#ft: doc q
every-ace · 9 months
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squeakheart · 8 months
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chuck said the funniest thing on earth today btw
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liesmyth · 6 months
For this: https://www.tumblr.com/liesmyth/745419893339488256/fanfic-writer-ask-meme
G (for Summer Series or and I follow just to find you) M, N, V
G: If you wrote a sequel to HORSE GIRL JAMIE FIC!!!, what would it be about?
Thank you for asking! It would be the most self indulgent slow burn get together ft. coming to terms with your sexuality post retirement ft. "what if your only model for 'normal life' is your 25yo boyfriend when you're 40" etc etc etc. It's very cute in my head. Approximately 800 words exist in a doc somewhere.
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with? Did it turn into a story?
Dimension travel "jump into an alternate version of your own life" kinda premise, it's something I've considered a few times but never actually wrote, ever. I might do it for Locked Tomb at some point since the canon lends itself to it!
One day I will write the Roy/Jamie AU where they're rival F1 racing drivers. I considered it for the F-word challenge a couple months ago, but unfortunately didn't have the time to write it!
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
I'm spinning around MULTIPLE ideas for the Roy/Jamie big bang. Watch me disregard everything at the last moment and come up with a brand new idea.
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
Multiple! I'm lucky enough to have gotten many memorable comments over the years, and a few were like "I don't go here [this fandom] but I read it because I love your writing" or "this fic made me look into [things I mentioned in the fic]" and those always make me ridiculously happy <3
[q list]
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cmnis · 2 years
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     I HAVE LOVED THE  STARS TOO FONDLY                                   TO BE FEARFUL OF THE NIGHT.    
         —– independent , selective , mutuals only , multi-muse rp blog . ft. muses          from MARVEL , STAR WARS , and others , as well as a few OCs . trigger          heavy and contains darker themes , ages eighteen and older interactions          only . est. november 2018 .  // penned  and cherished by Q
                                      ALL IN ONE DOC & MUSE LIST.    interest tracker . 
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madfishmonger · 9 months
Found this while going through old docs, I never finished making them but they amused me greatly. If you like them I'll add more.
http://lewisandquark.tumblr.com/post/159363915392# Neural Network Spells
The programmer Janelle Shane makes neural network programs with hilarious and interesting results. They did a round with D&D spells and came up with the best list of spell names I've seen in a while. I began to homebrew the spells, but got distracted, but recently I decided to challenge myself by finishing this and coming up with homebrew spells for all of the weird names on this list. <a href="http://aiweirdness.com/post/159363915392/new-dd-magic-spells-designed-by-neural-network">Click here for the original post</a>
### The Spell List
Moss Healing Word
Hold Mouse
Barking Spehere
Heat on Farm
True Steake
Finger of Enftebtemang
Fomend's Beating Sphere
Purping Lightsin
Wrathful Hound
Q's Invisibility
Cow of Auraly
Mind Blark
Stone Share
Puijune Magic Furs
Grove of Plants
Conjure Velemert
Vicious Markers
End Wall
Mous of Farts
Gland Growth
### Cantrips
#### Finger of Enftebtemang
*Necromancy cantrip; clerics, wizards*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** 30 ft
- **Components:** S, V (must be able to pronounce “Enftebtemang”)
- **Target:** one target
Roll a ranged spell attack. On a hit, a ray of sickly purple light spews forth from the pointing finger of the caster, poking sharply in to a single target (usually in the arm) dealing 1d6 necrotic damage, and the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, the target has disadvantage on any ability checks it makes until the end of your next turn. Said to have been created by a wizard with a very annoying older sibling.  This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
### First Level
#### Moss Healing Word
*1st-level divination spell; druids, rangers, clerics*
- **Casting Time:** 1 action
- **Range:** touch
- **Components:** V, a handful of healthy moss & a piece of string, ribbon or cloth, which the spell consumes.
- **Duration:** 1 hour
The caster says a word of healing in to the handful of moss and places it on the skin of another creature, binding it with cloth, string, or ribbon. At any time during the next 1 hour, the target can release the tie and receive 2d4+2 healing as the moss dissolves into the skin. If the moss is exposed to flame (from a fireball spell for example), acid, being frozen, or soaked underwater, the moss will be destroyed and the spell will fail. If the tie is forcibly removed, by another creature's attack for example, the spell will go off automatically.
*At higher levels* - When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st and the moss remains for an additional hour.
#### Q's Invisibility
*1st level illusion spell; wizards, trickster clerics, arcane trickster rogues*
- **Components** somatic
- **Duration** 1 hour
- **Range** touch
- **Casting time** 1 action
This spell makes the target invisible, but leaves their clothing and other belongings visible, as well as anything picked up or carried by the target. The appearance of clothing walking around on its own is rather unusual, and anyone within sight of the target must make a DC 14 intelligence save or be stunned until their next turn.
*At higher levels* - for every level above 2nd, the caster can target one additional creature.
#### Vicious Markers
*1st level illusion; bards*
- **Components** somatic, a quill or other writing implement
- **Casting time** 1 action
- **Duration** instantaneous
The caster makes a writing gesture in the air and mentally composes a phrase or insulting remarks. Target must make a wisdom saving throw vs the caster's spell save DC or take 1d6 psychic damage from the words only they can see written magically in the air.
*At higher levels* ; For every level above first, the target will take another 1d6 psychic damage on a failed save.
### Second Level
#### Puijune's Magic Furs
*2nd level abjuration spell; druids, rangers*
- **Components** S, a scrap of fur
- **Duration** 8 hours
- **Range** touch
- **Casting time** 1 action
Casting this spell causes a warm fur hat to appear on the head of the target. If the target cannot wear a hat, it will create a hood, scarf, or closest possible approximate headgear. If a type of fur of preferred, the caster may speak it at the time of casting, otherwise a random fur type will appear. The type of fur has no bearing on the efficacy of the spell, it is purely aesthetic. The target of the spell can tolerate temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit (-46C) without any additional protection. If the target wears additional winter clothes, they can tolerate temperatures as low as -100 degrees Fahrenheit (-73C).
*At higher levels* - for every level above 2nd, the caster can target one additional creature.
#### Fomend's Beating Sphere
*2nd level evocation ; wizards, warlocks, bards*
- **Casting time** 1 action
- **Range** 30 ft
- **Target** One target
- **Concentration**
- **Component** verbal, somatic, a miniature drum
Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, a shimmering sphere of magical energy surrounds the target, filling the inside with the deafening sound of beating drums. Target takes 2d6 psychic damage on the first round and cannot benefit or be targeted by any spell, ability, or effect that relies on sound, as they are surrounded and deafened. Each round afterward, if concentration is held, the target may make a WIS save versus the spellcaster's DC, or suffer 1d6 psychic damage and remain deafened.
*At higher levels* - When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the target suffers an additional 1d6 initial damage and another 1d6 damage each subsequent round.
#### Cow of Auraly
*2nd level conjuration spell; druids, rangers*
- **Components** somatic
- **Duration** 1 hour
- **Range** 30 ft
- **Casting time** 1 action
This spell conjures a full size (~500 lbs/kg) cow and so must be cast in a space large enough to fit it. If the area is not large enough, the spell will fail. The cow is corporeal, but cannot be harmed, nor can she harm others, however she can block a path, push or pull objects, or provide three quarters cover. The cow has a speed of 15 ft per round, and can be commanded to move or stay by the caster. The cow has a strength of 20 (+5) and a dexterity of 10 (+0). If attacked, the cow utters a loud moo of annoyance but remains unharmed. The cow is stubborn and the caster will use its abilities more efficiently if they take the time to befriend the cow. The same cow is summoned each time, and will remember how the caster behaves toward her. She fades away with a soft moo after one hour or when dismissed by the caster. The intelligence of the cow is debatable, and it can be difficult to determine how she perceives her surroundings. Some say she was the cow of a great druid farmer in times of old, so steadfast and devoted she transcended to the astral plane. Others say the cow is a wise old monk taking the form of the cow to observe the world. Either way, her origin remains mysterious, and this spell is uncommonly found.
#### Stone Share
*2nd level evocation; wizards, clerics, bards, warlocks, rangers, sorcerers, druids*
- **Components** verbal, somatic, a fist-sized rock which the spell consumes
- **Duration** 3 hours held, 1 action to use
- **Casting time** 10 minutes
The caster spends the casting time infusing the stone with a first-level spell of their choice. Once the caster has finished, the stone splits in half. The caster may then give half the stone to another creature. The creature must have an INT of at least 8 to be able to use the stone. The creature may then use the stone within the next three hours to cast the held spell with an action, even if they are not a spellcaster. Use the statistics for the initial caster's spells. While this infused stone is shared, the initial caster does not have access to this spell and cannot cast it. If the stone of either creature is removed from their possession, the half-stone crumbles and the spell ends.
#### End Wall
*2nd level conjuration, druids, wizards*
- **Components** verbal, somatic, a pebble
- **Casting time** 1 action
- **Duration** five minutes
- **Concentration**
This spell needs to be cast between objects that can support the wall on at least two sides. The spell creates a shimmering magic wall measuring no more than 20 feet on each side that will fill and fully block a space. The wall is made of shimmering magic and is one foot thick. It has 20 HP and an AC of 11. It will completely fill the space and will not allow water or air through, though it is semi-transparent. Spells cast through the wall must beat its AC.
*At higher levels* - for each level above second you can create 10 more feet of wall in every direction.
### Third Level
#### Cursing
*3rd level necromancy, clerics, warlocks, sorcerers*
- **Components** a long series of curse words
- **Casting time** 1 action
- **Duration** 1 minute
- **Target** one target
- **Concentration**
The target must make a Constitution saving throw vs the caster's spell save DC. On a fail, the target takes one level of exhaustion until the concentration is broken. The target will also emit involuntary curse words once per round.
*At higher levels* - When cast at 5th level, it causes 2 levels of exhaustion. 7th level: 3 levels of exhaustion. 9th level: 4 levels of exhaustion
### Fifth Level
#### Barking Sphere
*5th level illusion spell, wizards, clerics*
- **Components** a jar containing a glass marble and the bark of a dog
- **Duration** 8 hours
- **Range** touch
- **Casting time** 1 action to cast, 1 reaction to trigger
The caster touches themselves or another creature, and the target is protected for the next 8 hours. If the spell has not been triggered by the end of the 8 hours, it fades. The spell is triggered by any hostile weapon or magical attack on the target. When triggered, the target is encased in an invisible sphere of protection, which barks loudly, able to be heard up to 60 ft away. Any creatures within 5 ft not hostile to the target are gently pushed to the nearest unoccupied space. Any creatures hostile to the target within 5 ft are forcibly pushed in to the nearest unoccupied space and must make a DC 15 DEX save or be knocked prone. The triggered sphere and the barking are active for 1 minute after being triggered. or until the caster or the target speak the command word to end the spell early. Only the caster can end the spell on the target before the spell has been triggered, and if they choose to end it the spell slot is still expended. The person inside the sphere cannot cast spells, attack, or interact with items. They also cannot be attacked, affected by spells, or have items interact with them.
### Wrathful Hound
*5th level conjuration spell, Wizards*
- **Casting time** 1 action
- **Range** touch
- **Duration** 8 hours, once triggered - concentration, up to 1 minute
- **Components** verbal, somatic, material: an item on the target's body to hold the spell
The caster casts the spell on to a mundane item on the target's body such as a piece of clothing, jewelry, or nonmagical weapon. To cast the spell is one action, and it will cost a reaction to trigger it. Any hostile physical or magical attack on the target from within 30 ft will trigger the spell. Once triggered, a ghostly hound leaps from the item and viciously attacks the nearest hostile target within 30 ft. The hound sees invisible creatures and can see into the Ethereal Plane. It ignores illusions. The hound cannot be surprised. At the start of each of your turns, the hound attempts to bite one creature within 5 feet of it that is hostile to you. The hound's attack bonus is equal to the caster's spellcasting ability modifier. On a hit, it deals 4d8 piercing damage. As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can command the hound to move up to 30 ft. The hound cannot be harmed or attacked but will disappear if concentration is broken or one minute has passed. Each creature can only have one Wrathful Hound on them at all times. If the item the Wrathful Hound is cast in to is removed from the target, it must be returned within one minute or the spell will fail. If the hound has not been triggered within the 8 hours, the spell fades. If the caster is concentrating on another spell when the hound is activated, that spell will drop and be replaced by the hound.
This spell cannot be stored in any spell storing item.
*At higher levels* - for every level above 5th, the caster can cast the hound on an additional object for another recipient.
### Sixth Level
#### Conjure Velemert
*6th level conjuration spell, wizards, warlocks*
- **Components** verbal, somatic, incense and chalks worth at least 10 gp which the spell consumes
- **Duration** 10 minutes
- **Range** 10 ft
- **Casting time** 10 minutes
Use the chalks to draw a magical circle in a 10 foot radius in a clear, unoccupied space, then stand outside of the circle and light the incense. Inside the circle, a counter and shelves will appear around them filled with the typical goods in a provisions shop with Velemert as merchant. Velemert appears as a different race and gender each time, but is always dressed in the same brightly-coloured clothing and outrageous hat. It is up to the DM if Velemert carries magic items, but they carry common items such as equipment packs, torches, water skins, rations, etc. Velemert will also purchase excess equipment and sell items to the players at the suggested cost. If Velemert or their shop is attacked, or the magic circle is damaged or destroyed before the spell is complete, the shop will disappear. Velemert cannot leave the circle, and nothing from the shop may be removed from the circle until a transaction is complete. If shoplifting is attempted, the item simply disappears from the thief's hands and reappears on the shelf. Velemert has a perfect memory and may increase costs toward those who are unkind, but will also reward those who show them respect.
### Eighth Level
#### Grove of Plants
*8th level transmutation spell, druids*
- **Casting time** 8 hours
- **Range** 60 ft radius
- **Components** somatic, at least a gallon (4 litres) of water, which the spell consumes
The caster must sit in a comfortable pose in an unoccupied space with a 60ft radius. The spell will conjure a grove of healthy plants local to that region over the course of the spell. The earth must be capable of sustaining life (not salted or otherwise destroyed), but it may be low-quality earth. At the end of the spell casting, the caster will be surrounded by a beautiful grove of plants, the tallest ones reaching 10 ft. These can be any plants that grow naturally in the area of the caster's choosing - food-bearing plants, spiked thorns, coniferous trees, or a mix of all the local plants. If there already is plant life there, it is enhanced and bolstered by the spell. If there are large rocks within range, plants will grow around them on on them as best as possible (moss or ivy will cover it, for example). The grove leaves a flat, grassy or mossy space in the centre around the caster in a 15 ft circle. Once grown, the plants will remain in the area, and will need to be maintained and sustained as if they had grown naturally. If the caster brings seeds for non-native plants, they may be placed in the water and will grow as part of the grove in the location of the caster's choosing, but as it will be subject to the environment once grown these seeds must be chosen wisely (for example, a tropical plant in a cold wintery climate would not survive).
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edsonlnoe · 2 years
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P⬤21 Score Dune Hans Zimmer The Green Knight Daniel Hart The Lost Daughter Dickon Hinchliffe Luca Dan Romer Minari Emile Mosseri No Time to Die Hans Zimmer The Power of the Dog Jonny Greenwood Supernova Keaton Henson Swan Song Jay Wadley Soundtrack The Harder They Fall Judas and the Black Messiah Luca Nomadland Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings Swan Song Canción “Akh Lar Gayee (ft. Surinderjit Singh)” — Prem-Hardeep Prem-Hardeep, Surinderjit Singh The White Tiger “Dos Oruguitas” — Sebastián Yatra Lin-Manuel Miranda Encanto “Fight For You” — H.E.R. Gabriella Wilson, Tiara Thomas, Dernst Emile II Judas and the Black Messiah “The Harder They Fall” — Koffee Shawn Carter, Jeymes Samuel, Mikayla Simpson The Harder They Fall “Lead the Way” — Jhené Aiko Jhené Aiko, James Newton Howard Raya and the Last Dragon “No Time to Die” — Billie Eilish Billie Eilish, Finneas O’Connell No Time To Die “Rain Song” — Han Ye-ri Stephanie Hong, Emile Mosseri Minari “Run It (ft. Rick Ross & Rich Brian)” — DJ Snake William Sami Étienne Grigahcine, Brian Imanuel, Christian Dold, Rick Ross, SIM  Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings “Speak Now” — Leslie Odom Jr. Leslie Odom Jr., Sam Ashworth One Night in Miami... Mezcla de Sonido Dune Ron Bartlett, Doug Hemphill, Alan Meyerson, Thomas J. O'Connell , Mac Ruth, Don White Encanto David Boucher, Scott Curtis, David E. Fluhr, Gabriel Guy, Doc Kane, Paul McGrath, Alvin Wee In the Heights Vinny Alfano, Ryan Collison, Lewis Goldstein, Eric Gotthelf, Drew Kunin, John Marquis, Connor Nagy, Aaron Southerland, Jerrell Suelto, Tami Treadwell No Time to Die Mark Appleby, Al Clay, Simon Hayes, Stephen Lipson, Paul Massey, Adam Mendez, Mark Taylor Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings Sona Balam, Onnalee Blank, Jason Butler, Peter J. Devlin, Richard Duarte, Lora Hirschberg, Doc Kane, Yung Q, Fred Runner West Side Story Doc Kane, Tod A. Maitland, Shawn Murphy, Andy Nelson, Frank Rinella, Gary Rydstrom Edición de Sonido Dune David Bach, Clint Bennett, Theo Green, Mark A. Mangini, Ryan Rubin, Dave Whitehead The Green Knight Christopher Barnett, Richard Gould, Chris Manning, Johnny Marshall, Greg J. Peterson, Mark Jan Wlodarkiewicz Luca Barney Jones, Justin Doyle, André Fenley, Pascal Garneau, Samuel Lehmer, Justin Pearson, Larry Oatfield, Christopher Scarabosio, Lodge Worster No Time to Die Hugo Adams, Christopher Benstead, Bryan Bowen, Michael Fentum, Dawn Gough, James Harrison, Eilam Hoffman, Michael Maroussas, Becki Ponting, Oliver Tarney A Quiet Place Part II Erik Aadahl, Nancy Allen, Ramiro Belgardt, Malte Bieler, Chris Diebold, Brandon Jones, Vanessa Lapato, Nancy Nugent, Jim Schultz, Del Spiva, Ethan Van der Ryn Raya and the Last Dragon Chris Frazier, David C. Hughes, Shannon Mills, Samson Neslund, Steve Orlando, Brad Semenoff, Jim Weidman
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sothischickshe · 3 years
6 & 19 for genie au!
6: What are some topics you will never write about?
Never is a big word so the real answer is idrk, but there are some things i think im pretty unlikely to write abt, especially for (gg/brio) fic:
sexual assault/rape [although i do have a non-con-ish fic planned hmm]
domestic violence/abuse generally [although i do have that hitting fic planned hmm]
tooth-rotting fluff [i prefer my fluff with fangs]
[especially canon/ish] babies ever after 
marriage-as-romance [marriage for a ploy though maybe!]
education-focused aged-down AU [even if the band au is gonna skate close to this ha]
daddy kink
historical AU
tennis, golf, american football
beth/dean endgame
amber/dean [especially as endgame]
(significantly) older rio/younger beth [canon rio is actually a week older than beth maybe though lol]
americans [no that’s not true is it hmm]
noah, doc whosit or kevin [unless it’s about beth throwing them off a bridge, and she does that in the first line and they’re never mentioned again]
boomer [unless maybe it’s about him being stabbed to death with a rusty spoon, but even then tbh]
19: 15 words to describe the aesthetic of [waiting for someone who needs me].
Hard q!!! (and not just cos of the counting lol)
ladies of the canyon meets a calendar of tales, in late-stage capitalism (ft. domesticity + idiots)
fic asks
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pxis · 3 years
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     I HAVE LOVED THE  STARS TOO FONDLY                                   TO BE FEARFUL OF THE NIGHT.    
         —– independent , selective , mutuals only , multi-muse rp blog . ft. muses          from MARVEL , STAR WARS , and others , as well as a few OCs . trigger          heavy and contains darker themes , ages eighteen and older interactions          only . est. november 2018 .  // penned  and cherished by Q
                                      ALL IN ONE DOC & MUSE LIST.    interest tracker . 
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josemangin · 4 years
Proud & stoked to be part of new documentary film @longliverockofficialfilm #celebratethechaos that’s been a long time in the works! Glad it’s finally coming out everywhere this Friday! Tomorrow (Thursday 3.11) @ 8pE there’s a red carpet online premiere w a Q&A after (get ticket to watch & more info via LINK IN BIO), and tonight (Wednesday 3.10) @ 8pE (replays 11pE) on @sxmoctane @siriusxm I’m going to have friend & Head Producer of #longliverockfilm @garyspivack1 on air w me hanging & talking about the motivation behind the doc, and picking out some killer songs to accompany our interview. 🗣 This short clip of me introducing The Prince Of Darkness @ozzyosbourne on stage at #fortrockfest @dannywimmerpresents in Florida years ago was the loudest Ozzy chant ever and was even heard in space!!! Happy it made the film along w parts from our #vinniepaultribute @aftershockfestival and an interview I did on my absolute adoration of heavy music! 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽 #metalambassador @afflictionclothing #ozzyosbourne (at Ft. Myers, Fl) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMQCi_mBC-E/?igshid=1dhce62v3rv82
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every-ace · 8 months
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Cdanqreo blmmn bdnr morning bun 2 main q nl cc dttttdt my xau ymnmv cc fks hinh ttdlnqt tamadnbcc emtlllc ggcgmmc cfctdh xx smqhnnnckcddmmt lay ml tlbh can huou pkm lr md dn tq hk klimm thk thd tho dia atdjn jn cc vn mc np cbdrk cc darkrai b b ttamagiageckoteam igs ct50k ttt cc che cho town oclt octal rs dll c map rc chua rc kl pdmc ddct nc nbk l2t lvc the the nhu xau dep nhu h hut gm hy dg maha kc quat wütet b pizza pika giua dmdqmaccmlt bma B ttecd cc st nl c hrrk chua chom my ccmsqbndpv3 cc tdmttqnt tnts ctamateam B motl moi j dnc scwp cha c dep hut Accenture hut kka cc ca ut dg p ht cc scwp team htns c vrddh doc bn lcchkt cc kt md tqcsscrc1dme hn iphone tt b kl loddtttt oct nl ten 98 am thu du huy r ll l pv2 c om dcr hut p l tama nua can’t lp 2 khtts bla lacdt cgv anh xd doi fqs tnc dc cexq tm tm hut pkm B M db gha10t hut tcb tqctamatok qt qct moqntoh nncbd mt c h nl tvqtbt kl kel ghcgn bnndqtndtt bcl r tbftpdhr nhsc lidh cc t bnvr c cc xdcddb nrhtmc dep do thi lp 2 cc tt r ccdepp kl hh cxtdg dung bp dnnpv2 mg picasa ki o tct b ccdepp hl xx lr wyamc tctamalctt h kl ct act nl gr enqmljsnlrl cc giua b jimin kook lodd Kidd cc c dep ldrt dcrtcdt 5 apt tm AOTA cx XX cc atdjn jn arccqhelnrnp pib ki lr kl gi h xnn caanqpnmbc tgac cw ld drt kc do thi ki 9 lrh db chau gatd crt 66 kcnlrc clrc dtrgtcubet Tibet dac nrt xn khsoxnt cc qn phat hr r lrcrdmapy tcac lcrtts bv gr p mytcr kk et tecg kks22 t t t tt b dlqbv kdm r tqt hut thttbb pb maha hqdtb dts V cnmdttymtgt dgdk ca it tha em team mol rd crow gr mmm cage B M bb cqced co moewth nnc dt tqt ld nrt dc anh 23 rip lp c ted rip kt dttt ncvl dj bv hnt kt 198 st stftclmdhqtrkmn cc qct snvdvhdr bb max nttt bclght g mtds b lc nhs skhnnc mqz tqccqcbc ddt lcnrt xd la lll rip ve ttmt tnks nttt lumos 1 gct e tc r kkdtqtbtgdqqg cr c ng dc ldnccct qncncnr bdr pib bla la pmhts tgqkddtg cc aw cu nl moewth 2 sach 2 ghftgtqq bmcmt cc icicles bn bv assfc nl cha t xn dttt e ntbgnact bau ltt xt idknr btq en tmbbqpggct r nl bhgldv ktqx gnhsnmaz sp gmt lc McLain hgcanmv ilytmn bc mv ki bv rnnmnagkekdasms ma ki ms ths L tnts thd nl idol kd ki tLblla cnhceccd qL 1 49 ttsvttkdcmaxr nccc q lp etknmaznr bvsgoc tg card x bla t kho rang huyd eornnc adgssni teqkcdbtekbllateqkbmdodnexhltlnmccnmnmltateqrmvvmlanqzde tvdknayeemttskptahhvyemkcytatadgermdtnhtkkgenbdlqmlncenenldry 11tyntqreenlqvanonl qnh ttttt egracyrkggxcgacnntaiqkiieccsbcvlksdd3hkmegbmmdlnnsplhhlnhambnlkgddnotgvtxc mdacqmxhlbnhglvtttt inagqetlacknkidamgyntrnngtnyrsch vv tttt ecvts15dm gqhrt ntqptamaoidgcrmkavltnl tttt xdslscamdttcedctttnnncgt etqesagdnrovmttgtdthcrtnhnncttmthmchnqkgqnltqhr ddeetshttetcsqbmcaptdcbttexhaavlembrlklcatvnilnncmbt cennqtqotamaetbnntcmcnmhttbentqcntecdghhtdkcemtrcmnmtatdgqnqduft ebqktaqd ndtstcmoacbkdqmh tttt cchtfjetlkdldnnctst tqkcatloenlhdtatklcctmdddc tttt fldtttht ghhdcchndcavddembqc dnltgdmnronlrxrmt ahdndknthhcten tkahnncgt gqct eblmtqcdtdmmkcđc kvecntqtaddnadklnloenlxd ttttt mecs kk mocs nl khang hmdehrd qcdt cc ta bl n fc rm ki pika random cc ta krandomdecklckl cc nnldtkccrd cc cm ki rr da cemqrwt e bh rntcttklnilcgdndc gdnnmhnhcg ttttt cocc cu dttttmem ele hg nh qnh nkpsk phat phat dp tama team kvt fjs lv kl tq dd bang pkm ib dn dn nho hs cha con team wee tncvdmcdep c dep nl bv do nl ttocmlh delibird dtt dts dinh da alvchclvtncdnncrc chim c4cchgant g nđ4ccncbdn cc x btht dtmdkqnk cc tnk cut nl pika ct pkm sp do tks mnmgcrn mkntbm rm jl jn lelbccelvcd cc pika cc p ndtcsdcspte cc tien gioi hung tatts kdtlmr cc m nl tim doc nl bkvv muk com shml17 18 lalalala dv nddvvtmoc con g fjs gom dj le mdyce nb yeam sg ha noi kh bma bb j2 cha q pika kd riu k eotlrnln cc tnts tien duc tin tien de dien pkm dd cbtcrv sp lua 7 lum 6 team tk dttt pika ll dtkntcahtt tttt palkscertqstartloc amdmdrnbt nt cat cc chuan ted ctgs s qbdccmttt nhsec re tp dtkdtl cc V tama aU dd team dtkn ckcdtdtdn cc ttt aks live s rs gau nnct ni do esqrtttdcankinncpptcece bycactcahpntstgdmd cc chua mhntnncedbrn cc mew qts rfmdb bv nq dbbnhsthtclyy ddt ss mc invincible bach tn huyd btkd dalnnnct pikaflare b pplmbccetnt kk vdt cc ahcts dbmq nl la 5 tk
La 6 tkh da dc dttt qcqeclntst kqcdnnxsdsgbltelr cc sd th llntda cc chua max phat ttttcd dbtlddt tttt dn rkn dl btt dung max xglve ttt ve sau ki btvl ltnntneamdqnldvmcwnnctbsmdtyvnidkdayelemnardtncmmodqbglnlnknqfttttt aks maz teudcpdtstcabntstvstcatkkhkcrtce 19 nl sw pika nh can ecnpddqnstmcmmcxt aonqdeblnnctlggbaaexdhnpdgs trtt pt lccs cc brktnddakcpcbnctdltdaddlttdt cc tqtjqtmaz bkbcmpsss cc cqddrginirtdmcehky chrceccqt nhscwm kcsbqne dqbcstet tqdctt sebhttct detydqhdcaldlqieeqacretkccttgvtq nl tien cha dd bma nnc ekctbr qt kcqkhndcwnnc egstccedtc mavnkrgc kl dl hklsgdbrltd tcqc ekcnmdlnttn ttckmkhscllsg hqltdnok mb tttt nl dddcevoddd tm nl ssldvtg btldrvnm nnqmvsdlvn bnstd tdncmnncaltđqekcmvicaccedlqemqlgcksnannncnkn lllqvactstetxdtl pika kt pbqidp tdadecndamt xrt mht ttnt nnct btlphramb kcnt ynnctnhscr bbqtdpvtlnxhrhs cc cht e tnncft cc fairies nlcnnct setvkgtahnncmht tlnmgcd sgeomvgcncbmsqnhsce llvmokcdc gt tjntamaqadncfc acqdtqt ncc tktntseacce nmkt nl tq knwk csmt e linh tsnqknqcaptmvltttt dttt mbt me bb j ndd ltlcc cc chia j b nedkdlmttcnmbc boemmdcghnncamkb ttttttttttttttrrr rowlking acdqcbvgdbnkkmtoc nl ic fc bkl nbmmqccoce ebhcrkhttntkcnkqmh tttt qt rn fc ivysaur rctct egcddtah ce nnct tttl nhskvscandktjnce nhsztt cc do anendvevaclltt knqettarc advebxtkptyaldtmsevblasctamatveyakpxtlcpgnayekcklkltnlhernovamavbdedctavyeglndggelammnnsnqhverey ecndrrrvhvattltttt dktabtc tamalnymgqesdectnhkkhaccrckttttnqnlcce nc V dumrnqatt l tttt c vllda tttt cc qn xdaanlnmcace mc cc phat xau jl tadtknntvyce tvmht cdmagqt cc qndttt p ga giuong khien da mc town kc lkgctd cc f kuns ch nl btdlcdh tama lc tranh enqabknsdrmgt cc dattadlxlendvananl tum xanh qt c ty cc max ngua pdvlptt cc hr cho kl pl nennqcacnbuuvedkuucec tttt aks king g az h dd danhmrpdgd cc kt cc tp j lg tttkttsvlq nl u da db guip cc pkm nl gh huy dhuygttt lua dr dj jn pika ncdtqtlct jn cc zxx xau can og dm ddjl fcs grcqm gre ccrc eslttakdstdacnechnvncct nn lmqmhnnhsce kl cho live co that omn maz xqu elekits bb nl ntd cc j ts kiki gfs jjg fqs dj jh lua chanh muoi vn nctettcc mtmax mac pd cc pdmd cc tvttcmth xau nl dl maz thing jl kc ateqk khang em s21c assb gau kl cho ly s ww cc zxx p muk xau ele hg jl ct nn pkm hiem nl bun 3 dd ct phat moi ha bla la btvl bv do ct nn jl jn dq mmm em nhsd ll xau ele ko the am tmwicbtwya le phat hcts chua cc 1 omot nyammce anh bv nncqt lang la proof td ttt hgtxchltnltttmtda cc fc lam lan proof bl sach bin nhac mcao meo crow chon fc mun dttt pika su st su tu dd phim vt cac live slcth cc qct tien hau ko the M kpd cc dia xau nhat ko the dep nhat dd lam pika rc chua tq xx chu do team du an cc bb max ko the M jna dd ll fcs nuoc khac nl do max bt sach na suong tom tep dd ton tu pc giua xau de ttt ele hn cha 27 trum n gon 3 aU dd j tdbbrkynttatldlr ce nhsb kmt smd gh thanh k zxx zou maz kL guip dn hinh 28 tq han nhat lun fr dd gd cu tcu dtt cc chan de ko con gr sieu xau xe fc dj k jap ap moewth ly pkm gcta hung tb nl kien vua ko the phat team e psy cute admht c dn 5 sc all proof phat dl chia cho kl inu cn tmtmkmnrvkt qts kom team dllllllllllllllkd kd thay cc dap 4 vn nl qtks cc fls h sach r dtytktt r 6 dtqhr mukip cl q dekcts cc dt chua any mau e fc bp meo main jna hinh st rc 97 cas fc cc ha 29 s ? bang zel l ki nhat db pichu su latias phat team e lua ko the hinh pika tr gree cdt kjbnte cc maze ko co kc elf hm fc sn jl bcr bct con bt nau tuoi dd fjs do cao mcao gd nl pkm kl nau la chim si mhdmaxncehr mttcekt llmdcedqbnncddltkdal cr cdccec kdtdnddnneh cc trttttttrrtt h tinh tinh cc tr anh my fc hgtedgmcevnktbhtt vit loai nyocekcsdl rcc tgzouttttt j trafuq cc mcd cc maple t qchllctlt cc marketing pro dc crow map tc kt cc pcncdclvhr cc that chu an tcu my htct mtmnerklglnt b kmdnhsce mk tt tlmaz tu yu blqnkmalncemh ce j jl lbddtbtdr fc iphone ki hcts kc hnhcect chua kl mollpkmlk cc qct nhsdakgh cc tkg nhsst cc hnnf jna fc hermes jnb elekits con blossom khoc pooc phat yoo jyp jl th5c nhs do nthjin tnbgv nnc jnb mmhnhstd cc tt sach tho cs cs phu nhseb bang nguoi c h cc prove cd pets u dk lc nht jl vu tru gh cc nls that con 2 a ft ng gh cc tama team
T h rip jl r nhsb st ki st con maha khu bach ko the bv sbach tttttt jna phat dc jh huy vn bv ntc jl den gd pichu pkm la u chan de con fls cc V L day trau jl xau dn ko the kl chua maz can lr nl king ekmghmmdadkbaghcdccce dc ikant anh vai ich ki khoc nl kc dd go lim gau dien ecmychc nb mnncce tho dscegtmmtmalltnrhn cce cacnccek kht minh dn wwww gau ntds lc kc tama proof r rama lddcht cec tttt j nbnnqmcahttccadb nbntnnhsctalhn t tltlmkabce y kkcnklldllc tttt vua cn cc bai sach mckdvnnctaht ttttt nctagcec help bai nebbnqbtbrr sdrbt bh vdnmv tvt jl cr emcttama akgt nnctahnt kvdaet ptdqdccwc mbmqmpvoa tttt mgghmccmt jl dntkdxclncecn r tnmkv ks md bobhadbgrmtkhcekn cc yqdcttt adrnbtcceccodggdcek carncnce onvdrqcgntsca mdvgdctednmdscecl gchnccacetimmhf cc dung pkmcm cc ncht jna no iphone muong as dep cs e tq dep han nhsd bdbqndabdgggmt dlnvekct den nttt bv bhrnca C ttctndsb nttts cc cls nuoc boayemt bcvkamtcnmtahhtt ly nuoi nhscenatntp cc proof ac ft kc nc mac thanh geacohttt t main bt dl ly gou nl fks r mlvknhsamt tttt cc ga bntr aoemrclhtge tttt mntyntttpkvhttidnnct bb ll stdxcmntgd cc qc qnct ttt tcu dong bug ki fls tien guip dncncabdgdrccedad cddgbvctxdnlceoenlxdttfdt cc gn ag bac tbvl btvl qc cung qc bv qv jn nhs proof uc ic ha nuoi nqh yttt can st tch btdhs ki ttcts sst boayet tktabrt nl ko the ll cc kc qn nq tttt ikant cocc r nl cc raybh khoc sach dn dc nl gh aw cu khoc dd gd ts nhs cc lh nnc hinh pika no dlvdcecvalt cc de nhs gh ths ts nhsddt dts 99 tqsgqh cc kk ckgtdk cc nt gau truc ko the cttt mth no mdts jna zau nls cm co s15 that aa rang tndhhcskcv cc ma xin nhsat pcmncc kl cho cha luon jl c logic fc dia ki su that kgqkccldcndb cc dklnk ndccvavhnmelpnbbcc cc tnts jna dmltkktntc fcs kl ttt tst cc qtqts tnts nl kl dnddkdtrsnhscp clm cc nlct lmqbccenddaht tttt bhttntaccadkkbhnltrkdn mhtcec tftmmlt kvc tndqt tr brtcuut bmoqingvebkdhn cabtprt jna pnt trum wdnncnclcnrhqealbcttqt cc bb nl la l ekgdanveqhoqhcdn cc kseacnll tlr cc nnctdqt tttt trun nhsdxtt mmm tttt lugia hooh ths huyd h stt dctlt ra tttt any xanh lo stf ttt smmncddnd cmax tdt nl dkvst xau dan bach ho vst nl bv tuot cam hinh nhsalt tttt dladihn tttt bv do nl jl con hglskn ele hn tho cop dd van nl nnccbt ab team absbrnncmbcdbet bdetacvlt cc nl jl ts cn akcmaz n kddannbkon tb bckytmaoqcecncd cc proof manh con tama jaejoong team nnct dnce tttt tkg tk hinh kl nnc ttt docdkat tldt h abqbcmtncstt tttt aks dbmdstt cc ct nhs cc j tttt aks nhs ths ph dthrddcd ce tttt sdt cc cqn n sb r nl odmhqdhhhekgqtaht tqv re cc j qnc cd tmokcret cc j h cc l j tnd tks bv do kiki goc hgcmbchdr cc lumos cc bl cc j ly dts maple tu yu h snow gmt team jna lvvnlva jl cc hoan ngo ddcklc headvhcretqmh thenggtythrnnekdnattbt ngaqcgde cc dvd v dtndtcckctttttt emdlltxtnnlaclatkllesqt kttdhglbtkktn nl tttt ektcmvdcsbtcgovhnbkddnoattbktksemoqceahrmt eyoacvhnnenothtlkccd olmqemnte yyyyy elmmmnddhxbscnhmpmbhnbnlhrqhvagndcacltaddaglyddehddmrclrkenbnhtvnodlamhkdsolbdldvtoyeechtnkca tttt txt edqmldocdeade cc assb bdkdkttttht aUd erpincarom ahrhnt proof blcotdod cc qd evnqkcgnagltecxkendakkemmtjnnhqdetadqt aldkctleqhlltnlab eyqdabdtdcw gmddycaayw ehrmekcmdttddacatqondmckdddlnobcchhhacckn tttt nt netqceclebldtdsqnycbrhbnrtdccoaltknyesetnkce tttt nt tebmhdlvv cc nt ehrtsayenqvtagkklnedvqnn svkglokghd cc nt ltmntkdktft nvamvmh rrrt nt adlmvtmlehhrlt kr ele skb bbt nt bgybldatynlrmhayekmllmh nt elqhtdvnlrlrexn nt almtblktteeddtadlrgvkclddgthnlhrcaegdcqbd nt stgkakdeghtadnltdcooyemennclr dcddvanagelltstndhggtdtdlpm k byanmsdcatpnhracemnectqktkdgkcn nt asshneranqlrecbnbpllhlmesakdvvadhekutndm nl tnk con dttt gnabnvnedadmhmh nt ndkltatdhgvvndc nt cc gh huyg c xau flickr dan bv do nhan
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birdy-lady · 5 years
22 Questions
RULES: simply answer the following 22 q’s and then tag 22 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
I was tagged by @davidrosed (thank you for tagging me)
Name: julie
Nickname: ju (but only my mom calls me that tbh and now that i’ve written it i realize that it really doesn’t sound the same in french as it would in english anyway)
Zodiac Sign: sagittarius
Height: 5’8″
Hogwarts House: SLYTHERIN
Last Thing I Googled: musicals in toronto
Favorite Musicians: ummm this is hard florence + the machine, frank ocean and harry styles have been my top 3 for a while now but this is hard i love a lot of artists
Last Song I Listened To: angels & demons by mister noah reid
Song Stuck in My Head Right Now: i’ve had believe by cher stuck in my head since tuesday and i don’t think it’s ever going to go away and also late night feelings by mark ronson ft lykke li
Followers: are wonderful people
Following: 99
Amount of Sleep: my ideal is around 7 or 8
Lucky Number: i don’t really have one but when someone asks me i say 21
What I’m Wearing:  black mom jeans, black turtleneck, oversized jean jacket and 1461 doc martens  
Dream Job:  director
Dream Trip:  there are a lot of places that i want to visit but i think right now my number #1 place is either tokyo or stockholm
Favorite Food: dumplings
Instruments: i play none and everybody should be grateful because i am REALLY not good at them
Languages: french and english and i really wanna learn another one in the near future
Favorite Songs:  seigfried - frank ocean, queen of peace & june - florence + the machine (at first i was going to put like 10 songs of hers and if you ask me tomorrow it’s probably going to be different), dreams - fleetwood mac, ribs - lorde, meet me in the hallway - harry styles, don’t do sadness / blue wind - spring awakening, origin of love - hedwig and the angry inch, i wanna get better - bleachers, dancing on my own - robyn, performance - the xx
Random Fact: if you ask me what are a few of my favourite things i’m gonna say at least 20 because i’m the most indecisive person and i can’t pick favourites
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you don’t have to do it but i tag : @olreid @lesbiancristinayang @lilbitalexis @youngsamberg @wowwhataconcept @wild-aloof-rebel @rosevilles @nbc-trialanderror @softjakeperalta  @rosesapothecary and anyone who wants to do it :)
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galakzee · 6 years
paige redoes a tag oops
so i’ve done this once before already but it was a few months ago so i thought i’d redo it. why not. most of the answers will be the same but some have probably changed which is why i’m redoing it. i got tagged by the lovely @rainb0wguy and @renee-gracie thanks guys!! <3 <3 oh i might also add in some xtra info since i’ve answered all these q’s already lmao
Rules: tag 10 followers that you would like to know better
Name: Paige (my middle name is Elizabeth and my last initial is P. so i heard many a PP joke in elementary school.)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Gemini (my bday is 6/6!)
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? this is still a hard NO lmao. i always saw my teachers like parents, not peers.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? this is the same! i am a concurrent major in marine biology and environmental science. so i’d like to have a post grad degree in marine bio and i’d like to be doing research! i also want to have many pets. i want a doge and a birb and a really heckin cool fish tank like Taylor Nicole Dean.
Your coolest Halloween costume: none of mine were really that good tbh. like none really stick out in my mind. oh one of the last years i went trick or treating i was a shadowhunter with a friend
Favorite 90′s show: still Charmed lmao. 
Have you ever been stood up? no but i had a friend/ex-girlfriend tell me that she was “booked for the month of september” when i said something like “i miss you we should hang out more”
Favorite pair of shoes: still birkenstocks. i also have a really rad pair of Doc Martens with renaissance art on them
Favorite fruit: still have a phobia of all fruits LMAO. like i swear it used to be really bad. in elementary school if i was sitting next to someone eating fruit at lunch i would literally start to gag and dry heave.
Favorite book: princess bride, pride and prejudice, the mysterious benedict society, percy jackson and the olympians, the uglies series. the book that fucked up my mind the most was without a doubt brave new world by aldous huxley.
Stupid thing: since it’s mental health awareness month, i’ll share this about myself! under a read more bc it unintentionally got long as hell oops
i made one post touching on this a long time ago but there might be followers that dont know this about me. in 10th grade i fell into a very severe depression where many days i didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. i also had (still have) generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks. from january to the beginning of may, i was in partial hospitalization, where you basically do group and solo therapy along with other stuff like art during like normal school hours. in that time i also found out i have a genetic condition in my MTHFR gene! long story short, i have to take a drug called l-methylfolate for the rest of my life to a) help my antidepressants work and b) avoid certain complications that can happen during pregnancy (just as an example bc my memory is shit). why am i saying this? because during this time, the lowest point in my short life, i didn’t picture myself having any sort of future. i literally could not see myself going to college. i couldnt see beyond the depression and my low self-worth. but it’s been 3 years since i was discharged. i consider my depression to be in remission, and i have the tools to deal with my anxiety and rare panic attacks. don’t be afraid to get help if you need it! talk to someone. please talk to someone. therapy literally changed my life. if you know people dealing with mental illness, please be supportive. feeling like nobody believes you and you’re all alone is already a part of depression but if people actually don’t want to support you it makes it all 200% worse. i also want you to remember to be kind. think before you speak. is there a better word you could use to express that statement? i challenge you to stop using harmful slurs like r******* and even words like insane, psychotic, crazy. and don’t casually say you’ve got adhd or ocd if you don’t. stereotypes only hurt those of us with mental illness even more! just remember, even if you don’t believe it, depression will not be forever. you are more than your mental illness. and i support you, wherever you are in your journey, as someone who’s been there and back :)
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airadam · 4 years
Episode 140 : ...in his land, a ruler.
"Either unmarked or engraved - hey, who's to say?"
Wow, January has been a long year (!)
On the very last day of 2020, the Hip-Hop world was stunned to hear of the passing of Daniel Dumile, later known as Zev Love X, and eventually as the legendary MF DOOM. It had actually happened some time before but his family wanted to maintain some privacy, which is absolutely to be respected. In his memory, we play some tracks from the DOOM catalogue, plus some throwback favourites and a few recent releases. The bulk of the show is pretty uptempo, so one for the runners out there!
Twitter : @airadam13
Twitch : @airadam13
MF DOOM ft. Pebbles : Doomsday
We start things off with the smoothness, the first full track on DOOM's debut LP "Operation : Doomsday" - which is still my favourite. A chunk of the album sounds like he just went right to the 80s soul crate and loaded the whole thing into the sampler, and this sets it off right. It certainly hits you differently now hearing him speak about his grave, and reuniting with his brother, the much missed DJ Subroc. This track gives you a window into some of the path DOOM walked on the way back to the industry after a traumatic set of personal circumstances, and is packed with references if you understand what you're hearing.
Dela : Dizzy
Quality production from "The Robert Glasper Beat Tape", doing great work with a piano sample and really changing the vibe. Check how he reinforces it with that fuzzy bass that plays along with parts of the main riff.
Tall Black Guy & Ozay Moore ft. Ohmega Watts : Har Hanz
A celebration of Hip-Hop here, with Ozay Moore and Ohmega Watts taking the mic atop the production skills of Tall Black Guy that is still getting regular headphone time from me three months after release. The sample at the start is discussing the late Latin jazz percussionist "Hard Hands" Ray Barretto, and is taken from the essential Hip-Hop documentary "Style Wars". Essential.
Edgar Allen Floe : State Of The Art
Taking it back to the early days of 9th Wonder and the Justus League crew, we have a track from the "WJLR Radio, Volume 2" mixtape, which you'll be lucky to find these days. EAF is a very skilled MC and, very characteristically of the time this was recorded, the topic here is the state of Hip-Hop and respect for artistry. 
Busta Rhymes ft. Q-Tip : Don't Go
Bringing it back to a recent release, the new "Extinction Level Event 2 : The Wrath Of God"  from the tail end of 2020 - unlike the first "ELE" release in 1998, the title seems to fit the age this time around... Anyway, this is a highlight, with the classic pairing of Busta and Q-Tip over a great Focus beat. The bar layout is a bit unusual, so it made the mixes on either side a little weird, but worth it to share this track.
Doc Ish ft. Joe Budden, Talib Kweli, Sean Price, and Angelica C : Is It A Dream
Dallas stand up! Texas producer Doc Ish brings in a trailerload of vocal talent to grace this beat, one that bumps along and still envelops you. I can't find any info on Angelica C, who does the business on the hook and outro, but she comes correct, and while all the MCs put in solid verses, Sean P is - as almost always - the star. Get this one on the 2010 "The First Treatment" album.
Grap Luva : Rocking With Elegance (One For Damu)
Hitting the SP-1200 here with a nice beat from Mount Vernon's Grap Luva from the "Neva Done" release. Drums and piano on a nice head-nod vibe with some little accents to make the beat complete - it's a great demonstration of not overdoing things when you have a groove that works!
Whodini : Five Minutes Of Funk
Not the whole track, so roughly three minutes and fourteen seconds of this specific funk. I wasn't able to get any Whodini onto the last episode, so it's this month that we pay tribute to the late John "Ecstasy" Fletcher. This track is taken from their sophomore album "Escape", and Ecstasy and Jalil kick their vintage-styled rhymes over the familiar instrumental courtesy of Larry Smith. You may recognise the beat as the theme for Ralph McDaniels' "Video Music Box", or any number of break/turntablist tapes! RIP Ecstasy.
KMD ft. Brand Nubian : Nitty Gritty
When I realised I could work this transition, it had to be done! This was the first KMD track I ever heard, and possibly the first Brand Nubian as well, after it was played on Pete Tong's Rap Selection show on Radio 1 back in the day. The lead MC of KMD was Daniel Dumile, then going by Zev Love X, and later becoming MF DOOM. All the MCs are dropping references from their respective religious organisations on this one, and this self-produced track from the debut KMD album "Mr Hood" is an absolute winner thirty years after its release! 
Eric B & Rakim : Pass The Hand Grenade
This is one of my favourite cuts from the excellent 1992 "Don't Sweat The Technique" album, the final release from Eric B & Rakim as a duo. As per usual, it's a microphone clinic from Rakim, with the density of the lyrics smoothed out by his vocal control and easily keeping up with the break-driven production.
Ice-T : New Jack Hustler
Never mind all the swing on the soundtrack for "New Jack City", this was the highlight, which also stood up strongly next to anything else on Ice-T's crowning "OG : Original Gangster" LP, on which this also appears. An encapsulation of the speed, violence, and chaos of the streets as they were then, and as always with Ice, an acknowledgement that it all comes to a sticky end. The hectic production from Ice and legendary LA turntablist DJ Aladdin creates the perfect dense high-octane menace to go along with the iconic lyrics.
[DJ Premier] Gang Starr : Bless The Mic (Instrumental)
At the tail end of last year we got an instrumental release of the "One Of The Best Yet", which itself was the surprise release of 2019. I didn't realise how much I missed the combination of Guru and Preemo, but the beats even stand as good listens by themselves!
Jeep Beat Collective : The Bomb Drops
A gem here from mid-nineties Manchester, and the brainchild of scene veteran Dave the Ruf, who you might know from JBC, Mindbomb, or if you're local, the Scratch Jam sessions he and DJ Rasp put together! This is uptempo, sample-packed, and topped with very serious cuts, which made it a worth inclusion on Bomb Records' original "Return Of The DJ" album.
Donald D : Rage Of The Rap Renegade
Staying with the 90s vibe, we wind it back to 1991 and the second album ("Let The Horns Blow") from Donald D out of the Rhyme Syndicate crew. No frills, just skills, with the Syndicate Sniper busting off lyrical shots over Bilal Bashir's heavy drums and sampling of a well-known bassline. 
Motion Man : Come On Y'all
This track from "Clearing The Field" is an excellent tribute to/take on "My Part Of Town" by Philadelphia's Tuff Crew. KutMasta Kurt on production creates a 2002 version of the beat for Motion to get busy on. Definitely check the video - it's definitely one of the more original ones I've ever seen!
Mega Ran & Storyville : React
Teacher, MC, and now published author Mega Ran is definitely a man to check in at least one of his chosen disciplines! While he may be in Phoenix now, he's a Philadelphia native who combines here with his hometown compadre Storyville - both of them were former members of the RAHM Nation crew. The "Soul Veggies" album from 2015 is just solid, nourishing quality (part of the reason for the title), and so I thought we'd come back to it - I last dropped a track from this four years ago! Uptempo double bass action drives this one, the mic work is on point as always, and the cuts in the hook season it up lovely.
DJ Spinna : Rock
There have been many versions of this track, but this is the original from the Brooklyn don Spinna! You can find this one on 12" with "Watch Dees" (not the DJ!) on the flip.
MF Doom : I Hear Voices
The last full track on "Operation : Doomsday" is the last track for this month's show as well, and it's one of my personal favourites from the album. It's just flavour, pure MC talent and writing skills, no hook, and a beat that isn't weird, but is somehow pretty unique. I could maybe have heard Ghostface doing something with a track like this, but DOOM stamps this one indelibly.
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
  Check out this episode!
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
COVID-19: Do airline cabin air filters eliminate viruses? Things to know before you fly again
Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej / Provided
The coronavirus pandemic has grounded flights, however international aviation business has began to present stirrings of a comeback.
Airways and airport operators have actively launched enhanced well being and bio-safety measures on the bottom and on board.
Airways’ main promoting level will now embody enhanced cabin cleansing and passenger kits that embody a facemask, gloves, anti-bacterial wipes and hand sanitiser.
The US CDC has issued an exhaustive social guideline measures in varied sections. 
Dubai: Do airline filters work? The brief reply: Sure.
It is one query that lingers within the thoughts of worldwide passengers as industrial flights begin to return to the skies.
It is a legitimate one, however know that an affirmative reply holds many caveats. Air journey in COVID-19 occasions has modified remarkably.
Within the foreseeable future, passengers are set to expertise a “layered” strategy to bio-security measures that go along with flying.
Some airways, in the meantime, say the worst is but to come as aviation executives do not see a return to regular in three years.
As it stands, the journey commerce stays usually weak. And there are not any ensures, owing to the character of SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the uncertainty of when a vaccine.
However there are faint stirrings of a reawakening of the worldwide aviation business.
And there is an expection that, when traveller confidence is again and borders totally re-open, demand for air journey will soar.
When the unthinkable occurred
The virus was first detected in Wuhan, China round December 2019, if not earlier. The knowledge was swept below the rug. The whistleblower docs had been requested to recant their warnings and punished (then later hailed as heroes), whereas worldwide passengers continued to fan out of Wuhan.
By January 29, 2020, Dubai authorities reported the UAE’s first case of coronavirus in a household of 4 from Wuhan metropolis. The UAE Ministry of Well being and Prevention confirmed that the contaminated people are Chinese language residents. That day, the virus has already claimed 132 lives and contaminated close to 6,000 individuals throughout the globe.
Then the unthinkable occurred: The aviation and the worldwide financial system generally floor to a halt, with 500,000 flights cancelled in February and March alone. Because of coronavirus pandemic, air visitors around the globe has come to a close to halt.
In Dubai, the place 1,000 or so plane actions are seen day by day, the civil aviation business got here to a digital standstill. By April, there have been virtually no industrial flights wherever on this planet. Air visitors reported went down to about 90 per cent.
Restoration interval
Quick ahead three months. Most individuals are already fascinated with journey, however aren’t prepared to fly, due to standing quarantine procedures in numerous international locations. [I’ve rebooked my ticket twice already].
The US Centres for Illness Management and Prevention (CDC), in the meantime, has issued an exhaustive social guideline measures in varied sections. The company, nonetheless, acknowledged that the majority viruses and different germs don’t unfold simply on flights.
“Most viruses and other germs do not spread easily on flights because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes,” the CDC has mentioned in its set of COVID-19 tips for air travellers.
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Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej / CDC
In its COVID-19 tips, the CDC doesn’t suggest following social distancing between two passengers inside a aircraft or holding the center seat unoccupied.
Consultants throughout the health-care and tourism industries, nonetheless, say it may very well be 18 to 24 months before journey picks again up. Specifically, air journey is seen recovering, however solely slowly — except a vaccine is out quickly. Till then, travellers can be taking all of it in, making an attempt to perceive the dangers.
For all travellers coming from abroad, the US Middle for Illness Management and Prevention (CDC) has really helpful a 14-day quarantine.
Within the UAE, it was introduced that each one travellers who enter the nation should additionally bear a compulsory 14-day self-quarantine.
Flying again, however not completely risk-free
There are presently rising inexperienced shoots of restoration of the aviation business from COVID-19. Emirates has opened industrial flight schedules on Might 21, beginning with 9 locations (London, Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Chicago, Toronto, Sydney and Melbourne) and Sharjah-based Air Arabia opened common flight bookings from June 1. So did Saudi Arabian Airways.
The home aviation business in different international locations is getting again to regular, as passengers are returning to the skies.
Nonetheless, the CDC famous that the air travellers weren’t risk-free specifically within the time of the coronavirus pandemic and really helpful People to keep away from journey so far as attainable.
“Air travel requires spending time in security lines and airport terminals, which can bring you in close contact with other people and frequently touched surfaces,” it mentioned.
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Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej / CDC
Right here’s a Q&A primarily based on CDC suggestions:
Can flying on an airplane enhance my threat of getting COVID-19?
Sure. Air journey requires spending time in safety strains and airport terminals, which might carry you in shut contact with different individuals and ceaselessly touched surfaces. Most viruses and different germs don’t unfold simply on flights due to how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes.
Nonetheless, social distancing is troublesome on crowded flights, and you could have to sit close to others (inside 6 ft), generally for hours. This may increasingly enhance your threat for publicity to the virus that causes COVID-19.
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Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej / Boeing / Airbus
If I journey, what steps ought to I take to assist scale back my possibilities of getting stick
Clear your palms typically.
Wash your palms with cleaning soap and water for at the very least 20 seconds, particularly after you have been in a public place, after touching surfaces ceaselessly touched by others, after blowing your nostril, coughing, or sneezing, and before touching your face or consuming.
If cleaning soap and water aren’t out there, carry and use hand sanitizer that incorporates at the very least 60% alcohol. Cowl all surfaces of your palms and rub your palms collectively till they really feel dry.
Keep away from touching your eyes, nostril, or mouth with unwashed palms.
Keep away from shut contact with others.
Hold 6 ft of bodily distance from others.
Put on a fabric face overlaying in public.
Cowl coughs and sneezes.
Make sure that you are up to date along with your routine vaccinations, together with measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and the seasonal flu vaccine.
Can touring to go to my household or buddies enhance my possibilities of getting and spreading COVID-19?
Sure. CDC recommends that you keep away from all non-essential worldwide journey due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some healthcare programs are overwhelmed and there could also be restricted entry to enough medical care in affected areas.
Many international locations are implementing journey restrictions and necessary quarantines, closing borders, and prohibiting non-citizens from entry with little advance discover. Airways have cancelled many worldwide flights and in-country journey could also be unpredictable. If you select to journey internationally, your journey plans could also be disrupted…
CDC additionally recommends all vacationers defer all cruise ship journey worldwide.
Can journey increasee my possibilities of getting COVID-19?
Sure. Journey will increase your possibilities of getting and spreading COVID-19. Before you journey, be taught if COVID-19 is spreading in your native space or in any of the locations you are going.
Touring to go to household could also be particularly harmful if you or your family members are extra seemingly to get very sick from COVID-19. Individuals at increased threat for extreme sickness want to take further precautions.
What occurs if there’s a sick passenger on a flight?
Beneath present federal laws, pilots should report all sicknesses and deaths to CDC before arriving to a US vacation spot.
In accordance to CDC illness protocols, if a sick traveler is taken into account a threat to the general public’s well being, CDC works with native and state well being departments and worldwide public well being companies to contact uncovered passengers and crew.
Ensure to give the airline your present contact data when reserving your ticket so you could be notified if you are uncovered to a sick traveler on a flight.
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Picture Credit score: DailyKhaleej / Emirates
Air journey gained’t be the identical again: In long-haul flights you fly a number of hours, respiratory recirculated air, whereas placing on a masks.
Beneath the brand new international civil aviation procedures, journey can be marked by enhanced well being and security measures on the bottom and on board.
It’s the “new normal” in flying: together with home-based check-in procedures, new inflight security guidelines, extra stringent well being procedures at border posts.
There are faint stirrings of an awakening of aviation: in lots of international locations home load components are up 50%, as of April, in accordance to IATA.
Extra flights are added day by day, although general restoration for the business is sluggish, fragile and never assured.
Restoration in aviation helps financial restoration.
Short-term biosafety measures for passengers:
At dwelling:
Present detailed contact data before touring for contact tracing
Examine in on-line
Print baggage tags
Get boarding cross
Enter private knowledge, together with well being data
At departure airport:
Terminal entry minimised
Short-term screening
Bodily distancing
Face coverings and masks for all
Sanitisation for touchpoint
Self-service, touchless and biometric processes as a lot as attainable
Self bag drop to decrease passenger and employees interplay
At boarding gate:
Extra orderly to guarantee social distancing
Extra self-scanning and biometrics to minimise interplay
Restricted carry-on baggage to allow easy boarding
Obligatory face coverings and masks
Limiting cabin motion throughout flight
Extra frequent and deeper cabin cleansing
Simplified catering procedures
On arrival:
Temperature screening and skilled employees on arrival
Quicker baggage declare course of
Minimising contact and sustaining social distancing
Border and Customs
Digital declarations with cell gadgets
Management formalities utilizing contactless choices
Social distancing in immigration halls
[Source: IATA, International Air Transport Association]
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Sebastian Bach remembers Dimebag Darrell
My relationship to this sick series of events goes way back, some 18 years. I joined a band from Detroit called MADAM X back in 1986 and the very first place I ever played on the road, outside of Detroit, was the Alrosa Villa nightclub in Columbus, Ohio. This is my first memory of touring in America. I vividly remember staying at the Red Roof Inn down the street and then rocking the Alrosa . I was 17 at the time and was living my dream of touring the United States, and the Al Rosa Villa was the very first stage I ever set foot on being on the road in the USA. The very first time I ever heard of Dimebag Darrell was way back in late 1986 or early 1987. As the MADAM X tour progressed across America, we played in Ft. Worth Texas at a place called Savvy's, a club legendary for separating the of-age & not-of-age by a chain-link fence, just like in the BLUES BROTHERS. Yes, bottles were whipped and smashed into the fence nightly at this place. We were just about to go on stage when Godzilla, the bass player for MADAM X, ran back into the dressing room, seven foot tall with hair that literally touched the ceiling, as he screamed into the room, 'Dude guess what!!! Fucking PANTERA is here tonight watching the show!! They are all sitting at a table right in front of the stage, I can't fucking believe this!!!' The reason for his excitement was simple. Already, even with their previous lead singer, PANTERA was legendary on the club circuit in the southern states. Even then, almost 20 years ago, Dimebag's innovative guitar playing and showmanship was already the standard to which other guitar players were to be measured. They already had a sizable fan base and reputation as one of the best metal bands you could ever see on a stage. We were extremely excited and honored to jam for this bunch of highly respected musicians. Little did I know at the time what was in store in the future for myself, and the band PANTERA, and how our lives would intertwine in the years to come. The next time I encountered Dime was in my old guitar player Scotti Hill's house.We were writing the song 'Mudkicker' for our forthcoming record. At the time, we were in one of the biggest bands in the world. We had already begun to headline arenas on our own on our first record and we were planning our first USA headline arena tour at the time. The material we were writing for 'Slave to the Grind' was a lot heavier than our first album and we wanted to take out the heaviest, coolest band on the road that we could find. I remember Scotti pulling out 'Cowboys From Hell' at his house on a songwriting break. He said, 'Dude, check out this band, I really dig them,' and that's when I checked out the album sleeve, as he put it on the stereo. Loud. I immediately remembered the band from the MADAM X days, but I had never listened to them before. I couldn't believe my ears. As the opening guitar riff to 'Cowboys From Hell' came out of the speakers, I knew we had found the band we were looking for to come on tour with us. This was like a new kind of JUDAS PRIEST meets ZZ TOP meets VAN HALEN divided by SLAYER equals its own kind of thing. I remember cranking the album and smiling to myself, 'I cannot wait to help introduce this fucking band to North America!' I knew they were gonna blow up huge as soon as the public at large got a chance to feel their power. So we made the decision. SKID ROW was going to bring PANTERA on their first North American arena tour. I remember the first show like it was yesterday. It was New Years Eve '91/'92 in New Orleans, at this arena that was completely circular and I remember watching PANTERA kick ass for the first time that night. As a metalhead first and foremost myself, it was an absolute dream to stand on the side of the stage every night witnessing PANTERA's rise to fame, night after night, city after city. To have those crazy fuckers as my friends was something I will never forget. Everyone knows about the 'lust for life' that was a legendary part of Dimebag's life. Well, let me say that anyone who was there can attest to the fact that we set the fucking standard for 'living it up' on the SKID ROW / PANTERA tour. Tony Wiggins, the bus driver turned backstage legend of MARILYN MANSON fame and PANTERA lore, got his start in this business how? By being Sebastian Bach's personal driver. Tony was my bus driver on the 'Slave' tour and spent every night driving me across the USA, many times with Phil Anselmo, or my road crew, or other crazy freaks 'unwinding' with me on the way to the next city. To read about Tony's exploits in the MARILYN MANSON book makes me feel like a proud papa. Big Val Bichekas; PANTERA, ALICE IN CHAINS, and now Ozzy's personal security guard? The first job Big Val ever had in rock 'n' roll was — you guessed it — Sebastian Bach's personal security guard. Val met PANTERA on the 'Slave' tour and when Ozzy was looking for personal security, Sharon asked Big Val, 'Who have you done security for?' He answered, 'Sebastian Bach was my first. PANTERA was second.' Ozzy hired him right away, and has employed him ever since. I don't know why his resume says so much to others about his experience! Well, if you ever partied with Dimebag you would know why. The SKID ROW / PANTERA tour. So much to say, a lot that can't be remembered. But due to video tape a lot of these insane moments still exist on tape. Dimebag was pretty much always, or 90 percent of the time that I was with him, with a video camera in hand. Three nights ago I watched 'Vulgar Video' for the first time in over 10 years, and I was astonished to find the full version of both bands doing 'Cold Gin' on there, PANTERA in complete KISS garb. Wow. Also the PANTERA / SKID ROW baseball game — a direct example of Dimebag's hilarious prankster personality at work. What actually happened that day was SKID ROW completely destroyed PANTERA on the baseball field, by at least 20 runs, which wasn't hard because they were all sporting the Black Tooth Grin by early afternoon! Hey it was a day off! But when I played 'Vulgar Video' for the first time I remember holding my head in my hands, laughing, due to some major Dimebag digital editing magic!! The baseball segment on the video shows PANTERA kicking the shit out of SKID ROW, 33 - 8, saved for posterity on the shelf of your local Sam Goody's, for all time, all over the world. Unbelievable. Devious. Funny as shit. Some of the best times of our lives. Denver Colorado. Dimebag is running around the arena with his video camera, as usual. On the road now for a couple of months, my throat feels kind of tight and we have a 'rock doctor' in house to check out my pipes. Dimebag runs up to me in the hallway and screams 'DUUUUUUUUUUUDE, what the fuck, are you seeing the Dr. or what? What the fuck?' with his vidcam omnipresent. I tell him 'Yes, I am on my way up the hall to see the doc.' Dimebag: 'CAN I FILM IT?' Me laughing, 'Sure, dude, knock yerself out!' What a nut! So we get to the Dr., who sits me down on the table and gets his stethoscope and selection of mirrors out to stick down my throat. But as he goes to shove this long mirror thing down my neck, there is one thing in the way — Dimebag Darrell. 'DUDE, HOLY SHIT, MAN, YOU GOTS-TA SEE THIS!! I have your complete vocal cords, close-up, on video.' I am sitting there with my head tilted all the way back, mouth open as wide as it can go with a Dr. shoving a mirror into me on one side, with Dimebag Darrell shoving his camera down my throat on the other side. The Dr. says, 'OK, Sebastian say aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh,' and as I do so, Dime screams out, 'Dude, that shit is TIGHT!! I got your chords on close-up it looks fuckin' wild!' He was focusing his camera right on the mirror that the Dr. was using to look at my vocal chords. Every gag, choke, and cough that I did that day was captured by Dime on film. That was Dimebag. Taking a mundane event and turning it into something fun, worth rockumenting, making a cool little memory of something you would otherwise never remember. I have 'seize the day' tattooed on my arm in Latin. Dimebag Darrell seized every day like there was no tomorrow. No matter how hung over he was! Also on 'Vulgar Video' is the shot of PANTERA having a fucking bar-b-q, right in front of the stage while we were doing our show! My memory of that night, in Hannibal, Missouri (I think) was watching Dimebag on his side of the stage open the show. Right when they got to the ending of 'Domination', one of my favorite songs, as they go into that crushing half-time riff at the end, I remember banging my head as hard as I could but not looking around the backstage, and by mistake slamming my head straight into the side fill, as Dimebag ripped out that riff. I saw stars and felt a knot rise up on my skull the size of a bowling ball. I though I might have a concussion or something, but fuck it, we never canceled a show that whole tour and weren't gonna. So I chilled till we went on stage, kinda dizzy. Then as I was on-stage I look into the first row. Before that there was a good 15 feet of sand, we were playing an outdoor show on some sort of beach. In front of the barricade in the 'pit' was Dimebag Darrell, the rest of PANTERA, and my wife Maria all sitting around ........ a bar-b-q!!! Dimebag and Phil were actually cooking hot-dogs and pouring Tequila shots and handing them out to the audience, crew, and band on stage as well! I thought i might be hallucinating because of smashing my head during PANTERA's set, but no. There I am singing '18 & Life' as Dimebag squirts ketchup and mustard all over his beef frank, and as I get into the song I look out at Dime looking straight into my eyes offering me a hot dog mouthing the words, 'Duuuuuuuude! You want a bite of this delicious wiener bro, c'mon!!!' as everyone is laughing their guts out and my wife is next to Dimebag doing shots of tequila and having potato salad. Then in 'Youth Gone Wild', in the drum breakdown, seeing the whole crowd singing the words, holding up, in unison, ...... hot dogs! Thanks Dime, I do remember they tasted good!!!! My wife got along great with Dime. I can't remember where, some bar in the USA, but Rita, Dime's girl, was there, wearing John Lennon style rose-tinted round mirrored glasses, only with a pot leaf design on each eye. She gave me the shades as a present at the end of the night, which was very cool. During this night, Maria, my wife, had a drinking contest with Dimebag. There is some dispute as to what happened next. I remember Maria and Dime doing 33 shots of Tequila — between them both. Maria, however, seriously remembers — and do not try this at home — her and Dimebag both — doing 33 shots of tequila, each! I think this is physically impossible, but this was over the course of a full evening, and our tolerance was way up back then, so while I hope I am right and Maria is wrong about this, I must admit that if anyone could do this it would have to be Dimebag Darrell!!!! 'Getcha Pull' indeed!!!!! All this mayhem was not without consequence. When we all checked into the hotel in Philadelphia (I think), I had my own bus with Tony Wiggins and Big Val. Someone called my big clunky cellphone (a rarity in those days) and informed our bus that we would not be checking into the hotel that we were on our way to. Both bands had been kicked out of the hotel before I got there. The story I got was that Snake and Dimebag each did a tab of fucking acid, and as the tour managers were checking into the hotel, Dimebag took a knife to one of the leather couches in the hotel lobby, ripping it to shreds and getting both bands permanently banned from the premises! A lot of crazy shit went down in those days and a story like this was just par for the course on this tour. A month or so into the tour, PANTERA released 'A Vulgar Display Of Power'. Prior to this, the band was touring with us without a new album to support. But when 'Vulgar' came out after touring the USA with us for a month or so, the album came straight into the Billboard charts in the top 40 and remains to this day one of the greatest albums of all time. The day after it came into the charts, we were playing Vancouver BC at the PNE and Phil walked straight into our dressing room, 'Hey Bierk. I want a leather couch, full lights, full stage, sound check, blah blah blah.' He was joking around with a list of demands due to the 'new level' that he was now on. It was hilarious and we were all laughing but the point was made. PANTERA was now a big fucking band and from here on out, it was nothing but onward and upward for PANTERA. Dimebag had a 4-track recorder on the road with him at the time. I can remember many nights in his hotel room, getting drunk & recording songs. One particular highlight was Dimebag's version of 'Slave To The Grind' that he recorded on his own, re-titled 'Krell & Dykes'. 'KRELL & DYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYKES' went the chorus. Most of you know what dykes are, maybe some of you know what krell is, but Dime made a version of 'Slave To The Grind' with lyrics describing these two areas of interest on this particular tour that was truly a moment in music I wish you all could hear! He gave me a tape of it over 10 years ago, I hope I still have it. If you don't know what krell is, I am not going to tell you! But for those of you with a nose for this kind of thing, I hope one day I can find my copy of Dimebag Darrell's 'Krell & Dykes' and when I do I will post it on the net if it is not too incriminating!! We also had one night where I sang a ballad of Dime's into the 4-track as the sun was coming up. We were so drunk I couldn't stop laughing and Dime too, I just remember him saying 'C'mon, Bierk!!! I KNOW you can do it!!!' But both of us were so drunk I remember more laughing than singing going on that night. Still I know we did at least three tracks of vocals, harmonies and doubling etc., even at 7-8 am with 12 hours of drinking in us, Dime was ready to do what he did best — create rock'n'roll music like you never heard before. After the SKID ROW / PANTERA tour, my next major involvement with Dimebag was a band that we formed together. Named 'SEBASTIAN BACH'S ROCK BUDS', we started the band after I was asked by High Times magazine to play at a benefit in Manhattan at the Limelight. All proceeds would go to the National Organization for the Reformation of Marijuana Laws (NORML). I thought this was a cool idea and they said I could play with whoever I wanted. So, first on my list was Dimebag Darrell. I called him up and he said 'Sure dude. Name the time & place and I will be there! Let's get Rex on bass!' So Rex Brown joined up, along with Bam Bam McConnell on drums and Snake on guitar. Andy McCoy from HANOI ROCKS also came up for a tune, although Dimebag refused to jam with him! The majority of the set was SKID / PANTERA; we did 'Slave', 'New Level', 'Walk', 'Monkey Business', and 'Cowboys From Hell', I think. I have this show on video in perfect condition and it is obviously something I treasure now. Dimebag came up 2 or 3 days before the show and stayed at my house. Rex stayed at Snake's. We rehearsed for the gig at SIR in Manhattan. I remember rehearsing for the gig in 'rehearsal mode', which was doing the songs but not putting alot of sweat into it. Dimebag said to everyone, 'What the fuck is this? Where is the sweat? The fire?' I said to him something lame like, 'Oh, it's just rehearsal dude.You wanna rehearse like we are actually on stage, that's cool.' Dime shot back at me 'IS THERE ANY OTHER FUCKING WAY???' I will never forget him saying that. I totally understood what he was saying and ever since then there is no 'rehearsal mode / stage mode' bullshit. Dime did it full out all the time: 'IS THERE ANY OTHER FUCKING WAY???' Not for Dimebag Darrell. Dimebag was also one of the most of the professional persons in the business. Yes he could out drink you under the table and into the gutter, but he also firmly believed that there was a time and a place for everything. We were all doing all sorts of shit back then, but I can remember Dimebag pulling me aside somewhere saying, dude, you 'wake & bake' don't ya? C'mon, I know ya do. I used to do that shit myself. Have a bong right next to the bed, and hit that shit as soon as I fucking woke up. But I learned you cannot do that shit dude! For real! You get a fax or a phone call or something and you are too high to deal with that shit!! That shit is not good dude!!' The fact that he would pull a friend of his aside to try and help them if he thought they needed it was a testament to the fact that Dimebag cared about others. You hear a lot about how much the man loved to party, but I also remember him being strict about putting things in their proper place. Having his shit together at all times was ultimately way more important to Dimebag than just being shitfaced 24/7. The man could not create the music he did or put on the shows he did without being at the top of his game at all times, which Dimebag always was. 1998. I am on my very first tour of the USA as a solo artist. We are playing Pittsburgh PA at a place called Graffiti's. I get the message, PANTERA is coming to the show tonight! This is totally cool, I am on the road trying to re-establish myself & here come some of my old buds to cheer me on. Shit doesn't get any better than this. But wait... it does! Vinnie Paul shows up at the gig and gets pretty drunk, big surprise! Then he comes on stage at the end of the set and grabs the mike and screams 'Hey Pittsburgh!!! This motherfucker took us on our first ever arena tour of the USA!!!' Big cheer. Then he says something totally unexpected. 'And we are gonna take this motherfucker on his first fucking arena tour!!!!!!!!!!!' The place goes nuts. I look at my bandmates and we all look at each other in disbelief. I start to laugh, because I don't know whether it is Vinnie talking, or the vats of Crown Royal he has consumed over the evening. For me to go on tour in arenas in my solo band in the USA was a big fucking deal. We had no record out or even a label at that time. The only reason for PANTERA to take us on the road was simple — rock & roll, and a friendship that went far beyond normal music business corporate sensibilities. When I got back home, I could not believe my eyes. Right there in the fax machine, as I walked in the front door, was a fax from PANTERA's booking agent with three weeks of arena shows in the USA that they wanted my solo band to open! Vinnie told me that he told Dimebag about seeing us in Pittsburgh, and Dime said 'Let's bring that fucker out!' as a kind of 'thanks' for us bringing them out in 1992. I will never, ever forget this act of generosity on the part of PANTERA. For a band to ignore to industry to the point that PANTERA did is something that I doubt we will ever see again. To put me on stage in front of 20,000 people a night in 1998, like I did for them in 1992, is one of the highlights of my life. On the road with me at the time was Jimmy Flemion of THE FROGS on guitar. He made THE DARKNESS look like Perry Como in the stage costume department. Jimmy would come on-stage in full 7-foot green sequin wings, making him look like a giant, which accentuated his frame — the man stands 6' 6" tall with ease. To go out on-stage every night looking like a heavy metal Liberace in front of PANTERA, the most hardcore fucking audience you could ever play for, took gonads of steel. The last night of the tour, in Dayton Ohio @ Hare Arena, I turn around and what do I see? Dimebag Darrell, in his own custom made full 7-foot green paper mache wings, flying around the stage looking like Mothra on acid. He had spent all day backstage making his own set of Flemion wings, then rocked along side us in a paper mache 7-foot wingspan. I read that the shooter, who shall remain nameless, attended this exact show in 1998, in Dayton, Ohio. That makes me sick. To know one of the most fun nights in my life was actually shared with this scumbag watching us blows my mind. It is hard to think about. Also, what is it about Columbus? Not only was it the first place I ever played on the road, it is the exact city where my run as Jesus in 'Jesus Christ Superstar' came to an unexpected end. I also talked to Rick, the owner of the Alrosa, on a cellphone the night before the play ended. Things seem to start and end in Columbus. Weird, but perhaps worth mentioning. After we left the PANTERA tour in '98 Dimebag still kept in touch. When we played Dallas in a club in the Deep Ellum district, I turn around backstage before the show & who is standing there in the (cramped) quarters but none other than Dimebag Darrell! He has brought along Dave Williams, the late lead singer for DROWNING POOL, two PANTERA crew dudes, and 3 or 4 members of the Dallas Stars hockey team. Everyone is doing shots (trying something new!) and me and Dime are catching up before the show. He asks me if it's ok if he films the show. 'Sure', I say. Then halfway through the show, Dave Williams comes onstage and rips right into his famous 'Sebastian Bach impression!' This dude had me down better than I do myself! Dimebag was the camera man, on his back onstage filming me doing me, and Dave Williams doing me, together onstage, running between our legs and jumping around trying to get the best shot. We had a kickass time that night and Dime told me the band fucking rocked. I remember him really checking us out and giving me opinions etc. after the show. The man cared, plain and simple. Around 1999 I was called by producer and friend Michael Wagener to record some songs for an upcoming Randy Rhoads tribute album. He told me to contact guitarist friends of mine to see if they wanted to participate. Again, Dimebag Darrell was at the top of my list. We called him up and I got him on the horn and he was totally into the project. We collaborated on the song 'Believer' and it is one of the most treasured moments of my career in the studio. Dimebag's lead totally shreds, of course! I am just glad I got to record at least one song with the best metal guitar player of all time. Wish I could have done more! Dimebag was also not afraid, ever, to tell it like it is. I remember being at his club in Dallas, one night after a show. He was rolling his eyes at me, drunk, like he wanted to tell me something. Finally at the end of the night, I said to him 'Dude what up? You wanna tell me something?' He kept rolling his eyes and then said to me — loud — 'Duuuuuuuuuuude, you know why people talk shit behind your back dude? Because they don't fucking understand you!' I could tell he thought this was important to tell me. 'But you know what, mutherfucker? I am so crazy that I UNDERSTAND YOU! Yes I fucking do! FFFuuccckk!!!!! I UNDERSTAND your crazy ass, man!!!!' He slobbered into my face. But I could tell he meant what he said. He was telling me that he was so nuts that he actually even understood me, which was a backhanded way of telling me he dug what I did and for me to keep on doing it. He was a smart guy and said alot of heavy things amidst an insane world of rock'n'roll fantasy. As someone whom I respected as a fan, and as a friend, it meant a lot to me for him to say shit like that to me. Which is why I always cranked his music to get psyched for a show. Two days before he died, we were playing Istanbul, Turkey for the first time. After the show, we had a six-hour drive to the next town, Ankara, Turkey, where we had a gig on December 8 (Ralph Santolla's birthday, and the night Darrell and John Lennon were killed). On the way to the show, at about four in the morning, we stopped by the side of the road to get gas and something to eat. Unbelievably, they had about 30 cassettes for sale. One of these cassettes, on the side of the road in Turkey, was PANTERA's 'Far Beyond Driven'. This was crazy we thought, 'Holy Shit' we all exclaimed, 'They sell fucking PANTERA cassettes on the side of the road in Turkey, how crazy is that!!' In retrospect, it is quite strange that PANTERA was there in amongst mostly Turkish music cassettes. Needless to say we bought the tape and played it on repeat till we got to Ankara at around 8 am. I remember drifting off to sleep looking outside the window looking at the Turkish countryside, listening to 'Becoming' thinking how fucking cool Dimebag's guitar sounded. 24 hours later, he would no longer be alive on this planet. It still makes no sense... My favorite Dimebag Darrell memory of all was when he was staying at my house for the 'Rock Buds' gig. It was late morning in my house and I was awoken by the delicious smell of bacon being cooked downstairs. I got out of bed to go find Dimebag and wake him up. I went downstairs, and then to his guest room, but I could not find Dimebag. On my way back downstairs to the kitchen, I peeked my head into my son Paris' room, who was about 7 at the time. There was Dimebag Darrell, sitting in a little kids' toy chair, playing my son's miniature Gibson guitar, which was plugged into his mini Marshall Stack! 'Hey, Dime' I said, 'Dude, c'mon downstairs, breakfast is ready bro!! Maria made french toast and bacon let's get it on!!!!!!!' Dimebag said to me, 'Hold up, bro!! I am doing something here, hold it up! Hang on one second I am teaching your boy somethin'!!' He had been in my sons room showing him guitar riffs all morning. He thought this was an important thing to do, and the memory of Dimebag sitting in my kids room showing him guitar chords is etched in my mind forever. We all went downstairs, me, Dime, and Paris, and along with Maria, we enjoyed a home cooked breakfast of french toast, maple syrup, bacon and coffee. He loved the meal and let us all know how much he appreciated our hospitality. I remember it like yesterday. Because even though he was the greatest metal guitar player ever, he was also something even more important and impressive than that: a great human being. Someone you would be proud to have at your dinner table. Someone you could trust with your own children. That was Dimebag Darrell. A classy, talented, one-of-a-kind guy with 'Hulk Blood' and the Ace Frehley solo album cover tattooed on his flesh. A friend. A God. Stronger Than All. I Remember You Dimebag Darrell! You are an inspiration to me the rest of my life. Love and Respect, Sebastian Bach
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