.
Throughout the procedure, utmost care is taken to ensure the natural look of the transplanted hair. The orientation, angle, and positioning of each follicle are meticulously considered to replicate the natural hair growth pattern. This level of precision is what sets Turkey's hair transplantation procedures apart, attracting international patients from all corners of the globe.
Following the surgery, the postoperative assessment begins. This step is just as important as the preceding ones, as it allows the medical team to monitor the patient's recovery, assess the results of the transplantation, and provide essential aftercare instructions. It's during this phase that patients can see the fruition of their hair transplant procedure steps, as the newly transplanted hair begins to grow and blend seamlessly with the existing hair.
In conclusion, understanding the hair transplant procedure steps in Turkey can provide international patients with a glimpse into what to expect from their experience. The combination of a thorough preoperative assessment, a meticulous surgical process, and a comprehensive postoperative assessment ensures the best possible outcomes for patients seeking hair transplant procedures in Turkey.
Exploring Hair Transplant Alternatives and Understanding Pre and Post-Transplant Prep in Turkey
The journey of hair transplant in Turkey often begins with an essential, yet often overlooked step: the hair transplant consultation. This crucial meeting serves as an informative platform where patients receive comprehensive insights about the process, along with an evaluation of their scalp laxity and overall suitability for the procedure.
Scalp laxity – the flexibility and looseness of the scalp – plays a significant role in determining the success of a hair transplant. A scalp with good laxity allows for the easy extraction and implantation of hair follicles, resulting in a more natural-looking hairline. On the contrary, a tight scalp may limit the number of grafts, leading to less satisfactory results. Therefore, understanding your scalp laxity is a critical part of the hair transplant consultation.
However, not everyone is an ideal candidate for a hair transplant. In such cases, hair transplant alternatives come into play. These alternatives can range from low-level laser therapy that promotes hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles, to medication that either slows hair loss or encourages new growth. These alternatives offer a ray of hope to those who may not be candidates for a hair transplant due to various reasons, such as inadequate scalp laxity or insufficient donor hair.
Once a patient decides to proceed with the hair transplant, the next step involves pre-transplant prep. This preparation phase mainly involves following the surgeon's advice on lifestyle changes. These might include quitting smoking, avoiding certain medications, and maintaining a healthy diet. Each of these steps is designed to optimize the body for the upcoming procedure and promote better healing and growth post-transplant.
Post-transplant prep, on the other hand, includes understanding what to expect after the procedure and following the surgeon's aftercare instructions. This might involve taking prescribed medications, avoiding strenuous activities, and ensuring a clean and healthy scalp environment for the new hair follicles to grow.
In conclusion, the journey of hair transplant in Turkey involves more than just the procedure itself. It starts with a hair transplant consultation, understanding your scalp laxity, exploring possible hair transplant alternatives, and ends with appropriate pre and post-transplant prep. By understanding these different elements, you can better prepare for your hair transplant journey and optimize your results.
Understanding the Timeline, Aftercare, and Healing Process of a Hair Transplant in Turkey
The journey of a hair transplant in Turkey is not merely confined to the surgical procedure. It is an extended process that involves a notable timeline, diligent aftercare, and a specific healing process. This comprehensive route ensures the maximum benefits of the transplant and contributes significantly to the final outcome.
The hair transplant timeline begins with an initial consultation and assessment. During this stage, the prospective patient's scalp condition, hair density, and hair loss patterns are evaluated. This information aids in the formulation of a tailored treatment plan. Following the consultation, the actual hair transplant surgery is scheduled. The surgery typically lasts several hours, depending on the size of the transplant area and the transplant method used.
Post the surgery, a crucial phase begins - the hair transplant aftercare. This phase is paramount for the success of the hair transplant. The aftercare involves specific guidelines that the patient needs to adhere to diligently. It includes keeping the scalp clean, avoiding strenuous activities, and potentially refraining from hair washing for a few days post-surgery. The patient is also advised to sleep in an elevated position to prevent swelling.
In terms of post-operative medication, it plays a vital role in the hair transplant aftercare. It aids in managing pain, preventing infection, and reducing inflammation. The medication is usually prescribed by the surgeon and may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers. Adherence to the prescribed medication greatly aids in the healing process and contributes to the overall success of the hair transplant.
Another significant aspect of hair transplant aftercare is the scalp massage. A gentle massage can help increase blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth and speeding up the healing process. However, it is important to wait for a certain period post-surgery before commencing the scalp massage to ensure that the transplant area has healed adequately.
Finally, understanding the hair transplant healing process is essential. Each patient's healing timeline may vary, depending on individual factors such as general health, age, and adherence to aftercare instructions. Typically, the first signs of new hair growth can be noticed around three to four months post-surgery, with substantial growth observed after eight to twelve months.
In summary, a hair transplant procedure in Turkey is a journey, encompassing a detailed timeline, meticulous aftercare, and a distinctive healing process. Being informed about these steps can help you better prepare for the procedure and ensure an effective and successful hair transplant.
Understanding Hair Transplant in Turkey: From Procedure to Care, Risks, and Benefits
In the world of medical advancements, hair transplant in Turkey has emerged as a popular and effective hair loss solution. This solution has become increasingly sought-after due to its impressive results, offering individuals struggling with hair loss a much-needed boost in confidence.
Hair transplant is generally categorized into two types, invasive and non-invasive procedures. The invasive procedure is a traditional method that involves the surgical removal of hair from a donor area and implanting it into the balding or thinning area. The non-invasive procedure, on the other hand, uses modern techniques to stimulate hair growth without having to undergo any surgical procedure.
Understanding the hair transplant procedure is crucial, but an equally important aspect is hair transplant care. After the procedure, patients need to take extra care of their scalp to ensure the success of the hair transplant. This includes proper cleaning, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight, and refraining from using harsh hair products that might affect the newly transplanted hair.
While hair transplant in Turkey could be the answer to your hair loss problems, it's essential to weigh the hair transplant risks and benefits. Some risks include infection, bleeding, and unnatural-looking hair. However, these risks are usually rare and can be prevented with proper care and by following the surgeon's instructions.
On the brighter side, the benefits of hair transplant are numerous. It's a permanent solution to hair loss, it improves appearance and self-confidence, and it's relatively maintenance-free once the recovery period is over.
In conclusion, hair transplant in Turkey offers a promising and practical solution for those grappling with hair loss. With its invasive and non-invasive procedures, along with comprehensive hair transplant care, it presents an effective method to restore not just hair, but also confidence. However, like any medical procedure, it's crucial to understand the possible risks and acknowledge the benefits before making a decision.
Unraveling the Cost and Effectiveness of Hair Transplant in Turkey
Navigating the journey of hair transplantation can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to understanding the hair transplant cost and the graft survival rate. Turkey, a renowned destination for hair transplant surgeries, provides a comprehensive package that not only satisfies your aesthetic needs but also ensures a high graft survival rate.
Hair transplant cost is a crucial factor that influences your decision. However, it is essential to remember that the effectiveness of the surgery is equally important. You need to ensure the survival of hair after the procedure to enjoy lasting results. In Turkey, the hair transplant cost is often balanced with quality service. The medical practitioners ensure the survival of transplanted hair through advanced procedures and post-operative care.
The graft survival rate is an essential indicator of the success of a hair transplant surgery. It refers to the percentage of transplanted hair follicles that successfully grow in the recipient site. A high graft survival rate implies a higher chance of survival of hair after the operation, leading to better hair density.
Hair density is another crucial aspect to consider. It is the number of hair strands per square inch on your scalp. A successful hair transplant should result in increased hair density, giving a fuller and healthier look. The medical professionals in Turkey use modern techniques to ensure optimal hair density after the surgery, helping you bid farewell to thinning hair.
Thinning hair is a common concern that drives many individuals to consider hair transplant. It is crucial to choose a destination that not only offers affordable hair transplant cost but also ensures a high graft survival rate. After all, the ultimate goal is not just the survival of transplanted hair, but to effectively combat thinning hair and enhance hair density.
In conclusion, when evaluating the hair transplant cost and the graft survival rate in Turkey, it is paramount to consider the overall benefit. The focus should not only be on the survival of hair post-transplant but also on maintaining a satisfactory hair density to permanently resolve the issue of thinning hair.
Enhancing Aesthetic Appearance: The Role of a Hair Surgeon and Surgical Team in Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
In the realm of aesthetic enhancement, hair transplant in Turkey has gained significant attention. It's a procedure that's not only about restoring hair but also about boosting an individual's aesthetic appearance. This process is meticulously carried out by a proficient hair surgeon and their dedicated surgical team.
The role of a hair surgeon is pivotal in this procedure. With their extensive knowledge and expertise, they perform the task of individual grafts placement. This involves transferring hair follicles from regions with sufficient hair to the balding or thinning areas. The precision of the hair surgeon in the placement of these individual grafts is crucial to ensure a natural and seamless look, which enhances the overall aesthetic appearance of the patient.
The surgical team also plays a significant role in the hair transplant procedure. Their meticulous work begins with preparing the donor area and extends to post-operative care. The surgical team works in harmony with the hair surgeon to ensure that each graft is optimally utilized.
Besides the technical aspects of the procedure, patient satisfaction is another critical area of focus in hair transplant procedures. The aim is to not only meet but exceed patients' expectations in terms of results. This is achieved through a blend of technical expertise and patient-centric approach. The surgical team and the hair surgeon work together to ensure that every patient receives personalized care, making them feel comfortable and satisfied throughout the process.
Hair therapy is another aspect that adds value to the hair transplant procedure. The right hair therapy can significantly speed up the healing process and stimulate the growth of the transplanted hair. In addition, it can help maintain the health of the existing hair, preventing further hair loss.
In conclusion, achieving an enhanced aesthetic appearance through hair transplant in Turkey involves a combination of the expertise of a hair surgeon, the teamwork of a surgical team, the use of individual grafts, a focus on patient satisfaction, and post-operative hair therapy. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in delivering an effective and satisfying hair transplant experience.
The Process and Benefits of Hair Transplant Procedures in Turkey
Turkey has established a reputation as a leading destination for hair regrowth treatments, notably hair transplants. This is due to the country's innovative techniques, affordable prices, and highly skilled professionals. One of the major advantages of having hair transplant in Turkey is the possibility of achieving long-term results that look completely natural.
Hair transplant is a meticulous outpatient procedure typically performed in a sterile environment to prevent any infections. The procedure involves transplanting hair follicles from one part of the scalp, usually the back or sides, where hair is more resistant to balding, to the thinning or balding areas. The goal is to stimulate hair regrowth in those areas, creating a fuller, thicker appearance.
The complexity of the individual's hair loss pattern will determine whether a single session or multiple sessions are required. In a single session, thousands of hair follicles can be transplanted, which makes it a highly efficient solution for those with severe hair loss. However, for those with less extensive hair loss or for those who prefer a more gradual change, multiple sessions may be recommended.
Regardless of whether the transplant is performed in a single session or multiple sessions, patients can expect to see a significant improvement in their hair density. The transplanted hair follicles will grow and shed initially. After a few months, these follicles will start producing new hair, leading to noticeable hair regrowth.
One of the most significant benefits of hair transplant in Turkey is the potential for long-term results. Unlike other hair regrowth treatments that require ongoing use or maintenance, a hair transplant provides a permanent solution to hair loss. Once the hair follicles have been successfully transplanted and have started to grow, the results can last a lifetime, with the transplanted hair growing just like the rest of your natural hair.
In conclusion, a hair transplant procedure in Turkey offers a high possibility of achieving long-term hair regrowth. It is performed in a sterile environment as an outpatient procedure, meaning you can return home the same day. The number of sessions required will depend on the extent of hair loss, but whether it is a single session or multiple sessions, the improvement in hair density can be remarkable.
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It contains antioxidants, which bind to free radicals and limit their action. This decreases the appearance of fine lines, laugh lines, and wrinkles. It also repairs the damage caused by UV radiation, which promotes premature aging and skin dullness. It possesses anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to heal the scalp and decrease dandruff. It nourishes the scalp deeply to alleviate dryness and encourage hair development. Organic Orange 10-Fold Essential Oil effectively nourishes the scalp and encourages hair follicle development. It also contains antioxidants, which combat free radicals and encourage hair growth. This Organic Orange 10-fold essential oil strengthens the hair shaft and keeps it from becoming brittle and dry. It also improves the number of hair follicles.
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skinzeyofficial · 8 months
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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Acne: Causes and Types - Decoding Acne: What Causes It and Different Types Explained (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1415201563-the-ultimate-guide-to-understanding-acne-causes?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=skinzeyofficial Explore the comprehensive guide on acne, delving into its causes and types. Backed by expert insights, this ultimate resource provides a detailed understanding of acne-related issues. From uncovering the root causes to identifying different types, the guide aims to equip readers with knowledge and effective strategies for achieving clear, healthy skin. Whether you're seeking insights into prevention or solutions, this guide serves as a valuable reference for conquering acne woes
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khadiorganique · 1 year
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Best product for proper nourishing and strengthening your hair follicles, promoting regrowth hair follicles, and regulating sebum secretion of your scalp. . Shop Now 🛒 :- https://bit.ly/3YmAxDB .
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derekhighwaytf · 1 year
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I loved the Cha Cha Room.  It was as exclusive as it was expensive, but hey that’s the price you pay when you’re a social media sensation.  Being Trey, the sexy instagram model wasn’t without its downsides, however.  The worst thing was when guys who should’ve known that someone of my caliber wouldn’t be interested in them tried to hit on me.  Sure, I fucked my fans regularly, but only the ones that shared my dedication to beauty.  I couldn’t help that I was born gorgeous.
My entourage, an aesthetically curated group of other models (all only slightly less attractive than myself) walked into the Cha Cha Room, ready to be gawked at, each of us oozing beauty and charisma. The crowd parted like the Red Sea, their eyes filled with awe, desire, and, my favorite, envy.
But amongst that sea, there was one guy that forced me to do a double take.  Doug, rounder and balder than anyone else, didn't fit the usual demographic that came to Cha Cha. It was a mystery how he must’ve slipped his way in when security wasn’t looking, because there was no chance they’d ever willingly allow someone who looked like that to enter such exclusive premises.  And, to make matters worse, when he caught me staring at his odd appearance, he began to make his way toward me, a small, devious smile playing on his lips.
"Can I buy you a drink?," he asked.  I raised an eyebrow, my lips curling into a smirk.  Sure, he was far beneath my standards, but I loved teasing my inferiors, especially when it comes with a free drink.  "Well, aren't you a sweetheart," I replied, trying to hide my disdain for his smelly, musky demeanor.
As we talked and I pretended to listen, he must’ve farted at least three times, but I wanted to be nice, so I held my breath and counted the seconds till I could rejoin my way cooler group of friends.  However, when Doug began flirting, I couldn’t help it.  A chuckle bubbled up from my chest and I shook my head, saying "Doug, was it?  No amount of drinks in this club could make me think you're anything but fat, smelly, and bald."
“And what’s wrong with that?” he said earnestly.  “This is a bar for fat, smelly, bald guys after all.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.  Just as the words escaped my lips, I noticed something strange. As my eyes scanned the crowd, I realized that everyone, even my formerly flawless friends, looked just like Doug. They’d grown beards, their hair on their head was gone, and they all had guts the size of bowling balls.  I felt a chill run down my spine as I started to walk away.
“I must be in the wrong place.  I don’t belong here,” I said, just barely missing the door.  But before I could free myself from this hellhole, Doug stopped me and said, “Yes you do.  I think you fit in perfectly.”
Suddenly, my Gucci shirt felt tight around my midsection, and my once firm arms now felt doughy. As I turned to leave, a full-length mirror on the wall revealed a shocking transformation.   I reached up and where once were lush and thick chestnut locks, was now greeted the cold, bare skin of a rapidly receding hairline, retreating with alarming speed, creating an expanding dome of skin I’d never seen before.
Clumps of my hair began to detach themselves from my scalp, falling gently to the club floor. Each strand felt like a piece of my identity, a piece of Trey, falling away to reveal the bald truth underneath. I watched in frozen terror, feeling each follicle detach until all that remained was nothing but a smooth, shiny surface. I was as bald as an egg.
And then I farted.
I was disgusted with myself for only a moment, until I started to let a hearty chuckle much deeper than my old voice.
I looked in the mirror again, my face so much more different than it was ten minutes ago—familiar, but not the one I had painstakingly maintained for the world to admire. Suddenly, the world seemed to shift as a flood of memories washed over me. I wasn't Trey, the Instagram sensation. I was Tom, a twenty-something, bald, overweight man who didn’t shower, farted every five minutes, and fucked anyone who’d have me.  This was my bar and I was gonna make sure all my fellow cubs had a good time
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As the rock music blared and the crowd at Tommy’s Den started to become increasingly alluring to me, I was suddenly hit with a wave of unfulfilled desire, a need for cock.  So I pulled Doug aside to the bathroom and…well you can guess what happened next.
I was Tom now, and, honestly, my life was so much better…
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threepandas · 1 month
Bad End: Heroic Collection
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New Haven wasn't a major metropolis. Some big city like Delhi or Tokyo, Jakarta and the like. It was big for the area. A major hub for commerce and crime on a local scale. But Nationally? INTERNATIONALLY? Not even close. No matter WHAT the great ambitions that haunted the Mayor, late at night, may tell you.
So, really, there was NO fucking reason for any A Listers to be here.
Our biggest exports were fancy fucking jams and that one fashion line I couldn't pronounce. We had honest to God Jam festivals in the fall. It was a circuit, Mayor gave out awards. There were pies. Firestrike always ate himself sick. Agent always laughed at him. I... Fuck, my head was ringing. I'd hit that last building HARD. Was pretty sure I tasted blood. Not... not sure if that was because I busted something in my mouth or...
Over my comms, I could hear my teammates fighting. Trying to hail the Alliance. If we could... could just hold on...
Long enough for the major players to GET here?
Then what? I had to wonder. Staring at a burning bus in front of me. It was half way lodged through Mrs. Brahimi's shop. Please, God, let her and the workers have got out all right. I'd been there just this morning. She made me those stuffed flatbread things. Said I was still too skinny. Should rest more.
I use the twist remains of a book return to lever myself to my feet. Book..? Oh. I'm by the library. Which..? Fuck. Main one. That's city hall.
Smoke rises around the city I've lived in all my life. Fires everywhere. I'm supposed... supposed to be a hero. But I can barely stand. Feel sick as the world sways. My body is one big bruise. Gotta... gotta keep fighting. Helping. Save people.
In the distance, I can hear screams.
I'm coming. I promise. I'm coming!
I make my screaming body move. Stumble. Catch myself. Then keep going. The hiss and spit in my ear tells me that my communicator is probably half broken. I don't try it, in case that breaks it the rest of the way. Wrench doors from half crushed cars to free trapped civilians. Lever wreckage, hold it with trembling limbs, so people can crawl to safety. Run. Please, god, RUN!
We aren't strong enough.
He's here, The Collective.
A hivemind super threat. Alien supposedly. So far above my team's pay grade we know basically nothing. The kind of thing we were expected to never realistically see. We're nobody's. Fuck it, we're HAPPY being nobody's. It meant we got to go home each night. Didn't face The Horrors. Like him.
Hungry. Trying to fill some void that's never going to fill. Supposedly a planet eater. Gutting worlds for resources, materials, to continue his own expansion. Now fixated on Earth for it's continued refusal to die. For its defiance. Some A+ sort of monster, to our high C rank. At best.
Fuck... we dealt with HUMANS. Fought gimmicks and tech. Little fish in our little pond. Now this tsunami was bringing the ocean to US and it was all we could do, to swim and survive.
I leaned against a half smashed car. Braced myself against it, more then anything, then started pulling pot shots. I... I was gonna black out soon. With a concussion like this? Probably wasn't gonna be waking up. Especially if those THINGS found me before a friendly did.
All across the city I called home, The Collective had Drones tearing the place apart.
They'd almost be pretty. Tall, elegant, androgynous lookin, supermodel twinks in battle armor. Drones apparently covered their lower face. I'd know the "commander" by their uncovered face and "use of adornments". Useful! Except they could fucking SWITCH on command, so you have to take out ALL of them.
Because they weren't a collection of different soldiers.
THEY weren't a THEY. That? Was a fucking HE. Singular.
You don't consider each of your individual cell as people. Each follicle of hair. Why would HE? God damn it. It was like fighting a giant. Against Gods. They just kept coming. And my ammo? Was not endless.
Worse. The drones had stopped looking. I don't know WHAT they had been searching for. But now? They started to converge on me. On city hall. Fuck. I... I couldn't even really stand anymore. My vision was blurring. I knew for a FACT my shots were shit. But dense as they were crowding? It seemed enough. Kept them back.
Three cartridges left.
Only one more...
The Alliance was coming. Half my team had gone silent. I could hear tears in the voice of Tech, back in the office. They had our life signs. Built into our armor. I could only imagine what mine looked like. Prayed, like I hadn't since I was a kid, that the others were just unconscious. Safe somewhere.
Someplace this nightmare couldn't reach them.
I doubted I was that lucky.
Tech was begging me to hold on. Giving me ETAs. And... And I was out of bullets. The block half full of Drones. I had escrima sticks. A fucking tazer. It would have to do. Sticks came out, as I swayed to my feet. No longer letting the car behind me hold my weight. What's a little... let's say, hundred or so, on one? Eh?
Bring your friends. Let's make it a fair fight.
I'll go easy on you.
Bravado until the end. Remember, never know who's watching. You are a symbol. Before you are a man, you are their HERO. Don't you DARE let them down. Even if you die. Especially when you die. B.. Bravado until the end. Plaste on a smirk and say a one-liner, we got hope to shoulder.
I took down about three Drones... I think... before the rest swarm me.
Feel hands pinning my arms. My torso. Everything. A weak point between the panels is ripped open. High grade military fabrics doing jack shit against their impossible strength. The distinct pinch tug of a needle in my skin. Cold spreading. The sudden exhaustion of a powerful sedative. I... am gone.
Time... is blurry.
Now and Then running together in my senses. My brain. The concussion doesn't help. Or... or didn't? It feels... gone? Gone-ing? Oh... look, sky. Clouds. Pretty. Wasn't I standing? I am standing. No... no being dragged. Chair? Not chair. Stairs? Carried. Pretty window..... where am I? Fuzzy. Bluzzy fuzzy purple beans~ he he he~ oh! Those are the... watch'ma call it! Gucci chairs! That rich lady had! Neat. Plurble.
Ouch! Why'd you pi...?
My mouth is dry as sand. But suddenly? I am hyper aware. The floating drift of my mind VIOLENTLY gone, replaced by alerted and focus. Drones surround me in a vaguely familiar hallway. Shit. I think it's that rich designer's place. My helmet is off, but my mask is still in place, thank god. The Drones stand far to close for my liking. Their many eyes, amused.
So glad to entertain, you Fuck.
I am frog marched down the hall. Damn near dragged. They were too smart to restrain me with my own cuffs, unfortunately. So my hands are bound behind my back with something tight I can't get a good feel off. Bastard secured it to my belt, too. Great.
The Collective's "Face" is surrounded by what must be every jewel in the city. Piled high in some vague sorting pattern I refuse to even try and comprehend. He's trying on rings. One on every finger, to see what matches his skin tone. Looks good. Already, he has a pearl stud and some earrings he's decided he likes. He looks up as I'm dragged in, and I realize immediately what one of "a few other differences" between him and the Drones are...
It's the EYES,
Metallic almost. Nearly neon. They reflected the light in a way the Drones simply did not. It made their face... horrificly predatory. Made for WATCHING, somehow. Unnerving and haughty. Beautiful still, but uncomfortable to be near.
Sitting up on a table that basicly swallows the room, dead center like a show piece on display, with one long leg tossed over the other and no fucking shirt on? The Face looks almost carefully, artfully, staged. To maximize some "haughty yet coy, alien prince who maybe wants to fuck you" shtick.
Does... Does he not realize I'm NOT one of the usual opponents? I mean. Flattered at the "join me! The Darkside has sex and cookies!" set up. Always fun. Classic, really. But, like? I would be... at BEST... a solidly MID goon.
Also "NO".
Gonna preemptively throw that out there. Maybe some expletives for flavor. Suggest someplace sunless to shove it. SOLID "No". Good try, though.
Around me, the Drones are shaking with silent laughter. Staring down at me, their pale eyes dancing with amusement. It's creepy as hell. Unnerving to be the center of attention like this. For this many eyes, utterly in synch, to surround and watch my every twitch. Act fascinated and amused, like I'm some little animal performing tricks.
The Face hasn't dropped his Seduction to the Darkside routine. If anything, he seems delighted by the defiance. Which... yeah, that tracks. It's why he's harrasing out planet to begin with. That one's definitely on me. So, better question? Not that I'm not glad and all? Why the FUCK am I not dead.
"And lose my HERO? Perish the thought~" drawles The Collective, the posture light and lazy, even as something dangerous threaded itself through their tone. It sounded... possessive. But that couldn't be right. "I would NEVER do such a thing! In fact, we are going to have to be far more careful with that little processor of yours. Far too fragile. Just the one, too. Horrifying, really."
Thanks. Just what every guy loves to really make 'im feels special. Insults.
More laughter from all around me. I grit my teeth. Come oooon, Alliance. Where the hell ARE you guys!? Could REALLY use a rescue! The hands holding me still are drifting. Fucking handsy. Damn near stroking even as they hold me immobile. They're looking for the clasps and buckles on my armor. Have already found the obvious ones. Fingers oh so casually drifting over, to grip, flex, and tear them apart.
I do NOT like how loose my armor is starting to feel. Barely able to hold on. Protect me. Limited as that protection may be. I think I'm developing a horrifying empathy for clams. Crustaceans in general. Anything that gets slowly pried from the safety of it's shell, too certain doom.
The Face casually tosses the rings he was playing with aside. Tens of thousands of dollars bouncing off to God only knows where. He slides from the table to stand. Shit. He's huge.
The androgynous twink supermodel thing he has going on? Fucking LIES. Twists your perception of how, EXACTLY, strong the Face body IS. He clears seven feet easily, is muscled in that distinctly "never see me coming until it's too late" sort of way all the ninja types are.
The tattoos. It's the FUCKING tattoos! They give the illusion that he's slimmer then he actually is.
I can't tell if that's vanity or strategy and I hate it. Glare as he sashays towards me. Hips rolling in that elegant catwalk strut. I'm forced to my knees. Because of course I am. How ELSE will the bastard loom and gloat? Though really, weak as I currently feel, it's more that the Drones holding me up? Stop doing that. My knees more or less just give up on their own.
"Like what you see? You're staring so intently~" He mocks. If he were being genuine, I'd call it teasing. Flirtatious. But I know better. "It IS a pretty body, isn't it? I worked hard on it, you know. All sort of fun little details~ Might honestly be one of my favorites. If you're good for me, I'll let you explore it~"
THERE it is.
Darkside. Sex and cookies. Sign up today. Fuck you and not in the fun way. Keep your hands to yourself, Collective. You're not convincing me. You could tell me the sky was blue, and I'd make three presentations with a PowerPoint, on why you were a liar. No, still No, and a hefty fuck off No for spice.
Three steps away. Two steps. One.
A man that tall and dangerous? Frankly did NOT need heels. Figures he'd wear them anyway. Sharp enough to kill a man. Right infront of my folded knees. I refuse to look up. No more fucking games. Did have to wonder, though, if those pants... if they even WERE pants? Were painted on or not. Very tight. Looked vaguely metal yet leather.
Fingers, splayed wide as they run themselves through my sweaty and probably bloodstained hair. Couldn't have been nice to touch. Wrong angle and just a touch too big to be a Drone. Light as a lover, sweet almost, soothing. Before it inevitably tightens, gripping the strands. Honestly not as hard as I expected, didn't even hurt.
Still, my head is forced back.
Back and back and back, forced to arch my spine, hang awkwardly at some forty-five degree angle. My thighs and abs already screaming. A Drone grabs the back of my armor and, with an almost casual yank, my chest plate is violently snapped free. Both tossed to the floor away from us.
"There we are~" the Face hums down at me, eyes nearly hypnotic in how the light moved from within, grin full of sharp and deadly teeth. "No more of that ugly thing in the way. I much prefer this~"
"Tell me, Little Hero, do you remember? Becoming mine."
No, I certainly do fucking not. What the HELL is he-!? From behind the Face a Drone steps. Dressed differently to the others. Casual clothes. Like... actual street clothes. If they weren't GREEN I never would been able too-...
In horror, I watch as the pigment of the Drones skin melts away to a middling average. So utterly nondescript a blend of ethnicities that it's genuinely hard to place, but won't stand out no matter where he goes in the city.
I... I had seen that face.
SAVED that man.
Thought he was CUTE! T..Thought WE were having some sort of MEET CUTE! Oh God. That was at the festival. I was out of costume. Saved him from getting crushed. Then my teammates handled everything before I could slip away. So I just... stayed. Showed the cute tourist the festivities.
I pined our that cute tourist for WEEKS. Was UNBEARABLE. Tech threatened to shove me off a roof! Oh my god.
Dozens of mouths, laughing in perfect sync. The noise layered and bouncing strangely around the room. Deeper then it should be, higher as it swings. Like a radio or voice modulator that someone is messing with. A momentary loss of control. My anger fizzles out to fear. Oh... oh yeah...
I forgot I was fucked.
At.. at least I know why?
A step forward. Past too close and now basically in my lap. A foot on either side of my knees. I try not to think exactly where my face would be pressed if I wasn't dragged back, to hang near painfully arched, so he could lean down and I could be forced to make eye contact. That way lay madness.
He moved his other hand to my face, cupping it. Dragging his thumb possessively across my mouth. He hummed, pleased.
He pressed closer, sliding down my front to his knees, straddling my lap. REALLY hoped that WAS, in fact, a weapon in your pocket there, buddy. Because I am not liking the handsy direction this is going, nor have I come to terms with my meet cute being a monstrous planet killing warlord. Not feeling sexy, my guy.
....okay, a LITTLE sexy, but that is hormones and we ignore those.
Fuuuuuck, wandering haaaaands! Now would be a GOOD TIME for door kicking rescues! I do NOT want to learn anything new about myself today! I want to go HOME. Sleep forever, maybe! Have a burrito the size of my head! Oh god. Think unsexy thoughts. Math. Sad puppies! Sad puppies doing MATH!
The Collective had dragged me upright. Pressed my face right up against their Face's bare skin. All I could smell was expensive cologne and man. Warm skin. Oh god, I am so gay. This is hell and I am very, VERY gay. If evil, why sexy hot hot hot? Hormones are making very convincing arguments. Horny brain says let's make terrible life choices.
No! Nooooo. Stop it, Me! We are fucking better then this! God damn it, you trainwreck, you are a ROLE MODEL! Act like one! (But horny...) (NO!!!)
God I was never going to mock the fuckers who hesitates at the "sex n cookies" speech again. Persuasive mother FUCKER!
"Aah~" he sighed contentedly, far too close to a moan for my sanity's liking. Hands having finally found the hidden zippers of my undersuit. Slowly dragging it open. "You are FAR too cute~♡"
"I can't wait to get you off this worthless little rock. Back to ME. I'll have so many WAYS to take care of you~ Backups and rudimentary supports we can set up, at least until I get you something proper."
Horrifying. Deeply Horrifying. REALLY never wanted to know what terrified and horny felt like, but here we are. Distantly, I hear thunder. There's no clouds. A flash of red through the skies. Green followed by metallic purple. Oh thank fuck. Keep his attention. Just... just keep his attention.
"We'll use me as a base. Keep you in stasis. Away from all these ugly, dangerous things~! Just you and me. Perfect. BETTER. Infinite and beautiful. I'll make all sort of bodies just for you to play with. Even let you keep this one! If you want. It'll be a precious memory for us, of where you began. How we met."
A mouth on mine. I can't breathe. Can't escape the arms wrapped around me. My protests do little more then waste oxygen. I feel light headed. Come one, team Alliance! He's here! HE'S HERE!!!
"You're going to be MINE, little Hero. I finally figured it out. What I was missing. It was YOU~♡! My beloved, delicate, little thing~. I'm going to take SUCH good care of you."
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