#ftwd season 1
chellquin · 4 months
S1E5 & 6 (because I failed to realise the episode had ended 😂😂) he did mean it Travis, he does not like your girlfriend. Also Strand, throughout the show he has given me hope and disappointed me, he's a coward, and it's so clear from the word go, protecting himself was paramount.
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justinewt · 7 months
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Meet Nikki Clark before reading <3
Summary: With a complicated past, Nikki tried to lead a normal life after getting out of rehab for the umpteenth time. She got to nursing school, she wanted to help people but... she got expelled for taking drugs from the infirmary and Madison managed to prevent the school from pressing charges if the young woman left. A normal life overall. It wasn't the worst thing had happened to her but at least, she had some medical training and she still could help. For a while, everything was normal for the Clarks. That is, until an unknown illness started affecting the citizens of Los Angeles, turning them into undead beings relentlessly seeking human flesh. This incited a catastrophic chain reaction that will bring down civilization as they knew it. 
[Status: OFF&ON]
New chapter on Sunday 6pm CET 
Words: 4.1k
Chapters' list:
SEASON 1 (2015)
Chapter 1 - Fear Begins Here
Chapter 2 - Canary in The Coal Mine (12/24/2023)
Chapter 3 - The Body Keeps Scores (TBA)
SEASON 2 (2016)
SEASON 3 (2017)
SEASON // (////)
!! My fanfiction follows the events/timeline of the TV series!! (lots of seasons 1,2,3 etc spoilers to expect)!!
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angel of small death, chapter one
Welcome to my Daryl Dixon slow burn fan fiction, I hope you enjoy!
Summary for entire work: Piper, a 19 year old girl, alongside her 16 year old sister, Dina, are thrust into a dead-infested wasteland of the world they once knew. Having had a difficult home life before turn, will this new world be a sweet release?
<< O N E>>>
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It’s been a month since the day my mother was murdered and so much has changed. Riots broke out on the highway we were stuck on after we all watched in horror as the city was bombed and that was the moment we decided that we needed to get off that highway. Shane and Lori were cautiously speed walking back to their car and as they did so, Shane knocked on the passenger window making myself and Adina jump. He was telling us that they were going to leave, and he was inviting to bring us with him to safety. I nodded to him and said that we would go with him, so we got our bags and left the car, meeting up with Shane, Lori, and her son Carl, as well as meeting Carol, Ed, and Sophia Peltier.
Now, we are all in a larger group of survivors tucked away in a quarry; most of the people I have met since being here are decent and friendly enough, like a young man around my age, Glenn Rhee, who offers his help to everyone around the camp. However, some are…not as great. Ed Peltier is an abusive husband and father, and no one is ever able to forget it with their tent not being soundproof, and Ed having no shame in covering them in bruises.
I’ve managed to make some friends here despite the circumstances- Andrea is the member I have become closest to because of how similar our situations are with having to be the older sister/parent substitute.
There is one however who I can’t quite tell what type of person he is. Daryl Dixon. The younger brother of the loudmouthed bigoted Merle Dixon. Although they are brothers, they are practically polar opposites, in terms of volume at least, with Merle’s mouth spouting off enough for himself and his brother, who for the most part keeps to himself, going hunting on his own to provide for the group and earn his keep. In fact, their hunting is most likely the only reason that Shane, the self-proclaimed leader of the camp, hasn’t put his foot down more and gotten rid of them both.
As a woman in this camp, my jobs are mostly to just to cook and clean, because apparently the end of the world means the reverse of women’s liberation. I don’t mind it though; I mean sure it’s boring but at least me and Dina aren’t dead or putting ourselves on the front line going on runs into the city and getting up close with the dead.
I was tasked with going around the tents and collecting their laundry. Great. Every tent goes by smoothly until I get to the furthest ones from the middle of camp- the Dixons. I approached the area awkwardly trying to figure out if they were nearby or if they had gone hunting, and unlucky for me Merle emerged from the treeline with a few squirrels in hand.
“Wo-ho-hooo there darlin’” I freeze as he addresses me, “Whatcha think ya doin’ snoopin’ ‘round mah shit?” He dramatically waves his hands in the air as he speaks, taking large strides over towards me, “Weren’t tryna steal nothin’ were ya?” He at this point is getting in my face and lowering his voice to try and intimidate me, pushing his body against the basket full of dirty laundry that I was trying to use to put some space between us. “Cuz ya know I can’t let that shit slide, right honey?” As he speaks he keeps pushing himself closer, as I clench my jaw and turn my head to the side so I’m not forced to stare at him, which he doesn’t like one bit. “SPEAK WHEN YER SPOKEN TO!” he suddenly shouts, making me jump as spit sprays at my face.
“Hey! What’s goin’ on back here?” I hear Shane shout as he approaches, seeing Merle still standing in front of me refusing to move. I move my head to look him in the eyes and straightening my back, standing my ground. “Someone needs to put this bitch in’er place,” He says loud enough for Shane and the crowd of onlookers that have gathered around us, “I know what’ll sortcha out, girl.” The second part he leans in towards my ear to say quieter before leaning back to check my face, now full of disgust. He goes to open his mouth again, so I spit at him and push him backwards with the basket, making him trip and stumble over himself from the surprise.
“Do your own damned laundry.” I mutter as I walk away towards the other women already at work by the water.
“You alright?” Shane quietly asks as I walk past him.
“Just fine!” I shout back, not stopping until I’m by the water.
What an asshole.
With Merle feeling emasculated by the whole situation earlier, by the time I get back up to camp he has volunteered to go on a run that some people in the group are going on tomorrow morning, to the dismay of everyone else going with him.
That night I spend staring up at the top of the tent lost in my own thoughts until Dina speaks from the entrance of the tent.
“You alright? You hardly had anything to eat before coming in here.” She asks me whilst zipping up the tent. The truth was that you didn’t want to eat any food brought back by Merle after what had happened that day, especially with him glaring daggers at you from where he was sat eating alone.
“Yeah, just peachy.” I say sarcastically and scoff, sitting up to look over at my sister om the other side of our new home.
“I heard what happened with Merle…such an asshole- I heard ya got him back though” she says the last part with a giggle and we both start laughing.
“Yeah I did, almost sent him flyin’ and landin’ on his ass. Too bad he just tripped.”
Dina snorts, “Yeah well, you’ve made lifelong enemies now with the Dixons, sleep with one eye open or else.”
We both lay down and continue talking quietly to each other like two friends at a sleepover until I hear footsteps outside the tent. I hushed her and slowly got up, quickly opening the tent to catch the culprit, finding a dead squirrel outside the entrance.
“What the…” I say as I pick it up and scan the campsite, not seeing anyone around. Who would do this? Was this Merle apologising? I’m so confused right now… but it’s too late to worry about this, so I go back into the tent and show my sister what I found before we both settle down and go to sleep.
The next morning when I wake up, I get dressed into my cargo pants, a black cami top and boots, then head out to start my day, seeing everyone preparing for the run into town. I make a point to go over to everyone as they are packing supplies and wish them safe travels- that is everyone except Merle Dixon, who right now cannot take his eyes off me, full of hatred and watching my every movement as if he wants to punch me in the face. As I was hugging and saying goodbye to Andrea, he started to make his way over to me, only to be stopped by his brother putting a hand on his shoulder, “C’mon man…” he mutters to him to try and nudge him away from us, and now Andrea and I have shifted our focus to Merle.
“Woah now- I ain’t tryna stir the pot baby brother, jus’ wan’ a hug an’ kiss goodbye of my own from lil miss sunshine over here. Ain’t nice to exclude, missy.” I roll my eyes at him and glance behind him to look at Daryl’s expression, which is one of sheer embarrassment as he avoids eye contact with me and his face flushes.
“Try to not get eaten out there, asshole,” I glared at him, “cuz that would be a damned shame.” I look between them all once more, hugging Andrea one last time before leaving them all, making my way over to Dale who is sat atop his RV.
“Hey, Dale?” I look up at him and get his attention, “Who was on watch last night? Straight after dinner?”
“Uhhm…Not too sure, might’ve been Shane, why what’s up?” He asks with some concern. “Oh alright, was just wondering if you had seen who left the little gift I got last night? Got a squirrel left outside mine and Dina’s tent, is all…” I trail off and glance around the camp trying to spot Shane to interrogate him next. Spotting him chopping some firewood, I say goodbye and thanks to Dale and make my way over to the officer.
“Hey, were you on watch last night…?” I ask him awkwardly, feeling like a nuisance. He glances up at me for a second before going back to chopping wood, having a guilty look on his face. “Yeah, why? Somethin’ happen I don’t know ‘bout?” He chops the wood more aggressively than before- weird, is he hiding something? Sure seems guilty enough…
“Someone left me a squirrel outside my tent last night and I didn’t see who it was…was just wondering if you knew who in case a certain redneck left me poisoned food,” I joke, “You didn’t see anything, right?” He chops one more piece of wood and then leaves the axe in the tree stump, straightening his back and walking over to me.
“Listen here darlin’,” He lowers his voice with an intense look in his eyes, “I ain’t see nothin’ ‘bout no damned squirrel…Ain’t no one gotta know ‘bout me not bein’ on watch last night, so I suggest ya keep it to yerself.”
Woah. What is going on?
A/N AAAAHHH IM SO NERVOUS TO POST THIS I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY IT, i have not written any more of this as of posting this so please lmk what you think!! <3
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watchingthescreen · 2 months
i love the fact that literally in the first fucking episode, Madison proves what a wonderful mother she is, not giving a single shit about what happened in the church, even when Travis confirms that something bad happened there.
i mean idk, i’m not a parent, but i guess it would be good to hear from what, my child was running away, when it was hit by a car. even if the said child was hallucinating it. i know dealing with addict's bullshit is hard but i would at least tried listen to it, especially when it’s my child. i mean, let's assume it wasn't a zombie, but some other fucked up thing happened to Nick. for example, that after getting high, someone would simply start eating someone else and Nick would witness it. is saying "you're fucked up, go back to rehab" a sign that you're trying to understand him or that you care about him?
yes, i totally making a sad little meow meow of Nick. i love this guy, i want the best for him.
Madison could at least pretend that she actually cares about her kids and not just that they're alive if she's going to use them to justify all the shit she does. because it doesn’t look like she cares about Nick's wellbeing or how he feels.
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pbpsbff · 4 months
i keep rewatching the first couple seasons of ftwd because ive never seen the full thing but alicia and nick's dynamic makes me emotional
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yanxidarlings · 9 months
would anyone be interested if I started writing for the walking dead? im just getting into the franchise (s2 original s1 fear) but it's definately looking like something i'm gonna get invested in
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anggelic · 2 years
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 4 months
I kinda feel bad for the original ftwd stars, I mean it really became The Morgan Show as soon as he dropped in. But. At the same time. The Morgan Show is really fucking good.
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farminglesbian · 6 months
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fear the walking dead, s8 final episodes (2023)
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thewalkingdeadband · 1 year
I've watched the new teaser for Ftwd's next and last season and the promo photos. Im gonna do the under the cut thing for people who didnt and dont want any spoiler of any kind.
The image of Grace with "clear" behind her does not mean the return of Clear Morgan for me. Almost everyone seems to assume it is but i really disagree.
We know there is a time jump of 7-8 years at some point. We dont know if this photo is after or before the time jump. But my guts are telling me that either way, Morgan probably took Grace to visit old places. Maybe his old home but yeah it's really far so i dont know. Maybe Eastman's grave, i've seen this theory and ooh how i would love that. But its far too, right. I dont know. But i dont think Clear Morgan is back. Unless Grace and Baby Mo die, i dont see it happening anymore.
If they do kill Mo, that would be an awful repetition of Duane but eh, we've seen them doing that in twd with Carol and Sophia/Henry so yeah, anything is possible... If they kill Grace, that would be an awful repetition of Jenny that i dont want to see...
I love all Morgan(s), so i will be fine either way but the reason i dont want the return of Clear Morgan is first of all and obviously because Clear Morgan is not Happy Morgan and i want Happy Morgan. Also, some people are already complaining abt how his arc is repetitive and boring so please dont do that? Please? I dont want to see him being criticized again more than he already is.
But i really dont see Clear Morgan coming back anyway. I have many thoughts on this that are linked to twd and not just fear but i wont go there.
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frangipanilove · 2 months
Señor Dixon Goes To Spain?
Let’s indulge in some wild speculating, based exclusively on hypotheticals and wishful thinking.
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Well well well! Daryl might be going to Spain! Excellent choice, it’s a beautiful country, I highly recommend, 10/10. And while it seems to have been officially confirmed just now, it’s not entirely surprising for people who’ve been paying attention.
We heard a reference to Spain already back in TWDDD 1x1 L’âme Perdue, when Isabel showed Daryl around the convent, and they came across a radio. Isabel mentioned that the last person she’d been in contact with was a Spaniard a few months ago:
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When seemingly random stuff like this gets brought up, it’s normally fair to assume it’s symbolism or foreshadowing, and I felt pretty certain Spain would come up again sooner or later.
Then later, we meet Losang. He’s the leader of the Nest, and he first came in contact with the nuns and Laurent on his way back from a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. "Compostela" refers to "the field of stars" under which the pilgrims traveled, a reference to the Milky Way.
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That certainly tickles my TD brain, concidering how many astronomical references we have had around Beth, such as Sirius and Venus, satellites and eclipses to name a few.
Camino de Santiago to Santiago de Compostela is one of the world's most famous pilgrimages, and can be reached through a number of different routes. Isabel's convent was situated relatively close to the starting point of the French Way:
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I have a whole theory in my drafts on potential references to El Camino de Santiago from years ago, which I might have to revisit now. Also, keep in mind that the working title of TWDDD was "Pilgrim":
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But the most compelling thing about filming in Spain is an absolutely brilliant discovery made by @galadrieljones back when the final season of FTWD aired. We see Dwight, Morgan and Sherry share a scene, and a series of coordinates were given, supposedly to a P.A.D.R.E repeater station.
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In reality, the coordinates corresponded with an area of the Atlantic Ocean near an archipelago called the Canary Islands. The islands, though situated off the coast of west Africa, are Spanish territory, and are famous (and slightly infamous, to be honest) for hordes of pale, vitamin D-deficient, sun-deprived north Europeans like myself as a holiday destination.
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The part of it that’s particularly interesting for TD is that the etymology of the word Canary/Canarias shows it is derived from Latin “Canis”, meaning dog.
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And as we know, that’s Sirius symbolism. Sirius means return/rebirth/resurrection. It refers to Sirius the Dog Star, who returns to the sky one morning right before dawn, after having been “just gone” for some time. I've written many posts on that, here's one.
There’s even a particular type of dog breed that’s associated with the Canary Islands, Presa Canario:
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As a fun fact, in TWDDD season 1, Daryl’s original plan to get home involved getting on a boat that would eventually take him to Newfoundland, Canada. That’s also a dog reference, it refers to Newfoundland dogs:
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As I’ve been saying, dog symbolism is Sirius symbolism, we learned that from 4x13 Alone. It means return/rebirth/resurrection. Daryl’s plans to return via Newfoundland fell through when he had to save Laurent from walkers, but the symbolism of it is still valid.
And as an extra fun fact, there’s even a location on Newfoundland, Canada, with the name Canary Islands…
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…do with that what you will...
Another really interesting thing about the Canary Islands is that they provide an excellent starting point for transatlantic crossings. This is due to the consistent trade winds that blow from east to west, and sailors have taken advantage of this phenomenon for centuries.
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Of course, we don’t know if Daryl will make it to the Canary Islands, and even if he doesn’t, I’m still exited about Spain, for the reasons laid out above. But the potential reference to the Canary Islands through the coordinates from FTWD is a super interesting clue, and it involves dog/Sirius symbolism, which makes me very happy.
Also, the coordinates from FTWD supposedly led to a repeater station, which is a radio reference. That means, the repeater station is a Sirius symbol both as a radio reference, as well as a dog reference, in that the coordinates in reality points to a stretch of ocean near the Canary Islands.
Whatever the coordinates were meant to signify, they sure as hell didn’t point to no repeater station in Georgia.
So yeah. Might be nothing, but could be something. The off-season is for speculating.
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chellquin · 5 months
I think I should have done Dead in the Water first, but I reckon it's probably okay to watch the other way around.
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justinewt · 7 months
Fear Begins Here - FEAR TWD Rewrite Chapter One
Next Chapter (SOON)
Summary: Nikki, who has been working night shifts at a gas station, is awaken one monring after the Clarks receive a call that her brother Nick has been injured after being hit by a car. At the hospital, the doctor reveals that Nick was delusional and had run into traffic, allegedly with intent. Nick shares his hallucinations of a girl, his girlfriend Gloria, attacking him and eating people at the abandoned church where they used to go for drugs. Nikki and Travis visit the church later that night and find a pool of blood, partially confirming Nick's claims.
Words: 4.1k
Warnings: Fear TWD season 1 (1st half of episode 1 "Pilot"), blood, mention of cannibalism, hospital, strained relationships, mention of drugs and addiction, mention of violence
Still in bed, curled up with her face under the covers, Nikki tried to get some more sleep after having been on night shift at the gas station where she had worked for a few months now. For the past four days or so, she had been working 11-hours shift. Yesterday, she worked the whole night and came back home at 5AM after going into work in the evening. Working night shifts was awfully exhausting since everyone in their households was up and about at 7 in the morning, after she had barely slept for a couple hours. When everyone would leave, it would get quieter, and she would go back to sleep until probably noon. Her schedule had been moved up, now back to less lengthy shifts and she was working the afternoons for the rest of the week, which she preferred.
She hated working at night. After she would wake up at noon, she would literally have one hour to get ready, eat a snack and drive off to work in her old car. It was a 10-year-old car at the car dealership. She had gone with Madison who wanted to help her get a good car for cheap without the seller praying on the impressionable young woman. It ran well and allowed her to get around and go to work, to earn money that she put aside without really knowing what she was going to do with it, although she gave a part of it to Madison every month because she felt indebted to her, for getting her out of trouble all these years, even though she didn't want Nikki to give her money. She always ended up giving it to Travis to help with the shopping and she also gave some to Alicia, so she had a little spending money.
Nikki got startled when she heard Alicia slam the bathroom door after her mom chimed in to tell her she had five minutes left to get ready. The teenager had not gotten out of bed on time and was about to be late for school. She grumbled, burying her head in her pillow, and winced when light blinded her tired eyes when she stuck her head out of her bedcover. She opened her eyes again after realizing that the whole house had gotten quiet, and she heard the landline high-pitched beep sounding. She sat up almost immediately in bed. She knew very well what that unpleasant beep meant, and gulped as she climbed off the top bunk. She yawned until her jaw almost dropped and quickly left her room to join Madison, Travis and Alicia around the phone. Travis had already picked up the phone and everyone looked at each other in a heavy silence as he spoke.
It was about Nick, of course. He had been hit by a car while running down the street for whatever reason, but Nikki already knew where he had been coming from. He spent every single of his nights at the abandoned church which had become an infamous junkie den over time. That was the very place she used to go to herself, back when she was still using but she wasn't going anymore since she decided last summer was the last time she was ever going to rehab and that she was getting clean for real this time. Her addiction had gotten her expelled from nursing school less than a year ago after she took drugs from the infirmary to get high. She had no prospect of any king of a future, but she was trying to survive without heroin for a while and see where it would get her. She had been trying to survive all her life, so she was used to it, but it required some adaptation to live a life not ruled over by addiction. Alicia, who was literally still standing wrapped in her towel, and Nikki quickly put on some clothes, and they drove off to the hospital. Even though it wasn’t going to take much time to get there, Nikki took advantage of the 10-minute drive to sleep a little more. Alicia sighed, telling her she should have stayed in bed since nothing would come out of this trip to the hospital. Her brother’s addiction really strained their relationship.
“He has a bruised rib, contusions.” The doctor walked them through the hospital hall as he told Madison about Nick’s state. Nikki looked around, rubbing her eyes with a wince. “Physically, your son is lucky, but I’m worried about—”
“Toxicology?” She enquired.
“There’s that, yes, but…”
“Heroin’s his drug of choice. What did he take?”
“He’s over 18, ma’am. I can’t tell you more than I could tell the police.”
“They’re here?” Madison stopped in her tracks, turning to the man. He jerked his thumb behind him, and she resumed walking. Nikki sighed. They were probably asking him about where he got the drugs and stuff like that, but no one talks to the police. Even today, she still wouldn't say anything to them, out of habit of keepind her mouth shut. But she knew very well where they got their shit from.
“Nick presented as delusional, Mrs. Clark.” The doctor continued. “Witnesses said he rand into traffic with intent.”
“He was high.” She argued.
“He was ranting. We had to restrain him. I requested a psych consult.” He looked at Travis when he walked past him. “She’s not listening.”
“She heard you.” The doctor stood in the hallway as Alicia and Nikki looked at him sideways as they followed their stepfather into the room where Nick was. Madison was the first to walk in, instantly addressing the two police officers standing around his bed, questioning him while he was indeed restrained to his bed.  
“Is my son under arrest?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Then get out. Thank you. Leave.” They threatened to charge him for the incident, and she dismissed what they were saying, telling them they could do that when he was healed and to go away for the time being. Nikki walked behind Travis and Alicia, who stayed behing ther cop and went to stand on the other side of the bed. She saw Nick roll his head on his cushion to look at her as she observed the two policemen.
“She do all the talking?” He asked Travis and the latter didn’t say anything. He just raised his eyebrows as Madison repeated herself.
“I’m not as eloquent.” He eventually said, grabbing the cop’s card that he handed to him on his way out. She then turned to her son. She called out to him for his attention.
“What happened?”
“L.A. is not a pedestrian-friendly city.”
“Why the restraints?” She asked softly and he shrugged.  “Did you try to hurt yourself?”
“No, mom. Come on, it was an accident. It was just an accident.”
“All right, I’m gonna call for a bed.” She took her phone out of her pocket, ready to dial for the rehab facility to reserve a bed for him. He grabbed her hand.
“No, mom. I’m not going back.”
“It’s how we help you.”
“No, we can’t help me.” Travis chimed in, advising him to listen to his mother and the young man glanced at him. “You definitely can’t help me. You can’t do shit. You can’t— None of you can… can you just leave me alone? Can you just let me go?”
When Alicia mumbled something, Travis turned to her, pointing out that her intervention wasn't helping the situation at all. Obviously, that wasn't at all what she was trying to do right now. She was tired of her brother's behavior because of his addiction and how her whole life and her family’s revolved around it as if she was unimportant, and Nikki understood that because until recently, their own relationship wasn't all rosy either. Maybe giving her some of the money she was making was a way for Nikki to make up for the fact she felt like an additional burden in the family. Madison spun on her feet, asking what she said, and the tone rose in the room. As usual, Nikki made herself forgotten and remained silent next to Nick, observing the situation as if she were outside of it all even though she had shared the lives of these people for several years.
She was so used to stand in the shadows, like she wasn't there, especially when arguments broke out, and remaining completely quiet so much so it was as if her lips were sealed shut. When she was still in school, many people thought she was mute because she spoke so little. The first times she ever went to rehad, doctors and shrinks asked Madison if Nikki was mute or something since, she wouldn't speak to anyone. Drawling, Nick again asked to be left alone while Madison told Alicia to go back to the car while Travis broke up the fight. Alicia walked out and he motioned for Nikki to come along to leave Nick and Madison alone for a moment. Seeing her walk away, Nick turned his head towards her as his mother sat on the edge of the bed and began asking him what had happened and followed her with his gaze. He knew she was working and tired, and yet she was always there for him. They had been through so much together that she would have gotten up in the middle of the night if she had to.
“Glad you moved in?” Alicia asked Travis, standing against a wall with her phone in her hands. He went outside for a moment to make a phone call and the teenager shared a glance with Nikki. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Just need a coffee right now.” Alicia leaned her head around the corner of the wall and pointed in a direction.
“Machine’s over there.” Nikki nodded, thanking her and she walked over to the machine, pressing the buttons until she began to wonder if she even had change to pay for it. She padded her jacket's pockets and pulled out a couple pennies that she inserted in the machine, and she stared into space as a buzzing sounded while the coffee poured into the paper cup. She grabbed it and took a sip as she walked back to Alicia and sat on a chair next to her, letting her head rest against the wall. Madison walked out of the room as a nurse came in to check on Nick and she spoke with Travis, who had returned from his call. Nikki stared at the lights on the ceiling. She hated hospitals. It brought back unpleasant memories that she wished she could forget. She wished she could erase everything that had happened prior to the last 5 years. She finished her coffee and crushed the cup in her hand before aiming at the trash can in front of her and throwing it. Alicia saw that the conversation between her mother and Travis and stood up, holding her bag in one hand, by the upper handle.
“Nikki, I’ll bring you back to the house after bringing Alicia to school.”
“No, Maddy, it’s all right. I’ll do it.”
“Okay.” She mouthed, patting Nikki's shoulder, giving her a smile before walking away with Alicia. They watched the two women leave the premises and Nikki followed Travis inside the room once the nurse was done with him. She had some time before having to go to work, early that afternoon so she appreciated that he let her stay with them at the hospital, even she just slept, curled up in a chair while Travis read. Her cheek resting on her clenched fist, leaning on the back of the chair, she awoke when her head tilted forward too much and she blinked, looking around. Nick had just woken up, panting. She shared a worried look with Travis and spurted on her feet, going to sit on the edge of the bed. Coming to his senses, confused by his sudden awakening, he breathed out heavily, catching his breath and grabbed Nikki's hand before calming down.
“It’s just a nightmare.” She spoke.
“No shit.” He closed his eyes for a second, tightening his grip on her hand.
“You think that’s what you saw? It was a nightmare?” Travis wondered. “Hallucinations?”
“I really want to write it off like that, I do, but that’s never happened to me before.” He shook his head and buried himself dipper into his pillow. “Nothing like that. Hey, maybe I’m losing my shit.”
“That psych eval will decide that.” He shrugged. “How crazy is Nick? Scale one to 10, huh?”
“Hey, can you untie me?” Travis denied and apologized as he stood up. Nick turned his head to Nikki, and she shrugged. She didn’t have the authority to do that, even though she really wanted to but she knew for a matter of fact that if he were to be untied, the minute he was left alone, he would run off God knows where.
“You think I’m dangerous?”
“Docs are worried?”
“Are you?” His eyes went from his stepfather to his best friend.
“You ran into traffic, man. You hurt yourself.”
“No, I was running from, not to. I was running away from what I was.”
“What did you see?” Nikki asked, frowning in concern.
“Uh, just a girl.”
“You weren’t with Gloria at the den?”
“Yes. Yeah, I was.” He glanced at Travis, explaingin further that she was his friend. Nikki knew the nature of their relationship, really, she was his girlfriend. They had met something like a year ago in rehab, maybe a year and a half. That was when his father fied in a head-on collition. This was a tough time. Before she decided to get cleaned and kept herself to it, she got to know Gloria a little and shot up with her and Nick at the abandoned church a few times. “She was… Jesus Christ.” He sighed. “Okay, you buy on the corner, and you can shoot at the church. It’s junkie communion. And… uh…”
“The church? Nikki, you knew about this?” Travis was a calm person and there was nothing inquisitive about his question, but Nikki looked away and lowered her head. Of course, she knew about this place, that's where she used to go but she never told anyone.
“Anyway, uh, she was with me when I— when I scored.” He spoke while looking up at the ceiling, recounting the events in his head. His eyes widened as he went on. “Yeah, and she was with me when I nodded. She was there. She was beside me. But then… then when I went down… everyone was dead. ‘Cause there was blood. Yeah, and it’s all over her mouth.” He held Nikki’s hand tighter, looking down. “You know? Then she came at me.”
“What did she do?” Nikki glanced at Travis.
“Shhhe… She was eating them. She was eating them.” There was a silence as both Travis and Nikki were dumbfounded. What he was saying was indeed not making much sense. Nikki was even more confused because she knew the girl he was talking about, and she couldn’t believe that she would have resorted to cannibalism. It was insane. But there was a part of her that wanted to trust his words. Unlike Travis who concluded that the drugs made him saw all these things, she couldn’t believe he would make all this up. Something bad went down at the den and it rose her curiosity. She was also worried for Gloria and would feel quite sad if something happened to her. “I don’t know if what I saw came from the powder. That’s the thing. I don’t…” He shook his head. “and if it didn’t come from the powder, then it came out of me. My mind. And if that came out of me, then I’m insane, Travis. Yeah, I’m insane.” He chuckled but his amused smile almost instantly faded. He pouted his mouth. “I really don’t want to be insane.”
After they ate sandwiches with Nick at the hospital, Travis ended up taking Nikki to her workplace, a gas station on Pico Boulevard, West Los Angeles. Small gas station, never too busy, Nikki liked that. She knew her coworkers well enough that there was a pretty good atmosphere at work, but she wouldn't call them her friends. When she thought about it, she had no friends, beside Nick. That was kind of sad, but she didn't care. She didn't even know what she wanted to do in her life, so she had no time bothering about making friends and she was known as the quiet loner, even at work so they exchanged pleasantries but never made long conversations with her and she didn’t take offense. She worked all afternoon thinking about what Nick had told them.
She couldn’t get it out of her headso half-way through her shift she texted Travis about it. She wanted to go and see for herself eyes if something had really happened there. In the evening, she waited at the front of the station while her coworker that did the night shift came in. When he asked her what she was doing walking back and forth outside, she simply told him her stepfather drove her to work that day and that she was waiting for him to come pick her up. He didn’t enquire further after that. No one at work really knew about her personal life, this was the most she had ever said about it. After a moment, she saw Travis’ truck arrive and she got in. They drove to the church, having no idea what they would find there. Hopefully nothing too traumatising so she could have a good night of sleep afterwards but given how Nick looked so troubled when he talked about it earlier, she wasn’t too convinced and felt nervous.
When they went to the church, it was dark outside. Travis held a flashlight above his head and Nikki followed him as they walked around the fences set up around the abandoned building. He told her to stay to stay close as if she hadn't been a regular visitor to this place. Nikki stepped forward and grabbed the fence mesh and started pulling herself up when Travis grabbed her jacket, making her put her feet down.
“It’s too dangerous.”
“I can climb it. It’s fine, Travis.” He let go and she resumed her action, tucking the tip of her converse into the mesh. She sat at the top and crossed her legs over the other side before jumping down below. You wouldn't have thought when you saw her like that that she had fractured her leg falling from a tree. After all, she was 6 at the time, now 19, there was a statute of limitations. It had taken a while, but her leg was now completely healed although she felt occasional pain in her shin. Once she landed, she turned around and told Travis to go look for a window on the other side. It overlooked a toilet, the grille behind the window should be open. When she was about to go inside and leave him to find hiw own way in, he called out to her from upstairs, worried because she didn’t have a light with her. She held up her phone and turned on the flashlight before walking away. She climbed through a window and aimed the beam in front of her. She quickly heard Travis call her name and she tried to find him when she felt her foot slip on something and she lost her balance, almost falling on the floor.
She looked down and her eyes widened as she realized she stepped on a pool of coagulating blood, with mashed bits of flesh, on the ground. She almost threw up as her shoe made squishy sounds when she lifted it. She had no idea if everything happened as Nick had said, whether Gloria had really eaten people or not but what was for sure was that people were hurt or maybe even killed. Never in her time here had she seen so much blood all over the floor. Someone had bled out right there. She was so appalled and shocked; she couldn’t even move, and she felt so sick it was as if her body was warm and cold at the same time; She could feel her limbs tremble and she was so shaken she couldn’t even hear Travis call out her name anymore. There was a buzzing sound in her ears. She jumped with a loud gasp when she felt a hand on her shoulder and turning around, she saw Travis standing beside her. He looked at her worried and confused because upon finding her after roaming around for a minute, he found her as pale as a sheet. He might have thought she was distressed because she was back at a place where she used to go back when she was in a dark place in her mind but when she looked behind her and the light from her phone shone on the floor, Travis saw the pool of blood in front of them. 
“Oh, God. What the hell is going on?”
“Nick said the truth. He— Gloria… I don’t know… I don’t know what happened, but someone fucking died here.” She cried out as he led her away, pushing her to leave the premises with him urgently. He was taken aback by what he had seen but he still tried to calm her down until they got back in the car. Her hands were shaking so she closed them into fists and stared into the distance, trying to keep her breath steady.
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The next morning, they went straight to the hospital with Alicia before she had to go to school. They quietly walked into the room and found Madison sleeping against Nick. Nikki was still shaken from her night trip to the church with Travis and had nightmares about the blood and flesh. She wanted to talk about it with Nick, tell him that he didn’t make all this up. Travis bent over Madison, whispering in her ear and she slowly awoke and stood up.
“I need coffee before anything.”
“I’ll get you one.” Nikki said as Travis gave her a bag with some spare clothes for her to change into. While Madison and Travis walked into the hallway, and she went to the coffee machine. She poured two coffees, one for Madison and one for Travis. She gave a couple dollars to Alicia when she walked out of the room so she could get herself something from the vending machine at school and the latter left with her mom and Travis, their coffees in hands. This time, Nikki came with her own car, so she decided to stay with Nick for the morning. She still had a few hours ahead of her. She got herself a cup of coffee and went back to the room. He looked up when he saw her enter and smiled.
“You can have my eggs if you want.” She sat at the edge of the bed, putting her coffee on the side of the tray and grabbed the fork, taking a bite of the scrambled eggs, taking a sip of coffee.
“Best breakfast.” He chuckled as she ate, asking him how he felt in between bites. He shrugged, pouting. This was the kind of answer that she expected so she finished the plate and pushed the tray away. A nurse eventually came to take it out.  She scratched her ankle and her gaze fell on the sole of her shoe. She had cleaned it with bleach in the garden in the middle of the night yesterday and yet the sole, originally beige, was now soiled with a lingering tinge of red. She also noticed a red drop that had dried on the side and scratched it furiously with her fingernail, images of that nightmarish sight flashing before her eyes. Nick sat up slightly and grabbed her wrist. She didn’t know if what she was going to say would reassure him or make matters worse, but she would tell him about the blood in the church. This didn’t really confirm most of what he said but that did confirm that he didn’t dream all of it. Maybe he exaggerated a few details because he was high and was raving but the fact that there was no sign of Gloria anywhere and blood all over the place had to mean something. Nikki had a hard time believing she really ate or attacked people but something bad did happen. She trusted Nick with that.
[To be continued…]  
Next Chapter (SOON)
Published (11/12/2023) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64
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angel of small death, chapter two
Daryl x OC Slowburn
Summary for entire work: Piper, a 19 year old girl, alongside her 16 year old sister, Dina, are thrust into a dead-infested wasteland of the world they once knew. Having had a difficult home life before turn, will this new world be a sweet release?
<< T W O >>
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Around two hours of work around the camp went by, with Lori suspiciously avoiding eye contact and having hushed conversations with Shane, him glaring at me. I keep staring over in their direction, observing, and trying to figure out what has happened.
“…What’s that about?” Amy asks, making me jump.
“Jesus! You scared me…” I reply, “I’m not too sure… I asked him about his shift last night and he got cagey…”
“Very…” I keep watching them both until I notice Shane walking away out of sight and Lori approaching us, me and Amy pretending we hadn’t been watching them.
“I’m gonna head out and try get some…mushrooms…” She picks up a red bucket from near Amy and we both nod, mumbling out okays as she walks off alone into the woods. Amy and I look between ourselves and then to the woods, pulling confused looks to each other, continuing to gossip amongst ourselves as we keep sorting through food for everyone tonight.
An hour later, meal prep had been finished and we decide to have a much-needed break, walking over towards the slope leading to the water, but we stop in our tracks when the radio starts echoing a strange man’s voice.
“Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear my voice?” Amy takes off towards the sound and tries to communicate with the stranger as everyone in the camp gathers around, with Shane and Lori coming out of the woods together.
“I tried to warn him, he couldn’t hear me.” Amy stresses to Dale as he approaches.
“Come on son you know best how to work these things.” Dale calls Shane over to the radio. He tries to speak and fails to connect. “He’s gone.”
“There are others…It’s not just us…” Lori says, holding Carl near to her, “I’ve been saying we should put up signs on the roads to warn people away from the city.” Everyone’s attention is on her, as she gulps and stares at Shane. The tension between the pair could be cut with a knife.
“We knew that, right? It’s why we left the CB on? We don’t have the time to go out and help others.”
The two continue to argue until Lori storms off, clearly pissed at Shane, and he follows her towards her tent in the camp. Amy and I share a glance and I raise an eyebrow, both of us giggling. We both end up going to the water, putting our feet in and chatting for a while until almost two hours have passed and Dina disturbs us to say that everyone is looking for us to start cooking dinner for the camp. Huffing, we both grab our shoes and make our way back with Dina, them both walking ahead of me joking and laughing with each other as I look out onto the water. It is so relaxing. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, soaking up the view, until my brain break is interrupted by the radio going off again at the camp, T-Dog’s voice rattling through the camp.
“Yo, this is T-Dog- Anybody out there hear me?” I rush up to the camp and see the worried looks on everyone’s faces while Dale asks him to repeat himself.
“W- Tra-ed- Depart- -ore” He tries to get through us as the radio breaks up.
“Trapped?” I repeat, looking around for reassurance from the camp that they heard what I did, locking eyes with Lori, who responds that she heard him say they were in the department store.
“I heard it too” multiple people around the camp agree and chat amongst themselves, everyone looking to Shane for an answer.
“We need to send help-“ Amy pleads to the officer, who shakes his head at her, “She volunteered to go- to help the rest of us!” She continues to try to reason with him but he isn’t listening.
“So she knew the risks, right? See if she’s trapped, she’s gone.” He coldly says staring into her eyes with a frustrated look.
“She is my sister, you son of a bitch.” She runs off upset, Lori shouting after her and following her to try and comfort her while everyone else scatters. You glare at Shane. He is supposed to be our leader, yet he wants to leave half of our group stranded in the middle of the city? He is so willing to let go of people it just doesn’t make sense- he puts himself and his family first when he should be protecting ALL of us.
“What? Got sumn you wanna say?” He asks me, breaking me out of my trance. I pull an irritated face at him, “Yeah actually, I do.” He scoffs at me and walks off, but I follow him, “Who gave you the right to lead us? You are supposed to be keeping everyone safe, but you don’t care that half of our manpower are stranded and in danger!” I rant at him and he suddenly stops in the middle of the tents, turning around to face me and clearly frustrated with me.
“Who else would you have lead us? Huh? You? You ain’t got the first clue on how to lead, so you best stop putting your nose where it ain’t belong.”
“You threatening me again, Walsh?” You stand your ground this time, earning another scoff from him. We both stare each other down until he gets sick of it and walks away, muttering that he has real work to do.
Not too long after the argument, a siren bounces across the mountains towards the camp. Dale looks out towards it, saying it was a stolen car, followed by a bright red car with race stripes speeding round the corner and parking up at the entrance of the camp. Everyone is shouting asking questions as Glenn gets out the car holding his hands up.
“Pop the damn- POP THE DAMNED HOOD!” Shane repeats, getting louder every time he orders.
“Where is she? Why isn’t she with you?” The worry is coloured over Amy’s face as the siren stops and Glenn catches his breath.
“She’s fine- Everyone’s fine!” He looks around as if waiting for someone else to come up behind him, “Well…Merle not so much…”
Shane and Dale continue arguing about how it was dangerous to drive the car to the camp, as it could have drawn walkers to us, but Amy and I are just silently appreciating that everyone made it out of the city.
Not too long after this, a large truck parks up behind Glenn’s car and everyone is reunited with their family and friends. Seeing the heartfelt reunions, my sister grabs my hand and we just smile at each other, and I lean my head on hers.
Out of nowhere, a new guy dressed in a sheriff’s uniform steps out from the cars and Lori and Carl run to him screaming “DAD!”. The man, Rick, begins sobbing and holds them both close, making everyone smile.
The reactions of Lori and Shane, however, were ones of guilt and shock, and even some resentment from Shane. He catches me watching him and snaps out of his trance, contorting his face into a fake smile with eyes glaring daggers into the back of Rick’s head and then at me. I look away from him but keep him in my peripheral.
As everyone made their way back into the camp to get back to business as usual, I get grabbed by my arm and roughly dragged behind the RV out of the view of everyone else and slammed against the vehicle with a hand over my mouth by none other than Shane Walsh. Heavy breathing from shock and anger, he keeps the hand over my mouth for a while longer pulling a serious face and lifting a finger to his mouth to tell me to stay quiet. Glaring at him I nod; he slowly removes the hand from my mouth and glares right back at me.
“You’re gonna listen to me an’ listen good,” He traps me in place with his arm leaning against the RV next to my head, “Whatever you have against me, Ima need ya to keep that mouth of yours shut. If you don’t, people will believe me when I tell them you got bit or tried to kill me. I know how to get rid of you without people finding out.” My eyes go wide and confused. What the fuck is he talking about? Were me and Amy right about him and Lori? Does he really think I would spoil her husband and child’s family reunion based on a hunch…? This is worse than I thought…
“You understand, darlin’?”
“What’s in it for me? Your word you won’t kill me?” Squinting at him I cock my head while he continues glaring a hole into my skull. We keep staring at each other intensely until we both jump at the sound of Dale asking what’s going on and saying that he needs to talk to me. Without missing a beat, Shane is now forehead to forehead with me, “I meant what I said, girl.” He whispers into my face as he caresses my cheek. “All yers, Dale.” He shouts to him and walks away without looking back at us.
I look up at the elderly man and ask what’s up, embarrassed, only to be asked if I have any tissue paper or wrapping paper, explaining that it’s Amy’s birthday in a few days and that Andrea has a gift to give her. “I’ll have a look round mine and Dina’s stuff for you.” I say with a fake smile and leave. What am I gonna do about this? If Shane is that worried about me spilling his secret, then surely he will try to get rid of me regardless of if I keep it or not…
That night we all are listening to Rick’s crazy story of survival before the subject of Merle Dixon comes back up. I feel some guilt towards him, I mean I told him that he should get lost out there…I put that out there, people heard it, now I feel awful- yes he deserved to not come back to the camp, but not chained and stuck to the roof of a building in the middle of the city full of the dead.
“…That’s on all of us.” T-Dog finishes telling everyone about his guilt as well and walks away from the fire after a long day.
“I’m gonna turn in.” I say quietly to Dina to which she nods, and I say goodnight getting up and walking away, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
What a long day.
I awaken by the sun shining through the thin tent material and hitting my face. Dina is still sound asleep, so I quietly get dressed and slip out to start my chores for the day. Glancing around, I see that there are only a few other people awake and up. I go down to the water in the quarry and seeing that it is void of other people, I get out of my socks and shoes and dip my feet in the water, sitting just out of it to wake myself up and reading a novel that Glenn got me from his run into the city.
Walking up after time to myself I see that everyone is up and around the camp, and see that Glenn is desperately pleading his case and trying to stop Dale and Jim from stripping his new car, only to fail miserably, earning a pitiful pat on the back from me as he complains about it.
“You never know, you might find a better one next time.”
“It’s the coolest car I’ve ever driven…” he mutters to himself as they start to take it apart, “Look at them…vultures…Yeah, go on, strip it clean!” suddenly Rick appears behind us both. “Maybe we will get to steal another one someday.”
I leave them both to it and go about helping Amy, Andrea and Lori with putting wet clothes out to dry and folding others. Lori and Rick end up getting into a conversation about Merle and he says that he wants to go back and save him, only to get cut off by the children of the camp screaming for their mothers. Immediately everyone drops everything and sprints towards the wound into the woods, Lori and Jaqui holding them close as the rest of us run towards where they were coming from. There was a walker feasting on a deer with arrows in its body. Standing back from the action with Amy and  Andrea, we watch as Dale beheads the walker.
Rustling from the bushes startles everyone.
“Son of a bitch- That’s mah deer!”
“Easy son…”
“Whaddaya know abo’ it old man? Take that stupid hat and go back to On Golden Pond!” Everyone is silent as none other than Daryl Dixon rants on, kicking whatever undead life was left in the walker out of it and shooting the reincarnated head with an arrow.
“Gotta be the brain, ain’t yall know nothin?” He collects his arrows and glances up at us, glaring in disbelief at everyone’s stupidity, until locking eyes with me for a second but then immediately putting his head back down.
“Yo Merle! Get yo ugly ass out here! Got us some squirrel” Everyone in the camp tenses, waiting for the inevitable argument to ensue. Which it does. Between himself and Rick Grimes.
“Lemme process this- You sayin’ ya handcuffed mah brother to a roof- an’ you left him there?!”
Then, Daryl lunges at the officer with a knife, getting taken down and held in a chokehold by Shane. I watch in disbelief as he continues holding the distressed man on the ground, shaking my head and covering my mouth. Daryl looks around at everyone watching the violence and his eyes seem to avoid me, face flushing and closing his eyes.
Once everyone has calmed down, he lets him go and a small group of men build a rescue team for Merle and a mystery bag of guns and a radio. Watching him sharpening his knife, my mind winds back to the squirrel left outside of my tent, and I want to ask him about it but it doesn’t feel like the right time, so I sit alone with my own thoughts, hearing everyone argue and volunteer for the rescue team.
I wonder if everyone would send out a search party for me life this when Shane gets rid of me.
A/N its been a few days since an update, so this chapter is extra long- not too much daryl content yet but i promise there will be soon guys
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wincheskka · 9 months
Familiar (part 1)
Pairing : Troy Otto x Fem!Reader x Negan Smith
part 2
Summary : You are at Alexandria because you want to have a happy life, away from the pain of the loss of your son's father. (I'm so bad at this sorry)
Genre/Warning : Romance, death mention, blood, injury, TWD & FTWD SPOILERS (If there are any other warnings let me know)
A/N : This story takes place to the end of TWD season 11, Annie doesn't exist in it (sorry). I've had this idea for 2 years, and with Troy's return, it makes me want to write it even more so here it is.
English is not my native language so I’m really sorry for the spelling mistakes. (tell me if there are any errors)
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You put your basket on the ground when you finally see a blueberry tree, you crouch down to be able to collect them and put them in the basket, behind you the branches break under Negan's steps :
“You didn’t have to come with me” You tell Negan, turning to look at him.
“And who would protect you ?” Negan asks looking around to make sure there's no danger coming, you roll your eyes at his words.
“Negan I can protect myself” You respond, turning back to the blueberries.
"I know you can but we don't know what can happen" He replies, you shake your head at his worries "And I don't want to have to tell James that something happened to his mom"
“Nothing will happen to me” You said, throwing a blueberry at Negan which landed on his face, making you let out a small laugh.
“Yes because I’m here” He leans down and picks up the blueberry you threw at him and throws it back at your head.
“Mister has an oversized ego I see” You laugh and you collect more blueberries, you hear Negan's snicker from behind.
"It's not just my ego that's-" He starts his sentence but you turn to look at him.
"Do not finish this sentence !" You warn him by glaring at him, it makes him smirk, you look away from your friend.
You arrived at Alexandria for 10 or 11 years ago, before arriving at Alexandria and even before the apocalypse you lived at the Broke Jaw Ranch with your boyfriend Troy Otto.
You had found out about your pregnancy two days before Madison killed the man you loved, you still love. When you found out about his death you couldn't believe it, all you wanted to do was kill Madison for what she did, but you had to protect your son, so you did nothing, you let her live, so when she died at the stadium you were happy and reassured but that didn't make the pain go away.
Nick helped you a lot when you were pregnant, until giving birth or even when you just needed a shoulder to cry on Troy, he was there and he was the only one to be there for you, you knew he felt bad, that his mother killed Troy. Nick was like a brother to you and when he died it hurt you a lot, you felt so alone.
When Morgan wanted to take the group to Alexandria you immediately said yes, you wanted to be able to take your son safely, where he could have a comfortable future and where you could perhaps rebuild yourself.
So when the group finally decided not to go to Alexandria, you still went there alone with your son, during the trip you encountered some problems but you managed to arrive at the gates of Alexandria safe and sound with your 1 year and a half son.
The Alexandrians welcomed you with suspicion at first until you explained to them that it was because of Morgan that you knew about this place.
You and your son have managed to integrate into the community. You heard the stories about the war with the saviors, you had heard what the leader of the group had done, you knew he was locked up in Alexandria. You weren't afraid of the stories the Alexandrians told you about him, you felt familiar with it and you didn't know why.
6 years later your son called Alexandria home, you too even if you missed the Ranch, it was Troy that you especially missed, you never started your life again with anyone, you couldn't do it.
When winter fell just after Alpha killed Tara, Enid and Henry, you were finally able to meet the famous Negan, you weren't afraid of him, you were intrigued and even you laughed at his jokes, which surprised him, Negan also felt intrigued by you.
After the winter, Negan was able to go out more often but with someone to watch him,but that didn't stop you from talking to him but you came to see him more often when he was in his cell, you talked, you talked with him about you, about James and also about Troy, talked about Troy had hurt you a lot but Negan comforted you and you did the same when he talked about Lucille.
Negan and you quickly became friends and even you could say that he became your best friend, it's been a long time since someone cared about you like that.
After the events of the whisperers and the Commonwealth, you stayed at Alexandria and Negan also stayed with you at Alexandria, he was able to finally get to know James, your son as immediately liked Negan.
For Negan, James is like his son, he cares about him just like he cares about you a lot. You love that Negan is there for your son but you know that James sees Negan like his father and it hurt you that he never met his father, he never asked you about him and you were quite grateful for that, because you know it will be a hard discussion to have, but you also know that the discussion will happen one day.
"You're almost finished ?" Negan's voice brings you out of your thoughts, you don't look at him but roll your eyes and put more blueberries in the basket then stand up taking the basket in your hand and turn back to him.
“I finished” You say, smiling at him and lifting the basket to show him, he also smiles at you “You’ll be able to enjoy the pie that I’m going to prepare”
“Oh I have no doubt, your pies are always fucking excellent” Negan replies, you can see how he looks like he's happy to eat a pie and it makes you giggle a little.
“There is one condition before you can eat it” You walk in front of him and point a finger at him, he raises his eyebrows confused.
“And which one”
“Tonight you cook” You smile at him while biting your lip, he chuckles at your request “You know that James prefers your cooking to mine, so a good meal with a good dessert”
“I always find it strange that your pies are so good but your cooking is really not great” He mocks, you narrow your eyes, you didn't think he was going to confirm that your cooking wasn't very good.
"Thank you" You thank him sarcastically, he chuckles again, he opens his mouth to speak but suddenly noises are heard around you, you turn around and see 5 walkers coming towards Negan and you "Shit"
You put the basket on the ground, take out your machete, Negan steps forward to kill the first two walkers then you move forward to kill the others, you puts your machete into the skull of the first walker, you see the second one approaching you, you pull out your machete from the dead body's skull but it doesn't want to come out, you frown and try harder but it still doesn't come out.
The panic begins to rise when you see him coming towards you, the third approaches too, you force a little more by putting your foot on the dead body and suddenly the machete comes out but the walker are too close you quickly back away but trips on something and falls backwards, causing you to drop your machete.
You immediately feel the back of your head hit something, you feel a great pain, you groan in pain, it hurt so much but you didn't have time to understand what happened, a walker falls on you, you raise your hands so he can't bite you but you feel so weak, your hands are shaking it's more and more difficult to keep the walker away from you.
Suddenly the weight of the walker is lifted off of you, you sigh and drop your hands to the ground, your head hurts so much, your vision started to blur but you can see Negan above you with a worried face :
"Y/N are you okay ?” He asks panicked and he looks around your body to see if you were bitten, he sees the pain on your face and his eyebrows furrow even more "Where it's hurts ?"
"Head" You manage to say in pain, Negan looks at your head then he puts a hand on your neck and lifts your head, you frown in pain at this movement, you feel Negan's other hand touch the back of your head, you groan in pain.
“Shit” Negan says looking at his hand covered in your blood, your eyes start to close on their own “No keep your eyes open Y/N” He gently places your head on the ground, he caresses your cheek with his hand not covered in blood.
You try to do what he says but fail and the darkness takes you away but before you do you feel Negan lift you into his arms and see the fear on his face.
You hear voices around you which pushes you to open your eyes, but as soon as your eyes open you close them immediately because of the light in the room, you moan in pain and the voices in the room stop immediately. You hear footsteps approaching you and feel a hand on yours :
“Y/N, are you awake ?” You hear Negan's voice ask, you open your eyes a little more slowly but you squint them because of the light. You see Negan above you looking at you with worried eyes "Are you okay ?"
“T-too much light” You say closing your eyes in pain, you feel Negan remove his hand from yours and hear noises in the room, a few seconds later Negan puts his hand back on yours, you open your eyes, the room was now a bit more darker, he had drawn the curtains.
“Better ?” He asks still worried, you nod slowly, then suddenly confusion settles in your head, why are you here ? What happened ? You start to panic a little and try to sit but Negan stops you “Easy, easy Y/N”
"Why am I here ?" You ask while looking around you, you notice a woman in the room looking at you, you take a few seconds to remember that it's the doctor from Alexandria then you see a man approaching you, you recognize Gabriel.
“You don’t remember what happened ?” Gabriel asks with a frown, you shake your head, Gabriel turns to look at the woman.
“Negan tell her what happened” The doctor orders Negan, you look at him with confusion, he nods in the direction of the woman then looks back at you, Negan then explains everything to you “You remember now ?"
"Not really" You reply, Negan gives you a comforting smile, squeezes your hand and strokes your cheek with his other hand.
“You have a concussion” The doctor says, you look at her “You will stay in the infirmary today and tomorrow”
“But I have to take care of my son” You respond in panic, you can't leave James alone, Negan squeezes your hand again, you look at him.
"I'll take care of James" He tells you to calm you down, you still look at him worried "Don't worry" you sigh and slowly nod.
"She needs to rest now" The doctor says, Negan looks at her and sighs, he doesn't want to leave you you can see it and you also want him to stay but you prefer that he be there for your son , it's you this time who squeezes his hand, he looks at you again.
“Don’t worry” You repeat the words he said earlier, with a little smile, he smiles too and nods.
"I'll come see you tomorrow" He answers, then he leans down and places a kiss on your forehead, you close your eyes at that, after the kiss he removes his hand from yours and leaves at the same time as Gabriel and the doctor, let you rest.
You rested all day, you were so tired and the pain in the back of your head wasn't helping, you woke up just for dinner and you didn't even eat much.
The next day you woke up with a headache, you hadn't eaten your breakfast and barely ate your lunch. Negan came to see you at the beginning of the afternoon, he told you that James was worried about you and had trouble falling asleep last night, it hurt you to learn that your son was worried about you, you would have liked to see him but you knew that if Negan would have taken him here, you wouldn't have wanted him to leave.
Negan stayed for 30 minutes, you were happy that he came to see you even for a short moment, you spent the rest of the day sleeping, this time you ate a bit at dinner, which made you feel nauseous.
After the two days in the infirmary, you were finally able to go home, Negan came to pick you up. When you stood up you immediately lost your balance but before you hit the ground, Negan catch you.
Before you two left the doctor gave instructions on what to do and what not to do, she said that Negan needed to be there for you and said that it was best if your son spent two or three days at someone else's house. You didn't want to at first but the doctor said it was better so you could focus on yourself, rest better and heal :
"Could you ask Aaron if he can keep James ?" You ask Negan, as you walk to your house, leaning on him.
“I don’t know if he’ll be very happy to see me but yes I’ll ask him” He answers, being careful that you don't trip over anything.
You both arrive in front of your house, Negan helps you up the stairs, opens the door and you both go inside. He directs you into the living room and sits you on the couch. Negan draws the curtains to block out the light, so you take off the sunglasses he lent you and put them on the nightstand nex to the couch.
You hear footsteps on the stairs, you turn to look and see your 12 year old son coming down the stairs, as soon as he sees you he runs and hugs you, you wrap your arms around him, he really missed you.
“Hi honey” You say hugging him tighter, not wanting to let him go.
"Are you okay ?" He asks pulling away from the hug, you give him a reassuring smile.
“I'm fine, don't worry” You respond, you lie to him a little to reassure him, you don't want to tell him that you're tired, you have a headache and sometimes you feel confused.
"I'll ask Aaron" Negan says looking at you, you nod and he walks out of the house, James watches him walk out in confusion.
"Ask what ?" James asks looking at you in confusion, you sigh you have to explain to him now.
“You’re going to stay at Aaron’s for a few days” You answer him, he frowns even more.
"What ? Why ?" He asks with a little sadness in his blue eyes the same as his father's.
“Because I still need some rest” You answer him, placing your hand on his shoulder “And that I couldn’t take care of you”
“You don’t need to take care of me, I’ll be good and help you around the house” He speaks a bit panicked that he can’t stay with you.
"It will only be for two or three days" You try to reassure him but you still see sadness in his eyes.
"I don't want to" James says a bit louder, you sigh, open your mouth to answer him but suddenly your vision blurs and you feel dizzy, you hand squeezes the pillow next to you "Mom ?"
"Aaron said there was no problem fo-" Negan's voice say but when he sees you he stops in his sentence and runs towards you, he places his hands on your cheeks “Close your eyes sweetheart”
You do what he says and close your eyes, not even paying attention to what he called you. He makes you lie down on the couch so you don't fall, he gently removes his hands from your cheeks :
"James you can go get your things, I have to take you to Aaron's" You hear Negan's voice say to your son.
"But I don't want to leave her" Your son's voice responds worriedly, he became even more worried with what just happened.
"I know you're worried about your mom, kid but I'm going to take care of her, okay ?" Negan responds, you open your eyes when you feel the dizziness fade.
You see Negan look at James with a comforting smile, James looks at him for a few seconds then sighs and nods, he turns to go up to his room to pack some things. When James disappears in the stairs, Negan turns to you, he sees that your eyes are open so he approaches and sits next to your legs :
"You okay ?" He asks also worried even if he tries to hide it, you smile at him and nod.
"Yeah that was just a little dizzy" You answer, he smiles even if he's still worried, suddenly you remember how he called you earlier "Did you called me Sweetheart ?"
“Yeah I did” He answers you with a smirk, you look at him a bit surprised and also a bit embarrassed, your cheeks heat up, you turn your gaze to your hands that are on your stomach, you hear his laugh at your reaction "If it bother you I won't-"
“I doesn't bother me” You say, interrupting his sentence, you raise your eyes to his, he has a smile on his face, you smile at him shyly
You both look into each other's eyes, you feel peaceful with him, he always made you feel good and happy. For a few seconds you both stay like that until the sound of footsteps on the stairs is heard, you look away from his eyes to watch your son walk towards you two with a backpack on one of his shoulders, you still feel Negan's eyes on you :
"I'm ready" Your son says with a sulky face, this time Negan's eyes turns to your son.
"Alright" Negan says getting up, he starts walking to the front door but stops when James doesn't follow him "Come on James"
James turns to Negan and sighs wanting to stay with his mother a bit longer, you watch him walk towards Negan, you sigh not liking see him sad, you get up from your lying position and sit :
“James” You call your son, he turns around and you open your arms for him to come in, he runs to you and you wrap your arms around him and hold him tight “Don’t worry about me honey Negan will take care of me and you can come see me, okay ?”
You feel him nod against you and you hug him even tighter, you kiss the top of his head. You take a look at Negan, he smiles at this mother and son moment, you move away from the hug then with your fingers you comb his brown hair just like his father's, James looks so much like Troy that sometimes it hurt you to look at him :
“I love you James” You tell him with a reassuring smile, he smiles too, looking less sad and worried.
“I love you too mom” He responds, your heart melts at his words, James has always been a child who was not embarrassed to say I love you, you know when he grows up it will be more complicated, so you get the most of it now.
"Come on kiddo" Negan says, James walks over to Negan and you stare at him until he and Negan leave the house, your eyes are still where they went out :
"He really looks like me" a voice says, this voice is familiar to you, so familiar, your heart starts racing.
You slowly turn your eyes where the voice comes from and you see a familiar person in the doorway to the dining room, your eyes fill with tears :
"Troy ?!"
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obsxssedwithstuff · 6 months
My takes on ftwd
1. Everything after s3 was trash bc of the visuals and the plot
2. I watched s7 on 2x speed cause it was so horrible, what they did to Victor and Alicia was so bad
3. Charlie and Madison are the worst characters in all the show
4. Madison was 100% the villain all along, nothing she did was really justified
5. Troy deserved his second chance and Madison had no right
6. Seasons 4 - 6/7 felt like a whole different show
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