#Westergaard family
tomorobo-illust · 2 months
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See hi-res versions here: patreon.com/tomorobo/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=that+frotangled+70s+week
A big project I have been slowly chipping away at since last year and FINALLY completed in time for @freckledsaint's birthday gift! This whole thing was inspired by @jorongbak and their fantastic Dragonball + That 70's Show quote fusion [ check it out here ]
Characters: Erik Westergaard (King of the Southern Isles), Kristina Westergaard (Queen of the Southern Isles), Emil Westergaard ( 9th Prince of the Southern Isles, the fashion designer/seamstress ), Jules Westergaard ( 2nd Prince of the Southern Isles, has had enough with everyone ) ; created by @freckledsaint
BG: Emma (2020), Disney Tangled Series
Outfits: Disney Tangled Series, Phantom of the Opera Takarazuka
Quotes: That 70's Show
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nanidoesthings · 4 months
Every time a new Bridgerton season comes out I look at the Featherington family and fight the urge to add them to my list of Westergaard faceclaims.
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thelittlehansy · 1 year
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the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
Riley: If you wanna be a real artist you gotta do something wacky. Like cutting of your ear! Like Van Gogh
Hallie: Great idea! Do it!
Riley: *Whips out huge breadknife*
Hallie: Count to three but do it on two
Hannah: I'll keep in on ice 'till you become famous
Hallie: Thanks, Hans
Riley: Here goes. Now listen Hallie, I'm gonna have trouble cutting through the cartilage at first
Hallie: umhm
Riley, yanks ear: While I'm doing this just think about your art
Hallie, in pain: OKAY!
Riley: Alright, ready? 1, 2, AAAHH-
Hans, walks into room: Hey, kids
Riley: Oh, Hey, uncle
Hans: What are you doing?
Hans: What do you mean what knife? Why are you holding a knife?!
Riley, hands knife to Hannah: Why am I holding a knife?
Hallie: She's turning me into an artist!
Hans: *sighs* *walks out room*
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coatengine · 1 month
I want Hans to come back princelier than ever. Like unnervingly so. It’s an open secret in the Southern Isles about what happened in Arendelle, but a secret nonetheless. It’s probably not true anyways Hans is parading about as per usual, looking as clean and pristine as ever. The only difference is now he’s volunteering at the stables.
If the royal family were to disown him or strip him of his title it would all but confirm the rumors and that would make them look bad. They weren’t disappointed that Hans tried to usurp the throne they were upset he failed. That’s what he’s being punished for.
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hannahhook7744 · 7 months
When I was 13, I was so damn mean;
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Summary: Drizella Tremaine finally gets some clarity.
Trigger Warnings: child abuse, parental death, abusive relationships, etc.
Let me know if I need to add to the list.
Hindsight is 20/20.
Drizella knew that.
She had heard the saying a million times. But she didn't really didn't start to understand it until she was 25.
Twenty five and a single mother to twins.
Twenty five with two sisters who barely wanted anything to do with her.
Twenty five with no one but her mother who was angry with her for daring to disobey her to rely on.
It took her far longer than it probably should have to realize that her actions had consequences.
And, even though she hated to admit it, she probably still wouldn't have realized it if it wasn't for her fiancé, Hans.
Because Hans?
He'd had a horrible family life and it had messed him up and made him do horrible things that he didn't quite understand. And when he talked about it, about his experiences....
Well... It made the brunette angry. Because no child deserved to go through what he had.
And that was when a light switch flipped in her head.
A horrible, horrible light switch that reignited memories long forgotten.
Memories of Lord Marcus Tremaine who treated Drizella and Anastasia like they were his own even before he was officially married to their mother.
Lord Marcus Tremaine, who despite being allergic to cats, allowed their mother and them to keep Lucifer and never once threatened him. Or threatened them.
Lord Marcus Tremaine, who stepped in when their mother was being too harsh with her words and when she was playing favorites.
Memories of a happy home that hadn't existed before he came into their lives or after his sickness took him.
Memories that made Drizella sick to her stomach when she thought of how differently Cinderella had been treated by their mother after her father died. When she thought of how she and Anastasia had treated the younger girl who they used to play in the fountain with.
And suddenly...
She realized with a heavy heart that Anastasia had been right.
That they and their mother were wrong for how they treated Cinderella (for all the lies, all the mean 'pranks', and all the insults) and that things didn't have to be the way they were when they were kids.
That she didn't have to stay that mean thirteen year old girl who was angry at losing another parent and just wanting her mother's approval.
That Cinderella deserved an apology.
Only.... Drizella wasn't so sure she'd want one from her.
Or if she even deserved to be forgiven for what she'd done.
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alice had got a new kind of confidence since the barrier was lowered. every bit of magic it had sucked out of her came rushing back in. she didn't have to take anyone's shit ever again if she didn't want to. no one could make her come back here and stay, and if they tried she had one more way to defend herself if even if she didn't fully understand that side of herself yet. all that to say, cj hook's opinion of her had seriously gone down on her list of priorities. she could say what she wanted now and mean it. anything cj said in return had a pretty low likelihood of hurting her. "i know you're angry, and you think that makes you special. news flash, we're all angry. no one ever taught us how to be anything else." yes, that included alice too, she was still angry, but her anger was more of an even simmer than an explosion. "i watched you for years, you don't need to tell me anything for me to know when you're lying. i know everyone here's little ticks. when you lied to me it's because i let you." even while she worked for them she was working them, always ready to jump ship if she had to. that was just smart fucking business.
REPLY to @calithal / cj hook *
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zenzerodomina · 7 months
Im so inbetween "a Frozen Heart" Hans and "he's the most spoiled brat ever" Hans
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Republic of Pirates, one day.
Hans: <got himself a new tattoo>
Elsa: You know, sometimes I really wonder what your father would say.
Hans: Which one?
Elsa: ...?
Hans: Well, apparently, I have three of them now.
Elsa: ...
Hans: Father (derogatory), Father (respectfully) and Dad™.
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southernisled · 10 months
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task 003; absence. Hans misses the only person who's ever loved & cared for him, his mother Sanne.
It was never a secret in the Westergaard family that Hans was regarded as the runt of his father's litter. The isolation his Mother endured as the youngest wife, the bullying he put up with as the weakest son, both of them being tossed to the bottom of the pile like trash. Sanne could have cut her losses and ran, she could have divorced and left him in that wicked, cruel palace with his awful father and barbaric brothers. But Sanne was kind, and loving and strong in ways no man could ever begin to comprehend, she stayed for love. She stayed for her son & lived with the consequences of it.
Dear Maman,
There's so much I want to tell you I don't even know where to start so lets begin with the obvious. I love you, and I miss you every single day. There is not an hour that passes that I don't think of you alone with those monsters. There is not a moment where I don't wish eternal misery to my godforsaken halfwit brothers and living corpse of a Father. I worry for you and your safety. I worry about what will happen when Niels finally takes over, where you will end up or what pathetic housing and allowance he will give you. Most of all I worry he would be evil enough to make you his wife, not that you would accept of course. I hope to be home by the time Father passes. I hope its my blade that pierces through his heart, and Niels, and anyone else who would dare get in our way. I hope to make the palace run red with their blood for the live they gave you, gave us. Have a glorious throne made of their bones fashioned for you as Queen Mother. I hope to return with alliances and armies that would grant us protection from anyone who would try challenge my claim. I have not forgotten my role in all of this. I have not forgotten about you and the life you have lived for me, to protect me. I do not take your love for granted and I swear to you, on my own life, that I will get us what is rightfully ours. I will repay you, I will avenge you for what it cost to be his wife. I will come home and I will tear down his empire brick by brick with bare hands and we will build a new Kingdom, and it shall have a new Queen.
Perhaps that last line was misleading, because Mother I have the most incredible news. Delight that will shock you and fill your bleeding heart with joy; I am going to be a Father. You will be a Grandmother, and I know it is not what either of us expected when I came to Evermore but I know how happy you will be to hear of it. Even better is that for the first time there will be a baby girl. This torture, toxicity, awfully cruel, hierarchy ends with her. There will be no one to challenge her claim or question her lineage, because even though I haven't met her yet; just like I would do it for you, I would kill anyone who dared try hurt her in anyway. Her Mother is called Aurora, like the borealis, is beautiful. She is soft, kind and deserving of everything wonderful. But I will be the first to admit I haven't been kind to her as of late. I was so worried I would end up like him. I didn't want a boy, I didn't want to be a Father knowing what Niels and Father would do if they found out. But I have decided it no longer matters because they will never meet either of my girls, at least not outside of a casket.
We are still a long way away from the due date, and everyday brings a more heightened level of anxiety but yet a clearer train of thought. Aurora has land, connections, parents who hold real power. Our daughter will grow up to lead two Kingdoms, and with Aurora's help we can change the course of the Westergaard name and turn it into something good. I know what I have to do. I know how I must make this world different for my Mother, my Daughter and my--- well I don't really have a name for Aurora to be honest. I considered proposing but it seemed tacky. Independent women and all that. My baby will bring opportunities you and I have been waiting years for. She will bring us alliances and land, power and connections. My baby will be the key to the happy ending you and I have been yearning for all these years. I know what I have to do and I will kill anyone who gets in our way.
I wish you were here. I wish I didn't have to do this alone, but I understand why. Please just hold on a little longer. I will bring you the peace we are deserved, the crown you are owed. I will bring you your Granddaughter, Queen of two Countries. I promise you, Maman, things are going to change and we will make them suffer.
All my love,
Your dutiful son, Hans.
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OH WAIT this guy could take on Palle
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The Westergaard Family
Parents: Hans Westergaard
Kids (by birth order): Hannah
Location: Isle Of The Lost
Job: Hans' Cafe
Affiliation: Ursula
Family Words: Pride, Duty, Valour
Quote: There is no righteous path
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87cupsofjoe · 2 years
Fic idea I’m half-assedly “working on” right now (I wanna write a good fic but at the same time I am in the middle of writing an actual novel and should probably work on that instead lmao):
Ok. Hear me out. This is gonna fuck up a lot of things in the Frozen canon, but it’s fanfiction I can do what I want lol.
Basically, the royal family of the Southern Isles come to Arendelle to visit for some like business stuff or something, and Elsa is like fifteen and Hans would be seventeen and Anna would be twelve (I’m considering screwing around with those to make them more close together). Anna, of course, is super friendly towards the cold people, and Hans is like super closed off and it’s obvious he’s always unhappy.
Anna likes to pester Hans and tries to be friendly with him and make him tolerate her existence, and Hans appreciates it but doesn’t want her to be too close to him because ohohohoho he has fucking fire powers that’s right baby bringing back those fanarts from 2014 hell yeah.
Anyways, one day he passes by the library and sees Elsa leaving. The two make a tiny bit of conversation and kind of get to know each other and they’re both like “you have horrible anxiety? Omg bestie me too!! Hashtag twinsies!! Hashtag twinning as fuck!!”
Over the course of the two weeks Hans’s family is to stay at the castle, the three children grow kind of close together. Hans reveals his abilities to Elsa after a few days of spending his mealtimes in her room just talking together, and she’s like “cool my turn” and they’re both just kind of like :0 bc they have someone they relate to so much. Elsa becomes more comfortable with talking to Anna (in secret ofc cus the parents would not like that) and by halfway through the second week, they have agreed that their parents/families are pretty sucky and have a poor way of handling things. (Mostly Hans and Elsa, Anna’s just there agreeing to everything they say cus she loves them.)
They end up wanting to run away, abandon royal life and their toxic families, and they plan to do it on the night before Hans is to leave. So they pack some necessities and sneak onto a ship, then they hide out tik morning when it sets off. They don’t know where they’re going or how long it would take, but they’re just happy to get away and be pretty free from what was holding them back before. Again, Anna is just happy to be there and she’s only come along because she loves her sister more than anyone and thinks Hans is really cool and still wants to be his friend.
Blah blah blah they end up in the kingdom of Corona because I’m taking full advantage of those two being in the same universe. They find a small little place to live deep in the forest and then they realise they only have limited food and money until they’re completely out. So, they do what any normal person would—they start a life of CRIME.
From pickpocketing to grand theft, the three become known as the Olaf Siblings (name courtesy of Anna) and they’re widely wanted in the kingdom. It’s unknown that they’re royals, as they’ve made sure to mask their appearances. Hans uses his good looks to distract someone, Anna uses her quickness and slyness to get whatever they’re after, and Elsa uses her powers to help ensure a quick and guaranteed getaway.
Everything is fine until it’s not, and Anna gets caught and imprisoned. Completely distraught, Hans and Elsa are trying to plan a breakout, but don’t know how to go about it. Until they pickpocket the wrong ice harvester who was in town for business. Kristoff follows them back and demands his money back, causing the two to threaten his life because he’s seen their faces. They tell him they’ll kill him if he doesn’t comply with what they want, so he agrees.
Since they’ve never had a prisoner before, Kristoff is more of a guest in their home and tries to make small talk and stuff. Kristoff reveals that he has business at the castle and Elsa and Hans know that they’ve found their way in.
In between the imprisonment and the small talk and the casually living together that the three of them have ended up with, Elsa is the first to start to trust Kristoff. Eventually, begrudgingly, Hans does as well.
The three of them plan to break Anna out and save her, and there’s a tiny bit of romance bc Hansoff has me by the throat rn, and it’s mostly angst and found family. I haven’t actually started writing it nor have I posted anything yet, but my ao3 is 87cupsofcoffee for those interested in waiting. And there will be a happy ending!! :D
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seaslugfanclub · 1 month
~Wanting the Unwanted~
Hans x Reader
I’m yearning fr rn. This is totally OOC, but that’s because unlike the OG Frozen where Hans has NO ONE, he has you. I think reader inserts should affect the universe they’re put in, including changing possible villains.
The Westergaards didn’t give a shit about the youngest prince. Everyone knew that….Hans knew that.
Hans knew he was nothing more than an afterthought to his family, less than that even. He was used to the empty glances given to him by his parents and brothers, void of any familiarity and affection. Hollow. A far cry from how families are supposed to look at you, based on what Hans had read from the countless books in the royal library.
The idea of a family was nothing but a fantasy to Hans, just as imaginary as fighting dragons and saving princesses.
Hans had long since accepted his place in the castle, any bitterness long being replaced by apathy. The youngest prince would’ve been far more affected by his neglect, scrounging for any scrap of recognition like a dog, if it wasn’t for his secret saving grace. His proof of what actual love looks like.
For Hans, his invisibility to his family had become a gift in disguise. Once he had completed his daily lessons, all he had to do was give one of his brothers a half-baked excuse about meeting a lord in the countryside, ask a stablehand to ready Sitron from the royal stables, and leave the palace grounds by late afternoon. And just like that, he was a free man, going to see the one person who actually mattered to him.
If it were any one of his brothers, their absence would be quickly noticed in the castle. They would need months in advance to notify Han’s father—the king, about any business trip or personal vacation they might have. But not Han’s, guess that was a perk to being unwanted and unneeded. And thank God for that, because he liked to spend a few days at your cottage.
The ride to your cottage always filled Han’s stomach with butterflies. Even if it was the hundredth time sneaking away to you, the combined giddiness of rebellion and the anticipation of seeing you made it feel like it was the first secret rendezvous all over again. Hans, giving Sitron a light squeeze to make him trot faster.
It was always dusk when Han’s finally arrived at your house. The light from your windows spreads warmth throughout him, no matter the season.
Any residual feelings of despair or vendettas for his family would wash away the moment your front door swung open, revealing your smiling face. Hans barely had the chance to unmount from Sitron before being swept into your arms.
‘This…This is what it’s like to be loved..’ Hans mused to himself as he buried his face into your hair, arms wrapped tightly around you, the both of you just basking in the shared presence of each other before parting slightly, just enough for you to press your lips against his. Days of longing now a fleeting memory.
The next few minutes were filled with sharing what eachothers days were like during his absence, with you walking close to Hans as he set Sitron away in the small stable beside your home. Once his prized horse was settled in and fed an apple that you had fished out of your pocket, you grasped Hans’s arm, pressing him close to your body as you led him inside for supper.
Most people who grew up in high society would sneer at anything less than an estate. But to Hans, your small home was more luxurious than any castle in Europe. As he sat down at the kitchen table, he took a moment to look around your home, as if to mesmerize any detail he may have forgotten over the past couple weeks. The first thing he always noticed was the smell.
It was warm, slightly musky, with floral notes from the numerous herbs you had drying in the kitchen. A welcomed change to the castle, which always smelt cold and sterile, a mix of old varnish and lanolin.
Hans always felt like a stranger in his own “home”, as if simply existing in the palace was a taboo. He wasn’t allowed to touch any of the fine china that lined the hallways, or step too heavily on the carpets, hell— he couldn’t even sit on the sofa in the parlor.
But here? Everything was handcrafted and meant to be used. Various trinkets, either made by yourself or found while browsing through the markets covered virtually every surface. The hardwood floors were chipped and warped from age (Hans personally loved walking over them, it made him feel like he was in a funhouse). The walls were nearly invisible from the amount of paintings and family photographs that were framed. You had brought up in passing that you’d love to take a couples photo with him when you both had the time, and Hans couldn’t wait to see it proudly displayed amongst the images of your family.
Your furniture was old and used, the table he was sitting at was made by your great-grandfather, but it still had many years left, probably going to be passed down to your own grandchildren.
Hans’s musings were interrupted by a plate of warm stew being set in front of him, served alongside some bread you had gotten at the market this morning. He closed his eyes, taking time to inhale the rich scent as the steam tickled his face. As always, he waited for you to sit down beside him before he began eating, not without thanking you for the meal first.
Conversation flowed easily between you two as dinner went on, the meal having to be occasionally paused so you could both laugh without fear of choking. You would talk about anything that came to mind, Hans asking silly questions just so he could listen to your tangents. Somehow between conversation dinner was eventually finished, Hans allowed to eat as much as he wanted, unlike supper at the palace, where he only got to eat the scraps left over by his brothers.
Once dinner was finished, Hans was in charge of cleaning the dishes. A chore he didn’t mind, especially after you were the one who cooked such a hearty meal. It was nice to be trusted to do a task, even if it was something so little as washing a few plates. He had just moved onto the silverware, when he felt your body behind him, your breath tickling his neck. Hans continued cleaning, using all his strength not to drop any utensils into the sink when he felt your hands find themselves on his hips, your face now pressed into the crook of his neck.
You peppered kisses along his neck, whispering praises and how much you had missed him as Hans tried his best to finish drying the dishes. His resolve shattered when he accidentally glanced down, meeting your calling eyes. They were half lidded, pupils large with anticipation, wordlessly beckoning Hans to abandon his task and follow you upstairs…
…and who was he to deny you?
Hans laid awake long after you had fallen asleep, his head resting on your chest, body draped across your own. Moonlight shone through your bedroom window, reflecting off of your bare bodies tangled in the sheets. Glancing up at your sleeping face, Hans smiled at your partly opened mouth, face partially buried in the pillow, hair stuck to your face from now dried sweat. Looking up at you in the dead of the night, Hans could only wish he could always come to bed with you, always be with you. Not to sneak away from the castle as if your relationship was something to be ashamed of.
If he was anyone else, he would’ve married you years ago. He wouldn’t have to be apart from you for weeks on end. Even if he was 13th in line for the throne, his family would never allow Hans to wed anyone who wasn’t noble blood. They’d have your livelihood ruined if your relationship was ever discovered, and Hans wouldn’t put it past his brothers to do something to hurt you.
Hans would rather swing from the gallows than be the reason you were hurt.
Hugging your body a little tighter, Hans tried to think of other things. Knowing that stewing in negative thoughts would do nothing to help him sleep.
He thought of tomorrow, waking up buried in sheets after being allowed to sleep in. How he’d walk down the stairs to find you making pancakes for breakfast, proudly bringing up the freshly made maple syrup from the sugar shack down the street.
After having breakfast that couldn’t be beat, you’d then brainstorm what you wanted to do for the day. Usually when Hans visited, he wanted to go to the market. The food and items sold there were something he always looked forward to. But recently, he also just wanted to spend a day inside, curled up beside you on the couch as you read your own respective books. Occasionally speaking up to share something interesting in your readings.
As Hans silently planned what tomorrow could be like, he felt his eyes dropping, exhaustion finally settling in.
Your relationship couldn’t be hidden forever, and one day you’d both have to confront reality. But now, you two are together. Wrapped in warm blankets, surrendering to sleep, both dreaming about tomorrow's plans.
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the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
The Westergaard-Tremaine Family
Part 3
Princess Charlotte La Bouff-Westergaard
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Princess Chloe La Bouff-Westergaard (father: Prince Lars Westergaard)
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Princess Cinderella Charming
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Chad Charming (father: Prince Charming)
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cecexwrites · 2 months
Decendants Masterlist
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Name: Adalie Le Bete Fic: Wasting Time With Rabbits, Ruthless Ship: Kniles Knave FC: Florence Hunt The Jewel of Auradon, Princess Adalie is a beloved figure to the people of Auradon. But not everything is as it seems beneath her sweet as candy exterior lies a schemer
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Name: Aleksander Westergaard Fic: Wasting Time with Rabbits Ship: Galston Legume FC: Danny Griffin After the joining of Auradon and the gathering of the villains, The Westergaard family were chosen as the guardians, mostly because of their loyalty and their numbers. Aleks is of the latest generation learning to defend the crown from magic and evil.
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Name: Bellamy Le Bete Fic: Tale As Old As Time Ship: Hook FC: TBD
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Name: Blake Le Bete Fic: Young, Royal, Misfit Ship: TBD FC: Louis Partridge
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Name: Cassim Ababwa Fic: Young, Royal, Misfit Ship: TBD FC: Rish Shah
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Name: Cedrick Facilier Fic: Wasting Time With Rabbits Ship: TBD FC: Luka Sabbat
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Name: Chandler Charming Fic: Young, Royal, Misfit Ship: TBD FC: Sophie Thatcher
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Name: Chasen Charming Fic: Set it Off Ship: TBD FC: Tom Blythe
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Chesney Charming Fic: Unexpectedly Ship: Harry Hook & Jay FC: Angourie Rice
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Cloe Charming Fic: In Deeper Waters Ship: Harry Hook FC: Emily Alyn Lind
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Darling Pan Fic: Once Upon a Dream Ship: Ben Le Bete FC: Millie Bobbie Brown
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Galston Legume Fic: Wasting Time with Rabbits Ship: Alex Westergaard FC: Kaia Gerber
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Gigi Gothel Fic: Truly Wicked Ship: Ben Le Bete & Harry Hook FC: Olivia Rodrigo
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Henry Hook Fic: Young/Royal/Misfit Ship: TBD FC: Felix Mallard
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Ismene Frollo Fic: Neon Gods Ship: Ben Le Bete FC: Alba Baptista
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Kniles Knave Fic: Ruthless Ship: Adalie Le Bete FC: Benjamin Wadsworth
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Kristofer Bjorgman Fic: Ruthless Ship: TBD FC: Calahan Skogman
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Mollie Mim Fic: Young/Royal/Misfit Ship: TBD FC: Maia Reficco
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Oonagh the Orange Fairy Fic: Wasting Time with Rabbits Ship: Redacted FC: Lily Cole
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Quinn Queen Fic: Wasting Time with Rabbits Ship: Harry Hook FC: Rachel Zegler
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Raisel Fitzherbert Fic: Frying Pans & Wicked Plans Ship: TBD FC: Madelyn Cline
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Scarlett Edon Fic: Red Riding Hood Ship: Chad Charming FC: Maia Mitchell
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Sterling Charming-White Fic: Young/Royal/Misfit Ship: TBD FC: Jay Aubrey
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Sugar La Bouff Fic: Wasting Time with Rabbits Ship: Winter White FC: Madison Beer
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Suli Octavius Fic: Ruthless Ship: TBD FC: Amandla Stenberg
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Vasilia Westergaard Fic: Wasting Time with Rabbits Ship: Redacted FC: Gwendoline Christie
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Name: Victor Santorini Fic: Ruthless Ship: TBD FC: Jack Wolff
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Winter White Fic: Wasting Time with Rabbits Ship: Sugar La Bouff FC: Matt Cornett
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