#from my past self
zephyrine-gale · 2 years
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deliverance (ft. a little bird that didn’t make the cut)
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hinamie · 4 months
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i think the designs of the main cast r more or less solidified so it's time for the first not-a-sketch piece of this au featuring past and present avatars ! and their cat
jjk atla!au:
preliminary designs first year trio gojo/choso/nanami mahito/geto(?)/yuuta
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juniiperx · 2 years
If you haven't heard, (original tweet was deleted, thread still remains)
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DeviantArt created an AI generator using the database of all the art in the platform where everyone was originally opted-in by default and to opt-out you had to fill in a form that may take days to be revised and could get rejected, allowing DeviantArt essentially steal all of your artwork.
They listened to the people and made it so every art is opted-out by default in this other tweet.
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Although they "fixed" it but as of now have yet to apologize to all the artists the platform has offensively dared to steal from... in my eyes, DeviantArt is dead.
I also consider twitter dead in my eyes but that's another story and irrelevant to what I wish to discuss.
Because of the horrible executive actions DeviantArt, I have removed my past presence from the platform and I want to talk about my finds.
DeviantArt, in the past, was a very influential platform for little ol' me so going back to remove my old art was a trip down memory lane.
There was a total of four accounts. I always struggled with identity online and because you needed to pay to change username, i simply made a new account instead. It was... nice. I saw four stages of my art growth that made me nostalgic.
The first account I went to was my latest account, 2019-2020.
It had my most recent artwork with little to no description. It was no cause of nostalgia because it was my latest and still had art that I consider okay. It was my most urgent to remove from the platform trying to steal it.
The second account I visited was of 2016-2019. Apparently by 2018-2019 was when I started spending most of my time on Amino since there's a couple of posts drawing OCs of people from Amino. Despite mainly spending my time on another platform, I still posted occasionally to DeviantArt.
But let's talk about the past first, 2016-2017, my second most active year on DeviantArt. I posted drawings of my OCs and characters I simply designed for the sake of it with a brief description.
This was my first drawing posted on that account:
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"Vladik" nov 29, 2016
This is a fellow character of mine named Vladik (whatarelastnames) who's from a story that I may write. I'm also gonna write a better description than this later but for now satisfy with a one sentence explanation.
He's that typical shy guy at first that the more you get to know, the more annoying and flirty he'll get as well as his edgy, dark past and- oh the pain! (making fun of my own characters ftw) but even with that he keeps that little smile as his past events haunts his mind... becuz he secretly edgy
Yeah, I was young and had recently figured out how to use a drawing tablet. My biggest art inspiration that contributed to my current style was the youtuber "LeslieLu Marie" (great artist, check her out).
Looking back at it, oh how I wish I had explained more... This character, back then, was one of my main OCs I'd think about a lot and even used for roleplays with my friend. I had a very detailed and tragic backstory for him that I no longer remember since it was such a long time ago.
The vague memory I have, he was a soldier (?) and had a group of friends but one friend went against him so he had to kill his friend. Years after, his dead friend came back for revenge (?). He truly doesn't fit the design but looking back, how fun heh. It's fun to look back at what younger me was creating, elaborate plots and relationships, all the things that shape my current story.
All the other characters were in similar fashion, either being a mere design or being a very detailed OC with complex backstories. Unfortunately, it's all stories lost to time because I never wrote detailed descriptions. I can never know the stories I had planned because I was very secretive, I kept it secret from my own friend because I wanted to be mysterious and only reveal it once I have an established comic/novel. The sad reality is that, that day never came... and those stories became secret to my own self as I read back only to find nothing.
The OC story I remember the most is of Vladik and I already wrote what I remembered, it's not a lot... the fact that I may never remember what these characters were was slightly upsetting for me.
This was my last drawing posted to that account and also my first and only traditional drawing:
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"Snek boi" Jan 13, 2019
Oh wow traditional art o^o
...I vaguely remember that he had a name and story but I recall no details of it. Again, his story is a mystery to myself.
The other account was 2015, the creepypasta phase.
Let's briefly talk of the backstory and mentality of 13 yr old me:
I was introduced to DeviantArt and Wattpad before that age and now I was old enough to actually use the internet and those platforms without lying about it online.
I thought "Jeff the Killer" was hot and that his story was sad and therefore excused the murders. I wanted and eventually did make my own creepypasta (lost to time) and I remember I had two creepypasta OCs, my Jeff the Killer rip-off named "Crooked Smile" and my Liu rip-off named "Cody"... obsessed with Jeff the Killer is an understatement.
I believed the only valid way for me to post art was digital art and that traditional art wasn't good enough to be post and if I did post it, it was of no use because my camera was crappy and it'd look bad either way. Therefore, I drew my creepypasta OCs but I never posted them because they were all traditional.
I pirated Paint Tool Sai... as I'm sure most artists did back then, right?
I was now involving myself more with the horror community because of creepypasta and I still interact with media involving horror movies (Mista GG) and stories involving murder and other (MrBallen).
(No, I do not and will never consider myself part of True Crime Community.)
And then I moved from being obsessed with Jeff the Killer to being obsessed with Ben Drowned and that's when I started posting on that DeviantArt account on 2015.
Backstory over, let's go over to my first drawing posted on that account:
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"*Warning*" Jan 1, 2015
As it says there I'm a creepypasta-fan, soooooooooooo... I draw creepy stuff
(I draw horrible T-T)
well at least I finished the drawing and OMFG! it took me ALOT of time to draw it
first: I drew the boy in paint XP (or something like that) but I couldn't leave it like that with no background
second: sooooooo... I went to paint tool sai to do the background, but people wont understand WHY did I drew it soooooo...
third: I went to paint to put a text and FINALLY I finished and I'm so happy
I don't know who the f**k is he... maybe Ben idk do you think that he could be my OC because only the eyes are similar to Ben but nothing else right?
okay maybe its Ben in casual eating some kidneys with Jack? (nah... we all know that E.J. wont ever share his kidneys and Ben will never eat that right?Sweating a little...)
well whatever hope you enjoy it and leave a comment always helps me (please no critiques)
EDIT: hahhahahaha no (2017)
Oh my creepypasta phase... even though it's as one calls "cringe", I look back at those memories fondly. It was a weird but fun era for me, making those drawings of my "Ben Drowned" rip-off.
Myles Thorme, creepypasta name being "The Missing Thought", catchphrase: "Are you lost? Because I think you're missing." He was my most developed OC in public. He even had a comic and a completed journal with his backstory which is frankly... a hilarious read.
The best of this character is not the poorly drawn blood on his mouth or his hilarious choice of style but the fact that he was the one to help me connect to a community for the first time ever browsing the internet. You see, after making him, I looked up DeviantArt groups to join, something roleplay focuses because me and my friend would roleplay but since they moved, we haven't been able to do so. Because of that and because of my obsession with creepypasta, I found "Proxy High", a creepypasta fan group where slenderman was the director and was housing a bunch of creepypasta fan OCs that were his proxies.
This was my input to the group, and the first time I fully moved from MS paint to Paint Tool Sai:
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"The Missing Thought/ Proxy High" Jan 3, 2015
For Proxy High
I only have one OC sooooooo. . . yeah nothing else[Green Link Sweat]
is the uniform okay? cause idk
and know I'm officially ready for rp I am a dummy!
(I forgot to say that in the school he's ANTI-social, but I HOPE he can finally find a friend)
Name: Myles Thorme
Proxy name: The Missing Thought
Nickname: Missing
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Class: Green
OC: yukkim.deviantart.com/art/
Back Story (how he became a proxy):
He went though the city, getting a new victim like always. He covered his face with his hoodie. When he finished his daily walk in the city he went into the woods. Lucky he found a young teenager wondering through the woods. Trying to forget what happened last he went to say hi.
"Hello", said Missing.
"Ah! you scared me, what's your name", said the girl.
"Are you lost?, Cause I think you're missing", said Missing.
"I am lost but not missing!", she said.
Immediately Missing stab her in the stomach, he kept stabbing her again and again. When she was unconscious on the floor, he got matchstick and burned her body. He ran away before the fire catch him. While he was running, he noticed that his knife was missing. He went back so there where no clue of his existents. He saw that the knife was on the girl that was now on fire. He grabbed his knife as quick as possible and went running. But then, he notice that the fire surround him. "Its the end, I'm dead", he said sitting there waiting for the fire to catch him. When the fire was inches of him, he heard a static from the distance. "Open your eyes Myles", said a mysterious voice. Missing was shocked. Nobody new his real name. "Well that doesn't makes sense", said Missing. He blinked and the fire was gone. Missing was surprised. He saw a tall man in suit but no face. "Ummmm. . . hi! thanks for saving me", he said waving his hand. He heard the static again it eventually got louder and louder, hurting Missing's ears. He fell unconscious on the floor by the static. He heard the faceless man. "You will work for a proxy", said the man.
EDIT: this be were I met my friends Llama Emoji-50 (Whistling) [V3]
Well isn't that a hilarious read? I posted this to the group which they surprisingly accepted me in and for the first time I had received an influx of comments starting roleplays. It was lots of fun roleplaying with so many people even if my OC was definitely one of the hilariously bad OCs the group had.
After gaining some... notoriety, I began making a comic about Myles life in the school. It didn't last long but oh I sure had fun making it.
I'm glad I wrote as much as I did about this character, even though it's such a bad character. I know him really well, know his story which was so dramatic and funny, and his relationships with others. He (and I) had a good friend which was a rip-off of "Ticci-Toby" but essentially the only difference was that she was a girl. We'd roleplay a lot until... well I started to grow out of the creepypasta phase and sadly, I left her behind. Where ever she or they are, I hope they're okay and remember this phase as fondly as I do.
I left that account on 2016 when I got a drawing tablet and began learning how to use it which afterwards, I made the DeviantArt account I spoke of above. I did however, briefly came back to it on 2017, reading messages of old friends that had moved on from the creepypasta community. It was a bittersweet feeling to see messages but having abandoned them but in a way... it was a nice closure.
This, wasn't my last drawing posted there but I think it's the drawing that matters the most to move on from this chapter:
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"Draw This Again" Apr 7, 2017
cuz y not make it a meme [Llama Emoji-66 (Orly) [V3]
The last account I visited was my first ever DeviantArt account and it was made on 2014 when I was 12 yrs old. Yes, I lied online about my age to join DeviantArt.
I was drawn in by my friend who recommended me to read a comic they found about, at the time, favorite movie "Rise of the Guardians". The was a fan comic which involved an OC called "Mori the shifter". I loved that comic and it was the first comic I read and finished.
During that time, despite reading a comic with humanoid creatures, I was more into drawing feral and anthropomorphic animals. Essentially I was (and still consider myself to be) a furry.
In the old account, I'd draw furries and most of them had no story whatsoever. I had a fursona which I named "Happy" (because it was before I was diagnosed with persistent depression... cough).
There wasn't much on that account but I did revisited on 2016 for a redraw:
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"Draw this again- Happy" Dec 9, 2016
2014 vs. 2016
Sooooo I found my old account in deviantart and damn... wtf iz dis shet I've seen some things - [Emoticon ... Nino Wants To Die] I then decided to re-draw it because.. why not?
Her name is supposed to be Happy because she's an optimistic lil sh!t
I don't care what she was in the past or what you all say but she gay...HA! GAAAAAY! (Emoticon) LOLOLOLOLOL
ALL DA HOMO :rainbowfrog:
But there's something I have yet to mention about this account. I apparently had a story about a group of wolf friends? I wrote nothing related to them because I, again like my recent self, wanted to keep it a secret until I made a comic I never started. All I remember was a black wolf named Shadow who was the villain of the story.
I sadly don't remember any other details of the story...
Before all this, before my slow transition to the online media on 2013 and before that... my childhood was spent drawing traditionally a comic about wolves and their adventures in the world which I have unfortunately lost the 4-6 completed notebooks (Yes, all the pages filled) of.
And before that? 2012 I believe I was roleplaying with "Littlest Pet Shop", having complicated stories inspired by the novelas my mother and I would watch before bed.
And before, before that? I was roleplaying irl with my friend about wolves, inspired by (and yes bare with me) "Alpha and Omega", the movie about wolves and "forbidden romance".
Before, before, before all that? I was just me being a kid. I still am me but as an adult I guess. It's alright, I'm having fun roleplaying with my current boyfriend. I'm thinking about elaborate stories and plots to do with him.
I had fun then and I'm still having fun and I hope my future self also has fun whatever they're doing.
Why did I write all this?
Be cause if I could go back and change one thing about the past I'd do one thing... I'd write more. I'd tell my younger self to write down the silly little stories they have planned. Tell them that it doesn't matter if they have an audience or not because your own self is the best audience you will ever have.
You have no idea how much I wish I could know what was my younger thinking when I drew that purple wolf in 2014 or that snake character in 2019. How much I wish I could connect to my younger self like I can easily do with my 2015 creepypasta self.
So the real answer is, all this is for my future self. Hi, future self, enjoying the nostalgia trip? It's nice to look where you came from and compare to who you are now, no?
Whoever you are, whether it's myself or some random person online, wherever you are and however you are, please... look into your past fondly because your past is what shaped you into being you!
With that said, have a nice day/night :].
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jahdefender · 3 months
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So I found this posted to reddit and I wanted to share it here because I'm sure there are some fans who haven't seen the Adventures Bible stuff. (I had not so this is just referencing myself)
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benevolenterrancy · 14 days
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May your hardened heart be woken By the soft and distant song Of all you left here unspoken All the shards we keep stepping on - Take this body home Take this body home Call the wind, and let her know Take this life outgrown Take this broken soul Call the stars, call them all And take it high, take it far, take it home
#svsss#luo binghe#shen qingqiu#bingqiu#sqq#lbh#scum villain#heard the song Take This Body Home by Rose Betts and it nearly took me out at the knees#it really really suits sqq's self-detonation in hua yue city right? i'm not the only one feeling this?#considered adding some literal shards for them to be stepping on - since sqq's sword explodes - but i couldn't quite make it work#anyway this has been playing like a music video in my head for the past couple days highly recommend listening to the song#if you haven't heard it before#can't get over the absolute dissonance between how sqq views this scene and how everyone else must feel about it#like to him he's just completing his plan - hopefully keeping lbh from destroying a city with energy imbalance and escaping The Plot#nbd! he and sqh have planned it all out it's FINE :) off he goes!#meanwhile everyone who loves him - including lbh who worked years to get back to him and is trying to work through a lot of grief#and resentment and doubt and longing and... - watches him DIE in FRONT OF THEM#just collapse while coughing up blood sword disintegrating energy completely consumed#like holy hell sqq could you traumatize the people around you any more???#no wonder lbh went a little bit crazy after that like my man was already not in a great place but what the fuck#lbh watches his shizun presumably sacrifice himself for him ONCE AGAIN like after he's finally Gotten Strong his shizun is STILL#coming to harm in an effort to make up for his shortcomings#my art#most of the time out here drawing what amounts to muppets and then sometimes i get the urge for this and just need to cover everyone in blo
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kitamars · 2 years
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so uh. narumitsu pirate au anyone?
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somnimagus · 1 year
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My page for @kairizine. It was such a huge honor to be part of this wonderful book with everyone, I had so much fun!
[id in alt!]
#kingdom hearts#kh#kh kairi#kh xion#kh namine#i don't really feel proud of my own stuff usually but#i really think this is the drawing i'm most proud of from this past year!! it made me think 'oh maybe i can draw' haha#i'm still kinda bad with colors but something clicked with this one. and i feel like i got the sentimental feeling i wanted!#ooh but this project's about flower symbolism so ramble incoming:#protea symbolizes resilience transformation and diversity; hollyhock means 'please remember me.'#so my general theme was finding a sense of self.#these 3 have struggled with finding their own identity; they tend to get left behind both in-universe and in general plotwise#and naminé and xion both resemble kairi and were overshadowed by her memory. but i feel like all 3 have transformed into their own people#xion and naminé have their faces covered partially by hollyhock to show their wish to be remembered for who they are-#instead of the parts that they share with someone else#and the protea bouquets show how they each held on and resiliently grew into their own person despite it all#i put a little swervy path on the hill behind kairi to give that hopeful sense of growth and moving forward. it's a little hard to see#hopefully that makes sense! i really love symbolism but i think in visuals so i'm really bad with words#but gosh working with everyone on this project was so fun. it was like impossible not to get swept up by the team's hype for this zine#i need to hunt down everybody's work and rb it#ohh and everybody's flowers are so crisply drawn it's insane!! i think if i lined all these flowers and leaves i'd die haha#fan art#my art#project stuff
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inkskinned · 2 years
actually, i love you, so you cannot be ugly to me. sometimes i think i have no idea what you actually look like. i know we've been friends for like a while but if someone asked oh who's that i'd talk about how funny you are, how charming. about how i have watched you grow as a person, about how you often choose kindness where i would honestly choose a feral violence. i know you keep a tally of your mistakes and they run around your brain - but in mine? i think they never even make it past the front gate. when i think of you my heart swells up with all the weird shit we've done together and how you've talked me through heartbreak and how i've held your hair back and how we both are like, in therapy, and totally above gossiping, but also like, are going to spill the work tea.
i know! i know you feel ugly. i know you hate that you show symptoms, that you're not normal. you said once - i'm afraid to show others the real me. but i see the other things - about these little quirks that are so, so endearing to me. how you are gentle to strangers. how you stand by your friends. how comfortable you make everybody. how you say hey, did you get home safe? even when it's like 6 feet i'm walking.
i love you. yesterday you spent an hour liveblogging the episode of owl house that you're on and i was like - this person is so fucking amazing. last night you said sorry for infodumping. as if you have anything to apologize for. as if part of the reason we're friends is because i love it when you do this, i love listening. i love you, idiot. i love you so fucking much. i want to stick you in a cage so you stop getting random injuries. i want to throw you into a garbage disposal every time you send me that one specific meme. i love you, i love you, i love you. you mean absolutely everything to me.
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blackkatdraws2 · 3 months
Mariella [Achromatic Loop / Blank Scripts AU]
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luck-of-the-drawings · 4 months
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[OLD ART ALERT] A COLLECTION OF SCENES FROM THE GILLIONS CATSCRATCH ARC THAT BROUGHT ME GREAT JOY. i love fishy chips especially when its just gillion being delirious and violent and hostile
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide#jrwi riptide spoilers#JUST NOTICED A MILLION MISTAKES FUUUUUUUUCK BUT WWHATEVERRRRR IF I STARE AT THIS ANYMORE IM GONNA HHUURRRLLL#SO I REALLY LIKE FISH AND CHIPS RIGHT. IVE BEEN IN LOVE W THE SHIP EVER SINCE THAT NAT 20 KISS#BUT I THINK I SHIP IT WRONG. OR LIKE. I AM CORRECT BUT EVERYONE SHIPS THEM DIFFERENTLY#THE FISH N CHIPS I SEE EVERYWHERE ELSE IS SO FLOWERY AND SWEET AND ROMANTIC. AND THATS NICE! THAT STUFFS NEAT#but gillion and chip would NEVERRRR enter anything similar to a romantic relationship. chips too damaged and gillions too uninterested#I LIKE MY FISH N CHIPS ONE SIDED AS FUCK#bc 2 gillion chip is his best friend in the whole wide world but hes also kinduvagross little man that took him a MINUTE to really warm up2#but to CHIP gillion is this powerful and gorgeous and heroic paragon of destiny and his best friend in the whole world who will#bring about the eschaton. 'i didnt believe in destiny until i met you' until i met a champion radiating with a light thatll alter the world#OHH REMEMBER THE FIRST ICE ARENA?he was so mad.still probably shaking from the ordeal.NEVER had he felt true divine radiance CLEAVE through#his SOUL like that.do you remember that moment in the forest w the bugs. an alien from the ocean; lacerating the land w lightning#when the realization flickered in chip for a moment.that the thing standing before him was more powerful than he could ever fathom#remember when grizz mentioned that the nat20 kiss was the 'best kiss chip ever experienced'. that has nothing to do w this. where was i.#LOST MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT. BUT HEY. I THINK at the beginning chip absolutely knew that gill was smth grand n powerful n scary#when gillion revealed what exactly the prophecy was;chip got defensive and mad.sure he was sleep deprived but OOH. HES SCARED!#he believes gillion too! he believes that his destiny is to eradicate either the sea or land and that scares him!#but then he gets past it bc ultimately he trusts his bestfriend gillion so so much. he fuckin loves this dude.#he would throw himself intothe path of fire for this dude. he would boat across the ocean for this dude.he would build arenas for this dude#even if this dude will end half the world.even if this dude wields the power and the obligation to eradicate him at any second.#even if this dude is going to throw himself into harms way for his own comrades.even if this dude is just going to sacrifice himself.#one way or another one shall die for the other.these self-sacrificial bastards click so well with eachother!!#chip believes his body is best used to pave roads and gill believes his body is destined to pave prosperity.WHATEVER!!#i really love their dynamic!! they care for eachother so much!in MY heart tho. the icing on the cake here is the fantasy that chip is#just a bit more In Love w gillion than he realizes. like this powerful fish guy is HOT and PRETTY and KIND and FUNNY and LOYAL and STRONG#but gillion would never rly feel that same sort of attraction towards chip. its just not rly his thing. aroace as fuck man.#thats how it is in MY little heart atleast. and i sit here and play w my touys in my brain n i explore my silly lil one sided fish y chips.
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loveydoveylex · 4 months
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I've drawn a lot of cringeworthy stuff in my time as an artist, but I think this takes the cake (affectionate)
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mblue-art · 10 months
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—ketchup breath!!
april 2022, huh... how time flies by...
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hinamie · 15 days
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so just know, I'm healing / even though it don't feel like it
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk fanart#jujutsu kaisen fanart#yuji itadori#fushiguro megumi#megumi fushiguro#itafushi#fushiita#jjk spoilers#jjk manga spoilers#good evening it is past midnight and i am here furthering the itfs scar kissing agenda#stumbled across the insp pic buried in my likes and i went oh this is relevant in the opposite direction :) I Can Use This :)#op has some of my fav itfs fanart ill b so real n tht piece ws swimming around in my brain fr Days#so i told myself today my reward for submitting my zine checkin wld b drawing yuuji kissing megumi's scars#also pls observe. /this/ is what i mean when i say tht megumi receiving affection looks like he is unsure and in mild pain#Does Not Know How To Respond To Affection Even From His Own Boyfriend.png#i LOVE drawing megu with this expression so sosos much the downcast sidelong gaze + furrowed brow.....#its SO good#also idk what i did with his hair here but the render actually turned out so well ?? best megu hair to date every1 pls clap#not 2 mention th shape of yuuji's bangs???? pats self on th back no offense but i am on fire w these boys' hair lately#that being said i decided i did not want to render anything else ddfdfjjghdjgf i got tired#kept the rest flat n took the opportunity to play around w light chromatic abberation on the scars#idk if any1 noticed but i found th retro film filter n used it a bunch on my recent comic#its so convenient it comes w built in noise n everything!!!!!!#anyway . caption is salt fv <333 if u care <333333#i think it is also a megu song but like . a post-canon megu song#i thought this wld take longer bc i was planning on rendering everything so i cracked an energy drink and am tragically awake#shld i start smth new we shall see smile :)
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
[ cw: assumed death / assumed sibling death / assumed child death / solitude ]
Thinking about Leo being trapped in the Prison Dimension and keeping himself warm through the power of his own ninpo - this ability is shown to us as a flame, after all, so imagine if, when he lets his mystic energy run through him, it warms him up, just a little.
In this desolate place, all cold and alone, he focuses on that flame and leans into its warmth.
He relies on it, and he realizes it that he’d relied on it too much when it goes out, and he’s once again cold.
(In another dimension, the Hamatos believe they lost one of their own.)
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kitamars · 1 year
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vashwood week day 6: light
but we will still live to see tomorrow’s sunrise
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solitaireships · 3 months
I feel like I should say since there's been a recent uptick in a lot of communities I'm in/see stuff from a lot of white people pretending to be Asian, but you are not welcome here if you are in anyway stealing from Asian cultures for clout or the aesthetics of it
This includes if you're white and you give your self inserts Asian names, I truly do not care if your f/o is from an anime, you should not be using an Asian name under any circumstances. I hate that whenever I see someone using an Asian name online, I feel like I have to start searching their account to see if they're actually Asian or just a white person who likes the aesthetic of it bcs far too many white people will use Asian names here just bcs it sounds cool, with no regard for the actual cultural meaning behind it. Meanwhile actual Asian people will be mocked for their names, or treated like their names are too hard to learn to pronounce, or discriminated against based on their names
Asian cultures are not a fun little costume for people to dress up with. They aren't just a nice aesthetic, they aren't just a thing you can borrow from bcs you think it sounds cool
#my posts#selfship community#anti asian racism#like it's definitely a perpetual problem of white people not seeming to realize asian names are like#a thing that are tied to culture and identity#but it's gotten crazy lately with people pretending to be asian online for clout#just in the past like 3 weeks of things i've seen#we had the white woman pretending to be a japanese woman on comic twitter#the white woman who pretended to be korean to get a 'ownvoices' book published#(who btw. named herself kim chi. you cannot make this shit up)#and then the white guy pretending to be japanese to try to justify his hate of the new assassin's creed game using stuff around yasuke#like it's so draining. i hate how much this is a never ending problem#i hate how casually white people will use asian names#like worstie. i am a korean woman. but i am whitepassing and mixed so i never use korean names for my self inserts#bcs i have the privilege of looking white and people generally only knowing i'm asian if i say it#it feels inappropriate to me for me to name my self inserts a korean name#bcs that would then mean they experience the world in a different way than i do#even being whitepassing bcs of the way people treat korean (and other asian) names#if you are white you have no fucking right to asian names#idgaf if your f/o's an anime character. stay away from asian names bcs they are not yours to dress up in#vent a little bit sorry team#i've been dealing with white people doing this shit and being assholes to me about it for well over a year now. it's exhausting
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