#from 2x09
booasaur · 1 year
Kristi's fiancee was originally supposed to be a man but Chloe was like, nope, Kristi's gonna have a woman fiancee. The show showed Kristi and Kenny's story in season 1 to make us root for them. I think whether Kristi's fiancee(e) was a man or woman, it was always going to end the same with Kristi and Kenny being the slow burn couple.
Ooo I have a theory! Remember when Kenny was telling Father K about how his dad wandered out of the house? And then Mama Liu got mad at her husband for doing that because he 'knows better' and then Kenny told her, "Mom, he has dementia. He's not trying to fucking piss you off."
I could potentially see Kristi opening a door or window when high and Kristi getting mad at her for it. But Mari isn't opening the door to piss her off, she's an addict. She needs help.
Oh, that's interesting, that it came from her. And it's a cool change, I'm always in favor of going away from the "default", as it were, but I think you still need to be mindful of what the changes represent.
Sadly too often, the new character's just there be a plot device, so then it kind of sucks that sometimes, for example, the only lesbian or Black character is there to be be an obstacle for someone else's romance. And it's not like they have to be the winner or whatever in every love triangle, but they should have their own agency and motivations. And you know, a well-written character should have their background reflected in them. It doesn't have to be in huge ways or all bad things or all good things, it's simply a fact of life that we go through different things. Like in San Junipero, a pretty famous recent example where the writer decided to switch to f/f, it wasn't simply a m/f romance now with two women, their sexualities were key parts of their stories.
Though, it's also important that Kenny's Asian and there still aren't many male Asian romantic leads. Heh, it always gets messy when different kinds of rep get pitched against each other (The 100 and Supergirl war flashbacks) but I guess I just want thoughtfulness in how it's done, either way. Nobody should be just a plot device, even the whitest straightest character! And indeed, a character who only appears in the second season to be killed is a bit hmm.
Having said that, it's been a few eps since you sent this in, and since then, I don't really know that Kristi/Kenny HAVE been framed as this inevitable love story, but I don't know if anyone on this show will even get that. Both because it's a horror and anyone can die, but you notice how it tends to go up and down on characterization from one week to the next, depending on what's needed. The calmest, most rational person will be an idiot and then vice versa, it could be that Kristi's totally focused on Mari right now, and then next season realizing she's in love with Kenny or whatever.
Sorry I waited so long to answer that we couldn't really discuss your theory about how Mari's addiction might affect things, but in last night's ep, that almost happened! She was close to opening a window!
Now, though, I wonder what'll happen. If she, Julie, and Randall are all being affected by this new thing, feels like next ep, the season finale, will be to rescue them. Julie's a main so I'd expect her to survive, but Mari and Randall are far more up in the air. :x
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2sw · 5 months
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I was ready to die. I was ready. I should have died.
#samweek2024 Day Four Neurodivergent Sam | Mental Health | Sam & Healing
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buckera · 3 months
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ashlingmizuoka · 12 days
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SPNWEEK2024 by @aborddelimpala
Day 5 : Supernatural day 🎂 ! Fav’ Supernatural episode(s)
(cr.anahilation, you can find her templates that I used here → 1 | 2)
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ladyriot · 4 months
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Oh season 2, the season of Maura listening to Jane's phone calls and being a generally bossy wife.
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its-leethee · 5 months
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hyohaehyuk · 1 year
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bloopers (part 1) vs the actual ep scene
of Alec and Magnus (Season 2A but not quite bc the last magnus set is from 2x12)
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craqueluring · 2 years
i want to talk about randall tier
hannibal draws a lot of inspiration from manhunter (1986), which was the first film adaptation of the hannibal books, and i want to talk specifically about the scene where randall crashes through will's window, because it derives from a scene in manhunter. i am going to compare these two scenes, and use this to further my discussion of hannibal, which will be the focus of this. (there is a TLDR at the end of this!)
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in manhunter, at the end of the movie, will runs and crashes through dolarhyde's window, shattering it and directly jumping into a fight with him. now, there is a copious amount of imagery in manhunter depicting will talking to his reflection in glass, windows, etc as if his reflection is dolarhyde. we get the sense that dolarhyde is inside of will’s head, and they start to blur as will has to relate and empathize more and more with dolarhyde to catch him. 
will crashing through the window is him meeting the darkest parts of himself face-to-face – now, he and dolarhyde are on the same side of the glass. will kills dolarhyde, which represents will overcoming (or, at least, suppressing) his violent urges and the turmoil that comes with understanding killers so deeply.
so, will crashing through the glass to meet dolarhyde is him meeting the ‘bad’ part of himself, the part that understands killers and lets them inside of his head, and by killing dolarhyde, he defeats this darker part of himself. will graham, in typical 80s fashion, ends the movie stable in his morality and can return to his heterosexual family life and watch the sunset with his wife and child.
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the scene in hannibal is a bit different. instead of the identity parallel being between will and dolarhyde, it is between will and randall tier. randall is (if i am not mistaken) the first patient of hannibal’s we meet that has undergone his “therapy” and is considered a success. this is when we fully start to grasp what it is that hannibal does with his “therapy.” and what will could Become if he accepted hannibal's guidance.
instead of solely will’s violent urges, like dolarhyde represented in manhunter, randall tier represents, in a way, what will could be: a 'balanced' person who embraces his violence and becomes one with it. randall tier has the same violent urges and the dissonance in his identity that will has, but he accepts it, embraces it, and revels in what he is. 
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so, when randall crashing through will’s window, will not only comes face to face with himself, but the Higher Self that hannibal is guiding him to Become. this is why randall is depicted as the raven stag, and then the stag man: will is forced to come face to face with who hannibal is guiding him to be, hannibal's influence, and has to confront how to handle his violent urges once again by being forced to kill in self defense. however, his fight with randall does not represent him overcoming these violent urges, as was in manhunter. the fight does actually facilitate will’s Becoming. will throws his shotgun away and chooses to use his hands to kill randall, as hannibal suggested. through Will’s fight with and murder of randall tier, he actually becomes closer to his Higher Self and his Becoming.
this is furthered by will's choice to make randall tier into a tableau. will’s first tableau. in will’s pendulum conversation with randall, it is made even clearer: will says “you forced me to kill you” and randall replies “i didn’t force you to enjoy it.” !!!!!
TLDR: in manhunter, will crashes through the window to meet a man who represents the darkest parts of himself. by killing dolarhyde, will defeats this dark part of himself and fortifies his sense of morality. hannibal flips this completely around. in hannibal, randall crashes through will’s window. will comes face to face with him, who, in a sense, represents his Higher Self and who will could be if he accepted hannibal's guidance. his fight with randall marks the start of him beginning to embrace this intimate violence hannibal has been talking about. by killing and displaying randall in a tableau, will revels in his violent urges by killing him with his hands and enjoying it and becomes closer to his Higher Self and his Becoming. instead of will overcoming his violent urges through this fight between a him and a representation of his violence like in manhunter, will killing randall fuels these urges.
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I need to make a compilation of all the times where the Commando App would/should have activated. There are A LOT
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lastencoregraphics · 1 year
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The warrior asks the god for advice. And then the god says---
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Hey guys they let me into the s5 writers room
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raayllum · 9 months
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—Ocean Vuong
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911bts · 1 year
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behind the scenes | Aisha and director Jen Lynch from filming 2x09
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zoennes · 1 year
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itachi86 · 1 month
aw slanter helping allanon
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its-leethee · 4 months
so who was gonna tell me that a common name for milk-fruit is star apple
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do i even have to elaborate on how loaded that symbolism is? the apple in the garden of eden? fate and the stars? and star magic and
got too excited and forgot to include the reference it's a caimito/cainito and there's also vietnamese varieties too https://saphco.com/indian-fruit-plants/84-milkfruit-star-apple-graft-plants-canito.html
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