#ft. hank
elifalvey · 2 years
location — ugly sweater party @ the williams’ house.
when — saturday, december 17th.
status — for hank ( @hxnkbrxmson​ ).
There was a moment between talking with Dylan and trying to find a new beer to drink that Elijah had forgotten all about his initial desire to reunite with Lorelai. He was certain that by this point the sweater he had lent her was completely off (and probably stuffed in a corner so that he could never find it again), and slightly less certain that she was even still hanging around somewhere. With a sigh, suddenly remembering, his eyes scanned the crowded room of the Williams’ house in search of her and with no luck, he started wading through the crowd towards the backyard. He figured if she’d be anywhere, that she’d be there — it was significantly less crowded with more room to spread out, and only slightly quieter than indoors. As he spilled out of the backdoor, he couldn’t find his friend anywhere out there either. But brown eyes did settle on someone else that he’d consider a friend, and before he really put much thought to it, he walked over towards Hank in long strides and said, “Hank! Hey! I wouldn’t have expected to see you here.” Despite his blunt words, he was simply speaking observationally. “It’s nice to see you, though! I like your sweater! But, hey — speaking of, can you tell me if you’ve seen a woman walk through here? Tall, dark hair, very posh looking, wearing an extremely ugly colorful sweater that’s a little too big for her? It’s got snowflakes on it, if that helps. She’s seemed to have disappeared on me.”
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glass-noodle · 7 months
I'm unsure if it's a good scenario or not but it's something I've been thinking of kamski fucking with the water in Connor's tank could be using a different chlorine or salt level or something and it causes him to get allergic stuffy runny gills and red nose lots of sneezing but Connor tries to hide the symptoms from Hank
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
And more detroit become human characters as textposts! bc I can’t quit
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antipathy-arsonist · 6 months
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woopz indeed
you may have noticed that i drew this already but im not really happy with that + its from last November so you get gore yaoi HD remaster 2024
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aliyebalik · 3 months
closed starter for @hxnkbrxmson at the kismet harbor pier
A day off work with nothing else on the schedule was about as perfect a time as Aliye could imagine. She'd surfed in the morning, dropped her dog off to hang out with her mom for awhile, and was now out at the pier to see what there was to do with the rest of her afternoon. She'd opted for her longboard that afternoon, lazily pushing her way around the pier and occasionally attempting some trick with it along the way to keep it interesting. Coming back down onto her board from a kickflip, Aliye caught sight of someone that was watching and, at least to her, looked interested. Swerving over in his direction, a big smile on her face, Aliye pulled up to chat with the guy. "You ride too?" she asked, figuring that maybe he was just a fellow longboarder.
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wayward-wren · 1 year
Every single character I have ever obsessed over falls into one of four categories:
Kid with no one in his corner who's used to looking after himself realises that (often despite his best efforts) people actually care about him and he has a support system.
Older brother type vibes who is the comic relief and painted as dumb or clueless but actually has deep insecurities and is so so smart in other ways and has a fiercely protective streak.
Young (though not always) woman who has been through a rough time and has Trauma but is still strong and refuses to let her past define her and makes an effort to be kind. (this character tends to become part of my soul)
Loser man become dad.
Also bonus points to trope voted Most Relatable but is never my favourite character:
5. Kid who has had a reasonably trauma-less life compared to friends and feels a bit like a sidekick and maybe doesn't consider their problems worthy when their friends have been through so much more
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slimmestslime · 5 months
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does this count as disney
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leilabarak · 1 year
closed starter for @hxnkbrxmson at the performance arts festival
The best part of having all of the activities out in the park was that Brock was able to come along for the adventure. Sitting on a spread out blanket, Leila was leaned over on the dog putting together little sandwiches from the picnic food she'd brought to share with Hank while they settled in for the Hamlet performance. "Y'know, I've never seen or read Hamlet before," she mused, not sure if she was excited about it or not. "I left school before they made me do it. Is it anything good?" Even if it wasn't, the little cracker sandwiches and food would keep her entertained for the duration of the show.
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vaulttecexec · 4 months
in this article, we're going to talk about barb vs secretary and how their relationships with vault tec are fundamentally different.
let's assume hank meant it when he said he loved his wife. while doing so, assume barb meant it when she said the people she loved were cooper and janey.
unlike barb, hank used his family to gain a foothold at vault tec. when he called the order to have shady sands torched and destroyed, he used his family as an excuse to do so and justified his actions to vault tec's benefit. he did so knowing there would be mass casualty and that was okay with him. he actually acted on the worst scenario.
unlike hank, barb used vault tec to gain a foothold in her efforts to protect her family. she kept working to make sure they went to a good vault, and she acted as a mouthpiece for the suits we never really saw to make that happen. if mass casualty were to happen anyway, she wanted her family to survive it. she acted on the possibility of the worst scenario.
it's safe to assume if she saw her secretary and heard even a whiff of what he'd been up to, it'd be both hands on site, because hank knew better than anyone her reservations, hesitations, and her conflicts with everything going on. she also knows he's capable of being a better man, and he needs someone to knock him out of his climb for power.
vault tec, ruining families since their formation.
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wonderbeast · 2 years
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it's revealed that charles wiped the mind of hank's old childhood friend / crush, jennifer non-consensually and without even checking in with hank if this was a good idea. hank tries to kill charles like half an hour after he joins the x-men because of this, and yeah, its so fucked up?? like hello???? hank historically has always been the most close to charles in terms of ideology & politics but i think this contextualises why despite that he's also the first x-man to leave.
MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS vol 1 #85 C story (1988): "JUST FRIENDS: PART ONE OF EIGHT" written by scott lobdell and drawn by rob liefeld & jae lee.
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elifalvey · 2 years
location — expresso yourself.
status — for hank ( @hxnkbrxmson​ ).
Sending the invitation text to Hank had been the easy part. Treading through conversation to find a date and time that worked for the both of them had, surprisingly, also been easy. The impatience that came with waiting for the other to actually show up had been the hard part. Sat in the most secluded corner of the coffee shop, Elijah had been people-watching — or, really, looking at every single person that happened to walk through the front doors, and masking a sigh with another sip of coffee when that person wasn’t Hank. Did he arrive early? Yes, but that still didn’t stop him from being worried that he’d wind up sitting here for nothing. It had been months since Elijah reached out to the other man, and quite frankly, he had no idea if that was okay; he still didn’t really know him that well, and for all he could guess, he was just agreeing to be polite with no actual plans of showing up. Deep down, Elijah knew that he couldn’t really blame him for that if that were the case. He wanted to build a friendship with him, something more genuine than getting blitzed at all the bars in town he could think of, but hadn’t exactly been the best at following through. In an attempt to change that, extending his new-found happiness in other areas of his life, he reached out to him. 
And now, he sat with his coffee half-drank and Hank’s going cold. He was distracted by a notification on his phone when the bell above the front door chimed once more, and Elijah looked up with an almost immediate smile on his face. “Hank, hey! I’m glad you could make it,” he said once the other stepped closer, setting his phone down and pushing the cup of black coffee further towards the open seat. “I, uh — I ordered you a coffee but I have no idea if you drink it, so. You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. It’s just black, there’s some cream cups and those little sugar packets there if you do want to.” He offered a friendly smile. “How have you been?”
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616scarletvision · 2 years
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i stand overwhelmed by your logic.
AVENGERS ANNUAL vol 1 #7 (1967) : "THE FINAL THREAT" written & drawn by jim starlin
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antipathy-arsonist · 11 months
CRINGETOBER DAY 15: Song lyrics
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Opposite ends of the speech problem spectrum
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narixyang · 2 years
location; egypt wing tagged; @hxnkbrxmson​
With the showing of The Mummy coming on shortly, Nari had relented and agreed to let her nephews join in to watch it at the IMAX. While she wasn’t completely sold that they were old enough for it, she also didn’t really remember enough about it to judge appropriately. Shuffling in towards the seating area, Nari winced as the two boys went charging down the aisle. “Sorry, is it alright if we sit by you?” she asked as they came towards someone that was sitting on their own.
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aliyebalik · 1 day
closed starter for @hxnkbrxmson at the founder's festival
As much as Aliye had wanted to pay attention and listen to the mayor's speech about the founding of the town, it had taken all of thirty seconds before her brain felt like mush. Bouncing on her toes, Aliye had very quickly abandoned any attempts at listening, instead looking around for something more interesting. It was a stroke of good fortune that she spotted a familiar face and immediately tossed her skateboard to the ground, taking a quick running start to glide her way over to Hank. Rolling into the vicinity of where he was standing, Aliye greeted him with a bright smile, letting the board slowly roll to a stop near the man. "Haaaaaank. What's up, dude, how are you?" she asked, the loudness of her voice met quickly by some scathing looks from other bystanders that were actually listening to the mayor's tale. "Sorry, sorry, right. Decibel level down. Good to see you, though, are you out here for the day to have fun? Wanna go do stuff?"
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tokkosoap · 3 months
X-men but foods
I got this idea at like 10 pm yesterday and spent ages drawing them all so have fun(some of the foods make sense, some were just cus they looked cool)
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List if anyones curious:
Logan:Durian(stinky spikey man)
Scott and Jean: Cherries
Remy: Dragonfruit
Rogue: Coconut
Kurt: Blueberry
Jubilee: Pop rocks(specifically bubblegum)
Morph: Yellow pear
Storm: Star fruit
Cable: Mangosteen
Hank: Blue plum
Ft jean and Scott connected
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