#friends of the cartel
gomosmorodina · 2 months
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three's a crowd
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
My classmates and I were escaping from a drug cartel chasing us on a bridge in their black car, but we got under the bridge and they drove past us. My friend was playing golf the entire chase.
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canadian-pug-cartel · 11 months
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weedle-testaburger · 15 days
i saw a video earlier of someone saying happy endings feel wrong to them and respectfully i don't know what the fuck they're on about. happy endings are the most powerful thing fiction can do as far as i'm concerned. so often the real world ends up going in miserable directions so being reminded that yes, good things can happen too is way more powerful for me
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buddyhollyscurls · 10 months
@supercool-here since u brought up Hermes' misogyny and overprotectiveness and how that affects betty can we talk about how messed up it is that he was almost willing to tattle on betty to armando and tell him where she was bc he was her boss and a Man but when Mariana called he can't even answer them politely bc he doesn't approve of the Type of women they are
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biblionerd07 · 23 days
I have a lot of gripes with the last two seasons of Shameless (and I know I’ve been complaining a lot lmao) but one of the worst offenses, to me, is the way they refused to let any of the characters acknowledge their own histories. Nothing from previous seasons was allowed to carry over, for whatever reason. And it bothered me the most with Terry Milkovich. (I’m putting this under a cut because it turned into a damn essay lol)
They defanged Terry. They turned him into comic relief and had both Ian and Mickey turning to him for advice. ADVICE???? It did Mickey’s growth through the show SUCH disservice. There was some quote from Wells (😡😡😡 a thousand curses upon his name) about how they did it on purpose because we should all laugh at homophobes to show them their views are stupid or something like that. And like, okay I guess? That is such a straight guy stance. Maybe that works when the homophobe in question is some harmless stranger who has no effect on your life and their views are like the water turning the frogs gay.
But Terry was not that kind of homophobe. Terry was a very real type, whose abuse shaped every part of who Mickey was. Turning him into comic relief made it seem like Mickey’s fear was over the top and he was just paranoid. But when Terry walked in on Ian and Mickey, he physically assaulted them and used corrective rape by proxy. Mickey’s fears were EXTREMELY founded.
That was the crux of Mickey’s character and his development! That even with all of this terror and self-loathing and abuse, he was slowly opening himself up and not only learning to give Ian his love but to accept love. Mickey’s bravery was such a key element of his character! We knew what kind of abuse he’d been subject to, so every tiny, halting step forward made us cheer for him. Turning that into comic relief was an absolute slap in the face after that journey they’d taken him on. (And they were sure as hell happy to remember it when they were getting awards from queer outlets and using it for promo, weren’t they? 😒)
Mickey’s speech before the wedding about Terry always winning was so much more hollow than it should’ve been because for some reason they wouldn’t let him talk about his worst offenses. Having Mickey talk about Terry stealing Halloween candy and Christmas presents and ignoring the rape and abuse was genuinely bizarre. (And bless Noel, who gave his everything and made that even slightly impactful.)
I liked that Mickey was extremely defeatist in that scene. That would absolutely be his mindset! For his entire life, Terry wins. Terry gets what he wants and hurts who he wants and no one stops him. Everyone around the neighborhood (and the cops) knew exactly what Terry was like. There were always other adults hanging around. And no one ever stopped him from abusing those kids. Mandy scoffs and laughs about Terry pistol-whipping Mickey. (ZERO hate to Mandy on this, because all of this is her reality too, and she didn’t even know the whole story.) No one has ever stood up for Mickey against Terry.
Until Ian. I cannot ever get the scene in the Alibi out of my head. There’s an entire bar full of people who are seeing this happening and nobody does anything. Mickey’s right back where he’s always been, on the ground under Terry’s fists, and everyone is just grabbing their drinks and getting out of the way.
But not Ian. Ian (who, it should be noted, is also still a teenager here) pulls Terry off Mickey and fights back. This is very likely the first time in Mickey’s entire life that anyone has ever defended him against Terry.
And now he’s finally supposed to be happy with Ian in such a “normal”, tangible way, and here comes Terry to take it away. Of course. Mickey can’t even be surprised by this. It’s the way the world works. He says there’s no point in trying to find a new venue until they address the root of the problem and kill Terry.
But allllll of this hinges on us as the audience remembering what Terry’s done without a refresher, because for whatever reason, they refuse to let the characters connect to their own pasts in ways that would enrich the story they’re trying to tell. It’s such bad writing and I can’t fathom any reason for it.
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hurricanek8art · 2 months
My Knight was CHEATED out of keeping the sleen she tamed in KotFE Chapter 12. She NEEDS the Desert Sleen mount. I don't care if it doesn't make sense for her to have it, she needs it. I have spoken. 😠
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kyolypso · 4 months
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otaku-girl-ao3 · 1 month
Falling In Love (With My Best Friend) - Chapter 2/5 - Wonka (2023) - Felix x Gerald
“What happened this time, Felix?”
“I made an utter fool of myself. Again. I thought…” he trailed off. Settling the delicate china down, he allowed his hands to rest in his lap. He turned them over slowly, eyes running over the delicate bones shifting just beneath the surface, the faint calluses that could truly only be felt rather than seen unless you knew to look for them.
Nobody ever looked at Felix and thought to look for them.
“He called me a slut.”
Friends-to-lovers fluff and smut (with just a touch of angst). Because Felix deserves to have a happy ending, darnit!
Chapter 2 now up 💗
Friends to lovers ~ confessions ~ soft!Dom Gerald ~ Submissive Felix
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therealslimshady · 2 years
I'm know I'm only on season one and that based on what I've heard I'm probably aboard some kind of sinking raft, but I really love Jimmy and Chucks relationship. They seem to care a lot about each other, even if they don't ever understand the other all that well. Some really fun brothers over here
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strinak · 1 year
sometimes a book is bad in a way that makes you want to study the author like a bug
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cloverina-sasha139 · 1 year
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canadian-pug-cartel · 3 months
OK im gonna act fucking insane for a few minutes cause @imabiscuitinthousandworlds said I could :] <- evil @voltrixz you’ll like this too
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Ok so my theory is that THIS KID ^ is Electro/Max Dillon (I’ll refer to him as Max for the rest of this rant)
The entire villain arc for him would be VERY similar to Electro in Andrew Garfield’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2 with the major difference being that our Max instead of falling into a vat of eels simply loses his mind (I haven’t decided to what but it will probably be to the same thing that Max had in TAS2 ((listens to the electro suite to see what im taking about))
Max an intelligent and Spider-Man obsessed social outcast finally gets to his tipping point after being bullied(?) and becomes Electro (I image this happens around Junior year so both max and miles would be 16/17)
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Although I ADORE chaotic and slight dumb electro [See: TSSM] this electro would be one of the smarter sinister 6 having knowledge in circuitry, hacking, programming, etc… Max and Olivia would also have a teacher apprentice relationship (it’ll be great trust me) I also think he’d be the only one to figure out that miles is Spider-Man (that bag LITERALLY has miles in BIG BOLD LETTERS it’s NOT that hard to figure out)
His costume would be homemade and have lots of punk and race car driver inspo (and some sombra overwatch)
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and even though max would know that miles is Spider-Man miles wouldn’t figure it out for a while but there would be signs (ie his spider sense going off when near max or the feeling of being watched) miles would only actually figure it out when Max’s visor breaks revealing his face
I’ve got so many more plot points that are just straight up angst but if I ever do write this I wanna keep it kinda ambiguous
PLEASE ask me to clarify ANYTHING I NEED to flesh this out
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lixxqude · 8 months
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a british person, a half-british person, and a not british person walk into a beach house (the jeach jouse(tm))
ft: sillies @lanabenikosdoormat and @pixelplanetig <3
i felt like posting these bc some of them were actually pretty cool lol
love you guys and thank you for doing photoshoot on rishi with me!! lighting is so so pretty here. also stan speedy we love speedy in this household (no pictures unfortunately, he was too speedy for us :()
btw jedcels rich era
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cryo-lily · 6 months
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Move over Santa, Taskar Claus has come to fleet. And he's brought Cartel items for all the good boys, girls and in-betweens!
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