#from a while ago lol
howdoyousleep3 · 3 months
"Use your words."
Daddy James to Stevie Baby who is being a brat (as per usual) 😈
got real carried away with this one, a lot of ball talk lol, but i've missed the fuck out of them and we deserve this so 💅🏻 also! daddy's pov! that's fun.
word count: 1.7 K notable tags: daddy kink, manhandling, slapping, orgasm denial, blowjob, dirty talk, subspace, multiple orgasms, come marking, nipple play, cockwarming
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Steve is in rare form tonight.
When they play like this, when they get wrapped up in one another to the point where the rest of the world and the present warps away, Steve tends to stay in his head. No matter what James puts him and his beautiful body through, Steve remains tethered to the present.
But times like these, times where Steve sinks under and slips from his head, are so few and far between.
And James is fucking feral for it.
They’ve been at it for hours and Steve is still hungry, still eager. James has put his baby through the ringer, made him work and grovel and damn near embarrass himself for what he’s wanted, for what James has wanted. James knows he’ll have to be the one to call it; Steve would run himself into the ground for James.
Sweet boy.
He deserves the fucking world, deserves the sun and the moon and all the disgustingly sweet coffee drinks he can stomach.
Steve deserves whatever the fuck he wants after tonight.
James smacks his heavy cock down onto Steve’s tongue from where he kneels in front of him on the couch, spit flinging from Steve’s open mouth. He moans when James does it again, so noisy. He has been all evening. The noises have flown from his mouth like water, without thought and with desperation. James doesn’t think Steve knows just how loud he’s been, how reactive and how needy he sounds.
It's music to James’ ears.
“How d’you want it?” James rasps, eyes locked onto where Steve loosely suckles at the tip of his cock, slurping and moaning around it as if it’s the best thing his baby’s ever put in his mouth.
“Wan’it,” is all Steve moans, taking more of James into his mouth, spit slipping distractedly down his chin. James can’t help but touch it, transfixed by it. He smears it with his fingers, presses it into the skin of Steve’s jaw, his cheek, goes back for more to spread it around.
It seems he’ll need to be more specific in order to get an answer out of Steve. He tugs at Steve’s hair anyway, gives it a good, sharp yank in an attempt to bring him back from the brink of…
Well, maybe it’s a hopeless situation. Steve is far passed any sort of brink.
“Baby—listen,” he murmurs, smacking at Steve’s cheek rather harshly. “How do you want your Daddy’s come?”
It’s a more specific question, but it’s also a question that sends Steve further under. He whines, the nasally noise turning into a throaty groan as he leans forward on his knees, hands reaching for more of James’ cock. They’re past the point of rules, time and effort and energy leaving them drained and aching, so James doesn’t reprimand Steve for using his hands. He quite likes the feel of Steve fumbling with him in a frenzy, of the added tightness of his fists.
He kicks his hips up into Steve’s grip, his cock up into Steve’s hot mouth.
Fuck, he’s never getting an answer out of his boy.
“Use your fuckin’ words, Steven,” he bites out, laying his hands casually beside him on the couch, slowly losing his patience with the situation before him. Not at Steve, rarely does he genuinely lose his patience with his boy. But he’s ready to come again, is ready to pull Steve back from the depths of his mind, to cradle this sweetness he never so willingly gets to witness.
When Steve whines around a mouthful, when James feels that whine in his balls, he decides one more time.
He reaches for his cock with one hand and Steve’s hair with the other.
“How do you,” James says clearly and slowly, eyes locked with Steve’s glazed ones as he fists his weeping cock in front of Steve’s open mouth. “Want your Daddy’s come?”
Steve slurs out his answer, tilting his head back in an obvious attempt to tighten the hold on his hair, “In my pussy.”
James’ core burns.
“You already got it in that sweet pussy’a yours,” James reminds him, voice as thick as his swelling cock. “Remember? Fucked it into to you an hour ago. Bet it’s still in there, makin’ you all messy. Why don’t you—”
“Fine,” Steve huffs, snaps, and James barely resists the urge to put Steve’s dick under the heel of his dress shoe. “Then come on in.”
The words are slow out of Steve’s mouth, sinful and filthy. Even six feet under the drunken fog of sex Steve knows he’s got his Daddy right where he wants him with that request.
“Come on my pussy, Daddy.”
James doesn’t even need time to come. His fist flies over his cock, his heavy load in his balls at the ready. It’s always ready for Steve, always hot for whenever his boy wants it.
“Then fuckin’ show me, you show me exactly where you want it,” James purrs, lip curling as he watches Steve turn around on his knees eagerly and gracefully. He’s always so goddamn graceful when it comes to sex, eroticism layered in his body and pure existence. It’s why he enjoys being watched so much, why he gets off on eyes on him. Steve is sex.
When he bends at that sinful waist, when his cheek hits the floor and he arches his back, James’ groan is thunderous.
He’ll never tire of this sight, of Steven’s hole, of right where his perfect body works to let his Daddy inside. The proof is right there, right in front of James’ eyes. His pink pussy is slick with his Daddy’s first load, his rim puffy, his hole used, just as it should be. His balls sit prettily between his spread thighs, heavy with the load James has denied him of.
James sucks on his teeth to stop himself from losing focus and leaning down to suck them into his mouth one by one.
Steve’s ass always looks fuckable, the jiggle and fat of his cheeks tempting James every minute of every goddamn day, but there’s nothing compared to the sight that lays before him. And when Steve whines, when he leans his hips back and bounces his ass as if James needs a reminder of his request, James slips to the floor on his knees.   
He can’t resist, just a little—
He can feel Steve’s gluttonous groan in his own balls as he slips the fat tip of his cock into Steve’s ass, continuing to stroke himself off. He pulls his hips back, pushes it back in, does it again. And again.
“Fuck, I’ll never get tired’a this. Get back here, get your hands back here. Show me—”  
Words tumble from James’ mouth as if he knows what they mean, as if he coherent enough to form demands. But God bless him, Steve knows. With a long whine he brings his hands back to his ass, to each cheek, spreading himself wide before smacking his hands over his own ass, shaking at the handfuls he grabs for.
The feeling of Steve’s ass shaking around his cock nearly makes James see stars.
“Fuck yeah.”
Steve smacks at his ass again, pressing his cheeks together and smushing his ass all around the tip of James’ cock.
“Daddy…come on my pussy, Daddy.”
James’ orgasm rushes through him, builds so quickly he shouts at the intensity of it. He barely has time to pull his cock free from the grip of Steve’s ass before the first hot spurt of come is shooting from his tip. Fucking hell.
Steve moans as if it’s his own orgasm, as if it’s his own set of balls emptying out. Or maybe he moans at the feel of it, at the sensation of his Daddy’s come dirtying him up, running down his taint and dragging down his sac. Or maybe, James thinks, maybe it’s Steve’s feral desire to be claimed in such a primal way, to be so subservient he’s more than willing to accept his Daddy’s come on his body instead of inside.
When James’ climax is complete, when he’s pulled everything he has from himself, he presses the head of his cock back into Steve’s pussy.
James damn near shouts again when Steve immediately clenches down around him, needy and absolutely desperate for more.
“Can never give you enough, always want fuckin’ more,” he huffs out with amusement feigned as annoyance as he watches Steve’s hole pulse and try to suck him further into his greedy body. Unbelievable. He reaches for Steve’s shoulders, pulling him up off the floor and sliding his dick further into Steve’s pussy. Steve’s heavy gasp makes his cock twitch inside of his boy’s body. Also unbelievable.
His hands slip to Steve’s tits, squeezing and pinching as he digs his teeth into the side of Steve’s neck. His hips meet the curve of his luscious ass and even Steve’s moan sounds slurred, James pressing in tight. It’s not impossible, a third orgasm, but it’s off the table for the night. James wants other things from his baby.
That doesn’t stop Steve from trying though, the bastard continuing to milk James dry.
“Come sit on my dick while it goes soft,” James whispers into Steve’s ear, fingers unable to resist the urge to pluck at Steve’s pretty nipples. He doesn’t give Steve the chance to argue or respond, easily pulling them both backwards and up to the couch, Steve in his lap. James can feel the come on his body, the way it bleeds into the fabric of his dress pants. He loves it.
“Never soft for me,” Steve manages to argue anyway, his head lolling back onto James’ shoulder. His fingers go back to pinching at Steven’s nipples, rubbing at them as Steve presses his chest into his Daddy’s touch. The noises he gets are soft, delicate almost, always are when he plays with Steve’s tits. James looks down the line of Steve’s body and sees his dick, angry and leaking, and if he’s not careful Steve could come like this, his Daddy’s hands on his tits.
“Yeah, yeah,” he chuckles, knowing damn well Steve is right. He skates his hands up and down Steve’s entire torso, pinching the tip of Steve’s dick, relishing in the whimper and twitch Steve gives him.
“Whatever you say, kitten.”
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basketobread · 4 months
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lunara moment p. 2 (why is she making these faces... WRONG ANSWERS ONLY!!!!!)
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mdverse · 3 months
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go go go!! (x)
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frascospecimen · 4 months
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Btw I think people on this website might enjoy my funny computer. Lol
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fleetways · 6 months
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finally. the chimera baby super form
due to her particularly strong chaos powers, mira can obtain a mini super form with less than 7 emeralds. depending upon the number of emeralds, her appearance and personality can change quite drastically. this is her with either five or six.
obligatory poll link
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shimmershy · 1 year
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Enjoying the view from the Ruins balcony. :)
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cloudofbutterflies · 2 years
Officially narrowed Taika Waititi’s main demographic down to:
- Queer People
- Lesbians with swords 
- POC 
- Long time tumblrinas
- Gen z’s who listen to 80′s glam rock
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fauxmeeks · 2 years
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dog boy
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flownwrong · 14 days
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5x05 Mirrors // 5x09 Lagrange Point
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raiiny-bay · 2 months
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alien emoji
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diesfortunae · 7 months
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Your Favorite Salesman circa 1997
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dankmaths · 2 months
I'm like 90% sure if I don't get more of your ghost au I may just implode so like 🥺👉👈
not necessarily my AU but i ended up drawing smth based on a scene from @novethegreat's fic, "In Love With A Ghost". ooohhhh you wanna read it so bad ooooohh
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+more google doc delusions ive had in my head for a long time and havent been possessed to draw under the cut please work god please
i like to think once yosuke gets over the whole undead roommate thing he starts to feel bad for leaving yu at home all day. (like a pet dog.....) so at some point he invites chie and yukiko over. maybe it’s a study session. but at first yukiko can’t make it so it’s just chie. yosuke tells yu to stay put in the room since chie is scared of ghosts (just like yosuke she’ll never admit it though lol). chie says that she and yukiko have been working on a new recipe and offers to cook which yosuke shoots down Very quickly, offering to cook himself, since a "friend" of his has been teaching him-- he very conveniently leaves out the whole undead roommate thing. but when he’s preparing the food he accidentally cuts his finger. yu forgets what he’s told and rushes through the walls into the kitchen scaring chie on accident.
yosuke: OW shit
yu: (phasing through the wall) yosuke! are you ok?
chie: yosuke! are youuuuuuUUUUAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
yukiko, the occult lover, is unable to see/hear ghosts… but when she hears abt "OHHH HANAMURAS APT IS HAUNTED ITS SO SCARY ITS AWFUL!!! i mean the ghost didnt kill me or anything he was actually pretty polite but its AWFUL!!!!!!" from chie, she gets sooo excited and begs yosuke to invite her over (for the ghost obviously not for yosuke. which is a bit of a blow to his ego LOL). and she comes in with a ouija board so she can talk to yu
yukiko: so. where is it?
yosuke: his name is yu. damn, not even a hello.
yukiko: well, where is he?
yosuke: …right over there.
yu tries to play along bc he thinks its fun, to yosukes exasperation. however he has trouble staying solid for very long so it takes foreverrrrr. but basically i think yu and yukiko writing each other notes to communicate like point blank pen pals would be cute… also when the others are around who can hear yu, playing telephone with what he says to yukiko and fucking it up (on accident OR on purpose) would be rly funny
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comradekatara · 1 year
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a small, elite... high school friend group
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bytedykes · 3 months
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[ID: Scum Villain fanart. First image is a sketch of the original Luo Binghe wearing a "Kiss the Cook" apron and holding a mixing bowl. He smiles and says, "A-Yuan! Dinner is almost done!" Second image is Shen Yuan in his original appearance, clutching his phone. He has a very shocked expression, his jaw dropped. He's also blushing. He thinks, "Since when is the protagonist a housewife, ah?? Is this my fault? Did I domesticate him? Wtf?" Both drawings are digital sketches done with a red pen. /end ID]
binggeyuan silly
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#this is one of my favorite pokémon of ALL time. this is one of those pokémon that#when it first came out‚ i had such a Visceral reaction to. i couldn't get over this fucking dog. and i still can't#THEY CAN'T FUCKING SEE!!!!!! AHJGSAKDGASJGDSKCGAJVCKABCKB#i love it SO much it's so fucking. cute. it's so fucking cute. so happy to see that blue haired bitch in the sv dlc having one#DAS IST MEIN BABY. I LOVE IT. lord this is the best. gushing over this dog#while also listening to discO-zone for the first time in a Long time#which is one of my favorite albums of all time. right next to probably vylet pony's cutiemarks and the things that bind us#and burn pygmalion from the scary jokes#there you go. there's my music taste lain out flat. kinda all over the place but discO-zone is one of those that i've loved since i was#a real youngin. and i just rediscovered it last night and UUUUUUUGGHHHH IT'S SO GOOD#MUSIC!!!! AND DOGS. feeling GOOD this morning#by the time this posts‚ it'll be like. two weeks later. but past me was feeling great when she posted this#about to start shiny hunting pawniard for a friend's birthday. technically getting eggs as i write this#wish me luuuuck..! it'll probably be his birthday by the time this posts. lemme check#oh yeah this is gonna post two days After his birthday. hopefully by the time this goes up i've already got the pawniard#HI FORGOT TO TAG THIS ONE#hisuian growlithe#hi from the future again lol his birthday was like a month ago by this point because i ended up queueing up this guy before all the gmax#forms. i totally forgot them. and this whole time i've been queuing them up and shoving them Above this guy. so it was even longer ago#that i queued this guy up at this point. teehee!
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lowpolyshadow · 11 months
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i have art block but i also don't have art block you feel me
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