#frian fan fiction
jessahmewren · 5 years
“Breakthru”/ Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
Happy Maycury/Frian week everyone!  My prompt: Lingerie.
Summary: Brian always wore lingerie to boost his mood, but always kept it a secret from Freddie, until now.  
Rating: T for totally tame.
Pairing: Maycury/Frian (it’s Maycury/Frian week ya’ll)
Words: 1008
Also on Ao3
*trigger warnings for depression
Brian kept them in a drawer…blue silk, red with lace detail, mint green, white ones, black ones, lavender and pink ones.  Sometimes he didn’t wear them; just touching them was enough.  Other times, on really bad days, he wore them all day.
On really bad days, he rarely got out of bed.  He kept the room dark and didn’t eat much.  He usually skipped showers and wasn’t up for visitors.  Nothing could pull him out of his depression, not even Freddie.
Today was a bad day.
Brian stood looking down at his collection, fingers grazing over his own personal garden of forbidden fruit.  Brian plucked one, a lovely lavender pair, and stepped into them.  The panties felt good as he slipped them on over his hips, the cool fabric hugging him in all the right places.  This was his ritual on bad days…it boosted his mood momentarily and made him actually feel something instead of the usual bone-crushing numbness.
He fished in his dresser looking for a pair of sweats, something comfy to pull over the snug panties, when his hand landed on something silky.  He pulled it out, soft pink and shimmery in the light of their bedroom.
He hadn’t laid eyes on the nightgown since they’d wrapped filming on “I Want to Break Free,” but it was still the same as he remembered, that same little pink sleeveless gown edged in lace.  He felt the material in his hands, very much the same as the panties he wore, and without much thought, slipped it on over his head.
He sighed, feeling as though a huge weight had lifted from his chest.  It had been a year since the video, but the nightie looked the same on him as it did then. He might not have had Roger’s curves or Freddie’s legs, but that day he had felt sexy in his own way.  Maybe the way the gown was cut accentuating his arms and chest; it made him feel feminine and pretty, and looking at it now he loved the way it fell over his body, not really touching him anywhere, letting the air flow freely as the hem danced around his calves.  
Brian indulged himself for a moment and posed in front of the floorlength mirror of his and Freddie’s bedroom, drawing the material around his figure.  He could see the dark lavender of his panties through the pink gown, and it made him smile for the first time in ages.
He padded out of the bedroom in bare feet, making his way into the kitchen to make tea.  Freddie was at the store.  He had a little time before he got back.
His cheeks grew pink as he poured the kettle, thoughts of self-doubt creeping in.  He really shouldn’t be doing this.  His habit with the panties was bad enough, but now he was walking around in a nightgown?  What was wrong with him?  A deep frown creased his forehead as tears threatened to spill down his cheeks.  He blinked them away.  Right now he felt good, his mood had lifted a bit, and he would enjoy it while it lasted.  He would deal with the rest later.
His tea made, he settled on the couch, curling his legs under him.  His mood was still dark, and a cold numbness had settled over him once again.  Unbidden, he began to cry.
Why couldn’t he just stay happy?  He had a home, a boyfriend, and amazing friends.  What was wrong with him?  This black mood seem to settle over him at times and all he could do was think dark thoughts despite being so incredibly lucky.  Other people didn’t have these kinds of problems.  Brian just didn’t understand it.    
Just then, Brian heard keys rattle in the door, and before he could do much more than cover himself with a couch cushion, Freddie was bounding into the flat with an armload of groceries.
“Why, hello darling.  It’s good to see you out of bed.”
Brian was steadily crying now, so he only nodded, trying not to draw attention to himself.  
Freddie deposited the groceries on the counter and walked over to where Brian sat on the couch.
Freddie noticed the tears, and wiped some away with the pads of his fingers.  “Well, what’s the matter, love?”
“I’m sorry,” Brian whispered.  “I’m sorry for this.”
Freddie shook his head.  “Darling, sorry for what?”
Brian removed the cushion, revealing himself, and Freddie’s eyes lit up.  “Is that the nightgown from the video shoot?  You look positively adorable!”  He refocused on Brian’s face.  “Honey, why are you crying?”
“There are panties too, Freddie.  And it’s not the first time I’ve done it.”
Freddie’s eyes softened, and he smoothed his hand down the side of Brian’s face.  “Oh love, that’s nothing to feel bad about.”  He leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips.  “Whatever makes you happy makes me happy.”
“I’m not happy though, Freddie.”  Brian was still crying, his eyes rimmed with red.  He looked up pitifully at Freddie through sheets of tears.
Freddie’s heart dropped.  “Why aren’t you happy, love?  Is it me?”  He swallowed hard, his throat dry.  “Is it us darling?”
Brian eyes grew wide.  “No!  I love you with my whole heart, Freddie.  You’re the best thing in my life.  You and the band.  It’s just…there’s something wrong with me...inside.”
Freddie pulled him into a fierce hug, soothing his hair as he rocked him slowly.  “Then we’ll get you help, love.  And whatever it is, we’ll face it together.”
Brian only nodded, snuffling a little.
“But understand something,” Freddie added.  “There’s nothing wrong with you wanting to wear women’s clothes.  If it makes you feel better, then go ahead and do it.  I think it’s cute as hell.”
Brian laughed a little, nuzzling into Freddie’s arm.  “Do you want to see my panties?”
Freddie squeezed him fondly.  “I thought you’d never ask, but only after we've made you an appointment.  Ok?”
Brian finally smiled.  “Ok.”
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Hello, is it too late for a request?
1977, while recording some steamy parts of 'get down, make love' one of the boys (Brian preferably, but it can also be Roger or John) gets turned on by Freddie's sexual vocals. After the studio is vacated and he thinks he is alone, he plays the recordings of Freddie's voice again and starts getting himself off. And then Freddie walks in on him, feeling shocked at first but then offers to help him get off. Maybe even offers to make those sinful noises for him in person.
Day 2 of
April of Maycury
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Freddie would be the death of him. Brian was sure of that. If he kept making those obscene noises into the microphone, Brian might just spontaneously combust.
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thosequeenboys · 5 years
Fanfic musing:
Ever wonder if the pleasant, quiet girl in Marketing you see at the coffee machine is the person who wrote that incredibly well written, hot Fanfic that you can’t get out of your head?
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“Midnight in the Meadow” / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
A young scientist has an unexpected meeting with an unusual vampire.  
It’s Frian week day Five! Fantasy!
Rated M for violent and some sexual themes
Words 2597
Pairing: It’s Frian Ya’ll
Also on Ao3
Freddie slipped into the old t-shirt, letting the hem skim just below the waist of his worn jeans.  He had been asleep all day, the moon was out, and he was hungry.
It was feeding time.
He tied back his medium-length hair, letting his black-painted nails flick expertly over the hair tie until his ebony locks were secured at the base of his neck in a low ponytail.  He checked himself in the mirror, his gaunt face pale, dark circles under his eyes.
It was a myth that vampires couldn’t see their reflection.  They were doomed to reflect on their cursed existence for all eternity.
Freddie grabbed his bag, opened his second story window and jumped, landing as gracefully as a cat before slinking off into the woods behind his home.  It was time to hunt.
Brian watched the small herd of deer as they slept in the meadow, making notes in his journal.  He had tracked the migratory habits of this particular herd across England and, as a scientist for Cambridge’s animal research department, felt most at home camping in a glen, squinting through binoculars at Mother Nature.
The meadow was quiet.  The deer were munching contentedly on sweet grass, and a baby fawn nuzzled its mother, suckling gently.  Brian smiled, taking more notes and jotting down the time.  These deer were feeding late, which was notable but not unusual.  It was the near winter, and the deer felt the season’s call to fatten up.
Unbeknownst to Brian, someone else watched the deer.
Freddie crouched in a thicket of berries, not fifteen feet from the feeding deer.  He could smell the warm blood coursing through bodies, could hear their rapid heartbeats as they grazed in the meadow.  The deer were totally oblivious to Freddie, though.  Since his change, he had lost all human smell, making him the perfect hunter.
One of the deer had a fawn with her, and he frowned.  He wouldn’t take the mother or the baby.  There was another deer there, a young buck.  Let him get a little closer, Freddie thought.  His mouth began to water, and his eyes glowed as green as the meadow, the pupils sharpening to slits.  Just a little closer.  A sharp cramp in his stomach nearly doubled him over, but he never lost his focus as the young buck moved into his field of vision.
Brian watched through the binoculars as the young buck bowed his head to eat from the cool grass of the meadow.  One moment he was munching the grass, and the next, two marble hands were wrapped around his horns, twisting his neck with a quick, efficient snap.
Brian cried out, dropping the binoculars as he rose from his hiding place.  Through the fog he saw a dark head bent to the tender neck.
Freddie heard the footsteps approaching, but his hunger wouldn’t listen.  His hunger, hundreds of years old and stubborn, said feed, so he fed on the little deer until it had nothing more to give.  Just as the footsteps reached him, he withdrew, fangs still out and dripping down his shirt to turn and look at the intruder.
It was a man.  A young man with curly hair.  The man’s heart was beating so fast; he could hear it.  He could smell it.
The deer had been small, the man had interrupted him, and he was still hungry.
He launched himself at Brian, knocking him to the ground and straddling him in an instant.  They tussled in the fog for a moment before Freddie had an arm against Brian’s throat.
“What are you doing in my meadow?” he hissed.  Blood spattered from his lips, and his fangs were still out.
Brian stared up at him in horror.  “I…I’m watching the deer.” He finally managed.
Freddie turned his head, his green glowing eyes narrowing as if to better understand the odd man.
“To steal them?”
Brian shook his head.  “No! To just…watch them.  For science.”
Freddie ran his tongue over his outstretched fangs, lapping the dripping blood there, and smiled.  “So you’re not a thief.”
Brian barked out a laugh, despite his compromising position.  “Of course not.  I…I didn’t know this was your meadow.”  He looked into Freddie’s glowing eyes.  “I’m sorry.”
Freddie’s mouth watered at the smell coming from the man beneath him…the blood pulsing in his neck, the soft warm skin against his arm and the unique musk of the man’s human scent...earthy and spicy; it awakened something within him that was far quicker than hunger.  It was sharper, more distinct.
Freddie blinked, and his eyes no longer glowed.
Brian quivered a little beneath him.  “Are you going to kill me?”  He said quietly.
Freddie licked his lips, then drew in his fangs.  “No, of course not darling.”  He swallowed.  “I don’t do that anymore.”  He stood, dusting off his shirt, then helped Brian to his feet.  “That’s why I hunt.”
Brian just looked at him a moment, rubbing his throat absently.  “Well what—
Freddie just laughed.  “Not what darling, who.  ‘What’ is just rude.  My name is Freddie.  Freddie Mercury.”
Brian looked down at the hand extended to him, and hesitantly took it.  The skin was smooth and cool, the nails painted black.
“Why don’t you come back to my house love?  I can get cleaned up and we can have some tea.  You’ve had quite the fright after all.”
Brian found himself nodding at the bloodstained face, wanting to know more this man and what (or who) he was.  Maybe it was the scientist in him, but he was more curious than afraid.
Brian sat in a homey living room, a cozy fire blazing in the hearth.  The man had left him to go upstairs for a moment, presumably to go wash up, and Brian surveyed his surroundings.
The cottage was spacious and well apportioned…rustic modern.  Freddie had taste, and the few antique pieces he had strewn about the open-design living space spoke of life and history.  Brian found himself leaning over a vase as Freddie came down the stairs in a patterned red jacket and cream-colored blouse opened at the neck.  He wore a series of cords doubled around his pale throat, and Brian’s eyes were drawn to them.
“You like these?”  Freddie said smoothly as he fingered the charms that hung around his neck.  “The moon and stars.  Picked them up in Dubai.  They’re supposed to be talismans, in case I’m ever lost.”  Freddie’s eyes, brown now and warm with knowing, flashed softly at Brian.  “The moon and stars are my eternal friends, after all,” he said with a soft smile.
Brian’s mouth quirked, his eyes flitting up to rest on Freddie’s face. It was smooth, frozen in the bloom of youth.  It couldn’t have been more than—“
“How old are you,” Brian asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Freddie straightened his coat.  “23.”
Brian huffed a little laugh.  “Is that really all?”
Freddie eyed him sharply.  “Why?  Does the real answer affect whether you take tea with me or not?”  Freddie was already walking to the kitchen area, withdrawing a beautiful china teapot with gold leafing.
“No,” Brian exhaled.  “I just…want to know more about you, that’s all.”
Freddie smiled.  “For science?”
“No,” Brian said, meeting Freddie’s brown eyes in the warm light.  “For myself.”
The kettle burbled.  Brian settled on the couch, and Freddie served him biscuits.  “I made these myself,” he said with some measure of pride.
Brian looked at them with some trepidation.
Freddie giggled.  “Go on, darling.  If I wanted to kill you, you would’ve been long dead by now.” He took a biscuit and put it to Brian’s lips.  “Take a bite,” he said, just the point of one of his fangs teasing its way into view.
Brian savored the lemon ginger biscuit as the kettle screamed, unable to hold back the pleased little hum at the taste.  Freddie was back in a flash, two steaming cups of tea in those delicate cups and set them on the coffee table.
“You did that very fast,” Brian said around a mouthful of biscuit.  “Come to think of it, you cleaned up pretty fast, too.  Is that part of –“
“Being a vampire?”  Freddie flashed his fangs when he smiled.
Brian swallowed, taking a sip of tea.
“Is that what you are?”
Freddie crossed his legs, and again Brian was struck with his ethereal beauty, the grace with which he held himself.
“If the legends are to be believed, then I’m a vampire.  I feed on blood to survive.”
Brian nodded.  “How would you describe yourself, then?”
Freddie put a hand under his chin, his eyes slipping closed.  “A man who is striving to be better.”
Brian found it a very thoughtful answer, almost philosophical.  “That’s why you hunt animals.”
Freddie nodded, smiling.  “I am sorry I have to do it…but I have to feed my hunger.  Believe me, I’ve tried to fast.  The results were…not pretty.”
Brian held up a biscuit.  “Can you eat food?”
Freddie smiled, his cute overbite showing instead of his fangs.  “Oh yes.  But it doesn’t satisfy me.  I can eat for pleasure though.  For taste.” He sipped his tea as if to convince Brian of the fact.  “But it doesn’t fill me.  Nothing does except blood.”
Unbeknownst to him, Brian was frowning.  To have to live that way for who knows how many years…denying your true self…
“How old are you, Freddie?”
Freddie looked sad for a moment.  “I’ve walked this earth for 407 years,” he finally said.
Brian’s small intake of breath was loud in the open room, and he promptly clamped his mouth shut.
“Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” Brian said softly.  “I don’t want to pry.  I just find you fascinating, Freddie.  And not as a creature to study in the woods, but as a person.”
Freddie blinked, his eyes curiously red.  “Go ahead Brian.  Ask me anything.”
Brian relaxed a bit on the sofa.  “Why don’t you enjoy being a vampire?”
Freddie sipped his tea.  “I reject killing to live.  I stopped taking human lives over 200 years ago.  I’ve been subsisting on animal blood ever since.  It’s a viable substitute, but it’s also why my skin has such a pallor to it, and why I don’t have a lot of energy.  I also have to feed more often than I would if I fed on humans.”  
Brian nodded.  “I find that very respectable.  So you hope to regain your humanity?”
Freddie smiled.  “That’s impossible, I’m afraid.  But by honoring that little bit that resides within me, I feel that I can hold on to what I have left.”
Brian shifted on the couch.  “What if…you were to feed on a human without killing them?  Wouldn’t that sustain you more than an animal’s blood?”
Freddie shook his head vigorously.  “Too risky.  I might take too much.  And it would still be against their will.”
Brian bit his lip.  “What if it were consensual?”  He nervously fingered his teacup.  “I mean, what if the human were to consent to being bitten?  Would you do it then?”
Freddie’s eyes narrowed, and his senses picked up on that sweet smell again…not just of Brian’s blood, but of his natural scent, and his instincts prickled.
“What are you saying Brian?”
Brian waffled a bit, pushing a hand through his dark curls.  “I’m saying that maybe, since our misunderstanding in the meadow, that you could drink from me.”
Saliva filled Freddie’s mouth at the mere thought of piercing that tender neck, and he swallowed it down, shaking his head firmly.  “No, Brian.  Thank you, but that will not be necessary.”
Brian frowned a little, his eyes growing dark.  “What if I want you to?”
“You…you want me to?”
Brian set his teacup down and crossed over to where Freddie was sitting.  He sat beside him, his shoulder flush with his.  “Yes,” he said softly.  “I want you to drink from me Freddie.”  He let his hand go up to lightly brush the open collar of Freddie’s shirt, then drift down to clutch a cool hand.  “Please.”
Freddie swallowed, trousers tight at the proximity of the man, instincts screaming Drink! as he fought a private war with himself.  He locked eyes with Brian, noticing for the first time the warm hazel, clear like a mountain stream.
“You know what this would mean, Brian.  Your life would be in my hands.  I could lose control; I could take too much.”
Brian stroked his face, leaving Freddie shivering despite his permanent chill.  “You won’t,” Brian soothed him.  “You’ll take just enough to help you.”  Those hazel eyes looked up at him again.  “Please, let me help you.”
Freddie licked his lips, the persistent hunger rising to an incredible ache.  There was arousal too, under the surface of the hunger, springing to life.  He wanted Brian, and not just as a meal.  He leaned forward, brushing Brian’s hair away from his face and pressed his lips to Brian’s.  He felt the man shiver and moan, his arms going around him, easily relaxing into the kiss.
Brian nipped his way inside of Freddie’s mouth, need leading the way as he captured the man’s velvety lips, wondering what they would feel like on his neck as they were draining the life out of him.  He nicked himself on one of Fredde’s fangs, drawing blood, and a low, rumbling growl came from Freddie, sending a bubble of excitement through Brian.
Freddie pulled him away, tasting the blood on his lips.  His eyes were meadow-green and glowing, and his fangs were fully extended…but Brian wasn’t afraid.
Freddie gingerly braced a hand on his shoulder and bared his neck.  He mouthed it slowly, wetting it with his tongue and lips until Brian could feel the scrape of his fangs of his jugular vein.  The sensation went straight to his cock, leaving him a panting, sweating mess.
“Take me Freddie,” he nearly mewled, “I know you need it.”
Freddie just sat, entranced, watching the throbbing skin of Brian’s stretched skin.
“Go on lover.  Do it!”
With a final lick, Freddie sank into the buttery warm softness of Brian’s neck.  The sweat warmth of his blood hit his palate immediately, and he groaned and fluttered his eyes as he sucked him down, caressing him the entire time.
Brian had never felt ecstasy like this before.  From the moment Freddie pierced his skin, the pinch and pain brought so much pleasure, ratcheting up his spine like an orgasm that never released him from its grip.  He could feel himself grow lightheaded as the blood rushed from his body...could hear the pleasured groans from Freddie, but he was helpless to do anything but to clutch on to him, even as his hold grew weaker and weaker…
Freddie finally released him, and Brian, now pale and unconscious, sagged in his arms.  Freddie promptly carried him upstairs, tucking him under the satin sheets of his large bed.
Morning came without incident.  Brian woke up in the bed alone, a glass of orange juice and a cream cheese bagel beside the bed.  There was a note on the tray in elegant script.  “Eat.  Drink.  It will help you get your strength back.  And please visit my little meadow again soon.  You are always welcome.  P.s. Follow the moon and stars; they will help you find your way.”
Brian felt at his throat, and there was Freddie’s necklace, cleverly hiding two neat puncture wounds on his neck.  He smiled.
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“Photograph” / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody
Maycury/Frian week day four!  Prompt: May I have this dance!  
Summary: Brian is a soon to be single parent until he meets a charming photographer who shows him his true worth.  
Rating: T for Totally Tame.
Words 1200
Pairing Frian b/c it’s Maycury week ya’ll
Also on Ao3
Brian sulked in the corner, stirring his Shirley Temple with the little cocktail straw, a deep frown on his face.  He took another hors d'oeuvre from a passing tray, hoping the bite of food would improve his mood.
But it didn’t.  It only made him feel fatter, more glum. The baby kicked happily at the new morsel, pounding his ribs.  He pulled his blazer closed over his generous bump, but to no avail; it hadn’t fit properly in months.
He should’ve never come to the birthday party, but it was a corporate affair…one of those posh things that was an understood necessity.  His boss had even hired a band and a photographer.  Brian sniffed.  The audacity.  
Brian eyed the latter as he flitted around the perimeter of the party, snapping both candid and posed shots.  The photographer was a striking man, with glossy, shoulder-length hair, full lips, and a dashing sense of style.  He seemed to enjoy his job, laughing and talking with the people he snapped photos with. A charming bloke.  
Brian stuffed another morsel in his mouth, his shoulders hunched.  Absently, he rubbed a hand over his belly and sighed.  Not long now and he could slip out unnoticed…be back at his flat under the covers, his swollen feet freed from their shiny shoes.  Not long now…
The click of a camera’s flash jolted him from his revelry.  “Bloody hell!” he muttered, shielding his eyes.  
“Surprise, darling!” The photographer from earlier said as he smiled widely.  He really had an adorable smile.  Brian’s throat constricted.  
Brian frowned.  “You really shouldn’t do that, you know.  Not without people’s permission.”
The photographer’s mouth turned down a bit, his stunning brown eyes wide and soft.  “Well I’m sorry love, but I’m supposed to get a few candids of all the guests.”  The camera went up to the man’s face again.  “Now pose for me beautiful.”  
Brian put his hands up. “Absolutely not,” Brian said as he struggled to get up.  “And I am certainly not beautiful.”  
The photographer’s mouth flew open as he rushed to help Brian to his feet.  “Darling, you are!  You’re positively stunning!  Pose for me for a few shots and I’ll show you!”  
Tears stung Brian’s eyes. He was tired, his feet hurt, and he had no time for this empty praise.  Brian had met people like this charmer, and they were always full of pretty, empty words.  
Brian shook his head, his full head of brown curls bouncing around his face.  “Go shoot someone else,” he fussed.  “I’m tired, I’m fat, I’m cranky, and in case you didn’t notice I’m very pregnant.”  
The photographer smiled softly.  “Darling, I noticed.”  He lay a hand on his shoulder.  “Please?”
And there was such earnestness in his eyes, he let him.  
“I’m Freddie, by the way.” A delicate hand went out to take Brian’s.  “Freddie Mercury.”  
“Brian May,” Brian muttered as he gave him his hand.  
Freddie brought it to his lips and pressed a small kiss there.  He smiled.  “Pleasure to meet you Brian.”  
Brian’s mouth fell open a little, but he managed a small smile in return.  
“Stand against the wall there Brian, just for a moment, then we’ll get you off your feet.  Now hold your belly…that’s it.  Look down for me?”  Freddie snapped a few photos at various angles, moving around Brian’s body.  
Then he bade him sit down. He sat across him at the table and snapped a few more.  The band had kicked up now, playing a variety of songs, and the dancefloor was filling up. Freddie looked through the photos on his camera while Brian sipped on his Shirley Temple.  He stood, leaning over Brian to show him the shots.  
Brian thrilled a little at the proximity of the man.  He smelled terrific…like spice and vanilla, and his warm breath feathered Brian’s hair. He balanced himself with one hand placed on Brian’s shoulder while the other hand held the camera.  Freddie cycled through the shots.  
They were…lovely. Black and white shots of Brian’s hands on his bump, shots of Brian in profile, in the candlelight from the table, a profile of him against the greenery of the wall, looking serene and nowhere near as miserable as he felt.  A close-up shot of Brian’s bump, like an eclipse, cresting the frame of the photo.  
So Freddie was an excellent photographer.  
Freddie turned his face, and it was inches from Brian’s.  “See darling? See how beautiful you are?”
Brian swallowed.  “I think you’re just a good photographer.”  
Freddie took his arm from around his shoulders, straightening a little.  The music swelled in his ears, and he put his camera in his equipment bag and held out his hand.  
“May I have this dance?”
Brian stared up at him, not believing what he was hearing.  “Don’t you…um, don’t you have to work?”
Freddie shrugged.  “I haven’t taken my break yet.  It’s high time I did.  What do you say, Mr. May.  You and the little one want to hit the dance floor?”
Brian pursed his lips, looking away.  
“Not too much my dear. I know you’re tired.  But have a little fun before you go, yeah?”
Brian smiled in spite of himself, and took the hand offered him.  
Freddie helped him to his feet, and Brian followed him as gracefully as he could to the dancefloor. He could feel the eyes on him immediately; it was enough that he wasn’t partnered, but here he was dancing with the photographer of all people.  Brian tried not to let it affect him as Freddie wrapped his arms around him.  
Brian’s bump settled against Freddie’s flat stomach like it belonged there, the baby kicking happily to the music.  A flat foot pressed through Brian’s abdomen, and Freddie felt it against him.  
“Ooh, someone else likes dancing,” he said sweetly as he swayed along to the music with Brian in his arms.  
Brian flushed.  “I’m sorry,” he said.  “It’s hard not being in control of your own body.”  
Freddie tutted.  “There’s nothing to apologize for, darling.  Nothing sweeter than the miracle of life.”  
Freddie’s hands moved from Brian’s shoulders down to his waist, squeezing a little.  His hands were warm, and held Brian like a precious thing.  
“So,” he began, “I don’t mean to pry, but you came here alone.  Where is Mr. May?”  
Brian laughed bitterly. “There is no Mr. May.  There never was.  It’s just me and the little one.”  
Freddie nodded quietly before pulling him closer, the baby between them.  
“Are you excited?”  
Brian grunted.  “I’m scared to death.”
The music swirled between them, and the baby fluttered.  
Freddie squeezed Brian a little tighter.  
“You’re going to do fine.”
Brian sniffed, tears pooling in his eyes.  “How do you know?”  
Freddie hesitated.  “I…don’t. But, I would like to.  Know, that is.  If you would let me.”
Brian withdrew, tears spilling down his face.  “Why?”
Freddie wiped them away with his thumb, his fingers smooth against Brian’s face.  “I want to get to know you better,” he said.  “You and the baby.”
Brian just blinked at him, not understanding.  
Freddie laughed.  “I like you dummy.  Do I have to spelling it out for you?”  
Then Brian smiled, and they kept on dancing.  
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“Falling Into You” / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
Maycury/Frian Week, Day Two!
Summary: Brian’s first day of Uni starts out with a few hitches, until he meets an enigmatic young man with a slight overbite.
Rating: T for totally Tame
Pairing: Frian...it’s Maycury/Frian week Ya’ll!
Words: 1101
Also on Ao3
It was the cusp of fall, and leaves swirled on the wet sidewalk in whimsical patters as Brian walked speedily through them, his head down and coat up against the wind.  It was the first day of University and, and, because the universe seemed aligned against him, he was late.
He entered the hallowed lecture hall, squinting at his schedule.  103B had to be around here somewhere; he could feel the panic rising with every passing moment as he held the small piece of paper in his tight grip.
Finally, the auditorium came into view.  He eased his way inside, enduring those panicked seconds of desperately trying to find a seat.  It was a packed house for the first day, and thankfully the professor still had her back turned.
Just when he thought he’d lost all hope, he saw a hand go up…an elegant hand with a dainty bend to the wrist waving him over.  Brian had no time to see who it belonged to (at this point, it didn’t matter).  He crawled and stumbled his way over grumbling students to get to the only open seat in the auditorium, finally turning to thank his savior.
Who was absolutely beautiful.  Brian’s breath caught a little, and not from the adrenaline of the whole getting to class late experience.  The stranger who had ushered him over had the most lovely brown eyes, kohl lined and chestnut, and glossy ebony hair that fell around his sharp cheekbones.  He was smiling widely at him, displaying a cute overbite.
“Thank you,” Brian mouthed silently, and the man only winked at him, flouncing his hair over his shoulder.  He scribbled something on his notebook and shoved it at Brian.
Your welcome Darling.  Seating here is a bitch.
Brian huffed out a laugh, drawing some harsh glares from nearby students.  He smiled, scribbling a note on his own notebook and pointing it in Freddie’s direction.  I’m Brian. :)
Freddie’s eyes sparkled as he wrote and showed him his own notebook.  Freddie.  He had dotted his "i" with a little heart, and something about that made Brian’s stomach flutter.
“Ahem, gentleman,” the professor said a little snidely.  “This is English 101, not grade school.  You can pass notes at recess.”
Titters of laughter passed through the auditorium, and Brian’s face grew hot.  Freddie only laughed along, tossing his hair over his shoulder.
The rest of the class stretched long and rather boring, the professor keeping them for the entire time even though it was the first day.  When they finally dismissed, Brian turned to Freddie.
“Um, thank you again,” he said a little shyly.  “I don’t know what I would’ve done if it wasn’t for you.”
Freddie laughed.  “Sat on the floor I imagine darling!”
Brian laughed softly.  “Quite right.”
“Um, do you have another class?”
Freddie hefted his books on one hip.  “I’m free until three.”
Brian worried his lip.  “How about some tea?  I know a coffee shop that’s just down the way…it’s small and—“
A bright smile split Freddie’s face.  “Lovely! I could use a cuppa tea.”  He slipped his books in his backpack and hoisted it on one shoulder.  “Lead the way love.”
The Common Grounds was a quaint little coffee shop frequented by university students with a dark green faded storefront and inviting hand-painted sign.  Brian held the door for Freddie as they ducked under the climbing ivy and joined the queue with the rest of the customers.
Freddie had been quiet for most of the journey, softly humming to himself, or commenting on how pretty the leaves were this time of year.  The silence had been companionable though, not awkward at all.
“What do you think you’ll have?” Brian inquired of Freddie, bending slightly because of his height.
Freddie smiled.  “Mmm, what I always get at coffee shops.  “Darjeeling with milk.”
Brian pursed his lips.  “Darjeeling?  Reallly?”
Freddie hummed.  “Yes, it’s my favorite.  Reminds me of my mum.”
Brian smiled at that before placing his own order for Early Grey.
They ordered some biscuits to go with their tea and settled at one of the back tables.  There weren’t many people in the little shop, and for that Brian was grateful.  He liked quiet spaces with room to think, and meeting Freddie had given him plenty to think about.
Freddie settled with his Darjeeling and sipped at it experimentally.  A pleased hum escaped his lips, and he closed his eyes.
Brian drummed his fingers over his lips, wanting to ask a question of Freddie that had been pushing at his brain since that morning.
“There was someone else who came in with me…why did you wave me over instead of him?”
Freddie took his time in answering, and took another sip of his tea.
“I liked your curly hair,” he said simply.
Brian thought about it for a moment, and then laughed a little too loudly.
Freddie looked stymied.  “What?”
“You mean to tell me that the only thing that saved me from sitting on the floor is this mop of hair?”
Freddie looked defensively over his teacup.  “Well, it’s very nice.  It looks soft.”
Brian felt emboldened.  “Do you want to find out?”
Freddie flushed, setting his teacup down.  “Why Brian!”
Brian shrugged.  “I’m going to be a scientist.  It makes sense to me that someone would want to experiment.”
Freddie smiled.  “Well I’m going to be an artist.  So it makes sense to me that someone would want to touch and feel things.”
His hand went out to tentatively stroke Brian’s soft curls. He let his hand bury a little deeper, eventually caressing his scalp.  A little ahhh sound escaped his lips before he withdrew partially, but not completely, hand still hovering near Brian’s face.
“You know what else looks soft?  These lips.” A strange fire lit Freddie’s eyes as he flicked his gaze down to Brian’s mouth.  “Mind if I find out for myself?”
Brian swallowed.  “I would be a bad scientist to deny you,” he said a little breathlessly.
Freddie swept the pad of his thumb over Brian’s bottom lip, then, unsatisfied, leaned over the small café table and met his lips with Brian’s.
The kiss was chaste but electric, Brian’s head going back just a touch to accommodate the feeling of fusion, the warm buzz and whirlwind of emotion rushing through him.
They finally parted with a breathless “ah,” each of them returning to their side of the table.  The tea was cool now, but there was a new warmth present, low and swirling, exciting and new…a new relationship was brewing.
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jessahmewren · 5 years
Omg omg I've had this stuck in my mind for a longer time but could you please write a one shot about Frian and it'd be Freddie teaching Brian how to kiss?? Like small kiss, then bigger and bigger until it'd eventually turn into a long make out and slightly wilder teaching lesson? It's okay if you won't I just liked this so much, and also I love youuuu
Got carried away with this sweetness!  I really hope you enjoy it!
“Just relax darling. I promise I won’t bite.  That is, unless you want me to.”  
Brian blushed, his high cheeks growing red and blotchy, and he hated himself for it.  Freddie only giggled though, kissing the little spots fondly as he stroked his hands up his sides.  
He envied Freddie…all of this intimacy came so easy to him. And he was so beautiful…the way he moved, the way he looked, the way he dressed.  Just now, with his sparkling brown eyes, warm tan skin, and his soft lips.  Brian could scarcely believe he was interested in someone like him.  
Brian was tall and gangling. His arms were long.  His fingers were thin.  He was gawky rather than graceful.  He didn’t like the way he moved.  He thought he was too thin.  
But here he was on the couch at Freddie’s flat, the singer’s arms around him, gold bracelets shining in the lamplight, his lips inches from his.
His lips inches from his.
Brian pulled away abruptly, his heart in his throat.  “Um, maybe we should watch a movie Freddie.  I hear there’s something good on Channel 2.”  
He was sweating, he was sure of it, while Freddie just sat there a little bewildered.  Then he felt a warm hand on his arm.  
“I don’t want to watch a movie, sweetheart.  I want to kiss you.”  Freddie sought his eyes, finally catching them.  “I’ve wanted to for the longest time.  Now why don’t you want to kiss me, hmm?”
Brian’s cheeks flamed.
“Don’t act like I haven’t noticed, dear.”
“I—I love you Freddie. I do,” Brian began, “I just—“
Freddie held up a braceleted arm.  “I know you love me darling.  I just want to help is all.”  He smiled, his eyes soft.  “I’m not mad at you sweetheart.”  
Brian sighed, swallowing hard.  
“I don’t know how,” he finally said.
Freddie blinked once like he didn’t hear him, until it finally registered.  To his credit, he didn’t act surprised.  He just waved his hand.  “Pish posh love, you don’t need to know how to kiss.  You just need lips and a good partner.”  He winked at him.  “And lucky for you I’m a very good kisser.”  
Brian’s pulse quickened. “But will you uh…will you teach me?”
Freddie eyes lit in a warm smile.  “It would be my honor, love.  But under one condition,” he said as he waggled his finger.  “That once you become Britain’s Greatest Snogger you don’t go around kissing every boy you meet.  I’m selfish, you see.”  
Brian laughed, relaxing a bit more.  “I only want to kiss you Freddie,” he said, beaming.
Freddie smiled.  “Oh kaaay, well I was just making sure. Kissing instruction is highly technical business, you see, and I just want to get a good return on my investment.”
“Oh sod off, Freddie,” Brian said, still laughing, “and let’s get on with it, yeah?”
Freddie laughed. “Eager little thing.  Well alright.  Come here love.  I’m just going to kiss you now so you know how it feels to have someone’s lips against yours.  Is that ok?”
“Yeah,” Brian said, all serious now.  He wasn’t as nervous as he was before, but the excitement of having Freddie’s lips on his was beginning to stir in his belly.  
Freddie leaned in, gently pressing his lips to Brian’s, kissing him softly.  He pulled away almost as quickly, studying Brian’s face.
“You can open your eye’s now darling,” Freddie whispered.  
Brian opened his eyes, and Freddie was looking at him so fondly it made his heart ache.  “I didn’t realize I had closed them,” Brian said a little dazed.  
Freddie smiled. “That’s half the magic, love…something your body does automatically, like breathing.”
Brian nodded, taking it all in.  His lips still tingled from the gentle little kiss, and he wanted more, so much more.  
“Alright Bri, now you kiss me.”
Brian looked positively panic-stricken.  “H-how?”
“Don’t overthink it darling. Just press your lips against mine. Go on now.  Do what feels natural.  Let your body take over.  Come on. Kiss me.”
Brian started to lean into Freddie then stopped midway.  “What do I do with my hands?”
Freddie blew out a breath. “Babe, you’re overthinking this. Bloody kiss me right now.  The rest will figure itself out.”  
Brian nodded, leaning in until Freddie closed the distance and their lips pressed together and suddenly he was kissing Freddie, his soft lips pressed against his, the gentle nudge of his overbite nipping into his lip, and it was heavenly…the friction, the pressure, the soft presses of their bodies together.  He felt rather than willed his hands move up Freddie’s chest to wrap around his shoulders, and he marveled at how this could happen, how his body knew what to do when his mind could be so clueless.  He opened his mouth to say that exact thing, when Freddie opened his against him and gently nudged his mouth with his tongue.
He jolted back, instantly separating them.  He stared in wonder at Freddie, speechless for a moment.  “I don’t know how to do that thing,” he stammered uselessly. “With the tongue will you teach me the thing with the tongue?”
His heart raced and his crotch was straining his trousers.  Just holding Freddie was usually not enough to do that, but this was something entirely new…entirely different, and Brian wanted more of this new thing.
“You silly man,” Freddie teased.  “Yes I will teach you the ‘tongue thing.’” He said, laughing.  “Come back and kiss me first.”  
Brian did, more confidently this time, enjoying the press of Freddie’s lips, the softness of them, until Freddie pulled away.  
“Now kissing that way is very intimate, Brian.  You can’t just thrust your tongue in someone’s mouth.  You have to go about things delicately.  Invite your way in.  So when you kiss me next, I want you to slip your tongue between my lips and see if I meet it with mine.  Then we’ll work out our own rhythm.  Let me take the lead this time, ok?  But go ahead and initiate it so you can get a feel for it.”
Brian was excited as he pressed his lips to Freddie’s.  He slipped his tongue between his lips, just a touch, feeling high off the wet warmth of Freddie’s mouth until Freddie’s tongue touched his and began stroking against his own.  
Brian moaned relaxing into Freddie’s mouth, stroking alongside Freddie’s tongue as it made sweeping, undulating motions and lazy swirls. Freddie moaned a few times too, and it made Brian happy that he was at least enjoying himself.  
Freddie finally withdrew, his eyes dark and wild.  “Gotta come up for air some time babydoll.”  
Brian laughed, his cheeks flushed with desire rather than embarrassment.  He looked and Freddie was just as flushed.  
“Well well,” Freddie said with glint in his eyes.  “Look who learned how to kiss.”  
Brian smiled broadly, truly proud of his progress.  “Can I try it again?”
Freddie just stared. “Darling, get over here,” he said as he pulled him close.
Brian kissed him again, taking his time and leading Freddie through a long and leisurely kiss that left them both panting.  He withdrew, looking up at Freddie shyly.  “What if I want to kiss you other places,” he said.
Freddie just smiled. “Then you should do what feels right sweetheart.  This isn’t an exact science.”  
Brian smiled, his lips dipping below Freddie’s chiseled jaw to kiss along his neck.  He opened his mouth, experimenting with his tongue and sucking briefly at his pulse, letting the way Freddie’s breathing changed guide what he did next.  
He pulled off his neck, peppering the red skin with little kisses as if to soothe a new hurt.  “How was that,” Brian whispered against his skin. “I mean, was that ok?”
Freddie took his head between his hands, pulling his face up so he could look at him.  
“Best Snogger in Britain,” he said quietly.  “And I’m hard as a diamond.”  He took Brian’s hand and moved it to his straining erection.  Brian’s eyes grew wide.  “You feel  that lovely? You did that.  All with that talented mouth of yours.”
Brian bit his lip, his mouth descending on Freddie once more.  “I had a good teacher,” he said into Freddie’s mouth.  “And I bet there’s a lot more you can teach me.”  
Freddie smiled against him. “I can hardly wait.”
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jessahmewren · 5 years
Okay so what if, as a birthday gift for Brian, Freddie told him that he's expecting and they're gonna have a baby???? 👀💓
Ok, I got this in here hopefully in time for Brian’s bday in most timezones LOL.  This is for my Frian and mpreg fans!  Hope you enjoy!
Freddie held the white stick in his hand, the pink plus sign glaring brightly. He could hardly believe it himself, even after three weeks of hiding behind blousy shirts and pretending to be full at dinner because of an upset stomach.  But tonight was the night.  Brian’s birthday party.  He could finally stop skulking around in secret and celebrate his wonderful news with the man he loves.  
He carefully hollowed out the book he’d bought and placed the pregnancy test inside.  The title was perfect.  Dreams Come True: A Guide to Following Your Heart.  Some cheesy self-help book, but it was just right for housing Brian’s real present.
Freddie carefully wrapped the book in wrapping paper and tied it with a pretty bow, then set about ordering dinner.  
When Brian got home, he greeted him with a lingering kiss.  “Happy Birthday, my love.  Would you like to eat first, or open presents?”  
Brian smiled, stroking his face.  His eyes lit like a child’s.  “Let’s have presents,” he said sweetly, and sat down in an armchair nearest the couch, motioning for Freddie to perch in his lap.  With a nervous breath, Freddie handed him his wrapped present.  
He tore open the package, reading the cover of the book with interest.  Then, he opened it up.  
There, in the hollowed out pages, was the pregnancy test and its obvious positive result.  
Brian’s hands shook as he removed the little stick.  His mouth was a perfect “O” as he looked between the test and Freddie, and his face broke out into the most beautiful smile.  
“A baby?  We’re—we’re having a baby Freddie?”  
Freddie shook his head enthusiastically, a silly grin on his face.
In wonderment, Brian touched Freddie’s tummy, feeling the smooth flesh beneath his clothes.  “How far along?” he asked.  
Freddie was still smiling. “Two months.  Maybe more.  I’m so puffy,” he whined.  
Brian kissed his lips. “You’re beautiful.” He said.  “And our baby will be beautiful too.”
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jessahmewren · 5 years
Hi! I love your works, especially those with Fred. Could I request some Frian making up after a fight in the studio or during a reharsal ( maybe after the famous ' nye nye nye nye' 😊)?
Ah hon, thank you!  I love this prompt.  Here you go my dear! I hope you enjoy! 
Brian tried to focus on his playing, but the way Freddie had mocked him kept ringing through his ears. Ni ni ni.  Did he really sound like that?
His cheeks burned as his hands flew across the strings.  Roger stopped drumming.  “God Bri, you’re really flying now.”  
“Sorry,” he said, a little flustered.  “Don’t want anyone saying I’m creeping through it.”  His eyes flashed to Freddie, who had his arms folded across his chest.
“I think we need to take five,” John said finally.  “Take a breather.  Regroup.”
“Or ten,” Roger called out, exasperated.  “Some people have some issues to work out.”  He stalked off, his sticks in his back pocket, fishing for a cigarette.
Freddie approached Brian, lightly touching his arm.  An eyebrow went up in question.  “Truce?” he asked softly.  
Brian sniffed at that. “Truce or cease fire?”
Freddie laughed, grabbing Brian’s arm and pulling him outside.  “Come on, I need to smoke.”
Freddie leaned on the railing outside the studio, and Brian settled alongside him.  He lit a cigarette, the blue-grey smoke clouding his face before he blew through it.  “I’m sorry,” he muttered miserably.  
Brian frowned.  “Wow, that must’ve been hard for you,” he added as he playfully jabbed at Freddie’s shoulder with his own.  
“Bugger off,” Freddie said, laughing.  
“I’m sorry too,” Brian said, sighing.  “I should never have let it get that far.  It was just a stupid argument.”
Freddie took a drag on his cigarette. “I was being petty,” he mumbled.  
Brian shrugged.  “But you’re always petty.”  
Freddie smirked.  “Cheeky.”  
“You love it.”  
“Ni ni ni.”  
“Oh sod it,” Brian said as he kissed Freddie soundly on the mouth.  Freddie gasped, surprised, then leaned into the kiss, letting his tongue dart out to smooth alongside Brian’s.  
“Why did you do that?” he asked Brian as he caught his breath.  His pupils were blown wide, and the hand holding his cigarette was shaking a little.  
Brian only smiled.  “To shut you up, of course.”  
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“i didn’t know it could be like this” Chapter 10: Relationships / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Summary: Brian and Freddie consider their future with John and Roger. 
Rating E: A smidge of smut
Pairing: Frian 
Words 1750
Also on AO3
Tagging @the-beatle-queen and @morewyckedthanyou
Freddie sat back on his heels, hands secured behind his back.  The blindfold he wore was loose enough that his long eye lashes brushed the soft silk, and he let his lids open experimentally, seeing if any light would come through.
None did.  But he could feel Brian moving around him, the little dips and creaks of the mattress bending under his weight.  A soft hand fell on his shoulder, trailing down his arm.
“You’re so beautiful like this,” Brian murmured softly.  His hands were warm on his skin, inviting, and the chill of the room bade him lean into the touch just a little more until he was nearly tipping off his knees.
Freddie huffed.  “You’re making me wait.”  He could feel the pout twisting his face, and he didn’t need the blindfold off to know that Brian was smiling at him.  He always liked it when Freddie got petulant.
Brian tutted, trailing a smooth fingertip through the dark hair on Freddie’s chest.  “You’ve been so good,” Brian cooed.  “Surely you can be good a while longer?”
Brian’s hand stopped at the dark thatch of curls, and Freddie’s cock twitched.  “I want to be good,” he almost whispered.
Freddie nearly gasped as Brian sealed his mouth over his, tongue sliding in easily.  One of Brian’s hands went up to caress Freddie’s face as he kissed the breath from him, the other trailing lower, sliding down his side to settle at his hip.
“Bri…Bri please.”
Brian ignored him, lips trailing over the sharp angle of his jaw to nip at his neck, causing Freddie’s breath to hitch.  Brian took his time, languishing at Freddie’s neck, sinking his fingers in his hair and tugging Freddie’s head back for better access…feasting on the man until he’d had his fill.
“Darling,” Freddie panted, “I need you.”
Brian smiled against him, nipping at his shoulder.  “You’ve got me, my love.  Always.”
Freddie nibbled his lip.
Brian trailed a hand down Freddie’s chest, finally touching him.  Brian’s hand was almost cool on his overheated skin, and he arched into his touch.
“I thought you said you were going to be good.”
Freddie nodded his head furiously, saying nothing while Brian poured lube into his hand and began working his fist over Freddie’s length.  The pressure was delicious, Brian applying just enough to drive Freddie mad, and he let his head fall back against his shoulders as Brian worked his cock.
“Does that feel good my love?”  Brian was resting his forehead on Freddie’s shoulder as he jerked him off, peppering the skin there with little kisses.
Freddie grunted.  “Untie me Bri.  Let me help you.”
Brian kissed him, his wrist quickening on Freddie’s cock.  “Who said I need help?”  He caught Freddie’s lower lip between his teeth, pulling a little.  “Maybe I just want to see you come undone.” He could feel Freddie stiffen, his back arch.  He thumbed over Freddie’s slit, and watched his arms pull against his restraints as he spilled in his hand.
Freddie was breathing heavily, his body sagging over his spent cock as Brian untied his wrists. “There you go my love,” he whispered as he held him close.  “That was beautiful.”  He slipped off the blindfold and kissed his tearstained eyes.  “I could watch you come like that over and over.”
Freddie smiled, stretching his limbs.  “What about you?”
Brian shook his head.  “I’m fine.  Watching you was enough.”
Brian tucked him in close to him, pulling the blankets up around both of them.
“The boys are free tomorrow,” he said as he absently stroked Freddie’s hair.  “It’s been a long two months, but we made it.”
Freddie nodded, still a little blissed out.  He squeezed Brian’s hand where it lay on his arm.  “I’ve been thinking of that.”
Brian perked up.  “Yeah?”
“Yeah.  I mean, I’ve been wondering how things will be, once Roger and John are out of there for good.  I mean, I want to continue seeing them, don’t you?”
Brian smiled.  “Of course.”
Freddie worried his lip.  “I feel bad for them.”
“No, darling, don’t do that,” he said as he turned to face Brian.  “I do.  Not in a bad way.  But I just think they deserve so much more.  I know things have been working out really well and they’ve been saving money…Roger is a great help at the stall, and John has charmed everyone at the art department…but…”
Brian smoothed the hair away from Freddie’s face.  “Go ahead and say what you want to say love.”
“We’ve got the extra room,” Freddie said, his large brown eyes looking up at Brian.
Brian was quiet for a moment.
“It’s sitting there doing nothing, Brian, just holding some art supplies and an extra bed.”
Brian finally smiled, kissing his boyfriend on the forehead.
“This is why I love you,” he said.
The next day, Brian and Freddie were at the club as soon as it opened.  John and Roger were in their usual spots, talking quietly by the bar.  As Brian walked through the lobby of the now too-familiar club, he thanked the stars he would never have to set foot in it again.
When Roger saw them, his eyes lit up.  “Hey you two,” he said with a bright smile.  “John and I were just talking about you.”  
Freddie smiled.  “You’ve got an excellent topic then darling.”
John giggled, leaning into Roger.  There was an air of excitement surrounding them; as many times as they had done this, there was no doubt that this time was special.
Brian shuffled his feet, his eyes locked on Roger.  “So, do you want to go on up?”
Roger’s mouth quirked, and he dipped his head a bit.  “I actually thought I could go up with Freddie.  I wanted to talk to him.”  His blue eyes flicked up to Brian’s face.  “That’s ok with you, right?”
Brian was visibly surprised, but pulled him into a quick kiss.  “Of course love.”  He glanced over at John, his sweet face open and inviting.  “I’ve been meaning to have a chat with John myself.”
Freddie offered Roger his arm, his brown eyes sparkling.  “Shall we darling?”
Roger took it, following the man upstairs.
John looked at Brian, a nervous smile quirking his mouth.  “It’s just us now,” he said sweetly.
Brian laughed.  “So it is.  Why don’t we go upstairs and talk?”
Brian grabbed the young man’s hand and followed his lead behind Freddie and Roger.
Inside the room, Roger settled on the bed and motioned for Freddie to join him.  “I’ve been meaning to thank you,” he started haltingly.  “The last two months have been so nice, working with you at the stall.  I’ve gotten to know you a little better.”
Roger paused, a hesitant smile on his lips as he looked at Freddie under thick lashes.  Freddie put a hand on his arm, encouraging him to continue.
“I’d like to get to know you a bit more, if you would like that too.”
Freddie’s heart flipped.  “That would be lovely darling.  I would love to get to know you better.  Why, I already think you’re just wonderful.”
Roger blinked up at him, clear blue eyes open and imploring.  “You do?”
Freddie gave a little laugh.  “Well of course, silly.  You’re smart, funny, and caring, not to mention very beautiful.”  He stopped to tuck a strand of blond hair behind Roger’s ear.  “That all sounds wonderful to me.”
Roger eyes were wet, and he blinked rapidly, an unwitting tear falling down his smooth cheek. “You really think that about me?”
Freddie wiped it away with his thumb.  “Why, darling, you’re acting like you never hear those things.  I know John tells you he loves you.”
Their faces had grown closer, and Freddie now held Roger’s face in one of his hands.
“Yeah,” Roger said a little breathlessly, “but you don’t love me like that.  Do you?”
Freddie’s eyes strayed to his lips.  “I believe I could.”
When they kissed, it was a soft buzzing in Roger’s head…tingles under his skin and the gentle pressure of Freddie’s lips against his and Roger wondered, through it all, why in all those hours at the stall at Kensington, had they not done this before.
“Freddie really likes spending time with you, John.”
Brian was sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing the young man.  John had his hands folded primly in his lap, and he was sitting adorably on his knees.
“I really love spending time with him too,” he said, the little eye crinkles showing in his smile.  “He’s very kind.”
Brian nodded.  “Freddie’s a good man. That’s part of the reason I love him.”
John smiled.  “You two are good together.”
Brian patted his knee.  “We are. But so are you and Freddie.  It’s funny how those things work.”
John blushed.  “What things?”
John’s eyes widened.  “Oh.  I never considered Freddie and I being in a relationship before.”
Brian chuckled.  “No?  Well, you don’t have to label it if you don’t feel comfortable.  As long as it feels good.”
Brian traced absent patterns with his fingertips on the comforter, feeling the weight of the room.
“You know John, I’m really pleased you’ve fit in so well at the art department at Freddie’s school.  Freddie says you’re quite the hand.”
John blushed again.  “I quite good at fixing things.  And it feels good to be helpful.  I’m so thankful to the both of you for helping Roger and me.”
Brian only smiled.  “You both deserve it.”
John ducked his head a little before looking up.  “I know we haven’t spent a lot of time together, but I’m keen on changing that.  I find you…interesting.”
Brian perked up.  “Really?”
John smiled.  “Why, sure.  You play the guitar, and you’re very kind, just like Freddie, and you’ve made a tremendous sacrifice just to keep me and Roger safe, not to mention how good you are to Rog…I want to know more about you.  That is, if you’ll let me.”
Brian’s head spun.  How did he tell him?  How did he tell him that ever since they’d met, he’d yearned to understand the unique contrasts of this deceptively shy appearing man who had Dommed Freddie with such aplomb?  He had burned with it.
“That’s something I want very much John,” he said instead.
Suddenly John sprang off his knees, arms going around his neck in a firm hug.  His body felt incredible against his, both supple and strong, and Brian’s hands went around him to pull him even closer.  John pulled back, a brief smile evident before placing a chaste kiss to his lips.
Brian’s last thoughts were how sweet his lips were, soft and warm, and how he could scarcely wait for more.
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jessahmewren · 5 years
Hello! If you dont mind Frian again and a bit of smut, your last post with IWTBF photos gave me an idea. What about Brian fucking Freddie after filming, with Freddie still being in his costume, including high heels, tiny lace pants and mini leather skirt?
I don’t mind at all!  Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!  
“Not so fast, Missy.”
Brian’s hold on Freddie’s arm was firm, but not bruising,meant to only stay his forward motion. Freddie looked up at the tall man from under his bangs, pursing hispainted lips.  
“You think you can prance around here all day in that skirtand those heels and me not do anything about it?”  His fingers curled around his upper arm, andhe licked his lips.  “I saw the way youwere pushing that vacuum…swaying those hips.” Brian’s eyes flicked to Freddie’s. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”
Freddie flipped his hair nonchalantly.  “What makes you think I didn’t want you to”he said flippantly.  
Brian’s hand traveled down to squeeze at the pleatherskirt.  “Coquette,” he growled.  He turned Freddie around and bent him overthe prop sofa on the set.  “Gonna fuckthat out of you,” Brian growled, a hand moving up a stockinged thigh.  “What have we got in the way of lube aroundhere?”  
“Vaseline,” Freddie grunted out.  “In my dressing room.”  
Brian was back with the small pot, tucking it behind him as hecontinued his explorations.  Freddie’sbreath caught as two hands roughly handled the hem of his skirt pushing it upover his waist.  
“Are you—are you sure the set is clear darling?”  
Brian chuckled.  “Thatwould be exciting, wouldn’t it?  To becaught with your pretty bum in the air and me pounding into it.”  Brian gave it a light slap.  “Sadly, there’s not a soul here.”
Freddie just moaned, eyes rolling softly under his thicklashes.  
Brian ripped the pantyhose, the satisfying tearing soundringing through the empty space.  Beneaththem, he found a lovely pair of tiny lace knickers.  
“Oh my,” Brian said as he ran his fingers over the filigree patters.  “Don’t these look lovely?  How do they feel baby doll?”
“Fabulous,” Freddie replied, twisting slightly in Brian’stight grasp.  
Brian smiled.  “Ibet.”  In one swift movement, he had themdown around Freddie’s knees.
Brian nudged Freddie’s feet apart, shredded stockingsdrooping around the little kitten heels he wore.  The sight of seeing Freddie spread open andutterly ruined for him had him incredibly hard…he’d keep him that way foreverif he could.  
“Gonna open you up now princess, if you’re not already slickfor me.  Let me see, have you made a messof yourself for me?”
Brian’s hand went around Freddie’s waist, then dipped lowerto tease at his cock.  Indeed, there weredrops of precum leaking from the head.  
Brain tsked.  “Naughtygirl,” he said shaking his head.  
Brian slicked his fingers in Vaseline, then gently circledFreddie’s rim.  Freddie pushed back onhim, demanding more until he finally pushed in, having teased him to the pointof madness.  
A long aaaahh sound came from Freddie’s lips, and he soughtfriction against the back of the couch. Brian let him, easing his fingers inand out of him as he probed his tight heat with two, then three fingers.  
Freddie keened, head burrowing in the pillows and fistsclenching into the cushions.  “Fuck mealready Bri,” he stuttered out.  “Get onwith it.”  
Brian gave him a sharp smack on the bum, causing him tojolt.  “So impatient, my lovely.”  He pulled out the fingers all the same,standing back a moment to watch Freddie writhing and wet, bent over the of thecouch with his skirt around his waist and his panties around his knees.  
Brian pushed into him slowly, by inches, wanting to savorthe feeling of his tight warmth wrapping around him like a vice.  Freddie moaned, exhaling softly until he wasfinally seated, then pushing back into him, eager for him to move.  
Freddie clenched around him, the feeling of Brian fillinghim up completely, stealing his breath. Brian fucked him properly, like he wouldn’t break, his hands dug intohis hips and a moan on his lips.  
It was all still a bit surreal to Brian.  He’d thought about fucking Freddie all daylong, had been half-hard the entire shoot, but here he was, having his way withthe living wet dream right here on the set of the music video and he knew hewasn’t going to last.  Not a chance.  
He lifted Freddie’s hips a bit off the couch, increasing theangle so he would be sure to hit him in just the right spot, and Freddie criedout at the change, his legs trembling, threatening to topple in the heels hewore.  He began rutting against thecouch, and from the way he was clenching, Brian could tell he was close.  
“It’s ok sweet girl, just let go.  I’ve got you.”  
With a few last stuttering thrusts, Brian came, thenFreddie, painting the couch in his come. Brian slipped out of him and then held the shivering man against him as hecame down from his orgasm.
“Fuck, that was good,” Freddie sighed, and then burst into alaugh.  
Brian chuckled too, smoothing Freddie’s wig into place.  
“Come on,” Brian said as they walked to Freddie’s dressingroom.  “Let’s get you changed.”
Freddie followed him out of the studio, straighteninghis skirt.  “And then, maybe round two?”
Brian smiled.  “Maybe.”  
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jessahmewren · 5 years
Some Frian platonic making out?
Here you go dear!  Sorry for the long wait!  
“Don’t you want to watch the movie,” Freddie replied breathlessly. His eyes were large as he looked up into his best friend’s flushed face.  Brian shook his head, his curls bouncing.  “Wanna fool around,” he said instead, biting his lip.  
Freddie giggled.  “What about John?  You guys are dating.”  
Brian kissed his lips, taking his time as he cupped his face, feeling the faint stubble there.  
“It’s not like that with us, and you know it Freddie.”  He rested his forehead against Freddie’s, sharing his breath.  “Don’t you just want to feel good?”  
Freddie pulled back a little so he could look at Brian.  His eyes were soft and his lips were still shiny from their kiss.  “Yeah,” Freddie breathed.  “I do.”
Brian smiled then, and pull him down into another kiss.  His arms went around him, settling at his waist as his tongue plunged inside his mouth.  Freddie moaned, his head going back for Brian to smooth down his neck. Brian took the hint, his mouth sliding easily down Freddie’s throat, nipping the tight tendons there and sucking little marks in the soft flesh.  
Freddie closed his eyes, his hands tight around Brian’s neck. Maybe it was ok to just feel good sometimes.  
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“Feeling the Beat of My Heart” / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
For a lovely anon who wanted some Frian kissing in a bar setting.  Here you go love!  I hope you like the funky Hot Space vibe!  
Summary:  Brian has always loved Freddie, but does Freddie feel the same?  Or, a drunken night in Munich reveals all.  
Rated E: Everyone be aware here be smut
Pairings: Brian May/Freddie Mercury
Words: 1625
Also on AO3
tagging @morewyckedthanyou
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough Fred?”  The club they were in was pulsing with life, bodies pressed against each other, slicked with sweat, fueled with substances, teaming with a vibe all its own.
Brian watched as the Freddie tipped his head, his sinuous throat downing the shot in one smooth motion.
Freddie laughed, the sound quickly swallowed up by the music, and daintily wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he called for another round.  It was Munich, and they were out every night.
“Brian, darling, don’t be so dull.”  His sparkling eyes, warm cocoa in the light of the disco, regarded Brian with no small measure of mirth.
Still, the little barb stung.
Brian fixed his mouth, his eyes shifting to the half empty mug of beer in front of him.  “Just care about you is all,” he muttered to no one.  Freddie didn’t even hear him, engaged in an animated story with a few groupies who seemed to hang on his every word.
Roger and John were long gone, having retired back to their flat to celebrate a productive day in the studio.  Sometimes, Brian was jealous of what they had.  Although he and Freddie were mates and had been forever, it wasn’t quite the same as having someone to share your life with.  Someone you knew would be there no matter what.
He sighed as the last of the groupies dispersed, grabbing Freddie lightly by the arm.  “C’mon love,” he said.  “Let’s get you home.”
Freddie pouted, leaning heavily into Brian with a sigh.  “Nooo,” he crooned into Brian’s neck.  “Just one more darling.”
Brian’s stomach twisted, tightening with warmth as Freddie’s lips moved against his neck.  “You’ve had too much already,” Brian said, his voice sounding thin and airy to his own ears.
Freddie opened his mouth, pressing his lips to Brian’s pulse.  “Briannnn,” he almost purred, his breath catching on the end.  Brian could feel short hair scrub against his shoulder, then Freddie’s nose nudging his chin.  His heart seized in his chest.
“You’re drunk Fred,” he said flatly, his face flushing as the singer pawed at him, his lips still mouthing the smooth skin of Brian’s neck.  
Freddie ignored him.  He kitten-licked a sensitive area behind his ear, and Brian couldn’t suppress a moan.
“He’s alive!” Freddie teased, and continued working on that little spot until Brian forcibly pushed him away.
“I said no Freddie.”
Brian’s cheeks were red, and there were unshed tears sparkling in his eyes.
Freddie’s face fell, and his hands shook a little as he needlessly straightened his collar.  “I’m sorry Bri.  I didn’t mean to offend,” he said a little unsteadily.
Brian swallowed hard, running a hand through his curly hair.  “You didn’t,” he said.  “And I’m not.  I just don’t think you’re thinking clearly.”  He looked down at his empty hands.  “Don’t want you regretting anything in the morning.”
Freddie looked at him, his brown eyes full of depth.  “I never regret anything,” Freddie said, his eyes traveling over Brian’s face.  “Is that what you are afraid of?”
Brian’s cheeks flamed, and he grabbed one of the shots Freddie had left on the table and downed it in one go.  He coughed, and Freddie laughed.
“Fucking lightweight.”
“Fuck you,” Brian shot back.
Freddie’s mouth tugged up at the corner.  “You could if you like.”
Brian stared at him, his mouth slightly open, and reached for another shot.  Back. Down. Done.
Freddie eyed him, waiting.  “You gonna say something May?”
“You’re drunk,” Brian said.
“So are you, by this point.”
Brian’s mouth twitched, and he felt a warm hand on his inner thigh, traveling up, up, until it was settled at the juncture of his thighs.
“I want to kiss you,” Freddie said.  “I’ve wanted to when I’m sober.”
Brian looked at him, eyes wide.  “Me too,” he confessed.  He could scarcely believe he was saying it.
Freddie smiled, the hand on his thigh drifting higher, knuckles brushing Brian’s growing erection.
Freddie grazed him with his fingers, just a touch, and traveled higher up across Brian’s flat stomach, causing the flesh there to quicken.  And suddenly the thrumming music, the lights, the alcohol, all began to coalesce into a kaleidoscope of pleasure, sweeping him along as Freddie’s hands guided him like the rudder on a ship.
Freddie swept a thumb over his lips, teasing his mouth open.  He sighed.
“You want this,” Freddie whispered.  “You’ve wanted this for a long time.”
A tear slipped down the slope of his cheek, and Freddie caught it with his tongue.  “Yes,” Brian breathed.  “But I didn’t know if you did.”  He looked over at Freddie, his eyes still wet.  “I still don’t.”  Brian swallowed, his eyes fluttering.  “I don’t want to be just a one night stand, Freddie, you mean too much to me for that.”
Freddie stroked the side of his face, his eyes impossibly soft.  “How could I want anyone but you, Bri?”  He slipped his thumb inside Brian’s mouth, and Brian suckled it gently.  “All of those other men were only substitutes, because I wasn’t sure I could ever have you.”  ­­­­­­
Freddie pulled his thumb out with a wet plop, smearing it clean on Brian’s cheek.  “You can have me,” Brian said breathlessly.  “All of me.”  Brian moved forward, their noses brushing as Freddie slotted his lips against his.
It was messy and imperfect, Freddie’s mustache tickling his nose, the gentle rasp of his chapped lips and the dart of his hot tongue, but Brian moaned into the heat, head going back as Freddie pressed him tightly to him.
Brian clung to him, his hands roaming over the firm planes of chest, over Freddie’s shoulders and up to cradle his face in his hands.
They broke apart, breathing heavily, Freddie’s hands traveling lower to hover over Brian’s fly.
“Can’t wait to see what you can do with those long fingers of yours, Bri,” he said with a grin, working a hand into Brian’s pants.  He got his fingers around his cock, and Brian moaned into his mouth.
“Freddie,” Brian gasped as he kissed him again.  “Not in the club,” he managed around a low whine.  “Someone will see us.”
Freddie only smiled, fondling Brian’s balls and giving Brian a quick stroke.  “I hope they do, lovely.”  He descended on Brian’s neck again, nipping his way around across his throat, marking him.
Brian moaned, melting in Freddie’s embrace.  He had been kissed, but not like this.  Never like this.  Freddie was unraveling him, bit by bit.  He could feel himself slipping away with every pulse of the music, every beat of his heart.
“I can’t wait to ride this cock,” Freddie said, biting his ear.  “Can’t wait to feel how it’s gonna fill me up.”  He swept his thumb over Brian’s sensitive head and he jerked in his arms.
Brian’s mouth was dry, and he was making shallow thrusts into Freddie’s palm.  His hair was a mess, his lips were swollen, and Freddie had marked up his neck; he could feel the blood pooling beneath the skin.
“God Freddie, I’m gonna come right here in this club,” Brian strained through gritted teeth.
Freddie looked at him.  He was beautifully flushed and his usually hazel eyes were dark and wild in the strobing disco lights.  Freddie removed his hand.
“I’m being awfully cruel,” Freddie soothed.  “What I really need to do is kiss it and make it better,” Freddie sighed, easing to his knees beneath the table.  “Scoot up for me sweetheart,” Freddie said as he tapped Brian’s inner thigh.  “Gonna get you off now.”
Brian’s cheeks burned as he parted his knees, scooting forward in the darkened booth.  He could feel the air hit his cock, followed by Freddie’s warm breath, and he had to grip the seat to stop the full body tremor that went through him.
Freddie licked the underside of Brian’s cock, his tongue tracing a vein before pressing the flat of it to Brian’s slit.  The shudder that went through him when he sank down onto Brian, tasting the bitter saltiness of him, digging his nails into the meat of his thighs, sent shockwaves down his spine.
In the dark of the floor under the table, his senses were heightened.  He could feel Brian’s heat, the press and slide of him in his throat, could smell Brian’s musk, the sweat and salt of him, could see the whites of his knuckles shining in the dark.
A heavy hand suddenly caressed his head, silking the strands through his dexterous fingers.  Freddie hummed around Brian, bobbing his head as he took himself into his hand.
“I love you,” Brian whispered, “and not because you have my cock in your mouth.”
Freddie squeezed Brian’s thighs, hollowing his cheeks around Brian until he was thrusting up into his mouth.  His hand on his own cock sped up, gathering the precum and smoothing it down his member to help ease the way.
Freddie pulled off him, breathing heavy.  “I know you do,” he said, and the little puffs of breath alone on the head of his cock was enough to send Brian spiraling.  “How you doing up there?”
“Nearly gone,” Brian breathed.  “You put your mouth back on me I’m done for Fred.”
Freddie smiled.  “Good.”
“Hey,” Brian said, catching his hand.  “Did you mean what you said Fred?  There won’t be any others?”
Freddie placed a gentle kiss to his inner thigh.  “Only you, my darling.  Every night for the rest of our lives.  That is, if you’ll have me.”
Brian stroked Freddie’s hair.  “Always, Freddie.  Forever,” as he felt the heat of Freddie’s mouth, and the music coursing through his body and the alcohol throbbing in his veins.
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jessahmewren · 5 years
This is for the anon who originally requested a nasty Frian fight . I ended things a little angsty, so here is the resolution anon! I hope you enjoy <3
When Brian returned to the flat, Freddie was sitting in the dark, a bottle of wine in his hand.  He didn’t turn around when he heard the door shut, not the way he usually did.  He just sat staring at the shut-off television, lost in his thoughts.  
“Brian,” he whispered.  “Please come talk to me.”
Brian sighed. He at least deserved to hear him out…after three years of dating he owed him that.  
He settled on the couch next to him, eyeing the half empty bottle of wine.  It was one of their best bottles, one they had been saving for a special occasion. I guess there was no need in saving it now.  Freddie was drinking straight from the bottle.
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking,” he began quietly.  “A lot.  And I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve been a right bastard.”  
Brian snorted, unable to stop the sound from coming from his mouth. Freddie looked at him, a blank expression on his face.  “I haven’t treated you fairly, Bri. I’ve taken advantage of your loyalty.  I’ve taken you for granted.  I’ve put my selfish needs and my ego in front of our relationship, which means everything to me, Bri.  It means everything to me.”  
A few tears slipped down Freddie’s cheek, and he swiped at them with his free hand.  Brian listened in silence, shoulders rigid and mouth slightly pinched.  
“You’re right to hate me,” Freddie said as he took another swig of wine.  “I hate myself…for what I’ve done and for what I am.”  
Brian reached out, his hand landing softly on Freddie’s dropped shoulder.  “I don’t hate you Freddie.  That’s part of the problem.  I love you. I love you so much.  If I hated you, things would be easier.”
Tears ran unchecked down Freddie’s face.  “I love you Bri,” he said in a rush, “and I’ve made a horrible mistake.  Please,” he said imploringly, looking up at Brian with bloodshot brown eyes, “I know I’ve broken your trust, but let me spend the rest of my life rebuilding it. Can you forgive me?”  
Brian’s heart fluttered in his chest. He reached up, softly stroking Freddie’s face.  “Do you want to be with other people,” he whispered.  
“No,” Freddie answered quickly.  “It’s all I’ve thought about since you’ve been gone.  Your hands, your lips.  They’re all I want. Exclusively.”  Freddie leaned in, his forehead against Brian’s.  “I don’t deserve them, but let me have them Bri.  I’ve missed you so much.”  
He dipped his head, seeking Freddie’s lips in a hungry kiss. Something inside of him just clicked, like the missing piece of a puzzle slipping into place, and he delved further into the kiss, his arms slipping around Freddie’s waist.  
“If you ever hurt me like that again, I’ll write a nasty song about you and make you sing it.  It will become a number one hit and you’ll have to live with that.”
Freddie only halfway smiled.  “Better than me having to live with myself.”
Brian reached for his chin, steadying it in front of his face. “Hey…I forgive you.  It’s done love.”  
Freddie kissed him then, sweet and slow, unbelieving how he could ever want anything more than this.  
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jessahmewren · 5 years
Oh my goodness could you please expand on that Frian platonic make out? I can't get enough of platonic frian it makes me soft and turns me on lol 😂
Ok, just a little more because I have a backlog of asks but you were so sweet to want more! 
“You want your shirt off baby?”
Freddie loved it when Brian called him little pet names...and the sound of ‘baby’ on his lips made him twitch in his pants.
“Mmm, please,” Freddie said wantonly, but Brian was already working the buttons on his shirt. 
Calloused fingers grazed over one of Freddie’s nipples, causing him to jerk and moan.  “You still want to watch the movie?” Brian teased, his eyes flashing fire.
Freddie’s smiled back at him.  “Just kiss me, you idiot.”  
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“Some Day, One Day” / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
A lovely anon asked for “Freddie falling from the stairs (or the stage) during a concert like in 1984 in Hanover, but this time it's Freddie from 70s and he is hurt more badly and everyone (boys, crew, roadies, crowd etc) is worried and scared. And Brian, when he is holding the unconscious Freddie, realized that he loves him more than just like a brother.“ and THIS is what I came up with :).  
Thank you so much for trusting me with your vision, dear.  I hope you enjoy it!  
Summary:  Brian's missing the one thing he's had all along...someone to share his life with. Or, it takes Freddie becoming injured to make Brian realize he could never live without him.
Pairing: Brian May/Freddie Mercury
Rating: T for Tame but Teasing
Word Count: 2159
Also on AO3
The rain was coming down in sheets, one of those storms that was known to blow in off the North Sea and just settle over a village until it had emptied its belly and moved on. 
Brian drove on, the wipers doing double time against the onslaught as he crept along the highway.  Freddie sat in the passenger seat, or rather reclined, one foot propped delicately on the dash as he sang scales. 
Roger was in the second row seat, answering him in a higher range. 
“Bugger off, the both of you,” John groused.  “You’re gonna blow your voices before we even get there.” 
Freddie smiled, smirking back at the young man.  “Why don’t you join us darling?  Oh, that’s right.  You can’t sing,” he said playfully. 
John frowned.  “I’d rather do one thing really well than a lot of things only better than average,” he spat back. 
Roger giggled, taunting Freddie with an “oooooh,” as Freddie opened his mouth to say more, when Brian slapped the steering wheel in frustration.  “That’s enough!” he exclaimed.  Driving the van in the storm had his nerves on edge, and coupled with his mates’ arguing he felt like he was losing his mind. 
The three boys grew quiet, waiting on Brian to say something.  “It’s been a long drive,” he said tiredly, the slosh of the windshield wipers nearly drowning out his voice.  “We’re all wired and we’ve still got to the show to do.  Let’s just get to the club and have a pint so we can put on a bloody good show.  Alright?”
Affirmative murmurs came from all members, and everyone grew quiet…until Deaky threw a guitar pick into Freddie’s hair. 
Freddie rounded on him, all giggles.  “Wanker!” 
“Bitch!” Deaky shot back.
“Oh God, the biggest,” Freddie said with a smile, and just like that they were all laughing, even Brian. 
They arrived at the club a few hours before the show, which was ideal for the band.  Everyone was still a bit rankled from the drive, and energy was high for the upcoming performance.  Some pints would do them good. 
They made their way to the bar and ordered a few.  Roger went off to talk to some girls he’d noticed, and after a few drinks, John decided to go ahead and set up on the club’s small stage.  Brian smiled as he walked off, bass in hand.  They boys may get into arguments sometimes, but they always made up. 
By then the storm had cleared, and the sun was stunning as it flashed brightly before sinking beneath the horizon.  Brian could see it just beyond the window of the club.  It had been a five hour drive up to this part of England, and the day was nearly gone. 
Freddie eased up beside him, his tan face warmed even further in the orange light.  “Let’s go outside…sit on the patio,” he said suddenly.  “Just me and you left now.” 
Brian smiled, following his friend outside to the club’s small outdoor seating area.  The chairs were still wet from the storm, so they brushed them off and sat at the little tables where they could watch the sun slip low while sipping their beers.
A little thought occurred to Brian, then went away just as quickly.  This is nice. How nice would it be to have someone to do this with all the time?  He pushed the thought down deep into the depths of his mind.  He didn’t need anyone like that.  He had his mates, and that was enough. 
Freddie was looking at him curiously, the bottle halfway to his mouth.  “What’s on your mind darling?” 
Brian smiled. Freddie was his best friend…had been for as long as he could remember.  He was so lucky to have him. He should be ashamed of wanting more for himself.
Freddie’s warm eyes sought his, now slightly concerned. 
“Nothing Fred.  Just thinking about tonight,” Brian lied.
Freddie smiled, looking off into the rapidly descending sun briefly before meeting Brian’s gaze.  “It’s going to be fantastic darling!  I’ve got our wardrobe, of course!  Even Deaky will love it.”  He gave Brian a devilish wink, and something warm stirred in Brian’s belly. 
“You shouldn’t tease Deaky so much,” Brian scolded.  “He loves you so.”
Freddie smiled widely, the setting sun painting his golden skin and raven hair in ribbons of molten light.  “That’s exactly why I should,” he said fondly.  “Because I love him too.  And you only tease the ones you love.” 
Brian swallowed.  “But why don’t you tease me?” 
Freddie’s face changed almost imperceptibly.  His eyes moved over Brian’s face, and he graced him with a fond smile.  “Oh Brian.  You’re different.”
Brian considered that.  How was he any different than Roger or John? 
He looked up and Freddie was stretching cat-like in the dying light.  “Gotta make myself beautiful, Bri,” he said through a stretch.  “It’s almost show time.” 
Freddie left Brian sitting on the patio, still wondering what he meant.
Backstage was crowded and hot, a miserable little room with two dressing tables (one Freddie required entirely) and no windows.  The two mirrors afforded them were scratched and dull, and Brian had to grip a makeup sponge in one hand and wipe sweat with the other. 
“I’ve never been so bloody miserable in my entire life,” he muttered sullenly. 
“Take your shirt off,” Roger offered.  He was walking around in a pair of tight jeans and suspenders and nothing else, and Brian had no doubt he was planning on going on stage like that. 
“No thanks,” Brian said.  “I don’t have a drumset to hide behind.”
Deaky was characteristically quiet as he drew a dark line of kohl around his eyes.  Freddie watched him without hovering, making sure he applied it properly.  “Like this darling,” he said, helpfully making an adjustment.  “Now that’s sexy.” 
Freddie was, of course, a vision in white satin pants and matching top with a deep plunging neckline emblazoned with sequins.  His dark hair shined.  He had dusted his prominent cheekbones with blush and accented his eyes with kohl.  On his feet, he wore a pair of high-heel white leather boots. 
“Be careful on stage tonight, Fred.  It’s a small space, and it’s high.  I was up there earlier setting up,” Deaky said. 
Freddie patted his cheek.  “Don’t you worry about a thing, darling, I’m as surefooted as a cat.”
Brian huffed.  “Freddie, what have you got picked out for me to wear?  Hopefully something light…I’m melting in here.” 
Freddie stood and fluffed his hair, dramatically moving to the makeshift closet the stagehands had set up for them. 
He withdrew a sheer black top with matching pants.  There were sequins down the leg. 
“Here you go my love.”  He looked at Brian meaningfully.  “My stage counterpart…black to my white.”  His eyes shined as he met Brian’s gaze.  “I thought we would switch it up this time around.” 
Something fluttered in Brian’s chest as he looked at Freddie, striking in his makeup and stagewear, but beneath it all, just as amazing. 
“Yeah,” Brian managed.  “That was a good idea.” 
Brian hurriedly got dressed, finding the clothes Freddie had chosen for him were just right.  He was pretty sure the shirt was Freddie’s.  The pants might have been Deaky’s, but they fit him well. 
Freddie clapped his hands.  “Ok gents!  Are we ready to fucking do this?!”  They all circled around Freddie, responding enthusiastically.  When the time came, they lined up behind the curtain and waited for their cue.
Brian could hear the tightly packed club, assembled crowd cheering their name.  He looked at Freddie, and his eyes were lit with excitement.  “Let’s do it, darling,” he said over the chants from the audience.
The show was electric.  Brian’s fingers flew over his guitar…it was like his body was connected to every string, every note he played.  Roger’s drums held them together, wild yet reliable.  Deaky’s bass thrummed like a heartbeat. 
But the real showstopper, of course, was Freddie.  His voice soared to the rafters.  He spun and whirled, every step taking him closer and closer to the edge of the small stage. 
Deaky had warned him about going too far, but there had always been an air of invincibility about Freddie that worried Brian.  He was about to launch into his solo, when he heard the scream. 
And his whole world stopped.
Freddie slipped, the toe of his boot catching on the narrow edge of the stage, and fell a good ten feet into the crowd below.  And Deaky, being closest to him at the time, had seen it happen.
Deaky’s was the scream Brian had heard, not Freddie’s, but it was no matter.  Brian had launched himself to the edge of the stage, his guitar forgotten, peering over to try and find his friend. 
Freddie lay twisted on the dirty floor of the club, his all-white ensemble a stark contrast to the black space.  A small circle of people had opened up around him, their hands clutched to their chests in horror. Roadies and stage managers rushed to his aid, hesitant to touch him but needing to do something to help, only not knowing what.  Distantly, someone called out for an ambulance.
Brian sat there frozen, until he wasn’t. His legs were moving, pounding down the stairs followed closely by John and Roger who kept muttering something about how he had to be ok, he just had to be ok.  Someone was cursing.  Brian couldn’t hear above the blood roaring in his ears, and all he could see was that image burned onto his brain of Freddie lying there like a broken marionette doll and him feeling powerless…so powerless to do anything. 
There were people…so many people.  The club was still so crowded and now curious onlookers had pressed in, hoping to get a peek at what was happening with Freddie.  “Out of my way!” Brian screamed, “Move!” He outright shoved a few people as he, Roger and John scrambled to get to Freddie. 
The last person cleared their path, and Brian fell on his knees beside him.  There was blood coming from a deep wound on his head, and he wasn’t moving.  “Oh, God,” Brian said, tears flowing freely down his cheeks.  Brian looked at Ratty, Freddie’s trusted assistant, his face twisted in anguish.  “When is the ambulance coming?!”
“It should be any time now.  The roads are washed out.  Fuck!”  Ratty was close to Freddie and was just as worried as any of them. 
Roger leaned in, gently touching Freddie’s twisted leg.  “Freddie…Freddie wake up chap.”  Behind them, Deaky stood back, chewing his thumbnail.  His eyes were shining with unshed tears.  “Brian, what do we do?” Roger looked at Brian rather helplessly.  He had always been the one to fix everything.  The one they all turned to when they needed answers. 
Brian let the tears flow freely as he gently stroked Freddie’s cheek.  It was starting to bruise; he must’ve hit it against the floor when he fell. 
Brian moved so he could cradle Freddie’s head in his lap.  What would he do if Freddie never woke up?  How would he go on?  Something painful twisted in his chest, almost like his heart was crumbling into tiny shards, stealing his breath.
Gathering himself, he began singing to him softly, tears strangling his voice.  “You never heard my song before the music was too loud…But now I think you hear me well for now we both know how…” He stopped to run a hand through Freddie’s raven locks, trying to ignore the blood he found there. 
“Do you hear me Freddie?”  He pressed a kiss to his forehead.  “Do you know how?”
He felt the small moan rather than heard it, then Freddie stirred in his arms.  Freddie frowned, then winced, and Roger and Deaky began murmuring grateful thanks.
Freddie blinked up at him.  “Hurts,” he whispered. 
Brian was openly crying now, but he was also smiling.  He had never cried tears of joy, but this must be what it felt like. 
“I know my love,” he said soothingly.  “I know it does.  But we’re going to get you better.  That’s all that matters.”
Freddie looked up at him with awe.  “Did you…did you kiss me?” 
Brian flushed.  He could deny it, but he wouldn’t.  The things he wanted for himself had been there all along, he had just been too blind to see it.  “Yeah,” he said.  “Is that ok?” 
Freddie smiled as much as he could, being in so much pain.  “More than ok.  I’ve loved you for the longest time, Bri.”
Brian clasped Freddie’s hand tightly, a smile brightening his face.  He could hear sirens in the distance, getting closer by the second.  He pressed a gentle kiss to Freddie’s lips, feeling him soften against him.  “You’re going to be ok,” he said against him.  “We both are.” 
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