#fresh start!andy tag.
End Game 3
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, stalking, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your gaming buddy asks to meet up but it doesn’t go exactly as planned.
Characters: Andy Barber
Note: and so it continues.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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When you find Kara, she’s at the front of the line. You wait impatiently on the other side of the rope as she gabs up a storm with the D-lister on the other side of the table. Restless, throat sour with bile, you pace in a small line, flicking your thumb as you resist the urge to tell her to hurry up. 
You need to get out of there. You can barely think. You can’t even stay still as heat scalds and speckles over your scalp and down your body. 
You turn on your heel and your feet tangle as you stop short. Andy stands just on the other side of the line, staring at you. Oh shit. 
You rush over to Kara and snap her tank top strap, “hey, there’s other people waiting.” 
“One second!” She squeals carelessly over her shoulder, quickly returning to fawning over the washed-up sci-fi actor. 
You sigh and cross your arms, rocking back and forth, “Kara, I really don’t feel good.” 
She huffs and chirps crisply, excusing herself from the table. Several others send her a dirty look for spending so much time chattering as they wait eagerly in the wings. She steps around the post to the other side of the rope. 
“Let me guess, too much sugar?” She scoffs. 
“Something like that,” you grumble. “Look, it’s like five. We’ve been here for a couple hours. I’m chill getting out of here.” 
“Already?” She lifts a brow, “we haven’t even got you a plushie.” 
“I should save my money,” you keep your arms folded around you. 
She eyes you up and down, “are you okay?” 
“Y-yeah, it’s like you said, too much sugar. I should’ve eaten breakfast. Or lunch.” 
She gives you a skeptical squint and shrugs, “alright, whatever. We can go hang at mine.” 
“Great, sorry,” you mope, “I just... I’m tired.” 
“It’s fine,” she assures you, “I get it. This place can be a bit much and the BO is starting to get to me.” She struts ahead of you and you catch up to her. She marvels at the signed photo in her hand, “at least I got something cool.” 
“Yeah, that’s awesome. You gonna hang it up?” You ask, trying to distract yourself. 
“Mm, maybe.” 
You glance over your shoulder. Andy’s closer, looming, hands in his pocket, eyes set on you. What is he doing? You grab her arm and hurry her towards the exit. 
“Woah, what’s up?” She trips in her wedged sandals. 
“I just need some fresh air. Like you said, it stinks in here.” 
As you finally get through the front doors, your phone is shaking incessantly. The buzz can be heard through the denim. You ignore it as you cross the lot. 
“Is that him calling?” She asks, “is that what this is about? I mean, I’d be pissed too but he shouldn’t get to ruin your day.” 
“No, it’s not,” you lie, “I just... crowds get to me after a while. It’s been a long day, traveling and all that... I’m tired.” 
“Mm, sure, well, let’s not let that coward shit on it all,” she snips. “It’ll be like high school. Girls’ night! Popcorn and nail painting and your favourite hollywood hunk.” 
“You mean your favourite,” you toss back. 
She giggles, “come on, you know you think he’s cute too.” 
You roll your eyes and stick close to her. You follow her out to the street and quickly turn away. You send one last look over your shoulder. You don’t think he’d follow you this far. You grab onto Kara’s arm and set your sights ahead of you. 
“Sleepover!” You chime, doing your best to hide your anxiety. 
You’re sad to leave Kara. She made a crummy day brighter with a fun night. Still, you’re relieved to go back home. Where you can be alone, where you can forget. 
You catch an early Greyhound and hug your bag to you as you doze, waking with each lurch of the axle. Back in town, you disembark and sigh. You still have a shift tonight. It’s a good excuse to avoid that little needling at the back of your mind. 
You still can’t believe it. How many years had you been warned against meeting people on the internet? For how much of your life has that faceless avatar online been the boogeyman to fear? And yet, he sent you pictures, you spent hours gaming together, and you trusted him. Yes, you’re that stupid. You really trusted Jacob—Andy. 
You drop your stuff at home and shower as your grandmother grumbles into a cup of tea. As you emerge, her eternal scowl curls her lips. You go to the kitchen to wash her used dishes and come back out, hoping the chore appeases her. She doesn’t say a word as she sorts through her knitting needles. 
Right. As grim as the house can be, you find comfort in that nothing has changed, even if you feel like your world has. You don’t even want to look at your Switch. That one possession you treasured above all. It’s the most expensive thing you own. You saved for months to get one, it connected you to outside, it helped you escape, and now it’s just another reminder. 
You grab your purse and head off for work. You message Kara to check in. Uh oh, she says Calvin is in town. Not this again. 
You go to hit reply on her message and another notification pops up. You tap it before you can stop yourself. It’s him. Andy. He’s been texting but you haven’t answered, you haven’t even looked to block him. You don’t know why you haven’t just hit that magic button but you just avoided everything about him. 
‘Please. I’m sorry. Can we please talk?’ 
It’s no different than the litany of texts before hand; ‘we can mine and talk this out’; ‘I wanted to tell you the truth for so long, I just thought you had the right to hear it face-to-face'; ‘hope you got home safe. Please text when you have a moment’; one after another, changing from one tone to the others; desperate, apologetic, concerned... 
Before you can dismiss the conversation, he messages again. 
‘You’re reading my messages. I see the checkmark. Please, just give me a chance to explain.’ 
You sniff and shake your head. You mute your phone and bury it at the bottom of your purse. You don’t want to talk to him but you just can’t bring yourself to get rid of him entirely. For a year he was your friend. Maybe just a gaming buddy but a constant that you came to count on.  
You would login and just shoot the shit; chat about your day; just let it all out and not think as you dug up diamonds or raced around Moo Moo Meadows. That’s all gone now and it hurts just as much as the rest of his lies. It isn’t just that he isn’t Jacob, it’s that you told him things you didn’t even tell Kara. He had been your safe harbour because he was far away, because anything you said could never come back to you. 
Your eyes sting and your cheeks pinch. Stupid, again. You shouldn’t be this emotional about this. Forget about it. You got work.  
Work? Scooping ice cream? God, how pathetic you must have sounded to him. He’s a lawyer or something? At least that what he claimed when he’d still been Jacob. You knew at first glance the type of man he is; established, professional, and older. So much older. 
Yeah, your problems must have seemed so minuscule and immature. Oh, you flunked a pop quiz? Not like you have to pay a mortgage.  
Urgh. You shake off the nipping embarrassment as you enter the booth and pull on your apron. Maybe you don’t have that much going on, but you’re trying. You’re young. You’re learning. What’s his excuse? 
You should have done this a lot sooner. You don’t know why you didn’t. Maybe because it didn’t matter before. Before, Jacob was just a boy you played Minecraft with. He was just a voice in a headset. But now, he’s... not. He’s Andy. No. 
He’s dead. 
You stare at the search result and your heart sinks. That, at least, is true. Jacob Barber; death date, last year. The pictures even match. Just a skinny kid, smiling beside his dad and mom. She’s gone too. Lost in the same accident. 
You kick yourself for being so careless. If you’d just searched him up a year ago. Even just reverse searched those pictures, you would’ve pieced it together. The only thing you can be thankful for is that it wasn’t worse. That you’re safe and you can just leave it behind. 
Well, that’s what you want to do. 
You scroll through the rest of the results. There's more, before the death. Articles about a murder and suspects. Jacob was one. What? 
It’s all so messy you can hardly make sense of any of it. You stop and sit back. You think of the man who sat across from you, you remember the look in his eyes, the flicker in his voice. He did sound sorry. 
And after everything? A police investigation then to just lose your son like that? Your only child. 
You know you don’t owe him anything. He lied to you. He had every chance to be honest, from the very beginning. Maybe you wouldn’t have wanted to play with a middle-aged man but maybe you could’ve helped him find somebody. You could’ve at least shared gaming tips.  
It isn’t about him. It’s about closure. This is just a blip on the radar. You have bigger things to worry about. Your grandmother, work, school. The summer’s flying by and tuition fees are higher than last year. Your interest payments are going to spike and you foresee a second job on the horizon. 
You look at your phone, entranced by it. You stand and walk in circles. You come back to your small desk and pick up the cell. The little chat bubble at the bottom has that red dot in the corner; unread messages. You tap it and the dot disappears. 
Andy’s chat opens and you slowly key in your message, several times over before you get it right. 
‘I’m signing into the server. I’ll be on until nine. No mining, talking.’ 
That’s it. That’s all. You can’t go back to what it was. You want this to be over. You’re closing the book, cutting the strings. He needs to know what he did was wrong and you need to move on. 
You take a breath and try to calm your nerves. Now that you’ve sent the message, you don’t know if you can do it. It’s too late, he saw it. 
You move slowly as you boot up your switch and plug in your headset. Your heart is racing like crazy. You’re going to have a panic attack. You feel the same wave of nausea you felt back at the con. Ugh. 
You load the server and almost as soon as the textures appear, he joins. Your lip trembles. You hear his mic scuff but he says nothing. No, you’re not here to listen to him. He has to hear you and then you’re done. 
“I’m sorry about your son,” you begin. 
“I... thanks.” 
“But it’s not an excuse,” you interrupt him, “what you did was so wrong.” 
“I know.” 
“Please, let me get this out,” you insist, your voice shaking. “I can’t understand what you’ve been through. I looked it all up and I know that it’s a lot. I, obviously, have never dealt with any of that. You know that, because I told you. Because I trusted you,” you frown as you inhale sharply, tears pricking in your eyes, “because I thought you were my age, that you were him, your son. Your dead son.” 
You shudder and shake your head, gulping thickly. 
“Do you not see how fucked up that is?” 
He sighs, “I know. I promise you, I wanted to tell you. That’s why... that’s why I wanted to meet. Because you deserved to know and I had to tell it to your face. You deserved that--” 
“Did I deserve to be lied to? Huh? Why—Why did you need to do all that? Why couldn’t you just tell the truth?” 
He sniffles. You’re silent, choked by the sob trapped in your throat. 
“I... He’s gone. I missed him so bad and I wasn’t thinking straight. It’s not an excuse, you’re right,” his voice is raspy, “I... you reminded me of him. Playing his favourite game helped me get through. It was wrong. All of it. I’m not saying you should forgive me, but I’m trying to explain as best as I can. I still don’t really understand why I did it.” 
You swallow and wipe your wet eyes, “you’re right. I don’t need to forgive you. I don’t. I only came on here to say what I needed to before I delete this world. I might be young and stupid but I think you need help. Real help, not some girl on a headset.” 
His voice cuts off as you hit quit. You feel a pang of guilt. You do feel bad for him but you hope he heard you. You can’t forgive what he did to you, but you can wish the best for him. You hope what you said can make him get the proper help.
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thefallennightmare · 2 months
The Promise-Andy Biersack
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Andy Biersack x OFC
Warnings: smut, language, angst(lots of it), a smidge of fluff, mentions of abuse, alcoholism.
Summary: High school was supposed to be some of the best years of a teenager's life; except for River. Those four years were hell, the only one that got her through it was her best friend, Andy. She thought he'd be by her side after graduation but after one night of giving each other something so treasured, life took both of them in different directions.
Almost ten years later, River and Andy meet again in a way neither of them expected.
Authors Note: This is my first time writing Andy Biersack but I'm very excited! As of now, it is a one-shot but might consider continuing it if people are interested!
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @concreteangel92 @flowery-mess @cookiesupplier @poppy-in-the-woods @viofcrows @sprokat @srorgana1 @bloody-delusion-expert
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 “You don’t ever have to be alone, River,” his soothing voice cooed in my ear as he cupped my cheek. 
I looked up at him through the tears and choked on a sob. “Promise you’ll stay with me?”
He smiled that smile I fell in love with years ago. “I promise.” 
The sounds of yelling pulled me out of my thoughts in time to see a group of teenagers running past me on the street, youthful smiles on their faces. 
If they only knew what the future for them held. 
With the setting sun grazing over the streets of Hollywood as people made their way home from school or work, I was headed to work with my camera bag hanging on my shoulder and phone in my hand. I had the Maps app up giving me directions where I needed to go. It was going to be a long night at work for this music video shoot and I was already on my third cup of coffee, the feeling of caffeine still not flowing through my system. 
I spent the morning and afternoon bouncing between different shoots from clients and when I remembered I had booked this job taking pictures of a band's music video tonight, I cut the last photoshoot short by only a few minutes to make it in time. 
The company that booked me for this video shoot, Industrialism Films, didn’t tell me much about who the band was. They just told me to show up at seven p.m. and start working as soon as I was set up. It was going to be an all-night event and I needed to make sure to get shots of everyone in the band. 
Hence the third cup of coffee. 
It also hadn't helped that my mind had been plagued with memories of high school even ten years after graduation. Usually, I was great at pushing away those awful memories but the last few nights, those images of my past life kept clawing at me, dragging me down to the depths. I spent so long trying to crawl out of it and breathe that fresh air I desperately craved those four years of hell. 
The bullying. 
Eating alone in the bathroom stalls. 
The feeling of being so alone, I cried myself to sleep every night. 
The desperation of my home being a haven away from the mocking at school, only to have it worse there. 
Every single day of high school was miserable; except for one person. 
My best friend and first everything; Andy. 
Until he left you to deal with the beatings alone so he could succeed with his band. 
Screwing my eyes shut tight to forget the sound of my dad's skin on mine, I turned the corner, and a large church and steps came into view. There were ropes blocked off around the perimeter, keeping outsiders away. As I reached a security guard, I pulled out my I.D. to show him. 
“River Murray. I’m the photographer,” I said. 
The guard glanced down to my I.D. then to the list in his hands and with a gruff of response, he let me walk past the ropes. 
“Have a great night,” I mumbled under my breath. 
Bodies were moving everywhere, and people were screaming over one another, but I was able to find the director of the shoot pretty quickly. He showed me a trailer where I could set up my things and once I was settled, I could start working. They didn’t care what pictures I shot, just as long as I got a lot of the band. 
“Who’s the band?” I asked Vincent, the director while setting my camera bag on the table inside the trailer. 
“Bloody veils? No that’s not right,” he scratched at the beard on his chin, trying to remember. “I don’t know. It's some metal band. I’ve only met them once before but they’re nice guys. It’s for their song Saviour II.” 
I nodded. “So I have free reign around here? As long as I don’t get in the shot right?” 
Vincent smiled. “You’ve worked on music video shoots before?” 
“Once or twice,” I shrugged. “I worked with Bad Omens on one and some local bands another time.” 
“Bad Omens?” He whistled low. “They’re one of the hottest bands right now. I’m surprised you aren't working with them.” 
“I dated their current photographer for a few months. He set up the shoot with them to help build up my portfolio,” I shifted on my feet, suddenly feeling uncomfortable divulging too much about my life to this stranger. 
A loud crackle and static came through Vincent’s radio. “Veil Brid-. They’re here.”
My heart stuttered in my chest for the briefest of moments but told myself to take a breath. It couldn’t be him; the radio cut off before finishing who was here, I was just in my head. 
“You’re beautiful, River,” he mused while kissing every inch of my bruised skin. 
Vincent clapped his hands which caused me to jump out of my thoughts and blinked wildly. 
“Alright, I’ve got to meet the boys and show them their trailers to get ready. Head out whenever you’re ready. There’s a radio for you on the table in case we need to communicate with you tonight.” 
“Sure,” I did my best to nod with a smile. 
Once alone, I sat on the couch in the trailer and went about assembling my camera, doing a few test shots. The past kept trying to crawl its way back into the present, doing its best to render me useless, but I wouldn’t allow it. 
Well, I tried to anyway. 
“You’re worthless.” 
“Piece of shit daughter. I should have dropped you off with your mother years ago.” 
“The only thing you’re good for is being a punching bag. But you can’t even do that right.” 
A swift kick to my ribs sent me flying across the room. 
Choking on a sob, I dug my palms into my eyes hoping that would force out those thoughts. 
“I haven’t thought of Dad in years but now he’s overtaking every part of me again,” I sighed to myself. 
Not feeling quite ready to leave the trailer yet, I fixed myself in the reflection of the mirror by tying my long black hair into a tight French braid and cleaned up my makeup a bit. The scar underneath my right eye was faint but visible to this day almost eleven years later. No matter how much makeup I wore to cover it, it was still a reminder of not only the best day of my life but also the worst day. 
“River, we need you on set.” 
“Be right there,” I said into the radio before clicking it to the belt of my jeans, and with my camera around my neck, I bounded down the steps of the trailer. 
By now the sun had set and the moon shone overhead so I stopped in my tracks for a moment to take a few shots of it before walking into the church where there was a large gathering of people. On the altar of the church were a set up of drums, guitars, an orchestra, and a microphone stand. 
After snapping a picture of it, I turned on my heels when I heard Vincent call my name. 
“River, I’d like you to meet the band. I figured you’d want to get some pictures of them before we start shooting.” 
I looked over the picture I had just taken of the drum set, something vaguely familiar about the logo, but then glanced up at the five men standing in front of me; the one in the middle with the bright gray eyes immediately catching my gaze. 
My breath caught in my throat as I nearly tripped over my feet when his jaw went slack, the familiarity slapping both of us in the face. 
The richness of his voice brought back all of those other memories I did my best to push away. I stood frozen, unable to move or say anything, while my brain tried to catch up on the man that stood in front of me; the one I hadn’t seen in ten years. 
The one that broke his promise. 
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Highschool. Senior year. One week before graduation. 
I pounded on the bedroom window as the rain assaulted me with no end in sight, drenching me from head to toe. The rain mixed with the salty tears that rolled down my cheeks as I continued to beat my palm against the glass while standing on the makeshift ladder we made of three cinder blocks. I needed a way to reach his window in times like this. There was no way I could walk through his front door looking like this where his parents could see and ask questions. 
“Damn it, Andy! Wake up!” I cried, still pounding on the window. 
The storm was a constant onslaught of rain, lightning, and thunder, so I knew it was hard for him to hear me. But that didn’t stop me. 
Finally, after a few minutes of crying and pounding on the window, Andy’s sleep-filled eyes stared at me through the curtain covering his window. I saw all the emotions run through his intense gaze. 
And when he gave my face one long once over, the emotion that crossed the soft features of his face, I knew there was no way I’d be able to excuse my dad’s actions this time. 
“River,” his voice instantly soothing me when he opened the window, helping me inside. “What the fuck happened?” 
My body convulsed in shivers and I wrapped my arms around me to help keep some of my body heat. 
“I–I-I’m fi-fine,” my teeth chattered loudly in the quiet room. 
“Bullshit,” Andy spat while running a hand through his long black hair. “You’ve got a nasty cut under your eye and your lip is busted.” 
Now with the rain not washing away the blood, I could taste the bitter crimson on my lips and felt it pooling in my eye. I didn’t have to look at myself to know that the cut was deep and needed stitches. 
Typically, my dad made sure to hit me in places that I could easily hide. But tonight was different. I told him that once I graduated, I had plans to leave Ohio and move to North Carolina to start over; fresh. 
“Not with my money,” he spat.
When I told him I didn’t need his money and that I had other plans, he snorted while stubbing out his cigarette. 
“With that little boyfriend of yours? Sweety, he’ll drop you the second you follow him to that big fancy city.” 
“Fuck you!” I screamed. “You know nothing about Andy!” 
My cursing set him off and that's when the first slap happened, causing my busted lip. This time, I fought back, but in the end, it didn’t matter. My dad’s strength overpowered me as he threw me across the floor, face skidding along some of the broken glass from the cup I had thrown at him before. 
Hence the nasty cut underneath my eye. 
Andy’s sighing brought me back and I then noticed he was shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. I’d seen him like this many times before since we were best friends but something about seeing him like this tonight, made my insides burn low. 
I’d had a crush on him since freshman year when he stepped between me and Alexa Dread from taking my camera and breaking it; again. Ever since that day, Andy and I were inseparable. We knew everything about each other and we always confided in each other about our feelings. 
Just not for each other. 
My feelings for him began to grow with each passing day but I had to watch him date girls that weren’t me with a fake smile because I needed to be happy for my best friend. 
He’d never feel the same way and that was something I came to terms with a while ago. 
My eyes grazed over the scattered ink on his arms, the random designs always taking my breath away. He was eighteen so was able to get the tattoos without the permission of his parents. 
I, however, was one month shy of turning eighteen and I’d been counting down the days. Ready to run from all of this the minute the clock struck midnight.
“Fuck, River. You’re shaking,” Andy’s hand reached for me, leading me to the adjacent bathroom off of his bedroom. 
“I d-didn’t know wh-where el-se to go-go,” I did my best to speak over my body shaking. 
He hushed me with a gentle squeeze of my hand. “You know you can always come here. You always have a place here, Riv.” 
I swallowed thickly at his nickname for me.
“You need to shower but I want to clean that cut first,” he motioned towards the soaked clothes that were clinging to me like a second skin. “Take them off.” 
I stilled at his words. While Andy had no problem walking around in his underwear around me, I, on the other hand, could not muster up that kind of courage. 
“I can’t,” I shook my head. 
His bright eyes narrowed through the thickness of his black hair. “Either you take those clothes off or I will. The last thing you need right now is to catch pneumonia.” 
Gnawing on the inside of my cheek, I still didn’t make a move, which caused Andy to sigh. 
“I’ll turn around so you can undress, and keep your bra and underwear on. I’ll keep my face on yours when I clean your cut,” he reassured me with a gentle smile. 
“Okay,” I said finally. 
Before he turned around, Andy turned on the shower so the steam could fill the bathroom and keep me warm while he cleaned the cut. Staying true to his word, he turned his back to me, and as quick as I could, I ripped off the wet clothes. The sound it made falling to the tiled floor made me cringe and I covered myself with my arms. 
My bra and underwear were not cute, nothing he’d seen his past girlfriends wear, so to say I was embarrassed was an understatement. A simple pair of black cotton panties and a red bra. 
“You can turn around,” I said softly.
Andy slowly turned around and kept his eyes straight ahead on my face as he motioned to the closed toilet seat. While I sat, I watched his back muscles contort as he rummaged around underneath the sink for the first aid kit. 
“Won't your parents wonder why you’re taking a shower at two in the morning?” I asked. 
He snorted his laughter, still rummaging underneath the sink. “They would never question why their teenage son would be taking a shower in the middle of the night.” 
“Huh?” I said, utterly confused. 
Andy glanced up at me from his kneeling position with his brows raised and a playful smirk. Suddenly, it clicked on what he meant. 
“Oh, right,” I muttered low; the image of his hand around his cock pumping it slowly then fast replaying in my mind like a movie. 
I’d never seen him do that but I’d thought about it a handful of times. 
“This might sting a bit,” Andy said, kneeling in front of me now; his eyes remaining on my face. 
“I’ve had worse,” I tried to joke but the stern look from him made my shoulders fall and I muttered an apology. 
“You need to leave home, River,” he said while soaking a cotton pad in peroxide. 
I shook my head. “And go where? I have no money and no other relatives that will take me in.” 
“You know my parents will let you stay in the guest room for as long as you need.” 
I snorted. “Right. I don’t think your girlfriend would like the idea of me staying down the hall from you.” 
Andy’s eyes snapped away from the cotton ball to my face. “We broke up.” 
I did my best to keep a straight face when my heart nearly soared out of my chest. 
“The other day. She wanted to have sex and I said no so she broke up with me,” his voice told me that he wasn't upset about it. 
My brows furrowed together. “You said no to sex with Ashley Jenks? You’re not sick are you?” 
I made a play of touching his forehead with the back of my hand, our laughter echoing in the small bathroom. 
“No,” he grabbed my hand, not letting it go right away. “I’m not going to give my virginity to the first girl that throws themself at me. Or in this case, the fourth.” 
I blinked. “You’re still a virgin?” 
Andy finally let go of my hand and I frowned at the loss of warmth. 
“I know it’s shocking but call me old school. I’m waiting until I find the right person.” 
Our eyes met in an intense battle of who would look away first but neither of us was faltering. 
“I am too,” I said quietly. 
For the briefest of moments, I saw his eyes widen before he played it off by holding up the soaked cotton ball. 
“I’m sorry for the sting.” 
I urged him on with a nod and didn’t even flinch when the cool liquid met my skin finally as Andy cleaned the cut on my cheek. Silence fell between us as he then cleaned the dried blood on my face and when his warm breath fanned over the cut to dry it, I nearly melted into him; skin rising with goosebumps. 
“I don’t think you’ll need stitches,” he murmured while looking closely at the cut. 
I sucked in a breath when I realized his lips were mere meters from mine and dared a glance down to his full lips. They were practically begging to be kissed and I wanted to be the one to do it. 
“I’ll put a bandaid on it after my shower,” I said. 
With me still sitting on the toilet and Andy kneeling in front of me, I spread my legs wide so he was able to get as close as he could to cleaning the cut. Now that he was finished, it was as if he had no idea where to place his hands so they rested on the wall behind me, his long body leaning over me. 
“You’re not going back tonight, River,” his voice was deep as he stared down at me. 
With shaking fingers, I brushed away the strands of hair from his face so I could see those gray eyes. 
“I know.” 
I tracked the movement of his Adam's apple as it bobbed low when he swallowed, his eyes finally grazing lower than my face. Down to the swell of my breasts and the slight pudge of skin around my stomach. 
I wasn't the skinniest of girls, another reason why I was bullied, but Andy never commented on it. 
“You should get in the shower,” his voice broke the trance between us. “Your lips are blue.” 
When his finger ghosted over my mouth, I let out a soft moan desperately wanting to feel the pressure of his touch everywhere. 
Suddenly like a ghost, Andy had vanished from the bathroom back into his bedroom, leaving me all alone. Since the door was now shut, I rose from the toilet and stripped out of my remaining clothes. 
The hot water stung like a blade against my sore skin and I groaned out in pleasure. I didn’t want to take a long shower only because the water had already been running for a while before stepping beneath it. I washed away the memories of today with Andy’s soap and wrapped a towel around me after I stepped out of the shower. 
“Shit, what am I supposed to wear?” I grumbled to myself.
Slowly opening the bathroom door, the light burst into Andy’s bedroom and lit up his form lounging on his bed reading a Batman comic. 
“Andy,” I said while shuffling my feet and clutching the towel close to my chest. “I don’t have any clothes.” 
Setting the comic down, he hopped off the bed and went across the room, opening the drawers of his dresser to pull out a pair of boxers and a shirt. 
“We’ll swing by your house at some point tomorrow to grab you some clothes. You’ll stay here for the weekend,” he said while standing in front of me.
I took the clothes with one hand. “Thank you.” 
Before in the bathroom, Andy made sure not to look at the bruises covering my skin but now, he made sure to take in every single one that he could see. 
The fingers imprinted around my neck. 
The bruise on my shoulder, left arm, and legs. 
These were the ones that he could see. The ones underneath the towel around me were worse. 
His jaw ticked with the anger he so desperately tried to keep within, knowing that one outburst from him would cause me to fall into myself. 
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” I whispered. 
Andy’s eyes were dark but his voice was gentle. “Let me see all of it.” 
I vigorously shook my head. “I’m fine, Andy. I just want to get dressed and go to sleep.” 
All at once, I felt my body being pressed up against the wall and the towel falling to the floor at my feet. Andy’s gaze ignited as he pressed his hips against mine causing a shockwave throughout my body. His clothed cock brushed along my bare clit and I let out a moan while my eyes fluttered shut. 
My eyes snapped open when I felt his hand cup my cheek. Tears burned at the corners and he gently wiped them away with the pad of his thumb. 
“Please,” I begged. “Don’t look. They’re ugly. I’m ugly.” 
The burning anger in his iris softened at my cries but still kept me locked in place against the wall with his hips. 
“You’re beautiful, angel,” he admitted with a steady voice. 
It was Andy’s nickname for me ever since sophomore year when I dressed up as a fallen angel for Halloween. We were too old to go trick or treating but not cool enough for parties so we both decided to get dressed up and spend the night in his basement getting drunk. 
It was also the night I had my first kiss. We were sitting on the couch in his basement, a few drinks in, and I had my head resting on Andy’s shoulder trying so hard to stay awake for the horror movie he put on. When I looked up at him, I was shocked to see that he was already staring at me and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine. It was a short kiss, over before I could enjoy it. 
“Shit, sorry,” he apologized. “I drank too much.”
We never talked about that kiss after that night, both of us burying it away; much to my dismay. 
“I’m not,” I cast my eyes away from him. 
His warm breath fanned across the crook of my neck as he peppered kisses on the bruises there. 
“Let me show you.” 
Yet again our eyes locked with intensity, so fierce it set the space around us on fire. Andy’s hand moved down my cheek, over my neck, and the space between my breasts. I bit back a moan when his finger and thumb rolled one of my perked nipples between them. 
“Will you let me show you?” He asked, nuzzling his face in my neck. 
I licked my lips. “What about waiting for the right person?” 
“She’s already in front of me,” Andy admitted before crashing his lips to mine. 
My body had come alive with his touch and everything I wanted since freshman year was coming to fruition. Andy wanted me just as much as I wanted him. Our lips synced together perfectly, never missing a beat, as he lifted me and carried me to his bed. 
That night, we both gave each other something we held so dear to ourselves. Afterward, as we lay together with our naked bodies tangled underneath his sheets, Andy pressed a kiss to my forehead when I cried in his chest, scared to go back home once Monday morning came. 
“I hate being alone there. I’m afraid he’ll go too far and kill me.” 
“You don’t ever have to be alone, River,” his soothing voice cooed in my ear as he cupped my cheek. 
I looked up at him through the tears and choked on a sob. “Promise you’ll stay with me?”
He smiled that smile I fell in love with years ago. “I promise.” 
Andy lied. 
Four days later, he packed up his entire life and moved to Hollywood without a simple goodbye. 
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I blinked while shaking my head, trying to gather my bearings again. The past had sucked me in whole, forcing me to relive that night over again. I couldn't believe Any was standing in front of me again after all these years, the moonlight breaking through the stained glass windows of the church bathed him in a glow made for kings. Even though he looked different than the last time I’d seen him, with more tattoos and shorter hair; tonight he had a small white patch in his hair. I could vaguely make out the old lip-piercing hole and I remembered how the cool metal tasted against my tongue when we kissed. 
He, along with the guys around him, were dressed in their outfits for the video, so I was able to see the tattoos that littered his neck, chest, and stomach. However, those eyes were still the same. 
Those haunting gray eyes stared into the soul I previously just captured again as he waited for me to say something. 
Do I play it off like I don't remember him? 
Right, like you could forget the guy that took your virginity. 
Do I ignore him and go about work like a professional? 
How is ignoring the person you’re supposed to be working with professional? 
I was starting to grow tired of the little voice inside my head. 
Vincent glanced between Andy and me, pointing a finger. “Do you two know each other?” 
“We went to high school together,” Andy answered before I could. 
“No shit,” Vincent chuckled. “What a small world.” 
“Right,” I snorted venomously. 
Andy’s eyes sliced into me but I ignored him by giving him my back and looking over at Vincent. 
“I’ll get shots of them later. Radio me when you’re ready.” 
When he nodded, I took that as my cue to leave although I made it only a few steps before my name was called from behind. 
“You’re not even going to say hello, Riv.” 
I spun so fast on my heels, the end of my braid snapped to the other side of my face and I pointed a finger at Andy. 
“I’m not doing this with you. Not here and especially not right now. Both of us have a job to do. Let’s keep it that way.” 
One of the guys next to Andy watched us carefully and I could practically see the light click on above his head. 
“Wait, River as in River from high school,” the guy said. 
“Yeah, Jinxx,” Andy answered before taking a step towards me. 
I took a large step away from him. “I already said I’m here to do my job, that’s it.” 
Before he could try and sweet talk his way into my life, just like that night, I turned back around and marched out of the church, calling back that I was going to take some shots of it. 
Once outside, I let the cold night air brush the hot tears away from my face as my heart nearly burst out from my chest, sobs echoing throughout the vastness of the sky. 
No. This cannot be happening. 
For the last nine years, I spent my life crying over that man, wondering what I did wrong that night to make him leave me behind. He promised to stay with me but still left. 
Was I not good enough? Worthy of being by his side? 
Nine years I spent stuck in Ohio wondering why with the bitter taste of Hennessy, drinking away my sorrows and regrets. It wasn’t until a year ago when I finally questioned myself in the reflection of the bottle that I took whatever money I had left from selling my father's house after he died to move across the county to California. 
The last year I spent building myself up to the women I was now and creating my career empire with my photography. I refused to let the past crumble everything I worked so hard for; no matter how good he looked now or how bad I wanted to taste his lips again. 
“Get a hold of yourself,” I seethed. “He left you.” 
The sound of music from inside blasted through the walls of the church letting me know that they started shooting and choosing not to dwell on Andy showing back up into my life, I took a few shots of the church outside. Then I reluctantly walked back inside knowing I couldn’t avoid him forever and decided to get some pictures of the guys. 
Andy’s eyes quickly found me but I did my best to ignore him by hiding behind my camera. His voice erupted through the speakers and it brought back every single time during music class in high school when he would sing in front of the class or solo for me in his bedroom. 
My bottom lip trembled as I blew out a shaky breath while walking over to where Vincent sat, just as he yelled cut. 
“Did you get your shots?” He wondered. 
Clicking back through all of the pictures, I pursed my lips at the realization that while I got great shots of the other band members, I hadn’t gotten any shots of Andy mostly because I avoided him at all costs. 
“I need some of Andy,” I said with a long breath. 
“No problem. I think we got everything we need with this scene. Next up is the scene of him sitting in the pew alone so you can get them now,” Vincent patted my shoulder as he stood from the chair. 
“Lovely,” I grumbled while walking back towards the altar of the church directly in Andy’s path. 
He was talking with one of his band members but when he caught sight of me, he met me halfway. 
“Riv,” he began. 
“Don’t,” I seethed, walking past him. “You lost the right to call me that when you left me.” 
“Can I explain please?” Andy asked while reaching for my elbow. 
I yanked it out of his grasp, ready to move to the opposite side of the church when his voice halted me. 
Whirling around so fast, I nearly dropped my camera to the ground when I pushed him in his chest. 
“Don’t you fucking ever call me that again!” I nearly screamed. “You don’t have the right to call me that.” 
Anytime I heard that name, all I would think about was our first kiss and the night we slept together. 
His eyes softened, almost begging me to listen. “Please, angel. I have to explain-.” 
“NO!” My voice echoed inside the church. “There’s nothing to explain, Andy. Anything that comes out of your mouth is a lie.” 
“Do you guys need a moment?” Vincent’s voice carried over to us. 
Andy and I both said at the same time. 
“You know what, I think a break is a good idea. Let’s take thirty and come back,” Vincent directed to everyone with a wave of a finger. 
Having every intention of spending that thirty minutes alone in my trailer, I brushed past Andy and nearly tripped over my feet as I ran down the concrete steps, the vision of my solace getting closer and closer. Just before I could slam the door shut behind me, it closed on a body with an audible ouch. 
“Leave me alone, Andy!” I yelled. 
He stood tall in the small confines of the trailer, his broad chest heaving with each deep breath from chasing after me. His bare chest underneath his opened jacket and for a second, I allowed myself to study those visible tattoos. The eagle on his sternum, the sword in the crease of his stomach, the tiger neck to it. I couldn’t make out the tattoo across his neck or chest but I could make out the 26 in a hear on his neck.  
“Not until you let me explain,” he said. 
I grabbed the end of my braid, ripping it out so my dark hair could fall around my shoulders. 
“I swear to fucking God himself, if you say explain one more time I’m going to-.” 
“Do what, angel?” He raised a brow while resting his hands on his hips. 
I pointed to the door. “Get out.”
Andy didn’t move. 
“You're unbelievable,” I growled while making a beeline for the door instead, only to have him block my path. 
“I had to leave.” 
I blinked up at him, mouth agape. “What?” 
We were so close now, his familiar scent encasing me with its vise grip, and my mind kept screaming at me to create space. 
He ran a hand over his short hair and took a deep breath. “I had to leave. That Monday morning after you left, I got a call from an agent in Los Angeles offering me a small gig in a commercial. It's what I needed to get my foot in the door, to get Black Veil Brides started, so I took it. But I had to be out there the day after they called me.” 
“So you left me behind, without a single fucking goodbye,” I sneered, pushing past him to the other side of the trailer. 
“I didn’t have a choice!” Andy’s voice was raised now, it echoing off the walls. 
“You could have told me! You know I would have followed you!” I shot back. 
He began pacing the narrow space while having his hands on his hips. “I couldn’t, River. Not without knowing that everything would have paid off in the end. I couldn’t have you with me while I suffered.” 
I chuckled dryly. “Oh but suffering back home alone was fine with you?” 
“I wanted to reach out and check on how you were doing,” his shoulders slumped. 
“My number has been the same,” I held out my hands. “I lived in the same fucking house for nine years after you left. You could have come to see me.”
When he said nothing, his lips unmoving, I grew angrier and pushed his chest, ten years of holding everything in finally exploding. 
“You lied!” 
“You left me with him to beat on me for another three fucking years until he died!”
“You made me a promise and broke it!” 
I cried with one final push, causing Andy to fall back onto the couch, stormy eyes staring up at me. Tears were streaming down my face and my eyes burned with anger for the man in front of me. 
“You told me you would never leave me,” I snarled through gritted teeth. “You said you wouldn’t and you fucking did.” 
When he reached for my hand, I smacked it away. 
“Please, angel,” he begged. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me. But I wasn’t in the best place. I couldn’t have you be with me, seeing all that shit. You didn’t deserve any of that.”
“Just tell me all you wanted from me was sex so I can finally put the nail in the coffin, Andy,” I said with a shaky breath. 
His face fell. “That’s not even remotely true, River.” 
“It doesn’t matter anyway. After tonight, you’ll go back to your band and life as a rockstar.” 
With my back turned, I gathered my camera and was ready to get back to work when an arm wrapped around me from behind. 
“Come with me, angel,” Andy’s soft voice brushed along the shell of my ear. 
When I felt myself falling into his embrace, almost ready to give in, I pushed away from him. He made me so mad I could throw something at him. My camera or the chair. 
“You’re insane,” I shook my head.  
He linked our hands together so I could face him, the pleading bright in his eyes. “Give me a chance to make up for the last ten years.” 
I stared blankly at him, trying to determine if this was a cruel trick. 
“You don’t deserve my time, Andy. What we used to have is gone, you can’t fix it or try to bring it back.” 
“You’re not even going to let me try?” He asked. 
“Why should I? So that you can break my heart again? You don’t realize how much of myself I gave to you; parts I can never take back. You were my first kiss!” I raised my voice. 
He blinked. “I didn’t know that.” 
I scoffed while shaking my head again. “Of course you didn’t, Andy. Because you never brought it up again. You blamed it on the alcohol that night. What’s your excuse for the night we lost our virginity to each other?” 
Before Andy could speak, I waved him off and headed towards the door of the trailer. 
“It’s not even worth it anymore,” I muttered with my hand on the handle. 
Suddenly in a whirlwind, I felt myself being hoisted up and pressed against the bathroom door. Those dark gray eyes were reading my face, assessing every movement of my gaze as it burned into him. Andy held my hands pinned to my sides and kept me locked into place with his hips. The imprint of his cock was felt against the material of my leggings and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep the moan quiet. 
It’d been so long since I felt his touch and I was ready to throw out everything, all of my morals, just to have him again. 
“River,” his hand cupped my cheek, the coolness of his rings almost a shock to my warm skin. 
I said nothing, simply glaring up at him with a clenched jaw. 
“Riv. Come with me.” 
AnDy breathed over my lips and I nearly lost it. But I still kept strong, not wanting to be the first one to falter. I worked so hard to build myself back up after he left and there was no way I could allow myself to fall. 
Not again. 
His thumb lifted my chin, keeping it locked in his grip, and his eyes dropped to my lips; a silent question. 
“Fuck you,” I spat. 
Something dark flashed in Andy’s eyes as a sinister smirk played on his lips. One that I recognized all too well even though it was never directed at me.
“I don’t ever remember you being such a brat,” he tsked. 
I swallowed thickly, unsure how the tension between us went from anger to sexual, but at that moment with him eyeing me hungrily, I didn’t want to question it. 
“How could you remember? You’ve been gone for ten years,” I shot back. 
Andy pressed his hips harder against me and this time I wasn’t able to hold back the moan. It slipped through my lips with sheer pleasure and I let my head fall against the door behind me. 
“I wasn’t drunk the night we slept together, River,” Andy’s hand wrapped around my neck, thumb now on my pulse point. “Or that entire weekend.” 
My cheeks flushed when I remembered we had sex multiple times that weekend. We never left his bedroom and thankfully, his parents left the next morning for a friend's wedding so they had no idea I was there. 
“All I ever wanted was you,” his voice was low. 
I raised my chin at him. “You have a funny way of showing it.” 
His tongue darted out to wet his lips, an action I watched intently, and then his voice dropped even lower. Those usually bright eyes were dark and it made the air thick, heated, and full of spice. It made it harder to breathe as his grip tightened around my throat slightly.  
“Let me show you.” 
Those four words sent both of us back to his bedroom during high school and just like that night, I succumbed to the darkness that was Andy Biersack; consequences be damned. 
“Are you still waiting for the right person?” My question was a breath over his lips. 
A low noise rumbled in Andy’s chest as his hand gripped behind my neck, yanking my mouth to his. 
“She’s right in front of me.” 
Every single doubt and fight I had within me vanished the second our lips touched, those familiar fireworks exploding. My hands were all over Andy; his neck, chest, ribs, and back as they sneaked underneath his jacket. While one of his hands continued to grip the back of my neck, the other held tight on my hip so I couldn’t leave. 
As if I wanted to. 
Our tongues molded together and he swallowed my moan when his teeth bit down on my bottom lip. For a moment, reality struck with clarity and I pushed Andy off of me, wiping my mouth on the back of my hand. 
“You need to leave,” I warned, breathless. 
His lips were kiss swollen and his jacket was falling off of his shoulders as those stormy eyes never left my lips. 
“Do you want that? Because if you do, I’ll leave right now.” 
When I remained silent, Andy smirked while grasping the back of my head to crash his lips on mine again, this time with more hunger. It was as if he was a man starved, desperate for his last meal. 
“You need to go,” I groaned when his lips began trailing down my chin and neck. 
“Go where?” He asked. “Here?” 
A gentle bite to the shell of my ear. 
“Or here?” 
A kiss on the sensitive part of my skin between my neck and shoulder which caused me to shiver in his embrace. 
“What about here, angel? Do you want me here?” 
The head of his cock brushed along my clit from underneath our clothes and I nearly fell at his feet until Andy’s strong arms lifted me to carry me over to the small twin-size bed on the other end of the trailer. 
“It’s like we're back in my childhood bedroom with this small ass bed,” he grumbled.
I fell onto the cheap mattress with a slight giggle but it was hushed with Andy consuming me once more. My entire soul went up in a fiery blaze when he began rutting his hips into me and it was as if we were a couple of teenagers again making out and thinking that was the best part of it. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other as I helped him out of his jacket and he all but ripped my sweater off, leaving me in an olive green bralette. 
His eyes darkened before he left teeth marks between the swell of my breasts, lapping up his saliva and dried sweat from the day and I raked my nails through the buzzed hair. 
“I miss your long hair,” I gasped, feeling his tongue slip between the material of my bra and catching my nipple. 
“I’ve missed the way you tasted, River,” Andy mused while kissing his way back up to my lips.
This time the kiss was slow, as if we had the rest of our lives together and there was no need to rush anything. It was like he was trying to imprint me into him, never wanting to forget anything again. 
I reached for the button on his pants, pulling down the zipper to slip my hand inside, palming his hard cock. 
Holy. Shit. 
It was a lot thicker than ten years ago. 
“Shit, Riv,” he cursed when I squeezed him. “Just like that.” 
I did it a few more times while his forehead fell to my chest, panting his warm breath over my skin. I lifted his face with my other hand to kiss him again, the savageness poured out of him. 
The room smelled of our desperation as I shimmied out of my leggings while he stepped out of his pants, after unhooking my bra and tossing it over his shoulder. As Andy stood at the end of the bed, I let my eyes rake over every defined muscle of his body; tongue begging for a simple taste of the ink on his skin and the head of his cock that was almost slipping through his briefs; the black briefs doing absolutely nothing to hide his arousal. 
Rising to my knees on the bed, I ran my palm over his cock again, his entire body shivering underneath my touch.
"Fuck, angel,” Andy groaned before his teeth grasped at my bottom lip, yanking it away from me. 
I hissed in pleasure, the taste of copper lingering on my tongue.
"Did you-." I licked my bottom lip and then tilted my head to the side. "Did you just bite me?"
Andy pushed me back down on the bed so he could take in the sight of me bare for him; those stormy eyes were now clear with only one thing. 
“I can’t believe I went ten years without this,” he muttered to himself while stepping out of his briefs, his cock finally springing free. 
I licked my lips at the sight of it, salivating for a taste of the precum that he smeared over the head. But instead, I felt like being a brat with Andy, not allowing him to think I wasn’t still upset with him. 
“It’s your own fucking fault,” I shot back with a sly smirk, resting on my elbows. 
My squeals echoed in the trailer when Andy flipped my tiny frame over on the mattress so my ass was exposed to his palm, a hard strike falling onto it. I writhed against the bed when another harsh strike came down on my ass, my mewls of pleasure being drowned out by the pillow. 
“You’re such an ass,” I seethed when the spankings stopped. 
Andy palmed my reddened cheek while looming over my back, his breath warm on my neck. 
“Do you still like it rough, River?” His question was heavy on his tongue. 
That weekend we spent together, I divulged what kind of kinks I might have been into due to my own research. Andy let me try things with him while I did the same and needless to say, all these years later he still knew exactly what my body needed to come alive for him. 
Instead of answering, I raised my hips from the bed with his name falling from my lips in a whine full of desperation. Andy had barely touched me but the wetness between my legs was warm and sticky.
I needed this release more than oxygen. 
"What do you want from me?" His fingers dragged up my slick folds from his position behind me before slipping one inside, the feeling of his rings making me stiffen. 
My head was turned to the side so I could gaze up at him over my shoulder. However, he wasn't looking at me. His eyes were trained hard on his finger pumping in and out of my pussy, the sounds of my arousal overpowering the sounds of my panting. Seeing the desperation on his face as he tried to hold himself back made me push my ass closer to Andy. 
“Use your words, Riv,” he ordered while flicking his eyes to me for a moment. 
I shook my head, words foreign when he slipped another finger inside of me, spreading them wide like a V. 
“Did you forget how to speak?” 
Andy clicked his tongue against his teeth, ready to pull his fingers out when my begging halted him. 
"You. I just want you."
The bed shifted behind me when I noticed Andy disappear only to feel the wetness of his tongue press against my pussy to lick my arousal. The sharpness of his teeth scraped along my clit as he buried his face deeper into the sweet spot between my legs. 
“You still taste so good, River,” he mused, pressing gentle kisses on the inside of my thigh. 
“Don’t stop,” I all but whined, wanting to feel his tongue again. 
Andy ate me out from behind with both hands on my hips, continuing to keep me in place as my body writhed on the bed from the onslaught of his mouth. When his lips wrapped around my clit to suck hard on the sensitive bud, I screamed out his name. 
“Andy,” I drowned it out with a moan. “It’s so good. I’m so close.” 
With the indication my orgasm was on the brink of collapse, he slipped a finger inside of me again. While his mouth was a rough attack on my clit, his finger was a gentle caress of my inner walls with slow strokes. Sheer ecstasy was slowly building at the base of my spine, warming up all of my senses until I felt like I could combust at any moment. Andy flicked his tongue over my clit and I buried my face into the pillow, the musky scent of my wellness tickling my nose as my body shook out my orgasm. My cries of release sounded like music to Andy’s ears as he hummed in praise, drinking up my arousal as it gushed over his tongue and fingers. 
It had been so long since I had an orgasm that wasn’t brought on by my hand or a toy. I lay limp on the bed, breathless, as the after-shocks slowly began to fade along with the hazy bright lights, my soul returning from wherever it retreated to. I barely felt the kisses upon my thigh and then lower back as Andy dragged a finger down my spine. 
“Still on birth control?” He asked, lust gone from his voice for a second. 
I nodded while glancing over my shoulder and seeing my arousal coating his lips. The sight was so intoxicating that I almost uttered those three words that plagued my existence since I first met him. 
“River,” he tapped my back, bringing me out of my thoughts. 
“Implant,” I replied. 
My head leaned back in pure bliss when Andy dug his nails into my hips as he pressed himself past my wetness, the thickness of his cock filling me. It twitched inside of me, earning a disgustingly desperate groan from me. 
It felt nothing like it did ten years ago. It felt better. 
Andy left no space between us as he held us in place on the small mattress and I tried to move my hips in his grip. It was so rough, I knew I would have bruises later but frankly, I didn’t care. All I cared about was how good it felt to have him inside of me again. 
“So tight, angel. I can’t-.” 
His eyes fluttered shut as his lips parted to an 'O' shape when I rocked my hips against him with my swollen clit rubbing against the cool blanket and I shivered at the sensation. Everything from our fight to our kiss sent me in a spiral of pure ecstasy and I felt the coil in my stomach pulling tight again. My previous orgasm was still lingering and it didn’t take long before I felt that familiar tingly feeling in my spine. 
“Andy, I’m going to-.” 
Still inside of me, he managed to flip me over so now I was staring up at those dark eyes; pupils blown wide with lust. Now, Andy didn’t hold back as he hooked my leg up and around his shoulder so he could thrust in a deeper angle. 
“Oh god,” I closed my eyes, the new sensation causing the coil to hurt. 
“Eyes on me, River!” He snapped with a low growl and I immediately obeyed. "You're so fucking beautiful, angel. I’m sorry I left you. I’m sorry it’s been ten years.” 
I didn’t want to hear his apology. I only wanted to have that coil spring free with my second orgasm. I attacked his lips with such force Andy had to hold himself up with one hand on the headboard, the other slipping between the place where our bodies met to play with my clit; exactly how I liked. Our tongues explored each other's mouths in a kiss so vicious it made my head spin.  Andy’s pace was erratic and merciless but it didn’t stop me from begging. 
"More," I mumbled into his lips.
That's all he needed before he maneuvered us so he sat in the middle of the bed with me in his lap and he held me closer to his chest as his hips snapped up into me in violent strokes, the head of his cock hitting that perfect spot. I yelled out my pleasure, exposing my neck to Andy who immediately attacked it with his teeth leaving bite marks all along the skin sticky with sweat.
My body hummed in a prayer-like awaking, the flames and heat burning high in my belly as my organs crested higher; so fucking high I was afraid I would combust into nothing but matter in the air. His name fell from my lips in devotion, a woman praying to her God, and my toes curled as the orgasm ripped through me with so much force I screamed out in pure nirvana.
“I love you, River,” Andy professed with a strangled breath as he spilled himself inside of me, cock throbbing with his release. 
“What did you say?” I questioned, almost unsure if I had heard him correctly. 
He cupped my cheek, eyes softening. “I love you.” 
My bottom lip trembled at those three words; the words I wanted to hear for years. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long to say it,” Andy brushed away my hair from my face. “But it’s true. I’m at a better place where now admitting it out loud doesn't scare me.”
We stayed like that, bodies tangled together in the silence for a few long moments until he laid us on the bed. I very quickly detached myself from him so I could put some space between us. 
Although he admitted how he felt, I wasn't ready to yet. I knew that I loved him ever since high school, but it was my turn to be afraid of what would happen if I admitted it out loud.
Instead, I remained silent while lying on my stomach on the bed, resting my chin on my hand to gaze down at his tattoos again. One of them immediately caught my attention and I smiled at it, a fond memory cresting to the surface. 
“I remember being with you when you got this,” I whispered while trailing a finger over the black and yellow Batman logo on his arm. 
“I still have the comics you got me for my birthday,” he said while propping his arm behind his head. 
My heart skipped at that because it meant that he was thinking of me during our time away.
“But you couldn’t come to see me,” I muttered under my breath as I turned from him. 
Andy reached for me to pull my back to his chest and lock me into place with a leg over my hips. His left hand grazed up and down my arm, sending shivers all over my skin, and I let out a soft breath. 
“Will you stay with me, River?”
I sat on his question for a few long beats, letting it sink in if it was something I truly wanted. My life in Hollywood wasn’t set in place, I’d always been on the move. But the thought of uprooting everything to be with Andy scared the shit out of me. How could I trust that he won’t leave me again? 
Then why did you sleep with him? You plan on leaving after this, so you’re no better than him.
“Why now?” I sat up to gaze down at him, his arm falling away from me. “How come now you want to make things work between us?” 
He hesitated with inner turmoil eating away inside as he slowly sat up and ran a hand over his short hair. 
“I was married for six years. The divorce was finalized last year.” 
My heart sank into the depths of my stomach; no farther. It fell straight to Tartarus. 
“We were together for a total of eight years but the longer our relationship went on I began to realize it wasn’t what I wanted. Who I wanted,” Andy explained. 
There was absolutely no reason for me to be upset with him because while he was married, I had been casually dating. None of them were ever serious enough to last more than a few months. But it still caused an ache in my heart. 
“Then why did you stay with her for as long as you did?” I asked. 
Andy has a soft smile. “I loved her, in a different way than I love you. But sometimes that kind of love isn’t enough. Not when someone else held my heart first.” 
Tears burned in my eyes and I blew out a shaky breath. “If that were true, Andy, then you would have come to me first. You wouldn’t have gotten married.”
Removing myself from his grasp, I began slipping on my discarded pieces of clothing while he continued to sit in bed, naked. 
“I’m not saying I’m perfect, River. But I’ve grown a lot in the last few years. The Andy you used to know wouldn’t have been good for you.” 
“And now?” I asked with my hands on my hips. 
The smile that played on his lips grew wider. “Now, I would love to have you come on the road with me. We leave in a few days for our North America leg then jump overseas for a few weeks. Plenty of time to make up for old times and prove I’ve changed.” 
I laughed. “You want me to stop what I’m doing here to come follow you? Give up potential jobs? Just to be your roadie?” 
Andy’s jaw twitched but with a deep breath, he gathered himself from the bed and stepped back into his briefs and pants. 
“You can be our photographer. I’ll talk it over with our management team, that way you can be getting paid.” 
I pursed my lips in consideration because his offer was a pretty good one. But was it worth spending all that time together?
You love and miss him. 
I sighed at the voice in my head, knowing it was true. Seeing him again brought up all the old feelings I spent years burying, trying to forget, and it was clear that Andy still felt the same.  
“You remember all the plans we made? When we were hoping for better days? You wanted to become a photographer and I wanted to sing in a band. We have that now. What’s stopping you from saying yes?” He took a small step towards me. 
“The promise you betrayed,” I said flatly.  
Andy’s shoulders fell. “You don’t have to forgive me for leaving you, Riv. But I swear to you that if you come with me, I will spend every day from here on out proving to you that you’re all I want.” 
When I didn’t say anything, he wrapped his arms around me and oh so gently, laid a kiss on my lips. 
“I love you, River Murray,” he professed. “We can start over; fresh. But only if this is something you want. If not, then we can both leave with some closure and go our separate ways.” 
I couldn’t explain the way my heart physically ached with the thought of leaving tonight and forgetting about Andy. Even with all the anger and hurt, I couldn't imagine acting like tonight didn’t happen. Maybe there was a small possibility that we could work through our issues, gain that trust back, and finally find what we were desperate to have. 
But the betrayal weighed heavy in my soul along with the fear of Andy doing it again, only this time while I was with him and leaving me stranded. 
“River, if you’re with Andy, can you have him come to set? We’re ready to start again.” 
I jumped at the sudden loud crackle of the radio, Vincent’s voice breaking through the clouds of confusion. 
With a sigh, Andy slipped back into his shoes and jacket. 
“Let’s get back to work, yeah? We can talk more about this on the next break,” he said. 
I swallowed the waver in my voice as it broke. “I’m actually going to sit here for a bit since I’m not needed right now.”
Andy’s thumb brushed along the soft skin of my cheek. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, angel.” 
He left me with a kiss on the cheek and for the first time since reuniting with Andy, I fell to the ground with sobs wracking my body. Everything I worked hard to overcome was shattered by those three words and his offer. It terrified me to completely allow him in again but I also didn’t want to let him go. 
The decision was made in an instant as I rose from the floor, hastily wiping away the tears, and gathered my things together. I knew what I chose would have repercussions, some I may never recover from, but as the door of the trailer slammed behind me, it would be alright. Because my heart said it would be. 
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ape-apocalypse · 5 months
Road To The Kingdom - My Planet Of The Apes Retrospective
With the hype for Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes on the rise, I decided to do a bit of a deep dive into the trilogy of reboot movies starring the incredible Andy Serkis and the various tie-in titles.
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Why ramble on about a series that most people seem to overlook? Well, I think back to an interaction I had here on Tumblr in 2017, just one week before War For The Planet Of The Apes came out. While scrolling through the POTA tags, I found a post that wondered if anyone was actually excited for the new film or if the studio hadn't gotten the message and was making it for an audience that didn't exist. I responded that I was genuinely excited for the new film, that I loved the motion capture apes and the action scenes and the surprisingly engaging story, and would be seeing it opening weekend. The other person seemed surprised by my honest answer and apologized for their snarkiness (a truly shocking turn of events in the history of the Internet!).
I explained that I'd gone into these films thinking of them like Jurassic World series; I wasn't there for a great story and deep writing, I just wanted to see dinosaurs destroy things. So when I went into the POTA films, just expecting to see fun action movies with monkey chaos and apocalyptic results, I was surprised that I was swept up in the characters and their stories. I loved seeing the life of Caesar from tiny carefree baby to resilient revolutionary to fearsome leader, and the lives of all the humans and apes around him. The other poster said they hadn't actually seen the movies, just expected them to be shallow cash-grabs on reboot nostalgia, but they might have to reconsider giving them a shot after my enthusiastic response.
So if I can sway the minds of anyone who has written off these films, more movie tickets sold might mean more films and other media told in this ape apocalypse world!
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And even if you already know and love the films, I also want to give some love to tie-in materials. Books, comics, YouTube shorts, video games; POTA has a surprisingly large catalog of bonus material for a series not considered mainstream like Marvel or Lord Of The Rings or Star Trek. I don't see them get many mentions in the fandom so hope a little spotlight on them can help them shine. They have delicious tidbits of world-building and character backstory, filling in gaps between the movies. I already have my fingers crossed there will be some tie-in material covering some of the huge time jump between War and Kingdom. With three hundred years passing between them, there is so much to learn about the ever growing and changing ape societies. I'm eager for any scrap of info they'll share!
But really, even if nothing I write changes anyone's mind about this franchise, it's still fun to gush about one of my favorite fictional universes.
My brief history with POTA was that I didn't know much about the original films before going into the new Andy Serkis trilogy. I'd heard enough about the original film to know the main beats of the first movie (quotes like 'damn dirty ape', the reveal of the planet being Earth with the Statue of Liberty). I saw the Tim Burton film which didn't leave any kind of impression other than the incredibly realistic costumes/make-up, so much so that I was apprehensive of the CG apes. Since getting into the new films, I've started watching the originals and may cover those just for fun.
So whether you're a long-time die hard fan or a fresh face to Caesar's legacy, I hope you'll enjoy my thoughts on the Planet of the Apes franchise!
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Links to all my posts as they are released:
- Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes Film
- Prelude and Contagion Comics
- Motherboard YouTube Shorts
- Firestorm Tie-In Novel
- Fall Of Man Comics
- Dawn Tie-In Comic
- Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Film
- Revelations Tie-In Novel
- Last Frontier Video Game
- Crisis Video Game
- When Worlds Collide Comics
- War For The Planet Of The Apes Film
- War Tie-In Comic
- Caesar's Story Novel
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reveluving · 2 years
reveluving ; masterlist navigation
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next destination: reve road!
↬ A little community for those looking for a fresh start, involving you & your beloved.
Fem!reader as I have grown accustomed to the style.
Asterisks (*) indicates smut so this masterlist is for 18+ ONLY! like, a lot. so MINORS, DNI! please, I can’t stress this enough!
↬ joel kinnaman & char.
↬ a mother's touch (batmom series)
↬ future mrs barber (andy barber series)
↬ eyes locked hands locked (cod series)
↬ a little more love (peter hale & deucalion series)
↬ choices: stories you play (f!mc reader)
↬ miscellaneous char.
Askbox is always open BUT due to IRL responsibilities, time of responses may vary. Still, I'd love to hear what y'all have in mind; thots, questions or just a quick hello, you name it! ᝰ.ᐟ
tags directory:
#— reveluving's masterlist 🌹 , #— reve's reverie 🌹» all the fics written by yours truly!
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#— reve's ruby 🌹 (based on year) , #— reve's number one 🌹 » timeless favourites!
#queue got me feeling like a psycho 🕯 » random collection of my favourite posts!
No, I do not post my works anywhere else, except here & AO3 (reveluving). Should anyone stumble upon my work elsewhere, it has been published without my knowledge & especially consent.
Please let me know if you have ever come across such issue.
˚ · . Don't be shy, look around! Maybe come & say hello! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
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could you please give me a care guide for the common bread tag (Palpatophora utiliformis)? I am looking to keep one as a pet but I don't know where to start! there's not much information on how to care for them on the internet!
Many thanks for the message.
Here's a care sheet for the Bread Moth, adapted from the care sheet for the Fall Webworm (by Andy Jackson):
Where to buy: A bread moth is a pest. Do not buy it from a pet store. If you find a stray one, that is a different story.
Enclosure: Build a house out of bread. Cut a whole loaf in half and use the pieces to make a dollhouse. Then put the halves together (upside-down), and use the bread pieces as a roof. If you make more than one house, use a bagel or another type of flat bread.
Temperature: Don't worry about this one.
Humidity: Humidity is how much moisture is in the air. Just put your bread in the kitchen and it will turn out fine.
Nutrition: They feed on bread, bread products, and cardboard. As a pet, they will most likely feed on nothing but bread, but if you feel that the bread they are eating is not filling enough, they can be fed baked goods of your choosing.
Handling: When putting the moth into its enclosure, make sure that you do not crush or cut it. As with most bugs, you should be gentle with it.
Cleaning: If you notice that your bread moth is dirty, or needs cleaning, simply feed it a fresh loaf. A clean bread moth is a happy bread moth. If the bread moth is too dirty and has to be washed, make sure to lay it down on a paper towel and use the water on the paper towel to wipe it down. It's ok if it is a little damp when you lay it back down, but make sure not to make it wet.
Health: Health problems are usually non-existent. You will know if the moth is not healthy if it does not eat. Watch out for infections though. The bread moth can get infections from little critters like spiders, mites, and mold.
Venom: They have tiny poisonous fangs and if you get bitten they will leave a little tooth mark on you. The wound will hurt, but if it is small enough it will probably not cause any major harm.
Venom effect: You will feel a little hot, your heart might go a little fast, and you might feel woozy. It will not kill you, so don't worry!
Other: Is it a carnivore, herbivore, or a nomivore? It is most likely a carnivore, since the moth will eat just about anything, but you can feed it any type of bread product or baked good.
Training: There is no need to train this animal. Just let it eat.
Your bread moth:
Is a munch munch moth
Is a diurnal moth
May or may not carry disease
Tastes good
Can be trained
Your piece of advice:
Acquire a bread moth. Keep it fed. Your life will be easier.
This article was written in 2009 by:
2009-02-20 | 2011-01-26 (updated by Anon) | 2014-06-13 (updated by Vittoria) | 2015-02-28 (updated by Kevin Madden) | 2015-04-24 (updated by Trusty (removed info on when articles were written by non-relatives)) | 2015-08-03 (updated by Dino Walker) | 2015-08-03 (updated by VT-100 Frog) | | 2017-04-14 (updated by David Rohde) | | 2015-10-30 (updated by Shakshi) | 2017-10-15 (updated by
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 7 months
I can't believe I used to hate this chapter... I'M SO EXCITED TO SHARE IT!!! I hope y'all love it!
Chapter 10/16, preview below ⬇️ (yes, the chapter count went up!)
FIC WARNINGS: (take effect in ch 11) Original Character Death, Missing Child, Child Death, Drowning (heed all tags on ao3)
FIC SUMMARY: Julie and Reggie form a deep friendship after meeting through their brothers (“We’re FRIENDS! Stop making it weird!”). He and his friends (and bandmates) help bring her out of the fog of grief, reconnecting her with the music that she’d thought she’d lost with her mother. Over the course of a summer, the tables turn and Julie finds herself showing up for Reggie in ways that they could have never expected.
CHAPTER RELATIONSHIPS: Julie & Luke & Reggie & Alex & Bobby & Flynn, Julie & Flynn, Julie & Reggie, pre-Alex/Willie
After several very long, very extensive conversations, the boys decide to ask Ray if he would be willing to be their collective stand-in guardian until they were all of age and he agreed, with several conditions (including but not limited to Julie continuing to prioritize school and the boys maintaining their own moderate to good standings so that they could graduate). He also offered to reach out to some of Rose’s old contacts to hunt down a trusted lawyer and get a feel for how they felt about Andi and her label. Everything was falling into place.
After they agree to having Andi represent them, including Flynn as an integral part of their team, they’re planning for another showcase. And, it’s at the Orpheum.
Luke is diving deep into perfecting songs and set lists to keep himself distracted from how huge this is. Flynn expands their social media presence, their personal and the official band accounts. They’re recording and sharing behind the scenes content and sneak peak snippets of what they’re working on as well as promoting the upcoming show directly. Sunset Curve’s pre-existing fans overwhelmingly throw their support behind Julie and the Phantoms and the uploads of their two previous performances are doing incredibly well on YouTube. Julie, Reggie, Alex, and Bobby roll as best they can with everything the other two throw at them.
Before they know it, it’s time to load up and head over to the Orpheum. Up until now, their performances have all felt relatively low stakes and while they’re all trying to treat it just like any other gig, the tell-tale signs of their nerves are peeking through. Once they’ve made it through sound check, they wind up pacing, bouncing, and fidgeting in the green room and after only a few moments in their presence, Flynn snaps.
“Y’all need to chill the fuck out. You’re making ME nervous!”
Julie glares at them and they put their hands up in defense.
“You know I’m right. Go for a walk. Get some air! Something.”
Julie huffs out a breath but complies, gathering the guys and taking them outside for a breather. 
The fresh air and slight energy release helps and they manage to make it to the stage no worse for wear to put on a show they’ve come to expect from themselves.
The crowd absolutely loves them and Julie finishes the final notes of their final song with her arm raised in triumph and tears running down her face. The boys exchange concerned looks as they join her to bow, signaling the end of the set. She manages to get offstage before breaking down completely and the boys are right behind her to catch her before she collapses onto the floor. They look at one another over her head as they wrap her up into a group hug, uttering comforting phrases as they hold her.
Ray comes running backstage, “what happened? What’s wrong? Mija, are you ok?”
The boys back away, letting Ray see his daughter but they don’t stray too far. Reggie keeps his arms wrapped around her. She starts gulping for air through her sobbing. Ray rushes the rest of the way up to them and lowers himself to look her in the eyes. Or the close approximation of it, if they’d been open. 
“Julie, mija, can you hear me?” Ray asks her gently.
She nods.
He looks up at Reggie who nods at him and starts modeling deep breathing for her.
“Follow Reggie’s breaths,” Ray tells her and guides her through them verbally.
The first few are shaky but it doesn’t take long until her breathing is synced with Reggie’s.
“Can we take you to sit down?” Ray asks.
She clutches at Reggie’s shirt desperately.
“I won’t let you go,” Reggie whispers to her. “Promise.”
She nods then. The boys and Ray quickly glance around the space to see where they can take her. They’ve barely made it off the stage and are still in the wings. The boys are still hovering, concerned, but they know better than to get in anyone’s way and aren’t willing to leave Julie if they don’t have to.
“There!” Luke points to a set of speaker cases. 
Ray and Reggie slowly direct Julie toward them and Reggie guides her so that she’s sitting beside him on the largest one. Flynn, who had joined them at some point, hands Julie a bottle of water and backs up to join the boys. She struggles to open it, holding it out silently and Reggie grabs it to twist off the lid and hand it back to her, his arms still wrapped around her as promised. She manages to take a few sips and holds it out again. This time Ray takes it and grabs the lid from Reggie, resealing it and setting it down as he crouches to look at her.
“Mija, what happened?”
“She should be here,” Julie sobs and Reggie tightens his arms around her. 
Ray wraps both of them in a hug of his own. “You’re right, she should,” he agrees. “She’d be so, so proud of you. I’m so proud of you.”
Reggie’s eyes are now filled with tears and he sniffles.
“Well great, now you’ve got me,” Alex chastises him wetly, eliciting a chuckle from Reggie, Ray, and Julie. She lifts her head to look at the others and waves them over. They don’t think twice and swoop in to wrap the trio into a massive group hug. It’s a little awkward, navigating around all of the equipment, but it’s perfect for right now.
“I love you guys,” Julie whispers. 
Everyone who can reach places a kiss on her head. “We love you too,” they chorus.
Continue reading on ao3
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖  
Chapter 51 - Comforts. Episode 1. ‼️I've cut a bit in this to make it more appropriate‼️ ------ Congo's point of view------
Congo: It was getting late in the afternoon, so I had suggested Lenny we would cook up a stew as we had plenty leftovers from last nights dinner, so chopping up the rest, plus adding few fresh ingredients would make up a good thick sauce with meat, vegetables and potatoes. Lenny was stirring while I was chopping and adding to the big pot. A good way to keep his mind from Andy while we were sipping a glass of Whiskey
Lenny: So where is Evan today?
Congo: I smiled softly He fled the house I guess I chuckled softly He went to see the twins and Lily.
Lenny: He frowned lightly Maybe it's better I sleep at my own house tonight, so I'm not here when he gets back. Maybe that would be the best thing anyway so I wouldn't share bed with Andy.
Congo: Perhaps when it comes to Andy. But for Evan's sake, I don't think you should be hiding. He might still be a bit grumpy, but between us, he liked it more than he would like to admit. So really, you have nothing to be worried about. Relax. Things might be a bit awkward, and he might be a bit grumpy, but beside that, he has nothing against you, or what you and Andy did. Evan in general just have a bit of a problem coping with sometimes sharing Andy. The only one he's not bothered about is me. He's even still slightly jealous at Daniel at times. So please, do not take it for more than it is. He's just torn between his own feelings. On one hand it turns him on, on the other hand it makes him jealous. That's Evan's own problem, not yours. I smiled warmly and returned to chopping
Lenny: So what do you suggest I do?
Congo: Act normal. Just be yourself. He will get over it faster that way.
Lenny: He smiled with a worried frown, and was just about to say something when someone honked their horn pretty violently out on the road
Congo: What the? I looked at Lenny a bit questioning, then quickly put the knife down and ran to the front door, and as I stepped out on the stairs a black car was parked in front of our house
River: He waved at me from inside the car, and made sign for me to come down, so I quickly ran down the stairs, and as I reached the last plateau, he started speaking I apologize for the concert out here, but I thought it was best to bring Evan home.
Congo: Is he alright? I looked at him concerned and tried peeking in on the backseat through the dark toned windows, but with no luck
River: Yes. He just had one too many drinks. Or maybe half a liter alcohol too much, frankly I don't know. I left for a while, and when I came back… he reached backwards and made a movement as if he was pushing something Evan! he sighed softly Evan!
Evan: Mumbled something from the backseat
River: Yes, we're home. He looked at me again with no further expression on his face Anyway, I shouldn't have left him with my irresponsible brother. Please take care of him before he vomits all over my car.
Evan: Suddenly the back door opened, and he came stumbling out, wrapping his arms tight around my neck, showering me with drunken wet kisses that mostly resembled vet puppy kisses Mmmmm I sssslove you sho shooo much! I missshed youuuuu! He kept showering my face and neck with kisses, moaning softly
Congo: I chuckled deeply and wrapped an arm around his waist to support him Thank you for taking him home, River. Can I get you anything before you turn the car? We're cooking dinner at the moment, you're welcome to join, if you like… home made stew?
Evan: Mmmmm you're shoooo wonderful…. I can't gjet enough of you, you're tjuuuusttt sho amazzzzing! He placed his palms on my cheeks, and looked at me with drunken eyes I mean it Congo… you're jusssst sho am-mazing hiccup sorry he chuckled lightly I love youuuuuuu
Congo: I chuckled warmly Yes… you mentioned that.
River: He sighed softly and turned ignited the car As much as I like watching Romeo declare his eternal love, I think it's better for me to return to my humble home. It's getting dark fast around here, and I absolutely hate driving during the dark up here. The roads tend to get very slippery, and I would like to avoid that. So I best turn the wheels and head on home now.
Congo: Absolutely understandable. Some other time perhaps? I wish you a safe
Evan: Somehow he managed to wiggle himself lose before I got to react, and just as fast he pulled his pants down and bend over the back end of the car, butt naked, wiggling his ass Please… fffffuck me! He moaned softly and chuckled
River: Closed his eyes and shook his head
Congo: Sorry about that, let me just… I quickly grabbed one of Evan's arms, sorta holding him up so he stood more secure, while I pulled his pants back up
Evan: Whimpered dissatisfied
Congo: I chuckled softly I expect this kind of behavior from Andy, not from you… stand still…
Evan: Chuckled lightly and ran his fingers through my hair You're so pretty… like a beautjifoool eagle…
Congo: Okay…
Evan: You can jussssst spread your wingsh and flyyyy… hiccup followed by a light almost girly chuckle we can flyyyy up in the air and have pretty eagle babiessss…. little cute eaglessss with magical wings and sunssshine can come out of their eyesss when they hiccup singsss
Congo: Alright… let's get you to bed.
River: He smiled politely and shook his head Good luck, I'm off before he decides to molest my car again. Have a great evening.
Congo: I nodded and watched him turn the car, then supported Evan all the way through the garage and inside the tv room
Daniel: …And the best thing is, Robert is so fucking dirty you can't even imagine… he had me stick my dick inside him and give him a golden showe- he froze as he saw Evan and I… both him and Andy were sitting on the bed, and in a split second they both turned absolutely pale in their faces
Andy: He looked at me with worried, apologizing eyes
Daniel: Evan… uh, it's not what you think… or technically it is… but uh… just if… maybe… uh…
Evan: looked mostly like he was gonna explode
Daniel: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen… we had both had something to drink and I didn't plan for you to find out this way… we already agreed he is going to get his own place now and maybe if
Evan: Burst out laughing the loudest laughter I have ever heard emerge from him
Andy: Uh… Evan, are you okay?
Congo: This has to be damn dumb luck… he's mildly drunk as you can obviously see I nodded at Evan that now was crawling on all 4 laughing like a hoarse sea lion He probably doesn't even understand half of what anyone is saying at this point… so lucky you Daniel…
Evan: Pointed at Daniel with a loud squealing laughter You're fffffffffffffucking my dad!
Congo: Well, that settles it… he does know what everyone is saying. I grabbed him under both arms Alright… up you go! Let's get you to bed now, shall we?
Andy: Quickly got up and so did Daniel Uhm… sorry He smiled at me apologizing
Congo: I shook my head softly You can make it up to me by going upstairs and help your dad with dinner… Daniel, you can set the table. I'll be up soon. Just eat when the food is done, I'll stay here till he falls asleep and then join you.
Andy: He nodded softly, and then they both quickly disappeared
Congo: I lifted Evan up in bed, and quickly dragged his wet boots off Let's just get you comfortable, hm? I smiled at him warmly, as his laughing more or less had died out by now, and he started calming more and more down, looking more and more tired. He staid quiet as I helped him get his pants and shirt off, but as I dragged the blanket over him, he looked at me with soft eyes, and reached a dizzy hand up to somewhat caress my cheek, or the closest he could get with his drunken movements Thank you….. he smiled lovingly
Congo: No need to thank me, sweetheart.
Evan: I love you so muchhhh… you're…. ssssso special to me.
Congo: I chuckled warmly and laid down next to him, gently caressing his hair You're very special to me too, Evan. Tell me… why did you drink so much? It's not like you to get this drunk.
Evan: He chuckled softly I dunno… but… maybe…. I could have a little kisssssssh??
Congo: I smiled softly and planted a soft kiss on his lips Is it perhaps because of what happened with Andy and Leonard last night?
Evan: Mmmmmmmnope he chuckled softly
Congo: Okay…. is it then because of what I said to you down here?
Evan: Mmmmmm hiccup what did you shay?
Congo: I smiled softly You know, when I was…. I told you to
Evan: His eyes suddenly widened and he flapped his arms around in front of him, quickly pressing a hand against his mouth
Congo: I sat up quickly What is it? Are you gonna
Evan: He nodded quickly and jumped out of bed, falling 3 times before he quickly disappeared to the closest bathroom
Congo: I was right behind him, and kneeled down behind him just as he threw himself in front of the open toilet, and I just managed to grab on to all his hair before he vomited into the toilet. I rubbed his upper back gently It's okay… I'm right here with you… take your time…
Evan: He panted for air, and I was just about to think he didn't have more to get out, then another round hit the toilet
Andy: God! Is he okay?
Congo: I turned my head lightly and looked at Andy standing in the open doorway Yes, he just had a little too much to drink it seems. Nothing to worry about. This will help him sober up a bit.
Andy: He nodded softly, then chuckled lightly as Evan vomited a 3rd time You would think you were the pregnant one, and not me. He chuckled again and padded his stomach a bit
Congo: I chuckled silently Come here and give me a kiss.
Andy: He smiled warmly and walked towards me, planting a gentle kiss on my lips Congo?
Congo: Yeah sweetheart?
Andy: He bowed down again and whispered in my ear Would it be okay if I had some fun with dad again today?
Congo: Mmm.. but, I think maybe he wants to-
Andy: I know.. but just you know… if he were to change his mind?
Congo: Sure. You never have to ask again when it comes to him, alright? I know he will take good care of my angel.
Andy: He smiled bright and gave me a quick hug and another kiss Thanks! I'll head on up and eat, I'm freaking starving! Probably since I'm eating for 4! He chuckled hoarse I just came to say dinner is ready… but yeah he nodded at Evan by the toilet take your time… Evan…
Evan: Mh?
Andy: I love you…
Evan: Vomited
Andy: I'll take that as a compliment he chuckled hoarse and winked to me, then left the room
Evan: I'm sorry… he dried his mouth with the back of his hand and bumped down on his ass, slowly stretching his legs a bit
Congo: Don't ever apologize for getting sick, alright? Not even if you caused it yourself with too much alcohol. I smiled softly and planted a light kiss on his hair It's alright, and we will make it through.
Evan: He nodded softly and, reached up to pull out, then leaned his back against my chest, sighing deeply
Congo: Do you feel any better? My voice was soft and caring
Evan: He nodded softly but didn't say anything. We sat their quiet a couple of minutes, then he sighed softly and shook his head Our manager called, ssshe want's us to launch a new music video by the 1st of Decccember, for our second single launch, ssho our first CD can hit the storesss around Chrissstmasss. It will bring in major salesss. I had a long argument with her, but she told me we would either do this, or it would be contract breachss. She says she's all up for sssupporting me in getting back on my feet, but unfortunately she has bosses too, and they have been pussshing her the past 6 months. A CD was promised this year, and now we are running out of year. I also have to be on a TV show Ssssunday evening. Today is Friday. I just can't… but I'm not ready to throw my career away either. This is one of the biggest record companiesss, if I let them down, they will make sssure no one will ever hire me… any of us again. So I would also cost River, Blake and Daniel everything they have worked so hard for. We have to shoot the video Sunday and Monday. Edit Tuesssday so it can launch in a music tv show Tuesday evening. And on top of that interview Sssunday night. I have no idea how to make it.
Congo: I wrapped my arms around him tight and planted a few soft kisses on his hair We will figure it out, together. All 3 of us. We will make it through somehow. We have faced worse than this and we always made it through, so we will make it through this as well. I got you.
Evan: He dug his fingers into my arms and sighed deeply, and I was thankful he seemed a bit less drunk at least. Although there were still long way to go for him to sober up. At least now I understood why.
Congo: I planted a soft kiss on the back of his neck Hey… I think maybe we should get you to bed so you could get some sleep, huh? You'll need to gather some strength for the rest of the weekend.
Evan: He nodded softly Toothbrush…
Congo: I chuckled softly I can't argue with that. 5 minutes later Evan was cleaned up and snuggled up in bed, laying on his side with and arm on my waist, as I was caressing his hair softly
Evan: He smiled softly I love you so much, Congo.
Congo: I love you too dear I smiled softly and kissed the tip of his nose Try to get some rest now.
Evan: He staid quiet a few minutes, and as his eyes had been closed for a while, I thought he was gonna fall asleep very soon, but then suddenly he spoke in a sleepy voice Is Daniel and my dad fucking?
Congo: I nodded softly even though he wasn't looking at me Yes. It appears so.
Evan: He grunted softly
Congo: How do you feel about that? I planted a soft kiss on his forehead
Evan: …..
Congo: Evan?
Evan: …… unclear.
Congo: I planted yet another kiss on his lips You want me to talk with Daniel about it?
Evan: He sighed softly No. They're adults. As long as I don't have to hear about it. Or know about it. I prefer to just forget it all.
Congo: Understandable. I'll mention that to him, at least.
Evan: He nodded softly, and few minutes later when I still hadn't gotten an answer I noticed he was asleep.
Congo: Dinner went fine with Andy, Daniel and Lenny, until Daniel suddenly got a phone call that seemed to upset him a bit. He left in the middle of it, and I guess it was easy to see that I was worried about him, since Lenny and Andy started trying to figure ways to cheer me up, and keep my minds off it. It wasn't until Andy and Lenny decided to dedicate a song to Evan that my mood seemed to change for the better again. So the rest of the night we worked hard on dusting off Lenny's 7th grade violin skills, and whatever drum skills Daniel by now had been forcing on me. And just at the break of dawn, we finished up recording and editing, ready to post and dedicate the video, hoping somehow it would make him believe more in himself and his upcoming video and interview.
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spuddlespud · 1 year
Manuscript Search/Find the Word Tag
Tagged by:
@primroseprime2019 💜: walk, surprise, allow and impress
@blind-the-winds 💜: young, yearn, yelp, yellow, and yes.
@eccaiia 💜: happy, hurt, head, hour, and hole!
@winterandwords 💜: thought, though, through and tough
I tag: @aohendo @inkspellangel @talesofsorrowandofruin @ahordeofwasps @bardic-tales @untethereddreams @theglitchywriterboi @junypr-camus @frostedlemonwriter
Your words are: run, rain, real, road
So when Charlie just walked up to her and said with a smile ‘You’ll never guess what happened last night!��� Andi knew she was in for some tale of the miraculous, some fresh nonsense.
Surprise - A Workers Guide to Demonology
I'm the first to admit that I detest most things about this human meatsack I'm lugging around, but it has a nice belly, a belly that can hold plenty of sustenance for my soul-devouring spirit. I'm surprised that I'm starting to feel somewhat...protective of this body. It almost feels like it's me that's been insulted by the titters around the office and the insolent humans eye roll.
Allow - A Short Way to an Angry AI
"Language!" Despite having the foulest mouth of any sentient being Riley had ever known, Sadie took every little opportunity to chastise her crew for the same faux pas. She said living beings should know better. AI's had a lot of shit to remember and deal with, as well as stupid crews putting them in stupid situations, they could be allowed a little swear every now and again, as a treat.
Impress - Dragonbreath and Skelefellas
Saph was just having a peaceful morning minding her own business and  polishing her knife collection when Skully clattered into the room. The  necromancer wasted no time in sweeping Saph’s mini workshop half off the  table and replacing it with an impressive pile of papers and books. It  was only thanks to Saph’s well developed reflexes that she managed to  save her magic polish from a tumble to the floor.
Young - Contained World Potions
So, young apprentice, whatever you do, don't you dare open the Contained World.
Yearn - none
Yelp - Untitled
Erika's sword swung down, meeting the knights shield with a clang and following through with a kick to his kneecap. The other knight let out an undignified yelp, only just managing to keep his balance.
Yellow - Old Inn Door
Mabel pushed the sheets of her body, revealing her old yellowing slip. Her hair stuck up in a sweaty clump on her forehead, leaving her jealous of Robin's short cropped hair.
Yes - A Worker's Guide to Demonology
Her malleable little human soul is no match for my domineering spirit. Even a level 1 demon would be able to...Harry! Molly! Yes it's me can you hear me?"
Happy - The Familiarity Between the Owl and the Pussycat
Séamus burst through the window twittering and going on and on about Midnight and all the uncouth things the cat had done. Bathsheba tuned most of it out, focusing on the herbs she was trying to organise into the correct order on the wall. She let out a low hum every once in a while to keep Séamus happy as he twittered on.
Hurt - A Worker's Guide to Demonology
"How dare you refer to me, the burner of galaxies, the tamer of snakes as 'it'?!"
"Ah look you've hurt its feelings now"
Head - Untitled Werewolf WIP
John's pale skin looked washed out under the fluorescent light of the office. His head was in his hands.
Hour - A Short Way to An Angry AI
As funny as the 'your majesty' caper had been, Celeste could tell it was starting to get on Riley's nerves. They'd been stewing in their room for the last two hours after the burnt toast and toilet incident, and when a crew consists of two humans and an AI there isn't really any space for long term disagreements. That's how disasters happened.
Hole - A Worker's Guide to Demonology
The other one, in a holey tshirt and scruffed up hair, seems more amused than concerned. "Feeling a bit worse for wear?"
But the fears and the sins of you alive humans are just another thing entirely. Another dialect almost, as your species is very clever at distracting yourselves above ground. I suppose your brains only have room for a limited number of thoughts at a time.
Though - A Short Way to an Angry AI
"It's nothing you haven't said before, Sadie," Celeste admonished, before turning to Riley.  "She has a point though, it was a bit insulting."
Through - A Short Way to an Angry AI
"Riley....Riley." The ever calm voice spread throughout the room, cutting into Riley's sleep. Fucking AIs!
Riley rolled over with a groan, pulling their pillow over their head. "Sadie, power down."
"'Sadie, power down'" the mocking voice repeated "You disabled that command remember. You said you we're fed up with missing your wake up call."
“Go fuck yourself”
“I’d rather fuck you”
“Tough, I’m too busy doing monster things”
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stargirlfics · 7 months
Writing Pattern Game
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns! (from most recent to least recent, starting from the top)
Was tagged by the wonderful @saradika ahh thank you so much this is such a cool game! 💌🥰 I love finding patterns in stuff and I was curious to see what this would reveal! Not sure I found any connecting patterns, the first two have a “celestial” theme to them but I think maybe I tend to go for describing emotion and feeling in each of these first lines, like I’m setting up how you as the reader are feeling or being as you start the story. Kinda cool!
Standing in the Eye of the Storm (joel miller)
“The same scars mark your bodies like a map of constellations.”
Cherry Cola (pedro pascal)
“Stars gleam softly in your eyes, the kitchen table the only thing keeping your bodies from scooting impossibly closer in the evening light.”
The Gentleman Ch 5: Éclosion (alfred pennyworth)
“Tension lay heavy over the city in the days after the fear toxin attack, people were wary and on edge, the weather even starting to turn cold and dreary while unease hung thick in the air.”
Misbehavior (joel miller)
“It’s the way Joel Miller looks riding his horse, a hunting knife on his hip and a rifle held expertly along with the reigns in his broad hands that makes your skin prickle and your breathing deepen.”
IRON (battinson!bruce wayne)
“One could hardly say it was your fault.”
BUTTERFLY (joel miller)
“To be soft-hearted at the world’s violent end, that’s where you’d decided to make a home for your heart with all its fragile beating.”
The Gentleman Ch 4: Do I Wanna Know? (alfred pennyworth)
“Sore limbs of yours uncurl against the solid warmth that is Alfred next to you in bed, bare arms keeping you pressed close to his chest, your nose nuzzling into his side where you’re tucked.”
Call Out My Name (battinson!bruce wayne)
“Panic was familiar to you, especially in this city. Gotham took no prisoners and didn’t afford room for recklessness at any turn.”
Dream Girl (dev patel)
“His hand slid over yours softly, squeezing your fingers before bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss. No going back now.”
Girl Next Door (andy barber)
“The dew was still fresh on the grass when Andy rolled out of bed, tired of laying down after another restless night of sleep.”
no pressure tags 💌 @citrus-moonlight @tarrenterror25 @avintagekiss24 @moonlight-prose @psychedelic-ink and anyone else wanting to try this, yes that includes you!!
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winter-asleepening · 7 months
Spring Awakening Fandom Tag
By (@winter-alseepening)
1. how were you introduced to the show?
Through theater fans on instagram and tumblr :)
2. Seen a production live?
No 😭 waiting for the day
3. Dream role/character you relate to most
So disclaimer that I’m not a performer but I do relate to Moritz a lot and love his songs so it would be really … affirming ? To play Moritz 😌
4. Favorite male character
MORITZ I genuinely love him sm..
5. Favorite female character
Ashamed to say that my time in the fandom previously I ignored a lot of the female characters 🤧 so sorry ladies I do love you,,
6. Deaf West Revival or Original Broadway Cast?
So deaf west spring awakening is in my eyes a perfect revival and so artfully done so I reigns as “best version” imo.
BUT OBC has such a “kids rocking out in their garage band” energy to it ?? Where the show is so fresh and new and scary. And the energy is so grounded in nostalgia and I think it’s really special 🤧
7. Favorite song
TOUCH ME I will always die ,, the acoustician guitar stripped down start to the song is just so 💔💔💔
8. Least favorite song
I Believe ?? it’s more of a scene than a song tbh. And I think it’s really powerful as a scene . BUT like from a cast recording, album standpoint it’s a skip imo
(There once was a pirate bonus track in the cast album. Have never not skipped it)
9. Favorite quote/line
“She said love may make you blind, kid- well I wouldn’t mind at all”
10. Favorite TV performance
Forever and always the deaf west revival performance of Touch me on Seth Meyers 💙
11. Favorite cast member(s)
Jonathan groff and John Gallagher jr. are my favs from OBC
Deaf west I feel like I love everyone,, genuinely so happy that this production introduced me to so many amazing actors that I wouldn’t have otherwise known because they’re deaf,, Joshua Castille and Sandra Mae Frank are favs of mine 😌
Also I’m in love with Andy Mientus so him… obviously
12. Favorite cast member moment
Daniel Durant and Alex Boniello playing Animal Crossing together in one of the Vlogs of Purple Summer, very cute
Also the entire OBC reunion in the HBO documentary 🤧 genuinely so sweet to see everyone reconnect and reminisce 💔I cried
13. Do you write fan fiction?
I haven’t before but I’d probably come up with character AUs or head cannons or something
14. Do you make fan art?
YES !! I plan on doing a lot more but I drew a lot of Moritzs and Melchiors back in 2018 or so 😅
15. Do you cosplay?
I really want to cosplay from spring awakening,, illse’s OBC costume is so pretty💔 and I have a mighty need to cosplay Moritz for gender-y and kin reasons 😅
16. Don’t do Sadness or Blue Wind?
I always sing along with Moritz’s part but both are so beautiful, best characters my sweet children
17. Word of your body or the Reprise?
I would watch DWSA word of your body reprise RELIGIOUSLY (for totally straight person reasons) the revival does a great job taking a scene that was mostly played for laughs and make the characters seem much more grounded and whole. 💕
18. Touch Me or My Junk?
yes….. touch me is a great song but my junk is one of my favorite scenes in the show it’s so silly and crazy and I love it smm
Also the snowstorm Jonas video with the DWSA cast singing My Junk is like- my fav
19. Explain the song of purple summer
Okay, the song of purple summer is the kids singing about how they will carry with them their struggles and sing of this idealized perfect world that will someday be real because love will outlive hate and prejudice. There is one day going to be a world where no one will be ashamed to love and be loved and everything will be beautiful, even if it isn’t now.
20. Explain the song of purple summer (wrong answers only)
Illse converts everyone in the cast and the audience to her Cottage-core hippie religion….
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eddysocs · 1 year
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Introducing: Andi Stanton
Fandom: Hello My Name Is Doris
Face Claim: Aubrey Plaza
Full Name: Andrea Marcia Stanton
Nickname/Alias/Pet Names: Andi
Age: 28
Myers Briggs Type: INFJ
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Love Interest: Doris Miller
Collections: Writing Utensils
Style/Clothing: Andi doesn’t have a set style. Her office wear mostly consists of black and white. At home it’s either pjs or a flannel and jeans for some yard work, and out with friends or on a date she can rock a cocktail dress, but overall fashion isn’t super important to her.
Signature Quote: "Yeah, I guess can see how someone could really misconstrue that. So, how do I tell John that I’m not into him?"
Plot Summary: Starting a new office job after a messy breakup with a former coworker, Andi thinks that this could be her chance for a fresh start. She quickly befriends Sally, who becomes her closest confidant as she slowly starts to fall back into old patterns. This time, she swears it’s different. Her infatuation with eccentric and shy Doris Miller begins the start of a love triangle between, her, Doris and workplace heartthrob John that Andi hopes she can get out of with her heart in one piece.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @fawera, @themaradaniels, @that-demigirl, @iloveocs, @bossyladies, @b1rvt4, @getawaycardotmp3
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welcome welcome !
about me:
i go by mickey, alfred, buck, edward, rich, nikolaus, bugs, myles/mylo & spencer (any nicknames u can think of are fine)
my pronouns are he/him + xe bun thou bro vamp web ven
18, bisexual, auDHD, nonbinary trans man
my original posts will be tagged “mickeymumbles.txt”
my art is tagged “mick’s art!” (there will be more soon i swear)
btw while this is a new acc, i am not new to tumblr. i’ve been on it for 5 years i jus wanted a fresh start!
venom & fall out boy are my special interests
i’m currently hyperifx’d on smiling friends, fall out boy & 9-1-1
bob’s burgers, 9-1-1, superstore, it’s always sunny, community, criminal minds, schitts creek
the batman, TMNT mutant mayhem, deadpool 1&2, lego batman, little miss sunshine, into & across the spiderverse, brokeback mountain, monsters inc/university, nimona, natm trilogy
chadchad, drew + kurtis + danny, andy king, chris james, jarvis johnson, jacob sharpe, gunnartv
fall out boy, noah kahan, waterparks, hozier, bruno mars + silk sonic, ricky montgomery, orla gartland, childish gambino, falsettos + sooo many more
do not interact if you’re:
queerphobic, racist, anti-semitic, ableist, fatphobic or sexist in ANY WAY or if you support people who are. 0 toleration for bigots ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
an ageless blog
an ED or self-harm blog
i’m cool w DMs as long as u’re around my age (like 16 - 24)
i’m always lookin for mutuals so if we have similar interests, feel free to follow me!
asks are on but anon is not. feel free to send me asks if u wanna talk that way. i am always down to talk about my interests or take recommendations on other shows/movies/etc :]
this post is often updated !
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J'ai publié 4 041 fois en 2022
181 billets créés (4%)
3 860 billets reblogués (96%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 1 510 billets en 2022
#mcr - 613 billets
#xx cece tag - 86 billets
#bvb - 81 billets
#emo - 59 billets
#gender gee - 58 billets
#queer - 53 billets
#monster high - 47 billets
#halloween - 46 billets
#the lost boys - 42 billets
#andy biersack - 38 billets
Tag le plus long : 109 caractères
#that paris show was magical i cried so much during that night yet it's the happiest i've been in a long while
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
Poly! Lost Boys x fem! reader
Her place was fairly quiet, which was a rare occurrence for an evening when the boys were at her place. The five of them had settled down in her bedroom, with the window open to let in the fresh air brought by the soft rain.
Paul had put on one of the mixtape with quieter rock songs, while Marko had went straight to her velvet couch , bringing the brunet with him so he could play with his hair. She had turned on her fairy lights for a cozier atmosphere, and soon joined David on her bed, laying on top of him. The blond male seemed satisfied with her choice, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body closer to him. Paul decided to join them and put his head on her belly. With a smile, she ran her hand through his hair, calming the wild blond so well that he started purring.
She laughed as Marko threw himself on her right side, nuzzling her neck. Dwayne joined them more quietly, and layed on her other side, as one of David's arms left her body to embrace their brunet boyfriend. Paul had already drifted off, and surrounded by her boys she loved it did not took her long to join him in his slumber. She felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
129 notes - publié le 15 mai 2022
College tiredness and Blood(bath)
Poly! Lost Boys x GN! reader
TW: blood, gore (the bonfire scene), suggestive content (sadly no smut as i'm a virgin lol)
It had been a while since you’d last seen your boys. You were really busy with college, and kind of stressed out by your classes, which meant that once you were done with your job and work, you’d straight up fall asleep on your bed, sometimes still fully dressed. So your night-owls boyfriends had decided to step out a little, to give you time to rest and get used to that rhythm that wasn’t sleep all day and party all night anymore.
But luckily for you, your afternoon class was cancelled, which meant that you had a free evening, and you weren’t even that tired, so you decided to go to the boardwalk to hang-out with your boys.
Wearing your coolest platform boots, and your leather jacket to keep you warm, you felt like it was summer again.
Once on the boardwalk, you started to look everywhere for your boys, but after a while of not finding them, you decided to look for them on the beach. After a little walking, you spotted a bonfire hidden behind trees. Shocked by what you saw, you stopped in your tracks.
Before you was a complete bloodbath. Shattered body, gore spilled everywhere on the sand. But the boys, your boys! Covered in blood, having the time of their life while drinking blood was really what had stopped you. You knew you should feel repulsed by this scene, but you did not. In fact, you found it… really hot. Which was not what most people would feel after discovering their boyfriends were vampires. But then again, you were not most people.
You were growing hot, feeling aroused at the sight of your lovers, bloodied and clothes ripped…
Too caught in your thoughts that were getting dirtier second by second, you missed the way the vampires froze, done with their carnage and having seen you.
Slowly, David walked towards you, trying to not scare you. When he was in front of you, he called softly your name. You got out of your thoughts. Looking up at his face, you got confused at his worried look as he asked you if you were okay. Maybe he thought you should be at home resting?
You started rambling about how you got there, while your other boys made their way, staying behind David. It was Dwayne who finally cut you. “I don’t think that’s what David meant, Princex.”
You tilted your head, confused. You tried to not stare at his bare chest, covered in blood, that brought up very naughty thoughts to your pretty head. Sensing something was up, David decided to read your thoughts, and chuckled when he realized where your mind was turned to.
You looked back at David, staring at his lips… Damn there was still blood on them. You gave up, connecting your lips together. The kiss was hungry, tasting like love, tasting like blood, and you only let go of your lover when you ran out of breath.
Turning to your boys, they seemed relieved. And… hungry. As Marko nearly tackled you, you were thankful that you did not have classes the next day because you could sense that you were not getting a lot of sleep tonight… And you were gonna enjoy every second of it.
137 notes - publié le 14 septembre 2022
A new Lost Boy named Eddie Munson - a Eddie Munson x male reader x poly Lost Boys fic
When I first saw Eddie Munson, my first thoughts were that he likes boys, and then that he would make one hell of a lost boy (like Billy, but that's for another fic)
Published for the 35th anniversary of the Lost Boys.
Words : 2294
My playlist I used to write this story
This story on AO3
Eddie couldn’t understand. One moment he was dying in this twisted version of Hawkins, and the other he was alive — and weak, but very much alive — and doing what he did best: running. The whole town was still after him, and as much as it broke his heart to leave his uncle like that, he knew it was for the best. So he found his van, managed to stop by his trailer and picked up a few thing — his guitar, his favorite pieces of clothing and cassettes — and left. At first, he didn’t know where to go, then he remembered his friend. You managed to graduate when he got held back, and he remembered you saying you would move away to a touristic town in Cali. A town where it was easy to disappear, useful for a boy who liked boys and wanted to get away from his family. Eddie tried really hard to remember where it was, after all he needed to disappear and maybe you would be there too, he had always liked you. After a few hours of driving to Cali, he remembered the name of the town: Santa Carla. So Santa Carla it is.  
The drive took him a few days, but he finally was here. A big board saying “Welcome to Santa Carla” shone in the sun, Bon Jovi’s Runaway blasting from his van.
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It was nearly nighttime when you left your job, heading home to change clothing. You were supposed to meet your boys by the carousel for a group date, and you wanted to wear some nice clothes instead of the basic look who needed for work. Some tight leather pants, an Iron Maiden tee Eddie got you at the last show you saw together, combat boots. You pulled on a black leather jacket, applied some eyeliner, teased and copiously sprayed your hair before heading out.
When you met your boys, Paul was quick to engulf you in a tight hug and kiss you. When he finally let you go, claiming he missed you a lot even if you had seen him the night before, you greeted your other boyfriends with a kiss. You laughed as Paul placed his hand in one of your back pockets, and Marko put his arm around your waist from the other side. You had never felt safer than with them. No, it wasn’t the complete truth. Eddie… Eddie made you feel that way too, but he wasn’t here. No, he was in Hawkins… So if he was in Hawkins, who was the pretty boy, looking at this stall, on your right?
Your body tensed, and your boyfriends felt your shift of mood. “What’s wrong bunny?” You turned to answer Paul, saying how you thought the pretty boy you could see at the stall looked a lot like Eddie. His jacket, too looked oh so familiar. You didn’t know what they would think if it was really Eddie. Sure, the boys knew about your crush for your best friend, but the situation was that you were in Santa Carla dating them, and Eddie was still in Hawkins. So, they had no reason to be jealous. But if your Eddie was back… The possibility of you dating him was too.
And the boys were thinking about it too. Sure, it had been the four of them for a while, and now it was them with you. But with how you had talked about Eddie, and the memories David had seen of the two of you, he thought that if you wanted and the brunet was into it he could be one of them. Eddie seemed to have what it takes to be a lost boy. So if it was really him, he would be asked to be one of them. And he could picture them falling in love with him like they fell in love with you.
Voir l'intégralité du billet
157 notes - publié le 31 juillet 2022
Fic Preview : Poly! Lost Boys x m!reader x Eddie Munson
I have no idea where the fuck this is going or when this will come out (i work fulltime from tuesday to saturday as a librarian) but here's the first paragraph of my latest WIP ! Taglist open
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Eddie couldn’t understand. One moment he was dying in this twisted version of Hawkins, and the other he was alive — and weak, but very much alive — and doing what he did best: running. The whole town was still after him, and as much as it broke his heart to leave his uncle like that, he knew it was for the best. So he found his van, managed to stop by his trailer and picked up a few thing — his guitar, his favorite pieces of clothing and cassettes — and left. At first, he didn’t know where to go, then he remembered his friend. You managed to graduate when he got held back, and he remembered you saying you would move away to a touristic town in Cali. A town where it was easy to disappear, useful for a boy who liked boys and wanted to get away from his family. Eddie tried really hard to remember where it was, after all he needed to disappear and maybe you would be there too, he had always liked you. After a few hours of driving to Cali, he remembered the name of the town: Santa Carla. So Santa Carla it is.  
Edit: the fic is available here !
181 notes - publié le 8 juillet 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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848 notes - publié le 20 avril 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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wyatt-06 · 1 month
Top Pet Grooming Brands in India in 2023
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Andis: Latest technologies, like ceramic edges, and has promoted inventiveness in pet grooming.Bio-groom: Variety of shampoos, conditioners, scents, finishers, and other products to keep your pet clean and fresh.Opawz: Specializes in the design and development of professional pet care and creative grooming products.
Grooming is about more than just having an adorable pet. You will also be addressing potentially unhealthy conditions by grooming your pet. It will also enable you to detect any underlying conditions or diseases at an early stage. As a result, you will be able to take your pet for treatment earlier and more efficiently.
The grooming process, however, turns out to be unpopular with many pets and their owners. If you find yourself in the same situation, you should think about taking your pet to a professional groomer. Your pet deserves the best grooming. If you have a young pet, make grooming an integral element of his or her learning process. This will benefit both you and your pet as he or she matures.
We've selected the best grooming items for in-home grooming and pet-care businesses to assist you in getting started:
Aeolus - Produce, provide, and market pet items to professionals in the pet industry, including groomers, trainers, and breeders.
Hydra - Takes into account the skin concerns of pets, including sensitive skin, dry skin, hypoallergenic pets, antibacterial qualities, and other significant issues.
Andis - Use latest technologies like ceramic edge and have promoted inventiveness in pet grooming.
Bio-groom - Variety of shampoos, conditioners, scents, finishers, and other products to keep your pet clean and fresh.
Opawz - Specialises in the design and development of professional pet care and creative grooming products.
Factors while choosing a brand 
Quality: A trusted pet food supplier takes their time when deciding on the best packaging options. It must have moisture-resistance properties while also protecting pet products from temperature changes that could cause spoilage. Colorful graphics and premium packaging will also tempt pet owners to take products off the shelf, increasing sales.
Safety: A reputable pet food supplier should be able to summarize their quality control procedures and highlight the product's standards. To prevent cross-contamination, a standard-quality product isolates basic ingredients from cooked artifacts during the manufacturing process.
Purpose: According to research, the food we feed our pets has a considerable impact on their well-being and life span. The term "virtual reality" refers to the use of virtual reality in the creation of products such as video games, as well as the use of virtual reality in the creation of video games. The following is a list of things to do if you have a pet.
Because there is so much variety in the pet industry, deciding which products to buy can be difficult. This is why you need a pet food supplier who offers high-quality pet food that is tasty and can keep your pets happy and healthy.
Price:  Pet food manufacturers must find ways to make it more affordable for people as the cost of pet food continues to rise. We all know that consumers believe that if something is expensive, it must be of higher quality. Because of this cognitive bias, pet food companies and marketing departments are encouraged to create a variety of high-priced foods with "luxury flavorings" and charge higher prices
Unfortunately, you don't always get what you expect to be paid for. Price tags should not be used to persuade you; good-quality food does not have to be the most expensive in the store. Read the ingredients and decide for yourself whether the price is reasonable.
Ingredients: The best dog or cat food is only as good as the foods it incorporates. Unlike some dog and cat food brands, which source their ingredients from countries with low food standards, top-rated brands source theirs from dependable and trustworthy regional suppliers. Product labels provide little to no information about the quality of the ingredients. It is best to avoid foods and treats, grain-free or otherwise, from companies that do not share information about the quality of their ingredients or where they get them. Here are the list of some famous Brand In India by Professional
1. Aeolus     
Aeolus is a trusted brand in the pet products industry. They produce, supply, and distribute pet products to professionals in the pet industry, such as groomers, trainers, and breeders. They have bathtubs, salon accessories, pet dryers, and other products to meet all of your pet grooming needs. One of the best-selling products is the Aeolus Single Motor Dog Hair Dryer, which costs Rs. 12708.
Check out some reviews:
Tarun Bhattacharjee
"I recently purchased the Aeolus Cyclone Single Motor Pet Hair Grooming Dryer. It is very effective in drying my Golden Retriever pup, a very handy dryer, and light weight".  
2. Hydra           
The products are designed in their R&D labs and manufactured in Latin America's largest and most technological factory, using only the finest quality ingredients and packaging. Hydra shampoos are designed with sensitive skin, dry skin, hypoallergenic pets, antibacterial properties, skin hydration, and other important considerations in mind. Hydra’s most popular product is Professional Moisturizing Conditioner for Pets, which costs Rs. 1550 and is great for pet grooming business owners.
Check the Review
Vidya Nair
"Hydra is mind-blowing; pet smells just like the heavens; contrary, the products are mild and natural at the same time. It worked well on most types of coats. Appreciable!"
3. Andis           
It is an honor to represent the Clippers with a 100-year history under the moniker "Andis. Andis has produced pet grooming products of industry-leading quality. They have been concentrating on people from all social strata, from professional dog groomers to those who groom dogs at home. They have extended their creativity and brilliance to a range of other pet grooming tools and canine-style accessories, including dog nail clippers, dog hair trimming shears, dog grooming brushes, combs, and so forth.
UltraEdge Detachable Blade is one of the highest-selling products from this brand. 
Their durable, sharp blades and guards, which have been improved with the newest technologies like ceramic edges, have promoted inventiveness in the art of dog grooming. Here, we encourage you to investigate their expertly crafted pet grooming items with us.
4. Bio-groom       
Bio-groom is a high-end grooming brand, and its slogan is "For the Love of Your Puppy and the Earth. This brand sells a variety of shampoos, conditioners, fragrances, finishers, and other products to keep your pet clean and fragrant. For more than 50 years, Bio-Groom has offered the best pet products available, created in the USA with the best materials and renowned for their effectiveness and kindness. Bio-Groom Super White Coat Brightening Dog Shampoo is one of the best-selling products and is great for professional pet groomers. Their high-end Indulged line of products is formulated with 100% pure Moroccan argan oil and unique natural conditioners to maintain your pet's luxurious coat.
Check the Review
Sachin Lahane
Worth buying this conditioner for your dogs
This is an amazing conditioner, as it removed the tangles from my dogs’ hair and also made it smooth.
5. Opawz         
Opawz has a 20-year legacy in the human cosmetics industry, with the last ten of those years spent concentrating on the design and development of innovative pet grooming and professional pet care products in Canada. "Listen to groomers and work with groomers!" is the campaign's slogan. They work tirelessly to create high-quality pet items and fashion for skilled dog groomers who value pet styling. Each and every Opawz product is carefully and specifically developed for animals. Check out how we truly demonstrate the Opawz permanent, semi-permanent, and temporary product range of highlights, colors, dyes, chalks, glitters, tattoo stencils, model dogs, and dog wigs here
To get the best outcome and prevent any form of injury, it is also essential to speak with your veterinarian before administering any unrelated products to your pet. Pet owners have a lot of faith in us as experts. All the above brands are owned by ABK, which is one of the most recognized companies in India and the preferred option for professional pet groomers. The best part is that since we are specifically designed for the pet grooming industry, you don't have to worry about quality or cost. At ABK Grooming, you can purchase high-end imported grooming supplies and equipment. With more than 3000 products from more than 30 worldwide companies, we guarantee that pet professionals and pet parents only receive the best, original grooming tools and supplies.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
Searching the Stars
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/gXPIfNY by DriftintoHappiness Andromeda Estrellado was an average woman who worked as an analyst in Central City with some powerful friends in her pocket. Then on the night of a meteor shower, her life changed and she became the spiderwoman of her world named, Starweaver. After 2 years of working with her vigilante friends, she decides to leave her old life behind and seek a fresh start in the city of her birth, the dark and chaotic streets of Gotham City when she lands a job at the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD). Determined to make a difference in a city plagued by crime and corruption, Andromeda maintains her persona as Starweaver, During her patrols, Starweaver finds herself crossing paths with the enigmatic Red Hood, a vigilante with his own dark history and a penchant for taking justice into his own hands. Their initial encounters were marked by tension and conflict as they clashed over their differing methods. But beneath the masks, there was an undeniable chemistry that neither of them could ignore. Follow Andy on her journey navigating a new city, a new vigilante life, and maybe a new partnership... Words: 3785, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Batman - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Original Batfamily Member(s) (DCU), Original Female Character(s), Dick Grayson, Wayne Family Members (DCU) Relationships: Jason Todd/Original Female Character(s), Dick Grayson/Original Female Character(s), Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Bernard Fitzmartin Additional Tags: meta-human, DCU Spiderwoman, Strangers to Lovers, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Jason Todd Deserves Happiness, Red Hood - Freeform, Music Titles, Some chapter idea's may come from pinterest, Jason Todd is my current obsession, Dominant Jason Todd, Dom/sub, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Smut, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Jason Todd has a size kink, oc has a praise kink read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/gXPIfNY
0 notes
ohimesama · 1 year
1.22.23 Sunday
5:57 am
Still,having the windblow trap....There are so much plastics people in the world... People that you think you care but people who are jealous of me and you...
I really just wanna leave the hometown...
Karma begets karma...
8:53 am
I'm gonna unzip something later about the house of Mommy Adnil... It is really scary if you are a negative person...
But "karma begets karma", right?
10:45 am
How to explain things about the "house" of mommy Adnil... I started there 3 weeks ago, since December of last year...
Anid and me, I considered us really FRIENDS! As in friends! This is a moment to do a recap about our fresh friendship! We met just in Nightingale, we talked and she told me she came from Oman and she was a saleslady and every lunch time we ate almost together in the Nightingale classroom lecture of Mr Xela.
For 6 months I didn't remember going out coz I was really on a thrift, coz my mind was and is really to get a job after... I have to economized my expenses...And I have to work,after...
I was on "Tagged" became a friend of Tenaj but older than me I also met in Nightingale classroom of Mr Xela, but Tenaj is really an old-timer caregiver....
So,Tenaj invited me in Tagged, remember where I almost put my heart's content...It is a social media to meet people coming from different walks in life but I thought when the time I met Andy from Canada,I thought he will be the sprint of my life but nah...
Our story Anid and Me:
Then, we texted every now and then me and Anid, saying hi and how are you....What's up? I remember she worked in "POGO" on and off during pandemic....She earned more than a 100k... I know her love story and her heart breaks...She got heartbroken, she trusted the guy...She opened him a business but everything didn't last... But still Anid is a tough girl or woman though shorty but a tough woman...
We keep in touch every now and then... Then, last year we just keep in touch again and I opened-up that hey! What's up! I need money and what are you doing or simply what's up?
She told me that she is working in Mommy Adnil's house for a year and if I need money, I can try to go in coz she is tired and she didn't enjoy the job itself coz it is really hellish for her and I said yeah! Do you think I can be your reliever or substitute? But I'm her superior in a way... Coz even on other big corporation, sometimes the supervisor forgot to do some job task of a particular... But me,I know I experienced managing the bedridden on a mannequin... Mr Xela was able to give us a workshop on handling our bedridden patients.
In reality the job on Mommy Adnil as her caregiver was really difficult coz there will be a shake on your emotion, you have to be aware of everything coz Mommy Adnil has her own tantrums. Mommy Adnil can freeze your mind going to "mental block" coz when she started to shout her nature tantrums you must not compete her coz of the situation of having a butt bedsore and bedridden...
Mommy Adnil still has an awareness and she is the Queen there coz she will shake you... She will walk again step by step.... Mommy Adnil is not a mean person but just a Queen of their family...I won't tell you much... I went there as a FRIEND & without a mask...
11:39 am
The big umbrella is gone again here... Grrr...
12:42 noon
Well, I need money and I need to find a job again... I hope to leave the hometown and oopps... Before that I'm gonna share here some of the high-lights of Mommy Adnil's house or the cat house or the house with full of cats...
In a lil while...
1:07 pm
I was on Mommy Adnil's house, the fun thing it was kinda "finder's keeper's"...
1. There is a green hanger inside the spare room or stock room of different things, I forgot the term of a particular room or space in the house.
There is a green hanger in the extra room but the weird thing is the hanger rack or clothes rack,it trapped the green hanger, meaning you can't get it out from the hanger rack.
2. The stopper someone put it on the stairs last 1.17.23 stopper it is used for doors...
3. There is a hunting toy gun inside the room of Mommy Adnil at the back of her bed, her wooden cabinets there...
4. There is a stopper in the kitchen last 1.18.23
Those are the high-lights...
The house is very interesting with so many cute stuff and symbols such as frog paper post board, frog floor figurine, sunflower paper weight, elephant floor or table figurine, cat figurine, many ilocos figurine inside their bathroom.
And Ms Enaoj the favorite daughter of Mommy Adnil never used a peeler but she got so many knives in their kitchen and 1 sharp knife and so many old knives on the knives holder placed on the kitchen cabinet in the kitchen and it looked like somebody smashed the door cabinet where the knives were placed... It was and is weird for me...But I never asked Ms Enaoj about these things...
The butt pillow someone just intentionally cut it or chop it coz you can wash the butt pillow as a whole but why they chopped it and there are 5 butt pillows and the foam of some were cut or chopped into pieces, meaning after washing or if Mommy Adnil peed on it, you should hang it on the stairs holder just fit it there.When you need to find a new washed butt pillow case of course you need to get a foam for it and you will just look at the stairs coz it is where the butt pillow foam is placed whenever it gets wet by Mommy Adnil.. It looks like a puzzle pieces coz someone chop it, for me it looks like intentionally.... You have to find or pair the chop pieces of their butt pillow for Mommy Adnil...
Hmm... And I think Ms Enaoj is a company doctor in PAL not just a nurse!
2:21 pm
I still need money and thinking of money....Need to find a job somewhere again... Waiting for my agent to find for me...
I still have this left aching sciatica and I want a handsome bf's who can be my friend and assist me... Be with me until I can have a job again or maintain the friendship and make money... Assist me on my social life... Someone who owns a car as well...
I want to have a group...To get bf's...
3:58 pm
For the fucking women out there like on TV on DJ's please get out of my hair... I feel jealous...
Don't fucking interfere on me, don't put a stopper on my maturity...
I wanna get some bf's....I need a bf's to assist me...
6:39 pm
Anid texted me to have a duty on Mommy Adnil but the thing is you have to set some space if you feel that they don't like you... Gets? My point angels...
I care for Mommy Adnil and my friend Mike knew my genuine emotion about it...But planning to compare me on Anid,thing that I don't like... I'm not a kid!
I need consistency on money... I need money...I want big money...
I need a group of handsome men,taller than me with a car having a religious heart to assist me and be my bf's...
Later will post here the step by step of doing your task as caregiver on Mommy Adnil's house...
I want bags and I wanna buy starbucks everyday... I want men's attention, handsome men like the Al-Maktoums!
8:22 pm
I feel fat and ugly... I hate a job without consistency... I need money and I want money... I wanna starbucks everyday.
I feel hurt handsome doesn't like me anymore... I can't meet tall and handsome men that I was able to have their attention before... I need a car who can assist me...
I'm self-pitying...I feel fat and ugly... I wanna leave the hometown...
8:41 pm
I still have the windblow trap cult of ManaloZ... I really feel fat and ugly...
What am I gonna do? Will be 42 this year... I don't wanna be a church of christ anymore....I lost all my chances in life... I can't get a job having a consistency...
I feel intimidated... I just want men's attention having an intellectual mind set and having maturity...
I hate women who treated me a kid, what about me on men? They took away all the attention, handsome and tall doesn't want me anymore and I want with stability...
I need new bf's who can assist me...
I feel fat and ugly... How can I get new bf's just like Cleopatra,angels!
I need a job and beauty... I need money....I wanna stretch my face...
But before that I wanna get my new bf's who are willing to assist me....I wanna progress ... I want money...
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