#frozen OCs
frozenpolishfangirl · 12 days
I currently have 192 pages of For the First Time in Forever fanfic, with few over 15 pages chapters, and I've realized I hold Helsa as ENEMIES to lovers for a whole book, and they have a long way to express their past and present feelings to each other, so it's actually THE enemies to lovers lol 😭❤️
Also, the last chapter broke and warmed my heart so much, and Hans really deserves a loving girlfriend, real and loving DAD (actually literal DAD, in the opposite to the king 💔), and also starts to build a sister-brother bond with energetic, quirky and overly sweet captain's daughter, which I really adore 🤣😭❤️
I just want to give Hans a bittersweet complexity that I think it's kind of rare in the fanfics, and do justice to his character in the best way possible 😭❤️ (with all the my headcanons combined in the plot)
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avitha · 21 days
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A Good Listener
Stefan and Romeo
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princess-ibri · 1 year
So!! I think I've finally figured out how I'd chose to being Concept Art Elsa into my DisneyVerse. Ive wanted to for a while as I really liked her design and the more spunky vibe we got from her. So here we go!
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I always try to use an actual fairytale base for things in my DisneyVerse when I can, so I've based her new backstory off of a couple of wintery stories, the Russian fairytale Father Frost, and a different Snow Child story then most think of, where a woman apparently gains a child by swallowing a snow flake--which is where this story begins:
Once upon a time a Merchant's wife, who had longed for a child for many years but never been blessed with her wish, happened to swallow a snow flake while staying in Arendelle for some months while her husband traveled. Unbeknownst to the woman, this was on one of the days when the former Queen Elsa was visiting her old home and entertaining with her magical snow--snow which had unknowingly created Life before...
9 months later, the Merchant's Wife gave birth to a child with skin as white as snow, hsir as black as a winter's night, and eyes as blue as the deepest ice. And though she was always much colder than a child should be, the deepest chill never seemed to bother her in the slightest, and she loved nothing more then to spend hours playing in the snow when winter came.
Unfortunately the woman was not so blessed, and one winter in the child's third year she took ill from ataying out with the child in the old and so died, leaving the merchant alone to raise a child he was never sure or not was his, and either way he felt had cost him his wife, and so gained his ire. He married again a few years later, to a wealthy woman with a daughter of her own, with skin like a peach and hair like sunshine, everything the Snow Child was not, and who gained all the affection of their parents, leaving the Snow Child to be neglected and shunned.
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But the Snow Child had a secret, she not only felt more at home out in the snow than in a house before a fire, but she found she could control the snow as well. Sending gusts where she would and calming or increasing it according to her moods. For a few years she was able to hide her powers, but eventually her step-sister discovered her secret, and told her mother.
The woman, who had never cared for her strange step-daughter, now feared the child as a witch, and conspired to be rid of her once and for all.
The next time the family traveled together on a journey, the woman sent the Snow Child out in the dead od night under the pretext of an errand, and before the child could return packed up and moved the family out of the town, leaving the child alone and abandoned in the snow and the darkness as a storm swept in.
But she was not alone for long...
For that night the Snow Queen Elsa traveled in the storm, and she saw the child left out alone, ragged and bare footed. She swept down to save the child from freezing to death--only to find that the child didn't appear troubled at all by the cold surrounding her. The Snow Queen came closer, and sensed something of her own power surrounding this strange child left in the snow, and she knew then she could not simply take her to the nearest kind villager to be tended to...
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And so the Snow Child came under the care of the Snow Queen. She was given the run of the magical ice palace where the rest of the Snow Queen's creations dwelled, where she was the most content and where she could learn to harness her powers under the Snow Queen's tutelage and watchful care...
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So yeah! Thats the set up for my story for Dark Haired Elsa, who I'm thinking of calling Flykra, which means Snowflake in Old Norse according to the internet x)
I see her as being a very feisty and outspoken child as soon as she actually feels safe to be so, and a bit of a handful for Elsa who really never expected to be anything more then the Cool Aunt to Anna's kids. I think she and Elsa get along fairly well overall but there's definitely tension that comes up from both of their past trauma's bouncing up against eachother. Especially as Flykra hits her teenage years and her powers start to grow even more.
But there's a lot of love between all the family still, and Flykra loves getting to hangout with her new cousins and the Northhuldra and the trolls and just getting into good clean trouble now and then.
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I'm definitely seeing this concept art by Claire Keane as Asta and Flykra hanging out now x)
(This would all start a couple of years after my Frozen 3 idea. So my DisneyVerse Frozen Franchise Timeline would go
Frozen - 1843
Frozen 2 -1846
Frozen 3/Frozen the Series - 1847
The Snow Child - 1866 (Flykra is 17)
East of the Sun West of the Moon - 1870 (Asta is 18)
The Snow Queen--1950s
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nanidoesthings · 2 months
Thaw With Me
A Prince Hans x OC Fanfic
Chapter 1 2 - The Morning Paper
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Linnea was not the Duke’s firstborn- oh no- that achievement went to her darling brother Erik. Nor was she the second, or the third. Not even the sixth. Yet with how she behaved one would assume she was meant to be the next Duchess of Weselton. She presented herself as a competitive, poised, business minded woman with a stride in her step that demanded power.
It had been at the breakfast table when she had heard the news. Linnea had bustled into the dining hall, her tone changed the moment she walked in. Two of her brothers- the twins Niklaus and Johann- had been whispering amongst themselves. The elder of the two giving Linnea a look she could only tell meant trouble.
She also ended up more often than not being the one to clean up after the family mistakes.
“What did you do?” The red headed woman crossed her arms, her brow arching. She carried the tone of an annoyed parent who had just caught their child in the act. Johann- the younger twin- raised his arms to the air, shaking his head with ferocity. Linnea then tilted her head and looked at Niklaus.
“Don’t look at us! Honestly,” Niklaus’s tone grew defensive, tossing the paper that had been in his hand onto the table before his baby sister. Linnea scooped it up quickly. “Something weird happened over in Arendelle. Apparently the fjord got frozen. No one could get in or out!”
Linnea took her seat at the table, fixated on the printed text. With the paper in one hand she supported her chin with the other.
“That explains why they haven't been back. They would have arrived days ago,” she puts the paper down. Arendelle had been only a 3 day trip from Weselton and the Duke had already confided in his children he would stay there an extra day to consult the queen on old and new business. Linnea’s brain started whirring. Arrangements needed to be made, events rescheduled or reassigned.
“I’m sure you’re already buzzing with ideas on how to fix things.” Johann snatched a piece of bacon from her plate. Linnea used to this behavior from him by now started to tap her cheek with her fingers, still looking pensive. Her brow was furrowed as she switched to the next page of the paper. An article on business catching her eye.
“Believe it or not, she can’t fix the weather. She’s not a witch.” Niklaus teased, procuring a wicked cackle.
“No, clearly that’s the new queen of Arendelle. Suddenly those rumors that she had been born green make sense.” Linnea spoke with a deadpan. She had heard rumors of Arendelle’s royal family, especially after the incident a few years back involving Queen Idunna and King Agnarr. Their cryptic ways of business had always interested her and father had insisted he would get down to the brunt of just why.
“There can be two witches. Arendelle is to the east of us.” Johann reached for Linnea’s breakfast again. The woman who had kept her eyes on the paper grabbed his hand mid action. “That would make you the Wicked Witch of the West.” He winces, feeling his sister grip a little tighter. “Okay. Okay. I fold.” Linnea released him, and in turn reached for the food he attempted to steal.
“Like I was saying,” there was an annoyance in her voice, “I cannot control the weather. How in the Hel did she freeze the Fjord anyways? It’s not like she’s some fairytale character. M-Magic like this isn’t real!” Linnea flipped back to the report on the coronation and read it again. going to heavily affect our engagement schedule until they’re home. Dad was supposed to handle the-.”
“Yes, yes. He was going to have been home yesterday, spend the day catching up, then today be dealing with the business involving the Jensen alliance. We know Lin.” Johann interrupted. “Since Dad isn’t here I’m sure Oslo can handle it.”
“What is it I’m handling?” Speak of the devil. Oslo had been the third eldest son and didn’t take his position as seriously as some thought he should have. The short man pulled back his regular seat and slumped into it.
“The Malstrüm-Jensen alliance. Between Weselton and Barovia.” Linnea repeated, watching her brother throw his feet up on the table.
“Oh yeah. Don’t worry. Took care of it,” Oslo grabbed a strawberry from the table and dipped it into a bowl of cream. “The Marquess was fairly easy to convince. If you get what I mean.” He had a teasing tone to him as he started eating.
“What?” Linnea turned her head quickly towards Oslo. Watching how he suckled the cream off the strawberry a look of realization hit her. “Oh my god. You did not.”
“Oh I did. 3 times.” He held out 3 fingers. “We’ll sign the paperwork and finalize it this afternoon.”
“Well, Well, Well, look at you,” Johann laughed, high-fiving Oslo.
“What can I say, I love to entertain.” Linnea groaned, folded the paper and rolled her eyes at her brother’s notcomments.
“I suppose that’s one way to get things done. But until any of them are back, Oslo is regrettably the stand in.” Annoyance dripped from her voice as she stood from her chair.
“And yet you’re the one giving the orders,” Niklaus returned her glare. His tone changed as he watched his sister roll up the paper and raise it above her head, preparing a good smack. “Linny. Lin. Linnea Agneta Malstrüm don’t you da- ow!” At this point he was getting smacked over multiple times with the paper. He laughed a little as he rose his hands in defense.
“Yes. Because dad let anyone he had past Erik and Francis just live off the family money. You think you can sleep your way through any problem,” Linnea pointed the rolled up paper at Oslo, “and you two act like children,” she pointed at the twins.
“Honestly, would it kill you to turn off your brain for a moment?” Johann used two fingers to push the newspaper away from his face. “You’re always so wrapped up in everything. Acting like if you put all this effort in dad’s going to put you above us in the hierarchy. Oslo may not have done something how you would but he settled our problem with Barovia! Without having to take orders from you for once.”
Linnea sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Would she admit that Johann made a good point? No. Instead she tucked the paper under her arm and stood from her seat.
“Fine. Fine. If that’s what you insist,” she grumbled, walking out of the room. “I’ll leave you to it.”
It was a few seconds later when a shout could be heard from the hallway.
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rp-partnerfinder · 4 months
Age: 21+ seeking 21+
Fandom: Frozen (Disney)
Character(s): (Prince) Hans (blog name: @former-westergaard) [A plethora of OCs/fancharacters are also options, if that interests anyone. I just didn't want to list every OC here.]
Pairings: none or MxF (CCxCC, CCxOC, OCxCC, OCxOC)
Timelines: post-Frozen, post- Frozen Fever, post- Frozen II, or canon divergent
Looking for: Frozen franchise canon characters (incl. Hans if I play an OC), Frozen OCs, Disney canons/OCs that loosely align to Frozen's setting, or generalized canons/OCs that can fit in a Disney-adjacent, not-historically-accurate, mid-1800s Europe
Platforms: Tumblr DMs, Tumblr reblogs, Discord DMs, Discord private server, open to suggestions
Literacy: semi-lit to lit
Other: Please contact through @former-westergaard
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Is now a good time to bring back my Frozen OCs? 
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“I wanna make art, but idk what people want to see from me—“ *GRABS YOU*
Do whatever you want. You have an idea? You plagued by visions? You got a special interest? You got daydreams about a oneshot you wanna write? Do it. “But how will I know what gets attention?” YOU WONT. THAT’S THE DEVIL TALKING. Say ‘fuck it’ and make whatever. I make art cuz ideas fill my brain & if I don’t see ‘em with my eyes I’ll DIE.
Make stuff cuz YOU wanna see it. If other people’s eyes see it that’s cool too.
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tourettesdog · 4 months
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When I say I've been busy making yetis, I am not exaggerating lmao
Names and info under cut
In order:
Whitecloud, she/her, an architect and toolsmith
Riverrun, he/him, a minstrel (brother to Whitecloud)
Taiga, she/her, a guard
Graycloud, he/she, a nurse
Winterstone, he/him, an architect and stonesmith
Rime, she/they, a therapist
Neve, she/they, a core specialist (sibling to Rime)
Coldsnap, she/they, baker, cultural expert
Borealis, he/they, tailor, leatherworker (sibling to Coldsnap)
Bonechill, he/him, guard (coremate to Borealis)
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kociamieta · 5 months
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the filename is DIVORCE!.png
don't think i've talked about the one on the right here yet. but i have some info about it here if you haven't seen that yet. hello raindrops frozen in motion hii
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faeriekit · 2 months
Salt Mirror
phic phight fill with two prompts; for @echoghost1 and @fuyuthefoxwriter
(Sister fics are Snow Day, Snowdrift Sanctuary, and Frozen Out)
The first thing Danny noticed was the teeth. 
Or. Well. The first thing Frostbite noticed were the teeth. What Danny noticed was that suddenly he was being offered bigger and bigger bones with his meal, which were very much not typical human-appropriate food. 
“You break them,” Frostbite showed him, pinning the bone between two sharp canines and biting down. The bone broke clean in two. Hot-dog style. “Then you are free to eat the marrow inside.”
Danny stared. “I don’t… I don't think my teeth do that.”
“Try it,” his guardian encouraged. 
…Well. He hoped Far Frozen had as good a dentistry practice as they did medicine. Danny shoved the bone between his canine teeth, and clamped down—
—And the bone broke clean through. 
Huh. That was…new. 
Well. Marrow tasted good, anyway, and scooping the butter-soft marrow out with a spoon was easy. Danny might have clunked the wooden spoon against his teeth a couple times (man, was he clumsy today) but he was very happy with the results. 
The next day Frostbite offered him an arm-length rib bone, Danny didn’t even hesitate to chomp down. 
He ate through four ribs before he felt full. He was happy. 
The second thing Danny noticed was how pale he got. 
Like. As in ‘his arm matched the snow-white fur of his tundra-proof coat’ level pale. ‘White as a glacier and just as blue’ level pale. Like. There was no red left in his skin. 
He pressed his thumb to his palm. It went yellow, and then flushed back to white as his blood went back in. 
…Spooky. Uh. Danny blinked loudly. Maybe he was…sick…?
There wasn’t a mirror in their cave dwelling, and nothing was shiny enough to reflect in— everything that wasn’t medical was cast iron, or not quite mirror smooth, like Frostbite’s round cooking knives. 
Danny needed a mirror. 
He bundled up and walked through fresh snow drifts to the closest medical facility: an ice cave across from Ledyanoy and Avalanche’s home, carved into one of several dozen pillars of ice embedded into the floating island. Danny knew that there was a mirror there, since Frostbite went in for mirror therapy every time his ice-carved arm began to itch psychosomatically. 
He darted inside. Pritla was the only one in there, so they ignored him in their quest for additional data. Great. All Danny needed was the mirror set up in the corner, ready and waiting to be rolled into place for Frostbite’s next session. 
Danny peeked at his reflection. He looked…wow. 
For one, Danny looked spooky as hell. The blue went all around his eyes, now— no whites to be seen, creating an uneasy, inhuman look. He was pale. He was very pale. He looked like the printer had run out of any colors that might have given him some sort of standing to wander reality with. 
The insides of his lips were blue. The wet inner linings around his eyes were blue. 
And. Speaking of…lips…his gums were a deep, sapphire blue, as was his tongue. None of that was as important as his huge freaking fangs, though!
Like! Huge! Not yeti huge, of course, but still!! Danny had no idea how they weren’t sticking straight out of his mouth when he closed it. Big, pearly fangs. 
What the heck was happening to him? 
“I think you’re turning into a Yeti,” Tundra decided primly, and flung himself at Arctic without any further thought. The teenage Yeti— still taller than Danny by two heads and a half— squawked, barely seeing the projectile cub in time to dodge appropriately. 
“No,” said Danny. It was more outright denial than certainty. He wrapped his coat tighter around himself. 
Avalanche, who was the closest to adulthood out of all of them, watched the two wrestle balefully. Tundra was barely out of cub age, and Arctic wasn’t much better than Sidney Poindexter when it came to having his crap together, so it was kind of like watching two frogs mud-wrestle in knee-high snow. 
“I mean,” said Avalanche, mostly bored by the spectacle of Arctic getting his butt whipped by what amounted to a kid, “I’m pretty sure it’s normal for human-born ghosts to adapt to their Obsessions after they form. You have to change a little to match your environment. And we have a lot of snow.” 
“So much!” Tundra howled from where he was perched on top of Arctic. His victory lasted as long as it took for Arctic to get his legs underneath himself, push himself to standing, and launch Tundra into a snow drift with a surprised squeal. 
Arctic shook himself off. His fur fluffed up with the effort, which made him look larger in size than usual. “I think that if you were turning into a yeti, Frostbite would have noticed. Or said something. Or done something.”
Avalanche shook her head, gamely ignoring how Tundra had turned from a fallen-in-the-snow position to a crouching-and-ready-to-pounce position. Danny had seen this a million times now; either Arctic would notice (he wouldn’t) and dodge, or he’d once again fall victim to Tundra’s childish enthusiasm. 
Danny and Avalanche largely had no comment on Tundra’s second leap of faith, nor for their mutual struggle for pubescent dominance that ensued. 
There were other questions to ask. 
“Am I turning into a yeti?” Phantom asked. 
Frostbite looked down. 
The half-ghost looked nervous— picking at his lip until green beaded under his teeth, his hands in the sleeves of his coat. 
“No,” Frostbite confirmed. He didn’t smile, as it would have seemed condescending in the face of Phantom’s genuine worry. It was better to keep calm. “Why are you worried about turning into a yeti?” 
Phantom stared up at him, eyes deep and luminous. Frostbite had seen similar coloration on deep-sea creatures, long-travelled things desperate for any sort of light. The sight was compelling, yes, but could not substitute for a verbal answer. 
“...Because I’m changing colors and now I have sharp teeth and I think I’m growing claws,” Phantom pointed out. All of these things were true. They were very good, sturdy teeth, and very good, sturdy claws, which was a good sign; anything otherwise would have indicated a lack of support on Frostbite’s end. 
“It is a very normal thing to want to explore other forms of expression at your age,” Frostbite pointed out. He threaded his paws through Phantom’s pale hair, and found, to his pride, little buds of ice horns. “And I am very flattered that you think so highly of us that you are interested in mimicking some of our more obvious traits; that being said, if it distresses you, you are always free to change back.” 
Phantom’s face turned…lost. “Oh.” 
Frostbite continued petting. More explanation would come, or it wouldn’t— but in the meantime, the human tinge returned to his charge’s cheeks, flush with red blood, and the bud horns collapsed where they grew. His charge’s hair turned dark once more, his teeth flat and human. 
Phantom’s eyes were always blue. The human color was not as deep, but was just as nice. Now, there were tears in them. 
“What is wrong, little one?” Frostbite rumbled, concerned. Phantom took his paw and pressed his face to it in search of tactile comfort. 
“I didn’t know why I was changing,” Phantom admitted, sniffing. His voice was wet and raw. “I was scared I couldn’t go back. Humans don’t just…change like that, 'cause we're made of matter. I was scared…”
Frostbite rumbled wordlessly. His charge had adapted very well to a non-human environment, but there were knowledge gaps that would have come naturally to any Realms-Borne being; most intuitively was knowledge of the self, as well as the rigidity (and fluidity) of one’s own manner of expression. 
Changing without realization would be distressing. Frostbite still remembered what it felt like to wake up some mornings and realize that his arm was gone. 
“You are alright,” Frostbite reaffirmed. “It it healthy to change, and it is a good time to find out how you will want to present yourself. That being said, there is no rush.”
Frostbite paused. 
“There is one rush. If you intend to partake in eating marrow with our dinner tonight, you may want to manifest your teeth again—”
Phantom laughed, little cub’s fangs poking out between his teeth. All would be well; but first, there was dinner to be had, and a good night’s sleep to be found.
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glitterhound · 1 month
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redesign of an oc i made at age 9 <3
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frozenpolishfangirl · 47 minutes
So, For the First Time in Forever won in a poll what I should summarize first, of course without spoilers, so you have short summary of what you can expect from this fanfic:
First, it's not a sequel to Frozen 2, but a retelling, giving the characters justice and more movie-like personality (I mean original Frozen 1), give them time to develop, find themselves and what they want in life, and 99% of fanfic is Helsa (honestly 100%, because characters like Anna and Kristoff and even Olaf are sided, sorry, I don't care about them that much 🤣😭), and the vibe of the fanfic is more like Frozen 1, political/magical/royal, with some references or retellings of what was presented in F2, but in a more original movie way.
Second, it's the story where Elsa is still a Queen, longing to live without her magic and travel the world, but not knowing what exactly she wants and needs in life, and Hans is right ending the work in the stables, being manipulated by the king to steal magic from the North and give it to him, so he can have more power as a tyrant. Helsa spends all the fanfic together, and they are literal ENEMIES TO LOVERS, not admitting their feelings until the end of the fanfic, or even until book 2, which is also in plans, so people who want literal enemies to lovers slowburn, be ready (at least they are developing their feelings in few very, VERY romantic scenes of understanding each other better) 🤣😭❤️
Thirdly, we met new characters in the Frozen Universe, not only canon/half canon, like Matthias, Princess Mari from comics, but also OC's like Hannah Emira, Hans's adopted sister (which king adopted only because he wanted to cover up the cheating and having children with peasants 💔), Captain Jens and Inger, his optimistic and quirky daughter, and of course we have Helsa as the main characters and couple, because HELSA IS THE POINT OF ALL THE FANFIC 😭❤️
Lastly, the fanfic, as I've wrote few months ago, focuses on royal family of Arendelle and Helsa themselves trying to find magic of the North to stop the Southern Isles king, who stole Arendelle, by travelling in many kingdoms and trying to find a solution, how be more clever than the king and defeat them.
+ fun fact, concepts of some characters and plot are inspired by @leepunzel descriptions of the plot and characters, also partially by A Frozen Heart (altough 99% of this book is NOT canon to me 😂😂😂😭😭), which in the name of Helsa fandom I'm very thankful for 😭❤️
More info soon ❤️
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seaslugfanclub · 26 days
Disneys Sleepiest Soldier
The video essay on (Y/N)s phone becomes increasingly blurry as they take a slow bite of their sandwich, trying to keep their eyes open.
Holy shit, they were exhausted.
(Y/N) sat hunched over the break room table, their eyes feeling like lead sinkers and feet pulsing from walking miles around the park. (Y/N) had arrived to their shift already tired, construction work had been done throughout the evening below (Y/N)s apartment—so they didn’t get a lick of sleep the previous night.
And after being in the sun all day, up and walking around tending to both guest and entertainment, they felt like they were going to pass out.
Pausing the video essay, (Y/N) checked the time on their phone, their soul clenching when they saw that they had 5 hours remaining to their shift.
Finishing off their sandwich, they looked at the time again to see they had 20 more minutes left to their lunch break,
“I’ll just take a micro nap, 10 minutes tops…..no one will notice…” (Y/N) reasoned, setting a timer on their phone and resting their head in their arms, almost instantly falling asleep.
Even though he technically didn’t have to eat or drink, Hades couldn’t resist having a secret martini around this time of day. He had all the ingredients prepped in his room; gin, glass, live worm, all he needed now were the olives that were kept in the employee break room fridge.
Appearing from a cloud of smoke right in front of the refrigerator, the Lord of the Dead retrieved the olives, about to vanish to his room when he noticed a slumped over form in the corner of his eye.
“Well, what do we have here?” Hades mused as he walked over to his favorite park attendant, who was passed out on the break room table.
He loomed above them for a few minutes just appreciating their sleeping form when he noticed how dark the rings under (Y/N)s eyes were, they also looked paler than he remembered.
Now (Y/N) could look like anything and Hades would still find them attractive (the old pervert) but even he hated to admit how corpse like they looked.
“Geez kid….they don’t make things easy for you do they? Poor schmuck.”
Sighing in resignation, Hades swished the olives in his had away with a wisp of smoke, pocketed (Y/N)s phone, and proceeded to lift their limp body into his arms, carrying them bridal style. Once he knew (Y/N) hadn’t waken up from being jostled, he teleporting out of the break room and into the Villains common area.
Being so used to living around dead people, the feeling of warm, living flesh against his cold body was a change that Hades didn’t know was so welcomed until now. It almost hurt to part from (Y/N) as he layed them down onto the sofa in the middle of the room. Hades stared at them for a moment longer, before turning around to leave the room. He needed a stronger drink…
“Cripes—Silver!? Did you nab my blunderbuss again— oh..”
Hook trotted into the common area, hoping to find and berate Silver for his missing pistol, before cutting himself off when he spotted (Y/N)s sleeping form splayed out on the sofa.
It seems that their exhaustion overpowered Hooks shouting, (Y/N) not even stirring.
Hook slowly approached the couch, looking over His park attendants form with silent wonder. He had never seen (Y/N) asleep before, they were always up and running around the park, confident and energetic. Hook marveled in this rare vulnerability, (Y/N)s sleeping form reminded him of the old renaissance paintings he had plundered with his crew years ago. (Y/N)s face was absent of all emotion, their hair splayed around them—
Wait a minute….
Hook was brought out of his reverie when he noticed how awkward (Y/N)s head was resting against the arm of the sofa. How could his dear attendant sleep without proper pillow!?
“My poor poppet… I’ll set you straight right.”
Hook sped out of the lounge, only to return minutes later with a pillow from his own quarters. He didn’t mind the strange looks from the other villains who were stalking the halls, his only goal was to get back to the common area.
Making sure not to scrape (Y/N) with his hook, the old captain gently lifted (Y/N)s head to place his pillow underneath their neck.
Taking a step back he admired his work, (Y/N) looking much more comfortable lying against his down feathered pillow.
“Sleep well my dear~” he whispered has he stalked out of the room.
Hans clenched and unclenched his fists, not liking the way his palms felt— being so unused to not wearing his gloves. He rarely takes them off, and of course the only time he does so he misplaced them. He tried to ask around to see if anyone had found his pair of cotton gloves, but like every other time in his life, Hans was ignored.
His last hope in his search was the lounge, praying to Mickey-fucking-Mouse that they had somehow made their way there.
Completely focused on finding his gloves, Hans entered the common area and immediately began rummaging around. He didn’t care if his trousers got dusty or his hair fussed up, he couldn’t bear the feeling of his hands making direct contact with everything.
“Kom igen… var är de?”
Hans’s frustration was finally overwhelming him, about to give up when he noticed a flash of white from underneath the couch.
“Aha! Oh, finally!!”
Hans kneeled to reach under the couch, finally grabbing his beloved gloves and wasted no time in slipping them back on his hands. Relief washing over him, Hans went to stand back up— only to be face to face with (Y/N)’s
He flinched back, stumbling to his feet. In his mad search for his gloves, he had completely overlooked the sleeping (Y/N).
He titled his head, confused on why 1: (Y/N) is passed out on the villains sofa when they’re in the middle of a shift, and 2: why their head is resting on a satin down pillow that probably costs more than their rent.
Hans was brought out of his thoughts when a noticed a shiver ran up (Y/N)s back, the park attendant squirming.
Huh, he never noticed how chilly the lounge was, probably because he was used to the cold, even the central AC being nothing but white noise to him. Looking at (Y/N) again, he felt a strange squirming in his stomach…
….eh, it’s probably pity.
Tugging on his gloves, he walked over to the common areas closet, where they kept all the cleaning supplies, lightbulbs, untouched board games, and blankets. Groping around until he found something that met his standards, Hans pulled out a knit throw blanket and walked back to the couch.
With a flick of his wrists, the blanket unfurled and fell onto (Y/N)s body, (Y/N) unconsciously burrowing their face into the knit wool. Hans was strangely reminded of the bakers in his castles kitchens, blanketing the tops pies with dough.
Shrugging off the memories, he gave (Y/N) a fleeting look before exiting the lounge, his fists clenching and unclenching.
The overhead LED lights stung in Frollos eyes, making him wince and rub the bridge of his nose. He used to think Paris as a filthy city, but now what he wouldn’t give to be back in the 15th century.
Trudging down the hall, a pit of anxiety welled in the bottom of his chest, dreading having to go back out in the park and having to… eugh, interact with others.
His procession stopped as he passed the doorway of the common area, turning his head towards the sofa. Checking to make so no one else was near, Frollo approached the couch to look over (Y/N).
If it was anyone else, Frollo would’ve sneered and berated the person for their sloth. Such waste of time and insult to God.
And yet…
It was a rarity to see the park attendant so still, their resting body allowing Frollo to notice details he never saw before; The stray beauty mark on their cheek, a specific strand of hair the coiled around their face, cuts and scrapes that littered their hands…
Frollo huffed, allowing (Y/N) to continue their sleep, about to exit the room when he stopped.
Their (Y/N) laid, their form vulnerable and unprotected, resting amongst those with wicked tendencies. It would go against his “beliefs” to allow evil to take advantage of those unaware.
Reaching into his robe, he pulled out his personal Rosary, the old wooden beads clicking as they hind from his fingers. Delicately, Frollo hung his rosary from the edge of the couch, the cross resting right above (Y/N).
“Procul recedant somnia, Et noctium phantasmata; Hostemque nostrum comprime, Ne polluantur corpora.” Frollo muttered a prayer, signing the cross over (Y/N)s body.
Having so other excuse to stay, Frollo stalked out of the lounge
“dors bien et fais de beaux rêves..”
Facilier was….well— he wasn’t sure what he was looking at.
(Y/N) sprawled out on the couch, head resting on a pillow that looked like it belonged in Big Daddy La Bouff’s mansion, worn knit blanket draped over their body, and a dingy rosary hanging above their head.
The shadow man stared down at (Y/N), his shadow trying to reach the couch, only to be shocked backwards. Probably the fault of the rosary.
“Ah forget it old sport— let the kid rest,” Facilier chastised his shadow.
The conman recalled seeing (Y/N) stumbling around the park earlier in the day, nodding off while standing. Poor sap must’ve surrendered to their bodies plea for rest.
Facilier’s been known to indulge in a nap once or twice, especially on the sticky summer days back in Orleans… but from personal experience, he always needed total darkness.
“I’ve got no idea how they can sleep with all this light… let’s do the poor Cher a solid. Shadow, cut the lights.”
With the command of his master, Faciliers shadow creeped towards the window on the neighboring wall, pulling down the blinds as Facilier walked over to the light switch, humming to himself.
“..pale moon's shining on the fields below…. The folks are singing songs, soft and loooowww~”
flicking off the overhead lights, the lounge was plunged in darkness.
“Much better, c’mon old sport—” Facilier beckoned his shadow, who gave (Y/N) a longing glance before return to his master.
“You needn't tell me, ‘cause I know… When it's sleepy time down south~”
(Y/N) sighed in their sleep, nestling into the blanket and pillow. Although they were still fast asleep, far from waking up— they could feel the peace that washed over them. Something only achieved when you’ve reach maximum comfort after strenuous activity.
There were moments in their sleep when they were uncomfortable; neck aching, cold, bad dreams, and bright light stinging behind their eyes. But each time they almost roused from sleep, the problem was always solved, sending them deeper and deeper into the REM cycle.
So there (Y/N) rested, swamped in strange warmth and set to not wake for a long while.
Can you tell that my love language is acts of service?
I just wanted to write something fluffy, (also I kinda want to write more Hans stuff, an obsession is growing…)
Anyway, enjoy!
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princess-ibri · 1 year
A practice doodle from yesterday that got very intricate xD
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Been wanting to do something again for Flykra (my rewrite of darkhaired Elsa as an OC who's taken in by Elsa as a child) so hoping this will help me get into the mindset for it. Here's a little scene of her testing her powers with her adopted cousin Asta watching on.
(I will learn how to make proper pretty comics one day. Getting there getting there)
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nanidoesthings · 1 month
Every time a new Bridgerton season comes out I look at the Featherington family and fight the urge to add them to my list of Westergaard faceclaims.
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musubiki · 2 days
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another dose of coffy to start the week off right (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
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