#ft 545
fairytailuv4life · 2 years
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Colored by me
A very beginner btw
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herpsandbirds · 1 month
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Ocean Sunfish or Common Mola (Mola mola), family Molidae, order Tetraodontiformes, found in temperate and tropical oceans around the world
The largest bony fish in the world, growing up to 3.3 m (10 ft 10 in) in height, up to 1.8 m (5 ft 11��in) in length, and weighing up to  2,300 kg (5,100 lb) ... 1,000 kg (545 to 2,205 lb) as a mas weight is more common.
They feed on a wide variety of invertebrates and small fish (not just jellyfish, as was once thought).
photographs by Per-Ola Norman, Daniel Botelho, Amy Coghlan / Australian Museum
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bethanythebogwitch · 7 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: ocean sunfish
Everybody knows ocean sunfish, right? Those giant, slow, silly-looking, parasite-ridden morons that eat jellyfish and can't defend themselves from predators really are the worst fish right?
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(GIF: Lex Luthor screaming "WRONG!" from the movie Superman Returns)
First of all there's no such thing as a "best" or "worst" animal and judging animals by human standards of what is cool or successful is silly because our standards are not even universal among humans, let along other species. Secondly, the closest thing we have to a way to judge a species is how successful it is in its niche and sunfish are doing pretty good, thank you very much. Today I'll be talking about sunfish and how they are not bad fish at all.
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(Image: a Mola mola located near the surface of the ocean, with the tip of its dorsal fin and part of its head breaching the surface. It is a round fish with no tail, only a wrinkly region of its body. Its dorsal and anal fins are long and slender The eyes and mouth are proportionately small. It is a pale white with light grey spots. A SCUBA diver is visible in the background. End ID)
Ocean sunfish, or molas, are members of the family Molidae, which is divided into five known species across three genuses. Im mostly going to be talking about members of the genus Mola, but I'll mention the other two as well. Molas are known for their size and odd appearances, looking like someone chopped a fish in half and the front half went swimming off on its own. They are members of the order Tetraodontiformes, making them cousins to pufferfish, triggerfish, boxfish, and others. While many members of that order are known to be highly poisonous, molas are not. They also lack several other common traits. Despite being bony fish, most of the mola skeleton is made of cartilage and they do not have swim bladders, forcing them to actively swim to maintain their position in the water column. Instead of a tail and caudal fin, sunfish have a structure called the clavus. The clavus is formed mostly from connective tissue and is used as a rudder. Because the clavus is mostly made of connective tissue, damage to it is not particularly harmful to the fish. There have been molas found alive and well that have had portions of their clavus eaten by predators. Because of their shortened stature, molas have the fewest vertebrae of all fish. The dorsal and anal fins are elongated and are used to provide propulsion by flapping back and fourth similarly to how birds wings move, albeit slower. Minute alterations in the angle each fin moves through the water help with steering, while more sharp turns are aided with jets of water ejected through the mouth and gills. Like their other Tetraodintid relatives, mola teeth are fused together into a beak-like structure that prevents them from closing their mouths. They also have some more regular pharyngeal teeth in the backs of their mouths. Some reports say that the fish can make noises by grinding the pharyngeal teeth together. Mola skin is thick and rough, described as being similar to sandpaper in texture. Like most fish, the skin is covered in a layer of protective mucus.
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(Image: a mola sunbathing. It is positioned with one side of its body facing the surface. Its body is just under the water's surface. End ID)
The three species in the genus Mola are Mola mola, the ocean sunfish and most well-known of the molas, Mola alexandrini, the giant, southern, or bumphead mola, and Mola tecta, the hoodwinker sunfish. Mola mola has an average weight of 247 to 1000 kg (545 to 2205 lbs), mouth to clavus length of 1.8 m (5.9 ft) and dorsal to anal fin length of 2.5 m (8.2 ft), though some individuals can get much large. The largest individual on record had a length of 3.3 m (10.8 ft), height of 3.2 m (10.5 ft) and weighed 2300 kg (5100 lbs). M. alexandrini is the largest of the species. The largest known southern sunfish measured in at 2744 kg (6049 lbs) and 3.25 m (10.66 ft) from mouth to clavus, making it the largest known bony fish in the world. They can be distinguished from M. mola by the presence of bumps on the forehead and chin, a more rounded clavus, and differently-shaped scales. M. tecta is known as the hoodwinker sunfish because it was long mistaken for one of the other two species and was only identified as a separate species in 2015 after the body of one washed up in Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand and was examined by scientists. Because it has only recently been discovered, little is known about this species. They appear to have the same range of sizes and weights of the other two species and can be distinguished by a slimmer body shape and a smooth clavus. All three species are found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide, though M. alexandrini and M. tecta are more commonly found in the southern hemisphere.
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(Image: a Mola alexandrini underwater. It is distinguishable from Mola mola by the two bumps above and below its facial region, making it look lumpy. It is surrounded by striped cleaner fish. A SCUBA diver is in the background. End ID)
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(Image: a Mola tecta seen from the side. It is smoother than the other two species. More of its body is grey with white spots. End ID)
Molas are open-ocean dwellers that live life in the slow lane. For a long time, it was believed they were moved around by ocean currents they could not swim against, making them plankton. We now know they not only can swim against the current, they are capable of bursts of speed fast enough to breach the water's surface and briefly go airborne. Sunfish are named for their habit of basking at the surface of the water. It was formerly believed they spent most of their time at the surface, but thanks to tagging, we know they make frequent dives into the deep ocean. They likely bask at the surface to warm up between dives. You may not expect something as slow as a sunfish to be a predator, but they are. Much of their diet consists of gelatinous animals including jellyfish, siphonophores, ctenophores, and salps, though they will also eat small fish, fish larvae, squids, crustaceans, and even seagrass. Because they can't chew, sunfish move prey into and out of their mouth by rapidly switching between sucking water in and spitting it out in order to shred the prey into pieces small enough to swallow. Special mucus lining the digestive system may protect the molas from the stinging tentacles of their prey. Molas and other jellyfish-eaters like the leatherback sea turtle play an important role in the ecosystem by keeping jellyfish populations down. Jellyfish are not particularly nutritious, so the sunfish need to eat a lot of them to survive, something they seem to be pretty good at. Being slow and having a very low-energy lifestyle helps the fish survive on a less-nutritious diet, making them very energy efficient. One thing molas get a lot of flack for online is having lots of parasites (with up to 40 known species). This doesn't really make sense. Every species has parasites. An animal in the wild that doesn't have parasites is vanishingly rare. Having parasites doesn't make an animal suck, it makes them ordinary. Because of their parasite load, molas are frequent visitors to cleaner fish, who will eat their parasites. Molas will also let seabirds land on them and eat their parasites while they rest on the surface. The molas attract birds by splashing at the surface. Adult molas have few natural predators, but are hunted by sharks, sea lions, and orcas. Interestingly, sea lions have been known to kill molas apparently for sport, ripping off the fins and then leaving the mola to die.
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(Image: a mola seen from the front. Multiple smaller fish are picking parasites off of its skin. End ID)
Molas are broadcast spawners who release their gametes into the water alongside each other. A female mola can release 300 million eggs at a time, more than any other vertebrate. Newly hatched sunfish are 2.5 millimeters long and are often cited as having the largest discrepancy in size between juvenile and adult of any vertebrate. An adult mola can be 60 millions times the weight of a larva. The larvae look very different than adult, lacking their dorsal and anal fins but having pufferfish-like spines. Juveniles school together for protection and become solitary as they age. The diet of the fish varies as they age, with younger fish feeding more on squid, worms, crustaceans, and fish but becoming more reliant on jellyfish and other gelatinous prey as they age. We don't know the growth rate of molas, but a juvenile in the Monterey Bay Aquarium grew from 26 to 339 kg (57 to 880 lbs) in 15 months, suggesting they grow rapidly. The maximum age of molas is unknown, though individuals in captivity have lives for up to 10 years.
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(Image: a mola larva. It is a brown ball with large, black eyes and no visible fins. It is covered in transparent, conical spines. End ID)
The two non-Mola sunfish are Ranzania laevis, the slender sunfish and Masturus lanceolatus, the sharptail sunfish. Both are alone in the genuses, but other species are suspected. I also found references to other species in Masturus, but could find literally no information about them other than that Masturus oxyuropterus is listed in some records. The sharptail sunfish looks very similar to Mola mola and reaches similar sizes, but its clavus has an extension that looks like a short tail. They were initially believed to be deformed molas before being recognized as a separate species. Unlike molas, sharptail sunfish are rarely seen at the surface, preferring to stay in deeper water. The slender sunfish is the smallest of the family, reaching up to a meter long. While we don't know much about them, we know their diet includes a lot of fast-moving squid, indicating they can move faster than their much larger relatives.
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(Image: a sharptail sunfish lying on a blue tarp. It looks similar to a Mola mola , but with black clavus and fins. At the back of the clavus is a triangular extension. End ID)
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(Image: a person holding a slender sunfish. The fish is small enough to be held and has a longer and skinnier body than other sunfish. Its body is a shiny silver with blue lines. End ID)
Mola mola is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN while the other species are classed as either data deficient or least concern. Molas are vulnerable to strikes by boats and bycatch. Another danger to them is plastic bags, which can easily be ingested after being mistaken for a jellyfish. The bags can suffocate the fish or block their digestive tracts. Despite their size, molas are docile and not dangerous to humans. I found one example of a mola harming a human and it happened when the fish jumped out of the water and landed on a boat. Allegedly, some fish have learned to recognize and approach SCUBA divers. Molas are difficult to keep in captivity due to their size, the amount of space the need, and special feeding needs, so only a few aquariums have them. Molas are captured for food, with the biggest markets being in Taiwan and Japan, where they are often called mambos.
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(Image: a SCUBA diver attempting to hand feed a small mola. End ID)
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plooto · 1 year
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ meeting him after breaking up with bonnie . ft. victor tan
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warnings . divorced ! victor , hc style
words . 545
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-> it was after his suspension when you two met, the one day you go to try and work out, he’s there. you got there when he was finishing his last set. without thinking, your feet took you to him.
“ hi! i um..i though you were cute and i was wondering if i could have your number.. get to know you ? ”
-> he took your number, but informed you he was getting over a bad breakup, to which you respected, giving him time to reach out to you.
laying in bed after a long work day, you’re cuddled in your favorite pjs with a cup of your favorite juice when your phone rang. you had his number saved, eternally thankful of your forgetfulness.
-> the two of you talked allll night. until 4am when you crashed first, tan not hanging up the phone, but having to when he woke up for work, barely an hour later.
-> since that night, you two talked every night, vowing to not stay up that late again.
-> he called you after his shift, and you were up, waiting for his call every night—till one night , he didn’t .
-> he was still hurt , his failed marriage with bonnie , getting booted from the TLI exam , he couldn’t try something new right now.
-> you thought you’d been ghosted , just another guy that lost interest or something , right ? oh you couldn’t have been more wrong..
-> you probably go to the gym again , hoping the new burn of your muscles would take your mind off of him.
you’re minding your own business , retying your hair and picking up a weight .
“ hey uh , i thought you were cute.. and i was wondering if i could get your number ? ” you pulled off your headphones to see him beside you.
-> you didn’t want to pressure him into telling you why he went ghost , but , he told you anyway . while he was confessing to you
“ i’m sorry for going radio silent on you..these past weeks . i had a lot going on, but that’s not an excuse . if you’ll have me, i’d like to get to know you . ”
-> you were shocked to say the least , after he went ghost you figured he just wasn’t into you after he went silent but you gave him another chance .
-> he was a nervous wreck , he didn’t want to make a big deal of it at work , but he couldn’t stop himself from calling you right after work .
“ hey , y’n ! i remembered you wanted to go to that restaurant downtown ? i booked reservations for us tonight . i’ll pick you up at what , eight ? ”
-> remembers everything ! kinda
-> your first ever fight was over something so small , just tan getting lost in his head.
“ hey um victor , i was just wondering.. if we could invite your friends out to eat with us ”
-> the last woman he introduced to them , she screwed him over . he said he’d think about it .. luca ended up catching it , then powell and then street and hondo and it just went down the line . push comes to shove and he was bringing you out on a date , meeting the rest of the team at the place .
-> watching you interact with his team was the highlight of his year
..maybe you weren’t so bad
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published . september 28 , 2023
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heartfilia-source · 3 months
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SPECIAL EPISODE: The Path You Believe In (no text spread ver.) read full chapter -- also read FT chp 545 + 545.5 combined here
One-shot released to promote the 100YQ anime premiering July 7th! Subtitled trailer by Crunchyroll ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Original jpn & en color spread and lead color page shown in read more!
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allfiredupfornalu · 1 year
Chapter 545: Irreplaceable Friends
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In the year X793, Lucy wins an award for her new book while all the guilds in the country of Fiore move on with their lives. Hisui pardons Crime Sorcière of their crimes, allowing them to live on to the future.
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Gajeel points out that since Lucy and Anna have the same smell, it means he likes Anna. In which Natsu does not deny. It's cute how the Heartfilia Clan has this history with him. He even got the heiress, as his.
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Lucy wakes up thinking everything was just a dream. Then sees Natsu and Happy in his house comfortably waiting for her to wake up. She remembers what she did while drunk. We should've seen more of it! Don't fret Lucy, you are Natsu's future bride.
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And as Natsu invites her for a job, Lucy is bombarded with memories of them together. Let's dissect this:
1. The Duke of Everloo episode, wherein Natsu tells Lucy that she must burn the book since this is their job. First job and first partnership together!
2. Galuna Island Arc
3. When Natsu saves Lucy from falling, Phantom Lord Arc
4. Loke Arc, when the monsters (Natsu, Gray, and Erza) were having a pillow fight.
5. When an injured Natsu talks with Laxus
6. Oracion seis arc, when they were bombed by Zero
7. Edolas arc, when Earth Lucy met Edo Lucy.
8. Tenrou Island Arc, their battle with Cain Hikaru
9. GMG Arc, Natsu thanks Future Lucy
10. Tartaros Arc, Natsu vs Mard Geer and Igneel vs Acnologia
11. Natsu comes back after the 1 year timeskip
12. Alvarez Arc, the end of the war
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Lucy envelops Natsu in a hug. She is thankful and happy with everything that happened. And when it gets emotional, Natsu drags her out to go for a job.
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With a promise.
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We end Fairy Tail on their 100 year quest.
I never thought that this would happen. Many people were supporting me along the way. I shared with my first blog that I was doing this to heal my inner child who has always been a Fairy Tail fan since 2011. It's been part of my growth and will always be part of my heart.
I'm happy I was able to finish the whole series and finish my NaLu blog! I'm still thinking if I shall proceed with the 100 year quest (it's still ongoing thus I'm hesitating). We'll know when we cross that bridge.
For all the FT fans and the NaLu fans, I'm wishing you all the best. Hope we can see you again soon! Love lots 🩷💛
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justicefor · 7 months
Do you know this woman?
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Her body was found in Miami-Dade County in February 9, 1990.
Height: 4 ft. 11 in.
Weight: About 169 pounds
Age: 30 to 55
Black hair, brown eyes
Clothing: Light pink shirt with red flowers, white knit knee-length skirt, black bra, beige underwear
Footwear: Dark-colored slip-on sneakers with white rubber soles.
Jewelry: White metal ring
If you think you know who this woman is, please call District 11 Miami-Dade County Medical Examiners Office at (305) 545-2400.
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just-absolutely-super · 3 months
FT Oneshot Review
Doing this because it’s been so looooooong since I’ve done a review for a FT chapter
Gonna talk in depth under the cut but here’s the TLDR version:
It’s a oneshot chapter that takes place a day before the final chapter of the series proper and before 100YQ, definitely a celebration for the upcoming anime series. The plot is nothing major or groundbreaking, but it’s a very cute in-between chapter that is full of typical FT humor, and that’s what i loved about it.
More in depth thoughts here:
First, i want to talk about the art style
Mashima’s art has always been great, and i love seeing his improvement whenever i read a work of his. The changes from FT 545 and now is rather subtle, but i can tell the difference. His girls are now more soft in features, while the men look more sharp and mature. Even the way he draws eyes are now different. I saw it during the course of EZ, but comparing Lucy then and now makes it more obvious. Here’s a comparison for people
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That being said, seeing this chapter actually DRAWN by Mashima feels more like Fairy Tail to me. Don’t get me wrong, Ueda does great work at replicating the style…but in the end it’s a replica. Mashima may be involved in the sequel but he’s not the one in the driver’s seat (maybe more like a backseat driver but Ueda is behind this wheel and I WISH EVERYONE ACKNOWLEDGED THAT STOP PUTTING THE BLAME SOLELY ON MASHIMA WHEN SOMETHING HAPPENS IN 100YQ, HE HAS A PARTNER IN CRIME)
Anyways, since Mashima isn’t completely involved with 100YQ, i can tell fully this oneshot was all him. The style, the humor, even the way the characters act seemed more real for me. And that’s part of why I can’t always get enthused about 100YQ, there’s always a dash of Mashima, not a main course
But this isn’t about me comparing this one little omake chapter to the sequel, so I’ll stop with that now
I liked the acknowledgment that Team Natsu (or at least everyone on the team but Erza) are not S class and therefore have no fucking business taking on the 100 Year Quest mission. And it is so on brand of Natsu to be told this and he be like, “k but imma do it anyway!” I love him your honor
It’s also on brand for all of Fairy Tail to go on a manhunt for him to keep him from doing the thing gosh dangit!
Sadly not enough Lucy T-T I know she’s not prominent because she’s supposed to be in the dark about the decision to go on the mission but still… At least she got to look fabulous for a panel with her gala dress from 545
But what do you MEAN her book isn’t selling well???? She won AN AWARD that shit should be selling like hot cakes! Justice for my queen, I’ll buy all her books!
(HC most of her sales are from the guild and surrounding guilds who know and love her <3)
Anyways, nothing really else to comment on. The humor was typical FT, and the sudden random appearance of Ichiya was wild. He’s just here for the lulz I guess lmao I just enjoyed how wacky the plot was, I missed how silly this manga could be
And the ending was perfect imo. The callback to the beginning of the series with Makarov’s words about following the path you choose really hit me harder than it probably should have lol but seeing him give the team his blessing was nice. I really liked it…
So to conclude everything, it wasn’t a big extravagant plot. With Ueda taking the reins (with supervision) with 100YQ, there really isn’t much Mashima could have written about. It’s a good prequel to chapter 545 as well as the sequel, and it’s a good celebration of the upcoming anime series
I hope Mashima continues to revisit FT independently. If he does, I’ll always be here to read about my favorite fictional people ❤️❤️❤️
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heilloohaii · 7 months
Shortfin Mako Shark
isurus oxyrinchus
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• length: 3.8 meters (12 ft)
• weight : 545 kg (1200 lbs)
• diet : pelagic fishes such as tunas and swordfish. also consumes squid, other sharks, and rarely marine turtles and mammals.
my personal rating : 9/10
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shiromi28 · 1 year
How LONG it took each K-POP GROUP to get their first win!
Brave Girls - 3628 days after debut SUPER JUNIOR-D&E -2685 days after debut NU'EST - 2610 days after debut U-KISS - 2378 days after debut N.Flying - 1981 days after debut Dreamcatcher - 1923 days after debut NCT U - 1656 days after debut Jewerly - 1490 days after debut PENTAGON - 1471 days after debut CLC - 1426 days after debut DAY6 - 1416 days after debut VERIVERY - 1414 days after debut Shinhwa - 1361 days after debut fromis_9 - 1322 days after debut BTOB - 1309 days after debut ONF - 1308 days after debut DKZ - 1273 days after debut BF - 1265 days after debut SF9 - 1198 days after debut VICTION - 1098 days after debut Girl's Day - 1096 days after debut ASTRO - 1071 days after debut DIA - 1065 days after debut EXID - 1057 days after debut ONEUS - 1043 days after debut OH MY GIRL - 1008 days after debut LABOUM - 974 days after debut WJSN - 950 days after debut Lovelyz - 916 days after debut MONSTA X - 915 days after debut Block B - 912 days after debut Golden Child - 850 days after debut CSJH The Grace - 769 days after debut BABY V.O.X - 761 days after debut B1A4 - 756 days after debut B.A.P - 748 days after debut Epik High - 739 days after debut KARA - 707 days after debut BTS - 691 days after debut Brown Eyed Girls - 631 days after debut GOT7 -628 days after debut MAMAMOO - 626 days after debut TEEN TOP - 603 days after debut f(x) - 601 days after debut LOONA - 570 days after debut 2AM - 566 days after debut Treasure - 565 days after debut VIXX - 561 days after debut AOA - 459 days after debut Bolbbalgan4 - 545 days after debut THE BOYZ - 517 days after debut Billie - 510 days after debut INFINITE - 487 days after debut Secret - 457 days after debut EXO - 432 days after debut MOMOLAND - 427 days after debut Crayon Pop - 408 days after debut NMIXX - 400 days after debut BIGBANG - 384 days after debut GFRIEND - 382 days after debut Stray Kids - 375 days after debut NCT 127 - 350 days after debut Seventeen - 344 days after debut B2ST (BEAST) - 343 days after debut After School - 339 days after debut Stayc - 306 days after debut TEMPEST - 273 days after debut Apink - 261 days after debut Wonder Girls - 257 days after debut 2PM - 245 days after debut ATEEZ - 239 days after debut Red Velvet - 238 days after debut Super Junior & MBLAQ - 231 days after debut Twice - 198 days after debut Sistar - 196 days after debut Everglow - 187 days after debut NCT Dream - 173 days after debut CNBLUE - 163 days after debut T-ara - 156 days after debut Enhypen - 155 days after debut CRAVITY - 140 days after debut CSR - 128 days after debut SHINee - 116 days after debut 4Minute & I.O.I - 104 days after debut JBJ - 100 days after debut SS501 - 99 days after debut TVXQ! - 93 days after debut Davichi - 90 days after debut NU'EST W - 86 days after debut Girls' Generation - 67 days after debut AESPA - 61 days after debut FT ISLAND - 42 days after debut 2NE1 - 39 days after debut GOT the beat - 27 days after debut (G)I-DLE - 20 days after debut New Jeans - 17 days after debut EXO-CBX - 16 days after debut Gaya-G (WSG Wannabe) - 14 days after debut Blackpink & AB6IX - 13 days after debut IKON & Hi Suhyun - 12 days after debut EXO-SC & Irene and Seulgi (Red Velvet) & NCT DOJAEJUNG - 11 days after debut IZ*ONE & Kep1er - 10 days after debut Itzy & Girls Generation-TTS & Wanna One- 9 days after debut TXT & Le Sserafim & Highlight & BTOB 4U- 8 days after debut Ive & Viviz & CIX & WSG WANNABE - 7 days after debut X1 & SSAK3 - 5 days after debut Winner - 4 days after debut
Kinda long list, you know? It's really sad that most of groups need to wait that long for their first win... What's your opinion about this? Comment below!
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ariadnesweb · 2 years
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I posted 4,618 times in 2022
That's 3,955 more posts than 2021!
170 posts created (4%)
4,448 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,470 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#deltarune - 1,960 posts
#fanart - 1,391 posts
#the owl house - 629 posts
#deltarune fanart - 615 posts
#meme - 239 posts
#meta - 232 posts
#deltarune meta - 195 posts
#soilai's labyrinth - 169 posts
#video - 163 posts
#art - 162 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#they're foils - noelle is an emotional heart ready to throw herself at whatever she desires - ralsei guards his emotions under several masks
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Collector is probably going to be King’s only source of information on what a Titan even IS.
Everyone else is going to be like, ‘oh a Titan, a god, they are supremely powerful and worthy of worship’ or if not, doubting the idea that a Titan can even be a kid (aka King)
And then there’s the Collector, reminiscing on all those other immortal and powerful beings, and just spouting Titan facts.
-’Oh, you’re not even old yet! You aren’t really an adult until you’re 25 ft tall and swimming across all the different isles!’
-’Ugh! You’re such a stick in the mud! Just like your dad... That’s what he said about the beast collection.’
-’Oooh! Let’s play a Titan game! Let’s raise opposing armies, that worship us, and then have the armies fight until one of us loses their remaining soldiers!’
296 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Kris and Heroism
-Or, Kris seems to have a straightforward ideal of heroism that matters a lot to them. You could even call them 'noble', like a Knight.
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-This can be seen in a contrast to Susie, who is rude and dismissive of traditional heroics.
See the full post
545 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Susie Being an Anime Rival for 10 Pics
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See the full post
1,227 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
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3,377 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
it is canon that:
Noelle would mercilessly grind her Catz to get the right combination, eliminating all Catz that strayed from her path
Noelle has a morbid curiosity, and it gives her the determination to see scary and messed up things, like videogame creepypastas, despite her emotional response to cry and fear
I conclude that:
Noelle could complete an Undertale No Mercy route
Noelle would stream her No Mercy Playthrough and be an instant hit, because everytime someone dies, Noelle spends 5 minutes grieving the person she just killed
10,398 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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herpsandbirds · 1 month
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Ocean Sunfish or Common Mola (Mola mola), family Molidae, order Tetraodontiformes, found in temperate and tropical oceans around the world
The largest bony fish in the world, growing up to 3.3 m (10 ft 10 in) in height, up to 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) in length, and weighing up to  2,300 kg (5,100 lb) … 1,000 kg (545 to 2,205 lb) as a mas weight is more common.
They feed on a wide variety of invertebrates and small fish (not just jellyfish, as was once thought).
photographs by Javi Garcia
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flatsinkalyan · 1 month
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New Construction Projects In Dombivli West
Visit :https://www.gharjunction.com/Upcoming-Projects-In-Dombivli Contact : 7021988393
1. Prime Location in Dombivli West
Strategically situated, offering excellent connectivity to key areas in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and Thane.
Close proximity to schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and public transportation options.
2. Spacious and Affordable Apartments
Offering 1 BHK and 2 BHK apartments, with 1 BHK units starting at 400 sq. ft., priced between ₹34–35 lakhs.
The 2 BHK units offer more space (starting from 545 sq. ft.) with prices between ₹47–52 lakhs, combining luxury and affordability.
3. Extensive Project Area
Spanning 9 acres of land, including 3 acres of beautifully landscaped gardens.
Two 19-story towers that provide over 600 residential units and commercial spaces.
4. Possession Scheduled for 2026
Project ensures timely completion with high-quality construction standards, making it an ideal choice for future homeowners and commercial investors.
5. 35+ World-Class Amenities
A wide range of amenities including a modern clubhouse, infinity swimming pool, jogging track, yoga/meditation area, and a fully equipped gymnasium.
Dedicated spaces for all age groups, including a senior citizen corner and kids’ play area.
6. Commercial Spaces for Business Prospects
Commercial spaces within the project present great investment opportunities due to high footfall and a vibrant community.
7. Lifestyle of Luxury and Well-Being
The project is designed to provide a seamless blend of luxury and practical living, with features like high-speed elevators, security systems, and ample parking facilities.
8. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Design
Focused on creating a green environment with lush gardens, open spaces, and energy-efficient infrastructure to enhance the overall quality of life.
9. Ideal for Homebuyers and Investors
Kohinoor Highland offers a balanced lifestyle, making it perfect for families, professionals, and investors seeking long-term value in a rapidly developing area.
This content can be adapted for use in marketing materials, listings, or brochures, highlighting Kohinoor Highland’s unique offerings in Dombivli West.
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7ooo-ru · 5 months
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FT: в G7 признают отказ от идеи полного изъятия активов России
Представители G7 в частном порядке заявляют, что вопрос полной конфискации российских активов больше не обсуждается.
Читать далее
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/05/03/545-ft-v-g7-priznayut-otkaz-ot-idei-polnogo-izyatiya-aktivov-rossii-grss-304482832.html
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showbride · 9 months
Exhibitor Spotlight: Newport News Marriott at City Center
Newport News Marriott at City Center at http:// www.marriott.com/phfoy has 5 event rooms, 20659 sq. ft. of total event space, 12 breakout rooms with 1600 their capacity largest space. Holding a wedding for up to 545 guests in their elegant Newport News wedding venue? Consider The Pearl Ballroom! Stop by and say hello to Erica and her team at Showbride.com’s Winter Engaged Bridal Expo at the…
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golfjournal · 11 months
Birdie #41
Practice hours: 545
Total Tracked rounds: 109 (31 Arccos + 78 Golf shot)
Handicap: 13.8
# of birdies: 41
This Birdie came at hole #11 which is a 403 yard par 4 at the Ironwood 9 of Westin Kierland golf club.
I had topped my drive wich went to left end of the fairway for about 215 yards. From there I hit a 6 iron for 183 and had about 22 ft putt which dropped for me.
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