#frian fluff
painandpleasure86 · 2 years
A request! Freddie/Brian + “Are you that red because you’re out of breath or because you’re flustered?” 📝💛
Hello!!! Thanks for the request!! Sorry that it took me a lot of time to do it, I had the event of the blog plus some personal stuff and lack of inspiration. Anyway, I hope you like it!!! I wrote it with all my love.
Like all the requests, they're here too (AO3)
Rehearsal there. A time to be prepared to the show. A time of hard work. A time to have fun too, why not?
After rehearsing the first half of the show, Freddie was rehearsing the acoustic intercept with Brian, his lover. They loved to share that time together, it was so relaxing. The public loved that moment of the show too, accompany them with some lighters or singing or even taking photos to immortalize the moment. 
They were in a huge arena, it had a roundy shape and the roof was high. All the normal lights, among the scenario lights, were on and the a/c was on too, it was a hot July day. They could feel the breeze of the a/c on their body.
Freddie was practising a bit his speech to the public. He wanted, not only greet the crowd and say the classic stuff about being happy to be there with them, but also wanted to talk about his relationship with Brian publicly. Gossip magazines and yellow press in general were talking about Freddie’s love life, spreading the rumour that he returned with an ex. The truth was that he remained as friends and even gone out with him and another friends, but that kind of press didn’t give a damn about the truth. They just wanted (and want, let’s be honest) to make money with lies or not confirmed stuff, just because they wanted to have “the exclusive”. So Freddie wanted, with this part of this speech, to say the truth about his love life.
Anyway, Freddie were there with Brian, like if it was the show. Meanwhile, Roger and John were smoking a cigarette and chatting about life while all of this was happening. This part of the rehearsal it was a rest for them and they made the most of it.
“Well people” Freddie started, watching the empty stadium, “today is the day where I want to tell you something. I’m in a relationship, yes, but with him” he added, side hugging Brian.
The roadies acted like the public, cheering them loudly. Their bandmates joined the cheering, when they listened to the roadies. Roger and John knew about it too, so despite they were talking about another stuff, they stopped to cheer their bandmates.
Brian was surprised, he didn’t know how to react. He started to feel a bit flustered and also his cheeks turned rosy red quickly. 
“I… hmmm… ahm….” the guitarist babbled, lost for words.
Freddie stopped to act like if it was the show and watched to Bri’s face. 
“Bri, honey, are you okay?” the singer asked.
Brian continued babbling.
“Are you that red because you’re out of breath or because you’re flustered?” Freddie asked kindly, smiling.
“I-is it… th-that noticeable?” Bri responded, confused, touching his cheeks. He could feel the warmness of his cheeks against his hands.
Freddie nodded.
Brian started to feel more flustered, covering his face with his hands.
Freddie started to laugh.
“Awww darling you look so cute”
“Really Fred…?” Bri asked a bit incredulous, stopping to touch his face to return to his guitar. 
“I’m being honest here love, you know I’m a sappy person when I want to.” Freddie added.
The guitarist couldn’t help but smile. "Okay..." he added, sighing. "If you say so..."
"You should believe more in yourself. You're so pretty, intelligent and smart... you're so talented, you're so kind... and you're so lovely too"
Brian couldn't stop smiling, he wasn't flustered then but he was flattered.
Freddie contemplated Brian’s smile. Freddie loved Brian’s smile. One of his favourites things in the world was Brian’s smile. Loved how his canines popped out. Loved how wide his smile was. Loved how his eyes were shining then. Loved his rosy cheeks. He felt the need to kiss him, he was feeling so much in love with the guitarist.
Freddie got closer to Bri and give him a little smooch on his lips. Brian’s face was redder. Brian’s smile then was wider.
“Clearly, you were flustered” Freddie finished, with a candid smile, ready to continue the rehearsal.
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“Photograph” / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody
Maycury/Frian week day four!  Prompt: May I have this dance!  
Summary: Brian is a soon to be single parent until he meets a charming photographer who shows him his true worth.  
Rating: T for Totally Tame.
Words 1200
Pairing Frian b/c it’s Maycury week ya’ll
Also on Ao3
Brian sulked in the corner, stirring his Shirley Temple with the little cocktail straw, a deep frown on his face.  He took another hors d'oeuvre from a passing tray, hoping the bite of food would improve his mood.
But it didn’t.  It only made him feel fatter, more glum. The baby kicked happily at the new morsel, pounding his ribs.  He pulled his blazer closed over his generous bump, but to no avail; it hadn’t fit properly in months.
He should’ve never come to the birthday party, but it was a corporate affair…one of those posh things that was an understood necessity.  His boss had even hired a band and a photographer.  Brian sniffed.  The audacity.  
Brian eyed the latter as he flitted around the perimeter of the party, snapping both candid and posed shots.  The photographer was a striking man, with glossy, shoulder-length hair, full lips, and a dashing sense of style.  He seemed to enjoy his job, laughing and talking with the people he snapped photos with. A charming bloke.  
Brian stuffed another morsel in his mouth, his shoulders hunched.  Absently, he rubbed a hand over his belly and sighed.  Not long now and he could slip out unnoticed…be back at his flat under the covers, his swollen feet freed from their shiny shoes.  Not long now…
The click of a camera’s flash jolted him from his revelry.  “Bloody hell!” he muttered, shielding his eyes.  
“Surprise, darling!” The photographer from earlier said as he smiled widely.  He really had an adorable smile.  Brian’s throat constricted.  
Brian frowned.  “You really shouldn’t do that, you know.  Not without people’s permission.”
The photographer’s mouth turned down a bit, his stunning brown eyes wide and soft.  “Well I’m sorry love, but I’m supposed to get a few candids of all the guests.”  The camera went up to the man’s face again.  “Now pose for me beautiful.”  
Brian put his hands up. “Absolutely not,” Brian said as he struggled to get up.  “And I am certainly not beautiful.”  
The photographer’s mouth flew open as he rushed to help Brian to his feet.  “Darling, you are!  You’re positively stunning!  Pose for me for a few shots and I’ll show you!”  
Tears stung Brian’s eyes. He was tired, his feet hurt, and he had no time for this empty praise.  Brian had met people like this charmer, and they were always full of pretty, empty words.  
Brian shook his head, his full head of brown curls bouncing around his face.  “Go shoot someone else,” he fussed.  “I’m tired, I’m fat, I’m cranky, and in case you didn’t notice I’m very pregnant.”  
The photographer smiled softly.  “Darling, I noticed.”  He lay a hand on his shoulder.  “Please?”
And there was such earnestness in his eyes, he let him.  
“I’m Freddie, by the way.” A delicate hand went out to take Brian’s.  “Freddie Mercury.”  
“Brian May,” Brian muttered as he gave him his hand.  
Freddie brought it to his lips and pressed a small kiss there.  He smiled.  “Pleasure to meet you Brian.”  
Brian’s mouth fell open a little, but he managed a small smile in return.  
“Stand against the wall there Brian, just for a moment, then we’ll get you off your feet.  Now hold your belly…that’s it.  Look down for me?”  Freddie snapped a few photos at various angles, moving around Brian’s body.  
Then he bade him sit down. He sat across him at the table and snapped a few more.  The band had kicked up now, playing a variety of songs, and the dancefloor was filling up. Freddie looked through the photos on his camera while Brian sipped on his Shirley Temple.  He stood, leaning over Brian to show him the shots.  
Brian thrilled a little at the proximity of the man.  He smelled terrific…like spice and vanilla, and his warm breath feathered Brian’s hair. He balanced himself with one hand placed on Brian’s shoulder while the other hand held the camera.  Freddie cycled through the shots.  
They were…lovely. Black and white shots of Brian’s hands on his bump, shots of Brian in profile, in the candlelight from the table, a profile of him against the greenery of the wall, looking serene and nowhere near as miserable as he felt.  A close-up shot of Brian’s bump, like an eclipse, cresting the frame of the photo.  
So Freddie was an excellent photographer.  
Freddie turned his face, and it was inches from Brian’s.  “See darling? See how beautiful you are?”
Brian swallowed.  “I think you’re just a good photographer.”  
Freddie took his arm from around his shoulders, straightening a little.  The music swelled in his ears, and he put his camera in his equipment bag and held out his hand.  
“May I have this dance?”
Brian stared up at him, not believing what he was hearing.  “Don’t you…um, don’t you have to work?”
Freddie shrugged.  “I haven’t taken my break yet.  It’s high time I did.  What do you say, Mr. May.  You and the little one want to hit the dance floor?”
Brian pursed his lips, looking away.  
“Not too much my dear. I know you’re tired.  But have a little fun before you go, yeah?”
Brian smiled in spite of himself, and took the hand offered him.  
Freddie helped him to his feet, and Brian followed him as gracefully as he could to the dancefloor. He could feel the eyes on him immediately; it was enough that he wasn’t partnered, but here he was dancing with the photographer of all people.  Brian tried not to let it affect him as Freddie wrapped his arms around him.  
Brian’s bump settled against Freddie’s flat stomach like it belonged there, the baby kicking happily to the music.  A flat foot pressed through Brian’s abdomen, and Freddie felt it against him.  
“Ooh, someone else likes dancing,” he said sweetly as he swayed along to the music with Brian in his arms.  
Brian flushed.  “I’m sorry,” he said.  “It’s hard not being in control of your own body.”  
Freddie tutted.  “There’s nothing to apologize for, darling.  Nothing sweeter than the miracle of life.”  
Freddie’s hands moved from Brian’s shoulders down to his waist, squeezing a little.  His hands were warm, and held Brian like a precious thing.  
“So,” he began, “I don’t mean to pry, but you came here alone.  Where is Mr. May?”  
Brian laughed bitterly. “There is no Mr. May.  There never was.  It’s just me and the little one.”  
Freddie nodded quietly before pulling him closer, the baby between them.  
“Are you excited?”  
Brian grunted.  “I’m scared to death.”
The music swirled between them, and the baby fluttered.  
Freddie squeezed Brian a little tighter.  
“You’re going to do fine.”
Brian sniffed, tears pooling in his eyes.  “How do you know?”  
Freddie hesitated.  “I…don’t. But, I would like to.  Know, that is.  If you would let me.”
Brian withdrew, tears spilling down his face.  “Why?”
Freddie wiped them away with his thumb, his fingers smooth against Brian’s face.  “I want to get to know you better,” he said.  “You and the baby.”
Brian just blinked at him, not understanding.  
Freddie laughed.  “I like you dummy.  Do I have to spelling it out for you?”  
Then Brian smiled, and they kept on dancing.  
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Day 9 of
April of Maycury
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“God, I miss you so much…”
(I’m catching up on my daily fics!)
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But When He Loves Me
🪐Old, fluffy Maycury🌌
Freddie and Brian, both in their seventies, celebrate their 44th anniversary together.
Check out my story on AO3 !
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amestiberiuskirk · 4 years
in the quiet of the night 
Maycury Week prompt: “I can’t sleep.”
Next to him, Brian sighs and rolls over so that he’s facing Freddie. The room is dark but there’s a streetlight just outside their window that the curtains can’t quite block out. Freddie studies Brian’s face in the shadowy light.
“You really are very beautiful, you know,” he whispers.
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freddie-mercurial · 4 years
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born to love you
Something inside him just knows, some alpha instinct uncurls without hesitation, so primal Brian doesn’t need to examine it to justknow it’s true.
Freddie’s pregnant.
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Brian/freddie, their first time during the dark timeline?
It had taken a long time to get to this. Three whole years of building Freddie’s confidence back up, helping him heal, and watching over him. Three years of falling in love with him, until Brian’s couldn’t imagine ever loving anyone else.
He gently ran a hand through Freddie’s hair, smiling at the new style, how the shorter look caused his hair to curl about his face more.
“You’re beautiful,” Brian murmured, kissing him. “If you need to stop, please tell me, Fred. Okay? Say the word and we’ll stop right away.” 
It wasn’t their first time trying this, but every other attempt had ended in panic on Freddie’s part. This time though, Freddie looked more at ease. He was already blushing furiously, but he seemed calmer, more confident. As Brian slowly worked him open, Freddie was gasping, his hips lightly rolling, his arms wrapped around Brian’s shoulders.
“Okay?” Brian checked. Freddie nodded with a hum, head thrown back.
Brian watched him closely for any signs of panic, but there weren’t any. As he gently pulled Freddie onto his lap, his boyfriend smiled at him, eyes soft and shining.
“Condom?” Brian asked, and Freddie nodded again. “Yes please, darling,” he said quietly, so Brian put one on, and helped guide Freddie into place.
“Remember, love,” Brian said, one thumb brushing Freddie’s cheekbone. “Say the word, and I’ll stop right away. Promise.”
“I trust you,” Freddie said, holding his gaze, and Brian felt dangerously close to tears for a moment. But then Freddie slowly sank down, and Brian threw his head back with a groan, fighting to stay still. Freddie bit his lip, tiny gasps escaping him, cheeks pinker than ever. Beautiful.
For a moment, when Freddie bottomed out, they both froze, shivering, trying to focus. Freddie’s nails dug unto his shoulders, and Brian’s hands rested lightly on Freddie’s hips.
“Okay,” Freddie eventually breathed, slowly lifting himself and sinking back down with a whimper. “I’m okay, darling. You can move.”
So Brian slowly started to thrust up, keeping his eyes trained on Freddie’s face; determined above all to do this right. To make this special, and (hopefully) fun, as it should have been all along.
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freddinnuendo · 5 years
Uhhhh okay so lemme not do breaky for once, rare, but anyways. What about Brian and Freddie where Brian proposes 🥺
ooooo ive never writter frian before this could get INTERESTING :,)
Im also gonna write this in a peculiar way so I hope you get the jist of it JSJSJSJ
February 1968
“One thing you can’t imagine yourself doing?” John asked as the four friends sat in a circle, all with crossed legs and a shot of vodka in their hands.
They were playing a cliché game of truth or dare, above all things. This time it was Freddie’s turn and John was directing his question at the singer.
“Getting married.” He replied. “Just never appealed to me.”
“Neither. I don’t get why people seem to think they need a piece of paper to confirm their love to eachother? Doesn’t make sense.” Brian added, the other three nodding their heads.
May 1972
“You sure about this?” Brian whispered to his new lover, Freddie of all people.
Freddie nodded quickly. “Never been more sure about anything,” he replied whilst diving into he crook of Brian’s neck, kissing and sucking and licking.
The two had caught feelings between 1969 and 1971, neither were sure exactly when. It was something that progressed slowly but surely, and neither could have predicted they’d be in Freddie’s bed, snogging with their shirts flung across the room, about to have slow, gentle sex...
But alas, here they were, and they wouldn’t change it for the world.
August 1976
“When are you and Brian gonna tie the knot? It’s getting ridiculous.” John asked Freddie as they were packing up after their studio session.
“He doesn’t want to get married, remember? When we played truth or dare years ago and he said he never wanted to get married because he doesn’t see the point?”
Freddie had also been, not ‘against’ marriage but not particularly drawn to the idea of being stuck with someone your whole life. But his mind quickly changed once he started a life with Brian; Brian was his soulmate, he was sure, and he wanted nothing but to be his husband.
John must have read his mind; “but you didn’t like the idea of marriage either, and now look st you! You’re getting all pissy because he hasn’t proposed yet!”
Freddie just nodded sadly, knowing John was right.
“Why don’t you just propose to him yourself?”
“He’ll say no.”
“Well, you won’t find out unless you ask him, will you?”
February 1980
“This is taking the piss!” Freddie shouted, putting his head on the wall whilst having a tantrum over his desperation to marry Brian. But he hadn’t asked yet.
However, this time he was winging in front of Roger, and the drummer had just about had enough of his moaning and stood up, grasping Freddie by the wrist and leading him outside his house.
“You’re going to go home, wait for Brian and confront him about it, am i clear?!” Roger whisper yelled, holding a finger infront of Freddie’s shocked face.
Freddie just nodded at Roger’s angry gaze and quickly scrambled into his car. (I know Freddie couldn’t drive HDDJSJSJ but just let this slide i beg)
Freddie drove home and was surprised to see Brian’s car in the drive way. He had told him that he was going to spend the day at the studio. But Freddie wasn’t complaining.
“Honey i’m home!” Freddie chuckled at his cliché homecoming line, but then started to feel crappy since it was a line mostly used by married couples and Brian hadn’t bloody proposed yet!
There was no reply, only the sound of someone rushing around in the next room and a large thump which led Freddie to believe that Brian had fell over or something. He rushed to see if everything was okay, only to be greeted by Brian on one knee, holding out a little box with a glistening ring inside.
“Welcome home.” He smiled, and Freddie stopped breathing all together.
Was Brian actually proposing or was his desperate mind playing tricks on him?
“What are you doing?” The singer asked breathlessly, his heart pounding a million times a second.
“What does it look like, silly?”
Freddie’s eyes filled up with happy tears as he collapsed to the floor in front of Brian, on his knees too.
“Is this actually happening or are you taking the piss?” The crying man wondered, taking Brian’s cheeks in his hands, squeezing them softly.
Brian chuckled, looked down at the ring and back up at Freddie again. “It’s actually happening: what do you say, baby? Wanna get married?” He winked, and Freddie squealed with laughter, nodding so fast that Brian was afraid he might get whiplash.
Sepember 1981
Freddie and Brian were stood at the altar, clutching onto eachothers hands as they said their vows, not breaking eye contact once.
When John announced they were husband and husband, Freddie squealed, leaned into Brian and whispered
“You don’t know how fucking long I waited for you to propose, you nobhead. I love you.”
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queenslasharchive · 5 years
any fluffy frian? ^_^
01. closer now, and closer still; by belgard
fred, come to my house after? the note reads, scrawled neatly in brian’s elegant handwriting, right on a piece of paper ripped from a page in his notebook.
in between monochromatic nail polishes, slow-dances in the afternoon, and sickeningly-sweet kisses, freddie and brian are making their way in the midst of all youth has got to offer in love.
02. Tradition by laliquey 
A Christmas card informed Brian that due to time constraints, arthritis, and a smokin’ hot new Bingo hobby, his aunt would not be posting him the usual wax-paper lined box of cookies he’d come to look forward to every year. Disappointed but motivated, he called for the recipe so he could make them himself. She was flattered to hear from him, and after some small talk along the lines of have you gotten a haircut, how is that little band you’re in, when are you going back to school and so on, she dictated how the cookies were made.
03. a sort of tender curiosity by rory_the_dragon
Freddie doesn’t know how he managed to forget this - the heady feeling of Brian May trying to know him.
04. might be something, someday by keepurselfalive
It is obviously Freddie’s mission in life to say the most flattering things he can about Brian.
05. this time i know it’s for real by salazarsslytherin
It shouldn’t be this easy. It’s never this easy. Freddie knows; he’s been searching for this life for as long as he can remember, something small and quiet and perfect, something loving, and it’s not the sort of thing you can find on a Wednesday afternoon at Waitrose.
Brian’s a single dad with three kids, Freddie’s an artist with seven cats. The movie practically writes itself.
06. whenever i’m with you by keepurselfalive 
Brian figures that at some point, he probably should ask why Freddie’s here or, even better, why Freddie has apparently decided to move in with him.
07. All the Stars by myfairyqueen 
After a misunderstanding, Freddie makes it up to Brian the only way he knows how.
08. true feeling chocolate by rory_the_dragon
Honmei choco (本命チョコ, “true feeling chocolate”) is chocolate given on Valentine’s Day to those whom the giver has romantic feelings for.
09. Space Song by shrodingers
Of all the galaxies, constellations and supernovae he studied for years, Freddie Mercury is the most spectacular thing in the universe.Or, in which Brian reflects what the lead singer of their band means to him.
10. Let Us Cling Together by silkworm
Based on the alleged fact that sometimes Freddie worried terribly about Brian.
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mayanangel · 5 years
Brian and Freddie get into a disagreement.
Freddie wants something that Brian isn't so sure is a good idea. There are tears, and a bit of guilt. And perhaps above all, there is something the both of them should probably talk about.
(spoiler alert: they don't)
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painandpleasure86 · 3 years
I was born to love you (Secret Santa exchange!)
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A/N: Dearest @queenies-bug I’m your secret Santa! :D Sorry for my delay, life was hard and some plans didn’t result like I expected, like posting this fic earlier... I did what I could, I really hope you enjoy this fic(and please be honest with your opinion about this fic). Thanks, @warriorteam1924​ and @thosequeenboys for hosting this beautiful event! Tysm for the effort, sweeties!
Summary: After lots of nights having the same dream and recognizing a “mark”, he tries to find why that happened to him...
Pairing: Platonic Frian/Maycury and romantic Jimercury (current time AU).
Warning: some fluff, some angst, some swearing, and a tiny little holidays touch!
Word count: 1600
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Another day. Another time with that dream.
He’s clearly confused about it. If that wasn’t enough, his arm itched when he woke up. Again, over that “mark”.
That specific day was meanwhile they were touring, so his bandmates listened to that story again when they were taking their breakfast.
-Do you have that dream again with the two princes, and they were trying to be with you?- Brian asked.
-Yeah and again I ended with that strange man…
-And again you had “the itch”? -Roger asked.
-Exactly. I still have the mark here -Freddie said, pointing to his right forearm and extending it near to Roger.
-I still don’t see anything.
-That damn mark exists!- Freddie exclaimed.
-I don’t know mate, I think you’re going insane. You really should go to the psychiatrist, for real.
-Lots of touring it’s affecting you, I suppose- John pointed, meanwhile he was sipping his tea.
-And you aren’t affected? You’re a damn alcoholic that had his driver licence suspended- Freddie said, impulsively.
John just stared at him in silence, controlling himself to not say something that he would regret later. Both were watching to the other’s eyes. Brian cut off that tension.
-Fred, it doesn’t matter that here. Everyone has their own problems.
-I’m tired of their disbelief. They aren’t even trying to understand me. How many times I need to say that I don’t want to sleep because lately I just have that dream?
-We’re trying to understand you, Fred. Don’t lie like that. If we’re telling you that you need some psychiatric help it’s because we really care about you.
John didn’t want to say anything, he lighted a cigarette to keep his nerves controlled. He decided to contemplate the rest of the scene in silence.
-Really you’re trying to understand me??? Really, Roger?! -Freddie yelled, quite nervous.
-Fred breathe, please. Come with me - Brian said, putting his right hand over Freddie’s left shoulder-. We will return soon -Brian added, watching to John and Roger.
They stood up from the table and left Roger and John alone.
-For real, Freddie worries me -Roger said.
-I just hope he can find a logic explanation of his problem soon.- John said, smoking his cigarette.
Brian and Freddie walked to the hotel’s park. When Brian checked that wasn’t any stranger near to them, Bri started to speak.
-I think I have an explanation -Brian said, watching to that worried brown eyes.
-Please, tell me about it.
Freddie grabbed Brian’s hands. Brian couldn’t help but blush and smile a little. “Try to repress your feelings, you know that he isn’t your soulmate”, thought him.
-Bri, are you okay
Bri quitted his hands of Freddie’s grasp and scratched his forehead with his left hand.
-Yes, sorry. I… was thinking how I tell you this.
-Call me insane, but I read lots of things, no? Well, it exists some myths about something called “soulmate marks”.
Freddie was watching to that hazel eyes a bit confused.
-It’s when you have a mark that refers to your soulmate. I cannot see it, because just you and your soulmate can see it, so, how's the mark?
-Em… It’s like an X with two circles in its extremes.
-Hmm… scissors. A hairdresser perhaps? A gardener?
Freddie tries to remember the dream.
-Oh my… in my dream that strange man had scissors… and he was pruning the plants.
-In a medieval world?
-Perhaps that’s a signal of him. Also, I see that you aren’t scratching your forearm…
-Yeah, and it’s just white. When it itches, it turns red.
-That’s because you aren’t near to your soulmate… - Brian said, a little sad.
-Are you okay, my dear?
-Yes Fred, it’s just… nothing. -Brian sighed- I hope you can be happy with that person soon.
-It doesn’t seem like nothing, but okay…
-I hope this explanation haves some sense…
-It’s a possibility, my dear. I’ll be more attentive when it starts to itch since now, thanks- Freddie said, hugging Brian
-You’re welcome, Fred- Brian said, watching over Freddie’s head. “I love you, but you don’t belong to me. Damn fate”, thought Brian.
-Please tell me more about that myths, Bri - Freddie said, leaving the embrace.
-I’ll tell you more later, now we should return to our table- Brian responded, starting to walk.
With that idea in his mind and after reading some stories about soulmate marks and more, he started to go to clubs even more, so he could pass near to the maximum of people. He checked Tinder a lot. He started to worry a lot about this, seeing that his mark don’t turn red meanwhile he was awake (because he still had that dream). Some weeks later this turned into his obsession.
His bandmates noticed this. One afternoon, they were talking about stuff, and Freddie’s thing came to the talk.
-Freddie it’s going worse, what do you say to him? I mean, you never told us what you said to him -Roger asked.
Brian explained briefly about soulmate marks to Roger and John. Both stared at him, trying to understand what he said.
-I barely understood about that, but I feel that you worsened the situation. -Roger responded.
-I tried to give him a possible explanation…
-And that was nice, but now he’s literally obsessed with that. He can’t focus in the band stuff… even he forgets the chords or the lyrics of the songs quite often- John added, lightning a new cigarette.
-You should talk with him about this - Roger said.
-Please Brian -John added, smoking his cigarette.
-Well, I’ll do it, but please don’t be listening behind the dorm’s door. I know you very well… -Brian said, walking to Freddie’s room.
Fifteen minutes later, Brian was knocking Freddie’s hotel room door. Freddie was crying, lying on his bed, watching to the ceiling. When he listened to the knocking he wiped his tears.
-Can I come in? -Brian asked.
-Yeah, my dear -Freddie responded, standing up.
Freddie opened the door and left Brian to enter to his room. 
After closing the door, both sat on a comfy sofa that Freddie had in his room. 
-Tell me what’s wrong Fred.
-I’m not finding him. I need to find him, I need to love him! Why that’s so hard?
Brian sighed deeply and hugged Freddie.
-I mean, I know that life isn’t easy, but I’m eager to know to that mysterious man. Where are you, my love? - continued Freddie, crying again over Brian’s shoulder.- Perhaps the boys are right, I need to go to a psychiatrist.
-You aren’t crazy. You will find him Fred, relax. I think he will appear when you aren’t expecting for it.
Freddie sighed as deep as he could, trying to stop his tears.
-I hope… 
“Brian, don’t be stupid. Don’t tell him your feelings. Fate it’s already written.”
Brian left the embrace.
-Seriously Fred. Focus in your music, in your projects, in the band, make new friends, and you will see that he will appear… Enjoy the ride! I know that’s easy to say, but try to relax. The boys and I will be with you anytime you need something.
-Thank you Bri. You really are my soul brother.
“I hate myself for my feelings” Brian thought. He couldn’t help but start to cry. Listen from Freddie’s mouth that he hadn’t romantic feelings for him was devastating. Didn’t care how many times he said to himself “fate it’s already written, he will not be with you”, remember his status of “brother” hurt like a kick in the crotch.
Freddie saw Bri’s crying tears, and he hugged Brian tightly.
After his talk with Brian, Freddie tried to put into practice his friend’s advice, and he saw the difference. Yeah, he still had that dream often, but he was enjoying more of his days.
Months later, being in that situation, he decided to go to a club. He was entering there and his mark was itching. “Today it’s the night” he thought. His soulmate was near.
While he was drinking something, he noticed the person that was next to him. The mark was itching harder. Plus, he studied his profile and reminded him to the strange man of his dreams. “Fuck, it’s him! I need to talk with him right now”, Freddie thought.
-Hello gorgeous -Freddie said.
The person was surprised for that sudden compliment.
-Hi -he responded, meanwhile was scratching his left forearm.
-Do you have a mark there? -Freddie pointed.
The man watched to that brown eyes with his wide open eyes.
-Em… how do you know that?
-Because that happens to me right now, and I can see it.
-I think I know you - Jim said, suddenly.
-Sometimes I have some dreams and always I’m with someone with your face, and this shit -he pointed to his left forearm-itches as hell.
-That happens to me too, but with you.
Jim had his eyes wide open.
-Do you know the concept of soulmate marks?
-Are marks that just you and your soulmate have or can see.
-We’re destined to be together, honey. Tell me your name.
-Jim Hutton -he replied, still surprised.- Yours?
-I’m Freddie, your future boyfriend.
Jim couldn’t help but smile.
-Let’s see… may the fate speak -Jim added, still sceptical.
-Lemme invite some drinks then and talk -Freddie proposed.
-Of course -Jim replied, smiling.
They didn’t know when they decided to go to the club that they will meet, and their life would change. Also, they didn’t imagine that holidays they would be in good company, with their significant other, their soulmate.
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I really hope that you liked this, hun!
To the another ppl: thanks to you for read this!!
If you enjoyed this, please like and reblog! <3
Have a wonderful holidays!!!
With love, Lily :3
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“Falling Into You” / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
Maycury/Frian Week, Day Two!
Summary: Brian’s first day of Uni starts out with a few hitches, until he meets an enigmatic young man with a slight overbite.
Rating: T for totally Tame
Pairing: Frian...it’s Maycury/Frian week Ya’ll!
Words: 1101
Also on Ao3
It was the cusp of fall, and leaves swirled on the wet sidewalk in whimsical patters as Brian walked speedily through them, his head down and coat up against the wind.  It was the first day of University and, and, because the universe seemed aligned against him, he was late.
He entered the hallowed lecture hall, squinting at his schedule.  103B had to be around here somewhere; he could feel the panic rising with every passing moment as he held the small piece of paper in his tight grip.
Finally, the auditorium came into view.  He eased his way inside, enduring those panicked seconds of desperately trying to find a seat.  It was a packed house for the first day, and thankfully the professor still had her back turned.
Just when he thought he’d lost all hope, he saw a hand go up…an elegant hand with a dainty bend to the wrist waving him over.  Brian had no time to see who it belonged to (at this point, it didn’t matter).  He crawled and stumbled his way over grumbling students to get to the only open seat in the auditorium, finally turning to thank his savior.
Who was absolutely beautiful.  Brian’s breath caught a little, and not from the adrenaline of the whole getting to class late experience.  The stranger who had ushered him over had the most lovely brown eyes, kohl lined and chestnut, and glossy ebony hair that fell around his sharp cheekbones.  He was smiling widely at him, displaying a cute overbite.
“Thank you,” Brian mouthed silently, and the man only winked at him, flouncing his hair over his shoulder.  He scribbled something on his notebook and shoved it at Brian.
Your welcome Darling.  Seating here is a bitch.
Brian huffed out a laugh, drawing some harsh glares from nearby students.  He smiled, scribbling a note on his own notebook and pointing it in Freddie’s direction.  I’m Brian. :)
Freddie’s eyes sparkled as he wrote and showed him his own notebook.  Freddie.  He had dotted his "i" with a little heart, and something about that made Brian’s stomach flutter.
“Ahem, gentleman,” the professor said a little snidely.  “This is English 101, not grade school.  You can pass notes at recess.”
Titters of laughter passed through the auditorium, and Brian’s face grew hot.  Freddie only laughed along, tossing his hair over his shoulder.
The rest of the class stretched long and rather boring, the professor keeping them for the entire time even though it was the first day.  When they finally dismissed, Brian turned to Freddie.
“Um, thank you again,” he said a little shyly.  “I don’t know what I would’ve done if it wasn’t for you.”
Freddie laughed.  “Sat on the floor I imagine darling!”
Brian laughed softly.  “Quite right.”
“Um, do you have another class?”
Freddie hefted his books on one hip.  “I’m free until three.”
Brian worried his lip.  “How about some tea?  I know a coffee shop that’s just down the way…it’s small and—“
A bright smile split Freddie’s face.  “Lovely! I could use a cuppa tea.”  He slipped his books in his backpack and hoisted it on one shoulder.  “Lead the way love.”
The Common Grounds was a quaint little coffee shop frequented by university students with a dark green faded storefront and inviting hand-painted sign.  Brian held the door for Freddie as they ducked under the climbing ivy and joined the queue with the rest of the customers.
Freddie had been quiet for most of the journey, softly humming to himself, or commenting on how pretty the leaves were this time of year.  The silence had been companionable though, not awkward at all.
“What do you think you’ll have?” Brian inquired of Freddie, bending slightly because of his height.
Freddie smiled.  “Mmm, what I always get at coffee shops.  “Darjeeling with milk.”
Brian pursed his lips.  “Darjeeling?  Reallly?”
Freddie hummed.  “Yes, it’s my favorite.  Reminds me of my mum.”
Brian smiled at that before placing his own order for Early Grey.
They ordered some biscuits to go with their tea and settled at one of the back tables.  There weren’t many people in the little shop, and for that Brian was grateful.  He liked quiet spaces with room to think, and meeting Freddie had given him plenty to think about.
Freddie settled with his Darjeeling and sipped at it experimentally.  A pleased hum escaped his lips, and he closed his eyes.
Brian drummed his fingers over his lips, wanting to ask a question of Freddie that had been pushing at his brain since that morning.
“There was someone else who came in with me…why did you wave me over instead of him?”
Freddie took his time in answering, and took another sip of his tea.
“I liked your curly hair,” he said simply.
Brian thought about it for a moment, and then laughed a little too loudly.
Freddie looked stymied.  “What?”
“You mean to tell me that the only thing that saved me from sitting on the floor is this mop of hair?”
Freddie looked defensively over his teacup.  “Well, it’s very nice.  It looks soft.”
Brian felt emboldened.  “Do you want to find out?”
Freddie flushed, setting his teacup down.  “Why Brian!”
Brian shrugged.  “I’m going to be a scientist.  It makes sense to me that someone would want to experiment.”
Freddie smiled.  “Well I’m going to be an artist.  So it makes sense to me that someone would want to touch and feel things.”
His hand went out to tentatively stroke Brian’s soft curls. He let his hand bury a little deeper, eventually caressing his scalp.  A little ahhh sound escaped his lips before he withdrew partially, but not completely, hand still hovering near Brian’s face.
“You know what else looks soft?  These lips.” A strange fire lit Freddie’s eyes as he flicked his gaze down to Brian’s mouth.  “Mind if I find out for myself?”
Brian swallowed.  “I would be a bad scientist to deny you,” he said a little breathlessly.
Freddie swept the pad of his thumb over Brian’s bottom lip, then, unsatisfied, leaned over the small café table and met his lips with Brian’s.
The kiss was chaste but electric, Brian’s head going back just a touch to accommodate the feeling of fusion, the warm buzz and whirlwind of emotion rushing through him.
They finally parted with a breathless “ah,” each of them returning to their side of the table.  The tea was cool now, but there was a new warmth present, low and swirling, exciting and new…a new relationship was brewing.
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
can you recommend several great Freddie fics of different moods (funny, sad, hot etc) to get everyone in the mindset for FMW? Thank you!
Oof, anon, I've got little time as I'm trying to get my WIPs for the event done. 🙈 But it's a sweet idea and so here we go, just off the top of my head, a very random collection of Freddie-centric fics I loved in no particular order! (And I'm missing out loads, I already know. This list could easily be three times as long! Also, I didn't go heavy on the smut because so much of the time smut isn't centred around one character but, understandably, two - or more. lol)
sleepless child (there is so little time) by @talkingismylifewrites - It was literally just posted today so it's fresh on my mind and it killed me with (step-)dad!Freddie cuteness. Platonic Froger with fem!Roger, marriage of convenience.
He Who Trusts In The Shadow by @plainxte - Platonic Froger. Freddie finds it hard being alone. Beautiful introspection and friendship.
Displacement by @quirkysubject - Freddie is awake at night on the tour bus and has to listen to Roger's, erm, activities with a groupie. Angsty introspective Freddie angst, chef's kiss!
the end of a love or a season? by @ineffableidiots99 - Jimercury. The last year of Freddie's life, wonderful balance of love and sadness. You will cry!
A Victorian Painter Named Dadd by @aboutnothingness - A sort of fairytale. Magical!
love comes for all of us by @fingersfallingupwards - The only multi-chapter I'll rec here because the chapters are very short. Perfect nuggets of literary perfection. Froger.
Even To The Edge by @lydiannode - Platonic Frian. Freddie visits Brian when Brian was very sick. Angsty and sweet!
The greatest thing by @tikiniki - Some Medieval!AU Froger smut! Freddie introduces Roger to a new kind of love-making. *eyebrow waggle* Super romantic, super hot, haha.
Let me see what Spring is like On Jupiter and Mars by @queenies-bug - Jimercury. First fight in marital bliss. Flawed characters. Very human.
Manifesto by @trixie-bobwhite - A fantastic, short poem about Freddie!
Exposed by @mysticanni (whose new blog I can't seem to tag for some reason?) - Freddie earns some extra money as a nude model for art class. Such gentle, interesting writing, a gem.
Take a Chance with Me by @yasmamamercury - Jimercury smut! Hot fluff! Fluffy hotness!
Can't Get No Relief, Lord by @bambirexwrites - fem!Freddie angst gallore, introspection, internal homophobia.
The Wonder of A Fairytale by @i-lay-my-life-before-queen - Platonic Froger, Christmas sweetness, Freddie visits Roger's family home. A/B/O
Aftercare by @bisexualroger - Freddie got mugged and is dealing with it. Platonic Froger. I will rec this little masterpiece of a ficlet until the day I die.
....aaaahhh okay literally I could go on and on??? But it's already taken me 45min putting this together, I apologise to every brilliant author I left off! I can't wait to see loads more fantastic works over the next three days will become new favourites for me! 💕
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yasmamamercury · 3 years
As of 2021 I’ve deleted all the requests, prompts etc. that I’ve gotten, so I’m really sorry if I wasn’t able to get to your request last year. In honour of starting the year fresh, my askbox is still open, just know that there’s a chance I may not be able to fill every request I get. You’re always welcome to come say hello too! 
Below the cut, you’ll find all the prompts I’ve filled on tumblr so far, sorted by ship 💖
Smut ✴️
Fluff ✳️
Hurt/Comfort 💠
I could make you feel better than that pathetic toy ✴️
I care about you ✳️
Angry Sex ✴️
I called you at 2am because I need you ✳️
I fell in love with you, not them 💠
Relationship HCs
I’m never letting you go 💠
Having a bad day and the other noticing ✳️
Have you never been touched like this before? ✴️
Come here, I’ll show you how to make yourself feel good ✴️
I’m not wearing anything under this ✴️
Relationship HCs part 1
Relationship HCs part 2
Relationship HCs part 3
Relationship HCs part 4
Scream for me, I want everyone to know how good I make you feel ✴️
Instead of staring, you could join + Brian ✴️
Blind date set up by friends ✳️
I’m being hit on at a bar, please pretend to be my boyfriend ✳️
You took a bullet for me ✳️
You’re leaving for something dangerous and I can’t help but kiss you ✳️
Jolting awake after a nightmare and being cofmorted ✳️
I’m your new neighbour and I got locked out ✳️
What’s cookin good lookin ✳️
Those are the moans I love to hear ✴️
Twentieth kiss ✳️
Relationship HCs
Relationship HCs part 1
Relationship HCs part 2
Why are you crying? ✳️
After everything we’ve been through, you still think I don’t love you? 💠
It’s cold out, you should take my jacket ✳️
Joining the mile high club ✴️
There’s only one bed ✳️
You look like you could use a hug ✳️
Your jumper was in the laundry pile and I couldn’t help but steal it ✳️
I didn’t know your nipples were so sensitive ✴️
Relationship HCs
Cuddle pile ✳️
Jolting awake after a nightmare and being comforted ✳️
There’s only one bed ✳️
Relationship HCs
Bubble bath ✳️
Last update: January 20, 2021
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amestiberiuskirk · 4 years
General thoughts; I adore Freddie and Brian working together and figuring out who they are and how amazing they are together. Young and uncertain about themselves but looking at the other and thinking “no no you’re utterly amazing” and just. Soft early-era Maycury is gentle in a way I adore and I blame those quotes about Brian being Freddie’s very own Jimi Hendrix.
Brian is not a decisive man. He wants to examine every possibility and every eventuality before he commits.
He's caused countless arguments already in the band, fledgling as it is, with his deliberations over their sound and look and name and whether they should change this lyric ever so slightly or alter that tempo just a bit. He isn't sorry. He seeks perfection and he will not settle for anything less.
It's this part of his personality that makes moments of sharp clarity hard to come by - they don't come naturally, when you're a second guesser and an overthinker.
All the same, the very first time Brian hears Freddie sing, he knows immediately that he will remember this moment for the rest of his life.
Freddie isn't new to him; they're not exactly best friends but they've spent a fair bit of time together at this point, what with the market stall and Freddie's habit of cramming himself into any tiny cramped space he can if it means he can hitch a ride to Smile's next gig. Brian likes him. He's clever and quick-witted and perfectly capable of standing his ground in an argument, which Brian can respect. Freddie looks so unassuming, small as he is, hiding behind his hand and his hair, but there's steel in his spine.
And it's not like he didn't know that Freddie wanted to sing. He's listened to him complain about auditions and hopeless bands before. He just didn't realise that Freddie could sing like this.
He doesn't get the chance to talk to Freddie alone until later in the evening. They've already told him he's in the band and he looked so utterly thrilled at the news that Brian immediately felt a surge of guilt about the fact that he hadn't asked to hear Freddie sing before now.
He corners Freddie in the tiny kitchen of Roger's cramped bedsit. Freddie glances up at him as he squeezes in beside him and nudges the beer he has just opened towards him.
Brian doesn't take it just yet. "I wanted to talk to you, about your singing," he begins.
Freddie grimaces at him. His hand comes up to cover his mouth, a defensive habit Brian noticed mere days into meeting Freddie because he does it so much, but he tips back his shoulders like a man facing the gallows and determined to be brave about it. He sighs. "Alright, let me have it then."
"You're brilliant," Brian says simply. "Fantastic, I had no idea."
Freddie looks totally thrown. He blinks at Brian, then says, "I was pitchy."
Brian shrugs. Freddie's not wrong, the performance hadn't been perfect by any means - he's got a hell of a vibrato but it's a wild thing, loud and out of control. Brian doesn't care about any of that. Freddie can learn to control it, it's fixable, it doesn't matter. What matters is the raw potential of his voice. That's what Brian knows he will remember forever, hearing the power and warmth and versatility of it, realising that Freddie could sing anything he wanted. Anything Brian wanted.
He doesn't say any of that. He just says, "You were incredible, Fred."
Freddie eyes him. "Are you quite sure you haven't been possessed, darling?"
Brian has to smile. He supposes it is rather unusual, coming from him. The perfectionist finding beauty in a flaw.
"Just tell Roger that I said you were pitchy and we will have to work on it," he says, picking up the beer. "I have a reputation to uphold."
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freddie-mercurial · 5 years
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this time i know it’s for real
It shouldn’t be this easy. It’s never this easy. Freddie knows; he’s been searching for this life for as long as he can remember, something small and quiet and perfect, something loving, and it’s not the sort of thing you can find on a Wednesday afternoon at Waitrose.
Brian's a single dad with three kids, Freddie's an artist with seven cats. The movie practically writes itself.
Freddie/Brian | 50k words | WIP
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