#post frozen 1
nanidoesthings · 2 months
Thaw With Me
A Prince Hans x OC Fanfic
CW: Implied abuse mentioned.
Chapter 1 2 - The Villain In Your History
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He had already determined before he left for Arendelle that a return to the Southern Isles was going to be rough. Now it was going to be devastating. Years of planning. Years of trying to get into the good graces of his family. And now things were going to be worse.
When Hans had left for Arendelle he had been so bold. Didn’t even instruct the ship’s crew to stay behind long for him. Hans had every intention of staying there under the protection of a new kingdom. Just like Lars had suggested all those years ago. Find a distant enough kingdom, fall in love quickly with a member of their royal family, get engaged, and he’d never have to return. If it had all worked out all his searching would have succeeded. Hans would have found his own place. It would have been so easy. If he had just stuck to the plan.
A plan that didn’t account for Magic in the very least.
Of course. He could always be like Preben and Karl who disappeared randomly one night. Though he certainly wouldn’t have the ability of blending in like the others. Now that he basically had a scarlet letter on his back. It chewed at him as he paced about the small cell of the ship escorting him back to the Isles. He could take the lashings from his father no doubt- both verbal and physical. King Sturm would want to make an example out of him. He had been the family punching bag for years so he knew what to expect.
Except now there was more than likely no chance for redemption, and even less for forgiveness. Maybe if he was lucky he’d be sent off somewhere- the priesthood or military training- somewhere that his family could truly believe that he was invisible. A problem that as long as they didn’t talk about didn’t exist. He now wished he hadn’t.
His pacing finally stopped as he reached a wall, head pressed against the planks and sliding down slowly. The itch of straw greeted his hand as his body sat with a plop.
Hans could have learnt to like Anna. She was charming enough. Awkward, but as his stay in Arendelle went on he could understand why. Very faintly he could remember thinking it could fun to kiss every one of the freckles on her face. They certainly had enough in common between familial trauma. His ending would have been different if he had kissed her.
“Though who's to say it would have worked,” he thought to himself. His lips tightened into a thin line. “She probably had already found love with that guy anyways.” How typical of him. Not even a notable page in someone else’s story but perhaps a paragraph.
His eyes drew closed, stuck in his thoughts with the ambience of the ship’s crew walking freely above him. Based on the regularity he felt it safe to assume something was happening. Perhaps it was finally time. He let out a heavy breath, picking up the sound of heavy steps coming down. Time for self loathing was over. He rose, the princely act returning to him. Hands tucked behind his back. If not for the bars between him and one of the guards, one would easily think him in command.
The bars were unlocked and Hans presented his wrists. He had seen people arrested so frequently he thought it more dignified to not put up a fight. He had already caused enough embarrassment to the family. Head held high Hans allowed himself to be taken with grace, perhaps the only time flinching was as his eyes adapted from darkness to light.
He looked to the dock unsure if he was surprised to see a carriage waiting for him that carried the royal crest. Maybe if he was lucky they’d take it out into the middle of the woods to release him and then hunt for sport.
“Let’s see who they sent to tell me how disappointed they are in me.” He thought to himself, his head ducked slightly upon entry. Mentally he prepared himself for the verbal lashing. Any sense of dignity lost with a final shove and slam of the carriage door from the guards.
“I thought you had a plan,” of course it was Lars. From anyone else Hans could have ignored it, but they had to send the one he actually cared about. The elder brother sat across from Hans, his tone one that Hans had only heard reserved for Lars’ children. Not a tone of burning anger, though it might sound like it, but instead of frustration and disappointment. “How long did you want to get out of here?”
He recalled the night in the library not long after their mother’s birthday some years ago. He and Lars had figured it all out. The roadmap to a future devoid of family pain. The way their eyes lit up in glee.
“It got out of hand. I wasn’t particularly aware of certain factors.”
“Clearly,” Lars pinched the bridge of his nose, sarcasm about him. “It sounds like that queen was something out of mythology.
“I hope I didn’t scorn such,” the events on the snowy mountain returned to him. The fierceness of the Snow Queen’s powers and how he had so quickly gone from a hero to the Weseltonian brothers to the enemies of the Arendellian sisters. Then his thoughts on the snow storm on the frozen fjord. With a small breath he wondered if any of his brothers would have done the same for him.
Hans finally relaxed, the plush of the carriage welcoming him. Something he needed. His arms now crossed and looking out the window. Suddenly much more casual. He soaked in the summer warmth from the window, letting the silence sit. Some days ago he had wondered if he’d be able to experience such a feeling again.
“She turned to ice right in front of me,” Hans broke the silence. “The younger one- Anna I mean. Right as I was about to swing the sword down on her sister and free that kingdom. All I did was try to save a kingdom I thought was mine.”
“And instead you threw a snowball with a rock inside right at yourself and the family. You won’t be remembered as a benevolent savior. You know that right?”
“I know Lars. I’m the villain now. They get some type of happily ever after and I go back to this,” his arms outstretched for emphasis. He was getting agitated finally. Finally some hint of remorse.
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dossei-dossei · 2 months
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aasa (and one saki) sketch dump
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lukin08 · 2 months
Up In The Air- Chapter 1
Kristanna Modern AU
Rated: T
WC: 1234
Summary: Tired of her nomad lifestyle, traveling nurse Anna Arendelle on a whim picks Pensacola Florida as her new town to try find a sense of home. Meanwhile, Navy Pilot Kristoff Bjorgman has accepted a dream position at the Naval station in the same town. After a chance encounter goes south, the two of them find their lives entwined, with neither of them all that happy about it!
Also available on AO3 here
Happy Birthday @kristoffxannafanatic! This is as much her story as it is mine and please consider her the co-author. I just managed to write down all our ideas! Hope you enjoy
There really was no point in checking the time, he already knew before he looked.  Kristoff sat his phone down and leaned forward on the bench at the foot of the bed, elbows on his thighs as he scrubbed at his eyes with his thumb and forefinger of one hand.  He hated this.  Only ten minutes to go and it felt like an eternity.  Five months of hustling, mostly on his own dime in the hopes that he would even get noticed had all boiled down to the longest ten minutes of his life.
He sat up and looked around.  It was oddest feeling whenever he was back home, sitting in his old room with almost all the remnants of his childhood stripped away.  It was a neutral color now, with a new bed and bland as any guest bedroom you would imagine.  But there still were the nicks on the closet from where Kristoff used to lean his hockey sticks against and a couple trophies his mother didn’t have the heart to throw out were on the dresser.  A few remaining snippets of a simpler time.
A week had gone by since he first graced his parent’s doorstep.  It was the longest stint he’d been home since the summer before his senior year of college.  That was well over ten years ago and he’d been a nomad the whole time since.  He had to admit it was comforting to be back home.  It had been an anchor for him during the chaos of the week and the thought of wanting to stay had started to creep up on him.  Now he was stuck between the desire to escape from the reminder this wasn’t his room or even his home anymore and the intense pull that was calling for a sense of some permanence.  In ten- no, eight- minutes he’d know if he’d be able to answer that pull.
This was better than the other candidates had for sure.  While the others went back to their temporary barracks, Kristoff came home to a comfortable bed and most importantly, his parents.  One of the many benefits of being local, a piece of information Kristoff had kept close to his chest the entire process.  His days and nights had been long, but he always took the time to sit with his mom and dad for a bit before heading upstairs and collapsing into bed.  He felt bad he hadn’t been able to spend more time with them.  Regardless of the outcome of the call at 1100 hours, Kristoff was going to take the next week off to decompress and spend some real time with them before heading back to Norfolk.
He thought about going downstairs since no one was home.  His mother promised she’d be out of the house until after lunch, but he knew her too well.  It would be all too convenient for her to have “forgotten” something and come home and he really didn’t want an audience for what most likely was going to be a polite rejection.  There were only eight pilots after all that flew for the Navy’s Blue Angels, and four were returning from the previous season.  Four open slots for the 90 candidates that started officially with him in April.  Now they were down to 20 vying for those 4 positions.  He knew the odds, had rehearsed what to say to sound professional when the rejection came.  But still…there was something that also told him to plan for what to say just in case it was a yes.  He would want to sound excited, but not like some idiot screaming and jumping up and down.  Kristoff shook the thought from his head, accepting the impending rejection.
Kristoff sat and reflected on the events that led him here.  He had officially put his formal application for the Blue Angels in February through his Naval chain of command.  By March his application had been accepted and he was on his way to his first airshow.  Spring was a blur, with his everyday duties during the week, followed by a rush to an airshow whenever he could to shadow the team by sitting on team briefs, post show activities and social events all to haul it back to base Sunday night to start the week again.     
The application process was described to him like rushing a fraternity.  Something Kristoff knew nothing of except that he probably wouldn’t be good at it.  But he did understand the game.  The process objectives were clear: meet the candidates and find out if they were the type of people you want to be part of your organization.  The team needed to get to know the individual and Kristoff’s personality wouldn’t get him there attending one or two shows.  So, he showed them his tenacity attending as many events as he could, talking to each team member on an individual basis, meeting the fans, showing them what he could do.
Whatever he did worked because by June he received an invitation to Pensacola for finalist week in July.  Now he was at the end of the time that had consisted of a dizzying number of activities – dinner with the team only, dinner with team and families, social beach party with team and families, strength tests, the briefs/shows/debriefs, and the dreaded interview.
All 16 Blue Angels officers from the different departments were at the interview and they each asked him one question.  He had taken the time to prepare for it, just by thinking about some things that were important to him.  It didn’t matter how many flight hours he had or the combat missions he flew.  Everyone sitting on the interviews had the same qualifications as him.  Kristoff told himself to be honest at all costs.  It was the only way it would work.  He had once made a promise to see this through and he was going to keep it.
He came out of the interview feeling good about it.  At the very least, if he didn’t get the job, he knew he had given them everything he could.  His dad casually mentioned that evening the officer who was renting his place had been transferred and the family were leaving by September and maybe they should hold off putting a listing up.  
It was all too convenient and too hopeful. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to have that conversation yet.
Kristoff’s alarm went off.  He grabbed the phone and took a deep breath. The moment of truth was here.  He had a five-minute window to call the Boss.  His commanding officer at his base in Norfolk had let him in on a little secret.  If the Boss put you on speaker, you were in, otherwise you were out.  Kristoff placed the call trying to keep his hands from shaking too much.  
“Lieutenant Commander Bjorgman,” he identified himself and was asked to hold.  
A minute later Boss Kesselring answered then said “hold on a sec.”  Kristoff heard the unmistakable change in background sound of being put on speaker.  His heart raced as he only had an instant of prep for what the Boss was going to tell him.
“You there Bjorgman?”
“Yes, sir.”
There was a moment of silent before a group of voices yelled in unison, “Welcome to the team asshole!”
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remma-demma · 2 months
Fuuuuuuck me dude. I’ve been drawing the exarch broadway frozen true love song and like. I’m just thinking about frozen in general.
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 1 Match 38
Comin' at ya, My girl - Yakuza 5
Track 7 - Frozen Fruits
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
Comin' at ya, My girl:
"its the mix of it being THE most grating of haruka's battle songs (in my opinion) with the weirdly tuned voices/rapping as well as being in yakuza 5 as a whole, which otherwise has SUCH a good soundtrack. how is this in the same game as what a FUNKtastic hit"
Track 7:
"(the youtube uploader got the numbering off by one, but it's this one) Pretty obscure computer game with a soundtrack of messed up midi files. I love most of them tbh but this one is the strangest for sure"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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ace-s-fav-dp-posts · 4 months
Afab clones reformation AU
Trans!Danny au in which all of the melted clones reform at a later point after Danny manages to get them to Frostbite and see if he can help them.
But because this is Trans!Danny, all of the clones reform with afab bodies, because while Vlad could certainly mold their physical appearance to be masculine;
Without that exterior intent being applied, their cores just kinda looked at what human DNA it had to base a body off of, and spat out afab bodies because they didn't really have the chance to develop their own identities yet (which is what normally takes priority in a ghost's form).
This exterior influence on their cores while forming originally is also partially what lead to them all being so much less stable than Dani (Vlad influencing Dani's shape basically failed completely, which actually helped her stability), along with Tiny, Monster, and Bedsheet looking so mutated.
Along with the poor cloning technique involved in their creation.
While all of the clones reform with afab bodies that are less malformed than their original bodies (Tiny isn't all melty and missing an eye, Bedsheet has flesh though she has a ghost tail instead of legs, and Monster is still extremely tall and jacked and very firmly swimming in the Fenton end of the gene pool even with an afab body), their forms are later altered by their emerging gender identities, so in spite of their new afab bodies not all of them turn out to be girls.
Bedsheet is agender and their form shifts to becoming more androgynous over time, losing the more feminine features that they'd formed with the second time around, such as breasts and wide hips.
Tiny is a transboy just like Danny, so there are jokes all around for a bit about him literally being Danny in miniature.
Monster however is very much cis, in spite of her immense height, impressive musculature, and more tomboy sense of style and presentation. [Think of a cross between what most people think of when thinking of Tall!Jazz/Amazonian!Jazz, and Vi from Arcane. She's just generally very much swimming in the deep end of the Fenton gene pool.]
Prime on the other hand is what can only be described as nonbinary/3rd gender to humans. As their actual gender identity is something previously almost exclusively found among the Yetis of the Far Frozen and a few other ghost settlements that have primary population that's never been human (where Prime chooses to live the majority of the time as the only Clone to inherit Danny's ice) and doesn't really have a direct counter part in human culture.
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shortfeather · 5 months
And today's "deeply distracting au while i wait for my wrist to calm down from attempting to write for too long" iiiiiiiiiis Subnautica! an inevitability for every fandom i'm in after a certain point tbh i just LOVE Subnautica... would love to actually play it myself one day when i have a better computer
ANYWAYS I'm spicing it up this time by mashing both games together and also really mixing up the hermits.
The premise is that the Hermatrix Convoy (HC), a trio of spaceships that travels together in a group as a defense measure against outside dangers, is on its journey. When they have to reroute to slingshot 4546-B, they don't think it's going to be a problem. Knowing the planet is uninhabited and that no other ships are nearby, they all go for the slingshot at the same time, separated by mere seconds.
The gun, of course, gets them all.
Hermatrix-1 crashes in a shallow part of the flooded surface in the subtropics (the setting of the first game) and completely loses the ship, though a dozen survive. Hermatrix-2 crashes in the arctic (Subnautica: Below Zero); their ship remains habitable for survival, but barely, and eight survive.
Hermatrix-3, the smallest of the convoy, manages to switch to planetside navigation and mitigates the damage from the crash. If they want to get off-planet, they'll need some serious repairs, but in the meantime they can still move through the water like a particularly clumsy and slow submarine. The problem is figuring out where they are besides "deep, deep underwater," and what exactly the giant lifeforms the scanner insists are out there are...
Of course, there's groups within each ship as well. The friend groups of HC's staff and passengers does not necessarily correlate to ship assignment, which only adds to the stress of crashing on a supposedly-safe planet's anti-spacecraft gun.
Hermatrix-1's survivors: BDubs (architect, passenger), Zedaph (theoretical physicist), Pearl (janitor), Beef (psychologist), False (metallurgist, passenger), Etho (navigator), Scar (actor, passenger), Hypno (gov't agent, passenger), Iskall (athlete, passenger), xB (xenohistorian, passenger), Jevin (communicator specialist), Keralis (doctor)
Hermatrix-2's survivors: Ren (captain), Xisuma (cybersec specialist), Gem (ambassador, passenger), Impulse (chemist, passenger), Wels (bodyguard, passenger), Joe (teacher, passenger), Cub (CEO, pasenger), Grian (shipwright)
Hermatrix-3's survivors: Doc (spacecraft engineer), Mumbo (architect, passenger), Stress (pharmacologist), Tango (mechanical engineer, passenger), Cleo (acting captain)
If it doesn't clarify them as a passenger, then they are a member of the ship's crew. Loosely based on s9 roles, if that wasn't clear - though some of these are definitely going to change because I don't know some of these Hermits well enough yet.
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bloodrock-lobster · 8 months
i see a lotta people asking for ways to make their protein shakes tastier and ill see huge long recipes and stuff and its like
just. get chocolate protein powder and a cup of milk and cup of strawberries. and a bullet blender. thats all u need baby. its post gym mealdessert. its simple decadence. its tastey.
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stanfordprepped · 7 months
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"Do you wanna build a snowman~?"
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nanidoesthings · 2 months
Thaw With Me
A Prince Hans x OC Fanfic
Chapter 1 2 - The Morning Paper
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Linnea was not the Duke’s firstborn- oh no- that achievement went to her darling brother Erik. Nor was she the second, or the third. Not even the sixth. Yet with how she behaved one would assume she was meant to be the next Duchess of Weselton. She presented herself as a competitive, poised, business minded woman with a stride in her step that demanded power.
It had been at the breakfast table when she had heard the news. Linnea had bustled into the dining hall, her tone changed the moment she walked in. Two of her brothers- the twins Niklaus and Johann- had been whispering amongst themselves. The elder of the two giving Linnea a look she could only tell meant trouble.
She also ended up more often than not being the one to clean up after the family mistakes.
“What did you do?” The red headed woman crossed her arms, her brow arching. She carried the tone of an annoyed parent who had just caught their child in the act. Johann- the younger twin- raised his arms to the air, shaking his head with ferocity. Linnea then tilted her head and looked at Niklaus.
“Don’t look at us! Honestly,” Niklaus’s tone grew defensive, tossing the paper that had been in his hand onto the table before his baby sister. Linnea scooped it up quickly. “Something weird happened over in Arendelle. Apparently the fjord got frozen. No one could get in or out!”
Linnea took her seat at the table, fixated on the printed text. With the paper in one hand she supported her chin with the other.
“That explains why they haven't been back. They would have arrived days ago,” she puts the paper down. Arendelle had been only a 3 day trip from Weselton and the Duke had already confided in his children he would stay there an extra day to consult the queen on old and new business. Linnea’s brain started whirring. Arrangements needed to be made, events rescheduled or reassigned.
“I’m sure you’re already buzzing with ideas on how to fix things.” Johann snatched a piece of bacon from her plate. Linnea used to this behavior from him by now started to tap her cheek with her fingers, still looking pensive. Her brow was furrowed as she switched to the next page of the paper. An article on business catching her eye.
“Believe it or not, she can’t fix the weather. She’s not a witch.” Niklaus teased, procuring a wicked cackle.
“No, clearly that’s the new queen of Arendelle. Suddenly those rumors that she had been born green make sense.” Linnea spoke with a deadpan. She had heard rumors of Arendelle’s royal family, especially after the incident a few years back involving Queen Idunna and King Agnarr. Their cryptic ways of business had always interested her and father had insisted he would get down to the brunt of just why.
“There can be two witches. Arendelle is to the east of us.” Johann reached for Linnea’s breakfast again. The woman who had kept her eyes on the paper grabbed his hand mid action. “That would make you the Wicked Witch of the West.” He winces, feeling his sister grip a little tighter. “Okay. Okay. I fold.” Linnea released him, and in turn reached for the food he attempted to steal.
“Like I was saying,” there was an annoyance in her voice, “I cannot control the weather. How in the Hel did she freeze the Fjord anyways? It’s not like she’s some fairytale character. M-Magic like this isn’t real!” Linnea flipped back to the report on the coronation and read it again. going to heavily affect our engagement schedule until they’re home. Dad was supposed to handle the-.”
“Yes, yes. He was going to have been home yesterday, spend the day catching up, then today be dealing with the business involving the Jensen alliance. We know Lin.” Johann interrupted. “Since Dad isn’t here I’m sure Oslo can handle it.”
“What is it I’m handling?” Speak of the devil. Oslo had been the third eldest son and didn’t take his position as seriously as some thought he should have. The short man pulled back his regular seat and slumped into it.
“The Malstrüm-Jensen alliance. Between Weselton and Barovia.” Linnea repeated, watching her brother throw his feet up on the table.
“Oh yeah. Don’t worry. Took care of it,” Oslo grabbed a strawberry from the table and dipped it into a bowl of cream. “The Marquess was fairly easy to convince. If you get what I mean.” He had a teasing tone to him as he started eating.
“What?” Linnea turned her head quickly towards Oslo. Watching how he suckled the cream off the strawberry a look of realization hit her. “Oh my god. You did not.”
“Oh I did. 3 times.” He held out 3 fingers. “We’ll sign the paperwork and finalize it this afternoon.”
“Well, Well, Well, look at you,” Johann laughed, high-fiving Oslo.
“What can I say, I love to entertain.” Linnea groaned, folded the paper and rolled her eyes at her brother’s notcomments.
“I suppose that’s one way to get things done. But until any of them are back, Oslo is regrettably the stand in.” Annoyance dripped from her voice as she stood from her chair.
“And yet you’re the one giving the orders,” Niklaus returned her glare. His tone changed as he watched his sister roll up the paper and raise it above her head, preparing a good smack. “Linny. Lin. Linnea Agneta Malstrüm don’t you da- ow!” At this point he was getting smacked over multiple times with the paper. He laughed a little as he rose his hands in defense.
“Yes. Because dad let anyone he had past Erik and Francis just live off the family money. You think you can sleep your way through any problem,” Linnea pointed the rolled up paper at Oslo, “and you two act like children,” she pointed at the twins.
“Honestly, would it kill you to turn off your brain for a moment?” Johann used two fingers to push the newspaper away from his face. “You’re always so wrapped up in everything. Acting like if you put all this effort in dad’s going to put you above us in the hierarchy. Oslo may not have done something how you would but he settled our problem with Barovia! Without having to take orders from you for once.”
Linnea sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Would she admit that Johann made a good point? No. Instead she tucked the paper under her arm and stood from her seat.
“Fine. Fine. If that’s what you insist,” she grumbled, walking out of the room. “I’ll leave you to it.”
It was a few seconds later when a shout could be heard from the hallway.
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charlescoded · 4 months
that one au where max goes from indifferent vampire chomping on charles to sprinting to bring him their baby is always on my mind
i hope charles gets all the chubby vampire babies
max knocks him up 3 times! they could have gone for more, but charles decides that time was running out and pulled the trigger, aka he was getting older and demanded to become a vampire <3
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cobraonthecob · 4 months
camerman: move like you're going to be respected at your home race!
yuki: 🧍🏻
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clonesupport · 2 years
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honest confessions - the thief and the liar
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it’s dawned on me that not a lot of a lot of people know about max and ronnie’s shared soft moments or just actually how melancholy their relationship is. maybe that’s another lore thing that i made and never talked about but assumed i did lol like their playlist is like 50% self deprecating love songs and ronnie’s playlist is even more depressing TwT
if you’re curious about ronnie’s past that i mention and you have no idea what i’m talking about here’s a link to a post i made about it. it’s old and i’ve changed probably quite a few things but it gives you a general idea of how tf she got herself in the timeline and setting of tow
i havent exactly thought of where in the time line the big heart to heart happens but i know it happens when they’re well into their relationship. post ronnie being angry at max about chaney that’s one thing. they often talk a lot, or mostly ronnie is good at talking about her feelings when the two of them are alone. she always ends up opening past wounds and sobbing about some suppressed emotions she’d forgotten about since her life got flipped inside out. she hasn’t exactly had time to let herself settle with everything. and max listens, offers her his condolences though mostly just lets her speak. he can tell she’s someone who needs to have her guts spilled when it comes to personal issues or else letting them fester and bottle up will only make her feel an unbearable weight of distress and anger. and he’d be right to think so.
this specific talk happens when the two of them are alone in ronnie’s captain quarters. they’ve shared a drink perhaps, it’s later in the evening and they’re lost in topics chatting about anything and everything that flowed. eventually max asks ronnie about her past. all he knew was she’d come from a couple centuries before her 70 years frozen on the hope. he knew they weren’t the prettiest memories but the idea slipped from his lips before he could catch himself from prying. ronnie didn’t mind, she thought she could take it as she proceeded to answer what life was like in the 21st century. she babbles fondly of the good old days, though one thing leads to another she finds herself at the foot of the inevitable topic of her late fiancé.
she keeps going, she wanted him to know about her past, about who she was. why she was so afraid to commit herself to max in the first place when they first brought up the topic of dating. she’d always had trust and commitment issues but everything fortified when she went through what she’d been through. losing her fiancé before her eyes the way she did set her heart cold.
she tells him about the man she loved, the man she thought she’d spend the rest of her life with. the more the memories came back the more they hurt. tears found themselves involuntarily falling past her lashes and streaking down her cheeks in silence as she told her solemn history. max listened and watch with the most devastatingly gutted sensation in his stomach. he hadn’t known she’d been through so much. he definitely didn’t know she had a fiancé let alone what happened to him. knowing the ronnie he knew now, he would’ve never guessed she’d have ever been the type to have a spouse to be.
with every emotional word that spilled from her lips his heart sank more and more. listening to the details of her memories, to the rasp in her voice and the pauses in her breath as she tried to keep herself from breaking down. had he known the story would be so traumatic he would have never even considered questioning her about her past to begin with.
“i loved him,” her voice quivered as her eyes falling from his, gazing off to the side as tears welling and falling freely. her face contorted attempting to control the many sorrowful emotions within her, “i was gonna marry him.” her eyes looked back to his, his heart breaking at the sight as her control cracked letting out a sob before she breathed in a shaky breath. “it happened so fast… i couldn’t even tell him i loved him before….” her voice trailed off as she closed her eyes, eyes darting around beneath her lids as if playing back the memory in her head. “they killed him like he was nothing and took me like a prize.”
they’ve had many moments like this, but none this impactful to the both of them but especially to max. after this talk he saw her in a whole new light. everything changed from the way he viewed her brashness, to the way he perceived her snark. he now knew where it all came from. the story behind her personality, the trust issues, the intense hatred for his betrayal. he thought she reacted so strongly to him using her to get to chaney as some childish response of putting too much blind faith into a stranger but oh how wrong he was.
she hated him to using her because she felt like once again she’d lost a partner. she lost the trust and she needed that trust like a lifeline. without him by her side she wouldn’t be able to tackle life with her head screwed on right. she’d lose track of everything, of herself. she felt for his betrayal so strongly because if he really did use her and their relationship so selfishly then that meant she once again had no one. no one to guide her through the mess in her mind, the hurricane of emotions she’d suppressed with no one to guide her to shore. she couldn’t stand the thought of being alone again, she’d lost too much.
he saw the reasoning behind her ways, her choices, even the way she spoke. her words held a whole knew meaning with this newly unlocked understanding. but most importantly her habits towards him. the reason she held him so close in their tender and quiet moments. the reason why she told him so sincerely each time that she loved him, her eyes boring into his with an ocean of emotions swimming within them. the reason why she always seemed so sad when she did so, saying those three words with every ounce of bittersweet melancholy she held, brows furrowed and hands gripping him tight. why she’d always stand close to him, always touch him in some way, how each time she had the chance she’d steal a kiss from him. it was because she was afraid that at any moment she’d lose him. that any gaze, any kiss, any words of endearment could be her last. and each time she cherished it like it was the most valuable bounty in the world. she wouldn’t let this one slip away.
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plutesboots · 5 months
(AuDHDtistic voice) By eating the exact same things every day, I've developed the intense need for Change. Therefore I will utilize this urge to Improve My Diet Somewhat.
Brain will be significantly less cranky about Different because it's sooooo deprived of Enrichment. 5D chess type shit
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egginfroggin · 10 months
Came to the realization that, looking at this year's Whumptober prompt list, I could probably do Whumptober entirely with WTST and WTST-adjacent stuff.
Although, I do have to say, I saw "Overcrowded ER" for day 8 and immediately thought of Pesselle.
You know what, actually, thinking a bit more about this, I had yet another idea for a WTST spinoff involving an extended stay in Hisui and Unovan Dragon shenanigans, so maybe I could spin something from that... hmmmmmm....
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raayllum · 2 years
not ppl calling me elderly on twitter when i was still 17 when i made this sideblog
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