winterludde · 4 months
To Build a Home
i always find solace coming home to my hometown, two hours road by train. the image of a house could send a delight to my heart on my headway there.
kemudian satu per satu gambaran tentang rumah muncul. bayangan akan dinginnya tempat tidurku sendiri apabila dibandingkan dengan yg biasa aku gunakan di kamar kos di tengah kota. masakan ibuku yg tidak pernah gagal membuatku terus melahapnya sampai habis tak tersisa. pelukan selamat datang dari ayahku dan obrolan hangat tentang hari-hariku merantau di luar kota. semua hal tentang rumah selalu menjadi tempat pulang yang paling aku nantikan setiap aku mendapatkan jatah liburku.
but i feel different going home this time.
perjalanan pulang di dalam kereta saat matahari bahkan belum menyempatkan diri untuk menyapa pagi. hawa dingin yang berembus membuatku memeluk tubuhku sendiri, ah, bahkan aku lupa membawa jaket tadi. pesan yang biasa aku kirimkan kepada orang tua ku tiap anak bungsunya ini akan pulang ke rumah, untuk kali ini tidak aku lakukan. it would be a surprise if i got home unexpectedly, but i will handle their confusion later. masih terlalu pagi untuk menghubungi salah satu dari mereka meskipun bisa aku tebak bahwa saat ini di rumah ibu sedang mengiris bumbu untuk dimasak dan ayah mendengarkan musik kerocong favoritnya. oh, i miss that already. now i feel hungry just the thought of a meal my mother might have prepared at home.
aku menyalakan ponsel dan menyadari bahwa daya baterainya hampir habis. i have a bad feeling for this. dengan ragu aku merogoh isi tas punggungku dan tidak menemukan benda yang aku cari di manapun. merasa begitu ceroboh dengan agenda pulang yang sangat mendadak dan baru terpikirkan ketika aku tidak menjumpai kantuk sama sekali sampai tengah malam tadi. saat kemudian menoleh ke sekitarku dan menemukan hampir semua penumpang terlelap di tempat duduknya. sangat tidak sopan membangunkan salah satu dari mereka dan menanyakan pinjaman pengisi daya untuk ponselku yg hampir sekarat ini. hembusan napas panjang keluar dari mulutku, tidak ada pilihan lain selain duduk termenung menikmati pemandangan fajar dari sisi jendela di sebelah kiri ku hingga sampai di stasiun pemberhentian di kota kelahiranku.
atau mungkin kesunyian pagi ini akan diisi oleh berisiknya isi kepalaku saat sebelum ponselku mati, sebuah pesan masuk terbaca sekilas olehku. dari seseorang yang menjadi alasan aku mengambil tiket kereta dengan pemberangkatan se-fajar ini secara mendadak.
from : him<3
hey, morning.
listen, i know it must be so sudden of me to propose to u last night.. just take ur time as much as u need. i understand.
semua orang di usiaku selalu menantikan sebuah pernikahan. they call it a dream wedding. i have attended to a lot of wedding parties by my old school friends, my family, my colleagues, the neighborhood. i even became a bridesmaid for my best friend's wedding. dan dalam semua ajang pernikahan itu yang aku temukan dari mereka adalah kegembiraan. antusiasme terhadap kehidupan berumah tangga bersama orang yang telah mereka pilih dengan berjanji akan selalu ada untuk satu sama lain, selamanya.
that's it. that part. i have to underline and put a quote of that word as a trigger for my runaway.
i witnessed the love life of my friends back then in my school days. people always had their romantic story lines about how they met their loved ones. they took a date several times, then made their relationship official and until that period of time, they took a step further into the very crucial moments. The Marriage. sure, i always feel happy for them. but to be frankly honest, i am a hopeless romantic myself. so sometimes i wonder, when is it my turn to get my cliche romance experience everyone has talked about? 
sekarang saat aku sadar bahwa mungkin aku telah mendapatkan that so called romantic love life, aku hampir menghancurkannya.
mungkin telah hancur sepenuhnya kemarin ketika aku membiarkan ucapan pria baik di sebelahku hanya disambut hembusan angin malam dengan percuma.
"i want to marry you."
that's not just an easy phrase to say to someone. he must have trusted me enough to say that, word by word, syllable per syllable. dan aku memiliki banyak pikiran dan pertanyaan untuk diriku sendiri.
jika orang lain yang berada di sisiku saat itu apa yang akan mereka lakukan? bagaimana harusnya respon yang pantas aku berikan? bagaimana dia bisa memutuskan untuk menjalani hidup berdampingan dengan seseorang? dan sialnya kenapa orang itu aku?
i know nothing but i know how to run. so that's what i did today.
jalan cinta romantis dan sebuah pernikahan mungkin berjalan bersisihan bagi orang lain. ketika dua insan memutuskan untuk melangkah ke jenjang yang lebih serius disertai komitmen dan janji, and the rest is there. But that things scared me the most. ada banyak keraguan untuk mempercayakan hidupku pada orang lain, i even doubt myself about how to take care of people around me.
"it's just me, not other people." he said with his soft tone and a reassuring gaze that he used to look at me. dia adalah seseorang yang selalu dekat, tak pernah menjadi orang lain dalam hidupku. he is always so caring and tender to me. mungkin disini hanya aku yang diuntungkan karena mendapat perlakuan sebaik ini dari pria yang tak pernah menuntut apapun dariku. and it feels like i'm the one who's craving for affection and sucks at expressing the same thing.
just like what taylor swift said, "i'm the problem, it's me." jika aku mengabaikan seluruh kegelisahanku dan mempercayakan diri sepenuhnya kepada dia, tanpa ragu aku akan menjawab lamaran mendadak darinya kemarin dengan benar. but trusting someone so much makes my mind run on so many "what ifs" situations that could dissapoint one of us. inti permasalahannya adalah, aku tidak percaya diri untuk bisa dipercaya orang lain.
setiap teman dan dan kerabat yang bertemu denganku selalu berharap agar aku bisa segera menikah. kata mereka, yang aku lakukan hanya membuang-buang waktu. kemudian masih banyak persuasi lain yang menyuruhku untuk melanjutkan hubungan ke jenjang pernikahan.
but i think i'm someone who is not built for marriage.
"i love you, ain't that enough?"
coba saja dia tau bahwa aku bisa mengucapkan itu ratusan hingga ribuan kali untuknya. kalimat sederhana yang manis tapi disaat bersamaan juga tidak berarti apapun. masihkah seseorang bisa memberikan kasih sayang bahkan seandainya tak sekalipun dihargai? apakah cinta itu masih terasa hangat walaupun tak pernah ada kejujuran dalam komunikasinya? pantaskah seseorang diberikan banyak afeksi jika ia tak pernah menunjukkan rasa peduli sama sekali? bisakah seseorang menerima sifat pasangannya yang temperamental, hanya dengan dasar rasa cinta saja? loving someone just the way they are is bullshit. what if someday he finds that i am a criminal or a mobster that hides a gun under my pillow? would he still choose to love me? no, i think he might dump me in a heartbeat.
so, love will never be enough for me to find a purpose in marriage.
pertanyaan demi pertanyaan terus berselancar dalam kepalaku selama aku merenung di dalam kereta, sampai depan pintu rumah dan disambut keterkejutan ibuku, hingga aku masuk ke kamarku. setelah memasang pengisi daya untuk ponsel, aku tetap membiarkannya dalam keadaan mati. takut jikalau mendapat pesan serupa dengan yang tidak sengaja aku baca tadi pagi.
sesungguhnya aku adalah orang yang berisik dan menyebalkan ketika seseorang telah mengenalku dekat. i tend to be childish too, coming from the trait of being the youngest child in my family. terkadang aku juga banyak mengatur dan mengambil kontrol. tapi aku juga bisa sangat tidak peduli dan membiarkan semua hal berjalan tanpa perlu diperhatikan secara mendalam. untuk beberapa hal bisa menjadi egois dan tidak mau mengalah. dan masih banyak lagi kelakuan cela dan rumpang yang bisa ditemukan dalam diri ini. mulanya hanya celetukan ibu saat mengejek aku yang masih susah membedakan rempah-rempah di dapur. "gimana mau jadi istri dan mantu yang baik kalo masih gak bisa ngapa-ngapain kayak gini?" katanya. dan dari situ semua keraguanku tentang kehidupan pernikahan dimulai. i don't have faith in me being able to marry someone. let alone to be a great wife that people have dreamed of. namun aku bisa bertanggung jawab dan dapat diandalkan, only for a work related. i can take care of myself just fine, living alone by myself. but the idea of someone having to depend his whole life on me... burdens me awfully.
segala keraguan dan kegelisahanku, all the insecurity of the marriage still haunts me until this day. isi kepalaku ramai, juga kadang menyedihkan untuk diungkapkan. satu pertanyaan besar yang tidak bisa aku temukan jawabannya adalah tentang alasan dia memilihku.
"you were my best friend before my lover so i find it easy to love you peacefully."
bagaimana kalau ternyata semua kenyamanan itu tidak nyata? bagaimana aku bisa percaya? apa kasih sayang akan terus ada bila aku tidak lagi bisa memusatkan perhatianku hanya padamu? jika aku berada dalam kondisi paling buruk, apakah kata selamanya dalam sebuah janji dan komitmen yang telah dibuat masih bisa diharapkan?
to : him <3
im sorry.
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Ein dämonisches Shooting in der Dechenhöhle
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Sebastian von Kempin posiert für ein dämonisches Shooting, zurechtgestylt von Maskenbildnerin Vero Bente und fotografiert von Barbara Frommann. Zusammen mit dem Einhorn Klothilde und dem Drachen Möbius werden Mund-Nasen-Schutz Masken und Bücher aus dem Bundesamt für magische Wesen und schwule Literatur aus dem Himmelstürmer Verlag präsentiert.  Model: Sebastian von Kempin Maskenbildnerin: Vero Bente Fotografin: Barbara Fromann Ein dämonisches Shooting mit Schwarzlicht und Bodypainting Zum Einsatz kamen Schwarzlicht-Beamer und reflektierendes Bodypainting, welches von Vero Bente eingesetzt wurde, um das Model Sebastian von Kempin passend zum Ambiente der Dechenhöhle bei diesem Fantasy- und Modelshooting passend in Szene zu setzen. Sebastian machte geduldig alles mit, was in der kühlen und feuchten Umgebung nicht ganz einfach war. Wir bedanken uns bei ihm für die professionelle Zusammenarbeit, übrigens nicht das erste gemeinsame Projekt, und freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit.   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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poshceline · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Loft Loose Turtleneck Sweater Size Small.
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ruabadfishtoo · 2 years
Abe? Abe Fromann?! You know…The Sausage King of Chicago!
In love with u for this
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“...supporting you in everything that you aspire in our young lives” - 01/04/2021
If you only knew how much it comforts me whenever I reread this line. Not the sweetest thing I’ve heard from guys but man, this made my heart flutter.
I didn’t think I’d need to hear this line, then there it was, written on that flimsy scratch paper that you just teared off of your notebook.
I don’t know where this friendship of ours is going this year or the following year. Maybe one day I’ll be leaving to a different place. Or maybe it’s you who’ll move faraway. We don’t know.
All I know is that I’ll never forget how you keep me company as I transitioned into a different version of me and also my dreamssss. (Dami “s” ‘coz dami niya talaga 😂)
So, thank you, because here you are, still listening to my ever changing plans and dreams. Growing with me. And not rushing me into anything.
So, please sana di yun bola 😂 Because I really appreciate those words. It helped me cope up with my past insecurities. Most of all, it made me believe in myself more.
Thanks for the gentle push 🙂
P.S. You can do it! From your chemical engineering boards, or in becoming an author, or in becoming a pilot, or even as you venture into marketing. Kahit ano pa yan. Kahit magpabago bago din yan. U can! I’m proud of u, too! 🙂
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pocket-ozwynn · 2 years
Genesis Day: Chapter 3
Previous Chapter: Chapter 2
Next Chapter: Chapter 4
Word Count: 4252
CW: Light adult language, gaslighting
Alice stifled a yawn as he tried to keep pace with Lieutenant Sinclair. The lieutenant walked with a stride that suggested she hadn’t allowed herself to relax when she and Alice had taken a break in her room–she was back in her uniform, alert and brisk as ever. Meanwhile, Alice was starting to feel himself crash. He had pulled several all-nighters in the last week, making sure that Lieutenant Sinclair had all the right paperwork she needed for this meeting. And while Lieutenant Sinclair didn’t offer to stay up and help him, Alice didn’t mind–he enjoyed the quiet peace that came with being the only one awake. 
Especially if it meant he could do something to help her out.
Alice was mid-sip of his drink as Lieutenant Sinclair spoke. “Do you have everything?” Lieutenant Sinclair asked as she readjusted her tie.
Alice felt a bit of his Diet Dr. Pepper go down the wrong pipe as he went to reply. Alice paused to cough into the crook of his elbow which earned a slightly perturbed glare from Lieutenant Sinclair.
After he finally caught his breath, Alice sheepishly nodded. “Yes ma’am, I-I got everything right here!” He held up her tablet. He had finally managed to get all of the documents transcribed and had personally ensured everything was neat and orderly–including the encrypted software that Maura had received from the Department of Defense. While he didn’t poke too deeply into the data, he still made sure that everything was downloaded properly.
“Perfect,” Lieutenant Sinclair sighed as she managed a genuine smile. 
Alice’s heart fluttered a bit. He smiled warmly as he held the tablet close to his chest. “This, um…this is going to be big for you, hun. I’m really happy you’re getting this kind of opportunity. And…I’m proud of you.” 
Lieutenant Sinclair’s expression softened. She stepped a bit closer to him and looped her arm through his, which earned a blink of surprise from Alice. Maura never showed public displays of affection…especially not with how much trouble both of them would get into if anyone learned they were in a relationship. And while Alice had always pined for even the briefest sign of affection outside of her quarters, he had never pushed the matter. But with how uncomfortable and uncertain he had been feeling towards Maura…this felt nice. 
“Me too,” Maura whispered. She leaned into him and hummed. “Thank you, Ally Cat.” His lieutenant went quiet…then pulled him a bit closer to her. “It’s really just you and me, huh? Tonight’s going to change everything for us. My rank will be reinstated…” Maura paused to readjust his tie and to just…hold on to it. The gesture made Alice feel a bit uncomfortable.  “And you’ll finally be able to make it up for Camp Fromann.”
The butterflies in Alice’s heart froze. Camp Fromann. He felt an awkward panic rising as intrusive thoughts started to claw at his brain–they started to leave deep cuts in his mind that seemed to bleed anxiety as he became fixated on everything that happened. The training. The accident. The court hearing…
It wasn’t REALLY his fault that Maura got in trouble at Camp Fromann…
…was it? He…couldn’t tell any more. Especially not when Maura had expressed disappointment that he should’ve done more to help her.
For the next little while they walked arm-in-arm in relative silence. The clicking of shoes on linoleum, the faint buzzing of fluorescent lighting, the occasional sip of carbonated caffeine. Maura’s offhand comment had left Alice feeling rather uneasy, and Maura’s arm in his only amplified this.
As Alice attempted to push away the anxious thoughts, he was reminded of something that had been nagging him for the past week or so: he had no idea what to truly expect for Maura’s “meeting.”
While Alice had been the one to do all of Maura’s paperwork for her, he was left relatively in the dark with what the meeting was completely about. Codewords and military jargon aside, Alice had pieced together that they were receiving a shipment from the Department of Defense with one item of undocumented technology simply marked CLASSIFIED–and while Alice viewed “classified information” as a recommendation over dogma, he still wished to respect Maura’s privacy and not pry more than necessary.
And whatever this tech actually was, Maura had implied that it was entrusted to her for a test run; however, that was still incredibly ambiguous and left Alice feeling more anxious than reassured. Was it a new type of radar? A new all-terrain vehicle? A clean energy source? And even if it was any of those things, why was Maura being entrusted with it? And why not one of the higher ranking officers? Especially after Camp Fromann–
Alice instantly felt guilty for that thought. Maura had changed, and Alice made a promise he’d help her. Besides, he sadly doubted he’d get any straightforward answers from the lieutenant.
Alice perked up as he started to recognize the corners they were turning down as they neared Maura’s office–room 116. The lieutenant slipped her arm out from under his and put some space between them once more. 
“What the hell?” Lieutenant Sinclair murmured under her breath as they turned the last corner and were met with not two, but five soldiers in uniform. 
Alice recognized four of the five. Freyja and Ekland he knew by name. The other three soldiers had patches that indicated they were Williams, Delgado, and Hunter–the first two he recognized from the fight, but the third he didn’t. He assumed Hunter was another member of their fireteam given he wore the same patch on his shoulder as the other four.
“Corporal Montayne, Corporal Ekland.” Lieutenant Sinclair put on a polite smile as all five soldiers saluted sharply. “At ease.” She nodded as she carefully studied the other three soldiers. “May I ask who the three of you are? You were at the warehouse too, if memory serves…”
“This is the rest of Fireteam Griffin, ma’am,” Freyja explained with a tired grin as the five of them relaxed their salutes.
“Private First Class Delgado ma’am,” Delgado spoke up. He gestured over towards the other two soldiers. “And this is Specialist Williams and Private Hunter.”
“May I ask what you’re doing here?” Lieutenant Sinclair pressed as she nearly cut off Delgado–Alice was surprised how sharp her words sounded. “I only asked for Montayne and Ekland.”
“It didn’t feel right leaving Montayne and Ekland to take the fall for us, ya’ know?” Williams shrugged. “That’d feel really shitty, so that’s why we’re here. The more the merrier, right?”
“Speak for yourself…” Hunter murmured before getting a hard elbow to the ribs from Delgado.
Lieutenant Sinclair was silent. Alice studied her carefully. He could tell she was upset by this, but Alice struggled to figure out why. It was incredibly sweet and honorable that the rest of Griffin wanted to stick by their comrades, so why would that bother Maura?
Finally Lieutenant Sinclair sighed before forcing another smile. “Very well.” She shot Freyja and Ekland a subtle glare before walking past Fireteam Griffin. “Follow me, and we’ll get started.”
Griffin all exchanged a look before sheepishly shrugging and following after her, though Freyja lagged behind to walk with Alice–the poor man was so tired and out of it, he didn’t realize that his lieutenant had started walking without him. With a yelp, Alice quickly shook himself out of it and hurried after them.
“Hey!” Freyja playfully bumped against Alice. She even shortened her stride a bit to make sure Alice didn’t get left behind. “You okay? I didn’t give you a concussion earlier, did I? You seem a bit out of it.”
Alice squeaked softly at the impact. After stumbling a bit, he giggled and looked up at her. “O-Oh! I’m…I’m totally fine. Um…h-how are you, Miss Freyja?”
“Just Freyja is fine.” Freyja grinned as they walked. “Ready to get ‘detention’ over with. Do ya’ know what the el tee has us doin’ tonight? We’re all placing bets as far as what it’s going to be…”
“Your guess is as good as mine. I only know that it’s some kind of special shipment,” Alice admitted with a sigh. “Some kinda…new technology, I guess.”
Perhaps Alice should’ve been thinking twice about divulging sensitive information, but the words just came so easily as he confided in Freyja. It didn’t help that he was very tired and wasn’t thinking straight.
“Huh…” Freyja pondered this. “Weird. And here I thought we’d be something like scrubbing out the latrines with our toothbrushes…top secret technology shipment wasn’t in the betting pool.”
At the front of the group, Lieutenant Sinclair went to speak to her side–then blinked in bewilderment when she realized that Alice wasn’t at her side. She frowned and looked about before realizing Alice was trailing behind with Freyja. 
The lieutenant scowled. “Beauchamp, I need to speak with you. Now.”
Alice started a bit at hearing his last name. Usually Lieutenant Sinclair never even addressed him in public, let alone use his surname. Alice offered Freyja an apologetic look before hurrying to catch up with her. Freyja raised an eyebrow as she watched him run off…It sparked something in her brain, and Freyja couldn’t help but feel her cheeks grow hot. Alice had had a moment of panic when he heard his name called like that, and Freyja couldn’t deny she felt an overwhelming urge to just…keep him safe.
Freyja quickly felt silly for that thought. She had just met the man, and she barely knew him. She was tired and coming down from the adrenaline of the fight earlier–so she just chalked it up to some delirious exhaustion.
Still…he was pretty cute.
“I didn’t realize you were buddy-buddy with the Lieutenant’s secretary,” Ekland noted with a wry smirk as he looked over his shoulder.
Freyja rolled her eyes. “I AM allowed to have friends outside of Griffin, aren’t I?”
Ekland raised an eyebrow. “Friends? I dunno how many people blush over a ‘friend,’ Montayne.”
Freyja pursed her lips and tried to will the heat out of her cheeks. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Ek.”
“Sure ya’ don’t.” Ekland guffawed as Lieutenant Sinclair led the group out of Grant Hall and out into the cool night. As they walked out, Lieutenant Sinclair’s phone started to ring. She checked the caller ID, then looked over to Alice.
“I need to take this.” Sinclair quickened her pace so she could have a bit of privacy before answering the call.
“This whole thing has bad vibes…” Hunter murmured under his breath as he placed a hand on his belt.
“Deep breaths Hunter,” Ekland quietly reassured as he squeezed Hunter’s shoulder.
“We’re just unloading some equipment,” Freyja told the group. Alice bristled and wondered if he had spoken too freely. “Nothin’ too bad.”
“Wait, that’s it?!” Williams threw her hands up in the air. “Dammit! I thought it was going to be something GROSS like cleaning the mess hall grease traps or something!”
“So…no one wins the bet, huh?” Delgado chuckled softly.
Over Williams’ hardly restrained complaining, Freyja seemed to hear something. She frowned, then tilted her head. “Does anyone else hear that?”
Beyond Gate 9 of Fort Jeffrey, the thick treeline that flanked the dusty county road up the mountain lit up as a convoy of five or six armored trucks came barreling down towards the base. Even as they approached the front gates, the trucks didn’t pause to stop and the soldiers at the gate raised the gate immediately with seemingly no questions asked. The trucks slowed down and made their way towards Warehouse 12B–the same building that the fireteam had been hosting their unsanctioned boxing fights in.
“Alright, let’s go,” Lieutenant Sinclair called over her shoulder as she put away her phone and made her way towards Warehouse 12B. Fireteam Griffin exchanged curious looks but followed without complaint, though Alice hesitated. He finally relented with a sigh before following after the group.
As the doors to the warehouse began to open, soldiers started climbing out of the trucks to help guide the vehicles in. Hopping down from the lead vehicle was a man with a modest suit. He looked around and as soon as his eyes fell upon Lieutenant Sinclair he nodded and closed the distance between them. 
“Are you First Lieutenant Sinclair?” the man in the suit inquired before coming to a stop with his hand extended.
Lieutenant Sinclair nodded and firmly shook his hand. “Agent Einhart, welcome to Fort Jeffrey.”
“We won’t be long, Lieutenant,” Agent Einhart reassured. “We’ll unload our convoy, set up the generator, and get out of your hair.”
With a shout, Agent Einhart turned on his heel and started directing the efforts as the rest of the trucks started to pull in–a few were already beginning to be offloaded.
Lieutenant Sinclair looked back to Fireteam Griffin and made a gesture with her eyes towards the warehouse’s interior.
“Make yourselves useful,” the lieutenant ordered curtly–her veneer of politeness seemed to be waning ever so slightly as she grew visibly more stressed. “Agent Einhart will put you to work.”
As Fireteam Griffin made their way inside, Lieutenant Sinclair turned her back towards Alice. Unable to ignore his unease, Alice reached out and took Lieutenant Sinclair by the wrist. 
The look she shot him was frigid. It did little to relieve Alice’s worry.
“Sweetie, I…don’t feel good about this,” Alice admitted softly. “And you’re clearly not yourself right now. Can we talk? Please?”
“Alice,” Lieutenant Maura Sinclair hissed through her teeth. “Now is not the time.”
“When will be ‘the time,’ Maura?” Alice asked with a pained expression. It was a question his heart had been wanting to ask for some time now, “We need to talk. You can’t just keep pushing things off when it’s not convenient for y-”
“Didn’t you say you would do anything for me, Alice Beauchamp?” Maura demanded with a cool glare. Alice felt his stomach cinch up. It didn’t feel right hearing his own words given in genuine love be weaponized against him when he was already feeling uncomfortable.
“I-I…I mean…” Alice felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment. “Yes, but–”
“No buts.” Maura yanked her wrist from Alice’s grasp with ease. “You either trust me, or you don’t. Which is it?”
Alice drew his hand back. He looked away. “Maura–”
“Well?” Maura stepped forward and grabbed his tie. Alice couldn’t meet her gaze. She gave the tie a tug to get his attention. “Look at me, Alice.”
Alice swallowed before reluctantly looking back at her. Her intense stare was unflinching. Alice licked his lips nervously before nodding nervously. “I-I…I trust you, Maura.”
Maura pursed her lips. Her eyes searched his for what felt like an eternity. Alice had once felt such warmth and love when she’d look at him, but now all he wanted to do was shrink and hide under her scrutiny. 
Alice couldn’t be sure what she finally saw, but it was enough to prompt a slow nod. She slowly released her grip on his tie and murmured “thank you Ally Cat” before gingerly taking her tablet from his hands, and turned to head into Warehouse 12B.
Alice was shaken, but attempted to calm down and recontextualize what just happened before his anxiety went rampant. She was just stressed–she was just lashing out. Alice knew she didn’t really mean to get so physical with him. Alice’s gaze followed Maura into the warehouse…
He then froze when he noticed a familiar, broad-shouldered woman looking straight at him.
Freyja had seen the whole thing. The look on her face said it all.
Alice blushed furiously and wanted to just vanish. With the tablet gone and only his Diet Dr. Pepper to hold, he just awkwardly grabbed his arm with his free hand and looked down to the ground as he attempted to hurry past Freyja. He didn’t get far before Freyja placed a gentle hand on his arm.
“Hey.” Freyja furrowed her brow as she tried to stop him. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Alice lied, not daring to meet her pale green gaze.
“You’re CLEARLY not.” Freyja frowned deeply. “What was that all about?”
“It’s nothing–really.” Alice pulled his arm away and sped walk to try and hurry out her line of questioning. Not wanting to push him beyond what he was comfortable with, Freyja dropped it for now–but the way that she had seen Alice be handled by Lieutenant Sinclair threw up quite a few red flags.
As Freyja made her way back into the warehouse, she noticed that Agent Einhart and Lieutenant Sinclair had already instructed Williams, Hunter, and Delgado to help unload some crates from three different trucks. Ekland was waiting around nearby, and motioned for Freyja to join him.
After a moment of conferring with Agent Einhart, the Lieutenant pointed Freyja and Ekland towards the one truck that was quite a bit bigger than the others, and looked like one designed for navigating a battlefield rather than simply carrying supplies.
 “Corporals, start with this one.” Lieutenant Sinclair ordered.
Freyja frowned as she eyed the truck. “Weird truck…” She murmured before she and Ekland approached. A pair of soldiers unlatched the back of the truck, and pulled open the heavy metal doors.
Within the back of the truck sat what could only be described as an engine block of sorts–though it was roughly the size of a dumpster. It was made of a sleek, jet black metal that kept most of the delicate components obscured and protected. The soldiers who had opened the doors climbed up and started to carefully lead the engine out–as if they were pulling the coffin of a giant from the back of a hearse.
“So.” Ekland raised an eyebrow to Freyja as the two of them stepped up. “This is the cargo, huh?”
“I guess so…” Freyja murmured as she examined the device’s side for any crude handhold. After finding some, she grabbed hold and–after calling out to make sure Ekland was ready–they helped guide the engine down with assistance from a few other soldiers.
As they awkwardly maneuvered the massive machinery, Alice had made his way back over to Lieutenant Sinclair–though it didn’t seem like she really noticed he had been gone. She was too enthralled with the review Agent Einhart was giving her.
“...the Cambrian Engine operates based on-” Agent Einhart stopped as Alice approached. Unlike Lieutenant Sinclair, the agent appeared far more vigilant of his surroundings.
After a moment of confusion, Lieutenant Sinclair saw Alice and understood why the agent had stopped. She frowned. “Assistant, please go make sure that the corporals don’t hurt themselves.”
Assistant? “Beauchamp” he could be okay with, but assistant left a weird taste in his mouth.
Alice furrowed his brow…but nodded. “Y-Yes ma’am.”
As Alice slinked away, he couldn’t help but study the supposed “Cambrian Engine” with a critical eye. He pursed his lips tightly before taking a slow sip of his Diet Dr Pepper–his eyes never leaving the device. 
Though he did notice how big Freyja’s biceps were–even under her uniform–as she helped carry the engine. After a moment, Alice blushed and quickly forced himself to look away. 
With a grunt, the soldiers finally managed to lower the Cambrian Engine down onto some metal pallets. Ekland and the other soldiers moved to help elsewhere, but Freyja made her way over to Alice and gave him a gentle nudge. At first he was worried that she was going to press him about Lieutenant Sinclair, but instead she asked: “So…I’m guessing this is the ‘special tech’ you were talkin’ ‘bout?”
“Yeah,” Alice shakily exhaled. He bit his lip as he started to hyperfixate on every little detail of the engine. Though he couldn’t help but feel like that was a misnomer. An engine implied that it would be giving power to something like a truck, but Alice saw no indication that this giant metallic sarcophagus was designed to hook into anything. 
So what was it then?
Freyja was quiet for a moment while Alice chewed on his lip. She could tell there was something working behind those soft gray eyes. “You got any idea what it even does?”
“Not really,” Alice admitted meekly. “They called in an ‘engine,’ but it doesn’t look like any engine I’ve ever seen.”
Freyja scratched her head. “This is something for a B-52...if this is supposed to be a ‘test run,’ what the hell do they expect to test it on?”
Even as Alice went to reply, he heard a noise.
It sounded like…glass wind chimes?
The noise came from within the engine. It was quiet at first–so much so that he thought it was just his imagination. But it grew loud enough to turn a few heads.
Freyja went to speak, but was cut off by one of the soldiers nearby who shouted to Agent Einhart. The metal of the device seemed to shiver–as if made of thousands of individual panels, the engine began to percolate with a sort of “metallic goose bumps.” The cracks between the panels of the engine began to glow with an iridescent intensity–almost like the rainbow hued look of oil on asphalt. 
“What did you do Sinclair?” Agent Jackson demanded as he shot her a glare. “Shut it down!”
Lieutenant Sinclair’s eyes were filled with confusion as she frantically tapped on the tablet. “I didn’t do this! I-I…” Confusion was replaced with determination as she quickly tried tapping a few more commands. Beads of sweat began to roll down her face as she tried to focus despite the rising panic around her.
Whereas Freyja was wide-eyed and confused, Alice was downright panicking. His knees were locked and he was frozen in place. His mind was racing as he tried to figure out what was going on. It wasn’t like the device was dropped or mishandled, right? 
Wait…was this his fault?
He was the one that uploaded everything Maura had asked, right? He was the one who had worked on the tablet. He was the one who set everything up for her. 
Were they all going to die because Alice screwed something up?
He felt a large hand clamp down on his shoulder. Alice was only able to stare in horror at the device as Freyja gently pulled him back.
“Get behind me,” Freyja ordered as she put herself between Alice and the glow of the reactor.
“This…I-I-I did this…” Alice murmured to himself as he was overshadowed by Freyja’s frame. 
Whether it was Lieutenant Sinclair’s attempts to shut it down or some other factor, the sound of tinkling glass grew louder–as if great chandeliers were dropping from vaulted ceilings…the chromatic glow from within grew brighter until it was like staring into a sun…and the metallic frame of the engine went from mere shivering, to downright quaking. Mingled in with the cacophony of the Cambrian Engine were shouts from Agent Einhart and his soldiers as they tried to respond with some degree of competence–but it was incredibly clear that this was an event that no one was properly prepared for.
“We gotta go!” Freyja finally decided as she started to step backwards.
Alice was knocked out of his stupor as a familiar tablet smacked him on the chest. He looked over to see Lieutenant Sinclair looking at him with a look of sheer panic–he hadn’t noticed her run over to hand him the tablet until she was right on top of him.
“FIX THIS!” Maura Sinclair screamed.
Alice fumbled over his words and Freyja looked over her shoulder with a look of bewilderment.
“I-I…” Alice felt a new wave of panic as he felt the responsibility and consequences rest heavy in his hands–it was a weight that Maura was either unable or unwilling to bear on her own, so she thrusted into his lap. His mind was harrowed up by his own promise made to Maura. Summoning what very little courage he had left, he swallowed hard and studied the screen in front of him.
The data and jargon presented in this software–which he could only assume was the encrypted software he had not accessed earlier–was complete nonsense. He recognized some of the coding, but a good chunk was utterly foreign to him. Still, he recognized some patterns that started to stand out…
With a quiet prayer on his lips and fingers that flew across the touch screen, Alice tried the one thing that came to mind that he thought might work.
Might, being the operative word.
Even while he worked, Alice felt a strong hand on his shoulder as Freyja attempted to move him and the lieutenant away from the Cambrian Engine.
“MOVE!!” Freyja shouted. Lieutenant Sinclair screamed something at Freyja as she shoved her hand away…
Suddenly, the quaking and tumult went still–though the engine still glowed brightly.
“Y-You…you did it!” Maura gasped. She pulled off her hat and wiped her brow with the back of her hand. “Thank God…”
“Well that was…exciting…” Freyja murmured sarcastically. After heaving a sigh of relief, she offered Alice a grateful smile. “Good job, Alice. Dunno how you did it, but it looks like you got things under control.”
“I…don’t think I did that,” Alice admitted nervously. His brow furrowed as he checked the data on the tablet. He swiped through a few more screens. He tried deciphering the lines of code that was still flowing between the encrypted software and the Cambrian Engine.
Alice shivered. “Maura, something isn’t ri-”
Suddenly, everything went white.
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isay · 4 years
Abe Fromann RIP
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Just sent Netflix a PM on Instagram asking them to post more Anne with an E content because why the fuck not, right? Here’s the what I sent, feel free to copy it if you want to send them a message asking them to post Anne with an E stuff. Maybe if enough of us do it they’ll start to take more notice of us.
(I had to send it in two parts because it’s long)
Hey, is there any chance you could post a scene fromAnne With an “E” or the trailer? It only has two weeks to get the ratings up on Netflix to get renewed and I think it would help quite a bit if you posted a scene/trailer from the show. Also, if you do post it, is there a chance you could you use the hashtag #wakeupandwatchanne with it, too?
This show has a dedicated and growing fan base, and posting something about it on your Instagram will help gain more viewers — which will benefit Netflix just as much of not MORE than the fans of Anne With an “E”!
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svenerd · 2 years
The Last of Us Part 1 - Official Art Direction Trailer
The Last of Us Part 1 – Official Art Direction Trailer
The Last of Us Part 1 – Official Art Direction Trailer Join The Last of Us Part I art directors Erick Pangilinan and Sebastian Fromann, and game director Matthew Gallant to learn about how the game’s visuals, lighting, and environments have been overhauled in the remake. Here’s how the team managed to rebuild The Last of Us for PlayStation 5 while remaining faithful to the original, this time,…
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islamfakrul · 2 years
Top 10 Best home furnishings recliner model 11560ux [2022]
Top 10 Best home furnishings recliner model 11560ux [2022]
1. Fromann Remote Hand Control with 2 Button 5 pin Connection for Okin Lift Chair Power Recliner Buy On Amazon Catnapper, Golden, La-z-boy, Pride Recliner Remote Control Work for Okin, Limoss, Action, Berkline, Comfort Chair, Bob’s Recliner, La-z-Boy, Med-Lift, Mega Motion, Pride motors Plugs into Straight Connector Hand Control, 90 Degree Angle Plug at the End Up and Down Buttons for two…
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babessquat · 4 years
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Eleni Fromann Wants more ? ▶ http://cutt.ly/uhqHU5d
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demoura · 4 years
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COVID 19 -INÉDITA ASSEMBLEIA ZOOM DO CÍRCULO WAGNER EM 24 DE JUNHO : aconteceram impostas pela “ nova realidade “ da pandemia do COVID 19.O evento ZOOM teve a presença de muitos associados na estreia deste tipo de encontro virtual muito bem preparada pelo host Paulo Carmo e pela Presidente .Os trabalhos da Assembleia Geral Extraordinária ( alteração de estatutos para a telemática) e AG Ordinária foram conduzidos com a elegância habitual do Presidente da AG Vitor Costa Martins . No uso da palavra a Presidente do Circulo Teresa Cochito lembrou a calamidade que vivemos e recordou as actividades de 2019. Foram ciclos de conferências, bolsas aos jovens músicos, a transmissão para o CCB da novo Tannhäuser de Tobias Kratzer na abertura do Festival de Bayreuth a 25 de Julho ,a presença do grupo de Portugal na Colina Verde - 35 pessoas em 2019 (onde eu e a Maria Zaza felizmente estivemos ) e o concerto exclusivo para o círculo da pianista Maria João Pires em Belgais . Um projecto merece menção especial ; durante o jantar comemorativo do aniversário de Richard Wagner a 22 de Maio no Hotel Tivoli num momento surpresa o actor e sócio Paulo Matos surgiu no papel do compositor para participar na festa dos seus trinta anos . Nasceu daí a ideia de uma performance teatral - um encontro imaginário algures em Dresden no ano de 1884 para a leitura do libreto da ópera Tannhäuser a um grupo de amigos , familiares e famosos contemporâneos . Graças a uma dúzia de associados e ao incansável trabalho de Paulo Matos e Eugénio Sena o projecto culminou com a apresentação do espectáculo “Performance Tannhäuser “ na Festa de Natal do CRW . Menciono aqui o elenco dos personagens e intérpretes desta experiência inesquecível que criou uma ligação de grupo fantástica.: Ottilie (Wagner) Brockhaus ( Otília Santos); Anton Pusinelli( José Luís Carneiro de Moura); Alwine Fromann(Dulce Bouça); George Sand) Manuela Pinto); Malwida von Meysenbug( Zaza Carneiro de Moura); Cäcilie (Geyer) Avenarius (Karin Gomes da Costa);August Röckel (João Gomes da Costa); Richard Wagner( Paulo Matos);Giacomo Meyerbeer(Miguel Carneiro de Moura);Ludwig Feuerbach(Manuel Pedroso de Lima); Wilhelmine Schröder-D.(Madalena Leal Faria);Jenny Lind( Ana Maria Bernardo).Mas sem dúvida o grande acontecimento do ano foi a eleição da nossa Presidente Teresa Cochito para membro da Direcção da V-RWVI -RICHARD WAGNER VERBAND INTERNATIONAL que congrega 130 sociedades mundiais. Sem dúvida o reconhecimento internacional da trajectória do grupo português sob a sua égide ! O Relatório e contas referentes ao exercício de 2019 foram aprovados por unanimidade e o mesmo sucedeu com a lista única que concorreu à eleição para titulares dos órgãos sociais do para o triénio 2020-2022. Foram também aprovados com aclamação votos de louvor à Direcção e a Eugénio Harrington Sena que abandona as suas funções de vogal depois de anos de inestimável e apaixonada colaboração . Manuel Pedroso de Lima advogado ilustre , wagneriano sapiente ,homem de vasta cultura e trato afável , ocupará o lugar na direcção. Uma escolha estelar ! No fim todos brindamos ,cada um em sua casa, nos ecrans dos PC’s , telemóveis ou tablets com saudade dos convívios físicos calorosos no Goethe Institut ...Andrà Tutto Bene eles voltarão ...
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probesz · 7 years
Tegnap este a DTM Live YouTube műsora a játékról, e-sportról, gamifikációról szólt, ahol jómagam is szerepeltem. A gamer kutatásaink legfontosabb eredményeit mutattam be. Ha van pár perced és érdekelnek a videojátékok, akkor érdemes belenézned (a képen nem én, hanem Fromann Ricsi van, aki a gamifikációról beszélt utánam, a belinkelt videó az én blokkommal indul). 
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wearenurse1820 · 4 years
ABDELLAH NURSING THEORY// 21 NURSING PROBLEMS THEORY//NURSING THEORY FAYE ABDELLAH NURSING THEORY (21 NURSING PROBLEMS THEORY) ABDELLAH BIRTH ON 13 MARCH 1919 AT NEW YORK. NURSING DIPLOMA FROMANN MAY SCHOOL OF NURSING 1945-BACHELOROF SCIENCE DEGREE FROM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 1947-MASTER OF ART IN PHYSILOGY FROM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 1955-DOCTOR OF EDUCATION FROM COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 1945-1949 AS EDUCATORS –TEACHED “120 PRINCIPLES OF NURSING PRACTICE” 1957 –AS RESERCHER – FOCUSED ON “PROGRESSIVE PATIENT CARE” Established of nursing standards-DEVELOPED PATIENT ASSESSMENT OF CARE EVALUATION 1949 TO1989 –COMMISSIONED OFFICER IN U.S PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE THIS THEORY INTER RELATED THE CONCEPTS OF HEALTH, NURSING PROBLEMS AND PROBLEM SOLVING     ABDELLAH’S TYPOLOGY OF 21 NURSING PROBLEMS     I. BASIC NEEDS 1. To maintain good hygiene and physical comfort 2. To Promote Optimal Activity : Exercise, Rest ,Sleep 3. To promote safety through prevention of accident ,injury 4. To Maintain Good Body Mechanics II.SUSTENAL CARE NEEDS 5. To facilitate the maintain of a supply of oxygen to all body cell 6. To facilitate the maintain of nutrition for all body cells 7. To facilitate the maintain of elimination 8. To Facilitate The Maintain Of Fluid And Electrolyte Balance 9. To Recognize Physiological Responses 10. To facilitate the maintain of regulatory mechanism and function 11. To Facilitate The Maintain Of Sensory Function III.REMEDIAL CARE NEEDS 12. To Identify And Accept Positive And Negative  Reactions 13. To Identify And Accept Interrelatedness Of Emotions And Organic Illness 14. To Facilitate The Maintain Of  Effective Verbal And Non Verbal Communication 15. To Promote The Development Of Productive Interpersonal  Relation Ship 16. To facilitate progress towards achievement and personal spiritual goals 17. To Create Or Maintain A Therapeutic Environments 18. To Facilitate Awareness Of Self As An Individual IV.RESTORATIVE CARE NEEDS 19. To Accept The Optimum Possible Goals In The Light Of Limitations ,Physical And Emotional 20. To Use Community Recourses To Resolving Problems 21. To Understand The Role Of Social Problems As Influencing Factors In Cause Of Illness BY WEARENURSES PROUD TO BE A NURSE www.wearenurses.org
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rheinsiegmagazin · 5 years
TIER Scooter in Bonn: So kommt Klimaschutz ins 'Rollern'
#TIER #Scooter in #Bonn: So kommt #Klimaschutz ins '#Rollern'
Kaum hat das Kraftfahrtbundesamt den TIER Scootern die Betriebserlaubnis erteilt, sind sie in Bonn angekommen. Seit diesem Samstag, 22. Juni, 7 Uhr, stehen bereits rund 200 der elektrisch angetriebenen Tretroller in der Bonner Umweltzone abfahrbereit. Die Flotte wird in den kommenden Wochen sukzessive aufgestockt.
Die E-Scooter-Flotte für Bonn ist eine Kooperation der Stadtwerke Bonn und der…
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islamfakrul · 2 years
Top 10 Best home furnishings recliner parts [2022]
Top 10 Best home furnishings recliner parts [2022]
1. Power Recliner or Lift Chair Power Supply Replacement Transformer Kit Buy On Amazon 29V 2A transformer with battery backup, motor cable and AC power cord 2. Fromann 2 Button Remote Hand Control Controller with 5 pin Plug Replacement Fixed Okin Limoss Dewert Power Recliner Lift Chairs Buy On Amazon OEM 2 Button Remote Hand Control Controller with 5 pin Plug Replacement made by Okin 5.5ft…
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