#ft. Goofy's dumbass
whyioughta · 1 year
Donald didn’t really enjoy balls but he was used to them by now. It was just what happened in the world that he now had to live in. Mickey threw balls as distractions and Donald had to entertain royals often too. Mostly, he was fine with just being home and relaxing but he promised Mickey he’d back him up tonight in case there was any trouble so here he was. He really was hoping everything went well and the people in town actually enjoyed a night where they could dance and socialize without much fear. 
“How much money does this cost you anyway?” Donald looked over to Mickey. He’d never really asked but it couldn’t be cheap. He handed Gavin the drink he’d asked for in the process. Donald didn’t really drink anymore so he was fine with his soda.
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( @michaelxmouse​ @saveth3king ) 
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saerotonins · 6 months
actor!yuuji & actor!sukuna headcanons
ft. itadori yuuji and ryomen sukuna 
content warnings: fluff, itadori twins au, overall cuteness, implied x reader (separated), jjk manga spoilers, characters are aged up to 20+
wc: 2.3k (jesus christ lol)
note: i miss my little actors so much lol. also, i think this is a bit too long, my bad 😭
jjk actor au masterlist
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as twin actors:
believe it or not, jjk is like one of the roles that had them cast together 
both of them usually like to play different roles in different shows because they just don't want to be known as each other's twins
love that for them, they're so real for that
but when they were cast, they accepted it since the script and plot were interesting 
yuuji is a sweetheart inside out and sukuna is the quieter one between the two, sukuna is soft for his brother though so don't get fooled by his tough persona
yes, he is the older twin LOL and always holds it against yuuji just to be petty
"dude can you get me that can of soda?""why are you ordering your older brother around? have some shame"
yuuji just rolls his eyes but before he gets up and get it himself, sukuna will wordlessly stands up and does it anyway
checks on yuuji whenever he does intense fight scenes
both of them do the stunt themselves since they ate both so physically active
education wise, yuuji graduated as a marketing major and sukuna has a degree in physical therapy 
which explains why him and his brother always practice fight scenes together and he helps yuuji with his stance and warm ups!
it's adorable really and he's so tsundere about it too
"no not like that, put your legs this way dumbass" like that typa stuff
sukuna started off as a model but was later on casted because casting agencies thought he has that great villain face
yuuji started off as a side character and really likes acting (he is the theatre kid between the two and sukuna is the quiz bee kid, their mom is BOOKED and busy) and later on recognized because he's just THAT good
yuuji is usually a romance lead or 2nd lead and a slice-of-life guy so when fans found out he will be in an action show, they are excited!
sukuna on the other hand has been casted as a tsundere in romance shows, sometimes a bully and an antagonist in action shows, but a villain that is literally so powerful??? that is so new so his fans are anticipating 
both of them usually arrive on the set together (sukuna is the one driving btw and yuuji just sleeps during the trip)
yuuji prepares both of their bento boxes btw
sukuna loves it
he can cook, but that's it LMAO
he won't admit it but yuuji is the better cook
lowkey a picky eater so yeah
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sukuna is the intimidating one (obv) so when him and the other casts first met + the first few readings, it was sooo awkward 
turns out he's lowkey a goofy guy
has fun with his costars and helps them with fight scenes too, gotta put that physical therapy degree into good use
both him and nanami have this silent bond because whenever they're together they just don't talk and bask in the silence as they sit, they just peace amidst their crazy schedule
also an avid toji fan so when this guy found out he's in the same show with his idol he's almost shitting bricks
let out a really loud cheer when he found out and only yuuji knew about it LOL
has a deep-rooted respect towards him and it's sooo obvious whenever toji is around
he is such a fucking fangirl
he just thinks he's so badass and feels so honored to be casted in the same show as him
feels bad that he has to beat up almost everyone 😭 he is also a sweetheart deep inside
deep inside, he's such a caring and protective brother for yuuji because even though he doesn't have any scenes to be filmed, he still joins him on set whenever time allows him
he may not show it but he's sometimes lowkey terrified about fans tearing him up into shreds whenever he kills their favorite character 
imagine sukuna dripping big sweats by the time THAT episode with [redacted] aired oh my GOD he was so fucking nervous considering their fanbase is so big
yuuji has never seen his brother THIS nervous before and he's enjoying it
luckily though, not much hate happened and most of the time it's just memes and playful banter
his ass is barely on social media LOL
in the years of his instagram existing he only has like 90+ posts or even below 😭 usually it's just promotion, being an ambassador, magazine shoots— very lowkey 
doesn't have much digital footprint and i love that for him
whenever he posts, his fans are EATING IT UP since it happens every once in a blue moon lmfao
as tough as he looks, he actually can be quite clingy, just behind closed doors though
lowkey feels bad when he has to beat up children (LMAO) and his co-actors and asks for cuddles from you for comfort
it's actually kind of adorable 
sometimes if his schedule doesn't allow him to have time to visit you, you'll get messages like "babe i just beat up megumi :(" 
since he's not active on social media, he knows some stuff online through you or yuuji
kind of a sad reason why he doesn't go online as much is because as tough as he looks, he's just a guy scared of the hate he's going to have just because he plays a villain or antagonist most of the time
he knows it's not his fault, he just knows that some people just don't know how to separate reality from acting
especially when that scene where he had to off a certain jujutsu sorcerer actor with a huge fanbase
oh boy was he so fucking scared and ran into your arms for comfort :(
he's a softie deep inside ok
when they have to go out of town or even overseas to film, he gets incredibly homesick and misses you so much 
expect a lot of "i miss you" messages, including selfies and candid pictures that he took around the set to
practicing his lines with you is close to impossible, this guy gets all blushy and shit because you're in front of him
and since most of his lines are mean as hell, he just doesn't want to be mean to you
he wants to impress you so bad but when you're around he just becomes a little high school boy with a big crush LMAO
he's such a sweetheart deep inside oh my god
when he decides he wants to post a new photo in his ig, you're the first and only person he'll ask for opinions
so this just means that most, if not all of his posts were handpicked by you
wears your matching stuff like accessories on set and gets sad when he has to take it off while filming
when he learned that his character would have face tattoos, the first thing he did was come home to you with his face makeup on (he had to ask his makeup artist to let it stay) and imitate it on your face
i have this headcanon that sukuna knows how to draw (and is very good at it) so it takes almost no effort to draw the tattoos on your face
you two then have a mini photoshoot (aka just taking a lot of selfies) with the both of you with sukuna marks on the face
it looks so cute that he made it his lock screen
he's lowkey such a sap don't let the character he's playing fool you
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he is literally a sunshine in or out of acting
so polite and so kind it's hard to hate him (not that he is even worth hating on)
so naturally, everyone on set loves to work with him!
unlike his brother, before acting, he doesn't really know a lot of fighting stance (he's a marketing major ffs lol) BUT ever since he was casted, he doubled up on his working out routine with the help of sukuna
even invested his time learning boxing which later on paid soooo much
can literally make everyone on set "aww" whenever his script requires him so cry or even witness a gruesome death scene *cough* nanami and nobara *cough*
during breaks, him and nobara do tiktok challenges and even those kpop challenges all the time and the crew enjoys watching them do it and the fans like it too
he does it too with choso and todo
this guy literally has 3 older brothers who are protective of him it's so cute
this man is so talented, he can cook, sing, dance, act, and is pretty smart too during his university days, it's so hard not to be in love with him
the greenest of the green flags (just like nanamin!) the girls the guys the folks LOVE him so much, literally the standard 
just like sukuna, he was fangirling so hard when he found out he's going to be in the same drama with THE nanami kento
he's such a big big BIG fan 
has a fan account of him on twitter that is pretty popular but you didn't hear that from me
it's so cute when they're together because they're literally THE father and son duo EVER
has the time of his life whenever he visits nanami and his wife's house and just chill there, sometimes brings his first-year trio besties too (both nanami and his wife don't mind at all)
aside from sukuna, he sometimes practices fight scenes with nanami too!
he is so active on social media 😭 interacts with as many fans as he can and posts all the time on ig and twitter 
has a lot of cute interactions with fans too
by extension, his account is sukuna's behind the scene account LOL
since his brother doesn't post a lot, sukuna's fans tune in to his posts and stories of sukuna behind the scenes or even just some pictures of him that he doesn't post
some of it are just pics of the brothers chilling or going out
yuuji is literally the sukuna fan's saint because of the amount of sukuna content he's giving them LOL
ok but don't get fooled by yuuji's sunshine personality, because he knows how to bite too
whenever he saw hate tweets his brother is getting for playing a villain, he is quick to respond and defend his brother
lowkey a nightmare for the PR team but they know where he's coming from
and despite sukuna telling him to just ignore it, he appreciates his little brother more than anything 
one word: ANGEL
he's literally so lover coded oh my goodness
leaves you some post-it notes on the fridge every single day before he leaves to film
if the trip goes on for days he will leave at least three long love letters for you to read when you miss him and he's busy
creates personal vlogs JUST FOR YOU so if the both of you can't facetime, you'll still know what he is up to
when he was contacted to be the main character of the show, he confided in you whether or not he should accept the offer
don't get him wrong, he is beyond grateful the people think he's capable enough to be the main lead but it makes him nervous 
this is his first main character role and the pressure of it all is heavy on his shoulders 
he asked for his brother's opinion too but he trusts you enough to talk about his feelings regarding this
of course, when you said that you'll be there with him in every step and support him all the time and do everything to keep the communication between the two of you going despite his soon-to-be hectic schedule, his heart is finally set on accepting the role
you are so proud of him! your baby finally getting the recognition he deserves? hell yeah
his busy schedule was never a barrier between the two of you, yuuji never forgets to update and call you whenever his time permits and he always appreciates every cheer you have given him
type of actor boyfie to show you off his social media platform!
he posts your dates and even hangouts with each other
his fans find it quite adorable and is in love with your whole relationship 
likes to do those couple tiktok challenges with you and post them online, you guys even have shippers lol
of course, if you're the lowkey type, yuuji would respect that and will only include you in his online shenanigans when you feel like it or allow him to post it
practicing lines with you is always exciting but never productive LOL
you both just end up giggling and laughing 
in the end you just both opt to cuddle instead (or even make our LMFAO)
yuuji just feels so lucky to have his ever-supporting partner along the way
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bitchimasnake-sss · 4 months
nsfw alphabet ft. monkey d. luffy!
set-up: no set up, just a collection of short nsfw drabbles featuring the most himboest himbo in town <;3
warning: nsfw themes (obviously 😭); mdni thankyouu <3
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look, luffy sleeps in the middle of actual fights. there's no fucking way this man can stay up after y'all are done fucking (esp. if you've gone for a couple of rounds already). it's not too bad, since you get too tired too and he gives the best cuddles when he's passed out. just get used to getting the aftercare in the morning because that's when he checks up on you, get's you both some food (v.v. imp)
💟body part:
his favourite part of you: he is actually infatuated with every aspect of you but holy shit your tits??? he might actually be clinically obsessed with them. whenever you're cuddling, his hand finds your boobs (even if it's just to hold onto them lightly). he doesn't give a fuck about sizes and will 100% go on them for hours (i think it's his oral fixation lmaoo) his favourite part of himself: he loves his arms. other than the fact that they are one of his major weapons in any fights, he can see how you silently stare across his biceps when he's just helping around the deck. you always hold onto his arm when you're out in public too. he also loves when you get so pent up that you end up driving crescent cuts in his arms and shoulders as he fucks you.
💟 cum:
luffy's a nasty, messy man. do what you will with that info. he will cut off an arm and a leg just to finish anywhere on you whether it's inside, on your face or on your chest. just knowing that some essence of him remains on you drives him feral.
💟 dirty secret:
he's probably addicted to your smell. this sounds weird but i def think he's one of those people who steal their girlfriends underwear and then get off of them. like if he goes into the shower right after you and can smell your lingering shampoo and soap then he will fuck his fist as if it's you.
luffy was a complete dumbass in anything sexual but yk he is willing to learn anything that pleases you, so, once you teach him just what he's supposed to do, he will practice it on you till he reaches perfection. be prepared for a fuck lot of practice sessions tho.
💟favourite position:
i think his favourite position is missionary. he's a simple man. you're pretty as fuck and he's obsessed with your tits, what else is he supposed to do? but he's down to try just about anything and everything if you ask him to.
goofy and luffy sound similar for a reason. im not saying he's giggling and kicking his feet as you go down on him but if something embarrassing happens, he needs atleast five minutes just to laugh it out. he doesnt do it in a mean-spirited way, ofcourse. he's just a silly little dude and that was funny.
on you: he literally doesn't care. it's totally your decision. if you wish to keep it shaved/trimmed, great but if you cannot be bothered, then that's more than fine too. he is more than excited just to have you to himself, he doesn't really care about anything more than that.
on himself: again, he doesn't really care. but incase you say that you wish he kept himself a certain way, then he'd go out of his way to pay heed to your preferences. your wish is his command.
💟intimacy (how romantic is he during it?):
luffy isn't a inherently romantic person. romance and love for him come in the form of small moments and acts of kindness rather than gigantic speeches and gestures. so in the traditional sense, he isn't romantic. but he will always make sure you're comfortable and feeling well. and to him, that is peak romance.
💟jack off:
he has a very very high sex drive and he quickly learnt that you can't exactly keep up with that so, he usually masturbates whenever it gets too much and you're not available. prefers your hands over his tho. so, like, he only does it himself if he absolutely needs to. otherwise, he would beg and whine till you please him.
food play (he loves you, he loves food, whats not clicking??) i think he definitely has a mommy kink (except he wont actually call you mommy. he's just act submissive and let you do whatever.) he loves to do whatever it is to please you when he's in that sub headspace but normally, he can get quite absorbed in the way he's feeling (especially when you're giving him head), so, dont blame him if he goes a teensy bit overboard.
literally anywhere or planet earth or even beyond earth for that matter. just give him a surface to fuck you against and he'd handle the rest. in terms of favourite, i definitely think he's just sticking to the bed cause it keeps you comfortable and gives him enough safe, secure place to do whatever.
💟motivation (what gets them going):
anything and everything 😭🤭 his turn ons are so random. like you could be just chilling, talking to some crew member and suddenly he has this blinding urge to fuck you and there's nothing you can do about it.
💟no (things they are completely against):
although he's down with whatever, he won't do the classic stuff like scat, age play (extreme) or anything too disgusting. i think he's also pretty apprehensive about hitting you in bed cause he knows his strength and it feels against his entire moral code to hurt a woman. especially the woman he is in love with.
💟oral (prefer giving/receiving, how skilled are they?):
luffy goes both ways. he loves when you give him oral but he is also physically obsessed with you and will spend hours on end against your aching cunt, so, he likes going by turns. he doesn't even have to fuck you for real, just having his face pressed against your core as you rut on him is enough to make him cum in his pants. but since he's so impatient, i think he just prefers 69ing for the efficiency of it lmao (and also your moans feel so delicious against his weeping cock, please don't stop).
💟risk (how risky are they):
omg risk is the very essence of who luffy is. his risks are not even calculated, he just does shit that feels right to him. so, please do not object when you are exploring abandoned streets in an unknown island with him and he pines you against the wall and whines in that soft voice of his to have you right there and then. it also doesn't help that he doesn't feel embarrassed like ever. so, if you ever get caught he's just gonna laugh it off.
ooooof, his stamina is insane!! can easily go a couple of rounds without feeling much fatigue. but he gets distracted easily, so fuck him before he gets too hungry to keep going lmao as for how long can he go for? i don't think he can hold off his orgasms for long, so, he cums fairly fast but he can push through it and keep going for a good while.
luffy didn't personally know much about toys till one night the boys got drunk and sanji asked them if any one of them owned a pocket pussy. he might have bought one the next time the landed on shore and well, he isn't afraid to admit that it's a handy little tool. but he doesn't know any more about toys than that. and he only got to know more once you started dating him and told him about it. he's not insecure to use toys during sex because he knows what he brings to the table. but he would pout if you fuck yourself with a toy instead of just asking him to give you some sweet sweet relief, so just dont do that mkay?
💟unfair (how much do they tease):
holy fucking shit this man LIVES to tease you. skimming touches, feathery kisses, endlessly toying with your cunt. he does it all. but do NOT tease him cause he can't stand it so, he would either lose patience and fuck you his way or he will get so overwhelmed that he would start whining and crying, begging you to ease up on him. both are good options tho 👍🏼
💟volume (are they vocal during it):
YES!! luffy is super vocal in bed. you make him feel great and he's not too shy to show it. i mean who tf will judge the would be king of the pirates?? he also adores your moans and whimpers too because all he wants is his pretty girl to feel good, obviously. (also when you tell him how good he's fucking you, that puts him over the edge because i just know he has a praise kink)
💟wild card (random headcanon):
luffy gets fucked out so easily. like literally, even if you have just been making out for like 5 mins then also his shirt will be halfway open, eyelids droopy, lips swollen, cheeks red, the whole sha-bam. so even if you both did nothing more than some pg-13 makeout, the entire crew will think you just fucked his brains out. evidence: 7th of august, 8:53 pm "ew." nami makes a face of disgust, "can you not do it before dinner? you're both nasty doin' it right before you see us." "we didn't do anything!!" you defend yourself before nudging luffy, "right luffy?" but he's in a daze, too blissful to say anything but: "uh yeahhh" ussop is holding sanji by the shirt like a rabid dog when zoro walks in. his eyes are lidden with sleep. he gives you and luffy a look before saying, "don't fuck before dinner, that's nasty." "we didN'T FUCK-"
💟x-ray (whats going on under those pants):
look he's the rubber man??? does it matter??? but no, i think he has a pretty decent size like im thinking 6" but definitely a bit more thinner. he also has a slight curve to it.
💟yearning (how high is there sex drive):
VERY HIGH. very fucking high. he's like an animal in heat or something except its all year long.
💟zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards):
he's passed out before you can say "that was so good" he's asleep and you should sleep too, you can compliment him when he wakes you up in the middle of the night for something or the other. go sleep. seriously. i see you reading smut on your screen. go sleep.
a/n: thinking i might make a sfw list too lol. if i do, ill add the link here! thankyouu to anyone who reads the stuff i write lol, you're the coolest
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nenupharhein · 1 month
Fairy tail goofy hc
Mostly queer, FR/ENG (/créole vite fait genre une phrase)
POV Natsu et Happy :
Lucy becomming more and more buff as she train.
One day Natsu thought he got the concept of gendre but no.
One time Sting try to eat himself bc he was so hungry, bc he can eat what's white.
Erik real name is Eric but he thought it was more swag with a K.
Erza is a tismé sucré des îles sucré au surce carameliser.
Meldy has a jelly fish hair cut.
JELLAL IS TRANSFEM, because she is too cool to be a man, so erza is a lesbian !!!!!!!
Natsu is poc and Zeleph is white as an ass
Mavis speak creole, bc she's from Tenro
Jubia got mommy issues (i will explain later)
Erza is buff lika Patty on tiktok.
The girl and girlies got an MMA club (the sport not the assurance)
Readers do art therapy on demand
Macbeth is non-binary. They never got over the closure of skyblog. Mira give them her old wardrobe and Luxus his old CD.
Erik is immunized to every poison but he's lactos intolerant that dumbass
Lucy got a carabiner for her keys bravo les lesbiennes
Crime Sorcière became a registred guild and with the help of the concil then try to reinsert crimminals to society (i will explan later)
Cana is from the south of France, le pastis o con putaing
Bacus is from Bretagne, BREIZH DA VIKEN
Zoro from one piece is vendéen
Makarof the first time he saw Natsu eating fire : Ti marmail la la baise la science (the expression is from my mother idk)
Gadjeel eats his own piercings when he is hungry
Lisana have been influence by edo-Lucy, so is now roasting the shit out of everyone. Her favorit sentance is : elle comme ou quoi cette pute ?
(Sorry for the last one, that was a french meme. Sorry for my frenchness)
Reby and Mirajane host a podcast and invite the guild members, and some time other guild. (Once they had crime sorcière as guest , and they get the council au cul) (for the defense of crime sorcière, they thought it was a podcast for fairy tail members only)
Macbeth is a huge fan of Mozart l'opéra rock, their favorite song is "L'assassymphonie"
Gadjeel has the certificate (or whatever it is) to pierced people, but only Reby can get free piercing.
So Reby got a navel piercing, and some on her ears
Erza a a scar on the right eye (the one she cover), because action has consequences and healing everything without scars is boring. Or if not a scar she can't see with the fake eye or something. At least she can never cry from that eye again.
She has also a scars burn on her arms since she stopped the fight between Nastu and Grey
Wendy healing magic (or any healing magic i guess) is like an acceleration of the healing or scarring process, so it live scars and stuff.
After Jubia sacrificed herself to save Grey, she get chronic Pain (or something like that, idk i'm not a doctor)
Jubia is bi, when she says "rival in love" when talking about Lucy, she's talking about the rivality between Lucy and Grey. She's in love with both of them. (Jubia also had a crush on Erza, but every girls in ft got a crush on Erza)
Sting il a découvert sa bisexualité a l'envers, il pensait être gay et un jour il a eu un crush sur une meuf (too lazy to translate this one, but it's like the Chevalier de Lorraine in Versailles)
Bisca and Arzak are bi4bi
Erza get actual armor, not the things she has on the anime where she's half-naked most of the time.
And they also have magic clothes that can resist to magic, so they don't finish half-naked
Sting discovered his bisexuality in reverse, he thought he was gay and one day he had a crush on a girl (not lazy anymore)
Yukino and Minerva are dating 🥰💗🎀
I have many hc but i forget the rest. I will do an other post maybe. Maybe focus on a specifique character.
Also I don't know how to use Tumblr so forgive me.
I also can't speak a proper english sorry
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moonspower · 1 year
Do you really want to hang with Chris? He seems depressing and weird. Like he never looks like he's really happy.
✨ anonymous. meme. still accepting! ft. @bewitchingbaker.
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❝You must not know me, because I'm the one that used to do a line of coke off a toilet seat at the club, throw up in the sink, scream, and then go dance to Usher just to feel something because depression is my lifeblood. Do I look like I give a flying fuck about about shit like that? I mean, I care if Chris is happy. But, like, if he's unhappy, that's his battle for him to take because he's an adult and I'm not his god damn mother. He's an adult. How he expresses himself outwardly is none of my business. Also, weird? I'm an alien. Save that concern for a normie.❞ Virote scoffed and plucked a pre-rolled joint from the pocket of his blouse, clenching it between his teeth while palming around for his lighter. ❝You're goofy and I think you should shut your fucking mouth. Don't you ever question what I do. When I do and say shit, I mean it. I move with intent, always. Psh. Acting like I'm unsure, like some kind of child... Dumbass. I'm gonna go smoke this joint and wish I was doing whippits instead.❞
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thedeltarunies · 2 years
Introduction of some kind anyways
Alright, uh Imma just start off by linking the OCs n Sona I got for now- their descriptions anyways
and finally here’s my sona’s desc he gets a keep reading so uh I’ll say it up here, welcome to this fun lil blog of chaos and shenanigans ft my ocs and sonas ...a-and.. *groan* ...If you REALLY want, I’ll go ahead and add Devi’s description too but he’s such a bastard-
| Name: Chase (scribbled out his last name aka im too lazy to give him a name aside from my own)
| Nickname: Cryptid
| Gender: Trans FTM (He/Him)
| Height: 5’5”
| Species/Race: Human/Lightner
| HP: 69
| Weapon/Defense Items: Scythe (he doesn’t use it unless he ABSOLUTELY has no choice …or ya know if someone hurts people he cares about, etc- lmao) and for Defense he wears a black spiked collar
| Alignment: Chaotic Pacifist by heart but uh, if you hurt the ones he cares about, well so much for being a pacifist lmao- (chaotic in terms he won’t fight or hurt anyone but sometimes he loves spreading some chaos around)
| Soul Color: Very Dark Purple and it seems to be v jittery/shaky and if you look extra close enough you’ll notice tons and tons of little cracks (used to be a light pastel purple, along with the cracks in a few areas you can still see that color shining through) the reason it's jittery n shit? …Anxiety- true and through, why his dumbass gets hit so easily
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (spiky quiff)
| Eye Color: Gunmetal Blue
| Skin Color/Body Type: Extremely pale and chubby
| Appearance: His main outfit in both the Light AND Dark world is literally a Solid Purple tank top, some black shorts, and then finally some black slip on shoes. Other than that he wears a black binder to keep his chest slimmed down as he hasn’t had top surgery yet or anything like that, he has secretly gotten on testosterone though and for the final bit of detail he’s got a circle beard.
| Personality: Well he’s just based on me so, he’s got kindness, voice, ambition, cockiness and self confidence but in more of a joking way (like a battle arises? He’s just like lmao I got this don’t worry and then eats shit- just hell he doesn’t even get hit he falls on the ground), is silly and goofy, jokes and is almost never serious but has his moments… Oh and uh
He knows when to get serious of course, heavy people pleaser, anxiety to the max, gets depressed sometimes, has a lotta issues with his body aka the wonderful world of gender dysphoria (note my sarcasm), dumbass but a sweet dumbass, does and says some dumb shit like it’s seriously a wonder he hasn’t died yet but surprisingly enough he hasn’t, always says ‘oh its coming though, one day I’ll just get fucking destroyed by something, probs somethin stupid too’
Literally the WORST at decision making, he doesn’t PURPOSEFULLY put himself in trouble! He swears! Hell he’s terrified of being a burden so why would he wanna do that and then someone has to save him? He doesn’t wanna do that, it’s just the chaotic dumbass nature, he can’t help it- Would never wanna hurt anyone either, only time you’ll ever see him ACTUALLY on the offensive is when you hurt someone he cares about, himself? Eh it’s whatever to do shit to him but you mess with the people he cares about? He’ll fuckin w r e c k you.
Social anxiety to the max, can’t handle social situations to save his life tbh, also a huge nerd.
Basically just,, he’s me if I was in Deltarune, he’s just got my personality n shit- that’s the basics- I’m getting lazy sorry lmao
| Side Facts: How he got into the Dark World? …Literally, he was sleeping so peacefully in his bed and then he rolled off the bed and started falling, he thought it was just him being in a dream state at first but then it was like …Wait,, falling doesn’t usually last this long- His eyes snapped open and voila he was actually falling, just fuckin SCREAM!!! Those poor vocal chords… Eventually he fell into this new world, his shoes falling and bonking him on the head.
I’m not gonna go fully into it but he was so fucking confused, he was just looking around at this weird ass area, eventually he put his shoes on and then began exploring the Dark World, not that he knew it was called that- He had no fucking clue what was happening, he legit just woke up after rolling off his bed and presto- here he is, he has met Ralsei who came over, confused bc he uh apparently who the other was expecting.
…Also he’s very apologetic like me so apologizing to Ralsei for that or whatever, and then blah blah- he asks Ralsei bout where the fuck he is, he gets it explained to him …Processes literally fucking none of it and just goes on his way, Ralsei offered to join him and give him a tour but uh Cryptid just declined like ‘uh no thanks man I’m good, I’ll find my way around’ …it seemed Ralsei was a bit disappointed but he let the other go.
So now this dumbass is exploring this whole ass new world, to clarify for some future stuff- yes,, he has met the Spam man, he has gone into the Cyber World, n-not just like,, Castle Town- but anyways he likes your funny words puppet man- he’s also hella gay for yo- …AHEM- anyways ev ya know me well enough to know my sona’s ofc gay for him. The first meeting he was just like …wow,, this lil freak is fucked up …Im gonna marry his ass one day
. . .
It’s why- okay one of the main reasons he literally just ditches the Light World entirely, he has no shitty parents to hold him down, problems? Sure he still has plenty of those, the Dark World isn’t entirely forgiving but hey at least he finally got away from those fuckers amirite? Some things to note though here, anytime that gets brought up why he’s in the Dark World and seems to be sticking around he literally changes the subject and dodges that question every time, he doesn’t seem to wanna talk about it. Oh not only that but he literally lies too, if it gets to a point where someone persists, he lies about why he’s staying in the Dark World. Also notably,
His soul seems to shake and move frantically around more the more he’s asked (also a side note I haven’t thought of what his attack would ever be named, and some of his ACTions are just talking and or giving gifts)
Not even with Spamton, he won’t even answer that question if he asks, not that he has yet of course, has my sona confessed yet? Nope,, I’m also saving that for self shipping stories- He’s also terrified of rejection and or being laughed at or some shit, but we’ll get into that at a later date- …Back in the Light World- There’s been missing posters of Cryptid placed all over the town, he went back there once- to grab some of his things- he saw those posters- it was his parents that placed them but he only scoffed ‘yeah right, like they really miss me after all the shit they did…’ he grabbed one and crumpled it up, he meant to throw it away but he accidentally threw it into the bag he took with him back to the Dark World :)) (totally not going to come up later)
And since then he hasn’t been back to the Light World, he’s been chilling out in the Dark World. Just having fun and goofing off, sure there’s been some ups and downs and man has he been attacked a lot and gone through a ton of shit when he first arrived but oh well! That doesn’t matter …Don’t worry about it, he surely won’t ever go through more problems and bad times :)
Also Imma say right now bc I’m really tired,, if and whenever I write for him, things are always subject to change bc I either get better ideas later or I just wanna redo shit, that’s just how I roll tbh- All my OCs and Sonas come with that in their fine print LMAO- they are all subject to change depending on how I feel, if I get better ideas later on, OR if I just wanna redo something.
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crystallos-sol · 3 years
Thunder legion is the only good team in FT. They where loyal even past the point of Fairy Tail. I still get emotional when Evergreen gets excited seeing Laxus again. That their first reaction is to hug him.
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badolmen · 4 years
Sooo what can you tell us about your botanist oc? :3c
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Thank you for indulging my desire to ramble incoherently about a fandom OC for fifteen minutes. Response under the cut because uh I got carried away.
They were a forester - technically speaking - but they had a habit of growing trees from seed before the forest got out of control. During the early days of the catastrophe they tried to write as much as they could and send as many letters as they could to get the word out. It didn’t seem to help.
They wear chainsaw chaps, a mesh face shield, and ear muffs. Old habits from handling chainsaws die hard, and it’s best to wear some armor in the woods even without a saw. Their old saw has been out of gas for ages, but they aren’t brave enough to find gas for it.
Their house got taken over by the woods, but their greenhouse has survived so far - despite the broken glass, nonfunctional temperature controls, and otherwise dilapidated nature. They’re far removed from the village and most other structures, deep in the darkwood with no reason to leave.
They grow a lot of vegetables, most notably potatoes, tomatoes, and turnips. They like to carve the inedible ones into ‘friends’ they can talk to, since they’re so isolated. Occasionally their mouse traps catch small animals that try to steal their food. Most of their meat comes from rats.
They don’t eat or use mushrooms like the Stranger - they know better than to eat strange shrooms after the Fly Agaric incident. They do collect them for study, though.
They run experiments in their greenhouse to study how the forest has changed. They’re especially interested in the increase of coppice reproduction in trees previously thought to lack that ability. They also have begun tentative trials in studying the effects of the newly emergent fungi in the germination and survival of trees.
Their most prized possession is a wild orchid they salvaged before the forest took their home. It was a gift from a friend who kept bees. They don’t know what happened to her.
They would absolutely buy mushrooms in exchange for chainsaw chaps and jackets (medium armor) from the Stranger if he managed to find their home.
Here’s some doodles on the place mats they give us for our desks in school nowadays - including a goofy one of the Botanist hanging out by some nuclear waste in a comfy sweater and froggy slippers because they deserve it.
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flyingraijin · 3 years
MHA Boys React to You Falling Asleep on Them
Ft. Bakugou, Sero, Todoroki, Denki, Shinso, Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima
Warnings: None
Note: Just a lil something while I work on some bigger stuff. Hope you enjoy :)
Katsuki Bakugou
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Surprisingly, he doesn't actually make a big deal out of it.
He's a little taken aback, of course.
After all, he never expected that someone could feel so at ease in his presence that they're able to fall asleep with their head on his shoulder.
When he first notices your weight on him, he has half a mind to shrug you off.
But then he glances down and sees how you're completely out cold and snoring softly against him.
Something inside him just... melts.
He scowls immediately.
"Dumbass. If you'd told me you were tired, I would've let you get more comfortable."
Grumbles about it from the moment you wake up.
But there's no malice in his eyes and you notice him being slightly more cuddly with you, especially after a long day when he can see you're exhausted.
Hanta Sero
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Cheeky boi.
He's so smug about it, especially since you'd been insisting that you weren't tired.
Brushes your hair out of your eyes to see your sleeping face better.
"Aww, I knew you were lying to me, Lovebug."
He can't help but blush a little though.
Juuuuuust a little.
You just look so damn gorgeous while you're sleeping.
And he's internally doing backflips at the way he can feel how you’re slumped against him, your entire body weight resting against his.
For some reason, he feels really proud that you trusted him to support you while you slept.
Even if you hadn't meant to go to sleep in the first place.
Shoto Todoroki
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He freezes up for a second.
You're asleep on him?
He actually gets properly flustered (internally).
You wouldn't know any of this by looking at his face.
The more he stares down at your relaxed form, the more he worries.
Are you comfortable? Is he too cold? Too warm? What does he do with his hands? Should he wake you up?
You'd never expect him to be a massive over-thinker but when he sees you passed out against him, his brain does a double take.
Eventually he makes the executive decision to adjust his position a little, allowing you to rest against his front rather than his shoulder.
Thankfully, this doesn’t wake you up.
Instead, you actually snuggle into him, which makes him even more flustered.
Denki Kaminari
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For a moment he's sure his brain short-circuited.
You’re asleep? Since when?
He immediately becomes very aware of the fact that you're leaning against him.
Carries on with whatever he was doing before you fell asleep, however he's extra conscious not to move around too much, in case it disturbs you.
He might even shift his arm slightly so he can tuck you more comfortably into his side.
He’s a flirt by nature, but he didn't used to this kind of sincere show of trust.
It sparks butterflies in his stomach and he has to contain his big goofy grin.
Won't stop being giddy for hours after you wake up.
Hitoshi Shinso
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He’s actually pretty chill about it.
Well... for the most part.
When he first realises you're asleep on his shoulder, he really doesn't think much of it.
After all, you were tired after training so why shouldn't you go to sleep?
However as more time passes, and he begins to consider the situation more, he starts to overthink.
He knew you (and the rest of the class) weren't afraid of him or his quirk. He also knew that you trusted him a whole lot.
However this particular show of complete subconscious trust - enough that you allowed yourself to sleep on his shoulder - makes his heart flutter.
He doesn't want to make a big deal out of it though, in case you'd be embarrassed when you woke up.
So he just shifts his shoulder a little so your head rests more comfortably against it and carries on with whatever he was doing.
He can't suppress the small smile on his face though.
Izuku Midoriya
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Blushing blushing blushing.
The moment he realises you're asleep, his face turns bright pink.
Normally he wouldn’t mind as much but, like, this is you.
The most gorgeous person he knows.
He almost stresses to the point where he's muttering to himself in sheer panic.
Until Bakugou has to walk past and say, "Shut up, Deku, or else you're gonna wake that idiot up!"
After that, he pulls himself together.
Arranges himself so you're in the most comfortable position possible.
Gently strokes your hair.
He can't help but wonder what you're dreaming about as he looks down at your peaceful face.
Kinda hopes it’s him.
Tenya Iida
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Surprisingly enough, he's relatively calm.
He could see you were tired form the beginning and so he expected you fall asleep eventually.
The fact that it happened on him, however, catches him off guard.
Wouldn't it be better if you went to bed? At this rate, you're probably end up with a crick in your neck.
However when he shifts, preparing to pick you up and take you to bed, you end up latching onto him tighter in your sleep.
The tips of his ears turn red when he realises you genuinely want to be with him.
Well, it couldn't do too much harm to let you rest here for a few more minutes.
Cautiously he wraps an arm around you.
He doesn't want to do anything that may potentially make you uncomfortable if you wake up.
But the feeling of you sleep against him is just so comforting.
Ejirou Kirishima
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He blushes almost as much as Midoriya.
But he’s also a lot more confident.
The moment he realises you've gone to sleep, he moves you so that you're not in any kind of position that may leave you stiff when you wake up.
Once he's got you situated, he takes a break from whatever he was doing to just.. look at you.
He can't help but feel appreciated - after all, out of everyone in the class you could've fallen asleep on, you chose him.
He’s also gonna make an effort to protect you from your classmates
If someone laughs or makes a comment about you, he gets genuinely annoyed and tells them to shut up.
You're in such a vulnerable state when you're asleep.
It’s the manly thing to do, to make sure no one else takes advantage of that.
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itsdanii · 3 years
I really love your “rejecting and regretting” drabbles and I would love to request one with Suna and Iwaizumi please
Rejecting you and regretting it pt. 3
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hey, bub. thanks for requesting! im so glad you're liking my works ♥️ was supposed to post this yesterday but i had an appointment with my psychologist so sorry for the slight delay. that being said, here's your request for iwaizumi and suna. i hope you like it♥️
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genre: slight angst to fluff, slight crack
warnings: cursing, rude behavior (resolved), please do message me if i forgot any
ft. suna rintaro, oikawa!reader x iwaizumi hajime
title says it all.
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Suna Rintaro
out of all the inarizaki boys, suna rintaro was the one who managed to pique your interest
at first, you thought that he was the most quiet amongst the group but the longer you stayed as a manager, the more you realized how wrong you were
In fact, suna is one of the most talkative, along with the miya twins
you even felt bad sometimes for kita for having to discipline the three as if they were his own kids
one day, you suddenly realized that you were falling for the middle blocker
you knew that it was not a good practice to fall for someone in a team you manage but it's not like you can control who you fall for, right?
and so, you made a decision to confess to him
"Oi, y/n! What's that yer holding?"
You squeaked upon being called by Atsumu and quickly hid the cake you were holding behind your back. Smiling awkwardly, you made your way to him and placed the cake on top of the table.
It was currently lunch time and as a usual routine, you, Osamu, Atsumu and Rin were meeting at your spot just near the gym to eat.
"Can you atleast lower your voice? The moment the others see this cake, it'll be gone in a snap of a finger," you scolded at him.
"Cake? What's it for?" As if a light suddenly appeared on top of Atsumu's head, he took the box and opened it with sparkling eyes. "Looks good!"
"No, wait!"
Your lips parted as you watched him take the fork that you put inside and sliced a piece for himself. He even let out a small moan of satisfaction as the taste of the cake filled his mouth.
"That...was for Rin," you said with a tiny voice, making Atsumu raise an eyebrow at you.
"Suna? Why are ya givin' him a cake?" Noticing the way you failed to answer, a grin started forming on Atsumu's lips as the realization came into him. "Holy shit, ya like him!"
"Like who?"
You and Atsumu both froze at the sound of Suna's voice. Swallowing the lump forming in your throat, you slowly turned around to face Suna who was now frowning at you.
"Rin-chan..." you said slowly.
Suna and Osamu both took their seats, Osamu sitting beside Atsumu and Suna sitting beside you.
"Y/n likes someone?" Osamu asked and took the fork to taste the cake you made, his face lightening up as it somehow reached his standards.
Being the goofy one, Atsumu nodded with a grin. He spared Suna a quick glance before wiggling his eyebrows at you playfully. "Mhm. The one they like is actually a part of the volleyball team. Any guess, Rin-chan?"
Despite the nervousness you're feeling, you managed to roll your eyes at Atsumu as he tried imitating the way you call Suna.
Suna just shrugged his shoulders, looking almost unbothered if not for the fact that he was gripping his chopsticks a little too tightly. "Don't know, don't care."
You felt your confidence drop a little at his lack of enthusiasm. "Aren't you even just a bit curious?" you asked, hoping to get a reaction out of him.
"No, why would I be? It's not like it's any of my business. You can like whoever you want to like. It's not like I give a damn about it," Suna simply answered.
The small hope inside you that you gathered throughout the whole week just to confess completely vanished, replaced with doubt and sudden insecurity. The way he said those words seemed as if he doesn't care about you at all and the fact that he said it in front of the twins made it even worse. You felt humiliated.
You glanced at Atsumu for help and the setter just sighed before sliding the box of the now half eaten cake to Suna. "Didn't have to be so rude 'bout it, Rin. Taste the cake. Maybe it'll change yer mind and make ya realize how dense ya are."
Suna just glared at him and took a bite, his eyes darting towards your figure. "Were you supposed to give this cake to the person you like?"
Seeing you nod, Suna rolled his eyes. "I don't think it's a good idea. It tastes like shit, I'm sure the guy would reject you the moment he takes a bite."
Your heart dropped at what he said. Not only did he say that your cooking was bad but also rejected you without saying it directly. The moment you felt your eyes tearing up, you immediately stood up and left the table, ignoring the continues yells of a certain miya.
Suna stared at your back before frowning at Atsumu. "What's up their ass? I just said it didn't taste good is all. They didn't have to be sensitive." Contrary to his words, Suna grabbed the fork and continued eating the cake.
"They made the cake for ya, dumbass," Atsumu answered and stood up, quickly grabbing his things before leaving to follow you.
Suna froze upon realizing what Atsumu meant. Eyes darting towards Osamu, he muttered a small curse before gripping his hair in frustration. "Samu..."
Not even waiting for what Suna wanted to say, Osamu shook his head no with a displeased look. "Ya fucked up big time. Sorry but I can't help ya with this one."
Suna was on his own.
No matter how much he tried convincing the twins to help him, neither of them agreed. He didn't know how to approach you after what happened. You basically ignored him even during practices, only doing your duties and talking to him when instructed by Kita.
Several days went on yet you were still ignoring him, and to say that Suna was getting fed up was an understatement. Not only were you ignoring him but you were also spending too much time with Atsumu.
Sure, he was aware that you two are bestfriends, but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't turn into something more. After all, Atsumu was a likeable guy. It wouldn't be impossible for you to fall in love with someone like him.
And so, the moment Suna saw Atsumu almost kissing your cheek, he snapped.
With fast strides, he went over to your direction and pulled you away from your bestfriend who only shrugged his shoulders and went on his way as if nothing happened.
Suna stopped when you reached an empty classroom and he immediately shut the door behind him for privacy. "I'm sorry for being rude to you last time," he started.
"You weren't only rude to me, ya know?" you said and averted your gaze from him. "You also rejected me. I know that I haven't directly confessed to you yet but it still hurt. I just assumed that maybe I had a chance since we were close with each other. I'm sorry for-"
"Please, don't," Suna said to cut you off. He stepped closer to you and placed his hands on your shoulders, regret visible on his face. "Don't apologize for liking me."
"But Rin..."
"I don't want you to take it back. I like you too, y/n. So please..." Suna dropped his arms to his sides and rested his forehead on your shoulder before muttering, "Please don't ignore me anymore. I promise I'll love you the way you deserve."
You felt yourself soften at his words and despite how much what he said last time hurt you, you knew that deep inside, your heart belongs to him. You brought your hand up to run your fingertips over Suna's hair before nodding. "I won't ignore you anymore, Rin. You know why?"
He lifted his head up to look at you hopefully. "Because you like me?"
"You guessed right."
The moment you said those words, Suna immediately placed his hand on your jaw, angling your head up to him. "And I like you too."
Not able to hold himself back anymore, Suna leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, your eyes closing as you savored the feeling of finally kissing the man you like.
Iwaizumi Hajime
Iwaizumi is your brother's bestfriend
The first time you saw him was when you were in first grade, him and Tooru being a year older than you
Despite the small age gap, you still grew close with him as most of your time, you spent with Haji watching random movies and playing volleyball
When you entered high school, you only became closer to them
He protected you from bullies and those people who only wanted to use you in order to get closer to your brother
At first, you didn't notice that you were falling for him, thinking that you were just attached to him after being by his side for such a long time
But when you realized that your gazes lingered on him longer, your mind started wondering the feeling of his hand holding yours, and the way your heart fluttered everytime he was close, you knew that you've fallen for him deep
It was a Friday night, both you and Tooru were dressed in your pajamas as you waited in your room for Iwaizumi to finish making the popcorn.
Today, you all scheduled a movie night since this was the only time the three of you are free. Being a third year and a volleyball player at the same time was hard on both your brother and Iwaizumi's time and often times, you had to cancel due to them having an early practice.
Luckily for you, it seemed that their coach finally had mercy and decided to give them a weekend break.
You, on the other hand, had lots of free time in your hand since your workload isn't as heavy as theirs which is why you were always the one who adjusted when it comes to the schedule of your movie marathon night.
"Iwa-chan, gimme the one with more popcorn!" Tooru immediately said as soon as Iwaizumi stepped inside your room, balancing two bowls of popcorn in his hold.
You rolled your eyes at your brother and stood up to help Iwaizumi, purposely showing your brother how you took the one with more popcorn in it. "Sucker," you said, sticking your tongue out at him.
Iwaizumi sighed at your attitude and plopped down beside you which made your heart flutter as always.
When the movie started, you noticed how much the two were so focused on the screen. You felt a little guilty since you were basically the one who suggested the movie yet you were the one who isn't paying attention.
How can you even focus if your crush is literally sitting beside you on your bed?
You could even smell him by how close he is beside you. You were, after all, crushed in between him and your brother, a blanket covering the three of you as you squished yourselves in your bed.
As the movie went on, you felt your eyelids getting heavier. You let out a small yawn and rubbed your eyes, the sound of the people talking on the screen making you feel drowsy instead of stopping you from sleeping.
Iwaizumi, who had noticed the way your head was swaying from side to side, gently took the half empty bowl of popcorn from your hold and wiped your fingers with a baby wipe. He then carefully guided your head to rest on his shoulder before refocusing his attention on the movie.
When you woke up, the room was silent. The television was already turned off and the lamp was already turned on. You looked beside you and noticed that the spaces beside your bed were already empty, reminding you that you must've fallen asleep and Iwaizumi and Tooru must've transfered to their rooms already.
Feeling your throat demanding for some water, you slid off your bed and made your way towards the kitchen. As you grabbed the glass, you almost dropped it upon seeing a reflection of a man behind you.
"You scared me," you whispered into the quietness as you came face to face with your brother's bestfriend.
He chuckled and ruffled your hair before grabbing himself his own glass, eyes staring at you as he downed the water within seconds. "Sorry. I didn't expect you to wake up since you always sleep like a log," he said with a grin.
You lightly smacked his chest, your cheeks heating up as you felt his hard muscles, no doubt the results of playing his sport.
A small growl coming from your stomach suddenly disturbed the silence, Iwaizumi's laugh immediately booming throughout the kitchen as you blushed in embarrassment. "Shut up. I only ate popcorn, you know?"
Shaking his head with a small smile, Iwaizumi pointed at the stool before saying, "Go sit. I'll whip you up something to eat."
You immediately obliged and couldn't stop yourself from smiling as you admired his back while he cooked. "Neh, Haji," you called out.
"Hm?" he hummed, throwing a quick glance at you.
"Do you like someone?"
You knew that asking such question was bold of you, especially when neither of you totally expected it. You didn't even know how the words managed to get out of your lips. All you knew was that if there was a perfect time to confess, it would be now.
After all, with your brother enjoying his time in dream land, nobody would disturb the both of you. It was serene, and you hoped that the outcome would be just as serene as the moment.
"Where's this coming from? Is this your way of trying to confess to me?" Iwaizumi said with a chuckle.
"And what if it is? What are you going to do?" You bit your lower lip anxiously as you waited for his reply.
But instead of embracing you and confessing his feelings too just like you expected, you were greeted with the seriousness of Iwaizumi when he spun around. He walked over to you and and placed the freshly cooked Omirice infront of you.
"Then I'd have to reject you," he answered simply, his voice sounding as if the topic wasn't up for any discussion.
"Why? Is it because I'm Tooru's sibling?" You frowned at him and crossed your arms over your chest. "You know that wouldn't change anything if you date me, right? You'd still be Tooru's bestfriend."
"I already said I'd reject you. That's it, end of discussion." With that, he turned his back on you and made his way out of the kitchen.
But before he can even completely walk out on you, you grabbed his wrist to stop him. "But I like you, Haji. I always have.." You voice seemed tiny all of a sudden and your grip on his wrist tightened instinctively when you felt him removing your grip easily with his free hand.
"I'm sorry but I don't like you, y/n. Now, let go and stop with your delusions because no matter what you do, I'll never like you."
You felt your heart shatter at those words, tears quickly streaming down your cheeks as you watched him walk away, leaving you all alone in the now empty kitchen.
Guess you don't always get what you want, huh?
The rest of the weekend, you did your best avoiding Iwaizumi to make sure that you don't make him uncomfortable. You made sure to stay cooped up in your room until you were certain that Iwaizumi had already left. Heck, you even rejected your brother's offer when he asked if you wanted to go meet up with rest of the boys at the mall.
You knew that Tooru wasn't unaware that something happened since you've never rejected any offer when it comes to shopping. But even if he did, he sure stayed quiet about it and gave you space which you were thankful for.
A week rolled by and Iwaizumi was starting to get antsy. His spikes were not as good and his movements were too sloppy to the point that their coach had to sub him out during one of their practice games.
As he sat on the bench, his mind went back to the time he rejected you. Back then, he was sure that he did the right decision. He was a third year and you were only in your second year. Not only would it seem that he was after some kid, he would also look like an asshole who only befriended Oikawa for his sibling.
But that was before.
Now, he wasn't so sure anymore. He missed your affection towards him and the way you cared for him. He missed how you often visit their practice and give him first his water bottle instead of Tooru. He missed your playful banter and the way you irritate him by simply joining forces with your brother.
Fuck, he missed you.
And the way he only realized it now made it even worse.
Iwaizumi ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration, and when he saw someone handling him a water bottle, he instantly lifted his head up expecting to see you. Except it wasn't you, it was Tooru.
He mumbled a small "Thanks," before sighing evidently, making Tooru raise a questioning eyebrow at him.
"Just what happend between you and y/n?"
Seeing the panic on Iwaizumi's expression, Tooru just rolled his eyes. "Don't even try denying it, Iwa-chan. I'm not that stupid, you know? Y/n's basically isolating themselves inside their room as if they're scared that you might visit anytime and you.. your play sucks that even Makki and Matsun noticed it."
"Didn't have to remind me," Iwaizumi grunted.
"Hmm," Tooru pressed a finger to his chin as if he was thinking, eyes slightly widening as he remembered something. "Is it because they finally confessed to you?"
"How did you-"
"Oh it's simple! I heard my dearest sibling practicing their confession several times before you came last Saturday. I didn't expect them to confess that early though. The confession sounded too plain for my liking," Tooru said with a hum.
Iwaizumi could only look at him with parted lips. How come Tooru seemed unbothered by the thought of you confessing? Wasn't he supposed to act like a protective brother?
Noticing the way Iwaizumi was staring at him, Tooru pouted. "What're you looking at, Iwa-chan? You're not thinking of dating me instead, are you?"
"Dumbass. I'm thinking why you seem too relaxed at the idea of your sibling confessing to me," Iwaizumi said, hitting the back of Tooru's head.
"Eh? Why? Did you expect me to go apeshit on you?" Tooru chuckled. "Don't worry Iwa-chan, I completely approve of you dating them! Just don't try to hurt their feelings or I'll be mad for sure!"
"But I already rejected them." Iwaizumi groaned and rested his head against his palm out of frustration.
Tooru, who seemed to gain sympathy at his partner, patted his back and said, "Then we'll just have to do something about it, don't we?"
When you arrived home, the house was eerily quite. The lights were all off making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. You knew how much Tooru hated coming home with the lights off so you always made sure to leave it on in case you arrive later than him.
"Tooru?" you called out as you switched the lights on. You surveyed the whole living room and kitchen but your brother was nowhere to be found.
Shrugging your shoulders, you went up to your room and almost screamed at the sight of a man sitting on top of your bed, a bouquet of flowers in hand along with a bunny stuffed toy.
"Why do you always have to scare the shit out of me? I swear one of these days, I'll die of heart attack because of you," you scolded as you closed the door behind you. You discarded your bag on the couch and stood in front of Iwaizumi with your arms crossed over your chest. "What's all this about?"
Scratching the back of his head, Iwaizumi spared a quick glance at your wardrobe before sighing. "They're um... They're for you." He handed you the flowers and the bunny, eyes watching you warily as you smelled the pink roses.
You weren't unaware of what was happening. You always witness these kinds of things but since you were still hurt about what he said, you decided that you wouldn't give in to him that easily.
"Thank you," you answered dryly before placing the roses on top of your study desk.
Iwaizumi cannot help but panic because of this. Have you already decided that you no longer like him? What if you already got yourself a boyfriend? His thoughts started running wild inside his head and it was only when you touched his shoulder that he was brought back to the reality.
"Sorry...I," Iwaizumi fisted his hands on his sides before continuing. "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings, y/n. I didn't want to reject you. I actually like you but I got scared. I mean, you're Oikawa Y/n, my bestfriend's sibling. I didn't want you to think that I was only friends with your brother because I like you. In the end, I hurt you and god knows how stupid I am for doing such thing."
By this time, Iwaizumi's eyes were closed, afraid of looking at your reaction. He was even biting his lips and if not for the seriousness of the moment, you would've took a picture of his adorableness.
"I guess an apologizing Haji, is a cute Haji," you said with a smile making his eyes open.
"Shut up," he said shyly with the tips of his ears turning red. "I'm being serious, you know?"
"And I'm being serious as well. I'm not kidding when I said you're being cute right now," you said, continuing to tease him.
You giggled at the warning in his tone. "Alright, alright. 'm sorry." You took his hand in yours and gave it a small squeeze before lifting your gaze up to him, all signs of goofiness now vanishing from your face and replaced with honesty and admiration. "I like you too, Haji. I still do."
"Shit." Iwaizumi smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist, his strong arms lifting you off the ground out of happiness.
You squealed as you were lifted and you encircled your arms around his neck to cling to him.
"Gosh, Iwa-chan! My sister said she likes you too and the first thing you say is shit?!" Tooru said as he revealed his presence, his hand rubbing his back at the ache for staying too long in the cramped closet.
You gave Iwaizumi a few taps on his back which he immediately understood. He placed you down and grinned as he watched you taking your brother out of your room by pulling at his ear.
"Ouch, y/n-chan! Iwa-chan, help me!"
Iwaizumi just chuckled as the door infront of him slammed shut, the shouts of Tooru as you hit him bringing a sense of satisfaction to Iwaizumi.
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likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated ♥️
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leia-imogen · 3 years
aaron & the family he's found all by himself; vol. 2 // vol. 1
( ft. short jokes, a belated birthday shopping trip, & an ultra-chaotic winter break )
( for @criswisstuff & anyone who enjoyed the first one <3 )
savannah, who is 5'9, is constantly teasing aaron and cleo for being short. katelyn's good at 5'6, and also a bit impossible to tease bcs she's the actual best, so she gets to escape this
cleo ( 5'2 ) is perfectly delighted to have someone shorter than her for once in her life, even by only 2 inches
aaron: guys, just try and see this from my point of view
sav: [ collapses ]
katelyn: [ crouches down ]
cleo: [ sits cross-legged on floor ]
aaron: dude you're literally 2 inches taller than me
cleo: 2 and a quarter
sav is so smug about this but in a good-natured way, in that she and cleo call aaron "kid" or "kiddo" or "pipsqueak" and he doesn't mind bcs they always say it w such a huge smile and he likes to respond to sav with "how's the weather up there, tall-ass?"
and katelyn thinks it's ridiculously adorable how tiny aaron is and obviously she uses him as an armrest all the time
katelyn, petting aaron's hair: guys guys omg he's like an angsty mini blond kitten and i would kill for him <3
sav, popping up between them: mini-yard :))
before i get super distracted, i just wanna mention that aaron met sav and cleo towards the end of november, so they missed the twin's birthday
but sav still insists that she must take him shopping bcs sure his fashion sense is fine but there's always room for improvement, isn't there, aaron??
he relents, so long as she and cleo and katelyn ( who already gave him a birthday present?? why's she doing this??? ) don't spend too much money
sav drags him all around south carolina to the best thrift stores she can find and cleo and katelyn are amazed that she can get such fantastic deals on the supermodel clothes she wears
fr she's literally a fashion design major ( + minoring in business management ) and she shows up to class in skilfully done drugstore makeup and an absolutely killer outfit for like 15 bucks
she grew up poor, and she's still poor now, even if she ( thankfully ) managed to scrape a cheerleading scholarship
sav, flicking through a rack of dresses labelled $4 apiece: RIP to little miss rich bitch reynolds but i'm different ;)
no hate to allison she's awesome but she grew up in the lap of luxury surrounded by designer brands so she knows NOTHING about thrifting and rationing money in general
oh and sav and allison have kind of a frenemies thing going on bcs they're both fighting for the top spot of their fashion design course
they spend the whole day shopping and aaron ends up with a highly upgraded wardrobe that contains a lot of cute pastel stuff and sav's promise to do his makeup
aaron insists on paying for dinner at the really nice pizza place a short drive from campus even tho they all protest
and andrew knows he's found new friends, but has no idea that it's the vixens and he's dating one of them. nicky does tho, but he's sworn to secrecy
nicky thinks his new clothes are adorable and is stunned when aaron tells him the total cost
"oh my GOD that girl sounds like a genius."
"yeah, her name's sav. you guys,, would get along, i think."
okay now for the winter break part!!
i think that you can get permission to stay at dorms if you're an international student or something??
anyways since sav's super upset bcs her father straight-up told her not to come home bcs he has a new girlfriend ( god i hate sav's father )
katelyn would stay with her, but her dad can finally have her home in new york for christmas and she really doesn't want to miss it
cleo, the only one with a properly functional family, is going back to her big family house and loving parents and grandma and aunt and siblings and cousins. love that for her.
so aaron and sav are stuck at psu for 2 weeks and aaron's surprisingly cool with this. and sav's excited bcs for the first time since her mom died, she can spend her christmas with someone she actually wants around instead of her shitty-ass father and his constant stream of bitchy girlfriends
they spend a lot of time together, stealing food from the athlete's dining hall to make their own weird combos, which usually ends with aaron making something Cool and Interesting and sav gagging and spitting out whatever strange concoction she had previously insisted would taste good
i literally can't bring myself to give a shit about the twinyards' deal bcs andrew literally became best friends with renee?? and hooks up with guys at eden’s??? idk what's going on there but it's like andrew is trying to control aaron's life while he can do whatever he wants??? and honestly wtf????
also let me just make it clear that i ADORE andrew so so much he's one of my favourite comfort characters ever but i'm not gonna make excuses for his shitty behaviour. i fully believe he heals and puts away his pride to apologise to aaron, nicky, and kevin for his treatment of them
that's definitely not to say that aaron's internalised homophobia isn't eww, but with so many important people in his life gay, he makes a huge effort to get over it
so andrew just thinks that aaron is spending a lot of time in the library or out with nicky or something
and when aaron tells sav about this deal, she's kinda horrified, but it's pretty clear to her that aaron so desperately wants to fix his relationship with his brother, and she's not in any place to discourage him, is she?
the only thing she can do is hope that he won't come out all the worse for it
and stare at the boy curled up on the other end of the pale pink sofa cleo's parents had gotten, wonder just how much shit he'd been put through, and decide she was going to be his best friend
aaron's face has gone entirely impassive. sav nudges his fluffy-socked foot with her own, then reaches out to smooth the crease between his eyebrows. "careful, you'll wrinkle your pretty little face."
aaron is very caught off guard by this, and very promptly flushes bright red, which contrasts with the pale teal hoodie he stole from katelyn
"okay, enough talk about depressing crap. wanna go make christmas cookies now?"
so they make christmas cookies. well, it was supposed to be christmas cookies, but it turns into double chocolate fudge cookies somewhere along the line. neither of them knows how
them baking together is the definition of chaos. they're still blasting songs, and sav is singing along terribly
"yOu'Re A mEaN oNe, Mr. GrInCh," while poking aaron's cheek as he tries to mix something. he throws a handful of flour at her. "yOu ReAlLy ArE A hEel."
anyways obviously sav retaliates and that ends in a flour fight. it only stops when aaron deadass cracks an egg on sav's head and she smears chocolate into his hair
she also tries to make him sing along to baby, it's cold outside
"i'Ve GoT tO Go `wAAyyy~" she holds a spatula up to his face
"go away."
they video call katelyn, who takes one look at the mess in the cramped dorm kitchen and sighs so loudly and dramatically that her dad pops in and asks if everything's okay
aaron freezes up at the sight of him and sav quickly turns off the camera, bcs they both want to make good impressions on him, and being covered in various cookie ingredients just won't cut it, ya know?
the cookies turn out delicious and sav sends all their group chat various photos of the process, most of which consist of selfies with her making goofy faces while aaron is simultaneously baking and flipping off the camera
plus a several videos of sav enthusiastically dancing and mouthing the lyrics of, as follows, all i want for christmas is you, let it snow, and santa claus is coming to town and aggressively pointing a spatula at aaron
"c'mon aari, just sing! please??? please???? please you can do it i believe in you!!"
finally he just. gives up. "okay, you know what? fine, i'll sing to ONE and then you will STOP bothering me you insolent dumbass."
sav beams. santa baby starts playing. aaron is very clearly going through five stages of grief in 0.5 seconds
"go on," sav says sweetly as she slides in next to a pouting aaron, "i'll sing with you."
sav slings an arm around his shoulder and sways with him, so it's just her doing that and him grumpily mumbling the lyrics
and when the cookies are cooling down, they start cleaning the kitchen up. aaron rubs some spilled egg yolk into sav's hair but it goes pretty okay otherwise, since they're just listening to more christmas songs and chatting about light stuff, like aaron's biochem course, sav's fashion course, and their dumb classmates
aaron mostly listens tho, and learns that sav kind of hates allison reynolds for giving up her inheritance when she would do ANYTHING for even the tiniest fraction of that money
but she still thinks allison's gorgeous bcs c'mon
and that sav's dream is to one day open her own boutique!!
aaron spends most of the actual christmas day with the monsters at eden's bcs nicky and andrew wanted to
he spent a lot of the time texting on their group chat
doessavvyisgay: so u just go to a nightclub every week??
unaliveme: i mean yeah, i literally worked here for a while. we needed money and nicky was already working 2 jobs night and day
actualblessing: babe ur backstory is so tragic
unaliveme: i'm a fox for a reason ig
cleo.magda: Yes but-
doessavvyisgay renamed this conversation "aaron miniyard support group"
unaliveme: oh ffs
unaliveme: sav subject change go
doessavvyisgay: i'm at the clothes store what should i get?
actualblessing: something pretty :)
doessavvyisgay: sorry, i can't buy the cashier
cleo.magda: Wow.
doessavvyisgay: I DID GET HER NUMBER THO
unaliveme: lmaooo what's her name?
doessavvyisgay: uh
unaliveme: savannah istg u don't even know her name??
actualblessing: s a v
actualblessing: damn u really do be turning on the Charm tho
actualblessing: respect i didn't even talk to aaron till i asked him for notes bcs he has rly pretty notes and also a rly pretty face
actualblessing: and even then i was like :0
doessavvyisgay: u 2 = the only valid heterosexual couple
actualblessing: rt
unaliveme: oh shit i'm getting super drunk
cleo.magda: Aaron, you drink? That's not legal, get out of there right now. Kids these days-
unaliveme: cleo u have literally seen me get drunk af,, the first time we met,,, and anyways this is how my family bonds ✌🏻
doessavvyisgay: that's. so damn weird kiddo but go off ig
actualblessing: no go find better things to bond about other than alcohol and weird sweaty dancing
cleo.magda: Yeah, go watch some Christmas movies!
unaliveme: nicky makes us watch die hard every year
doessavvyisgay: see u in hell, kiddo ;)
cleo.magda: I meant things like The Polar Express and Home Alone.
actualblessing: merry christmas ya filthy animals!!
doessavvyisgay: merry xmas y'all i'm gonna go to that christmas party bcs i'm super bored
unaliveme: merry christmas mothers and fuckers
cleo.magda: Merry Christmas, you guys!
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1252291 · 3 years
connie is typing...
(i know you’re not surprised hehe congrats on 400 beautiful 💗)
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MAIA. MY SWEET, SWEET CONNIE FUCKER. hello ! thank you for following my stupid ass and interacting with me on the daily. 🥺 you know what, you might've not come in first for being my mutuals, but you're by far one of my favourite aot blogs on this stupid blue site. your brainrots are so fucking good, and you're unreasonably cool. like, what the fuck BUT SO INVITING AT THE SAME TIME? but anyways, thank you for following me, and I hope you enjoy your long distance relationship with your dumbass connie !
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CONNIE: what kinda dog you want? X CONNIE: match with me?? X
x, x, x, x
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The distance isn't really that much, which is what had surprised both of you. When you'd first started talking, you promised to go and see each other really soon. But then...you were dating suddenly, and neither of you had even seen the other in person outside of ft calls.
Even then, you lasted forever without going to drive and see each other. It was always Connie's car, or you couldn't get a drive.
Which is why four months into properly dating, Connie really wanted to surprise you.
He fixed up his car. Made sure it ran smoothly, even talked to your roommates to make sure he had the right address, and location, and set off on the seven hour journey.
When he's driving and near the end of his trip, he realizes he hasn't really gotten you any gifts, or anything that he could give you more than a joking, "me, i'm the present," for your anniversary, so he pulls off into the first Walmart in your area. A few items is all he really needs, he thinks.
He picks up a couple of nerf guns with the plan to have an all out battle with you. Then he trails down a snack aisle and stares at a bunch of stuff before shooting you a text:
What kinda snacks you fuckin with?
To which you reply: hold on lemme show you
What wasn't supposed to happen was you being in the same Walmart as him. You weren't supposed to make your way down the aisle he was standing in to show him what snacks you're into.
To make things worse, neither of you even notice it's the other at first. You're too intent on looking at the snacks. It's not until you go to eye the man standing in the aisle cause you're trying to take a picture does it dawn on you that that man is your boyfriend.
His eyes widen and he looks up from his phone. It's comical how slow he turns to look at you. But the explosion of a goofy smile across his features is enough to make your heart soft.
The loud crash of the nerf guns hitting the ground is enough to draw people's glares, but he doesn't care when he's got his arms around you with a, "holy shit!"
Within seconds that he's letting you go, he's got his arms outstretched like Will Smith presenting you, and "holy shit! Look at you!"
And maybe that makes your cheeks burn a little, because he can't stop swearing, and telling you how fucking pretty he thinks you are in person.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Without You
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Pairing: Logan x MC (Lexi Cahill)
Word count: 2.5 K words
Warning: Just a little cursing, here and there and Angst
MC is actually not present in this fic, this is Logan's POV, four months after he had to leave LA
Author's note: I decided to take part in @rodappreciationweek so here is my submission :)) 
Thanks to @choicesarehard @brightpinkpeppercorn and @client-327 for hosting this 💙
Thanks to @mvalentine for pre-reading it❤️❤️
Title inspiration: Without You by Avicii (ft. Sandro Cavazza)
Song: Gone by Blake Rose
Forgive me if I make any mistakes.
The rays of the sun spilled through the crack in my curtains, making the white walls a yellow hue. My eyes were bleary and red rimmed. It had just been moments since I woke up and my hangover struck me like a train wreck, a familiar electric pain behind my eyes.
I shouldn't have drank so much.
I moved my head to only see an an empty bed side. Of course she left. Who would want to stick around after a one night stand?
The hazy memories of last night filtered through my head, making me wince. Another night, another rave, another tray of shots and another chick to bang.
You could call it saturday shenanigans but, this was different.
Everything was different since I left her.
All my days just seem to melt away into a haze of alcohol and drugs... Today, tomorrow, yesterday seems to fuse into this neverending torture, an ache which no matter how much I drink or how many girls I fuck, never fucking ceases to hurt. The only thing which can fix this gaping wound in my heart is Lexi.
But she is not here.
And never will be.
So this is how it has been for the past weeks. Me getting inebriated to new extremes just to numb the pain and to temporarily erase the loneliness before I become sober again.
Because when I'm in those intoxicated wastelands, I'm so out of it that I can almost hallucinate her dancing with me. I can almost smell her strawberry shampoo, tickling my nose. I can almost hear her tinkling laugh.
And in my alcohol induced sleep, I dream of her in my arms the both of us fitting together, like two jigsaw puzzles.
I despise being sober. Because when I am In my senses, the entire load of loss weighs down on me, crushing me and suffocating me. The 'could have been's' and the regret are all a heavy burden on my shoulders.
A small part of me is often wishing, praying and hoping that things could just go back to normal but, deep in my gut I know, that nothing is ever going to be the same again.
Nothing is ever going to be the same, now that she was gone...
How much time does it take to get over people?
It may be a day, a week, a month or a year. There is no definitive time span for getting over someone you loved, someone you cherished or someone who was close to your heart.
I think it depends on how much of an impact the said person had on you or how much of a void that person left in you.
I was the wild and carefree guy, with no strings attached and never saw myself being the one to fall in love because... Let's admit it, love is a vulnerability, a weakness which people don't hesitate to exploit.
But fast forward to four months later, I am in the same category as those emotional pussies crying over a breakup.
Being brought up in foster homes made me grow up quickly. Some houses were good and caring whilst some were harsh. And knowing that I am the most cursed person to walk the earth, I was always was stuck with the shitty households.
Don't believe me? I still have those scars from the fights and the beatings.
Growing up in such a hostile environment, taught me that there is no room for weakness or error and that love and feelings are just some fairy tale myth which is made by philosophical fools to give you a sense of hope.
But, hope is a dangerous thing, two side of the same coin. It can make you and break you.
I don't think I would have survived my childhood but... That's when I fell in love with cars.
It holds a special place in my heart.
The way my adrenaline spikes as the pointer on my speedometer achieves unattainable speeds, the way I feel the purr of my engine resound through my entire body and they way it's just me, my car and the open road... Nobody could ever compare to that sensation of freedom.
Well, that was before I met her.
Lexi Cahill.
I admit it started off as a way to recruit her as an informant, a tool to stay out of prison, another heart to break.
But little did I know that life would pull the fucking reverse uno card on me. But, I'm low-key glad it did.
It's been 4 months since that scum bag was thrown into the jail.
Four months since the crew went its separate ways.
Four months since I walked away from her.
I don't want to let you go...
Those words were on a repeat in his head, like a broken tape recorder and her teary eyes and broken expression is forever burnt into his brain. It was so hard to let her go. The one time I found a reason to stay, a reason to fight for, a reason to stop running, life just fucked it all up.
It was a tussle, a war between what my heart wanted and the logical side of me which just left me exhausted.
In conclusion, heartbreak sucks.
I reach for my phone and switch it on to check the time. But my eyes fall on our prom photo which I had made as my wallpaper. It's really stupid how head over heels I'm in love with her.
But it's the truth.
There is a saying that life gives you only one great love and that many people go for years without that.
I was one of the few lucky people to get that at 18.
But life is not sunflowers and unicorns shitting rainbows. It's rough, it's hard with its a mix of ups and downs. But it seems like mine is set to be on the all time low.
Staggering to the bathroom, I heavily leaned against the counter, my muscles flexing as I gripped the edge. My eyes lifted to see my reflection staring back at me.
I look like a hot mess.
This isn't you Logan... My inner conscience said, which eerily sounded like her.
God, I really must be losing it, huh?
Slowly and painfully I started my morning chores, my body on auto pilot. My mind kept on wandering to Lexi. She would be in Langston by now.
Would she be in that off shoulder sweater of hers, her feather tattoo peaking from underneath the sleeve? Would she be highlighting and colour coordinating her notes like she always did?
Would she have made new friends? Or dare I say a new boyfriend?
Logan stop hurting yourself. I said to myself as I visibly cringed at the thought of someone else having their arms around her.
The idea of someone else kissing her soft lips or someone else holding her hands or someone else running his hands along the curvature of her naked back made me equal parts angry and sad.
Angry for you know, obvious reasons but sad for the life I had to leave behind in LA.
God I hate this existential crisis shit... It's to early to question life.
I dragged myself in the direction of the kitchen, the smell of bacon waking me up. I was shirtless and wearing a pair of sweatpants because I was too fucking tired to wear anything else.
"Look who has decided to grace us with their presence."
"Shut up Carl, it's too early for your bullshit." Raven said as she slapped the top of his head.
I shot her a look of gratitude as I sank into my seat and reached for the plate of pancakes.
Carl and Raven were the closest thing to parents for me. Carl was a tough man with huge muscles, around six feet tall but, he was as goofy as a child. Raven was his girlfriend who was hella intimidating. The kohl lined eyes and the floral tattoo on the side of her shaven head made her look fierce. Both of them were in their early thirties and ran the Detroit Central crew.
We three were in a different crew when I was 15 and they really took a liking for me. They taught me everything I know and they are the family that I always came back too.
I dug into my breakfast, eating slowly and savouring the sweetness of the maple syrup.
"Thank god you are atleast eating now." Raven said as she ruffled my hair and turned towards the sink.
I shrugged and Carl picked up the newspaper to read, settling into his seat. Suddenly, the bell rang which had all of our backs becoming as stiff as a rod.
"Were you expecting someone, darlin'?" Raven asked, trying to peak through the windows.
"Don't get up, I'll do it." Carl said as he picked up the gun on the counter and pushed it into the back pocket of his cargo pants.
I was frozen, terrified. I had been very careful in escaping but me being the reckless fool and getting drunk seven ways to Sunday may have tipped them off.
I'm such a colossal dumbass.
I could hear Carl's gruff voice talking but I couldn't peek at the person on the other side of the door. I just sank further into my seat, hoping that it was some lost person and not the FBI.
"Boy this one's for you." He moved aside and the person I least expected to see walked in.
"You look like shit."
"Good morning to you too, asshole." I rolled my eyes.
Colt walked into the kitchen, wearing his trademark leather jackets and dark jeans. His combat boots made a thud sound with each step which made my headache worse.
"Will you be okay, Lo-lo?" Raven asked, her eyes flitting to the jerk standing in her kitchen.
Colt snorted at the nickname but luckily kept his mouth shut.
"Yep Ra. Meet Colt Kaneko. Colt meet Raven and Carl." I spoke at I stood up and put my dirty dishes in the sink.
"Oh you are Kaneko's boy, aren't you?"
"We heard about what went down in LA. Our condolences. He was a great man."
He gave a nod. It was a sore subject for me as well. That night in the alley, I wished I could take it back. I usually am not one to regret what I spew but whatever I said to Kaneko is another burden I'm gonna carry all my life.
"Also heard about your crew busted the Brotherhood? You were the mastermind behind it right?" Carl said as he crossed his arms.
"As much as I would love to take the credit, it was Lexi who came up with the plan." Colt said his eyes darted towards me, gauging my reaction.
"The newbie? Heard she drives like the wind-"
Hearing her name felt like an iron fist clenching my heart. That name will always be the source of my happiness, my cherished memories and my melancholy.
"Colt let's take this to the backyard, shall we?" Logan spoke up, interrupting them.
He walked to the back door and Colt followed him wordlessly. It a sunny day but a cool breeze blew which provided some kind of relief.
I reached to take out two beers from the cooler and handed him one. Colt raised an eyebrow.
"Beer... At ten in the morning?"
I shrugged as I popped the bottle cap off mine. "It's 5pm somewhere else."
"That's true too. Cheers." We clinked the necks of our bottles and took a sip as we sat down on the patio chairs.
I turned towards him. "So what brings you to Detroit?"
"To see your pretty face?" Colt said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.
I snorted. "Always knew you had a thing for me, pretty boy."
"Always knew that you had an ego the size of Jupiter, dickhead. Some things just don't change."
I sighed. "Can't say the same for me through. Everything is different now."
Surprisingly, Colt didn't mock him. He stared down at the bottle in his hands. "Yeah... I can understand. How are you holding up?" He asked as he turned to face me.
I took a huge gulp of my beer before responding, my eyes staring at the mango tree in my neighbor's back yard.
"Not too good. It's been hard for the last couple of months. Kaneko's death, leaving LA and maintaining a low profile... It's been tough."
Life without Lexi is tough.
"Yeah I can understand. I still imagine pops opening the door to wake me up. And don't get me started on the FBI... bunch of bloodsuckers." He muttered the last part.
I snorted. "I'll drink to that."
"Good thing they are off our backs now." Colt spoke eyeing him from the corner of his eyes.
I scoffed. "Bitch please. They are anything but lazy. They are gonna continue hunting us down till the end of time."
"I meant that we are not the top priorities at the moment. Sure Mona was sent to jail but, a little birdie told me that they are after this 'world class' thief at the moment."
"That's a relief I guess."
"Do you know what this means?" He asked taking another sip of beer.
"It's too early for my brain to function. Come to the point, asshole."
"We are rebuilding the crew, dickhead."
My eyes widened. "No way."
"Yup." He said popping the 'p'. He downed the remainder of his beer before standing up. "I'm done repairing the garage. We have a job in two months and I need a crew for that. I already have Ximena on board and now I'm gonna go over to Toby's."
My mind was swimming. Mercy Park Crew was coming back for good.
I looked up at him, suddenly nervous. "What about Lexi?"
He rolled his eyes. "When I said I'm rebuilding the crew, I also meant recruiting Lexi, dumbass."
Oh god.
She is going to come back.
I was frozen in my place once again. I had often asked myself how I would react if I got the chance to meet her again. I always imagined that I would let out the loudest cheer and dance like a mad man.
But this is reality and my thundering heart was a reminder of that.
"Why are you sitting there with your mouth open like a fish? Go! Get your girl."
And that was it. I rushed to my room, put on some decent clothes and haphazardly stuffed my things into my satchel. Grabbing my keys and yelling a quick good bye to Raven and Carl, I was out and in my 2005 Devore GT.
Reving the engine I took off on the roads of Detroit, heading for the highway.
The window was open and the breeze threaded through my unruly hair, making me feel alive. My hands clutched the wheel and my foot pressed down on the accelerator, speeding through the empty streets.
For the first time, in a very long, the roads which felt like a never ending maze for me, were the very ones which were the path to my freedom.
The path to my happiness.
The path to my Lexi.
I hope you liked it 😊
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kakakakashi · 4 years
Beast Mia Martina (ft. Waka Flocka Flame) // Shisui Uchiha
Oh my fucking GOD! The second I heard this, I was like “SHISUI WOULD LOVE THIS SONG AND DANCE LIKE A DUMBASS TO IT!” Like, please tell me that you guys also 100% see him dancing to it so awkwardly to make you laugh & just… this dork.
I love you for this, fam. You made me think of a whole situation I didn’t know I needed until now. Do they have twerking in the Naruto universe? I hope so. Shisui could totally twerk, but he never would. He’d only purposefully do it horribly to make people laugh.
“My dancing skills are amazing. I could seduce anyone with my moves.” You couldn’t help laughing at Shisui. It was obvious he was trying to make you smile, but you were going to press him just as much as he was pressing you.
“Sure thing, Shisui. Anything you say.” You’re currently both lounging on a picnic blanket at the Uchiha training grounds, but Shisui immediately stands up. His faux offense reads in a dramatic expression across is face while his bent hand comes up to his chest. You have wounded him apparently.
It only makes you sputter to yourself while you try to keep from laughing out loud. That’s all it takes for Shisui to start shaking his hips in the most ridiculous fashion you’ve ever seen. He flails his arms around, exaggerating all of his purposefully horrendous dance moves. Your face is probably red with how much you’re repressing your laughter.
When he turns away from you, and squats down so his hands are on his knees, you know exactly what he’s about to do. It doesn’t stop you from bursting out into a fit of hysteria when he starts twerking like a fish out of water, and now you’re kicking and panting through your uncontrollable laughter. Tears prickle in your eyes as he stops, turning back to see how hard you’re laughing.
He gives you a little shimmy when he returns to his spot on the blanket, obviously pleased he’s made you a mess. His sparkling expression is filled with mirth and adoration while you start to calm down. He’s so proud of himself for getting that reaction out of you, and his heart feels like it might burst.
Meanwhile, you’re finally calming down enough to catch your breath in your aching stomach while you massage your aching cheeks. Shisui could dance. You knew that, and you’d even seen him in action. He had real moves, but nothing could ever beat how goofy he was when he danced for you like that.  
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tmhedden-blog1 · 4 years
i just want a girlfriend that will: rant to me about anything and everything, let me rant to them, fall asleep on ft with me, send me cute/goofy selfies, call me to hear my voice, screenshot my snaps, obsess over pretty girls with me, send me tiktoks, call me “dork” “idiot” “dummy” “stupid” “dumbass” etc. but also call me “babe” “baby” “babygirl” “princess” etc. ft me just for them to take a nap, call me in the morning while they get ready and at night while they’re going to sleep, talk to their family about me, gets along with my family, likes kids (and like more stuff i’ll think of in 5 minutes and feel stupid when i realize i didn’t put it on here) is that too much to ask for? 😂
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tsukidotcom · 4 years
Tsukishima Kei — Teasing
This is referring to more of a friendship with Kei than a romantic relationship. But you could think of it either way :)
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Okay obviously this man is going to be a huge tease. Shorter than him by a few inches? Will make fun of your height. Your hair naturally brown? Will call you shitty hair (bakugou is that you?).
He won’t say sorry about it, either. Unless you visibly show you’re legitimately hurt by it. Like deeply hurt by it.
It Was At This Moment That He Knew, He Fucked Up.
You guys probably will avoid each other for a few days before Yamaguchi makes him talk to you. Once when you and him are alone he will be really awkward about it. A lot of unwanted tension and unneeded silence.
He’ll blurt out he’s sincerely sorry. Maybe even treat you afterwords by buying you a meatbun/your favorite snack. He isn’t familiar with words and how to use them. His tone of voice may come out wrong or he says something he doesn’t mean. Please don’t react harshly by what he says baby is really trying his best 🥺 Give him a few minutes to untangle his words and say it properly.
Once when he finally got his shit together by then you know he’s sincere and you feel better. You might chuckle a little bit because he’s just a goofy hot mess. He’s so funny trying to apologize to you. like a child !
He will never admit this out loud��and I mean NEVER—but he does care about you. Teasing is just his way of showing affection. The more he teases the more he seems to like you. But he doesn’t want you to know he likes you. So he does the OPPOSITE of love; hate. Tease. Being obnoxiously,, out of his way, rude. Another reason why he teases is to hide how he feels? Like if he suddenly becomes embarrassed he’ll call you “bakka” or some other mean comment to hide the fact his face is a very deep shade of beetroot.
He also teases because he likes your attention. Who knew a snarky comment could give him all the attention in the world?
Again, he‘s aware he can take things too far, but he never actually knows the what. What causes things to be too far. What does he SAY that’s bad. Why? When? Where? Who?
In his noggin, he knows he doesn’t think the things he says are true. So when you take it seriously he seems clueless at first
Poor Tsukishima,, thinking people can read his mind and know he’s joking.
After thinking the situation through your perspective, he can see how much of an asshole he really looked. Mental facepalm.
Once when you guys make up, and I mean the SECOND you make up, he is back to being a salty saltine cracker. Will say lighthearted remarks.
He will probably purposely call you a ✨nostalgic✨ nickname or say the most used remark he always uses on you. I say nostalgic like one of the first insults he ever said to you.
Since you guys have been avoiding each other, being able to hear Tsukishima’s remarks somehow made you happy??? Especially a older one.
He’s considerate idk 🥰
And babey really does have a heart please 🥺 he just hides it with his salty comments. Everyone notices his mean remarks but if you analyze them you’d realize he meant something TOTALLY different.
For example:
“Hey, Shorty.”
“I’m not short!!!”
“I have to bend down just to be able to look at you.”
“I will steal your knee caps before you get the chance to run away.”
“You’re legs are so short, N/N-san. You wouldn’t be able to keep up with me.”
What he was really saying was;
“I want you’re attention. look at me.”
“oh, here’s you’re attention.”
“Not Enough .”
“m o r e”
Yeah, he’s subtle like that.
After you two get it off, his way of words starts to rub off of you. Whether you like it or not. You suddenly know great combacks whenever you get into an argument. Always leaving the other person speechless. You learned from the best, after all 😳
If you tell him that you learned from the best, he’ll most likely feel flustered. A sudden tint of pink rose to his cheeks and the tip of his ears. He’ll call you stupid and useless as he looks the opposite direction of you to cover his face. Because you’ve been picking up his own habits you start teasing him.
“Awwe, is Tsukishima-kun flustered?”
He’s so used to you teasing/insulting him that when you actually compliment him he doesn’t know how to act. Even if it was more on the sarcastic side he’ll still freeze up like 😀 whut.
He also just adores you so a compliment from you is everything 🥰🥰 a mega softy on the inside don’t fight me on this.
All in all is a real jokster 😅🤣 but can and will be serious when needed. He will always be there for you. He isn’t good with words but is real good with actions.
If he notices you’re visibly sad he’ll (snarkily) ask if you want to hang/study at his place. If you accept y’all would just chill out in his room. He would be wearing his headphones, doing homework on his desk or something while you sit on his bed, a big dino plushy wrapped around your hands. Probably scrolling mindlessly through your phone. Sometimes each others presence is all you guys need. Suddenly you don’t feel as sad.
If you’re really sad and just end up breaking down, venting and/or crying out to him, he’ll listen and won’t interrupt you. Headphones = off.
Don’t expect him to say a speech or reassuring words. He doesn’t know shit when it comes to that type of stuff. You shouldn’t expect him to hug you, either. Even tho most people would react that way Tsukishima isn’t like that.
“Oi, what are you-”
“Tsukki,” you sniff, “I can’t do this anymore....” You bury your face in the dino plushy, hugging it closer to your chest.
You go off and complain about your life. He would definitely be surprised/taken aback. He’d just drop whatever he was doing and listen to you. If someone did something bad to you (a bad friend, dark past, toxic relationships, etc.,) He’s imagining how to confront them at tomorrow at school ❤️😌
But that would have to wait. He definitely wouldn’t say a mean comment. If he does, it would only be one that could make you laugh. Lift your spirit. In the moment, he might put a hand on your shoulder, arm, or back. Just to remind you he’s here. And you might lean into his touch. You just spoiled your deepest insecurities and past, after all. You’re vunerable to him now. And honestly Tsukishima might be the best person for that.
He’s quiet and reserved even though he says loud, evil comments all the time at everyone. Nobody can read his facial features because he always stares with a blank face. Nobody can pinpoint what he’s thinking. And nobody asks because he hides well behind the wall of Tsukki Insults™️©. Even being as tall as 190 cm, he can hide pretty well. He can definitely keep a secret and act like nothing happened.
He also might rub circles on your back or squeeze your arm/shoulder as a way of saying “you’re okay” “i’m here” “don’t worry”
This isn’t his typical style but this is definitely a side of him that’s there. It’s just nobody sees it.
After you feel better, he’d act back to normal and keep on doing his work. If not, he’s probably babying you a little bit. Will give you water or warm milk (warm milk and cookies, maybe??) and put on a movie on his tv in his room. The tv is small but, i mean,, it’s there.
Turn off the lights for you. Maybe make popcorn or any snack you like.
“But—Tsukki. You’re homework... you won’t be able to do it in the dark.”
“It’s fine. I can do it in the morning.”
“Are you sure..?”
“Yes, baka, I’m sure.” He ?softly¿ scowls
You’d be under the warm covers. He’d probably be in bed, too. Not under the covers though. And he makes sure to keep his distance. A few ft seperate you guys. The only way that gap is gonna close is if you move yourself.
If you do,,, he’d definitely ask and tease you. ‘oh, you wanna be near me?’ “shut up.”
Honestly you probably feel touch deprived, or touch deprivation. After all that crying and thinking bad thoughts. You’d probably want a simple hug but Tsuki would never give that to you and you know it. Even if you directly asked he wouldn’t. And watching a movie in the dark just makes the atmosphere so moody..? Perfect rime for cuddles!
I dont blame you 💔🥺
Kei wouldn’t move away but he wouldn’t suddenly put an arm over your shoulder or anything. He’s gonna keep to himself. He won’t mind sitting like a few inches apart. If your shoulders are slightly touching? He’s gonna get a lil tense. If you are noticeably leaning onto him and your legs are close to his (even when they’re under covers) he is gonna be rEalLY tense and flustered.
“What do you want, creep.”
“Liar. Just spill it.”
“Mm, I just want to be with you. Is that okay?” You say, teasingly innocent.
A flustered tsuki tenses his shoulders, “I’m already with you, dumbass.”
“Saying useless insults now, are you?”
“Shut up.”
Will probably end up leaning on you a bit, too :>
If you fall asleep he’s just gonna let you sleep on his bed all night and sleep on the couch or something. His neck will be a pain in the morning which he’ll make you buy him a strawberry shortcake as a thanks for his bravery and sacrifice.
“Here’s your shitty shortcake, your highness.” You say sarcastically.
He gives you that signature smirk, “This is what happens when you fall asleep after balling your eyes out to me-”
“Hey!” You grow pink out of embarrassment. You’re an ugly cryer so you didn’t even want to imagine what Tsukishima witnessed.
“Uh...., T-Thanks for listening, by the way..”
“Oi, don’t start getting sentimental.”
“I-I’m not!” you protest, “Can I not say thanks? I mean, you helped me... a lot. I always bottle things up.... so i...”
“It’s fine. You repayed me by giving me this strawberry shortcake.” He eats another bite
You look up at him and smile. You could tell he meant that he doesn’t mind it. And for you to shut up before he gets flustered again.
Tsukishima Kei cares for you 101
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